• Published 1st May 2024
  • 478 Views, 7 Comments

A Man with a straw hat - Flip_The_Table

[Displaced] A cosplayer dressed up as young Gol D Roger but in a flash… He became Roger in a different world, and now he seeks to turn the world upside down

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Canterlot: NEW WORLD! A new Gol D Roger is born!

He possesses an inexplicable power, a mystery that eludes comprehension. His actions defy convention, driven by a relentless pursuit of his desires. Unearthing the enigmatic treasure long veiled by the legend of Joyboy, he emerges as a figure shrouded in intrigue. Who is he? This question echoes across the world's seas. Fearless amidst the perils of the Grand Line, his unwavering grin withstands even the darkest tempests. He claims a title: King of the Pirates. With an elusive 'D' marking his name, he embodies the essence of freedom, indifferent to societal constraints. He is the embodiment of liberation, seizing it with unwavering conviction. He is none other than Gol D. Roger.

Eli cheered with exhilaration, having just witnessed the latest episode of One Piece. The cliffhanger left him buzzing with excitement. While he had anticipated Gear 5 Luffy from the manga, the animated portrayal took the hype to another level. As fatigue crept in, he switched off the TV, only to be greeted by a text from a friend.

"Joyboy is here! Gear 5 OMFG!" the message read.

Eli grinned at the screen, his anticipation mirrored in his friend's enthusiasm. "I know, right! I can't wait to see the flood of Luffy cosplays!" he replied, amusement evident in his text. "Are you suiting up as Luffy? Because I may or may not have his outfit all set and ready," his friend teased.

Eli chuckled at the banter, already envisioning the trio's cosplay lineup. "Nah, you go as Luffy. Henry mentioned he's dressing up as young Shanks and wanted to complete the trio of straw hats," Eli explained, glancing at his outfit, the straw hat resting prominently on the table. As he returned his gaze to the buzzing phone, he read the incoming message.

"Oh! You're going as young Roger? Cool! Last year, so many people said you looked uncannily like him!" his friend exclaimed before confirming their roles. "Okay! So I'm Luffy, Henry is Shanks, and you're Roger again. Cool! I'll see you tomorrow for the dress-up!"

Eli grinned, already eager for the festivities ahead. "Can't wait! Tomorrow's going to be epic!" he replied, excitement bubbling within him. Eli sighed, tearing his eyes away from the glowing screen of his phone to glance at the clock. The late hour stared back at him accusingly. With a heavy breath, he rose from his seat and cast a glance out the window, his heart sinking as he spotted his parents' car pulling into the driveway. He had lost track of time again.

Resigned, he made his way to his parents' room and gave a gentle knock, announcing his surrender to the night. "I'm heading to bed now," he informed them quietly, his voice tinged with exhaustion. Another binge-watching session had come to an end, leaving him weary and ready to retreat into the solace of sleep.
As Eli settled back into his room, exhaustion weighed heavy on his eyelids. He flopped onto his bed with a tired sigh, feeling the day's fatigue seep into his bones. Gazing at the wall, his eyes drifted towards his collection of One Piece memorabilia. A fleeting thought crossed his mind—how he could resemble a fitting Roger if a live-action adaptation ever came to fruition.

With a shrug, he dismissed the notion, pulling his covers up snugly around him. Another sigh escaped his lips as he surrendered to the embrace of sleep. The room fell silent, save for the gentle rhythm of his breath, as Eli drifted into slumber, the adventures of the Grand Line fading into dreams.

Eli's phone blared its persistent alarm, he groggily reached out to silence it, his hand fumbling for the screen. Slumping to the edge of his bed, he let out a loud yawn, stretching his back and flexing his hands to shake off the remnants of sleep. The sound of his joints popping echoed in the quiet room.

Dragging himself to the bathroom, Eli turned on the shower, the rush of warm water coaxing him further awake. The cascade of water helped to clear the lingering fog of sleep, and by the time he stepped out, he felt refreshed and almost alert.

"Coffee," he muttered to himself, shuffling into the living room. The aroma of his mom's cooking greeted him, instantly making his mouth water. Sausages and bacon glistened with maple syrup, a tantalizing sight that stirred his appetite. Eli couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the hearty breakfast awaiting him.

"Good morning, Mom," Eli greeted with a smile as his mother set the plate down in front of him. With a grateful nod, he eagerly dug into the meal, practically inhaling the bacon with lightning speed. His mother let out a good-natured groan at his voracious appetite. "You eat like your father... at least close your mouth while you chew," she chided gently, prompting a laugh from Eli.

"Hey, blame the old man then!" he retorted with a grin, his mouth half-full as he continued to devour his breakfast. The playful banter between mother and son filled the kitchen with warmth, a familiar and comforting start to the day. Eli's laughter abruptly ceased as a playful yet firm bonk landed on his head, courtesy of his father sneaking up behind him. "You know better than to talk back to your mother, boy," his father chided, a hint of amusement in his tone. Eli recoiled, flopping onto the counter with an exaggerated pout. "Hey, that hurt! What's the deal, old man?" he protested, rubbing the spot where he'd been tapped.

His father's retort was swift. "There's nothing wrong with me, you little runt!" he shot back with mock indignation, a mischievous glint in his eye. Before the banter could escalate any further, Eli and his father found themselves yelping in unison as Eli's mother seized their ears in a firm grip, her patience worn thin.
"Both of you, enough!" she scolded, her tone leaving no room for argument. Eli and his father exchanged sheepish glances, their protests melting into apologies as they begged for mercy under the firm yet loving grasp of Eli's mother. It was a familiar scene, one that spoke volumes of the familial bond shared between them.

With a final admonishing look, Eli's mother released their ears, her frown softening into a gentle smile as she observed the playful exchange between father and son. Soon enough, Eli and his father joined in her laughter, the tension dissipating into the air like morning mist. Their shared amusement filled the room, warming it with the bond of family.

As they finished their breakfast, conversation flowed freely, punctuated by laughter and anticipation for the day ahead. They discussed plans and shared stories, their voices mingling harmoniously in the cozy kitchen. Despite the earlier antics, there was an undeniable sense of closeness and love that enveloped them, a reminder of the strength found in familial ties.

"Heading over to Henry's for cosplay setup. We're thinking of playing one of the One Piece openings," Eli explained, considering his mother's suggestion. She rubbed her chin in thought before suggesting, "Why not 'We Are'? It's catchy and well-known among fans." Eli nodded, liking the idea and pressed it further.

His father, always the jokester, chimed in with another idea. "How about the 'Pirate Rap,' son? Let's grab the attention of those fans who endured the 4Kids version," he suggested with a grin. Eli's expression faltered slightly. "Dad...you do remember they called Zoro 'Zolo' in that, right?" he deadpanned. His father burst into laughter, acknowledging the ridiculousness of the situation.

"Another good reason! Ha," his father chuckled, buoyed by the laughter-filled atmosphere. Eli rolled his eyes playfully, joining in the shared amusement with his parents before excusing himself to the bathroom.

With his cosplay gear in one arm and the iconic straw hat in the other, Eli entered the room and began to transform. He removed his shirt, revealing a hint of muscle beneath, and donned the black shirt without buttoning it, allowing his chest to peek through. Next came the cut-up blue pants, completing the signature look.

Eli scrutinized his reflection in the mirror, nodding in satisfaction as he reached for his razor. With careful precision, he shaved off any stray hairs from his mouth and chin, refining his appearance. Adjusting his hair until it fell just right, he finally placed the straw hat atop his head, completing the ensemble.

Surveying himself in the mirror, Eli nodded with a sense of accomplishment. The transformation was complete, and he was ready to embody his favorite character from One Piece. "Heh... not bad at all! Man... I really do look like Roger," Eli remarked, scrutinizing his reflection with satisfaction. With a final nod of approval, he exited the bathroom, only to be greeted by his parents' astonished expressions.

"Eli... you're really going out like that?" his father questioned, confusion evident on his face. Eli raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "What, is it the no-shirt look? Or have you not been watching enough One Piece, Dad?" he quipped, adjusting his shirt slightly before deciding to button it up for added warmth.

His mother stepped forward, planting a kiss on his head and offering her approval. "So handsome!" she exclaimed, her words accompanied by a barrage of affectionate gestures. Eli grinned at the attention, feeling reassured in his choice of cosplay attire.

"Alright, gotta get going!" Eli waved goodbye to his parents before stepping out the door and heading toward his car. Midway, he paused to inspect the sky, noticing storm clouds gathering on the horizon. "Huh, I thought the reports said it was going to rain next week?" he mused, though he didn't dwell on it for long. With a shrug, he dismissed the thought and hopped into his car, ready to make his way to his friend's place for the Comic Con setup.

With simple tunes playing on the radio, Eli hummed along to the beats, chuckling at his own lackluster singing skills. As he turned the corner of the street, his lighthearted mood shattered in an instant as a brick came hurtling out of nowhere, smashing through his windshield. "Shit!" he exclaimed, slamming on the brakes and bringing his car to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road.

Cursing under his breath, Eli scrambled out of his car, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the culprit. But there was no one in sight, and the sudden onset of wind caught him off guard. "Who the hell had the bright idea to throw this at my car?" he shouted, frustration evident in his voice. As he searched for the source of the wind, a chilling sound pierced the air—the wail of a tornado siren.

Eli's blood ran cold as the realization hit him. He stood frozen in place, his heart pounding in his chest as he listened to the urgent warning of an approaching tornado. Panic surged through Eli as he frantically tried to start his car, cursing under his breath as the engine refused to respond. "Come on, you piece of shit! You were just working a—" His words were cut short by a blinding strike of lightning that illuminated the road before him. With a yelp, Eli instinctively ducked his head, the wind howling around him, its force intensifying by the second.

His heart raced as he watched in horror as the tornado bore down on him. "No, no! This can't be real!" he shouted in disbelief, his attempts to restart the car proving futile. With desperation gripping him, Eli grabbed his switchblade and kicked open the door, leaping out and sprinting away from the car, his only thought to escape the approaching whirlwind. But his efforts were in vain. The relentless wind pushed against him with such force that he struggled to make any headway. Each step forward felt like a battle against an invisible barrier, and soon, Eli found himself being pushed back, his progress thwarted by the ferocious gusts.
Fighting against the wind, he struggled to maintain his footing, his heart pounding with fear as he faced the full fury of the oncoming tornado.
"No! God, I don't want to die!" Eli's terrified cry echoed into the swirling chaos as the tornado lifted him off the ground, his body tossed and twisted by the violent winds. Clinging desperately to his straw hat, he felt a sense of surreal disorientation as he was buffeted from side to side, completely at the mercy of the storm.

His eyes snapped open in terror as he realized he was no longer grounded, his screams for help lost in the deafening roar of the tempest. "Someone please help me!" he pleaded, his voice drowned out by the howling winds. As he looked up at the sky, a flicker of hope sparked within him, only to be extinguished in an instant as he saw a bolt of lightning hurtling toward him. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Eli braced himself for the inevitable. And then, darkness enveloped him, swallowing him whole as the world faded to black.

As Eli slowly opened his eyes, the bright sunlight filtered through, causing him to shield his face with his hand. "What happened?" he muttered groggily, his mind still foggy from the ordeal. But his dazed state quickly dissipated as he froze upon hearing a voice—a voice that shouldn't be there.

"That wasn't him, was it?" Eli's thoughts raced as he struggled to make sense of the situation. With a jolt, he sat up, his heart pounding in his chest. "What the—?" he began, only to falter as the voice returned, unmistakably audible once again.

Eli's mind raced with questions as he tried to comprehend the surreal experience. Was he hallucinating? Was this some sort of afterlife? With a growing sense of unease, he braced himself for whatever might come next, his senses alert and his instincts on high alert.

As Eli grappled with the bewildering situation, a torrent of questions flooded his mind. "What's going on? Why do I sound like this... was it the storm? How would that even work?" he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with confusion and disbelief. His surroundings came into focus as he realized he was in an alleyway, further adding to his disorientation. "How did I get here?" he muttered, his attention now fixated on the uncanny transformation of his voice.

Driven by a desperate need for answers, Eli's gaze darted around the alley in search of a reflective surface. Spotting a bucket filled with water nearby, he wasted no time in rushing over to it. Peering into the murky depths, he gasped in shock as he beheld the reflection staring back at him—not his own, but that of a young Roger.

A strangled yelp escaped Eli's lips as he stumbled back, his mind reeling from the impossible sight before him. Pressing himself against the wall for support, he frantically examined his hands, his fingers trembling as he realized they bore no resemblance to his own. In a surreal twist of fate, he had become Gol D. Roger, the legendary figure from One Piece. But how? How had this inexplicable transformation occurred? The answers eluded him, leaving him stranded in a bewildering reality that defied all rational explanation.
"I... don't understand," Eli muttered, still struggling to come to terms with the bizarre turn of events. He pinched himself in a desperate attempt to wake from what he assumed was a dream—only to wince in pain as the pinch registered all too real. His heart pounding with adrenaline, Eli began to frantically assess his body, slapping at different parts of himself in a futile attempt to grasp the reality of his transformation. With each touch, he noticed subtle yet undeniable changes: his muscles felt more defined, his legs seemed longer, and his arms exuded a newfound strength.

A sense of disbelief washed over him as he realized that this was no dream—it was real. Panic threatened to overwhelm him, but Eli forced himself to stay calm, his mind racing as he grappled with the impossible truth of his situation. He was no longer just Eli—he had become Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King himself.

A loud, hearty laugh erupted from Eli's lips, echoing through the alleyway in a manner reminiscent of Roger himself. "This is real alright!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his amusement at the surreal turn of events. His grin widened as he embraced the absurdity of his situation. "I'm the King of the Pirates! Or not yet, at least..." he mused aloud, his thoughts drifting to the uncertainty of his newfound identity.

As he stepped out of the alleyway and into the bustling city, Eli's eyes widened in awe at the sights unfolding before him. The city sprawled out before him, its towering buildings reaching toward the sky in a testament to human ingenuity and ambition. But it was the townsfolk who truly captured his attention.

Gasping in surprise, Eli noticed that they were different—distinctly so from the characters he knew from the show. There were no eccentricities or exaggerated features; instead, they resembled ordinary people going about their daily lives. This revelation filled Eli with a sense of unease. If this wasn't the world he knew from One Piece, then where exactly had he ended up? And more importantly, how was he going to navigate this unfamiliar reality?

As Eli pondered his perplexing predicament, he retreated back into the alleyway, his mind whirling with questions. "I'm Roger in a different world completely... is this even the One Piece world?" he mused aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Suddenly, a new voice chimed in, catching Eli off guard. It seemed to emanate from the straw hat resting nearby. "Oh ho, that just means more adventure!" the voice exclaimed with an air of excitement, its tone unmistakably reminiscent of Roger's. Eli's eyes widened in astonishment as he realized the truth—he was hearing Roger's voice in his head. "So, you must be Roger? Or me?" Eli's thoughts questioned, the notion feeling surreal yet strangely comforting.

"Yes and no, we're the same now, so deal with it," Roger's voice responded with a hint of amusement, confirming Eli's suspicions. "Very well then... so what do you say... me?" Eli's thoughts inquired, his curiosity piqued by the prospect of embarking on this new adventure with the spirit of Gol D. Roger residing within him.
"Adventure!" Eli declared with a newfound sense of determination, his hand instinctively reaching for the iconic straw hat that now symbolized his identity as Gol D. Roger. With a resolute gaze, he surveyed the bustling city before him, fully embracing the prospect of the extraordinary journey that lay ahead.

As he clenched his hands into fists, a broad grin spread across his face, embodying the spirit of the legendary pirate king. With a sense of unity, both Eli and Roger's voices merged into one, echoing their shared enthusiasm for the adventures that awaited them.

"ADVENTURE!" they exclaimed in unison, their voices ringing out with unwavering conviction. With a firm resolve, Eli strode confidently out of the alleyway and into the unknown, ready to embrace his destiny as Gol D. Roger, the future King of the Pirates.

As Roger waved enthusiastically at the ponies, marveling at their wings and horns, he couldn't help but feel a pang of hunger gnawing at his stomach. "Hey, you guys know where I can find food?" he asked the ponies, hoping for a helpful response. However, they simply shook their heads and continued about their business, leaving Roger feeling frustrated and famished.

Undeterred, Roger continued walking deeper into town, his attention consumed by his growling stomach. Unaware of the curious stares directed his way, he pressed on, his mind focused solely on finding something to eat.

Suddenly, Roger's thoughts were interrupted by a sharp blow to the head, causing him to stumble and collapse to the ground, consciousness slipping away. As he teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, he was dimly aware of two figures in golden armor standing over him, their faces etched with confusion.

Before he could succumb to darkness, Roger caught a glimpse of wings on the guards' backs, and in his delirium, he muttered something about meat. The world faded into blackness as he slipped into unconsciousness, his fate now in the hands of these mysterious figures.

With a sense of urgency, the two guards eyed the unconscious man lying before them, their spears held at the ready as they cautiously approached. Carefully tapping his face with the tips of their weapons, they confirmed that he was indeed out cold.

"We must tell Princess Celestia about this!" one of the pony guards declared, sheathing his sword and casting a disdainful glance at the fallen man. "Indeed," the other guard agreed solemnly, his expression mirroring his companion's concern. Without hesitation, a third guard stepped forward, his horn glowing with magical energy as he levitated Roger into the air.

"Best hurry, this monkey is heavy," the third guard remarked, his voice laced with impatience as he began to march towards the castle, its sun symbol gleaming brightly in the center. With a sense of purpose, the trio set off on their journey to inform the princess of the peculiar intruder they had encountered. A human…