• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 120: Battle of Gods

Again, Sweetie Belle must fight.

But this time, it is not a dark or corrupted being threatening Dream Land, Popstar, or the universe.

It is not a God turned crazy by hate and pain.

It is not a rival that she must surpass.

It isn't even a simple hostile creature blocking her path to her goal.

It is herself. Her own Soul. Her own Will.

She wants to defeat Kirby. And as a Soul, it is all she desires.

At all costs.

Even if she must kill everybody in her way, including her friends and family. Even if she must destroy planets.

Even if she must destroy the universe.

But she doesn't want any of that. She doesn't want to kill anybody or to destroy anything.

And so, now, she wants to stop.

She must stop! Or they will ALL die!

But her Will is strong... And so, despite her attempt to stop herself, she still sends millions of beams at Void and all his copies now protecting Kirby and Discord.

But she will continue to fight, to stop.

With difficulty, the many Void Copies deflect the beams with their swords, but they are so many that many are missed and hit them. Some even manage to pass between the Voids to threaten Kirby, but Discord uses his own chaotic powers to stop them.

But then, the next instant, Sweetie Belle is beside Discord with a hoof morphed into a blade threatening to behead him. But just as suddenly, Sweetie Belle stops herself, shaking, giving enough time for Discord to remark her and use a giant red boxing glove to punch her and send her away.

Seeing the close call, Void sends two of his copies beside Discord and Kirby to protect them.

"You were able to punch her?" asks one of the copies.

"She stopped herself and remained immobile, so it was the perfect occasion," answers Discord.

So it seems that they may have a chance finally. If Sweetie Belle continues to immobilize herself and to give them occasions to attack, then they may be able to win by knocking her out instead of just waiting for her to regain control.

With this in mind, the many copies of Void place themselves in defensive position while facing all directions and surrounding Discord and Kirby, not leaving any blind spot. Sweetie Belle is pretty much untouchable because of her omniscience, so he has no choice but to defend and wait for the occasion to hit.

Meanwhile, Discord heals Kirby with a Maxim Tomato. It won't regenerate his stamina, but at least he will be able to fight and defend himself if he needs to.

At this instant, time is stopped for Kirby, Discord, and all the copies of Void, but the last two manage to get out of this in time to stop Sweetie Belle from attacking Kirby. Instead, Sweetie Belle begins to gather energy, and with a "Yikes!" Discord quickly teleports everyone to a corner of space without anything at thousands of light-years around. Sweetie Belle then releases all the accumulated energy into an explosion that has nothing to envy to a supernova that would have totally pulverized Pop Star and a few other planets and destroyed all life on many others.

The scariest part is that where it would have taken Void many seconds (maybe about half a minute) to do something similar using a lot of his power, it has only taken Sweetie Belle a couple of seconds, and she doesn't seem at all drained afterward.

It takes a lot from Void to protect himself, Discord, and Kirby from this explosion even with the draconequus' help, and a couple of his copies are still destroyed, hurting him a lot. But Discord has had no choice but to teleport everyone and not just Sweetie Belle, because the filly would have just immediately come back to unleash the explosion, and this would have destroyed Pop Star. And Kirby needs their help to defend himself. He wouldn't have been able to do anything against this explosion alone.

At least, when the explosion clears, Sweetie Belle remains immobile, holding her head long enough for Void to unleash everything he could at her with his many copies. Sweetie Belle, however, attacks back by sending hundreds of powerful beams in all directions directly from her body, hitting all the Void copies as they have all been too busy attacking to act in time to avoid.

Void has to merge all his copies back into one to limit the damage before he teleports away. But then, a beam is fired at Discord and Kirby. As Discord readies himself to snap, Void teleports in the beam's path only to be knocked out of the way by Sweetie Belle ramming him from the side, and Discord has no choice but to teleport himself and Kirby away. However, Sweetie Belle, or rather, a copy is awaiting them at the place where they appear and she almost touches Kirby. The hoof almost touching him is sliced off by Kirby using Axe however, Sweetie Belle surprisingly not avoiding this attack as well as the anvil dropped on her by Discord. The Axe and the anvil, however, are turned into atoms upon contact, and the sliced hoof quickly regenerates.

Void is still busy with the first Sweetie Belle, so he sends a copy to deal with the second one, only for Sweetie Belle to create another copy, and when Void sends a second copy to deal with it too, she creates yet another one. And so, the two of them create copies again and again until dozens of them are flying around fighting each other, the Sweetie Belles having the advantage despite being regularly hit when one of them suddenly stops moving for a few seconds.

Sweetie Belle reveals however that she can create FAR MORE copies than Void as she creates thousands of them that she sends to attack Kirby like a swarm of insects. Seeing no other choice, Kirby uses Crash, only for the explosion to be contained by some of the Sweetie Belles, and by the time it stops, he and Discord are surrounded. No hope to escape. If they teleport, Sweetie Belle will know where they will appear immediately and this won't change anything. Some of the Copy Voids teleport to Kirby and Discord's side to protect them, but they doubt this will help much.

Sweetie Belle Soul is really too powerful, even for Void.

With a pleading look, Kirby suddenly yells, "POYO!!!"

This has the immediate effect of making all the Sweetie Belles stop before they could attack.

"Po-poyo! Poyo!"

Some of the copies visibly shake as they attempt to attack, only to stop themselves. Some also begin to hold their head.

And the Voids take this occasion to assemble and use their power to create a huge cosmic storm that ends up electrifying all the Sweetie Belles with thousands of lightning bolts that force them to merge back into one. The Voids also merge, having only one body being less risky for his health if Sweetie Belle decides to reply with something as or more powerful.

And she does! By creating and gathering an astronomical quantity of matter to create a star that she's planning to throw at Void, Discord, and Kirby! Kirby is forced to use his boost again to resist the very high temperature, but he isn't sure how long he will be able to keep it. Water and Ice abilities won't work, the ice and water will immediately turn into vapor upon use.

They wait for Sweetie to throw the star, and they teleport out of the way, only for Sweetie to modify the trajectory of the star to make it move where they appear, forcing them to teleport again only for the filly to modify the trajectory of the star again. It repeats a couple of times before Sweetie Belle holds her head and lets the star go, opening herself for more attacks from Void.

Only for him to be suddenly punched in the middle of one of his attacks, propelling him right through the dimensional wall into another dimension. Through the hole left, they could see nothing except darkness. But when Void comes back through it, Kirby could swear he could see for a brief moment in the distance a glowing ball of light appearing out of the darkness before the hole closes.

Void comes back just in time to stop Sweetie Belle from beheading Discord, who has defended Kirby with his chaotic magic as best as he could. The puffball has tried to help him, but none of his attacks have hit and only has barely avoided being atomized thanks to the draconequus shielding him with his magic. It's not easy considering that Sweetie Belle predicts their moves and attacks in consequence. Even Discord's unpredictable nature isn't unpredictable enough for Sweetie Belle, which is what has almost gotten him to lose his head, definitively.

After that, Sweetie Belle stops moving for several seconds while holding her head, leaving her open again for Void, Discord, and Kirby to attack her.

"You can do it, Sweetie Belle! Stop this fight!" shouts Void.

"Come on. You don't want to kill your good pal Dissy, right?" asks Discord.

"Poyo poyo!"

Struggling against herself as she hears her friends' pleads, Sweetie Belle is not able to do anything for several more seconds before, suddenly, a huge quantity of energy is expelled from her, followed by cracks in the fabric of space spreading all around her.

And the whole universe begins to shake as the cracks spread further and further and space-time itself begins to distort.

The whole universe is starting to collapse.

Void mutters a curse before he blasts Sweetie Belle away and takes her place in the middle of the chaos. Using all his powers, he then tries to stop the collapse, but only manages to slow it down as long as he continues to pour the totality of his energy into it.

This definitively gets him out of the fight, leaving Kirby and Discord to deal with the filly.

"Uuuh... I think I will call some reinforcements..." says Discord with great worry over the situation.

As he talks, Sweetie Belle, still struggling with herself, slowly raises a hoof toward him and fires a powerful beam before he can snap his fingers. But then, a portal is sliced open between Discord and the beam, and out of it comes Galacta Knight who quickly moves out of the way as the beam enters the portal (which he has made sure leads to nowhere). Thanks to Galacta's intervention, Discord has time to snap his fingers, bringing in the area many allies, starting with Celestia, Luna, and Twilight, but also all the friends that helped Sweetie Belle fight Void (giving the ones who can't fly the ability to float around like in their fight against Void).

Discord has hesitated to bring all of them, especially the weakest ones like the animals, but like against Void, he has the feeling that they will all be useful in stopping Sweetie Belle before the universe collapses. She's already fighting a lot against herself to regain her senses just by fighting him, Void, and especially Kirby, but all of them at once? The filly will tear herself in two! But it's very risky. Many of them could easily be killed. Discord will have to remain away of the fight to keep an eye and ensure the protection of everyone.

Bringing Sweetie Belle's parents, Rarity, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo would have certainly been effective, buuut... Yeah, no...

The new arrivals have all watched the fight thanks to Discord's portals, and so know the situation and how dire it is. So, seeing where they now are (they haven't been warned before being brought here), they quickly understand what they have to do, exchange a general nod at each other, and join Kirby and Galacta Knight in attacking a now almost constantly struggling Sweetie Belle. It seems like all these attacks are having an effect on her, as the filly seems to have less and less difficulty fighting to regain control.

And with all these friends now present, many of them pleading for her to regain her senses and to stop, Sweetie Belle is now pretty much an immobile target, attacking less often. But the attacks remain powerful, and often hard to avoid, as the Soul seems to get more and more desperate.

The heroes often crash against each others, but thankfully, Discord is there to teleport anyone about to be killed. Sweetie Belle often targets him as a result, but with her constant struggling, he easily escapes all her attempts.

Sweetie Belle then accelerates her own time while decelerating theirs, making her look much faster than everyone. So, despite her struggling, she manages to throw a spear made of energy at Dedede, the spear exploding upon contact with him, disintegrating him and catching Gooey, Magolor, Rocky, Bonkers, Poppy Bro jr, Gim, and Waddle Doo in it.


Suddenly, time rewinds. The explosion reforms into the spear that returns to Sweetie Belle before disappearing, and Dedede and the others are back in one piece. And then, her struggle doubles in intensity while her powers start to go wild around her, with all kinds of energies starting to come from her in all directions in the form of streams, lasers, waves, and clouds.

Because of the time rewinding, nobody remembers what happened excepted Discord and Void, but they both opt to never tell the others. They can see it's already hard on the filly. If only Void wasn't stuck trying to stop the universe from collapsing!

Speaking of, with Sweetie's powers going wild, bending space and time and randomly creating and destroying stuff, the situation becomes worse for the universe. The heroes can even see the galaxies starting to move in random directions! And it's only a matter of time before they start colliding with each other, which would be a real disaster!

If they don't want the Dream Universe to end like the other dimension, they have to hurry!

"Come on, Sweetie Belle! It's getting dangerous there, even for me!" shouts Marx as he barely teleports out of the way of a newly created planet that is quickly cut into small pieces by Galacta Knight and Kirby. "You gave me a second chance despite everything I did, knowing how risky it was! Are you reconsidering your decision?"

Yin-Yarn orders an army of yarn Bow Waddle Dees on the back of yarn Birdons to fire their arrows at Sweetie Belle.

"You cured us of Dark Crafter's corruption!" shouts Yin.

"You saved us!" shouts Yarn.

"You and Kirby did so much good together! You saved many of us, and the whole universe! Don't ruin all this! So, please, come back!" shouts Claycia, who fires a huge beam with a cannon she has created from clay.

"You and the others stopped me and made me open my eyes!" shouts Magolor.

"Thanks to you, I got to know the Magic Paintbrush and to work with it to achieve my dream!" shouts Adeleine.

"Me and my Squeaks would be under Dark Nebula's control!" shouts Daroach.

By now, the universe around them is a real space-time mess, but then Sweetie Belle stops holding her head and, shaking, keeps her hooves at her sides as the filly is finally able to force back some control to herself. But it's still not over as her powers are still creating a cosmic cataclysm around her, and the universe is still collapsing despite Void's efforts, the purple erasing space appearing at some places.

But it's starting to slow down.

"Continue everyone! She's doing it!" screams Discord. "Send everything you have and hit her with all your friendship!"

This prompts everyone to go all out as the amount of attacks and pleads doubles.

"I helped you discover about Dream Land, and you helped me learn to fight at your side! I wouldn't be the Waddle Dee I am today without you!" shouts Bandana Waddle Dee.

"You will let yourself become a Destroyer? You're stronger than that! My ex-second can't disappoint me like that!" shouts Dedede.

"Don't give up! You can do it! Like you were determined enough to assault a battleship to stop me, you are determined enough to stop yourself!" shouts Meta Knight.

"Please, Sweetie Belle! Think of your family! Of your friends! Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who are still on Pop Star!" shouts Twilight.

The collapse finally stops its progression, and Sweetie Belle's powers seem to start to calm down, making it easier for the heroes to attack her.

Discord smiles. "Time for the final blow."

He snaps his fingers.

The next instant, thousands of voices begin to be heard.

"You can do it!" "You saved Ripple Star!" "You're my hero!" "Please! Stop!" "Come on, Your Majesty!" "Sweetie Belle!" "Don't give up!" "COME OOOON!!!" "I 100% believe you will not destroy the universe today." "I believe in you!" "A hero doesn't destroy universes! Stop it!" "Please!" "Sweetie Belle! Sweetie Belle!" "You won! No need to continue!" "You must stop!" "You won't destroy us! I know it!" "You are incredible!" "Stop!" "End this fight!"

And this continues...

Void is finally able to overpower Sweetie Belle, healing the universe from the damage it has taken.

Everything around Sweetie Belle stabilizes.

And, suddenly, Sweetie Belle fires dozens of powerful beams... at herself, engulfing her in a huge supernova-like explosion that causes the universe to shake again for a few seconds, forcing Discord and Void to teleport everyone away.

When the explosion clears, everyone is brought back to continue the fight if they have to. But they didn't need to worry, because the first thing they see upon coming back is the 'Nothing' forming Sweetie Belle's body disappearing, faster and faster, until all that remains are two small blotches of 'Nothing' on her flanks.

"I... I'm sorry..." says Sweetie Belle, filled with guilt, tears in her eyes as she looks at Kirby, before she loses consciousness.

It's over.

Author's Note:

And done. The final fight is over. I loved writing it, but gosh it was hard.

Note that I edited the Bosses Pause Descriptions blog to add all this.

One chapter left.

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