• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 4,777 Views, 341 Comments

Reborn - Pensive

Brother, sister, mother, father... What is a family? Are they just relatives? The people whom take care of you? Or, are they the ones you love most for just being whom they are? What will happen when brother and sister find them alone in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 21 - Home

POV: Mark

I sat in silence as Cadence held out one of my wings. For an odd reason, I felt as if I should be embarrassed, and so I did. I do not know why, I do not know how, but I did.

"And there," Cadence announced, interrupting my rumination, "all finished, and now you'll know how to do it."

"I'm sorry," I responded, "were you saying something?"

Now Cadence, who was doing something of my wing, froze. Now that I think about it, my wings did feel a lot better. Was that what she was doing?

Looking back, I saw Cadence had a devastating look. You know quivering lip, sad expression, the whole thing.

"Y-you weren't listening to the whole time?!"

'What I'd miss?' I thought, feeling like there was supposed to be a specifically indicated response to this question, but could remember it, so instead, I answered with another question.

"Uhh, what were you saying?" Another question, I might add, that was just stupid.

Cadenced finally stopped with the whole 'I'm sad' act and face hoofed, "I didn't know what I was anticipating, but I wasn't expecting that."

"Um, did I miss something important?"

I got a smack on the shoulder for that. Not from Cadence, from Star.

"What was that for?" I questioned.

"If you were paying attention," she scolded, "you would know she was teaching you something important."

Star, after grilling me, sighed and turned back to Cadence.

"Don't worry, if he needs help in the future, I'll help him out."

"Thanks," came back from a grateful princess that at least she was listening.

"So, not going to answer?"

My answer went unheeded as they both glared at me. 'Yeesh, no need to be that upset over me not listening...'

"Actually," star began, "Cadence... While I appreciate your help, since most of this was planned in advance, I assume our living arrangements have been taken care of?"

Cadence perked up at the question, "Oh, yes, your rooms! How would you two like a tour of the castle? Or would you rather just go to your rooms?"

Star gave me a questioning look and waited for my opinion, "Well, a tour does sound fun..."

In reality, I would have gathered to go to the room. The... talk earlier was really a drain on me. But a tour of what our future home would be useful. 'I shouldn't waste this chance just because I feel down.'

"Well, I suppose we've got some time. Where to first, Cadence?"

Cadence only smiled more, "Well, first, how about a tour of my room!"

As Cadence threw her hooves up to everything around us, I was suddenly reminded that we were elsewhere. Cadence had taken us to a rather large and personalized room. I suppose it did kinda make sense she'd take us here if she would help us with 'caring for our wings' I think she said it was.

Cadence was a princess, so her room was much individualized than the temporary room we had, but I guess it was expected for her.

POV: Celestia

"By the way, Luna," I called before she left.


"Court Starts at 4:30 and ends at 6:30. You'll also have a meeting with the Griffin ambassador at 6:45, then dinner at 7:50."


I looked up, unsurprised at her reaction, but I still rose a brow, "I've been tirelessly working and preparing while you've been gone. I deserve a small break, don't I?"

"But Tiaa! You know I don't know what to do; I've barely ruled!"

"Well, I only hope you paid attention to our 'how to rule' sessions as you call it."

I tossed Luna the schedule, which didn't even start until next week, which if she looked at, she'd find out. After her trip, she deserves a break. And I have issues to deal with. I had cleared out an entire two weeks schedule before Luna returned, only to find her coming back with more issues that will take those two weeks up.

I sighed at the lost time, but Cadence and Twilight will be fine with the twins while I will dealing with the guard. With a shake of the head, I teleported out while Luna was in the middle of a sentence I was not paying attention to and thought on other things to keep my mind occupied as I think about how to sort out the mess of the Guards.

Being with Luna only moments ago left me unable to pull the important matters to the top of my mind, so my thoughts naturally fell on her. 'Maybe now she'll have the incentive to not sleep through those sessions. Actually, maybe I should add getting all the legal work done for the Twins to her schedule as well. After all, I'll have nary the time they finish with the Guards nor the Twin's legal work.'

POV: Star

"Cadence, I have a question."

"-and, huh, oh sorry, I got caught up in an explanation again, didn't I? Anyways what was your question?"

"Why are you giving us a tour of the city...?"

She stopped there, just looking confused before she thought back on our earlier conversation, "Oh, sorry, I did say a tour of the castle, didn't I? Anyways I thought that a tour of the city would be more useful since there actually isn't much at the castle to tour."

We've been out for hours. And to be honest, I'd rather drop dead than keep walking. 'Drop dead and being left wideout in the open for anyone to- wait...'

"Earlier, Celestia brought up a point of malicious personal or groups. We're so readily ignoring such a thing because...?"

Cadence once again blinked in surprise at the question before she smiled and wrapped a wing around me for a hug. 'A hug which I very much tried to object to and didn't melt in the embrace of was a giant fluffy animal.'

After a few moments, I was regetfullygratefully sighing when the grips of all power being in front of me were released.

"Don't worry. You see, back when I had recently ascended, Celestia didn't want me out of her sight without a squad of Solar Guards around me at all times. This got pretty inconvenient, and later on, I was given 'combat' lessons. It took a while, but eventually, Celestia was finally satisfied to allow me to wander on my own."

"Ah," I said towards to explanation.

'There goes her saying something about ascending. The way she says it without care probably means it's common knowledge, and if I'm right in think an ascension means becoming an alicorn, then shouldn't there be more alicorns? Eh, I suppose I could always convince Mark to go dig for information.'

"Actually," Cadence added, "think about it, she'll probably tack a squad of guards with you or give you some kinda combat training as well."

"Wait, what? We're fourteen." I deadpanned.

"And...?" Cadence questioned.

I raised my brow. Is it a difference in culture that she wouldn't bat an eye about a child with combat training?

"Nothing," I responded after a few seconds.

I stopped for a second to look to my left, where Mark was following. He's been quite a while, but now he was obviously just listening in to our conversation. Cadenced noticed my gaze and followed it to Mark.

"Mark? You okay...?," she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired."

"We could head back to the castle if you wanted to."

"No," he answered coldly, "I'll be fine."

I frowned just the slightest bit. I'll admit that both of us tend just to bury some of our thoughts, and I know it isn't quite healthy, but even so, it's just easier to do so and causes fewer problems.

With a faked yawn, I spook in exclamation, "Well, maybe you're fine, but I'm quite tired. We arrived earlier, and after such a trip, I'm exhausted."

"Well, if that's the case, then we can start heading back to the castle."

It seems she didn't react to my obviously fake yawn. Whether it was intended or not, I didn't care. I couldn't muster up any yawn after the boring trip of just watching the view and looking at the guards... 'Wait a sec...'

"Uh, Cadence, you may be able to protect yourself, but even so, your a princess and were out in public. How are we not being swarmed?"

"Magic" was the one cheery response I got.

I turned to Mark, who shrugged. A second questioning Mark if he had a more definitive explanation. After a few random charades, which Cadence just watched amused, I decided it was a topic for another time. Spinning around and holding a hoof out, I called, "Welp, to that castle it is!"

A giggle from Cadence later, she motioned for us to follow her.

Not long later, Cadence, Mark, and I finally reach the castle once again. Cadence was currently in the process of showing us some of the more culturally important things, such as a few stained-glass mosaics and the Royal Gardens. We would have just gone back to our room, but Cadence wanted to show us these since it all on the way there.

Luckily all that didn't take too long. The stained glass hallway was interesting, but I didn't pay much attention. Though the Gardens were a nice place which I'll probably be back there sooner or later.

Soon, Cadence had finally, oh so finally, and slowly led us back to our room. We first went up a tower, which halfway up had a split corridor after some more twists and turns past some windows. The windows were mostly just an overview of the city. so not much in terms of view. Not quite the mountainside view, but it was still nice.

After looking at all the things Cadence so wanted to show, she finally took us to our room. The double door was large and as polished as the rest of the castle. There, of course, were guards on either side.

The interesting thing was at other guards' areas of the castle when two guards were placed at a door; they usually had gold shining armor or a darker purple/silver coloration. Here we had one of both variations. Looking at them and using things I pieced together, these two were part of the Solar and Lunar guards, an elite version of the Day and Nightguards.

I suppose we'd be VIP's being what we are.

As we approached, they stood at attention as Cadence opened the door for us to walk in.

The very first thing Mark and I did we cover our eyes. As our eyes adjusted to the blinding light and we took out first look at our room, we saw a massive window. 'These ponies do love their decor, don't they?'

The view was simply breathtaking. The windows took most of the wall straight ahead from the door providing natural light to the room, giving a view of the sky and all beyond. It was quite a wonderful view. I imagine at night you have a view of the night sky as well.

I ignored the rest of the room in favor of walking up to the window. Outside was a brilliantly blazing sunset. It's oranges mixed with the sky over the lands. Below followed the valleys and rivers nearby the looming mountain. There was even a small town visible from up here.

I smiled and placed a hoof upon the slight tilt glass. I saw Mark sit down as his gaze followed the sunset. I turned back to the sunset to just admire its vibrant shades.

My ears swiveled when I heard Cadence's hoof steps. I had almost forgotten she was here.

"Beautiful view, isn't it?"

I turned to Cadence once I heard her continue to move closer. She came up to the window, placing herself between Mark and me before her wings outstretched bring both of us into a gentle embrace.

"I thought it'd be nice after your day. Welcome home."

Home... A place in which a person or people live. It reminds me of a quote I've read before. 'Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.'

My eyes blur just a bit, remembering home. I wiped it quickly, going unnoticed by the others. Finished with that, I sighed and looked out once more.

But this time, I leaned in Cadence, as her wing wrapped just a bit tighter.

"Don't worry; you're safe here."

Author's Note:

Yeah Yeah, I know this chapter is shorter than usual, but in response, I'll say that the recent chapters are longer than usual.

Anyways, you might have noticed at the top of the description a percent of far done the next chapter is. The percent is 4000, and the minimum chapter-length I set from chapter four onward is 2000. So anytime about 50% and the chapter could get released.

Anyway, I'm back from my short holiday break and school is starting up again. Except this time instead of starting at 9 am, it starts at 8 am now. And I was getting used to sleeping in... Anyway instead of ranting about my life I'll end this here.