• Published 14th Jan 2012
  • 7,541 Views, 156 Comments

Megaman Zero E - KaijinZero

  • ...

Party for a hero

A few moments later, the group was gathered in Ponyville Hospital with the CMC and Big Mac.

"We're sorry Big Macintosh," Applebloom sniffled. "We didn’t mean for ya ta get hurt..."

"It’s fine. I'll be ok." Mac told the young fillies. "Thanks fer rescuin them Zero."

"It's nothing." the red Reploid replied as Nurse Tenderheart wrapped a bandage around his arm.

"Don’t give me that mister, you’re lucky that your arm didn’t get ripped off by that Timberwolf." the nurse growled, then turning to the injured red pony. "Now I need for you to take it easy for a few days until your wound heals up, understand?"


"Other than that, you’re both free to go!" Tenderheart smiled.

After saying goodbye to the apples and the CMC, Twilight and Zero walked back to the library, discussing the ponies’ adventures. "So, you mean to tell me that this 'Discord' thing can alter the laws of Reality at a whim, and happens to be on your side now?" Zero asked the mare after hearing about Discords reforming.

"Yes, as far as I know. So far nothing bad has happened, and he appears to have completely turned a new leaf." Twilight replied. "Anyway, I have to ask, what was that green sword thingy?"

"What, this?" Zero asked, pulling out his Z-Saber. "This is the Z-Saber, my main weapon of choice."

"I see..." Twilight noted how the energy coming out was some kind of plasma based energy, but kept its triangular shape and length. "Fascinating, and the thing that went 'pew pew'?

"That was my secondary weapon, the Z-Buster." he said, pulling out his blaster.

"Where did it come from, if I may ask?" Twilight asked as she gave the gun a look.

"I needed it more than its last owner. Let’s leave it at that."

"OK and what about the other one?"

"Honestly, I have no idea how that happened during the Harmony Strike. This seems to be like my older body in that regard."

"Wait, what do you mean 'older body'?

"Yeah, and what flavor cake do you like?" a pink mare asked.

"It’s a long story and...Wait where did you come from?"

"Sugarcube Corner! My names Pinkie Pie and I wanted to give you a party earlier, but you were busy with twilight and I didn’t want to bother you, so I waited but then you had to do the first stage, and now you’re here, so I came to invite you to your 'Welcome to Equestria and I’m glad the Writer is going to write a party this time' party!"

"...out of all of that all I understood was that you're name is Pinkie Pie and that you're throwing me a party."

"So are you gonna come Mr. Zero?"

"Sure, I have free time."

"Whoo hoo! I'll see you in a few then!"

Needless to say, the party was as good as a pinkie party can get, and better.

"Enjoying yourself Zero?" Applejack asked.

"...I’m actually kind of bored."

Almost. Zero was never one for parties, and he was only here because it seemed Pinkie put a lot of work into the decorations and he didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

"Well, why don’t you try pin the tail on the pony?" Pinkie asked as she trotted by, blindfolded and nearly sticking a purple tail on the red Reploid.

"I have a 5% miss margin. It wouldn’t be fun if you know you’re going to win."

"Pleeeease?" pinkie pleaded, taking off the blindfold and giving him her best puppy dong eyes.

"...still no."

"Rats, oh well, there’s other things to do like-"

"TWILIGHT!" a young dragon yelled, bursting through Sugarcube Corner's door, along with a white unicorn with elegant purple locks. "I just got an urgent summon to Canterlot for you and the girls!"

"What for?" the purple Alicorn asked, grabbing the letter with her magic.

"Urgent Princess business was all it said... Twilight darling, who's this?"

"Oh right, Spike, Rarity, this is Zero. Zero, the dragons name is spike, and the unicorn is Rarity. I'd introduce you better, but we have to go. Some strange metal was found near the castle filled with energy of some kind."

"...I'm coming with you guys." Zero said.

"Alright then," Twilight sighed. "Everypony meet at the station in 10 minutes."

Meanwhile at the palace, the Royal Sisters were waiting for the arrival of the girls and Discord.

"Where is that blasted chimera!" Luna fumed. "We have been waiting ages, and if this is what we think it is, time is short."

"Patience Luna, this is probably nothing to worry about." Celestia said as she paced in front of a door that was sealed with a powerful rune. "Luna, is it still sending you...?"

"It hasn’t stopped yet...Tia I'm scared. I haven’t heard whispering like this since I became..."

"Well isn’t this precious?" a slightly deep, yet maniacal voice said in mock sweetness.

Luna whirled around, feeling her anger start to boil at that voice. "Discord! Where have you been you stupid-!?"

"Oh settle down, now what is it that you need me to come here from my little spot of chaos?"

"Do you not feel that?" Luna asked.

"What, the positively filled to the brim room full of Negative energy? Nope."

"Discord...now is not the time to be playing around." Celestia calmly stated.

"Oh all right, take all the fun out of being Chaotic why don’t you?" the three somewhat gods of Equestria walked up to the sealed door, preparing to do whatever it took to make sure it didn’t cause any trouble. If all else failed, Celestia had sent for Twilight and the elements in case anything needed a quick rock nap for a millennia or so.

Turning to the guards by the door, she asked them not to let anypony except for themselves or the Elements to come through... or out.

Half an hour later in Ponyville, our heroes and Reploid walked up to the train, ready to see what Celestia needed them for.

As they did, a wave of magic swept through the land, chilling anything magically inclined to the bone.

"What’s wrong?" Zero asked, not feeling the magic take such a chilling turn.

"I don’t know..." Twilight said, visibly shaking. "But I think we need to hurry to Canterlot, NOW."

"Why, I don’t see anything wrong with it from here." Zero said, looking in the distance to the city on the mountain.

"Trust us Z, something bad happened in Canterlot."

"I don’t think today's gonna be as fun as I thought..." Pinkie said, her eyes showing fear.


Turning around, the group saw Spike running to them with another message in his claws. "This just came a few minutes ago! It’s even more urgent than before!"

Taking the letter from the dragon, Twilight began reading the note. FIND SOMEWHERE SAFE AND HIDE. as she read this, the sky began to darken to a dull red. Ponies began to panic while the animals ran away to somewhere safe.

"...You all stay here." Zero said his face in a deep scowl. "I'll see what’s going on in Canterlot."

"No Zero. As a Princess of Equestria, I have a duty to protect everypony, you stay and-"

"In that case, I pledge myself to your service until this situation calms down."

Everyone was taken aback by Zero's sudden declaration. "Zero, do you know what you’re doin'?" Applejack asked as Zero began to uncouple the train engine from the passenger cars.

"Yeah, go to Canterlot, beat down whatever it is causing this, and then come back."

"Well you aren’t goin alone big guy!" Rainbow Dash said, flying in front of his face. "C'mon, we got a capital to save!"

"You're going to need somepony who knows their way around the city, I’ll go too." Twilight declared. "Girls, can you get everypony to a safe place?"

"We could all hide in Sugarcube Corner's basement!" Pinkie saluted, somehow gaining a WWII soldiers helmet.

"Good. Get going!"

Nodding, the Canterlot team prepared to go to the capital to get to the bottom of whatever happened.

This place was strange, not at all like Cyberspace...or where he had been. (DeST0y iT AlL)

"No...Not yet. I must thank you three," the figure said to three statues in the room. "You have given me more powers than I had before."

"I know you sent a letter to some...whatever you all are, but they will be no help to you all."(I wILL AnihaLATe theM)

Save your energy...we need it for making a few...renovations. Such archaic buildings and weapons, I will make a proper army." he said, walking out to a balcony. Seeing something that wasn’t the Princesses, the ponies on the street looked up in a mix of awe and pure, unadulterated fear.

"Your Princesses have fallen, little ponies. I will be your ruler from now on." he said, raising his hand to the sky. A ball of red energy formed, before he threw it at the frightened ponies. From the holes they made, strange things began to crawl out. Some were blue, with a bright red eye in the middle of their faces; others were purple, with a black visor hiding their faces. Each of them had some variation of a weird barrel or rod on their arm, and some of the purple ones had the barrel on their shoulder. And they were all attacking the ponies that were still there.

"Hear me, Foolish Mortals of Equestria!" he cried over the screams of terror and pain. "Hear me and Despair! I am your new God, Lord Weil! And all shall bow to my will! Hee hee hee, MWA HA HA HA HA HA!"