• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 2,202 Views, 170 Comments

My Little Investigations: The Silent Dirge - Metool Bard

Some maniac is aiming to silence every musician in Equestria. I, for one, will not stand for it.

  • ...

Encore: Standing Ovation

April 11, 5:30 PM
Lincolt Center
The Bent Trumpet

That night, after Silenus was carried off by the police and everything had settled down some, Slick Licks gathered everyone to the Bent Trumpet in order to make a special announcement.

"Fillies and gentlecolts," he said. "I understand that this year's Manehattan Music Festival has had its share of troubles, and that not everypony scheduled to perform got to share their sweet tunes with us. However, in light of this, I have decided to change the schedule around some. You'll still get to hear the performances these fine ponies have worked so hard to put together, so everyone still has their chance to shine in the spotlight!"

This was something of a relief, and everypony else seemed to agree. After a round of applause, Slick Licks held up his hoof to ask for silence.

"But that's not all, folks! Because we've got a special treat to close this year's festival on the fourteenth. And this finale is to celebrate the accomplishments of a sweet kitten named Octavia Melody! Come on up here!"

I, was not expecting that. Although hesitant at first, several ponies finally convinced me to join Slick Licks onstage. When the applause died down, Slick Licks continued.

"It's through this pony's courage in the face of doubt that we're all standing here today, as she has proven that music is an art that will endure throughout the ages," said he. "And to commemorate this, our last performance at this year's Manehattan Music Festival will be an improv jam session starring all of your favorite musicians! 'Cause while we all have our separate sounds that are powerful enough on their own, this festival is about how all of those sounds come together to make something magical."

The audience erupted into loud cheers and applause. Normally, I'd be against this idea. Some genres just don't mix. However, this is a special circumstance. This performance was created to make a statement that every musician has something special to offer. And that's a statement I can get behind.

"Speech, Octy! Speech!" Vinyl cheered.

Oh no. This situation is embarrassing enough as it is; I don't need Vinyl's help to make it worse! Ugh, sod it. It wouldn't be Vinyl if she didn't try to embarrass me.

"Um, I-I don't really know what to say here," I said. "I mean, all I did was stress myself out trying to protect something that's near and dear to me. Honestly, I wouldn't have gotten half as far as I did without the help of my friends."

"You're too modest, Tavia!" Fiddlesticks called out.

"No, Fiddle. It's true," I said with a sigh. "This was, very hard for me to do. I was scared the whole time."

"But you still puuulled through, even in the faaace of doubt," said Pan sagely. "I feel thaaat speaks to your chaaaracter, don't you?"

"Well, I suppose," I said sheepishly, my cheeks starting to feel warm. "But regardless, I shouldn't be the only one up here. It's thanks to everypony who supported me in this mad endeavor that I managed to make it through this ordeal. So, I thank you all with all my heart."

There was another round of applause, and with that, everypony sat down for an early dinner. As soon as I left the stage, I was immediately mobbed by all of my friends.

"Great speech, Octy," said Vinyl. "Although I'm with Fiddle on this one. You're way too modest."

I sighed. "Vinyl, you know as much as I do that I couldn't have pulled this off on my own."

"Yeah, but you still deserve most of the credit, Tavi-doll," said Sapphire Shores. "Even if you were scared like you said, what you did took a lot of guts."

"And all this time I thought it was my fear that kept me going," I said with a chuckle.

"The important thing is that the festival is saved, and it will probably be better than ever," said Frederick.

"You said it, Fred," said Vinyl. "Although there's one thing I don't get. Silenus said he was after the Music Code for years, right? Why did it take him this long to get a plan together?"

"Perhaaaps I caaan answer thaaat."

Pan approached us and made his way into the conversation.

"I thought you said you always trusted Silenus up until he was exposed today," I said.

"I did," said Pan. "However, I do believe he waaas looking for a waaay to maaake me take his side. Mr. Dexter's sound-based weapons were supposed to show me hooow powerful my Music Code could be aaas a weapon."

"Well, that must've backfired big time," said Fiddlesticks.

"Indeed it did," said Pan. "Thaaat is why I sent thaaat letter aaasking for help. I waaanted to prevent Silenus's vision from coming true."

"Except that you didn't know it was Silenus's vision," said Sapphire somberly. "You gonna be okay, Pan?"

"I'll maaanage," said Pan with a shrug. "Silenus might've been a lovable nuisance, buuut he waaas still a nuisance nonetheless."

"Um, Scratch?"

We all turned to see Symphony meekly approaching us with Concerto not far behind. She seemed quite apprehensive.

"What's up, Symphony?" asked Vinyl.

Symphony bit her lip and swallowed. "I-I just wanted to say that after hearing that ruffian donkey say all of those bad things about music, I-I finally understand what your song was trying to say. A-and I resp— I respe-e-e— I..."

"You respect that," said Vinyl, completing Symphony's thought.

"Yes, that," said Symphony, blushing profusely. "B-but don't think this changes anything! Your so-called 'music' is still nothing but noise!"

Vinyl shrugged. "Eh, better than nothing. Thanks, Symphony."

I had to giggle at that. It's very rare to see Symphony swallow her own words.

"Listen, if you just think for yourself and..."

"I am thinking for myself, Mr. Maker. And I'm fine with not being a star. So sorry, but my final answer is no."

My attention was drawn to a conversation happening at a nearby table. Lyra and Bon-Bon were sitting across from Star Maker, who was trying in vain to get Lyra to sign his contract.

"How can you say that, Ms. Heartstrings? Everypony in the world deserves to be a star!" insisted Star Maker.

"But it's not what I want," said Lyra, shaking her head. "Didn't you hear Octavia tell that dock-hole Silenus off today? Some of us just like to play music because we want to, not to become famous. And that's what I want to do with my life, Mr. Maker."

"B-but I..."

"She said no," said Bon-Bon, narrowing her eyes.

Star Maker sighed. "Fine. But if you find yourself desiring stardom, you know where to find me."

He gave Lyra his card and walked off. Lyra looked a Bon-Bon for a moment, tore up the card, and threw it away.

"Well, good to see that Lyra finally got that monkey off her back," said Vinyl.

"Indeed," I concurred. "She might not be the most popular musician, but she is happy with what she has."

"Yeah," said Vinyl. "Hey, speaking of which, I've got some great news, Octy."

"What's that?"

"Point Dexter said I could keep the blueprints for the Bass Cannon."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why did he do that? I thought that was a keepsake from his days in the military."

"Well, it's not like he's gonna use 'em," said Vinyl with a shrug. "Besides, he doesn't want his inventions to be used for anything bad ever again."

"So to avoid this, he left the blueprints in your hooves," I said, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "He must not know you very well."

"Hey, I plan on using this baby in the name of awesomeness, not evil," said Vinyl.

As if that would make it better. Oh well, no point in arguing it, I suppose.

"Hey, Octy," said Beauty Brass, looking around a bit. "I feel like somepony's missing out on all this."

"I find myself in agreement," mused Frederick. "Where's that costumed friend of yours, Octavia? We haven't seen her since that stunt you pulled this morning."

That, actually was a good point. Somehow, and I don't know how, Mare-Do-Well had managed to slip away while we were all distracted. You'd think she'd want to stick around to at least take a bow. After all, she did most of the work protecting us.

"Well, maybe she's just shy," I said with a shrug. "I notice that she has a habit of disappearing when nopony's looking."

"Eh, wherever she is, I'm sure she's doing okay," said Vinyl. "Now, how about we get some grub before your band plays, Tavi?"

I gave Vinyl a dirty look. "It's an ensemble," I corrected.

"Same diff," said Vinyl.

We all got a bit of a laugh out of that, even me. Yeah, I know I said that calling my ensemble a "band" is a pet peeve of mine, but I don't care about that right now. I'm just happy to be having dinner with my friends, and that we're all safe and sound.

April 11, 6:35 PM
Lincolt Center
The Whinnyton Maresalis Theater

I left dinner early along with the rest of my ensemble to prepare for our big performance tonight. As I got to work setting up my cello, I heard the sound of somepony clapping their hooves behind me. I turned around, and there was the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.

"I must offer my congratulations, Ms. Melody," she said. "You far exceeded my expectations."

"Yes, well. I hope I never have to do anything like that ever again," I said, turning back to my work. "By the by, why did you disappear on us? You deserve some congratulations yourself."

Mare-Do-Well chuckled. "I was never a pony for medals and recognition, Ms. Melody," said she. "I prefer to let my actions speak for themselves."

I would say that she's being far too modest for somepony who did so much for us, but that would be calling the kettle black.

"So, is that all you wanted to say?" I asked.

"No, there's also this," said Mare-Do-Well. "I wanted to thank you again for making me humble. You showed me that true strength can come from anypony."

I turned to her and tilted my head. "You, didn't know that before?"

"Like I said, I wasn't sure if you could handle the pressure," said Mare-Do-Well, obscuring her eyes with her hat. "But, it seems like you did. Also, you allowed your friend Ms. Brass to help, even though she didn't appear to have much to contribute."

"Well, I trust Beauty Brass," I said. "She might be a bit scatterbrained as well as unable to keep a secret, but I thought it best to hear her out. If it wasn't for her and all of my other friends, I wouldn't have had the nerve to do this at all."

Mare-Do-Well sighed. "Maybe there is strength in numbers, but those are still uncharted waters for me," she said. "Actually, you're not the first pony to tell me that trusting others is helpful."

"I'm not?" I inquired.

"It's a long story," said Mare-Do-Well. "But, from my experience with you and with Ms. Spitfire, I feel like I've learned a lot."

I blinked. "Wait, you know Ms. Spitfire?"

"Again, long story," said Mare-Do-Well. "Should we ever cross paths again, maybe I'll tell you about it."


A telltale boom from Beauty Brass distracted me as the rest of my ensemble made their way onstage.

"Ponies are starting to file in, Octavia," said Parish. "Glad to see you've got a jump on things."

"Right," I said. "I think I'm ready to start enjoying this festival properly."

"I do believe we all are, Octavia," said Frederick. "By the way, were you talking to somepony just now?"

"Yes, actually," I said. "I was talking to..."

I turned around and gestured with my hoof, but Mare-Do-Well had once again disappeared. Maybe she is shy. I can't imagine that she'd just disappear when my back is turned simply to be annoying.

"Talking to whom, Octy?" asked Beauty Brass.

"Never mind, it doesn't matter," I said. "Come, let's get ready. We have a big performance to put on."

With a collective shrug, my ensemble and I got right to work preparing for our contribution to the Manehattan Music Festival. Truth be told, it's very exciting. Not just because this is a prestigious event, but because I feel like I earned this opportunity by defending what I love. It's been quite a journey, and I am glad it's over.

And with that, I draw my story to a close. Thank you for listening, and like I said before, I'd prefer it if most of what I have told you is kept off the record. I don't need any tabloids hounding me about what happened here. Now, if you'll excuse me, Slick Licks is about to introduce my ensemble. I'll leave you with this to consider: If you have something worth fighting for, no amount of fear or worry can petrify you. I suppose that's a little something I took away from this mess. Mmm, better than nothing, I guess.

"Melody, you're on in five!"

And that's my cue. As we say on K-COLT Radio, farewell, and we'll see you next time.

The Silent Dirge

Comments ( 20 )

Heh, that's what I'm here for luv.

A great end for a great story.
It's just a tissue-box-emptying shame that these stories aren't getting the attention they deserve.

wow.....my mind is blowen

Well, I just finished both this and Wonderbolts Under Fire, and I am blown away by both. These are seriously unrepresented. Anyway, I'll tackle Gemstone Godfather soon as well!

4086332 Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed my stories. :twilightsmile:

I just got done with Wonderbolts Under Fire and after finishing this one, I love these stories!

VERY well written and awesome to read! :ajsmug:

Eeyup. Good one.

A marvelous page turner that has all the excitement you can ask for in a mystery story. Despite not being an avid mystery reader myself, the story here has excellent pacing and memorable characters that will stay with you even after you've read through the trilogy.

Mare Do Well's growth as a character is still something of a mystery in itself, but the story blends in a unique thriller and brings about very dark themes without ever killing a single pony.

The antagonist and methods of the criminal are unique and tailored to fit in with the main theme of the story, which is the power of music and how it affects various individuals.

Now while I won't be pointing hooves on who dun it, m'kay? I will say that the culprit will catch you off guard, but the author leaves enough subtle hints to make you wonder until it's all pieced together through your very eyes.

Octavia's character was also quite nice as well. She's a charming and talented artist, but her perfectionist attitude serves as both a help and hindrance in this case as she doubts her abilities to carry out the job well. While not an entirely new idea, the story executes it rather well and for it's length, I'd say it does a decent job.

The mystery really works well in the characters. Rather than turn it into a prop hunt for various clues, the variety of characters and secrets keep the reader on their toes until the final reveal. You come to fear for the characters, yet wonder if they may have something up their sleeves.

The story all in all is a nice mystery and one that since reading Wonderbolts: Under Fire, is a story I have been unable to put down. Now there may have been the awkward sentence or sometimes the lack of details, but in actuality, it's really hard to say no to this story.

It's a well-written piece and I think the lack of details in some cases serve to benefit the story. All in all, Metool deserves way more views than he's/ she's getting on this story. Especially since this story goes to show that you don't need paragraph after paragraph of detail to convey a good mystery thriller, and that such thrillers can be compacted into short, readable chapters.

Which is another plus when I'm constantly on the go. Now I will say cliffhangers were something else. Not necessarily what I'd call as excellent, but not terrible. Mostly, I was simply lulled into the impression that nopony would get really hurt in the process.

However, as I'm sure with everypony else, I don't need a good cliffhanger to continue reading this story. The pursuit itself is enticing enough to continue, and if somepony dies, well...that just wouldn't have fit with the delicate theme this story and it's sister stories have done.

I know it's a lot of praise, but I do want to thank you for a great read. I'm saving the sequel for later, but you can guarantee I'm going to be eagerly chewing through it as soon as I get the chance, m'kay?

4954459 I know, I listened to the song--which was great. And I like how you tied it in with the narrative and this whole music festival thing, along with their mutual love for music. It's just the way that last line was said in the actual song did sound eerily similar to Mr. Smith's scene in Matrix Reloaded, but only a little bit. :twilightoops:

Well, that was a very satisfying ending, except for one thing: you never had Vinyl play the accordion! :twilightangry2:
:rainbowlaugh: Okay I'm kidding. Besides there's only one video I can think of where Vinyl plays the accordion anyways (which I still think is awesome), and it really wouldn't have fit into the narrative beyond that one joke.

This was very different from the "Wonderbolts Under Fire" and that is certainly a good thing. There are a diversity of mysteries out there. Although, there is one thing I'm curious about regarding The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: Since she's a ponunculus, or artificial pony, that was based off the original Mare-Do-Well in Ponyville, does she have all of the physical traits reported there? I'm talking about whether or not if she has a unicorn horn like Twilight did when she put on the costume. We've already seen the wings used in this story and the first, plus she's never taken off her hat (as far as I recall) so she could still have it. It would certainly be very interesting. I guess I'll have to read the other stories to find out.
I'm looking forward to reading the next case file. :twilightsmile:

A musician like Octavia would appreciate the mathematical precision and stringent following of music theory that goes into /good/ electronica.

She'd also probably be down with rock and metal. (Beethoofen was metal as buck.)

I've read a few of your other fics before (including the one about Fiddlesticks), and have loved them all. Only now am I finally getting around to reading this series, and boy have I been missing out. First Wonderbolts Under Fire, now this one. I have a feeling I'll be faving this whole series.

I've always been exceptionally particular about first person POV stories. Most authors I've seen try seem like they don't realize that you can't just replace the main character's name with "I" or "me" and call it first person. No, the story has to be told "by" said person. Every line of narration has to be written as if the character in question is "saying" them. You've done an excellent job here.

That being said, I'm usually something of a grammar/punctuation hound when I read; and you use a lot of commas where, normally, they shouldn't have been used. However, from a speaking standpoint, using the commas as places of slight pause works out brilliantly. So kudos for that!

Now, there is one thing in this story that still hasn't been explained: the glowing green eyes. Why were they glowing like that? Did I miss something?

I apologize for lack of spoiler tags If they are needed. I'm using my old Blackberry, and I can't seem to get them to work. Unfortunately, I also won't be able to edit this.

5167470 Yeah, I've discovered that when it comes to first-person stories, I'm a bit of a method actor. I really try to become the characters I'm writing, and as such, I feel what they feel. Seriously, after writing some chapters of this tale and others, my heart felt heavy the rest of the day. :ajsleepy:

As for the eyes you mentioned, that could easily chalked up to night-vision goggles to mask the culprit's appearance. I understand that it wasn't made clear, but let's just say the story went through a few rewrites towards the end.

As for the commas, well, yeah. That's something I've been a bit iffy about. See, I've heard the ellipses are more appropriate in that situation, but I've been taught that ellipses are meant to show when a sentence is incomplete, not when there's a pause in dialogue. I feel that if I replace them, someone else is going to complain that I'm misusing eclipses. Grammar is so confusing sometimes. :applejackconfused:

Well, I finally finished this story. :twilightsheepish: And it's a great story. I went to college in the Lincoln Center area, and I think you captured what that area is like pretty well, especially the park. I also enjoyed the references to other fandom works featuring Octavia and Vinyl Scratch like "The Vinyl Scratch Tapes" and "Epic Wub Time." (I sense we'll be seeing Vinyl's Bass Cannon in one of this story's sequels.) Though I think it's rather odd that Octavia does most of the detective stuff in this story. I kind of thought this was more of a Mare-Do-Well story. I think the first story was more like that. No matter. It's still a great story with quite the unexpected twist at the end. I look forward to reading the sequels. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

I wanna really like this story, but I get the feeling that everyone involved was an idiot. Octavia seemed determined to let the antagonist get away unless she used ALL of the pieces of evidence in some way, as if proving beyond reasonable doubt wasn't enough. It particularly showed when she had plenty of good evidence but was still thinking 'oh this isn't enough, I can't prove what they said was wrong therefore my accusations and evidence don't matter', even when the rest of the evidence is damning. It was still pretty good, even if I felt like an eight year old could act upon the connections they made.

6628323 Methinks you haven't played a Phoenix Wright game. Considering the hoops Phoenix usually has to jump through in order to make the guilty party confess, I think Octy got off pretty light here. :derpytongue2:

Because it's a THEME in your fanfics. Give some clues. Then in the middle give more clues, and we start to figure things out. But then we figure WRONG, and it is something completely DIFFERENT from what clues were SAYING.

1) We have a mystery.
2) We have clues. 1st suspect.
3) We have more clues, 2nd suspect.
4) We come to resolution and readers guess WRONG, because all relevant clues appear half a page, or AFTER a pony STARTS accusing the real criminal.

Readers have no chance to deduce CORRECTLY. THIS is my biggest beef with your stories.

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