• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 9,772 Views, 550 Comments

Under the Starry Skies - Wintergreen Diaries

Silver Moonshine opens a tavern in Ponyville, hoping to escape the city and maybe find a nice mare.

  • ...

Time Marches On

Chapter 23: Time Marches On

It really was unladylike to sweat like she was, but Rarity refused to slow down. This order was huge, perhaps the biggest she’d ever taken, and it demanded her undivided attention, which is exactly why she took it. The knocking on the door broke her concentration momentarily, but she ignored it and finished the stitch she was working on before dragging herself to the door.

“Applejack, what are you doing here?”

“Ah came t’ see you, sugarcube. May ah come in?”

“Yes, of course,” she replied, stepping aside and closing the door behind her. “Dear, I hate to sound rude, but your mane...”

“Ah knew ah came t’ the right pony. Ah was wonderin’ if you could do it up fancy, like you did for Shining Armor’s weddin’.”

Oh, Applejack, the position you’re putting me in is just too cruel. I can’t ignore that fashion disaster, but this order... “I’m sorry, Applejack. I may have accidentally to have bitten off a little more than I can chew with this order. Could you try checking back another time, perhaps?”

Ah can’t tell exactly how, but she’s hidin’ somethin’. “Rarity, ah want you t’ know that you can talk t’ me ‘bout anythin’ on yer mind, anythin’ at all. You know that, right?”

“I do, dear. Now, I really must be getting back to work. I’m terribly sorry I can’t fix your mane right now, really.”

“Ah know you are. How about this; the next time you have a little time off, we have some quality girl time, just the two of us?”

“That sounds lovely, but I... I don’t know when I’ll be able to spare the time.”

“Don’t worry ‘bout that none, sugarcube. Ah’ll keep comin’ till you agree, an’ ah ain’t fixin’ my mane till then neither.”

“Applejack, that’s just... that’s blackmail!”

“Ah’m honest, but that don’t mean ah can’t be cunnin’. See you tomorrow, Rarity!”

“Please, I’m begging you, do something about your...” she started as the door slammed shut. “Mane...” she finished with a sigh. I wonder if she can tell already... that this order is just a cover. Applejack may be simple minded and woefully unlearned in the ways of marehood, but she’s quite sharp when it comes to discernment. Maybe... no, I’ve held it together this long, I can keep going. I must...

The terror of having one’s innocence cruelly snatched away by somepony that was believed to be a friend... the pain of parental neglect in the aftermath... and finally the abandonment of hope to continue life as it was once known to be... Fluttershy couldn’t even begin to fathom what it must have been like. For Crimson to lose her brother one week, and her virginity the next, and to somepony she trusted... how could it be anything other than heartbreaking? It was beyond the Element of Kindness’ ability to comprehend how somepony could be so cruel, but it changed her heart towards the quaking mare held in her hooves.

“Um, I hate to say this, Crimson, but you’re wrong. You need Big Mac more than I do.” The sobbing mare in her arms hadn’t the strength to speak as years of hiding took its toll. Big Mac, having heard the cries from outside as they escalated, tried to force himself to stay put out of respect for their privacy.

“Uh, Big Mac? Why are you still here?” Rainbow Dash smirked, tilting her head to the side. “I think that’s normally a mare’s way of saying ‘I need my stallion.’ Gosh, you’re as dense as Storm is.”


“Ouch, that hurts,” Storm chuckled, drawing Dash close. “Get in there, Big Mac. See if you can fix them both.” Fluttershy looked up as he entered, and surprising him as she matched his gaze. He trotted over to the bed and she prepared to yield Crimson to him but soon they were both being held tightly to his chest.

“Fluttershy, ah’m sorry. Ah noticed the way you looked at me a year or two back, but ah didn’t say anythin’ because ah didn’t want t’ hurt you. You’re the kindest mare ah know, an’ ah couldn’t bring mahself t’ say anythin’. But ah see now, lettin’ things go on was worse. Ah’m sorry, ah can’t say it enough.”

It still hurts, when I think about it. But, Crimson needs him, and I’m sure that someday I’ll find somepony. At least, I hope. “I understand, Big Mac. You see, I’ve struggled with that too. Can we, um, still be friends?”


Crimson whispered, pressing closer to her red fortress as he squeezed tighter. “Fluttershy, you can’t... tell anypony what I told you. Please, I’m not... things could go badly if it gets out that I know who...”

“Oh, don’t worry. I won’t tell anypony, no matter what. It’s not nice to spread rumors or secrets.”

Foals are a lot of work to care for and keep track of. Unicorn foals require a team, both for coordination and risk prevention. A unicorn foal that is a filly and daughter of the element of magic requires an army of the royal guard simply to keep a house intact. This, or a stern mother. Unfortunately, that position was full time and without rest, and Cerulean could tell that Twilight could use a break. So it was that he contacted Equestria’s best foalsitter without Twilight’s knowledge, and thus the knock at the door came from none other than the recently wed Cadence, her joy was nearly matched by confusion at the sudden visit.

“Cadence, it’s so good to see you! But... what are you doing here? Why aren’t you at Canterlot?” she asked, giving her sister-in-law a hug and making way so she could enter. Any attempts to let anypony other than Twilight or Cerulean foalsit had ended... poorly, to say the least, but the filly had seemed to take a liking to the princess since they were introduced during Twilight’s wedding. Cerulean knew that if anypony had a shot at keeping things stable long enough for them to take a few days off, it would be Cadence.

“What, Cerulean didn’t tell you?” she asked as they both peered at the grinning blue stallion while Dawn trotted over to Cadence, nuzzling her leg.

“Mam sis!”

“That’s right! Very astute, Ms. Starshine. I see you’re learning quickly!” Cadence replied, her voice appropriately serious. “You didn’t tell me she started talking. It’s adorable!” she whispered, still managing to make it sound like a squeal of delight. “Dawn, can you say ‘Cadence?’”

“Kay... dance!”

“Close enough for me!” Twilight allowed herself a proud smile as Dawn romped circles around Cadence repeating the chant before trotting over to Cerulean.

“So, tell me, did you do this?”

“Oh, right, I never mentioned that I planned us a three day getaway? I know Dawn has been less than forgiving for her other sitters, but after all you’ve told me, I think your foalsitter is the perfect pony for the task.” Twilight looked up at him with mild confusion, begging further explanation. “Twilight, you work hard as a mother. I just thought you could use some time to rest is all.” Twilight was more than thrilled, and while Cerulean couldn’t quite place the noise she made, he would best describe it as a “squee” of some kind. Seeing the effect it had on her father, Dawn immediately mimicked the noise at a higher pitch, noting with devious satisfaction that he all but melted.

“Oh dear, it looks like you’ve mastered mind control already, Dawn,” Cadence chuckled, playfully covering the foal’s eyes with her hoof.

“Three days... wait, Cerulean, why didn’t you tell me? We’re going to need to pack!”

“What, you think I’d go to the trouble of planning a surprise and not remember to pack?” he asked in mock indignation. Cerulean gave a whistle and Spike immediately ran up the stairs, disappearing from view for a moment before returning with a loaded saddlebag, complete with bits for the trip, some travel snacks, and various articles of clothing. Twilight looked in and smiled, blushing slightly and giving Cerulean a meaningful leer.

“Have fun, Twilight, Cerulean. And don’t worry about Dawn, I’m sure between me and Cadence, we’ll be fine!”

“Thank you, Spike. I can always count on my number one assistant!” she replied, giving him and affectionate squeeze before turning back to Cadence. “And thank you, Cadence. Cerulean was definitely right that I could use a break. Oh, how is Shining Armor? He hasn’t dropped back into that ‘proper royal guard’ thing he had going for a while, has he?”

“No, he’s still his usual self.”

“How did you manage to break him of that?”

“Let’s just say Rarity’s... craftsmanship may have led to some... joyous activities prior the wedding.” Her blush was soon shared by everypony but the only remaining innocent pony present.

“Anyways... Dawn, can you come see mommy?” Twilight called softly, refocusing. The little filly dutifully wandered over and plopped herself down in front of her mother before being scooped up and held to Twilight’s chest. “Mommy and daddy are going to leave for a few days, but then we’ll be back. Cadence is going to take care of you, so there’s no need to be scared, ok?”

“Mam... come back?”

“Of course, my dear child. There’s plenty more I need to teach you.” The filly accepted the statement, sniffing back tears and returning the embrace as Cerulean lent his hooves to the pair, holding them both. As he squeezed just slightly tighter, he had to wonder who was going to miss who more, and if three days would be long enough or far too long.

The two days since Cerulean and Twilight had left may have been restful for the happy couple, but they were nothing short of grueling for Applejack. If she had been asked if the piles of chores she was scrambling to get under control was worth the time she had spent with Silver, she likely would have stared at them like the buckin’ morons they were and allowed for a temporary breach in manners long enough to drop a heavy dose of sarcasm upon their head. Her assertion of this fact, mental or verbal, did not change that at the end of the last two days she was worn to the bone, working well into the night and having little strength for anything other than snoring like a drunken stallion.

True to her word, Applejack had taken at least a sliver of time to try and make an appointment with Rarity, but each time she found some excuse to turn her away. On one hoof, she wanted to lasso the stubborn mare and force her to talk, but seeing how the last time she tried to force a secret ended up, she resolved to continue her guerilla warfare, her woefully untidy mane continuing to strain the fashion sensitive mare greatly each time she made an appearance.

“Don’t you worry, Rarity. Ah ain’t gonna leave you alone until you tell me what’s really goin’ on,” Applejack whispered, resting her head against the barn door as she closed it. Urging her limbs back to the house with silent promises of rest, she entered to find Big Macintosh and Crimson sitting at the table, conversing over a late dinner. Her brother had been working every bit as hard, though his new fillyfriend absorbed most of his mental capacity on a regular basis. Applejack grabbed an apple fritter and some salad and sat down at the table. “Hope ah ain't interruptin’ anythin’ important. How was your day, you two?”

“It was nice,” Crimson replied readily, a tinge of her enthusiasm creeping back into her voice as she held hooves with Big Mac. “Tell Silver thanks again for letting me work as a server. I really appreciate it.”

“Ain’t nothin’ at all, sugarcube. Ah’ll make sure he knows, though,” she nodded, smiling at the two. It really is somethin’ how a mare like Crimson could change so fast. Love can do funny things to a pony, that’s fer sure. “Big Mac, is it all right with you if ah have Silver over tomorrow?”

“Eeeyup. Ah can’t say nothin’ against it, since Crimson is sleepin’ in mah bed.”

“Taken anymore showers together?”


“Uh, you could at least try to sound a little embarrassed, brother.”


“So that’s what all that bangin’ around ah hear in the mornin’ is. Why do you move around in the shower so much when yer with Crimson, brother?” Applebloom asked, walking into the conversation halfway and helping herself to the contents of the fridge, oblivious to the silence that followed in the wake of her revealing statement.

“Thank you, Applebloom. That’s the face ah was hopin’ for, Big Mac. Ah can sleep a little easier tonight, knowin’ that mah brother still has ‘is dignity,” she chuckled, applying her energy to her food so she could get to bed. It would be the first time she had slept alone for the last two days, and she was already dreading the feeling of an empty bed, but her tired limbs magnified the siren song of sleep being sung from upstairs. Ah really am gettin’ soft, needin’ a stallion all the time. But he just feels so nice, an’ ah like the way he smells, and...

“Applejack, you’re doin’ that dreamy eye thing again. Can’t you ever stop thinkin’ ‘bout Silver?”


Alcohol was divine. It felt good, it tasted amazing, and any repercussions that could possibly arise from copious consumption had been negated by the dutiful work of her genius of a cousin, who regarded her muzzy state with faint amusement while he poured himself a cup and sat beside her. He barely noticed as she let herself tip over, leaning against his shoulder and giggling as the cider worked its magic, not entirely removing her concerns but knocking their assumed priority down a few notches.

“So, how’s life with Applejack, Silver?”

“You mean now that her friends have all made up and things are, for perhaps the first time since I’ve returned, finally peaceful? It’s decent,” he mused, taking a swig and letting out a slow sigh. “Actually, if all honesty, I’m really excited, though it’s not just about Applejack. As I’ve already explained to you, I’m planning on using some of the profits to expand.”

“Uh huh,” she replied, scooting up beside him and leaning her back against his side on the bench.

“I’ve got big plans, Berry. Firstly, my drink menu is much too small. Even the smallest of bars back in Manehatten had more of a selection than this, even if some of my drinks are specialties that you can’t get anywhere else. You know what that means?”

“More booze?”

“Yes, my highly inebriated cousin, more booze. I’ve already put in my order for the construction to begin, and it should be finished entirely by the end of the week. They even assured me that the new lab for my experiments could be up as soon as tomorrow evening! I can hardly wait to get started.”


“Berry, how many have you had tonight?” His superfluous inquiry was met not with coherent words but soft snores as his cousin caved to the desire to sleep. “Spoil sport, I hadn’t even gotten to mention the karaoke stage yet... oh well, come on, you,” he chuckled, hoisting the mare onto his back and quietly ascending the stairs so as to not wake Ruby, who was no doubt sleeping in his bed. She stirred slightly as he opened the door, and with care he deposited the filly’s mother down beside her before drawing the covers back to their original position tucked up to Ruby’s chin.

Silver was about to undress when it suddenly struck him that he would be in bed with a mare that wasn’t Applejack. It didn’t matter if Berry was family or not, it just didn’t feel right to him, and thus he paused. I don’t really want to bother Applejack this late at night, especially with how hard she’s working, but I can’t stay here, either. I wonder... if it would be ok if I... well, only one way to find out. Searching through his belongings, he laid out a dose of the hangover cure along with a note detailing his whereabouts before locking up the tavern and heading for Sweet Apple Acres.

There was no response to his soft knocks on the front door, but since it was Ponyville, the door was predictably unlocked, and he let himself in quietly. A notable lack of lighting made it difficult to find his bearings, and dredging his memory he pulled out a simple illumination spell he had learned many years back, taking some effort to get it going but soon being guided by a soft, silver light. Having only briefly been shown Applejack’s room, he was somewhat unsure of himself as he made for the stairs, but the symbol of her Cutie Mark made it rather hard to miss.

“You’d think I’d have remember that,” he whispered to himself, laughing inwardly as he opened the door. He was debating whether or not to wake her when she stirred at the clicking of the latch, disturbed by the light that he had forgotten he was putting out. Silver immediately canceled the spell and trotted over to her side. “Evening, sweetheart. I was wondering if...” he started before she wordlessly made room for him, staring up at him as a beam of moonlight from the window framed his silhouette. She was thankful for the lack of visibility; it hid her blush better as he undressed, easing into bed beside her. Silver was just about to offer his hooves when he was pulled into a passionate kiss, Applejack wrapping him tightly in her hooves and pressing against his chest.

Pleasantly stunned, he waited a moment before returning embrace, meaning to place his hooves around her shoulders but accidentally placing them just above her flanks. How he made such a miscalculation he didn’t know, but she gave a start and pulled back slightly, causing him to immediately re-adjust his position and stammer out an apology, both for his hooves and his glowing horn.

“Ah... didn’t mind, Silver...” she whispered, staring down at his scarred chest. “It was a little surprisin’ an’ ah wasn’t expectin’ it, but... ah’m ok with it, if you are. Ah know this is gonna sound a little silly, but ah missed you. Ain’t been a single night, an’ ah missed you like it’d been days.”

“I’m here now, sweetheart, and it ain’t silly. I missed you quite a bit myself, and am glad that Berry passed out in my bed. It gave me an excuse to come here this late at night.”

“Sugarcube, you don’t need an excuse t’ come ‘ere, ‘cause it ain’t gonna bother me one bit,” she replied quietly, snuggling close and kissing his chest softly as his hooves again returned to her back.

I want to give myself a dressing down in Big Macintosh’s stead. I should feel like I’m moving too fast, but I don’t. I should feel like I’m crossing a line, but I feel like I haven’t gone far enough. So please, Big Mac, forgive me, because I really... think that Applejack is the one for me. No... I know. I shouldn’t be thinking that so soon, but I can’t deny it. As his hoof slid just an inch lower than it had been, Applejack paused her barrage of kisses to his muscular chest so as to draw in the oxygen necessary to compensate for the sudden thrill of excitement that had momentarily rendered her speechless. “Applejack, if I do anything that makes you even slightly uncomfortable...”

“Just... my flanks, fer now. Nothin’ else,” she managed between mini gasps for air. “Dear Celestia, do you remember the first time you ‘ad yer flank touched? ‘Cause I’m pretty dang sure ah ain’t gonna ferget this anytime soon.” Wait, what ‘n tarnation am ah thinkin’? Another inch, and the excitement flared, the blankets suddenly no longer necessary against the chilled spring air wafting in through the window. After all that grief I gave Twilight an’ Rainbow Dash, ah can’t help but wonder if ah’m gonna end up in the same boat. Twilight said she might be fallin’ in love barely a week after meetin’ her special somepony, and ah told her it weren’t possible. If that’s true, then what the hay am ah supposed to call what ah’m feelin’? It sure feels like love t’ me. Silver hesitated as he noticed Applejack begin to shake lightly, his hooves just inches from their destination.

“Sweetheart, I... I just wanted to say that... I think I’m... I mean...”

C’mon, spit it out! Use that silver tongue o’ yers and say it! If you’re thinkin’ what ah’m thinkin’, ah wanna hear it. A sudden calm came over the stallion’s inner turmoil as he swallowed his trepidation and focused everything on the green eyes gazing up at him with an affection he sincerely hoped he was succeeding in reciprocating.

“Applejack, I know that... we haven’t known each other for that long, but I’ve never... felt like this before. When I’m with you, it’s like gazing up at the stars; a bright future stretching out as far as the eye can see. And when you’re gone, not even the city lights could brighten up the void. Sweetheart?” he paused, tears forming in his eyes as he fully came to terms with what was inside. “I love you.”

“Ah love you too, sugarcube.”