• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Epilogue: Toward New Adventures

Sweetie Belle wakes up to a familiar sight: her chamber in Dedede's castle. Well, she isn't surprised to wake up there, since it is where she has woken up each time she has lost consciousness previously.

Physically, she feels great. Not a single wound from her fight against Kirby can be seen on her body. She has healed all of them during the fight, and any wound she has taken in her Soul form has immediately disappeared either by auto self-healing again or simply by returning to her normal self.

But mentally... She feels horrible.

That's an understatement... she thinks.

She remembers everything that has happened in her Soul form.

She remembers ascending, becoming an alicorn, and in her Soul form, a God, or nearly one.

She remembers almost killing... actually killing some of her friends.

She remembers almost destroying the universe.

"Ooh! None of that!" someone suddenly shouts, revealing to Sweetie Belle that she isn't alone in the room. Discord was sitting further away from the bed, and as she has been looking at the ceiling since she has woken up, she hasn't seen him until now.


"Nobody blames you. Nobody could have seen this coming. Your Soul took everyone by surprise by suddenly ascending and becoming more powerful than even Void. And I suppose that this includes even you. You hadn't planned for this, right?"

"No! I thought that Void would stop me if I was going too far, but then..."

"So, you see, you have nothing to reproach yourself. You had NO control of what your Soul was doing, and you didn't know that it could, and would, do THAT. And if it can reassure you, know that everything that has been destroyed has been repaired, including the Fountain of Dreams, thanks to Void. There's not a crack or crater left on Popstar. And nobody has been killed. Everybody is now waiting for you." Seeing Sweetie Belle still looking guilty, he sighs and says, "How about you do your best to make sure this never happens again? No Soul form anymore?"

Sweetie Belle remains silent for a few seconds, still looking down, and then nods before she gets out of bed. "How long was I out?"

"About two days. You just needed a big nap to recover all your energy." Discord then sees Sweetie's new wings and has an idea. "Hey! Look at that! You have wings! You're now an alicorn! Isn't it fantastic?"

Sweetie looks at her wings, spreading them. "Yeah. I guess."

Discord loses his assurance at Sweetie's lack of reaction at being an alicorn, then says, "And look at your flanks! You finally have a Cutie Mark. About time, uh?"

Sweetie Belle looks at her flanks, a little more excited, but when she sees that it's a blotch of void, she loses this excitement. "Oh, uh... My special talent is the void... That's... great."

"Hey! As long as you don't unleash your Soul, that's a very great special talent! You have bigger control over the Void Energy! You're the equal of Gods! Come on, isn't it exciting?" Discord then materializes a sock puppet of Pinkie Pie that says "Give me a smile!" Discord himself then says, "And you know the best? Your Cutie Mark is even more unique!"

"How so?"

"As time will pass, it will spread and cover more and more of your body! The more it will spread, the more you will mature, and the more powerful you will become. Until it covers your entire body, and then, you will really become a God!"

This doesn't have the expected effect on the filly, who gets a worried expression. "But... Won't I become...?"

Seeing this, Discord quickly puts a finger on Sweetie's mouth. "Sshhh. No, you will not turn into your Soul. You will turn into a whole new divine Sweetie Belle that will totally have control of her actions. You have nothing to fear. You're like Kirby now. And Kirby won't turn crazy when he will become like his father. So you won't."

"It's not the same! But... I guess you're right," says Sweetie Belle with a sigh. "Where's everyone?"

"They all remained in the castle, excepted Sunbutt and Moonbutt who had to return in Equestria because it can't last two days without its rulers without falling into sweet chaos. Your parents are also there, they insisted on coming to be at your side. If you want, I can teleport you directly to them. Unless you prefer walking to clear your mind?"

"I will walk, yes."

Discord nods. "I think it's preferable. I will lead you to the room where they are. They're probably having lunch at this hour."

At this, Discord opens the door, letting the filly exit the room first. Being lunch hour like Discord has said, the hallway is totally empty of staff, which Sweetie Belle has always found stupid. What would happen if someone infiltrates the castle while everybody is busy eating? She certainly won't make the same mistake as queen of Floralia. Security before everything.

With the hallways empty, she doesn't encounter anyone until entering the mess room, leaving her to think about Discord's words.

"You know, if it hadn't been for you trying to stop yourself, we wouldn't have won," then says Discord. "This is another thing you should consider. You helped as much as everyone else in this fight, maybe even more. Even if you continue to think that you did something wrong, at least, you helped righting it."

Sweetie nods to show that she has listened, and that she agrees with him. At least, she did that. But she can't help but still feel guilty. After all, if she hadn't turned into her Soul form, this would have never happened. Yes, she hadn't expected it to do... THIS, but she should have seen that it was a bad idea to let herself lose control to become that thing, even if she had taken precautions with Void. Yes, she would have lost the fight, but she could have always tried again later.

It really had been scary to see how powerful she had become while having absolutely no control over it. She could have destroyed the entire universe in just a few seconds if she had wanted. She could have ripped space and time and destroyed every single bits of matter, past, present, and future. If it hadn't been for her trying to stop herself from the instant she became like that, she could have simply erased Kirby and the others with just a thought, without even needing to touch them. Or she could have rewound time to simply stop Kirby from being born. She had had SO MANY possibilities to end the fight right there and now!

And there was the fact that she knew. She knew! EVERYTHING! She knew what every single inhabitants of the universe had been doing, had been thinking, will be doing, will be thinking, did, and thought, at ALL times! EVERY movement of EVERY objects, from the smallest ones to the biggest! The answers to everything! How everything started! How everything will end! The only things she couldn't see were things relating to outside the universe, and to her actions.

Trying to recall all this hurts her. Her actual mortal mind is just not made for all this knowledge. She only remembers the more direct, simplest stuff, and some other primordial info about herself and the universe.


"Discord. Did you know that our life is... written? Uh... Like... Someone out there writes about us and... we happen?"

Discord raises an eyebrow, but he isn't really surprised that Sweetie Belle has gotten THAT knowledge. "Yes. I knew. It's one of the fundamentality of the multiverse. Some universes-not all-are the subjects of stories written by random people out there. Because, you know, since there's an infinity of universes out there, then it's probable that what you write is happening somewhere out there. That little series you made with your friends, for example, is certainly a reality in an infinity of universes. Some think that, actually, the writers dictate what happens in these universes, and it may or may not be the case, I don't know. But if that's the case, then, now, you know who to blame when things go crazy. Actually, you should consider this too. Blame the writer for what you did, it should make you feel better."

"Blame him? I should rather thank him! I could have killed everyone! But despite everything, nobody died! It would have really been easy to make me kill someone... definitively, but he didn't. I... just hope that he won't make me turn into this form again."

"That’s if our life is dictated by someone else's writing. Like I said, this is just a 'we say'."

"I don't know, this feels like it. And I know that you know that's it. After all, I was able to manipulate it when I was in this form. I was able to come out of this... writing, and to act and make things act like I wanted." A chill creeps up Sweetie Belle's back. "I could have escaped even his control and killed everybody. And even now, I can 'see' what he writes, and even reacted to it when I woke up."

"Well, welcome in the Fourth Wall Breaking Club. I'm sure that Pinkie will be happy to have someone else. There." Discord snaps his fingers, and some books appear on Sweetie's back. "Read these. I will also make you watch some movies later. They love references. I will make you a great fourth wall breaking character, young padawan. That's also a good way to know other universes that you may enter in the future."

"Uh... Thanks... I think..." Sweetie Belle says as she teleports the books to her chamber. "And, apparently, I'm absolutely unique in the Omniverse-yes, it's not actually called the multiverse, but the Omniverse-. Uh... When Twilight accidentally teleported me, I should have ended up in that version of Equestria where everypony is human, but in just that instant, our universe connected with the Dream Universe, and I was sent there instead."

"Yes, I knew about that too, I felt the connection, and it's how I knew immediately where you were. And the thing is... this may not even be an accident. I wouldn't be surprised if some... superior being out there did this on purpose because they were bored and wanted to have a good show."

"Isn't it simply the work of the writer too?"

Discord shrugs. "It could very well. Buuuut... for the heck of a good story, he may pull out the card of the outside influence. Or just the accident. Or not talk about it. I don't know."

"Well, he just made us talk about it, so maybe this will have its importance."

"Only time will say," Discord says as the two approach the mess room. "Feeling better?"

"....A little. Thank you."

She isn't sure she will be able to get herself rid of this guilt, but, at least, she knows that this will never happen again. She will never unleash her Soul form again. Never!

And with this thought, she enters the mess room with Discord.

Almost immediately, as her presence is remarked, conversations die little by little until only silence remains. Which is quickly broken by Sweetie Belle's family as well as Spiky, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Bandana Dee, and a few other friends that have remained in the castle and are present in the room running toward her and burying her under a pile of hugs, quickly joined by others while many simply approach her without the hugging part, but no less happy to see her awake.

Not surprisingly, Dedede is not among them because he must be eating in his personal room. Other absents are friends who haven't remained in the castle during these two days, like the Meta Knights, Marx and Dark Meta Knight, the Squeak Squad, and also Kirby, Galacta Knight, and Void. Everyone else has remained, even Magolor and the others living outside of Popstar. They have all been waiting for her to wake up, and some Waddle Dees exit the castle to spread the news to the ones who aren't present, which won't take long because Kirby, Galacta Knight, Void, and the Meta Knights don't live far, and the others have remained close. The Squeak Squad's airship could actually be seen through some of the windows of the castle.

Sweetie Belle finds herself overflowed with shouts asking her if she is okay or saying how glad they are that she's awake or that it's okay they don't blame her for what happened or congratulating her for defeating Kirby/becoming an alicorn/gaining her Cutie Mark... Despite the hubbub that she is barely able to understand, Sweetie Belle can't help but smile at this even if she still feels very guilty.

Dedede eventually joins them with a shout of "Sweetie Belle!" before taking her in his arms. "Took your time to wake up, like always!"

The filly answers by sticking her tongue out at him before giggling. "I think that after regularly having fights of cosmic proportions, I can be forgiven for sleeping in sometimes. Beside, I'm queen, so that's alright. You do it all the time."

This makes Dedede laugh.

"Now, please, can you let me go? I'm famished!"

"Eh. Not a big surprise. Thankfully, we already prepared something for you," says Dedede just before a Cook Waddle Dee comes and places a Maxim Tomato pie on a nearby table. "For my Champion who finally got Kirby out of his pedestal!"

Sweetie Belle sighs. "Yeah... And almost destroyed the universe while doing it..." Dedede gives a small slap on the back of her head at this. "Hey!"

"None of that! It wasn't you! It was... Well... It was you, but not you. Rah! Just... At least, you didn't kill anybody, and this is what matters."

Rarity nods. "He is right, Sweetie Belle. Stop thinking about it."

Sweetie Belle remembers when she actually killed Dedede and a few others before rewinding time, and says, "Yeah..."

She then goes to eat while discussing with everyone, or rather, answering their questions. "No, I don't feel different. Yes, I think it's great, but it doesn't change much. After all, I already could fly, and I'm already a royal. I don't know how powerful I am now without entering my Soul form, I will have to test my limits one day. Well, now, I'm going to return to Equestria for several months before I plan to go explore new universes to have new adventures and make new friends. Don't worry Rarity, I will go explore new universes on weekends. Yes Scoot, I will bring you with me if your family agrees and if the universe I'm going to is safe. The same goes for everyone else."

And this continues until Kirby suddenly appears in the mess room along with Galacta Knight and Void. Sweetie Belle immediately stops eating, staring at the pink puffball, not sure what to do. So Kirby is the first to act. With a "Poyo!" he runs toward the filly and hugs her. After a slight moment of hesitation, she returns the hug.

Despite what she almost did, there're no hard feelings.

And one by one, the remaining friends enter the room to greet her (Marx having to drag Dark Meta Knight). And she passes the following hours having a good time with all of them as the lunch slowly turns into a celebration for her victory over Kirby with the help of Pinkie Pie.

Unbeknownst to Sweetie Belle, everyone has prepared a big surprise for her.

Late that evening, everybody exits the castle and moves down the mountain, Sweetie Belle discovering that several stands have been built, forming a long, large road. The stands are all full of inhabitants of Pop Star and of other planets such as Ripple Star, and Sweetie Belle and the other ponies are led to some good places left at the front, not far of a big building at the start of the road, the part of the building facing the road covered in giant red curtains.

"Hopefully, this will cheer you up," says Dedede. "Everybody worked hard for this. It's our gift to celebrate you finally achieving your goal." He gives a few pats to the filly before he adds, "It's also a way to say sorry. It's me who gave you this burden. So, I guess that I'm the main responsible for what almost happened, for what you went through. So, please, don't beat yourself over this, and enjoy your life now that you are free of this stupid... obligation to defeat Kirby."

"But, Dedede-"

"Epepep! I don't want to hear anything! I started this. You only followed me. Yes, I didn't force you to make that promise and to continue when I stopped, but I'm still to blame for even putting this in your head in the first place and for not stopping you. Please, just accept this."

With a sigh, Sweetie Belle replies with an "Alright..."

Dedede gives her a nod with a smile at this before he moves away, followed by everybody else excepted the ponies and Spiky, and they all enter the building, leaving Sweetie Belle and the others to wait.

A couple of minutes later, Kirby comes out of the curtains, now wearing a black and red hat with a pink star and wings on it, and giant multicolored feathers behind him, each feather ending with a white spot with a star.

And suddenly, music begins to play as Kirby raises an arm, and the curtains open, revealing a float shaped like a giant Sweetie Belle in her uniform that begins to slowly advance, Kirby walking in front of it.

The crowd begins to cheer, and Sweetie Belle's jaw drops. And it drops even more when she sees that more floats follow before it slowly morphs into a huge smile.

One by one, the floats roll in front of her, first the giant Sweetie Belle, then a smaller representation of the mountain with Dedede's castle on it, Dedede himself sitting on the small castle and waving at Sweetie Belle who waves back. Various members of Dedede's army are on the mountain, including her closest friends like Bandana Dee, Broom Sunglasses, Cape Knight, and Knuckle Joe. Funny enough, there's a hole in each walls of the bottom of the castle through which they could see a small robotic Kirby and a small robotic Dedede fighting in a ring.

Then comes a float built to look like the Halberd, but smaller. Classic, but with a lot of members of the Meta Knights waving at the crowd, with Meta Knight himself on the bow, and Captain Vul and Sailor Waddle Dee on the bridge. The Waddle Dee looks like he's having the time of his life.

It's followed by a float built to look like the Fountain of Dreams, with a fake Nightmare slowly coming out of it only for the Star Rod to glow, forcing him back in the water before he tries again, repeating the cycle. After that comes, not a real float, but a giant Zero-like ball with Rick walking on it, making it roll, which makes many laugh. It's followed by some fairies holding balloons shaped like Dark Matters and Coo manipulating a puppet of the Dark Matter Swordman with strings linking it to his claws. Gooey himself is flying among them in his Dark Matter form, a rope around him letting him transport a fish tank full of water with Kine in it. More balloon Dark Matters follow before a big mass of darkness comes. A sudden glow disperses the darkness, revealing a smaller version of Ripple Star's castle, with the Crystal on it at the origin of the glow. Beside the Crystal are Queen Ripple and Ribbon, along with many other fairies flying around and waving at the crowd before the glow of the Crystal disappears and the darkness returns.

Next is Adeleine's school, the human girl standing in front of it waving at the crown with the Magical Paintbrush. Elline, Claycia, Yin-Yarn, and Prince Fluff are on the roof of the building-like float, surrounded by various beings of clay, paint, and yarn doing random stuff, and behind them, at the back of the building, is a giant portrait of Drawcia and Paintra together, with Vividria floating beside it, and Paint Roller at its other side. Just behind the school is a smaller float with the upper half of Dark Crafter being repeatedly bonked on the head by a paintbrush.

A fake pile of gold and other treasures comes after, with the Squeak Squad on it. Daroach himself is at the top, beside a familiar chest that he opens, making a fake Dark Nebula on a spring come out before he closes the chest a few seconds later. Beside the pile of gold is another pile, this one of skulls, Sweetie Belle recognizing Necrodeus' skull, Skullseer's skull, and many Skullys and Skullions skulls.

Then is, at first sight, a simpler float decorated like the place where Kirby and Sweetie Belle fought Dark Meta Knight who is sitting in the middle of it, arms crossed, not seeming happy to be there. Behind him is a giant Amazing Mirror, with Dark Mind's image in it. The Mirror is actually a wall separating the float in two, and the second half of the float eventually reveals to be decorated with vines and some flowers. The Mirror is there two, still with Dark Mind's image in it, but now, the image has its hands like a puppeteer. And just in front of the mirror, sitting on a throne of flowers, is Sectonia in her original spider form, so it looks as if Dark Mind is manipulating her from behind. But then, the float is immediately followed by a second float with a smaller Dreamstalk on it. The flower of the Dreamstalk blooms, revealing animatronics of Taranza and Sectonia dancing in it before it closes a few seconds later. The real Taranza is at the base of the Dreamstalk, waving.

After that is a float built like the Lor Starcutter, and both Magolor and Marx are on it. The Lor float is pulling with some ropes a second, smaller float built to look like a stone coming out of fake lava, with an animatronic of Four-headed Landia on it, one of the heads wearing the Master Crown. More ropes follow, pulling a second float looking like the upper half of NOVA with the Sun and the Moon circling it.

A similar float follows, but this one is of the upper half of the Access Ark, so without all the objects surrounding NOVA, and without the Sun and the Moon circling it, and there's Star Dream at the top while Susie is in front of the cat-face, waving. Then, Star Dream disappears into the Access Ark, and Haltmann sitting on his chair comes out of it taking the computer's place, playing Haltmann's anthem for a few seconds before the Haltmann return inside the ship to let his place to Star Dream again.

The next float represents the Divine Terminus where the heroes fought Hyness to stop him from freeing Void Termina. It's an exact replica, with the Jamba Heart being the only thing absent, Hyness standing in its place in his cultist clothes, with the Three Mage-Sister on the stairs in front of him. Behind them is a statue of Void Termina's colossal form with its mask regularly moving down, revealing Void behind, and Galacta Knight is sitting on the colossus' left shoulder.

Finally, the last float comes. Where it has started with a statue of Sweetie Belle, it ends with a float with smaller, golden statues of everyone else, all the friends who helped fight Void and save the universe, excepted Kirby and Sweetie Belle herself. A podium in the center, however, is empty.

Only for Kirby to appear on it before waving at Sweetie Belle and signing her to come. Understanding, and excited, Sweetie Belle flies to the podium and lands beside him before she hugs him and starts waving at the crowd.

Later, at the end of the parade, the two of them join their friends who have gathered on a platform of wood. Bandana Dee whispers something in Sweetie Belle's ear, and with a giggle, she nods before she places herself beside Kirby, facing the large cheering crowd.

And they dance.

Author's Note:

The End.
Let's say a farewell to Kirby and his friends...
And let's go make new friends and live new adventures in other universes! Soon, in the sequel!

What an adventure it has been to write this story. One year and a half.
I thank you, you who read this story to the end. You who commented and helped me become better. You who helped make this story better.
Thank you, everyone, for everything. See you in my other stories, and I hope, in the future sequel to A Sweetie Dreamland which should come out soon.

I will also probably do some rewriting. Some chapters, especially at the start, need it.

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