• Published 28th Feb 2022
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They're... ON HOLIDAY? - Nameless Narrator

After reaching peace between Equestria and Hive changelings, queen Chrysalis takes two high ranks and a small retinue of drones with her on a trip to an island holiday resort.

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Day 6 - Worky time cancelled!: 7/8

It is the “we still haven’t decided when exactly, but it has to be a super long way away because 10013 said things are really awesome right now compared to what they used to be, and we’d like for it to stay like that or even get better for a long time to come, please” Big Number melon. For more than “it took too long to count that far on hooves, so just very long” the Queen has set immobile on her “super comfy couch that 65536 brought as a gift one freezy time. Wait, no. Ahem, again. On the throne deep inside the throne room of the Hive… doesn’t she stretch from time to time? She has to!” the Queen has set immobile, with the occasional walk to stretch her legs, and some warriors to give her a massage on her very comfy throne. She is the Queen of the Lings by the will of the gods- “wait, what’s this god thingy?”

*Whisper whisper whisper!*

She is the Queen of the Lings, because she’ll smack you if you disagree and no amount of wibbling will save you! She is the ruler of the thousands of hive tunnels and caverns, by the might of her inexhaustible armies of warriors and infiltrators “who occasionally do have to take a nap, but there’s so many of them that she doesn’t notice if they swap out smartly.”. She is very pretty with long mane and well-maintained carapace, all smooth and shiny. She is the Queen of the Imperium of Ling, who munches the love of thousands every day so that “umm, we kinda all eat love, so… that she can share and ration it because if everyone ate all they wanted there wouldn’t be enough and we’d go back to munching each other? That sounds about right.”

Yet even on her throne, the Queen continues her eternal vigilance. Mighty armies cross the depths of the Deep Dark, the only route between -Yes, the Hive is too big to run across on hoof, so this is wobbly stuff that plops you out where you need to be, but it’s dangerous and spooky! Don’t be scared, 99380, I made that up- between the edges of the Hive, their way lit by the Big Shiny, a manifestation of the Queen’s will. Numerous armies scuffle in her name in uncounted caverns and tunnels. The greatest of her Lings are her… “Miss 93? Umm, do warriors smack harder than infiltrators?”

“That would take too long to explain. How about you go with high ranks?”

“Eeeeeee, that’s so smart!”

The greatest of her Lings are the High Ranks, the best love-infused super-Lings. Their buddies are legion: the brave warriors, countless drones-

“I can count to many!”

“That means ‘too many to count’, not that they can’t count.”


-the ever-vigilant infiltrators and the… the… “Hey, 99111, what did you call your guys?”

“The Mechanibugs! They like stuffing a lot and don’t believe in silly stuff like the Big Shiny. Oh oh oh! And they have extra legs made of metal sticks that-”

“Gotcha, but we’ll get to the details later.”

-and the Mechanibugs to name only a few. But for all their multit- mullets- megamlem- big numbers, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from surface-dwellers, traitors, gribblers, and worse.

To be a Ling in such times is to be one of Big Number. It is to live in “times so bad that it’s super important they’re imaginary because they’re even worse than before the New Rules.” under a Queen who kinda doesn’t care much about drones. These are the tales of those times. Forget hugs, noms, and shinies, for the nice stuff has been forgotten. Forget breaky time and cheer-up piles, for in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only Scuffle. There are no cuddles in the dark tunnels, only an eternity of smacking and biting, and the screaming of fighting hordes.



“Uhh, you okay, 99380?” 10013 pokes the shaking drone sitting next to it who is hiding its muzzle with its legs.

“T-That’s so s-saaaad and spooky,” it mentally whispers back.

“It’s not real, buddy.”

“I know, but I’m gonna hug my little models anyway once we get to making them.”

“They’ll be in good hooves then, I suppose,” 10013 quietly chuckles before speaking out loud, “Great narration, everyone! Thank you for the script, Mister Shiny,” the drone points at the blackboard covered with writing containing the occasional smudged out text with [your ideas] written there instead.

“It was rather chaotic,” Shining Armor observes the drones spread all over the living room of the bungalow, “We can redo it if you want.”

“It’s fine. We got the idea, and 99380 committed it to memory, right?”

“Yup,” 99380 nods, “You guys should be able to check the hive mind and see it there.”

Several mental pings later, 10013 confirms it and Shining Armor wipes the blackboard with a sponge.

“All there. I think we can get to the factions, if 93 is okay with it,” it looks at the infiltrator sitting by the door with eyes closed who hasn’t said anything after being let in.

“Don’t mind me,” she replies, opening one eye, “If I have anything to say, I’ll let you know.”

“Okay,” a wave of relief reflexively washes over 10013, seeing that the high rank in the same room is comfortable. Some habits die hard, “Whose factions do we start with then?”

“I’ll go first and you can use me as an example,” says Shining, immediately earning a bunch of nods and glowing eyes locked on him, “The noble Equestri, an ancient surface race possessing magical abilities as well as technology beyond the understanding of others. However, a magical accident during dangerous research nearly wiped their entire race out, so their units are extremely powerful, but there can only be a few of them. Their melee combat unit will be the Crystal Charger, a highly mobile, tanky, and hard-hitting pony. Their ranged support will be the Crystal Destroyer, an extremely powerful and accurate sniper with little mobility. The third unit, just so that we don’t have to write down too much stuff, will be the Crystal Librarian, a unicorn magic user with several offensive spells we’ll think of later. Following me?” he looks around, with barely any reaction from the drones, “I guess I’ll guide you through the process when we get to it. My champion will be Gleaming Shield, a commander who gives other units powerful defensive buffs, and my special power will be Blessing of the Crystal He- Crystal, which heals all my units a bit. So, I’d like something like this from everyone who made up their own faction,” Shining finishes his piece, asking, “Anyone?”

“We already started with mine in the story bit so we can keep going,” 20100 shrugs, receiving an answer in the form of group nodding, “So, the Imperium of Ling is basically our good old hive, ruled by the Queen. We control the center of the underground which is the biggest part.”

“What’s your strategy, your main strength so to say?” asks Shining. After a moment of thought, 20100 replies:

“Our main strength is that there are a lot of us and, aside from the top ranks, we’re pretty easy to replace, so our combat strategy is to just throw wave and wave of lings at the enemy.”

“That sounds like a faction with a lot of cheap units and several expensive but powerful commanders,” Shining nods, scribbling a series of numbers on the blackboard that make no sense to the drones, “Don’t try to remember these yet. So, what would be your units?”

“Warriors, infiltrators, and drones,” replies 20100.

“Go figure,” Shining rolls his eyes, “First things first - which units are melee and which specialize in ranged combat.”

“I, uhh, dunno?” 20100 steadiness slowly crumbles. There’s only so much a drone can prepare for, “I think… I think both infiltrators and warriors can use both. We, drones, can’t do energy beams, though. We just smack or, if there’s no other option, dig. That’s where we really really want some baddie to go away and our hooves glow and remove chunks of them just like when we dig through rocks and stuff.”

“That’s okay. You can have units like, for example - an squishy infiltrator with a plasma dagger who does a lot of damage, a different infiltrator with a long-range laser beam. For warriors, you can have, let’s say, a big bulky one who can take a lot of hits in melee, or a standard mid-range one who would be a good mix of damage and durability, and so on,” Shining pauses for a second, “And for a drone… Battlemace has a good mechanic for that too - let’s say you’re small and squishy and don’t do much damage, but the damage you do automatically passes through armor. Let’s limit it to three units and a champion for now or the blackboard might not be big enough.”

“Hey, I like that!” 20100 cheers up immediately, “I don’t know some of the words, but I’ll take the infiltrator with energy beams, the big punchy warrior, and the diggy drones.”

“So, a well-rounded faction made of two heavily specialized units and some unique fodder- no, don’t wibble at me, it’s just a game!” Shining looks away immediately when the word fodder invokes a reaction he, in retrospect, should have expected, “And who would be your champion? A big unit with special abilities the strategic use of which can turn the tables.”

“It’s gotta be a top rank, but since I don’t know how to make the best unit yet, let’s say it’ll be rank 34,” 20100 pauses, looks around, lingers on 93, and decides for the safe approach, “An infiltrator who can… umm… bite enemy units and make them work for us? And shoots bigger lasers. But who also isn’t completely helpless in melee. Hmmm, I’m rolling everything into one… that’s not good, right?”

“A champion can do a lot of things well, or be extremely powerful in one particular area. I think your 34 is fine. We’ll tune the numbers and see where we land,” Shining stops writing, “Aaaand one final thing - a faction-wide special ability, something you can use to temporarily improve your situation, which would be very specific for your faction.”

20100 looks around, rubs its head, and shrugs.

“I gotta go with our hive links. They’re super useful for sharing information. Maybe they could help us figure out enemy weaknesses or something.”

“Excellent idea!” Shining smiles and writes it down, “Alright. One faction down, who has the next one?”

36658 raises its hoof.


“We already have those, or do you mean a split off faction or something? If so, figure out a distinguishing name.”

“Hmm… Shiny cult? That sounds okay for now. No, that’s not related to you even though you’re having fun with us and your friend can feed us forever!” 36658 nods, “We’re part of the Imperium of Ling. We obey the Queen only because she’d eat us if we didn’t, but we believe there’s more to the Imperium than just orders, and that there’s something greater than the Queen which is the entirety of the Imperium together, by which I mean its lings,” 36658 glances 93’s way, but the infiltrator is just sitting there, listening, “We believe that the Big Shiny isn’t some part of the Queen, but something bigger to guide us. Aaand, because we believe for real, the Big Shiny gives us special powers.”

“I guess we’re getting to your units then,” Shining steers 36658’s monologue.

“Exactly!” the drone nods, “They’re all drones, so they can all dig. On top of that, there are the Believers who believe for real and protect others from the front lines. Their belief is so strong that the Big Shiny protects them so well that they can survive in melee. Then there are the Potatoes who are a step above that and can do all kinds of special tricks by asking the Big Shiny for help.”

“Spellcaster units, alright,” Shining nods, “We’ll figure out the spell list later.”

“My final unit are drones who are just like 20100’s… but maybe they look a bit different? Is it possible?”

“For sure. Battlemace has tons of shared units, especially when you consider custom factions. It also gives us a bit more free space on the blackboard.”

“Neat! As for my champaigne, that’ll be High Score, the chosen of the Big Shiny,” 36658 beams, “The best of all drones and the example of what drones can be! It’ll be strong and tough and… and… -ah hah- when a different unit is about to die, it’ll have a special ability that’ll let it save the unit and swap places with it.”

“Whoah, that’s a good design actually,” Shining writes it down, “And what about your faction power? Hive links too?”

“I guess so. We’re all drones and I didn’t think that far ahead,” 36658 rubs its head with a nervous chuckle.

“Well, if you think about something else, we can always change it. Who’s next?”

“Mememememe!” 99526 waves its leg in the air, smiling, “36658 had a really fun idea that I built on!”

“Sure, go for it,” Shining smiles at such enthusiasm for the game.

“So, my guys are super baddies who left the Imperium of Ling because they liked the exact opposite of things it stands for!” 99526 happily gets to it, “They aren’t comfortable with the Big Shiny, but with the Deep Dark instead. They don’t feed on love, but on fear and other nasty feelsies. That’s why they do really bad stuff to other factions, like spook them during breaky time or plunder the stashes of drones even before they’re dead-”

Other drones gasp or say “gasp” in horror, making Shining briefly ponder how much of a taboo the stash robbing is in the hive.

“And their drones don’t like digging and carrying, but filling holes and dropping stuff,” 99526 looks around at other drones who are eagerly listening and 93 whose mouth is twitching, which is the only sign that she’s listening, “And finally, they don’t have a Queen. Instead, whenever they need to unite against a big force like the Imperium, they do so under a mysterious king Elohgel.”

93 facehoofs. 99526 looks at her, ears drooping.

“Just trying to stop a sneeze,” 93 rubs her muzzle performatively, “Go on, name your units and special skills.”

“Oh, uhh. I was kinda thinking more about the story and not the game itself,” relieved 99526 rubs its chin, “They could be like 20100’s Imperium, but bad.”

“I mean, their drones can’t dig if they like filling up,” 20100 comments.

“Gasp! You’re right,” 99526’s eyes go wide, “Maybe my drones could be building cover for the other guys instead. It’s like dropping dirt instead of removing it.”

“That’s an excellent idea,” Shining nods, “You drones could be more of a tactical support than fodder. As for your other units, if you’re going with the opposing theme to other lings, can you even have warriors and infiltrators?”

“Umm, yup, I think I do. They’ll just be reversed. Infiltrators will be strong and punchy and warriors will be all shooty.”

“How about infiltrators being squishy but extremely powerful in melee and also difficult to hit, with warriors being mid-range generalists?” the idea comes accompanied by turning of all drone heads towards 93 who’s the one speaking up.

Shining Armor’s jaw drops while 99526’s eyes light up as it cheers:

“Yes yes yes yes! I want that!”

“I’m sorry, are you really interested in fiction settings and game design?” Shining can’t stop himself from asking that as his hobby is being acknowledged by… a mare.

93 smirks, opening one eye again.

“So far, the premise is amusingly ridiculous. Let’s see how interesting you can make the gameplay.”

“Where were you when I was sixteen?” mutters Shining, shaking his head and earning an amused snort from 93.

“Are you that surprised by my interest in this game?” she asks, “I hatched quite recently, even the veteran drones here are older than I am, and my exposure to pony world has been fairly limited, but from what little information I pulled out of the drones’ heads in regards to your demonstration of the tactics system on the beach I feel like anyone who likes strategy could enjoy this.”

“I’d rather not go into detail why, because I might slip into a rant about certain misgivings of pony culture,” Shining sighs, taking a brief trip through an extremely nerdy memory lane, “But yes, it is unusual.”

“I see,” 93 closes her eye again, her tone slightly disappointed.

“Ehh, I’m glad you’re interested, though,” Shining adds. When she doesn’t reply, he looks at the surrounding drones again, “So… anyone else?”

“Wait wait wait!” 99526 waves its leg again, “Can I still have a special talent and a chimpanzee? I mean, my faction.”

“Oh, right! Sure. Got anything in mind?”

“Well, for the talent - I don’t think I can have the hive links, because I’m the opposite of the Imperium and my guys aren’t even working together, so it’s gotta be something different. Miss 93, any ideas? Uhh, anyone?”

“It’s your faction and your story,” 93 shrugs, and the others give a similar answer.

“I GOT IT!” 99526 lets out a surprisingly believable evil laugh, “Maybe my special talent and my champoo are the same thing! What if… my guys…” it pauses yet again for dramatic effect, “CAN SUMMON THE BIG BAD STAR PONY! THE WORST EVIL EVEEERRRRRR! MWA HA HA HAAAA!” it carefully looks at 36658, ears drooping a little, “Is that okay?”

“Go for it,” replies 36658 in a strange tone no one can identify, and nods before adding with a fire in its voice, “Just don’t be surprised when I crush your traitors in every engagement, see you driven before High Score, and hear the lamentation of your mares!”

“Spooky!” 99526 perks up, seeing that 36658 is taking its idea in stride, “Okay, I’m done. Who wants to go next?”

“I’ll go, if no one minds,” says 10013, waiting for anyone to speak up. When no one does, it continues, “I think I’ve got the basics figured out. So, my faction is pretty simple. It’s just the underground Gribblers, and all they want is to eat everything. I don’t get a champion, but I’d like to have more types of units to choose from instead. Is that okay?” it looks at Shining questioningly.

“Let’s trade blackboard space that would be taken by a champion for one other standard unit.”

“Goodie!” 10013 grins, “My speciality then is being adaptable, and having a variety of units to choose from is critical. So, let’s start with rumblers.”

“Oh no…” the other two veteran drones exchange looks of horror, and shudder.

“I’m going to need an explanation here,” says Shining.

“Rumblers are the worst thing ever,” 10013 lowers its voice, “All you can hear is, well, rumbling in the ground, and then the whole tunnel moves and crumbles. It’s like a huge, moving wall which eats its way through the ground. Thankfully, it’s not great at eating through rocks, so when you’re in deeper tunnels you usually have enough time to escape. They’re a big reason why we have to keep re-digging tunnels all the time.”

“I guess I’ll have to wait for a model because I’m still lost,” Shining writes ‘a Rumbler’ on the blackboard.

“It’s a massive underground worm that's extremely heavily armored. We don’t mess with those unless it’s critical to save a vein of valuable minerals or something else. It’s usually a huge investment of ranked changelings and love,” explains 93, “Good choice of a front-liner, 10013.”

“Thank you,” 10013 smiles, “Okay, next would be thorny spitters. They’re these crawling, four-legged gribblers that spit acid that can eat through your carapace when you get close. If you have a big enough pool of water around and you’re not alone you can usually survive with only needing to rest a sleepy time or two.”

“Low-range acid spitters. Simple enough,” Shining notes it down.

“Leggy spinners,” 10013 continues, which is followed by a series of groans and shudders from other drones, “Yup, the classic ones. They’re kind of a… a spider, I think, is what Miss Cadance would call them. These are a bit bigger than us, have long legs, quickly rush towards you in groups, and drag you off. They’re very fast, so if you’re caught alone it’s pretty much over. High ranks can blast them well enough, which is why we have warriors stationed around these days.”

“A melee charger unit that’s not particularly tough but good at flanking,” Shining Armor shakes his head with a smile, “You’re better at building a balanced squad than some of my new recruits.”

“Thank you. It’s good that we can make Scufflestick educational for new drones too,” 10013 beams, “As for my final unit, I think it’ll be a crawling cruncher. That’s a flat-ish noodle about your length, Mister Shiny, and our height, that can crawl all over walls and ceilings, and it’s only a bit slower than we are. It’s covered in tough carapace, has maaaaaaaany legs, and also two biters in the front part. It bites down very quickly too, and it can easily pierce drone chitin.”

“A tanky melee. You know what? I have an idea. What if your Rumblers were less of a unit and more of a trap, a special effect that you prepare beforehoof and then it causes massive damage if the enemy can’t avoid it. It could be good for area denial,” offers Shining.

“That might be a bit too complicated, but sure. If you show me how it can work,” 10013 shrugs, “And finally, my special power would be about adaptability too. Could I, maybe, somewhere later into the fight, pick a unit to use and add to my group?”

“Sure,” Shining nods, “Battlemace does have reinforcement rules, but we’ll have to be careful with those, because they can be terribly unfair. We’ll figure it out.”

“Great! Then I think I’m done,” 10013 pauses to think for a moment, “My faction is kinda low on story because, well, they just live in the tunnels and eat stuff. Most don’t even live around each other… nor do they cooperate. Wait, I’m starting to think I might have goofed up,” it giggles nervously.

“That’s fine. It’s bound to work for the game, and lore can always be ret- changed,” Shining waves it off, “Anyone else? I think you were eager to share your idea with us,” he points at 99111, “Whatever number you are.”

“99111,” the drone stands up, “So, my guys are the Mechanibugs. They don’t believe in silly superstatues like Big Shiny or Deep Dark. They are big on stuffing and can build things like the Angry Shiny from sticks and various kinds of goop,” 99111 pauses, “Miss 93, do you have any idea how an Angry Shiny is made?”

“When two Angry Shinies love each other very much-” 93 pauses, realizing how pointless saying that in front of drones is, and checks the hive mind for information first on what Angry Shiny might be, and then for the scarce knowledge of how a flamethrower works, “Nevermind. You need way more than sticks and goop. Various metals are a big component, and other materials we don’t have in the hive.”

99111’s ears droop.

“Mister Shiny, does it mean that I can’t play a faction based on stuffing when I don’t know how to stuff the weapons and thingies they are using?”

Suffering a mild aneurysm from attempting to understand what 99111 is saying, Shining eventually responds:

“Oh? Ohhh! No no no, you can definitely play a faction that uses technology that’s partly or entirely fictional. In Battlemace, that’s sort of the point even.”

“Yessss!” 99111 punches the air, “So my guys are lings and work with the Emp- Imperium, but they’re trying to learn as much about stuffing as they can, and they don’t have to obey the Queen if it contradicts that. And the Queen can’t make them, because they have all the stuff- we need to make a distinct name, this is getting confusing.”

“High tech weapons?” Shining raises an eyebrow.

“That!” 99111, visibly excited, resumes talking, “They have tech stuff and if the Queen made them mad then she would…” it looks at 93, “Well, she would squish them but it would cost her too many lings and high ranks. And to be safe, my Mechanibugs can sometimes make tech for the Queen and the Imperium to use,” it pauses to take a breath, “How’s that?”

“Definitely interesting, especially since you thought of diplomacy and relationships between factions,” Shining writes something down again, “So, units, a champion, and a special power.”

“Angry Shiny warrior! Big Beam Infiltrator with a talky box for communication instead of the hive links so that they don’t use up love! A warrior with a bunch of metal legs on its back to smack gribblers that are crawling from above-” 99111 begins shooting out idea after idea.

93 smirks to herself, listening and thinking to herself:

Which side will I join?

Hours pass, the blackboard fills over and over, and the drones are busy examining the ideas for the unit models now stored in the drone part of the hive mind.

They may or may not have gotten a bit carried away.

“Are we the baddies?” asks 20100, cutting a discussion about the visuals of its faction’s front line suicide berserker painted with blood of enemies chopped in the name of the Queen.

“Yes,” Shining Armor resolutely nods.


Everyone in Battlemace is!” Shining recoils at the power of pure kicked puppiness hits him in full force, “And your Scufflestick should be the same, because it’s bad guys fighting bad guys. Everyone is just bad in a different way.”

“So… we’re all baddies and goodies at the same time?” 20100 tilts its head, attempting to crunch the information.

Exactly!” Shining nods, “That’s why you don’t feel bad for either side… much.”

“I WANT MORE CULTIST GOOP ON MY SAW BLADE MECHANIBUG!” yells 99111 with a horrifying mix of innocence and bloodlust.

“THE BLESSING OF HIGH SCORE WILL MAKE IT MELT YOUR SILLY TECHNOLOGY!” retorts 36658, and 99380 only sighs in mental exhaustion as more and more change requests to the models it’s saving in the hive mind come.


“I’m baaack, Shiny! We took a bit longer than-” Cadance freezes when she sees the dim interior of the bungalow, various household items scattered over the floor in an attempt to presumably create a makeshift arena and unit markers, “You’re still not done…”

“Oh hi, Cadance!” Shining rubs his eyes as the light from the open door blinds him, “You’re back early.”

“Don’t ‘early’ me, Shiny!” she frowns, “Miss 93, I need you, as the only pony connected to reality in this game room, to end this party right now.”

“Do we have five more minutes? We can finish-” 93 stops when Cadance’s eyes bulge, she begins trotting around the room and opening the curtains.

“YOUT TOO?! I GUESS I’M TRADING MY HUSBAND FOR ONE OF MY GUARDS THEN!” she huffs, “Glintstone, to the window!”

As the crystal pony stands in the freshly let in sunlight, the drones’ eyes light up from all the rainbow colors and quickly lock on the Crystal Guard. 93 and Shining Armor exchange glances and the infiltrator stands up.

“So, no finishing the murderspider version seven?” she chuckles.

“I’ll send Glintstone out to lead the drones away and jump into the ocean,” threatens Cadance.

“You will pay for such hostilities towards the hive!” laughs 93, shaking her hoof menacingly before looking around and asking, “Do you need help cleaning up?”

“No, it’s fine,” Shining shakes his head, “I’ll be putting away Caddy’s things anyway.”

“As you wish,” 93 bows, “Thank you, Emperor, Empress, for your time and company. Drones, we’re leav-” she rolls her eyes, “Mister Glintstone, can you move away from the window, please?”

The rainbows stop, 10013 blinks, looks around, and says as if nothing happened:

“Alright, let’s follow 93. Thank you, Mister Shiny and Miss Cadance!” it smiles at both.

As they’re leaving, Cadance’s horn flashes, letting out a burst of love giving everyone a little refill which is met with more thanks and goodbyes.

Author's Note:

I may have gotten a bit carried away. None of this has any bearing on plot... characters... or anything. At some point it was supposed to.
What am I doing with this meandering?
This happens when you're goop at planning... or sticking to a plan more like.
I think I'm gonna upload the final chapter of day 6 early and then take a longer break to rethink some things, or to shove my head into the oven. Don't worry, it's electric.

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