• Published 13th Feb 2014
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The Unity Pact - Truthseeker

This is the story of the efforts of a group of stranded Humans to find equilibrium, balance, and a promise of tomorrow in a world seemingly out to get them.

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Chapter 10: Aftermath

Twenty one Unicorn stallions stood in a single straight line before Princess Celestia as she strode back and forth in front of them. Off to her side sat her sister. Luna's face was stern and stoic but a single look into her eyes had sunk many a heart hopeful of mercy. The Moon Princess may have been outwardly composed but beneath the surface she was a volcano. Behind them stood one hundred and fifty one Royal Guard, all at un-moving attention. The Princesses had just finished raising the sun and the day was looking to be a hot one, on several levels.

The Unicorns who had participated in the attack against the Humans had their armor and weapons stripped away from them as soon as they arrived the previous night. They had then had their names taken down on a roster and sent to a heavily guarded outdoor holding area which consisted of a circle of Royal Guards facing inward, watching them constantly. They were ordered to lay down on the grass and sleep until they were summoned.

The summons came at dawn. They were roused and marched out in front of the pavilion tent then told to wait. They stood at attention and waited for the Princess to appear. They knew they were in trouble. The raid had been a disaster. Proud Hoof had lied to them and they had swallowed it. In attacking the Humans they had been labeled as murderers. They knew their prospects were bleak. None of them had ever seen either Princess angry before.

Celestia stalked back and forth before them like a predator stalking prey,
"Why?" she asked nopony in particular, "Was your pride worth lives?" she lapsed into a brief silence as she shook her head, "Did you truly think, even for a second, that you would be rewarded for this? Since when has the Royal Guard been an instrument of slaughter? And over such a petty thing?" she shook her head, "I cannot imagine what kind of idiotic . . . "

"Sister," Luna spoke quickly, "May I address them?"

Celestia nodded sadly,
"Please do."

Luna rose to her hooves smoothly as Celestia returned to the pavilion tent,
"Thy pride hath clouded thy judgement beyond reason." she said calmly, "Thou hast committed the most heinous of transgressions against beings who hath offered thee no insult or injury and indeed stayed their hoof when they had thee at their mercy. Now thou hast repaid their mercy with calculated murder. Didst thou truly not see? Were thee so self indulged that thou took their abandonment of thy armaments as insult?" she asked voice rising, "Twas a message!" she exclaimed, stomping her right fore hoof, "The Humans left thy weapons as a symbol of hope for peace! They had the means to spill thy blood, but they chose the way of peace! And now thou hast repaid their hope with DEATH!" she spat the word like a vile taste, she began to pace back and forth yelling loudly, "Madness!" she spat, "Insanity! How in thy hearts could thou have done such a thing!" she looked into a blue stallion's eyes, "Ruthless! Merciless! Is this the good way, the right way!? . . . "

"Something had to be done your Majesty!" a yellow stallion with brown mane and tail spoke out loudly, Luna's eyes found him instantly, but let him speak, "The Royal Guard is not to be taken as a joke."

The irate Princess slowly stalked up to him with her head low and her eyes narrowed,
"The Guard is to make peace! Nopony questions thy skills in battle! Tis a lie thou speakest! A weak defense for weak actions! Where is the strength of character that has been a staple among thy ranks since its founding!?" her hoof shot out, pointing directly to Sound Mind, "Behold thy brother in armor, Sound Mind! Even through his foolhardy pride, did he see the error! He spoke out against the lies of Proud Hoof and did leave thy company alone and labeled a traitor for his morals! Thou had a chance to act in righteousness and thou had an example to follow as well!" she pushed her face against his angrily, "Thou hast no excuse! Still thy tongue lest it waggle thee into a deeper morass." she warned, voice low.

The stallion swallowed hard as Luna continued her pacing,
"Thy pride is too great." she said, calm once more, "Pray, what dost thou imagine thy punishment to be? In the days of old, gelding was not uncommon for murderers. The pony is saved and can yet be a productive member of society. My sister tells me the practice is no longer in use. More's the pity. I've a good mind to reinstate an executioner. They were considered antiquated even in my time, but then again, most criminals had more viable reason to commit murder than wounded pride over a misinterpreted gesture. Perhaps the time has come to go back to the old ways, seeing as thy behavior seems to mimic those of the time."

The gathering of stallions were terrified by that point, Luna let them sweat for several long minutes before she revealed her alternative,
"Nay." she said quietly, "Such would be the ways of Nightmare Moon, not I. My way, despite what thou believe, is a way of peace, just like Celestia. When have I spoken harshly to any of thee before? I may have used the Royal Canterlot Voice at first, but my words were always simply direct. When have I belittled any of you? When have I ever sent Ponies to the dungeons?" she turned to the Guards behind her, "Does Canterlot have a dungeon?"

Peach Pit nodded his head,
"Only for murderers and so forth Princess."

She turned back to the former Guards,
"I did not even know. Why then did you so easily think me capable of giving the false orders?"

Not a single Pony spoke, Luna continued,
"TWAS NOT A RHETORICAL QUERY!" she yelled, suddenly lapsing back into the Royal Canterlot Voice.

"W . . . We almost never saw you, Princess." a brown stallion stuttered, "You were only around at night."

"Tis a weak defense indeed, but there is some truth behind your words. Allow me to show you how 'Loony Luna' as I've hear it, deals with such severe crimes." she stopped in the middle of the front of the line and raised her head regally, "You are no longer part of the Royal Guard. Your service, such as it was, shall be dismissed immediately. Never again will any of you serve in any Guard either Civil or Royal. Furthermore you will report to Trottingham and Flankfurt for service as unpaid, unarmed Conservators Of The Peace. Those two towns are closest to where the Humans will be traveling."

Behind her the Royal Guards in armor shot each other confused looks.

"You will serve in that position for one month for every Human we find that died at the scene of the battle. To show you the kind of helpless desperation the Humans suffered, you will live in the town's homeless shelter and eat only the meals provided there, for the duration of your punishment. You will own nothing and have no contact with your families for the entire time. To all who inquire, you shall remain silent. To all who speak to you, you will not answer unless it is to save a life. Should Humans contact the towns, you will take every possible step to ensure no harm comes to them or the residents. You will use your own bodies as shields to protect others. You will not use magic at all while your punishment persists. And finally, once your punishment is at an end you will submit to invasive yearly probes with Mind magic to ensure you have not committed any violent crimes. This is your punishment. Do other that what has been assigned to you and you will spend the rest of your lives in a dungeon, never again to see the light of day unless I say otherwise. So let it be written, so let it be done."

She turned from the former Guards and spoke to the Guards behind her,
"Take them into custody. Ensure they have magical restraints placed on them and have them do menial labor under the eyes of three Guards each. This is until we determine how many Humans were murdered. Peach Pit and Sound Mind, you stay, the rest of you are dismissed."

The Guards went to the prisoners and began taking them away. There were no snide remarks and no haughty attitudes. Their punishment had been somewhat merciful as opposed to the possible alternatives. Luna had intended it that way. They would learn the values of humility and mercy.

Luna turned her attention to Peach Pit and Sound Mind,
"Lieutenant, tell me of Sound Mind's actions last night, I would hear of them."

Peach Pit never even blinked,
"I encountered Sound Mind on the path to the Human's camp. He identified himself quickly and informed us of his decision to abandon Proud Hoof and turn himself in to you for disobeying what he had been told were your orders. Once I informed him that Proud Hoof had lied, he immediately offered to guide us to his former compatriots to help ensure a minimal loss of life. He followed his word and submitted to arrest when we arrested the others."

Luna's eyes narrowed slightly,
"What is your personal opinion of his actions?"

"He acted in the spirit of Equestria and by the principles of the Royal Guard. He has conducted himself with honor and integrity even in the face of overwhelming pressure from other Guards and a superior officer. His initial actions were questionable but the outcome was that he made the right decision and likely saved many lives." Peach Pit explained.

"Very well." Luna turned to Sound Mind, "Your actions have brought honor to your name and to the Royal Guard. Be proud Sound Mind. Your name will be recorded as a righteous example to all Royal Guards. You are dismissed."

"Come Peach Pit," Luna said as Sound Mind walked away, "My sister and I have need of you."

* * *

"Final tally . . . " Joyner said tiredly.

He and the Fellowship of Leadership had been awake the rest of the night. They had been walking a perimeter patrol of the camp, all except for Jewel, Richardson, Leo, Calvin and Vacca. Jewel and Leo had been hard at work with the former medical students trying to save as many lives as they could. Richardson was inconsolable. Calvin and Vacca had been determined to be the two strongest and so they were tasked with lining up the dead from both sides.

Once the sun rose, they were able to find a total of twenty nine of the equinoids, two of which were still alive. The number of dead Humans had been steadily mounting all night as people succumbed to their wounds. The dead Humans were gently laid in rows four wide. There were more than fifteen rows.

"Sixty two dead, eleven wounded. That number is likely to become sixty three." Joyner finished.

Ludwig, Hord, Brinsin, Eduardo, Kaneesha, Masonete, Morris, Jason, and Spearman stood around in a semicircle listening to the tally with heavy hearts and bags under their eyes. To say they were exhausted would have been an understatement. They were dead on their feet.

A chorus of weeping, sobbing, and crying punctuated by the odd scream was the backdrop of their meeting. The group, as civilians, were woefully unprepared for the mental and emotional repercussions of seeing the night's violence and death first hand. Nearly every one of them was mentally traumatized. Hord had seen combat first hand, as had Masonete, Jewel, and Joyner. They had the advantage of military training and mental preparation. Even with their training and experience they were slightly twitchy.Of those who had never served in the military only Calvin, Vacca, Ludwig, Kaneesha, and Eduardo were still capable of functioning somewhat normally. They often found themselves drifting back to the events of the previous night. Morris and Jason were constantly jumpy and nervous, often yelling or becoming agitated when touched. Brinsin and Spearman were riding on a perpetual hair-trigger ranging between violent rage and sobbing uncontrollably.

Never the less, despite their state of mental upset, the Fellowship of Leadership forced itself to continue to function. The vast majority of the rest of the group were displaying various degrees of mental and emotional versions of trauma and shock. Some simply sat in place not moving and unresponsive. Some were constantly moving, often pacing around or sitting and rocking back and forth while mumbling or crying or both. And some were walking around holding spears or swords mumbling about being ready. Those ones were wild eyed and posed a serious problem. More than once Leo had to knock the heads of people who were trying to 'end the suffering' of the wounded. The group was in serious trouble.

The Fellowship of Leadership was conflicted,
"We have to get some sleep soon, but I don't trust anyone not to do something stupid." Joyner said.

"Yeah, no kidding!" Spearman said loudly, "I'm inclined to do something myself! Those two bastards who aren't dead yet, if I get the chance, I'm going to change that!"

"No, you're not." Joyner said evenly, "We need them."

"Bullshit!" Brinsin yelled, "We ain't takin' care o' murderers! Soon as you let me, I'ma kill them motha' fuckas an' I'ma make it hurt!" his grip on his spear tightened.

"No." Joyner said firmly, "Believe me, I want them dead too, but with them we might be able to learn something."

"Yeah," Brinsin sneered, "We can take 'em apart an' see what they guts look like! See how much they can scream befo' they die!"

"ENOUGH!" Hord yelled, stepping up to his bloodthirsty friend, "We're not murdering them. We aren't them. Leave murder to someone else. Joyner's right." he sighed heavily and began walking around the Fellowship, limping from a deep bruise on his right thigh, "I want them dead, I do, but we can learn from them. They can speak their language, we can't. We may be able to get them to cooperate or something. They were clever enough to attack us and they did it well. They used confusion and surprise. They're smart, I'd say as smart as us, who knows maybe even smarter."

"You gonna let them wake us and start using their magic again?" Jewel asked walking up and wiping his bloody hands, "Add one more to the death toll. Jackie Peterson didn't make it."

"Magic?" Morris asked.

"You got a better name for it?" Jason asked.

"Makes me shiver every time I close my eyes." Masonete said, "Throwing around lightning bolts? What else can we call it?"

"Well in either case," Ludwig said suddenly, "Jewel has a point. We don't know enough about what they can do to hold them safely. They haven't woken up yet but they could at any minute. I'm not going to put more of our people in jeopardy just for information two murderers may or may not be willing to give us. Besides, the people have been listening to us. It's been tricky but they've been doing it. If they find out we've let two of these things live, after the massacre last night? We're going to be split. We gave them something to rally behind and it worked. If we don't make them rally against these creatures we're going to be split, weak, and defenseless. After last night, it's pretty clear what they want with us. I hate to live up to my nickname but I'm afraid I have to open a vote. All in favor of executing the murderers, show your hands."

"And what about the ones who came after the first wave?" Joyner asked, "They had the numbers to finish the job, but they didn't. They didn't attack us at all . . . "

"They weren't on our side, otherwise they would have helped us." Ludwig countered.

"Wouldn't you agree that getting the first wave away from us counts as helping? Calvin attacked one of them and all they did was put up some kind of force field. They could have wiped Calvin and I out but they didn't." Hord argued.

"I didn't know that." Brinsin admitted, "Calvin attacked 'em an' they didn't do nothin'?"

"Nope. One of them called out to the others, they gathered, then they left. Honestly it looked like a type of retrieval." Hord added.

Vacca, Calvin, and Leo walked up,
"So maybe there's multiple factions?" Calvin ventured.

"Probably not." Vacca countered, "Their armor and weapons were identical, same production source. I'd say it looks like a bunch abandoned the main group and came after us, then the main group sent a retrieval team."

"It's possible, but people aren't going to be willing to hear it." Joyner admitted reluctantly, "There are going to be three types of people once the shock wears off. One type is going to be angry and ready to strike back. The second type is going to want to just surrender to them or die. And the third type is going to be reluctant but willing to move on."

"Yeah but most people are going to be pissed." Jason spoke up, "Truthfully I don't blame them." he sat down and cupped his chin in his hands as he spoke to the rest of the Fellowship, "I mean look at us!" his voice suddenly shot from normal volume to a scream, "LOOK AT US!" he took a breath and continued, "We're on some fucked up world where we don't speak the language and half the world is backward! First we try diplomacy. What do we get? Military with weapons, armor, and fucking nets! Then we find out that the person we sent to talk is missing and likely dead. Next we try to send a message and give them some space by moving away. What do we get? A FUCKING MASSACRE!" Jason's face was blood red, "Wake the fuck up Joyner! They aren't going to stop until they have us! We'll all either spend the rest of our lives in cages as experiments or we'll be wiped the fuck out!" Jason shot to his feet, "Wake up! All of you! Even if we do manage to find a place to hide and survive there aren't enough of us to keep the species going! It takes at least four hundred couples with children to keep a varied enough gene pool to perpetuate generationally without significant birth defects! There's barely seven hundred of us now! We're dead no matter which way you look at it! If we survive, we have kids, those of us cruel enough to bring a child into this fucked up world! The kids grow up and after two or three generations they start dying off from still births and physical deformities! It was slim, but we had a chance with almost eight hundred people! Now though?" he planted himself half an inch from Joyner's face, "WE. ARE. FUCKED. We're doomed! There's no hope for any of us! I don't want to be slowly skinned or have needles stuck into my eyes and I'm not going to bring a child into this fucking world!"

Jason took a step back and raised his hands,

Eduardo stepped in front of Jason,
"Cool it man! Runnin' off and gettin' yourself killed ain't like you!"

"He's right Jason." Hord said, "You're still in shock and you will be for several days." he held up his right hand with two fingers extended, "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Three!" Jason said quickly, "I . . . I mean . . . "

"You're in shock and you're not thinking clearly." Masonete said.

No one noticed Morris clenching his fists more and more,
"It doesn't matter!" Jason yelled, "We're all dead! Every one of us is fucking dea . . . " he was cut off as Morris' fist suddenly caught him in the jaw.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled as Jason fell to his knees, "If we're still breathing there's still hope! Humans are like roaches! We're nearly impossible to get rid of! We made it out of worse situations before! We didn't have shit when we first got here and we survived! We were attacked last night, yes, but how many of them were there?" he asked, "I was pretty out of it but I saw about twenty of them that looked like they were restrained and we killed twenty something of them last night. That means there were about fifty of them in total. They had lightning and flash bang type magic and who knows what else, they had weapons, they had armor, but we killed almost half of them! They had the cover of night and the element of surprise but they only got sixty or so of us! We made it this far and we aren't stopping now, so shut your damn face before I go and rearrange it for you! We're not quitting! We're not giving up hope! And we're sure as hell not attacking a superior force! We're all messed up in the head so just cool it! We need to bury our dead then leave here as soon as possible, so get up, get packed, and let's get going!"

The entire gathering was silent.

* * *

Peach Pit shook his head as he stood in front of Princesses Celestia and Luna,
"I'm afraid I have no idea how many of the Humans fell in the attack. I do know that of the forty nine Royal Guard that participated, only twenty one made it back. Beyond that is anypony's guess."

Princess Celestia turned to her left where an Earth Pony was mulling over a map,
"Where will they go Steady Plod?" she asked.

Celestia already knew the answer but she wanted to ensure her further guidance wasn't needed for the new Sargent. Steady Plod looked up from the map slowly and looked around as if only just noticing everypony else present.

"To the far North-East. To the ruins in the fields of the Northern Basin. There is a substantial lake there so they can fish and the fields were once rich farmland. It's the single most likely place. Two sources of food and endless fresh water, plus ruins to build off of," he said, "It's perfect unless they want to be traveling on into the winter."

Peach Pit nodded,
"That's where we capture them."

"NO!" Princess Celestia did not often use the Royal Canterlot Voice, but when she did everypony listened, "We will leave them be for now. They will expect action from us. We must deny their expectations." she turned her eyes to Peach Pit, "Have you no heart?" she asked rhetorically, "They need time to grieve. They have suffered at our hooves, the last thing we need to do is reinforce the idea that we are their enemies."

"Excuse me, your Majesty, but if we give them time, hatred may fester. We may lose any chance of peaceful coexistence." Bold Move added as he entered the tent, "My Earth Pony Scouts are set to track their movements on a half day rotation."

"Thank you Bold Move." Celestia said before turning her attention back to Peach Pit, "You are not wrong in your assumption Lieutenant, some hatred is unavoidable at this point. Tell me, how would you mitigate that feeling? What action would you take?"

Peach Pit had already assumed that he would be leading a contingent of Guards to capture the Humans, to have the Princess ask how he would appease them gave him pause,
"I would," he began after a few moments, "Leave food and medical supplies in a location where the Humans are sure to find them. I would also prominently stamp the Royal Guard sigil on as many items as I could. Logically, if we left supplies for them, they would either use them and perhaps think better of us or they would not use them, and maybe destroy them thinking we meant to poison them with the food."

Swift Wind cantered into the pavilion tent,
"Pegasi are set and ready to move." he informed.

Peach Pit's mind turned for a moment before he realized what was being set up,
"Ah you mean to watch their every movement. Earth Ponies in the forest to track using Tremor Sense and Pegasi to track from the air, using The Sight."

Princess Celestia nodded,
"To what end, Lieutenant?" she needed to test him.

"The Humans cannot run forever. Eventually they will stop for a longer period of time. You mean for us to follow them at a distance and corral them in place without any threat of violence. We keep our distance but they are aware of us. After a time they will become used to our presence and perhaps we can begin trying to communicate?" Peach Pit ventured.

Princess Celestia smiled warmly,
"Very good Lieutenant. Yes that is the plan. Tell me, where do you see them settling?" she asked gesturing to the map Steady Plod was pouring over.

Peach Pit trotted over and stood next to Steady Plod,
"I need to see the map Sargent."

Steady Plod looked at Peach Pit and actually quirked his right eyebrow,
"Go right ahead . . . Lieutenant."

The Earth Pony's tone bordered on insubordinate, but he stepped away from the map. Peach Pit moved over and began examining the map. His horn lit up as he levitated an arrow pin up from the map set and placed it on the forest where the battle had taken place the night before. He levitated a second pin, this one circular and placed it where the Humans had stayed in the field. He levitated a brown piece of string from his saddle bags and measured the distance from the field to their current position. He levitated a piece of red chalk out of his bags and marked the distance the Humans had covered in a single day. It was a very short distance on the map. Peach Pit played out the string, marking the likely distance the Humans could travel each day.

"Alright, they aren't going to stay where the battle took place, that goes without saying. They have been headed due North thus far, but I locked eyes with one that I believe likely to be their leader. I couldn't tell its gender but I'm going to guess male. He was not a fool. He'll have them change direction and move for a day or two then change direction again. After the confrontation last night, he will likely stay away from fields or any vulnerable location for several days at least. They won't be headed to the field that is due East. They'll navigate around the field but which way?" Peach Pit pondered out loud.

"If they go around the far side of the field, to the East, it will take them half a day. If they go around the West side, it will be a more direct route to the Basin but one of the bags they have has a map." his hoof strayed over to Trottingham and Flankfurt, both of which bordered on the Western side of the forest, Flankfurt more so, "If they use the map, which they're almost guaranteed to do, they'll know for certain that Trottimgham and especially Flankfurt run right up against the forest and there's a much greater possibility of them being spotted and giving away their position. The most simple choice would be to go around to the East as the West side presents more risks and because of that they will go around the field to the West. They will expect us to assume they would take the path of safety after the battle. They'll go on the West side." Peach Pit explained.

"You got it." Swift Wind said, "Not bad Lieutenant. If you had asked, Steady Plod and I could have told you the same thing and saved you some time."

Peach Pit's eyes narrowed,
"Mind your tongue Sargent, you're addressing a superior officer."

"If you treat everypony like inferiors, that's how they'll perform. Just saying, Lieutenant." Swift Wind chimed in.

Peach Pit grit his teeth,
"That's my call to make, not yours."

"Take it easy Peach Pit." Bold Move interjected, "It's no foolish thing to take advice from others, even if you disagree with it. You're starting to sound like Proud Hoof."

Peach Pit raised his head, eyes blazing,
"We do not speak ill of the dead. No matter how foolish their actions in life may have been. Proud Hoof made his choice and he paid for it."

"We shouldn't be arguing among ourselves." Steady Plod said quietly, "The Princesses are going back to Canterlot soon and they're leaving us in charge. We need to be acting in concert with each other for efficiency sake. The lives of the Humans will depend on us."

Peach Pit turned toward the Princesses,
"Is it true your Majesties?"

Celestia nodded,
"We have not spoken of it to anypony yet, but yes Steady Plod is right. Well done Sargent."

"To that end, there are nineteen vacant positions that need to be filled." Celestia began walking around the pavilion tent, "Truth be told, your new positions were merely transitory. Bold Move was the first to catch our attention and it was on his recommendation that we interviewed the rest of you. Bold Move will be in command as Captain since Shining Armor is not present often enough to fulfill the position. Steady Plod, Swift Wind, and Peach Pit, you three will answer to Bold Move as Regimental Commanders since all the former Regimental Commanders have been demoted. You will work together and bring likely officer candidates to Bold Move's attention. The final decision will be his and his alone. I'm sure between the four of you, you can fill fifteen positions. Your overarching goal is to obtain the trust of the Humans and minimize causalities on all sides. My sister and I will hold the ceremony this evening. You will be publicly appointed. You are dismissed. My sister is at rest and needs her sleep. She has done much these past two days. Gather the entire Royal Guard and assemble them at sunset."

Four heads bowed deeply,
"Yes, your Majesty."

* * *

The Fellowship had sat Jason down to sleep while everyone else continued their discussion and planning. They had come to the conclusion that the dead should be buried by the people, in order to help bring them some manner of mental and emotional balance and closure. The people were resistant and distant at first but with some patience and persistence they capitulated. Sixty three graves were dug and filled. The Fellowship was still debating what to do with the two injured Unicorns and so kept them away and unseen, hidden in a thicket of thorny brambles.

It was a very subdued group that stood silently in a circle around the freshly dug graves. Every person had known one of the deceased in one way or another. A full week struggling to survive had brought them all together like a family. Unfortunately that same sense of belonging and family made the pain of each death all the more keen and close to the group's collective heart. They stood silently, remembering the details and how each person had touched every life in small but profound ways.

The Fellowship had placed a small shovel at the head of each grave to serve as a headstone. The names of each of the deceased had been carved into the handles of each shovel. The sixty three graves were set up in lines of eight, so the graves were in an almost perfect square. The chosen place to dig the graves was on the side of the stream closest to the original field the group had arrived in. They dead were laid to rest facing East as tradition mandated.

Tears flowed freely but not a single soul had it within them to break the silence.

The Fellowship of Leadership gathered among the graves and walked among them speaking quietly. Some of them prayed for the dead, others spoke calming, soothing words as if the dead could take some measure of comfort from mere words.

Joyner stood at the center of the mass of graves and spoke loudly,
"We are gathered together today to lay to rest those of us that have been lost. Let us remember them fondly and keep their memory alive. For it is in that way at least, that we keep them with us. I'll not ask that any person do anything due to the varieties of religions present but I will ask for a moment of silence." he bowed his head and every other person present followed suite.

The silence was all encompassing. Tears continued to flow but the silence remained unbroken. Cries and sobs were shut behind clenched teeth. Many a lip trembled but all were kept in check. Some mourned the loss of loved ones, sometimes blood relatives and sometimes boyfriends or girlfriends. Others mourned for lifelong friends and confidants. Most though, mourned the loss of the people they had grown close to only after arriving in the strange, new world. Most were mourning for friends.

A single voice somewhere among the group began quietly humming a nameless, wordless tune. The melody was somber and beautiful. She didn't know why she sang. Maybe it was for the innocent people whose lives had been cut short in the chaotic brutality of the previous night. Maybe it was because she hadn't been able to stop having the flashbacks that left her a screaming, sobbing mess. Maybe it was because she felt bad for those who died so horribly, without any comfort of family or friends. She didn't know and it didn't really matter. Other voices gradually began to join in. Some sang for friends, some for loved ones, and others for their situation. The tune began to slowly grow in volume and intensity as each and every voice contributed. They hummed in perfect unison, every note perfectly timed and expertly executed as if intentionally practiced for weeks. From somewhere no one could identify, slow music began accompanying the myriad of voices as they continued to sing their wordless tune.

The Humans were so engrossed in their emotions and sorrow they all closed their eyes and raised their faces and voices to the sky. Without realizing it, every person subtly and gently grasped the hand of those around them. With hands, voices, and hearts united for that brief moment, something incredible happened.

The dead remained in their eternal slumber but the event had happened none the less.

* * *

Twenty one Unicorn stallions were lying despondently on the grass in the field. They were exhausted from their day of hard manual labor. Their food had been simple hay and water and their breaks had been few and far between. They were surrounded by their former brothers in armor, held until their true punishment could begin. Their former brothers scowled at them, each and every one. The anger was plain on every face, the disgust, the grave disappointment and the condemnation. Every last ounce of it aimed directly at them for their actions. None of them spoke. The true weight of their crime was finally settling over them and not one had the urge to speak. Left alone with their thoughts, they remembered their fallen fellows, many lifelong friends. The enormity of their crime weighed heavily on their hearts. Some sat still in silent contemplation, others wept for those who had suffered because of their poor choices.

One stallion began to quietly hum a wordless, nameless tune. He didn't even know why he did it. Maybe it was for his friends who had been with him for years. His friends who lay dead in the forest. Maybe it was for the Humans who, he now knew, were never enemies in the first place. Maybe it was for himself because of the shame of his over inflated sense of pride and the horrible crime he had committed. Maybe it was for a thousand different possible things. It didn't matter. All he knew was that he felt the need to raise his voice. He knew he didn't need words, his tone would say everything that needed to be said. He knew he didn't need to compose anything with purpose, his heart told him he needed to do it and he obeyed. It had been too long since he had listened to his heart. Looking back he knew that in the hustle and rush of his life he had grown deaf to the call of his heart. His pride had led him astray and his oversight had cost him and many others dearly.

As the first notes left his mouth, everypony around took notice. He closed his eyes and sung as his heart led. His song spoke of sorrow and loss, of beauty and peace, it spoke many things to many ponies and they were, in turn, compelled to join him. The second voice came from a Guard as he mourned the death of his cousin who had perished in the massacre. The third voice came from one of the other Unicorn prisoners, as he sent his sorrowful apology to those who who never see another sunrise because of his actions. Then a fourth voice joined in, then a fifth and a sixth. Within a few minutes every pony in the camp was singing the same sad song, in perfect unison.

The magic of the world had called out to every heart and they had responded beautifully. One soul felt the tug on their heart. They had opened themselves to it and let it flow through them. From them it poured outward to many many more. There had not been such a terrible tragedy in decades and the world had felt the loss. The natural magic of the world was a living thing. It moved with currents like water or wind and it could reach out and touch any individual at any time. Sometimes the recipient was a pony, sometimes it was something else.

Princess Luna was sleeping soundly, curled up on a large pile of thick, soft, warm blankets while her elder sister sat at a small folding desk filling out necessary paperwork, including twenty nine letters of condolence. Slow, wordless music and humming voices seeped into the pavilion tent from outside, through the soundproofing ward Celestia had cast on the tent.

Two Alicorns looked up sharply as the sound of singing voices reached their ears,
"Do you hear that sister?" Luna asked, raising her head from the nest of blankets.

Celestia nodded,
"I do indeed." she closed her eyes and let the music flow through her, "I can feel it too."

"As can I." Luna said quietly, "Something is happening. There is magic at work here."

"Somepony is connecting with the magic of the world." Celestia observed, "We never gave our former Guards a chance to mourn their fallen. There will be many grieving families in the near future."

"There is always cause for sorrow at the needless loss of lives before their time. There would be no cause for sorrow if they had made better choices." Luna said darkly, "However, I am not without a heart. I will tell the Guard to allow them a day to grieve over their fallen comrades before their punishment begins." Luna rose from her position on the nest of blankets, "Come sister, let us join them. For good or ill, they were still our subjects and for at least a time, they were good ponies too."

"Yes," Celestia said moving to join her sister, "Let us remember them as all deserve. Whatever choice they may have made in the end, their deeds were surely not all so misguided and prideful. I will mourn for the good they could have done."

"As I will mourn for the loss their families have to endure." Luna finished somberly.

Author's Note:

This chapter is complete, edited, and formatted.

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