• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter thirty four, Alpaca My Bags: Pom the Canine Queen.

Author's Note:

Hopefully the irony of a sheep herding a flock of canines is not lost on anyone.

Taking a few days to rest now.

I would continue into Jacky and Gene's or even Fortitude and Flamberge's story, but finishing the Shadow Fighter's storyline first sounds like a good idea. The problem is that it will intersect with the other two storylines eventually at a point before diverging once more.

Blade's storyline will be saved for last for a few unique reasons.

-Little Canine Valley, Arizona-

I watched as Pom ate some of the food we brought for her and she looked a bit ravenous for someone’s whose legs likely consisted of half her full body weight. Even Velvet weighed more than that.

“Thanks again for bringing me a package from my grandpa.” Pom mumbled through the food she was consuming, I turned to see if Velvet had anything to say about her bad manners.

“Seriously fluff butt?” Excuse my confusion, but Pom was talking with her mouth full and Velvet didn’t draw any attention to it. “I thought you would call her out on it!”

“She’s obviously been out here for quite a while without good food Arizona, so a little loss of decorum can be excused here.” That Velvet, is why I so dearly wanted to put my hoof to your wonderful face multiple times.

Turning to see what Paprika was doing as we didn’t want to lose track of her, most of the canines feared her now. The two tailed white fox was Paprika’s current victim and was yipping for help as the alpaca squeezed the poor thing.

Velvet hadn’t been kidding when she said that Paprika was nearly insatiable in doling out her affection.

“Right… so the cow, how did they beat something that large?” I looked away from the cave where Pom lived to the skeletal structure of the snake. Said cave was in the small valley between two of the ribs of the long dead snake.

It almost couldn’t be called a valley really, like the cave couldn’t be called a full out and out home.

“Oh right, that. I was very tiny back then, but the story is kind of telling when you come here to see it for yourself.” Pom wiped away some the fruit juices covering her face with the napkin Velvet offered her. “The cow got the attention of the snake somehow and led it away from my home village many years ago, she somehow managed to get it stuck here in this general area and then… well, the cow intelligently managed to get the snake to impale itself on a large rock formation. Said formation is still going through the eyehole in the skull to this very day, you’d have to see the head of the skeleton to confirm it. That’s about as much as I know about it. So aside from doing a favor for my grandpa and by extension me, what are you doing out here?”

“I’m just trying to track down whether or not my mother is still alive and maybe a way to help a friend that we lost on the side. Apparently the key to one of those objective is finding at least one of the keys to seal that so called Shadow Horde away.” I turned to Velvet and Paprika. Paprika was continuing to be a nuisance and I thought that was hilarious, I really liked her. Kind of felt bad for the Cerberus though. Velvet was petting one of the puppies that came to her for affection, my reindeer girlfriend was sweet when she wanted to be. “Oh right, we forgot to introduce ourselves didn’t we? I’m Arizona, that’s Velvet and the alpaca currently terrorizing all of your canine companions is Paprika.”

“Could you get her to stop?” If we could do that Pom, we would have done so a while ago. “I don’t think my beasties appreciate her cuddling them.”

We really needed to get something like a leash for Paprika, she was now latched onto the Orthros and the two heads couldn’t bite through her fur to get her off of them.

“We haven’t exactly figure out how to do that yet, I recently learned that she’s good as a sleeping aid though. I certainly didn’t have to count… er… right, forget that I was about to say that.” It took a moment for me to realize where I was about to go with that.

It took Pom a little bit longer to realize it too, she glared at me once she realized what I was about to say.

“Counting sheep, really, that’s where you were about to go to? Why do people always think that sheep are always lazy or tired!? Does no one realize how much work I put into making sure all my beasties are fit and well! It’s about the only thing that keeps me busy and sane aside from reading.” She may look fragile and timid, but that glare was downright frosty. So frosty in fact that even Velvet couldn’t possibly pull off one better. After a moment Pom sighed and relaxed. “So you’re after the keys to strengthen the Shadow Horde’s seal, yeah that’s probably a good idea given how weak the seal must be getting by now. Only a few years before that breaks and unleashes worldwide destruction upon us all or so the legend says. It has to be real or else that cow wouldn’t have shown up looking for the key the lambkin held.”

“Yeah, which is why we’re heading to Velvet’s place of origin to find a key there.” As soon as I mentioned it Velvet paled and looked a bit sick at the idea of going back to her original home. “Are you alright Fluff Butt?”

“I’m… fine…” Velvet’s lie was so obvious that I, or even Paprika, couldn’t have possibly missed it.

“We shouldn’t have any problems getting in and out, you’re an ice shaper reindeer Velvet and Paprika is a fluffmancer however strong that makes her.” My idea of what a fluffmancer could do was still very limited, but it must have been impressive to keep Velvet scared of Paprika for so long. I had only scratched the surface and should challenge Paprika to a few more fights to see her full capacity. “If anyone gives you trouble, then we can just hoof their flanks to them if they comes at us in force!”

“I still don’t want to go.” Some reticence was understandable on Velvet’s part, especially concerning her parents.

“Well we have to…” I started only to be cut off.

“Excuse me for interrupting, but if she’s an ice shaper and she’s a fluffmancer… what does that make you Arizona?” Didn’t know what to tell you Pom, I wasn’t exactly gifted in the magical department like my two friends. “I mean you’re the daughter of that cow from the legend right, wouldn’t that mean your something special too?”

“Oh she’s an earth shaker!” What did you just say Velvet, I didn’t agree to be called that! “Her physical strength can out strip any earth pony and her muscles are as compact as she is. Don’t underestimate her adorable size, she could easily take on your Canis Major and then some. Her strength is as great as her heart, which I know to be golden.”

“There’s no need to talk me up Velvet, I’m not as magical as you or Paprika.” My girlfriend came over and put a hoof around me.

“Says you. If you don’t do it for yourself, then I will!" Velvet pulled me into a loving hug, I even started to hug her back. "You are my equal in combat and just happen to be my beloved girlfriend.”

We both soon found the life being squeezed out of us by a warm and fluffy Paprika, she obviously didn’t want to be left out of sharing a cuddle.

Feeling Paprika’s love could seriously hurt if we weren’t as durable as we were. The lazy dogs seemed happier that it was us that Paprika was now focused on, the only canines that seemed to really like Paprika were the puppies.

Paprika had more energy than all of the puppies combined and said puppies were all too tuckered out at the moment to keep her busy.

“You three are very nice, if you could listen to me go on a rant that would make me feel better about how my life is going.” Pom tapped her front hooves together, she seemed quite awkward. She wasn’t bad company even if she was surrounded by a pack of curious canines. “You don’t have to, but I would really appreciate it.”

“Oh please do dear, we’re kind of being held up at the moment.” Velvet managed to choke out, we were both being literally held off the ground by Paprika and we could almost feel the love flowing off of her. “I don’t think Paprika is going to let us go anytime soon.”

Paprika’s smile only widened as she sat down and continued to hold us to her, she even affectionately nuzzled both of us. I just relaxed into her grip as Velvet tensed up, Paprika was alright to me and I just couldn’t see why Velvet wouldn’t return her constant affection a little.

“Right, well… I told you about Big Mama and her pups coming upon our settlement and taking a liking to me? Well we sheep aren’t exactly of the bravest sort, you could even call us cowards and we would never deny that. So when Mr. Birch comes along and took a liking to me, it really started setting a trend of fear throughout all the sheep about me in my village.” From where I’m sitting Pom, you didn’t seem so afraid of all these large canine surrounding you. “They were just the start of the flood gates that led to me being called Pom the Canine Queen. It doesn’t help that this Canis Major made me the godmother to her four wee pups either, as sweet as they are. I honestly don’t think I deserve such a lofty sounding title that sounds that grand, even when I’m surrounding by all these toothy monsters that could easily make a snack of me. The other sheep even started calling me brave, then they go and shove me out of my home and all the way out here to make sure the canine’s don’t cause trouble in their quiet little lives. My grandpa Puff and my brother Wuffles still visit me from time to time, when they can work up the courage to do so. It's kind of lonely being me.”

I felt my butt flop against the ground and saw Paprika leaping towards a suddenly frantic looking Pom, guess Pom needed alpaca snuggles more than we did.

It was telling that none of the canines moved to protect Pom as our alpaca started to hug her tiny frame, Paprika managed to gain control of herself before she incidentally crushed the sheep.

When the crushing pressure eased up on her, Pom sighed loudly and continued on.

“As you can probably tell my interaction with other people is sorely lacking, not for the lack of trying mind you. I just can’t go into town without all my beasties following me there, they tend to cause an uproar even if I know they mean no harm.” Yeah Pom, that definitely sounded quite lonely to me. “Is it any wonder that I wish I knew what to do with myself? At least my brother Wuffles gave me some academic books to read, not much else to do except read out here and keep all my friendly beasties healthy.”

At least I had always had Grace to talk to even if she was airheaded. The sheep just abandoned Pom with these canines and they only checked up on her to make sure she’s still keeping them away from their village.

“Have you ever thought about traveling? You could come with us if you wanted to.” I tried, she really looked like she could use some more talkative friends.

“Oh no, I couldn’t, I’m as very much as cowardly as the other sheep no matter what they say about my bravery… pack of powerful protectors notwithstanding.” Several of the surrounding canines seemed to bark in agreement to Pom’s words. “Besides it’s quite safe out here and I really wouldn’t want to drag all these beasties into something dangerous. As much as I dislike the situation they’ve all put me into here, I care about them too much to want them to fight on my behalf if I get into danger by traveling to places that are less safe than here. I know here, here is perfectly fine and there’s no danger!”

The canines all whined, they were all quite willing and able to go anywhere Pom wanted to.

“I don’t want hear any of that whining now!” It sounded like Pom’s companions wanted her to get our more. “If I could get a cutie mark, it would probably be a crown over a paw.”


This poor sheep, Pom was so alone out here, even taking all of her canines into account. Paprika eventually let her be and came back to sit with us with her ever cheerful bouncy demeanor.

“You can’t be serious, you obviously can’t keep living like this with only your various familiars to keep you company!” I just had to point it out, you weren’t living very well when even Paprika started giving you highly concerned looks. “It’s not healthy to you physically or mentally at the very least, you can’t possibly want live the rest of your life like this.”

I knew Paprika and Arizona would agree with me there.

“What else am I supposed to do?” Pom just ran a gentle hoof over one of the whining slumbering puppies that were sleeping against her resting form, it immediately calmed down at her touch. “I suggest that you don’t become too attached to me and should go on about your business. It sounds like you have as grand a tale ahead of you like the cow that faced the monstrosity whose bones I currently live among.”

“We could come to visit you every now and then…” I didn’t want Pom to be so bitter like she sounded about being able to spend quality time with others, like her family for instance. They obviously still cared about her if they were brave enough to come out this far for her.

I would have continued, but Pom had cut me off with a flat stare from her eyes.

“You don’t have to do that… not for me anyway... I’ll be fine.” Pom looked away sadly and rested her head on one of the puppies and she curled up with her back to us. “Now leave me alone and just… just go! Thanks for letting me vent... I feel a lot better about now.”

“Come on Velvet, we have to get a move on anyway. You too Paprika!” Arizona, you couldn’t possibly condone all the other sheep doing this to her out of fear! Even Paprika seemed less affectionate now and was shooting the lone sheep 'almost' sad looks. “If you need any friends Canine Queen, then you can always come looking for us Pom. We’re willing and, in Paprika’s case, eager to be there for you whenever you’re ready to have friends. Mark my words, you’ll eventually want to start living Pom.”

As we left, I looked back at the sheep that lifted her head and looked at us as we set down the trail.

There were tears filling her eyes as she watched us move onwards.


A sheep will always be a sheep Pom.

I’m just like all the other lambkin, too afraid to move at any sign of danger.

Arizona knew that my fears where what binds me here.

-A day or so later-

“Hello there.” I looked up at the beautiful dark unicorn mare approaching me.

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