• Published 7th Jan 2024
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Gathering The Names Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Discord and Dr.Amazement(A human version of Trixie) are a quest to gather the heroes that Saved Blitz and Braver, to help save the multiverse once more

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Chapter Yellow(1): ✧Magical Element Berry✧

In this universe, this version of Equestria is very different from the one you know. For one, everything is chibi size, so 'my little pony' is very true. Secondly, the Mane Six got their elements of harmony not through grey stone orbs like in the prime and other universes but through magical animal pets, acting as the avatars of each element they had. Instead of the magical necklaces and tiara, the girls became magical girls known as the mane fruit six, or magical element fruits. Their main enemy is...well, was the evil magical girl, Dark Blue Plum, aka this universe Princess Luna, who goes by Monster Queen as she's a big fan of giant monsters, or if you are weeb, Kaiju's.
After meeting Dash and Dashie when they hopped into this universe, Dark Blue Plum was star struck by their size and basically gave up being evil and joined the magical element fruit side. When new monsters attack Ponyville and are beaten, she collects them and uses them as her giant pet monsters, and they have been living in peace, but not for long. When a new threat appears far from the town as a big blue box,..

"Who are you talking to?" asked Bolt, as she was on top of Discord's head, as Heat was pressed against her on the side, blushing.

Discord sighed, removed his recording mic headphones, and looked up at the cyan pegasus. "Don't you see I'm in the middle of something? Can't it wait?"

Bolt and Heat were surprised and confused and turned to Enmity and Lil Star, who were just as confused as them. Discord sighed and put on his headphones. He was going to speak, but Midnight kicked open the door, making everyone spill out of the booth, and Discord fell down.

"Okay. Everyone out." ordered Midnight, as she stepped out with no signs of cramps, unlike everyone else.

"Hey! I wasn't-..." Discord said mid-sentence but stopped as he saw the dark, cold glare from Midnight, making him stop and stand up and toss the headphones away. "Never mind, we can finish it later."

Midnight turned away and started to stretch. "So, where are we?"

Everyone could see the land was very small in size, like they were skyscraper size in this universe.

"Whoa, this place is so cute!" shouted Heat, who was excited.

"Look, the trees are so small, it's like I'm a bigger moon now!" cheered Lil Star, spinning around on the ground and soon taking off to the sky and seeing a small town not too far from them. "I see a town! Maybe Berry lives there!?" She turned to the others, humming a tone as she's so happy to be big for once. "Come on!".

Everyone watched as Lil Star took off, and Aaira tried to call her back, but she was gone, making her sigh. She and the others went after her, except for Enmity, who didn't know what was going on.

"Um...what's happening? Why is everything so small?" She started to scan the area, trying to make sense of this universe.

Discord chuckles as he stays behind as well. "In this universe, everything and everyone is chibi size. It's how this universe works, like ours; the Aaira universe doesn't have magic, the Flash universe has anthro creatures, and everyone can use magic as a means to do battle with, but this universe is different."

"So, the ponies are small because, well, this is their world? How are they supposed to get around? There must be some ponies taller than this." ask Enmity, looking around.

Discord snapped his fingers, teleporting them into a movie theater room, and he sat down, telling her to sit as the movie was going to start. "Just sit back and enjoy."

Soon the theater went dark, and on the screen, the title, 'マジカル・エレメント・フルーツ VS リビング・ムーン' appeared. Enmity was curious, thinking it was a movie, and was going to learn about the ponies and this universe, so she hovered over to Discord and quietly sat on his lap, surprising the draconequus, who thought she was going to sit next to him. He brushed it off, took out his popcorn, and started to munch down, watching the screen.

In the movie, the ponies of Ponyville were doing their normal thing until Lyra saw something in the sky and pointed at it.
"Wow, the moon is super close today!" Everypony noticed it too and joined her in watching, but soon everypony realized something as Lyra started to say, "Why is it purple...and getting closer?"

Everypony was screaming and running around as the giant moon, which was Lil Star, floated above the little town. She spoke, "Berry! Are you here?" She slightly rolled her purple rock surface, showing she was looking down. "Why is everyone screaming? Is there a monster?"

"Lil Star!" called out Heat, flying up and next to her. "What are you doing?"

"I want to find Berry and say hello; why?" asks Lil Star, confused.

"You can't just fly into their town; what if they think you're a monster!?" yelled Heat.

"But I'm not a monster. I'm not like my family!" shouted Star, and a puff of smoke appeared around her. "I'M A GOOD MOON!"

Heat shook her head and carefully landed in the town, making sure she didn't step on anypony as they kept running around. "Look, the reason everyone is scared is because of you and me. It's our size."

Lil Star gasped, finally understood the problem, and slowly turned to the town folks, who were all running around still and some were hiding. "I'm sorry everyon-" but before she could finish her apology, a purple beam of energy hit her. Knocking her away from a surprise Heat, she landed outside of the town.

Heat quickly turned away from Lil Star. "Huh!? What's happening?" She saw the beam and the source, and it was a purple Alicorn on top of a building, and Heat could see it was this universe version of herself wearing a Berry outfit, but its color wasn't white but orange.

"You won't harm my town, you big bad moon! I'm Element Grape Jelly and the leader of the-" Heat suddenly saw a dark blue Alicorn walking behind Grape Jelly, which is this universe Luna, known as Dark Blue Plum, and spoke,

"Don't mean former leader? My dear duo."

Grape Jelly turned to her and blushed in anger. "WE'RE NOT A GRAPE PLUM DUO!" She swung her hands around in a childish fit, which Plum watched, amused.

"Yes, yes. Sorry for the mistake, former dear leader. Please continue your speech."

Grape Jelly blushed as she turned back to the monsters. She was going to shout once more, "MONSTER! We-" but she saw Lil Star crying and floating away, calling out Aaira, confusing Grape.

"You made the poor monster cry!" said Plum in a sad tone. "It seems it was a child too. How it feels to beat up a little monster kid, oh great former leader?"

Grape Jelly growled at the dark Alicorn, who was smirking and turned away from her, looking back at the other monster but froze as she realized something about the second one. It looked like her, and that's when she saw 'her' flying to her copy, asking why Lil Star was crying as she flew past her. "RAINBOW DASH!?"

Heat and Bolt looked at the little magical girl pony and could see her racing to them and then hugging Bolt's nose, crying.
"RAINBOW DASH! YOU ARE HERE! MAYBE YOU CAN HELP BERRY!" she cried, nuzzling Bolt's nose.

Bolt quickly realized this was Berry's version of Heat, and speaking of Heat, she could see her being all jealous. She quickly picked up the little pony and held her with her hooves, trying her best to calm her down.

"Easy! Easy!" said Bolt, rubbing her hooves on Grape's back. "I'm not Rainbow Dash." This made Grape look up and sniff her nose, saying, "What?" and Bolt smiled "My name is Bolt, Bolt the pegasus. A version of Dash in the multiverse." Bolt wagged her wing as a wagging finger. "But I'm cooler than her!" she smirked.

"No way!" shouted Grape, jumping from her hooves. "You are Bolt!? Then over there is Heat, correct?" She looked at Heat, who was still upset, and just nodded. Soon, the others arrived, and Aaira held Lil Star in her arms. "The others...maybe everyone can save Berry!"

"Save Berry? What happened to her!?" asked Flash as she walked into town, crushing a cabbage stand, making the cabbage owner scream out about his cabbages. "...my bad."

Dark Plum was still on the roof of the house, but with her mouth wide open, she was amazed by these giants and started to fangirl scream as her weeb kaiju-loving side came out: "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!" She soars towards them but freezes as she sees a version of herself dressed in white and wearing sunglasses. "Is that me?" She screamed louder and soar right into her giant self, hugging her nose.

"W-What!?" Lunar was taken aback, seeing a small version of herself and babbling about being a cool Kaiju or whatever. Her sister took off her black sunglasses and looked closer at Plum, trying to guess why she was acting like that. Grape noticed Plum freaking out and seeing how Flash kept stepping on things. She sigh and then soon teleported everyone to the Everfall Fruit Pocket universe, where Grape and Plum were the same size as the group now. They all stood in a forest.

"AH!" screamed Lunar as Plum's sudden size and weight dropped on her.

"I'm sorry!" cried Plum, getting off her, blushing. "I didn't mean too, I swear."

Plum helped her up. "What? No, no. It's okay; I'm fine. But what's going on here? Weren't you just small just now?"

"We were...until we arrived here," answered Grape, looking around. "This is the Everfall Fruit; it's where we and our Elements hang out when we're not fighting evil."

"And why are we here?" asked Amazement, taking in the sights.

"So we're not stepping on anyone anymore..." answered Flash, blushing a bit as she could tell she was causing problems for the locals.

Aaira nods, understanding "So, you're a little version of Twilight, or in this case, 'us'." She pointed at herself, then at Heat and Midnight.

Grape nodded her head. "Yes, a Twilight variant."

Midnight walked over, giving Grape her cold stare. "And who are you again?"

Grape was a bit nervous, feeling her coldness, and tried her best to keep her cool. "I'm Element G-Grape Jelly, a magical girl leader of the Mane Fruit Six, and this is our friend and former villain, Dark Blue Plum." She and Plum bow their heads at the group. Everyone said their hellos or just waved, but Midnight bowed back in such a perfect way that it was like royalty.

"Greetings. I am a Twilight Sparkle variant known as Midnight, and I would like to know more about your story."

"My story?" asked Grape, blinking a bit.

"Yes. The one about this 'Berry'." Midnight lean back up, and others also asked about Berry. Even Bolt and Heat asked what happened to Berry, as they remembered what she said before.

Grape gasped as she forgot about Berry and looked at the group, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, I got sidetracked. She needs saving!"

All of Berry's friends look worried and ask what happened to her.

"Is she in danger!? Who's the villain!?" asks Flash, becoming more serious and releasing a bit of magical energy.

Bolt and Heat went into super and burning forms, ready to help Berry and whatever evil she was up against.

"Don't worry, we'll save Berry!" smirked Bolt, while Heat added, "Her friends are here now. She'll be safe soon."

Aaira loaded her horncutter, and Lil Star floated above, ready to go off and help little Berry.

"What kind of trouble did our little brave Berry got herself into now?" asked Aaira, while Star added, "Hope blueberry cakes are involved!"

Grape and Plum shook their heads.

"It's way worse than any danger we ever face!" Grape quickly teleported them all to outside of the castle, pointing out what's happening.

Everyone became very confused, and they all looked at Grape and Plum, who both had very serious looks.

"Berry's making all of us train super hard!"
"THAT'S IT!?" yell Lil Star and Amazement, while Grape nodded, making the others sigh in relief.

Everyone looked on at the scene of the training grounds near the castle, where Berry, in her normal pony form which is tan skin and dark brown mane, in a coaching outfit and drilling the other girls into shape with a large whistle.

"Come on girls, we need to work harder, so no monsters can kill us!" said Berry, as she made everyone run faster.

A white earth pony with yellow mane who was this universe Pinkie Pie and alter ego to Pink Peachy Pie, her name is Earthly Surprise, as she's the second to last in running laps, until she dropped dead and rose her arm up. "I NEED SUGAR!" she passes out as this universe AJ, known as...well, AJ, but her orange body is red and known as Red Apple Crisp in her magical girl alter ego, passing her and not saying a word.

"No, no, no. You can't give up. Keep going; your lives depend on it!" shouted Berry, not noticing a large shadow looming over her.

Soon, the last place runner was this universe. Rarity, who's coat is teal and her mane is purple but has a teal streak in it, known as Glory and alter ego to White Blackberry Cobbler. She's sweating up a storm and could hardly run anymore. Berry noticed her, took out her microphone, and shouted, "COME ON GLORY! RUN AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! RUN!"

Glory could barely breathe and was going to collapse, but was caught by AJ, who looked back at Berry and said, "Berry, I think it's time to take a break."

Berry shook her head in disagreement. "She didn't even do a full lap, AJ. No breaks!" She put her microphone near her mouth and screamed, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, GLORY!"

Suddenly, this universe Fluttershy, who had the same colors as Fluttershy but had no wings, was called Posey, and her alter ego is Yellow Banana Cream. She came running to Berry with a hand towel and a water bottle. Berry noticed it and happily took it, taking a few sips. "Thank you, Posey. But please, no breaks. Not even me."

Posey looked at Berry, confused and worried. "But you've been coaching all day without a break, and you look like you're going to pass out." She turned red and looked away. "It's not like I'm worried about you or anything! BAKA!"

Berry shook her head and told her she couldn't rest with any of her friends because there might be a monster or even worse in the future. They needed to be ready, or they'd die.

"You've seen death firsthand, haven't you?" said a cold voice, making Berry freeze. Berry turned to see Midnight, standing next to her and giving her that cold stare. Her eyes started to water, as Berry thought it was Layla, but this cold and dark feeling couldn't be Layla's warm dawn feeling.

"Who are you!?"

Midnight was about to say her name, but Berry saw the others and dropped her microphone in pure shock. She dropped to her knees, seeing her dear friends once more. She slowly called their names, and they gathered next to her.

"Long time, no see, Berry. How have you been?" asked Bolt.

Berry's eyes started watering, and she jumped on the girls, making them fall backwards.

"I MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH!" She cried, rubbing her cheeks against their cheeks, happy to see them once more. She leans back and allows them to stand up, but she notices something about Aaira and Flash. "You two look so...older!? What happen? It's only been a week. How did you girls get so old?"

Aaira chuckled "We'll explain later, Berry. Right now, we need your help once more."

Berry's happy, go-lucky, and kind look went hard and cold as she became very serious, shocking her friends, "Another multiverse crisis?"

Her friends nodded but also explained how the twins are in danger, and this made Berry even more serious as she pound the ground and started to yell, "What!? WHO DARES HURT THOSE TWO? I WON'T ALLOW ANYONE TO HURT OR KILL THOSE TWO! NEVER!" Berry had tears pouring out as she started to cry again.

Her friends started to worry about Berry, as they had never seen her like that before. Midnight, however, knew why she was acting like this and said it once more.

"You've seen death firsthand, haven't you?"

Berry gasped as she was surprised to see Midnight again and started to get scared as she saw Midnight's cold aura, which was different from Layla's warm dawn aura.

"You're different than the other Twilight I met. I'm guessing you're from another universe, right?" Berry looked to the new group of people and said, "Who are you again?"

Flash stepped towards Midnight and put her arm around Midnight's shoulder, grinning at Berry, "This is Midnight Dusk, my wife! You remember the story I told you, don't you?"

Berry gasped and bowed at them, saying sorry for not realizing the two were married. Flash waved it off and introduced the others, and soon, the girls were explaining what's been going on and asking Berry about what's been happening here, while Berry's friends finally had a break and listened in about what's going on.

Berry felt shell-shocked after learning about time dilation and was surprised to learn how long it had been for Flash and Aaira, while it had only been for a year for Bolt and Heat, but she smiled as she heard that it had been ten years for the twins.

"I wonder how they look now? Do you think they're taller than me?" She bops her head. "Of course they'll be; I'm small after all." She giggled, making her friends happy and seeing her old self again.

Midnight spoke again to Berry, and this time, Berry answered her, saying that yes, she had seen death firsthand. At the time, she thought Flash, Heat, Layla, Eirika, Aero, and Dr. Wonder were killed during their battle against Breaker. Amazement flitch as she heard that...

"I had to be brave for the others and step up again in helping, but seeing my friends die like that..." she turned to her bestest friend Grape and the rest of the fruit girls. "I never want to see that again. Even more so with you girls. I can't lose you."

Midnight said nothing as she saw Berry's close friends saying they understood, but pushing them this hard was too much. Berry nodded and apologized for doing that, saying she'd try not to go overboard, to which her friends smiled and hugged her. But Midnight picked them all up and tossed them to the track field, giving them a cold stare.

"No, Berry is right. Death can happen anytime, anywhere. You must all hone your skills and become better. No matter what the cost."

Grape, Plum, Earthly, and Glory gasped as Midnight was being cruel, just as Berry was.

Midnight gave them an evil stare. "I'm not like Berry here. I won't be so kind." She raised her foot in the air and slammed it down, creating an earthquake. "Run, give me thirty more laps before I give you a true reason to fear death!" She threatened them, making them run off, while Berry and Grape stood there in silence, looking at Midnight. "You two have something to say?"

Grape turned to berry "This is why I disagree with everyone else with you being the leader, Berry; this is what you were turning into. A cold and heartless leader who'll push her friends to the point of breaking!"

Berry shook her head. "N-No! I was not trying to break them; I was-"

"You were Berry! You saw how the girls were! I know you saw stuff, but that doesn't give you an excuse to be like..." she pointed to Midnight. "That!"

Berry was about to argue more, until Midnight stepped in, asking Grape a simple question.

"Grape Jelly, tell me, have you lost anyone dear to you?"

"W-what?" she reply in shock.

"It's a simple question; have you?"

Grape shook her head and said she had never lost anyone, as 'death' to her weren't a thing in this universe, and even then, friendship always wins in the end. Midnight nodded her head and said she understood why she didn't agree with Berry and how she see's her leadership as flawed, but she should respect Berry's reasons.

"Berry, like everyone else, has seen death. Even though I have seen death, many of them were myself doing the killing while under a mind control spell. I, like Berry, don't want to see the ones I care about suffer, and I will make sure that won't happen. And Berry is trying to protect you, like she did with her friends here, by having you all be ready for the unknown. One day, you'll fight against something you can't win with 'friendship'. If you and the other elements fail, not only will the world end, but everything you love will perish."

Grape stood there and listened, not saying a word.

"Berry wants to make sure you and the others are prepared. Even if she has to be cold and cruel, just so you won't suffer and die, She's trying to protect you, so don't disrespect her wishes."

Berry looked at Midnight, amazed; she understood her reasons and felt bad for Grape.

"I'm sorry, Grape. Midnight is right, but I'm being too cruel to you girls. I'll make it up to you all, I swear."

Grape shook her head. "No, both of you are wrong! As long as our friendship is strong, we'll win!"

Midnight and Berry said nothing as Grape ran off to the castle. crying. Berry was about to chase her, but Midnight stopped her.

"Let her go; she'll calm down soon."

"Are you sure?"

Midnight nodded and saw Posey running up to her and handing her a water bottle. Midnight took it and thanked her and ignored her, since she thought Posey was the water boy. She suddenly saw Amazement walking up to her and asking her to start training her. She could see into Amazement's eyes, the pain of not telling Berry or the others that Dr. Wonder was dead.

"If I train you, can you handle the pain I'm going to give you?"

Amazement nodded, not saying a word, and Midnight patted her head.

"I promise you, you'll feel more pain than you ever felt before, and once you're done with me, you'll never be the same."

Amazement could sense the worry in her voice and nod her head and say, "I'm fine."

Midnight nodded her head, believing her, and told her to follow her as she was going to the training field where the fruit girls were running laps to get started.

"And Berry," said Midnight, not facing her. "Sometimes, being cold and cruel is the only way to prepare. But sometimes, kindness and compassion are what make us strong. Just remember, the world is cruel, so make sure you're ready for it. Be brave for others but also for yourself." Midnight looked back, giving her a cold stare and a smirk.

Berry nodded and saw Midnight and Amazement leave, leaving her alone with the others.

"So, do we have all the time in the world right now, right?" asked Berry, looking down.

Heat answered her, "What Discord said—yes, there seems to be a third party helping him right now." Heat trotted over and put her hoof on Berry's side. "The twins are alright. We have seen how powerful they are. Plus, they have each other, and they have their family and friends watching over them. I'm sure, whatever happens, they'll be alright."

Berry shook her head. "I-I...no, the twins can't die. They have to live, or the multiverse is going to fall and everyone is going to die! I don't want that to happen; I don't want them or anyone else to die." she faced the group "I'm going to ask Midnight train me. My magic isn't powerful enough. I need to save the twins, no matter what."

Flash put her hands on Berry's shoulders, having the same look as her wife. "Berry, don't let death take hold of your mind and actions. Midnight took Amazement as a student because she saw something in her. Something that she wanted to protect. She won't take you as a student, and your powers are already powerful. I have faith in you."

Berry looks at Flash, then at the others. Seeing them all agreeing with her, even the new group of people also agreed.
"I don't know anything about magic, but..." AJ crossed her arms. "I can see you have already been training yourself a lot and pushing yourself without stopping. That training will be put to the test on the battlefield, no doubt. Trust in yourself."

"The orange metal armor warrior is right." said Sunny, putting her sunglasses up and looking at Berry. "Trust in the training you've done; you'll kick ass."

"Sunny! Language!" yelled AJ, fearing Enmity would hear that but notice she wasn't around. She looked around while Lunar stepped forward.

"My sister is right. Even if you don't have any more training, we believe in you, and you can do anything, so long as your heart is willing to fight."

Berry felt happy and hugged them all, thanking them for the kind words.

Out in the fields, Amazement stood there, waiting for Midnight to say something.

"Draw your sword."

Amazement touched her sword, but she started to shake in fear as she remembered Rainbow Sun Dawn and seeing her kill Dr. Wonder. She started to tremble, and tears began falling.

"I can't."

Midnight nodded, said it was fine, and said, "We'll work on that."

Amazement gasped, seeing Midnight being kind to her and asking her why she wasn't acting cold like earlier.

"It's because you're afraid; I can see it. But I won't help you if you don't face that fear, understand? You must confront the fear of drawing your sword and fight the one who took your love. So, are you ready to start?"

Amazement looked down at her sword and started to breathe hard. Midnight said nothing, just waiting for Amazement.

"Yes, I'm ready. But can you promise me something?" She asked, and Midnight said what, but seeing Amazement rage within her eyes, "No one kills her but me."

Midnight stares a bit and refuses.

"Please! She killed the one I loved! Let me do the honor of avenging her by killing that monster!"

Midnight pointed to Amazement sword. "How can I promise that? When you can't even draw your sword. Until you can face your fear and draw your sword, I can't make that promise."

Amazement could only cry, as she had no words and knew Midnight was right. Midnight stood there, telling her to draw that sword. Amazement was shaking in fear, her body telling her to run, but she stayed, trying to draw the sword.

Back in the castle, Grape was looking down at the group from the castle tower, still believing Midnight and Berry were wrong.

"Friendship always wins in the end! We never lost a battle because our friendship is so strong! No one is going to kill us or whatever that means, and we'll win, no matter what."

But she saw the fruit girls were still being pushed around by Midnight, making her angry but not knowing what to do. She transformed back into her normal form, a dark purple unicorn with a dark green mane with a purple streak; her real name is Twinkle Sparkle. She walked over to her bed and laid on it.

"Friendship never loses, right?" she asks herself.

"Maybe ask Berry?" She heard a kind male voice in front of her, which made her sit up and find herself in the Element Avatar Meeting Chamber. It was all the elements, but as pets from the prime universe pets but they could talk. She could see Owlowiscious getting out of his seat and flying towards Twinkle, who landed next to her.

"Maybe she can answer your question." he said, making her confused and scared.

"O-Owlowiscious, but they said that friendship isn't enough and said we might lose!? HOW!?" She slammed her arms on the floor. "WE NEVER LOST! We never lost a fight or this 'death' in the past! How could they say we'll lose? Why would Berry think that? I KNOW SHE SEEN THINGS, BUT SHE'S HOME NOW!" She started to cry softly. "She's home. Why is she still suffering? Why won't the pain go away? She's home; the nightmare is over."

"Not over," said Owlowiscious, making her jump a little. "Nightmare is never over," he said, turning to Tank. "Tell her; tell her why Berry is scared of losing and the fear of death. Berry's your owner after all."

Tank shut his eyes, and the chamber became memories from the past. Showing Dr. Wonder being eaten by black slime and Flash being pulled into an evil-looking slime pony. Eirika, her pegasus horse ,Aero and Layla are being covered by slime and eaten. Finally, showing Heat being killed by a bloody Alicorn as she was stabbed in the chest by its horn blade.

Twinkle shook with fear. "Wait, what is this? I thought death was just losing. What am I seeing?"

"You're seeing what real death is. Not just losing and getting knocked out. What true pain is. You're seeing the truth—the cold, hard truth—in another universe. When you die, you don't come back. Berry new friends didn't die as this slime monster spare them, while Heat came back to life by collecting and using miracle." said Owlowiscious.

She looked down, started to cry more, and started to shake, not liking what she was seeing. She turned to Tank, asking him if Berry really saw all this. He gave her a sad look and nodded.

"I can't even imagine that, and she saw all this. Why did Berry have to go through that? How is she so strong?"

"You think Berry is strong?" asked Tank.

"Of course! She went through all this and is still standing!"

Tank closed his eyes. "Then why are you doubting her leadership? Why are you questioning her strength when she is strong and knows more than you ever will? If she's so strong, then why are you saying she isn't?"

Twinkle froze as Tank questioned her; she didn't answer him and instead looked to Owlowiscious, but he turned his back on her. "Even friendship can't stop death, every story has a ending." he said, flying away and disappearing, making Twinkle even more confused.

"You can't stop death, no matter how strong friendship is. It's fate." repeat all the avatars again, disappearing into the darkness, leaving her alone.

Twinkle started to cry, but a prism glitching effect appeared, and she could see an anthro white mare walking out, dressed in white, as her white puffy jacket gave off an rainbow glitching aura around her.

"Who are you?"

"A passerby, nothing more, I just saw this and couldn't allow Berry to die."

Twinkle, look shocked. "Die? W-What?"

The mare sat next to her and explained. She said Berry would be fighting Rainbow Dawn and would die if she face her.

"But why? How can she die?"

"Because friendship can't stop death, no matter how strong it is," replied the mare, but she put her hand on Twinkle's head. "But that's bullshit. Friendship can't stop death. No, it can't, but you can try."

Twinkle gasped as the mare got up and started walking. "Try? But Midnight and Berry said, "

"To hell with what they said. What do you say?"

Twinkle got up and looked at the mare. "I don't know what Berry said is true or what she saw, but I believe in our friendship! It'll never lose! It can't, not now, not ever!" She closed her eyes and screamed into the void, "Screw Fate! I WON'T ALLOW MY FRIENDS TO DIE!"

The mare smiles and walks into the glitching prism effects.

"Then prove it. Make sure no one dies, no matter what. Prove me right."

"I will! And I'll show Berry the power of our friendship! We won't die; we'll win! We're not weak! We'll beat whoever comes in our way!"

The mare turned around and asked, "What else?"

Twinkle clutch her chest. "I'll save her! I won't allow her to suffer anymore! Berry is my friend, and I won't allow her to suffer in silence any longer!"

"That's good, then." The mare gave a warm smile. "But are you willing to die for her?"

"Yes!" Twinkle answered without a second thought "Because she's my friend and not going to die! Not going to add more suffering on her shoulders! What kind of friend will I be?"

"Good, keep moving forward because this is your story, not fate. You write who dies and who lives." The mare turned her back and started walking into the glitching prism, leaving Twinkle alone.

"Wait! What's your name?"

The mare stopped and answer "Like I said, a passerby. Nothing more."

"But-" but Twinkle saw the mare disappear into the glitching prism, leaving her for good.

Back in her room, she shot up, gasping. She look around and found herself back in her room. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"Berry, no one is going to die. I'll protect everyone." She looked out her window, seeing Amazement being thrown to the ground and crying.

"Again. Stand up. You can't stop, not yet." said Midnight, standing in front of Amazement.

"...please, can we take a break? Please?"

"No. Get up."

Amazement slowly got up, holding her sides and feeling the pain.

"Get ready; here I come."

Amazement gasp and got into her pose and saw Midnight rushing to her. She touch her sword, but still couldn't pull it out. She started to shake, her fear taking over her mind.

Midnight sigh: "You're wide open."

"Wait-ACK!" She was kicked in the gut and tossed into the track, spooking Earthly and the others as they were passing by.
Amazement fell back, holding her gut.

"...weak." Midnight look at her "You need to face your fear and stop trembling. Don't let your fear control you."
Amazement nodded and tried to stand back up, but she felt Midnight's soft hand helping her.
"Take your time."

Amazement could only cry as Midnight was showing her compassion and care for her, but she felt her anger grow, not liking that Midnight was nice.

"Stop being nice to me! A failure like me doesn't deserve that!"

Midnight was a little shock "A failure? I see no failures here. I see a girl who is willing to learn. You can't rush things and sometimes, you'll fall. But you'll get back up and keep going."


Midnight didn't say anything and just helped her up, dusted her off, and fixed her hat, like a caring mother will do. Causing Amazement to cry again.
"I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize; just focus and don't give up."

Amazement didn't answer but nodded.

"We should be getting going, you two!" called out Berry, who walked with the others to them. "You can train in the next universe."

Amazement nodded, not saying a word and Midnight just walked away but stop and shouted at Berry friends to finally stop running.

"Thank the lord!" shouted Glory as she and her friends dropped to the ground, completely tired out, while Posey ran up and handed them water bottles.

Berry walked up to her friends, helping them up.

"I'm heading out again, girls. I'll be back, promise."

"You better or I'll find a way to that world and kick your ass, understand?" threatens AJ, pointing her hoof at her. Earthly joined in that pointing, "YEAH, MISSY! YOU BETTER OR WE'LL TRACK YOU DOWN!"

Berry smiled and hugged her friends, telling them she'd be fine.

"You better be darling. Please come back safe..." whispered Glory, hugging her friend.

"I'll try," said Berry, breaking the hug and facing Posey, who was blushing. "Posey?"

"B-Berry, stay safe. It's not like I'm not...no, I am worried about you. Promise you come back."

"I'll try my best, but I'm not going to break that promise."

"Thank you." Posey was still blushing, making Berry blush too and hug her.

Berry let go and looked at the castle. She wanted to say goodbye to her best friend, Grape, but she needed to leave right away. AJ and the others told her they'd say her goodbye to Gape for her, but Grape reappeared in front of them.

"Grape!" happily shouted Berry, but Grape put her hoof out.

"I'm coming with you!"

"Grape?" asked Berry, confused.

"I'll prove you and Midnight wrong! Friendship will never lose! This is our story! No one else! In our story, no one dies!" She taps Berry's cheek. "So believe in us, you dummy. We won't die and leave you alone. We're friends to the end."

Berry started to cry and hugged Grape tightly, happy to hear that and feeling better.

"Come on, girls, we got a battle to win!" shouted AJ, but Grape and Berry told her no. "What!? Why!?"

"We need you girls to protect Ponyville. If we all go, who will protect them?"

"That's true..." replied Glory, looking at her friends.

"We'll keep everyone safe. Promise!" said Earthly, doing her Pinkie Promise.

Berry nodded, and with a flash, Berry was in her magical girl form.

Her and Grape teleported the gang back to Ponyville, leaving the girls behind. But Posey realized something.

"...ummm, where's Plum?"

The movie ended, and Discord groans at it.

"Where were the monster fights!? I was promise giant monsters vs magical girl action! This is why human/pony character story arcs are ruining monster movies." He complained, not happy that it was all character-driven.

"I don't know; it was a good movie, and the friendship was a nice touch." said Enmity, smiling and looking up at him as she was still on his lap.

"But not one single monster fight."

"True, true!" agreed Enmity, giggling at him.

"But it's over now." He sighed and looked at her. "Let's head back." Discord was about to snap his fingers but turned his head, seeing the white-haired anthro mare and five others in the back, snacking on popcorn and candy. "You guys have been here the whole time?"

"Pretty much." replied the mare, smirking.

Discord smiled "Glad you're watching over them." He snapped his fingers, and before Enmity could get up to see who he was talking to, they were gone.

The white-haired mare stood up, and the screen became a video screen, showing a red timeline at the bottom. The video wasn't done yet, but she tipped her head to the side, seeing more red timeline bars behind it, and they all ended at different points.

The rainbow-haired girl with the purple jacket sips her drink and then asks,

"How much time do we have left before facing her?"

Mare turned her head straight. "Not much is left. Everything needs to fall out of fate's hands, or everything is done. Not just the multiverse but also the..."

Her friends got up and took out their weapons. A woman in a yellow HULL suit, with purple skin and pink long hair, ready her horncutter;

a blonde-haired female centaur, wearing knight armor, drew out her rope whip;

a white mare Alicorn with a silver long mane, holding at her mirror shield which had a living spirit in it, not really caring much of anything

and a female human with short black hair and dress in a pink and black goth outfit, was just sleeping as the movie was too boring.

The video started to show Discord and Enmity returning to the others, and they all entered the phonebooth. Before it left, Plum jumped on top and smiled as she wanted to see more giants like the others.

The time bar freaked out with prism glitching effects, as it created other time bars but slowly being pulled into one path.

"...the timeverse. All multiverses and timelines will be stuck on one path forever."

The video started to go static, as a figure could be seen within it.

"We won't allow that, F̛̯͙͕̌̋ͅä̱̖̐̃͟ỳ̡̼̠̤͂ë̻̱̗̹̤͇̱̱́͝. Like my mother before me, I'll stop you. This is ours and everyone else's story to write. Not yours to take over."

She snapped her finger, and the video was shut off, but the time bars went out of the video and became glitching prism spider web of the time bar.

"Come on, girls, it's time to head to the next multiverse timeline. It's time to get to the heart of this mess."

The rainbow-haired girl stood up. "To get there, we need to pass through that time period. We'll be seeing 'them'. You'll be okay with that? Because I'm kind of freaking out about seeing them."

"We'll be okay, Rainbow," the white-haired mare replied, not turning around. "They won't even know who we are and won't affect our future." She held her hand, causing the girl to blush.

"Let's go."

"Sure thing." She looks at the others. "Come on, move your butts, and someone wake up, Shade!"

"I'm tired." said the goth girl, yawning.

"Come on, Shade. Don't make us leave you behind...AGAIN!"

The goth girl stood up and yawned as she followed them into the prism glitching web of timelines and disappeared and everything went dark...soon the video started to play once more and it has "The End" on it but bugging out with static, till it said "Thei͇̫͈̫̙͂͢r̬̬̝̘̗̬̳ͥ̓͞ Endi̜͙̠̭͍̲̽ͤ͌̄̕n̵̯̪̼͛̎g̷̗̪̣̘̬ͪ̊͌ṡ̸̝͚̻͇̖̘̲̍̋͒ͅ ͙͙͌̅͜ą̠̱̮̪̟͈̊̾ͤͩr̡̪̙͉̂ͦe̛̹̜̥̞̳̠̟̒͗̑̑ͅ ̧͉͉̪ͦm̸̪̣̖̺̦͋̽͊͗į̪̣̉̈́n͈̗̦̱̞̻̭̍͋ͫͥ̕e̵̱̯̳̺̹̽̌̓.̴͔̭̳͇͎͍̗ͥ́ ͫ̀̀̄҉̺͓̝Y̢̪̮̗̜̱̰̟̐ͅo̦̞̬͎̱͊̇̾́u̟̠̘̞ͧ̑̂̈́̀ ̰̲ͧ̈̆͞c̵̠͔̞̣̊a̼̺̬̋́͠n̺͚͔̙̞͆ͦͦ͂ͮ͐͑̀͢ͅ'͌ͨ͏̜͉̘̤̫͉̦͇t̵͕̳͓̹̱̎ ̜͎̃̂͟ş̟̠̮̟̤̲̫͙ͦͣ͂t̵͔̥̳͕̪͈̫ͫ́̓̓o͙̣̊ͫ̋͜p̴̙͉̫͕̗̩̲̺ͣ ̢̱̲̫͕̰ͬ͊ͅṃ̢̭̔e̴͈̦̼͇̯̱͚͋̋̒.̶̪̩͖̂͗̈́̇ ͨ͏̜̖̘̜̭Į̮͖̱̯̣̜͕͎ͭ̐̊ ̨̮͚̔̅̍ͥt̞̝͈̜̟̄́̚͟o͚͚̗͂ͬ͟o̳͕͔̠̯͐̔ͦ̂͜k̶͉̻̩̝͔̩͙̻͑̔ ̞̣̝̘̙̉̏̾̐̀ͅy̨̬͍̔ͦ̀o̧̻̬̝̻̼̦̥ͨͅú̶̹̜̣͈̳̝̺͌̂r͚̲͇̪͉͎̼̝͑̓͟ ̵͔̻̪̤̩̠̏m̴͇̳̘̜̱̫͔ͩͫͦo̿ͭ͏͍͕̯̟͙̮t̹̮͓̥̰͒ͦ̉ͤ͞h͓̬̺͎̲̜͋͡e̺̫̲̖̝͛ͭ̅ͭ͡r̢̟̪̭̲͖̟̤͓̃̾̅ͫ͋҉̠͉'̬̘̹̯̞̭̈̌ͪ͟ͅs̝̻̬̄ͧͬ̐͘ ̰͇̪͓͉̠̱ͧ̾ͣ͝s̺̺̆͡t͐̆̅̔͏͉̞̗̬͓̙̺o̜͇̪ͦ̈́̀r͎̱̞̮̬̽̎ͦ͠ͅy̴̩̦̼͍̱̰̰̘͋̑ ̤̹̈́͜ḁ̵̖͎̪ͣ̓̆̇n̋̂͋͏̜͕̹̮̺̖͍͙d̅̃̅̄҉̮̗ ̜͖͚͍̥ͮ̔͌͞e̻̻͔̭̺̯ͬͨ̉ͥ͘n͚̥̯͓̝̾͡d̘̳͕̬͎̗ͮ́ͬ͢e̸̘̖ͤͨd̈́̊ͤ͛҉͕̟̝̹͎͖ ͔̲̫̟̗̻̫̬͋̕hͨͭ̇͗͏͚͍̰̬e͓̬̥̊̓͘r̷̼̯̙̳̝̽ͧͣ̚.̞̜̙̼̜̺̋̚͞ͅ ͉̜̫̦̭ͪ̕Y̢̝̮ͬ̋̈o̞̖͈͇̒͗͢ͅư̫̺̭̖̮͈̬ͩͧ̂ ̧̙͎̒ͯdͣͩ̚҉͙͕̖͓ȏ̡͈̫̹͙̹̱n̡͙̹͎̩͈̳̱͖̰̠̝̤͇̉̅ͣ̂̉͠'̛͚̤̱͈͉̠̉͂ͬͭt̴͓̬̩͙͙̑̊ ̛͙̣̤̭͎͙̣͚ͮh̺͓ͥ̐ͪ͝a̯̥͚̠͈̳̲͔͂̉̇ͥ́v͚͓̗ͯͪ̀ë̬̬́́ ̂͗̽ͨ҉̞͉͚̣͙a̵͕̳̰̭͐̉̅ ̯͕͍̇ͥ̑̍͠c̸̬̤̯̗ͩ̍̐h̴͕̙͚̟̱̠ͩͪâ̛͚̤̈́̅̽n̴͈͉̩͈͚̜͊̈́ͫc̵͇̻̤̩͕̉̋̒̓ê̷̲̦̞."

End of Chapter Yellow(1)

Author's Note:

this will be it for now. back to writing the main fic now.

also, the new cast of characters wont show up again in this fic until near the end.
edit: fixing some typos. should be good now