• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 1,941 Views, 39 Comments

Fighting against their code - the ninja king

Spike is trapped in a crazy research facility controlled by even crazier A.I.s. He is also is trying to get out, but with the crazy A.I.s will be impossible

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Confronting the Six (edit)

When Spike landed and the hole above him closed, he noticed that the assorted machinery was part of a larger computer. As Spike looked around, he found a pile of papers next to a monitor that said ‘Uber’. He walked around the room and found a metal door underneath a sign that said 'test active,' but when he tried to open he found out that it was locked.

Spike tried to use his own weight to break down the door, but it didn't budge. His weight failed him, so Spike tried to scratch it with his claws;but unfortunately the scratching didn't do anything. Who the heck made this! Groaning, Spike walked back to the desk and grabbed the papers next to the computer. With the mass of papers in hand, he began to read through them.

After he read the papers, he discovered what the six AIs looked like. He also learned that they were part of a project called 'Metal Revival'. Something else that caught his eyes was at the end of each profile were the same bold, red letters: PROJECT STATUS:FAILURE. SUBJECT STATUS:INSANE. When Spike put down the papers, he turned on the computer.

The computer jumped to life, and instantly he saw a list. The list was an extensive list of names, but the only name that he was interested in was his own. But when he tried to open his file, the screen displayed, ‘Name Only.’

"Dang it!" Spike shouted. He was about to close the terminal when he saw the name 'Celesta' right below his. When Spike clicked it, her profile popped to show that she was a white unicorn with pink bubble gum hair. "M-m-mom?" Spike asked as tears filled his eyes. All of these emotions were causing him to feel light headed. Spike started to feel weaker, everything was failing him, from his strength to his sight. Finally, his consciousness faded to black

The younger Spike was with his mother setting up his project. "Mom, can I see the robots?" Spike asked excitedly as he finished setting up his project.

She chuckled a bit before replying, "Sure Spike." Spike jumped up and down in joy ,and followed his mother. It took them about ten minutes to get to the robots' chamber. When the two got into the chamber, they saw Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Rarity with two spheres in their backs.

"Hello, Celestia," Twilight said warmly. "This must be your son, Spike."

"Yes, this is my son. Spike, this is Twilight, Apple Jack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash."

Spike groaned as he got up from the ground. Spike looked around the room and saw that the sign above the metal door said, 'no test active'.

Spike took this as his chance to escape. He ran towards the door to escape the computer room. Spike threw opened the door, he was greeted with a broken catwalk. At the end of it was an open air vent.

Spike jumped down from the catwalk onto the ground because he knew that he couldn't make the jump. When Spike landed, he saw the six robots that were searching for something above him. At the other end of the hall was a metal trap door next to a button.

"Hey Spike, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked worriedly, but still not fully convincing.

Spike replied sarcastically, "I was playing hide and seek, but I guess I just lost." Pinkie let out a loud laugh.

“Very amusing, Spike. I’ll ask you again, what are you doing here?"

“I was looking around until I ran into you, Twilight.” Spike realized his mistake too late.

"This is not the testing area, how di--Wait, how do you know what I look like." Twilight asked.

"For starters, your voice. Even if I didn't know what you looked like, I could still tell it was you because of your voice."

"So you had help with her?" Apple Jack moved next to Twilight.

"Look, I have no idea who you are talking about." Spike said sternly. "and if I did, I won't betray 'her'!"

Then all of a sudden the six cores that were on the six robots fell off. Spike tensed up at the sight.

"Spike, don't worry were fine. Those fall off all the time. We don't what they do, but we don't want to get rid of them so can you just help us jam them back in?" Rainbow Dash asked in a sincere tone.

"Sure... I am totally going to 'help' the six crazy robots that tried to kill me." Spike said. Then an idea popped in his head. He went over to the button and pressed it. The button broke and the hole opened to reveal a furnace.

"What the hell are you doing opening the emergency furnace, Spike!?" Twilight screamed. Spike ignored her and walked over the cores. He grabbed the first one which had one emerald eye.

"Hey, go make a paper volcano with real lava!" it spat as Spike picked it up. "Put a cat in space then cook it, go into lava and try to swim, drink lighting and shoot it at targets then record the results," it said as Spike walked it over to the furnace. "And see how fast I can fall," it said right before Spike dropped it in the furnace. All the robots could do was watch helplessly. There was an explosion as Apple Jack screamed in pain.

Spike grew a maniacal smile and walked over to the rest of the cores.

Spike grabbed a core with a pink eye, and when he grabbed it said, "Every living being uses 100% of their brain." Spike ignored it and walked it over to the furnace with it. "You can see your nose, but a wizard cast a spell so you don't see it all the time. Tasers are made by zombies that wanted to get everyone’s brains faster, and if you are in darkness for three days you become blind." When Spike threw it down the pit, it said, "I am going to go boom." When it exploited, Twilight screamed like she got stabbed. Spike walked over to the cores to repeat the process.

"Spike, stop!" Fluttershy ordered. Looked at her and she was giving him a death glare.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Spike asked. Fluttershy was taken aback. How could it have not affected him? she thought. Spike grabbed the next core that had one yellow eye.

"Ha! Ha! A dragon walked into, Ha! Ha! Ha! Ok...Ok...Ok do you know why..." the core began. The core never finished the joke. It just laughed all the way to the furnace to a joke only it knew the punchline to. When Spike dropped the core into the furnace, it said "This is going to be hot!"

When it exploded, Pinkie screamed louder than her friends before her.

Spike walked over the the remaining two cores and was about to grab the core with a blue eye, but Rarity stopped him. "Spike we will call an elevator for you so you can escape," she offered.

"What makes you think that I am going to forget what you did to me, let alone trust you." Spike spat, his words filled with loathing. "Besides, how can I repay your ‘kindness’ if I leave. You did so much for me, and what kind of dragon would I be if I didn't pay my debt." spike said as he grabbed the core with a blue eye.

"This place is so boring. Your clothes are hideous, I can give you some fashion tips if you would like. Theses tips will definitely will make you look handsome, make the six robots gorgeous, and make this entire room to die for," it said before Spike threw it down the hole. It exploded, and

Rarity howled like a wounded wolf.

When Spike picked up the last core, which had a light blue eye, it said, "I am sorry for being in your way. I am sorry I am weighing you down." It said over and over again before Spike got to the furnace. "I am sorry I am not falling fast enough." It said as it was falling down the hole. When it exploded, Fluttershy made a horrifying scream of pain. When she finished screening, the six started to laugh ominously.It sent a shiver down Spike’s spine.

"Spike, we remember what the cores were used for." Rainbow Dash said with a creepy chime to it.

"Darling, they were put in after we filled the rooms with a neurotoxin. They were to prevent us from doing it again, to prevent us from doing similarly terrible actions," Rarity explained. All of a sudden a turret that fired rockets came out of the ground right beneath the six robots.

"That wasn't supposed happen." Pinkie said. Spike quickly thought up of an idea to redirect the rockets to the robots and destroy them before they could activate the toxin. Or before they could deactivate the turret. As fast as he could, he shot an orange portal behind him, and a blue one beneath the six. When the rocket was fired, the six proclaimed, 'got it,' and the room started to fill with a green mist. When the rocket hit the robots, a core from each of the six robots detached as they screened in pain. Spike ran in a zig-zag pattern, so the rocket turret didn't lock on to him as he went for the cores.

"You’re lucky, Spike. That rocket destroyed our control of the weapons in this room," Rainbow Dash said before she and Apple Jack screeched in pain. Spike did two more runs of grabbing two cores and putting them into the furnace and hearing whom they belong to scream in pain.

"Spike, that won't stop the neurotoxin from killing you," Twilight said. Spike chuckled, and went back to where the orange portal was. He prepared to jump out of the out of the way. When it fired, he dodged and started to run towards the six. When the rocket hit, he grabbed three cores, so he could beat them faster.

"Just accept it, Spike. You have lost, either the neurotoxin kills you slowly, or a rocket kills you quickly. Take the quick and painless route, " Fluttershy suggested.

When he threw the three cores down the, hole Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight screamed. After their screams died down, the six said in unison, "Self destruct in five minutes." Hoping that destroying the rest of the cores would stop the countdown and neurotoxin, Spike ran over to gather the last three cores. When this happened, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy screamed in pain as room began to shake and fall apart around them.

"Self Destruct in 10, 9, 8..." the six robots said as the room started to shake harder, and more of the ceiling fell around him. When they said five, a thrust of air catapulted Spike out the chamber. Spike landed outside the hole of the room he was just in as it exploded right in front of him.
"Time to go back," a robot said as it grabbed Spike. He tried to fight it, but he was too weak, and started to lose consciousness. Just as the robot took Spike back inside, a mysterious figure watched the two from the shadows.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this seems a bit on the rushed side or the telling to much side I am making this at night and I am tired. You can tell me if i need to remove a part or lag then a part I would be very grateful. Eddited by OranishPurple.