• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter twenty nine, Convention Tension: Unconventional Times.


“So… I can’t help but notice you getting into this a little more than Arizona is.” I was standing next to Velvet the flightless Reindeer, not that being flightless made her any less dangerous, curious as to what was going on between her and Arizona.

“Yes, well, I can’t really help it if I was a bit sheltered in my out of the way village. I may seem a little narcissistic about my appearance and I will say that that is fairly true, I’m not so focused on my own little world so much as to not see what’s going on around me.” Velvet looked over to Arizona who was at an ice cream stand buying something, most likely for her ‘deer’ friend. Okay I couldn’t think it without that pun cropping up, still the convention had snack stands for all the comic convention goers. “She’s a brute, she’s aggressive, she can fight harder than any other being I’ve met and yet… she’s cute and has this righteous gold hearted nature about her.”

“And she buys you ice cream.” It was something I found humorous and my smile must have embarrassed her as she turned a bit red.

“I’m not worried about that, I’m watching my figure! Though I must admit the siren call of ice cream has kind of gotten the best of me in these past few days.” Siren call, right Velvet, you were stuttering because that’s what was happening here. I think Velvet and Arizona will still fight in a volatile manner, but it would probably be more of a dance to watch them beat each other senseless now. “Who knew that cows and ice can mix so well?”

“Obviously you do, because you’re now actively dating the cow that you still fight with on a regular basis about the most inane things.” I think Jade was rubbing off on me too much, because I was enjoying teasing Velvet too much. “You do realize Arizona’s being sweet on you, if you don’t then she likes you enough to constantly antagonize you since she thinks your cute when you’re angry. It’s the same principle with me and Jade sometimes.”

“Oh please stop Fizzlpop, you’re getting me all flustered!” She clutched at her face with her hooves and trying to hide the redness.

“Hey Velvet, got you some strawberry ice cream, oh and here’s some for you to Fizzle!” Strawberry must be the flavor of the day for Arizona, because she got some for herself. “Saw you talking to Velvet and thought you could use a snack too!”

“Thanks.” Taking the offered ice cream, since I know Arizona was just being friendly. We sat down together and started eating. “Are you two working out?”

“You better believe we do, Sekhet is probably one of the best coaches a cow like me could ever ask for. If you are asking if our relationship is working, then also yes! ” That was the truth Arizona. No pony, no body and no one, would ever doubt Sekhet’s ability to train us to be at our best. “Though nothing is quite like fighting Velvet my dancing ice queen, fighting her is like hitting a work of art that can hit back, and hard!”

“Ice queen with a melted heart I’ll have you know! It’ll only melt for those who thrust themselves into the icy abyss to see what lays underneath.” Then Velvet leaned over and nuzzled Arizona behind her left ear, I saw a tongue flicking and Arizona blushing. Yeah they were closer than ever. “Like all my friends and my bombastic bovine here.”

“Darn tooting that I’m explosively strong!” Arizona nuzzled into Velvet’s floof. Velvet didn’t bat an eye at it getting mussed up by her as she huddled right up against the cow.

“Just so you know, I’ll mess you up for that later Arizona.” Okay so maybe Velvet did mind a little bit, touching her 'floof' was still a one way train to getting beaten black and blue all over.

If I were to look at this closer, I’d think that Arizona just did it on purpose just for that very reason.

“It’s a date fluff butt.” They both blushed. Who knew that Arizona could successfully be aggressively romantic?

Take Jade and Maries. Our relationships just worked out so well, why didn’t we fight more often? The only time I really fought Jade is when Jade forced it, even Maries was surprisingly less gruff about life than I would have thought she’d have been.

Other than Sekhet’s training exercises, we don’t fight one another and we all tended to gravitate around to just being plain affectionate when we grouped up. I didn’t mind, if what we had was what Kuril defined as 'love'.

We even excused each other for our various annoying or problematic mannerisms, like every time Jade coughed up hairballs and Maries had the whole disturbing shedding their fur, skin and everything else to grow bigger deal. They excused me for moping at times and always made time for me when they saw me doing so.

I didn’t mope too often around Jade though, because that way lies Jade related cockamamie madness that I didn’t want to deal with again. Jade’s attempts to cheer me up will likely give me an aneurysm.

“No chocolate ice cream?” I can honestly say we were all happy together. I found happiness a bit hard to feel, but when I did, it felt like things would never end.

“A show of solidarity for Kuril and Jade who can’t consume chocolate, theobromine or highly caffeinated products.” Yet you could possibly be later caught drinking chocolate milk Arizona, not that I would blame you for enjoying something that Jade and our mom can’t.

“I’ve been wondering, whatever happened to your issues with cows drinking their own milk or consuming dairy products?” I noted that Arizona was also enjoying her own bowl of ice cream.

“I got over it after talking to Daisy Jo for a while, she apparently likes oatmeal cookies and milk like aunt Grace.” There was something Arizona did here that I had finally noticed. “Even explained to me the reasoning behind it, she grew up drinking her mother’s milk so why should she earn a distaste for it when it makes so many tasty products? Kind of an eye opener for me.”

Velvet was given a paper bowl with five scoops of ice cream compared to our smaller two with comparatively smaller sized bowls. Velvet looked to be in dream land as she ate her ice cream, she was really enjoying it more than any Reindeer should have any right to.

“Yes and tasting ice cream for the first time was one for me!” Half of Velvet’s ice cream was gone and her short fluffy tail looked like a blur, I’m sure you could put her in water and she’d motor her way across it without getting her fluff wet.

I think Velvet might even be on a sugar high at the moment, but it was hard to tell when the only other comparison I have to this is Pinkie or…

“Fizzy, I won the quiz and got a signed comic book from Stand Glee!” Jade looked a little overly excited, at least she took off the horrible Collateral Cat’astrophe costume. “Oh you’re eating ice cream!”

To be clear on this, a hyper excited Jade was one of the most annoying things ever. I, however, couldn’t find a good reason to complain when she stole the spoonful of ice cream from my mouth with her tongue. I just sat there staring at her with what was most likely a red face.

At least Jade wasn’t just constantly fearing some amulet’s power. It couldn’t have been that powerful… could it? Jade was exceedingly worried about it and explained how dangerous it was, yet I couldn’t wrap my head around how dangerous it could be.

Was it as dangerous as Hollow Heart obviously was when he was surrounded by the sickly feeling dark miasma? The guy was practically invincible until the sun rose up and his dark powers disappeared, long enough for Prime to come in and take him down letting a bloodied and beaten Jade earn some rest.

I should just consider myself glad to see Jade smiling and happy. She and Maries sat down next to us and talked, though Jade kept eyeing me and my ice cream. She was waiting on me for something and even snuggled up to my side as I ate, it wasn’t long before Maries came and snuggled up against our backs.

We were a quiet little spot in this loud noisy Manehattan comic convention, relaxing with friends. Jade was a happy kitty, if her waggling beige colored appendage and her erect ears were anything to go by.

Glancing at her simplistic clothing, I still didn’t understand why Jade insisted on having an entire collections of the same shirts and shorts, all green, yellow and more recently the same as my personal body colors. Though I suppose it would be hard to match Maries’ blending colors to her clothing. Jade also liked blue, but I only saw one shirt and shorts in that color.

“Okay, just what exactly is Jade waiting on me for?” Asking this as blandly as possible as I took another spoonful of ice cream only to have it stolen by Maria this time, because I knew Jade was wanting to do something with me. “And could you guys please stop stealing the ice cream from my mouth and get your own?”

“She wants us to do one thing together to commemorate our comic convention visit.” Mara started off only for Maria to finish. “Just something to remember all the fun that we’re having today… also the ice cream tastes better when it comes from kissing you!”

Darn it, I’m surrounded by romantic partners that were better at giving affection than I was!

“See, making Fizzy blush is a fun and quite the lucrative pastime!” One of these days Jade, I was going to get you back for that comment by kissing the ice cream out of your mouth! … Why is my mind suddenly going to places I don’t want it to currently go to and why am I enjoying said thoughts so much?

“Are you okay Fizzlepop?” Velvet asked of me as my face grew a lot hotter.

“Now Maries, you can see that when she double blushes like this, it means that Fizzy is absolutely having dirty thoughts about us. Possibly something about being drizzled in blueberry sauce.” Darn it Jade, stop being so darned attractive and adorably annoying! Also, stop giving me ideas! “If she wants me to clean her mouth out again, I can arrange that as my schedule is clearly open. And if she doesn’t want the rest of her ice cream…”

Other Abyssinians obviously don’t know what they are missing by thinking Jade's plain looking aside from the green hair. She sent me a smarmy cat grin and I sighed, this is what I had to deal with every single day!

“Can’t I finish my ice cream in peace?” I really shouldn’t have asked, because Jade rubbed up against me and licked my cheek. “I’ll take that as a no.”

“Come on, you know you love us Fizzy!” To be fair, yes Jade, I did love you and Maries. To an insane degree that was beyond all reason, we were an exceedingly odd herd and I kind of liked it that way.

I had to quickly finish my ice cream to make sure that Jade didn’t keep pestering me, then upon throwing away the plastic spoon and paper bowl I turned to her. There was a long silence as she kept smiling at me and staring into my eyes.

“What did you guys want to do?” I wasn’t as in a playful mood as she was when I grunted this out. Blunt was the way to go about it thing. Jade could dance around the issue with word play, she was in the right mood to be absolutely playful like that. “Well, what is it?”

Maries wasn’t any better when they had three opinions on just about everything under the sun, they also seemed to be rather playful at the moment.

“Come on Fizzy, we’ll show you!” Jade got up and grabbed my right hoof to start to drag me away from Velvet and Arizona with Maries following along with smiles on their faces.


Love, I could feel it in the air, mostly coming off of Jade and her friends. It looks like they were heading towards a photo booth, that’s seems like a good idea. A memory for them to cherish forever!

I giggled into my hoof, today seemed just perfect for them and wished them well in the future.


I looked at the photograph. Marie and I were to the left of Fizzle, Mara and Maria were on her right and Fizzle stayed smiling in the middle with all of us pressing together tightly. We had six copies, one for mom’s scrapbook.

It took a bit of doing to get out of the photo booth, Maries kind of got us stuck, but it was a worthwhile endeavor while Maries was still at a size that could fit inside it. They were getting a bit bigger and soon they’d be large enough for the both of us to ride on everywhere, I would soon no longer have to walk everywhere!

We were on our way back from the comic convention and heading towards the hotel.

I wondered how Jacky’s day with Generic turned out?

We were about two blocks away from our hotel when my fears from this morning became realized, things would turn out to be much worse than I could have ever expected.

An explosion rocked our hotel and a sickly red glow came from it. That could only be one thing…

I started running towards the hotel, because I didn’t want to believe what was happening. Coming to a stop outside the hotel, I saw an Alicorn Amulet wielding pony was hovering there with a creepy smile and red glowing eyes directed towards me.

I would like to say I didn’t freeze up, but I’d be lying when you considered that I was looking into the eyes of pure madness.

Next to him was my mother struggling to escape the magic field she was being held in. The pony had a top hat, with a flowing cape and collar. Said cape was red on the inside and black on the outside.

He was a small, slightly portly looking earth pony stallion with dark greyish green fur. His brown mane was smoothed back and his tail was somewhat short. He had a villainous handlebar mustache, which he stroked his hoof along in a stereotypically evil fashion as he stared down at me from his hovering position.

“Well if it isn’t the sun priestess." He floated downwards, with mom following along. “I don’t see why our ‘glorious’ leader is so scared of, you’re nothing but a gnat compared to me!”

“Let my mother go!” I charged forward and fired a magic missile. Said missile simply bounced off the barrier he formed without so much as a hint of movement.

With a flick of one of his hooves, a ball of energy struck the ground. It created a large shockwave that sent me painfully tumbling backwards.

“How about no?” He twirled an instantly summoned cane. “Top Snide, at your disservice!”

Author's Note:

A villain appears? Yes.

Exposition page leading into a special all combat chapter? Yes.

Pony Snidely Whiplash with an Alicorn Amulet? Check.

What more do you want from me at this point? Oh right, an actual plot!

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