• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,616 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Fifty Eight

Chapter Fifty Eight

"What do you think they're saying?"

For Pinkie, Spike, and Rarity, the situation playing out before them was one of significant discomfort. From where they stood they couldn't make out what Ulquiorra and Rainbow Dash had been saying, as they were simply too far away. But at least they had Celestia to talk to, who would do her best to reassure them that they were doing everything they could to help out.

That situation had quickly changed, when they heard Ulquiorra call Celestia over to where he stood. And that left the three of them isolated by themselves, and unable to tell what was going on, or what they were being left out of. None of them were speaking loud enough for the conversation to travel over.

"I don't know. It could be anything," Spike replied. He shared Rarity's curiosity easily enough, but that didn't help him much. "Hey Pinkie, can you read lips? Can you make out what they're saying?" he asked. Considering how random Pinkie had been since their first meeting, it was worth asking.

"Sorry Spike, no can do," Pinkie replied and shook her head. "I can see Ulqy's mouth moving, but even if I could read lips, it wouldn't do any good. His mouth doesn't move like a pony's mouth, so I still wouldn't know what he's saying. He could be quoting a book passage right now for all I know," she explained.

Truth be told lip reading was a lot harder than they were assuming it was. It wasn't just a matter of seeing how somepony's lips moved as they spoke, but the surrounding muscle structure of the face as well. Words that started with the letter C looked so similar to words that started with the letter G or even B. To accurately read them was an exercise in observing the minute differences. And that was something she just couldn't do. And even if she could, she couldn't from this distance.

"This is just great," Spike sighed and sat himself down on the ground. Just sitting around in silence and waiting for something to happen. What a gigantic waste of time.


Silence, up until he heard Rarity speak up. Naturally he turned his head to look at her.

"Back when you were trying to subdue Rainbow Dash, you said something. You told her that you would break her wings if she didn't stay down and stop fighting. Were... were you serious about that?" she asked hesitantly, almost afraid to know the answer for herself.

"I... I don't know," Spike replied, really wishing that Rarity hadn't asked that particular question. Why, out of everything she could've asked about what happened, did it have to be that one? Why did it have to be the one that he himself had been doubting and questioning? "I... I was desperate at the time. You saw what she was like, I just had to do something before she got loose and hurt somepony. I couldn't hold her down all night," he explained. Or rather he tried to explain. But it was a lot more difficult to actually do than he thought it would be.

However what was quickly approaching stammering territory was quickly headed off, when he felt Rarity place a hoof on his small shoulder in an effort to relax him.

"It's alright, Spike, I understand," she said as she stroked his ridges.

"I'm just glad I didn't have to follow through. If Celestia hadn't shown up when she did... I don't know how things would've gone," Spike replied as he sank in against Rarity. Truthfully he'd been downright terrified of what might've unfolded if another minute had been allowed to pass without interference. Would Rainbow Dash have fought him to get loose and get at Rarity? Could he have followed through with his threat? And if he had, would it have actually been enough?

What if... what if he had to go even further than that? Could he have? Would he have? He'd been so caught up in the moment, he honestly didn't know what could've happened.

And right now he'd rather not think about it. The idea of the unrealized possibility was making his stomach feel sour and hurt something fierce.

"Hey look, something's happening," Pinkie spoke up, bringing their attention back to what was ahead of them.

Despite Celestia and Ulquiorra's positioning serving to obscure most of their view of Rainbow Dash during the whole conversation, they could still see parts of her through all the white in the way. And now they were seeing a lot more, as an unconscious Rainbow Dash was levitated up in Celestia's aura, and set down on her back, nestled securely in between her fluffy wings, all four of her limbs hanging limply in a straddling style, and her head hung to the left side.

"What happened?" Spike asked, completely lost in the matter. Why was Rainbow Dash unconscious? And why was she being nestled in like she was some sort of care package, or stuffed toy that was the pride and joy of some foal?

"I don't know. But I have the sneaking suspicion that if we don't involve ourselves now, we're going to be left out in the cold," Rarity spoke as she stood up.

"I have the sneaking suspicion that you're right," Pinkie replied and moved to join Rarity.

Their small group of three made their way over to the other group, intent on finding out just what was going on. And as they did, bits and pieces of conversation became more audible.

"... fail to see why such an approach is necessary."

"... least that can be done for her."

The details they made out, while sparse in nature, provided enough for them to make an informed guess about what the latest conversation involved. But right now that wasn't important. Taking the time to stop and interpret the discussion of how Ulquiorra failed to grasp the act of gentleness wasn't worthwhile right now.

"Princess?" Spike spoke up first as they reached earshot distance, causing Celestia to turn her head and look in their direction. "What's going on? I-is Rainbow Dash gonna be alright?" he asked.

Celestia did her best to put on a proper face. A calm and serene face, often utilized for dealing with petitioners and the like during the last half hour of the day court. But despite that effort, she simply couldn't muster that particular mask for addressing the young dragon. He was unfortunately going to see her as tired and worn out as she currently felt.

"There's no need to worry, Spike, it's just a sleep spell to make her more manageable for the trip back to Canterlot," she explained as gently as she could. After everything that had happened today, rest sounded like a very good idea; an idea that she would likely be missing out on as the evening grew later. Luna would likely be waking up soon. She would need to be up and around to make sure things progressed smoothly before considering the idea of turning matters over to Luna on this coming night.

"But is she going to be alright? What were you and Ulquiorra talking about with her?" Spike asked in an effort to press the matter further, not wanting to be left out of the overall game plan, regardless of what it might be. After all they'd been through... well he really didn't want to think too highly of himself, but hadn't he at least earned getting to know what was going to be happening?

"I don't want to seem nosy, really, but I'm quite inclined to agree with Spike's curiosity, Princess. Rainbow Dash is our friend, and a vital part of Equestria's protection. I don't want to appear pushy... but I do believe that we have a right to know what's going on," Rarity replied, doing her very best to strike a balance between diplomacy and firmness... even if she possessed no authority whatsoever that she could exercise in this situation. Unless... "You asked us to be your friends, Celestia. As such, shouldn't friends be informed of what other friends are going through?" she asked.

Ulquiorra nearly quirked an eyebrow at hearing Rarity's questioning. That was her method of going about gaining information?

Then again it was similar to a tactic he had used in order to shut down pointless conversation only a few days before. Perhaps he had been more on the mark than he'd initially thought. He then turned his attention back to Princess Celestia in order to observe her reaction and response.

There was a short pause before she finally spoke again.

"You're right. I did ask you and the others to consider me a friend, rather than a ruler," she admitted and gave a weak nod, before taking a steadying breath. "The truth of the matter, everypony, is that I have no answers for you. We really don't know what's wrong with Rainbow Dash, as none of us have ever seen anything like this before. This is very unfamiliar territory to be in. We'll do everything we can to try and help Rainbow Dash, but we're more or less flying blind at the moment. We have to proceed with extreme caution, if she's ever to get any better," she explained, doing her best to remain calm throughout. This was one of those things for which there were no easy answers.

Ulquiorra remained silent, keeping his observations to himself. His opinion would do little good in this matter. However his observations were different from his ability to explain matters.

"Once we have returned to Canterlot, evaluation by an outside medical professional will be the next step. If magic and hypnosis aren't in play, a biological condition may be to blame," he stated.

"Biological... you mean like a disease? Like something contagious?" Spike asked. The very idea of something like that scared him. "What's that mean for us? We were all in pretty close contact with her. Could... could we be affected next?"

"Unlikely. Contagions with the ability to drastically alter the host's memories are not ranked high on the list of probabilities. Rather, the suspected culprit is a chemical imbalance in the brain; something that may be treatable with the proper medication," Ulquiorra explained. The way news traveled in this world, the suspicion of some disease being behind Rainbow Dash's condition could cause... unpleasant developments to occur. Mass pandemonium as it were.

"Treatable?" Pinkie asked, adopting the head tilt gesture herself. "Not curable? You mean that... that Dashie might not actually get well?"

"We don't know, Pinkie, we just don't know," Celestia replied and sighed. There were too many unknowns going on right now. What had started out as an already unsolvable mystery just days ago, had only grown in complication to a point that was almost unrecognizable in terms of difficulty. "The only thing I can say for certain, is that we'll do everything we can to help her. All of us," she said and discretely shifted her gaze to where Ulquiorra stood.

Spike and the others more or less understood what the last part of Celestia's statement meant; the Espada was being drafted into assisting back in Canterlot. That was fine to them, as they all wanted Rainbow Dash to get well. Even if they didn't understand how he might able to assist.

However that thought quickly gave way to another thought.

"Wait a minute. If Ulquiorra's gonna be back in Canterlot, what about us back here in Ponyville? Whatever's out there is still out there. Don't we need him here?" Spike asked.

Celestia stopped in thought. Spike did raise a very good point about Ulquiorra's presence. What if him being here was the only thing keeping Ponyville intact? Was it right to recall him like that?

"It's true that my presence could be construed as serving some deterrent here. However that assumption is circumstantial in nature at best," Ulquiorra replied. Leaving Ponyville unguarded didn't seem like a very logical decision to make. However this was one of those times when they found themselves between a rock and a hard place. "Be aware that Rainbow Dash managed to escape a palace full of royalty, highly trained guards, and a dedicated nurse equipped with an immobilization spell. And she did so completely undetected. My presence in Canterlot may be the only thing that will realistically prevent a reoccurrence of such," he explained.

From Celestia's perspective, Ulquiorra's comment came off as being a shot at her. A snarky bit of insubordination in letting her know that he didn't hold her, or her rule, in high regard when it came to their competence. But then again her perspective was currently being marred by the stress of the day. She'd let the matter go, as there were more important things to deal with. There was no point in scolding him for his views; especially when he had been correct in his observation.

"... Then if it comes down to being either us or Rainbow Dash... I cast my vote for her. She's the one who's truly in need at the moment," Rarity spoke up after a pause. "Having you around certainly provides a sense of security. But she's the one who's truly in need of whatever services you might have to offer."

Pinkie nodded in agreement. "Dashie's the one in need. Not us. We'll be fine."

Two votes for him to proceed with Princess Celestia back to Canterlot, for the purpose of maintaining watch over the cyan pegasus. Hardly a town-wide vote on the matter. But at least they understood. And while he did possess significant doubts about the wisdom of the move, he could also see the wisdom. Rainbow Dash was the weak link at the moment. And based on recent events, she would need to be given the most consideration. The majority of Ponyville was still able-boded and able-minded, as well as being alert to the fact that they were in danger. They had at least some chance of emerging intact whatever might occur during his absence.

Then again, perhaps his absence would actually improve their chances. Without him being around to act as a proverbial safety net, perhaps they would realize that they were on their own, and respond accordingly by striving to develop at an accelerated pace. Perhaps his absence would wind up being the best for them.

There was also the fact that his relocation wasn't permanent in nature. He was needed in Canterlot only for the purpose of making sure Rainbow Dash was still present. But that assigned duty didn't need to be carried out around the clock. There was nothing preventing him from making periodic returns to Ponyville, and examining the surroundings for any signs of danger. Three minutes of travel time each way was hardly a significant endeavor to undertake.

"Very well then," he replied, "inform Twilight Sparkle of these developments, and assist her accordingly."

Celestia watched as the three nodded in acknowledgement of Ulquiorra's statement. being around as long as she had been, she knew that something was up, but not necessarily what that something was. But she'd concern herself with that matter later. At the moment she wanted to get Rainbow Dash back to Canterlot where she would be safe.

Or at least... safer than she currently was here.

"Do you need to be escorted back to Ponyville? This is still the Everfree Forest that we're standing in," she pointed out. Her immediate concern was with Rainbow Dash, but that didn't mean she was fully prepared to just run off and leave her other subjects in a dangerous position. It had only been after significant discussion that she'd come to the conclusion that bringing Ulquiorra back to Ponyville was a correct decision to make.

"As much as a royal escort does have its appeal, I'm not entirely sure if it's truly necessary. We did manage to arrive out here without any difficulty, all things considered," Rarity replied slowly, not wanting to sound insulting about turning down the offer. "Rainbow Dash should be our primary concern right now. The sooner she gets back to Canterlot, the sooner we stand a chance of finding out what's wrong with her, and how we can help her," she explained.

In truth Ulquiorra really wasn't particularly surprised by the statement made by Rarity. Despite several contradictory aspects of her personality, she still bore the Element of Generosity, and its virtue managed to shine through her, through various interactions with others. Her decision to exercise concern for Rainbow Dash was consistent with earlier interactions he had witnessed.

"Yeah, I think we'll be pretty good on our own. Dashie's the one that needs help right now, not us," Pinkie added and nodded.

"If you're certain," Ulquiorra replied, even though he still needed to wait for Princess Celestia to arrive at the decision that it was time to leave. With that thought in mind, he turned to face her. "Shall we take our leave now?"

Luna wasn't exactly the early riser type among ponies. Not even factoring in her nocturnal nature, and allowing for the time difference, would she be considered such. She liked to rise at a certain time of the day, when the sun sat lower in the sky, and started to color the horizon.

Not that she had anything against the sun. She would admit that being out in the daytime was nice. More ponies were alert, more things were going on, the atmosphere was generally more vibrant and lively. It just... wasn't her thing. It was too bright for her tastes.

Regardless of that fact, however, she would willingly get up at the crack of noon when the sun was at its highest and brightest, if it meant helping out a friend that was in need. And it was for that specific reason that she'd arisen at this time of day; for the purpose of looking after Rainbow Dash during her time of need.

So it went without saying that she was quite perturbed, and quite -if she were to use what had unofficially come to be known as "Ciferisms" due to their introduction by Ulquiorra Cifer himself- pissed off, when she awoke early on this day to lend a hoof in any way that she could, only to find out that nopony was present. Neither her sister, nor Rainbow Dash, nor even the recently returned Ulquiorra Cifer, were to be found anywhere in Canterlot palace. It was as if they'd simply vanished without leaving a single trace.

What were those three doing? Engaging in a picnic?

If that were truly the case -unlikely as it would be- then her sister would be receiving an earful from her when her absence was ended, and they could have a private moment together, away from the prying ears of others. But not because she disagreed with such an outing. No. Rather 'Tia would be hearing from her, due to her not being invited on the excursion, sleep or no sleep!

Luna stopped her pacing in the throne room and took a deep breath. She needed that. Not so much the breath itself, but rather the opportunity to allow herself to drop her guard, and entertain an amusing thought in order to break the tension she was feeling. And currently there was very much tension going on within her; she was certain her pancreas was as hard as a rock right now if she were to poke at it.

She had known that something was wrong when she awoke and found Rainbow Dash present with her sister. But at the time she had no idea just how wrong things were, or how difficult they would prove to be in the following days. Whoever -or whatever- had decided to target Rainbow Dash for attack, had managed to do quite a number on the poor filly. The psychological trauma she'd been forced to bear had been significant in nature, even by her own standards. And that was saying something. Being an alicorn, and gifted with immortality, meant far greater resilience in these matters; that was how she had managed to survive her own dark times.

But Rainbow Dash was a pony of mortal nature. Her mental defenses weren't nearly as honed or defined in nature. Nor could they be expected to be so. And while she understood that their subjects could prove to be very, very resilient in their own right, everypony had a breaking point. And once that breaking point was crossed, even by something no more significant than a stray breeze, the results were... not pretty.

And if she ever found out the party responsible for making one of her friends suffer in such a way...

Her thoughts of revenge, however, were interrupted by the sensation creeping up her spine, a half second before seeing Celestia return in a flash of light, accompanied by Ulquiorra Cifer, and an unconscious Rainbow Dash hung limply across her back.

... Exactly what has transpired during their absence?

"Dear Sister, what has occurred?" she asked as she stepped forward. There were a great many questions running through her mind right now, begging to be asked and clarified. But none of them seemed to want to cooperate with her mouth and actually get asked right now.

"In simple terms, Luna, the matter has become drastically more complicated than we initially believed," Celestia replied as best she could. And truthfully it was an understatement. There was no way to fit everything into just a few seconds of explanation time. Nor did she expect her sister would have the patience to listen through everything before deciding to act. So for everyone's sake, she kept it very short.

"And why is Rainbow Dash upon your back?" Luna asked her as she stepped ever closer in order to examine the unconscious pegasus.

"For comfort's sake," Celestia replied, again keeping it simple. "I believe at this point in time, we're in need of a physician. Or perhaps two."

"Sister," Luna spoke, "know that I respect and love you. But under present circumstances, I request to be informed of just what is going on around here, before I act in any manner. I was awoken early on this day, due to an irresistible desire to care for Rainbow Dash. And much to my surprise you were absent, and I found myself left in the dark on what was occurring. Now I would like to be informed of just what transpired between now, and when I retired this morning," she stated firmly.

Celestia wanted to pinch the bridge of her nose right now. She knew that Luna could be stubborn at times. But did she truly have to pick now of all times? Couldn't she have waited just a little while before putting her hoof down?

"In basic terms, the events that transpired are as follows." Ulquiorra spoke up, bringing Luna's attention to him in the process. "During your period of rest, Rainbow Dash assaulted her assigned nurse, and fled back to Ponyville for the purpose of exacting revenge on Rarity. She was stopped by Spike, and the information pertaining to our investigation was delivered to her, causing her to experience significant doubt about the validity of her experiences. She then informed us that she was experiencing auditory hallucinations, which might suggest a psychological disorder such as schizophrenia. Following extensive discussion at the scene, it was determined best that I return to Canterlot to prevent any followup escapes that might be attempted."

It wasn't exactly the most conclusive thing that Celestia had ever heard Ulquiorra speak. But it certainly seemed informative enough to give Luna the basic idea of what she'd missed out on.

Now hopefully she'd comply, and send for the physicians, rather than continuing to fight.

But so far, it just seemed to render her silent in shock.

"Then... then there is nothing that we can do to help her? All of our efforts have been for naught?" Luna asked, as slowly as she did shakily.

"It's alright, Luna, just calm down," Celestia spoke softly, afraid that Luna was about to experience her own breakdown if she didn't head it off quickly.

Unfortunately her efforts at heading off Luna did little good. If anything it just seemed to get her all the more excited.

"Calm down? Sister, how can you expect me to "just calm down" after having just told us that our friend is suffering greatly, and nothing that we may try is going to help her!?" Luna asked/demanded, her voice climbing in both level and intensity, and her manner of speech slipping back into the old world dialect.

"... Because Rainbow Dash is our friend, Luna, and she needs us. Now more than ever. And we can't help her, if we allow ourselves to become hysterical," Celestia stated as calmly as she could, trying to help her sister see reason. Fortunately it seemed to take this time, as she could see Luna beginning to relax, if only slightly.

"... I apologize, dear sister. You are correct," Luna replied and nodded slowly. She couldn't let her own feelings dominate her; not when others were counting on her. Now she was feeling ashamed for getting so excited. She was supposed to be a ruler, and set an example for others, not fall into panic at the drop of a hat. "I shall send for Canterlot's finest medical experts. Tomorrow."

"Luna?" Celestia asked.

"Do you believe medical intervention tonight will reveal more than if we wait until morning? Let her rest for this evening. We shall start refreshed in the morning, when her mental facilities have had adequate sharpening time."

Celestia remained silent in thought. Luna did have a point. When she and Ulquiorra found Rainbow Dash, she was battered, dirty, stressed, fatigued, and deeply upset by everything she'd been experiencing. If they sent for doctors and had them evaluate her now, the diagnosis they might reach could be entirely inaccurate. And right now she'd rather avoid a lengthy and difficult fight over misdiagnosis, simply because she'd been impatient.

She could just imagine how bad the situation could be. And she would rather not entertain the extreme scenarios that could hypothetically occur.

"Very well, Luna, we'll exercise patience in this matter," she replied. However she again became confused, as she felt the weight of the unconscious Rainbow Dash being lifted off of her back, and watching as Luna deposited the cyan pegasus onto her own back. "Luna?"

"A bath for her is most certainly in order," Luna replied as she carefully nestled Rainbow Dash onto her back. And while she wasn't entirely sure just why Celestia had shown up, carrying her in such a manner, she herself couldn't see any reason to go against it. "I will see to this... although I would not recommend waiting to eat..."

With that last sentence, Luna trotted off, leaving Ulquiorra and Celestia behind, alone in the throne room.

Alone with a great deal of silence, as the sound of her hooves against the marble floors disappeared down the hallway.

"Ulquiorra?" Celestia spoke up, breaking the silence before it could get to be unbearable. "Are you able to experience fear?" she asked him.

Ulquiorra turned his attention to where Princess Celestia stood. It was a very unusual question for her to be asking him.

"If I am, then I don't believe it's an emotion I've yet experienced," he explained calmly. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I was entertaining the hope that I was overreacting, and the situation at hoof isn't nearly as bad as I'm making it out to be," Celestia replied in an honest manner. "And it would be a lot easier to maintain that belief if you were capable of experiencing fear, and simply not at the time," she explained.

Utter foolishness on her part. It was as simple as that. It had to be a symptom of the living condition.

"The situation is indeed dire. Equestria proper is currently vulnerable to attack, we have no idea what caused this development to occur, nor do we know what is coming down the pipe. We have more questions than answers, and we have no idea where to focus our attention," he stated, presenting for her consideration, a proper overview of just why she should indeed be scared right now. "That said, however, we have not yet exhausted our resources. Even in this situation, we possess one constant resource that is still in effect."

"And what might that resource be?" Celestia asked, feeling her curiosity piquing as he spoke. What did Ulquiorra know of that she didn't?

"In simple, basic terms, that resource which we possess is each other," he stated, causing her to nearly do a double take. Had he just said what she thought he said? Before she could even ask, he was already continuing in his explanation. "We find ourselves allied towards a common goal; that being the safety of Equestria. You assigned me that duty. And until that duty is officially rescinded, I will do everything that is within my abilities to fulfill it. And while friendship is a concept I still possess little understanding of, I don't believe the others will be willing to just stand around and do nothing; even if they were ordered to stand down and do just that."

Celestia listened as the Espada spoke, uncertain of just what to make of what he was saying. Was this his idea of a motivational speech, intended to rally her spirit, and fill her with a sense of hope? She really had no idea if that was what he'd intended it to be, or if he was simply reminding her that they were all in this.

But despite not knowing the sentiment that was behind it, she certainly appreciated his efforts.

"Thank you, Ulquiorra, I appreciate that," she replied. Even if there was no kindness behind his words, or his motivation for sharing them, she still appreciated the fact that he'd seen fit to state such. And whether or not he was aware of the fact that he'd just alluded to them all being friends, she still appreciated not only his words, but his presence here. His calm nature, despite being infuriating at times, paradoxically seemed to have a calming effect all its own.

Everything was foggy at first as Rainbow Dash slowly woke up. Her mind currently felt like it was in a really haze, and she found it difficult to focus on anything. It was just like when Ulquiorra had put her in a choke hold. Except this time she didn't feel anything hard pressing against her neck. In fact she really couldn't feel anything right now. Except for warmth.

And wetness.

Wait... wetness? Immediately her eyes flew open as she sat up. What'd happened? Did she wind up pissing herself when she was out?

"It is alright, Rainbow Dash, you are safe."

Rainbow Dash turned to try and find the source of the voice, only for her ears to be met with the sound of sloshing water in the process.


Looking down at herself, she realized that she wasn't in a bed, but rather a richly decorated in-floor tub, filled with warm water. And bubble bath solution that'd been vigorously worked in. And a rubber duck too, floating about on the waves that'd been generated by her rapid movements.

"What's going on here?" she asked out loud, hoping that actually hearing the question being asked would help give her some insight into the situation.

"A much needed bath, my young friend."

At hearing the voice again, Rainbow Dash swiveled herself around, and saw Luna sitting behind her. Missing were the royal adornments, and her mane hung limply against her back as it clung to her wet fur.

"Luna? What's going on? Why am I here? Why're you here?" she asked, now feeling more confused than ever.

"As stated, a much needed, and highly relaxing, bath is what is going on. It is also why we are both here. When you were brought back from Ponyville, you were covered in a fair bit of detritus materials. Materials that just seemed to get everywhere. And it seemed quite unacceptable to leave you, and by extension, myself, in such a filthy condition," Luna explained, pausing as a bowl of water was levitated upward, and dumped onto the pegasi's head and down back, forcing her to shut her eyes in response. "I do not claim to know how you came to possess so much tree bark in your back fur. But I assume it to be an interesting story."

The intended purpose behind her actions here was to help Rainbow Dash relax. The past few days had been highly stressful for everypony involved. Everybody if she counted Ulquiorra Cifer. And as bad as the stress was for her and her sister, she couldn't imagine how bad it was for a mortal like Rainbow Dash. She had made attempts to talk to the filly, to get her to open up about what she was experiencing, knowing full well that there were things she had on her chest that had yet to be revealed by the unconscious mind during her dreams. But despite her best efforts, the young pegasus was as tight lipped as ever, and simply wouldn't open up to her. She was keeping the hurt and turmoil internal, and she could tell that was hurting her significantly. So naturally she hoped that something as relaxing as a warm bath would assist her in some way, even if it was just minutely.

However the exact opposite seemed to be unfolding before her. The look on Rainbow Dash's face wasn't one of relaxation, but utter terror. She currently looked like she had just come face to face with the living embodiment of fear itself, and was just about to be the first one to blink. Even as she was looking at her, her entire body was beginning to shake, as she began muttering "oh no" to herself over and over again.

"Rainbow Dash, what is wrong?" Luna asked, perplexed at this development.

"I'm in so much trouble right now," Rainbow Dash mumbled as she shook, unable to look up at Luna, or even meet her eyes.

"Most curious," Luna mumbled as she quirked an eyebrow. "And why pray tell do you believe you are in trouble?" she asked, turning her full attention to the conversation rather than the shared bath.

She watched as Rainbow Dash tried to compose herself, listening as the cyan pegasus began to give a recollection of events that transpired throughout the course of the day. And all the while as she explained the details, her voice was as shaky as the rest of her, as she detailed not only her actions, but the actions of those she'd interacted with.

All in all, she could understand why Rainbow Dash might believe that she would be in trouble for her actions.

At least until it came to the part about hearing voices. How the cyan pegasus could believe that she would be facing consequences for such actions -especially if nothing was of her own volition- she truly didn't know. All that she knew for certain at this point in time, was that these developments truly displeased her.

"Look at me, Rainbow Dash," she spoke in a tone that was soft, yet at the same time commanded authority. Slowly she was complied with, as two watery, magenta colored eyes turned upwards towards hers. "I promise you, you are not in trouble. Nor will we allow you to be in trouble for this. You are not the one at fault, and you shall not be punished for the actions of another," she reassured her. "Furthermore, once we discover who, or what, is actually responsible for this travesty, I promise you this simple fact; their punishment will be of a truly legendary nature. Even in the deepest, darkest pits of all Tartarus, the condemned shall be horrified at what shall be administered."

Silence once again returned to the bath after Luna's statement. Not a sound was made, other than that of water sloshing against the movement of one of their bodies.

"... She... she said she trusted me..."

"Pardon?" Luna asked. Despite the close proximity they were in, the whisper had been so low and so mumbled, she had a hard time understanding just what was being said.

"Rarity. I was gonna kill her. And she... she... she said t-that she trusted me to, to do what I, what I thought was the right thing. Even if... if... even if what I... what I thought the, the right thing was... was... killing her!"

The admission Rainbow Dash was trying to make was even shakier than her explanation of events that had transpired away from the castle. It was one told through shuddering breaths and repeated words, as she tried to maintain her composure throughout it all, and having to forcefully race through the last few words before totally breaking down in tears.

However it was a development that didn't yet occur, as even in her current emotional state, she could see Rainbow Dash trying to choke her sobs back down, with eyes screwed shut to try and deny the tears that were already starting to leak out.

"Let it out, Rainbow Dash, you will feel better if you do," Luna told her as she extended one of her dripping wet wings to gently rub her back. "You do not have to keep the pain inside. Let it all out. There is no shame to be had in crying."

Luna had no way of knowing just what had amounted to the tipping point in all of this. Perhaps it was the gentle voice, or the words that had been used, or even the sensation of her feathers potentially serving as a physical reminder that she wasn't alone. But whatever it was that had caused it, it was apparently enough to completely break the dam, as the next thing she knew, Rainbow Dash was all out crying.

To watch a strong, independent mare like Rainbow Dash be reduced to tears, was just as disturbing to watch this time, as it had been the very first time she had witnessed it.

The first time she witnessed Rainbow Dash crying like this, it'd been because -from her perspective- the others had been disloyal to her. This time, it was because she realized that she had been disloyal to them.

Between the two standards, Luna couldn't tell which was the lesser of the two evils faced by the pony entrusted with the Element of Loyalty.

But whichever of the two standards possessed the potential to hurt the most, it was inconsequential right now. Right now the only thing that mattered to her was the bawling pegasus before her, that was drawn into her forelegs and hugged close, as she cried into her chest.

"Let it out, Rainbow Dash, let out all of the hurt," Luna repeated gently as she hugged her, feeling the pegasi's forelegs wrap tightly around her, and hold on for dear life.

And all the while, as she held the broken pegasus in her forelegs as if she were her own daughter, she silently plotted what punishment would be appropriate, once the source of blame was properly established...

The walk back to Ponyville was one marked by silence. That fact was notable to Spike, primarily because Pinkie was both present, and not causing any excessive levels of commotion like she usually did. She wasn't even bouncing along a he rode atop her back the entire way out of the Everfree Forest. She was just walking right along at Rarity's pace, the two walking side by side, and not a single word being shared between the three of them.

He didn't know whether he should be amazed, or utterly confused, by that fact.

At the moment, however, as the walk slowly brought them within sight of the library, he was leaning towards confused.

But if Spike was to be fully honest with himself, Pinkie's silence wasn't the truly confusing part of this entire day. Even Rainbow Dash's actions weren't as confusing as they might've seemed. He could, at least, partially understand the motives to her actions; she thought she was wronged, and attempted to make it right. Simply because her perspectives had been skewed by... something, didn't change that understanding.

No. If Spike was to be honest with himself, the truly confusing aspect to the day had been Pinkie. Or more accurately, he realized as they walked along in silence, his own feelings for the pink earth pony.

During the time he'd spent living in Ponyville, Pinkie had been many things other than the town's most renowned party planner and entertainment coordinator. Among them was a prankster that had earned both his admiration, and his ire; on a few rare occasions, she'd managed to earn both at the exact same time! She was also one of the ponies who had absolutely no trouble incorporating gemstones into confectionery delights. But more important than any of that, she'd been a good friend, not only to him, but to the rest of them as well. Despite her silly, nonsensical, utterly random nature, she could be incredibly deep when it was really needed.

That said, however, he was currently feeling very conflicted about the recent developments over the course of the day. During his time of need, she'd been there to help him. It wasn't even something done out of simple convenience, like tending to a problem and then disappearing because she had other pressing matters to do with. She'd stayed by his side and assisted him with not only finding Rarity, but also keeping her safe from Rainbow Dash. If that wasn't the sign of a true friend, then he honestly didn't know what was.

But... during the post-conflict cool down period they were currently experiencing, when chemicals like testosterone and adrenaline were working to reestablish their original levels, he couldn't help but entertain a certain thought. What if... what he was feeling right now was something other than friendship?

He wouldn't deny that he was young, and still inexperienced in the ways of the world. He would admit that there were things he still didn't have a full grasp of, despite what he'd been through with the others in all this time. Matters of the head were one thing, but what of matters of the heart?

And where exactly did Pinkie fit into everything right now? Was what he was currently feeling purely platonic in nature? Or was it more? Did he see Pinkie as just another friend? Maybe like he did Twilight? Maybe even... Rarity?

Whatever the answer was, he just didn't know right now. He was tired, he was sore, and all he wanted to do right now was rest. He didn't think he could think straight if he had to right now. Maybe things would be clearer when morning rolled around, and he had eight or nine hours to sleep on it.

"Hey... Rarity? Pinkie?" he asked as he spoke up in an effort to break the silence. Being left with just his thoughts to keep him company right now wasn't all that appealing at the moment.

"Is something wrong, Spike?" Rarity asked as she turned to look at him.

"No, nothing like that. It's just..." he paused, trying to think of what to say in this situation. "Do you two wanna stay at the library for a bit? Maybe stop for some coffee or something?" he asked them.

"Coffee, Spike? Isn't it just a little late in the day for such?" Rarity asked.

"Well, maybe a little..." Spike replied, trying to think of how to phrase what he wanted to say. "But if Twilight's awake, I could use some help in explaining everything that happened," he continued. They all knew how Twilight could get. Surely they wouldn't leave him stranded to face... that... right? "And... even if she isn't awake I'd... well I... don't wanna be alone right now..." he finished, mumbling the last part.

"Hmm..." Rarity mumbled to herself as she rubbed her chin in thought. Spike did raise a very good set of points. Leaving him to face Twilight all by himself after all that had happened, regardless of whether or not she was currently asleep, simply wouldn't do. It was utterly unkind to even consider, to say nothing of uncouth. Beyond that fact, there was also the simple fact that she didn't really want to go back to the boutique by herself. Not right now anyway. "Now that I think about it, coffee does sound like just the thing that will hit the spot," she agreed.

"Same here!" Pinkie seconded.

Spike smiled happily in response to the news. The only reason he didn't try and hug the two of them right then and there, was because of how awkward it would be from where he rode atop Pinkie's back.

"Thanks, you two, I'm really lucky to have such good friends like you," he told them.

"And we're quite lucky to have such a good friend like you," Rarity replied as she trotted over, and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "I honestly don't know what we'd ever do without you, Spike, you've been invaluable throughout this entire sordid mess. And that's to say nothing of how you've saved my life twice so far," she stated.

"Yeah, Spike, you're a hero!" Pinkie added enthusiastically.

Spike wanted to say something in response, absolutely anything as they walked through the front door of the darkened library. But try as he might, he simply couldn't think of anything that seemed appropriate. How exactly could he respond to having such praise heaped on him just like that? How did he get the scales on his cheeks to quit burning with so much embarrassment?

Never mind. He'd worry about stuff like that later on. For right now, he had other matters to occupy himself with in the library; like determining if Twilight was still asleep, or if she was off being hysterical with worry somewhere. And then, once he was certain Twilight was alright, he had to determine just how big of a pot of coffee needed to be made for their little group.

And as Pinkie and Rarity made their way to the kitchen, as he climbed down to ascend the stairs to the second story loft, they failed to notice, how in the silence of the library, the red gem set in the Element of Loyalty, slowly faded to black...

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