• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 12,323 Views, 601 Comments

My Little Girl - CrackedInkWell

One night in 1986, the twelve year old Lauren Faust wakes up finding a talking pony under her bed. She follows the pegasus though a tunnel into a place called Equestria.

  • ...

8: The Unicorn, the Draconequus…

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” said a voice behind the door before it opened up to a cream-colored pony with a pink and blue mane. “What is…” she trailed off when she saw what was in unicorn’s aura. “Uh, Lyra, what is that?” she asked as Lyra trotted in, carrying Lauren into the room.

“I told you, proof,” she said as she dropped Lauren onto the bed. “You won’t believe it, I ran into her in the lobby downstairs!”

Lauren got off from the bed, “What do you want?” she asked annoyed.

“Bonnie, where’s the camera? I really need to take a picture,” Lyra asked as she went through their suitcases. Lauren turned to the other pony in the room; she looked like she was trying to comprehend what she was seeing exactly.

“You okay?” Lauren asked this snapped the pony called “Bonnie” back into reality.

“Sorry, it’s just… wow. Guess she was right after all.”

“You bet I am!” Lyra piped up, “So is it in your other suitcase then?”

“Why are you so excited?” Lauren asked. “Have you ever seen a girl before?”

“Girls, yes; human, no. Ha! Found it!” she picked up the camera triumphantly. “Hey Bonnie, mind taking my picture?”

“Lyra, I know you’re excited, well, really excited and all,” Bonnie began. “But don’t you think that maybe you wanna give her a break?”

“But Bonnie,” Lyra whined. “It’s a human. A real human right here in this room. Can I at least take a picture, and… and ask her a few questions like where are the other humans are?”

“Actually, I have a question,” Bonnie turned to Lauren. “Do you have a name?”

She nodded, “Yeah, it’s Lauren. And, you’re called Bonnie? That’s probably the most normal name I've heard all day.”

“Well, Bonnie is what Lyra calls me from my other nickname Bon-Bon. My name is really Sweetie Drops.”

Click. Bon-Bon turned to Lyra who just snapped a photo, “What are you doing?” she asked.

“What does it look like?” Lyra asked. “I’m taking some photographic evidence here.”

“Evidence for what?” Lauren asked.

“That human exist, that they’re not some made up mythology. Smile!” She took another photo.

“Made up? What are you talking about? I’m right here am I?”

“Yeah, but a lot of ponies think so. This will prove to them that you’re not some fairy tale.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well, up until now,” Bon-Bon answered. “Nopony has ever seen a human before in real life. Like leprechauns, or trolls, or seaponies-”

“Hey! Seaponies are real too!” Lyra retorted.

“So, much like how unicorns are not real where I come from?” Lauren asked. At this, the two ponies paused to give her a weird look.

“What you’d mean that ‘unicorns are not real’ where you come from?” they both asked in unison.

“Yeah, I was told years ago that unicorns didn't exist, that their horns don’t grant wishes and all that.”

Lyra and Bon-Bon turned to each other before turning back to Lauren. “That has got to be the weirdest thing I've ever heard. And considering I've been around her for a while, that says a lot.” Bon-Bon said pointing to Lyra.

“I can do magic but I don’t remember about granting wishes. Although, that would be awesome.”

There was some loud knocking on the door, “This is the Royal Guard, please open up.”

“Oh no!” Lyra panicked. “They’re gonna take you away! Uh, quick! The window!” She lit up her horn to open up the window; down below there was an open dumpster with dozens of garbage bags. “Come on, this way.”

“What’s going on?” Lauren questioned.

“They’re gonna take you away. Now quickly before they get you.” Whether Lauren wanted to or not, she was picked up in Lyra’s magic once again and tossed her out of the second-floor window. There was a high pitch scream that was quickly followed by a kind of crash inside a dumpster.

The guard repeated the demand to open up, in which, Lyra did open the door. There were four Night Guards waiting, one of them asked, “Excuse us, but may we ask you two some questions?”


“That unicorn is crazy,” Lauren said to herself as she crawled out of the dumpster. Despite feeling somewhat sore, she was rather alright after being tossed out of a window and into some trash. She was about to walk out of the alleyway she was in until she heard some rustling coming from some cardboard boxes at the dead end of the alleyway. What caught her eye was that there was an antler sticking out.

“Hello?” Lauren asked. She wondered if that antler belonged to that strange creature she met hours ago. There was no sound nor movement as she approached the boxes. She moved some of them around to find Discord there who greeted her with “DON’T ERASE ME!!”


“L-Look, I-I know I w-wasn't always a good guy all the time, b-but is that a reason to erase me?”


“I just got reformed after all. I've changed quite a bit since the last time.” Discord was backing himself into a corner, shaking uncontrollably.

“Why are you afraid of me?”

The shaking stopped. “Eh?”

“Seriously, why are you scared of a twelve-year-old? I just said my name a while ago and you just took off. So what did I do to you huh?”

“B-But your Lauren. Lauren Faust.”

“So? It’s not like I’m Megan from the show or anything. I’m just a normal girl who likes My Little Pony, what did I do to get all of this?”

“All of what?”

“The ice cream for dinner, having that white princess yell at me, getting thrown out a window by a crazy unicorn, all of that! So what’s going on? Why is almost everybody acting all weird and being too nice and… and you being scared of me?”

Discord slack-jawed at what he was hearing, “Are you seriously that dense?”

“What does that supposed to mean? What’s going on?”

“You… You of all, what-ever-you-are, don’t get it?”

“Don’t get what?”

“Hello! You’re Lauren Faust, you, and you personally, created our world.”

There was a pause, but then, Lauren folded her arms and made Discord’s mind explode when she said, “I don’t buy it.”


“I created all this? Come on, I may be twelve, but I’m not that stupid.”

Discord’s jaw dropped to the asphalt, “I… I don’t know what to say. What I just said can’t be interpreted any other way!”

“You know what, you’re just as crazy as that unicorn,” Lauren turned around and started to walk back out of the ally.

“Where're you going?” Discord asked.

“Getting as far away from you as possible. Getting as far away from these ponies as possible.”

“But where?”

“I’m not talking to you Mr. Crazy,” and with that, she walked away, leaving Discord behind. She walked away from the hotel until she came across a train station. At this point, she was feeling tired after all the events of this night and wanted to sleep a little. She spotted a door that was marked, “Janitor's’ Closet” that was ajar. She peeked inside, it wasn't comfortable but at least it gets her away from those ponies that have been staring at her.

She took whatever was around her to make herself a little bed made out of rags and a dried mop as a pillow. Lauren at this point just wanted to go home, but thinking that Celestia now hates her, she couldn't figure out how to approach her. Perhaps she and Spike should have told someone that they were getting donuts, perhaps she should tell her she’s sorry. But she wasn't exactly sure if Celestia would listen.

Eventually, her eyes were heavy, her mind slowed down to drift her off to sleep.