• Member Since 1st Sep, 2011
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A Megaman Zero/MLP crossover.

Taking place after the events of Megaman Zero 4, Zero finds himself in a new, peaceful land filled with colorful ponies. Will he finally find peace after centuries of fighting? Or will old foes try to ruin the land?

Be sure to check out my blog page for news about this and other stories by me!
Featured 11/19/13

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 156 )

Well, here it is! the prolouge of Megaman Zero E

anyway, would love feedback and questions if you dont understand.

Although iv never played mega man im very intrigued by the story so far...just hurry with MOAR :flutterrage:

this may prove to be interesting. the fact that zero is robotic should add a good difference from some of the other stories.

this chapter was pretty good, but useless if you playe the game.

sorry i cant give a star rating right now. if i could probably a 4 right now.

i'm not sure if my body is ready for this....nonetheless, i will track the hell out of it. great job sticking close to how the game went. 5 stars!:pinkiehappy:

This is great! I do believe this is quite the concept you've got there.

I am a MM fan and Zero is my Fav character ( Axl being second) and I can't wait to see the rest of the story but I did see many errors as in Weil's nmae has been forgotten to be capitalized but overall a great story(also you just spoiled MMZ4 but oh well I played the game before and it WAS HARD) and you may need a pre-reader and a proofreader. [ Oh by the way I'm kinna interested of being the pre reader and proofreader of this story if you are interested just saying) 4.999999999999999999999999999/5 you could have got 5 if the spelling was right and the grammer too but overall wonder full story. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I am a MM fan and Zero is my Fav character ( Axl being second) and I can't wait to see the rest of the story but I did see many errors as in Weil's nmae has been forgotten to be capitalized but overall a great story(also you just spoiled MMZ4 but oh well I played the game before and it WAS HARD) and you may need a pre-reader and a proofreader. [ Oh by the way I'm kinna interested of being the pre reader and proofreader of this story if you are interested just saying) 4.999999999999999999999999999/5 you could have got 5 if the spelling was right and the grammer too but overall wonder full story. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Not the best this chapter could be, the fight between Zero and Weil was breezed over all too quickly, a common issue with post Z-4 fics. I'd recommend extending it.

Otherwise a good effort I'll keep my optic on.

I am looking forward to how this turns out. Zero's in for some serious culture shock when he lands in Equestria.

Ahh, megaman zreo, so many good( and bad) memroies, loved and hoted those games:rainbowwild: I Can't wait to see the rest of this! Though i can't again how zreo could ever ajust to poni- *bricked* OWWW!

:pinkiehappy:< You're welcome!

I wonder which pony he'll wind up landing nearby. It would be hilarious to see him land next to Pinkie Pie, although her tail would give her a warning.

Anyways I'm tracking this. You're pretty good with grammar despite not speaking English as a first language. Other than some capitalization errors nothing stood out.

Megaman Zero...MLP crossover.
I'm not sure I can handle this much awesome!
I expect lengths of boring filler featuring Diamond Tiara to balance every single paragraph of liquid awesome in this story. Otherwise, emergency safety measures will have to be implemented to prevent spontaneous combustion of the brain.

Very nice opening. I wish the fight scene wasn't so rushed (though I understand that it wasn't supposed to be a major fixture), and there are several grammar and spelling errors (read over your work first :pinkiehappy:), but I love the idea.


hahaha ohdude timing ^^ I just started plans for my own Zero MLP cross over XD. Im totally gonna read yors when I get my own chapter done. Though Now that another one is here maybe ill use the Zero I rp as instead of the game version. -plan plan plan- but so far I have got the Final blow and 'death' scenes down. Might make it first person actually. But yeah... Ill come back and read later, maybe we can compare notes.
My story title
Megaman Zero: True Legends Never Die.

Tracking the hell out of this.
There were some spelling and grammatical errors, so I recommend getting a beta reader. I also recommend playing the X/Zero series over so Zero's thoughts don't contradict the games. As a huge fan of both FiM and Zero, I will overlook all of this because this story will be sheer awesome. Can't wait for more.

JESUS CHRIST SLOW THE BUCK DOWN EVERYPONY! well, this is so awesome! i never expected this to be this popular!

well, if anyones interested in proofreading, just send me a message. ill try to check out the errors late on, so they should be fixed. also, the next chapter will be up someday soon.
130012 ive beaten the entire series of MMZ and most of the X series, but i probably will replay them, thanks for the tip!

also, the reason the fighting scene was rushed was because its been a good while since ive played MMZ4 so i didnt really remember most of final weils moveset, so i just went for how it would have probably been...Weil blitzing zero befoer he could reach him and "pull the plug"

im sorry for that pun, dont shoot me.

Awesome work ^_^ and with my own chapter done I came to see this one. You did a great job capturing the Interaction and Text version of the Zero 4 ending ^^. Totally gonna enjoy watching how you do stuff while I do stuff. Great epic job here ^^.
[though I shortened my story name to Megaman Zero Legends never die. LOLZ]
Megaman Zero collection and X collections are great for attack and personality info.

Trackin' this, I'm a huge Zero fan.

When is the next chapter going up



also, i accidentally deleted someones comment, im verry sorr, somepony bumped my arm whil i was trying to reply ot that one dude.:unsuresweetie:

and now we get to see what happens when a reploid's brain short circuits... *takes cover in a fallout shelter*

Hey sorry for not beeing able to well do the proofread this I kinna had a bad month.

My main complain is that Zero keeps calling himself a reploid, which he isn't (unless I missed something major in the series)

zero seemes very out of character. i expected more of a person who makes sacrifices to help others, here he is just being forced to. he seems to be very talkitive right now also.

Zero is a reploid.

As for the story, I'm glad we're progressing with the story, but this chapter seemed extremely rushed. Grammar errors are everywhere, and your formatting could be better. Nevertheless, I'd love to see where this story goes.

And sweet Celestia Pinkie, calm down!

Make zero pull out the z saber and point it towards rainbow and make them scared and then show a demonstration of it's power on a tree and make zero kick rainbow out of a window

Make zero be a complete badass and like triple the length of the next chapter

Hmmm, the pacing seems a little too fast and there are quite a few errors here and there, but in all I like it.
Won't rate this story till I see a little more of it fleshed out.

I agree with the above statement

also, i dont think zero can just be knocked out just like that, he's made of metal and has been in much tougher fights than with a multicolored cyan pegasus

The thought it was time... Ha...:pinkiecrazy:

Personaly i agree with what everyone else has to say. the "I'M NOT LISTENING LALALALA" ...yeah :facehoof: that's not zero at all. I haven't played the game in a while but i do remember him having a bolder personality, the strong slient type


Ok, so I looked it up (I am that bored, yes), and what I found is that while Zero in a purely technical sense is not a Reploid (Reploids are "robots" created using the X template), because he is so similar to one, he is lumped into the group normally.

So we're both right... kinda :pinkiehappy:

Ugugg93, The zero we are looking at in this story, his body is actually a reploid of his old body. the 'copy' body as it were. and even then, the body's frame is not the original design.

True, true. Zero is a Robot Master, the last one made by Dr. Wily... though he's been rebuilt many times, but I still think of him as such.
And yes, it looks like is way out of character, even from his Megaman Zero incarnation. His curses are a lot milder and are not censored.
Also, I'm not sure he should be KO'ed so easily- I mean, he's supposed to be made out of some really tough stuff. It's a little too short and the grammar errors are somewhat common. Has the author gotten him/herself a proofreader?
It started out well enough, but it's not going so well now.
I hope this improves, as I am a complete sucker for Megaman.

sorry if it seems a little crappy right now, it'll get back to normal in a little while. im going to be fixing some stuff too, so expect the slightly better version soon.

btw, you'll see why zero was so easily knocked out by rainbow soon...when if finish editing it.

162936 not yet...the baddass zero will come back soon enough.

Okay, ive fixed most of the stuff, but if you see something ive missed, holler!

no reploids went maverick in the making of this chapter.


*Lay's down my weapon*

I concede defeat. That's what I get for not playing the Zero series :scootangel:

Please say in your next chapter you are going to space out every paragraph cause this was a little hard to read:unsuresweetie:

Your Mega Man story is so much better than mine, still this is fantastic and I can't wait for more!
You got yourself a track!


im not sure about it being better... but your praise is well thanked.

My only criticism is the fact that no-one seemed to understand the point of Zero's fight on Ragnarok. He was fighting while under the effects of the virus he originally caused in reploids that caused maverick outbreaks as seen in the X series. He had purposefully given himself a weaker strain of the virus so that he could attack Wile even if he was human. After the first stage of the fight he used the Virus Vaccine but, would still suffer from a personality damage affect. This is what would most likely cause the strange behaving Zero in this chapter. Though he was quickly overcoming the virus so by the next he should be back to normal. This is not a poke at the author but, to the people who would comment on it without knowing the whole story. For taking your story to the next level in depth. Intentional or not, I salute you sir.



i honestly didnt think of it that way...holy crap...IM A GENIUS!!!

Make the next chapter nowwwwww or perish


little brony...did you know that the survival rate of those who demand things from kaijin is less than 2%?

itll be here when its done.


Alright, here's the plan. Bookmaster, you, me and 98 extra people are going attack Kaijinzero. That way, at least 1-2 will survive long enough to beat him down. :pinkiecrazy:


...you know, at this rate, ill never finish brainstorming the next chapter...well, more exercise for me:pinkiecrazy:

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