• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 6,511 Views, 808 Comments

Leap of Faith - A bag of plums

After the defeat of the Dazzlings, Sunset Shimmer finds herself at the center of an ancient struggle for power. With the net closing around them, can Sunset and her friends find out the truth before it finds them?

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Sunset Shimmer was still shaken from her encounter with Mirror Match as Dewdrop pulled alongside the dilapidated Canterlot bureau, hiding her bike behind some of the bushes that lined the building. The morning sun was already up, shining low in the sky as Dewdrop fished around her bike’s compartment, retrieving a stack of papers and shoving them into her coat.

Mirror Match had let them get away, only for Dewdrop to shoot her. Sunset didn’t know what to think after hearing about what the ‘Witch of Manehattan’ had done to the Assassins. If she had been such a bad person, why did she let her go?

“Sunset Shimmer.” Dewdrop’s voice penetrated Sunset’s thoughts. The Assassin was already standing by the side entrance, looking around for any sign of Templars.

“Huh? Oh, sorry,” Sunset shook her head and walked to Dewdrop. “Did you say something?”

“I said to watch out,” Dewdrop restated as she opened the lock with a key. “You never know when there might be Templar spies watching us.”

“Oh. Yeah. Right.”

The two of them crept inside, with Dewdrop lingering at the door to watch for anything suspicious. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she shut the door and locked it.

“Seems we’re all good here,” Dewdrop sighed with relief and pulled back her hood. She noticed Sunset was deep in thought again. She walked closer and placed a hand on her shoulder, at the same time, leading her further into the bureau. “What’s on your mind, kid?”

“The same thing…” Sunset mumbled and looked at the ground. “She wanted to help us, Dewdrop… But not just that. From what you said, she’s a bad guy, so why? Why would she let us go?”

“Could be she was just going to shoot you in the back when you got far enough,” Dewdrop suggested as she opened another door, letting Sunset go first. “The witch likes to play with her prey, that much I do know.”

“Maybe…” It sounded like a logical reason for Sunset, but she couldn’t help but feel that Mirror had genuinely let her go. “Though, Dewdrop, the name Mirror Match rings a bell.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ve heard of her. She’s famous on the news, always giving money to all kinds of different charities and organizations. The reclusive millionaire of Manehattan.”

“And you just shot her,” Sunset said grimly. “Won’t that just make the police come down on us like a load of bricks?”

“Between you and me, Sunset Shimmer, I’m not at all sure my bullet killed her. She’s survived much, much worse. Oh look, the others are back already.” She had pushed open the last door, leading Sunset back into the living room where her friends and the other Assassins sat.

“Sunset!” Her friends gathered around her in a group hug, smothering Sunset in their arms.

“It’s good to see you girls too!” Sunset smiled and gave them a pat on their backs. “Did you get here okay?”

“Yup!” Pinkie Pie bounced on the spot. “Frigid Night got us here really quickly! And the Templars never came after us! How great is that?”

“Yeah, that’s really good,” Sunset chuckled. “Hey, is Morning Blade okay? Did you get the thing out of her eye?”

Her friends parted to the sides to let Sunset see for herself. Morning Blade was lying on one of the couches, a bloody bandage over her eye. She gave them a quick wave before getting back to resting.

“Fluttershy managed to get it out minutes before you arrived,” Keila explained with a smile. “You’ve got yourself a promising young surgeon here.”

Fluttershy put her hands behind her back and looked down. “It w-was nothing… I just did what I had to do…”

Frigid Night sat by the table, his eyes on the laptop he had taken from the Mentor’s secret room. “You have my thanks for saving my partner, kid, and good to see you alive, Sunset Shimmer. Dewdrop, did you get the key from Fillydelphia?”

“Sure did. I also got us a hard drive. Don’t know how much help it’ll be though. Not as if we still have Network with us.”

“We’ll work it out,” Frigid nodded as Dewdrop handed him the files. “We haven’t had him for two years now. Not like we need him. Templars follow you?”

Dewdrop smirked triumphantly. “They tried, but we were too fast for them. Sunset here was a great help.”

“I-I didn’t mean to kill them…” Sunset muttered, reminded of the Templars she had accidentally killed when she shot the car’s tire out.

“You did it to save yourself and Dewdrop, kid,” Frigid told her as he began looking through the papers. “Do or die. You made the right choice. You should be glad it was them and not you.”

Something in Sunset had snapped. She was tired, but she was also tired of the way the lieutenant behaved. “I’ve had it! Why are you like that? Don’t you have feelings? Don’t you understand what other people go through?”

Sunset would’ve gone right up to him to give him a good punch across the face, but her friends held her back, though she was thankful they did so. She couldn’t imagine herself doing that.

To Frigid’s credit, he didn’t look angry, nor did he look like he really cared. “Kid. We’re Assassins. If we go about feeling sorry for every person we kill, then this job isn’t cut out for us. Trust me. I know. You don’t.”

“Okay, enough,” Dewdrop quickly cut in, standing between the both of them. “We’re different. No point arguing about it. Shimmer, why don’t you go hang out with your friends and Velvet in her room. Frigid, let’s not waste anymore time and start deciphering that code.

“Also, does anyone want to tell me what the hay happened at the bureau? No one’s told me anything.”

Keila decided to tell her, watching Frigid remain silent, returning to the laptop screen. “Dewdrop… The bureau’s gone. Sombra came. The others… they’re all gone.”

Dewdrop widened her eyes and looked around the room. “High Noon?”

“I’m sorry, Dewdrop. He’s gone.”

“He stayed back to make sure we got out,” Applejack added in, still holding the Assassin’s hat. “He talked about ya, Dewdrop. Said he was sorry for tryin’ to stop ya, and… he wanted us to tell ya that he was sorry that things never worked out between you two.”

“High Noon’s… dead?” Dewdrop looked for all the world like the universe had come crashing down around her ears. “And the Mentor too? I.. .I…” she stammered, swaying on the spot. “I need a drink...” she concluded and stalked off to the pantry.

Keila shook her head sadly. “We’ve lost so many Assassins now… I’m sorry. I know you two were close.”

“Yeah…” Dewdrop had returned with a bottle of whiskey, and she sat down and poured herself a generous glass of the amber liquid. “Do you know what happened to him?”

Sunset decided that she owed Dewdrop for getting her out of there. “We weren’t there to see, but one of the Templars mentioned Mr… I mean, Wolfgang, had killed him.”

“Wolfgang…” Dewdrop seemed to freeze upon hearing the name. “Wolfgang! That scumbag! Do you know where he is? Let me go end him now!”

“Unfortunately, we do not,” Keila was the one to break the news. “After everything that’s happened today, we still haven’t gotten the time to rest and think.”

“Wolfgang…” Dewdrop smoldered and took a big gulp of whiskey, shuddering as the liquid trickled down her throat. “When I get my hands on him…”

“We all want to see him dead too,” Keila folded her bandaged arms. “Him and Frigid’s traitorous girlfriend.”

Frigid looked up when he heard his name, but simply grumbled and got back to work, though Sunset could feel the air change around her.

Velvet probably felt it too. “C’mon girls, you can sit in my room while they figure things out.”

As they passed Morning Blade, who appeared to be sleeping, Sunset’s eyes lighted on the golden shard of metal that lay there twinkling on the coffee table, doubtless the one which had recently been lodged in Morning’s eye. Without quite knowing why, she picked up the metal shard and slipped it into her pocket.

Once everyone was seated in Velvet’s room, the young Assassin closed the door and sighed. “I’m sorry about the others. They’re all just on edge after what happened. I can’t imagine what it must be like to suddenly be exposed to so much… death in one day.”

“I don’t even really know what to think anymore, Velvet,” Rarity rested her head against both palms. She didn’t seem to mind her rugged appearance for once. “What’ll happen to us now? What will our parents be thinking? We haven’t been home in a few days, and I don’t know if Granny Smith’s already told them we left Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Do the Templars have ties with the cops?” Rainbow questioned, leaning against Velvet’s bed. “What if our parents call the cops? The Templars could use them as leverage against us.”

“I… I don’t know. I don’t-”

At that point, there was a trilling sound from someone’s pocket. Someone’s phone was ringing. It seemed so unnatural after all that had happened, something as mundane as a phone ringing could even occur.

“Ah think it’s yours, Sunset,” Applejack tapped her on the shoulder.

“One sec…” Sunset dug a hand into her pocket and eventually returned with her phone, the vibration and ringing more audible now.

“Who is it?” Rainbow Dash leaned closer to look at the screen.

“I’m… not quite sure, Dash,” Sunset didn’t recognize the number, and she didn’t have worried parents like the others. Seeing no harm in picking up, she accepted the call and put the phone to her ear. “Hello?”

Sunset Shimmer?” the voice said on the other end, whispering. The connection must have been shaky, because it sounded almost as if two women were talking just out of sync.

“Umm… yes, hello, who is this?” Sunset replied.

This is Mirror Match. You might remember me from a little while ago." The voice snapped back into the tone that Sunset had heard on the highway.

Dewdrop was right. She was still alive. “Mirror Match! You’re alright!”

The rest of the room grew quiet as the girls all stopped to listen.

Obviously. Now listen to me. You’ve slipped through Sombra’s clutches, but he doesn’t seem angry, which to me says that his plans for you have changed. How fared you?

On hearing the news, Sunset’s heart dropped. “Sombra survived…? But that means Mentor… She sacrificed herself to save us…”

There was a pause and Sunset could hear Mirror’s breath. “ I see.” she said eventually.“That is… unfortunate. I can’t say I’m not sorry to hear that. But keep the faith. I will call you again when I have learned more. For now, it would seem that Sombra’s interest in you has waned.”

“Wait, Mirror,” Sunset quickly blurted out. “You helped us, back on the highway. The Assassins said you’ve done plenty of horrible things, so why did you let us go?”

Because I made a promise to someone a long time ago. Oh, and Sunset? I have a message for your Dewdrop.”

“Oh… Sure, I can tell her for you. What did you want to say to her?”

Tonight makes two times I’ve spared her life,” Mirror said ominously, her voice crackling back into the two-toned inflection for a moment. “One way or another, there won’t be a third. Tell her that, would you please?

Sunset gulped and nodded before remembering the Templar couldn’t see her. “R-Right… I’ll be sure to tell her, but Mirror, whose side are you on?”


And the line went dead.

Sunset slowly brought the phone down and stared at the black screen for a couple of seconds.

“Mirror Match called you?” Velvet Breeze’s face was plain with shock. “How- Why?”

“She-she wanted to relay a message to Dewdrop,” Sunset said, still trying to guess what Mirror Match’s motives could be. “And that Sombra’s still alive.”

“We heard it…” Rarity placed a finger on her chin. “But we’re still trying to believe it. To think that the esteemed Mirror Match of Manehattan is involved in all this...”

“Yeah, the Mentor totally blew him up!” Rainbow Dash imitated the explosion with her hands. “How could someone survive that?”

“Mirror Match seemed sure he was alive…”

“Mirror Match is a liar,” Velvet said firmly. “She betrayed the Brotherhood, and I’ll bet this is some Templar scheme to get us to lower our guard. I don’t know how she got your number, but we shouldn’t take anything she says at face value.”

“I don’t know…” Sunset rubbed the back of her head. “I think I just need a break. There’s been too much action in our lives since yesterday. We haven’t even had our sleep yet. Why is it I’m not tired? That’s odd…”

“You’re just too worked up, Sunset,” Rarity finally began to take notice of the dirt and soot on her clothes and swiped off what she could. “You’ll only fall asleep when you let your mind relax.”

“But I don’t want to relax, Rarity,” Sunset said glumly. “I’ve almost been killed who knows how many times tonight, and I still have more questions than ever! How the hay am I supposed to relax?”

“Ya definitely need to relax, Sunset,” Applejack raised both palms up. “Bein’ like this ain’t gonna get ya anywhere. Calm down and think it through.”

Sunset stood up and made to leave, but Fluttershy spoke up.

“Wait, Sunset?” she said timidly. “Your book. Do you want it back now?” She opened her backpack and drew out the Mentor’s book, its green jeweled cover gleaming in the lamplight. “Maybe you can learn some things from this…”

“Oh.” Sunset had completely forgotten about that book. Luckily her friends had remembered.

“Thanks, Fluttershy,” she said and took it. “I hope there’ll be some answers in here. Mentor Steel Shine mentioned it contained all the notes of every Mentor ever to lead the Assassins.”

“Hey, no worries!” Pinkie plucked some confetti from her hair. “We can read it together. That way, we’ll have more fun!”

“Yeah, guess you’re right, Pinkie.” Sunset was glad her friends could always find a way to cheer her up. She was about to open the book to start reading, but a sudden wave of drowsiness swept over her. She placed her hand atop the book cover and leaned back. “You know, before we start getting into this book, maybe a few hours of sleep wouldn’t hurt…”

Mirror Match waited outside a tall pair of oaken doors, dressed in her red Templar’s robes. She leaned against the wall, considering whether she should be whistling or not. She had been waiting out here for almost fifteen minutes and boredom was starting to set in.

After about three minutes more, the great doors opened, and a harried-looking messenger scrambled out.

“K-King Sombra is ready to see you now.”

Mirror nodded to the messenger and strode in, one hand unconsciously brushing against the hilt of a dagger that she kept under her cape.

King Sombra sat at the far end of the room, on an upraised throne made of pure black crystal. Shadows and dark vapor clung to the regal seat, and Sombra was almost lost among them, were it not for his glowing eyes and artifact.

“Your majesty,” Mirror knelt before the throne, head bowed.

What news do you bring me, Mirror Match?” Sombra growled, the Apple still working to restore his power after the battle with the Assassin Mentor. “Has the girl been found?"

“No, your majesty,” Mirror kept her head bowed. “Despite our best efforts, the Shimmer girl has evaded us. We have no leads on where she might be now.”

Instead of blowing up with anger like he normally did, Sombra leaned back against his seat and laughed, loud and booming.

No matter. She may remain where she is, Mirror Match. Without the other artifact, the Mentor’s sword, she is no threat. Nothing will stand in my way now."

The Apple glowed brighter, expanding until the entire room was lit up, with the exception of Sombra and his shadows.

“Of course, your majesty.”

“Your majesty,” A red-skinned man with spiky orange hair stepped forward from where he and a few others had been lurking at the edge of the room. “There are still a few final touches that need to be tended to before we can begin construction of the auditorium and a few more runs to complete. If you have the time, would you consider looking over the plans?”

Very well, Talon,” Sombra raised a hand. “The faster the better. Once it is done, Equestria will be mine.

“And this world too, your majesty?” Chairman Mahogany Wood bowed from his place. “To establish our perfect world order?”

Sombra frowned for a second, but nodded. “Yes, yes. Your world shall be yours, chairman. Nothing in this world or the other will have the power to stop us. Not even Princess Celestia and her little sister will be able to match my power."

“Very good, your majesty,” Mahogany smirked. “After one thousand years, our goal is almost at hand, all because of you, Grandmaster.”

“Long live the king!” Talon raised a fist skywards.

“Long live the king!” the rest of the Templars echoed.

And Sombra leaned back in his throne and smiled.


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