• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 2,202 Views, 170 Comments

My Little Investigations: The Silent Dirge - Metool Bard

Some maniac is aiming to silence every musician in Equestria. I, for one, will not stand for it.

  • ...

Missing Minstrels

April 9, 2:15 PM
Lincolt Center
Convention Floor

I excused myself from lunch earlier than everypony else. I wouldn't have done so under normal circumstances, but my worries about Lyra just kept eating at me. I know she was just fine when I left her, but that was hours ago. Anything could've happened in that time frame. I-I just had to know that she was safe.

As soon as I left the Bent Trumpet, I immediately saw something quite strange. It was yet another argument (seriously, how many of those have I become privy to today?), this time between Silenus and a security guard. The guard was a navy blue minotaur wearing a standard uniform and a golden nose ring. But unlike most minotaurs I'm familiar with, he was thin and lanky rather that large and muscular. He also didn't look that happy.

"Look, I've searched the entire convention floor. There's nothing suspicious around here," the minotaur said in a dull, rumbling voice.

"Th-that'sh what you think, officher," slurred Silenus. "B-but I shaw that shadow with my own two eyesh. I-it'sh your job to do shomthing about it."

"About what?" asked the minotaur. "There's nopony on this floor matching your description."

"Maybe it'sh not a pony."

"You clearly said that it was."

"I did? I think I would've remembered that."

The minotaur snorted. "Look, Mac. If you don't mind, I've got more important things to do than go on some wild goose chase."

"Hey! My-my name'sh not Mac!" protested Silenus. "And I never shaid you were chashing a gooshe!"

My word, this was painful to watch. Pan should really consider keeping his friend on a shorter leash, if only to keep him from inadvertently stirring up trouble. Seeing as it was none of my business, I started walking away.

"Th-that pony can vouch for me! She shaw the shadow, too!"

Oh Celestia, I hope he's not talking about...

"That grey pony over there?"

"Yeah, that'sh her! Octy-shomething!"

Okay, he is. Ugh, I didn't have time for this. But, it looks like I have no choice. I turned around just as the minotaur and Silenus were walking up to me.

"Sorry to bother you, ma'am. Just wanna ask you a few questions," said the minotaur.

"Tell him about the shadow! You shaw it; I know you did!" said Silenus.

"Let me do the talking here," growled the minotaur before turning back to me. "Listen, ma'am. Do you know anything about this weird shadow floating around?"

Well, that could mean anything. "What weird shadow are you referring to, sir?" I inquired.

"This drunkard claims that he's been seeing a shadow floating around and spying on ponies," said the minotaur. "He says it looks like some kind of costume."

I knew what he was talking about, but I wasn't sure if revealing Mare-Do-Well was a good idea. While I was defying her by ignoring her warning, I certainly didn't want to get in her way.

"I, might've seen something to that effect, yes," I said. "I can't say for certain what it was, though. Plus, I only saw it once, and that was several hours ago."

"And that's all you know?" said the minotaur.

"Yes, that's all," I said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go see a friend."

"H-hang on, hang on," said Silenus. "I-I got another question."

I groaned. "What is it?"

"H-have you sheen Pan anywhere?"

Actually now that he mentioned it, that was rather strange. Although Silenus was here, Pan was mysteriously absent.

"I'm afraid I haven't," I said. "Why? Did you wander off again?"

"I dunno," said Silenus with a shrug. "I jusht wanted to shee what that shadow wash, and when I got back, he wash gone."

"In other words, you wandered off again," I said. "Because I doubt Pan would leave someone like you to your own devices."

The minotaur gave his nose ring a flick and furrowed his brow. "I think I might've seen him at the Whinnyton Maresalis Theater," he mused.

When he said that, something came to mind. I remembered that when I went to check on Vinyl, there were no security guards posted outside the theater.

"Why would he be there?" I asked. "Mike Check told me that the theater is off-limits to the public due to an ongoing investigation."

The minotaur raised an eyebrow. "And how do you know that?" he said, leering at me with hungry eyes.

I gulped. "N-no need to get suspicious," I stammered. "I-I'm allowed in there. G-go check with him."

"And, who are you?"

"Octavia Melody. I play the cello for the Canterlot Ensemble."

The minotaur struck a thinking attitude. "Now, that's a bit strange. Why would a cellist be allowed to participate in an investigation?"

"I was just checking on my friend, Vinyl Scratch," I said. "She was helping out."

The minotaur flicked his nose ring again. "Huh. Interesting," he said thoughtfully.

"Um, actually, I'm curious about something," I said. "There were no guards posted outside the theater. Why is that?"

The minotaur tilted his head. "What business is that of yours, pray tell?" he inquired. He didn't exactly sound threatening, but the look he was giving me didn't exactly put my mind at ease.

"I-I don't mean to pry or anything, I swear!" I squeaked, shivering all over. "I-I was just..."

"Easy there, Point Dexter. She's cool."

A smooth voice made itself known as Slick Licks walked in. The minotaur raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Positive, daddy-o," said Slick Licks.

The minotaur paused for a moment, and then gave me a nod. "I apologize, ma'am. It was not my intention to make you uncomfortable."

"I-it's alright," I said, breathing a sigh of relief. "I-I've been rather jumpy lately, anyway. After what happened last night, I mean."

"Eh, Shapphire'sh right. Y-you worry too much," said Silenus, opening his flask. "Here, have shome of thish. It'll make ya feel better."

"Thank you no," I said, politely pushing the flask away. "I'll be alright."

"Shuit yourshelf," said Silenus with a shrug, taking a swig from his flask.

Slick Licks raised an eyebrow. "You'd, better keep an eye on him, Point Dexter. I don't think this guy should walk around unsupervised."

"I was thinking the same thing," said the minotaur. "He says he's looking for Pan. Last I checked, he was at the Whinnyton Maresalis Theater. I'll bring him over there now."

"Whoa, back up there," said Slick Licks. "Mike says the theater's off-limits to the public. How'd Pan get in?"

Point Dexter folded his arms and knitted his brow. "I can't say for certain. Excuse me for a moment. I'm going to have a word with Mike."

Without another word, he marched off, dragging Silenus with him.

"Sorry 'bout that, kitten," said Slick Licks. "Point Dexter over there is still pretty green. Management just hired him a few days ago, so he's still learning the ropes."

"So, that's why he wasn't posted outside the theater?" I asked. "Because there's no security there right now."

"Actually, there is," said Slick Licks.

I blinked. "But, I didn't see anypony."

"You saw Mike, didn't ya?"

That only served to confuse me even further. "Wait, Mike Check? But I thought he was a roadie."

"He is. And as a roadie, he makes sure everything runs smoothly," said Slick Licks. "As such, he's a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. You kinda have to be in his line of work."

"Oh. I see," said I. "My ensemble never needed a roadie, so I wouldn't know."

"Yeah, I don't imagine you would, kitten," said Slick Licks with a snicker. His tone then became serious. "Oh, by the way. Scratch told me about what Mike found. He's keeping me posted, but rest assured, we're not gonna have a repeat of last night's accident."

"That's good to hear," I said. "Speaking of which, I was just going to check up on Lyra. I hope she's not too nervous."

Slick Licks gave me a warm smile. "You've got a good heart, kitten. I can't wait to hear it in your music," he said. "Well, I'm gonna go check in on the investigation. Can't be too careful, after all. Catch ya later."

With that, he pointed at me and winked before walking off towards the theater. I breathed a deep sigh and continued on my way. Just as I was approaching the performance studios, I heard a voice behind me.

"Is that the only thing you're concerned about, Ms. Melody?"

I turned around and saw the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well leaning against a wall. I swallowed.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I told you before. I go where I'm needed," said Mare-Do-Well. "But don't change the subject here. You obviously didn't heed my warning."

Well, bugger. How am I going to get out of this one?

"I-I don't know what you're..."

Mare-Do-Well raised her hoof. "Don't misunderstand me, Ms. Melody. I'm not mad at you. Merely curious," said she. "Why are you getting involved? Don't you know that you're in great danger?"

"Yes. I do know that," I said with a sigh. "And I'm very frightened by all this. But my friends are in danger, too, and I need to help them."

"Admirable, but I must ask you to leave this to me," said Mare-Do-Well. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I-I'll be fine," I lied. Honestly, I don't know why I even bothered saying that. I didn't even believe it myself. But I couldn't turn back now.

Mare-Do-Well sighed and lowered her hat over her eyes. "You're going to continue fighting me on this no matter what I do, aren't you?"

"This is my decision, Ms. Mare-Do-Well. And I intend to see it through," I said as firmly as I could. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to check on my friend Lyra."

"Do you know where she is?"

That question gave me pause. Why would she ask that?

"Of course I know where she is," I said. "She's in Performance Studio B, hiding from Star Maker."

"Not anymore, she isn't."

That took me by surprise. "H-how do you know?"

"I was just there," said Mare-Do-Well. "The studio's empty. There's no sign of Ms. Heartstrings."

"Well, where is she then?"

Mare-Do-Well tilted her head. "Why are you asking me?"

"Aren't you supposed to be protecting us?" I inquired.

Mare-Do-Well sighed. "Ms. Melody, please don't expect me to do the impossible. I can only be in so many places at once."

"Then why are you doing this alone? You need my help."

Mare-Do-Well snorted. "If you know what's good for you, you'll forget this whole thing and leave it to me," she said sternly.

"Hey, Tavi!"

I turned around to see Vinyl walking up to me. She looked rather serious, which really didn't bode well.

"Tavi, you need to see this," she said.

"Hold on a moment," I said. "I have to..."

I turned back to Mare-Do-Well, only to find that she had disappeared. I can't imagine why; our conversation clearly wasn't over.

"Um, Octy?"

"Never mind," I said. "What is it?"

"Well, I was helping Bon-Bon find Lyra when I found this," said Vinyl, levitating a piece of paper in front of me. "It was in Performance Studio B. You, might wanna sit down."

That wasn't a good omen. With a swallow, I took the piece of paper and unfolded it. It was a letter that appeared to have been written in haste. It read as follows:

If you ever want to see me again, give into the demands.

~Lyra Heartstrings

PS: Whoever is reading this, do the opposite of that. Don't worry about me.

If only it were that easy, Lyra. I tried to take a few deep breaths to calm myself. It seems that Lyra was kidnapped in some fashion. But, that didn't make sense. It couldn't have been the killer, could it? If he was aiming to kill us for playing music, why keep one of us alive like this? And if it wasn't the killer, then what was Lyra talking about?

"Does Bon-Bon know about this?" I asked.

"She left before I could show her," said Vinyl. "Why? You think she knows something about this?"

"I'm not sure," I said. "Let's show this to Slick Licks first. He'll hopefully know what to do."

"Alright, sounds like a plan," said Vinyl with a nod. "C'mon, let's go."

With that, we headed off. I'm beginning to think that this investigation was a bad idea. Everything just seemed to be getting worse and worse. Well, it's too late for that now. I got myself into this mess; it's my responsibility to get myself out. Besides, Vinyl and Fiddlesticks have my back, and Mare-Do-Well is doing her best to watch over all of us apparently. I'll be okay.


I hope.