> A Man with a straw hat > by Flip_The_Table > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Canterlot: NEW WORLD! A new Gol D Roger is born! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He possesses an inexplicable power, a mystery that eludes comprehension. His actions defy convention, driven by a relentless pursuit of his desires. Unearthing the enigmatic treasure long veiled by the legend of Joyboy, he emerges as a figure shrouded in intrigue. Who is he? This question echoes across the world's seas. Fearless amidst the perils of the Grand Line, his unwavering grin withstands even the darkest tempests. He claims a title: King of the Pirates. With an elusive 'D' marking his name, he embodies the essence of freedom, indifferent to societal constraints. He is the embodiment of liberation, seizing it with unwavering conviction. He is none other than Gol D. Roger.  Eli cheered with exhilaration, having just witnessed the latest episode of One Piece. The cliffhanger left him buzzing with excitement. While he had anticipated Gear 5 Luffy from the manga, the animated portrayal took the hype to another level. As fatigue crept in, he switched off the TV, only to be greeted by a text from a friend. "Joyboy is here! Gear 5 OMFG!" the message read. Eli grinned at the screen, his anticipation mirrored in his friend's enthusiasm. "I know, right! I can't wait to see the flood of Luffy cosplays!" he replied, amusement evident in his text. "Are you suiting up as Luffy? Because I may or may not have his outfit all set and ready," his friend teased. Eli chuckled at the banter, already envisioning the trio's cosplay lineup. "Nah, you go as Luffy. Henry mentioned he's dressing up as young Shanks and wanted to complete the trio of straw hats," Eli explained, glancing at his outfit, the straw hat resting prominently on the table. As he returned his gaze to the buzzing phone, he read the incoming message. "Oh! You're going as young Roger? Cool! Last year, so many people said you looked uncannily like him!" his friend exclaimed before confirming their roles. "Okay! So I'm Luffy, Henry is Shanks, and you're Roger again. Cool! I'll see you tomorrow for the dress-up!"  Eli grinned, already eager for the festivities ahead. "Can't wait! Tomorrow's going to be epic!" he replied, excitement bubbling within him. Eli sighed, tearing his eyes away from the glowing screen of his phone to glance at the clock. The late hour stared back at him accusingly. With a heavy breath, he rose from his seat and cast a glance out the window, his heart sinking as he spotted his parents' car pulling into the driveway. He had lost track of time again. Resigned, he made his way to his parents' room and gave a gentle knock, announcing his surrender to the night. "I'm heading to bed now," he informed them quietly, his voice tinged with exhaustion. Another binge-watching session had come to an end, leaving him weary and ready to retreat into the solace of sleep. As Eli settled back into his room, exhaustion weighed heavy on his eyelids. He flopped onto his bed with a tired sigh, feeling the day's fatigue seep into his bones. Gazing at the wall, his eyes drifted towards his collection of One Piece memorabilia. A fleeting thought crossed his mind—how he could resemble a fitting Roger if a live-action adaptation ever came to fruition.  With a shrug, he dismissed the notion, pulling his covers up snugly around him. Another sigh escaped his lips as he surrendered to the embrace of sleep. The room fell silent, save for the gentle rhythm of his breath, as Eli drifted into slumber, the adventures of the Grand Line fading into dreams. Eli's phone blared its persistent alarm, he groggily reached out to silence it, his hand fumbling for the screen. Slumping to the edge of his bed, he let out a loud yawn, stretching his back and flexing his hands to shake off the remnants of sleep. The sound of his joints popping echoed in the quiet room. Dragging himself to the bathroom, Eli turned on the shower, the rush of warm water coaxing him further awake. The cascade of water helped to clear the lingering fog of sleep, and by the time he stepped out, he felt refreshed and almost alert. "Coffee," he muttered to himself, shuffling into the living room. The aroma of his mom's cooking greeted him, instantly making his mouth water. Sausages and bacon glistened with maple syrup, a tantalizing sight that stirred his appetite. Eli couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the hearty breakfast awaiting him. "Good morning, Mom," Eli greeted with a smile as his mother set the plate down in front of him. With a grateful nod, he eagerly dug into the meal, practically inhaling the bacon with lightning speed. His mother let out a good-natured groan at his voracious appetite. "You eat like your father... at least close your mouth while you chew," she chided gently, prompting a laugh from Eli. "Hey, blame the old man then!" he retorted with a grin, his mouth half-full as he continued to devour his breakfast. The playful banter between mother and son filled the kitchen with warmth, a familiar and comforting start to the day. Eli's laughter abruptly ceased as a playful yet firm bonk landed on his head, courtesy of his father sneaking up behind him. "You know better than to talk back to your mother, boy," his father chided, a hint of amusement in his tone. Eli recoiled, flopping onto the counter with an exaggerated pout. "Hey, that hurt! What's the deal, old man?" he protested, rubbing the spot where he'd been tapped. His father's retort was swift. "There's nothing wrong with me, you little runt!" he shot back with mock indignation, a mischievous glint in his eye. Before the banter could escalate any further, Eli and his father found themselves yelping in unison as Eli's mother seized their ears in a firm grip, her patience worn thin. "Both of you, enough!" she scolded, her tone leaving no room for argument. Eli and his father exchanged sheepish glances, their protests melting into apologies as they begged for mercy under the firm yet loving grasp of Eli's mother. It was a familiar scene, one that spoke volumes of the familial bond shared between them. With a final admonishing look, Eli's mother released their ears, her frown softening into a gentle smile as she observed the playful exchange between father and son. Soon enough, Eli and his father joined in her laughter, the tension dissipating into the air like morning mist. Their shared amusement filled the room, warming it with the bond of family. As they finished their breakfast, conversation flowed freely, punctuated by laughter and anticipation for the day ahead. They discussed plans and shared stories, their voices mingling harmoniously in the cozy kitchen. Despite the earlier antics, there was an undeniable sense of closeness and love that enveloped them, a reminder of the strength found in familial ties. "Heading over to Henry's for cosplay setup. We're thinking of playing one of the One Piece openings," Eli explained, considering his mother's suggestion. She rubbed her chin in thought before suggesting, "Why not 'We Are'? It's catchy and well-known among fans." Eli nodded, liking the idea and pressed it further. His father, always the jokester, chimed in with another idea. "How about the 'Pirate Rap,' son? Let's grab the attention of those fans who endured the 4Kids version," he suggested with a grin. Eli's expression faltered slightly. "Dad...you do remember they called Zoro 'Zolo' in that, right?" he deadpanned. His father burst into laughter, acknowledging the ridiculousness of the situation. "Another good reason! Ha," his father chuckled, buoyed by the laughter-filled atmosphere. Eli rolled his eyes playfully, joining in the shared amusement with his parents before excusing himself to the bathroom. With his cosplay gear in one arm and the iconic straw hat in the other, Eli entered the room and began to transform. He removed his shirt, revealing a hint of muscle beneath, and donned the black shirt without buttoning it, allowing his chest to peek through. Next came the cut-up blue pants, completing the signature look. Eli scrutinized his reflection in the mirror, nodding in satisfaction as he reached for his razor. With careful precision, he shaved off any stray hairs from his mouth and chin, refining his appearance. Adjusting his hair until it fell just right, he finally placed the straw hat atop his head, completing the ensemble. Surveying himself in the mirror, Eli nodded with a sense of accomplishment. The transformation was complete, and he was ready to embody his favorite character from One Piece. "Heh... not bad at all! Man... I really do look like Roger," Eli remarked, scrutinizing his reflection with satisfaction. With a final nod of approval, he exited the bathroom, only to be greeted by his parents' astonished expressions. "Eli... you're really going out like that?" his father questioned, confusion evident on his face. Eli raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "What, is it the no-shirt look? Or have you not been watching enough One Piece, Dad?" he quipped, adjusting his shirt slightly before deciding to button it up for added warmth. His mother stepped forward, planting a kiss on his head and offering her approval. "So handsome!" she exclaimed, her words accompanied by a barrage of affectionate gestures. Eli grinned at the attention, feeling reassured in his choice of cosplay attire. "Alright, gotta get going!" Eli waved goodbye to his parents before stepping out the door and heading toward his car. Midway, he paused to inspect the sky, noticing storm clouds gathering on the horizon. "Huh, I thought the reports said it was going to rain next week?" he mused, though he didn't dwell on it for long. With a shrug, he dismissed the thought and hopped into his car, ready to make his way to his friend's place for the Comic Con setup. With simple tunes playing on the radio, Eli hummed along to the beats, chuckling at his own lackluster singing skills. As he turned the corner of the street, his lighthearted mood shattered in an instant as a brick came hurtling out of nowhere, smashing through his windshield. "Shit!" he exclaimed, slamming on the brakes and bringing his car to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road. Cursing under his breath, Eli scrambled out of his car, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the culprit. But there was no one in sight, and the sudden onset of wind caught him off guard. "Who the hell had the bright idea to throw this at my car?" he shouted, frustration evident in his voice. As he searched for the source of the wind, a chilling sound pierced the air—the wail of a tornado siren. Eli's blood ran cold as the realization hit him. He stood frozen in place, his heart pounding in his chest as he listened to the urgent warning of an approaching tornado. Panic surged through Eli as he frantically tried to start his car, cursing under his breath as the engine refused to respond. "Come on, you piece of shit! You were just working a—" His words were cut short by a blinding strike of lightning that illuminated the road before him. With a yelp, Eli instinctively ducked his head, the wind howling around him, its force intensifying by the second. His heart raced as he watched in horror as the tornado bore down on him. "No, no! This can't be real!" he shouted in disbelief, his attempts to restart the car proving futile. With desperation gripping him, Eli grabbed his switchblade and kicked open the door, leaping out and sprinting away from the car, his only thought to escape the approaching whirlwind. But his efforts were in vain. The relentless wind pushed against him with such force that he struggled to make any headway. Each step forward felt like a battle against an invisible barrier, and soon, Eli found himself being pushed back, his progress thwarted by the ferocious gusts. Fighting against the wind, he struggled to maintain his footing, his heart pounding with fear as he faced the full fury of the oncoming tornado. "No! God, I don't want to die!" Eli's terrified cry echoed into the swirling chaos as the tornado lifted him off the ground, his body tossed and twisted by the violent winds. Clinging desperately to his straw hat, he felt a sense of surreal disorientation as he was buffeted from side to side, completely at the mercy of the storm. His eyes snapped open in terror as he realized he was no longer grounded, his screams for help lost in the deafening roar of the tempest. "Someone please help me!" he pleaded, his voice drowned out by the howling winds. As he looked up at the sky, a flicker of hope sparked within him, only to be extinguished in an instant as he saw a bolt of lightning hurtling toward him. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Eli braced himself for the inevitable. And then, darkness enveloped him, swallowing him whole as the world faded to black. As Eli slowly opened his eyes, the bright sunlight filtered through, causing him to shield his face with his hand. "What happened?" he muttered groggily, his mind still foggy from the ordeal. But his dazed state quickly dissipated as he froze upon hearing a voice—a voice that shouldn't be there. "That wasn't him, was it?" Eli's thoughts raced as he struggled to make sense of the situation. With a jolt, he sat up, his heart pounding in his chest. "What the—?" he began, only to falter as the voice returned, unmistakably audible once again. Eli's mind raced with questions as he tried to comprehend the surreal experience. Was he hallucinating? Was this some sort of afterlife? With a growing sense of unease, he braced himself for whatever might come next, his senses alert and his instincts on high alert. As Eli grappled with the bewildering situation, a torrent of questions flooded his mind. "What's going on? Why do I sound like this... was it the storm? How would that even work?" he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with confusion and disbelief. His surroundings came into focus as he realized he was in an alleyway, further adding to his disorientation. "How did I get here?" he muttered, his attention now fixated on the uncanny transformation of his voice. Driven by a desperate need for answers, Eli's gaze darted around the alley in search of a reflective surface. Spotting a bucket filled with water nearby, he wasted no time in rushing over to it. Peering into the murky depths, he gasped in shock as he beheld the reflection staring back at him—not his own, but that of a young Roger. A strangled yelp escaped Eli's lips as he stumbled back, his mind reeling from the impossible sight before him. Pressing himself against the wall for support, he frantically examined his hands, his fingers trembling as he realized they bore no resemblance to his own. In a surreal twist of fate, he had become Gol D. Roger, the legendary figure from One Piece. But how? How had this inexplicable transformation occurred? The answers eluded him, leaving him stranded in a bewildering reality that defied all rational explanation. "I... don't understand," Eli muttered, still struggling to come to terms with the bizarre turn of events. He pinched himself in a desperate attempt to wake from what he assumed was a dream—only to wince in pain as the pinch registered all too real. His heart pounding with adrenaline, Eli began to frantically assess his body, slapping at different parts of himself in a futile attempt to grasp the reality of his transformation. With each touch, he noticed subtle yet undeniable changes: his muscles felt more defined, his legs seemed longer, and his arms exuded a newfound strength. A sense of disbelief washed over him as he realized that this was no dream—it was real. Panic threatened to overwhelm him, but Eli forced himself to stay calm, his mind racing as he grappled with the impossible truth of his situation. He was no longer just Eli—he had become Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King himself.  A loud, hearty laugh erupted from Eli's lips, echoing through the alleyway in a manner reminiscent of Roger himself. "This is real alright!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his amusement at the surreal turn of events. His grin widened as he embraced the absurdity of his situation. "I'm the King of the Pirates! Or not yet, at least..." he mused aloud, his thoughts drifting to the uncertainty of his newfound identity. As he stepped out of the alleyway and into the bustling city, Eli's eyes widened in awe at the sights unfolding before him. The city sprawled out before him, its towering buildings reaching toward the sky in a testament to human ingenuity and ambition. But it was the townsfolk who truly captured his attention. Gasping in surprise, Eli noticed that they were different—distinctly so from the characters he knew from the show. There were no eccentricities or exaggerated features; instead, they resembled ordinary people going about their daily lives. This revelation filled Eli with a sense of unease. If this wasn't the world he knew from One Piece, then where exactly had he ended up? And more importantly, how was he going to navigate this unfamiliar reality? As Eli pondered his perplexing predicament, he retreated back into the alleyway, his mind whirling with questions. "I'm Roger in a different world completely... is this even the One Piece world?" he mused aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Suddenly, a new voice chimed in, catching Eli off guard. It seemed to emanate from the straw hat resting nearby. "Oh ho, that just means more adventure!" the voice exclaimed with an air of excitement, its tone unmistakably reminiscent of Roger's. Eli's eyes widened in astonishment as he realized the truth—he was hearing Roger's voice in his head. "So, you must be Roger? Or me?" Eli's thoughts questioned, the notion feeling surreal yet strangely comforting. "Yes and no, we're the same now, so deal with it," Roger's voice responded with a hint of amusement, confirming Eli's suspicions. "Very well then... so what do you say... me?" Eli's thoughts inquired, his curiosity piqued by the prospect of embarking on this new adventure with the spirit of Gol D. Roger residing within him. "Adventure!" Eli declared with a newfound sense of determination, his hand instinctively reaching for the iconic straw hat that now symbolized his identity as Gol D. Roger. With a resolute gaze, he surveyed the bustling city before him, fully embracing the prospect of the extraordinary journey that lay ahead. As he clenched his hands into fists, a broad grin spread across his face, embodying the spirit of the legendary pirate king. With a sense of unity, both Eli and Roger's voices merged into one, echoing their shared enthusiasm for the adventures that awaited them. "ADVENTURE!" they exclaimed in unison, their voices ringing out with unwavering conviction. With a firm resolve, Eli strode confidently out of the alleyway and into the unknown, ready to embrace his destiny as Gol D. Roger, the future King of the Pirates. As Roger waved enthusiastically at the ponies, marveling at their wings and horns, he couldn't help but feel a pang of hunger gnawing at his stomach. "Hey, you guys know where I can find food?" he asked the ponies, hoping for a helpful response. However, they simply shook their heads and continued about their business, leaving Roger feeling frustrated and famished. Undeterred, Roger continued walking deeper into town, his attention consumed by his growling stomach. Unaware of the curious stares directed his way, he pressed on, his mind focused solely on finding something to eat. Suddenly, Roger's thoughts were interrupted by a sharp blow to the head, causing him to stumble and collapse to the ground, consciousness slipping away. As he teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, he was dimly aware of two figures in golden armor standing over him, their faces etched with confusion. Before he could succumb to darkness, Roger caught a glimpse of wings on the guards' backs, and in his delirium, he muttered something about meat. The world faded into blackness as he slipped into unconsciousness, his fate now in the hands of these mysterious figures. With a sense of urgency, the two guards eyed the unconscious man lying before them, their spears held at the ready as they cautiously approached. Carefully tapping his face with the tips of their weapons, they confirmed that he was indeed out cold. "We must tell Princess Celestia about this!" one of the pony guards declared, sheathing his sword and casting a disdainful glance at the fallen man. "Indeed," the other guard agreed solemnly, his expression mirroring his companion's concern. Without hesitation, a third guard stepped forward, his horn glowing with magical energy as he levitated Roger into the air. "Best hurry, this monkey is heavy," the third guard remarked, his voice laced with impatience as he began to march towards the castle, its sun symbol gleaming brightly in the center. With a sense of purpose, the trio set off on their journey to inform the princess of the peculiar intruder they had encountered. A human… > Canterlot: Roger in Equestria! Who is Nightlight? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Eli slowly regained consciousness, rubbing his head in confusion, he was suddenly startled by the sight of Roger, who seemed to mirror his every move. They both froze, their eyes meeting in mutual surprise, before pointing accusingly at each other. "You!" they exclaimed simultaneously, their voices filled with disbelief. Roger crossed his arms, his expression mirroring Eli's own bewilderment. Eli's mind raced with questions as he tried to make sense of the surreal encounter. How was it possible that he was face to face with Gol D. Roger himself? And why did they seem to share the same physical presence? Roger's pout mirrored Eli's as they contemplated their situation, feeling a sense of resignation wash over them. "So, we're dead already, huh? So much for adventure," Roger lamented, his voice tinged with disappointment. Eli placed a comforting hand on Roger's shoulder, shaking his head in reassurance. "Hey, we're not dead. Just passed out... but I feel kinda odd here," he replied, his gaze shifting to his own body. It appeared as a grey figure, distinctly different from his original form but still recognizable. Curiosity piqued, Roger reached out to poke Eli's chest, only to gasp in astonishment as his hand faded through his companion's body. The realization sent a shiver down their spines, prompting a flurry of questions about the nature of their existence in this unfamiliar realm. Roger's triumphant declaration was met with a disapproving frown from Eli, who urged him to focus on the task at hand. "Focus, Roger. We may be in the same body, but it's still us. We gotta work together on this," Eli emphasized, his tone serious and resolute. Taking Eli's words to heart, Roger scanned the dark room with renewed concentration, his impatience evident in his restless movements. "Nothing... where is all the action?" he exclaimed, frustration coloring his voice as he flung his arms up in exasperation. Eli sighed, understanding Roger's eagerness for adventure but also recognizing the need for caution in their current situation. "Patience, Roger. We'll find our way out of this. But we need to approach this with caution," he advised, his voice calm yet firm as he prepared to navigate the challenges that lay ahead. Eli's hiss drew Roger's attention, prompting him to listen attentively as his counterpart began to speak. "We're passed out, so I guess when we are out cold... it's just us here," Eli mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Actually... this could give us the moment to talk, since you're gonna take over my body," he suggested, prompting Roger to lower a brow and cross his arms in contemplation. "Why are you so... okay about this? I mean... I'm taking over 'your' body here... but it's also me too," Roger questioned, his curiosity evident in his tone. Eli mirrored his posture, crossing his arms as he considered the question. "I guess whatever happened to me back at home is over... I died, simple as that, and now I live my life as you," Eli concluded, his words carrying a sense of acceptance and resignation. Roger grinned in response, recognizing the wisdom in Eli's words. "But... I think I'm only here when you need me... I feel so... free," Eli confessed, his shoulders slumping with the weight of his realization. He let out a resigned sigh before adding, "Oh yeah... I do..." Roger watched as Eli slapped his own face, snapping himself out of his despondency. With a stern look, Eli turned to face Roger, his expression serious as he made a request. "Roger... I have one simple request. It's not too hard for you, but before I tell you, are you with me on this?" Eli asked, extending his hand in a gesture of agreement. Roger eyed the offered hand, adjusting his straw hat with a grin before accepting the handshake. Suddenly, a simple blaze formed around their clasped hands, causing Roger to gasp in surprise. "Never. Mention. Who. I. Am," Eli declared firmly, his words imbued with a sense of urgency. Before Roger could respond, the dark room began to fade, replaced by a blinding white light enveloping their surroundings.  "Whoa! What the hell is going on?" Roger exclaimed, his voice filled with alarm as he felt the ground beneath him rumble ominously. Eli struggled to maintain his grip, his hand slipping from Roger's shoulder as the surroundings began to blur. "We're waking up! Just remember my request! You know where to find me," Eli's voice echoed faintly, growing increasingly distant as Roger felt himself slipping away. With a sense of urgency, Roger reached out to grab onto Eli, but it was too late. The ground gave way beneath him, and he plummeted into the abyss, surrounded by blinding white light that consumed his senses. As he descended into the unknown, Roger clenched his fists, determined to remember Eli's words and honor his request. With a final surge of determination, he braced himself for whatever awaited him on the other side, ready to face the challenges of this new reality head-on. Roger gasped, jolting upright in shock as he found himself abruptly awakened. A startled doctor pony stumbled backward, his eyes wide with disbelief as he stared at Roger in horror. "You—how the buck are you awake that fast?" the doctor exclaimed, his voice tinged with astonishment. Shaking off his daze, Roger rubbed the top of his head, trying to make sense of his sudden awakening. "Man..." he muttered under his breath, his mind still reeling from the disorienting experience. As he glanced over at the doctor, Roger blinked in surprise, his gaze meeting the pony's with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. Despite the doctor's obvious shock, Roger couldn't help but wonder about the events that had led him to this moment.  "Got any food?" Roger asked, his stomach rumbling loudly in anticipation. The doctor pony's response was immediate and incredulous. "THE FIRST THING YOU THINK IS FOOD?!" he snapped back, clearly taken aback by Roger's request. Ignoring the doctor's reaction, Roger laughed heartily as he hopped out of bed, patting his arms in a show of readiness. "Where is my stuff... horse thing?" he asked, addressing the bewildered pony with a grin. The doctor, still reeling from Roger's unexpected behavior, yelped in alarm and made a hasty retreat towards the door. However, his escape was thwarted by a collision with the doorframe, leaving him dizzy and disoriented as he flopped onto the ground. Concerned but also bemused, Roger watched as the doctor scrambled to his feet and hastily made his exit from the medical bay, disappearing from sight in a panicked flurry. Left alone in the room, Roger couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion mixed with his ever-growing hunger. With no answers forthcoming, he resigned himself to wait patiently, eager to satisfy his craving for food and uncover the mysteries of this strange new world. As Roger adorned his head with his familiar straw hat and gathered the rest of his belongings, he couldn't help but marvel at his surroundings. "Huh... this place is not half bad," he remarked, casting a critical eye over the items scattered around him. However, it was the stained glass windows that truly captivated Roger's attention. Intricately crafted and adorned with vibrant colors, they depicted scenes of two ponies engaged in various activities. Roger found himself drawn to the mesmerizing display, his curiosity piqued by the vivid imagery and artistic detail. Approaching the windows, Roger examined them closely, taking in the rich tapestry of colors and the skillful craftsmanship that brought the scenes to life. Each pane seemed to tell a story, a testament to the culture and history of this enigmatic world. "Freeze! You're under arrest!" a guard shouted, causing Roger to pivot and face the pony who was now brandishing a sword with intent. Roger raised his hands in a placating gesture, attempting to defuse the situation. "Whoa there!" he exclaimed, his voice calm but firm. "Hey, I don't mean to cause any—" Before he could finish his sentence, Roger was forced to duck as the guard's sword sliced through the air, narrowly missing him. Anger flared within him as he realized the guard's hostile intentions. "This horse is trying to cut me!" Roger growled under his breath, his frustration mounting. With lightning reflexes, Roger seized the blade as it came down for another strike, his grip tightening around the hilt. A wide grin spread across his face as he locked eyes with the trembling guard, who recoiled in fear at the sight of Roger's formidable strength. In one swift motion, Roger effortlessly disarmed the guard, snatching the blade from his grasp with ease. The guard watched in stunned silence as Roger held the weapon aloft, a silent warning against any further aggression.  "I'd say you need to work better on your swings," Roger remarked coolly, his voice laced with a hint of amusement as he deftly disarmed the guard. With a casual flick of his wrist, he aimed the blade back at the stallion, his demeanor radiating confidence. "Your belt and your money. Hand them over," Roger demanded, his tone firm and commanding. The guard, still shaken from the encounter, complied without hesitation, handing over a bag of coins and his belt. Roger wasted no time in securing the newfound loot, fastening the belt around his waist and stashing the bag of coins away. With a triumphant grin, he tipped his straw hat in a mock gesture of gratitude. "Thank you kindly, horse," he quipped before turning on his heel and striding away from the pony, leaving him stunned and defeated in his wake. As he disappeared into the bustling streets of the city, Roger couldn't help but feel a surge of exhilaration coursing through his veins. With his newfound weapon and wealth in tow, he was ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited him in this strange and unpredictable world. As Roger passed by the imposing castle walls, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at their grandeur, marveling at their sheer size and intricacy. Lost in his admiration, he was abruptly jolted back to reality by the sound of a familiar voice echoing through the corridor. "Hey, you're that guy I saw earlier," Roger remarked, recognizing the doctor from before as he approached a nearby door. With a curious expression, he pushed the door open, revealing a room filled with startled ponies who gasped in surprise at his sudden appearance. The doctor, who had been standing among them, let out a startled gasp before promptly fainting on the spot, much to Roger's bewilderment. Confusion clouded his features as he surveyed the scene before him, taking note of the ponies clad in gold armor who now pointed their weapons in his direction. "Hey... You guys got any food?" Roger inquired casually, his nonchalant question causing several jaws to drop in disbelief. Amidst the startled reactions, the figure seated in the center of the room, who exuded an air of authority, regarded Roger with a keen interest. "So, you've come here to talk with me..." she observed, her tone measured and composed. Roger simply shrugged in response, feigning disinterest as he turned his entire body around and began to walk away. "Nah," he declared casually over his shoulder, his demeanor seemingly indifferent. However, his attempt to leave was thwarted when the group of armored ponies suddenly moved to block the doorway, effectively trapping him within the room. "Unfortunately for you, I won't let you leave... Can you please tell me your name? I wish to know who you are so I can—" Princess Celestia began, her voice calm and authoritative, but she was interrupted by Roger's sudden outburst. "I don't need any help... or actually I do!" Roger interjected, hopping back to his previous position as he looked up at the imposing figure before him. His curiosity piqued, he couldn't help but inquire further. "Wait... who are you?" he asked, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. A warm smile graced Princess's features as she gracefully unfolded her wings, exuding an aura of regality and grace. "I am Princess Celestia, ruler of the land of Equestria," she introduced herself, her voice carrying a tone of both serenity and authority. Roger's light laughter echoed through the room, drawing disapproving glances from the guards who stood at attention. However, his demeanor remained unchanged as he addressed Princess Celestia with a mischievous grin. "Name's Gol D Roger, so you're here to help me?" he inquired casually, adjusting his hand on his newly acquired belt with a hint of swagger. Celestia observed the gesture, her expression unreadable as she cleared her throat in response. "Yes, Mr. Roger. What is it that you need?" she asked, her tone measured and composed. Roger's grin widened as he pointed a finger at her, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Give me all of your money and a ship for the sea!" he exclaimed with a burst of laughter, his request delivered with a boldness that bordered on audacity. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to Princess Celestia, awaiting her response to Roger's unexpected demand. The guards stood frozen in disbelief, their jaws hanging open at the audacity of Roger's bold declaration. Even Princess Celestia herself appeared taken aback by his brazen request, her expression a mixture of surprise and contemplation as she processed his words. "Where did you get that blade, Mr. Roger?" Celestia inquired, her tone measured and composed despite the tension that lingered in the air. Roger shrugged nonchalantly, his demeanor unapologetically blunt as he casually withdrew the sword from its sheath. "Oh, this? I robbed it from one of those armored dudes," he admitted with a hint of pride. "I like it," he added, his gaze sweeping over the assembled guards who bristled at his words. Swords and spears were drawn with a menacing clatter as the guards moved in closer, their expressions steely with determination. Roger scanned the room, taking in the sudden escalation of tension, before his gaze settled on Princess Celestia, who regarded him with a stern frown as she stood tall and imposing before him. "Mr. Roger, you're under arrest for piracy. Do the right move and—" Princess Celestia's command was cut short as Roger sprang into action with lightning speed. With a swift motion, he dashed towards the nearest window and smashed through it without hesitation, plummeting towards the bustling city below. As Celestia rushed to the window, her expression hardened with determination. "Get more of the guards and stop that... thing," she ordered tersely, her voice laced with urgency. With a sense of purpose, Celestia turned away from the window and swiftly issued commands to her attendants, marshaling the castle's defenses to apprehend the fleeing pirate. As the city guards mobilized to intercept Roger's escape, Celestia remained steadfast in her resolve to uphold the law and protect her kingdom from the threat of piracy, her determination unwavering in the face of adversity. Roger's heart raced with adrenaline as he tumbled upon impact, but he quickly regained his footing and sprinted down the hillside, his grin never faltering despite the rough landing. With agile movements, he navigated the terrain, his senses sharp and alert as he made his way back to the ground level. As he reached the building, Roger wasted no time in darting towards it, his footsteps echoing in the empty streets as he sought refuge from the pursuing guards. Ducking behind a nearby wall, he pressed himself against the cool stone, his breath coming in quick gasps as he listened intently for any signs of his pursuers. "Huh, these guys sure get lost fast," Roger remarked with a chuckle, his confidence undeterred by the close encounter with the guards. Whistling a carefree tune, he emerged from behind the wall and strolled nonchalantly into the bustling city of Canterlot. Adjusting his straw hat with a grin, Roger observed the scene around him with keen interest. Children scampered about, their laughter filling the air as they played games and chased each other through the streets. All around him, ponies went about their daily lives, their colorful forms weaving through the crowds with graceful movements. As he walked, Roger couldn't help but notice the curious stares directed his way. Some shoppers eyed him with wonder, intrigued by his unusual appearance and human-like features. Others regarded him with a mixture of caution and suspicion, as if unsure how to react to the presence of a creature so unlike themselves. Roger's stomach growled loudly, betraying his hunger as he placed a hand on his abdomen and groaned in discomfort. "Boy... I sure do want meat," he remarked casually, oblivious to the shocked gasps and ensuing screams that echoed around him. Perplexed by the sudden commotion, Roger looked around in confusion, scratching the top of his head as he tried to make sense of the reaction. "Was it something I said?" he mused aloud, his brow furrowing in puzzlement. Shrugging off the strange response, Roger's attention was drawn to a nearby ice cream shop. With a nonchalant stride, he approached the stallion behind the counter, who whimpered nervously under his gaze. "Hello, I'd like a five— no six— nah... ten scoops on a cone please!" Roger chirped cheerfully, placing a bag of bits down on the counter with a confident flourish. The stallion's jaw dropped at the audacious request, his eyes widening in disbelief before he quickly composed himself with a forced smile. "Certainly... uh... ma'am?" the stallion stammered, his attempt at politeness faltering as he struggled to address Roger properly. "I'm a guy, horse," Roger deadpanned, his expression unamused as he corrected the stallion's assumption. The stallion's frown deepened at the correction, his embarrassment evident as he hastily responded, "I'm a pony, sir," before turning to scoop out the requested ice cream. With a satisfied smirk, Roger leaned against the counter, watching with anticipation as the stallion meticulously piled scoop after scoop onto the cone. Despite the awkward exchange, his excitement for the towering treat remained undiminished, eager to indulge in the sweet reward of his boldness and appetite. "Come on! He's got to be somewhere, but where?" a guard exclaimed anxiously, scanning the crowded street for any sign of Roger's whereabouts. Just then, Roger tapped the guard on the shoulder, causing him to whirl around in surprise. "I think he went over there," Roger said casually, gesturing in a random direction before taking a nonchalant bite of his ice cream cone. The guard nodded gratefully and hurried off in the indicated direction, eager to apprehend the elusive culprit. However, his steps faltered mid-stride as realization dawned upon him. With a sudden sense of urgency, he spun around and dashed back towards Roger, his swords drawn and ready for action. "Hang on a second, you're the beast!" the guard accused, his voice filled with determination as he closed in on Roger, his blades gleaming in the sunlight. Roger's instincts kicked in as he swiftly drew his own sword, the clang of metal ringing out as their blades clashed in a fierce confrontation. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he met the guard's attack head-on, his resolve unwavering as he prepared to defend himself against the relentless pursuit of the law. With a confident grin, Roger rose from his seat, his grip on his blade tightening as he faced off against the determined guard. The guard, fueled by his duty to apprehend the perceived threat, gritted his teeth and lunged forward, aiming to overpower Roger with sheer force. However, Roger remained calm and composed, his movements fluid as he sidestepped the guard's attack with ease. With a deft step to the side, he allowed the guard's momentum to carry him past, effortlessly evading the clash of their blades. As the spectacle unfolded, ponies nearby watched in awe, their eyes wide with amazement at the display of skill and agility before them. Roger's confidence and grace under pressure left a lasting impression, earning him the admiration of onlookers who marveled at the sight of the mysterious newcomer effortlessly outmaneuvering his would-be assailant. "Pretty strong for a novice," the guard remarked with a grudging admiration, his tone tinged with respect for Roger's skill. Roger chuckled in response, his grin widening as he prepared to face the challenge head-on. "I'm more than a novice... I'm a pirate," Roger declared proudly, his voice filled with confidence as he launched into a flurry of attacks, his movements swift and precise as he sought to gain the upper hand in the duel. The guard deftly dodged each strike, his movements fluid and controlled as he countered with a powerful kick to Roger's chest, sending him staggering backwards. Despite the blow, Roger's smile remained firmly in place, his spirit undeterred by the setback. Suddenly, the guard shouted out a technique name, "Harmony Slash!" His blade began to glow with a faint aura, and Roger's eyes widened in surprise as he braced himself for the incoming attack. With lightning reflexes, he attempted to dodge, but it was too late. The force of the Harmony Slash shattered Roger's sword, sending him crashing to the ground from the sheer impact. As he struggled to regain his footing, he was met with the sharp point of the guard's blade pressed against his chest, a silent reminder of the danger he now faced. "You're brave, not trying to give up that easily... who are you?" the guard inquired, his tone tinged with a hint of curiosity. Roger's grin widened at the question, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint as he leaned back slightly. "Names Roger... and I'm a human," he declared proudly, tipping his straw hat in a casual salute to the pony guard. The guard nodded in acknowledgment, repeating the word "human" with a sense of intrigue. "Well, we shall see once we find out more about you... human pirate," the guard declared, lifting his sword high in preparation to subdue Roger and bring him into custody. Before he could strike, however, a cry for help echoed through the streets, drawing both their attention. Roger seized the opportunity to make his escape, but his resolve wavered when he spotted a mare in distress, held captive by a menacing stallion wielding a knife to her throat. The guard hesitated, torn between apprehending Roger and coming to the aid of the innocent victim. With a swift decision, the guard shifted his blade from Roger to the assailant, his expression hardening with determination as he prepared to intervene and protect the innocent pony from harm. Roger watched the unfolding scene with a mixture of uncertainty and anticipation, unsure of his next move in the face of this unexpected turn of events. "Freeze, put the knife down—" the guard began, but before he could finish his command, Roger sprang into action. With lightning speed, he closed the distance between himself and the assailant, seizing the pony's hands and wrenching them upwards with a powerful force. The stallion cried out in surprise and pain as Roger deftly disarmed him, causing both the knife and the mare to tumble from his grasp. In a swift motion, Roger released the pony's hands and delivered a decisive blow to the top of his head, stunning him into submission. With the threat neutralized, Roger swiftly retrieved the fallen knife and offered a casual tip of his straw hat to the astonished guard. His actions had saved the innocent mare from harm, earning him a moment of admiration from the onlookers who had gathered to witness the dramatic rescue. "Thanks for that, bye!" Roger called out as he swiftly darted away from the guard, his movements agile and decisive. However, his escape was abruptly halted by the sudden manifestation of magical energy, which ensnared him in a glowing aura, effectively immobilizing him. "Halt! Why did you save that mare?" the guard demanded, his horn glowing with the power of his magical restraint. Roger grinned in response, his eyes shining with a hint of mischief as he addressed the puzzled guard. "He was a bad man. I didn't stop him, then who will?" Roger replied confidently, his tone unwavering as he sought to justify his actions. With a subtle movement, he managed to break free from the magical hold, demonstrating his resourcefulness and quick thinking. Leaving the guard momentarily speechless, Roger began to walk away, his demeanor unapologetic and self-assured. As he departed, the guard was left to ponder the unexpected turn of events, his confusion evident as he glanced back and forth between the rescued mare and the departing pirate. "Why in the princess's name would a pirate save a mare?" the guard muttered to himself, his brow furrowed in contemplation. Before he could find an answer to his question, more guards arrived on the scene. "Sir Galade! We're here for your aid! Where is the human?" the rookie guards exclaimed as they rushed onto the scene, their faces determined as they sought to fulfill their duty. Galade, the veteran guard, averted his gaze momentarily before addressing his subordinates with a sense of resignation. "We didn't find him... and this crook was causing problems. Take him, we will search later..." Galade instructed, gesturing towards the captured assailant. As the rookies moved to apprehend the troublemaker, Galade's eyes lingered on the direction in which Roger had vanished, his thoughts filled with a mix of frustration and begrudging respect. "I'll let you live this time... pirate," Galade muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with a grudging acknowledgment of Roger's audacious actions. With a sense of duty weighing heavily on his shoulders, Galade prepared to lead his team in pursuit of the elusive intruder, determined to bring him to justice for his daring exploits in the heart of Canterlot. "Ha! That stallion will not see that coming!" one of the pirates exclaimed triumphantly, his voice tinged with excitement as he surveyed the scene before them. The trio stood together, their figures illuminated by the flickering flames of the burning house nearby. Dressed in rugged black coats and bearing the mark of seasoned marauders, they were unmistakably pirates of the lowest caliber, driven by greed and the promise of ill-gotten gains. Their laughter echoed across the desolate landscape as they reveled in their brazen act of arson, heedless of the chaos and destruction they had wrought. For these rogue ponies, the pursuit of wealth and power knew no bounds, and they would stop at nothing to achieve their nefarious goals, even if it meant leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. "Yeah, I bet he will be begging for us now!" the second pirate chimed in, his toothy grin revealing a mix of excitement and menace, accentuated by a prominent gold tooth. Meanwhile, the third pirate busied himself with cleaning his flintlock, a grim expression etched on his face as he attended to his weapon. Their confidence was palpable as they surveyed the burning home, convinced of their own superiority and the fear they had instilled in their victim. However, their triumphant moment was short-lived as a dark blue stallion approached them, his expression one of irritation and defiance. "Hey... that's my home you set on fire," he declared, his voice tinged with anger as he confronted the pirates. In response, the trio of rogues swiftly turned their weapons towards the stallion, their movements synchronized in a show of aggression. "Man, today is not my day..." the stallion muttered under his breath, his tone resigned as he found himself outnumbered and outgunned in the face of the ruthless pirates. "Indeed, now give us your bits!" the lead pirate demanded, leveling his gun at the stallion. However, before the pirate could make another move, the stallion sighed deeply, his expression unwavering as he prepared to face his assailants. With a swift movement, he ducked under the incoming attack and delivered a powerful uppercut to the pirate holding the gun, sending him reeling backward. As the other two pirates reacted with shock and fury, the stallion remained composed, his movements precise and calculated. With a deft maneuver, he intercepted their sword swings with his own blade, skillfully parrying their attacks with ease. The clash of metal rang out in the air as the stallion held his ground, his determination clear despite the odds stacked against him. The other two ponies gasped in astonishment as their swords were effortlessly caught by the stallion's blade. Before they could utter another word, they found themselves doubled over in pain as the stallion delivered swift punches to their guts, knocking them unconscious. With a disdainful shake of his head, the stallion regarded the fallen pirates with a mixture of disappointment and contempt. "You three make pirates a joke, you know..." he muttered, his voice tinged with disdain as he assessed the incompetence of his attackers. Retrieving the sword from one of the defeated pirates, he inspected it with a critical eye before nodding in approval. "Hmm, not bad. I'm taking it," he declared decisively before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving the defeated pirates sprawled on the ground behind him. One of the defeated pirates, his voice strained with pain and disbelief, mustered the courage to speak. "Who... who in the princess' name are you?" he managed to choke out, his eyes still wide with shock. Stopping in his tracks, Nightlight turned back to regard the pirate with an enigmatic expression. Adjusting the short beard on his chin and then pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he revealed his name with quiet authority. "Names Nightlight," he declared, his tone firm and unwavering. "And I'm going to steal your boat now." > Canterlot: Roger the human Meets the triplet pirates > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roger's laughter echoed through the streets as he strolled along, still exhilarated from his narrow escape. Amidst the hustle and bustle of Canterlot, he reached into his pocket, only to feel something unexpected—a slight bulge against his fingers. Curiosity piqued, he withdrew his hand, revealing a small folding knife nestled within his palm. The knife was a thing of beauty, its sleek design catching the light as Roger turned it over in his hand. Intricate engravings adorned the handle, hinting at a craftsmanship that was both elegant and precise. With a flick of his wrist, Roger unfolded the blade, revealing a gleaming edge that sparkled in the sunlight. "Well, well, well... what do we have here?" Roger murmured to himself, his grin widening as he inspected the knife more closely. It was a surprising find amidst the chaos of the day, but somehow it felt like a fitting addition to his burgeoning sense of adventure. Roger jogged down the street, the excitement of his newfound treasures coursed through his veins. He glanced down at the second knife he had acquired, a smirk playing on his lips as he remembered the encounter with the would-be thief. Gripping the hilt tightly, he felt a surge of determination, eager to embark on his next adventure. "Two knives in one day... not bad at all," Roger muttered to himself, marveling at the unexpected turn of events. Little did he know, the blade he now held had once belonged to the very body he inhabited—an unsettling twist of fate that would soon reveal itself in unexpected ways. Undeterred by the ominous implications, Roger raised a fist in the air, a determined gleam in his eye. "Alright!" he declared, his voice echoing with newfound resolve.  Roger comes to a full stop when he spots a weapon smith having a bit of a struggle with some metal. Feeling the right urge, Roger runs up and grabs a box. "Here, let me help you," he beamed to the old pony. The pony smiles, wiping his brow before gasping at the sight of Roger. "Thank you… what are you?" he asked, making Roger set the crate down and beam. "Names Roger! I’m a pirate!" he said out loud for everyone to hear. Some ponies stop to look at the man like he is not smart or doesn’t care, but the blacksmith thinks otherwise. "Heh, it’s nice to have young lads like you to help the elder. What brings you here, Mr. Roger?" the smith said, grabbing some metal and beginning his smithing. Roger adjusted his straw hat. "I’m looking to change the world! But I can’t really with these knives," he said, eyeing the tiny blades. The weaponsmith sees them and gasps at the sight of the folding knife. "My my, what a strange contraption," he said, offering a hand to see it. Roger shrugs and hands the weapon to the pony. The weaponsmith furrows his brow, his curiosity piqued by the peculiar knife. "This is no ordinary blade," he remarks, turning it over in his hands. "The craftsmanship is exquisite, and the mechanism... ingenious." He peers at Roger with a mixture of awe and suspicion. "Are you sure you just found this in your pocket?" Roger nods affirmatively, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Yep, just stumbled upon it." The weaponsmith's gaze shifts to a vacant spot on the wall where a prized artifact used to hang. "Well, it seems fate has led you here," he muses, motioning for Roger to follow him deeper into the workshop. "Let's see if we can't find you something more fitting for a young pirate like yourself." Roger grins, eager for the chance to upgrade his arsenal. "Lead the way, matey!" “How about I strike you a deal?” the blacksmith starts, catching Roger's attention. Roger's grin widens, eager to hear what the pony has to offer. “I use your blade and that knife to make you a proper sword? But you gotta get something for me,” Bombshell proposes, his tone suggesting a shrewd business sense. Roger nods, already liking where this is going. “Okay, but! I want to know your name first and what I’m fetching?” Roger demands with a playful glint in his eye. Bombshell chuckles at the pirate's directness before extending a hand. "Name's Bombshell, I'm the royal weapon smith" he introduces himself, a hint of pride in his tone.  Bombshell's expression darkens slightly as he retrieves a wanted poster from his workshop. He holds it out for Roger to see, the image depicting a rugged bandit with a sneer on his face. "This here's the scoundrel who made off with my hammer," Bombshell explains, his voice tinged with frustration. "These are the Triplet Zingus... and he is the captain of the Triplet Pirates," Bombshell explained, his tone tinged with sadness. "This part of Canterlot was once the safest spot in the world, until the disappearance of Starswirl the Bearded changed all of that." "These pirates have caused too much damage... so many of our valuables... ponies we've known and loved have been killed," he continued, his gaze fixed on the wall. Bombshell paused, the weight of Roger's words sinking in. "Because the ruler has been acting off lately... we don't know why, but more pirates are coming and stealing with no pony knowing... we're done for at this rate..." His voice trailed off, a sense of hopelessness evident in his demeanor. "Forget what I said... just take all that's left—" But before he could finish, Roger interrupted with a growl, seizing Bombshell by his apron. "The hell kind of town is this! You can't just rely on guards or who knows what! You gotta show this town that you're independent! And aren't afraid!" His words echoed through the space, drawing the attention of nearby ponies who began to gather around. "Show your support by being the one to rely on. You all have skills," Roger continued, his voice now softer but filled with conviction. With a final squeeze, he released Bombshell and turned away, his gaze fixed on the ground. "Tell me where these pirates are..." he muttered, his tone resolute and determined. Bombshell straightened up, the fire of determination flickering to life in his eyes. "They're at the lower parts of the town, just outside. You'll see a cave," he responded, his voice steady despite the uncertainty in the air. Bombshell took a moment to compose himself before speaking, his voice heavy with resignation. "Why are you helping us, Your a pirate aren’t you?" he inquired, his eyes searching Roger's face for an answer. Roger paused, turning back to face Bombshell and the gathered ponies, his grin unwavering. "Why am I helping? Because I'm not that kind of pirate," he explained, his voice carrying a sense of earnestness. "I seek freedom, like all of you." His words hung in the air, eliciting surprised murmurs from the crowd. Roger turned to continue on his way, Bombshell watched him go, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. It reminded him of the old wizard he had once encountered, offering a beacon of hope in uncertain times. Roger groaned as he pushed himself up from the ground, his head spinning a bit from the sudden fall. He caught sight of the three stallions and raised an eyebrow at their worn appearance. "Hey… you guys…" he started to say, but before he could finish, he slumped forward and hit the ground, his straw hat tumbling up and landing back on his head. The sudden commotion around him didn't go unnoticed, with the villagers expressing their shock at his quick recovery before hurriedly retreating into their homes. "Hey, uh... bro, there's some kind of hairless monkey here," one of the black stallions remarked, eyeing Roger with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. "Never seen him before... maybe he's worth something?" another stallion chimed in, considering the potential value of their unexpected guest. The stallion in the middle approached, snapping his fingers decisively. "Take him prisoner, and we'll put him in our ship," he ordered, outlining their plan without hesitation. "But we lost our ship, sir? I thought we came here to steal bits from the villagers—" the farthest stallion began, before receiving a sharp blow to the head from the middle stallion. "Idiot! We can sell him for even more bits. Take him to the cave. Once there, we'll get our ship back!" The leader's voice was laced with frustration as he laid out the revised plan. With a chorus of laughter, the trio hoisted Roger up and marched away from the village towards their cave hideout. Roger groaned as he slowly began to wake up, greeted by the pleasant aroma of cooking food. His senses sharpened as he realized he was in captivity. Opening his eyes, he found himself face-to-face with a stallion whose red eyes bore into him. "Well, hello there, ape. Feeling comfortable?" the stallion taunted. Roger smirked in response. "Oh, not bad. Though I'd say you could do better than a cage," he retorted, rubbing his head as he glanced around. Spotting his straw hat nearby, he quickly retrieved it and placed it on his head, flashing a grin at the two stallions. "Oh, sorry, the bolts were hand-made, and I never—" Before the stallion could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a sharp blow to the head from his companion, eliciting a chuckle from Roger. "Shut up, Dingus! Don’t talk to the hairless ape," the second stallion, Fungus, interjected, eyeing the lettuce cooking alongside some tomatoes. Roger couldn't help but drool at the sight of the food, despite his predicament. But he had more pressing questions. "Who are you guys?" he inquired, prompting both stallions to turn their attention to him. "Name's Fungus," the second stallion replied, taking a bite out of an apple. Meanwhile, Dingus, the one closest to the cage, flashed a grin. "And I'm Dingus. We're part of the Triplet Pirates!" he announced proudly, drawing his sword as he spoke. Roger scratched his forehead, surveying the cave surroundings. "Where is your ship? You're pirates, right?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued. Fungus growled in response, pointing an accusatory hoof at Roger. "We do! It’s just… we got it stolen by a stallion," he grumbled, his frustration evident. Roger's attention then shifted to his belt, noticing the absence of his sword. "Where is—" Roger began, only to be interrupted by the cage door falling off. Dingus groaned, stooping to pick up the fallen door. "Hey bro, can you help me?" he asked, while Fungus remained preoccupied with his apple. Roger obliged, getting up to assist Dingus. "You need to pull it more inside," he directed, prompting Dingus to nod in acknowledgment. Stepping out of the cage, Roger watched as Dingus stepped in and replaced the cage door. "Thank you, you're way better than my brothers," Dingus praised, earning a disapproving glance from Fungus, who spat out his apple. "Dingus! How did he get—?" Fungus began, but Roger interrupted by indulging in a mouthful of lettuce and tomatoes. "And he's eating our food!" Fungus protested, reaching for his sword before realizing it was missing. "Stop eating our food!" he demanded, but Roger paid no heed, continuing to munch away. However, their exchange was abruptly interrupted by a loud gasp from Dingus. "Wait a minute..." Dingus began, leaving a dramatic pause that puzzled Roger and annoyed Fungus. "...I'm trapped in the cage," Dingus realized, groaning in frustration. However, his realization was interrupted by a looming shadow at the cave entrance. The third triplet, Zingus, stood there with a stern gaze that silenced them all. "Oh, uh... Zingus! We, uh..." Fungus stammered, searching for an excuse, but Zingus cut him off with a raised hand. "No... just no," he declared, his gaze settling on Roger, who let out a loud burp after finally satisfying his hunger. "You must know who I am... I'm Triplet Zingus, leader and the oldest of the triplet Pirates! You should know my bounty is at least 1000 bits, so fear my—" Zingus's monologue was abruptly cut off by a loud snore from the human, who happened to have his face buried in the ground. Dingus and Fungus both gasped. "Ah! He's dead!?" they exclaimed, but their panic was short-lived as Roger suddenly snapped back and yawned. "Oh... I fell asleep," Roger said casually, eliciting gasps from Dingus and Fungus, who fell back in a mixture of annoyance and confusion. Zingus maintained his stern expression, shaking his head in disbelief. “Oh, you fools… you can’t even keep a hairless ape from getting out. Heh,” Zingus chuckled lightly, causing Dingus and Fungus to whimper in response. The older stallion then took out his flintlock, a small smile forming on his face as he addressed his brothers. “I've grown tired of losing... We lost our ship, our bits, our reputation!” he exclaimed, his tone sharp. Dingus and Fungus lowered their ears in shame as Zingus aimed his gun at Dingus. “And I always hate odd numbers,” he added ominously. But before he could pull the trigger, Roger grabbed the gun and glared at the pony. Zingus couldn't hear what Roger muttered, so he asked again, prompting Roger to lift his head, casting a shadow over his eyes as he frowned at the pony. “Stealing is not what makes you a pirate!” Roger declared, his voice firm as he looked down at Zingus. With a shove, he pushed the older stallion back, his eyes scanning the cave until they landed on the bounty page, which showed only Zingus—only the oldest of the triplets. “You never treated them like crew mates…” Roger continued, his gaze piercing. “But as slaves! Your own brothers!” With a fierce rip, he tore the bounty page in half, disregarding its significance. Zingus laughed derisively, but Roger remained steadfast. “What kind of thing are you to judge me?” the older stallion sneered, but Roger paid him no mind as his eyes fell upon the hammer in the cave. Roger stood up, his gaze unwavering, and reached for the hammer. “You make a terrible excuse—” His words were interrupted by a sudden blow to his back, knocking him to the ground. As he turned to face his attackers, he saw both brothers standing above him, grinning maliciously. However, their forms began to shift and meld together until they coalesced into a single figure: Zingus. Roger grunted and noticed the different shades of black and gray now adorning his body, a result of the strange transformation. His limbs were coated in a dark gray hue, contrasting with the deeper black of his coat. Black mist wisped from his fingertips, and realization dawned upon him. Taking a defensive stance, he prepared for whatever Zingus had planned, his expression resolute. Roger's eyes widened at Zingus's revelation. "A devil fruit..." he muttered, both impressed and wary. As Zingus displayed his newfound powers, Roger took a step back, assessing the situation. The dark shadow hand retrieving the gun and the emergence of horns and a tail only added to the ominous atmosphere. "I am Zingus... the triplet, and the power to make shadow clones, fear my wrath!" Zingus's laughter echoed through the cave, sending shivers down Roger's spine. Despite the gravity of the situation, Roger maintained his composure, his mind racing with possibilities on how to handle this new threat. > Canterlot: Roger the pirate vs Zingus a devil fruit user! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roger's mind raced, piecing together the implications of Zingus's devil fruit power. It explained why he stayed inland, away from the sea, and likely why he resorted to piracy on land instead. But now, facing off against a foe with such abilities, Roger knew he had to tread carefully. "It's odd... I haven't been more... whole in all my years..." Zingus mused, his grip tightening on the flintlock aimed at Roger. Despite the ominous tone, Roger remained alert, his senses sharp as he assessed the situation. "Whole or not, you're still just a bandit," Roger retorted, his tone firm. "And you're standing in the way of freedom." With a swift motion, Roger prepared to defend himself against whatever dark powers Zingus possessed. Roger's expression darkened as Zingus's laughter echoed in the cavern. The situation had taken a dire turn, with Zingus now armed with not only a gun and a sword but also the hammer Roger had hoped to use against him. With a swift and unsettling motion, Zingus's shadow hand snatched the hammer from Roger's reach, leaving him unarmed. Roger's mind raced, searching for a strategy to confront Zingus and his newfound arsenal. He knew he had to act fast, relying on his instincts and resourcefulness to outmaneuver his adversary. As Zingus readied his weapons, Roger braced himself for the inevitable clash, his determination burning brighter than ever. Roger's heart pounded as he dodged Zingus's sword strike, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through him. With no weapon in sight, he scanned the cluttered cave for anything he could use to defend himself. His eyes fell on a pile of discarded debris nearby, and with swift reflexes, he grabbed a handful of trash and hurled it at Zingus. The dark stallion deflected the projectiles effortlessly with a flick of his shadowy hand, his laughter ringing through the cavern. Roger gritted his teeth, realizing that he needed to find a more effective strategy to stand a chance against Zingus and his formidable abilities. Roger winced as pain shot through his arm from Zingus's sword cut, but he remained focused. With a swift jab to the stallion's belly, he created an opening, allowing him to seize the opportunity to grab the sword. Clutching the weapon tightly, he stepped back, readying himself for the next exchange. Zingus snarled, adjusting his grip on his shadow arm before ripping it off with a menacing growl. Roger's eyes widened at the sight, realizing the extent of his opponent's dark powers. Roger's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled against the immobilizing grip of Zingus's shadowy power. Desperation surged through him as he attempted to break free, but the darkness held him firmly in place, rendering him defenseless. Zingus's taunting words only fueled Roger's determination to escape, but before he could mount a counterattack, the hammer came crashing down with brutal force. Agony ripped through Roger as pain exploded in his chest, and he coughed up blood, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Shadow, shadow..." Roger looked up to see the stallion's hands now buried in the ground. "Uppercut!" And just then, two fists slammed into Roger's chest, propelling him up to the roof of the cave. He slumped down to the floor, dropping the sword along the way. Zingus's laughter echoed loudly as he leisurely strolled toward the cave entrance. "Now you must understand why I'm like this..." Zingus said, placing a hand on a large boulder. "I am the Shadow Pony. I steal, kill whenever I want, for fun," he declared, snickering, as Roger struggled to rise. Anger surged within Roger, and he couldn't help but ask, "You...kill ponies for fun?" Zingus grinned menacingly. "The way you phrase it makes me sound like I'm—" Zingus was abruptly cut off in surprise as Roger sprang up, yelling, and tackled the stallion out of the cave entrance. Zingus grunted in frustration as he felt the sword stab into his coat while being pushed outside the cave. "You're not a pirate!" Roger snapped, causing Zingus to laugh loudly. He attempted to summon his shadow, but his arm was bathed in light, eliciting a grunt as he punched the human's face. Roger swiftly rose, grabbing the blade as he noticed the weak spot. "Shadow... ah ha!" Roger smiled, his gaze shifting to the entrance where the light streamed into the cave. Zingus growled, snatching the smith's hammer as he slowly made his way back toward the cave. "So... who are you... if you know oh so much about pirates... then who. Are. You?" Zingus aimed the hammer at Roger, who spat out a bit of blood and grinned wildly as he moved toward the light side of the cave. "Who I am is something you're gonna remember when I beat your ass," Roger declared, his grin widening as he aimed the sword at the devil fruit user. "Names Roger, Gol D Roger, and I am gonna be a pirate. A true pirate!" Roger declared. Zingus couldn't help but step forward, chuckling as he adjusted his grip on the hammer. "And what is a 'true pirate,' Goldie?" he mocked, causing Roger to adjust his straw hat and glare at the stallion. "Violence isn't what makes you a pirate. It's the will of sailing, the breeze of the water, and the crew you share the journey alongside," Roger explained, taking his stance and snickering. "It's about freedom!" With a sudden dash, he yelled, catching Zingus off guard. Zingus snorted and charged his power, but was taken aback when he caught a glimpse of red in the human's eyes. He went for a swing but gasped as the blade cut through his shadow fist, slashing the stallion's chest. Zingus roared in pain as a few drops of blood dripped to the ground. Roger took a step back, looking at the pony with amazement, unsure of what he had just done. But pushing aside his confusion, he yelled out again and swung the sword. The dark stallion used his strength to parry the sword, but a sense of unease gnawed at him. "Something is not right. How is he attacking through my powers?" Zingus thought, before another cut on his body made him snort and roar out in anger. "Now you've pissed me off!" he shouted, bringing the hammer down to the ground for a slam. Roger darted to the side, dodging the incoming bludgeon, and soon side-kicked the pony, pushing him further outside the cave. Zingus growled as the sun hit his back and quickly tried to get back in. However, to his downfall, Roger punched Zingus in the gut, causing him to step further out of the dark cave. The pony shouted out as the shadow beneath him started growing into a blob. He fell on his hands and knees, gasping before growling, "Shadow, Shadow..." He then put a hand into the ground and pulled, "CLONES!" And just like that, his form changed as a clone was pulled out. "Oh no... did... did we lose?" Dingus's voice echoed as he looked around, while Zingus continued to grunt, pulling out the other clone. Fungus lay there with a shocked expression. Zingus sighed as his shadow returned to its normal look. Roger eyed the trio of ponies as they lay there in defeat, snorting. "You can’t keep your old body," he said, to which Zingus nodded. "I... these... I am not weak... I won't let foals bring my anger down! But without them..." Zingus trailed off as his "brothers" sat up next to him. "Ah, you need love," Dingus said, with Fungus nodding in agreement. "No, you idiot! I need my powers! If I'm in the sunlight in my true form, my powers won't work properly!" Zingus explained, with Fungus shaking his head and swiftly slapping the back of Dingus's head. Roger couldn't help but snort as the three bickered on. Zingus growled and tried to stand up, but grunted as his body seemed weaker. "I'll... I'll have my revenge on you... me and my—" Before he could continue, Dingus was the first one to get up, glaring down at Fungus. "Stop hitting me! I can't take this anymore! I quit! I'm gonna be a royal guard!" he declared, walking up to Roger. "My sword?" he asked, and Roger handed it to the stallion before walking away. Zingus growled, "You can't just leave and join the—" but then he saw Fungus get up and put a hand in his coat. "Yeah... I kinda give up too... You tried killing me so... yeah," Fungus muttered before he walked away. Zingus looked left and right before shivering as Roger loomed over him. He grabbed the stallion by the coat and brought his face close. "I better see you in jail... or executed. You're not worth killing," Roger said, dropping Zingus and grabbing the hammer. He tipped his straw hat. "Good luck... BlackCoat," Roger added before walking away, leaving the stallion speechless and confused. Zingus looked where his clone had walked away, then back at the departing human. He grabbed the grass and shouted out, "DAMN YOU, ROGER!" Bombshell only does one thing: move crates. His prized hammer still hadn't returned, and hearing that the human was held captive made things worse. If only Star— The door was flung open, making the old earth pony look over and gasp at seeing Roger pant heavily as he pulled the smith's prized hammer. "I'm... back..." he gasped before slumping forward and leaning on the door frame, both tired and hungry. Bombshell's heart skipped a beat as Roger staggered into the room, his exhaustion evident in every labored breath. The sight of the human, clutching the smith's hammer, filled him with a mix of relief and concern. "Roger! What happened?" he exclaimed, rushing to support the weary figure. Roger managed a weak smile. "Long story, Bombshell. Let's just say I had to reclaim this," he replied, tapping the hammer affectionately. As he sank into a nearby chair, his stomach growled loudly, reminding him of his hunger. Bombshell wasted no time. "I'll fetch you some food," he said, hurrying to the kitchen. Returning with a hearty meal, he watched Roger devour it with gusto, relieved to see him regain some strength. Roger ate, Bombshell couldn't help but wonder about the events that had transpired. But for now, he focused on providing his friend with the comfort and support he needed. "You... you got it!" the smith exclaimed, his eyes lighting up as he grabbed the hammer and laughed, feeling the rubber grip. "My prize... my..." He paused, glancing back at the human, now snoring on the table. Nearly losing his balance, he wiped his tired eyes and beamed up at the smith. "So, you gonna make my new weapon?" he asked, to which the stallion nodded with a happy smile. "You bet I am!" he declared, a renewed sense of purpose filling him as he began planning the creation of Roger's new weapon. "Oh yeah!" Roger exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air, eliciting a bark of laughter from the smith. With determination, Bombshell walked into his forge, eyeing the impeccably cleaned room. Not for much longer, he thought, holding a smug smirk. Lifting his hammer onto his shoulder, Bombshell grabbed a bit of metal. Roger watched as the stallion laughed loudly before closing his eyes for a second. When Bombshell reopened them, Roger noticed a startling change – his pupils had turned red, and his hand had taken on a gray hue as he effortlessly crumpled the bit of metal. "Whoa!" Roger thought, amazed by the stallion's display of strength. He then pulled out the folding blade and the knife, smiling brightly. "Your mystery blade is not from these lands, so with the metal mixing together, it will show your pride of where you were from," Bombshell explained before lighting the forge and slamming his hammer onto the pile of metal. As the flames roared to life and the clang of metal filled the air, Roger couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. With each strike of Bombshell's hammer, he knew that something extraordinary was being forged. Roger stood outside, regaling the foals with his tale of the fight with Zingus, emphasizing the stallion's mysterious powers and ability to create clones. The young ones listened in wide-eyed amazement as Roger struck heroic poses and shouted about the true meaning of a pirate. They giggled as he stumbled a bit, but their admiration for the adventurous storyteller only grew. Meanwhile, the older ponies observed Roger with a hint of confusion. After all, he had declared himself a pirate, a term often associated with lawlessness and danger. Yet here he was, captivating their children with tales of bravery and adventure, leaving them to wonder about the true nature of this enigmatic man. The kids cheered at the human's story, mentioning something about that Starswirl guy again. Roger, of course, basked in the praise, flashing his toothy grin. However, his moment of glory was cut short when Bombshell opened the door, his eyes still red and his arms still glowing grey. "Your weapon is almost ready," he announced, prompting Roger to nod and quickly call over a child to fetch his straw hat. As the child scampered off, Roger's expression shifted, a hint of concern creasing his brow. Despite the excitement of his impending new weapon, the sight of Bombshell's altered appearance left a lingering unease in the air. Walking over, Roger looked at the townsfolk, all bustling around with smiles on their faces. The smith sighed, letting his power fade away, and observed his town coming alive once more. "I've got to thank you, Roger. This town is free and lively again," he said, slapping the man's back. Roger chuckled and nodded. "The smiles are all I wish to see, especially on the faces of the foals. What did you tell them?" he asked, prompting the man to sigh and scratch the bandage on his chest. "I've told them that you don't need to be afraid. Yes, there are bad ponies, but it doesn't mean you should let fear control your body," he explained, making Bombshell sigh again as he leaned against the wall and sat on a stone. Roger grinned and then looked back at the grey old stallion, noticing a small scar under his shirt. Intrigued, Roger had to ask, "You weren't just any 'Royal' weapon smith, were you?" The question snapped Bombshell out of his daydream. He sighed and got up, nodding for Roger to follow him inside. They entered the forge, and Roger noticed the room was a bit darker as the old, gruff pony walked up and charged his power again. "Yes... I was a royal guard once," Bombshell began, causing Roger to cross his arms and lean against the wall, urging the man to continue. "But... I was once the captain of a division of troops that had the ability to use... Haki," he revealed, showing his darker grey hands. 'So that's what it's called,' Roger thought, intrigued, as he watched Bombshell hold the blade up high before plunging it into oil. The loud sizzling sound made him lean in closer as Bombshell finished his story. "I could have been vice admiral... but..." Bombshell stopped, looking at Roger with a frown as he gripped the hilt of the sword. "Roger, you may have probably heard of Celestia, but trust me on this... NEVER. Trust her words. She may look like the friendly type, but don't trust what she has done," he warned, causing Roger to scratch his head in confusion.  "Eh. Didn't like her anyway. She was too... polite for a pirate to bite," Roger remarked, making Bombshell hold back a snort before he chuckled lightly. "Hell, I think a pirate would be like, 'Ah, she's too polite! You don't even need to steal her stuff,'" he laughed, causing the smith to giggle loudly in agreement. "Heh, you truly don't care, do you?" Bombshell remarked, making Roger shake his head. "Nah, don't know how long I've been in this world, but eh, who cares? I'm here, and that's it," he shrugged, causing Bombshell to nod in understanding before pulling out the now finished blade. "It's done, but it needs one more thing," Bombshell said, looking back over to Roger, who grinned and walked up to the blade. "The symbol of a pirate," he said, eyeing the hot poker where a simple symbol of a Jolly Roger was depicted. Not being a human, it was a skull of a pony, making it all the more fitting. Roger paid no mind but grabbed the handle of the poker and eyed the body of the blade where it met the hilt. Without hesitation, he pushed the hot iron to the blade's body, hearing it sizzle as the symbol took form. "You really want to be a pirate?" Bombshell asked, eyeing Roger skeptically. The man nodded firmly, adjusting his straw hat with determination. Bombshell eyed the odd hat for a moment but then shook it aside, settling into an indoor chair. "Well, I can't stop the law from knowing about you," he admitted, causing Roger to put the blade down and grin at the smith. "That's all good. Plus, hey, your townsfolk aren't bad ponies. You're just living free. You're just missing the sea, is all," Roger replied, before turning back to the blade. He lifted it up and grinned at the symbol of the Jolly Roger, then inspected the blade closely, noting the sparkling finish. "I won't judge. You're only doing what your guys would do, but it doesn't mean I won't hate you," Bombshell said, maintaining his grin. "I'll call it... Starswirl Crusade," Roger declared, swinging the blade back and forth. The smith nodded slowly in respect before Roger sheathed the newly christened blade, Starswirl Crusader. He held a hand out to the old pony. "Promise this town one thing," he said in a stern voice. "Don't let this town fall to low-ranking crooks. You're strong, so show your arms, not your talents, when you fight," Roger instructed, making Bombshell nod in agreement. Taking the hand, Bombshell simply finished the conversation, "Well... a deal is a deal. Goodbye, Roger," he said, to which the man nodded before walking to the door. Bombshell followed, watching him walk with pride as the townsfolk waved at him. Just then, Bombshell observed the man... no, the pirate, walk down the road with his happy grin, reminiscent of Starswirl himself. Roger found himself in a small town with a view of the water. The call of the sea stirred something within him, but as he thought more clearly, he realized he needed a crew and a ship—a strong one at that. Standing by the dock with a happy smile on his face, feeling the breeze on his skin, he caught a glimpse of black flags with an obvious Jolly Roger on them: a pirate ship. Quickly running over to where the ship was moored, spinning his straw hat, he gasped at the sight. It was a small ship but appeared to be in the best condition ever. A dark blue stallion sat on a beach chair, drinking from a flask. "Hey, that's a nice ship you've got there!" Roger exclaimed to the stallion, who moved his glasses to look at Roger. "Thanks, but it's not exactly mine. Rather, I stole it after my house burned down," the pony replied, crossing his legs on the ship and leaning back. Roger couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh ho yeah? And what's your name?" "Nightlight," the pony replied. "My name's Roger. It's destiny meeting you!" Roger exclaimed, making Nightlight hold back a chuckle. "Oh yeah?" Nightlight said, taking another swig from his flask. Roger kept his wide grin as he placed his straw hat back on. "How about we team up and turn this world upside down?" Roger proposed eagerly.