• Published 7th Jan 2024
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Gathering The Names Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Discord and Dr.Amazement(A human version of Trixie) are a quest to gather the heroes that Saved Blitz and Braver, to help save the multiverse once more

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Chapter Yellow(2): Dr.Wonder

It was quiet. No one was talking, and the only sound was Aero humming a tune, which Eirika joined her. Amazement turned to Discord and could see him reading a comic book.

"So, no stupid explaining like you always do before we arrive in the next universe."

Discord's eyes looked at her and back at the comic book.

"Don't need to; you already know the next universe."

Amazement became very confused by his answer; she pushed the comic down from his face and pulled him close.

"What do you mean I already know?"

Discord leaned in, giving off the most evil-looking face he had ever made, scaring not only Amazement but also a few softer people inside the booth.

"It's just how it sounds, my little mage friend! We're here to pick up 'her.' Your little honey bun.'

Amazement felt her chest tighten, her mind filling with fear and anger, her hand holding her sword tighter.

"You gonna go there, you asshole! Gonna make a joke at a time like this!?" she was gonna draw her sword, but the others stopped her and to calm down. "Get off, this bastard needs to die after mak-" she couldn't finish as the booth finally arrived in the universe and landed on the city street walk, doors opening and everyone falling out onto the busy street.

Plum flew out of the pile bodies and looked around, seeing the tall city skyscrapers and busy filled streets. "Where are we? Another city?"

Every person who had the somewhat same earth in their universe realized where they were.

"It's New York City!?" called out AJ, dusting her armor off from the dirt.

Wanda rolled out of the pile and fixed her glasses. "Also known as the Big Apple! If we're here, then that means we're here to get-" She stood up and turned to Amazement, who looked depressed but also mad. She then turned to Discord and pulled his ear to her mouth. "Why are we here? Isn't Dr. Wonder dead?"

Before Discord could answer, someone slammed into him, sending him flying into a brick wall of a building, while whoever crashed into him, remained floating there.

"Crap, not again! I'm so sorry." but the young-looking superhero turned to someone above him. "Wait, is he a bad guy? Last time this happened, that old guy with metal robotic arms attacked me."

Everyone looked up and saw a female superhero swinging towards them after stopping a bad guy. From her outfit, Amazement knew who it was.

"Sunset Spider?"

Sunset Spider landed and was gonna say hi to Dr. Amazement, but suddenly, they all teleported away and found themselves in a giant, endless library. Sunset Spider looked at a large of colorful people and ponies and sighed.
"I see you dealing with multiverse displacement, too." She removed her mask and revealed her face.

Amazement raised her eyebrow and asked what she meant, which the superhero from before landed and reached his hand out for a handshake.

"My name's Mark, but call me Invincible. In my world, a supervillain named Angstrom Levy has my mom and little brother as his hostages so he can get to me. He's why I'm here; he can open rifts in other worlds. I'm trying to get back home." Mark could see that Amazement hadn't listened to him and was looking around the weird library. "Okay, rude."

Sunset Spider patted Mark's back, telling him not to sweat about it, but soon, a green rift opened up, signaling that Angstrom wanted Mark to return.

"Looks like he wants you back."

Mark took a deep breath and turned to her, smiling. "Yeah, and thanks for hanging with me. You spider superheroes are all the same. Kind." He gave her a handshake and flew off, entering the green rift and closing behind him.

"Others, huh? I wonder if he meant the spider society members that O'Hara created?" She looked back and could see everyone looking at Amazement and whispering if she was okay. Sunset Spider walked past them and stood by Amazement's side. "Hey, are you okay? You look very pale right now."

Amazement didn't turn to her and instead just asked her a question.

"Who summoned us here? Wonder couldn't have, not when she's-" but she didn't finish as she sensed something very familiar, deep within the library, and rushed off, leaving everyone behind.

Sunset Spider reached out to her, but it was too late; she was gone.

"Man, what's her problem? And she got a new eye or something?" she asked herself before turning to the group, who looked at her with confusion and worry. She sighed, knowing she had to take another mission dealing with displaced people. "So, what's your deal? The super bad guy sent you all here or something?"

Amazement kept running down the endless library hall, trying to find that feeling again. Her heart was beating fast, and she had a thought that what she felt was her imagination playing tricks on her. But it wasn't. She knew that magical energy was coming from anywhere, but the only thing going through her mind was one thing.

"How!? I saw you die!"

She kept searching the place, calling out her name, but it was silent. She started to get annoyed by the silence and screamed out the name.

"Dr. Wonder, get your ass out here, or I'm gonna destroy this whole damn library!"

She could only hear her breath, as she was breathing hard after running around the place.

"Wonder, please, just show yourself."

But nothing happened, and the silence remained. Amazement could feel tears forming, knowing what had happened was real. She couldn't accept it, not when her last image of Wonder was her being eaten by a slime monster that Dawn unleashed on them. Sensing Wonder's magical energy, she was convinced she was alive, but it was indeed her mind playing tricks are on. No matter how much she searched, she was nowhere. Amazement sat down against a bookshelf and curled her legs into her body, crying softly.

"For a split second, I thought you survived somehow and made your way back home. How dumb is that? You couldn't have survived." She kept crying and saw her sword; she took it out and could see the crystal blade shining with her tears. "I'm such a dumbass. You are indeed dead. Gone forever." She held her sword close, remembering when she and Wonder would go off together on adventures to save the earth or the whole universe.

Amazement remembered every memory, all the good and bad ones until she couldn't take it anymore. She stood up and screamed out at no one.


Amazement started to attack the bookshelves, cutting them down and breaking them into pieces, screaming out her anger, frustration, and sadness.


She kept slashing and destroying bookshelve after bookshelve, her anger increasing and her heart hurting.

Amazement kept destroying the place and yelling, not caring if anyone could hear her. She wanted everyone to listen to her screams of agony, her tears, and her heartbreaking.

...Someone did hear, as a shield was tossed between the destroyed bookshelves,, almost hitting her, shocking Amazement, but her eyes became wide open, her heart beating fast, and her sword shaking, as she saw who it was.

Walking up to her is this universe's greatest hero and icon, defining a good woman. Amazement couldn't believe her eyes. Standing there was this universe, AJ.

"Captain AppleCore!? What are you doing here!?"

Cap caught her shield as it returned to her and placed it on her belt. "I should be asking the same question, Dr. Amazement. Why are you destroying Wonder Place? What has made you so angry and sad?"

Amazement lowered her sword, and she couldn't stop laughing as she answered her. "She's gone, and I couldn't do anything about it. It's all my fault."

"Who's gone?"

Amazement started to cast a spell and blasted a fireball to their right, burning a bookcase and part of a wall.

"Her! This place doesn't need to exist anymore because she's gone. I saw it happen."

Cap tilted her head, and she could see the pain in her eyes. She took out her shield and prepared herself.

"Amazement, I don't understand what's happening, but you need to lower your weapon and stop this."

Amazement started crying again, tears falling on the floor as the flames spread across the library.

"I can't, not after everything. She was the only one who believed in me, the only one I cared about, my only friend." She pointed her sword at Captain. "I'm going to burn this place to the ground and make Discord take me back to that universe! Where can I face that murdering monster for killing Wonder!"

Cap lowered her shield slightly and looked very confused by the last statement. "Wonder's alive."

Amazement stopped casting her next spell, the fire dying and her arm lowering slightly.

"What did you say?"

"I said, Wonder's alive."

Cap quickly raised her shield and blocked a powerful stream of magical blue flames; Amazement's eyes were glowing dark blue, floating off the ground as a dark blue aura surrounded her.


Cap blocked another flame blast, and she knew the flames wouldn't stop. She knew something was wrong. Was Amazement brainwashed to think that Wonder was killed? She wouldn't pass her as this event had happened before with other superheroes over the years. She needs to act and stop her from destroying anything else.

"I don't know who lied to you or you being controlled or whatever it is, but she is very much alive." Cap threw her shield at her and ran towards her, making Amazement blast the shield away but letting Cap close enough to grab her waist and slam her into the ground. "You need to wake up! Stop this madness."

Amazement kicked Cap off her and cast a spell, shooting a giant water ball, sending the captain flying into a bookshelf, smashing the wooden frame and books, and sending her through it. Amazement quickly cast a spell, knocking that wouldn't stop Captain AppleCore. She summoned rocks around her and sent them towards the hole that Cap went through, but some came shooting back out as they were broken into pieces.

Cap appeared as she stepped out and smashed them, the rock pieces flying everywhere.

"Amazement, I don't wish to harm you, but I will stop you from killing me and destroying this place."

"Liar! I saw it happen. I saw her die as she was eaten by that monster! You'll pay for lying to me!" She started to do hand signs, which made Cap quickly run towards her shield, which was embedded in a bookcase.

"Sorry about this, but I don't have any other choice."

She reached for her shield and quickly jumped high, placing her foot on the bookshelves and starting to wall-run across them, getting near to Amazement, who began to float higher into the air, still making hand signs and whispering some chant. Cap used all her force, kicked off the shelf, and headed towards her, ready to smack her in the head, but she suddenly felt her body being caught by an unseen force, Amazement's magical aura.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" said Amazement, lifting her sword with her magic and ready to stab the defenseless AppleCore.

"Whoa now, calm down, showgirl!" said Sunset Spider, as she swung around them and used her web shooters to fire a web at the floating sword, pulling it away before it could stab Cap in the chest.

Amazement turned and saw Sunset Spider swinging around and tossing her sword away. She landed on the bookshelves, and the others arrived, all looking worried about her.

"THIS ISN'T YOUR PROBLEM SUNSET SPIDER! LEAVE, OR I'LL DESTROY YOU, TOO!" She turned to the group, all getting ready for a fight. "SAME WITH ALL OF YOU! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR BULLSHIT! GIVING MONSTERS A CHANCE OR SECOND CHANCE, AND WHAT DOES THAT GET YOU? YOUR LOVER DIES BECAUSE SHE STEPPED INTO SAVE YOUR ASS. SHE SAVED ME, AND IN RETURN, I COULDN'T SAVE HER!" she returned to casting the spell she was doing before but saw Bolt and Heat turning into their super forms and blasting towards her.

"Like I told you before, if you choose to be a problem. You'll get a whooping!"

But when Bolt and Heat got near her, Amazement finished her spell, creating a mini marble size blackhole. She spun her hand around, creating a magical gateway to a star-filled void. Heat was able to stop in time, but Bolt couldn't and disappeared into it, and Amazement closed the gate before she could turn back.

Bolt came shooting out of the gateway and tried to get back to it but couldn't get back in time as she saw it get shut. She quickly looked around and saw that she was in outer space, but no planets were in sight.

"This isn't good."

Heat screamed for Bolt, then turned to Amazement, returning flying towards her.

"Please stop this, Amazement! Wanda told us what happened to Wonder: Please talk to us if you are hurting so much. We're all friends here." Heat could see Amazement floating the mini black hole above herself, casting a powerful ice spell and blasting it towards her, hitting her, but Heat kept pushing through it. "You aren't alone! No matter how hard you try, how much you scream or yell, or how hard you cry, You'll need help from others. Ask for help. We're here for you!"

Amazement used her other hand, casting another powerful ice spell and finally blasting Heat away, making her crash into the bookshelves below.


Layla, flying with her black crystal wings, and Eirika, riding on Aero, flew towards her with their weapons drawn.

"You lost your dawn, the very thing keeping you together." Layla summoned her black crystal sword, swinging it down on the mini black hole as it increased in size, but Amazement blocked it with a barrier. "That dawn you have, you can share it with us, let us in! Make the sun rise for her, and we will make the sun rise for you. We will shine in your heart, showing the world you are the light."


Amazement created electricity on the barrier, shocking Layla considerably and making her fall back to the ground, but only for Cersent to catch her in time.

Eirika and Aero saw this and flew around Amazement. Using the rainbow sword, she fired off energy wave beams at her, but they all went absorbed into the black hole.

"Have faith in yourself and others. You have been lost and afraid for so long, and you're not a bad person; you are a good woman!"

Aero nodded in agreement. "Yeah, what that blockhead said!"

Eirika glared at her and looked back at Amazement, who started to charge up something within her.

"We're here for you. So, never give up on faith; we won't give up on you. Just stand tall and proud, and others will stay with you. You'll make the right decision," shouted Eirika before a powerful shockwave from Amazement blasted them away.


Flare and others that could fly were going to fly towards Amazement, but the black hole became super large and started to suck everything in, forcing them to fall back and help the others from being sucked in.

As everyone tried to think of a plan to stop Amazement and the black hole, Plum flew forward, looking up at Amazement. She was going to fly off, but she felt someone grabbing her tail. She looked back, seeing Red rubbing her tail.

"Stop that! I need to talk to her!" She pulled her tail from Red furry hands, making her sad.

"I'll join you then, little fluffy tail," replied Red, in the most monotonous and dry tone ever.

Plum shrugged and was gonna use her wand to cast a flying spell for Red, but Red just hopped on her, almost making Plum fall to the ground. Very slowly, Plum started to fly towards Amazement while casting a spell to block the black hole, sucking them in.

The group noticed the two, making Grape and Nanna yell at them, but they were almost near Amazement, who also noticed them.

"WHAT DO YOU TWO WANT!? GET LOST!" she tried to swat them away with a giant magical hand, but Plum summoned a giant monster hand, blocking it.

"Listen to us! We want to answer your question!" cried Plum, giving it her all to keep the magical hand from smacking them.


Plum nodded and said her answer to her.

"I do believe giving others a chance is a good thing but sometimes, you have to work for it! Before I joined Grape, Berry, and the others, I wanted to show everypony how cool big monsters are! Never realizing I was hurting the ponies around me. It's why Grape and the others fought me! I thought they were jealous of me, but they were fighting to protect ponies from my idiot deeds." she looked down at the group, seeing Berry and Grape looking at her. "After I turned a new leaf, Berry and the other girls gave me a chance, but Grape didn't. She made me work for it, and I did, and now, we're best friends." she looked back at Amazement, who was getting annoyed. "If you want to give Dawn a chance, then make her work for it! Make her earn your chance! She's a villain, not a monster; monsters don't change easily, but villains do! That's the difference between us and them."

Amazement had enough of this; she started to blast Plum and Red away with a magical blast. But Red jumped off, drawing her knives and tossing them at Amazement, who blocked it with a magical barrier but was shocked to see it pass through it, and one of them stabs her in the shoulder.


At the end of the knife was a wire, and Red pulled herself forward until she slammed into the barrier. Amazement could see the emotionless face of Red.

"I'm a living weapon, created to hunt down and kill all those with the Chaos infection. I'm the living meaning of 'monster'. That's why my grandma created me: to kill and hunt, nothing more." Red looked down and could see Nanna and Layla looking up at her. "But mother found me, saving me from Grandma, giving me a chance to live a different life."

She turned to Amazement.

"So, do you think I deserve a chance after killing so many and doing things a monster would do? After all, I did kill when I was a child. What does that say about me?"

Amazement started to pull out the knife and was going to cast a healing spell, but Red tossed two bombs, causing an explosion and forcing her to stop.

"Am I a monster who shouldn't be given a chance? Or am I a lost soul who didn't know what life meant until I was given that chance? What's my fate?"

Amazement, recovering from the blast, looked at Red. Her eyes were wide open, and her breathing was heavy.


Red jumped off the barrier and landed on the ground.

"You know I'm right, that you don't think I'm a monster; you're just scared of the idea. If I can be given a chance, so can Dawn. You are scared that she can change like me like she was being controlled or isn't really evil. That scares you so much that you're trying to convince yourself otherwise."


Red tilted her head.

"But I do. We all do. Do you think you aren't the only one who hasn't lost someone in some form or fashion? That no one else hasn't suffered, and no one here isn't alone or afraid?" Red turned around and walked towards the group. "You aren't special; the only difference between you and us is that we all are trying to be better in our universe, which is filled with evilness, making you a coward, a monster. I was a monster, too, but not anymore. I have my family, and they are helping me."

Red stood next to Nanna, who hugged her like a mother would do.

"And they have me helping them. We all help each other because giving others a chance isn't easy. But we must keep trying, or else we will truly become monsters." she felt Layla hugging her now.

Amazement looked down at the group and saw them all looking at her, hoping she would stop and finally get her needed help. But her heart and mind were whole of pain and sorrow. She didn't know what to believe anymore.

"I'm not a monster, and I won't let you tell me that I am one." she closed her eyes, not wanting to see them, but she heard a cold voice, making her open her eyes and see Dawn in front of her, smiling.

"But you are one! Look around you; look at the damage you created. Even using that spell to wipe out everything, only a monster will do that."

She looked at the surrounding area, seeing the flames burning and the black hole which was getting bigger and bigger.

"No, I'm not a monster! I'm a hero! I'm not a monster!" she closed her eyes, and Dawn disappeared.

"No, I'm not a monster. I'm a hero, and that means..."

Amazement's eyes went wide open, her heart beating fast.

"NO! NO! NO! NO!"

She tried to close the black hole, but the spell became out of her control; she couldn't undo it or even stop it.


Suddenly, everything went dark, and a neon sign appeared, reading 'The Great and Powerful Amazement & Wonder.' Soon, the spotlight appeared on two female figures.

"What?" whispered Amazement, trying to understand what she was looking at.

The figures were Dr. Wonder and Amazement, but her copy had an eye patch.

"Don't worry! We're here now! Right honey cakes!" smiled Amazement, snuggling against a blushing Dr.Wonder.

"I didn't agree to this opening, Amazement," Wonder replied, raising her hand, removing the neon sign, and then closing the black hole.

She dusted her hands and looked around the damaged library. "What the heck is going on here? Cap visiting, and now this?" She finally noticed her friends and was going to rush towards them, but Amazement landed in front of her.

"Wonder? Is that you?" asked Amazement, near the edge of tears.

"Yes, I am." she slowly looked behind her, seeing her Amazement looking weirded out. She looked back at this other Amazement, realizing something. "Ah, you are a different Amazement from another timeline universe."
Amazement dropped to her knees; hearing that broke her heart. Everyone rushed over to her, trying to comfort her.

"Okay, can you explain that again, Dr. Wonder?" Cap asked as she helped sweep the ashes from the burned books. "Because I need to hear it again."

Sunset Spider hung from a chandelier thanks to her web and laughed.

"It's not that hard to understand, Cap. Let me explain it without the whole magic stuff." She dropped between them, holding a book. "Say this is our universe, okay?" Cap just nodded, making Sunset pick up another book. "See, our universe and others will have different timelines from different outcomes." She held three different books. "They branch off from the central universe and make their different timelines also branch out."

"Okay, so like the multiverse then?" Cap said, thinking she understood it.

Sunset Spider shook her head. "Nope, the multiverse isn't different timelines. It's their own universes. Think of it like a tree. The center of the universe is the main body of the tree, and the branches are the different universe like Wonder friends are from."


"Now, think of the roots as different timelines. They always spread out from the main tree, like the branches above, but they have different outcomes than the universe they're from. So, there are infinite timelines in this world. Like an infinite amount of time, no matter what is happening, a timeline could branch out and create a new outcome for the same universe. Got it?"

Cap stared at Sunset Spider blankly. "Nope, not at all."

Sunset Spider shrugged and tossed the book to the floor. Wonder laughed at this and told Cap not to worry about it too much.

"So, she's a version of our Amazement, right? That will explain the not-missing eye and why the library pulled her in," said Cap as she and Wonder looked over to the group. They all just stood near their Amazement, who looked so defeated.

"Yeah, from what she explained to me, her Dr. Wonder was killed by this Rainbow Dawn person, who's also after the twins I saved a few years back." she looked at her hands, blinking her eyes to remove her magic from them, revealing her grey blinded eyes. "She told me her Wonder lost the use of her hands, and she used magic to allow her to reuse them again. Unlike me, who lost my vision." she blinked, and purple eyes returned. "But I feel something is wrong."

Cap scratches her head. "You mean the whole multiverse restarting?"

Wonder shook her head in disagreement. "No, not that. It has to do with the timelines."

"What do you mean?"

Wonder did a quick cast of magic and summoned a small tree hologram. "I tried to look for her timeline within the time-verse but can't find it. I can't find any other timelines at all. It's almost as if someone is forcing all of the multiverse to walk down the same path. With no new timelines, everything gonna repeat the same outcome again and again." she looked closer at the tree. "Whoever or whatever is causing it, if they are allowed to keep doing that, everything gonna end."

Cap looked at her friend with concern. "So, what can we do?"

Wonder put away the tree and looked at her friends. "Nothing right now. The only thing we can do is stop the current problem, and that's stopping the multiverse from restarting." she became deep in thought. "Unless it already happened?"

"Then I'll join you."

"Huh?" she turned to Cap, who placed the broom near a reading table.

"You heard me; I'm coming with you. I can help."

"Are you sure, Cap? We might die in stopping this crisis."

Cap walked past her and placed her hand on Wonder's shoulder.

"Did that ever stop us from being the heroes we are? And besides, I don't want to miss the adventure. I'll help and support you in any way I can."

Wonder smiled at her. "Thanks, Cap."

"Anything for a friend."

They walked towards the group, seeing Discord. Who was in a neck brace?

"What happened to you, Discord?"

Discord laughed.
"Looks like I wasn't so-."

He leaned back, removing the title card from Wonder's face, and tossed it away.

"Anyway, all board the phone booth! We're moving out!" he removed his brace and wore an old, timely car coat from the 1900s. He jumped on top of the booth, and a car wheel appeared. He honked at everyone, who all started to move out while Amazement slowly joined them.

Wonder's Amazement, walked over to her and kissed her goodbye.

"Please, don't die." they looked at the other Amazement, who quickly looked away. "I don't want to end up like her."

"We won't. Trust me," Wonder replied before she joined the rest.

"I hope so," Amazement said softly, stepping back with Sunset Spider and watching Wonder and Captain AppleCore disappear along with the phone booth....which quickly returned, and Amazement walked out with Heat.

"I'm sorry!"

She opened a gateway.

Out in the middle of nowhere in space, Bolt finally found someone and was asking directions to get back to Earth.

"So, take a right from this planet with a face on it, then go straight for a few, huh?" Bolt and the woman noticed the gateway. "Ah, looks like they came to pick me up. Thanks, Commander Marvel!"

Commander Marvel watched as the talking yellow pony disappeared into the gateway, which vanished after Bolt entered it.

"Not the weirdest thing I met while out in space."

Sunset Spider and Amazment watched as Bolt entered the phone booth with the other two, and the booth disappeared again.

"Welp. I need to head home. Aunt April no doubt worried about me as it's getting late."
Sunset Spider waited as Amazement opened a rift to New York's busy streets and swung out. Amazement walked out as well, closing it behind her.

A door appeared out of thin air, and walked out was the library janitor and Dr. Wonder's close friend. She's buff and tall with a ponytail rainbow color. Her name is Deedee,

and she dropped her bucket of water when she saw the library's mess.
"COME ON! I JUST CLEANED THIS PLACE!" she screamed, dropping to her knees, yelling to the heavens. "SUE! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO NOW!?"

Meanwhile, Sunset Spider finally returned home, opened her bedroom window, and stepped inside, removing her mask.
"Good to be home."
She was gonna take off her suit when she noticed a tall figure in her room, but her spider-sense didn't go off.

"Who are you?"

The figure steps forward, revealing to be the same person from chapter nine ending.

"Someone who needs your help, help in saving two kids."

Sunset Spider sat on her bed and sighed; it would also be a busy night for her.

"Great power, great responsibility," she said to herself before talking to the figure, learning what was happening.

End of chapter yellow