• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,680 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Four

"Hey Twilight? Can we check Sugarcube Corner next?"

Each team had been assigned an area to check, with the instruction of going over every possible location with a fine-tooth comb, leave no stone unturned.

No seriously, leave no stone unturned, because knowing changelings that's where they very well could be hidden. And that was to say nothing of checking each tree, to see if it was hollow and acting as a secret compartment.

No beacons had yet been deployed from Applejack's team, and no fliers had swooped in from Rainbow Dash's team, meaning nopony was having any luck yet.

And in Twilight's case, she was having even less luck as she found herself having to deal with a hungry baby dragon.

"Spike we don't have time to be stopping for a snack. Those ponies are counting on us to find them," she reminded him. They'd stop and eat later on.

"I know that, Twilight, but I've heard rumors about there being a secret chamber in the basement, and I wanna see if it's true," Spike stated. In a small town like this rumors passed about easy, but confirming them was the hard part. And right now seemed like a very good opportunity to do just that.

Then he could make Snips and Snails shut up.

"You've been giving those silly stories consideration again? Spike what have I told you about listening to small town gossip and unsupported speculation?" Twilight asked him pointedly in a scolding tone. "There's no secret chamber hidden away at Sugarcube Corner. And I can assure you, all those other stories you might've heard relating to it aren't true either."

"You searched the Town Hall's records, relating to building blueprints, and construction permits for the area, didn't you?" Spike asked in a tone matching hers. Immediately he noticed her ears droop, indicating that he was painfully correct in his accusation. "So what was that about listening to unsupported speculation?"

"T-that's different!" Twilight stated in her own defense. "I was doing research to disprove the very notion of Sugarcube Corner hiding any secrets beneath the foundation. It's not like I actually believed any of those silly rumors you hear, whispered about in dark alleys by the misinformed."

"Uh-huh..." Spike replied incredulously. She was as bad as he was at times. "So how many more buildings do we have to check before-"

Spike was cut off mid-sentence as a loud, deep, thromming-type noise suddenly erupted, a bright sea green beam shooting up into the sky and spreading out like water poured on the floor.

"-Is that Lyra's beacon?" he asked.

"It must be, Spike, she was the only unicorn assigned to Applejack's team, and that's definitely coming from Sweet Apple Acres," Twilight replied. This was very good news indeed. The searching half of their mission was over, now they could proceed with the rescuing. "Let's go everypony!"

Diamond Tiara couldn't believe her eyes. Even though she'd seen everything unfold as she watched, she still simply couldn't believe her eyes.

Finding and saving Silver Spoon had been her top priority above all else, and she was willing to do anything to do just that... even if doing so meant associating with those three blank flanks and being stuck on the same team as them. She didn't know she'd have to tolerate so much stupid! Turning this search and rescue mission into an effort to try and get their cutie marks, had created its own brand of chaos that just complicated everything and made it all ten times worse.

And then what happened? What'd made for the perfect frosting on top of the burnt cake that was this day? Those three blank flanks had wound up finding the missing ponies. Purely by accident, but still. They'd wound up being the first to discover a massive nest of changeling cocoons stored in one of the old and dilapidated out buildings that really needed to be torn down, and hadn't seen much hoof traffic in recent time; all thirty eight of the missing ponies stored there in hibernative rest. How had those three managed to fall into so much luck and success?

Nevermind that, at least Silver Spoon would soon be safe. Then they could leave, and put some serious distance between themselves and the three blank flanked losers.

"There. Done," Lyra spoke as she cut off flow to the beacon spell. She was about to speak again, but stopped as she had to shake her head and steady herself. "Whoa. That spell makes you really dizzy when you cast it."

"Ya done good anyway, Lyra, that'll get everypoy here in no time. 'til then all we can really do is wait," Applejack replied as she turned her attention back to the nest of cocoons in the old building. How the hay had she not noticed this before? Granted it really wasn't used for much of anything anymore, but that really wasn't an excuse, Sweet Apple Acres was her property after all, she should be aware of what was going on around it.

"Aww we gotta wait? Why can' we jus' go ahead an' get 'em out now? We got more than enough hooves ta do the job," Apple Bloom complained. How were they ever gonna get their search and rescue cutie marks if they had to wait for somepony else to do what they could do themselves?

Diamond Tiara had to bite her tongue to avoid a sharply worded retort to Apple Bloom's utter stupidity; not that she wanted to, but with the blank flank's sister and Miss Cherilee in such close proximity, she couldn't get away with saying what she wanted to say.

"At least Silver Spoon's alright. That's all that really matters right now..." she told herself.

"So I guess our partnership is over?" she heard Sweetie Belle ask from beside her.

"Pretty much," Diamond Tiara replied. At least she was more intelligent than her two useless and dumb muscle friends.

"We did good work together though," Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"I guess," Diamond Tiara replied and shrugged. She didn't want to admit to the fact that these three had been integral to finding Silver Spoon and all the others, she really didn't. If she did admit the fact to herself then she'd have to acknowledge that they weren't as useless as they otherwise seemed.

Where the hay were the others!? What was taking them so long?

Celestia really didn't want to admit to the fact, but she was quite nervous right now, very restless, and unsettled by the events of this day.

She knew that she shouldn't have been surprised by the fact that Chrysalis would choose to launch another attack on the kingdom, it was to be expected from the likes of her. However she'd expected this much earlier on, perhaps she'd allowed herself to become complacent in the false concept of nothing occurring due to the lack of activity.

Unfortunately such thoughts brought her back to the thoughts regarding Ulquiorra and his actions... distasteful as they were to give thought to. The very thought of it all was... unsettling right down to her very core. She really didn't want to think about what he was doing at the changeling's hive right now... if indeed there was a hive.

Another disturbing thought entered her mind, that relating to earlier thoughts about the extent of the invasion. Supposedly a hundred and twelve drones had infiltrated Canterlot and replaced various citizens, those currently being sought out by the royal guard in a massive search and rescue effort. But what if there were more? What if, during Ulquiorra's absence, more changelings had arrived and were masquerading themselves right now, and she was none the wiser? She couldn't see their mana patterns, reiatsu or whatever he called it. How many of her loyal subjects weren't actually her loyal subjects right now? She hadn't noticed the last invasion, how was she supposed to recognize this one any better?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a disturbance. An incredibly familiar disturbance in the field of magic, in the form of a scroll materializing just above her head. Without a word she magically took hold and unfurled it to read what it had to say.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I trust Ulquiorra informed you about the situation here in Ponyville regarding the changelings. Please tell me that he did, otherwise this letter isn't going to make any sense.

I'm pleased to report that the missing thirty eight ponies have all been located and are safe and sound, Fluttershy included. All of them have been rescued from the cocoons and they're currently recovering nicely if a bit slowly.

I'm not quite as pleased to report that all of the changelings in Ponyville have been dispatched. Ulquiorra is quite efficient in his methods, but they're quite horrifying to consider. I'd rather not talk about those if that's alright with you.

How're things going on your end? Is the situation under control in Canterlot? What's the scope of the changeling situation?

Twilight Sparkle

Celestia gave a faint smile as she came to the end of the letter. At least the situation in Ponyville was well in hand... hoof... that Arrancar's dialect was rubbing off on her. That wasn't important right now, what was important was that all of the Elements of Harmony were safe and together. As long as that was the case there was hope regardless of the situation.

This was a letter that required an immediate response.

Fluttershy groaned and rubbed her head with one hoof, and used her other to shield her eyes as she came around, slowly sitting herself up from where she laid on the ground. Everything was so bright, and loud, and it hurt her head like she was suffering from a migraine. What'd happened to her?


She didn't even have time to cringe at the volume of the voice, before she found herself being vigorously hugged by a bundle of colors. A bundle that she was slowly realizing was a very excited Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash? What... what happened?" she asked.

"You don't remember?" Rainbow Dash asked as she pulled back to look at her friend's confused face. She really didn't remember. "You got replaced by a changeling. We just found you and the other missing townsponies not too long ago. You're the last one to come around and wake up," she informed her.

"A changeling? Oh my. Is everypony alright? Is anyone hurt?" she asked, finding new motivation to move her tired and aching body. Were all the other ponies experiencing the same thing?

"Fortunately nopony is hurt," Twilight said as she came into view and smiled at her friend. "We're so glad you're alright, Fluttershy, we were really worried about you."

"We were really lucky that Mr. Cifer was here today. He was the only one that managed ta see through the changeling's disguise, and know it wasn' the real you," Applejack added as she stepped up. "He wound up saving ya an' the whole town. We had a full scale invasion on our hooves fer a while."

Fluttershy blinked. It was Ulquiorra who saved her and everypony else? She had him to thank? That was... that was all very conflicting. So much hostility, aggression, and a willingness to kill others without hesitation... and he'd still saved them all? Just like that? This was all very confusing. She really would need to start being nicer to him now to properly thank him for what he'd done here today.

"Just don't ask how he did it," Rainbow Dash told her.

"Um... Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy spoke up as she looked at her friend, or more specifically the bandages on her muzzle. "What exactly happened to you?"

"You mean this?" she asked as she gestured to the bandages, "I wound up crashing into the guy when he stopped in front of me. His muscles are as hard as a mountain. I'm lucky I didn't break any bones, but I'll still be glad when the swelling goes down 'cuz I sound like a weirdo like this."

There was a shared chuckle amongst the group of friends, as well as a few other ponies who were close by. Although the laughing soon stopped as Spike released a firey belch and brought forth a scroll that landed in his claws.

"What's it say, Spike?" Twilight asked even as he was busy unrolling the scroll to actually read it.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Yes Ulquiorra has indeed informed me of the changeling situation in Ponyville. I'm quite pleased to hear that all the victims have been rescued and are doing fine.

The situation in Canterlot is well in hoof and there's no need to worry. The royal guard is currently involved in its own search and rescue for the missing Canterlot citizens, but I have every reason to believe everything will go well. However I do request your presence and the presence of the others, as soon as Fluttershy is well enough to travel. While the situation is under control, it's best to explain it face to face in a properly structured situation. Since Ulquiorra returned without his escort, the chariot is still available to bring all of you to the palace.

Hoping to see you soon, my most faithful student.

Princess Celestia

"Wow..." Twilight breathed as Spike finished reading the letter. That was all she could think of to say at the moment. Princess Celestia was requesting an audience with them. This was... incredible! "Wow..." she repeated.

"An audience with Princess Celestia? Simply marvelous!" Rarity stated.

"Yeah. Just great. For you guys maybe, but I've gotta stay here," Spike stated. "You might all be able to squeeze onto the chariot, but there won't be any room for me. And there's no way we can take the chest with the Elements of Harmony in it either, you can forget about that," he pointed out.

Twilight hated to admit it, but Spike had a very good point. The royal chariots really didn't have a great deal of room to them, and she really didn't know if all six of them could actually fit on it together; it was possible Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy would have to fly alongside. It was entirely possible Spike could ride on one of their backs to compensate for the lack of space. But that presented the possibility of him accidentally falling off if there were strong enough wind gusts. This definitely presented a difficult situation to be in.

Or at least it did until an idea came to her.

"Well Spike, if you're going to be here I've got an important task for you. We might've found all the ponies but there's still a lot of work that needs to be done here to ensure everyone's safety. And I think someone who's a skilled tactician would best be able to figure out how to keep everypony safe while we're away," she said as rested a hoof on his small shoulder.

"Really?" Spike asked, intrigued by the idea of being trusted with something of such importance.

"Really," Twilight nodded. "And if we need the Elements of Harmony, I'll send you a note and you can send them direct the same way you submit our friendship reports."

"That's a pretty tall order, Twilight, it's gonna take a whole lot of fire to do something like that," Spike pointed out. However he was quick to add, "but I can do it! It's just gonna take some extra effort to engulf the whole chest."

"That's the spirit, Spike, I knew I could trust my number one assistant to keep things going," she said as she nuzzled his cheek. Finally she turned to the others. "Alright girls. Princess Celestia asked for us to attend, what're we waiting for?"

This Ulquiorra Cifer was certainly strange. Not just in appearance and species but his basic personality. He'd come to her hive for the purpose of killing her, and instead he'd chosen to aid her in her goal of taking the throne of Equestria away from Celestia. He was even escorting her, and her hive's sizable forces, back to Canterlot to ensure their success.

Which brought up another strange aspect of him; flight. He was actually flying right beside her without the use of wings, the white material of his pants flapping about in the wind as he traveled along at an even pace with her as if it was nothing.

But still, there was something that didn't sit right, something she just couldn't shake...

"Ulquiorra Cifer. A word please," Chrysalis spoke up. His only response was an aside glance in her direction. She took that as a cue to continue addressing him. "Don't think that I'm not grateful to you and your willingness to help me retake Canterlot and all of Equestria for my hive. What I want to understand is why, when you originally served Princess Celestia. What changed your mind?" she asked.

"It was the only logical course of action open to me," Ulquiorra replied evenly as he affixed his gaze ahead. "You were the one who defeated Celestia. By all rights, rule is yours regardless of the fact you were ambushed by a third party, and she slipped back in during the resulting chaos. While I was loyal to her, it was a mistake on my part due to a lack of information to form an educated opinion of the facts. She is nothing more than a false ruler who deprived you of what is truly yours, and used trickery to gain my servitude. All that happens from this point on is setting things right."

Chrysalis listened in silence as the Espada -a term she didn't recognize but didn't feel like asking about just yet- explained his reasons for helping her. However her silence was interrupted as he shot forward, and turned to look back towards her directly... all the while flying backwards!

"There are also a number of aspects about Celestia's personality that I believe make her unfit for continued rule. She is too soft in nature, and unwilling to take a course of action, no matter how necessary, if the end result involves a loss of life. Her failing to kill you upon your first encounter is proof of such and now her mistake is coming back to her," he stated. She scowled in response. "I may have been loyal to Celestia but I did not respect her or her softness. You are quite different. I believe you have the character aspects far more suitable for a ruler, such as ruthlessness and a willingness to sacrifice a few of your own troops if necessary. It is only logical that you hold the throne of Equestria, since you are a true queen. Unlike Celestia, you I like."

He liked her... he liked her! He liked her? She didn't know whether to be highly intrigued, or absolutely repulsed by this announcement. Making the matter worse -besides the fact she still couldn't ascertain the true reason of his sudden loyalty- was how with no further discussion, he turned back forward to continue his escort, leaving her with an unobstructed view of his clothed backside in the process.

She'd sort it all out later. Right now she had a kingdom to retake and the force necessary to do just that! The days of Celestia were number for sure this time, and that number was down to zero!

"I still say we should've brought the Elements of Harmony with us..." Pinkie muttered.

Canterlot palace was eerily quiet as they stepped through the halls, a stark contrast to the chariot ride over that'd been filled with talking, and even some measure of laughing. The only sounds really heard was from their own voices, and the soft clopping of their hooves against the marble floors as they made their way to the throne room. The entire area seemed devoid of all life, both in guards, and servants, save for the scant appearance of one or two members of the staff occasionally encountered in an isolated manner. It was disturbingly morbid, like walking through a mausoleum or something of a similar nature.

"We could've worn them on the way up, like we did when dealing with Discord, and it wouldn't have taken up anymore room," Pinkie continued.

"Pinkie Pie," Twilight spoke as she turned to face the pink earth pony on her right. "Look. I know you're concerned and you've got a bad feeling about this. But Princess Celestia said the whole situation was under control. I really don't think she would've said that if we really needed to bring the Elements of Harmony with us. She's so much more thorough than that," Twilight pointed out.

Pinkie did have a good point. They simply could have removed the Elements of Harmony from their chest and brought them individually. Halfway up here to Canterlot she'd been the one to bring up the matter first, asking if it was really wise to leave them back at home with the changelings running around. It was surprising really, that she would've thought about it before anypony else.

But just as the matter with bringing Spike, bringing the Elements of Harmony in such a manner presented a new difficulty to take into account. While wearing them would've reduced the amount of needed space, it did nothing to secure them against being lost should turbulence be encountered. Just because Discord couldn't steal them, didn't mean something else couldn't happen to them.

"You've got to trust Princess Celestia, she'd never do anything deliberate to cause anypony harm," she added as they finally reached the throne room of the palace, finding it equally deserted, except for the presence of the aforementioned ruler who was in the process of pacing about. "Princess Celestia!" she called and more or less bounded over to her, her friends showing considerably more restraint.

Princess Celestia turned at the sound of her name and smiled at the sight of Twilight and her friends. "Twilight, it's so good to see you, I'm so glad you could come so quickly," she greeted as her student came to a skidding halt on the floor before her. "I trust you and your friends are all unharmed and accounted for?"

"Everypony's present and accounted for, thanks to Ulquiorra's assistance. I still can't believe he's the only one who saw through the changeling's disguise, and knew Fluttershy was missing. If he hadn't come to Ponyville today, I don't know what the situation would be," Twilight stated.

The irony of the whole situation. She'd dispatched Ulquiorra to Ponyville in an effort to show trust of him, and how did he repay her? By uncovering a changeling invasion taking place right under her nose. Right now she was quite glad she placed her trust in the Espada despite his nature.

"You aren't the only one that was fooled, dear Twilight, Canterlot has been afflicted as well. At least one of my own royal guard members was replaced, and even I didn't know any different; not even when they were in the throne room with me. The situation is indeed quite serious," Princess Celestia told her. "Currently everypony able and willing to lend a hoof, is assisting in a search and rescue mission, for the over one hundred ponies that aren't currently accounted for, the guards included."

"We can help!" Rainbow Dash stated as she and the others approached.

"That's very kind of you to offer, Rainbow Dash," Princess Celestia stated. She expected nothing less from the Element of Loyalty. However she was stopped as she noticed something out of place. "Rainbow Dash? Whatever happened to your face?" she asked at the sight of the bandage, tilting her head in mild confusion.

"I wasn't looking where I was going, and wound up crashing right into the dude's back when we were all running to Ponyville. He's a lot faster than I thought," Rainbow Dash replied, grumbling at the last part. The others chuckled in response.

"Hey speakin' o' Mr. Cifer where is tha' scrawny fella anyway?" Applejack asked.

"We managed to discover information pertaining to the location of the changeling hive, and had reason to believe was accurate. Ulquiorra went to investigate and deal with the situation if it proved necessary," Princess Celestia explained.

Almost immediately a group shudder was issued from the six. Dealing with the situation under Ulquiorra's standard was... nightmarish in nature.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I feel sorry for Chrysalis if she must face him on her own," Rarity stated. She'd only been informed of the details regarding the invasion of Ponyville after the fact, spared the firsthoof accounts due to being locked away in the boutique, and working her hooves to the bone. Having been informed of the situation afterwards had done nothing to spare her the horrors she'd encountered. And if a force like that was going to face the changelings right at their front door... she really didn't want to think about what would be encountered, her stomach really couldn't take it.

"Ya ain' the only one. Ah got no love fer Chrysalis, but tha' Mr. Cifer is absolutely brutal. Ya remember what he did ta tha' dragon las' week?" Applejack asked, shuddering in memory. That beating had been... savage to put it nicely. She still couldn't forget the crunch she'd heard when he'd so effortlessly broken the dragon's claw like it was kindling.

"Yeah! Ulqy's like a walking bug zapper!" Pinkie stated. The others chuckled in agreement with her analysis.

However the chuckling soon came to a stop, as the sound of buzzing filled the air and alerted everypony to a problem. Running over to the balcony window they could easily see just what that problem was; hundreds of changelings had filled the air above the palace, just like last time. This was very, very bad.

"I knew we should've brought the Elements of Harmony. But does anypony listen to me? Noooo!" Pinkie stated. Why is it whenever she knew what the right answer was everypony wanted to learn that fact the hard way?

"Looks like we got us a situation on our hooves," Applejack commented, uncertain of what else she could say on the matter.

"Indeed you do."

Everyone turned at the sound of the unexpected voice to see Ulquiorra standing at the entrance to the throne room with his hands stuffed in his pockets and... and much to their surprise, Chrysalis was standing not far behind him, looking completely unharmed, and in sharp contrast to what they'd been expecting to see.

"Ulquiorra? What's the meaning of this? Why is Chrysalis here and... more importantly why is she unharmed?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Queen Chrysalis is present to reclaim what is rightfully hers. And it is my intention to aid her in achieving that goal," Ulquiorra explained calmly as he began walking forward.

"Now jus' an apple pickin' minute here! Whadda ya mean wha's rightfully hers?" Applejack demanded to know.

"The throne to Equestria. Celestia was defeated by Queen Chrysalis, rightfully the kingdom is hers and hers alone. The fact that Celestia remains is an injustice that must be addressed," he explained calmly as he continued stepping forward.

"This is most glorious! Celestia you have no idea how much you've helped me, by sending this fine specimen after me. He was quite eager to help me out, once he learned the truth of the situation. I must say, if you didn't send him, I don't know what I would've done," Chrysalis cackled as she followed.

Princess Celestia's mouth hung open as her eyes went wide. It couldn't be true... and yet here was Ulquiorra, standing before her, and confirming it as being the truth. He'd gone over to Chrysalis' side just like that. "How could you?" she demanded to know.

"It was the only logical conclusion that could be reached under the given circumstances," Ulquiorra replied simply. "You were correct to be suspicious of my nature, and whether or not I could be trusted. Did you ever wonder why I was so quick to swear my allegiance to you upon our first meeting? Simply to ensure my survival, and continued existence in your presence. I recognized that your power was greater than my own at the time, it was in my best interest to keep you happy and placated. I had motivation to prostrate, humiliate, and kowtow myself to you, in order to make you believe I wasn't a threat, making you believe I was far weaker than I truly am, all in hopes you wouldn't analyze the situation too carefully. Imagine my surprise when it worked," he continued as he approached closer. "However the time for such deception has come to an end. I will no longer be humiliating myself in your name. I serve Queen Chrysalis now, and a new reign will begin."

Ulquiorra concluded by bringing his right hand forward and snapping his fingers. Immediately over a dozen changeling drones buzzed through the open window, and tackled those that held the Element of Harmony, pinning them to the ground before they could do anything in response.

"Quite marvelous isn't he?" Chrysalis asked with a smirking grin directed at Celestia. "It's a shame you didn't appreciate true talent when you first saw it."

"I knew I never should have trusted you when Discord brought you to me," Princess Celestia stated as she scowled at Ulquiorra. How could she not see the treachery in him?

"And yet you did. Your foolishness will be your downfall," Ulquiorra replied and grasped the hilt of his zanpakutō.

In a burst of sonido he was gone, leaving Chrysalis very confused at where he went, as well as what that noise was resulting from his disappearance. Immediately afterward he appeared in front of Celestia with his zanpakutō drawn back over his left shoulder, swinging it forward to cut off Celestia's head.

His blade never met its target as it was effortlessly stopped by another blade, resulting in an otherworldly clang. Apparently Celestia wasn't caught completely off guard.

She stood strong, a glowing double edged broadsword formed from her own magic easily holding Ulquiorra's sword at bay, despite the impressive strength he held in his small frame. They were close enough to each other they could easily see what their opponent held in their eyes. In Ulquiorra's nothing but treason and murder. In Celestia's nothing but vengeance.

"You'll pay for this, I promise you that. You'll pay for your treachery," Princess Celestia informed him before pushing her sword forward, completely overwhelming Ulquiorra, and sending him flying back, his feet skidding against the carpeted floor as he tried to stop himself from losing any further ground.

Princess Celestia didn't even wait before launching herself forward, her wings spread wide as she pressed the assault, her sword of concentrated mana crashing against his zanpakutō held in a one handed grip, a look of pure determination on her face. Unfortunately for her, her opponent wasn't losing anymore ground, nor was he moving from his spot despite the beats of her wings.

Ulquiorra responded by swinging his left leg upward to kick her in the side of the head. Or at least try to do so, if she didn't duck just in time, narrowly avoiding a direct blow to her horn.

Off to the sides Chrysalis watched, grinning in amusement and disbelief as events unfolded before her. Never would she have believed her good fortune. The slashes of swords and clashes of blades meeting as the two sides struggled for absolute dominance over the other. On one side Celestia, fighting for what the alicorn truly had no right to possess. On the other side Ulquiorra Cifer, fighting on her behalf and her entire hive. And the way he so easily appeared and disappeared from view faster than she could blink as he tried to get an advantage over Celestia! It was absolutely marvelous!

Or at least it would be, if it weren't for the sounds coming from the captured ponies, as they struggled in a futile attempt to get free from her drones that held them down so they couldn't interfere.

"Stop fussing so much and simply enjoy the show. It's not everyday you see a tyrant dethroned to allow the proper ruler to ascend," she told them and turned her attention back to the fight just in time to see yet another clashing of swords, in this case Ulquiorra's sword being blocked from completing a proper thrust by the blunt side of Celestia's sword.

She was quick, Ulquiorra noted. Celestia was able to easily intercept his attack as if it were nothing. However her reflexes would only aid her so far, there was nothing preventing her from being overwhelmed. Immediately he pulled back and pressed on with his attack, a series of continual rapid forward thrusts in Celestia's direction, easily overwhelming her defenses, and forcing her to backtrack as he pressed on, making her duck, dodge and move to avoid getting impaled.

"So much for you truly being immortal," Ulquiorra commented. Why would any being who couldn't die do everything in their power to avoid getting struck? It didn't make any sense. In a flash of sonido he was out of her sight, reappearing above her and in the perfect position to strike with a downward swing right across her exposed back.

If only it'd done some good.

Rather than a deep bleeding cut that severed her spinal column, and left her crumpled on the floor, his zanpakutō didn't even penetrate her skin, coming to a complete stop at her side.

It seemed the intensity of her reiatsu really was enough, that he couldn't hurt her even when she was caught off guard.


"Indeed," Princess Celestia replied and instantly snagged him around his scrawny neck with a golden magical band, easily throwing him to the floor before he had any chance to react. "You'll learn that those who threaten my kingdom and my subjects pay the price!" she stated as she reared up on her hind legs and stomped on his chest with her front hooves.

All the parties involved watched as Celestia repeatedly stomped on Ulquiorra's frame, slamming him against the ground with each successful impact, and all the while his body laying unmoving, except for the natural physical reaction to the incoming blows that shook his limbs. It was all very brutal and painful to watch.

Right up to the point where Ulquiorra reached up with his left hand, grabbing hold of Princess Celestia's right leg by her hoof, stopping its -and her- descent, followed by flipping his body up and out of the way, and delivering a brutal kick just under her chin, the action serving as a launching point to right himself and land on his feet. Then the display stopped being quite so painful to watch.

"You'd better hope I don't get loose from here or I'm really gonna let you have it!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she tried to throw the changelings off of her but without much success.

Ulquiorra remained silent as he quickly considered his available options. He needed to be quick, as Celestia was already recovering, and would soon be out for his head. Immediately he bolted for the balcony window, planting one foot on the railing, and leaping into the air to take off.

"I don't care how many times I see that, it still isn't right. Nopony should be able to fly without wings!" Rainbow Dash stated angrily.

Was she joking? Equestria was facing what was likely the greatest threat it'd ever known, and Rainbow Dash was upset that Ulquiorra could fly without wings? Twilight so wanted to facehoof right now.

It was necessary to get away from here. Celestia was far too strong for him to hope to beat in up front combat, and even in subversive combat, it wouldn't work as he couldn't manage to harm her. If he couldn't even cut through her reiatsu currently, what chance did he have as he was right now?

His thoughts were interrupted by a disturbance in his pesquisa. In a bright flash of light Celestia appeared before him in the sky high above Canterlot, easily cutting off his intended escape route.

"I won't allow you to escape me. Not after you've betrayed me like this, Ulquiorra. I intend to see to it that you pay for these crimes. And this time you will most certainly pay, I guarantee you that," Celestia told him firmly as she reformed her sword once again.

He didn't even blink before responding. "You're mistaken," he said before disappearing from her view in a flash of sonido, appearing both above and behind her by a good bit. "I have no intention of trying to escape your pursuit. Rather, I am simply gaining sufficient distance, to ensure Canterlot palace doesn't collapse in my presence, and cause harm to the true and proper ruler of Equestria," Ulquiorra stated calmly.

Celestia watched wordlessly as Ulquiorra lifted his zanpakutō and stretched his arm outward, the tip aimed directly for her, the look in his eyes...

"Enclose, Murciélago..."

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