• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 9,772 Views, 550 Comments

Under the Starry Skies - Wintergreen Diaries

Silver Moonshine opens a tavern in Ponyville, hoping to escape the city and maybe find a nice mare.

  • ...

Moving Forward

Chapter 18: Moving Forward

Having checked earlier that afternoon, Big Macintosh didn’t bother trying to visit the clinic before making his way towards the tavern. Applebloom had taken it upon herself to whip the stallion into shape after his misbehavior the night Applejack passed out, and he hung his head as the filly perched on his back finished up her rather long discourse on his less than average intelligence.

“Now ah don’t know what kind o’ mood Berry will be in when ya get inside, but barring Twilight blowin’ up, you’re gonna apologize, ya hear?”


“All right then, step to it. Ah’m thirsty.” Big Macintosh dutifully obeyed, increasing his trot to a gallop and smiling at the hooves that frantically wrapped around his neck. The tavern soon came into view, and as he entered he was bewildered by a steady stream of praise for his sister. He accepted it gratefully, but didn’t quite understand why they were bringing it up two days after the fact, and with such exuberance. “Ok, Big Mac. There she is. You know what t’ do.”

“Eeeyup.” Applebloom hopped down and, spying Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Ruby, joined the trio and promptly downed half of one of their drinks. Berry resisted the urge to run as Big Mac drew close to the counter.

“Can... I get you something, Big Macintosh?”

“Nnnope. Berry, ah just wanted to say ah'm sorry. Ah messed up bad, an’ ah never got the chance to apologize until now.” She motioned him over towards a vacant end of a table and sat down. “Ah know you may not be able t’ fergive me right away, but if there’s anythin’ ah can do to repay ya fer lettin’ mah temper get the better o’ me, ah’ll do mah best.”

“I should also say I’m sorry, Big Mac. Messing with things I didn’t understand was foolish, regardless of my intentions. I’m just glad Applejack is awake and well.”

“Wait, she what?”

“You didn’t know? She left the hospital early this evening. She showed up around fifteen minutes ago.”

“Where is she? Ah wanna see her.”

“They went up to Silver’s room, up those stairs. I haven’t heard or seen from them since. I would assume that my cousin wanted some privacy for whatever they are talking about.” Big Macintosh made for the stairs before Berry jumped in front of him, blocking his path and shaking her head. “I know you want to see her again, but those two have been through a lot to share whatever time they are having up there right now.”

“Ah know, but ah need t’ know my sister is all right.”

“I understand. Well, how about this; if we don’t see them in the next half hour, we’ll check on them together. Fair enough?” Big Macintosh nodded and cantered off towards the bar where Rainbow Dash and Storm were filling in. The time passed quickly as he chatted with Storm and downed a few glasses of cider. The last thirty seconds came and he rose, making his way over to the steps where Berry was already waiting.

“Been half an hour, Berry. Can ah see mah sister now?”

“Yes, come on. Let’s go see what they’re up to.” They ascended the steps together and entered to find the room empty. Big Macintosh gave Berry an inquiring look to which she was about to respond when a soft thump sounded from above. Fearing that the reunion had turned violent, Big Mac raced up the stairs and threw open the doors, where his brain sputtered to a stop, rolled once and lay dead. Berry had a similar experience as the two ponies strained to blush harder at their discovery, disconnecting their muzzles. Applejack slowly rose from Silver’s chest and backed away, though the only thought she could muster was that she couldn’t recall how many “yes’” she had received.

“Something tells me that when they can speak again, they aren’t going to be very pleased,” Silver whispered, pointing towards his cousin as the shock slowly shifted to hysteria. Forgiveness was something that Berry could understand, especially after what Applejack had suffered at her hooves. But seeing them together like that was too much, too soon.

“What the hay are you doing to Silver, Applejack?” Berry shouted, pointing to Silver’s clothes which were in a pile off to the side.

“Applejack? An' what about Silver?” Big Mac countered, pointing a hoof at the hapless stallion.

“Silver isn’t the one doing the seducing, so buck off, Big Mac!”

“You better not be callin’ mah sister loose, Berry,” he growled, towering over the mare and causing her to take a step back.

“What do you expect me to think, huh Big Mac?”

“What ‘n tarnation is wrong with y’all? I ain’t seducin’ nopony, ah was just spendin’ some quality time with mah coltfriend, ok?” The ensuing silence was about as comfortable as laying on a bed of nails whilst Pinkie Pie danced a jig across one’s stomach after a full meal, and Applejack quickly learned how Cerulean must feel, as he was very well acquainted with eating his own hoof. “Ah just said somethin’ wrong, didn’t I.”

“Well, not technically, no, but it was quite ill placed,” Silver murmured. “I don’t think your brother is too happy with the news.”

“Colt... friend?” There was a loud thump as Berry sat down hard, unable to come to grips with the news. Big Macintosh had expected this might come about some day, so the news wasn’t as much of a shocker as finding his sister obliviously lip-locked with the stallion after knowing him for only two weeks, one of which was spent apart.

“Silver, you and I need t’ have a talk.”

Ah nearly die from alcohol poisonin’, wake up, score a coltfriend an’ mah buckin’ moron of a brother wants t’ jump down ‘is throat already? No way, no how. Ah waited too long fer this. It wasn’t often that Applejack went head to head with her brother, but there was no way she was going to let his growing string of blunders continue. It also wasn’t often that Applejack succeeded in intimidating the massive stallion, but he couldn’t help but quail under her piercing stare.

“Big Mac, you best hush up, or it’ll be you in the hospital next. Silver ain’t been nothin’ but a gentlecolt t’ me, an’ you expect me t’ sit here and listen t’ you give him a lecture when you dang near kill somepony the moment ah try t’ get some shuteye? One word, Big Mac. Ah dare you, just say one word.” Thoroughly cowed, the stallion maintained his silence as he made a slow retreat, disappearing down the steps leaving the two other ponies more than a touch frightened. “Sorry ‘bout that, Silver. Ah was just...”

“Taste testing!” Pinkie shouted, popping up next to Berry who was just beginning to calm down.

“Pinkie Pie, that’s not helpin’ none at all, an’ don’t you get any ideas. Silver is off limits.”

“Why in Equestria are you tasting my cousin?” The only partially true statement seemed to trigger Berry’s ability to speak, her volume overcompensating and sending the message echoing through the evening skies and down into the tavern, causing everypony to pause for a moment before bursting into laughter.

“Well duh, probably ‘cause he tastes good? I mean, why else would anypony do that? That’s just silly!”

“Did she break her one drink limit?” Berry asked, eyeing the bubbly mare with suspicion.

“No, she’s always like that...” Applejack muttered, covering her face with a hoof while Pinkie Pie attempted to figure out what she was being charged with. The euphoria of the fleeting moment of bliss all but negated, the fatigue that had temporarily been dispelled came back full force. “Ah’m sorry, Silver. Ah really would like t’ spend a little more time with you tonight, but ah’m gettin’ real tired. Huh, you’d think after two days o’ sleep ah’d be ready t’ do anythin’.”

“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” Cantering over, he gave her one last kiss and a firm embrace before stepping back, noting the look on his cousin’s face with concealed glee. “You take care of yourself. See you tomorrow?”

“O’ course, sugarcube. Good night, Silver. You too, Berry. Come on, Pinkie, I ain’t about t’ leave you here, lest you get any ideas.”

“Bye, Silver! Taste ya later!” While Silver couldn’t quite make out whatever dire warning Applejack was giving her friend, he was fairly sure that he would be safe for quite some time, judging by her tone of voice. With a sigh, he laid back and gazed up at the sky, filled with excitement about what the future might hold, though his revery didn’t last long as his cousin spoke up.

“I must have confused Dragon Liquor with regular cider when I had my two glasses earlier, because I could swear she just said you two were a couple.”

“That’s right, I...”

“Are you really sure about this, Silver? I find it hard to believe that anypony in their right mind would shack up with the pony that broke their heart one week earlier just like that.”

“Hmmm, well, the timing could have been better, I suppose.”

“Are you even taking this seriously?” she murmured, more to herself than to him.

“Of course I am. If you don’t believe me, I could always drink this,” he murmured, lazily levitating a second vial from his crumpled clothes. He couldn’t help but grin as Berry’s eyes grew wide with amazement, before noticing the new burn on his chest.

“So you finished it, finally. That’s good then, I don’t have to worry as much. But still, Silver, this is all a little sudden, don’t you think?”

“Berry, I like Applejack, ok?” He had never spoken those words before, not within the context of romance, and he found a foal-like excitement bubbling in his stomach as he let them out. The full meaning wasn’t lost on Berry, and with a sigh she slumped down next to him, watching as he continued to peer up at the night sky.

“I will admit, I’m having a hard time accepting this. She really hurt you, and me, with her actions.”

“And, from what I hear, she’s gone through just as much trying to fix things for everypony. Berry, she knows what she’s done. Can’t you just let it go?”

“Silver, it’s not me I’m worried about, or even so much you. It’s Ruby. It tore her up, leaving the way you did.” Silver nodded, recalling all the names of the ponies that wanted him back, Ruby’s being the first and foremost. His expression softened, realizing Berry’s position as a mother and remembering that, ever since conception, her daughter had always been her first priority without exception.

“I’m sorry, Berry. I shouldn’t have run like that, but I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t really think I’d be missed like that. Ponies come and go in Manehatten daily, it’s just part of life. I guess I don’t really understand what it means to be part of a community.”

“Well, you have a tavern full of thirsty ponies. And it looks like your horn has stopped glowing like the stars, so I’d say you should get on down there. It’s... good to have you back, Silver.” Berry found her embrace gratefully received, though it lasted a bit longer than he had anticipated. At length she drew back, and he re-dressed before they returned to the hustle and bustle of the tavern. He turned just in time to see a small crimson thunderbolt attempt to strike him from the side, but taking a stance, he braced himself for impact and spread his arms wide as the excited filly hopped onto a bench and launched herself into his waiting embrace.

“Uncle Shiny! You’re back!” His warm embrace was received for but a moment before she grew stern, waving a hoof in his face and looking all the world like her mother the few times she had gotten serious with her daughter. “Don’t you ever run away like that again, Shiny. I mean it!”

“I won’t, sweetheart.” Too elated to extend her reprimand, she again curled up close as Scootaloo and her friends trotted over, almost as excited to see the stallion though for less sentimental reasons.

“Hey Silver, you make anything tasty while you were away?”

“Well, I may have something that’ll suit your fancy.” He set Ruby down and walked into the back, returning a short while later with corked bottle.

“Uncle Shiny! You have a new one? What is it, what is it?” Ruby squealed excitedly, bouncing up and down with unbridled excitement. “Uh, mom? Are you alright?” Berry, on her part, was having a difficult time containing her laughter, knowing exactly what the drink would do to the already cheerful group of friends, though she was most excited just to see her daughter laugh.

“I’m fine, sweetie, now listen to your uncle.”

“What I have here is a sweet, berry flavored drink imbued with the essence of electricity. I call it Shockberry Juice, and I think you’ll all find it rather satisfying.”

“If you don’t mind me askin’, is this stuff safe?” Applebloom inquired, staring at the faint static that the drink gave out whenever she sloshed it around in the cup.

“Don’t you worry, Applebloom. It’s been tested plenty,” Berry assured the skeptical filly.

“A drink made with lightning? That’s so cool!” Scootaloo exclaimed, attempting to down it in one go but stopping halfway through as the tingling sensation filled her chest and stomach. Her friends paused with the glasses at their lips as the orange pegasus fell over backwards in a fit of giggles, squealing as if she were being tickled by many hooves without mercy.

“Ah don’t know ‘bout this...”

“Ok, let’s drink together. One... two... three!” The three fillies promptly joined the fourth on the ground, clutching their sides as the juice worked its magic. Berry got back to work serving while the sweet sound of laughter eased the anxiety that had been building since Silver had fled town. “All right, Ruby, you and your friends have fun. I’m going to get back to work.”

“Shiny? I’m really glad you came back.”

“Me too, sweetheart.” Crossing the room seemed like such a simple task, but everypony he passed seemed to want to pat him on the back or express their heartfelt gratitude that he was back in town. He treasured each and every comment, every word, because they were genuine. Finally making his way back to the bar, he nodded his thanks to Rainbow Dash and Storm for keeping things going as he assumed his position behind the counter and got to work. Handing out another mug and collecting the bits from the counter, he paused to survey the fruit of his labors. Ponies were drinking and laughing, feasting and celebrating, and on top of all that, he had finally found a mare he could imagine staying with.

“I’ve finally found a home. I’m back to stay, Ponyville. I’ve missed you.”

An outstretched hoof bid Applejack sit at the table as she arrived home, closing the door behind her and seeing Big Mac seated at the table. Were he being forceful about the motion, her threat from earlier likely would have come into effect, but his face didn’t really convey any kind of emotion at all, so she heeded the request and sat. Big Mac stared across the table at her, and she met his gaze, a silent challenge to test her resolve. She’d spent too much time being afraid, and she wasn’t about to let it start again.

“Well git to it, brother. Ah know you didn’t bring me ‘ere just t’ have a starin’ contest. What’s on yer mind? What ‘ave you got against Silver, huh?”

“I ain’t got nothin’ against Silver, AJ.”

“Really?” she said slowly, narrowing her eyes. “Then how come you were about t’ go off on ‘im back at the tavern? An’ don’t try an’ deny it.”

“Before they left, ah promised our parents that ah’d take care ‘o you, of our family. An’ ah don’t intend on breakin’ mah promise, Applejack. Silver seems like a nice stallion, but it’s gonna take more ‘n that t’ win mah approval.” He gave a sigh, softening his expression and dropping his gaze for a moment before meeting his sister’s once more. “You’ve let ‘im in, though. An that speaks for ‘im a lot. Applejack, ah don’t want ‘im t’ fail, I just want you t’ have the best. You understand?”

“Ah do. Ah wish it was father tellin’ me all this, though.”

“Eeeyup. Ah don’t like bein’ the stern one. For what it’s worth, ah think he’ll make a good coltfriend, as long as he doesn’t try anythin’ before ‘e puts a ring on it.”

“Oh my, little Applejack is gettin’ married? That musta been some nap I took, what day is it then?” Granny Smith sat herself down at the table and chuckled gleefully. “It’s that Silver fellow, isn’t it? Ah knew he was the one moment I laid eyes on him.”

“Granny Smith, we’re only...”

“Gettin’ married, ah know that! Kids these days, makin’ me repeat myself. Y’all don’t listen, I tell ya. But ah want to at least have a talk with ‘im first! And have somethin’ tasty o’ his that ain’t cider. Why don’t you bring him by tomorrow? An’ have him bring one of everything!”

“Who the hay would come knocking this late? Everypony knows that the tavern is closed,” Silver muttered, stirring as a rhythmic thumping coming from downstairs roused him from his half asleep state. Sitting up slowly and waiting for his balance to stabilize, he plodded downstairs and cracked the door open, not wanting whoever it was to see his scars. “Applejack? What are you doing here? It’s late, is something wrong?” She looked bothered by something, or perhaps just nervous, but either way she wasn’t smiling. And what was with that blush?

“Ah was wonderin’ if maybe you had some time t’ talk, or somethin’.”

“I find it hard to believe you’d be this hesitant to ask me for some time to chat, sweetheart. Come on inside, and tell me what’s really going on.” There it was, that smile. What is it about this mare that makes me feel so... alive? “Would you like something to drink, Applejack?”

“Maybe just a little.” What am ah doin’ here? It’s well past twelve in the mornin’, ah'm dead tired, an' Big Macintosh ain’t gonna be happy I snuck out. But ah just want t’ be with him, just a little more. Applejack looked up from her thoughts as he returned with two mugs and motioned her to follow him up the stairs. While physically a simple action despite her fatigue, she found her heart pounding as she reached the top a short while later, and he held the door open while she trotted in, moving towards the desk while he sat down on the bed.

“Applejack, are you ok? You’re face is a little...”

“Ah’m fine!” she replied quickly, almost slipping into a startled shout. He continued to stare until she relented. “Ok, you win. I ain’t any good at lyin’ an’ I hate dishonesty anyhow. Wasn’t my intention just then, but ah am a little nervous.”

“Is it me? Oh, Celestia, it’s from being in my room, isn’t it.”

“It is mah first time... bein’ in yer room, ah mean!”

“We can go back downstairs, if you want.” He watched her drain her cup in response, setting it down on the desk and shaking her head. While there were many words he could use to describe Applejack, most of them pleasant, bashful wasn’t one he thought would be on the list. He added it anyways, right next to adorable, then tilted the glass back to finish the last of the cider. Not expecting Applejack to be standing right in front of him when he once more opened his eyes, he suddenly grew short of breath, her nervousness becoming his own. To his surprise, and perhaps relief for his rapidly accelerating heartbeat, she sat down beside him on the bed, trembling slightly and avoiding eye contact.

“Ah don’t... like bein’ alone at night.” Ignoring his nervousness, Silver calmed his thoughts and assumptions to give the mare his full attention. “It was never anythin’ ah gave much thought to, an’ ah probably never would have if it never happened. But just havin’ somepony there with you... Ah want it more than yer kisses, an’ that’s sayin’ somethin’.” A rustling behind her and a shift of weight bid her glance over her shoulder, where Silver had moved and was holding out a hoof towards her. If mah heart beats any louder, ah’m gonna lose mah hearin’, ah think. The thought of resisting the offer never even came to mind, and she accepted his comforting embrace as she lay next to him, feeling her temperature rise as his hooves closed in around her shoulders.

“Sweetheart, next time you want to be nervous about something, make it something complicated.”

“Don’t make it sound like ah’m the only one, yer heart is skippin’ around like Pinkie on a sunny day,” she chuckled, pressing closer. She opened her eyes to try and look into his, but she was distracted by the soft silver light that was coming from his horn.

“Applejack, what’s with that look?” he asked as the mare’s flushed cheeks grew a shade deeper.

“Are ya plannin’ on makin’ cider, or are you just happy t’ see me?”

“Making cider? What are you talking about?”

“Turn out the lights.” He obliged the request, using magic to flip the switch and immediately felt his heart rate triple under the glow of his horn.

“I’m sorry, I’m not trying to do that! It’s just, I’ve never...”

“Oh, stop frettin’ an’ just hold me.” He dutifully obeyed, thankful for the silence as he tried, largely unsuccessfully, to calm himself down. “Ah wish... ah could just stay like this tonight.”

“Applejack, if you want, I don’t have a...” he started before her hoof sealed his lips shut.

“Don’t say it out loud, ‘cause then ah will. You and ah both know mah brother would be furious with the two of us.” She removed her hoof from his muzzle and returned his embrace. “He’ll probably be mad at me for stayin’ out so late anyhow, but right now ah don’t care.”

“Applejack, I don’t want to do anything that’s going to upset your brother. But, at the same time, I want to make you happy. And if it comes down to a choice between the two, I’d rather suffer your brother’s fury than have to wipe away your tears. I’ll let you go in an hour or two, but until then, stay with me, all right?” Applejack look at him for but a moment before leaning in to reward him for his gracious words, holding the kiss for a few seconds before reluctantly breaking the connection.

“Silver, ah... thank you.”