• Published 7th Jan 2024
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Gathering The Names Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Discord and Dr.Amazement(A human version of Trixie) are a quest to gather the heroes that Saved Blitz and Braver, to help save the multiverse once more

  • ...

Chapter Green(1): Aaira Kaison and Lil Star

In the deepest part of space, an ice-covered planet with a single moon floating near it was once home to an unknown alien race but is now nothing but a graveyard of the fallen—well, not fallen anymore. In this ice world, the once peaceful alien race corpses are turned into twisted living entities known as the Changers and wipe out their race. In their final hours, they created and left behind a machine that can end the Changer threat for good. Deep within a tower looking machine, climbing up a long shaft and making their way to the top, were two women, suited in their HULL suits.

"We're almost there!" shouted the female in the dark purple HULL suit, with purple grill lights on her helmet, as she climbed the cable.

The woman wearing the orange HULL suit, with bright green eyes, shouted back at her friend, "Good! We can finally end this nightmare!"

The two continue to climb, finally reaching the top. They could see the keyhole where the key index has to go. They need to upload the final data and activating the weapon, which will kill the pillar signal for good. They both got closer, but someone came out of the darkness. A man, holding a short rainbow hair and a blue-skin human woman, its this universe Rainbow Dash, with a gun pointed at her head. The man dressed in black winter gear, not even his face can be seen, is this universe King Sombra but called Dalek.

"Kelly!" shouted the woman as her purple grill lights went off and her helmet opened up, revealing this universe Twilight, known as Aaira.

"Aaira! Don't do it! Don't listen to him!" pled Kelly, as she was forced to move forward by Dalek.

"Give me the index, and I'll let her live. If not, she dies." Dalek ordered.

Both pointed their futuristic weapons at him, but the helmet of the other woman opened, revealing herself as this universe AJ, also known as Amelia Jarvis.

"Calm down, we'll give it to you." but Aaira screamed no, "No!? What are you doing!? You've got a second chance! Kelly is alive!"

Aaira kept pointing her horncutter at him, shaking with her finger on the trigger. "If he turns off the machine, we're all dead—her, us, everyone!"

AJ lowered her pulse rifle and shook Aaira shoulder. "Don't do this, Aaira. Don't let it go all dark. You can't lose her again." AJ could see her friend was fighting with herself, even talking to no one, but like always, she could hear the name she was talking to, "Little Star." AJ couldn't see her friend do this, so she grabbed the device from Aaira's belt. "There's more than one kind of right." and tossed it over to Dalek, who caught it and pushed Kelly towards them, while Aaira screamed no as they all watched the man put the index into the machine, shutting it down. Turning the once green machine pure blood red as the alien twisted screams could be heard throughout the whole planet.

"What have you done?!" screamed Aaira, but an explosion was heard from the top, where the ice ceiling crumbled apart, revealing the red storm outside and slowly revealing itself. It was a black flesh moon, with tentacles sprouting out and roaring as millions of black Changers were being pulled towards it.

Dalek rose his hands up into the sky, proud of what he had done. "I have done it! The darkness is at an end! The human race and every race in the universe will be one!" He couldn't finish his speech as a giant ice rock landed and crushed him, killing the craze cult leader for good. Soon more ice rocks were falling and crashing around them, and the black moon roared once more as the tentacles reached out to the planet.

Aaira caught Kelly as she lost her balance and held her close and smiled. "Kelly, when I finish this, it's all going down. Everything! You have to get out of here, to safely. I'm not losing you again."

Kelly shook her head, not wanting to lose her, but AJ pushed the two away from her, smirking with sadness in her eyes. "No! You two need to get out of here together! Go back to Earth Sector and tell them what we found! I'm staying! It's all I got left...finishing this mission...I have nothing to go back to...not like you two." She checked her rifle, but Aaira looked at her and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"You can't stop it. Not without me! AJ! I'm the Pillar Killer, remember? This is my fight too."

Aaira was trying to convince her friend, but Kelly whispered her name to her, holding her, not wanting her to go. Aaira grabbed her and looked her in the eyes with hope. "Kelly, I turned my back on the world because I was afraid and lost, after losing 'her' but not anymore. I met a wonderful group of people who made me realize how much I've missed out since I gave up and locked myself away from the world. letting my sorrow, hate, and anger consume me, making a hole in my heart, but it's whole again because of them and you. I love you."

"Aaira, I..."

"You're the reason I kept going and did not give up. You're my spark, even in the darkest parts of my life. So, that's why I need to go. To keep your and everyone else's spark burning, even if I die trying." Aaira leans in and kisses her, making Kelly kiss her back.

They broke their kiss, and Kelly whispered, "Aaira, please."

"No, Kelly. This is my fight, not yours. This is my story, and I'm going to end it today! You have done enough and almost died. You need to keep moving forward...for me."

Kelly shook her head, touching Aaira's head, and tried to hug her, but Aaira stopped her and looked her in the eyes, tears streaming down. She gave her their picture—a picture of them hugging each other and being happy. She pushed her and pointed to the shuttle where Dalek came with her.

"Go! Get back to earth!"

A shock wave pushed them apart, then created a crack between them, not allowing them to reach each other as the machine started to break apart. Aaira reached out and said her final goodbye: "Don't you dare come back for me! We both know I'm not coming back from this one." Kelly reached out, looking at the picture, but clutched it and ran for the ship, screaming in sadness and anger.

AJ put her hand on Aaira's shoulder, trying to comfort her, but a tentacle stabbed the machine and tore it apart, sending them towards the monster-looking moon. As the moon moved closer to the planet, its gravity started to pull them and anything towards it. They stood up and saw the ship taking off and escaping the pull. Kelly is safe now, making Aaira smile. AJ pointed to the index, and both ran towards it and tried to flip the machine on, but the platform went upside down, tossing the two into the air and landing on an alien building surface. Both their helmets shut close and look at each other.

"This is it. The story is coming too an end." said Aaira.

"Let's write a banger then! Shall we? Partner!" asked AJ.

"You're damn right!"

Both held their hands together, ready to end this nightmare once and for all. They started to run across the crumbling building, seeing the index and the machine core.

"We need to get it before the moon does!" shouted Aaira, dodging a fallen rock.

"Roger that partner!" replies AJ, jumping over a large gap and still following Aaira. They ran, but look back and saw the building crumbling was getting closer to them. They hurry along and encounter alien Changers, which looked like nightmarish twisted elephants. With their black bodies twisted, claws and teeth showing, the trunk is now a face with a split open mouth.

Aaira fired her Horncutter, shooting the body parts off the Changers and kicking them away, as AJ shot them with her pulse rifle, destroying them and continuing on as the machine was getting closer to the moon.

"Shit!" shouted AJ as black and yellow tentacles sprouted from the remains of the crumbling building and tried to crush them, but they were able to escape it and came across a gravity road and jumped into it, sending them flying across the storm as rocks, buildings, and ice flew past them.

"I hate this part!" screams Aaira.

"Oh, c'mon! This is fun!" AJ said with glee.

"You're crazy!"

They reached the other side, dodging falling rocks and the tentacles, and jumped up, seeing the machine close by. They ran towards it but stopped as they saw twitching Changers zipping around them.

"I hate these fuckers!" screams AJ, trying to lock on to these monsters.

"Oh, c'mon! This is fun!" teased Aaira, making AJ glare at her.

"You're fucking crazy!"

They ran forward, killing the Changers with their weapon secondary gravity feature, avoiding the tentacles once more, and seeing the core, which was close to the moon now. They almost reached the core, but the platform flipped around once more, sending them flying to a floating rock. Aaira slammed into it, damaging her helmet, which started to spark and crack.

"AHH! Fucking hell! My helmet!" screams Aaira, holding her head.

AJ looked back and saw the black moon, and the core was near its mouth.

"WE NEED TO GO! NOW!" screamed AJ, holding her friend and jumping off towards the moon.


Aaira didn't have time to argue, as they both went flying towards it. Using their space booster, they took off faster, dodging everything that flew by. The black moon roared and reached out its tentacles to try and kill them, but the two were too fast.

"Almost there! Get ready to push yourself forward!" yelled AJ.

Aaira nodded, holding her side arm and ready to use it if need be.

They both crash-landed on a stone platform and rolled to a stop. They both looked up and saw it. A giant yellow eye, looking at them, and a hellish scream that could ever be heard...and a voice...


Within Aaira's mind, Little Star shouted back through Aaira, "HELLO BROTHER! YOU SHOULD HAVE KEPT SLEEPING! BECAUSE NOW YOUR AWAKE TO SEE YOUR DEATH!"


Aaira stood up, ripped off her damaged helmet, and pointed at the moon, "NAH! I'M GOING TO BLAST A HOLE IN YOUR FUCKING EYE! How about that? AAIRA! AJ! LET'S FINISH THIS!"

AJ nodded and pointed her pulse rifle. "LET'S END THIS CHANGER, MOTHERFUCKERS!"

With no hesitation, both ran and jumped into the air, dodging the tentacles and shooting the eye, but seeing the machine between its eyes stem.

"We need to reach the machine, but no way in hell do we have enough ammo to fight this fucker!" shouted AJ as they landed on another platform.

"No, but we do have these!"

Aaira pointed to the red pillars that were floating around them.

"We can overload our kinesis module and toss the pillars as weapons!" soon Lit Star took over. "Poking big bro eyes! Smart thinking!"

"I agree! Let's do it!" AJ and Aaira turned on their kinesis modules and started to charge the pillars, while Little Star kept talking to her brother.

"WHY!? We do not need to kill all life in the universe! We don't even need to eat! Tell me why!"


"YOU LIE! You like doing it! You love the feeling of fear and destruction!"



Aaira and AJ finished charging her kinesis module, ready to throw the pillar, but something grabbed Aaira; it was tentacles and tossing her to another floating platform, spitting the two, but they followed the plan and tossing the pillars at its eyes. The moon has five eyes. It was a long fight, but the last eye blew up as the pillar jammed into it, making it scream in pain.


Little Star watched as AJ landed near her, and both saw the core of the machine being let go and floating in front of them. They both jumped and landed on the platform, but became staggers as the long battle and getting here made them exhausted. Aaira held her bleeding side on her head, with AJ seeing this and helping her friend, but Aaira shook her head and pointed at the machine.

"I-I'm fine. We have to do this."

AJ put Aaira's arm around her and slowly walked her to the machine. "This is it. If we use the index, it blows this fucker for good; everything ends. This is it, right?" AJ sat Aaira down near it and sat with her. "No more bullshit, right?"

"Right, this is it. End of the line." Aaira coughed as her head wound was getting worse.

Aaira and AJ reach into the glowing core, touching the index device and turning it back on, sending out a rainbow energy pulse, blasting AJ away into the falling debris, and screaming out as she vanished.


Aaira waved goodbye to her friend as she too was blasted into the sky, seeing the moon and everything around them crashing back to the dead, cold planet. She closed her eyes, happy that it was finally over. She felt Little Star speaking to her.


"It's over. I can finally rest. Don't cry, Star. Be happy. We can finally be together again."

"No, you don't understand."


"...we failed..."


Aaira suddenly saw the moon being grabbed by a giant tentacles and pulled to space, revealing a sun-sized green-black moon—this universe, Chrysalis.

"Mother is here. We couldn't stop him."

"NO!" screams Aaira, seeing the moon opening its surface, revealing its black eye, and speaking to her as millions of moons gather from different parts of the universe.


"Aaira! I'm scare!" cried Little Star.

Aaira closed her eyes and waited for the end. She failed; everything in her universe was going to end—all life, all her friends and family, even Kelly.

Suddenly, she heard AJ on the radio, screaming at someone.


"How rude! I'm saving your life!" said a very familiar voice, which Aaira open her eyes as the radio went dead.

"...was that...Heat?" asked Aaira to Lil Star, who said she hoped so, since if she's here then that means...

A golden light appeared within the darkness and soar across the open void of space, entering the planet's skyline, grabbing Aaira, and flying off, dodging Mother Moon's tentacles, saving her.


Aaira opened her eyes, seeing an old friend in her super form. "Bolt. It's been five years. You look good."

Bolt smirk "Well, it's been a year for me. Long time, no see, pal. See, you're still doing the whole pillar thing. By the way, you look good too." She stopped as they were far away from the tentacles and could talk in peace.

Aaira groans as she hears that pun. "Really?"

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood. So fill me in, is this the final boss your facing off?" She looked up, seeing the sun-sized moon.

Aaira nodded. "Yeah, but...we failed."

Bolt looked at her friend and said, "Maybe you did, but I'm here now!" She wags her hoof at her. "This is another Monday for me, you know."

Aaira put her hand on Bolt's head and said, "This is my problem, not yours." but she suddenly heard Heat on the radio.
"Don't be like me, Aaira. Ask for help; your friends are here now. Let us help."

"Heat? Why are you two even here?"

Bolt's face became very serious, making Aaira very worried. "It's the twins. Someone is going to kill them and restart the multiverse, killing all life. They need us. ALL OF US!"

"Shit, we can't let that happen!" shouted Aaira, grabbing Bolt by the jacket. "How are they!? Are they hurt!? Are they safe!?"

Bolt couldn't help but smile and tell her she didn't know; they're fighting the monster in their universe right now and their older now as its been ten years for the twins, and Braver's Discord came looking for them.

"Again, let me help! I promise to leave one alive, so you can deal with it."

"Thanks, Bolt; I needed this." laughed Aaira, giving her the okay to go ahead.

Bolt smirked and used her element control to send Aaira away to Discord and the others. She looked up, narrowed her eyes, blasted off to space, and faced off against Mother Moon.


Bolt pointed at her, "The name is Bolt, Bolt the pegasus! And I'm your worst nightmare, miss mommy dearest!"

Mother Moon started to laugh, along with all the millions of moons around them.

Bolt laugh "You have no idea who I am! I have fought machines and gods. They were mighty! They were finite! Heck, I even beat a version of you in my universe! But none of you compare to those two little fillies! They're stronger than you!"

The Mother Moon roared out in rage.

Bolt laughs and points at her again, "Well, your looking at one!"

Suddenly, Enmity appeared next to Bolt and touched her shoulder. "Bolt, I completed my scans on the moon. It's just like 'The End'; you need to burst through her core and kill her. You need to do it fast. She's getting strong—stronger than the one in our universe. It seems her 'children' are giving off a signal towards her. Making her powerful. Your super form is protecting your mind from the madness and Discord is shielding everyone else but your powers won't last if she keeps getting more powerful. You need to end her now."

Bolt smile "Thank you, Enmity. I'll do the rest." She gave her a wing thumbs up.

Enmity nodded and vanished, leaving Bolt to return her gaze at Mother Moon, seeing her getting closer.

"Let me show you why I never lose!" Bolt closed her eyes, and soon, red energy started to spark around her. "If my friends are in danger, I will not stop, not for a second. I will protect them! Because I love them! Because I care! I will never give up! EVER!" Her eyes shot open, revealing her blue eyes, as she's was in Super Bolt 2 form.


Bolt crosses her arms and glares with rage. "You haven't seen anything-" Within a blink, she was gone, and Mother Moon could feel something burst through her. Bolt was behind her now, looking at all the other moons. "Yet."

"T-THIS CAN'T BE! H-HO-" Mother Moon started to glow, and within a flash, she exploded, ending the Changer Mother for good. All the other moons started to flee, but Bolt zip through them all at light speed, making them all blow up, finally ending the nightmare at long last.

"Tsk tsk, I was hoping they would put up a better fight." She sighs and turns around, blasting off to the space station that was near the planet and teleporting inside with her element control. She landed in a medbay, returning to normal and could see Aaira being treated by Dr. Amazement magic, while others were around them and noticed Bolt. "How's she doing?"

Dr. Amazement nodded and said she was going to be fine.

"Good." Bolt walked over and looked at her friend. "You did it, Aaira. You ended the nightmare."

Aaira shook her head. "I didn't do anything; it was you."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, give yourself some credit. You did all the work; you got this far and just needed someone to pass the baton to." She leans over and puts out her hoof. "Now I'm giving it back to you. I bet there's still work to be done. Something tells me some crazy person is going to revive the moon or something." Bolt watched as Aaira laughed and grabbed her hoof.

"You don't know the half of it. Thanks."

Bolt smiled and said she would always come when she called. "That's what friends are for, right!?"

Aaira smiled and said it was nice seeing her again.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" shouted AJ as she was in the corner, her weapon at the ready. Aaira told her to put the weapon down; they're friends. "You have weird-looking friends!?" shouted AJ.

"Yup, the best ever! You'll love them, trust me." Aaira told her, pointing to Bolt and Heat.

AJ lowers her weapon and asks who they are. Soon, she was filled in what's happening.
"So that horse shit you were talking about was real? The multiverse is real!? And this is them!?"

Bolt smirked and gave her a salute, introducing herself. AJ gave her a salute back but realized what she had done, making Bolt laugh hard.

"I'm sorry! I just...fuck, this is real? Are we even real? WAS MY FAMILY DEATH EVEN MATTER!? IF THERE IS A MULTIVERSE OUT THERE, THEN THEY'RE ALIVE! THEY DIDN'T NEED TO DIE!?" She started to panic, pacing around the room, asking the others if her family really needed to die.

Heat walked over to her and told her to calm down. "Your real. Your family is gone, and it hurts. Nothing can bring them back, but don't think they'll be happy if you break apart right here and right now. You want to honor them; live on."

AJ looked at her and said, "You don't know what I've been through!" AJ dropped to her knees, crying, "I HAD TO PUT A BULLET THROUGH MY HUSBAND AND DAUGHTER HEADS! I couldn't get to them in time! MY WHOLE WORLD ENDED BECAUSE I'M A FAILURE!"

Heat didn't know what to say, not even Bolt. Discord looks away and left. Amazement understood her pain, though, as she lost Dr. Wonder to Rainbow Dawn and couldn't save her.

"You did everything you could..." whispered Amazement, not even sure if she heard her, as the room was filled with AJ crying.

It wasn't long before AJ finally stopped, and she was in the corner again, sitting down and hanging her head in shame.

Aaira sat up, holding her head, as Amazement healed her. "Heat, Bolt, where did Discord go?"

Bolt shrugged. "I think he left. I'll go find him."

"I'll help too," said Heat as she followed her out of the room.

Aaira lay back down and closed her eyes. She wanted to sleep, but she suddenly heard Kelly's voice on the radio, crying as she was calling out to her.

"Aaira? Are you there?" Aaira could hear Kelly sniffing and trying to hold back her tears. "AJ? You're both gone, aren't you?" Kelly said it with a broken heart. Aaira started to cry as Kelly kept talking. "The Pillar signal...it's gone, Aaira. You did it; you really did it!" Aaira could hear her realizing she was dead, and the radio went off.

Aaira turned on her radio and could only say, "Kelly?...Kelly," but she knew that Kelly had jumped away.

"Why didn't you answer her?' asked AJ, still hanging her head in shame. Amazement wanted to know too, and as it was odd that she waited to reply to her.

Aaira sat up. "Because I'll be saying goodbye to her again. The multiverse is in danger, and those kids need me. I couldn't let her know I was alive—not yet."

AJ didn't say anything, not caring what Aaira does; it wasn't her problem, but she did say, "I'm going to kill myself then."

Aaira was shocked, turning to her friend, and was going to say something, but AJ held her hand up. "No. No, I don't need to hear it, Aaira. My mission is over. My family can rest in peace; we saved the universe. Let this be my reward." Aaira and Amazement could hear her crying, "Please."

"NO!" shouted Aaira, but she stopped as Amazement used her magic to force AJ up and stare at her, who was still wearing the helmet.

"STOP IT! STOP WALLOWING IN YOUR OWN MISERY AND DON'T TOSS YOUR LIFE AWAY! Your family won't want that! So PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" She used her magic to rip off AJ helmet mask, and she froze as she looked at AJ, who looks like Captain AppleCore, her universe AJ and greatest super hero ever.

"I failed my family. I couldn't be there for them... I had PTSD from the war and shut my family out. I became a stranger to my own daughter." She started to cry hard. "They became those Changer fuckers... I had to put them down. It was the universe telling me I didn't deserve a family."

Amazement and Aaira couldn't help but feel sorry for her, as Aaira knows how it feels to lose someone and blame yourself. Heck, AJ knows it as they talk during their fight on the planet, so talking to her won't change things...

"I let my honey bun die in front of me...she..." whimpered Amazement, making the two turn to her.

"She was your wife? You were a couple?" asked AJ

Amazement nodded; she had lost the love of her life to a human monster and couldn't do anything to save her. "We were just a couple. I loved her and looked up to her. It was my fault that she died; I wasn't strong enough. She's dead, and now I'm alone."

Aaira wanted to ask her who it was, but AJ spoke before she had a chance. "Then you understand, right? I have nothing left to live for. My family is gone. My mission is over. I have nothing left."

"BUT YOU'RE WRONG!" shouted Amazement, making the two girls flinch. "Don't you see? We're both in the same boat; we're both failures; we're both broken, but we're still here! Our story isn't over yet."

"It doesn't matter," said AJ, putting her hands on her face. "I can't keep living like this. It hurts too much."

"NO!" shouts Amazement, pulling AJ close. "I won't let you die... I will make sure your family is proud of you and does not see you as a failure. Stand proud! You are alive to keep moving forward! Just like me! I won't let my honey bun die in vain and let all her sacrifices mean nothing! I will live for her!"

Aaira smiled upon hearing this. Amazement was right; they're both not dead, so that means their stories are still not over.

"So, stand tall and don't be a coward! Live! For me and for your family! Live, dammit!"

Aaira watched AJ cry and soon hugged Amazement, saying nothing. Aaira couldn't help but cry too, happy that her friend was staying alive.

"Thank you...thank you..." AJ kept repeating over and over again.

Amazement was smiling too, seeing that hope was returning to AJ.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." said Enmity, as she appeared in the room, spooking AJ and Aaira, but not Amazement, as she shook her head but both noticed Aaira standing up and slowly walking over to Enmity, with her hand reaching out to her. "What's wrong?" asked Enmity, all worried.

Aaira whispers as she moves, "It's...how?" but she suddenly shook her head and pulled her hand back. "No, you're not her. She's gone. Sorry for scaring you."

Enmity was very confused by this.

"Aaira...I don't blame you. Kelly showed me a picture of 'her' and she almost looks like her." reply AJ, looking at Enmity and back to Aaira, "You going to be okay?"

"Yeah, sorry." Aaira turned around and looked at Amazement and AJ.

"So, are you guys leaving now or...?" asked AJ.

"Yes, Discord asked me to get these two." answered Enmity, looking at them.

Aaira picked up her horncutter and loaded it. "Right, we don't have time to waste!"

"Hold on, I'm coming too!" said AJ, picking up her pulse rifle and loading in a new clip.

Amazement and the others were shocked by this, making her ask why. This wasn't her problem.

"True, but you said something about saving some kids, right? Over the radio, I heard everything," said AJ, holding the rifle in her hands and looking at it. "If what Bolt said was true, these kids will need all the help they can get. Plus, what kind of mother I'll be if I don't protect other children's out there?"

Aaira smiled, seeing her friend getting back up and ready for round two. She walked over and gave her a hand shake.
"Welcome back."

"Good to be back."

They both laughed and were soon interrupted by Enmity.

"Then let me repair your suits. They were badly damaged in your battle." Aaira and AJ nod and watch her raise her hands, and cyber magic covers them, repairing their suits in seconds. She lowers them and bows to them. "Please be careful next time. We still need you."

"Thank you; we'll try." Aaira looks at the door and sighs, "I wonder how the others are doing? Bolt said the multiverse was in trouble. Is my universe even safe now? Plus, Bolt said it was a year for them, but for me, it's been five years. Could it be because..."

Enmity answered her question. "Yes, it's time dilation. The multiverse doesn't run on one time period, as different universes have their own. So, time is a little...different, from universe to universe."

"Right, that's what Bolt was saying. She said it was ten years for the twins." said Aaira and turned to leave, but all four found themselves in the lobby of the station, as Discord snapped them here.

"Correct, as Enmity explained. Time is flowing differently in each universe but I have someone helping me, so basically we're not part of the flowing time stream right now. We have all the time in the world...but for now." he told them, not caring that he just snapped them all here without warning.

"HEY! Give us a heads up before you do that again, will you!?" shouts Aaira, looking around the room and touching the stuff to make sure she wasn't going crazy like years ago.

Discord smirked as he snapped Aaira away a few times, and each time she reappeared, she spoke.
"STOP!" "DOING!" "THAT" "ASSHOLE!" scream Aaira, as Discord were laughing as he stopped.

"My, my, aren't you a little grumpy?" asked Discord, smirking as she was angry at him.

Aaira glared at him and was about to say something, but Dr. Amazement put her hand on her shoulder, telling her that it wasn't worth it. She tried hurting him, but nothing worked.

Discord sighs, "I'm sorry. Here, let me make it to you." He snaps his fingers, and a basketball-sized purple moon appears in her arms. Amazement, Enmity, and AJ didn't know what they were looking at, but Bolt, Heat, and Aaira did.

"Aaira, are you holding me?" whimpered Little Star as she started to cry. "I'm out of your mind!?"

Aaira smiled and hugged her. "Good to see you in person again and not fighting off the madness."

"AAIRA!" cried Little Star as she snuggled into Aaira's arms, happy they could be together in person again.

AJ was looking at her, wondering if it was the real thing or a fake, but she remembered hearing that name before.
"So, this little moon...one of those evil moons?"

"I'M GOOD!" shouted lil Star, floating out of Aaira arms and hovering around the group "I was born in Aaira mind and was order to betray her when she reach the pillar on the mar space station but meeting the others and seeing how I was hurting Aaira...I couldn't do it. I wanted to make Aaira whole again! Pull her back from the darkness!"

AJ didn't know what to think or say but just nodded.

Lil Star started to hum a song as she was happy but she froze as she saw Enmity and had the same reaction as Aaira.
"...you aren't her. Just another version of her." Whimper Little Star

"You sound like Aaira. It's a sad tale, isn't it? Whoever I remind you of." said Enmity, sadly looking down at the floor.

Discord claps his hands, making them all look at him.
"Right, no time for this. We need to get going! Everyone to the phonebooth!" pointed Discord as he pointed to the now station phonebooth in the lobby, making Aaira and AJ look at it and back at him, asking if he was joking, as it was small and there was no way they couldn't fit.
"Don't worry, the phonebooth is bigger than it appears. Please step inside." Discord opened the phonebooth door and pushed them all inside.

"Ow! Watch it!" shouted Heat, as she was forced to go up top and cramp at the ceiling with Bolt.

"What the fuck? This thing is tiny! You lying piece of-" shouted AJ, as she was cramped in the bottom part of the booth but stop as she saw Enmity, who clearly was a young child. "...cake."

"Hey! Who's squishing my tail!?" shouted Bolt, feeling someone touching her tail.

"Christ, my back is going to kill me after we get out!" said Aaira, joining AJ at the bottom.

"HEY! I'M NOT A CHAIR!" scream lil Star as Discord sat on her, as she was in Aaira's lap.

"Kill me now..." whispered Amazement as she was pressing against the glass door as she shut it.

Enmity phased through everyone and she sat on AJ lap, glad she was a hologram and not real.

Discord pick up the phone and took out the phonebook and flip the pages and took out Amazement index book of another universes. He look up the next universe and was about to dial the number but realize something.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to make change again. Can one of you give me some change for a dollar, please?" asked Discord, looking at the group.

Everyone groans as they all reach into their pockets and search for spare change.

end of chapter Green(1)

Author's Note:

man, i love deadspace 3 but it has sooooo many problems and ending was one of them :/