• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 1,944 Views, 39 Comments

Fighting against their code - the ninja king

Spike is trapped in a crazy research facility controlled by even crazier A.I.s. He is also is trying to get out, but with the crazy A.I.s will be impossible

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Physics, Turrets, the Counsel, and scribblings (edit)

Spike walked out of the elevator, and turned the corner to see a platform high up. There were metal walls all around. Something else that caught his attention was a hole in the floor. "It is time for some real fun!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "You need to shoot a portal at the bottom of the wall, and another directly above you."

When she finished, the panels above Spike started to move closer to the platform above him, which was angled up. Spike walked towards the hole. What he saw was a concrete floor. He shot a blue portal in the hole, then turned around to shoot an orange portal at the wall above him. Spike jumped into the hole and went through the blue portal. Spike was blasted out of the orange portal and landed on the platform. He saw a cylinder with a cube in it, and a patch of concrete on the wall.
"Forward momentum between portals is determined by the speed of the object." Twilight said as the patch of concrete was being pushed out, and raised slightly up.
"Or in layman's terms, 'Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out'," Pinkie Pie quickly added. Spike shot an orange portal at the concrete wall. Spike looked down to look at the blue portal and saw it was a long way down.

"And if, by chance, I happen to miss my intended target?" Spike asked.
"The advance knee replacement will absorb the brunt of the impact," Rainbow Dash explained.
"Good to know." Spike jumped off the platform, towards the blue portal below. Tears blurred his vision as he rocketed out of the orange portal. He hit the was with such force that the only thing that prevented him from falling was his free claw. After he slid slightly down the wall, Spike looked in terror at the claw marks that he had left.

"Spike, can you not destroy the wall, please?" Rarity scolded. "It can’t be of use if it is ruined”

"Okay." Spike pulled his left claw out of the wall. When he turned around, he noticed two buttons. One of them was large while the other one was much smaller; the smaller one, however, was on a pedestal. Out of curiosity, Spike walked towards the button on the pedestal, and pressed it. There was a slight rumble as the cylinder opened, releasing its captive. He backed up to get a running start.

When he got to the wall, he sprinted, pushed off hard, and landed on the platform across from him. It took only a moment for Spike to regain his footing; once on his feet, he picked up the cube, and leapt from the platform. He fell through the blue portal, once more rocketing out of the orange portal. In a last second decision, Spike used the cube to keep from directly impacting the wall.
At least he had the cube to slightly cushion the blow. Spike placed the the cube on its new home.

"You are going to get to the party in no time!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Spike,darling, don't listen to Pinkie," Rarity said. "The test are only going to get longer. But don’t worry, you can do it. " Spike made it to the elevator as Rarity stopped talking. He took his usual spot against the wall, and up he went, off to the next trial.

Meanwhile, in a dark room, Twilight, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity; and Rainbow Dash were all hanging in a circle, with the help of the wires on their backs. They all had two spheres on their backs, and one on the back of their heads. Wires protruded from their head, giving them the appearance of having hair.

Twilight and Rarity both had metallic horns. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had extensions to what resembled wings coming out of their backs. The only two without anything extra were Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash had blue skin and a rainbow mess of wires which combed her eyes. Fluttershy had yellow skin and pink "hair". Apple Jack had a orange skin, a yellow pony tail, and a metallic cowboy hat. Pinkie Pie was pink, even her puffy, cotton candy “hair”. Twilight had purple skin; her pink and purple wires were fashioned to resemble bangs. Rarity’s skin was white as snow; it was complemented by her styled purple wired.

"He is very good with the portal gun. He might ruin the party!" Pinkie Pie said, more worried than excited.

"Calm down, Pinkie. He won't ruin it," Rainbow Dash said.

"Pinkie is right. He is doing very well. There is a chance," Fluttershy countered.

"Fluttershy has a point, darling."

"He trusts us, Rarity. What makes you so sure that he will ruin the surprise?" Apple Jack asked.

"You may be right. But the tests don’t seem to be giving him any problems. How can we be sure?"

"Girls, calm down!" Twilight ordered. "I made the plan, and it can’t fail."

"Uh... Twilight. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your plans aren't the best. Your plans have a record of having...consequences."

"AJ, only one of my plans failed! Well, let's see how Spike is doing." At her words, monitors rose out of the floor; on the monitors, Spike was in his usual spot as the elevator was making its ascent.

When Spike walked out of the elevator, he saw the platform was made of the bumpy metal. He saw that his floor had a concrete floor, and the wall behind him was also concert. Maybe I can increase my speed when I fall into the two portals more than once. Spike shot a blue portal at the top of the wall and an orange one beneath him. He shot between the two portals, gaining speed at an incredible rate.

As he left the blue portal above, he turned, and shot another blue portal at the wall across from the platform. With the speed he accumulated, he shot into the orange portal below. He was catapulted out of the blue portal and landed on the top platform. He was barely able to not overshoot the platform. From the platform he could see the elevator.

"Too easy." Spike made his way to the elevator.

"Don't get cocky, Spike," Twilight said. "Getting overconfident will set you up for a fall."

"Then give me harder tests," Spike replied as he leaned on the elevator wall. He got no reply. The elevator doors closed, and started to move. The elevator when up, and stopped at the next test test chamber.

"Spike, the next test chamber is under repairs," Fluttershy said. "So you will be at testing grounds for military grade turrets. Sorry." Spike just rolled his eyes.

Spike walked forward to see metal walls with the floor and ceiling being concrete within a long hallway. He saw some glass on his right, and behind it he saw a white spherical object that had three black legs; it had a red eye with a laser coming out of it. The laser was locked on Spike, and the sides of the object were opening.

"Target acquired," it said in a robotic, feminine voice. Spike jumped when it fired, but laser didn't go through the glass. Spike gave a sigh of relief when the shot missed. Spike continued to walk forward into a new room. That must be the turret Fluttershy talked about.

When he turned the corner, he heard the familiar female voice say, “Dispensing product”.
Spike quickly went back to the corner; he popped his head from behind the wall. He saw that the walls were that bumpy metal, but the floor and the ceiling were concrete with a turret standing in the middle of the hallway. Next, he noticed the turret close up. It asked, "Are you still there?"
'Maybe I can make it look it at the floor so I don't get shot.' He shot an orange portal underneath the turret, and a blue on the ceiling, several feet away from the orange one. The turret fell through and hit the floor, landing on its face. It closed saying, "I don't blame you."

Relieved, Spike started to walked down the hallway. When he turned the corner he saw the back side of a turret and a long hallway with a pane and cubes at the end. Spike quickly turned the corner to see the back side of a turret.

When he was close enough, he grabbed it with the portal gun. "Put me down," the turret demanded. Spike threw the turret as far as he could, and it landed it on it's side. It fired randomly like the other one.

"Whyyyy?" it asked as it closed. Spike went down the hallway to the panel and the cubes. He noticed that the cubes were stopping the panel from going into the wall. His curiosity getting the better of him, Spike started removing the cubes that were preventing the panel from going into the wall. Spike stopped when he had enough space to crawl though.

He notice something strange as he crawled through the tunnel There were cans of open food and empty water jugs scattered along the tunnel. Spike turned to the right to see 'The Party is A Lie' painted on the wall in black paint.

'Weird, Spike thought. The party is a lie? What are they lying to me about...the party? Maybe. Well, I am not going to get any more information staying here. Maybe there are more clues like this in the other test chambers'. Spike crawled out of the chamber and saw a turret behind a pane of glass. He also saw an opening in the glass. The concrete was on the roof, and a red 'x' was above the turret. Spike shot an orange portal above the turret, and a blue portal underneath a cube.

The cube fell through, and when it hit the turret, it made the turret fly across the room. He heard the shots of the turret and it say, "Critical error." Spike walked towards the opening. When he was in front of the opening, he saw the elevator and the particle field.
Inside the elevator, he leaned against the wall as the elevator took him to his next challenge.

Author's Note:

Edited by OrangishPurple.