• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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156. Binned.

Author's Note:

I need to go back over this page and fix a few things... but later.

-Huoshan, Head of the Canine Unit’s office, ????-

“The tenko?” One of the guards stated in confusion having been brought to the office.

“Yes, the tenko is acting as the current head in place of Pom being missing. If anyone has a problem with their partners, then they should come here with a bowl of rice and baked fish to get some arguments settled fairly.” The other longma stated while he pointed to me. “The tenko is in fact our current mediator and is from the Lambchop family, the unanimously acknowledge current head of our unit. Please respect them, for they are honoring us with their very presence.”

“Kyu-kyu?” I asked wagging my two tails and standing up on the desk that belonged to our pack’s leader.

“You have got to be kidding me.” The first longma stated, she was one of those types wasn’t she?

I prayed for her to get pranked in the near future, or take a washtub to the head. I was going to ask Mr. Birch to help me make it happen. Also going to give her a rather annoying ‘butter on toast rush, wake up late’ curse.

Nobody should doubt or question the power of the messenger fox of the Lambchop pack! I was in charge until Tianhuo or Pom came back to us… and we the eternally loyal would wait forever!

“Why did the fox just put her paws together in prayer and glow for a few seconds?” The dumb longma stated, she must be a longma that didn’t focus much on self-discipline growing up. “And why are you backing away from me?”

“I just want you to know that it sucks to be you.” The smart longma in the canine unit was getting a free service from me later for respecting my authori-tah!

I believed he was dating a nice Kirin who knows a good rice pudding recipe, I should help him have a happy date night and I might even get some fish and rice in return.

-Earth, Duckberg, Scrooge-

“Can you tell us the status of Leap Lamb Mr. McDuck?” The reporters were being far too nosey about Pom for my liking. “And why she isn’t in a hospital with grievous injuries as she had fighting that monster?”

“While she may have been injured in the fighting, it wasn’t actually critical or life threatening. She was just tired after it all and we dropped her off at a safe place to recuperate, as for why she didn’t go to a hospital that’s a simple one to answer.” True to a certain point and I wasn’t lying too much, but if anyone found out she was vulnerable… well I’m just glad the poor lass even woke up an hour or so back and she’s getting help from my most trusted staff. I wouldn’t trust anyone else in case someone tries to slip a knife between her ribs when no one is watching and assassins is a good reason she’s not in a hospital when she feasibly needs one. “She didn’t feel comfortable with being in a hospital where someone might do something unscrupulous towards her while she’s resting or recovering.”

The reporter was going to probably try to get more out of me, I was going to suggest where Pom might be other than where she really was. Wouldn’t want any other mercenaries getting any funny ideas about attacking her while she was in my bin.

-Scrooge’s Bin, infirmary room 1, Pom-

“And release…” Deepak said as he exhaled, a few seconds later he opened his eyes and gave us a sad look. “I need to see our evening preparations, please enjoy your day. Also please do not turn my sister away and take great care of her.”

“Can you quickly cut the call bro, I don’t need any more lectures from Dylan. It's going to suck majorly, but I’m going to be stuck here for a while anyway so really he’ll just be going over stuff I already know.” Dolly smiled at the fact that a majority of her family was on call. “Love all of you! Also, HUG!”

Every puppy present jumped Deepak and started to snuggle him while he giggled under the puppy swarm. Dolly giggled at the cuddle pile and a puppy eventually did as she asked and ended the call, after a moment she sighed and turned to me.

“It’s not really going to change much even if I do say yes Dolly.” Answering the searching look I was receiving, I’m so glad the pain killers have finally kicked in. “Our friendship will continue the same as it ever has, I’ll take care of you and you’ll take care of me. We have a good foundation of a two way street and we watch each other’s backs.”

“Yeah, yeah, but I still want you to be my person and I want you to say it, or at least do something to make it more official you know.” Just hearing me say it would make Dolly happier? “We dogs tend to choose our people.”

Well Dolly wasn’t turned off by all the craziness we were experiencing, not to mention the craziness she was experiencing personally when it came to magic.

“All of the dogs of my pack chose me… so I already know how true that is. They all look to me like a leader and I’ve never felt like one, but doting on them gave me a purpose while in exile. That and they were all familiars, being disconnected from all of them a second time wasn’t pleasant.” I responded solemnly missing my family, not many people would accept a Timber Wolf in their home as easily as I would and all he wanted was some fertilizer, a bit of sun and plenty of water. “I see your family as mine and your family sees me as theirs, we are accepting of one another for we are all family now. I’ll introduce you to my pack… if we ever get that chance to see them.”

“I’m sure I’ll like them and they’ll like me Pom, also we will see them and I will get you home!” Dolly’s ears were raised and her tail was wagging as she lay next to me. “Sure being separated from my birth ‘fam’ is going to be one of the most painful things to ever happen to me, and I’ve had broken bones before, but I’m your dog.”

Dolly snuggled up against me and I enjoyed the feeling of a warm body next to mine, someone who could relate to my current misery at not being allowed to do much.

-One hour later-

“So- bored!” Dolly whined, kicking her legs at the air randomly while still snuggled in at my side and unwilling to bother her other family further. “We need something to do… and don’t suggest Poodle Woof Dormarch!”

“Awe… also its wolf and not woof Dolly. Well okay then, want to hear interesting facts about animals or watch some internet videos? We’re going to be stuck in this bin for a while until both you and Pom heal enough.” At Dormarch’s suggestions, Dolly sat up and pointed a claw at her mouth while making a gagging noise. “Oh right you’re not as interested in intellectual pursuits.”

“I think I can get her interested in thinking on things.” I said with confidence.

“Oh yeah?” Dolly was looking to me as if I had just challenged her to a problem. “Lesser dogs than you have tried Pom!”

“Well we can’t exactly do things when we’re battered like we are, so maybe giving you something to chew on with your mind might help you keep it off of your boredom. You’re not the only one that’s bored.” I heard a gurgle, was that me or Dolly. A roar sounded out from Dolly’s stomach and she just grinned at me cheerfully. “Also I’m pretty sure we both need to eat, hopefully Manny will get back to us with that food soon… I’m also going to need his help getting to the bathroom when he does.”

“I could help you.” Sure you can Dolly, but I would rather not have to lean on you.

“Look at it from my perspective, Manny can lift me up and move me. I’d have to limp to the bathroom if you were to prop me up and I don’t want you to be hurting any worse than you already are by struggling with my weight.” Okay, how do I bring Dolly around to an intellectual discussion? “I can wait a little longer, we’re not supposed to put any stress on ourselves. At least you can walk, you don’t have to be here to keep me company.”

Just because it was going to be intellectual, it did not mean our discussion had to be complicated. It made me think of how Dolly dislikes playing fetch because she thought it was not stimulating or exciting enough, on top of other reasons she won’t go into because she pretty much outright hates fetch. Must have played it too much with her brothers and sisters.

“What are you saying, that I should ditch you here to go for a walk around this place? I don’t know where anything is aside from this hallway. I was carried in just as out cold as you were.” Dolly sounded a bit offended that I would ask her to seek her entertainment elsewhere and leave me to my lonesome. Dormarch and Ms. Shuttle were playing games with one another that involved coded gestures from their faces to have quiet discussions. “No way am I leaving you to your thoughts or move from your side. Aside from it being really comfy, you can be easily depressed on a good day and you need my company! I have a pretty good read on your mood even without touching the bond.”

“I lit myself on fire Dolly and I still think that doing so was worth the agony involved. Also I would just like to state that I’m not suicidal even if Dormarch scrutinizing me constantly and that you don’t need to worry so hard about me.” I believed that neither Dormarch nor Dolly would respond to that, I was clearly wrong.

Dormarch and Ms. Shuttle notably sent me worried glances. Artificial they may be, but they were both living beings. Webby and Lena were artificial as well. I had no trouble with treating any of them as normal. Shadow Pom… I hope that she and the other shadows of my friends find a way to carve out a life for themselves wherever they are now, provided Hollow Heart didn’t immediately shred them after the portal closed.

“At least your still alive and can fully recover from it, you scared me a lot that morning Pom… uh hey… do you want my help with putting your bell back on?” Dolly recognized my discomfort without it, I didn’t like having that familiar weight missing from my neck. “… Also, this is a tough question to ask and it’s going to bother me if I don’t, but what would you have done if you were suicidal? You got me curious.”

“We’ll wait on that a few days Dolly, but yes, I would like your help with my bell when I’m ready to wear it again. As for what I would do if I were suicidal, well you would have seen what the Shock-Ram technique does and I would have gone full blast without caring about what would happens to my body. Shock-Ram is to only be used in two occasions, saving a life and protecting said life with your own as the possible tradeoff. Do you think my current state is bad? You should ask Smolder, Ocellus and even Shanty when you meet up with her what I was like after the only time I ever used it. I only survived because I knew to pace myself, probably wouldn’t have met you if I didn’t.” A spark of an idea passed through my head, Dolly was simple at heart and hard to depress. I was easily depressed, but also easily able to get myself back into a good mental state if I had a friend with me. “I’ve shown strength through a ridiculous amount of adversity before, but I want to reiterate that I don’t like being labeled a hero.”

“Why not, you’re a hero to my family and that’s just by being cuddly and friendly. Not all heroes need to do something ridiculous like fight giant unstoppable monsters that can destroy cities… though that does sounds pretty cool.” Still as positive as ever Dolly, I wish I could have nearly as much optimism as you seemed to. “Just think, with me around you don’t have to be as scared.”

“Nope, I’d be more scared, for your safety than for myself if we were in danger together.” I truly would be, she’s generally more fragile than I am. I’m personally being held together by spit and vinegar right now, along with the wool that didn’t go into burning myself alive for an advantage. “Also does a hero repay the family they helped by taking one away from it? I still hate having to fight, but I have since learned and trained to be fairly skilled at it. I’m supposed to have a simple safe desk job, but…”

“It’s necessary sometimes, I get that. You know, I wish I knew how to put up more of a fight back when it was Cruella coming at my family. Recall that when we made this thing official, you’re the one that stated we are family!” After shouting that at me, Dolly put her paws behind her head as she insistently pressed herself into my side while laying back down. “I’m going to miss a lot of things, but I’m right where I want to be. So don’t you dare say I’m not with my family right now Pom.”

“You may be a somewhat hyperactive, but you’re a good dog Dolly. You told me that most didn’t previously notice the things Deepak does for them?” Now to slowly lead into it. “Well I think you got Deepak more appreciation and recognition just by you pointing it out, but no one thanked you for that did they? What about the puppies noticing the things you did that weren’t as loud or obvious?”

“Things like that tend to go under the radar with the rest of the ‘fam’. Everyone is fairly distracted at those times by each other, have you seen what happens to a house when ninety seven puppies are all rioting at once? Been through several of those scenarios personally for varying reasons.” There was a wistful smile on Dolly’s face. “I sometimes did things for them that never got me any thanks or recognition, but I was working towards smiles and I usually earned them.”

“I have the food, sorry it took so long.” Interrupted us in the middle of a rambling random thoughts with possible emotional baggage behind them, Manny brought in a trolley. Sure he looked like an intimidating and muscular version of what a thestral pony from Equus would look like here, but he was really quite nice apocalyptic entity in the employ of Scrooge McDuck. Smolder and Ocellus weren’t lying when they said that family breathed weirdness like they’d drown without it. “I have other people to tend to as well, Gizmo Duck being one of them.”

“Can you help me to the bathroom first?” I asked meekly. “Say, can we bring the others in here to relax together? Also thank you for the stimulating intellectual conversation where you kept a positive attitude and for being a cheerful light in my life Dolly.”

“Darn it Pom!” Dolly raised her front paws to the ceiling while sitting up as Manny lifted me off the bed. “Stop laughing Dormarch!”

-Thirty minutes later-

“Being stuck here is going to drive me a bit stir crazy… this place would have quickly become a looney bin if my workplace wasn’t situated in the basement and readily accessible.” Gandra stated with a wry smile, the chicken and Fenton were lovers. I thought it was sweet that the two got along after some issues in morality. “Also, I think Dolly is cheating.”

Dolly put a paw to her chest and acted completely offended that she would be caught doing so in a card game. She was however smirking as she looked at the cards in her other paw.

“Does this world have paintings with dogs playing poker as well?” I asked curiously.

“It’s not as common as you'd think, but usually such an image like that would have you thinking of animalistic people. Does your world have canines that could do the same?” Now that Gandra brought the image to mind… I could see Diamond Dogs playing poker. I still wouldn’t go near a Diamond Dog colony no matter how much anyone could feasibly pay me to do so.

“We have this race called Diamond Dogs, they can dig insanely fast and have short spiky club like tails.” The discussion about mythological creatures between worlds was a curious one, like harpies being two completely different things in our worlds with similar descriptions. “The upper halves of their bodies are more developed, but overall they aren’t threatening unless you fight them underground.”

“I’ll drop and draw two.” After that Fenton, AKA Gizmo Duck, smiled. How he can do that when he was mangled by Hollow Heart showed he was truly heroic, more power to him because I felt my pain killers were wearing off. “I’m kind of tired of my secret identity getting figured out constantly.”

“I’m beginning to think ‘Gizmo Duck’ can count cards and Dolly is a shark at this.” I commented idly. “Drop and draw one.”

“It’s just simple math.” Simple math my flank Fenton!

“Fenton kind of has a super computer for a brain when it comes to numbers, it’s how he drives the Gizmo Duck suit so well.” Thanks for the confirmation Gandra. “Used to have a neural interface to help with that, but Fenton can do it with his own mind and pure willpower. Okay, lay them out.”

“Okay, I have two pairs.” I put my cards down.

“I have three of a kind.” Gandra put hers down.

“Four of a kind, beat that.” Fenton stated while staring Dolly down.

Dolly started placing her cards down one by one, Ace, King, Queen, Jack… and then held up the last card and flipped it into the center of all the cards.

It was a ten, all the cards were hearts. Which seemed to be a recognizable theme with Dolly’s winning hands when she got them.

She crossed her paws over her chest and lifted her nose to the ceiling smugly, she didn’t need to say a word and she didn’t need me to translate that. She could communicate just fine on her own, especially when the people in the room knew she was a highly intelligent animal.

“Oh come on, how are you this lucky at a game you just learned to play?!” Groused out Gandra grasping at her head in anger.

“I may be able to count cards and shuffle them to get better outcomes, but Dolly’s luck is just plain ridiculous.” No clue what to say to that Fenton. “Whatever you do, don’t take her gambling!”

“I don’t know what you’re complaining about, Gandra and I haven’t won a single hand since we started.” It was fun to see the outcome of who would win between Dolly and Fenton at least, they were tied again in number of wins and losses. “Also why would we need to go gambling, we’re being paid pretty decently in royalties by Lena’s cousin Hunter. I don’t even need nearly that much money.”

-The next day-

I’m so thankful for the existence of pain killers on this world. We were keeping ourselves entertained, but we’ve been stuck in what is quickly going to become, as Gandra stated, a Looney Bin over the next few days if I didn’t get some fresh air soon.

There’s also the trip to Cape Suzette that I was fairly worried about, Shanty and Dodo were together so my concern for her safety wasn’t nearly as bad as it was for Ocellus who had been in a coma coming into this world.

Dormarch said we were recovering pretty quickly, but I was still going to take longer than Dolly. He was fairly surprised that the nerve endings in all my legs weren’t messed up.

“That… yeah… I have no words for it.” Dormarch was commenting on Dolly exercising her magic safely, so long as she didn’t go overboard she was fine if it wasn’t too strenuous.

I call gliding around the room as something that is at least somewhat straining.

Dolly was always falling downwards slowly.

“Okay Dolly, I think you need to calm down. You’re starting to pant badly and you promised you wouldn’t push it.” I waited as Dolly drifted back down to the floor breathing a bit roughly.

“Woohoo, that’s a rush!” Dolly shouted gleefully having discovered her body could pass for a hang glider no matter her orientation. “It’s almost like flying, but it’s actually more like eh… falling with style!”

“Well at least we know you have the ability to control the motion of your body and anything you come into close contact with.” This magic she calls ‘Flow Motion’ apparently allowed her to alter how she quickly she falls, she could survive a fall from any height now and the only issue is how she would even get to such a height. “Okay, one last thing, climb the wall and stop.”

Dolly did try to run up the wall but when she stop, the glowing corona and sparkles she generated ceased and she fell. She immediately flipped before she hit the floor and slowed down immensely to touch down gentle as a feather. She runs up the wall and started to run along it and then just ran in circles, but always a second or two after stopping with various attempts to stay in place she’d immediately fall.

“Well you can move on walls, but I really doubt you can run around on ceilings unless you had enough forward momentum going into it and that’s only likely with your skateboard. In fact the only reason you would ever fall off is because of a lack of motion.” It wasn’t hard for me, Dormarch or even Ms. Shuttle to determine that everything Dolly did with her magic so far required her to be moving.

“Okay… ow… I think I may have overdone it…” With a small hop, Dolly flopped onto the bed softly. “Going to…. going to lay down now.”

“I told you Dolly, now you’re recovery is going to take a little bit longer because you overtaxed yourself!” Dormarch was making sure we kept resting and was trying to get Ms. Shuttle to help keep us sane as we did so.

So far Dolly could leap fairly high because she could increase her upward momentum, fall slowly by decreasing her downward momentum and then convert said slow downward momentum it into horizontal momentum to glide. There was a limit to how fast she could move and how high she could jump, I’m thinking gravity is still a factor in things.

Other than that Dolly could impart far more kinetic force than she would naturally produce by forcing extra momentum into something upon contact. She could also feasible cancel somethings momentum, but that would require her to make a concerted effort on halting said things momentum by enacting upon it. So she wasn't going to be able to block bullets with her bare paws.

A few more days and we’d set out for Cape Suzette, maybe even visit Kahn Industries to learn more about Dormarch.

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