• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 4,776 Views, 341 Comments

Reborn - Pensive

Brother, sister, mother, father... What is a family? Are they just relatives? The people whom take care of you? Or, are they the ones you love most for just being whom they are? What will happen when brother and sister find them alone in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Or Fight

POV: Eclipse
12:42 am

"W-What's happening?" Star remains silent while Eclipse just continues to watch, "Eclipse?"

Eclipse's mind is in too much turmoil to register Mark's question. 'What do I do? I have orders to protect these two, but I've sworn my loyalty to Princess Luna... If I stay to protect these two, I break my loyalty, but if I stay, I abandon my comrades and princess.'

Mark's hoof reached Eclipse's shoulder breaking her out of her thoughts for a moment.

"What do we do?"

Eclipse looked into Mark's eyes, those innocent words ringing. 'I knew there would be difficult discussions when I joined.'

With a deep breath, Eclipse looked at the two.

"You two are going to hide, if I don't return in half an hour, go back to the village. It's directly east."

"What!? Eclipse, there are three boarding ships there!" half-shouted Mark, "It's a suicide mission!"

"I refuse to abandon my comrades and my Princess," replied Eclipse, wiping her tears, "I at least have to try."

With that Eclipse took off into the darkness of the sky. Her natural thestral magic cloaking her in shadows. Looking back she could see the anger look on Mark's face.

POC: Mark

"That idiot!" Mark was furious "is she trying to die!?"

"Mark calm down-"

"Haven't we already seen enough misfortune and suffering at the village?!"

"Mark!" Star had resorted to a yell, "Calm down."

Mark had stopped, eyes folded at the volume, looking at Star. He was still angry.

"There's nothing to be done..."

With a sigh, Mark cast a spell. Soon, Mark and star were wrapped in the illusion, as Mark bent the light around them. It was far easier, cost-effective, and just more effective in general than a normal invisibility spell. Mark turned around and just looked around. The soft waves of the water come slowly even as the ship in the distance burns.

"Mark, let's go wai-"

"There's nothing we can do, yet... I'm tired of watching others suffer. I refuse to sit back and do nothing."

Talking over Star, Mark picked up a thin metal sheet he had in his saddlebag. Thinking about it, the small metal sheets were probably what was slowing Eclipse down. After pulling it out and readying his horn, he begins to concentrate. There was a book about runic magic, but it was said to be not worth the effort.

But when Mark saw it, he knew that runic magic was similar to computer programming. It's only as good as you can create it. It was mostly used to enhance items before enchanting was founded. Runic magic fell out of favor then. But Mark knew, with the time, you could create nearly anything with runic magic, as long as you knew exactly what it would do and how inside and out.

Or at least, those were what his experiments showed him. If you don't know what you're creating, you're likely to have the runic array melt itself.

With a deep breath, Mark touched his horn against the metal and began to burn runes into it.

POC: Eclipse Rose

Eclipse, flying as fast as she could while cloaked in shadow magic, past over the burning ship she was in less than two hours ago. Even on fire, she could see blood on the deck. With a deep breath, Eclipse looked at the other ships. Three in total, one with little to no weaponry, likely for transport judging by the chains and crates.

The other two ships are likely battleships with the number of cannons they have. It would be easier to get into the transport ship.

With the dark cover of clouds, Eclipse flew close to the water until she reached the ship. going to an open window she went inside to a dark room with crates. A door and a small unlit candle were nearby.

"What is the meaning of this!?" yelled a voice behind the door, "the deal was we take care of the alicorn and you take care of the Lunar Guards!"

A chuckle could be heard. Currently, unknown who it was from.

"Well, lieutenant Bright Light, did your mother ever tell you to not trust strangers?"

Eclipse was shocked. Lieutenant Bright Light was the highest-ranking Ranking Guard on the ship.


The sounds of something frightened similar to a body hits the ground, as well as the sound of a caged door slammed closed

"Fool! Without us, you have no hope of containing that nightmare!"

"Oh, your Princess? The drugs you slipped were plenty enough, it's not like you're the only one who has enough magical equipment to contain an alicorn."

An audible growl was heard.

"Besides, your Solar Guards and Royal Guards have been taken hostage already."

"Once Princess Celestia hears of-"

"Hears of what, Lieutenant? Your betrayal of her sister?"

"That thing doesn't deserve to be called a pony nor be connected with Princess Celestia in any way."

"Doesn't matter, by the time she hears anything you'll and the rest will be sold off. Oh, and don't bother trying to get out, the keys are kept on the other side of the room from captives. You can watch your freedom sit on the wall, always there, never coming."

The sounds of claws were heard walking away as the pirate walks away before pausing a moment. 'So griffin pirates...'

"Oh, and one more thing, I hope you aren't afraid of the dark because no use wasting oil for captives."

A few moments later the walking is gone. Eclipse is pressed up against the door and waits two minutes after the sound is gone. 'What kind of idiot monologues their plans and keeps the keys in the same room as the captives without any guards and in the dark, where thestral magic thrives. What is he? Fresh out of how to be a pirate 1O1?'

Silently opening the door and peaking out, Eclipse sees multiple Solar, Lunar, and Royal guards bound by magic dispersing rope. 'That doesn't excuse not having guards as well as keeping the room dark with thestrals.'

Thankfully that the pirates at least oil the door hinges she checks her magic one last time before taking a deep breath. 'I'm a member of one of Equestria's most secretive Intelligent's Service and a proud member of the Lunar Guard. She won't let pirates win.'

Thanking the darkened room, she silently walks out looking around, with the betrayal of the Solar and Royal Guards they cannot be trusted. With thestral magic and a darkened room, nearly nothing could detect a thestral.

Keeping her hooves silent while she walks and grabs the keys. Nopony noticed. The ponies were separate meaning she could free the thestrals without anypony else. Walking past the Solar and Royal Guard cages while they hopelessly struggle, making it easier to sneak around without suspension. Reaching the thestrals, she notices noncombatant civilians. Pony, Zebra, griffin it didn't matter.

Holding a sigh, she walked to the thestrals who were sitting not uselessly struggling. Or at least not making it obvious. There were about seven to ten ponies per cage. This should be long since it was a small ship meaning there weren't many guards to free. Opening the cage the red thestral inside opened his eyes.

Their eyes meet for a moment as Eclipse walks in, sliding out of a small sheath was a knife in Eclipse's mouth. The thestrals made no sounds or movements. Going up, Eclipse cuts the rope letting the thestral get up. Once he was out the armor enchantments were back up, hiding the identity of the thestral.

Giving the knife to the thestral, Eclipse moves to the next cage while the others are being untied.

While unlocking the next cage, somepony, unfortunately, noticed her and loudly tried to whisper.

"Hey! You, pony, come unlock this cage!"

Eclipse looked and saw none other than Lieutenant Bright Light himself. He knew her, but due to the darkness, didn't see whom it was he was speaking to. If she's been caught, no need to use magic anymore.

"No." she whispered back with a sternness.

"What?! I'm lieute-"

"Quiet!" whispered Eclipse grinding her teeth.

"You dare say that to-!"

"And You dare betray the guard," Eclipse was grinding her teeth so hard she was having a hard time turning the key, which another thestral which had been cut free had come and done it for her, "If I could, I would have your head!"

"If Celestia found-!"

Eclipse stomped so loud it got the attention of everypony, but luckily no griffin's on deck.

"Equestria hasn't had executions in hundreds of years!" the glare Eclipse was giving could kill, "Would you like to be the first?!"

Taking a deep breath, Eclipse looks around.

"I, lieutenant colonel Eclipse Rose, as the highest-ranking Lunar Guard," Eclipse never thought she'd say this, "strip you of your rank and all privileges with your rank for treason against Equestria and attempt of regicide."

Not wanting to listen to nothing but stunned silence, Eclipse looked around to count the Lunar Guard's numbers. Grinding her teeth, she lost a little over half of the Lunar Guard. That would be a drastic loss of the Lunar Guards even with the few left in Canterlot.

She didn't have to ask around. She knew the name and face of everypony in her Lunar Guard. She tried not to look at the identity of her Guards while the enchantments were contained, but she couldn't help but notice missing Guards.

Sighing, she went to the second-highest rank Lunar Guard she could find.

"Organize the Guards and civilians and while you're at that, I need two thestrals adept at shadow magic to head to shore to protect two VIPs."

With a nod, the thestral began organizing an assault on the ship. Eclipse needed a second to breathe, she couldn't believe that the Royal Guards would betray them, and most of all, she expected better of the Solar Guards. She took a few moments to get her emotions together. 'Now is not the time to mourn them. We have work to do.'

Walking down the hall, one of the doors open and out came a griffin. The griffin was surprised but too slow.

Eclipse immediately bucks the griffin's neck while signaling help. As the griffin staggers back coughing, unable to speak for a moment. Rushing into the room there was another griffin in a bed, which Eclipse jumped on with a knife to her throat. The other griffin was about to rush her, but another thestral jumped him holding him down.

Looking at the griffin in her hold, Eclipse presses a bit harder.

"If either of you opens your mouths, you die. If either of you moves, you die. If either of you does anything suspicious, you die. Nod if you understand."

The griffin under Eclipse only nods, while a loud gulp is heard. Her eyes were filled with terror. While Eclipse moves around the bed to a better position while she feels something sticky and looks-

Eclipse only now just notices the smell in the room.

Holding a slight groan of disgust, Eclipse moves to a better position. 'Seems these two were having fun... At least mark and Star aren't here.'

Another thestral poke through the door and sees everything is under control. Moving out, he calms the rest down.

"Alright, were going to slowly get up and move out, understand?"

With a nod, the two thestrals move the griffins out then proceed to tie and gag them before looking them in a cage. Once that was over a thestral approaches.

"Everypony has been organized and ready."

With a shake of the head to follow, Eclipse begins walking.

"Once we take the ship, we should take one of the other ships as soon as possible before they notice anything. We only have three top deck cannons both sides while the other two ships do have cannons lined on both decks. "

"Ma'am, do we have enough ponies to take the other ships? We may be Lunar Guards but our numbers are cut in half, we would have losses."

"I'll deal with that, but once we begin to take over the other ship, they Will notice something and will likely begin cannon fire."

"Understood, ma'am."

The Guard was about to go with the main team leading the silent takeover of the ship, along with half of the remaining Lunar Guards, but was stopped by Eclipse.

"Before you go, where is Princess Luna? I've checked every room on this deck."

"Princess Luna was taken to one of the other ships, ma'am."

"Then I hope for your sake you remember which ship she's on else we won't be able to return cannon fire without risk of hitting her."

With a nod, the soldier left. Looking around, Eclipse went to a corner where the noncombatants huddled together. They were all afraid, something Eclipse very much shared.

"Ahem," Eclipse got all of their attention, "I, Lieutenant Colonel Eclipse Rose, unfortunately, cannot guarantee your safety, which is why I'm asking you to remain here where it's safest. Once the battle is over, we will head to Equestria, Manehattan harbor where we can safely let you go for medical treatment. Can I get your cooperation?"

The noncombatants nodded, mostly which made Eclipse at least a little happy. Sighing, Eclipse still had work.

Moving around Eclipse looked at all the cages. She knew the team leading the silent takeover would be a bit before they were done so she still had to keep it down. The smaller teams would be faster but have more risk. Unfortunately, time was a factor.

Eclipse held a hoof to her chest and took one last deep breath. They were traitors, but they are still elite soldiers.

Stomping her hooves on a creature she got their attention.

"Attention, soldiers," she said in a soft tone, "I'm here, not as Lieutenant colonel, but as Eclipse Rose. I'm here to ask a difficult question. I know some will not agree but I still want to ask. You may be traitors to the crown, but you are soldiers sworn to protect not only Equestria but to help those in need. I'm asking, who of you, are willing to throw aside your differences and fight, not for us, but for your honor as a Guard and these citizens who have no part in this. This would be your final service, not just to Equestria, but the world itself. That said, I'll ask again, ``Which of you, will risk your lives in battle for those who cannot?"

Eclipse was having a hard enough time, she didn't need even more discouragement. After a few moments of silence, she sighed in disappointment as she started to turn away. Seems like that hope was for nothing.

"I will."

All eyes turned to the Royal Guard who had spoken.

"I never signed up for any of this, I signed up to protect those who cannot fight, because then, who would protect our family?"

With that said, other guards began to silently murmur among each other.

Eclipse was genuinely surprised when not some but a little over half of the Guards had agreed. With the few thestrals that had been left in the room to Guard them, she looked over and signaled to let them out.

POV: Mark

'Ugh, I see why some dislike runic magic.' Mark's neck has been cramping for a bit because he's had his head bent down and his horn pressed burning magic into the steel plate.

Around the two was a cave in which two thestrals had them lead them two. Moonlit shine and Echo Light were sent to make sure that they were safe. They found a cave and took shelter inside.

It was a little funny when they couldn't find them thanks to Mark's little spell, which was even weakened because he was doing runic magic at the same time.

When they saw what he was doing they asked what it was, to Mark's surprise at how they didn't know runic magic. According to Mythic, all ponies knew of magic. After a short explanation with some dangerous parts purposely cut out, they decided to let him continue because they didn't want a foal to think about what was happening not far from shore.

Mark and Star had been surprised when they didn't call them royalty, but then again, they made sure to put their cloaks on along with Mark's spell just in case.

Looking at the rune, Mark was nearly done. Normally you would check the rune by using it using a small amount of magic, so if it does start breaking down, it can easily be stopped. Unfortunately, it would be impossible to check it, considering what the outcome is supposed to be. With one last breath, Mark looks at the rune making sure it will work.

Time to turn it on to see if it will work. After that, there is no going back or turning it off... Mark looks at his work and then channels a bit of magic into the rune.

After a bit, it becomes fully operational and ready... Unfortunately for Mark, he underestimated how tired he was especially with his magic half depleted because he fell asleep the second the rune activated.

POV: Eclipse Rose

Now that everypony is informed, we should be able to storm the other ship soon. While this is more of the Solar Guards area of expertise, the current plan is to go stealth as long as possible before we storm the ship. By the time we have their ship, the cannons would already be firing.

As she was waiting around, a Guard came down.

"Ma'am, most of the ship is taken captive with only the top deck Giffin's remaining."

"Good, we can have our Lunar rush the few Griffins left, and once that's over we can start boarding the other ship with the Solar Guard. Once we have the ship with Princess Luna, we can sink the other ship."

The soldier that came turned around had nodded and walked off. Deciding to check on everypony else first, she took a deep breath as the rest of the Solar Guards prepared for the assault. Soon they reached a door in which multiple ponies were huddled against the wall next to it.

Everypony knew what was going to happen and they were ready. There were five griffins outside and five Lunar Guards would rush and knock them unconscious, after that they would toss boarding ropes and board the ship that Luna was on.

This loudly boarding and capturing an enemy ship is much faster than stealth, but it would be impossible for the other ships to not notice the entire top deck of their ship devoid of griffins.

Eclipse went to one side of the door and prepared to open it.

"On my mark, three, two, one, mark!"

With that said, Eclipse and another pony on the other side of the double door opened quickly with luckily no sound. 'I wonder who's been oiling these hinges...'

Once the door was open, five Lunar Guards sprinted out, the sound of their hooves on the floor non-existent. Soon the sound of five bodies hitting the floor was heard. Everypony else rushed out. Thestrals and pegasi jumped overboard already heading for the enemy ship while Royal Guards tossed the boarding rope that we had "commandeered" off from these nice pirates kind enough to happen to be packing them into a crate before we took him captive.

Eclipse of course jumped overboard as well after making sure everything was going smoothly. The first signs of cannon fire were from the few Lunar Guards that stayed behind that weren't as good as upfront combat. Unfortunately, these pirates were fast and only a few moments later returned fire. Their ship took damage, but not as much as we did.

The sails of Eclipses ship have been set to get out of the line of fire. The other enemy ship was behind the ship that they were engaged with so they had a lot of breathing room for moving.

Once, Eclipse landed on the other ship, she saw griffins were already in combat with thestrals and pegasi who had been first to board. The Unicorn royal guard resorted to casting spells from afar while the earth ponies were using the boarding ropes. 'Wait, why does a griffin pirate ship need boarding rope?! They have wings.'

While in thought, a griffin with a sword rushed Eclipse from above. Eclipse easily sidestepped while grabbing the griffin and tossing her overboard.

Another griffin thought she could cut down Eclipse rushing from behind with a sword. Eclipse bucked the sword out of her claws which forced the griffin back as well.

Quickly looking around the Royal guard earth ponies had reached the ship already. They were providing most of the brute forces that pegasi and thestrals couldn't provide.

Seeing that the griffin she had knocked down was scurrying back, Eclipse rushed to knock the griffin out. Taking another look, Eclipse saw that this griffin was particularly young compared to the others, but didn't dwell on it for long before smacking her on the head.

Looking around they nearly had the entire top deck taken care of, only the button deck cannons were still firing.


The sounds of multiple cannons firing at once were heard. The other ship on the other side of the small transport ship site had begun firing on their ship. 'ARE THEY IDIOTS?! They still have friendlies here' We had caught this ship by surprise mostly. It would be impossible to split troops up and attack both at the same time. For one they were too far for boarding ropes from either ship and two, they didn't have enough forces for that. Unfortunately, they don't get the pleasure of only being knocked out.

"RETURN FIRE!" Eclipse yelled as the ponies began to cram port side cannons to starboard.

Unfortunately, the other griffin ship was much more powerful than them and it was clear if it continues they would lose. Eclipse, seeing what was happening rushed down to the bottom deck. The firing of cannons didn't slow.

Reaching the rest of the team below deck, Eclipse saw that they were losing and swiftly joined. Rushing a griffin that was ruthlessly attacking a Royal Guard, she came in from the side and bucked him which gave the Royal Guard a chance to disarm the knockout the griffin, which he swiftly took advantage of.

As soon as the royal guard knocked the griffin out, another came from behind and hit the Guard behind the head with a wooden club. 'DAMN IT! How many ponies are you going to harm before you go down Dammit!'

Rushing that griffin and bucking the club that came swinging down, which cracked her hind hooves she quickly bucked that griffin again causing him to stumble giving a Solar Guard behind him to knock him out. After seeing the situation improving Eclipse began giving commands.

"Cram the port side cannons to starboard and return fire!"

The few griffins left were backed into a corner, leaving plenty of space for others to begin moving the cannons. While the others did that, Eclipse went through the ship. She had her own goals. Reaching the back end of the deck, she bucked a door open and found Princess Luna. She may have found her, but what she saw left her in shock as she saw multiple inhibitor rings upon her horn, hooves bound with chains, and with a collar.

Eclipse's eyes widen in shock at the sight. 'All of those chains, collars, and rings are enchanted! Damnit! By the time we get those all off, this ship will be sunk! And she's likely drugged too!'

With a growl Eclipse went and found two guards. She orders them to get Princess Luna off and into the other ship that's out of sight of the enemy ship. With those two, and some unicorns helping move her it should be fine, but she won't be useful for the battle. 'Now that’s taken care of, what can we do? They can overwhelm us with their cannon fire alone.'

Helping out moving the cannons, Eclipse looks out and what she sees horrifies her. The griffins are sending a massive boarding party which could overwhelm all of them

Eclipse instantly goes out to help defend. Most Unicorns aren't able to defend the air as there are only a few and the few there are moving Luna or helping move and aim the cannons. Looking around at their makeshift cannon crew, she and the others prepare to be boarded.

With the precious few moments, Eclipse has, she looks around. Most griffins are unconscious and very little of them dead. For ponies, it's against the nature of ponies to kill but sometimes, you have to do what you have to... The ponies that have been hurt, are either just dead or on the brink of death.

Looking up, Eclipse takes one last breath. The first griffins land and she already has two griffins on her. One of them has a sword and the other an ax and they seem particularly ruthless and out for blood. The one with a sword goes in for a long swing, but in the end, blocked but the sword Eclipse hasn't pulled out for the entire battle.

If she wanted out alive, she would have to be ready to kill just as they are.

The griffin with an ax came in for a swing immediately after blocking the sword, which left Eclipse defenseless. Luckily for her, she managed to sidestep it, then slashing the griffin's chest. The blood-curdling screen she heard made her flinch, but she stayed on guard.

As soon as the griffin was down the one with a sword had made a thin slash on Eclipse's shoulder as she failed to sidestep. 'How could I have underestimated them?'

Eclipse heard the screams of ponies and griffins alike but mostly ponies around as blood filled the deck. Looking at the griffin, Eclipse bucked the griffin then slashed him as well. Looking around, Eclipse saw that her ponies were being massacred.

Eclipse, unfortunately, got too distracted as a long slash hit her back. She screamed, turning around jumping back. The griffin with the shortsword rushed forward. At the same time, another griffin slashed her shoulder freighting close to her neck. She did not scream this time, the only sidestepping the griffin in front while getting away from the griffin on her right.

She was cornered. Using her wings, Eclipse barely jumps over the two griffins and stabs one in the back before backing off from the other. Now she’s in pain not only from her injuries but from using her wings which were also partially injured.

The griffin does a high swing at Eclipse which she ducks under and impales the griffin falling on the griffin as he bleeds out. She stops for a moment, unable to get air while coughing blood. She never even noticed the cannon fire on their side stopped a while ago.

This was the end for her. She could barely move. 'Well, at least I can say I died protecting ponies...'




Turning around all Eclipse could see was a sword descending upon her. There's nothing she could do. However, there was something another could do. Within moments a blue shining transparent shield appeared. The sword shattered.

Eclipse took this moment to grab her sword and impale the griffin. Looking around she saw Mark in the middle of this battlefield. She refused to let them get to him.


POV: Mark

'Where am I?'

Looking around, Mark was sitting at the dining table with his sister and their mom. Dad had already left for work and it was mom's day off.

"So what do you think Mark?"

"I... I'm sorry what?"

Mark's mother looked a bit concerned but repeated.

"What do you think? Want to go out for ice cream? Just us three?"

"Oh... oh! Yeah, sure!"

"Alrighty then it settled," said his mother with a happy smile.

"Yass!" said his sister, who had planned to get their mother to get ice cream since last night.


"What flavor do you want?"

Around them, they were in a crowd, but it didn't bother Mark.


"Hey, Star,"


"You wanna do something? I'm bored and just finished the newest episode of a show I've been watching but now I have nothing else to do."


Star puts a finger to her chin as she thinks.

"Wanna try cooking with me?"


Star, mom, and I were just lazing around in the living room. We had nothing to do today.

"Hey, mo-"

What? Where did they go?

"Mom? Star?"

Where did they go? Getting up I walk around to the kitchen.

"Mom? Star?"

Coming back to the living room there's still no one there.


What... Why is it that everything is frozen? Why can't I move?!

"What is it you desire?" a feminine voice echoes.

"W-what? Who are you?"

"What is it you desire?"

"W-what is it I want?"


"I... I want to be with my family."

"Your family here is gone, besides, you already have it,"

"What does that mean!?"

"What is it you desire"

"I-if I already have family then... then I want to power to protect them,"

"You already possess that power."

"I do?"


"Then... there is nothing else I need."

"If you cannot choose, I shall choose for you."


"Happy Birthday!"

It's time for presents. Opening a small box from everyone, it's a small gold pocket watch.

"What's this?"

Opening it, there's a small photo of all of us when we went out with more family to eat somewhere.


"Yes, mom?"

"No matter what, you have family with you,"

"But what if I lose it?"

She only chuckled a bit.

"No silly," she taps my chest, "We're here."

Tear's fill Mark's eyes.






With a deep intake of air Mark woke up.

"Mark?" asked a soft voice to his side, "are you okay? You were crying while you slept."

"I was, dreaming?"

"Yeah..." said Star, "you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Anything happened while I was out?"


A few moments of awkward silence follows.

"What happened?"


The sound of cannon fire could be heard.


Getting up, Mark rushes to the exit of the cave. Even as far as he was, you could see the ships crystal clear as if he were using binoculars.

What Mark saw was a massive Giffin party attacking. And what made his blood run cold was when Eclipse got injured.

"Mark," came a soft voice from behind, "it's been going on a while. We should probably-"

Mark wasn't listening. He looked to his right. His runic array was there, and still active. He might not be a very social person, but he won't allow anymore to get hurt.

With a thought, Mark and the Runic array were gone within a flash. The only thing left was the cloak he wore.

Appearing on the ship, the first thing he did was look for Eclipse. What he saw, not only made his blood run cold but made him furious.

On reflex, he formed a shield protecting her. She took the chance it gave her. It wasn't long after he heard Eclipse shout.


For now, Mark had a goal. A griffin came running at him with an ax. Mark stopped the ax with his magic and blasted the griffin with the standard stun spell packed with enough Magic to send him flying into about griffin knocking them unconscious and probably both with a concussion. A griffin was coming from behind but a Solar Guard and parried the strike. It left him open to another griffin.

Mark wouldn't allow him to die. Forming a shield around the injured Guard, the griffin's weapons shattered. As soon as they did, Mark brought the shield down and knocked their heads together with magic, also probably giving them a concussion.

With the speed Mark had taken down four griffins, they started to converge on him. Unfortunately for them, that was the time the rest of the remaining guards had regrouped around Mark. While Mark had the chance, he used a healing spell he got from one of the books to heal most of the minor injuries and disinfect the large slashes.

They noticed but were unable to thank him.

Now that all the griffins were converging, Mark was able to teleport around the griffins. He only needed a moment. In a flash, Mark was on the starboard side while most griffins were converging on the port side.

Mark immediately fell to his knees, those teleports using too much magic then he currently had due to him wasting most of the magic ensuring his safety. Because he never had time to properly learn teleportation, he had to expend ludicrous amounts of magic to prevent himself from ending up a stain on the floor. If only he had more magic, too bad the Runic array took most of it. He was running and slivers of making now compared to what his reserve was earlier the previous night.

Looking back only a few griffins noticed but were unable to reach Mark. This gave him the chance he needed. He pulled the runic array he burned into the sheet of metal and aimed it. 'It needs to be submerged. It will take one minute for it to finish prep. It will sink. It needs to be on the ship while submerged...'

While Mark repeated the requirements he looked at the enemy ship. 'There!' Mark found on the lower decks of the enemy ship there were holes from cannon fire. In those holes were flooding. One problem though. The ship was half a mile out and Mark wouldn't be able to use telekinesis.

Thinking, Mark wasn't able to teleport anything anymore. He would need magic to still defend himself after getting the Runic Array to the ship. There was only one thing Mark could think of. Manipulating the magnetic field around to make a makeshift railgun. 'Last time I tried an experimental stun spell and it failed horribly. Damnit, I don't have a choice.'

Mark prepared his magic and aimed the magnetic field and plate directly at the ship. Holding the plate back while increasing the magnetic pull kept burning more magic. 'Maybe this wasn't as cost-effective as I thought it would be.'

Mark was grinding his teeth. the Magnetic field felt like it was about to rip the plate out of his magic, so with one last check at the magnetic tube he made to make sure it was aimed, he let go.

The small plate of metal went flying towards the ship. It broke straight through the wall and into the flooding deck. Through the hole, Mark could see the Array Turn red, an emergency warning system telling it was activating the rest of the rune.

By the time Mark turned around a griffin had his sword aimed at his neck. Attempting to sidestep, Mark got a large cut on his side. The griffin sword still extended twisted and was coming to Mark. Mark was barely able to move and he couldn't do anything. Fortunately, he didn't have to do anything as Eclipse slammed him out of place.

Getting up, hearing the sound of metal on amour, Mark looked up to see the sword bounced off of Eclipse's Armour. The griffin was fast enough to attack again forcing Eclipse to block it.

Taking the chance, Mark used the absolute most basic, of basics stun spells he could think of. It didn't do much except for balance the Giffin, though that's all Eclipse needed. She took the chance.

Mark, deciding to look away, looked around the ship. Looking around he saw almost no other griffins standing. Most ponies were escaping to the other ship. taking another moment to breathe Mark looked at Eclipse who was panting.

"Mark," came a raspy voice from an exhausted Eclipse, "come on, we... We need to reorganize and get you to safety... before their cannon crew decided to capsize the ship."

A laugh was heard, and looking at one of the bleeding griffins on the wall, he was having a pained laugh.

"You didn't think that was all the griffins come, did you? We got at least one or two more boarding parties over there and the only reason the cannon crew hasn't sunk this ship yet," the griffin stop a moment to cough blood, " is that the captain wants the ship alive. It's too late for you."

Mark, froze forgetting something. 'Late... late, late, time. Ugh, what was I thinking it's important... Time minute one minute, magic, runic-'

"Mark!" Eclipse has been trying to get his attention for the last few seconds, "Hurry or I'll take you by force!"

Mark's blood ran cold, looking at the ship, which was partially blocked by a party of flying griffin's. There was no time left. "e did what he could with what little magic and time he had.

Using the last of his magic reserves, Mark shielded the entire ship.



Within moments, the shockwave hit. The entire ship, because it was close enough for people to toss boarding ropes the ship went crashing into the ship. Mark wasn't able to do anything as his world went dark.

Beyond the fading shield of Mark's magic, was a cloud of smoke, accompanied by a large wave of water.

Author's Note:

If I miss something sorry, go ahead and tell me. I spent 12 hours writing this chapter with little breaks and I just finished editing it plus rewriting a small section. Please don't ask me to make chapters like this daily because I'm not going to sit down for 12 hours and do nothing but write. I'm curious if you guys would like long chapters, with long wait times, or shorter chapters with less wait time, let me know because I have no idea how I'm going to schedule these chapters.