• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 7,214 Views, 743 Comments

The Gentle Nights: Audience of One - PaulAsaran

A chance meeting at a ruined gala leads to opportunity. Luna longs to recover from her isolation and the shadows of her past, and she clings to the one pony whose music provides her comfort. She might not be the only benefactor in the arrangement...

  • ...

Saumya Am˚dherā

The Gentle Nights
Audience of One

Chapter XXII
Saumya Am˚dherā
The Gentle Nights

“Are you really sure you don’t want to see her before the performance?”

Luna shook her head vehemently, pawing at the dark carpet as she paced across the hall. “She asked me not to, and I will honor that wish.” Her silver dress shimmered in the dim lighting.

Celestia sat by the door to their theatre balcony, her head turning back and forth to keep up with her sister. She sported a playful smile. “I’d almost believe you’re the one about to go on stage. Relax, Luna. Everything will be fine.”

“Of course it will.” Luna paused to suck in a deep breath. “Everything is fine. It is.”

Celestia stepped forward and set both forehooves on Luna’s shoulders, looking her in the eyes. “Relax, little sister. Trust in Octavia.”

Another long breath. “I do.” Luna nodded, but the motion did nothing to stop the moths in her stomach. “I do trust Octavia. This night will be perfect. I’m sure.” She stepped back and took a moment to examine her wings for the tenth time that night. “I have every confidence.”

“So I see.” Celestia rolled her eyes, her smile broadening just a touch. “Your feathers are as straight as they ever were. Ah—” She set a hoof to Luna’s leg before it could rise too far, “—and your dress is seamless.”

“I should hope so.” Luna examined the gleaming silver ensemble. “Hoity Toity might not be as ‘in’ as Rarity at the moment, but he still knows how to design an incredible dress. I wanted Rarity to make it, but she—”

“Yes yes, you’ve explaining it all to me before.” Celestia giggled and tucked a hoof under Luna’s chin, making her look up once more. “You really, really need to calm down. Everything is going to go wonderfully.”

“Wonderfully is not perfectly.”

Celestia laughed, and Luna scowled at her sister. “Excuse me if this night is very important to me. This is Octavia’s chance to make it into the upper class as she’s always dreamed, without it being based on our relationship.”

“True.” Celestia took a step back and appraised Luna from hoof to horn. “What does that have to do with the ‘perfect’ dress and your overall appearance?”

An intense warmth filled Luna’s cheeks and her heart performed a little flip. “I… just… wanted to make sure the photo op at the end of the concert went smoothly. I can’t look…” She pursed her lips as Celestia broke out in laughter again. “What’s so funny?”

“You are.” Celestia raised a hoof over her mouth to stifle her giggles. “Come now, sister, a photo op? There won’t be one. How could you think I’d fall for something like that?”

Luna jerked her face away. “Sometimes I wish you had a mate I could tease you about. It would make things seem more fair.” Her eyes fell upon her wing, which she promptly began inspecting.

“Luna, how many times do I have to tell you that nopony says—”

“She is my mate,” Luna repeated, spreading her wing slightly to get a better look at her pinions. “I know what the conventions are. We are close enough for me to say it in private amongst ponies I trust.” She turned to gaze at her sister with narrow eyes. “I can trust you, can I not?”

“I think you may be looking at it in the wrong way.” Celestia sighed and waved a hoof in a dismissive display. “If you wish to terminally embarrass Miss Melody, be my guest.”

“To be terminally embarrassing is a marefriend’s duty,” Luna replied confidently, not so much as cracking a smile.

She smiled on the inside though. ‘Grinned’ was more like it.

“I’ll be sure to remind her of that at the first opportunity.” Celestia eyed her sister. “Are we going to take our seats or do you intend to spend the entire performance pacing and staring at your wings?”

Luna snapped to attention and moved for the door. “Quite right. Let us go.”

They entered the theatre, the lighting even lower here than it had been in the hall. The quiet hum of chattering ponies filled the auditorium as the princesses went to take their place upon two large couches that gave them a perfect center view of the stage.

“Have you considered my proposal?”

Luna blinked and turned to her sister. “You want to talk about it now?”

Celestia glanced away, her ears folding back. “It’s been three months since Nightmare was defeated. I thought you were eager to retake the reins, Lulu.”

With a scoff, Luna turned her attention back to the empty stage. “You just want me to lighten your load. I’m on to your schemes, Tia.”

“I’m not scheming.” The wilt in Celestia’s voice caught Luna’s attention, and she looked to find her sister studying her hooves intently. “I’m not.”

“I only meant it as a joke.” Luna reached over to touch her sister’s hoof. “Why must you keep beating yourself up?”

“I don’t know how you ever forgave me.” Celestia set her hoof over Luna’s, but still wouldn’t look her sister in the eye. “I certainly haven’t forgiven myself. Reforming the Night Court is supposed to be the beginning of my apology, and you have yet to even accept it.”

Sighing, Luna leaned over to nuzzle her sister. “I know, Tia. I appreciate it. I will be accepting the proposal, that I assure you. I just wanted to have a little time to enjoy myself and be with Octavia.” She blushed and glanced back to the stage. “Granted, three months is a long vacation.”

“You’ve earned it, after a thousand years of—”

“Don’t.” Luna pressed a hoof to Celestia’s lips, her own set in a small scowl. “I am tired of hearing you berate yourself, sister.”

Celestia only turned her face away.

Luna pondered her sister, her eyes drifting over Celestia’s ever-flowing mane. “If it would ease your heart, then I promise to go over your proposal tonight. Tomorrow evening we can meet and discuss any changes I might wish to offer. Now will you please stop acting like a felon before his sentencing hearing?”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever get over my failures.” Celestia sighed and attempted to smile. It wasn’t a bad effort. “I shall try, Lulu. Just promise you’ll let me know when I’m messing things up.”

At that Luna smirked. “Oh, trust me, Tia, I’ll be sure to tell you all about it. Would you like those reports daily or would a weekly summary do the job?”

Celestia slapped her lightly on the back of the head with a wing, but her smile at least seemed more genuine now.

At that moment, the lights of the auditorium went out and the audience grew quiet. Luna’s heart jumped into her throat. She turned to the stage, working to keep her manner calm and focused even as her anticipation mounted. If she chewed her lip any harder it might have bled.

Lights covered the stage as the curtain rose, revealing a full orchestra for which the audience politely stomped their applause. A moment later, Frederick Horseshoepin came onstage and the applause turned uproarious. He waved to the crowd with a broad smile as a lone spotlight followed him to a microphone located at the front of the stage.

He waited until the audience died down before speaking. “Good evening, everypony, and welcome to ze grand reopening of ze Canterlot Nocturnal Seatre.” A brief pause as the audience applauded. “I am Frederick Horseschoepin, and it is my honor to be here tonight for all of you. Permit me to express my zanks to ze generous and beautiful host of zis wonderful evening: Princess Luna.”

He turned to face the princess’ balcony and gave a deep bow as the crowd applauded once more. Though her legs shook, Luna stood and waved to the audience.

“Your image has improved significantly in the last three months, I see,” Celestia said as Luna sat back down.

“I had help,” Luna replied with a warm smile.

“On zis most auspicious night,” Frederick continued, “we have planned for you zree symphonies. The first will be my very own Als Die Nachtigall Fliegen: As ze Nightingale Flies.” More cheers interrupted him, but he bore the interruption with grace and a grin. “Ze second is an energetic song lead by Manehattan’s premier flautist, Vento Conzone: Dancing on Mane Street at Midnight.”

Yet another round of applause. Luna barely contained her impatience, crossing and uncrossing her legs over and over again. She felt Celestia’s feathers brushing against her back and tried her best to relax.

“Last but not least,” Frederick continued, “we have a song zat I, personally, have been greatly anticipating. Canterlot’s very own Octavia Melody will be introducing us to her debut original symphony, ze name of which sche has yet to reveal even to me. I trust it will be as incredible as ze pony herself.”

This time the applause was uproarious, and Luna couldn’t help but smile at the audience’s anticipation.

“I hope zis evening will prove as magical to all of you as it schall be for us. And now, wizout furser ado, let us begin.”

Frederick promptly went to his piano amidst more applause, pausing only to whisper something to the conductor. Luna fidgeted in place, her eyes scanning the edges of the stage.

“Relax, Lulu.”

“I’m relaxed.” Luna stiffened and focused her eyes on Frederick. “I’m perfectly calm.”

“Octavia will do just fine,” Celestia whispered in her ear as the orchestra began to play. “Just enjoy the music, dear sister.”

“Of course,” Luna hissed back. “I just wish Octavia was first. She must be a nervous wreck.”

Celestia shook her head with an exasperated smile. “I doubt she’s anywhere near as nervous as you are.”

“I’m not nervous. I’m just…” Luna glanced at her sister and noted her raised eyebrow. She pouted and turned her attention back to the stage. “I’m just nervous.”

“You’re just nervous.”

“Of course I’m nervous!” Octavia flipped pages of her sheet music, frantically checking every line to make sure it was committed to memory. “This is only the single most important night of my career, my relationship, probably my life. I can’t mess this up. This night has to be perfect.”

Vinyl rolled her eyes and set her hoof atop the sheet music, effectively blocking Octavia’s view. “Look at me, Octi.” Octavia’s glare only earned her a smile. “You know this song like the back of your hoof. You could play it in your sleep. Relax.”

“I can’t just ‘relax,’” Octavia countered, trying to pull her sheet music from under Vinyl’s hoof. “I’ve never been so… so worked up!”

“Really?” Vinyl grinned and waggled her eyebrows. “Does ‘three days without food or drink or sleep’ ring any bells?”

Octavia winced and released the papers with a sigh. “I thought we agreed never to bring that up again.”

“Yeah, we did.” Vinyl lifted the sheet music in her magic and set it in Octavia’s cello case, well away from the fidgeting earth pony. “We also agreed that if you started going nutso I could step in and snap you out of it.”

“I know, I know!” Octavia pawed at the ground and cast a wary look towards the stage. “But Luna’s out there. She’s going to hear it for the first time and… and…” Her eyes went to her case.

“Come on, Octy.” Vinyl moved to block her view. “You’re worried about Luna? You’ve got some of the most prestigious ponies in Canterlot out there.” She winced. “I mean, not that they won’t think your music is awesome, ‘cause it is.”

“And none of them are Luna.” Octavia stood to turn a small circle, eying her crisp black suit. “This is so much more than just a song, Vinyl. This is… It’s my…”

Vinyl gained a broad smile. “She already knows how you feel, Octy.”

“That’s not the point!” Octavia made to walk around Vinyl for the cello case, but when Vinyl moved to block she promptly turned around and began pacing. “Yes, Luna knows, but this is how I show her my feelings! This is where I lay it all bare for her to see.”

“Right, because entering her dream and helping her put down a thousand-year-old demon that tried to possess her didn’t do that.”

Octavia paused. She touched the Pendant of Hrímfaxi that hung around her neck, taking comfort in its coolness. “Y-yes, she found out then, but… but not in the way I’d wanted.” She glanced up as the music came to an end. Soon Frederick would leave the stage to Vento Conzone.

Then it would be her turn. She paced once more, chewing her lip and replaying the music in her head again and again.

Frederick appeared shortly after, beaming at the two mares as he approached. “So, how’s ze star of ze evening?” His accent had really improved, or so she thought.

“She’s about one slip-up away from a panic attack and two from dropping dead,” Vinyl replied, though her tone was soft.

“Ah yes, ze anxiety of ze debut.” Frederick patted Octavia on the back with a grin. “Have fais, my friend! You have great talent.”

“Do I?” Octavia shook her head frantically. “We don’t know that, Frederick. What if they don’t like it? What if they don’t like me?”

Frederick shrugged. “Zen you pick yourself up and try again. Zat’s what I did. Were you not aware zat my first song… er… what is ze term? Ah, yes: flopped.”

Vinyl glowered at him. “I don’t think that’s helping any, dude.”

“I can’t flop, Luna’s watching!” Octavia started to stand, but Vinyl pressed a hoof to her lips and used magic to push her back down.

“Uh-uh, no you don’t!” Vinyl held Octavia’s face in both hooves. “Look at me, breathe. You’re not gonna flop, Octy. Just breathe.”

Octavia did as she was told, taking slow, long breaths. As her heart regained its pace, she started to whisper, “Not gonna flop, not gonna flop…”

“My apologies.” Frederick set a hoof to her shoulder with a concerned frown. “I did not realize you were so nervous. Please, Miss Melody, you must relax. Tonight is no different from any other performance.”

“But it is.” She hugged herself and glanced towards her cello case. “It is, Frederick.”

“You’ve got Beauty, Parish and Symphony out there with you,” Vinyl said, regaining her smile. “We’re all here, Octy. Nothing’s going to go wrong. When that song ends, those ponies will be on their hooves demanding an encore.”

“An encore?” Octavia’s pulse started to rise again. “I-I don’t have anything for an encore. W-what will I—”

Stop. Breathe.”

Breathe. Right.

Frederick sighed and glanced towards the curtains. He rubbed his chin and fiddled with his tie. At last he turned back to Octavia, who suspected she’d have a heart attack if she kept this up.

“Tell me zis, Octavia: do you believe your princess loves you?”

She cocked her head his way with a questioning frown. “What does… yes?”

“Zen do you really zink her opinion of you will change based on how zis night goes?”

Octavia licked her dry lips as she pondered the question. Toying with her pendant, she shook her head.

Vinyl grinned and shook her by the shoulders in a playful manner. “Then why are you so worried about it?”

“You don’t understand.” Octavia stared at her fidgeting hooves as they turned the pendant over and over again. “This isn’t just a song. This is me baring my soul before my princess. I… I need this.”

Her chin rose, pushed up by Vinyl’s hoof so she could look the pony in the eye. “Octavia, anything you put your soul into is magic. I know, it drove me insane while we were roomies.”

“And I have seen your conviction zrough our correspondence,” Frederick added. “You’re going to do wonderfully.”

“We believe in you, Octy,” Vinyl finished, her smile warm. “Beauty, Parish and Symphony do too. You know Luna does. The only pony who doesn’t believe this is going to go off without a hitch is you.”

“I…” Octavia looked to each of them, then back to the curtains. She felt… warm. Chewing her lip, she turned to hug Vinyl. “Thank you.”

“Whoa, this is new.” Vinyl chuckled and patted Octavia on the back.

Octavia ignored the statement and just held on, her grip tightening gradually. She indulged in the comforting presence of an old friend and felt herself relaxing. A smile gradually formed on her lips. She could do this. Her friends believed in her. Luna believed in her. If they thought she could handle it, then she could handle it.

Even as she told herself this, her hooves still shook when she finally stepped back. At least she felt calm again. “Thanks, Vinyl, Frederick.”

“But of course.” Frederick grinned and accepted her much more brief hug. “Do not worry, Miss Melody, zis night is going to be perfect.”

“Perfect.” She shared a smile with Vinyl and nodded to herself. “Things will be perfect. Just perfect.”

She repeated the phrase like a mantra, stopping only when Frederick offered her some water. Her mental state remained on the verge of wild anxiety, but her friends were always ready to bring her back into the moment and rebuild her confidence. She never knew just how much she needed such ponies in her life until now.

After a while, Frederick turned his attention to the stage. “Vento is almost done with his part. Are you sure you don’t want me to handle ze introduction?”

Octavia sucked in a long breath and released it with equal dedication. Her stomach churned, but she shook her head. “No, I will do it. I can take it.”

He studied her as the music wound down, then nodded and turned for the curtain without a word.

“You’ve got this, Octavia.” Vinyl nudged her forward. “Just you wait, those ponies are going to love you.”

“O-of course they will.” They moved sidestage and watched as Frederick approached the microphone. Octavia glanced towards her cello, sitting by itself near the center of the stage. She spotted Parish in the corner setting his sheet music and Symphony amongst the many violinists doing the same. Beauty stood amongst three other sousaphonists. She locked eyes with Octavia and offered a bright smile, waving just enough to not be noticeable to the crowd.

Octavia smiled back, once again feeling that increasingly familiar warmth.

Her attention went back to Frederick as Vento, an older green pegasus with wild orange hair, took his final bow. He trotted towards them, flute tucked under his wing and waving to the crowd. As he passed Octavia he whispered, “Knock ‘em dead, kid.”

“Ladies and gentlecolts,” Frederick began once the audience had properly quieted, “our final musician is a good friend of mine, whose acquaintance I made during ze unorsodox events of last year’s Grand Galloping Gala. A remarkable talent hailing from Trottingham, sche moved to Canterlot to build her reputation as a cellist.”

Octavia flinched as stomps and cheers rose up from the audience. She cocked her head. “Why are they already applauding?”

Vinyl elbowed her in the ribs with a grin. “Maybe because you’re already real popular, even if you didn’t know it.”

Octavia rubbed her suit, if only to give her legs something to do. “But… how could I be…”

“Since her arrival,” Frederick continued, “sche has gradually made a name for herself in Canterlot as a premier musician. Ladies and gentlecolts, it gives me great pleasure and honor to introduce to you, leading a symphony of her own creation for the very first time, Octavia Philharmonica Melody!”

Legs shaking, Octavia trotted out to an almost deafening roar of applause. Her eyes darted to the balcony in the center of the auditorium and instantly fell upon Luna and Celestia. Her cheeks heated as she approached Frederick and he gave her a brief, polite hug. “Remember,” he whispered before they parted, “it’s just like any other concert.”

Then he left her alone at the microphone. Octavia turned to the crowd, moths swarming in her stomach, and licked her lips. There were so many ponies…

Deep breath.

Just like any other concert.


“Good evening, everypony, and thank you for joining us tonight. Before we begin, I’d like to thank my friends who supported me with such diligence during the three months it took to create this song: Heavenly Symphony, Beauty Brass, Parish Nandermane and Vanilla von Scratchington.”

As the crowd politely applauded, she turned to each of her friends and offered them warm smiles, which they graciously returned. Vinyl in particular was blushing like crazy at the use of her full name, to which Octavia couldn’t resist a small smirk.

Feeling a little more confident, Octavia turned back to the audience. “My thanks also to Mr. Horseshoepin, whose guidance and advice has been irreplaceable as I sought my own voice in this city’s hallowed music halls.”

The cheers were much louder this time, and Frederick stepped out from behind the curtain for just long enough to take another quick bow and offer a grin Octavia’s way.

Octavia cast her eyes across the theatre, surveying the crowd. “And now I’d… I’d like…”

Her eyes had fallen to the front row. There sat six ponies, beaming up at her as if she were the light of their lives. Her parents, her brothers…

…and Benjamina.

Two sets of mulberry eyes met. Benjamina held their mother’s hoof tightly as she nodded to her sister. Octavia could only stand there in stunned silence and fight back tears.

“I… I ap-pologize.” She wiped a canon across her face, and when her leg dropped Octavia possessed a broad smile. “And a most special, heartfelt thanks to my family, who have surprised me with their presence. I love you ponies… all of you.”

Benjamina’s face lit up, and Octavia nodded to her. The mare’s lip trembled as their eldest brother patted her on the shoulder.

Another deep breath as a sense of satisfaction washed over Octavia. She looked up to the crowd. “This song is dedicated to a very important pony in my life. She is a constant inspiration, a beloved companion and a treasure to my heart. Every note of this symphony was written with her spirit in mind, and…” Her gaze fell upon Luna.

“…and I hope the spirit of my song touches her heart.”

Luna stared down at Octavia, her heart thumping and her breath coming in a slow rhythm. Though they were so far apart, somehow their eyes still managed to meet across that dark auditorium.

“Ladies and gentlecolts,” Octavia concluded, “I present to you for the first time, Caṃdrakiraṇ Aur Tārā Sapnā: Of Moonbeams and Star Dreams.”

Luna thought her heart might burst from her chest. She sat rooted to her seat, struggling to breathe as she watched Octavia step back to the crowd’s applause and approach her cello.

“Well,” Celestia said, her tone wry, “it seems she has a lot more than music in mind for tonight.”

Luna could say nothing. She merely watched, entire body trembling with anticipation as her precious mare took up her cello. Octavia took a moment to position herself. The auditorium grew silent. Luna leaned over the edge of the balcony, ears turned forward in search of the cello’s familiar sound. She was rewarded with something else entirely.

Octavia began to sing.

Luna stood, her eyes going wide as a crystal clear soprano tone filled the theatre. The meaning of Octavia’s words was lost, for she sang in the Nilgiri language, but even so the sound filled Luna with… she couldn’t describe it. She’d only ever heard that pony sing once, and now this?

The cello’s deep voice filled the auditorium with a slow, gentle tune, providing a calm background to Octavia’s song. The music had a distinct flavor to its rhythm, a sound unknown to Canterlot. Luna’s ears twitched to a certain familiar string of notes, and that was when she knew that this music borrowed from the culture of Octavia’s familial homeland.

Octavia’s playing and singing quieted into a slow, lentando conclusion. Just before the sound died completely, the orchestra erupted, flooding the theatre with a tone that seemed no less powerful despite its slow tempo. Octavia swayed, her cello working in concert with the rest of the instruments and her voice joining the choir.

Here Luna found another surprise, for while the Nilgiri inspiration remained strong, a powerful rhythm displayed the classical roots of Octavia’s song. She could detect the faint traces of Moozart within the saltando of the violins. Yet there was also an underlying repetition, traded between the percussion and the assorted horns, that lent itself to a more modern musical style.

Three forms melded into a single song that rose and fell in waves of volume and emotion, never rising above an allegretto pace yet somehow always expressive. There was something gentle in the song, touching upon Luna’s ears like fine silk, yet evocative at the same time. Luna closed her eyes and took in the delicate sound, her hooves lighter than air as she found herself envisioning the song.

In her mind’s eye she stood upon a beach, gentle waves echoing the rhythmic swaying of the horns. Clouds rolled overhead in the odd, foreign patterns of the violins and bass as moonbeams drifted across the sky. And there, shimmering in a great circle of cloudless sky, were the shimmering stars, their calm consistency evoked by the cello’s classical musical structure.

Octavia’s voice rose through the air, brushing Luna’s mane back as it danced on the wind with skillful precision. Her voice lowered, and Luna felt a comforting weight all over, as though she were covered in a warm blanket. The voice rose to a pristine, high pitch, carrying the princess aloft so that she felt buoyant in her own moonlight.

She opened her eyes and stared down at Octavia, who still swayed to the beat of her own magical music. Tears fell from Luna’s cheeks. She ignored them, even as her legs shook.

She barely heard Celestia’s words:

“Sister, I might be jealous.”

Luna couldn’t take her eyes off her precious marefriend. The music continued into the night, holding her heart and mind captive. She drank it in like precious nectar and wept as silently as she could, the smile never leaving her face as she received the gift she knew this song was meant to be.

At last, far too soon, it came to its steady end. Octavia’s words died, and soon the symphony concluded its work in a final, uplifting note that left only the cello playing a series of quiet, soothing sounds before drifting into silence.

The theatre was quiet. Luna held her breath and listened to the ghost of the song drifting in her ears.

The crowd rose to thunderous applause.

“I knew it was going to be good, but Sweet Celestia.”

“My synthesizer didn’t do it justice!”

“Sign me up for your next song!”

“Goosebumps. Goosebumps, I tell you.”

“I zink, tonight, we have all been humbled.”

Octavia barely heard them. She sat amongst her friends beyond the curtain, the roaring applause still echoing in her ears and the music drifting through her mind like a benign phantom. Her legs wobbled, her breath came in slow gasps, tears formed rivers down her cheeks. She could still see her family in the front row, stomping and cheering louder than any of them. Even Benjamina, who failed to contain a sob halfway through the song.

Vinyl embraced her for the tenth time. “If ponies didn’t know your name this morning, they will tomorrow. Goddess, Octavia! I told you you’re amazing, but would you listen? Nooooo.”

Beauty pulled her away. “Give her some space, I think she needs to breathe.”

“I think we all need to breathe,” Symphony declared, fanning herself with a hoof and leaning heavily against Parish. “I thought my heart was going to explode.”

“Truly remarkable.” Frederick’s usually perfect mane was akimbo as he grinned. “I don’t zink I’ve ever seen a first-time performance go zis well. If you make too many songs like zat, I may have to move to Canterlot permanently.”

Octavia looked at their beaming faces. She rubbed the tears from her cheeks, a pointless endeavor as she couldn’t stop crying. “Th-thank you, everypony. This is… I just…” She bowed her head and sobbed.

Abruptly, Parish spoke up. “Whoop, I think it’s time we took a hike. Let’s go, guys.”

“W-what?” Octavia looked up to see them walking off. “Where are you going?”


Octavia froze, her heart jumping into her throat. She couldn’t move for her shaking legs, so she just sat there and struggled for control of herself. Luna walked around to sit before her, and Octavia looked upon her with a trembling smile. Oh, but she was beautiful! Her wings were immaculate, her mane shimmered in the dim light, her dress dazzled.

The sparkling jewels that were her eyes settled upon Octavia with a gentleness that made her heart soar.

“L-Luna.” Octavia wiped her face once again, lips trembling into a smile. “Th-they liked it. They… They really liked it.”

“Of course they did,” Luna whispered. “It was a song from the soul. It was the most beautiful, wonderful gift I have ever received in all my long years.”

Octavia swelled at those words, her grin broadening and her heart fluttering. “You m-mean… you understood?”

Luna’s horn flashed, and her mane seemed to grow wild. It came forward and engulfed them both, so that it seemed as though Octavia were floating within an eternal starscape. Before she could fathom this, Luna’s wings opened wide and pulled her in, pressing Octavia to her chest.

“I understood perfectly,” Luna whispered in her ear. She sniffed, and only then did Octavia notice that her face was also covered in tears. “Octavia, my precious star, I have never been so blessed. It was perfect.”

“It had to be.” Octavia pressed against her beloved princess, delighting in her warmth. “I had to tell you the right way.”

For a few seconds, they simply held close to one another. A wave of pleasant calmness overwhelmed Octavia, making her forget where she was or why. Luna filled her thoughts, her focus and her desires.

“Stay with me.”

Octavia nodded into Luna’s fur.

“In the castle.”

Another nod.


Her eyes flashed open. She leaned back to look up into Luna’s heart-stopping eyes. “R-really?”

Luna responded by planting a soft kiss on her lips.

Author's Note:

Note: this song is not representative of Octavia's symphony.

There was no way I was going to miss out on recreating this scene from the original. No chance at all.

So that's it, the story's done. My thanks to all of you who made the journey with us, and to Mercury Gilado, Absolution and Starlight nova for their pre-reading assistance. Lastly, I'm going to throw a thanks to Danger Beans, who devised the contest for which I wrote the original story. Had he not done that, we likely never would have come this far.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself and really hope to get a chance to explore this universe once again. Speaking of which, I should point out now that I do have some ideas for expanding the Audience of One universe, including a prequel, a sequel and two side stories. I don't know when or if I'll get to them, but I really hope it happens.

A last thank you to all of you who commented along with the story, providing me with both confidence and criticism. You people make this kind of effort worth it.

Comments ( 134 )

Sad to see it go, but happy to see it end on a high note.


I'm pretty sure I quite nearly exploded, in a very literal sense.

Well done, you. :) Well done.

I really liked this story. Good job :) It was a pleasure to read

Brilliant, thank you!

Wanderer D

This was an amazing story, thank you for writing it! Definitely one of my all-time favorites!

A perfect final chapter, to an amazingly beautiful story. The chords you have struck will resonate for quite some time in the hearts and minds of those fortunate enough to have read this. I am thankful to have been one such person.
You are are a true virtuoso of the digital pen, and I look forward to all of your future creations.

Absolutely beautiful! You write music so well. This honestly gave me goosebumps. I'm so very happy I got to read this. Please let us know if you ever write more for this wonderful 'verse.

Maybe I missed a few paragraphs but this story felt like it was going at a medium pace then the last two chapters were like "and bam, they're together after an epic battle".

I hate to say it but I did not particularly enjoy the ending of this story. If felt like it should have been slower paced to match the rest of the story and the plot of the finale felt like it came out of nowhere. It also felt like there were loose ends loosely patched up with what was happening with nearly everything in Octavias life outside of her relationship with Luna.

Regardless, I do hope we end up seeing more of Luna and Octavia. They've made quite a nice pairing in this story.

Let's see... this tale, Foundations, and Frequency... You now have earned 3 favorites from me! :pinkiegasp:

Amazing!.... but I find it strange that I am not stalking you yet... correcting that now! :pinkiehappy:

I shall continue to read and peruse your tales to catch up and I look forward to any further works you may produce. You have my attention! :pinkiesmile:

My... undivided... attention... :pinkiecrazy: :pinkiehappy:

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I'm sorry the ending disappointed, although I can assure you that the ending's plot by no means 'came out of nowhere;' I'd been arranging everything since chapter 1 to get to this and there are a lot of elements throughout the story that were leading to exactly that big conflict. As I said to another reader, everything was steadily and intentionally building up to an emotional explosion.

And here the story ends! No Nightmare Moon breaking in through the ceiling or something ) The chapter before ended sweetly, and the epilogue is a kind of reprise, an appreciated bonus) I also +1 Quixotic Enigma's words about resonating, as for my own conclusion I find it a little difficult to choose words in the middle of the night that is here. As well as trying to choose them later. But what I have right now is a place on my best bookshelf I've already prepared, and it's for "The Audience of One":) Now I leave to having rest and rethinking:)
P.S. I swore I would never read stories before they are completed... 20 chapters later I fave one x)

Great story I could ramble on about this and that but that would be boring. so ill say thanks for writing it ^_^

Was that a nod to Wreck it Ralph with vinyls full name?

Site Blogger


Was that a nod to Wreck it Ralph with vinyls full name?

Nope, just something I came up with off the top of my head.

An absolutely beautiful ending to a beautiful story. I haven't adequate words to describe how wonderful this is, nor how touching, but I thank you deeply for creating it.

You expanded on the original story in a way that was amazing. A masterstroke of expansion of an existing story. Well done, very well done.

Bravo! I kind of feel like I should be in that theatre, giving you a standing ovation.

Fantastic ending to a fantastic story, Paul. The slow build up of the relationship between the two of them was lovely, something that felt like a realistic evolution of their relationship, rather than an instance of the author just telling us that they are in love.

Can't wait to see more from this verse.

Very nicely written.

The epilogue nearly managed to outshine the actual finale. My god.

Thank you for writing this story. I had some problems with the slow pacing being a bit too slow at times, but apart from that, it was definitely one of the best stories I had the privilege of reading. Thank you so much, and I am definitely looking forward to more stories from you.

On a side note:

Als Die Nachtigall Fliegen

should probably be "Wie die Nachtigall fliegt".

The first few chapters read as pretty sad. Are you sure there shouldn't be a [sad] tag?

What a beautiful way to end a story. I was nearly crying by the end of this chapter, what with all the emotions it made me feel. A little sad to see it end, but I can't think of a better way to do so.

If it makes you feel better, I felt the story's plot not only was long foreshadowed, but maybe dragged a bit in the middle (but only a bit) and the reason it seemed a hair rushed in conclusion is that it took so long to arrive, then resolved entirely in one whirlwind chapter.

5938472 5936447 I perhaps worded it incorrectly. It wasn't that the confrontation was not foreshadowed, I well understood that Octavia would somehow help Luna to overcome NMM. It's how it ended up happening that got me. Mainly how Octavia ended up fighting NMM just didn't sit right with me. It felt awkward. Regardless I don't think the chapter is going to change because of my opinion and I'd hate to belittle the author for all the work they've put in to what was still an excellent story.

I couldn't help but shed a small tear at the end. I have followed this story from the first chapter, and I still remember waiting excitedly every week or so for the next chapter. And every week I was not disappointed. To sum up this story in one word I'd have to say "beautiful" would have to be it. It was paced correctly, made sense, and was very enjoyable to read. Fimfic has spawned some great fics, and in my mind, (and others that have read and will read this story) this masterpiece is definitely one of them. It has been a pleasure to read this. Like always, great chapter, great story, great author. I look forward to your next story my friend.

They kissed :D Octy made it big! Her family is supporting her. Everything ended well! Please do a sequel with more sappy octy luna love now all the obstacles are gone :p

This was so good. I loved every bit of it. Very well done

5938672 While I want there to be more written, this also means that there will be conflict for Luna and Octavia, and I'm not sure I want that. It was a perfect ending, though if he writes more I won't argue. I will read every chapter!

5936447 Well done! Bravo good sir, bravo. Keep writing! I didn't have time to read the chapters as they came out, (Personal problems) but the ending was flawless. I enjoyed that Nightmare was part of Luna, yet overtook her and she had to reclaim control of it. Though the visual was hard to imagine at times I still enjoyed it and was impressed at the description without over doing it. The last scene was just icing on the cake and someone I wish I had something like that in my own life. MAN! Well written, touching every emotion perfectly.

But one question, what language are the chapters named after? I've never seen it before.

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The language is Hindi, so chosen because Octavia's family hails from Nildia, my ponified version of India. I have some stories planned that will explore the concept of Nildia and the Nilgiri Tahr more openly, though it may be some time before I get to them.

Holy Guacamole Batmare ! This was a great story, I have to say that even if I would have liked to last a little longer for my own enjoiment, I'm very happy with how you went. I'm glad NMM was part of Luna all along and not some thing from outer-space, Octavia was spot on in her struggles, Luna was handle perfectly. You sir/mam, you are great person with a great talent for writing, I shall follow you to see more of your goddness.

Bravo, I say bravo ! And as a persone who can't get enough I say encore ! Encore ! Encore !


This story is... I've not been the happiest little camper for months now, working my way up to a depression, but this put a smile on my face again, at least for now. Thank you.

I think I'll have to revise my Tavi OTP, which always was with Vinyl, but she might have been dethroned by Luna. I don't know how to feel about that really but you made it work perfectly.

I'm not sure if you're already getting help, but if not I'd highly recommend it. As someone speaking from experience, depression isn't really something one can tackle on their own, and while I don't know you or your state of life. Personal events have led me to believe that it can't hurt to seek out assistance.

Well, believe it or not, reading (and writing) ponyfic has helped me overcome a serious bout of depression that I found myself in late last year. I still had my doctor keep tabs on me for the first few weeks of this year but I feel that reading stories such as this have helped me to not dwell on that kind of negativity. I have found the MLP universe to be a place where everypony can find a place and be accepted.

I have enjoyed this story but also find sorrow in the fact that it had to end. All good things must come to an end and this story came to a great end. Thank you for writing it and I hope to see the other stories that will enhance this one. Bravo.


That was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

That was absolutely perfect. Your best story yet, without a doubt.

Well, I made the mistake of finishing this epic while on a break at work. And by 'mistake', I mean 'crap, I need to make it to the bathroom before everyone starts wondering why I'm sniffling like a baby.' :raritycry:

But they were happy tears, over the brilliant climax to a story that had me spellbound from page one. Absolutely marvelous work. Bravo!! :pinkiehappy:


PS: I know this likely isn't what Octavia was playing for Luna, but in that performance my mind immediately went to this:

My good sir, congratulation, you did a very good story. I must say I really liked the epilogue, more than the ending, as it gives a very believable idea of realism, especially because of Luna and Octavia nervousness. I imagined how her song would sound like, but since I have left the musical world far too many years ago, things got confusing, but still sounded awesome. Anyhow, good work, I do hope you do the prequels and sequels, so I will give you a watch to make sure I don't miss it.

<Wistful sigh> That was great. The final performance was very vivid and compelling .

I think my favorite part was Octavia's confidence in her feelings for Luna through the later part of the story. It's not a common thing.

I just finished reading your story and I must say that it has far too few likes for how well written it is. :)

I glanced at the comments and saw some discussion regarding various details. While constructive criticism is good for continued development, the level of writing is so far above mine that I can't do anything but praise how well parts of the story was introduced and joined together. Thank you for sharing it with us.

This was beautiful. It's rare to find long, slow romance fics; even rarer are the ones with a consistent high quality throughout the story. This is currently my favorite story on the site.

I absolutely agree.
The last three chapters were incredible.
And it all came to a close in a way most spectacular!

Thank you so much for writing it.

You held true to your word and have made my earlier critique null and void. Thank you for proving me wrong. :twilightsmile:

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It was my pleasure. No, really. When I read your critique I knew I could answer it, but to do so... well, I think you can see why that wasn't possible.

I regret that it's taken me this long to get around to finishing this. I had been watching it like a hawk.

Fantastic job with the ending. The whole thing, actually. I've always found it hard to really get invested in ships that involve the Sisters, but you pulled it off beautifully and I can't wait to see them again.

Hats off to you, PaulAsran, standing ovation on this one.

The last few paragraphs reminded me of this:

Brilliant story, Paul. I knew pre-emptively faving this wouldn't be a mistake. :raritywink: And yes, I tore through everything beyond the first chapter today! It was just that good. Gripping, emotional, very well-written, very in character, excellent slow burn... I guess the only thing I could call a flaw is when Fine Crime gives Luna the information on Benji, since she doesn't end up doing anything with it. The rest of Benji's role worked well though.

All in all, very deserving of my Top Favorite. :ajsmug:

Site Blogger

o.0 "Top Favorite?" Whoa.

Although the whole Fine Crime issue is my fault for not clarifying things, there was a purpose to it. Connecting to pony's dream is easy when you're in the same general vicinity, but how does one connect to a pony on the other side of the world? Luna was trying to learn more about Benjamina so that she could more easily locate and connect her dream to Octavia's later. Buuut I didn't bother to explain that, so your misunderstanding is on me.

Anyway, really glad you enjoyed it! I saw you were blazing through it last night, which made me quite happy. I chose not to speak up after the first couple comments, though; who wants to spend three minutes replying to a comment whenever they could be continuing the story? I sure don't! So yeah, I kept quiet and just reveled in the fact you were clearly enjoying yourself.

Its like not even the same story as Gentle Nights. Gentle Nights could be like a synopsis or cliff notes version of this work. Good job on flushing it out and adding more depth to the characters, making us feel their emotions.

A beautiful ending, lessened only by the fact that we can only try to imagine the beautiful tune. I remember you saying sometime you'd think about commissioning someone to create one for you, and I was honestly expecting a surprise link to this phantom song in the author's notes.
Not that I'm complaining about a link to Leaves' Eyes instead. :heart:

An overall satisfying story. This is how you write a slow-burning romance. Good job, mate.

Loved the story from start to finish, absolutely amazing work, well done! :raritystarry:

Well... That was excellent. I truly wish there were more stories of this calibre on the site...
Have you ever considered doing some kind of sequel, just, exploring their daily lives?

Anyway, I'm off to go and read the rest of your works...

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