• Published 15th Jun 2014
  • 1,941 Views, 39 Comments

Fighting against their code - the ninja king

Spike is trapped in a crazy research facility controlled by even crazier A.I.s. He is also is trying to get out, but with the crazy A.I.s will be impossible

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Ture Colors (edit)

Spike walked out of the elevator and saw an energy ball bouncing on an angled wall. Next to it was another angled wall, and the energy catcher was above it in a white room; with a silver door to the right.

"This is your last test Spike," Pinkie Pie said. "When you finish this last test, we can have your party!" Spike thought about how he was going to complete the test.

Spike shot a blue portal at the wall with the energy catcher, and an orange portal near the energy ball. When the energy ball went through the orange portal, it was going straight. In response, Spike shot a blue portal in a different place in the room so the energy ball could get into the energy catcher.

The door opened, revealing a hovering glass panel. Spike was amazed at the sight of the glass panel.Never before had he seen anything like it..not that he could remember anyway.

"Spike, the platform will take you to your party!" Pinkie Pie said happily.

He walked onto the footing platform. The platform jolted to life, bringing its passenger to their destination. Spike glanced off of the platform, only to see a massive pit below him. He saw an energy ball bouncing between two white walls. Spike shot an orange portal on one of the sides and went through. Quickly, Spike shot an orange portal on the roof of the hallway when the energy ball went through the blue portal.

Continuing down hallway, there was white wall that was blocking Spike's path. Luckily, there was enough room for Spike to shoot an orange portal at the wall. Next, Spike shot a blue portal at the wall that was blocking his path. When the platform got to the wall, Spike went through the portal. Fortunately, he was able to stand on the edge of the orange portal.

Spike waited a little while before the glass platform came into view. When it arrived, he jumped on it. He looked down to see that the huge pit was gone. But in its place was the acid a few test chambers ago. Spike just shrugged it off as part of the test; and looked up to see a birthday hat and streamers on a bumpy metal wall. The platform turned and started to descend to a room with a big pool of the green liquid.

"Spike, the test is over," Fluttershy said. "Don't worry, the acid will only dissolve organic materials. The portal gun isn't organic,so it can survive being submerged."

"Good-bye!" all of the AIs shouted in unison.

Spike was shocked by what they said. Spike was starting to freak out as the platform got closer to his imminent demise. All was not lost, however. Spike saw a glimmer of hope in a form of a concrete platform above the pool of acid. When Spike got to the room with the pool of acid, he saw the part of room that was made of concrete.

With no time to waste, Spike shot an orange portal at the platform. Then, Spike jumped towards the wall, but before he hit the wall, he shot a blue portal at the wall. Sweating and breathing heavily, Spike drew a sigh of relief once on the platform.

"What are you doing!?" the AIs demanded angrily.

"Just what you told me! You said not to touch the acid, and that if I listened to you, then nothing bad would happen. I am merely doing as I was told. After all, you never told me to touch the acid." Spike retorted.

Spike noticed a metal platform with a door above him.

"Spike this was part of the test!" Rarity said unconvincingly.

"Yeah! Just wait for someone to bring you to the party," Pinkie Pie added.

"Just put the gun down, partner. Stay where you are, and someone will come get you." Apple Jack said.

Spike rolled his eyes. He shot an orange portal at the top of the concrete wall, and a blue one right beneath him. He fell through the blue portal, and went through the orange portal. Before he hit the ground, he shot the blue portal under him. When he went through the blue portal he was catapulted out of the orange portal. He landed on the metal platform and went to the door. Spike entered the door and saw the room had metal and concrete wall and the top had a metal catwalk. Spike grinned while he walked over to the metal wall. Spike crashed his claw on the metal wall. He was shocked to see that his scratch didn't do anything to the metal wall.

"Spike, we can't see you, but somehow we can feel you running behind," Twilight’s voice echoed.

"Got to go," Spike said under his breath.

He shot an orange portal at one of the bottom concrete walls, and then he shot a blue portal at one at one of the concrete walls near the catwalk. After he shot the portals, he walked through the orange, and onto the catwalk. When he got on the catwalk, Spike could see a hallway with a drop at the end.

Spike walked through the hallway and looked down from the drop off. He saw a glass tube above a pool of acid. Spike jumped down, barely managing to land on the glass tube. Spike continued to walk down until it went straight up. He looked to his right and saw a platform that turned into a hallway. On his left was a small platform with a concrete wall. Spike quickly shot a blue portal at the wall. Just in case, he turned to see if there was any chance that he missed.

Luckily the drop off was completely made out of concrete. Spike jumped towards the wall.

He fired an orange portal at the wall before he hit it. Spike exited the blue portal and started to run. When he got to the edge of the ledge, he jumped. He landed on the catwalk, took a few seconds to regain his composure, then made his way down the catwalk.

"Spike you shouldn't be here." Fluttershy said. "You're not being very nice."

Spike managed a chuckle. Like you were nice to me by lying to me; followed by trying to give me an acid bath?
When Spike got to the end of the hallway, he saw it had a small drop off. He looked down and saw that it didn't have any acid, but there were closed doors on each side of the room; and a metal circle on each side of the roof. Taking his chances, Spike jumped down, landing in the white room. When he got a better look, he noticed the circles were actually pistons, and they closed above him.

As he was examining the room, he saw, out of the corner if his eye, black smoke coming from the door to his right. The smoke was followed by a ‘beep!’ Spike turned his attention to the door, watching it as it slowly opened.. Behind the door was a turret.

Acting on pure reflex, he jump out of the was as the turret fired. Spike shot an orange portal next to the turret and a blue one right in front of him.

"Hey put me down!" the turret said as Spike grabbed it through the portal. It's sides opened. He threw the turret; when it landed on its back, it started firing.

When the turret finished firing, it's sides closed, and it said, "Nap time." When the turret finally quieted, a door at the north end beeped and black smoke poured out.

Spike went into the room to take cover as the door opened to reveal another turret. Spike quickly shot a blue portal behind the turret. Spike walked through the portal, and kicked the turret over to its side. When it's sides closed, it said, "Resting."

Then, the door on the other side opened with black smoke and a loud beep, just like the others. Spike wasted no time turning, he shot a portal behind the turret and shot one right next to him. "I see you," the turret said before its sides opened. Spike jumped into the portal just before the turret started to fire. When the turret didn't have Spike in it's sights, it said, "Can you come over here?" When Spike was behind the turret he kicked it, tipping it over. It fired randomly like the others, its last words were, "Hibernating."

"I hope the last door has the last turret that I have to see to day." A loud beep and black smoke came from the last door.
Only one turret was in the room, but with a white hand with two fingers instead of five. Inside the room was an open roof. Spike shot an orange portal next to the turret and walked through the blue portal. When he got behind the turret he grabbed it. Its sides opened and it said, "Illegal operation." Spike tossed it forward, it fired randomly as it land it on its side.

"No hard feelings," it said as its side closed.

Spike looked up to see if there was any concrete that he could shoot his portal gun at. By his luck, there was concrete, so he shot a blue portal at it.

Spike walked through the orange portal and into the new room. He saw the room had a metal floor. To the right of him was a pool of the green acid with leagues of metal with concrete. He shot a blue portal behind the metal platform. When Spike walked through the orange portal, he saw a second metal platform that was leading to a long hallway. Spike shot a orange portal behind the new metal wall. He walked through the blue portal, and started to walk down the hallway. When Spike got to the end of the hallway, he saw a closed door.

Spike opened it and walked though a parcel field, and his portal gun shook after he passed through. When he got through the field he saw the room was a small office with a small button. The next room was completely empty except for a small white circle on the ground; and in the farthest room was another small office with a door at one side blocked by lances of glass. Spike pressed the button, causing a white ball with a green eye and small cylinder with a green laser pointer just like the turret appear. When the turret-like machine pointed its laser at Spike, it beeped as it fired a rocket.

Spike sighed in relief when the rocket didn't hit him, but the glass. Spike gather himself and ran over to the other side of the empty room. He had a plan. He stopped in front of the pane of the glass that, somehow, was still in intact. He waited for the turret to target him, and when it did, he ran towards the door. He managed to close the door before the turret’s next rocket could catch up to him; causing it to impact on the door.
When he arrived inside, he saw the room was completely made out of concrete with a glass tube with part of it shattered, air was being sucked in. Spike walked over to it, and not knowing that it could suck him up,go too close. He was instantly swept off his feet as the air sucked him in.
Spike spent a few minutes in the tube until he crashed into a test chamber "Hey your back!" Pinkie cheered. "Stay there so the party associate can take you to your party."

Spike looked around the room, not paying Pinkie Pie any attention. The room that he crashed into was like the 'impossible' test chamber, but with a much bigger opening at the top and one button. Spike grinned when shot a blue portal into the room with the door ,and an orange one into the room that he was in. Spike walked through the portal, onto the button.

The door opened to reveal an empty room with a hole. He shot an orange portal in it. Spike walked through the orange portal,continuing down the empty hallway. When he got to the end, Spike looked down into the pit. The pit was tiled blue with machinery scattered around. Without any other options, Spike jumped into the pit.

Author's Note:

edited by OrangishPurple