• Published 14th Jan 2012
  • 7,541 Views, 156 Comments

Megaman Zero E - KaijinZero

  • ...

Mission 1-Battle at the farm

As Twilight looked for 'Supernaturals', Zero asked Applejack about what she did.

"Well, Ah run Sweet Apple Acres with mah family. We have the best Apples this side of Equestria, if not everywhere."

"Heh. That’s something I may have to check for myself."

"So Zero, if ya don’t mind me askin, just what are ya anyway?" Aj asked.

"I’m a Reploid, a Replica Android."

"A Replica Android? But that would mean you’re a robot," Twilight said from the back room where she kept the books she would read at the moment. "But you’ve done nothing to suggest that. In fact, if not for the obvious, I'd say you were a flesh and blood pony."

“I’m a robot that can think and act for myself, and show actual emotion."

"Really!?" Twilight said excitedly. "I have to study you!"

"W-weren’t you looking for something?" Zero said nervously. Being studied usually meant a part of him was coming off, and the technology did not look like he would be just put back together easily.

"Oh, right! I know it’s around here somewhere..."

"He he, if yer a robot, why would ya want to try mah apples, seein that ya don’t have to eat and all..."

"I might not need to, but apparently, sometime in 23XX, a scientist came up with a way for Reploids to be able to taste and turn food into energy." he replied, remembering that a few maverick recruits got him and X to get the upgrade, and the night of binge eating afterwards.

X...just where am I? are you even here? And why am I here?

"Aha! found it! Zero, why don’t you come with us? I'm sure you'll enjoy a walk through the town."

"That sounds good Twilight."

After a quick walk through town, as well as a few stares at Zero, the ponies and Reploid arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, only to hear some kind of roar.

"What was that?" Twilight asked.


"what’s wrong Zero?" Twilight asked when she noticed that Zero had stopped suddenly.

"...!" noticing a red shape on the ground a few feet away, Zero dashed towards it.

"What’s he runni- BIG MAC!"

"Uhn...AJ...that tree...crusaders..." he gasped.

He had seemed to suffer from a fight, one he had no chance of winning from the looks of it. guess this place isn’t as peaceful as I thought...but what could do this to someone so big, and what’s this about crusaders?

As if in answer, Twilight and Applejack looked at each other.

"Twilight, can you take big Mac to the hospital while Zero and I look for the crusaders?"

"Aright, you two be careful. I have a feeling whatever roared a few moments ago has something to do with this."

As Twilight picked Big Macintosh up with her magic, Applejack turned to Zero. "Y'all know how to call support right?"

"Yeah, just press the R button if I need you..."

"Good. Alright let’s get goin. Open doors by pressing up on the D-pad or with the control stick." with that, Zero and Applejack rushed into sweet apple acres.

As they went into the apple grove, they found a pink bow caught in a low hanging branch.

"Oh no, ah had hoped they weren’t here..."


"The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Mah little sister and her friends made it up to help each other find their special talents."

"I see. We’d better hurry then."


Surprised, Applejack and Zero turned around and saw a group of Timberwolves heading their way.

"What the...wolves made of wood?"

"Those are Timberwolves, but they shouldn’t be here!" Applejack explained. "They’re normally in the Everfree Forest!"

"...can you fight?"

"Yea, it shouldn’t be a problem takin care of em. It’s gettin them varmints to stay down that’s the problem.

"No problem. Let’s do it Applejack."

"Alright, the Y button is to use your main weapon, and X is your sub weapon. You can change how ya fight in the settings menu."

With that, a Timberwolf leaped at Zero, Intent on making this thing his next meal. Seeing that it was made entirely of wood, Zero simply rose an arm up to knocked it back.

The teeth sunk in, something that should not have happened, sending waves of pain through his arm. Quickly grabbing his saber, he cut the head from the body.

"Ok, that wasn’t supposed to happen." He said, gritting his teeth. He was made of metal, there was no way wooden teeth could pierce his armor, or his skin period.

Ignoring the pain, Zero, with assistance from Applejack, fought off the small group. "Whooee, that was some fancy blade work there partner, your arm okay?"

"I’ve had worse." Zero grunted. "Let’s keep going before more come out."

And so, the duo made their way through the apple grove, with Zero shooting the Timberwolves from afar when he had the chance. As soon as they came towards a clearing, several crashes were heard, followed by a sky splitting roar.


"Somepony help us!" a young girl cried out in terror. Wait, I should probably say filly here... Zero reminded himself.

"Applebloom! Hang on!" Applejack cried, rushing ahead.

"Wait! tch...that mare is going to get herself killed!" as he ran into the clearing, he saw an apple tree, its roots slightly above ground, forming a cage around three frightened fillies.

"Hang on, we'll have y'all out soon, ya hear! Zero, cut those roots so we can save them."


"Zero! What are ya doin!?"

"...that’s no tree."

Before Applejack could dispute this, two red eyes opened on the front of the tree. Two of its branches shed all their leaves, revealing a five fingered claw. Just above the fillies’ heads, a mouth formed.

"Think you can take it Zero?" Applejack asked uneasily.

"...I've faced a god of destruction. A tree will be a cake walk for me." Zero said, pointing his buster gun at the Tree Monster.

The Creature, seeing two more things to devour, reached into the foliage that was left at the top of itself, pulling out several small Timberwolves to throw at them. Shooting two of them down, he was barely dodged the last one.

"Applejack! It’s tryin to eat us!" one of the fillies, an off white unicorn, cried.


"Gotta save them first then." he said, pointing his buster at the roots

The tree monster then pressed its claws to the ground, shooting tree spikes under the orange mare and Reploid.

"Gah! I can’t get a good shot like this!" Zero said. This would normally be the time he would go all out, but the combination of pain going through his arm and the fillies being somewhat in the way kept him from doing so.

"Zero, Applejack, Get back!"

A magenta wave of energy shot from behind them, hitting the tree monster squarely between the eyes. Roaring in pain, the monster didn’t even notice a flash underneath him twice, leaving his gage of roots empty...

Another flash and Twilight was standing next to Zero and Applejack. "Sorry that took so long, still, I can’t believe that an Ent is here."

"That’s what that is? Ah thought it was some kind of Timberwolf mother or somethin..."

"It doesn’t matter too much now, let’s take it down!" Zero declared.

"Alright, you can press L to call me in, although..."

"Although what?"

"I'll tell you later, let’s go." Twilight said. Soon, the battle as back on. Without having to worry about the fillies, Zero could go all out, and the Ent was soon showing signs of falling.

"Now's our chance!" Twilight called. "Press L, R, and your main attack button to do a Harmony Strike!"

"Harmony Strike? Twi, what are ya..."

"You'll see Applejack. Just gather energy for the attack Zero."

"Alright!" gathering up energy, Zero suddenly felt two distinct emotions boil to the top of his being. The first being the pride of a hard honest day’s work, the second being something he had felt, though he didn’t show it much, in the resistance base, a feeling of camaraderie. A second buster appeared on his other arm, surprising him slightly, but he knew what to do.

"Here we go, HARMONY STRIKE!" shooting a full charge shot from both busters, one orange and one magenta, Zero then rushed in and gave a mighty slash with his saber, causing the Ent to be split diagonally.

"Gggguuuoh...."a bright light soon began to radiate from the split, engulfing it and revealing a normal apple tree.

"Hah...hah...what was that?" Zero asked, turning around to see that Applejack was wearing a gold necklace with an orange apple in the middle of it, and Twilight was wearing a tiara with a magenta star shaped gem. "And where did those come from?"

"That was a Harmony Strike. I didn’t even know of it until I saw you. The Element of Magic, that’s this big crown thingy on my head, just gave me the idea.

"So that’s what those are...Elements of Magic?"

"No sugarcube, Twilights got the Element of Magic, mine's the Element of Honesty, an' there are four more, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, and Laughter."

"Collectively, they're called the Elements of Harmony. The reason why that Ent didn’t just fall like a sack of wood was because the Elements changed it back to a normal apple tree."

"I think I get it. Either way, you two did well for a couple of ponies with no battle experience."

"Well, they weren’t no gods of destruction, but we have faced two gods before." Applejack bragged.

"Either way, let’s go check on the crusaders and Big Mac." Twilight said, teleporting them out of the grove.