• Published 31st Aug 2014
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The Gentle Nights: Audience of One - PaulAsaran

A chance meeting at a ruined gala leads to opportunity. Luna longs to recover from her isolation and the shadows of her past, and she clings to the one pony whose music provides her comfort. She might not be the only benefactor in the arrangement...

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Duḥsvapn Rāt: Natijā

The Gentle Nights
Audience of One

Chapter X
Duḥsvapn Rāt: Natijā
Nightmare Night: Conclusion


Absolute chaos.

Luna watched as the ponies panicked. Smashed stands, fallen tentpoles, shrieks and cries. All over a bunch of harmless spiders. The scene was rather ludicrous… and yet it made her knees shake and her heart rise in her throat. The citizens were scared—no, terrified of her!

Do we see now, Nightmare?

She shook her head, pushing the voice down with as firm a mental shove as she could muster. Yet Luna didn’t need some specter to tell her the truth: these ponies hated her. They always would.

Her worry began to fade. These foals, did they not care about her feelings? Would they rather their precious sun princess come and rescue them? Did they legitimately believe she was going to eat them? Every fresh thought was like a hot knife in her brain.

Suddenly, Luna wasn’t in Ponyville. She was at the Everfree Castle, standing tall before a panicked populace. All she’d requested was one day, a single day to let them spend in her beautiful darkness! A festival, she’s said, an opportunity to show them what they were missing. All these familiar faces, Ponyvillians fleeing Nightmare Moon, ponies of the past fleeing Luna. Threatening them with eternal night, they’d said. The bane of all Equestria, they were saying!

No. Luna attempted no eternal night that time… but the concept was there. It was boiling in her mind like a flame, ready to grow and consume. They loved Celestia so much, did they?

Luna jerked out of the stupor, but the screams hadn’t abated. She could feel the blood pumping in her eardrums, her entire body shook. A thousand years, and this was still all she was to them!

The Royal Canterlot Voice burst from her lungs, accompanied by a bolt of lightning.

Be still!”

The pathetic creatures did as told, dropping to their barrels and prostrating themselves before her.

Twilight’s voice arose from behind her. “Princess, remember! Watch the screaming.”

To dare speak to her as if she were an equal! Luna jerked about, nearly pressing her muzzle into Twilight’s startled face. “No, Twilight Sparkle! We must use the traditional Royal Canterlot Voice for what we are about to say.”

The young pony only stared, wide eyed. Luna couldn’t resist a smirk upon seeing that expression. She turned back to the citizens, not noticing as she began to fly above them and conjure stormclouds.

Since you choose to fear you princess rather than love her, and dishonor her with this insulting celebration, we decree that Nightmare Night shall be canceled forever!”

Another bolt of lightning accompanied her proclamation. The citizens stared upon her with mixed expressions of shock and horror that sent a thrill down her spine. Perhaps now they would come to understand the true scope of their insult. A thousand years of mockery and humiliation! But she would not stop here, oh no…

Does it feel good, Nightmare?

Luna thought her heart had stopped. She almost fell out of the sky. Her anger vanished as she gazed upon the terrified citizens and realized what vile thoughts had been running through her head mere seconds ago.

What? Do not stop now, we’re enjoying this.

She wanted to scream, but only a hoarse moan escaped her lips. Panic welling inside her, Luna forced her stiff wings to take her out of their collective sight. Her breathing came in quick rasps as she darted between buildings. She felt so horribly weak. Dropping into an alley, she folded her wings. Her body quaked and she clutched at her burning chest. She needed to breathe, to stop and think. Breathe…

She closed her eyes and focused.


Air rushed into Luna’s lungs. She almost collapsed in relief.

Feeling better?

Even as she gasped, Luna couldn’t help trembling. “Get… g-get out… of my head.”

Impossible. How can we escape ourselves?

She clutched her head. Her mind, her entire body felt heavy. “I am n-not… I am not you.”

Why do we keep refuting the truth? We just saw with our own eyes how much they hate us! We should give them a reason for fear.

“It’s not true…”

Oh, but it is. We saw our little friend, Dinky. Did we really think she liked us? We should stop being so childish!

“No.” Luna shook her head forcefully. “I won’t go back!”

Go back? Dear Nightmare, we never left.

“Go away!” Luna’s wings spread, her body tensed.

Yes, get angry. Be upset! We have every right!

Luna let out a small gasp and clamped her mouth tightly closed. She closed her eyes and focused on her heavy breathing.

What, trying to calm us? We are only delaying the inevitable.

Panicked faces filled her vision.

They hate us.

She forced the image from her mind, only to be rewarded with a memory of little Dinky in her firefighter’s outfit, trembling and fleeing.

They would rather be boiled in Celestia’s eternal sunlight than so much as look at us.

Luna’s body shook, her heart pounded in her chest. She was so angry…

They don’t understand. They will never understand.

“I w-will not go back.” She bit her lip and thought of Celestia.

Celestia had forgiven her.

But has she?

She saw her sister, tossing and turning in bed beneath a terrible, crimson pillar. The vision cast a chill upon Luna’s heart.

For what reason might our hated and hateful sister have such terrible nightmares?

“N-not for that reason…”

But it is.

Luna held her head in her hooves once more. “Celestia trusts m-me.”

One mistake is all it will take, and she’ll send us back.

“That’s not true.” Luna’s breathing grew heavy once more.

A thousand years.

Luna slammed her hoof to the ground and bared her fangs.

Will we let it happen again?

“She wouldn’t resort t-to that…” Would she?

Would she?

She had no way to know.

We have no way to know.

If Celestia didn’t trust her…

Celestia doesn’t trust us.

Luna lowered her head and trembled. She seethed, but she held on.

Let it go.

She closed her eyes.

Embrace it, Nightmare.

She began to hum.

The tune came slowly at first, as if it were barely discernible amongst the venomous thoughts and boiling anger. Yet it was there, somehow, miraculously, just under the surface. Where had it come from? Why was she—

What is that?

She knew what it was.

It was Tārā Sapnā.

The song grew in volume, her humming became more distinct. Slowly, like a receding tide, Luna felt her anger slip away. Her breathing steadied, her heart ceased its pounding, the ice in her chest melted. She looked up at the stars peeking through the cloudy sky and released a long, relaxing sigh.

To think, we only just met that pony. Has she really had that much of an impression on us?

“I don’t know,” Luna whispered, climbing to her hooves, “but I… I really want to hear her music right now.”

We know she doesn’t like us. We are little more than a rung on her career ladder.

“Maybe so,” Luna whispered, “but that’s better than anything else we have.” She raised her head high and attained her solemn manner at long last. “I am not doing this. I will speak with you no more. Be gone.”

As if it were that easy.

“You will manipulate me no longer.” Luna maintained her calm. “Be gone.”

Silence filled the cool night air.

We will break eventually, Nightmare. We know it as sure as we draw breath. We came very close tonight.

Luna said nothing.

Very well. We’ll stay silent… until our next breakdown. Until then, Nightmare.

She waited for some time, maintaining her royal veneer in anticipation, but the voice didn’t return. Only when she was confident she was alone did she let her head lower. How strange, that after achieving such a victory she would feel so heavy. It wasn’t much of a triumph, all things considered.

Climbing to her hooves shakily, Luna began to walk along the alleyway. She had no more interest in Ponyville, especially after she’d come so close to losing herself. No, it was time to go…

Go where?

She paused, finding herself standing on an empty street at the edge of town. A river ran alongside, and across it, far to the north, Luna spotted the dark silhouette of Canterlot on the Lonely Mountain. Home… only it wasn’t really home, was it? What would she do there, hide in her room? Such a pathetic image.

Yet there was no way she’d be performing her nightmare patrols. She probably couldn’t fight off even the feeblest of dreamland spooks in her current state.

So… now what?

With nothing better to do, Luna turned and followed the river. Nopony appeared to impede her or – more likely – flee in terror. She hummed some more of Octavia’s music under her breath, concentrating on the notes. It was the only thing she had to avoid thinking about the disastrous events of the night.

Octavia… Thoughts of that pony had helped her twice this night. As she turned onto a bridge crossing the river, Luna wondered if the Nightmare wasn’t right. The music was soothing, but did Octavia really think of her as anything other than—


Luna didn’t even bother to groan her frustration. “Leave me be, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight’s tone was comforting. “Princess, I’m sorry it hasn’t worked out how we wanted, but you have to believe me when I tell you that Nightmare Night is one of the most popular celebrations we have.” Luna glanced back to find an eager smile aimed her way, but it failed to break through her depression.

Yes,” she countered with a roll of her eyes, “I could tell from all the adoring shrieks of the children as they run away.” She left Twilight behind, determined to not be goaded into another foalhardy trip into town.


Luna missed a step. A glance back over her shoulder revealed that Twilight had a determined expression. She knew that look, it was the same one her sister got when she decided she was going to make Luna do something whether she liked it or not. The thought was almost enough to make her smile… but not quite.

Twilight marched up to her. “I am not going to let Celestia’s little sister suffer like this. You don’t deserve this kind of treatment.”

Luna gave a derogative sniff and turned away. “It seems my sister taught you how to meddle. Go back to your wretched festival, Twilight Sparkle.”

“No. Princess, this is wrong. You can’t give up now!”

Luna turned her head so it was half-facing Twilight, her eyes going white. “Leave. Me. Alone.”

She noted Twilight’s backstep, watched her body sink low and her eyes go wide. It felt… appropriate. After all, everypony else feared Luna, why shouldn’t she? The sight reconfirmed to her that she was alone. Convinced that the foalish pony was effectively cowed, Luna continued for the tree line.

“So what now? Are you just going to hide?”

A shard of ice ran through Luna’s heart. Her legs wobbled and her head lowered.

“Luna, please. I don’t know what you’re going through, but we can make it right.”

Luna sighed and shook her head. “Can you, Twilight Sparkle? Can you make a thousand years of slander, ridicule and hatred right?”

Silence. Luna didn’t bother to glance back. She merely waited, knowing that her sister’s protégé would have no good answer.

“Better.” Twilight appeared at her side, hope still shining in her eyes. “We can make it better, Luna. If we just look at this from a different angle and keep on, things will improve. You’ve got to try.”

Staring at that pony, listening to her words… Luna couldn’t help a bitter chuckle. “You really are just like my sister: always the optimist. It is as insufferable in you as it is in her.”

Twilight gave a weak chuckle of her own. “Actually, I tend to be a nervous wreck lots of times. I’m just determined. I like to think there’s always a positive outcome to be had, if we can just find out how to get there.”

Luna studied her, then looked back to the town. She could still hear the screams of the ponies in her mind. Yet she could also hear that voice, mocking and jeering. She set her lips in a solemn frown and shook her head; the voice would not win.

“I fear I lack my sister’s optimism,” she confessed, turning back to Twilight. “I do, however, understand determination. So be it, Twilight Sparkle: I shall give this one more try.”

“Thank you, Princess!” Twilight beamed and gestured. “Come on, we’ve got a chicken to catch.”

Luna raised an eyebrow and wondered if she wasn’t making another terrible mistake.

Octavia cautiously lowered her cello into its case. She took a moment to study its sinister design, chuckling a little at the sight. What would her Aunt Strings think if she saw it now? Or Octavia herself, considering her ‘enhancements.’ She took a moment to touch her ears, but couldn’t feel the elongated shape they’d taken on. Just like her wings and fangs; she ran her tongue along her teeth, half expecting to feel the protrusions.

As she closed the case, her thoughts turned to Luna. The spell wouldn’t wear off for a whole week. What would the princess think when she saw her that Wednesday? The thought brought another chuckle to her lips.

She turned to the crowd of ponies. It had thinned a bit, for it was getting late. Celestia and Raven had left some time ago. Octavia didn’t really know anypony, and her part was done. Having no reason to stay, she hefted her cello case. With one last nod to the few remaining musicians, she turned for the door.

She was almost out when a voice rose from the crowd. “Leaving so soon?”

Octavia paused, not recognizing the voice. She turned, preparing to offer some excuse, and her words caught in her throat: there stood the single most important pony in Canterlot, Fancy Pants. Her heart promptly rocketed to her throat.

The stallion grinned and rubbed his moustache. “Dr. Hackle, at your service.”

She blinked, then took in his whole appearance. He was dressed in a black cape, wore a top hat and had a long smoking pipe between his teeth.

Fancy used his magic to wave the pipe at her. “Do not fret, my dear, Mr. Hide won’t be coming out tonight.”

“Oh.” She thought on his statement. “Oh! Now I get it.” She chuckled with a blush. “S-sorry, I was—I mean, you caught me off guard.”

“That’s quite all right.” He eyed her with his pleasant smile. “I dare say you make for a delightful night pony. Fleur outdid herself with tonight’s menagerie.”

Octavia’s blush intensified and she fidgeted. She opened her mouth to speak, but could think of no proper response. What did one say to the most esteemed stallion in Canterlot?

Fancy took her hesitation in stride. “I don’t intend to keep you, my dear; the hour is late and I’m sure you have better places to flap off to.” He chuckled around his pipe. “Fleur tells me you are Miss Melody?”

“Y-yes, that’s right.” Why couldn’t she stop fidgeting?

His smile broadened a touch. “I greatly admired your playing tonight. Truly divine! I recall you were at the Gala this year. Quite the memorable event, was it not?”

Octavia’s face stiffened. “It most certainly was.”

“Well, I am no musician,” Fancy admitted pleasantly, “but I think your work has been quite pleasing. Tell me, Miss Melody, how is your schedule looking?”

“My schedule? It’s mostly free at the moment.” Her heart rose into her throat once again as understanding dawned. “M-Mr. Fancy Pants—”

“Ah-ah.” He waved his pipe at her with that charming smile. “Dr. Hackle. If Fleur thinks I’m not playing my part, she’ll make me pay for it later.”

“Oh, um… Dr. Hackle.” Octavia barely managed to keep from running her hoof in circles on the floor. “A-are you suggesting you’d like to hire me?”

“But of course!” He nodded emphatically. “I would love to enlist your talents at this year’s Garden Party.”

Octavia gasped. “The… The Canterlot Garden Party?”

His grin came back in full force. “Do you know of another?”

A moment was needed for Octavia to grasp the opportunity that was before her. She pressed a hoof to her chest and exhaled a long breath, but her heart still beat a little faster than normal. “I’m flattered you would think me worthy. I would be honored to perform there.”

“Splendid.” Fancy bowed his head to her. “I will be sure to inform my planner; she’ll get in touch with you before too long.”

“I look forward to it.” It required all Octavia willpower not to grin like a foal. “Thank you for this opportunity, Sir Fan— Dr. Hackle.” Blood rushed to her cheeks with the slip.

“I should be thanking you,” he replied. “You’re developing quite a reputation for yourself in Canterlot, Miss Melody. I see bright things in your future.” He offered what had to be his most charming smile. “But listen to me! I said I wouldn’t keep you, and here I am doing just that. Good night, Miss Melody. I look forward to hearing your cello again.”

“Of course.” She bowed her head just slightly. “Thank you, sir. It’s been a pleasure.”

She was walking on air as she left the room. The moment Octavia was out of sight, she gave a small bounce and let her lips break into a broad grin. Fancy Pants, of all the ponies who could be asking for her services, Fancy Pants! She couldn’t wait to tell Parish and Beauty! And Frederick, she would have to write him immediately. Not to mention—


She came to a pause and clapped her hooves with giddiness.

The Canterlot Garden Party.

That meant Luna might come! The thought had her giggling like a schoolfilly.

Citizens of Ponyville! You were wise to bring this candy to me. I am pleased at your offering, so pleased that I may just eat it, instead of eating you!”

The foals let out a collective shriek and promptly fled from Luna at full gallop. She couldn’t help feeling foalish, what with her dark appearance and the strength of her Canterlot Voice. As she noticed the retreating form of little Dinky in her firefighter’s costume, she also felt a touch of guilt.

And confusion.

Dropping the illusion and spitting out the fake fangs – recommended by Twilight because the illusion fangs were too ‘realistic’ – Luna watched the children and their accompanying adults disappear over the hill.

“I am not certain that did what you meant for it to do, Twilight Sparkle.” She cast a glance back at Twilight, who was looking strangely confident.

“Just wait,” Twilight instructed with a proud pose.

Luna dropped from the statue’s podium. “For what? For… for them to scream some more?”

She felt a tug on her mane and looked down to find a tiny colt dressed as a pirate looking up at her.

“Umm, Princess Luna? I know there’s not going to be anymore Nightmare Night, but—” his lips curled in a hopeful smile, “—do you suppose you could maybe come back next year and scare us again anyway?”

Luna’s eyes went wide as she took in his manner. She glanced beyond and saw his foal friends watching from behind some bushes. Thoughts swirled through her brain as she struggled to grasp just what was being asked of her.

“Child.” She set a hoof to her lips and turned her gaze back on the small pirate. “Art thou saying that thou… likest me to scare you?”

He beamed and nodded enthusiastically. “It’s really fun. Scary, but fun.”

“It… is?” She took in this thought, going over all the things she’d seen since her arrival. The fear, the chaos, the worry… Had she been isolated for so long that she was really that incapable of reading ponies now?

The pirate leaned forward, his grin broadening. “Yeah, Nightmare Night is my favorite night of the year!”

All Luna’s presumptions crashed. For the first time, she understood everything. She was so filled with relief that suddenly all the insulting concepts behind the holiday didn’t seem to matter anymore. “W-well then, we shall have to bring—” the Royal Canterlot Voice came unbidden in her excitement, “—Nightmare Night back!”

“Whoa!” The little pirate dropped to his barrel as the winds she unintentionally conjured pushed him back. He was on his hooves in an instant, though. “You’re my favorite princess ever!” He rushed to hug her leg, but the embrace was short lived as he dashed back to his friends.

“She said yes, guys!”

Luna could only stare as the sound of cheering erupted from behind the bush.

“See?” Twilight stepped up beside her with a grin. “They really do like you, Princess.”

“Can it be true?” As the last sliver of doubt faded from her mind, Luna found herself erupting into the Canterlot Voice yet again: “Oh, most wonderful of—”


“—I mean… oh, most wonderful of nights.”

Twilight chuckled and patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Luna, you’ll grow out of that.”

Luna eyed Twilight with a small frown. “I still think Nightmare Night requires a… shall we say ‘change in image?’ Regardless, you have my thanks, Twilight Sparkle. I can see why my sister suggested I come to see you.”

Twilight blinked. “She did?”

“Yes.” Luna offered a smile. “If I needed help. Her faith in you was well placed.”

Twilight’s hooves danced with barely contained excitement. “Th-that’s… that’s great! I didn’t realize, I mean, I just thought—”

“I know.” A small laugh trickled out of Luna’s throat. “That’s Celestia; she can’t resist an opportunity to meddle, and it once again proved to be for the better. I will be hard-pressed to maintain my faux-annoyance this time.”

They shared a brief chuckle that ended in silence. Luna distracted herself by replacing the statue of Nightmare Moon… but upon looking at that vicious visage she frowned. She had the distinct feeling that those stone eyes were staring into her own.


“It’s nothing.” Luna’s chest swelled and a smile returned to her lips. “I’m just… saying goodbye.”

Twilight glanced at the statue, then back at her. She slowly smiled. “Feel good?”

Taking a deep breath, Luna turned from the statue with her head held high. “Like you cannot imagine. Come, let us return. There is a certain filly I wish to speak to.”

“Really?” Twilight walked alongside her. “Who?”

“One Dinky.” Luna’s smile broadened. “I would very much like to see her again, and meet her mother.”

Twilight cocked her head. “But… how do you know her?”

“I helped her with her dreams.”

“Oooooh.” Twilight nodded enthusiastically. “Celestia mentioned you could do that. That is a very fascinating magical topic and I would love to learn more about it! I don’t suppose someday you could show me a little bit about how dreamweaving magic works? The possibilities, the potential uses, the practical applications!” Her eyes took on a rapturous glow.

“I don’t know about that,” Luna replied with an apologetic smile. “Manipulating dreams is not so difficult, but dreamweaving is another matter entirely. Perhaps when you have advanced—”

She came to a stop, her eyes rising to the moon. Curious thoughts swam through her head, accompanied by the faint echoes of a cello.


She came out of her thoughts with a flinch and resumed her walk. “Forgive me. I just… had an interesting idea.” Twilight raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “It is nothing, just something I want to try with a friend.”

They came upon the edge of town, where the festivities were back in full swing. Luna noted the foals talking excitedly with their friends and families, undoubtedly sharing the news that Nightmare Night was no longer canceled. She couldn’t resist a blush at the thought of such a hasty decree. In hindsight, she realized Celestia would have never condoned it.

Twilight pointed. “There’s Dinky and her mom over there.”

Luna caught sight of the miniature firefighter bouncing before a grey pegasus. She did a double take; was the pony wearing paper bags on her hooves and head? She was.

Recovering from her moment of confusion, she shook her head and approached. Dinky noted and came running. “Princess! Thank you for bringing Nightmare Night back!”

Cheeks flushing once more, Luna giggled. “Of course, little one. I was… only playing a game with all of you.” Her eyes turned to the pegasus, who was keeping her distance. She waved, prompting Dinky’s mother to approach. Upon closer inspection, Luna was suddenly very aware of why Dinky thought her mother’s eyes were ‘broken.’

Twilight waved to the pony. “Hello, Derpy! Happy Nightmare Night.”

Derpy nodded, one eye set on Luna. “Hello, Twilight! Hello, Princess Luna.”

Luna smiled upon the strangely dressed pony. “A good evening to you, Miss Derpy.”

Dinky broke into giggles. “Not ‘Miss Derpy,’ Princess! We’re Hooves.”

At Luna's cocked head, Derpy blushed and added, “It’s Derpy Hooves, Princess.”

“Ah. Miss Hooves, then.” Luna couldn’t resist eyeing the bag on Derpy’s head. “If I might ask, what are intending to be tonight?”

Dinky bounced. “She’s the Paper Knight! She fights to protect our food!”

Luna, Twilight and Derpy all shared giggles at the foal’s enthusiasm. Derpy tapped Dinky’s helmet, making it fall over her face, and mouthed ‘she insisted’ while the foal worked to correct the wardrobe malfunction.

“Well,” Twilight said with a grin, “It’s good to know that if ever our groceries come under attack, we’ve got a food knight to save us.”

Paper knight,” Dinky corrected with grave seriousness.

“Oh, I don’t think so,” Luna replied with a regal pose. “Your mother is no knight.”

Dinky stared up at her with doe eyes. “Huh?”

Derpy and Twilight both shot Luna alarmed looks.

Luna sat back and folded her wings before her, head high. “She’s not a knight unless a princess names her one.”

“Oh…” Dinky’s drooped and dropped to her haunches with a pout, but Luna noted the slow grin forming on Twilight’s face.

Twilight and Derpy shared knowing looks. “You know,” Twilight said, leaning down to Dinky’s level and gesturing towards Luna, “if we only had a princess around to knight your mother, we could make it true.”

Dinky looked to Twilight, her face scrunched up in confusion, then looked to Luna. Her ears promptly flopped back up. “Hey, yeah! Princess Luna, you’re a princess!”

Luna blinked and leaned back. “Am I?”

“You are!” Dinky hopped to her hooves. “You can knight Mommy!”

The princess set a hoof to her lips and peered at Derpy, just barely managing to hold back her smile. “Hmm… Are you sure I can do that?”

“Yes! Would you, please?” Dinky leaned forward with the kind of big, hopeful eyes only a foal could achieve.

Luna mulled it over, tilting her head and flicking her mane. When she got to the point that she feared Dinky’s face might break, she finally nodded. “Oh, very well, then.”

Dinky practically exploded, leaping into the air with a cry that was undoubtedly heard all across Ponyville. She began bouncing circles around Luna. “Mommy’s gonna be a knight! This is the best night ever!”

Luna’s horn shined. Her magic caught the filly in midair and deposited her beneath Twilight’s waiting forelegs. Twilight promptly caught Dinky and held her in place as Luna gestured to a blushing but grinning Derpy. “If it would please thou, Miss Hooves, bow before thy princess.”

Derpy beamed at Dinky before doing as she was told, spreading her wings across the ground. Luna brought her left wing forward and rested it on Derpy’s shoulder.

She spoke with all the pomp and formality of a true knighting. “We hereby dub thee Lady Hooves, First Paper Knight of Equestria.” Her wing moved around to rest on Derpy’s other shoulder. “Mayest thou perform thy Royal Duties in a manner befitting thy title. Rise—” she brought her wing back, “—and be recognized.”

Derpy stood, and there was a sudden cheer from the surrounding ponies. Luna barely avoided jumping, having not been aware of the audience. She blushed along with Derpy and waved to the surrounding ponies as Dinky shot away from Twilight to tackle her mother in a hug.

“Ohmygoshohmygosh!” A pink and white blur darted out of the crowd and a very recognizable chicken manifested itself between Luna and Derpy. “Ponyville’s got its first knight! This is so awesome and now Derpy can do really awesome things like guard the food from Parasprites and be all knighty and stuff!”

“I’ll do my best,” Derpy said with a chuckle and a salute that knocked her ‘helmet’ off.

“You’ll be the best Paper Knight ever!” Pinkie snatched the bag and shoved back onto Derpy’s head. “But ya gotta maintain your equipment better, Lady Derpy. No knight’s complete without proper headgear!”

She bounced back with a loud ba-cack and flapped her faux wings. “Oh no, this is horrible!”

The ponies all shared questioning looks, to which Pinkie explained, “Derpy’s a Paper Knight and she’s supposed to be protecting food, but she’s got no food because we gave most of our candy to Nightmare Moon!” She snatched up Dinky and held her high. “Dinky, this is an emergency! We need to get Lady Hooves some candy to guard or she can’t do her job and she might lose her knighthood! Come on, we’ve gotta hurry!”

Pinkie was off in a blur, Dinky barely managing to get out a “Thanks, Princess!” before they were out of sight.

Luna watched them go with a raised eyebrow. “That pony is… curious.”

Twilight giggled with a shrug. “She’s just being Pinkie Pie. You get used to it.”

“Thanks for playing along, Princess,” Derpy said, scuffing the ground with a blush and managing to get an eye on Luna. “I really appreciate it.”

“And I appreciate you,” Luna replied with a small bow. “I’m sure Dinky told you about how we met in her dream?”

Derpy nodded enthusiastically. “She did! Thank you for that, too. The bullying was really causing problems. I didn’t know what to do.”

“Well,” Luna said with a chuckle, “now that her mother is a knight, the other foals may think twice before doing it again. And if not, I might be able to conjure a few nightmares for them.”

“Oh no, please don’t.” Derpy shook her head frantically. “I’m sure there are ways to deal with bullies without scaring them.”

“Princess?” Twilight stepped closer. “What did you mean when you said you ‘appreciated’ Derpy?”

Derpy blinked, glanced to Twilight, then up to Luna. The question was painted all over her face.

Luna gave them a weak smile. “I have been having… difficulties. Most ponies do not appreciate me entering their dreams. Dinky is actually the first pony to not fear my presence in the dream world, and I gather it is because you taught her not to be afraid of me. And for that—” Luna dropped to a deep bow, “—I owe you great thanks. You cannot imagine the relief I felt upon knowing Dinky’s appreciation.”

Derpy’s wings quivered and her eyes darted about randomly. “P-Princess, that’s not necessary, really! I m-mean, it was Twilight who’s been teaching everypony here the truth about you.”

“And for that, too, I am most grateful.” Luna rose and nodded to Twilight, whose face grew crimson. “It pleases me to know that there are those helping to stop the rumors and misinformation regarding my return.”

“Well what else was I going to do, ignore it?” Twilight shook her head. “I’m very sorry things have been so hard for you, Luna. I wish I could do more.”

“You are already doing enough,” she replied. “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle, and you, Derpy Hooves. Your faith in me means more than you could possibly know.” The two ponies beamed at one another.

“Now then.” Luna shook as it to remove the formal air like water. “That’s enough of that. Come, I wish to partake in more of this night’s entertainment!”

Author's Note:

This chapter is the sole reason I pushed back my entire release schedule a week. I just could not find a way to merge Luna's personality in Luna Eclipsed with what I've produced in this story. The in-show moments always looked bad, and I'm still not happy with them, but I'm tired of struggling with this chapter. I'm ready to move on, and let the issues be. A big thanks to Mercury Gilado and Absolution, who were very critical about some points and helped me to keep this chapter from being a total disaster.