• Published 28th Feb 2022
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They're... ON HOLIDAY? - Nameless Narrator

After reaching peace between Equestria and Hive changelings, queen Chrysalis takes two high ranks and a small retinue of drones with her on a trip to an island holiday resort.

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Day 11 - Bleeding the poison out: 2/?

While waiting, the AI did something that made a part of the wall open, presenting a strange, thick card, and instructed 10013 to open 10101’s head to plug it into a slot inside. While it didn’t change anything about 10101, the drones were told to protect 10101’s head at all costs.

“You have my permission to dig through the cave-in,” says 10101 after leading the drones to a collapsed end of a tunnel which should be on the far side of the facility, away from the entrance, “The material should be a mix of istrium blocks, cooled lava and obsidian, as well as general rocks and soil, all tightly packed.”

20100 nods, its hoof shimmers, and it instantly removes any material it touches, turning it into a minimal amount of dust and a whole lot of extremely varied radiation visible only to 10101. Mostly, it’s as if one was moving their hoof through water, although there are moments where it feels like tightly packed mud, which must be the istrium.

No matter. Drones exist to dig, everything else exists to be dug.

“I MISSED THIS SO MUCH!” the drone squees. 10013 and 36658 exchange looks and join in.

Things are finally simple again - you make a hole, you remove whatever little is left, you reinforce the wall, you move on. Seeing the others go at it, Smiley beams and starts digging too. With four drones clearing the way for 10101 much faster than it expected, the AI starts explaining the next stage of the plan.

“From the still working cameras it looks like the intruding griffons are regrouping at the entrance. That is a double-edged sword for us. The upside is that it is less likely that we’ll encounter Black Ops members, which means less danger from them and less potential for them spotting changelings being involved and going for retribution later. The downside is that the limited working security forces of the facility will switch their focus to lower priority targets - us. 10013, please, stop digging and come here. I was planning on explaining everything to you while you were clearing the tunnel out but you are progressing significantly faster than I assumed so I’ll take it in stages,” 10101’s chest opens and a glowing three-dimensional map of the facility looking like a reverse, flat-tipped pyramid appears projected into the air from a small glowing circle in it. 10013 joins 10101 and concentrates in order to commit the map to memory and recreate it inside the hive mind, “We are here on level 36, the top level of the facility. We need to get to level 5 where the reactor controls are and plug the AI module inside the head of this chassis into the correct slot. Once I gain access I will be able to regulate the energy inputs of the resonance machines on level 0 as well as open the correct blast shields on lower floors in a way which should guide the flow of magma into the facility and stop the tectonic chain reaction that would activate the volcano.”

Red marks keep appearing on the glowing map which 10013 obediently marks on the hive map just in case something happened to 10101’s ability to project.

“That’s a pretty long trip,” comments 10013.

“We don’t have to walk all the way,” replies 10101, “The reactor control room is accessible via a special elevator usable only with the Forgemaster’s clearance, the same clearance required to access the control room itself as well as use the reactor control override. Just like the office, the elevator is on level 26, two levels under the main entrance.”

“Sounds dangerous, that’s where the griffons will be, right?”

“It depends on if their priorities are looting as much as possible or making sure their losses aren’t critical. From the looks of it, the cliff your friends collapsed didn’t block the entrance off entirely, so once the griffons regroup they might push back against the security forces again. However, the destroyed supply of ammunition is bound to stop them eventually.”

“We’re through!” calls out 20100, its voice echoing through the dark hallway on the other side of the cave-in.

“Excellent,” 10101 measures the hole and finds it accessible for its body, “Now switch to silent communication again. The fewer encounters we face, the higher our chances of getting where we want in one piece.”

“20100, Smiley, stay by 10101’s side,” orders 10013, “36658, let’s go first.”


The distraction trio is walking quietly through the jungle back towards the resort, each member lost in a completely different kind of thoughts.

99380 is processing the deaths of griffons, albeit more the aspect of being a part of the responsible group rather than its rocket shattering the cliff being responsible for potentially crushing someone. Despite that, it’s still carrying the assault rifle, albeit now strapped to its back.

Voice? Are you there?

“I am,” the voice responds immediately, completely unnoticed by the other two, “And I must agree with 36658. This is a trade, 99380, and the rules of the trade must be observed. You are getting knowledge which, if used properly, can save hundreds of thousands of drones over time. The price was clear - creating a distraction and assisting the living machine.”

But I didn’t want to hurt-

“Consider it a mistake you made during the distraction then. If you wanted no one to get hurt, you should have designed a plan that had a greater chance of ending differently.”

I didn’t know-

“No, you didn’t. Because you can’t have known. No one ever can know perfectly what the outcome of their actions will be. You can only fail and learn. Right now, you have the luxury of being alive after failing so that you can learn. Don’t beat yourself up, 99380, it won’t help anything. Improve.”

Voice, should I drop the boomstick? It’s similar to what Mister shooty let me practice with and I know how much damage it can do.

“I don’t think so. Tell me, 99380, if a powerful weapon exists, would you prefer it in the hooves of someone who values life and doesn’t want to take it unless absolutely necessary, or in someone else’s?”

99380 goes quiet for a while.



Thank you.

“I said nothing your friends wouldn’t tell you if you talked to them directly. I may have only worded it in a better way.”

Thank you anyway.

“You’re welcome, 99380.”

99526’s thoughts are much less grim even though, technically speaking, it’s the one most responsible for the insanity swallowing the Black Ops camp and the conflagration currently spreading through the jungle. The screensaver with a bouncing ball kind of thoughts.

“Are we really just going home?” asks 99111 who has been frowning into the darkness ahead ever since they escaped into relative safety.

“10013 told us to,” 99526 shrugs, “I mean, it wasn’t an order or anything, but do you have a better idea? I’d like to help, don’t get me wrong, but we sure as holes can’t get to 10013’s group through the griffon entrance and it’ll take way too long to get to 10101’s place and go through there.”

“But you do want to help, right?”

“Imma drone. We dig, carry, and help,” 99526 nods.

“99380?” 99111’s voice turns a little softer.

“Huh? Yeah, sure,” 99380 forces a smile at it, “I… I got a boomstick too. But only for use on the machines,” it adds, “Not on griffons. We help, we don’t hurt unless it’s gribblers or tries to hurt us first. 99526 was right, though. How can we even help?”

“We are drones, guys. The Queen herself said we can dig anything we want. What more do we need?”


As the drones descend a staircase and are about to enter floor 26, 36658 is the only one who reacts to a short, but faint and growing hum from the left side of the long hallway, and immediately backs off to the staircase’s narrow landing, pushing itself with one foreleg and pulling 10013 back with the other.

A blast of red light flashes through the main corridor.

“Beam weapons,” 10101 immediately analyzes the situation and stops, “It seems to be one security robot. We should retreat up one floor and descend via a staircase on the opposite side of the facility.”

“Alright, let’s-” 10013 and 36658 turn around. However, as they pass 10101 standing still, the AI reports an update.

“Two units are converging to the stairs exit on the level above us, likely on the way to reinforce the main entrance defences. There’s a working camera near the door.”

“One more set of stairs down it is then,” says 10013.

Before it can even fully turn around, though-

“Danger!” says 10101.

-the drone leader spots, from the corner of its eye, a rapidly brightening red spiral of the horn of a mechanical unicorn aimed straight at it.

The momentary freeze of 10013’s limbs feels like infinity.

Not to 36658, though, who grabbed 10101 with one foreleg the second it spotted the machine rounding the open door, and now pushes itself with the three remaining forelegs along with 10101, using the robot like a shield while flying down the few remaining stairs.

The robot’s horn fires off a blast which sears a hole into 10101’s chassis, and burns the air around the falling duo.

Unfortunately, 36658 and 10101 don’t hit the hostile machine, rather land directly at its forelegs.

It simply points the horn straight between 36658’s eyes, and with the faint hum of charging energy, fires again.

Unlike the other drones, 10101 doesn’t panic either, grabs the security robot’s foreleg within reach, and pulls as hard as it can, sending it to the floor.

The bolt of red light scorches a deep groove through into the side of 36658’s head, but it’s just chitin, and the drone feels a familiar haze of red and definitely un-dronish thoughts:

Kill kill kill kill kill! It’s trying to harm your friends! Kill KILL KILL KILL!

Just like during the incident when 36658 was protecting 57999 from a timberwolf at the poppy patch the two tend to for the Queen, the drone acts on some kind of feral instinct, rises up, and pounces on the security robot, going for the throat.

36658 isn’t directly thinking about it, it just knows that they’re protecting some kind of vital thingy inside 10101’s head, so the robot might be the same, and its hoof shimmering green with the power to dig stomps straight down.

The red spiral on the mechanical horn fades and the security robot stops moving.

Only now do the other drones reach the landing, 10013’s mind reflexively splitting their tasks.

Smiley peeks into the main corridor. 10013 grabs 36658 and examines the deep scar along its muzzle and the side of its head. 20100 helps 10101 get up.

“I’m fine, 10013,” 36658 turns its head when 10013 squeezes it in a bear hug, “It’ll make for a good scar and an even better story once we return home. What about 10101?”

“This unit isn’t made to resist beam weapons, and the systems are reporting minor damage to motor functions,” reports 10101, “We should get moving, but this has given me an idea,”

*Lonely face* *Lonely face*

“Smiley’s giving us all clear,” whispers 10013 so that 10101 is on the same wavelength as the drones.

As they leave the side-area with the staircase and enter floor 26 of the inverted pyramid, 10101 says:

“I don’t doubt the security unit had the time to log this hostile encounter, which means that the internal forces will now be aware of a secondary breach and respond accordingly.”

“As well as this worked, I’m not keen on doing it again,” replies 36658, taking in deep breaths and shaking after the adrenaline overload.

“I may have a solution,” 10101 nods ahead, “Just like there is a chassis storage inside the maintenance section of the facility, there is a storage for inactive military hardware nearby. The AI fragment controlling this unit will be easily transferable.”

The robot projects the three-dimensional map again, and the red line guiding the group to the Forgemaster’s office changes, drawing a slightly different path not leading directly to the center of the floor. 10013 quickly does the same to the hive mind map and takes point with 36658 again.

Thankfully, they don’t meet another security robot and enter a large cargo bay similar to where they originally found a body for the AI. Once the door closes behind them and 36658 starts darting around, looking for threats, 20100 asks:

“What are we looking for? The same machine 36658 destroyed?”

Instead of 10101, the AI answers through a speaker in the ceiling.

“Yes, the lab records don’t mention any special combat unit development so standard security chassis is the best you can find.”

“Got a whole bunch! 10101, can you tell if there’s a useful one?” calls out 10013 from a rack hanging on a wall line with inactive robots.

10101 trots over and examines the machines briefly before simply nodding and touching a panel by the hanging robot. With a series of clicks, the robot slides down and lands cleanly on all fours.

“Excellent, the next part is delicate but 10013 knows what to do,” says the AI, “Find the releasing mechanism on the back of the robot’s head and push the hidden switch like you did with the service chassis.”

10013 nods, flies up because the security robot is bigger than the maintenance one and the drone doesn’t want to do any precision operations while balancing on hind legs, transforms the tip of its hoof into a long, dull spike, and pushes it into a tiny hole in the back panel. The rest of the robot’s head opens in response like a flower, revealing the same mechanism with slots that 10101 has.

“Done!” reports 10013.

“Now I need you to take the memory card out of the maintenance chassis and slot it into the security one.”

“Wait, what will happen to 10101?” 10013 pauses, looking at its robot friend.

“Nothing, this is just a physical body,” says 10101, “On the way here, I transferred any useful files onto the card as well as the compilation of security credentials we will need to access the reactor control room.”

“Okaaaay,” says 10013, hesitantly walking over to 10101.

“Think of this as moving a mind between bodies, not destroying one and creating a new one. Or maybe like changing your carapace designs,” says the robot, “Last time you did it via a wall connection port, now you’re doing it using a physical card. That’s all.”

Emboldened by the explanation, 10013 removes the new memory card, and slots it into the security robot. All the other drones watching the process back off with hesitation as “new 10101” buzzes, its eyes light up, and it takes several experimental steps.

“Good job,” 10101 starts walking faster than in its previous body, “All systems seem functional.”

“Wow, I wish we could do this with changelings too,” 20100 chuckles, the first one to simply accept the new reality and follow the robot, “But our head stuff is squishy. I remember that a cave-in once crushed 54771 and 33011 and I ran over to see if I could help. 33011 didn’t have a head but its legs were still twitching while 54771’s head was all that was left. I tried to goop the head to the hole in 33011’s neck but it didn’t work because the leggos just stopped twitching on their own a moment later. But hey, how cool would it be if we could just scoop the head goop, plop it into a warrior body, and then go punch some slippery munchers.”

“Do not try it on other changelings,” says the new 10101 quickly, “Neural biology is vastly more complicated.”

“Okay,” 20100 shrugs, “Even if we find a head with a shooty horn?”



Author's Note:

Huh, not even getting into the Featured stories. As Shrek would say - IT'S ALL OGRE!

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