• Published 13th Feb 2014
  • 12,641 Views, 1,208 Comments

The Unity Pact - Truthseeker

This is the story of the efforts of a group of stranded Humans to find equilibrium, balance, and a promise of tomorrow in a world seemingly out to get them.

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Chapter 30: Picking Up The Pieces

The entire medical staff had been awake the entire night and the better part of the morning. The medical station had been filled to capacity following the arrival of the Royal Guard. He, Cessily, and even poor, exhausted Leo had worked endlessly throughout the night stitching lacerations, administering sedatives, antibiotics, and anesthetics to Humans and Ponies alike and more than one soul had passed on to eternity in the medical station that night.

Each and every individual who participated in the battle had been covered with blood and the medical staff, Humans and Ponies alike, had been excruciating in their detail of cleaning each and every patient. Every survivor of the battle was declared a patient, but Leo never accepted the title, insisting he was a healer first, but he was willing to do whatever it took to ensure he had living patients to treat at all.

The final death toll had been fifty-eight Humans, five Pegasi, six Earth Ponies, two Unicorns, and nearly three thousand Diamond Dogs. Among those tragically lost was Michael Harrison Spearman. He had been long dead by the time the Royal Guard uncovered his body underneath a pile of dead Diamond Dogs.

The rest of the Royal Guard had shown up during the late part of the night and hand been busy moving the piles of dead away from town. The Diamond Dogs were going to be burned en masse, in a clearing miles away from New Humansville. The Diamond Dog Council Of Hounds had sent a messenger Canterlot and all but demanded it. The Humans and Ponies who perished were going to be buried as well, the Humans were to be laid to rest in the township of New Humansville and the Ponies buried in a place dictated by their surviving relatives.

The civilians, both Pony and Human, were slowly evacuated through the night. The bodies had been cleared in one single line, leading from Town Hall to a relief camp the Royal Guard had set up in the open ground around the lake basin. The Royal Guard Unicorns had erected wooden walls to keep the sight of the floor from traumatizing anybody. Wooden boards lined the entire pathway and every single foal had been blindfolded then airlifted to the relief camp site. Upon arrival, the civilians were given a cot, a hot meal, and a blanket.

Princess Luna had been rushed out of New Humansville on a stretcher, surrounded by Royal Guards, completely unconscious but her horn still glowed until one of the Unicorn Guard slipped a Nullifier Ring around her horn. She had fought to the point of exhaustion. The Royal Guard had to dig her out of a pile of eviscerated Diamond Dogs.

Gale Force and her weather Ponies were flown to the relief camp and hooked up to Thamaturgic drips due to Critical Magical Exhaustive Stress, also known as 'Caster's Stroke', the same thing Luna had.

The Royal Guard had been very careful about separating Mike Joyner from the still activated aethersteel trident. They were further surprised that it didn't deactivate until it was ten feet away from him and the Ponies carrying him reported feeling invigorated when they were near him. Tina, due to her delicate condition, was handled with the utmost care, simultaneously carried by no less than four Unicorns.

Even though the battle had been won, there was no cheer for victory, no celebration, no feast. The day had been won but the cost was felt by all whether or not they participated in the fighting. There were no feelings of success, just the resignation to clean up the aftermath. The entire North Western part of the field's crops, which everybody had worked so hard to garden well, had been trampled by the mindless horde. A full eighth of the crops were useless. Without outside help, the Town would be hungry come winter.

Princess Celestia arrived just after sunrise and surveyed the damage. She walked around the piles of corpses and paid special attention to the dead among the defenders, who had been cleaned up as much as possible. She stopped at each and every one, reading the names written on the death notices written out by the medical staff. The notices were held down by rocks and placed on the chests of each body.

She slowly walked through the floor of Town Hall. The stench of viscera was still strong in the air and she wondered if the walls or floor would ever be cleaned of the stench or stains. The gaping holes in the walls concerned her to no end and she had a decision to make.

The Royal Guard had a great deal of difficulty trying to communicate with the Humans but once Steady Hoof intervened, a basic level of communication was established. Steady Hoof and the rest of the medical Ponies were just as exhausted as the Humans and when the Medics from the Royal Guard offered to watch the patients in recovery, everybody had gone into one room on the third floor and collapsed to sleep.

Bobby Jewel awoke to a Royal Guard Earth Pony shaking him none too gently,
"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled unhappily, "What do you want?" he asked sleepily then face-palmed, "Shit, you can't understand me can you?" he groaned and eased himself into a standing position, "Fuck it, I'll just follow you."

He followed the Royal Guard out of the room and immediately noticed the distinctive absence of the Pony civilians on the third floor,
"Huh," he mused out loud, "I wonder where they went."

The two of then descended to the medical station and Bobby noticed the absence of any Human civilians. Everything was way too quiet for his liking.

He instantly became wary,
"Alright what's going on here?" he asked suspiciously.

Breaking away from the Guard, Bobby darted into the closest room which had held his patients. The room was empty, clean, as if there had never been any patients inside in the first place. There as no equipment, no beds, not even any used bandages. Bobby stepped back slowly and turned toward the Earth Pony.

"I'm only going to ask this once," he pointed to the room, "Where . . . THE FUCK . . . are my PATIENTS!?"

The Earth Pony only motioned toward the stairs downward with his head, nothing more. Bobby ignored the Guard and headed back toward the stairs that led to the third floor. The Guard stepped in front of him, interposing himself between Bobby and the stairs. Bobby clenched his fists but didn't do anything yet.

"Listen," he said in a dangerously calm voice, "I don't know who the hell you think you are but I'm going to wake everybody else up and THEN we're going to find our patients. Now, get. Out. Of. My. Way."

The Guard didn't move an inch,
"Fine then, you brought this on yourself."

Quick as a snake, Bobby's right hand struck out and jabbed the knuckle of his middle finger into the Guard's eye. The Guard recoiled with a loud yelp and stepped back rubbing his eye. He looked up quickly but Bobby was already up the stairs. The Guard turned and bolted after him.

"WAKE UP!" Bobby yelled loudly, "WAKE UP! OUR PATIENTS ARE GONE!"

Leo and Cessily woke up with a start and the medical Ponies began stirring as well. The Guard chased Bobby around the third floor but couldn't manage to catch him. Bobby turned sharp corners at a run, using his hands on the frames of doors to help maintain his momentum, always just out of the Guard's reach. Around and around the third floor they ran, in and out of rooms, and around the perimeter.

"What the hell!?" Cessily yelled.

Leo stood up and went out to the hallway where Bobby was leading the Guard on a wild chase reminiscent of what a pinball would do,
"Yo," Leo yelled, "I'll stop 'im! Bring 'is ass over here!"

Bobby switched directions and sped past Leo. Leo waited until the Guard was dashing past then suddenly shoved him right into a wall. Being an Earth Pony, the Guard hit the wall and all but bounced off. He put his hooves down and slid to a halt then turned around, toward Leo. Leo just stood in place and leaned against the wall next to him casually. The Guard snorted, lowered his head, and dug at the floor. Leo never moved an inch. The Guard charged at him, but still he didn't budge. When the Guard was only a few feet away, Leo suddenly turned to the side. The Guard tried to skid to a stop but his momentum carried him across the floor and sent him tumbling down the stairs to the second floor.

The noise drew the attention of the medical Ponies. Leo clapped his hands and motioned for them to follow him. Bobby, now recovered from the short chase brought Cessily and the twenty-four medical personnel descended the stairs to the second floor. The Earth Pony Guard picked himself up off the floor and stood at the bottom of the stairs aggressively.

"What's going on here?" Steady Hoof asked.

The Guard snorted,
"The pink and brown Humans are under arrest for assaulting a Royal Guard in the line of duty!"

"What led to it?" Clean Bill asked.

"The pink and brown Humans are under arrest for assaulting a Royal Guard in the line of duty!" the Guard repeated.

Leo, Cessily, and Bobby were lost on the conversation and were having one of their own,
"What do you mean, 'the patients are gone!?" Cessily yelled, "They sure as hell better not be gone!"

She pushed her way past the Ponies on the stairs and tried to get past the Guard at the bottom of the stairs, but he blocked her passage,
"Yall better move your ass before I smack the shit out o' you!"

"Let her by!" Clean Bill said loudly, "You never said she's under arrest!"

"The pink and brown Humans are under arrest for assaulting a Royal Guard in the line of duty!" the Guard repeated.

"This is ridiculous!" Steady Hoof said, "Fine! Where can I find your superior!?"

"The pink and brown Humans are under arrest . . . " the Guard began.

"Oh shut up!" Steady Hoof bellowed, "I'm going to fly down and get to the bottom of this!"

She took wing and flew back up the stairs, then up again and exited out onto the roof. She swooped down the side of Town Hall and spotted Princess Celestia managing and directing the Royal Guards down on the ground.

Steady Hoof descended and landed in a bow right in front of the white Alicorn,
"Pardon the interruption your Majesty, but there is a member of the Royal Guard trying to arrest the Human doctors."

Celestia's face registered surprise,

"The Guard has blocked the stairs and isn't letting anypony by. He just keeps repeating that the Humans are under arrest. Clean Bill and I asked what it was about and he just kept repeating himself. He wouldn't even tell us where to find you. Had I not been born a Pegasus, I'd still be up there, blocked by him." Steady Hoof said.

"You may rise my.little Pony. Come, show me where he is." Celestia said quietly.

* * *

Leo held Cessily back from clobbering the Guard and the medical Ponies were becoming quite agitated as well,
"Let go of me Leo!" Cessily screeched, "I'ma kicked his balls out through his nose!"

"What is the meaning of this?" Princess Celestia asked in American, coming up the stairs.

Bobby took point, and boy was he ever mad,
"This asshole," he said pointing to the Guard, "Woke me up and had me follow him down to the second floor and I noticed all of our patients had been fuckin' moved! Well I can guarin-fuckin'-tee none of US ever gave anybody permission to move our patients! Some of those people were in critical condition! Well I go to let everyone else know and this cock-sucker keeps me from heading back upstairs! I'm not a fuckin' prisoner here! I told him to move and he didn't so I popped him in the eye and woke everybody else up! Well he's chasing me all around the third floor so Leo here," he gestured to Leo, "Distracted him and sent his stupid ass tumbling down the stairs! Now this punk is keeping us from our patients and I'm about ready to blacken his other eye!"

Celestia's eyes narrowed and she turned her head toward the Guard slowly, speaking in Velensovth,
"I ordered you to bring one of them down."

"I was trying to your Majesty, but the pink Human was being uncooperative then he attacked me for no reason." the Guard defended.

Celestia's expression never changed,
"And you never thought he might be agitated about something? I don't know, maybe because of the mental trauma he and everybody else here suffered last night?"

"His state was none of my concern." the Earth Pony said simply, "He was being uncooperative. I was merely following orders."

"You were acting like a lout." Celestia said sternly, "These people have been through one of the single most horrible events in Equestrian history. They are exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. They have seen death in one of the most horrible ways imaginable and many of their friends have died within the past day. Have you no heart?"

"I was merely following your orders Princess." the Guard said.

"Well follow these orders, 'report to Steady Plod immediately for disciplinary action due to improper conduct, unlawful arrest, gross misconduct, and flagrant abuse of authority'." Celestia said darkly.

The Guard opened his mouth then thought better of it and hung his head as he descended the stairs.

"I am so sorry for his behavior." Celestia said in American once more, "He's going to be on disciplinary action for a good long while."

"I don't really give a shit about him!" Bobby said, still irate, "I want to know who the fuck moved our patients and where the hell they are! Cause I'm about to ring some necks! I don't get mad very often or easily, but this is one of the things that not only can, but WILL piss me the hell off every time!"

"They were moved by the Medical Corps. of Royal Guard Unicorns, under Stasis spells to prevent agitating their injuries. They are in the buildings in the town along with all the medical equipment. The Guard was supposed to wake one of the Ponies, specifically to inform them of what had happened in hopes of avoiding this exact scenario. Your patients are in a comfortable, sterile environment, resting on beds with constant supervision. You are more than welcome to come oversee their care. These are your patients and the Unicorn doctors know to defer to all of you and follow your lead." Celestia said warmly.

"But why move them at all?" Bobby asked.

"Town Hall needs to be repaired. Its structural integrity is questionable at best and I was not prepared to endanger any lives. I hadn't asked anypony to move any of you yet." she smiled, "Take your ease until the last of the patients is recovered. Every one of you has more than earned a reprieve and I will personally see to it that you receive such a reprieve." Celestia said, "Oh yes, the translation guide has been completed and is being copied as we speak. Everybody should be receiving a copy within the next few days. Feel free to practice with the Ponies. They owe you all a lot and they know it. All of Equestria owes you."

* * *

Deep within the comforting darkness of her personal chambers, Princess Luna groaned and slowly cracked open her left eye,
"Ow!" she put her hooves to her head, "Oh, what happened?"

"You pushed yourself, sister." Celestia said softly.

"Not so loud Tia." Luna groaned, "My head feel like it's going to split."

"You used a great deal of magic yesterday." Celestia all but whispered, "You need to rest. And we need to talk."

"Can't it wait?" Luna whined, "I feel terrible."

"Of course it can wait." Celestia soothed her sister, running a wing through her mane, "We'll talk when you feel better. Now get some rest. You've earned it."

Princess Celestia turned to leave until Luna called after her,
"Is everybody alright?"

Celestia stopped, still facing the door,
"The civilians are safe, yes. Rest Lulu, you need to recover your strength. I'll send in a servant to tend to you."

* * *

I blinked opened my eyes and gazed at a sterile white ceiling,
"Of course, I'm in another hospital . . . "

"Artex! You're awake!" I heard the voice half a moment before a solid weight barreled into me and the bed scooted at least a couple of inches to the side.

The force of the impact nearly knocked me off the bed, I knew the voice of course,
"Hey there Razor," I said hugging her back, "Happy to see you too."

She nuzzled my right shoulder,
"We were so worried about you!"

I couldn't help but to heed my inner snark,
"Sorry about that. Next time I get mauled by Timber Wolves I'll leave a memo."

Razor sat upright like she had been stung and slugged me, square in the chest with her right fore hoof,
"That's not funny! You almost bled to death! We had to give you a transfusion! It was pure luck that you and Big Macintosh share the same blood type!"

I froze at her statement,
"Wait, what?"

Razor blew out an exasperated breath and spoke slowly,
"I said you and Big Macintosh are both blood type B+. He volunteered to donate for your transfusion."

"Um how?" I asked, "By all rights my body should be rejecting non Human blood, violently."

Razor blew her mane out of her face and rolled her eyes,
"I'll go get your doctor. I don't know enough about medicine."

Razor Wit hopped down onto the floor and swished her tail in agitation,
"You are so frustrating sometimes."

As the door closed behind her, I took the time to look around the room. It was almost a mirror image of the first hospital room I had, except everything was reversed. The wall with the window was to my left instead of my right. The doors for the bathroom and hallway were both on the right, as was the rest of the floor space in the room with the exciting new addition of a single Kavim reclining couch right next to the bed. I looked down at myself and grunted. Both of my legs were in casts, lying on top of the bed sheet. The sheet covered everything from my knees up, thankfully.

I tried wiggling the toes on my right foot and received a mild jolt of pain for my effort, 'Memo to self: let the body heal.' I felt sleepy again, so I laid my head back, onto the Kavim sized pillow, and closed my eyes.

I must have dosed off briefly because the next thing I knew, I was waking up to Razor Wit, Twilight, Big Mac, Applejack, and Spike standing in the room, talking quietly.

I yawned and stretched out my arms,
"Oh sorry about that. I must have fallen asleep."

The looks I received were not encouraging, not a single one of them was smiling,
"What's wrong?" I probed feeling ice form in my gut.

Applejack and Big Macintosh exchanged a sorrowful look,
"We're powerful sorry Artex!" Applejack said suddenly, "Don't be mad at mah brother! He didn't mean no harm, he was tryin' to save yall!"

"Uh Applejack," I ventured calmly, "You're starting to scare me. What's going on?"

"The doctors ran a test on your blood while you were asleep," Twilight said pausing for a long minute before she continued, "Because of what they found, they had to come back and take a lot more samples."

I was steadily feeling more and more trepidation about the situation,
"What aren't any of you telling me?"

Twilight shifted her hooves nervously,
"Your body . . . changed Artex. The doctors think it was because of Big Macintosh giving you the transfusion."

I looked down but I didn't see any hooves, I held up my hands, they looked normal too,
"I don't look any different."

"You changed internally Artex." Twilight said quietly, "Your body isn't producing Human blood anymore. The blood your body is making . . . is Pony blood."

I was surprised, but it didn't seem anywhere as serious as they were making it sound,
"Um . . . o.k. so why is everypony so nervous? It's not like I'm dying." I chuckled.

I chuckled alone.

"Wait," I said sitting up quickly in alarm, "Am I dying?"

"We don't know." Razor spoke up for the first time, "You might be."

Twilight took over,
"If the transfusion set into motion some kind of chain reaction . . . we don't know the extent of it. It might just be your blood but it might be much worse. Your chromosomes might have changed, your internal organs might not work right, you might grow a tail, your cells could break down into liquid for all we know."

I held up my hands, waging an internal battle to stay calm,
"Alright, so it COULD be serious. What are the most likely possibilities, just so I can be prepared?"

Twilight shook her head,
"It's too early to tell, but the four most likely scenarios are that your blood and thusly your bone marrow mutated. If that happened then you just have to make sure you don't every try to donate blood. If the transfusion altered your chromosomes, that would render you infertile . . . uh . . . with Humans."

"Not going there Twilight." I said sourly, "Next."

Twilight looked ill at the next part,
"The next possibility is even more extreme. Take the previous two, combine them then add a chemical alteration of your internal organs and brain. You couldn't eat fish anymore and you could digest hay."

I blanched, but she wasn't finished,
"And finally, the most extreme one: complete genetic remapping. You know how your cells die and reproduce all from a pattern, set for each cell?" I nodded and she continued, "With complete genetic remapping, the basic structure of each of your cells would be altered. They would die and then reproduce trying to form into a new format. Your wrist, for example, the bones would break down into mush as your body tries to reform itself into whatever new format had been overlayed." Twilight looked distraught, "It . . . would be a horrible way to die. You would basically liquefy from the inside out, and it wouldn't be a quick process. It would take months."

I swallowed hard,
"So we have four possibilities? And in three of those four, I live, right?"

Twilight nodded,
"It's not ideal, but I'd rather deal with a change than have to make my peace within the next couple of months." I took a calming breath and gripped the bed sheet with both hands as something occurred to me, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but as of right now . . . it's unlikely that I'll . . . ever . . . be a . . . Father."

Twilight, Applejack, Big Macintosh, Razor Wit, and Spike all nodded silently.

"I'm not trying to be mean, but could I be alone for a while please?" I asked quietly, "I really need some time to myself."

Twilight nodded, but Applejack wasn't done,
"Yall made me a promise Artex." she said quietly, "Ain't no time like the present."

I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose with my right hand,
"Razor can stay."

Razor looked up sharply and blinked twice. She drew in a slow breath and nodded. Spike climbed onto Twilight's back and shot me a sympathetic look. I nodded to him in acknowledgement. Twilight pressed her lips into a thin line and her eyes flicked back and forth in thought. She looked to me and opened her mouth to say something but closed it after a moment of silence. She raised her head and our eyes met. Her eyes held a lifetime's worth of apology in her gaze, but she just couldn't find the words. I graced her with a thin smile of gratitude.

Big Macintosh gazed at me with an unreadable expression then he approached my bed stoically and stopped at the edge. He raised his right fore hoof and laid it over my heart gently.

He looked at me and shook his huge head,
"Ah never meant for this to happen Artex. If'n yall's blood really is ours now, well, that makes you part o' the Apple family. Yall are welcome to anything we got that yall might need an' yall can call on any member o' the Apple clan anytime yall need it." he gave me a light shove with his hoof, "Ah always did want a brother."

I leaned over as far as I could and hugged him, grateful for the comfort,
"Thanks . . . brother."

He hugged me back and for a few moments, we simply held each other. We both let go and he dropped back to the floor. He gave me a silent nod and left the room, Applejack followed him and Twilight did so as well, carrying Spike on her back.

Now alone with Razor, I rubbed my eyes. I really didn't want to talk with her about everything I'd lost. I had been avoiding it, hoping the pain would go away, but in the back of my mind and in my heart I knew I needed to. I looked at the tan Unicorn mare, regarding her silently. She was laying down on her stomach, looking at the floor and wearing a depressed expression, 'She's a good friend.' I admitted to myself, 'She was there when I woke up out of my coma and she's never left me. Of anypony, she deserves to know.'

I drew in a deep breath and let it out,
"Hey Razor?"

She looked up at me with sad eyes,

"There's a few things that I . . . " I trailed off, but she just kept looking at me, waiting patiently, "I need to get off my chest . . . " there, in that hospital room I poured out my heart to a tan Unicorn mare who had only known me for just over ten weeks.

* * *

Princess Twilight and her friends slowly walked through the hallway of Ponyville hospital. Resting in Twilight's saddlebags was a letter from her former mentor, Princess Celestia. In the letter, she detailed the attack on New Humansville and asked Twilight to deliver the news to Artex. Twilight had asked her friends to join her and, once they heard the news, they had agreed readily. She wasn't about to force or even ask Spike to go with her.

The hospital staff hadn't bothered to try to stop them. A Princess of Equestria wasn't barred from official business and the staff already knew that if Twilight and her friends were at the hospital after visiting hours, all looking as if they were going to attend a funeral, it was indeed official business.

They arrived at the door to Artex' room and Twilight knocked softly,
"Come in." a masculine voice answered tiredly.

Twilight's horn lit up and the door swung open. I was sitting up in my bed, leaning against the wall behind me. Razor Wit was lying on the couch next to the bed, resting her chin on her hooves.

We had talked for hours. I had poured out my heart to Razor and she had listened intently. I eventually broke down and cried for hours, thankfully Razor climbed up onto the bed and comforted me. She had been wonderfully supportive and after my tears dried up, she had been nice enough to just sit with me for a while. She had eventually hopped down and retaken her spot on the couch. We had been talking for hours and I was feeling much, much more calm and relaxed.

"Hey girls." I said.

I still didn't feel very good about the possibilities I was facing

Twilight walked in slowly, followed by Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie brought up the rear. The six mares formed a semicircle around the bed that included Razor's couch. Razor Wit raised her head sensing something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" I asked, I knew something was up.

Twilight drew in a breath and let it out slowly,
"New Humansville was attacked."

I breathed in through my nose and out again,

"Diamond Dogs." Rarity said bluntly.

Razor Wit shot up out of her couch,
"No!" she cried, "They couldn't, they wouldn't!"

"They did." Rarity said.

Twilight turned to Rarity,
"It's not that simple." she faced forward, back to Razor and I, "There was a disease, an epidemic. It made them go violently insane. The Diamond Dogs lost an entire City/State. The infected headed above ground," Razor's eyes narrowed, "They attacked New Humansville nearly three thousand strong. Princess Luna helped to organize the defense and the vast majority of the population of the town is safe but fifty-eight Humans died in the fighting. They killed every last Diamond Dog that attacked."

"The Humans won?" I asked.

Twilight nodded,
"As much as anyone can win in a situation like that, yes."

I pursed my lips and nodded my head,
"Sounds like they gave a good account of themselves." I said leaning back against the wall, "When are the funerals going to be held?"

Twilight and her friends were jaw dropped,
"You aren't upset!?" Twilight asked, "After the way you exploded when you heard about the massacre I would have thought you'd need some support."

"What massacre?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight turned to the cyan Pegasus mare,
"Later Rainbow." she then turned back to me, "So you're not upset?"

I shook my head,
"I'm plenty upset. My people died. But there's a big difference between an bunch of rabid Dogs and the Royal Guard attacking a bunch of civilians in a surprise attack at night."

Fluttershy crouched down slightly,
"W . . . what's he talking about?"

"I'll tell you later Fluttershy. It was bad." Twilight never took her eyes off me, "So why aren't you angry?"

"I am." I said, "But the ones responsible for the attack are dead, so I'll learn to deal with it. Was the Diamond Dog King . . . "

"They have a Council of Hounds." Razor said,

I nodded,
"Did the Council say they were sorry?"

Twilight nodded,
"It was the actions of the Council that let us know about the outbreak. The one hundred Dogs they sent to the City/State evacuated a nearby town of Ponies to keep them safe then they informed the Royal Guard. The Guard mobilized and ended up relieving the defenders of New Humansville."

I held up my arms and shrugged,
"Then it sounds like they at least tried to do something. I assume there are going to be reparations and so forth."

Twilight nodded,
"Of course. Princess Celestia has funded the full completion of New Humansville and has begun buying lots of supplies so the town won't be hungry this winter. There is going to be an award ceremony for the defenders who fought and the armory is going to be expanded too."

I nestled myself back and yawned,
"Thank you all for being willing to support me. Why don't you explain everything that happened to the Humans so your friends aren't in the dark anymore."

"Yes," she admitted, "Yes it's long past time that I did that."

* * *

Princess Celestia quietly knocked on the ebony door of her sister's private chambers,
"Luna? Are you awake, or do I need to raise the moon?"

The door was enveloped in an indigo aura and swung inward,
"Well I guess that answers my question." Celestia said happily.

Luna was lying on her stomach on her plush bed with her fore hooves resting on a pastel pink pillow. The blankets were disheveled and rumpled, but Luna looked as if she had been awake for some time. She had a large sky blue painted ceramic bowl in front of her and, if the smells wafting off the contents were any indicator, she was eating a bowl of noodles.

Luna nodded in acknowledgment of her sister and lowered her head back to the bowl. She slurped up more noodles and chewed them thoughtfully. Celestia stepped into the room and her horn lit up, closing the door behind her. Luna said nothing and slurped up some more noodles. Celestia casually walked over to the bed and slid in, next to her sister, on her stomach. Neither spoke for many long minutes, the silence said enough. Both of them had been scared.

They both knew that one of them could have perished, or worse. Celestia shuddered at the thought of her younger sister being infected with the horrible disease. Despite how much they loathed spilling blood, neither Alicorn was even remotely foreign to the realities of war and both had personally sent more than a few beings into eternity. They despised spilling blood, hated it, but far in the past, when push came to shove, they had taken the field when necessary and turned the course of pivotal battles.

Luna raised her head from her bowl and licked her lips,
"Thank you for the pillow. It helped a great deal." she kneaded her hooves into the soft pastel fabric, "Stuffed with your own down, unless I'm mistaken." she nuzzled her older sister, "Thank you Tia."

Celestia returned the nuzzle,
"You're welcome Lulu." she cleared her throat and regarded her younger sister, "Are you ready to talk?"

Luna huffed out a sigh and levitated the bowl off the bed and onto her desk,
"I suppose I am." she looked up to her older sister, "What was it you wanted to discuss?"

"You told me the Humans can use magic." Celestia began directly.

"I made such a discovery last night." Luna shook her head and kneaded the pink pillow with her hooves, "Most of the Humans don't know. I only checked a few for Mageriums. Their magic is different than our own, but very similar in some ways too. Of the ones I read, one woman stood out though, Tina. She is with child but her Mageruim was potent, nearly equal to that of Prince Shining Armor in some places, but in others she was completely absent. It will take a little time and study of each and every one of them to determine what they are capable of. I do know I saw two manifest significant power last night. Mike Joyner, the one who has Proud Hoof's old trident, it's an aethersteel weapon Tia. He activated it last night. Once he did, the Diamond Dogs fell before him like wheat before a scythe. The other was Chris Vacca." Luna shook her head, "I don't know how he did it, but he spontaneously cast a spell that . . . " Luna trailed off with a shudder, "It was . . . the effect was . . . gruesome." Luna hung her head, "They're more dangerous now than they ever were before, especially to themselves."

Luna's memory jogged and she slammed her fore hooves down on the pink pillow angrily,

Celestia recoiled at her younger sister's outburst,
"What's wrong?"

"I should have remembered sooner! Arg! Oh, it's probably gone by now." she turned and faced Celestia, "There was a Changeling among the Humans. It was disguised as a Human woman with long red hair. I had just told them about it when you contacted me and in all the confusion I COMPLETELY forgot about it."

"Long red hair?" Celestia asked, "Pink in color, completely silent, walks oddly?"

Luna nodded,
"Yes that sounds correct."

"She's still there." Celestia said, "I saw her go running to the Human male called Jewel. What do you want to do about it?"

"Capture it for study of course." Luna said, "Can you believe the Humans actually asked me if I meant to dissect it while it was still alive?" she shuddered, "Why would any living creature do such a thing? Why would they even think of it?"

"It's what their own people would do to one of us." Celestia said, "Or at least that's the way the Humans imagine it would go." she sighed, "Who is to say?"

"We would be foolish to let such an opportunity slip through our teeth." Luna said, "We know so little about the Changelings."

"We have more than enough to deal with Luna. Keep an eye on the Changeling, but for now leave it alone. We have to focus on a much more immediate and severe problem." Celestia rested her chin on top of Luna's head, "The Humans have the right to know what they are capable of now, sister. Dangerous or not, they are here and we have a responsibility to them, to teach them how to use what they have. We know the ways of magic, they do not." Celestia became silent for a moment then quietly said, "Tell me, how many of the Humans balked at the idea of fighting for our Ponies? Not many unless I miss my mark."

Luna shook her head,
"Not one so much as mentioned it. They simply acted, no quarrels, no arguments, no reservations. They did what they did as if they were born to it, and I'll go so far as to say, I question if our own could do much better given the extremely limited resources." Luna looked at Celestia's muzzle, overhanging her eyebrows, "They deserve proper armaments though. Had it not been for my own, I will say this politely, extremely strenuous efforts, there is no doubt in my mind that not a single one of us would have seen today."

Celestia didn't say a thing,
"So many died." she whispered, "The Diamond Dogs were just as much victims as any." Luna felt a slight wetness on the top of her head, "They did well sister, the Humans I mean. Better than I could have imagined. After everything they've been through they not only fought for their own but ours too. They were just about to gain their feet and this happens. They were supposed to be safe Lulu. We were supposed to protect them, that's why I chose that field. They are new to this world, don't know its rules, we were supposed to be their guardians. But instead we murder them, herd them, and bully them. It's all wrong Lulu, everything is wrong!" she sounded angry, "Well it is NOT going to happen again!"

"Calm yourself Tia." Luna spoke softly, "They are not so fragile as to necessitate coddling. They are strong sister, very strong. The strength I witnessed last night was humbling." Luna paused, "But even the greatest warrior is nowhere near as effective without their weapon."

Celestia closed her eyes and groaned,
"Luuuuuna," she lifted her head, "We've been over this, they and the Ponies who live with them, get to decide what happens with civilians and weapons, that's part of the reason I sent out that call in the first place. And I agree with you, the armory of New Humansville was very poorly equipped in the first place. That was a significant oversight on my part, and one I fully intend to correct. Their new armaments will be second to none."

"No," Luna said, "I meant for those charged with protecting New Humansville on a daily basis." she laid her head against her sister's neck, "Our Civil Guard was ill prepared for the situation but they performed admirably. We long ago ironed out the enchantments of their armor, but I believe they could do with additional training. I mean to see the Human Civil Guard are properly equipped with appropriate armaments as well."

"Community Welfare Guardians, Luna, or I hope they find the name acceptable. Ponies have the E.P.U. or Royal Guard as we often refer to it, and the Civil Guard. Having seen what the Humans can do in emergencies, I'm going to ask that they be given a place to act both in civil matters and matters of warfare. Their role in warfare, their capability, I hope, will be universal. If we can take the Human killer instinct, which most of us lack, and teach them to control it, they will be a force to be reckoned with indeed. The Guard are well trained and willing but Equestria cannot hold a figurative candle to what Humans can do, and the battle has demonstrated that beyond any reasonable doubt. Should such a situation arise again, they could save many lives." Celestia said.

"I know you don't plan to manipulate them sister, but what you're talking about sounds more like a type of 'secret weapon' than any sort of group intended for protection." Luna cautioned.

Celestia frowned,
"It does, doesn't it." she sighed, "I have a favor to ask of you Luna, I would like to ask you to design the enchantments their armor will have. We balance each other Luna. In the same way, our Ponies will help balance out the Humans. The decision will be theirs, THAT I refuse to meddle with. They will decide it for themselves. I see our bipedal guests as allies not assets. How do you see them?" Celestia asked.

"They are, as you initially said, a near perfect dichotomy of polar opposites. They are capable of great goods and greater evils. Their potential for destruction and depravity is nearly limitless but I have seen their struggles. They fight their own natures in an endless battle, their conscience warring against their selfishness. They try so hard sister, and I have seen their struggles. The best way I can describe them is 'genius, but lazy, problem solvers' they solve any problem thrown at them, unfortunately, often the way they chose to solve a problem is to destroy the cause. They understand the 'hows' of the universe but not the all-important 'why'." Luna ducked her head, "If I am being honest sister, I would not only like the responsibility of designing their armaments, but to also the honor of leading a team from the School For Gifted Unicorns to examine their Mageriums. Many of them are going to be excited and a great many will need to be taught how to use their gifts." she shivered in delight, "I'm going to build a tower in New Humansville. A place where Humans can go to study their unique magic and a place where we can delve into this new and exciting mystery."

Celestia smiled hugely, few things excited Luna at all, and to see her so worked up was an event she had only ever seen on two other occasions,
"Yes," she smiled deviously, "Perhaps you will finally take a stallion too." she teased.

Luna's ears stood ramrod straight as her face heated up,
"Tia! Mind thy tongue and thine own affairs!"

Celestia grinned,
"Oh, I didn't know we were talking about affairs already." she lowered her head next to Luna's ear and whispered, "I want every lurid detail."

*POMF* Luna's wings spread open of their own accord.

The Royal Guards stationed at Luna's door winced as the walls shook,

Each Guard held out a fore hoof and caught the priceless antiques on either side of them expressionlessly,
"How long till Princess Luna figures out that her sister waits until the moon is full to do that?" one Guard asked.

"No idea." the other said.

As one, the both replaced the antiques they had caught, right back on their pedestals,
"Uh-huh." they said in unison.

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