• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,686 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen

Celestia went silent at her sister's question to her. She looked at Luna for any signs that would suggest she was attempting to be humorous but no such signs existed. Rather she looked quite serious and confused.

"Pardon?" she asked.

"We asked why art thou standing naked in the throne room," Luna repeated herself.

She felt rather foalish right now as it just dawned on her that she still hadn't replaced her traditional jewelry after the closing of the solar court. The uneasiness of the nobles had been her one and only distraction during the day from her worries regarding everything else. She'd fully intended to put them back on afterwards but in her uncertainty over the mission and Ulquiorra's first truly unsupervised visit she'd simply forgotten about it. Now Luna was calling her out on it.

"It's not as if there's anything wrong with it. Most of our subjects are naked throughout the course of their days," Celestia explained.

"T'was not the question dear sister. Why art thou devoid of thine's royal adornments?" Luna asked as she looked her over with a critical eye. "We understand that thee doth wish to do away with royal decorum whenever possible but certain things are simply uncalled for, dear sister. Surely thou didst not entertain the nobles in such a manner."


"Sister?" Luna asked.

More silence.

"Dear sister surely thou doth jest!" Luna stated in disbelief. The look in Celestia's eyes had told the entire story even if her mouth was silent. She truly had done such! "Stars above and beyond, dear sister, we doth know that thou are mischevious but 'tis a knew level even for thee," she said and sighed, shaking her head at it all before turning to leave. "We art going to get ourselves doughnuts from Doughnut Joe's shop. And we wouldst like to see thee attempt to stop us from doing so," she said as she turned her head to face her, her scowl informing Celestia that she was displeased with her, just daring her to try something in response.

Celestia for her part was left uncertain and uneasy. She really didn't believe that Luna would be so uptight about her actions. She'd had to deal with the nobles before and agreed that they were bothersome and a pain in the flank to put up with time and time again. She thought her sister would be more open to the idea of the change in decorum but apparently she was wrong.

Before Luna could leave though there was a loud boom in the distance that brought her right back to the balcony to see what was going on. Were they under attack?

"The Sonic Rainboom?" Celestia asked as she saw the polychromatic shock wave rip into existence. To the best of her knowledge Rainbow Dash was still the only pony who could use such a technique, so the only logical conclusion was that she was in the area. However what caught her eye was the rainbow trail that originated at the center of the shock wave and was hurtling toward...

...right toward the dragon as it was leaving? Whatever was Rainbow Dash doing?

Luna meanwhile had magically grabbed the royal telescope from its resting spot to get a better look at events as they unfolded, managing to catch a glimpse as Rainbow Dash impacted the dragon's ribs before bouncing off from the angle of her trajectory and wildly spinning out of control. Whatever had possessed the little pegasus to launch an attack against a fully grown dragon?

Whatever it had been it appeared that her attack had done some measure of damage to the dragon as it grasped its side and its flight course suffered greatly. And then she noticed as something fell out of its clenched claw. Not now something but somepony... somebody!

"Ulquiorra Cifer!" Luna shouted in surprise.

Celestia was curious and commandeered the telescope to see what her sister was talking about, observing as Rainbow Dash managed to match up with Ulquiorra's downward trajectory and pluck him out of the air so effortlessly. As best she could tell the dragon must've captured the Arrancar and Rainbow Dash had launched a rescue mission to get him back; a mission that had succeeded. Unfortunately now it looked like they had to contend with an angry dragon that was bearing down on them intent on devouring them right out of the air.

And then a boulder wrapped in a lavender aura entered the picture and shattered against the dragon's side and distracted it. It was safe to conclude that Twilight and her friends were now launching their own rescue effort.

"What dost thou see?" Luna asked and wrestled control of the telescope from her sister to see what was going on. She looked just in time to see boulder after boulder slamming into the dragon and annoying it greatly as they shattered from the impact and fell to the ground. Ingenious! "Twilight Sparkle and her friends are most resourceful," Luna commented. However her look of excitement soon turned to one of horror. "The dragon's now going after them! And... and..."

"And what? What's happening?" Celestia asked as she grew more concerned by the second at Luna's silence.

Luna said nothing and passed to telescope back to Celestia, allowing her to see for herself what was going on, herself finding the entire thing too unbelievable to entertain. But sure enough there it was before them, Ulquiorra Cifer using both hands and halting the dragon's approach as he stood in mid air as if on solid ground. Not even the flapping of its large wings seemed sufficient to overcome such a minute obstacle. While they'd both been present when he'd said he was capable of flight it was quite different to see such an act rather than just hearing about it.

And then the beating began. Celestia didn't know whether to cringe or rub her eyes in confusion. "He's... he's beating the tar out of the dragon all by himself..."

The very notion of it all. Luna didn't even want to consider the implications of it, she truly didn't.

"Might we make an observation dear sister?" Luna finally asked. Celestia turned away from the telescope to look at her. "We remember Ulquiorra Cifer stating that he was overwhelmed by our presence and our strength eclipsed his own even though we didst not realize such a thing were possible. But in light of certain recent developments..." she paused and glanced back in the direction of the mountains, "we doth believe that he is bullshitting us."

Celestia was a little surprised by her sister's choice of language and how bluntly she'd just said what she did, even moreso by the fact that it was a term native to Ulquiorra's world rather than their own. However before she could raise the issue she was cut off by a bright green beam effortlessly cutting through the slowly darkening sky.

"What just happened? Did Ulquiorra Cifer just..." Luna began but was unable to finish the sentence.

Celestia looked back through the telescope to evaluate the situation. "No... no it looks like... I really can't believe it myself, it looks like Fluttershy managed to prevent an execution from taking place... and now it looks like she's scolding both Ulquiorra and the dragon at the same time," she relayed.

Luna laughed. Despite everything that had been going on and all the concerns she had she found herself laughing out loud. She could mentally picture Ulquiorra Cifer and the dragon, both of them with horrible looks on their face as an angry Fluttershy flew back and forth between them, yelling at them about their wrongs and doing so in that petite voice of hers raised to new levels in volume.

"And now it would seem the dragon is leaving. It would seem Fluttershy succeeded in her mission," Celestia stated.

"Most excellent dear sister!" Luna cheered. "Shouldst we depart to collect Ulquiorra Cifer and the Elements of Harmony? Nightfall is destined for not long from now and the journey back to Ponyville is quite long."

"That sounds like an excellent idea. There are a few things I wish to discuss with them and the sooner the better," Celestia agreed and nodded.

"Then let us depart," Luna replied, but quickly flared her wings out as she stepped before her sister. "But first thou art finding thine's adornments. Thou art going nowhere in your state of undress. 'Tis undignified."

It was unsettlingly still and uncomfortably quiet. Fluttershy hadn't said so much as a single word in the minute that passed since the dragon had left. She hadn't softened her stare, she hadn't even let go of Ulquiorra's wrist. It was just a dead stillness in the air like before a massive rain dropped. It was uncomfortable enough the others were feeling it as they observed the two and waited to see who would blink first.

"The tension's thick enough ya could cut it wit' a knife," Applejack quietly commented.

"I don't think a slice of tension would make a very good snack. It's all tough and chewy like beef jerky," Pinkie replied.

The others gave the pink earth pony a confused look at what she'd just said. But then again that wasn't the weirdest thing she'd ever said, just one of the more unexpected things they'd heard so far. They'd let it go for now as they waited to see how things unfolded.

"I don't believe I've ever seen Fluttershy this upset before. It's positively eerie if you ask me," Rarity added and shivered.

Not far away Ulquiorra wasn't doing much better than the rest of them. It was inconceivable that Fluttershy would be able to meet and return his gaze with an effectiveness such as this. It was disturbing, unsettling, and very confusing. "Do you intend to release my arm before nightfall?" he finally asked.

"How..." he heard Fluttershy respond in a low and passively hostile tone, "how can you be so cruel and merciless? How could you be so serious about killing a living creature?" she all but demanded as her foreleg shook, her reiatsu level seeming to increase further.

"It was a calculated decision and the most logical conclusion. Surely one dragon does not outweigh the lives of everyone in Equestria, your "friends" and your animals included," Ulquiorra replied. The whole reason she'd agreed to this mission was because he'd pointed out her animals were facing the possibility of death if she didn't. Why was she so upset with him having chosen the best course of action? "Had I not acted you and the rest of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony would likely be dead by now and Equestria would have been left defenseless."

"That doesn't make it your decision to make!" Fluttershy angrily exclaimed and flung his arm free in frustration as she glared at him, folding her forelegs across her chest. "How can you be so heartless as to decide that you're going to kill something that you're obviously stronger than?"

Heartless. How appropriate a term to use to describe him. Perhaps Fluttershy knew far more than she was letting on. Or perhaps she truly didn't know what she was talking about and was simply lashing out due to fury over his methodology.

Or perhaps it was anger with herself. Did she finally understand that she'd just wound up defending the same dragon that tried to kill not only her, but the ponies she was closest to? Did she understand how close they'd come to dying what was a very unpleasant death in any world?

At least now he had his hand free again. Perhaps it was time to reveal the truth to these ponies and show them what they were truly dealing with.

"Because I truly am heartless by nature," Ulquiorra replied as he reached up to the top of his jacket to pull the zipper downward. "See for..." he paused and cast an aside glance to the west, "we have company."

It was at that moment that both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna came into view and touched down for a landing near the rest of the group. Ulquiorra observed as each of the ponies gave a respective bow to their leaders, even the greatly angered Fluttershy seemed to have the sense to observe whatever protocol was in place. He himself remained standing and simply pocketed his hands.

"Rise my little ponies," Princess Celestia spoke softly, casting him a glance before turning her attention to Twilight Sparkle. "What news do you have to report, my most faithful student?"

"Mission accomplished, Princess, Fluttershy managed to make the dragon leave and Equestria is safe once again," Twilight spoke proudly.

"And is that all there is to report? Nothing out of the ordinary happened?" Princess Celestia asked. "No unexpected developments occurred?"

Twilight was started to feel a sense of nervousness. What was Princess Celestia asking about? Did she suspect something? Was she displeased and looking for answers in order to determine if somepony was guilty of something in order to hoof out judgement?

"The dragon was awake."

Twilight blinked and looked over at Ulquiorra as he spoke in a calm and collected manner, showing absolutely no regard for royalty or tradition. But at the moment she couldn't muster the concern to care about that.

"By the time we arrived the dragon was already awake and quite hostile toward your subjects and attacked them. It was necessary to intervene in order to fulfill your original orders issued upon our first meeting. To not harm your subjects includes both direct actions that could amount to harm, or indirect action that would reasonably allow for harm to come by not directly interfering to prevent harm," Ulquiorra explained.

Princess Celestia frowned some. If Ulquiorra had disobeyed her orders and attacked the dragon as he'd intended to do back at Canterlot castle then it would've been one thing. Instead his actions had been defensive in nature and his attack was in response to provocation. She wasn't entirely certain what to think at the moment. However before she could go too deep into thought the others began addressing her.

"You shoulda seen it Princess it was awesome! The dragon never stood a chance against Ulqy!" Pinkie stated.

"Yeah first the dragon tried burning him and he just walked outta the flames like a boss and wasn't even singed," Rainbow Dash added.

"An' then he stomped on tha' dragon's head an' knocked it ta the ground, then had 'em held by the snout like he was wranglin' a bull wit' a ring through its nose," Applejack added.

"And then the dragon tried to smash him like he was a walnut and Ulqy just stood their like this," Pinkie paused to rear up on her hind legs and extend her left foreleg above her head, doing her best to imitate his permanent frown, "and stopped the dragon's claw from ever touching the ground! It was like hoofwrestling or something! It was so cool!" she squealed.

"It was an incredibly barbaric display," Rarity commented, "but at the same time I can't remember seeing anything so knightly in nature. To think one would put themselves in harms way to protect us from a dragon. Oh it was just so marvelous!" she stated and shivered.

"Well now. It would seem you all had a very big day," Princess Celestia spoke as she looked around at each of them and back at Ulquiorra. They were all quite excited while he remained unmoved and stone faced as ever. "The others have spoken fondly of you. Do you have anything you'd like to contribute?"

"I do," Ulquiorra replied. If Princess Celestia was expecting kindness and tact from him simply because of a few glowing reviews by her loyal subjects then she was about to be sorely disappointed. "In my time spent with your subjects on this mission I have reached the conclusion that placing the safety of Equestria on their shoulders is the most idiotic concept that could possibly be imagined. If it was your decision to do such then you are without doubt the most foolish one I have ever met and would question the wisdom of your rule of Equestria. Without intervention these six would have been summarily devoured and the country would be plunged into toxic darkness."

"Ulquiorra!" Twilight shouted in response to hearing what he was saying. How dare he address Princess Celestia in such an unacceptable manner?

"Had circumstances been different you would have issued these six their death warrant. They stood no chance of victory in the up front confrontation that arose. They were outclassed in every respect and aware of the fact," Ulquiorra continued.

Princess Celestia's frown was deepening, as were the frowns and displeasure of every other pony that was present. They didn't seem to care to hear the truth. Even now he could see Rainbow Dash's wings twitching as she prepared to deploy them, most likely to fly at him and launch a verbal assault over how he was wrong to look down on her and the others. But she never got the chance as he continued speaking.

"That said, despite being aware of how hopeless the situation was they still did not hesitate to launch a rescue attempt when they believed it was needed," he stated. That seemed to temper the hostility he was presented with. That would allow him to continue in relative peace. "They chose to engage the dragon in direct combat because they believed I was in danger regardless of the unlikelihood of their succeeding. I must say it was an impressive display. And regardless of their efforts being unnecessary I must express some measure of gratitude for their consideration and loyalty."

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow Dash stated and leaped off the ground to throw her forelegs up into the air. "We're awesome!"

"That doesn't change the fact that your endeavor was quite moronic in nature and a waste of your mana," Ulquiorra countered. As expected previously Rainbow Dash was quickly in his face and displaying her hostility.

"Hey dude I saved your flank!" she shouted.

"My "flank" as you refer to it was never in any danger. While the dragon was indeed several times stronger than I originally believed it was still below my own level of strength, as demonstrated earlier. While my capture was unplanned I was perfectly capable of escaping on my own. I was simply allowing for a safe distance to be reached to ensure none of you were harmed. Had I responded prematurely there's a good chance you six would've been buried alive in a cave in," he explained calmly.

Despite the logic of his words they didn't seem to be registering with Rainbow Dash. She was currently attempting to burn a hole through him with her stare as if she were Fluttershy. However she lacked the yellow pegasi's qualities and her efforts were lackluster.

And after a minute of attempting to cut through his own stare with hers it seemed she was slowly realizing that she wasn't cut out for this as she began to back down as she grew visibly uncomfortable.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had been reluctantly silent at Ulquiorra's words and interactions since their arrival. His words had been most unkind about them and their subjects and how matters were addressed in Equestria. For the most part they could be tolerated, he was a stranger in a strange land after all, he still needed time to adjust to his new surroundings. But the stare down with Rainbow Dash and Twilight trying to scold/lecture him and being ignored was too much and it became time to intervene in order to restore some degree of harmony.

"Is there anything else to add?" Princess Celestia asked, hoping to distract all parties before they quite possibly came to blows.

"Indeed," Ulquiorra replied and turned his attention away from Rainbow Dash in order to address her directly. "Upon the start of this mission I assumed your trust in Fluttershy had been misplaced. The entire way up here she displayed extreme fear and a strong desire to be anywhere else. Her fear of dragons is significant and I doubted the validity of what you were saying. However I was quite surprised when I witnessed her successfully make the dragon flee from this mountain range, while at the same time exercising far more understanding and kindness than I would be willing to do myself. She even went so far as to defend the dragon when I concluded it was far too dangerous to allow it to continue living due to the hostility it had displayed up to that point. Even after it tried to kill those that are considered her "friends" she still chose to believe it deserved to live. I can't begin to understand why."

"Ooh! Ooh! And you should've seen what he did up to that point! Twilight was throwing boulders at the dragon to keep it from eating Ulqy and Dashie, then the dragon was like "ROAR!" and came charging us, and then Ulqy got in front of it and made it stop in midair and then punched it out!" Pinkie rambled loudly, the words flowing from her mouth so fast it was almost all blending together.

"I don't even want to think of how many laws of physics Ulquiorra broke in the course of a few minutes," Twilight groaned and hung her head.

"And then he... hey Mr. Cifer wha' was tha' thing ya were doin' tha' Fluttershy stopped?" Applejack asked as she turned back to face him. "When ya did that thing ah could feel somethin' like lightnin' runnin' up an' down mah spine."

"The technique is referred to as "Cero." It is a blast of highly concentrated reiryoku, similar to but more powerful than the Bala technique I used to distract the dragon the first time around," Ulquiorra explained before turning his attention to the now grounded Fluttershy, the look in her eyes nowhere near as intense as it had been. "Had you attempted to block my Cero directly with your body you would have been incinerated. It is quite fortunate you merely altered my aim instead. I'm still curious at to how you managed such a feat."

"Ya'll shoulda seen it. He sucker punched the dragon right in the gut an' brought it down right quick," Applejack whispered.

Fluttershy seemed to shrink under his gaze and his words, her own rage seemingly burned off, her reiatsu level nowhere near as high as it had been just a minute ago. Were all of these ponies prone to such random and unpredictable fluctuations in the pressure exerted by their reiryoku?

"I just... I couldn't just stand back and let that poor dragon get hurt anymore than he was. Not when I saw the look in his eyes, all the pain, and the fear... and all the... despair... It just... it just seemed so... heartless..." Fluttershy all but whispered in response.

Again with the term. As well as her noting of the dragon seeing despair when facing him. This was starting to seem like too much of a coincidence. At present time he was uncertain just what grand plan Twilight Sparkle might have in mind but he didn't care. The time for this deception, this "foreign dignitary" charade, was over. It was now time for them to find out what he truly was and understand what they were dealing with.

"As I attempted to explain earlier I am heartless due to it being my nature. See for yourself," he said as he reached up to the collar of his jacket and drew down the zipper.

They all watched as Ulquiorra removed his long tailed jacket to reveal his frame underneath. He was indeed scrawny as Applejack observed, yet his entire build was covered in a toned muscular structure, the same chalky off-white as his face and hands. A large black 4 in an archaic font was on the left side of his muscular chest... with a large gaping hole set right in the middle of his chest; a hole that ran clean through to his back as they observed when his jacket fell to the ground and let the light shine through. The silence at the reveal was enough that one could hear a pin drop.

"Oh... my..."

Much to everypony's surprise -if they were indeed listening- the squeaky statement hadn't come from Fluttershy but rather Princess Celestia who stood there with her mouth hanging open. She'd seen such when she'd scanned Ulquiorra's mind and memories, but this was her first actual seeing of the hole possessed by a Hollow. She'd assumed that when Discord had brought Ulquiorra to this dimension his body had been changed in a way that was suited for life in Equestria but she could see that she'd assumed wrong.

Twilight stood silent, her mind racing with questions and her eyes nearly going as big as the hole in Ulquiorra's chest as he stood there as if nothing was wrong. How could he have a hole completely through his chest and be fine? The placement of that hole meant so many serious health complications! No heart for circulation of blood, no spinal column to support his lower body, a severely compromised ribcage, no direct passageway to the stomach, and countless other matters regarding biological impossibilities presented by this development. The world around her was spinning as she found herself feeling incredibly lightheaded.

There was a thud as Twilight fainted and hit the ground, not that any of them really noticed.

Author's Note:

For those that wish to see the extended fight between Ulquiorra and the dragon, as well as greater character interaction between the cast see here.

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