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This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,


Strawberry Sunrise makes some bold claims about her home-grown strawberries. The good citizens of Ponyville take these claims a tad too seriously.

Originally a Hearth's Warming gift for Red (<3). This version has been edited here and there, and the ending has been tweaked ;)

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 33 )

I'm not kidding when I tell people this is the greatest Strawberry Sunrise character piece I have read, ever. It's so good and I am so excited that it's finally on FimFic! Thank you so much for this, it is literally one of the top ten horse fics I've ever read on this site! Can not wait to dive into this story again.

Heh, I give it about five more weeks before Sunrise is standing on the roof of her house, shaking an angry hoof at the sky and screaming "Stop It!" until the neighbours complain.


It begins.


Suck it Lightning


It gets worse.

really cute story!! loved the character work here

Thank you! It's honestly really fun to write about ponies with mean and nasty streaks like Strawberry... I'll have to do it more often!

The mare of maximum sass strikes again.

Aww, this was a fun little journey of self-discovery. Were the berries actually magic? The world may never know.

This was a wonderful read! Thank you so much for making this!

Kind of looks like Dust Devil has a crush on Strawberry...

So, overall, a very good story - good character stuff for the most part and a nice bit of ambiguity with the whole wish thing - it could have been magic, unremarkable coincidence or some Dirk Gently-style cause-and-effect tangle.

My one criticism is that the condemnation for what Strawberry initially said to Lightning Dust felt... really off. Like she gets crucified for... what, exactly? Sassing her about things she definitely did that were terrible? That's... really not all that uncalled for. And it's not like Lightning Dust acted remotely contrite after it was brought up. She got her hackles raised and shot back - not an unreasonable reaction (except for the part where she actually defended nearly killing a child, which... really didn't help her case), but also a good reason to think she wasn't exactly aching for redemption.

And Fiddlesticks raked Strawberry over the coals for... as far as I can tell, not thinking Lightning was trying to be better when she was given no reason to think she was and plenty of reason to think she wasn't. "Did you ask?" Well, no, because not only is "Hey, are you not a bad guy anymore?" a question there's no real way to ask in normal conversation, but there was no reason to ask because Lightning had given no indication it might be the case. But, no, apparently, Strawberry should have just assumed she was probably repentant and trying to be better and make amends. But given how Lightning acted, plus what she'd done in the show and how little of a s**t she was shown to give at the time... yeah, I really can't blame Strawberry for playing the odds on that one.

Mind you, it doesn't help that, well, we're told Lightning Dust is making amends and trying to make up for her actions, but we're never shown it. Now, normally that wouldn't be a problem, since that's not what the story is about, but if a major part of the story is excoriating someone for not acknowledging her redemption, it rings a bit hollow if all we know about the major parts of said redemption is "Trust me, she's doing it." And trying to equate Strawberry's and Lightning's behaviour... equating being just generally obnoxious to actively and remorselessly endangering lives... really feels weird.

I really do apologize that this comment is coming across so negative - I really did enjoy the story for the most part. It's just that aspect... bugged me more than it probably should.

Comment posted by Alondro deleted Mar 25th, 2023

Fair criticism, to which I'd reply that this story is built on a singular theme: what do we deserve?

Many of the conversations that take place in the fic are meant to demonstrate how different characters might have different opinions on this question. For example, in the conversation Fids, Red, and Strawberry have about Lightning Dust, I was trying to show how each character has very different feelings on what Lightning deserves. Fiddle, who knows her more personally, is aware that Lightning is trying to do better, and so doesn't think she deserves the harsh treatment (the "did you ask" specifically is meant to be a ridiculous question - you wouldn't ask a known alcoholic if they ever went to rehab as an opener, but then you probably wouldn't make fun of them to their face about their alcoholism). Strawberry, who (as we know from the show) can be unnecessarily harsh and exacting, thinks that it's basically open season on everyone, and that she can be as nasty and dismissive to Lightning as she wants. Redheart, beginning to see her friend Strawberry in a new light, is uncertain what could be considered deserved and what is going too far. None of these are meant to be right, only what the characters believe to be right.

The overall idea for the fic is that each character has an axe to grind - both personally and for the others they know. We all, as people, think we know what other people deserve, but rarely turn that same lens on ourselves. I agree that I ask my readers to take some leaps, but I would argue that over-explaining these characters or pushing the conflict further would detract from the internal nature of Strawberry's conflict.

Great story, loved it.

Miss Strawberry isn't the most pleasant of ponies it seems.


Okay, that does make a lot of sense and I can definitely see what you mean. And I definitely agree that, even were my criticism somehow inarguable (which it most definitely isn't), it is worth it for the sake of the story.

And, to be honest, while it does still seem a little odd... well, thinking about it, I don't even think the reason for my reaction was largely the fault of you or the story.

Because that perspective of "any given character isn't necessarily supposed to be right or wrong in how they react to and see someone's redemption, just different views and ways of looking at it" is a really, really good one. And I like the idea that some people will be extremely willing to forgive and dismiss any hard feelings and some won't and that neither is necessarily the "correct" way of doing things.

But, well, in order to hopefully not start unpleasant arguments, let's just say that not everyone in this community seems to agree with that. And I've sadly gotten used enough to attacks on people, in stories and out, over such disagreements that it... kinda registered as a false positive. That's largely on me, I'm quite certain, and I apologize, but... yeah.

No need to apologize whatsoever! I really appreciate hearing about the way you engaged with the work, and I doubly appreciate the chance to revisit some of the choices I made - consciously or unconsciously - while working on this story.

Honestly, the whole concept of judgement and deservingness is just one of those things I've learned in adulthood. Interpersonal drama is hard - harder than "stay in your lane" or "don't judge". I like to think I'm not as loose-lipped as Strawberry, but unless you're really critical with yourself you might not see the effect you have on people. I think that's where this story came from: just dealing with my own interpersonal conflicts as an adult and figuring out where my weak spots are.

And, yes, the sort of fiction where characters behave badly or do wrong things is generally not well-received here :/ strange since the structure of every single episode of the show is "character does wrong thing in interpersonal conflict and learns how to handle it better". I do hope that sort of story becomes a little more common - they're really my favorite to read!!

Mizz Strawberry is the sort of pony who just likes to gripe isn't she? ya know the ones who seem to be happy being cranky, miserable, etc?

Besides griping about anything and anyONE, the only other thing she loves in life is strawberries, and she doesn't give a flying feather about your feelings on the subject strawberries are Faust's personal gift to equinity and they are the best thing in the world. Heck if the Princesses decided to make a national fruit, they'd probably pick strawberries over anything else, ESPECIALLY APPLES (gross).

The only other thing I can think of is that she's secretly Tsundere for someone, and hates the fact that she feels this way, so she doubles down on the unlikable crank act in a ploy to chase off anyone that could break her shell.

Aaaaah this was so good! I was expecting zany Ponyville hijinks and instead I got whacked straight in the feels with a wonderful exploration of a one-off character whom I very much liked. Seeing this dysfunctional group of friends come together was such a pleasure.

I'm happy I'm not the only one who was thinking Dirk Gently ^^

Comment posted by TheKing2001 deleted Apr 25th, 2023

So, went on a hunt for this after stumbling across your blogpost on writing characters who suck (was this the story that pic was referencing? If so, ya gotta include a link to it in your blogpost! For all us weirdos who idly browse peoples' blogs in their lunch break!), and I was amazed at how well you managed to hook me throughout the story. For how little seems to happen on the surface, every character is brimming with personality, quirks and flaws, and you balance the humour and drama incredibly well.

Regarding your blog post, you're spot on really: Strawberry sucks(-rise?) She's crass, she's got an ego to more than cover up her insecurities, and sometimes she's a straight-up bint.

I loved the way you didn't go for the typical, perhaps cliché 'everyone clamours over her fruit' plot progression, and kept things on a smaller scale. The stakes don't ramp up because of what happens, but almost because of how Strawberry perceives her interactions and the effect they have on her. The motif of the sign is a lovely touch since it keeps the viewer grounded in what's actually happening in the story. She's selling slightly-overpriced strawberries for goodness' sake, the world's not exactly ending, yet the more dramatic parts of the story makes it feel like maybe a tiny little corner of Strawbs' world is.

The conflict she goes through when Redheart leaves is a really well-done, introspective piece on someone crashing back down to earth at the revelation that they're a bit horrible, but not wanting to admit it quite yet. And damn, do you ever hammer it home in the penultimate chapter - a character has to be a special kind of suck if Lightning Dust of all ponies is the one who swallows her pride and acts the bigger person.

Seeing her finally realise, and more importantly admit her suck during the climax was a nice bit of catharsis. Similarly, topping it off by having none of the characters really change, at least on the surface, keeps the whole thing consistent and feeling pleasantly real. Everyone's still their typical, brash, sucky selves, just with a bit more nuance and a bit more perspective on each other's feelings. It almost feels like the only thing that's actually changed is Strawberry's perception of herself and her friends. And if that's all it takes for us to value a friendship enough to work on keeping it, isn't that a victory in and of itself?

“And what a stupid name. Walter. What in the hay were his parents thinking?”

that is indeed a very strange name for a pony! unlike Pinny Lane or Allie Way, of course, which are extremely normal

It was fairly simple, even as far as the Ponyville farmer’s market went. Strawberry never had more than a few pints of strawberries available for sale—her backyard was only so big, after all—and those pints were never accompanied by any other goods of any kind. No jam, no juice, no flavored lemonade. Certainly no other produce. What could possibly be sold alongside the sheer perfection of Strawberry’s strawberries without looking like a consolation prize?

you know that does sound exactly how Strawberry Sunrise would do things

"I'm just glad you're not in the pharmaceutical business," Redheart grumbled coyly.


"Do you want me to pick you up anything at Café Hay? Maybe some time-traveling orange slices?"


hehehe gottem

Strawberry snorted. “Do you tell every farmer your life story?” She asked. “Did you tell Roma what you had for breakfast? Did—did you tell Golden Harvest about your nightmares?”

Dust frowned. “No, why would I do that?”

A genuine question.

augh i just love how much this short exchange ties together Strawberry knowing so much about other ponies, her dismissive abrasiveness, and poor Dust Devil’s general deal

*not guaranteed :)

hehehe love it

“You feel like procrastinating,” Strawberry interrupted. “Because it’s scary. But, honestly, if it weren’t for me, you’d procrastinate forever.”

def sounds like a line that is also true about Strawberry about something, or even if not just love the feeling that this B-plot is going to tie together with Strawberry’s later somehow

Strawberry scoffed. “That doesn’t sound a bit like me,” she said, flipping her mane over her shoulder. “Anyway, I can’t refund you. Sorry, not sorry.”

“Cute,” the mare commented, wrinkling her snout in obvious disgust.

dang i never thought before how fun it would be to see these two mares face off in the being acerbic competition and it is great

Of course, Strawberry being Strawberry, a little anger wasn’t going to stop her. “Aw, did I touch a nerve?” she teased. “Maybe you should have wished for a second chance on my mediocre strawberries. That or an attitude adjustment.”

Lightning stiffened and instinctively flared her wings. “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” she insisted with a stomp of her hoof. “Plus, I seem to remember a certain Strawberry Dumbrise failing her written test back in flight school!”

though in retrospect it was never in question who would win. 

Strawberry sucked in a breath through her teeth. “Oof. Not a good look, Lightning.” She gently but earnestly pushed the pint of strawberries back across the table. “Maybe you should keep those, hm? Wish for, um… large-scale amnesia?”

augh i love how terrible Strawberry Sunrise is

Only a complete idiot—the type of idiot who threw themselves into tornados or strapped foals to rockets for a laugh and a few bits—could possibly believe that the sign was anything other than a joke. Hopefully there weren’t more than two of those in Ponyville on this particular Sunday morning.

and for how long have you been living in this town full of crazy ponies exactly, Strawbs?

Applejack was yellow. Maybe.

This mare was wearing a hat.

Applejack wore a hat. Probably.

Strawberry sighed. “Ugh, Applejack?” she guessed, voice dripping with obvious disgust. “What in the hay are you—”

“Applejack’s my cousin,” the mare said.

that Strawberry’s disdain for Applejack is so strong that she is genuinely unable to retain enough details about her to recognize her is so good i love it

“Where are you even getting these rules?” Strawberry asked, knowing well that her question would go unanswered.

this is just how folk beliefs are born, Strawberry!

“Maybe,” Fiddlesticks murmured. “What’s it to you?”

The words were vitriolic but the tone was… playful.

Strawberry and Redheart exchanged a look.

Lightning Dust and Fiddlesticks exchanged a different look.

ehehe of course!

“You have got to be kidding me.” Strawberry stood up. “What in the hay did you wish for? That you’d get yelled at by a mare at the farmer’s market?”

i mean is that so outlandish?

“And who would that be?” Strawberry grumbled. “Apple Fritter? Apple Dumpling? Apple Bumpkin?”

can’t tell if Strawberry is genuinely recalling Apple family member names or making up stupid ones on the spot and happening to be correct

“Those are on the house,” Redheart whispered. Then, with a wink, she added, “For the team.”

And Strawberry Sunrise almost argued with that.

aww! with this and the near-missed ethical dilemma earlier, Strawberry has more of a conscience than her personality might let on, love it

She felt stupid for hoping that it was.

And, in a simple pang to the chest, it was clear her wish had not come true.

augh poor Strawbs!

Strawberry’s mouth opened to pick that one apart, but she thought better of it. “Say, what are you using all this money for, anyway?”

“Um…” She thought a while about that, too. Strawberry could have sworn she could hear her last two brain cells rubbing against each other, though she guessed it was more like two foals trying and failing repeatedly to perform a hoofbump. “So far? Strawberries.”

ooh the religious studies student in me just loves this! 

Anyway, it was probably fair to want to avoid her. Strawberry hadn’t exactly earned anypony else’s company. She was rather adept at getting others out of her mane—had spent years cultivating this very skill, in fact—and you can’t have it both ways.

augh so relatable

Even knowing Lily Valley’s penchant for the dramatic, it was sort of an ironic thing to say. Here was Lily, a picture-perfect little pink-coated mare with a magazine-worthy windswept mane, her head poking out of an explosion of colorful flowers… and yet, a deep terror lurking in her eyes. A nervous little flicking back and forth, like a frightened bird.

always love it when you take the one character trait a background pony has and suffuse it with this literary quality

“But…” Strawberry wrinkled her snout. “I mean, bluegrass?”

Fiddle set her jaw. “Some ponies like bluegrass,” she replied simply. “You don’t gotta be rude about it.”

aww but being rude is Strawberry’s thing!

Strawberry scoffed. “You have plenty of money, Red,” she pointed out. “Being a nurse in Ponyville is like being a firefighter in the heart of the Dragonlands.”

so true

“Oh, don’t be like that,” Redheart scolded. “Plenty of spells are limited by their reasonability. It’s all about energy exchange—a tiny spell is like throwing a pebble in a river, I only get a splash. You have to start casting boulders if you want to really affect the flow.”

also so true to how magic in Equestria works

“Yeah, well.” Fiddlesticks reached out to take her pint of fruit. Strawberry did nothing to stop her. “Ever stop to think that maybe life ain’t fair specifically because of ponies like you?”

daaaaaamn! and of course Fiddlesticks would have this in her when it comes to Lightning Dust

“She strapped a child to a rocket,” Strawberry reminded her. “Is no one hearing this?”

as much as Fiddlesticks may have had a point, Strawberry has a point here, too! it does seem like she has a splash of working off the logic of our world (fitting with the cynicism)

“Is this how you deal with all conflict? Because I feel like I kinda get why your flings don’t tend to progress to relationship status,” Strawberry quipped, laughter in her words.

oof! but that is definitely one step too far

It wasn’t totally over. That wasn’t the end of a friendship, even though it felt like one. Strawberry remembered that feeling vacuum when the last words had been exchanged—this wasn’t that, because Redheart would see her later. After her shift. After she’d cooled down. After she’d forgiven her.

Strawberry wasn’t totally certain who she wanted to do the forgiving, actually.

And that made her angry.

Which made her feel guilty.

Which made her feel like maybe Redheart ought to do the right thing and just not come back.

and augh this say so much about the patterns that Strawberry is stuck in. Redheart’s comment about speaking like an adult is so fitting, since this could be the point where she realizes she is outgrowing Strawberry while Strawberry remains the way she is. it is definitely the end of something

and augh, Strawberry doing her very best to push away the last of her personal connections! and the contempt she has for Dust Devil in her own narrative contrasting so much with Dust Devil's earnestness is so good

“Where’s Red?” Fiddle asked brightly.

probably loving this fic

“It wasn’t on purpose,” Fiddle explained, a blush overtaking her cheeks. “I think we’ve been wishing for the same thing for a while now. Pot finally boiled over, wouldn’cha say?”

Lighting snickered. “Something like that.”

They exchanged another long look, tails thrashing in unison, both nuzzling briefly.

Strawberry heaved an enormous sigh. “That’s beautiful. Pots boiling over. Love it.” The tone seemed to fly over the lovebirds’ heads. “Are you buying or just basking in PDA?”

i can just imagine how not in the mood for this Strawberry would be lol

All of the text was now crammed into the lower half. It looked ugly, trashy, cheap.

love how this is Strawberry’s self-harm and self-devaluing expressed as prices on her sign. i mean not as a thing that is happening but as a metaphor it is good!

She wanted things to be different. She knew that for sure. She wasn’t happy—anyone could see that. And if she wasn’t happy she must be able to make a change, right? There must be something that could make things better. Something she could ask for. Money or suitors or power or victory. Something undeniably good.

oof, being miserable and literally having no idea of what it is that would actually make you happy is so real. especially when what the things others around you seem to be wishing for and completed by don’t have the appeal to you as they clearly seem to do to them

And she lifted the final strawberry. She held it up, really looked at it. Watched the way the sunrise reflected off its tight, shiny skin. The way it sent a perfectly soft red glow onto her pallid yellow hoof, turning her a fantastic peachy orange.

love this passage

It tasted better than the rest, though maybe that was just because she hadn’t placed such unreachable expectations on it. It was simply the last unremarkable strawberry in this particular unremarkable carton.

reminds me of this story

“I’m not acting snooty,” Strawberry insisted, her snout still raised a degree above the horizontal.

ahaha love it

She wasn’t visibly upset, really. She wasn’t scowling or flushed or teary-eyed. The look in her eyes was more similar to the look someone might have when they walk all the way to their favorite restaurant for takeout only to find they’re closed, even though it’s a Tuesday and all restaurants should be open for lunch on a Tuesday. It’s called business hours.

dangit stop being so relatable!

Strawberry remembered that from way back in flight camp. Lightning was always too much. Strawberry wanted less attention, to be left alone, to skate by unnoticed, collect her passing grade, and fade into obscurity.

Lightning was now and always had been too much.

She needed to be… less.

The thought twisted Strawberry’s stomach before she really even understood why.

augh that is such a well-observed character moment here, i really feel this moment

“To be—to have—” Still, the words didn’t come. “To be more… Strawberry Sunrise-y.”

and augh, of course she believes that she herself doesn’t deserve that! also blew my mind with all the connections earlier, how did i not realize that those wishes were all indeed things Strawberry herself wanted to happen?

Lightning shrugged. “Maybe. I guess,” she said. “Doesn’t always feel like it. More like she… like she ignores it or something. Or maybe I just don’t think she should forgive me.”

the vibe of the way Fiddle was defending LIghtning did strike me as this! but i am definitely understanding of that and was glad Lightning had at least one mare solidly in her corner

She looked down at her hooves. “Well… why would Fiddle be wishing to go on a date with you if she didn’t forgive you?”

Lightning, too, was struck silent by the simple question. She didn’t say a word as she leaned back in her chair and turned her gaze to the window.

augh love how much more perceptive they are of each other than they are of themselves in the exact same way, so true

“But what if she wants her Hearth’s Warming gift to be a surprise?”

“So get her a book you like.”


ahaha love how Redheart actually being in a happy relationship just changed the subject of her conversations with Strawberry and nothing else, that is so true

This came with a small dock in pay—one approximately equivalent to the bonus she’d wished for back in May. She was, however, much safer there. Less head-first storm diving, and more paperwork. So it goes.

aww, that is so neat! all the wishes reversing themselves in time but leaving the pony whole in a different way. just like how Strawberry and Redheart’s friendship seems to be back to its old dynamic despite the events of the story as well

“But it’s so much fun! And the Kelpie love interest? Freya?” She sighed wistfully, verging on the pornographic. “All those teenagers are right: the mysterious loner thing is to die for. She would drag me to the bottom of that river so fast.”

Redheart is so real for this

“That’s perfect, actually,” Strawberry said. “And it’ll make a great inscription for your marefriend. Do you think I’ll be able to accurately transcribe your weird moan?”


“I just want to make sure she sees us,” Lightning explained. “And—I mean, would it kill more ponies to show up to this thing? I wanted her to have a packed theater! Packed!”

ehehe love how Lightning Dust is being the supportive marefriend

“You are literally my dream mare,” Redheart said as she grabbed Blossom’s face in both hooves and drew her in for a kiss.

aww love it

It wasn’t hard to spot Fiddlesticks among the many members of the orchestra; she had insisted on wearing something on her head, and the conductor—clearly not willing to put up much of a fight—had approved a simple black bandana. Though it was hardly formal wear, Fiddlesticks marched out with her head held high and took her seat with the other string players.

all the same, it is very difficult to imagine Fiddlesticks wearing anything other than her signature hat!

“And yet I remain a sad, rejected maid,” Strawberry lamented. “All those wishes, and not one success for poor, old, miserable, old Strawberry Sunrise.”

ah the classic fifth wheel! been there, Strawbs

With the feeling firmly in her mind and heart, she upended the paper bag over her mouth and let the popcorn tumble in. It hit her tongue, sweet and dry, and stuck there like little bits of styrofoam. She quickly chewed and swallowed both pieces, though she wasn’t fast enough to keep the taste from lingering.

and augh, what a change from the disdainful Strawberry of earlier in the story! 

In fact, as Strawberry breathed in the warmth of the friendship that surrounded her, she realized that her kettle-corn wish could not have been granted—but only because she had already made it true.

and augh, so true! it was great to see this little slice-of-life of this new group of friends, formed by the connections of strawberry wishes and personal growth. if only Dust Devil could also be here, though at least she is in a better place.

just a wonderful character study of not only Strawberry Sunrise, but her new friends as well, and how they grow as ponies while still being very much themselves. placing Lightning Dust here as a counterpart was such a great choice given just how much their dysfunctions and journeys of growth both mirror and oppose each other.  this was such a delight to read, and the ambiguïty of if the strawberries actually grant wishes somehow in this magical world of Equestria, and how the story works perfectly in either interpretation, is just the strawberry on top. and dang the Strawberry sass here was so good! just love to watch her work (at destroying the ponies around her with impeccably crafted verbal cruelty)

omg thank you so much for your comments!! I had so much fun writing this piece, and you picked up on so many of the little details I left in it - that's just the best feeling! I'm so happy to hear you liked it :)

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