• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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392. Dammed if you do or don’t pt. 7.

Author's Note:

Music- Final Fantasy XV OST Leviathan Phase 1 ( The Hydraean's Wrath ).

-Equus, Ponyville, Hayburger, Twilight-

“I just wanted to know, what is it going to be like for you being able to make and say goodbye to the many friends you’re going to have?” Why did Jaded ask me to come here just to pose me that question? “I think being a Princess of Friendship is going to be hard to say goodbye as much as saying hello to the new ones.”

Also didn’t Jaded work here once upon a time?

“Well…” I was going to give it thought and put it into words for Jaded, she might be annoying a lot of the time but she usually did make a big effort to be someone’s friend if she wanted to be one with someone. She was making that effort with me right now by asking if we can have a meal together to discuss some things that had her concerned.

The question itself was fairly hard to answer and I dug into my horseshoe fries, Jade was already eating a Fish Mac. A Pegasus specialty at most Hayburgers… since I was part pegasus now did that mean I could suddenly eat a Fish Mac too?

So many existential questions.

“It is better to have once had a true friend than to have never have had them at all.” That was only a partial answer for sure, but it felt like what I was going to answer with from my heart. My heart clenched at the idea of missing my first six best friends, I’m including Spike in that. “Do you still get discounts from here?”

“Hayburger only does so for good workers.” Jaded responded, not answering the question directly. “I didn’t do any math while they had me on the cash register and it made a lot of money that week. So I have a good rapport with all Hayburgers in Equestria and a few in the Minotaur Republic Tyranny.”

“Republic Tyranny?” I asked.

“Fort-attitude is still their ruler, so it’s a technical tyranny given they aren’t willing to depose him and they are currently in one of the largest golden ages to ever exist.” There was a conspiratorial look in Jaded’s eyes as she didn’t say Fortitude’s name correctly.

“Why didn’t you say Fortitude's name…?” My question was met with an immediate answer, but not from Jaded.

“I AM FORTITUDE, THE FANTASTICALLY FRAGRANT!” That sounded like it was coming from Canterlot and it wasn’t Luna this time?!

-Moon Cell Realm, Outer Layer, Dike Land, Cape, Square Plaza, Pom-

“Dormarch, you’re needed up at the castle, you’re the one that can manipulate the PLANTs!” Sami called out as she fire on some Krakens crawling at us with her rifle. This was assisted by the Commandramon on the castle walls.

“Mom, I need you and everyone to hold the square for as long as possible, when you have to retreat to the castle don’t let them inside and hold at the draw bridge as much as you can.” Dormarch just got an affectionate pat on the head from me as I unslung the Paralance from my body and got up onto my hind legs to prepare for the defense. “I’m going to need some time.”

“Then you’ve got it!” I said with a certainty as I crouched to nuzzle him, Dolly flew overhead and dealt with three jellies and then landed at the ready to help me fight. Dolly looked excited to get in some time with being at my side. “Just do your best Dormarch.”

“Search Hunter!” Dormarch shot off in a flash up the stairs and he reappeared above the parapets and disappeared again.

“Ready to fight Dolly?” I asked as I turned to the Assassin Jellies, Kraken and Berserker Sharks that didn’t care about being in water.

“Always at your side when you need me Pom!” Dolly said cheerfully as she hefted her board into a combat position.

“Yeah we’re all going to need to hold this place with everything we have.” To that end Jeanne was at the front while the APs were trying to hold off the servant and the whale by themselves. I could see into the central territory down the middle road and at a distance the blue edged glows of our central territory was flickering and letting a few hundred gallons of sea water through at a time and was starting to turn bright red. “If you got some rest, then save a full blast Aerora for the Servant.”

“Got it, light on the magic until that fish girl that attacked you before shows up.” I took up my position as the flood of aquatic enemies came at us, there were so many EPs attacking the other territories and the few trickling through to us were still a fairly large number.

-Cape Castle Depths, five minutes later, Dormarch-

“Okay, come on… why is this so difficult? There’s just so much code to go through!” I asked as I continued to manipulate the data of the pile of the inactive PLANTs. Is it because I was trying to connect them all together?

“Having problems there sonny, what exactly are you trying to do? Hmm… let me have a shot at it.” The guy walked past me and started to manipulate the data, I was about to tell him to stop when I froze and stared at what he was doing. It was absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt… brilliant. I blinked and looked at the guy. A small bear wearing a blue helmet, blue clothes, some work gloves and boots turned to me grinning with a thick beard. “There you go, does that bit of engineering help?”

“It does, now if there was some way to manufacture better APs…” I said as that sped up the work I had to do drastically.

“Did someone say the word ‘manufacture’?! I am the rabbit version of myself Welch Vineyard, here to help you with your manufacturing needs… first I do this and a little of this, then voila! Better gear for your combat programs, no need to thank me, I’m just that good!” The white rabbit with blonde hair in pigtails said as she stood haughtily with a stick that had a seemingly ambulatory glove on it.

“We’d need materials to…” I was about to say and then a third neutral NPC, a rotund beige furred blue haired cat barged in with an army of big bulky minotaurs. “If you have need of materials, then you need a merchant. Torneko Taloon at your service, I’m sure we can work out a deal!”

Then he too added something to the system of coding I was working, that… just nearly doubled the pace I could work at. He also added a barracks for his NPs, Neutral Programs, who were Berserker Minotaur Mercenaries. Their combat capabilities left something to be desire though, but they were a little better than the two types of APs we currently had dying out there in droves.

“You can pay me by housing my guys that will protect my product… and the castle of course.” It’s not going to be a castle for much longer at this rate. “I can smell a good deal and you guys smell like huge profits. Just don’t expect me to do any fighting personally, though I can fight.”

“We’re still going to need food and resources, we only have so much.” That’s when the idiot cabbage cart cat, looking waterlogged and drowned, came rushing in angrily and threw something into the programming and… added quite a lot actually. We now had some sustainability included.

“For the cabbages!” The cabbage cat stated before he turned from being a Neutral NPC to an NPC-AP in front of me with raw fury. “I’ll run that for you guys for free! Names Patch Cabbage, Moon Cell has destroyed my cabbages for the last time!”

I wonder what happened the first time or the many possibly times afterwards to lead to this moment of an NPC going mad, either that or this was the first time which would be the last time and… my mind was going a bit cross eyed.

“Well that escalated quickly, but I want in on the joining you too to help Pom so...” Welch said as she calmly turned into an NPC-AP as well. Torneko stayed neutral even as he smiled broadly, but he was a merchant so… yeah.

“Hmm… given what you’re making here… my name is Cid, I’ll keep it all in good repair as long as I can stay onboard!” Cid turned into an AP as well a second later. “I’ll even put my money to the resources that Torneko can lend us for it!”

“Welcome aboard, Cid, Welch, Patch… and guest Torneko. We’re kind of on the losing end of things.” However if what they just did really works as advertised, especially the thing that Patch Cabbage gave us… well I’m sure we can make this work out.

-Ten minutes later, Cape Plaza, Pom-

A portion of the central territory fell to the EPs, we basically only had another central one between us and the Servant, so it was becoming a forgone conclusion as the sea wall started building up in the new territory and the whale was waiting until the ocean rose high enough in that territory that it could push forward.

I was at the back and with good reason, I was funneling a lot of the EPs that prioritized me over anything else and that was a lot of Assassin Jellies and Saber Knifefins. I basically had to keep the paralance open at all times and had to fend off a constant barrage of knife fish and jellies trying to sting me.

The Hakamo-o were holding off a bunch of Krakens and the larger Berserker Sharks with help from the Dhelmise unit. The Skarmory were trying to slow down the Servant and do minimal damage to the whale, which explained the massive beam of energy that fired into the sky a second later, the whale was exceedingly slow to fire those off.

The Digi-Bots all stated it had a cycle rate on how often it could use its beam attack, which was a somewhat thankful thing to them. The battered Skarmory soon returned to the castle, all alive, but badly hurt and barely able to keep in the air.

The APs were now closing in on the enemy from all side and portions of the left and right path territories started flickering between blue and red. We were about to lose more to the ocean slowly swallowing up our territories.

While I was one the defensive, Dolly was taking out every EP that charged for me to the best of her abilities while throwing the stone bone at the Jellies to keep them at range. She was fairly happy to have the magical throwing boomerang bone back.

We weren’t seeing any Caster Eels, they were water only EPs or could only attack at a short range out of the water. The Knifefins by comparison were acting like flying fish when they came at us from on high, that they destroyed themselves doing so didn’t mean that the bleeding wounds they could leave behind weren’t life threatening. At least we have shield wielding Saber Knight APs to protect against them, but we were getting pretty badly battered between Metabee cycling ammunition as Krosserdogs fire rate wasn’t nearly good enough to keep up with the numbers.

Pepper Cat could put up an umbrella of lightning, but she wouldn’t be able to do much else and it was very draining on her to keep the hundreds of Knifefins from raining on us. The Commandramon were more focused on sniping the more lasting EPs coming at us from the ground, they were coming at us in a flood of bodies.

“Should we thank Gilgamesh for preparing us for this?” Dolly asked as she shielded herself from multiple Knifefins as she backed up. The enemy were positively firing them at us, they must be very fast to produce in these numbers. So Dolly had the right of it, this was like having knifes fired at us from various portals by Gilgamesh. I didn’t have the paralance at the time, but I’m glad that I currently did now.

Once the swarm of Kniefins falling at us let up I swung around and used the edge of the canopy to tear through three Jellies and Dolly followed up the three behind that. Despite how hard everyone fighting they were still getting through.

The left territory fell and the right slowly followed after, EPs could deal with territories better than APs could. We did pull the Plants from those places and had five of them producing APs every second here to keep the plaza from being crushed under the onslaught.

A loud clang alerted me to Jeanne sliding backwards while holding her spear defensively sea water started filling the territory behind her and I saw that the grinning Rider Totsugeki had arrived.

“You’re the one I want to fight, Moby Dick will take the remaining territories before coming here!” Totsugeki shouted as she pointed the anchor at me, then sent a swarm of Saber Knight APs flying with a single swing, more than fifty of them eliminated in a second. She was the true battle out of everything we were facing, her and that whale that was apparently named Moby Dick. “That’ll give me the time to fight you!”

She seemed rather dead set on it.

“Dolly be careful she can summon sea mammals at any place.” I stated as the fighting continued on as we were given a large room to fight in around the plaza as the EPs seemed to avoid coming after me now.

“Really how dangerous can that be?” Dolly asked as she took up a position next to me.

“Mr. Goshogawara!” Shouted Totsugeki and I immediately jumped straight up without question, however I hadn’t been the target… Dolly was.

Dolly was in its mouth and I could feel her panic for a second before feeling the sudden change as a green triangle popped into her mind. What happened next beggared belief as Dolly did something well beyond her natural strength even with momentum boosting power.

Dolly grabbed the Killer Whales tongue, leapt up and forced it to bite its own stretching tongue. Forcefully stretching it’s tongue further as it was in pain from biting down on it as it was still going upwards, Dolly landed on the ground and with a heave of her paws the tongue went up and over her shoulder and she let go of its tongue.

A snapping sound was heard and with a strange white flash of what I assumed to be magic from Dolly, she managed to throw the whale at the surprised Rider Totsugeki’s face crushing her under the weight of her own summon for a second before it disappeared.

Even I was shocked that she managed to throw a Killer Whale several times her own weight, size and well beyond her abilities.

“How the dog did I even do that? Those triangles really are something!” Dolly stated with a wagging tail as she took up her board and bone in her front paws.

“Ow, you mean butt, you hurt Mr. Goshogawara!” He was trying to eat my dog Rider Totsugeki, I’m glad she even managed to pull that off.

“You really want to see mean, Dolly can you please get behind me?” The grin on Dolly’s face as I gave that command she immediately followed was telling.

“Aerora!” A massive horizontal tornado slammed into Rider Totosugeki, she slammed her Anchor down and stood in place smirking triumphantly. This was going to work far better than I thought it would… I brought up my front hooves and performed the campfire starter technique to ignite the tornado.

“Dolly and Pom’s infamous Flame Burst combination!” I called out.

Rider Totsugeki wasn’t smiling a second later as she was blasted away from her anchor with the fury of a horizontal burning tornado that thankfully all my allies avoided as she was flung down the middle pathway from Cape Castle that was filling with sea water at the edge of the Plaza where the blue glow of our territory still held firm against the encroaching sea.

This left behind the heated metal anchor in the ground and I had started up a Bark Breaker.

“RrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrRGGGGHHHH… YIP!” The heat from the flaming tornado plus a Bark Breaker and the portion of the anchor in the cobblestone street snapped off, the rest of the large mass of the anchor shattered and the pieces of metal shrapnel impacted with a burning Rider Totsugeki who had now been rendered without a weapon when the tornado fired them at her. This helped with sending Totsugeki flying further away.

That should keep her off of us for a short while, the combo wasn’t as powerful as my Thousand Spears Huo which was a far more focused attack, but that would take five minutes and I would have to go first. The Flame Burst had a better area of effect that was definitely large enough to fill the air with the smell of broiled fish.

“Do you think that got her?” The double strength horizontal tornado eventually died down as Dolly grinned up at me.

“Not really, she recovered from me performing a disabling bite on her.” One that broke bone and tore flesh, she would recovered from that, but she at least didn’t have a weapon.

“TOTSUGEKI!” It wasn’t thirty seconds of fighting later that she came roaring back on what she called Mr. Dolphin. She was badly scorched and looked to be quite angry with us now as she popped out of the wall of rising sea water. The other two territories were starting to fill with sea water too. She was huffing and puffing in angry, there was even a wild look in her eyes as she sat on the dolphin that hovered above the ground in a small bit of water. “I…!”

Shanty swung in with a large mass of water shaped like her hoof and plowed it into Rider Totsugeki’s face with a force the size of a sledgehammer that amounts to four anvils glued together. I was basically guessing.

“Mom, Jeanne, call the retreat of the PLANTs and all non Allie Program personnel and let them take the territory!” Dormarch’s voice called out. “We’re ready with our surprise, once everyone is in and the drawbridge is raise we’ll unleash it!”

“All PLANTs and Personnel retreat, APs cover our egress!” Jeanne waved her banner about and we all started up the stairs as the APs we left behind to struggle to keep up with the flood of enemies and the literal flood as the territory of the plaza flickered between red and blue.

I turned around and ran with Dolly hopping onto my back to block the following storm of Knifefin EPs. As we climbed the steps towards Cape Castle, I can’t help but wonder what Dormarch had accomplished.

Sami Soldier and Canard were ahead of us as we crossed the drawbridge to the castle. Sami sighed and waited for everyone to finish crossing into the castle with the five PLANTs for producing APs and the courtyard started filling with them. The APs moved up to the walls and readied themselves.

Jeanne was the last one in helping a Hakamo-o limp through and then the drawbridge went up with a simple command via Sami.

“We’re not going to win are we?” Ocellus asked as she saw the sea water rising halfway up the steps.

“I don’t know about that, Dormarch has something planned.” I turned to Sami. “I know some of what he wanted to do, but do you have an idea as to what the outcome will be?”

“We’re about to see it in action… hopefully.” Sami stated as she motioned me up onto the wall.

The whale was rising with the waves getting closer to being eye level with us and eventually a battered Totsugeki rode Mr. Dolphin to land on top of the whale.

She glared at me as the castle was the only bit of territory we had left.

“Any last words?” The waters around the castle was teeming with EPs.

“Yes, actually…” Dormarch said as he came to hop onto the bit of the parapets to glare back at her, his puppy size seeming less threatening to the whale that just opened its mouth to start charging energy. “ACTIVATE FORTRESS PLANT!”

The beam shot out of the whale’s mouth was stopped by hundreds of hexagonal barriers forming around the castle as a pair of large white wings rose and spread out.

“… I’m taking it you were the one responsible for the wings part of this Sami?” Dormarch said dryly as the wings spread out and the castle started growing underneath my hooves.

“So I like ducks and thought it would be cool, don’t draw too much more attention to it!” Sami stated heatedly. “I was part of the set up for all of this and it seems to be working!”

“Dormarch… what exactly did you do to this castle?” I asked as the castle continued to grow until it outsized the whale and Rider Totosugeki was staring wide eyed as castle continue rise up on four massive pillars that I’m starting to recognize as legs with a shape that resembled paw as a large relatively round canine shaped head started poking out from under where the drawbridge was. A large thin shape rose into the air far behind the castle, if I didn’t know any better I’d swear…

“Well I…” The world became an exceedingly blinding bright blue before he could even get started on his answer as a blue territory expanded at such a speed that the water around the whale basically evaporated and it flopped into the crevasse between the square and the mountain.

-Birds eye view-

The castle increased in size slightly, elongated and looked to be becoming a mixture of biological mechanical like Dodo was, its white feathered wings spread out and the dog shaped body that became part of the castle broke away from the hill it was sitting upon. A large portion of the hil becoming part of the castle.

The monstrosity of engineering roared and glared down upon the battered Rider Totsugeki who was staring up at the castle wide eyed and fearful from the sudden turnaround of territory. She was definitely going to need to summon Leviathan for this.

“Program, Holy Judgement, accessing... using eighty percent power for full strength use of program.” Stated a clinical male voice, suddenly a massive sword rose up out of the front of the winged dog castle that started hovering in the air.

The tip of the sword sparkled, then the thousands of EPs were eviscerated by the sudden hundreds of beams raining down into the large dry territory where ocean used to be and blasting everything around it. Including heavily damaging Moby Dick with multiple blasts focused on it in particular.

“Due to ninety percent power loss from defenses and use of Holy Judgement, flight mode is disengaged, while under ten percent power we will be in walk mode until twenty five percent energy is restored.” The castle dropped to the ground on it’s for large canine legs which bent under the enormous amount of weight being put on its legs and roared.

It slowly marched forward several steps, lifting its left paw and promptly slamming it into the equally large Moby’s skull.

Moby Dick was not having a good day when a program of equivalent size started attacking it back and thanks to the sudden territory change it was most incapable of defending itself. It started generating EPs to the best of its abilities.


“You… heh… turned the entire castle… heh heh… turned the entire castle into a giant flying dog fortress…” My disbelief was matched by everyone, including Dolly who looked down at the head of the fortress as it raised its other paw and the long section of segmented tail at the back of the castle wagged.

“Pom, this is no longer Cape Castle, say hello to our means of making Moon Cell take notice of us, say hello to… CASTLE ALEXANDER!” Dormarch’s raised right paw and semi-animalistic digit pointing to the sky was followed by the castle ramming its right paw down on top of the whale’s skull damaging it even worse. The sword that came out of the castle lowered back into it and there was a symbol of a paw print on the banners around the castle now. “You know that thing about Territory Creation, yeah I created my territory. How is that servant going to top this?”

The sky darkened and a massive summoning portal opened up and out of came a giant serpent and on the head of that serpent was an angry Rider Totsugeki.

“Like that.” I said dryly as while the castle focused on crushing the thing Moby Dick under its front paws.

“Emergency, emergency! Summon monster Leviathan has been fielded!” Said the male voice of… Alexander I guess. “All personnel seek safety immediately.”

The large serpent wound its way around the tail of the caste the body and then raised up in the front of it.

“Okay, that’s it, no more miss nice Rider Totsugeki, you’re getting the leviathan!” Pointed Rider from the top of the massive things head as it squeezed the castle.

“Structural integrity dropping slowly, please dispatch enemy before Alexander is destroyed.” Said Alexander as the serpent opened its bubbling mouth while pointing at us on the castle walls. “EPs are attacking all legs, APs moving to intercept boarders.”

“Leviathan show them a Tidal Wave!” Rider Totsugeki shouted, the humongous serpen started inhaling and spread its wing like fins as its enormous body continued to squeeze the entirety of the castle. “TOTSUGEKI!”

I was frozen with fear that she even had something bigger than the Moby Dick whale, still shocked by the fact that we now had a large walking, flying and possibly intelligent fortress.

“Everybody be getting down!” Shanty shouted as she came up onto the castle wall and standing on her hind legs as an oceans amount of water came spraying at us with incredible force. Just the initial air pressure from the spray of the attack sent a number of my friends sailing from the castle walls or sliding across the courtyard, I stayed put using my wool and caught Dormarch before he fell too. Dolly was already clinging onto me and I looked up to see Shanty gather the massive spray of water above her head.


We be knowing this would be tough, but I didn’t be thinking they be having a problem his large at what was being stated as the entrance to Moon Cell.

I continued gathering and compressing the water until I started splitting it away and creating a protective bubble as I launched lowered the blade of water and then be launching my attack.

“Cutlass Riptide!” I slung the massive blade of water down and be sending it forward to be cutting the torrent of water in half. That water blade be cutting into the attack and as soon as the serpent be stopping, what little be left be left of the waters cutting arc be taking a very small chunk off the tip of its fin making it bleed.

A lot of stuff be happening in such a short amount of time, but I am being quick on the uptake. We be trying to get an advantage on them and they still be having more to throw at us.

“This is being my fight Pom!” I said as I saw the pirate symbol on the fish girls hat, excitement filled me, my blood be bumping and I be having a large beasty and pirate to fight. “Please, be joining me in it!”


“Gladly Shanty, Dolly get Dormarch to safety!” I didn’t even look to see what Dolly was doing as I brought up the open Paralance and tightened my hooves grip on it, I really didn’t have the bravado I was showing as I was shivering in sheer terror of a giant snake.

Lambkin from an early age are taught to logically fear getting near mega-fauna things like this on Equus. There was no way I was going to escape having to put up a fight in this and it looked to have a connection to Rider Totsugeki somehow. Why could I see a connection between them?

“I too am willing to get in on this, I Jeanne D’ Arc am responsible for everyone in the castle and I will protect it with my very life!” Jeanne stated as she took up a position next to me to face down the serpent wrapping around the castle as she planted the Valora banner and glared at it with no fear whatsoever.

Jeanne was definitely nuts, as that large serpent was terrifying. A quick sheen flashed over her body as she activated the move Iron Defense. Okay a bit maybe a bit nuts, but at least smart enough to know how things were about to proceed.

“Hmph… it’s quite an overgrown snake.” Rokusho stated as he joined us with steely stare at the massive beast. “We didn’t come this far to stop now, let’s make Moon Cell recognize us as a real threat. I should be enough to help fend off the serpent.”

“We got your back down here Rokusho!” Metabee shouted from the courtyard where the Commandramon were picking themselves up and lifting their rifles with determined faces as they turned to face the massive monster.

“We’ve definitely seen worse!” One of the Commandramon stated. “Come get some digital lead!”

The large serpent, Leviathan roared stunning all of us for a second from the pure pressure it unleashed and Rider Totsugeki was roaring with it as it moved its head at the four of us on the castle wall with its open mouth.

We were all a little nuts, but we if we didn’t do this, then the Pokemon and Digital realms would fall and that meant fighting abusively large monstrosities I could barely wrap my head around how we were going to effectively fight it.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

I paused the scene with Pom and three others readying themselves to face the large maw full of teeth coming at them. I was going to make a screensaver out of that.

I popped a large bit of popcorn into my mouth, the flavor of cheddar and mozzarella crossed my tongue in all its glory.

“Yeah, they are going to need Mirage Mew’s help soon if that’s the kind of thing they are all facing up against.” Yes Mew, Lu Bu’s soul was in there somewhere with them and it was looking for revenge on Shanty surviving him.

“Still not enough it seems… she’ll get there eventually with how powerful she is now.” Tiamat continued to focus on Shanty.

“Even if her Chrysomallus heritage wasn’t forcing her forward, she still shines brightly all her own.” Bahamut commented as he picked up a bit of popcorn that was half the size of his mouth and tossed it in. Yes, we were sharing a large popcorn, emphasis on the ‘large’.

“Leviathan is one of the weaker summons, but still quite a deadly force… unfortunately it’s up against a Capricornus. The one called Rider Totsugeki will not win this battle through raw brute force.” Which was all that she was doing Tiamat, which admittedly was starting to fail with their new mobile castle.

“How soon will Mirage Mew show up?” I asked tentatively of Mew.

“Provided they survive that… ‘thing’… approximately thirty minutes for Mirage Mew and the Mirage Collectives arrival in the Moon Cell’s systems.” Not enough time to help them then even were they to show up in Dike Land specifically.

Mirage Mew was a powerful digital soul, one that Moon Cell would find quite spicy as Mirage Mew broke away from its programming before and forged a real soul from purely digital energy with more power than a Porygon could possibly ever hope to have. MM was a legend unto itself, one that met an Ash personally and enjoyed his company.

It would help with the situation in Ransei, as breaches appeared… in Viperia and Illusio. Moon Cell managed to open them away from raw technological anchor points without piggybacking through the Yggdrasil System. Bad, but not unexpected yet.

As Pom gets closer to the center of Moon Cell’s system, the more distorted it will get from her Anti-Magic nature, the super computer would not be able to ignore Pom for much longer. I seriously doubted it was going to be able to kill Pom without some massive effort and a good amount of resources put to achieving her demise.

Not with the motley crew she keeps pulling together by existing, she is going to be a major thorn for Moon Cell and an even worse problem if she goes on being ignored for far too long.

The war is starting properly now, Pom would prove to be one of the better wild cards as the chaotic stuff happening around her are sure to make Moon Cell hasten its plans or focus her down to the best of its abilities.

In either case… I’ve planned ahead.

“What of the souls of Illusio’s dead?” I asked quietly.

“All gathered and taken care of father, Moon Cell did not draw a single of them from our world. Though goodness knows it tried.” Mew stated with a salute, for I always protected what is mine with quite a ferocity. “Lunala still has an eye on Moon Cell’s nigh indestructible physical form to make sure it wasn't doing anything it shouldn't.”

Time for war.

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