• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 12,327 Views, 601 Comments

My Little Girl - CrackedInkWell

One night in 1986, the twelve year old Lauren Faust wakes up finding a talking pony under her bed. She follows the pegasus though a tunnel into a place called Equestria.

  • ...

12: Of Laughter and Loyalty

Author's Note:

Just to give all of you a heads up, this was somewhat difficult for me to write. I had a bit of writers block yesterday and I'm a little uncertain about this chapter. So if you have something constructive to give, do so in the comments so I may fix this.

I hope y'all would enjoy.

At around eleven, Lauren was following a trail of pink sticky notes with arrows that every one of them said “Lauren, this way!” She hazarded a guess that maybe this was from the pink pony with the curly hair. Right after they had fed the birds, Fluttershy somehow disappeared and she noticed the pink trail. First on the grass, then a bush, a tree, a statue, a wall, a door, a mirror, a window, an expensive vase, on a portrait of a white unicorn with a blond mane, on a guard, and so on, etcetera, etcetera, turn right, etcetera.

She wasn't sure what was going on, it was like some kind of game of treasure hunt only somebody forgotten to tell her what she was looking for. Lauren followed the trail until it led to a door with might have been hundreds of sticky notes pointing to one particular door. Behind that door, she couldn't see anything in there but darkness. So she tried to feel for a switch to turn on the lights, she found them, and the first thing she saw was a wall of confetti.

“Surprise!” It was Pinkie who wore a smile a mile long, “Come on in! You’re in time for your welcome/lunch party! Come on, don’t be shy!” The room Lauren found herself in was the dining room that she was in when she met Luna for the first time. If she didn't know better, she would say that she was at somebody’s birthday party with no present pile. There were streamers, a floor covered in confetti, some balloons, and the other Elements in attendance. And there was a banner overhead that read: “Welcome to Equestria Lauren!”

Pinkie suggested grabbing some food first before they have some fun. Lauren went around the room with a plate in hand; she got a closer look at some of the food. She noticed almost right away that with all of the food served for lunch, she found that there was no meat. Of course, she reminded herself that these are ponies after all so they wouldn't eat meat. What fascinated her was some of the other foods around like hay fries, daisy sandwiches, candied oats, and tons of salads. So the first thing she ended up grabbing was a slice of apple pie.

“Pie first? I’m starting to like you already!” Pinkie commented as she put a daisy sandwich on her mountain of food. Then to Lauren’s astonishment, she saw Pinkie lean her head back, open up her mouth as wide as she could and dumped the mountain into her mouth. And if that wasn't surprising enough, not only did she manage to swallow all of it, but her figure remained exactly the same. “Now since I’m done with the appetizers, now to move on with everything else!”

Lauren walked over to the table where the other elements were seated, although, she couldn't help but look back to see Pinkie zip from one tray to another. “How does she do that?” Lauren asked.

“Ya got us sugarcube,” Applejack shrugged. “We've been friends fer a while now, and that crazy filly is still a mystery to us.”

“To me, she’s like a lost Looney Tunes character. She’s like…” Lauren turned back to Pinkie who now is coming to the table with a larger pile on her plate. “She’s kinda like Bugs Bunny only somebody gave her one too many Pixie-Sticks.”

“Oh, I love those!” Pinkie said putting her food down on the table, which makes Lauren wonder why the table didn't just tilt to the side. “I really like the orange ones, the grape ones, the cherry, the fruit punch, and the one that tastes like Snozzberries.”


“Don’t try to question Pinkie,” Twilight advised her. “If you did, you’ll be here all day. Believe me, I tried.”

“Oh yeah, like the time you try to figure out how my Pinkie Sense works.”

Lauren turned to Pinkie, “What’s a Pinkie Sense?”

“You know how sometimes some ponies say that they would get headaches or sneeze a lot before a storm hits?”


“It’s the same with me except sometimes I can sometimes predict things in the near future before they happen.”

Before Pinkie could answer her, she sneezed. She froze to look around for a moment before she went on talking. “Huh, must be nothing.”

“Darling, what is it?” Rarity asked.

“Well most of the time I sneezed, it usually means that an explosion is about to happen or Rainbow Dash is going to do the Sonic Rainboom, oh well.”

“A what?”

“My signature trick,” Rainbow said. “The Sonic Rainboom was something that landed my reputation as a flyer on the map. And I pulled it off when I was just a filly.”

“But what is it?” Lauren asked. “I've seen Firefly do her Double Inside Out Loop, and even if I haven’t at least I would know what it is. So what’s a Sonic Rainboom?”

“A Double Inside Out Loop?” Dash asked with a raised eyebrow. “I could do that trick if I was brain dead.” She looked out a window with a mischievous smile. “Here kid, watch this.” She flew up to the window, opened it and flew right out.

“Hey, where she going?” Lauren got up out of her seat going over to the open window. She spots Rainbow flying further and further, higher and higher up in the air until she’s only a pinprick in the sky. Pinkie sneezed twice. “Everypony! Cover your ears!” Pinkie warned as she along with everyone else put their hooves over their ears.

“Why? What is she doing?”

“You’ll know, now cover them up now!”

Lauren turned back to the window; she did as she was told. “But why-” before Lauren could say anything further, she heard the loudest noise she’s ever heard in her life. It was so loud that even the windows shook at the sound of it. At first, it did make Lauren jump almost clean out of her skin, but she did see something amazing out of the window.

There was a ring in the sky that was growing wider, and inside this ring was every color of the rainbow and even more. She was seeing a firestorm of color that catch the sky before it faded back to its usual blue. And she couldn't help but notice a line of a rainbow that twisted and streaked around the city and the castle.

Before she knew it, Rainbow Dash flew back into the room, “Now that’s how you do a trick.”