• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 9,772 Views, 550 Comments

Under the Starry Skies - Wintergreen Diaries

Silver Moonshine opens a tavern in Ponyville, hoping to escape the city and maybe find a nice mare.

  • ...


Chapter 31: Jubilation

“Sweetheart, sometimes I get the feeling that you stare at that ring more than me.” Applejack gave the sarcastic stallion playful grin as he sat down beside her, sliding over a mug of soda and sipping his cider with an almost fiendish delight. Seeing as how it would be a few weeks before they could tell if she were pregnant, Applejack had sworn off of alcohol until then, but being engaged to the owner of a tavern didn’t exactly make it the easiest creed to adhere to. It had only been four days since the night of the proposal, and between them they agreed that everypony could use some levity after the chaotic ride the last month had been.

Pinkie Pie had somehow managed to both shoot into the sky like a rocket and summon fireworks explosions at the same time upon being charged with the task of preparing the private party, a night for friends and family inside the tavern. While science had no explanation for the feat, Pinkie definitely went above and beyond simply firing a party cannon and calling it a night. No, this was more than just an engagement party, and thus required a whopping five blasts from the party cannon, and enough treats to be stacked to the ceiling several times over. Cakes, pie, muffins, punch... everything that was sweet, bad for the general health of a pony, and sure to make Dawn smile was present.

“Well, it ain’t my fault it’s so pretty. You did a fine job, Perfect Jewel. Ah didn’t know how enjoyable jewelry could be until you made this ring.” Jewel simply smiled, nodding her thanks as Rarity, having drank quite a bit more than she usually would have, was having a hard time herself looking away from the ring that dazzled like the stars. But more importantly, Applejack’s mane was pristine, styled, and she had even asked her for fashion advice the day prior.

“Oh my, do I hear Applejack’s ladylike side coming out yet again? Silver, I do believe you have worked wonders in Applejack, and all changes that I thoroughly approve of. Storm is going to have some competition for top stallion soon, I shouldn’t wonder.”

“Still no chance for me, huh?” Cerulean chuckled, watching as Cadence tried to teach Dawn the ladybug chant.

“I must give you some credit, I suppose. At least you are back into positive digits.”

“Thank Celestia for small favors.”

“Oh, there’s really no need, Cerulean. I had nothing to do with your progress, though I do believe Twilight deserves some credit. Luna? You’re staring again.” Her sister wrenched her admiring gaze from Applejack’s ring and sat down beside her sister.

“Verily, it is quite a wonder to behold that something could so closely reflect my night skies and yet be of the earth. Perfect Jewel, might there be some way you could possibly make another?”

“Luna, I would request that I be introduced to this stallion before such a commitment is made.”

“Celestia, I am not seeing anypony!” Her sister raised a knowing eye, causing Luna to blush and turn her muzzle back to her brandy. “I would like a necklace, nothing more. You would be well compensated, I assure you.”

“Well, your highness, it requires the metal from a fallen star. If that can be provided, then I would be honored to make something for the Princess of the Night.”

“Why not simply ask that meddlesome foal,” Luna replied, feigning annoyance and motioning to Dawn. “Silly creature, messing with the alignment of my stars.” Silver whispered something in Applejack’s ear, and they quietly excused themselves from the table and made for the stairs.

“Don’t be too loud, you two~!” Rarity sang out as they left, spreading confusion and amusement to everypony, though Rainbow Dash couldn’t help by pry a little.

“Rarity? How much have you had, anyhow?”


Applejack had relaxed her distaste for the limits to how much a pony should drink, due mostly to close observation of the respect with which Silver regarded the Waters of Life, as he like to call them, and after having a good laugh over Rarity’s intoxicated state he led Applejack over to the bed and sat down on the edge, motioning her to do the same.

“Startin’ that already?”

“Sorry, sweetheart, my mind is on something a little more grounded than that.”

“Ah’m pretty sure that marks you as an abnormal stallion, but ah love you anyways. What’s on yer mind, sugarcube?”

“It’s not that I mind staying at your house, but it seems a little... full, with Big Mac and Crimson there.”

“Ah know exactly what you mean. Even with the soundproofin’ Applebloom did, it’s still a little strange. What did you have in mind?”

"I want to expand the living space up here just a bit so we can live more comfortably until I have the bits to get us a real home built. My parents offered to give me the money since they have more than enough from the the fallen star, even after paying to have their own built here in town. I refused their bits, and I don’t want anything fancy, just something simple that we can call our own, and start a family."

“Now don’t get gettin’ all full o’ yerself just ‘cause you can brew a decent cup o’ cider.” Despite her teasing, Silver could tell by the excitement in her eyes that the very idea of having their own place, and perhaps more so of starting a family, filled her with anticipation. “Ah don’t mind the space now, just save the bits so we can ‘ave a place that much sooner.” She paused, deep in thought. “Actually, maybe we can spare a little t’ make the shower a little roomier? Ah don’t mind bein’ close to ya, but it’s more than a mite cramped in there.” The passionate kiss with which he answered wasn’t quite what she was expecting in reply, but it was satisfactory nonetheless.

“I think I can work that into the budget, sweetheart.” Applejack was about to return the favor when the sound of hooves clomping up the stairs gave them cause to turn, regarding Celestia with curiosity as she poked her head in.

“I don’t mean to intrude, but have you any more dragon liquor? I’ve barely had half a glass before that sister of mine downed the rest.”

“Sorry, your Highness, that was the last of it.”

“But... but can you not make more?”

“On a normal basis, takes at least a month in a highly enchanted cask. That one you drank was from the last batch I made, shipped over here from Manehatten. It ain’t cheap to get the ingredients, and it takes a lot of effort to make. Not a huge seller either.”

“Silver, I would like to officially commission your production of such a splendid product for sole use of the Canterlot royalty. I will pay for materials, transport, and time spent, should you agree to keep me well supplied.” It was a stroke of fortune that he hadn’t anticipated, and it was with shining eyes and a beaming smile that he placed a hoof over Applejack’s, his dream becoming a reality sooner than he had hoped.

“Applejack, I think we just got ourselves a house.”

For whatever reason, perhaps the festivity that thickened the air, ponies that didn’t usually indulge were allowing temporary lapses in self control; Rarity wasn’t the only light drinker that was knocking back the mugs. Fluttershy typically didn’t care for the taste of alcohol, but everything changed when her tastebuds were graced with the gloriously sweet sensation that was chocolate mead. Crimson watched with fascination, and a bit of jealousy, as Fluttershy broke her self-imposed one drink limit, moving through a whopping two and on to three. Though, in effect, the same equivalent for an average drinker would have been likely closer to ten, and thus she became quite a bit louder than she normally would have. Still, being with Big Mac was worth abstaining from alcohol, and seeing Fluttershy enjoying herself was a reward in its own right.

“Oh my goodness, I never knew that alcohol could be so tasty! You’ve got to try this, Crimson!” Fluttershy said, letting out an actually audible “woohoo” as she shakily offered a cup to the Crimson mare that she couldn’t, for whatever reason, seem to focus on.

“Thank you, Fluttershy, but I may be with child, so I’m going to hold off for now.”

“Oh, thank you, Crimson! A cup for me? You shouldn’t have!” Crimson shook her head as Fluttershy downed a fourth, and it was only by her swift acting hoof that Fluttershy remained on the bench and not on the floor as she leaned back. As the last of the sweetness drained away and she stood to grab another fill, she spied a rather tasty looking Big Mac making his way towards them. The stallion was forced to stop as Fluttershy leapt in front of him, alternating between dangerous sounding growls and fits of giggles.

“Uh, you all right, Fluttershy?” It was a silly question from a silly stallion. It demanded clarification, though, and without warning she tackled him onto his back, prancing atop his chest for a moment before looking down at him with a devilish smile.

“You’re... going to LOVE ME!” Absolute silence reigned as everypony in the room turned to stare at the pair. Fluttershy held her snarl for just a moment longer before giggling profusely as she started to sway. “Teehee, I’m just kidding~! I mean, unless you want to, that is. Oh goodness, I’m suddenly... quite tired...” Big Mac reached out a hoof and caught the mare as Dionysian bliss took its toll, easing her into a gentle slumber and causing her to fall to the side. The merriment continued as Crimson trotted over and sat next to a still confused, slightly stunned Big Mac who found it fitting to do nothing other than stare at the now loudly snoring pegasus held loosely to his chest. A gentle kiss to his muzzle restarted normal thought, and he matched his mare’s grin as she bopped him lightly on the nose.

“And here you thought I was the one who’d be running around. For shame, Big Mac.”

Storm was slightly confused. Rainbow Dash’s drinking habits had been fairly consistent: a round of rainbow, a glass of shockberry, followed by some schnapps. Tonight, however, she started with schnapps, moved on to brandy, of all things, and then topped off his lack of understanding by sampling each and every non-alcoholic beverage that was available. She paused long enough to roll her eyes as he posed his inquiry, draining a glass of butterscotch soda and licking her lips.

“Storm, remember what we talked about?” she chided, drawing her gaze over to Flying Grace who, no longer pregnant, was enjoying all that the tavern had to offer while Quakehoof held Bright Hope in the crook of his foreleg. “I’m not going to be able to touch any of my favorites while I’m pregnant. I won’t even be able to perform... it’s going to be miserable!”

“Hey, if Twilight’s pregnancy was any kind of warning, it’s not going to be easy for me either. And if it’s going to be so miserable, then why...”

"We're gonna have one sooner or later. I'm gonna have to take maternity leave when it happens, so the sooner I get pregnant, the sooner I can get back to flying.” Her expression softened as she turned and watched the two foals, one sound asleep and the other frantically clinging to Cadence’s hoof. “Just look how happy Twilight and Cerulean are with Dawn. And remember the look on your mother’s face when Hope was born? I want to have that..."

“Well, if nothing else, Spitfire will appreciate some time in the spotlight. I swear, it’s just one adventure after another with you.” The seriousness of the moment was sweet, but short lived, and Rainbow Dash instantly rebounded to her usual self. With fluttering eyelashes to match her alluring smile, she leaned a bit closer and spoke softly.

“Oh, but I thought you liked exploring?”

After a bit more time discussing plans for their new house, which had gone from fanciful thought to fulfilled dream in the course of a moment’s time, Silver and Applejack descended once more to the lively party atmosphere and took in the scene. Silver excused himself as Applejack returned to her friends, making his way over to where Berry and Snowdrift were sitting. It wasn’t official yet, but it was clear that his cousin had found somepony special, and Snowdrift, for perhaps the first time in his life, was serious.

“I may be getting a little ahead of myself, Snowdrift, but seeing as how you’ve taken an interest in my cousin, there are a few things I’d like to say.” Snowdrift patiently awaited instruction as Silver sat down across from the pair. “I’m just going to say this now, I ain’t...” he started before stopping to glare at the snickering mare beside the pegasus, who still hadn’t gotten used to her cousin’s recent degradation of refined speech. “Pardon me, ‘am not’ the least bit disturbed by your being with Berry, age and personality included.”

“That’s... rather surprising. I would have thought that would be a problem.”

“I just want to know one thing, Snowdrift. If you ask to be her special somepony, it’s not just going to be her that you’ll have to think about.”

“I won’t tell you I’ll be a good father, Silver, seeing as how I’ve still got a lot of growing up to do. But I will promise to do my best, for Berry and for Ruby.” Silver looked over at Berry with a slight grin.

“Did you tell him to say that, or is he just a little smarter than he gives himself credit for?”

“Aye, the lad’s got a fine noggin if he’d just put it to use.” Snowdrift chuckled as Gale suddenly appeared from behind, Cloudburn in tow. “Don’t ye worry, Silver. Snowdrift will treat ‘er right.”

“What, no praise for me?” Freefall questioned, an expectant smile stamped on his muzzle. The pegasi all exchanged glances before Cloudburn sauntered over with a sly grin.

“Freefall, the only thinking you do is with your wings, and everypony knows it.” Silver waved to Berry as he left the friends to sort things out amongst themselves, though if it devolved into a battle of wits, Freefall was hopelessly outmatched and outnumbered. Silver trotted past the friends, grabbing a cupcake as he went. He had just finished the tasty treat when he made it to the storeroom, where Spike regarded the barrel of Dragon Liquor with the greedy eyes that only a dragon can have. With his mug poised under the nozzle, a slow, rumbling laugh slipped from his mouth as he pulled the lever, expecting a shower of the long anticipated liquor but instead receiving a single drop as the exhausted barrel refused his mental pleas for more.

“But... my plan was perfect, it can’t be out! It’s just... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

After a stern lecture and the addition of a moustache, Spike contented himself to gluttonize a whole cake, whereupon an eating contest was challenged by one Pinkamena Diane Pie, resident sweets connoisseur and bane of baked goods. The table was set, piled high with Sugarcube Corner’s finest, not to be enjoyed but ravenously devoured under the innocent guise of being a simple contest. No, it was a direct assault on Pinkie Pie’s honor, and she would not stand for it.

“Sorry, Spike! I can’t let you win this one.”

“Who said anything about letting me? I could eat a cake as big as this tavern and still have room for ice cream!”

“Yeah, Spikey-wikey, you show her! Woohoo~!” Temporarily distracted by the charming Rarity’s less than charming screaming, his concentration wavered before Scootaloo began giving the final countdown.

“All right, you both have an even amount of food. No throwing it on the floor or spitting it out! Ready? On your marks...” Their gazes locked. “Get set...” The glares tightened. “Go!” Avarice for all things edible consumed one dragon, one earth pony. Cakes were demolished, pies torn asunder, and all surrounded by the despicable ponies who wept nary a tear, but rather cheered for their demise. Spike’s long tongue wrapped cakes three at a time, while Pinkie seemed to forego chewing entirely, shoving in lattice top cherry pies to wash down her platter of cupcakes. As the last crumb was licked clean and tumultuous cheers shook the rafters, both contestants massaged their distended stomachs and looked to the judge. “Wow, you two, that was amazing! Unfortunately, it was a tie. So... who’s up for round two?” Pinkie Pie, at the suggestion of more sweets, stared at her stomach with intense focus as she took a temporary break from defying the laws of physics and defied all known biology instead, her rapid digestion quickly reducing her stomach to normal size while Spike, the valiant warrior, yielded to a sugar induced coma.

“Awww, better luck next time, Spike! Ok, who wants to play pin the tail on the pony?”

Now... Applejack wasn’t any kind of clairvoyant, but what she did know for sure is that Silver was up to something. She didn’t know what, but he had been shuffling around the storeroom far too long, and thus she rose, made her way over, and watched as he sifted through a cupboard. He heard her voice rise over the clinking of the bottles, and after a quick glance assured him that Applejack was the only pony around, he bid her close the door and enter.

“What’re you up to, sugarcube? The party’s out there.”

“Well, after the second taste testing, disaster though it was, I never got to reveal the rest of my creations.”

“You got more drinks? Ah’m sure everypony would love t’ try em.”

“I wouldn’t call them drinks, exactly.” Applejack caught Silver’s grin and instantly knew what he was talking about.

“Ah don’t normally think like this, an’ maybe ah’m just feelin’ too happy, but if yer thinkin’ about prankin’ ponies, ah’ve only got one request: let me help.”

“Sweetheart, ah thought you’d never ask.”

Nopony suspected a thing. If it had been Rainbow Dash that was missing, that would have been cause for alarm, and the same with Storm. Cerulean, while usually tame, was also known to enjoy a good prank or two, though not nearly to the same degree as the terrible pegasi duo. So, when Silver returned with a small crate levitating beside him and his blushing bride to be right beside him, it was simply assumed that the storeroom had temporarily been mistaken for a bedroom, at least for a time. Applejack helped collect the cups of everypony for another round of drinks, making special note which drinks were requested and what cup went to who. If somepony received the wrong cup, while it could be funny, it could also be disastrous. The drinks were served, and Applejack cuddled up close to Silver to watch the fruits of his labor blossom into joyous confusion and widespread mirth.

Whether it was the ever changing taste, or simply the fact that it reminded him of his bride to be, Storm couldn’t deny that the Rainbow Fruit Cocktail was his favorite of the drinks that Silver had created. He examined the color, swirling the contents of the cup before casting muzzy eyes of adoration at his similarly inebriated fillyfriend. His vision was temporarily obscured by the raising of the cup, and soon his tastebuds danced and twirled, gratefully accepting the stimulation. However, the strangest of sensations overtook him as his entire body seemed to be tingling and stretching. But, that couldn’t possibly be happening, and he paid it little heed, returning the mug to his lips before a very shocked, very frightened, very high-pitched squeal sounded from just beside him on the bench.

“Wow, Rainbow Dash, I didn’t think you could hit a note that high.” Wait, what the hay? Something is wrong with my voice, too! I mean, sure, it doesn’t sound like I’ve been filled with helium, but it sounds... kind of like...

“Storm, you’re... a mare?!?”

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking! I sound like... a... mare. No, it can’t be. Or at least, that’s what the newly appointed mare was thinking, until he noticed several things simultaneously. One, he had shrunk and was, perhaps the antithesis of his former physique, about as tall as Dash and extremely lithe. Two, his mane had grown quite a bit longer, and looked like it had been stylishly curled to meet even Rarity’s high standards. Three, he was missing something important between his legs. It was freeing. It was horrifying.

“Silver? What the hay did you do?”

“Yeah, I want my coltfriend back! I mean, yeah, he’s totally hot now, but...”

“Wait, what? Rainbow Dash, that is really, really not flattering!”

“Well you certainly aren’t ugly! And what the hay did you do to my voice?”

“Yeah, you sound just like me, Rainbow Dash!” Their mutual tirade ceased as Pinkie floated by, indeed filled with helium and giggling in her newly acquired squeaky voice.

“I heard you two care for a good prank, so I thought I’d introduce you to some of the poison joke additives that didn’t get explored due to a certain mare’s timely interruption. Storm, you got the 'gender bender,' and Dash, you got the... well, I ain't got a clever name for it. Messes with a ponies voice. 'Voice Boxer' maybe?" Applejack adopted a defensive look to stave off the laughter boiling within.

“Oh, right, like ah had anythin’ t’ do with Twilight goin’ crazy an’ the princess gettin’ frisky.”

“Silver, you stole one of the best parts!”

“Calm down, Dash. He only looks like a mare, it didn’t actually change him into one.” Rather than yell, Storm simply turned around and bent over, lifting his, or rather her, tail to reveal that she was indeed fully female.

“Seems somepony’s lost their cattle prod,” Applejack chuckled as Silver averted his gaze.

“No, really? What tipped you off, Applejack?” Storm fumed lowering her tail and sitting in a sulk.

“The shiny new barn door, if you must know.”

“I don’t want a... a...”

“I dunno, it might not be so bad." Everypony turned and stared at Rainbow Dash, who looked from face to face with faint amusement. “What? Oh, come on, Applejack, you aren’t just a little curious?”

“D-don’t be silly, Rainbow Dash!”

“I dunno, you looked pretty content when I saw you in the shower with Twilight,” came a voice that sounded like a slightly higher pitched blue stallion. Self-conscious or not, the two pegasi laughed freely, and pointedly, as Cerulean once again found himself a mare, and Applejack found herself further embarrassed. Simply changing into a mare wouldn’t have been that much cause for alarm, since he had been female twice by this time. No, what was funny is that physically, he didn’t look all that different.

“Twilight, it seems you’ve married the most androgynous stallion I've ever met!”

“Or maybe I’m just pretty either way,” Cerulean quipped, by this time unbothered by the sudden change of gender. “Besides, my wife makes a fine stallion, doesn’t she?” Twilight was desperately trying to hide herself, and her newly acquired parts, laying on the floor and covering her eyes with her hooves.

“Ladybug, lay...” Dawn squealed, overjoyed with her mother’s knowledge of, undoubtedly, the best song in existence, before stopping in front of the purple stallion and staring between her two gender swapped parents while her mind blew a fuse. “Twi... dad? Ruly... mam? No, wrong! Wrong dad, wrong mam! No, no, no!” Fleeing the incomprehensible madness of the scene, Dawn retreated again to the safety of Princess Cadence. While her mane seemed to have taken a lesson from a few stray bolts of lightning, at least she didn’t become confused as to what gender she was supposed to be. Storm turned back to the grinning blue mare and shook his head.

“Cerulean, it’s just not natural for a stallion to adapt so quickly to losing their... ugh, that’s just wrong.”

“At least I’m not making out with Big Mac again.”

“Eeeyup.” The silence that followed the softest, daintiest voice ever to be heard since when Fluttershy was a filly was quickly replaced by room shaking laughter as the red stallion voiced his agreement. As the laughter continued, Storm and Rainbow Dash’s vocalization of mirth lost itself in the ravine known only as “mortified shock.”

“Um... dad? If I can call you that...”

“Indeed.” Celestia knew she hadn’t had enough alcohol to have a hallucination of such magnitude, but the ashen mare standing near Rainbow Dash and some mare friend that was eerily similar in coloration to Storm looked all the world as she would if she were to be an earth pony.

“Oh my... this is quite unexpected. Silver, is this your doing?”

“Yes, your highness. I’m sorry if it offends.”

“Offends? It does nothing of the sort! In fact, I am very much curious as to what it would be like to bare, how did you say, a ‘cattle prod?’”

“Celestia, ya can’t be serious!” Applejack ventured, unable to believe what she was hearing.

“Sorry, Sweetheart, I can’t well refuse the princess. What flavor would you like?”

“Something... fiery.” Silver poured her some schnapps, added a few drops of the “gender bender” additive, and watched as Celestia took on an entirely different form. While remaining an alicorn, she lost her flowing mane in exchange for a very neatly trimmed mane that tapered off just six inches below the ears. What she did gain, however, was a magnificent beard that would have made Starswirl jealous, and her hearty, deep bass laughter shook the room as everypony took a few moments to gawk. Luna, upon seeing the transformation, called an immediate cessation of her drinking for the night, satisfied with her mane, voice, and gender remaining as they are.

Blinking a few times and hoping that the memory wasn’t going to stick around too long, Applejack jump started Silver’s brain with a kiss. “May the stars ‘ave mercy on me, ah’ve fallen fer one crazy pony.”

“Boy, it’s a good thing you’re not old enough to drink, Sweetie Belle. Just think, if you got anything other than the one that makes your mane go all crazy, there’s no way you could sing your song for Applejack and Silver!”

Sweetie nodded sagely at Scootaloo and went back to sipping her juice. While she prefered the soda, a misplaced belch would ruin her performance, and she grew increasingly nervous as the time for her to take the stage drew near.

“Come on, Sweetie Belle, don’t look so nervous. Yer gonna do fine, ah know it! You sing all the time, an’ this ain’t any different.”

“It’s tons different! Don’t you remember the play we put on? Don’t you remember how nervous you were then?”

“Ah guess that’s true, but it’s yer special talent! Just sing from the heart, an’ you’ll be all right.”

“Hmmm, heart... heart... that’s it! I know the perfect song. But... I’m still super nervous. I wish I could take somepony up there with me.”

“Scootaloo, why don’t you go with her?” Scootaloo couldn’t help but laugh at her ex-brother’s new appearance, and he bore her snorts of derision patiently.

“At least I don’t have to worry about you and Rainbow Dash getting all lovey dovey tonight.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure, she seems a little...”

“Ok, no more, stop! Yeesh, I swear, Storm, you’re the biggest perv in Equestria.”

“No, I’m pretty sure that title goes to Freefall, but that’s beside the point. I mean it, Scootaloo. You’re great at dancing and Sweetie Belle is about to give her first performance. I really think you should, if only for your friend.”

“But dancing isn’t cool, not like racing or flying.”

“What are you talking about? I think dancing is great!” Ruby chimed in, glowing faintly from a glass of her uncle’s special drink made in her honor.

“Yeah, so does Cerulean, but I somehow don’t think either of my mothers would approve of that,” Scootaloo muttered, staring over at Quakehoof and shuddering.

“As long as it is just a pole and nothing more, I don’t have any problem.”

“Mom! Gross!”

“I’m sure we could find a pole somewhere...”

“Stop it, I’m not pole dancing for Sweetie Belle or anypony else!” Scootaloo’s cheeks soon matched the color of her hair as everypony’s eyes traced back to the epicenter of the scream.

“Spotlight’s all yours, my beautiful daughter. Give us a good show, hmmm?” Grace chuckled as she sauntered off, cheerful, proud, and quickly approaching a new personal best of “most drinks in a night.” Scootaloo sat deep in thought for a time before heaving a tremendous sigh, caving to the wealth of hope and well meaning, though prodding, stares from all of her friends.

“Ok, fine, I’ll go with you, Sweetie Belle. I sure feel strange going up there without costumes or anything.”

“How ‘bout some makeup? Ah’m sure Rarity could do you both up pretty.”

“Um, have you even seen my sister tonight?” Sweetie Belle asked, pointing a hoof to the mare that was, at this time, drawing dresses with the drool that was pooling on the table which, to her, felt like the most luxurious pillow that bits could buy. It was clear she would soon join Fluttershy on the bed of cloud that Luna had made, and Applebloom fell deep into thought.

“Well, if y’all don’t mind, ah could try mah hoof at it.”

“But you don’t have any makeup, do you?”

“Ah’ll figure somethin’ out, so just sit tight.”

After a short thirty minutes, Applebloom sat back to admire her work. She may not have much experience in fashion, but her eye for design couldn’t be denied, and the two fillies in front of her couldn’t deny her skill as they looked into a mirror made of ice that Cerulean had generously donated to the cause.

“I look... girly.”

“Uh, that’s kinda the point, Scootaloo. After all, you are a filly, ain’ ya?” Scootaloo nodded, almost reluctantly, as she secretly was thrilled with her transformation but she’d never admit it. “An’ how ‘bout you, Sweetie Belle?”

“It’s great, Applebloom. I don’t know what you used, but this is perfect for my big debut!”

“It’s amazin’ the things you can do with glitter glue.”

“Wait, you used what?”

“Uh, nothin’. Come on, it’s time. Get up there, you two, and give mah sister and her special somepony somethin’ to remember!”

“You ready, Scootaloo?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be. Come on, let’s do it!” They both climbed up on stage, looking out at the ponies talking and laughing, poking good natured fun and banishing any thoughts of sadness. “For Silver?”

“For Applejack.”

“For friends?”

“For friends.” Levitating the mike from the stand, Sweetie Belle gave it a few test taps before starting. “Everypony, may I have your attention?” A respectful silence fell over the room as conversations were wrapped up. Sweetie Belle swallowed hard and closed her eyes, wondering if she’d have the wherewithal to follow through. Scootaloo’s hoof descended lightly on her shoulder, and she plucked up her courage and spoke with confidence. “Tonight, we’re here to celebrate the engagement of Applejack, long time rodeo champion of Ponyville, and Silver Moonshine, who has done right by everypony here. Silver, we’re glad to welcome you into our community, and I’m sure I speak for everypony when I say that we all wish you both happiness and longevity.”

“Longe... what now? Come on, miss dictionary, cut to the chase,” Scootaloo teased, eliciting a smile as Sweetie Belle waited for the cheers to die down. Silver, noticing Rarity’s condition, pulled out one of his vials from behind the counter and trotted over to the severely impaired mare that was barely clinging to consciousness. Whispering an apology, he gently lifted her head and tipped the vial into her mouth, which she swallowed automatically and sat unfazed for a moment before slowly returning to life.

“Oh... my goodness, how terribly improper. I seem... to have let myself go a little,” Rarity muttered, holding a hoof to her head as the serum cleansed the alcohol in her system.

“I thought you might want to be lucid enough to appreciate your sister’s performance. Oh, and don’t drink anything alcoholic for twenty-four hours, or you’re going to feel pretty miserable.”

“Thank you, Silver. Really, I wouldn’t want to miss this for anything.” Silver returned to where Applejack was sitting and place a hoof around her shoulders, holding her close as Sweetie Belle finished up.

“Well, that’s all I have to say. Hope you enjoy the song, Silver, Applejack. And everypony else too!” Applebloom received their signal, hit the appropriate dial and sat back to watch. Scootaloo gave Storm a grateful smile, female though he was, closing her eyes as the first chords sounded in the tavern. Guided by the flow of music and Sweetie Belle’s voice, she soon became enraptured as she gracefully and fluidly translated the lyrics through her striking motions and dazzling flourishes.

“Baby I knew at once
That you were meant for me
Deep in my soul I know
That I'm your destiny
Though you're unsure
Why fight the tide
Don't think so much
Let your heart decide

Baby I see your future
And it's tied to mine
I look in your eyes
And see you searching for a sign
But you'll never fall
'Til you let go
Don't be so scared
Of what you don't know

True to your heart
You must be true to your heart
That's when the heavens will part
And baby shower you with my love
Open your eyes
Your heart can tell you no lies
And when you're true to your heart
I know it's gonna lead you straight to

Storm made his way over to where his mother and father were watching their daughter shine, their faces radiating pride as Scootaloo wowed the crowds.

“What do you know... I think she’s finally taking after your grace, mother.”

“It’s a little saddening, really. Now I’m going to have to worry about all the young colts beating out a path to our front door.”

“Indeed.” Storm chuckled and turned his attention back, every bit as proud as his parents. Scootaloo was too entranced by the music to see or feel the the appearance of her long sought after Cutie Mark. Storm made no effort to keep from tearing up, beaming as he wrapped a hoof around Rainbow Dash as he looked on, whispering his encouragement.

“Atta girl, Scootaloo. You’re the best little sister a brother could hope for.”

“Someone you know is on your side
Can set you free
I can do that for you
If you believe in me
Why second-guess
What feels so right
Just trust your heart
And you'll see the light”

“No lies, Silver. Ah love you, an’ that’s the truth.”

“I know, sweetheart. For somepony who values honesty, you sure have had a hard time being true to yourself. But I want to be there, through every fear and every tear. I love you too, and that ain’t no lie.”

“When things are getting crazy
And you don't know where to start
Keep on believing baby
Just be true to your heart
When all the world around you
It seems to fall apart
Keep on believing baby
Just be true to your heart~!”

Sweetie Belle was, perhaps, the only pony who heard Scootaloo’s yell over the thunderous applause and room shaking bouts of hoof stomping performance. While whatever words followed weren’t comprehensible, Sweetie couldn’t help but shout along, ecstatic that Scootaloo had finally gotten her Cutie Mark. Had there been silence, she would have known that Scootaloo was less than thrilled with the butterfly that now graced her flank, its wings shaped like lightning bolts and colored like her mane. Grace, speed, and dexterity were hers to use as she wished, though in her mind, her chances at making the “cool” category had just bid her farewell for good. The only possible thing that could make it any worse is if she ended up looking as ladylike as her mother.

“Hello, Discord? Do I recall that you hate being bored? Oh, you do? Well, I think I can fix that. I hear there is this rather wild party being thrown in Ponyville, and I’m quite sure your ticket simply just got lost in the mail,” Discord chortled, talking to himself as he flew towards the cacophonous din rising to the sky and, no doubt, keeping everypony awake that wasn’t in attendance. He hadn’t been specifically told to stay in the mountains, and Celesta seemed to be much more receptive to his presence that she had been in, well, thousands of years. So it was that he landed, stretched out his mouth a bit in the hopes of a warm reception, and stepped inside.

Omniscience is not inherent in the draconequus race. Even Discord, who thrived on strange and mischief of the worst kinds, could not have anticipated walking into a full tavern to find that a few of the ponies the princess loved most dearly had somehow switched genders. Such a thing, he imagined, would result in large spikes on his internal chaos-o-meter, but there was nothing but goodwill and laughter all around.

“Oh, well if it isn’t my favorite little draconequus. Did you get lonely by yourself in the mountains?” Discord didn’t really have time to respond before being tackled to the ground and given a very satisfying, if a little wet, smooch. As is customary, he closed his eyes after catching a brief glimpse of Celestia before yielding to the sweet sensation of oral engagement. As he felt body-wide pressure and warmth as she lay atop him, he noted that she was heavier than he expected. He also noted, with increasing apprehension, that something course and scruffy was tickling his chest. He relished the idea of some of her friends freaking out at her openly provocative behavior and ignored the disturbance for the sake of hearing a few cries of alarm, but he instead heard the noise slowly die down to a rather disconcerting murmur. He could sense something in the room, but he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it until he was unceremoniously prodded by something. It would take weeks to get rid of the memory, and likely a millenia to live it down.

“Oh, now whatever is that look for, Discord? Have some respect for your prince.”

“I refuse to believe for one second that you are Celestia. Celestia is a creature of beauty and order, not a...”

“Roguish stallion with one of these?” As she proudly displayed her newly acquired anatomy with fiendish delight, the realization of the strange poking he had received bid him flee without another word, spending the following hour flushing out his eyes under a shower of chocolate milk, crying softly and vowing never again to let his lips touch another’s.

The stars in the late night sky danced and shimmered as if reflecting the joy that was lifted up to them by taking part. It had been a long night, but after everything that had happened, spending time with Applejack was sweeter than the soundest sleep. It was clear she reciprocated, as the moment he suggested a spot of stargazing she yanked a blanket off of the bed, threw it around her shoulders, grabbed a pillow, and followed him up the stairs to the plateau on the roof.

A shiver ran through her spine as the chilled night air brushed across her coat, tossing her mane and bidding her lay down the blanket and return for another. Silver waited patiently to lay back until she arrived, and they snuggled close and sat in silence, admiring the glittery canvas and silently thanking Luna for allowing them the pleasure of beholding it.

“On the night you first came t’ town, ah was layin’ back just like this back at the farm,” Applejack said softly, holding up her ring and comparing it to the sky. “Ah was... really hurtin’ then. Ah wanted somepony to take everythin’ away: the anger, the pain, an’ all that dang confusion. It was a mite foalish, ah suppose, makin’ a wish on the stars, but ah saw a shootin’ star right after ah asked.” She lowered her hoof and turned her head to face Silver, blushing faintly as smiling widely. “An’ then the next day we had our first true meetin’. Ah could be told a million times that it was all just a coincidence, but ah don’t think so. You’re mah star from the heavens, sugarcube, and ah’ll treasure you always.”

“Would you believe I was watching the skies that night too?”

“Ah would.”

“I saw the same star. I reached out and tried to catch it, and the very next day, Dawn gave me the star that was used to make your ring. It ain’t coincidence, sweetheart. If I’m your star, then you’re the sky that holds me.” Love flared bright, and after they shared a tender kiss, Applejack cracked over her teary eyes, placing a hoof over his heart.

“That’s right, Silver. Ah’m yer sky, and ah ain’t ever gonna let you fall.”

Comments ( 84 )

Yes and the final one. Be on the look out for the next fic.

593993 Indeed. It was one of my days off, and I love being able to view comments as they come in. It also makes it easier to catch any mistakes that are pointed out and get them fixed as soon as possible. I hope that's acceptable to everypony? :twilightsmile:


Wait, wait... Wait Wait Wait WAIT! Last update?! Next one is where Rarity get's her happy ending right?

Next fic could be either Rarity, Pinkie Pie, or Fluttershy.

594018 Oh, come now. As much of a troll as OminousBrony is, do you really think he'd let me answer that question? Silly ThePhantomAssassin. :rainbowlaugh:
EDIT: See? I can't even post before he trolls. I'll never win.

594028 The suspense may actually kill me. (Not really)

594029 No I didn't really expect you to, but I was hopeful. And feel free to call Phantom. ThePhantomAssassin sounds weird xD

594018 yes, by aloe and lotus.:trollestia:

594113 Ah ha ha ha! I see what you did there!

Fantastic ending! I think this really was your best story yet.

Thank you for supplying me with lunchtime reading material for the last several weeks, and I cannot wait until the next story starts.

Discord has been screwed over many, many times.

Oh buck the hell YES. :pinkiecrazy:

594180 I clearly see I should've thought that comment over a little more. Whoops.

So when do you think you're gonna be able to start the next fic?

594252 New blog post! Check it! Oh, and as to when I will start releasing the next fic... Well, knowing Omi, it will be less than a week. :twilightsmile:

ALL MY D'AWW :heart:

Also, anypony recognize the song?

594029 I wanna troll too, but I figure that Omi deserves it moar than I do. I might be the Minstroll of Equestria, but even I need to 'share the love' with trolling! XD Sorry for missing that one edit in the previous chapter. :fluttercry:

Brilliant. :pinkiehappy:

Although the dialogue when the poison joke drinks started going around was hard to follow. Kind of confusing to tell who said what.

594649 I try not to spam "(insert name) said" when possible, but I'll give it another look soon and add some names to lines to make it more clear. Sorry about that. :twilightblush:

I have one thing to say to you. You make it so hard not to troll. almost every chapter you said something that I could have used for trolling involving the chapter after it.

594680 Yeah, I think it's probably better to have it. I think that was a complaint leveled at one of the chapters of my fics, which is now why I usually try to denote the speaker, unless there are only two participating in the conversation (in which case, it would be fine to leave out saying who said what every other line).

I do beleive this was the largest story... " he then proceeded to wash his eyees out wuth chocolate milk for the next hour" that line took the last of my breathe away with more laughter.:rainbowlaugh:
Now my sides hurt... good conclusion by the way very final yet obvious there is another story. KUDOS:moustache:

i need five or six thumbs up for this story not a paltry one...also who is the *removed by user as being slightly vulgar* who down voted this? :twilightangry2:

best story ever though:pinkiehappy:


Before anyone else posts, its 'True to Your Heart' by 98 degrees correct?

I thought the lyrics seemed familiar :twilightsmile:

I just had to go back and read through the song in the fic again with it playing! Couldn't resist!

Trollestia strikes again! :trollestia: Poor discord is scarred for life :rainbowlaugh:

Also good ending IMO. Will be watching for the next installment. :pinkiehappy:

Also also, Trollestia x Discord, calling it now :pinkiecrazy:

Indeed it is. It just seemed appropriate.

It's over. It's finally over!:yay::fluttershysad:

Just got to keep up my spirit until you post more. Thank you both for all the good stories. I'll be watching you. Keep it up!:heart:

I must say, I have never really paid the authors of fanfiction stories much attention until you came along with these stories. I must say, if Hasbro gives you permission to publish these stories, consider me a buyer. The Dialouge, character development, and the creation of believable OC's is phenominal. I look forward to you next story.

599380 Man I don't read much outside of WW2 books but when my friend made me read Dashie I knew I would be reading more. So if these stories begin to start selling I'll be a buyer no matter how much I'll buy each copy.:eeyup:

Nope. Because if you notice, Dash is married into a family isolated from the rest.

the genderswap of :trollestia: killed it for me, other then that you are my new fav writer (and when I say that I mean out of ALL the storys and published books I have read)


Above all else:

Traumatized Discord is best Discord :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

Well as soon as I started listening to the song, I heard it being sung in Sweetie Belle's voice!!
Good choice for the Element Of Honesty!

Poor Discord has been so traumatized throughout this whole series, I can't help but feel sorry for him. *hugs Discord* Loving the mischievous Celestia though :trollestia:

This ranks my all time favorite fictions at number three.

And I made a point of not reading the previous fictions, still a glorious story.

I do believe there is a 'new' one out, fluttershy's turn if I am not mistaken. I'll have to look into it.

best of luck with your endeavors. :ajsmug:

Mother of Celestia...Wow...just wow...the growth you have had from "Tears" is amazing. This was the best story yet I love the world you have built and I hate you for it! lol I am going to break my one rule of Fan fiction and start on Fluttershy's story now instead of waiting for it to be finished I never read an unfinished story...ever...its like a rule and you are making me break it with this series so you better finish it mister! :pinkiehappy: I loved everything about this you had great and developed reasons for AJ's behavior and nothing seemed forced but a logical reaction in your fannon you put together. You had another great OC with Silver, gave the CMC great Cutiemarks and I loved all the little side relationships you put in. I am brohugging you so hard right now :twilightblush: You have come a long way and I can't wait for Fluttershy's to be done and Rarity's as well you are leading into both of those stories so well I want to read them NOW! :applecry: I kinda don't even want you to go back and rewrite the first fic till you are done with the series but I also want you to rewrite that so i can read it again! I can not be happier that you convinced me to continue with your stories and your series is now up there with FO:E, The Games We Play, Past Sins, and It's Dangerous Business Going Out Your Door as my favorite story/series bravo sir bravo! :twilightsmile::heart::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::raritywink::scootangel:

is there another story after this one???:derpyderp1:

920811 "Song of Whispers," if you haven't already found it. :twilightsmile:

922344 thx so much! i was desperate to keep reading so i msged my friend and she told me as well. im reallly enjoying these storys:twilightsmile:

There are two of Storm Blitz's friends from Cloudspire. They were the ones creating the distraction at the Weather Factory or whatever there while Cloudburn and Silent Gale helped Flying Grace with her escape. They arrived in Ponyville at the end of Risks.

THIS MAKES ME FEEL I DONT KNOW. ITS JUST THE ... oh sorry, Its one of the best stories/series I have ever had the pleasure to read. Now ONTP THE NEXT ONE!!!:twilightsmile:

this was lovely ty for it :heart::rainbowkiss::heart::rainbowkiss:

970615 Coincidence, as I've never read any of the Fallout: Equestria fics before. :twilightblush:

I love you guys. Seriously, these are absolutely brilliant. And I've still got more to read! :twilightsmile::yay::ajsmug::coolphoto::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::raritystarry::scootangel:

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