• Published 13th Feb 2014
  • 12,637 Views, 1,208 Comments

The Unity Pact - Truthseeker

This is the story of the efforts of a group of stranded Humans to find equilibrium, balance, and a promise of tomorrow in a world seemingly out to get them.

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Chapter 29: The Battle Of New Humansville


Bobby, Cessily, and Morris stood on the outer railing of the second floor, directly above the front main doorway, looking down at the Diamond Dogs making their way through the town,
"Morris," Bobby said, "Your crossbow has a lot of power behind it. Pick the lead Dog and put him down when he's about twenty feet from our guys at the door. Cessily and I will put arrows in the ones on either side to slow them down. We need to slow their momentum down because if they break through right away, we're all dead."

Morris wrapped the crossbow sling around his left arm, laid his arm on the rail, and took a knee while Cessily and Bobby fitted arrows to their bows. Morris had been shooting at ranges hundreds of times and he had shot skeet on plenty of occasions. He slowed and steadied his breathing as the Diamond Dogs entered the circular path of cobblestone free dirt that surrounded Town Hall. He selected the lead Dog and led his target, aiming for its head.

The world seemed to slow down as he exhaled and focused on the Dogs sloping forehead. His fingers gently squeezed the long trigger of the crossbow and the bolt flew. It lanced through the air like a scalpel and struck the Diamond Dog right between the eyes. The bolt passed through the Dog's skull, brain, skull and embedded itself into the chest of the second Dog. The lead Dog silently went limp and fell, rolling onto the ground just as one Dog on either side of it received an arrow to their chests. With a domino effect of yelps three Diamond Dogs went down. One from instant death and two others from pierced lungs and unsure footing. The short legs of the Diamond Dogs made tripping a serious hazard and the charge of frothing canines slowed significantly as they hit the shield wall.

Down below, Luna's horn lit up like an indigo sun as her spell wrapped the whole building in a protective cocoon. Her mane and tail stopped billowing and returned to their normal light blue color. Darryl and the shields-men took the impact of the Diamond Dogs like it was almost nothing and thrust out their swords between the shields. The magically sharpened blades sliced through the Diamond Dogs' flesh like a shark's teeth through wet tissue paper and blood and intestines spilled out onto the ground.

The spears-men behind the shields-men thrust their spears over the shoulders of their comrades. Thrusting spear blades met snarling muzzles, beady eyes, and exposed necks. The first row of five Diamond Dogs didn't seem to feel anything. They just kept pushing and swiping their claws and biting anything that presented itself. The shields-men and spears-men stabbed out again and again and the Diamond Dogs finally went down from blood loss or physical trauma they were too far gone to feel. The hundreds more behind them pushed and snarled trying to get at the Humans.

The Unicorn Civil Guard sighted in on the second row of Diamond Dogs and cut lose with a series of ice shards. The shards scattered over the heads of the Humans and struck the second wave of Diamond Dogs like a series of sub-zero shotgun blasts. The second wave began clawing and biting at everything around them, blinded by the splinters of ice. The Diamond Dogs behind them pushed their way forward and against the shield wall and Darryl and his shields-men began stabbing once more.

The second wave was much more problematic for the shields-men than the first had been. The Dogs snarled and clawed and bit and flung their froth all around and the press of their bodies was like an undulating, almost unstoppable pressure. The Dog pressed against Darryl's shield was reaching its head forward and gnawing on the edge of the magically enhanced defensive steel. Pushing against the Dog, as he was, Darryl's face was a mere inch from the foaming jowls and gnashing teeth. Darryl lowered his head right and stabbed forward several times in rapid succession, even as the Dog began chewing on the top of his helmet. Each stab was followed by the sound of shredding flesh. The pressure against him eased for a brief moment before another took its place.

One Dog leaped into the air but was quickly pierced through the chest by one of the spears. The weight of the Dog and its momentum pushed the spears-man onto his back as it sailed through the doorway. The dog struggled to rise but its efforts were cut short by a heavy hoof which crushed its entire head to the consistency of mashed potatoes, courtesy of one of the Civil Guard Earth Ponies.

The spears-men grunted as he rose to his feet and sought his place back in the line, only to find his place already taken by another spear wielding Human being. With a loud clatter of metal, one of the shields-men's helmets went flying backward onto the floor inside Town Hall. The exposed man didn't even have time to scream as the powerful jaws of a Diamond Dog bit into his head. Its lower jaw hooked on the ridge of his eyebrows and its upper jaw came down almost on the crown of his head. The Diamond Dog's jaws snapped shut, shearing through bone and brain like soft butter. The man went limp almost immediately and the man behind him who had been pushing with his shoulder, sudden began pulling the body backward, armor and all.

The shields-men to either side of the dead man stepped together and their shields clanged as they closed the gap and continued the fight. The dead man was pulled back farther into Town Hall, leaving a trail of blood and leaking gray brain matter along the path. The man pulling him let go and stared at the body in shock. The skull from the top of his eyes to the top of his skull was just gone and the body had yet to stop twitching.

"Take off his armor and help somebody else put it on!" Chris yelled from his window.

Chris was having a tough time at the window. The Diamond Dogs were trying to get in and they were determined. His spear was already coated with blood. He and the two other people next to him stabbed their spears forward, impaling a Diamond Dog that was slathering its way through the window. Chris' spear blade pierced its left eye while the other spear blades struck the creature's neck and upper chest. The infected Dog didn't seem to feel any of it and swung its clawed arms out toward the Humans. The spears allowed the Humans a safe distance from the claws but the strength of the Dog was too much. It pushed against the spear shafts and actually pushed the three Humans slowly back. As the Dog's head cleared the inside of the window the lumberjack standing to the side of the window plied his trade to flesh instead of wood. The body fell limply onto the window sill and the three Humans planted their feet on the body and pushed, pulling out their spears. The next Dog wasted no time and began crawling over the body, scrabbling wildly. Chris braced his legs and thrust out his spear blade, thus the process repeated itself.

Kolo had a nice, steady rhythm going at his window. He stood right in front of the window with his shield pressed up against it and wait for a Diamond Dog to hit it. He would step back, bash it with the shield, knock it back, move the shield, and swing his maul down with crushing effect, literally. He figured he could keep it up for quite a while and it freed up the other people at the same window to rest when they needed it.

R.J. was feeling ill. He swung his axe down and decapitated another Diamond Dog. Its blood gushed and sprayed from the suddenly opened arteries and its bowls evacuated in a filthy, slimy mess on the windowsill. He gritted his teeth as the body fell to the floor. And brought his axe back up, ready for the next contestant. He was disgusted.

Mike Spearman readied himself for the next Dog to poke its head through the window. His pike was slick with blood already and that fact didn't look to be changing anytime soon. He thrust the pike forward and he and his fellow spears-men stabbed the next Diamond Dog through the chest. They slowly backed up as it pushed forward and the lumberjack next to the window separated its head from its shoulders.

Leo stepped back and let the Diamond Dog get part way through the window before he cleaved its skull almost in twain with the heavy blade of his claymore. The next Dog behind the previous one pushed it out of the way and began scrabbling through the window. Leo stepped back and raised his blade again.

Jason swore he would never again even think about eating meat. The piles of dead bodies around the window sickened him. He thought about what he had learned in Flankfurt. The lives the Ponies lived were so similar to the lives the Humans had left behind and he couldn't help but to think of all the pain he was causing. These Diamond Dogs had slaughtered their own neighbors, maybe even their own families. The mental image of a little Dog begging his mother not to kill him only for her to ignore his pleas, flashed through his mind. He wiped the tears out of his eyes and speared the next Dog. The ones pushing through the windows were basically dead, their bodies just hadn't acknowledged the fact yet. Too many had died already and if he had anything to say about it, there wouldn't be any more.

David was doing his level best not to use a weapon, but it was tough. He had kicked groins to no effect. He had broken arms that didn't slow their owners down whatsoever. His only useful maneuver had been to snap necks, which made him cringe every time he heard the crackle of breaking bones and tearing muscle. He was determined to do his part though, horrible as it was. Every time a Dog managed to get inside, he was waiting for it.

Alex swung his heavy battle axe and severed a Diamond Dog's spine and his followup swing sliced opened its stomach, spilling its intestines. He kicked it in the chest and it fell over convulsing. He was as calm as ever. He stepped back for a short breather and a young man with a spear took his place.

Mike Joyner found his trident to be perfectly suited for the window work. He and the spears-men with him stabbed each Dog and let them push back bit by bit until the lumberjack finished them off, then it was time to kick off the body and get into position for the next one. There always seemed to be a next one.

Tine and Rachel were side by side, spearing Diamond Dogs,
"You don't have to be here Tina!" Rachel said, "Think about your baby!"

Tina grunted and speared the Dog,
"I am!" she and Rachel stepped back, bringing the Dog in for the lumberjack, "If I wasn't here doing this," she kicked the corpse off her spear and repositioned herself, "There wouldn't be anywhere for my baby to grow up!" she grunted as she stabbed another Dog, "We'd be dead!"

The people on the second floor were busy hurling down cobblestones upon the heads of any Diamond Dog who was clawing at the walls. Stones fell and crushed skulls, splattering blood and brains onto the walls of Town Hall. Infected, suffering Diamond Dogs of all ages and sexes perished under the onslaught of impromptu artillery.

* * *

The Ponies on the second and third floor were terrified. They weren't warriors and they knew it. From their vantage points it was easy to see the swarming mass of Diamond Dogs surrounding every inch of Town Hall. They were frightened for themselves and their foals, there may not have been many of them but every single Pony was concerned. They knew there weren't many of the Civil Guards and there were so many Diamond Dogs it was obvious the armored Ponies would be torn apart if the Dogs broke through, and they already knew exactly how frail the Humans were.

The air was filled with the clash of claws against stone and metal, the yelps and howls of the Diamond Dogs, the grunts, cries, and screams of those who were fighting, injured, or dying. The wind smelled of viscera. The sickly sweet scent of death was all encompassing. The rancid stench of ruptured or sliced open intestines was choking.

Gale Force wrapped her wings around her shaking filly and gritted her teeth, 'I shouldn't be here! I should be doing something!' she rocked her little daughter back and forth, trying to keep her calm, 'The sounds coming from down below are terrifying everypony.' she struggled not to pull on her ears in frustration.

Whip Lash looked up at her mother,
"I hate those noises Mommy." she whimpered, "I wish I could hear your thunder instead." she snuggled against her Mother's down feathers.

Gale Force's eyes widened as an idea began to form,
"Wind Whisper," she addressed her sister/wife urgently.

Wind Whisper looked up from where she was holding her own filly with her wings,
"Yes?" her filly, Tender Touch, poked her head up as well.

"Gather the weather Pegasi and get them to the roof!" Gale said.

She turned to Whip Lash and smiled,
"Wish granted little filly. I need you to stay here with your Father and Long Wind." she retracted her wings and rose to her hooves, "Mommy has to go to work."

The weather Pegasi gathered on the roof within a few minutes. The forty-four Ponies were confused about what was going on. They were scared and talking to each other nervously.

Gale Force, followed by Wind Whisper, trotted up the stairs,
"What are we?" she asked loudly.

The gathering of weather Ponies quieted down and Gale Force repeated her question,
"What are we?" she asked looking around at the confused faces, "Are we Earth Ponies or Unicorns, bound by gravity, or are we Pegasi," she opened her wings and took to the air, hoovering slightly above the crowd, "Born with the right to ride the winds and bring the weather of the world under our control? Are we going to huddle and do nothing while others are injured or killed trying to protect us?" she flew upward and pushed a cloud down, close to the roof, "We have one of the most raw and powerful forces of nature at our disposal." she reared back and brought her fore hooves down on the cloud.

A sudden, nearly deafening peal of thunder boomed out from the cloud as it lit up, blinding every winged Pony on the roof. The Pegasi laid their ears back as their vision began to return a few moments later.

Gale's mane and tail were fluffed out with static,
"We can accumulate and direct lightning in our bodies and with out clouds." she shook out her mane and tail back to normal before she continued, "Why aren't we out there using our magic to help? How many Diamond Dogs can we fry with a single lightning bolt three, four? Whatever it is, we have no right to be huddling here while our town is under attack! The Pegasi have always been the most aggressive and warlike as far back as even the Princesses can remember! We were born to the sky, we live in the sky, what ground-bound creature can touch us on our clouds? What other creature can sustain lightning in their own bodies? None! Well I'm not going to let somepony else do the fighting! I'm going to take my cloud and pound out lightning bolts into the Diamond Dogs until I can't raise my hooves anymore! My filly, Whip Lash, is inside cringing at the sounds of death and her one wish was to hear MY lightning! Well I'm going to grant her wish and I'd sure as hay like some company!"

* * *


A lightning flash illuminated the entire inside of the Town Hall accompanied by an instantaneous explosion of sound and followed shortly by the foul smell of burnt fur. It happened, no Human cared. They just kept fighting.

Luna looked up sharply,
"Lightning?" she turned to one of the Pegasi Civil Guards, "Go see what's going on. The Royal Guard cannot be here so quickly."

The Pegasus stallion took wing and soared up the stairs to the second floor, then to the third floor, and finally out of the Town Hall. He winged his way out over the mass of Diamond Dogs and spotted a single Pegasus mare standing on top of a cloud, fore hooves raised to push another bolt of lightning out of the cloud and she looked mad,
"Threaten my filly will you!?" she yelled as she brought her hooves down on the cloud, "Take this!"

A lightning bolt speared out of the cloud and struck the Diamond Dogs below her, sending four of them flying high into the air like rag dolls. The unfortunate Dogs crashed down with broken bones, dislocated joints, and burns of all three degrees. They weren't dead, but they were tenderized all to hell. The Civil Guard smirked at the mare's spirit and was prepared to say something when a second cloud descended. The Pegasus stallion pushing the cloud leveled out and the Pony reared back onto his hind legs. His wings began to crackle with electricity and as he brought his hooves down a lightning bolt speared out of the cloud and sent more Diamond Dogs flying.

A third cloud joined the first two, then a fourth, a fifth . . . before long there were more than forty clouds spouting lightning down at the Diamond Dogs. The Civil Guard opened his mouth but paused and thought, then closed his mouth, turned around and flew back inside with a shrug.

Luna was waiting inside,
"What is it? There's dozens of lightning flashes outside!"

The Pegasus stallion tried to hide his smile,
"The weather Ponies are testing out a . . . new and uh . . . innovative um . . . slightly less than lethal application for cloud to ground lightning."

Luna paused, horn still glowing, and deciphered what the Guard meant,
"Is it working?" she asked.

The Pegasus nodded,
"Apparently very well."

"Then leave them be." Luna ordered.

The scene continued on, as Humans and Ponies and Diamond Dogs sliced, pierced, crushed, bit, shredded, chopped and electrocuted each other in a veritable meat grinder of bloody chaos. The Humans' and Ponies' bodies ran slick with sweat from exertion and outside, moving stealthily among the buildings and orchard trees, crept two Humans, a man and a woman.

With the advent of lightning-tossed enemies, they began creeping around behind the Diamond Dogs, whose attention lay solely on Town Hall, and finishing off the ones that were too wounded to get away.

* * *

After more than an hour the defenders were flagging badly. The Humans were tiring from their constant fighting and several more of the defenders had perished, bitten by Diamond Dogs, thirteen Humans and Ponies had succumbed to the disease. It was, as they learned first hand, not spread through blood, but ONLY through saliva, but the effect was almost instantaneous. As soon as anybody was bitten they had less than a minute before they succumbed and became a feral killing machine. The infected had to be put down by their friends and the effect on morale had been all but catastrophic.

The situation was growing more and more desperate with every passing minute. Everybody was exhausted and the constant flow of blood and death was wearing on their minds as well. Mike Joyner panted heavily as he and the two others with him stabbed yet ANOTHER Diamond Dog. They were so tired they were nearly ready to fall over. They just. Kept. Coming.

Nobody else was doing any better either Alex was all but dead on his feet. His axe hung from his weakly grasping hands but he forced himself to raise it and bring it down onto the next Diamond Dog.

There were piles, mounds of dead from both sides stacked one on top of the other. The stench was horrendous. Blood, urine, feces, and vomit sloshed on the floor, making for treacherous footing. All those smells combined with burnt fur and flesh made for a nauseating environment.

Spearman held up his hand,
"Break!" a young man ran up and took his pike.

Spearman took two steps and looked around at the filth, and chaos,
"My God." he whispered in exhausted, horror filled disbelief, "Is this hell?"

The wall right next to him suddenly caved in with a loud cracking sound and Diamond Dogs began pouring through. They had whittled away at the wall, even through Luna's spell, and had breached the inside of Town Hall.

Michael Harrison Spearman turned and acted before he even realized what had happened. Drawing on reserves of strength he never knew existed, he pivoted on the ball of his right foot and lashed out with his left leg, heel first. His kick was backed by such force that the side of the Diamond Dog's head caved in with a splatter of blood, brains, bone, and teeth.

Spearman followed the kick through and landed on his toes,
"THEY'VE BROKEN THROUGH!" he yelled as loudly as he could as two more Dogs pushed their way through before he could react, "MIKE! THEY'VE BROKEN THROUGH! THEY'RE INSIDE!"

Mike Joyner turned his head and watched the scene unfold almost in slow motion, even as he began running to support Spearman. The athletic African American man ducked the swinging claw swipe of one Dog and stepped forward. He reached up and gripped the limb with his hands then pivoted at his waist and slung the creature right into the one next to it, knocking both to the ground. Before he could recover the world seemed to stop as four, eighteen inch claws suddenly sprouted from his chest.

Mike Joyner knew he was too late but he kept running,
"No." he whispered.

Spearman realized he was already dead but he wasn't finished yet. His adrenaline spiked and he kicked backward with his right leg. The Diamond Dog that had impaled him practically flew backwards as his heel shattered bones. Spearman felt his body dying quickly and focused his will, forcing it to keep obeying him. He turned and crouched low then sprang, up delivering a punishing kick to the throat of Dog in front of him. The Dog's windpipe collapsed and its spine shattered. He delivered the kick with such force it nearly tore the Dog's head off. A second Dog swiped sideways and opened up four, lung-deep gashes in the left side of his chest. Spearman's body jerked sideways and the Dog finished him off by biting down on the front of his chest, its teeth shearing through his sternum and ribs.

Mike gripped his trident and blinked away the tears blurring his vision. His people were dying all around him, 'It isn't enough! No matter what we do, it's never enough! No more! NO MORE!' He felt energy surge through his body. He brought the trident up and forward and stabbed. The tines sunk into the Diamond Dog's neck and Mike lifted his right foot and pushed the Dog off just as a second Dog swung at him from the left. Mike ducked the swing, gripped the trident with both hands, and spun around, hoping to knock it over with the weight of the tips. He completed his swing and the head of the trident sailed completely through the Diamond Dog's body.

The two halves of the Dog slid off each other and Mike belatedly registered the fact that his trident's tines had changed. Instead of three pointed tines, three, foot-long blades of golden light shone forth. The center one pointed straight out but the other two spread out in curves like there was a scythe blade made of light on either side.

Without thinking, Mike turned and swung his, now activated, aethersteel trident in his right hand. The weapon sailed through the air with a metallic clang. His vertical slice opened up a Diamond Dog from crotch to eyeball almost without resistance. Gripping his weapon in both hands he began swinging it back and forth, cutting a swath of destruction in front of him. He held the breech by himself. Any Dog that came through was cut to ribbons by the swing of his arms.

A second breech in the wall send rubble inward, showering Humans and Ponies alike with small bits of stone. The Dogs tore into the defenders fighting at the window next to the breech before anyone could respond. The Earth Pony Civil Guard rushed forward and collided with the Diamond Dogs. They head-butted and kicked and bucked and Diamond Dogs went sailing through the air, propelled by Earth Pony muscle.

A third breech opened up not ten feet from the shield wall and Diamond Dogs began pouring through. Chris had seen Spearman die. He had seen the window defenders get torn to shreds and suddenly both Eduardo and Darryl and all the men who stood with them were about to be demolished from behind. Chris knew the destruction of the shield wall would be the end of everybody.

He knew he couldn't get there in time, he reached out his hand toward his friends and his fingers seemed to contort by themselves. An almond brown, oval shaped hole appeared at the breech and began spinning like a top. Every Diamond Dog that touched it was shredded to pieces as if they had been stuck in a blender. Blood and bone flew in all directions in a spray of stomach churning gore. Chris felt faint and struggled to stay standing, it felt like somebody was draining out all his blood.

A fourth breech popped up right next to Alex Ludwig. There was no one left to fight in a new location and the Diamond Dogs charged through. A bolt of lightning speared through the first Diamond Dog, then the second, the third, the fourth and by that point it was out of sight. Beacon stood his ground, horn pointed at the breech, firmly planted while beside him, Ashley used his sword to finish off the dying Dogs.

"Beacon!" Luna yelled, still maintaining her spell, "Get to the stairs!"

Beacon fired off another lightning bolt,
"There won't be anyone left to go up the stairs if we leave this open!"

The Diamond Dogs carved a sixth hole in the wall and this time Luna, Alicorn Princess of Equestria moved to fight. She spread her wings and charged the Diamond Dogs, horn blazing. She leaped and gored one up, through the chin, and her horn emerged out of the top of its head. She landed and withdrew her horn, then began swinging her wings. Every touch of her feathers opened up flesh as keenly as a razor blade and she lashed out with her hooves, both front and rear. Bones broke, bellies were opened, and lungs collapsed as she became a literal cyclone of death.

* * *

Swift Wind and his Regiment of one thousand Pegasi soared through the air with every ounce of power they could muster. They had left Steady Plod and the Earth Ponies and Unicorns far behind.

Swift had been hearing thunder for nearly half an hour and New Humansville finally came into view.

And the thunder and lightning strikes stopped.

He gasped at the sight that met his eyes. Diamond Dogs swarmed all around the Town Hall and some through the windows. There were few enough of them left that they all fit into the circle around Town Hall and Swift Wind meant to make use of that fact.

He had to act immediately,
"Flight halt!" the Pegasi stopped almost on a dime, "Wind Blade! Circle around the main host and move inward, I'll lead!"

He turned and began flying toward the town as quickly as he possibly could. The flight quickly passed the edge of the trees surrounding New Humansville and Swift angled his wings upward, ascending steeply. He rose up, high into the air and leveled off, then dove, almost straight down toward Town Hall. He channeled his magic into his wings and formed an edge of air in front of them that he had seen split a hair. A few feet from the ground he flattened out and began flying a tight circle around the perimeter of the mass of Diamond Dogs. The air blades on his wings and those of the thousand Pegasi behind him bit into the Diamond Dogs with atrocious results.

The Diamond Dogs on the outside of the circle were cut open diagonally as the Royal Guard flew past. They were sliced open in every conceivable way and quickly collapsed as the Pegasi completed their first circuit, then came around for a second one.

Gale Force and the other Pegasi who had been pounding the enemy with lightning, lay on their clouds, collapsed and unconscious from the strain of using so much of their magic.

The Royal Guard performed a second pass, then a third, and finally a fourth,
"Land and move in!" Swift Wind ordered, "Assist the defenders and slay any remaining Dogs!"

The Pegasus came in and landed, already in a dead run. They leaped through windows and every single opening they saw. The interior of Town Hall looked as if somebody had painted it red. Piles and piles of bodies lay everywhere in small mountains of death. Their hooves made squelching noises with every step, the floor was three inches thick with blood, urine, feces, bits of flesh, and entrails. The smell was utterly overwhelming and a great many Royal Guards vomited immediately. Swift Wind looked around, more often than not unable to discern who was alive and who was dead. Diamond Dogs made up the vast majority of the bodies, but there had to have been nearly two hundred Humans lying about and at least thirty Ponies mixed in.

They lay in groups, leaning against walls, reclining on piles of corpses, not a single soul still stood tall. Each and every face was liberally slathered with gore. Every inch of every body was splattered with dripping red. Swift Wind could head ragged, labored breathing echoing from all directions of the floor. Somewhere somebody sniffed and wept. He couldn't blame them. The scene was so far beyond mere words like 'terrible' or 'horrifying' the very thoughts felt like ash against his tongue. The place was so utterly chaotic it actually felt bland, and that frightened him more than anything.

Swift Wind had never imagined such horror, even in his worst nightmares. Fearing the worst, he took wing and made for the stairs only to be stopped by a claymore tip that hit the stairs right in front of him, cutting him off.

"They don't need to see this shit man." Leo said, wearily propped up on one knee, half buried under a Diamond Dog, "They fine up there."

Swift Wind couldn't understand the words, but the tone spoke volumes enough.

"Yeah man." R.J. said tiredly from where he sat slumped right next to a window.

Over in a corner, a Diamond Dog growled quietly. An impossibly sharp sword rose from the blood covered form of a Marine covered in other bodies. The sword rose and fell five times, the sound of rending flesh accompanying each strike, until the Dog stopped moving.

"Just . . . fucking . . . die . . . already." Darryl said.

Swift Wind's voice echoed through the first floor,
"Check for survivors!"

Author's Note:

I would like reader feedback if possible. This chapter was difficult to write.

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