• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 2,196 Views, 170 Comments

My Little Investigations: The Silent Dirge - Metool Bard

Some maniac is aiming to silence every musician in Equestria. I, for one, will not stand for it.

  • ...

Overture: An Odd Welcome

Before I begin, I wish to make a bit of a disclaimer. I am, usually not comfortable talking about my private life. This is one of the few times I've done so; the other times being for professional interviews. As such, I would prefer it if some portions of this story were kept off the record. It's just that I'm in a very poor mood right now, and the last thing I need is some tabloid taking my words out of context (or keeping them in context, for that matter) and making me look like an ill-mannered dolt. I hope you understand where I'm coming from.

Now with that out of the way, allow me to introduce myself. For those who don't know, I am Octavia Melody, cellist and radio personality. I play for the Canterlot Ensemble; a magnificent group of ponies who are often hired to perform at prestigious events such as the Grand Galloping Gala and the Garden Party. I also co-host a radio talk show with my roommate, Vinyl Scratch (you may know her better as DJ P0N-3). As you can probably guess, my life is usually rather, hectic. However, I honestly wouldn't have it any other way (although Vinyl's boorish nature can be rather, grating at times). The reason for that is simple: I enjoy what I do.

Ever since I was a filly, music has had a big impact on my life. Not only is it my special talent, but it is through honing and perfecting this talent that I met all of the friends I have today. And over time, I developed a deep appreciation for a wide variety of musical genres (although classical is still my personal preference). In fact, I believe that almost any song out there can communicate so much on a variety of levels if it resonates with the right audience. You just have to listen carefully enough.

Actually, music is such an integral part of my life that I can't imagine life without it. Which is why this whole affair disturbs me greatly.

Oh, I do apologize. You probably don't know what I'm talking about, do you? Well, let me back up a bit and bring you up to speed. It all began just yesterday, when I first arrived in Manehatten for a most prestigious event...

April 8, 3:30 PM
The Marerriot Hotel
Room 308

"Aw, yeah~! True luxury at last!"

As soon as I opened the door to our room, Vinyl wasted no time darting inside and leaping onto the bed. I let out an exasperated sigh. Just because I've come to expect this kind of behavior from her doesn't make it any less annoying. Anypony who listens to our radio broadcasts probably know what I'm talking about.

For those who don't know, allow me to paint you a picture. Think of an embarrassing moment in your life. Now imagine you reliving that moment under Discord's rule while loud noise bombards you from all sides. That is Vinyl Scratch in a nutshell. Most ponies would call her eccentric, which I suppose is technically accurate. But I would also call her loud, obnoxious, tactless, immature, and completely insane. In all honesty, she's lucky I put up with her.

Okay, I'm being a trifle unfair here. The reason I put up with her is because I know that's not all there is to her. She has some good qualities as well. You, just have to look for them. But again, she still manages to get on my nerves despite that.

"Vinyl, if it's not too much to ask, could you at least try to behave yourself?" I asked. "This isn't a vacation, you know."

"Says who?" said Vinyl, flipping over on the bed to face me.

"What do you mean 'says who?'" I inquired.

"Think about it, Octy. We're attending a week-long music festival in Manehattan. How is that not a vacation?" said Vinyl.

"You neglected to mention the fact that we've been asked to perform at the festival," I said. "And what's more, it's not just any festival. It's the Manehattan Music Festival."

"Which is a music festival in Manehattan," said Vinyl with a shrug.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I desperately tried to regain composure. I knew Vinyl was acting dense just to get under my skin. She does that all the time.

"Yes, but it's much more than that. And you know it," I said. "The Manehattan Music Festival is the largest and most prestigious musical event in Equestria."

"Yeah, I know. I've been to it before," said Vinyl. "Sheesh, Tavi. I'm not an idiot."

"No, you just prefer to act like one for reasons beyond my comprehension," I said, rolling my eyes.

Vinyl laughed. "Can't really argue with that," she said. "Still, I think you should loosen up, Tavi. It's not much of a festival if we don't enjoy ourselves."

"Who says I'm not planning on enjoying myself?" I said, setting down my cello case. "Musicians from all over Equestria are going to be here. What's there not to enjoy?"

"My point exactly," said Vinyl. "So relax, will ya? We're gonna make this a week to remember!"

I had to smile at that. I, honestly agreed with her, at least on some level. There was no sense in stressing out over the performance. My ensemble wasn't scheduled to perform until a few days into the festival, so we had plenty of time to take part in the festivities.

"Alright, I see your point," I said. "But, first thing first. Let's get ourselves unpacked before we do anything else."

"Yeah, okay," Vinyl grumbled as she got out of bed. "Man, and I was starting to get comfy, too."

"Oh, stop complaining," I said as I unpacked my things. "Like you said, this is going to be a week to remember, so we might as well start it properly."

"I guess," said Vinyl. "It's just that I wanted to unwind a bit before we head on over to Lincolt Center. I'm gonna be pretty busy tonight."

Something clicked in my mind. "Oh, that's right! You and Neon Lights are performing tonight, right?"

"Yep," said Vinyl, taking out the festival's itinerary from her saddlebag. "I won't spoil anything, but we've got quite an opening act planned for this year's festival. It's gonna knock everypony's socks off."

"I'm sure it will, considering the volume levels you typically work with," I said. "Speaking of which..."

"I know, I know. No music at the crack of dawn while we're here," said Vinyl. "I don't think the stereo in our room goes to eleven, anyway."

There was no way to respond to that, so I simply continued to unpack. Just as I was laying out the last of my things, there was a knock at the door.

"Huh. I wonder who that could be," mused Vinyl. Those were my thoughts exactly.

"I'll get it," I said, walking over to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw that it was a bellhop. Curious as to what he wanted, I opened the door.

"Octavia Melody?" the bellhop said.

"Speaking," I responded.

"This just came for you."

The bellhop then gave me a blank envelope, which I found to be even stranger. Vinyl and I had just checked in. How did somepony find out what hotel I was staying in?

"Um, thank you," I said, accepting the note and giving the bellhop a tip.

"What is it?" asked Vinyl.

"Some sort of letter," I said, opening the envelope.

"Fan mail already? But we just got here." said Vinyl.

"I don't think it's fan mail, Vinyl," I said. "There's no address on the envelope, and..."

I trailed off as I read the letter. It was a short, typed-up document with no signature. It read as follows:

Octavia Melody:

If you so much as play a single note ever again, your life is forfeit. Heed this warning, or face the consequences.

Truth be told, I was a bit miffed by this. For one, it read like some sort of ransom note out of a mystery novel. It had to be a joke. Nopony could take this seriously. Second, the threat made no sense. What, was someone going to be watching me all the time, waiting to see if I'd pick up my cello? Not only is that monumentally creepy; it's downright idiotic. Third, how did whoever sent me this note know I was staying at this hotel? I doubt the staff would be so infantile that they would pull a prank on me like this.

"So, what does it say, Octy?" asked Vinyl.

"Nothing," I said hastily. "Just somepony playing a prank. A poor one, at that. I'll notify the concierge when we head out later."

"What kind of prank?" inquired Vinyl.

"Get this: Somepony is saying that if I play my cello ever again, they're going to kill me."

Vinyl paused for a moment, and then chuckled.

"Ooooooooookay then," she said. "Sounds like somepony's been reading too many crime novels."

"Sure seems like it," I said. "Honestly, did anypony really think I'd get freaked out by this?"

"Well, to be fair, you can be a worrywart sometimes, Tavi," said Vinyl. "But by the same token, you're probably the least gullible pony I know."

"Mmm," I said with a sigh. "Well, it'll be the concierge's problem once I report this. For now, let's finish getting ourselves settled."

"Right-o," said Vinyl.

I took another look at the letter and scoffed. I've been on the receiving end of pranks before (mainly from Vinyl), but this was just ludicrous, not to mention sick. Who honestly thought that a fake threat on my life would be funny? I certainly wasn't laughing. Whoever this rapscallion was, somepony should teach them some manners.

Little did I know that this letter was not a joke at all, but a precursor for things to come...

Author's Note:

((OOC: Like with Wonderbolts Under Fire, I will not be answering comments as Octavia unless you have something constructive to say to her. Also, this should go without saying, but I'm gonna put it here anyway: Comments containing spoilers to Wonderbolts Under Fire must be marked with spoiler tags like so.))