• Published 31st Aug 2014
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The Gentle Nights: Audience of One - PaulAsaran

A chance meeting at a ruined gala leads to opportunity. Luna longs to recover from her isolation and the shadows of her past, and she clings to the one pony whose music provides her comfort. She might not be the only benefactor in the arrangement...

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Gorī Ke Aṃdar Upagraha

The Gentle Nights
Audience of One

Chapter XXI
Gorī Ke Aṃdar Upagraha
Mare in the Moon

A piercing scream hit Luna. It was so reverberatingly loud she had to cast a temporary nullification barrier around herself. Her ears rang as she recovered, and upon looking up she found herself in the throne room of Canterlot Castle.

Yet it was not the same castle she’d come to know; the once-pearly walls were now black as pitch and the chandeliers were wrought iron forged into twisted, spiked shapes. A strange thickness filled the air, as if the entire world were under an intense pressure. The rugs were now a dark blue where they used to be red, and a dim light pervaded the entire castle.

All of these things were to be expected. Nothing short of typical.

What wasn’t typical were the stained glass windows, which no longer depicted scenes of victory and harmony. Luna gazed at each in turn, watching as the glass moved in slow, lethargic motions. That one depicted Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty, caught in a vortex but unable to escape for the hooks in her wings. She twisted and turned in the winds, movements sluggish in the slowly-shifting glass, but that only made the agony in her face all the more clear.

Luna turned her eyes on each window, each depicting a different Element Bearer in some kind of twisted torment related to their known talents. She caught sight of Fluttershy, who still appeared as a real pony. She shrieked while a dark glow pulled her into a window, her body warping and shifting into the panes. Then she was within the glass, flat depictions of a variety of animals moving in for the kill. Luna turned away as some of the panes shifted to red.

“Stop it!”

The plea came out as a scream, dragging Luna’s attention to the throne. There sat Celestia, her body bound to the seat by tight barbed wire. Blood seeped from her body where the sharp edges dug into her. Her eyes were wide, tiny pupils set on the sight of the only Element Bearer yet to be absorbed into the windows: Twilight Sparkle. The unicorn squirmed in futility in the dark glow of magic, begging for Celestia’s aid. She wore her Element, which slowly rose to the touch of a dark cloud that swirled beside her like a miniature tornado.

“Please!” Celestia squirmed, causing more blood to seep from her wounds. “Not her! I’ll do anything, accept any punishment, just don’t hurt her!”

Anything, Celestia?

Luna’s blood ran cold. Her breathing came in short gasps as she stared, transfixed, upon the scene.

Yes!” Celestia nodded emphatically as a few more strips of wire curled around her slender throat. “Don’t do it, Luna, I beg of you!”

Luna’s legs dropped from under her. “N-no…”

Tell me, Celestia, will you give me your kingdom?

Celestia’s head bowed against her restraints.

No, you’re too good. You know this is just a dream, and when you wake up everything will be normal again.

“I hate you,” Celestia whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I know. It’s such a delightful emotion.

Luna’s mind quaked with horrid understanding. She tried to tell herself that it was all a ruse, but her bleeding heart smashed itself against her ribs and she couldn’t find the strength for logic. “C-Celestia, no…”

Twilight began to move for the window, her screams and pleas searing Luna’s brain like a hot knife.

“No!” Celestia shook her head violently. “Don’t make me see this again!”

Hmm, perhaps you’re right, the voice cooed. Perhaps this is getting a bit redundant.

Twilight came to an abrupt stop, squirming against her magical bonds even as she sobbed.

I’ll have to come up with something more creative for her, something… slower.

“Luna!” Celestia gazed upon the vortex, her face soaked with her own tears as more wires wrapped about her. “Let her go! What more do you want?!”

Your hate.

Luna wanted to speak, to cry out in rebellion of the horrible sights before her. She watched as the cloud shifted into a distinct pony shape, never becoming solid, but holding enough form to be recognizable. The fog of its body shimmered as if covered in stars. The six Elements formed a circle around it and the being reared back its head to laugh.

Hate me, Celestia! Hate me for all eternity.

Celestia shrieked at the monster. “I do! I hate you, you wretched abomination! I should have killed you when I had the chance! You may torture me in my dreams, but you will never come back!

“I hate you!”

Luna felt tears forming on her cheeks.

“I hate you!”

Her entire body shook.

“I hate you!”

She covered her ears.

“I hate hate hate hate hate you!”

Stop it!”

In an instant, the villain was gone. Luna didn’t realize that the last scream had been her own, or that she was now standing. All she knew was that Celestia’s eyes were upon her and wide with a very different kind of horror.

“L… Luna?”

Luna’s breathing came in shallow gasps, her jaw tightly clamped. Her vision blurred and the world seemed to spin.

“Luna, what in the name of our Holy Mother are you doing here?!”

Luna‘s breathing came to a stop, but not of her own volition. She wobbled.

She loves me.

She never loved you!

That’s not true.

She just said she hates us!

But that wasn’t…

Don’t delude yourself!

Celestia isn’t…

We knew it all along!

It’s… it’s not true…

She hates us!

She loves…



With all her cold heart!


Celestia struggled against her bonds. She bled profusely from the effort. “You can’t be here! You promised!”

“You h-hate me…”

“That’s not true! I—”

“I thought you trusted me.”

“Luna, p-please.”

“You think I’m going to turn back.”

“No! No, Lulu, it’s just a dream! It doesn’t mean—”

Don’t lie to me!”

Luna’s horn flared and cracks began to form in the black marble of the castle. Steam billowed from her nostrils as she gazed upon her bound sister with a renewed fury. Celestia seemed to shrink under that gaze, her lips trembling.

The sight tore Luna’s heart to pieces.

“You fear me.”

Celestia slowly shook her head. “Luna, you have to let me explain. P-please.”

Explain?!” The windows shattered, the shards of glass flinging into the room and floating as if lighter than air. Sparks of energy flowed from Luna’s horn, dancing wildly across the fragments to fill the entire throne room with chaotic lighting.

“How will you talk your way out of this one?” Luna stomped towards her sister, each step sending fresh cracks through the stonework. “Tell me a sob story? Lie in my face? Pat me on the back and tell me I’m overreacting?”

“L-Luna, you can’t.” Celestia seemed to want to melt into her throne. “Please, this is exactly what it wants!”

“That’s right!” Luna thrust her head back with a snarl. “Luna’s too stupid to understand, too immature to grasp what the all-knowing, wise Celestia does!”

“Luna, please, don’t do this!”

“You hate me!” Luna pressed her muzzle to Celestia’s. Her fiery white eyes boring into her sister’s. “Admit it, you hate and fear me! Tell your ignorant, immature sister the truth, for once in your life!”

“N-no.” Though her voice trembled, Celestia met her gaze. “I love you, sister. P-please, don’t go b-back.”

Luna peered at her, lips curled back to reveal sharp fangs. She held Celestia’s gaze, magical energy coursing through her and begging to be unleashed. The words came unbidden, poured into her by a recognizable but barely noticed source. “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Like for me to give you an excuse to be rid of me. Like for me to—”

It happened before Luna had any time to react: something as cold as ice engulfed her, and her world turned to black. Though she couldn’t see it, she could feel the poisonous touch, like tentacles squirming into her mind and body. She knew this sensation, had felt it long before during a similar contest of wills, and a terrible realization clamped down all her anger and replaced it with a mind-numbing horror:

She couldn’t stop it.

No!” Luna reared back as the dark cloud engulfed her body. “Keep away, get out… don’t!”

Yesssss, there’s the hatred we’ve been waiting for. We missed you, Nightmare.

“No no no no no!” Luna thrashed against the creeping tendrils that worked to pierce her brain, trembling against the chill. “I won’t go back!”

It’s too late for misgivings. Celestia fears us, so let us make that fear a reality!

“Luna!” Celestia’s voice pleaded through the darkness. “Fight her, Luna! You are not her!”

But she was.

But we are.


“C-Celestia… I c-can’t…”

There. There’s what we need.

Luna had fallen to her knees. She clutched at her head and sobbed. “P-please. Sister… h-help me…”

“You can do it, Luna. You can beat her!”

No, she couldn’t.

At last, I am free. No more interference! I think I’ll start with reclaiming my old regalia, just for the nostalgia.


Celestia’s voice grew faint. “Fight her, Luna. I believe in you!”

“Help m-me…”

Cold laughter overwhelmed Luna’s senses.

Octavia pushed the door open and poked her head through, eyes roaming the darkness. Empty, as she suspected. She stepped inside without hesitation, quietly closing the door behind her. Sitting in the middle of Luna’s meeting room, she cast her gaze along the bookshelves and pictures while her eyes adjusted. It all felt so familiar.

A warm smile sneaked onto Octavia’s lips as she approached the shelf with Luna’s music collection. She ran a hoof along the many tomes, taking in their titles and subjects. They’d had more than a few musical discussions, but not nearly enough.

She walked the perimeter of the room, taking in every familiar sight. When she reached the doorway to the next room, she entered and went straight to the couches. It felt almost like an instinct. She jumped into her usual spot on the couch, turned a small circle and laid down. Her smile broadened with the way her body fit snugly into the impression she’d made after so many visits.

Her gaze fell on the opposite couch. If she thought hard enough, she could almost see the princess lying opposite her.

“You’re not getting out of this one, Luna,” she whispered with a self-assured smile. “You, me and a nice, long talk.”

Time passed, punctuated by the quiet tick-tock of the clock in the next room. Octavia considered her situation, frowning as she wondered just what she would do while she waited. She’d become long accustomed to staying up late, but if Luna remained gone all night long…

She needed a distraction. Octavia could just imagine Luna coming home to find her sleeping on the couch. Not the best way to start the conversation off. She sat up and looked around the room. There were plenty of options to her, but what to—

She blinked and turned her head back to the corner of the room. That was where Luna’s… no, Nightmare Moon’s armor used to stay. The bottom of the stand remained, but the bars that held the armor itself had snapped. Frowning, Octavia reared up over the back of the couch and scoured the room once more.

It didn’t take long to spot the armor resting in the opposite corner of the room as if it had been thrown there arbitrarily. Octavia hopped off the couch and approached the set. Her hoof traced the light blue metal, questions forming in her mind. Did this mean anything? Should she be concerned? Surely not; Luna wouldn’t succumb. Octavia was—

White light pierced Octavia’s eyes, leading her to shout and cover her face. Powerful gusts tossed her mane about as she recovered, and there came a resounding crash. She jerked about to find a dark blue vortex of clouds and magical energy filling the center of the room, an ominous cackle rising from somewhere within.

“What in the world?”

The laughter came to an abrupt stop. The winds died down just enough for the clouds to thin, and Octavia saw a form inside. She could make out no details, but one thing was certain: she was gazing upon an alicorn.

“Well,” the strangely familiar voice cooed, “it seems we have a visitor.”

Octavia’s fur stood on end. She backed away from the invader. “Who are you?”


Her eyes shot open. “L-Luna?”

The form within the clouds began to fidget and shake. It fell to its knees and clutched at its head. “N-no, not her. You can’t!”

A hiss rose from the clouds. “We can. Do not fret, Nightmare: why would we kill something when we can toy with it?”

Octavia’s mind all but exploded with possibilities, each more horrible than the last. No matter how chaotic her mind, the truth of the scene before her was abundantly clear. It filled her with a cold dread. A terrible weight seemed to press down upon her body, yet even so she managed to step forward.

“Luna! Fight her, Luna!”

“We can’t,” the dark voice whispered even as the billowing fog began to swirl once more. “We have already succumbed.”

“You lie!” Octavia stomped, a vain attempt to hold down her rising panic. “Listen to me, Luna! Don’t give in to the darkness!”

The voice rose in volume, every word dripping with venom. “Give in to the darkness? You impudent foal, we are the darkness! It is the core of our being, the source of all existence, the very soul of this sad excuse of a princess! You dare to tell us not to be all that makes us?”

The figure within the fog climbed to its hooves and struggled forward. Its horn began to glow. Octavia crouched low, heart hammering in her chest.

“We will play with your body for a thousand years! We will show you just how black the darkness can really be. For your ignorance—”

The magic of the horn winked out and the enshrouded alicorn jerked to a stop. Its head whipped about violently as a scream pierced Octavia’s ears.

“Octavia, go! Flee! Please, while I still have some control left!”

The sound of Luna’s real voice soothed Octavia’s fears like a healing balm, and she jumped to her hooves once more. “No! You will not go back! I believe in you, Luna!”

“Faith? Is that what you intend to defeat us with?” A snarl made the fog roil. “You pathetic ponies are all alike.”

The horn began to glow, but it fluctuated wildly.

“I can’t do this, Octavia. Please, I don’t want to hurt you!”

“But you can do this!” Octavia forced every bit of determination she could muster into her voice. “Luna, I know you can beat her. She is nothing compared to you!”

The figure stepped backwards, the shadows clinging to it as the fog formed a veritable tornado. “Nothing compared to us? We are everything! We are power, we are strength, we are leadership, we are confidence, we are the Queen!”

She was weakening, Octavia knew it. She took a daring step forward, a grin forming on her lips. “You are nothing. Luna is everything.” The horn’s glow intensified. It pointed directly at her, but Octavia stood her ground. “You cannot win, Nightmare!”

“Enough of your prattling! Die, you worthless little—”


A combined shriek filled the air, stabbing into Octavia’s brain and making her wince. The enshrouded figure reared back, head clutched in its hooves and horn glowing like a torch. The winds picked up, moving the couches about the room and knocking Octavia off her hooves. She hit the floor next to the armor just as another flash of white light filled her vision.

In an instant, the wind died and the world was engulfed in silence and darkness.

In another, glass shattered and hooves hit the carpeted floor. A new voice cried out, “Luna, no!”

Octavia blinked, her eyes filled with bright spots from the flare. She lay in stunned silence, trying to process what had happened. Then she noticed that she wasn’t alone; somepony nearby was sobbing. Who could be…

Her heart slammed into her throat. Had Luna won? She jerked into motion, climbing to her hooves and turning for the center of the room. The couch had been pushed in her way, and she hurried to run around it.

Octavia’s legs shook. It was not Luna she heard, but Celestia, covered in the fragments of one of Luna’s windows. The princess lay in a heap in the middle of the room, her head buried beneath her hooves as she wept with all the fervor of a newborn foal.

Octavia stared at Celestia, her brain slowly piecing together the scene before her. Her eyes rose up, but aside from the wrecked state of the room there was no sign of the Princess of the Night. Where had she gone? If Celestia could sob like that, it could only mean…

…Luna lost?

“But… I believed in her.”

The sounds began to push down on her. Octavia felt tears welling in her eyes, held back only by the intense state of disbelief that refused to abate. She swayed drunkenly, her hind legs collapsed. With eyes closed tight, she willed for Luna to appear, to smile and tell her this was a nightmare. Everything would be alright, surely. Luna couldn’t… lose…

She hadn’t even told her how she felt.

Why didn’t she tell Luna? She could see her, smiling in the darkness, her mane creating an entire world of stars. She needed to see that smile again.

Her eyes opened, settling upon Celestia. The princess’s shoulders still shook, her wings splayed across the floor like a white carpet of feathers. She wept, and the more Octavia watched her the more she felt… wrong. This sight, that hideous sound, they had to stop. What was Celestia doing?

“St-stop it.”

Celestia ignored her, or perhaps didn’t hear.

Octavia approached, wobbling on uneasy legs. She barely registered the moisture on her cheeks.

“Stop it.”

She stood over the Princess of the Sun, a fire building inside of her. Her lips curled back, her heart began to throb.

“Stop it!”

Celestia’s head jerked up just in time for Octavia to grab her cheeks with both hooves. Her face was soaked, her bloodshot eyes wide at the sight of the earth pony. “Y-you?”

“Stop it, stop crying!” Octavia shook her, the words blasting uncontrolled from her mouth. “You can’t just lie there and cry! Isn’t she your sister? Why aren’t you doing anything? I want my princess back, do you hear me? So stop weeping like a bucking foal and do something about this!”

Time seemed frozen. Octavia glared into Celestia’s pink eyes, and Celestia stared right back. Neither moved, still as statues. Octavia couldn’t even breathe, her mind simmering with a determination she’d never known.

Celestia’s lips finally worked. Her voice came out frail. “I tried.” Fresh tears ran down her cheeks, rolling along Octavia’s hooves to drop off Celestia’s trembling chin. “I tried so… so hard. Where did I go wrong?”

Octavia’s anger died in the chill that ran through her body. “You… you can save her, can’t you?”

Celestia didn’t answer. She merely wrapped Octavia in her legs and held her close. Octavia rested her chin on Celestia’s shoulder and quietly wept, her own sobs joining those of the princess.

Why do we continue to resist?

The world was darkness. Darkness and fog.

We know it is over.

Luna’s body trembled. It burned with every push from the outside, the dark tendrils digging like hooks deeper and deeper. Yet she pushed back as forcefully as she could.

We’ve already opened the door. Celestia hates us. Octavia fears us, as does all of Equestria.

No answer came from Luna. She closed her eyes and devoted herself to this last, token resistance.

We can feel it in our heart, Nightmare. It is pain, pain that burns more than any flame ever could. It is only a matter of time.

Yes, only a matter of time.

The hooks dug deeper.

Still we push back. We admire our own tenacity.

Hold it off. It was only a matter of time. Her strength ebbed, but her will remained.

What could we possibly hope to achieve? Give in, Nightmare.


Luna hoped to achieve time.

Our anger will never be contained. We know this. We know this with every fiber of our being.

Luna knew with every fiber of her being.

We will be free, we will rule Equestria. The Elements will not stop us this time.

Time. Celestia would know what to do.

Time would end this.

The shadow surrounded her hoof, which shifted to black.

Luna ground her teeth and focused.

Push back.

Give her sister time.

It was all she had left to offer.

How long had she been crying? Octavia didn’t think it had been too long. Celestia still held on, clutching Octavia as though she were the only pony left in the world.

With a sniff, Octavia looked past the ever-flowing mane, through the shattered window and into the starry night beyond. The moon shined its rays upon them in a breathtaking display, encircled by the glittering jewels of the darkness. The sight brought a trembling smile to Octavia’s lips.

That was Luna. The incomparable night sky, the perfect moon and the gentle night. They filled Octavia with a deep longing and desire. Precious memories flitted through her mind, and she could almost hear Luna’s soft voice tickling her ears. She needed to hear that voice again. Luna…

Luna still needed her.

Slowly, Octavia pulled away from Celestia. The princess made no attempt to prevent this, her legs falling limp and her head hanging. Her horn rested on Octavia’s shoulder. Octavia stared at her, a quiet determination mixing with her sorrow.

Her voice came out weak. “Where is she?”

Celestia gradually raised her head. She stared at Octavia in silence.

Octavia sucked in a long breath. “Where is my princess?”

“She’s…” Celestia heaved a sigh, her eyes dropping to the floor again.

Then, abruptly, they flashed back up. Her eyebrows rose, her lips slightly parted in a small ‘o’ shape. Celestia leaned forward to examine Octavia as if having only just realized who she was.

“What is she to you?”

Octavia blinked. “What?”

Celestia shook her by the shoulders, her voice cracking. “Now is not the time for confusion! Speak plainly, Octavia: what is my sister to you?”

It took a moment for the question to seep in, but the answer came automatically. “Everything.”

Celestia leaned back slightly, her eyes growing wider. “‘Everything?’”

“Everything.” Octavia nodded slowly. “Where is she? Please tell me.”

Celestia stood, chewing on the tip of her hoof. Her eyes defocused and began to shift in thought. “If… if that’s true then maybe… yes…” She looked to Octavia. “If you could save Luna—”

Octavia jumped to her hooves. “What do I have to do?”

“Wait.” Celestia raised her hoof. “It could be—”

The hoof was knocked away. “What do I have to do?”

The two shared a quiet gaze. It lasted only a second, and then Celestia’s wings wrapped around Octavia. “Come with me.”

The world flashed white once more, and Octavia felt her stomach churn as a tingling ran over her body. When the light faded, they were in a new, darkened room. Celestia promptly trotted towards one of the walls. “This way, quickly.”

Octavia wobbled, the world spinning as she tried to adjust to the sudden teleportation. “W-where… where are we?”

“There is no time.”

The world stopped spinning and Octavia looked up to see Celestia pushing her horn through a hole in the wall. Runes and magic circles appeared on the surface, spreading out to cover the entire wall and revealing that they were in some vast, empty chamber. A second later, the wall split down the middle and began to slide open. It widened just enough for a single pony to get by, and Celestia promptly trotted inside. Octavia hurried to follow.

The next room was, to Octavia’s surprise, small. There was just enough space for the two of them and maybe a third pony to stand side-by-side. It possessed only one item; it appeared at first to be a large mirror, but as Octavia watched the surface of it shifted and rippled like silvery water.

As the door closed behind them, a soft green glow filled the small space, revealing what had to have been thousands of small square runes that covered every wall and the ceiling. Celestia’s horn shined and the runes began to move, dozens at a time, criss-crossing in a wild blur of green light.

“Luna has entered her own dream world.”

Octavia looked up to Celestia; the princess’s face was grim and focused. “Her own dream world? When she’s not asleep?”

Celestia nodded. “I’ve seen her do it before. It is a very complex spell, one I couldn’t hope to replicate.”

“But why? Why would she go to her own dream world?”

“It is a self-imprisonment.” Celestia’s frown deepened. “Luna can lock the dream and trap herself and Nightmare Moon within.” The runes picked up speed.

Octavia gasped, shaking her head frantically. “But that’s insane! Even if she can, Nightmare Moon could easily break down the locks, couldn’t she?”

Celestia’s voice came as a harsh whisper. “From the inside, yes, but not if the dream is sealed from the outside. It was the one thing Luna taught me about Dreamweaving, back when she was just mastering the art.”

“Y-you… you mean she wants you to—”

Celestia leveled a hard look at Octavia. “She wants me to trap my own sister in an ethereal prison. Forever.”

Octavia’s blood chilled. “You wouldn’t actually do that… would you?”

The firmness dissolved from Celestia’s face. “No. I could never imprison my sister again, just as I could never fight her again. I can’t go through that, can’t put her through it. If Nightmare Moon returns, I…” She turned back to the mirror. “I would rather let her kill me than fight her. I’d deserve it for failing her once more.”

Octavia gazed at the princess, paying no mind to the runes that seemed to be shifting across the walls and ceiling like mad insects. Her gaze dropped to the floor and she sighed. “I guess I failed her too.”

Silence, oppressive and heavy, filled the room.

“There is still a chance to save her.”

Octavia’s head jerked up. “There is?”

“Luna doesn’t trust me,” Celestia said, her voice faint. “I have failed her too often. She won’t listen to me no matter what I say.” Her head rose just as all the runes came to an abrupt stop, their green light intensifying for a couple seconds. “You, however, might be able to reach her.”

“Reach her? But how?” Octavia watched, startled, as Celestia walked right through the mirror as if it wasn’t there. It only took her a half-second’s thought to follow.

The silver liquid wrapped around her body, chilling her like a splash of water but clinging to her coat. She pushed through, and within a second her head emerged from the stuff. As she pulled herself the rest of the way, she found herself in an even smaller room, just barely big enough for her and Celestia to fit inside. A lone display case stood against the opposite wall, the glass that covered it rising in a golden glow.

Celestia used her hoof to lift something from the case. Upon a silver necklace was a pendant, a perfect circle which within were engraved the moon and a trio of stars. A lone pony stood atop the moon, its gaze focused on the stars. Celestia dangled the pendant before Octavia.

“This is the Pendant of Hrímfaxi. Luna made it as a training aid for her apprentices long ago. It grants whoever wears it the ability to enter the dreams of other ponies.”

Octavia straightened, hope rising within her. “You mean we can use this to enter Luna’s dream and talk to her?”

“No.” Celestia offered the pendant, expression solemn. “Only one pony may use it at a time. It’s either you or me, and after what just happened… it has to be you.”

Yet when Octavia reached for the pendant, Celestia didn’t let it go. She looked into the princess’s eyes and saw concern.

“I must warn you, there is a great risk in using this pendant. When you do, you will not be asleep or dreaming. You will be there physically, for that is the nature of dreamweaving. Any harm that comes to you while in there will be real, and make no mistake, Octavia: Nightmare Moon will stop at nothing to win.”

Octavia pulled the pendant from Celestia’s grasp, her face going hard. “I understand.”

Celestia set her hooves to Octavia’s shoulders. “Are you sure? If Nightmare Moon wins, you will surely—”

“Nightmare Moon will not win.” Octavia leveled Celestia with a firm look. “Luna will overcome this, I know it.”

“I pray you are right.” The princess wrapped her in another tight hug, which Octavia slowly returned. Celestia whispered in her ear, “Save my sister, Octavia. I know not how deep your feelings for her run, but they are all that stand between her and the corruption. I beg you, find the strength to do what I could not.”

“I will.” Octavia stepped back, expression determined. “I promise, Celestia. Luna won’t go back.”

She raised the pendant over her head, closing her eyes.

“Just focus on Luna as you put it on,” Celestia said. “The Pendant of Hrímfaxi will do the rest.”

Octavia nodded and focused her mind on Luna’s pristine smile. It was the easiest thing in the world to imagine. She slipped the necklace on and her body abruptly felt light as a feather. Even with her eyes closed, she could see the steadily brightening light of the pendant.

“I’m coming, Luna.”

Octavia wobbled, an intense nausea coming over her. She dropped to her knees and took slow breaths, willing her insides to stop churning. The world felt cold, but it wasn’t due to a wind or temperature; this was something she could sense within her. A permeation of emotion, a disheartening chill produced by the mind.

She shivered and opened her eyes. Everything was black, save for a dark blue fog that drifted quietly all around. Octavia felt at the pendant on her chest, taking comfort in its presence, then stood to take in her surroundings. Upon turning around, she saw Luna.

The princess sat, her head bowed and her body trembling violently. She faced away from Octavia, not noticing her presence. The fog coalesced, pressing in and seeming to pass into her body. Patches of Luna’s coat had turned black, and those spots were growing across her form at a small but constant pace. The image shot a shard of ice into Octavia’s heart.

Yet she calmed herself. Now was not the time for panic.


Luna gasped, her head jerking up. “Octavia? W-what are you…” Her face paled at the sight of the pendant. “No. No! You mustn’t be here!”

“It’s okay, Luna.” Octavia trotted forward, forcing a smile to her lips. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Get out!” Luna’s horn began to shine. “You’re in danger!”

Her horn sputtered and dimmed.

Well now, this is an interesting development.

Octavia paused, her head whipping about. She saw nothing. “Where are you?!”


She turned and jumped; Luna’s visage had become black, her narrow irises focusing on her as a wicked, fanged grin formed. A moment later the black shifted to blue and Luna’s face reappeared, contorted in teeth-baring effort.

“I c-can’t hold her back,” Luna snarled through her teeth. “Please, Octavia, get out while you still can. Tell Celestia to seal the dream before it’s too late!”

“I refuse!” Octavia hurried towards Luna, but the princess’s horn sparked with dark energy and she was pushed back by an invisible wall. “You’re going to beat her, Luna. I’m staying right here. You’re not alone!”

“What don’t you understand?” Luna cringed as the black expanded a little more across her body. “I can’t. I can’t stop her, no matter how much you believe in me.”

“That’s not true!”

“Oh, but it is.” Luna’s muzzle shifted to black, lips curling in a smile. Luna’s head jerked and twisted about, her eyes closed tight as she fought back, but her mouth moved regardless. “We have already succumbed. It is only a matter of time now.”

Octavia reared back to press her hooves against the unseen wall. “Luna, listen to me. Listen to my voice! You are not Nightmare Moon. You are the Princess of the Night, guardian of dreams. Master the shadow!”

Tears formed rivers along Luna’s cheeks. The darkness on her muzzle shifted, rose up to one of her eyes. The eye opened to show that narrowed pupil once more, a pupil that focused on Octavia. Luna’s lips, now freed, spoke, “Octavia, I beg of you, do not sacrifice yourself. I am lost! If you don’t go now, if Celestia does not seal us within the dream, all of Equestria may fall!”

“Yes,” the dark covered her muzzle once more, “it will.”

“I’m not leaving until I know you’ve won!” Octavia’s heart pounded as the shadows stretched to cover over half of Luna’s body. Panic threatened to well within her, but she stamped it back. Emotion would not win this battle! “You need to believe in yourself! This isn’t a thousand years ago, Celestia does not hate you, you are not evil!”

Luna’s horn turned black and flashed, and Octavia was knocked of her hooves by an unseen force. She twisted and landed on her barrel, but stood quickly and turned back to her princess. “She fears me, Luna! She knows I speak the truth!”

“Fear you?” A cackle rose from black lips. “A mere earth pony who clings to us in the name of prestige and position? And ponies say we are arrogant.”

“Don’t listen to her, Luna!” Octavia pressed against the invisible wall once more, her voice strong despite the shaking in her hooves. “You’re my friend! Remember, you have to remember! The Gala, our long talks, the dinner, Nightmare Night, everything we’ve done.” Why were tears streaming down her cheeks? “Please, it means something. You know it does!”

The shadows merged together in an ominous blanket. It climbed up Luna’s chest, wrapping about her throat like an ever-growing tar. Luna shook her head slowly, her eyes set upon Octavia. Her lips trembled, her face had become soaked in tears, her eyes pleaded.

“P-please… Please go. It’s t-too late. I don’t want to h-hurt you.”

Octavia pounded against the wall until her hooves ached. Understanding had finally dawned, but she fought against the despair. “It’s not over, Luna! Please! Don’t let her win! I’m here, I believe in you!”

“I c-can’t defeat her with f-faith alone.” Luna cringed, the darkness clinging to her ears. It wrapped about one of her eyes, transforming it back to that ominous shape. “O-Octavia… I… Go. Go now. Go now. Go no—”

The black covered her face and her horn flashed. A wave of dark energy threw Octavia back with far more force than the last. Luna’s words rang through her mind:

I can’t defeat her with faith alone.

She hit the black ground, grunting from the pain as she ended up sprawled on her barrel. Laughter filled the air, and as she forced her head up Octavia saw the face of villainy: Nightmare Moon. The alicorn reared back and kicked her legs in a celebratory display, her wicked laughter a gleeful announcement of her final victory. Octavia let her face fall to the ground as despair filled her.

“At last, we have reclaimed our rightful place!” Nightmare Moon took a moment to stretch her limbs and trot in place. “It feels so good to have a proper physical form again. Have you any idea what it’s like being an inconsistent fog all the time? Most uncomfortable.”

I’m trying to calm down. I’ve been trying all night!

The words swam through Octavia’s head as she lay there. If only Luna had believed in herself…

“Oh, look at you.” Nightmare Moon’s voice tickled her ears. “Come now, don’t be so depressed. Your precious princess will still please you… if you’re willing to obey.”

Octavia didn’t bother to look up. She just pressed her hooves against her face and shook her head.

She won once already.

“Aren’t we the loyal little maggot.” Nightmare huffed a brief laugh. “Did you really think Luna could stand up to us? Bringing us in might have taken a while, but it was still child’s play.”

Octavia looked up at last. Nightmare’s horn glowed, and she realized she couldn’t move. Even so, she spoke. “Give her back.”

The monster rolled her eyes. “‘Give her back, give her back!’ Nopony ever understands. There is nothing to give! We are Luna. We are Nightmare.”

I will fight the Nightmare, but there is no guarantee of success.

“Please.” Octavia struggled against the magic. She was prepared to kiss Nightmare’s hooves if it would get her princess back! “Please, Luna—”

Her lips clamped closed against her volition. Nightmare approached her, eyes narrowed and lips set in a grim frown. “What did we ever see in you? You’re a bug compared to our majesty. Maybe we should keep you here, trapped as we were to be trapped.”

Octavia squirmed, pathetic whimpers rising from her tightly closed lips. Tears dripped from her chin, her heart felt as if it had shattered into a million pieces. She could see Luna’s pretty face, her begging eyes, her lost expression. Why? Why had Luna failed after they’d come so far together?

I was her. Do not speak as though it didn’t happen.

Nightmare ground her hoof atop Octavia’s head. “We are Luna. We are Nightmare. That is why Luna failed, child: we cannot defeat ourselves. Neither you nor Celestia ever figured it out. Speaking of Celestia—”

I can’t stop her, no matter how much you believe in me.

“—I think it’s time I paid her a visit.”

The light in Octavia’s mind kicked on.

It all made sense. Celestia had failed. Octavia had failed. Luna had been trying to tell them all along, but they hadn’t listened. Now that Octavia paid attention to her words, it all seemed so obvious.

She closed her eyes and focused.

“Now, to break Luna’s seal on this—hey!” Nightmare Moon was knocked backwards by a powerful wind, flapping her wings to regain control. “What’s this?”

Though her legs shook, Octavia managed to move them. Slowly, ever so slowly, she climbed to her hooves.

“Hmm…” Nightmare rubbed her chin with a wing as she observed. “We forgot we taught you a little about dreamweaving. No matter.”

The weight piled onto Octavia’s back, but she bared her teeth and fought. Willpower. It all focused on willpower. She continued to rise, at last managing to stand to her full height.

“Oh, ponyfeathers.” Nightmare Moon scowled. “Is this where you make some fanciful speech about good triumphing over evil? Luna isn’t going to fight back anymore.”

“Because she can’t beat you.” Octavia raised her head high to stare down the monster. “That’s what she’s been saying all along: she can’t beat you, not on her own.”

“She can’t beat us at all, silly pony.” Nightmare chuckled, her horn sparking. “If you want to beg some more, we suppose we are willing to listen while we release the seals on this dream.”

Octavia closed her eyes, picturing Luna’s lovely face. She remembered every moment, every smile, every laugh, every argument, all the things that made Luna ‘Luna.’ More importantly, she remembered all the warnings, the pleas, the anger, the desperation. It was no wonder Celestia had failed her sister; like Octavia, she’d misinterpreted the message. Luna didn’t need support.

She needed help.

Octavia set her hoof to her chest and took a long, slow breath.

Nightmare sounded curious. “I’m waiting.”

The pendant sparked as Octavia released the air in a single long, pronounced, reverberating note.

With a cringe, Nightmare Moon stumbled back and pressed a hoof to her head. “W-what the…”

Once the note faded, Octavia took a step forward, lips pulled back in a fierce display. “I’m not standing on the sidelines anymore!” She fired off another note, the air shifting in waves that washed over the monster.

“You wretched foal!” Nightmare bared her fangs, the glow of her horn intensifying. “We will make you suffer for that!”

“I came here for Luna.” Octavia reared back and caught her cello in one leg, her bow in the other. “I am not leaving without her.” She set the bow to the strings. “And you’re not going anywhere until I see her freed from you.”

The bow ran along the strings, producing a single long note. Nightmare Moon snarled and took a step closer, but Octavia sang and she was pushed away. The pendant about Octavia’s neck glowed brightly.

“We have had enough of this.”

A beam of energy shot from Nightmare’s horn. It struck Octavia’s chest and she stumbled back, a black mark seared in her coat. Even so, Octavia didn’t stop playing. She ground her teeth and focused on Luna’s image. This was only a dream, and she could control it!

Nightmare Moon growled and fired another shot. It slammed into Octavia’s shoulder like a hammer, making her stumble.

“Control it,” Octavia whispered to herself. “She’s strong, but if you can just—”

A third shot struck her cello, shattering it and sending Octavia flying. She hit the floor on her back, gasping for breath and eyes bulging.

Laughter echoed in her ears. “Is that it? Is that all your love can produce? And here I thought it was supposed to be a strong emotion.”

The pendant flashed again.

“You’re wasting my time, maggot. I really will leave you… hmm?”

Octavia stood on trembling legs.

Nightmare’s scowl returned. “You’re more annoying than we expected. Maybe this time we’ll just cut your head off and be done with it. I have a seal to break, so if you don’t mind, stay down.” Another beam shot from her horn.

Thank you for giving me another chance.


The beam curved in flight and zipped over Octavia’s shoulder. Nightmare Moon’s jaw dropped. “What?”

Octavia began to suck in a breath as a second beam flew her way.

Don’t give up, Octy. You’re a wonderful mare and I’m sure Luna sees that.


She produced a high pitched note, pristine and pure.

The beam shifted and hit the black floor. Nightmare Moon snarled and fired a third beam, this one brighter than the others.

Octavia’s bow appeared in her hooves.

Please, do not be burdened by zis night. I vill do my best to help make up for it.


She raised the bow just in time for it to absorb the beam’s impact. It snapped in two and jerked from her grip. Within a second, the two pieces re-merged and flew back into her expectant hoof.

Nightmare Moon’s jaw dropped once again. “I-Impossible, you can’t be that good so quickly.”

The pieces of Octavia’s cello floated into the air. Nightmare began to forge a ball of dark blue energy.

When and if the time comes, I’ll be ready. I was always ready to help, Octy.


Her cello reformed, the pieces merging and sealing to create a smooth, polished surface.

Nightmare Moon hissed, her horn flaring brighter as the ball of energy grew. “Enough of this! We do not know what you are playing at, but we will be distracted no longer!”

If even the perfect, incredible Octavia Melody could like something I wrote, then maybe I could finally make my parents proud.


Octavia molded the emotions to produce something wholly new. It felt so incredibly good, like she was being empowered by some divine touch. She looked upon the Nightmare and imagined Luna within that body, watching this final battle.

Nightmare unleashed her spell, the energy sphere larger than Octavia herself. It flew like an ethereal wrecking ball, a trail of dark-blue fog in its wake.

I am honored that you think so highly of my night. It is beautiful.

A smile formed on Octavia’s lips.

“It is.”

She pulled the bow across the strings even as she called out another pristine note. She wasn’t alone: a symphony of sound erupted in the cool air, from trumpets to violins to drums to a chorus! The resulting sound wave washed over her, cocooned her, made her mane fly with wild abandon.

The sphere erupted in a shower of sparks and smoke a few inches prior to impact.

Nightmare Moon’s lips twitched, her eyes wide. “H-how did you… We don’t…”

The chains of her mind gone, Octavia trembled with overwhelming emotions that swirled like a storm; anger, joy, pride, ambition, confidence, amusement, concern, love. She turned her eyes on the Nightmare and grinned. With a glance over her shoulder, she watched as the orchestra of her dreams formed at her back.

She saw Parish in the corner, his chest swelling as his hooves prepped over the strings of his harp. Near him stood Symphony, her violin raised and her eyes sparkling with adoration. Opposite them stood Beauty, her sousaphone squirming like a snake about her as she giggled her amusement. Vinyl sat in the middle before her precious synthesizer, tears streaming as she looked upon Octavia with a beaming smile. Frederick sat beside her, hooves raised above his grand piano with all the air of a professional.

Even Benjamina. She stood before the choir, conductor’s baton at the ready as she watched Octavia for her cue. Her head rose, collected and confident and powerful.

“This is my dream now.” Octavia turned back to Nightmare Moon, pointing with her bow. The pendant glowed like a beacon in the darkness. “Luna is my princess. I will do what I should have done all along: I will fight for her!”

Nightmare Moon reared back, her eyes flashing white. “Fight for her? You? Against us? We are going to crush you for this arrogance!”

Twin pillars of dark blue smoke rose from the ground, swirling in a vortex of wind and magic. The two tornadoes approached, the wind threatening to topple Octavia.

She didn’t have to issue orders; the orchestra responded on instinct, sending forth a cacophony of new music. Octavia joined it, her bow a blur of motions. The two columns slowed, stopped.

Spheres of energy rose from Nightmare’s horn and darted for Octavia, but each cracked and disintegrated against wave after wave of music.

The sound filled Octavia’s ears, no, her very soul! This wasn’t just music, it was her music, and was as glorious as she had always dreamed. Raw, unbridled emotion spilled forth from her orchestra, smashing against the Nightmare in an explosion of sound. Wild, fresh, pure, unique.

Nightmare Moon wavered, screaming against the music and clutching at her head. “You foal! This will achieve nothing!”

“Luna!” Octavia poured all her love into the words. “Luna, fight back! I’m not standing by anymore! We’ll fight her together!”

“She. Can’t. Hear you!” Nightmare steadied herself, and a massive pillar of energy blasted from her horn. Octavia sang out, the orchestra picked up momentum; the beam smashed against an invisible barrier before Octavia. It kept coming, the brightness blinding her. Even so, she sang with all the power and emotion her cutie mark offered her, the soundwaves folding against the magic.

Every note was an emotion. Every instrument was power. Octavia put forth her very soul, Luna’s image seared within her brain as she pushed back with everything she had. The beam began to waver.

She didn’t notice the two energy balls swinging wide around the tornadoes.

Twin eruptions of magical energy sent the ponies in her orchestra flying, many of them fading into nothingess. Octavia rocked as the ground beneath her shuddered and roiled and the music came to an abrupt stop. She collapsed to her side just as the barrier failed, the beam slicing through the darkness and annihilating what was left of her orchestra. She screamed as the heat curled the fur on her backside.

A heavy silence filled the void. The weight pressed down on her once more, pinning her. With a small moan, she waited for the dots to leave her vision before looking up.

Nightmare Moon huffed, her shoulders heaving and steam rising from her nostrils. Sweat poured down her brow and flanks as she swayed. After a moment’s recovery, she began to approach Octavia at a slow pace, her eyes glowing with sinister intent.

You. We can’t believe you would prove such a pain in our flank! We were willing to let you wallow in misery for an eternity, but now we see that was too kind. We are going to rip you to—”

She jerked to a stop, eyes widening as a choking sound rose from her throat. Her horn began to flicker.

The weight disappeared and Octavia leaped to her hooves. “Yes, Luna, fight back!” Pride and confidence came back in full force, and with them the orchestra reappeared as if it had never gone. Anger and ambition fueled her, the pendant glowed and music exploded into the world like a tidal wave.

Nightmare Moon fell back, her hooves covering her face against the fresh attack. “Stop this! Enough!” Her horn gained intensity and a fresh beam erupted.

Luna!” Octavia’s cello flashed into existence, playing a string of lightning-fast notes entirely on its own and in concert with the orchestration. The beam came to a slow halt before it could travel very far. The pillar wavered and dimmed as Nightmare reeled.

“This isn’t possible!” Nightmare shook her head violently. “Stop it, stop it, stop it! We have won! Surrender!”

“Never!” Octavia took a step forward, throwing all the strength of her love at her foe. “Luna can’t beat you alone, and neither can I… but together we are stronger than you’ll ever imagine!”

“You are nothing!”

We are everything!” Octavia sucked in a preparatory breath and let loose, her soprano voice rising above the cacophony of wind and music and screams to blanket the world in pure, unbridled emotional energy.

Nightmare shrieked and clutched at her head as her dark coat gave way to patches of blue. “No! Stay down, you pathetic wretch! You can’t beat us, Luna, you know you can’t!” Her head jerked about in unnatural movements, her coat swam with a wild mixture of blues and blacks.

Still Octavia sang, walking steadily closer.






Nightmare Moon began to approach, her legs jerky and shaking as she struggled against the motions. Her horn flickered in wild spurts. “No, no no no! This isn’t happening!” Her horn at last managed to flash, and the two tornados abruptly converged over her. Octavia dropped back as the winds buffeted her, Nightmare lost to her sight.



Octavia scanned the massive funnel of smoke, but could not see the alicorn. “Luna! I’m here!”

“Come to me, Octavia!”

“No, keep back! I won’t let you do this!”

The winds kicked up, but Octavia pressed on. Though the fierce gale drowned out the orchestra, the music continued unabated in her mind. “I’m coming, Luna! Don’t stop fighting!” She sang a high note that blasted a hole in the wind, granting her a half-second to see Nightmare Moon hovering in the center, twisting and shrieking as her body fought against itself.

Nightmare’s voice rose against the winds. “We are the same, Luna!”

“Yes, Nightmare, we are.”

Octavia sang as she struggled against the gale. A gust made her stumble, but she kept on her hooves and moved forward. The music rang unimpeded in her head. The pendant blazed with pale light. “I’m coming. I’m coming, Luna!”

“I know, Octavia. I know!”

“Keep back, you foal!”

There! Octavia could see them, still hovering and struggling in the air. She entered the center of the vortex, panting with the effort. Her legs ached, her breath came in gasps, but her heart sang with determination. She passed through the last layer of fog to find Nightmare squirming in midair. Her coat all but glowed with combating waves of color, her eyes warping back and forth between beauty and ferocity.

“You can’t beat us, Luna! We are a part of you!”

“We know, Nightmare. We won’t let you go.”

Her leg vibrated with visible effort, gradually reaching for Octavia.

Nightmare’s voice trembled. “W-what… what are you doing?”

Octavia stared up at them, struggling to regain her breath. Her eyes met with Luna’s pretty blue ones.

“Octavia. Take my hoof.”

“No!” Nightmare’s face twisted with effort and rage. “I will tear you apart if you come any—”

“Octavia, now!”

Octavia flung herself forward, struggling against the winds. She reached up, stretching as high as she could. Luna’s hoof shifted wildly from black to blue in a chaotic display. It trembled and waved about as though it had a mind of its own. Luna’s face contorted in effort.


Pristine blue eyes focused on Octavia’s calm gaze.


Black lips bared fangs. “No!”

Blue lips curled into a warm smile. “Together.”

“No no no!” A black hoof jerked away.

A blue hoof reached down.

Octavia jumped.

Their hooves touched.


Thank you for the song. Thank you for the stars.

I can play another. The struggle is the glory.

Did you go to see her again?

You caught her eye. If you are afraid, leave.

Have you ever had a… ‘private’ client? Maybe he likes you. It is a ‘he,’ isn’t it?

So is she as talented in real life as she is in your dreams?

Why am I dreaming of you? Because I wished to be here.

You mean you’ve been watching me? What if I don’t even deserve to be here?

No, Miss Melody. There are no ponies like you.

It sounds too much like you’re putting me on a pedestal. I fail to grasp why they don’t like you now.

You are not Nightmare Moon!

That mare is so difficult. Are you really any better?

I have Octavia. I really want to hear her music right now.

I’m flattered you would think me worthy.

So you’ll go?

For you? Of course I will.


“I’m really glad to be here.”

An ear-piercing shriek, a blast of white light. Octavia didn’t realize she’d been sent flying until after she hit the floor. She lay on her back, dazed as the overwhelming torrent of emotions began to die down, leaving her with only a deep warmth. The winds had died completely, all sound gone in a moment of perfect silence. Everything was black.

She sat up slowly, shaking her head in an attempt to clear it. Even as she did, heat seemed to spread throughout her body. It filled her, made her seem lighter than air, flooded her head and heart with pleasure. It was delectable, and she wanted more. What was—

Her eyes locked on Luna, who sat with head bowed not far away. Blue rapidly overwhelmed the darkness of her coat. Octavia watched in quiet awe as, in short order, the last vestiges of the Nightmare faded away. When Luna at last looked up, her eyes shifted rapidly from the narrow pupils to blessedly clear orbs of cyan.

And that is how they remained.

The sensation lost, Octavia stood and took a tentative step forward. “Luna?”

The princess let out a small gasp and sucked down air, as if she’d not breathed in an age. Her eyes widened and her body trembled. She looked up at the blackness above. “It’s… It’s gone.”

“And you’re okay.” Octavia stood before her, reaching a leg up hesitantly. “Right?”

Luna gazed upon her as if uncertain that she was real.

Then she jerked forward, wrapping Octavia in a hug that stole her breath. “It’s gone! Octavia... You beautiful, wonderful, am-mazing…” She broke down, sobbing like a foal over the smaller pony’s shoulder. It only took a few seconds for Octavia to do the same. They wept and clung and shook, and all along Octavia felt her fears washed away by a renewed, all-encompassing joy.

Yet one small worry nagged her, and when she finally had regained control she managed to ask, “Will she be back?”

“She is back.” Luna pulled away, rubbing her cheeks as she smiled upon Octavia. “She’s back where she belongs, and we will never see her again.”

Octavia sat back and followed Luna’s example, brushing the tears from her face. “W-what do you mean? Where did she go?”

In response, Luna pressed her hooves to her own chest. She heaved a pleasant sigh. “The Nightmare was part of me all along, Octavia. I merely reclaimed her. I’ve become whole again.”

Octavia stared at Luna’s chest, then took a tentative step closer. “What does that mean for you?”

“It means I am at last ready to move on.” Luna cupped Octavia’s cheek in a hoof. The warmth of her smile percolated through Octavia. “Thank you. At last, somepony understood that I couldn’t reclaim her by myself.”

“I don’t understand exactly why,” Octavia admitted as she pressed lovingly against that hoof, “but I had to help. I couldn’t just let her… let you…” She leaned back and rubbed her hooves together with a blush. “I couldn’t let her win.”

“I know.” Luna pressed her forehead against Octavia’s, her wings surrounding the pony. “Believe me, Octavia, I know.”

Octavia leaned into her princess, delighting in her softness and the feel of feathers caressing her back. “I should tell you. Th-that is… I mean… I was going to wait until I finished my song, but I… Well…”

“I know.”

She gazed up into Luna’s hypnotic eyes. Her heart hammered in her chest as they floated closer.

“You blessed me with the strength of your emotions,” Luna whispered. “I felt it all, Octavia. So yes… I know.”

A small gasp rose from Octavia’s throat as she recalled the sensations from moments ago. “So we… ‘shared’ emotions? Then what I felt was… was…”

“Something like this, I think.”

Luna’s lips came down to meet hers. It was a gentle touch, but Octavia swelled with that addictive, desirable need almost instantly.

She wrapped her legs around Luna’s slender neck and swore to never let go.

Upon returning to the great chamber, Luna and Octavia found Celestia waiting for them. Her back was to the door; her shoulders shook with silent crying. Upon hearing their hoof-falls, she jerked about.

Octavia paused as Luna did and cast a fretful glance between the two princesses. Luna looked upon Celestia with her head high and her lips set in a judging frown, whereas Celestia trembled. She approached her younger sister at a cautious pace, head low and ears folded flat against her head.

“S-sister?” Celestia raised her head just slightly, looking up at Luna with bloodshot eyes. “Are you…” She reached with a trembling hoof.

Luna caught the hoof with both of hers. The swift motion made Celestia flinch, but Luna’s frown faded to a warm smile. “It’s me, Tia.”

Celestia released a long, slow breath. She stood just a little taller and gazed into her sister’s eyes. “You’re okay?”

“Indeed.” Luna patted her sister’s hoof. “Better than I’ve been in a thousand years.”

A trembling smile stole its way onto Celestia’s face and tears began to run down her cheeks once more. “Lulu… Oh, Lulu!” She all but tackled Luna, who had to stagger backwards a couple steps to keep from falling.

“It’s good to see you too, sister.” Luna whispered, patting the sobbing Celestia on the back.

Octavia stepped away to give them some room, but Luna glanced at her and gestured with her hoof over Celestia’s shoulder. Though hesitant, Octavia smiled and sat.

“I don’t hate you!” Abruptly Celestia was on her knees. She looked upon her sister with pleading eyes, her words coming in a flurry. “You must believe me, I never thought of you like that. I missed you so much and I desperately wanted you back. I know you’re upset that I’ve kept your power limited and I know you blame me for the stigma attached to you, but please believe—”

“Enough!” Luna waved her hooves. “I understand, Celestia.”

“But it’s not enough!” Celestia shook her head vehemently. “I failed you, Lulu. I failed my only sister. Time and time again, I failed you!”

Luna dropped down to hold her sister once more. “We failed one another, Tia. You are not the only pony to blame in this situation.”

“I was so certain I’d get it right this time.” Celestia sucked down a long, shuddering breath as she leaned against Luna. “W-when I saw how you were relapsing, I… I was so determined to get it right. Why couldn’t I get it right?”

“It’s okay.”

“I’m a terrible sister…”

“You’re a wonderful sister.” Luna leaned back to offer a warm smile. “Even if you have a bit of trouble letting go of the reins.”

Celestia chuckled despite her tears, that fragile smiling appearing once more. “Can you f-forgive me, Lulu?”

“Of course I can.” Luna rubbed her cheek against Celestia’s, her smile turning sly. “I forgive you for being a domineering control freak.”

Celestia’s laugh had the ring of sincerity this time. “And I forgive you for being a stubborn, combative pain in the f-flank.”

They shared a grin, Celestia’s strained. Luna began brushing her sister’s tears away. “Now that we’ve settled that…”

“Settled?” Celestia grabbed Luna hooves and shook her head. “This is hardly settled, Lulu. I’ve barely even begun making up for my failures. I—”

Luna planted her hoof against Celestia’s muzzle. “Now that we’ve settled that, I think it’s time some appreciation was shown for the heroine of the hour.”

Octavia fidgeted as two pairs of royal eyes fell upon her. “Oh… uh… You mean me, don’t you?”

“Octavia Melody.” Celestia turned to her, curiosity and awe sharing equal presence in her wide-eyed face. “How in Equestria did you do it?”

“I’m not clear on the details, myself.” Octavia blushed and rubbed the back of her head. “I kinda just… did.”

“She figured out the truth,” Luna said with a beaming smile. “She realized that not all my words were a case of defeatism.”

Celestia looked between the two of them. “I don’t understand.”

“You don’t have to.” Luna gestured to Octavia in a grand, sweeping motion. “Octavia did, and it is enough. Nightmare Moon will torment Equestria no more.”

“Well then, in that case…” Celestia stood properly and turned to Octavia, only to drop into a deep bow, her wings splayed upon the ground around her. “Thank you, Miss Melody. Thank you for saving my sister, and Equestria as well.”

Octavia stuttered, her cheeks burning as she glanced from Celestia to Luna and back. She bowed her head and mumbled a barely audible, “You’re welcome.”

“‘Equestria as well?’” Luna asked once Celestia was standing again. “Did you not send a notice and the Elements to Twilight and her friends?”

Celestia ducked as if to avoid a blow and glanced away sheepishly. “I wanted to show my trust.”

Luna facehooved. “Oh, sister, what am I going to do with you?”

“Forgive me?” Celestia offered her a bashful smile, body kept low.

“It seems I’ll be doing a lot of forgiving tonight.” Luna rolled her eyes and shrugged. “Oh well, ‘tis part of the burden of being siblings with you.”

“You’re not exactly a rose yourself, Lulu.”

Octavia couldn’t help a giggle. “Are you two always digging at one another like this?”

“But of course,” Luna replied with a pompous air. “It’s called ‘competition.’”

Celestia giggled. “I call it ‘keeping our sanity.’” She sighed and offered Luna a beaming smile. “It’s good to have you back, sister. For real this time.”

“It’s good to be back, for real this time.” Luna approached Octavia and, turning to sit at her side, used a wing to press the pink-cheeked pony close. “Now, I’m sure my savior is tired.”

“Well, I am a little,” Octavia admitted as she rubbed against her princess with a grin.

Luna nodded, then looked to Celestia. “Join us, Tia?”

Celestia blushed and sat back, her hoof making circles on the floor. “Are you sure about that, Lulu? Don’t you two want to… ‘talk?’”

Octavia and Luna shared amused expressions. “Honestly, dear sister,” Luna said with pomp, “you really should get your head out of the gutter. This is my first night of true peace in over a millennium, and I want to spend it with the two ponies I love.

“Besides—” She leaned against Octavia and petted her mane with a sultry smile. “—I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time for that later.”

The burning in Octavia’s cheeks probably rivaled that of Celestia’s.

Author's Note:

Did you have as much fun reading that as I did writing it?

Stay tuned tomorrow for the epilogue!