• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,949 Views, 5,039 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 70: Final Preparations

Episode 70: Final Preparations

Canterlot’s downtown shopping mall was busy for a weekday, but Rarity hardly minded the crowds. She enjoyed the tingling buzz of a busy public place. It really added to her good shopping vibe, and she needed the break. She imagined all the girls did. Not only were they all shaking off the stress that still clung to them from their adventure in Soul Society, but each of them were adapting to new living circumstances which consisted of an intensive training regimen, extended nightly patrols, and...

“Oh my, is so much bigger than I would have imagined,” Posey said in a starkly amazed tone as the Soul Reaper looked about at the teeming crowd and colorful storefronts lining the long stretch of mall the two girls walked down. She was wearing a gigai that was identical in appearance to her soul body, but instead of a Soul Reaper’s black robes she wore a tastefully short light blue skirt decorated with an ocean wave motif, while her upper body was sporting a well cut blouse of darker blue hues. Rarity had tried to convince the poor dear that there was nothing wrong with showing a little midriff, but Posey had insisted on a conservative outfit, so the blouse was longer and tucked into the skirt. On her legs she wore near knee high white socks and a pair of wooden sandals very similar to the ones worn by Soul Reapers. Fortunately eastern chic was in, so nobody gave the sandals a second glance.

The only unusual thing about Posey’s ensemble was the Zanpaktou looped through a belt at her waist, but since it was invisible to everyone present by her and Rarity that was hardly a problem.

“Are there always so many people around?” Posey asked in an unsteady tone, and Rarity nodded with enthusiasm she hoped might spread to Posey.

“This is quite normal, if a bit busier than normal for today. You really must come on the weekend when things get really busy, then you’ll see crowds.”

“Wow. I knew the living world was crowded, but its still much different from how I imagined it.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t been, before. Don’t Soul Reapers do training missions here, at least?”

Posey licked her lips and nodded, “Y-yes, but that was only once or twice, at night, when there weren’t many people around. I’m just not used to such big crowds. At least not ones that aren’t more, um... disciplined like my father’s men.”

The poor girl really was so much like Fluttershy! And Rarity had spent plenty of time trying to get her used to public places. She wasn’t looking forward to repeating those lessons, but needs be, and the need was to help their new ‘guests’ get used to Canterlot City. Besides, it was the neighborly thing to do.

And this was much easier than having Sunset’s job of dealing with Chappy. That was an entirely different can of worms, and Rarity was just as glad to be outside the blast radius of that particular conversation. That was why Rarity was here with Posey. All the girls were entertaining different members of their Soul Reaper guests while Sunset was... dealing with Chappy.

Rarity imagined she was in for an interesting recounting of events once they reconvened with Sunset at Discord’s shop. For now she was blowing off steam with some shopping of her own and helping Posey see the sights. Fluttershy had wanted to come, but had been called away by a bit of an emergency at the animal shelter she worked part time at. Well enough by Rarity’s thinking, she wasn’t sure how to handle Posey and Fluttershy in the same place.

“Well my dear you’ll get used to things in no time, I’m certain, and once you do you’ll be an experienced mall goer in no time. I bring Fluttershy and the other girls here all the time.”

“Mother... I mean, Miss Fluttershy comes here?” That knowledge alone seemed to steel Posey’s spine and she held her head higher, “Very well, I can do this too! Um... why are we here again?”

Rarity smiled, “Clothes, Miss Posey. We’re here for clothes. Now I do like to sew together my own, but one cannot understate the value of observing the season fashions! And the summer season is just around the corner! Hehehe! I cannot wait to put together some lovely outfits for everyone to beat the heat and enjoy the beach.”

“That sounds nice. So, um, Miss Rarity, a question?”

“Fire away, my dear.”

“Is it normal for stores to have broken windows and men with badges standing outside them?’’

“Wha-wha-whaaat!?” Rarity exclaimed in dismay as she saw that, just up ahead there was not only a store with a completely shattered front window display, but two police officers were out front addressing the shopkeeper. The woman looked frantic, waving her arms and exclaiming at the police as Rarity and Posey approached.

“I’m telling you officers that I’m not drunk, I’m not on any drugs, and I’m not crazy.”

“Which the yelling part is really helping with, lady,” said one officer, glancing with a sidelong look at his partner, who had a notepad out, “Now tells us again what you saw, exactly?”

The shopkeeper looked ready to go into a literal hissing fit, but she managed to compose herself enough to say in clipped, near hysterics, “I was minding my store, helping a customer with a dress, when the window exploded! Then, before I could so much as blink, cloths start just... just flying away! Lifting themselves off the racks and piling up in the air like some kind of ghost robbers were taking them!”

“And then they just disappeared?” asked the officer with the notepad, his own eyebrow scraping the top of his head in pure incredulity.

“YES!” the shopkeeper shrieked, “The clothes all just up and vanished into thin air! I swear to you officers I’m telling the truth! Ask my customers, they saw it all too!”

As the interview went on, Rarity and Posey hung nearby, but not so close as to appear suspicious. Rarity, frowning, touched Posey’s arm and whispered, “You don’t suppose it could be what it sounds like, do you?”

Posey’s nervousness at the crowd had vanished utterly and she now wore a far more serious expression, her eyes closing briefly, “Give me a moment... yes, I sense the residual spirit energy of a Garganta. Hollows.”

Rarity just blinked in disbelief, not that there were Hollows appearing in Canterlot. That had been normal since day one. But that they were here, raiding the mall... for clothes?

“Miss Posey, in your experience do Hollows normally care about fashion?”


Adagio laughed in delight as she tried on the shimmering dress of deep purple accentuated by lighter strands of violet. Around her were piles of other clothes, covering her bed, table, and the comfy velvet couch she kept in her bedroom.

“Mmm, I’ve always looked good in purple,” she said with a grin beneath her Hollow mask, “Those boys have earned some kind of pay raise for a haul like this. Hah, and right out from under the noses of Sunset Shimmer and her gang!”

Off to the side by the bed Ember picked up a random, leather halter top studded with steel, and gave Adagio a sardonic glance. “I’m happy your so jazzed about petty theft, but is this really necessary? We’re going to a party, not a ballroom dance.”

Adagio rolled her eyes, but there was a note of fondness and nostalgia there as well, “You’re starting to remind me of Aria. Never underestimate the value of dressing to make a statement. We’re not merely going to a party, Ember, we’re on a mission. A mission to make an impression on our peers, both potential allies and rivals alike.”

“Uh-huh...” Ember said, picking up a piece of black, lacy lingerie that looked too thin to cover much of anything, “And what exactly are we starting with stuff like this?”

A chortle, soft and amused, came from Adagio as she walked over and smoothly took the silky strip of cloth from Ember and tossed it back on the bed. “Confidence. Power. Flavored with sufficient allure, charm, and approachableness that we don’t merely paint ourselves as targets but instead attract possible allies while still making it clear to our enemies that we don’t fear them.”

“Enemies like Gilda, I’m assuming?” Ember queried, picking up another offending piece of revealing clothing with a look of distaste, “Sure she’s going to be super intimidated by our cleavage.”

“It’s not about making her afraid, it's about projecting our own lack of fear. Trust me, Ember, few things get under a person’s skin than thinking their presence doesn’t affect you. Whether it be Gilda, Garble, or even Thorax, the idea is to show them we’re at the party to enjoy ourselves and that nothing is going to rattle us.”

“And sexy dresses do that?”

Adagio smiled widely, eyes gleaming with anticipation, “They certainly don’t hurt.”

Ember sucked in a breath and let it out in a reluctant sigh, “Fine, I’ll buy into this, but you’re picking the dress. And please, please, please pick something that isn’t going to make me look stupid. Oh, and make it something I can fight in. I don’t think you realize how rowdy Hollow parties can get.”

“I’ll make sure I find you something that lets your legs breathe. I’ll be doing the same. I’m not foolish enough to assume violence might not be on the table for tonight, but I’ll let some other idiot start that dance. I’ll just finish it,” Adagio said with a smirk and went back to examining the piles of clothes that Dumbbell and the other boys had brought her.

It’d been risky of them to hit the mall in Canterlot City, and while part of Adagio was most pleased with their boldness and eagerness to serve her, she was admittedly hiding a bit of concern. She didn’t need those boys getting into a scuffle with Sunset and her crew, so while it was immensely amusing to have them steal stuff out from under Sunset’s “territory” it was probably best to redirect the boys efforts to another, less guarded city. She did have a rather growing shopping list of items she’d like for further renovations and expansions to her new home, especially if tonight went as planned and she started to attract more followers. More followers meant she’d need places to house them, but it also meant an expansion on her influence in Las Noches, and for when she eventually managed to evolve into an Arrancar and claim a place as an Espada. At that point she’d be established enough to start enacting her longed for vengeance on Grogar.

“You’re drooling,” Ember said.

Adagio snapped back to reality and quickly looked away, pretending to examine another dress in the vanity mirror.

“Was not.”

After another roughly another hour of careful searching, sorting, comparing, and trying on, Adagio had four outfits carefully laid out on the bed. One was the purple ensemble she’d tried earlier. There were several other dresses that she liked, but purple really was her color, and this dress was split along the sides to allow her to move her legs freely. The dress’ top left her shoulders and arms bare, just cupping the breasts, such as they were in her current form. It was unfortunate that while her Vasto Lorde form had all the curves her human body had, it was still encased in bone white, hardened armor. Still, Adagio was determined to make it work. She had to alter the dress a bit to allow for her long, sinuous tail to freely extend from the back, but she’d been the only one of her sisters to even bother learning how to sew, so the modification was easy. Given the claws nature of her feet most shoes were right out the window, but she found a rugged but stylish pair of tall sandals with leather straps that went up to her knees that was perfect for her.

As for Ember, Adagio lucked out on that front. Apparently eastern clothing styles were in this year, for the mall had stocked some interesting choices in far east fashion. Ember still made a fuss about it but Adagio convinced her to try on a slimming jade and black dress with a short cut skirt that left her legs nearly entirely bare, save for enough room on the thighs for something resembling modesty. The top fit tightly and laced up to the neck, but the fabric was flexible enough that Ember lost no range of movement from it, even in her arms, which the dress covered all the way to the wrists. Yet the dress fit in such a way that while it covered plenty, it left little to the imagination. More pleasingly to Aagio’s mind, it was covered in beautiful, detailed depictions of serpentine eastern dragons, sewn in fine gold thread. It felt quite appropriate for Ember, and while the Arrancar didn’t want to admit it, Adagio did catch her looking at herself in the mirror a few times after trying it on.

As for the other two dresses...

“You’re seriously going to do this? I mean, I know he wants you making friends with his daughters, but taking them to this party sounds like a great way for something to go wrong, and for the Fourth to chop your head off,” Ember said with a dubious look at the other outfits Adagio had picked out.

Both were significantly more modest than what Adagio or Ember wore, while still being just revealing and stylish enough to draw attention, one of them black, the other red. The black dress was intended for Roka, while the red would go to Fenice. Assuming Adagio could convince the sisters to wear them. Further assuming Lament didn’t take issue with Adagio bringing his daughters to Thorax’s little soiree.

“He wants me to befriend them, then I do it my way. They’ve spent who knows how long locked up in a poorly lit tower with nothing but their fellow orphans for company. If they’re going to survive they’ll need to know how to handle themselves socially. I’ll show them, and give an assist if things start to get out of hand.”

“Your call, but I reserve the right to say ‘I told you so’ if this all goes sideways,” Ember replied in a dry tone.

“Oh, it most assuredly will,” Adagio commented, not without a certain dribble of anticipation in her voice, “But that’s what will make it fun.”


Unlike the Silburn of the human world, this portion of the fortress in Hueco Mundo held no throne room. Instead its heart was a blinking hive of a command center, built in shining steel that gleamed blue under the wash of countless reishi empowered lights and screens that blinked upon several rows of consoles filling the front half of the vast rectangular chamber. A street-light tall flat screen dominated the wall before the consoles, displaying a complete topographic map of Las Noches and its environs.

Raised above the rows of consoles where a number of men and women sat to softly communicate through head pieces to various parts of the mobilizing Quincy army there was a large platform with a jutting forward portion that had as close to a throne as Sombra possessed here; a simple metal and leather chair on a swiveling mount that gave him access to either the wealth of displays on a command console in front of him, or the ability to turn an address those seated at the massive briefing table behind him.

At that moment only the battalion commanders for each component of upcoming battle were present. Three of them, Night Light, Spitfire, and Filthy Rich had arrived with Sombra with the majority of their marching forces. The fourth at the table had been present at the Hueco Mundo Silburn for some time, for it was where his “battalion” was currently stationed alongside Night Light’s expeditionary forces.

Wind Rider was an elderly man of sky blue skin, hardened yellow eyes, and a weathered face that bore the early aged lines of stress that still didn’t detract from his easy manner. His hair was once a lush brown, but now faded to a oaken gray, nearly white around the fringes of his temples. His uniform was neat and complemented by a white bomber-style jacket with a high neck of fluff.

Like all in Wind Rider’s battalion, he’d once disgraced himself, and been stripped of the Schrift that had made him a Sternritter. The very same Schrift of “I” that Spitfire now bore. Yet over time Wind Rider had regained enough favor in Sombra’s eyes to earn some level of respect and had been granted command of the very same Strafbattalion that he had been punished by joining. Now the penal legion was, under Wind Rider’s guidance, more competent than it had been under any previous commander who hadn’t been part of the unit to begin with, and had been tasked with maintaining reconnaissance efforts on Las Noches.

The updated map on all of their screens, each chair at the briefing table having its own personal terminal, was what drew all of their attention and why Sombra’s questioning look was darkened by a hint of displeasure.

“When, exactly, did this lake appear?” he asked, referring to the large splash of darkness on the overhead map view of Las Noches and the area around it.

Wind Rider shrugged in a slight gesture, “Couldn’t have been there for more than a week, which was the last time we ran a spotter team close enough to get a good look at the area. My guess it must have popped up over the last couple of days.”

“Do we know why it is there?” Sombra inquired further, eyes boring into Wind Rider, who held up under his King’s scrutiny quite well as he met Sombra’s gaze.

“Negative on that, My King. At least...” Wind Rider trailed off, and Sombra leaned in intently.

“Go on,” he commanded, and Wind Rider made an off hand gesture.

“The scouts didn’t stick around long, but they did check out the lake edge to see if the water was somehow being brought in from the living world, or if it was spirit realm reishi water. They took samples for analysis, and... well one of our more recent recruits insists that the water is [infused with a hint of power not native to our realms. Magic, My King.”

“This recent recruit wouldn’t happen to be Cinch, would it?” Night Light asked, frowning deeply. Understandable, Sombra thought, given what Cinch had done to Night Light’s daughter. Sombra himself still felt a red hot stab of anger at the once proud Sternritter “J”, who’d disobeyed his decree to leave matters at Canterlot High well enough alone until they knew more about the nature of magic.

Hypocritical, perhaps, given his now current encouragement of Twilight Sparkle's studies, but since the proverbial genie was already out of the bottle he believed it better she study the magic inside her, since there certainly seemed no easy way to extract it. Make lemonade from lemons, as it were. As for this latest development...

“Is Cinch absolutely certain this lake that’s appeared outside Las Noches is magical in nature? What makes her so sure?” inquired Filthy Rich, “Her reliability isn’t exactly top notch at the moment, is it?”

To this Wind Rider gave the other man a cutting gaze, “She’s been competent enough since joining the Strafbattalion. I haven’t had any reason to complain, at any rate.”

Sombra raised an eyebrow at the hint of a personal note in Wind Rider’s tone. Were those two...? Well, no matter. Sombra didn’t much care what his Quincy did on their personal time. Although given how the Hooffields and McColts turned out, perhaps he should pay more attention to who was sharing who’s bed. As Sombra mused, Wind Rider spoke on.

“Her claims about the lake are based on the data she collected during the Friendship Games incident. She admits the type of magic isn’t identical, it's still the same basic flavor of energy that’s been leaking in from that other reality. The lake only had trace amounts on the surface, but Cinch has constructed a copy of the scanning device that kid made and swears to me up and down that there’s a stronger magic source somewhere down below the lake.”

He looked back to Sombra, Wind Rider’s expression somewhere between apologetic and up front, “Would’ve gotten this to your attention sooner, but somebody didn’t think my priority message needed reaching you until it was time for the tactical meeting.”

Night Light’s eyes hardened, “Its a tactical matter. I’m not going to waste His Majesty’s time, Wind Rider. We’re discussing it now because now is when and where the information matters. This lake hardly presents a problem. It’s several miles from Las Noche’s walls, and offers no tactical value to us or the Hollows. If anything its presence will hamper Hollow movements on our right flank, making our jobs easier.”

“Still, its incredible that it's there at all,” Filthy Rich said, eyes gaining a familiar, industrious gleam, “If we could figure out how it was produced, then we might replicate it ourselves to create an easy access water source of our own! How much easier would that make dealing with this dreadful desert of a realm! I say Cinch is to be commended for having the initiative to gather samples and start studying this miraculous lake...” He paused, glancing nervously over at Sombra, “At My King’s leave, of course.”

Sombra cleared his throat, eyeing his commanders, “The nature of this lake intrigues me, but our focus must be on the battle. Wind Rider, communicate to Cinch that her actions have gained her some small favor and that she is to continue studying the nature of this lake when time permits. For now our efforts are to be directed towards the assault on Las Noches. Night Light, display our present deployment plans.”

“Yes, My King.”

Night Light’s fingers pecked over the controls on his chair’s arm mounted terminal in dancing strokes, keying up a holographic map on the briefing table that shimmered with the deep blue reishi particles that made up the map’s intricate light display. Las Noches dominated the center of the image, a brutish and square fortress of tall stone walls that spanned the length of a metropolis, its towers rising from within the imposing edifice like monoliths. Miles of short, sandy dunes stretched around the Hollow fortress, with barely a few copses of dead trees marking the landscape... save for the large crater shaped lake a few miles south-southeast of the fortress walls.

Also to the south a series of blue wedges appeared, some on the ground, others dotting the air, and translucent arrows started to indicate movement for these wedges towards Las Noches.

“My Expeditionary Battalion will spearhead the assault,” Night Light began, “Our goal is to draw the main enemy force out from the fortress. Since we know the Hollows are expecting us its likely we’ll be engaged somewhere around here...” a point of flashing red light appeared about one mile directly south of the fortress, “This is maximum effective Cero range from Las Noches’ walls, and I imagine they won’t waste time opening fire the moment we enter that range. Shining Armor’s Bastion will provide shielding until our air units an land and deploy our forces, while Filthy Rich I’m relying on you to use your Schrift to harden our defenses one we’re on the ground.”

Filthy Rich gave a thin smile, “Your son defends from the air, I defend from the ground. Its an old tactic for us, and I don’t doubt it’ll work well while both our battalions get boots on the sands. Where is Spitfire going to be during all this?”

“Was wondering that myself,” Spitfire said, “You better not be planning to hold us in reserve, Night Light. This isn’t a fight for your usual cautionary tactics. We need to hit these bastards hard, otherwise we’ll get overrun even with Shining Armor and Filthy Rich providing defense.”

Night Light gave her a curt nod, eyes lighting up, “I want the Hollows to show their hands first. This is a jab and uppercut scenario. Me and Filthy Rich’s forces will be the jab, making the Hollows extend themselves towards us hoping to overwhelm us like you say, and subsequently leave their flanks open. Then you come in with your battalion from the west and hit them with best uppercut you can muster.”

Sombra watched as more wedges indicating Spitfire’s forces swooped in from the west on the map, engaging a theoretical spread of red blocks indicating possible Hollow horde positions. His eyes roved over the display, its lights reflecting off his crystal red eyes like ghost fire.

“Tirek will expect this,” he said simply, “He will make it appear that he is doing as you wish, extending his forces towards our battalions to fall for your ‘jab’, but it will be a feint. He will keep a powerful force in reserve to intercept Spitfire’s ‘uppercut’ and hope to divide our forces.”

Sombra smiled knowingly at Night Light, “However I know you well enough to expect you’ve already anticipated this.”

Night Light returned the smile, nodding in respect, “As you say, My King. Spitfire’s uppercut is also a feint. I want Tirek to throw his hardest force at a mirage, essentially. Spitfire will be present with several Sternritter to give the strike enough power to make it seem real, but they’ll fall back when Tirek, or whatever Espada he sends, come at them. That’s when the Strafbattalion, along with our armored corps, will reveal themselves and catch the Hollows in a crossfire.”

Wind Rider let out a huff of a laugh, crossing his arms and looking at Night Light with a sort of resigned amusement, “Was wondering what you’d be having us do. So we’re playing vanguard to the big guns, are we? And what if Tirek himself gets involved? Or this new dynamo Fourth Espada we know so little about? Your banking a lot on our tanks making a difference.”

Night Light met Wind Rider’s stare with stoic calm, “We just need the Hollows off balance long enough for Cadence’s kill team to get their job done. Between the Strafbattalion, Spitfire’s force, and the tanks, I’m trusting you can hold the west flank and make the Hollows hurt while the rest of us hold the main line to the south. Remember, the plan is to pull out the moment we get confirmation that Cadence’s target is dead.”

“I hear you, and far as plans go I’ve seen worse,” Wind Rider said, then gave Sombra a sidelong glance, “And of course if things go sideways, as they tend to do in a fight this big, there’s always that new trump card the Sternritter have to turn things around.”

There may have been a hint of jealousy in his tone, as Wind Rider himself was no longer a Sternritter. Sombra ignored that and merely nodded, his voice thick with a hint of anticipation.

“Yes, and I suspect that even if things go according to plan we may still have need to use it. But only when I provide the signal, and not a moment sooner.”

There were a series of acknowledging nods from those at the table, then a questioning shadow passed over Filthy Rich as he scratched his chin, “Can’t help but notice there’s no indication here where the cadets are being deployed.”

Before Night Light could speak Sombra cut in, “That’s because I’m keeping that information classified. They will be present, but I don’t want the information of where they will be observing the battle from trickling to anyone, even within this room. Only I and Night Light will know the cadet’s positions.”

Filthy Rich’s eyes widened slightly, “But, My King, my wife is with the cadets. If they’re attacked, how are we to reinforce them if we won’t know where they are?”

“They will have three Sternritter with them,” Sombra said with a final, iron hard voice, “That will be sufficient protection. If they require rescue then Night Light will know of it and can issue the appropriate orders. This secrecy is for the cadet’s safety. That is all you need to understand, Filthy Rich.”

Filthy Rich was silent for a heavy, tense moment, then gulped and nodded, “Yes, My King.”

The discussion went on for a time longer, mostly refining smaller details of the plan and theorizing on the Hollows likely counter moves. Eventually the plan was finalized and the battalion commanders departed to oversee the final preparations for tomorrow, except for Night Light who lingered a moment longer. The man cast a tired look at the map, and while few would notice it in his usually vital features, there were faint circles of darkness underneath his often vibrant gold eyes.

“You’re troubled,” Sombra said, inviting Night Light to speak on the matter before he pried any deeper.

“Yes, My King. I’ve planned many battles before. It isn’t even new to have my own flesh and blood taking the field with me, where I might give commands that could lead to any of their deaths, even if I don’t make a single tactical mistake,” Night light closed his eyes, leaning back in his seat, “But this time feels different. Its not simply that this will be my daughter’s first battle. It's not even that there is still someone out there, some damned traitor, seeking to murder my little girl. It's just this gut feeling I have that I can’t shake, a sense of... imminent catastrophe that I can’t place. It's foolish, I know, but as the old saying goes; ‘I have a bad feeling about this’.”

Sombra nodded in understanding, “Not mere pre-battle unease, but something deeper. I know. While I put no stock in prophecy, I put great trust in the strength of human intuition. Trust that instinct, Night Light, and be alert. I cannot see the future, but I can swear to you that I will not allow harm to come to your daughter, even if I must protect her myself.”

“You... you do me honor, My King, but forgive me for saying so but won’t your full strength and attention need to be devoted to occupying Tirek’s attention? I don’t like to dwell on the fact, but he alone has power no Sternritter can match alone. Even as a group we’d be hard pressed to fight him. Only you have that power. If you were distracted by anything-”

Sombra raised a hand, silencing Night Light instantly.

“As I said, I cannot foresee what will happen. Neither I nor Tirek are so easily slain by the other. If that were the case this war would have ended centuries ago. Have faith, Night Light. Whatever disaster may come, the human spirit will endure. The Quincy will endure.”

“Yes, yes of course...” Night Light still sounded like a man being pulled down by a heavy weight, but he managed to sit straighter in his chair. His eyes went back to the map display, eyeing the lake that had so mysteriously appeared near Las Noches.

“Should we change we we intended to place the cadets?” he asked, “I can’t say I’m not concerned that lake has appeared nearly directly on where we intended to place their observation post.”

“It is admittedly quite the unusual coincidence,” Sombra admitted, “I’d hoped to keep the cadets far enough back from the fighting that they could be easily evacuated if needed. With that lake there we do need to revise the plan somewhat. We could put them closer to our battle line, but the last thing I want is them in the direct line of fire.”

“Agreed. Hmm, well as I’d said, it does screen our right flank. Hollows aren’t exactly known as great swimmers. We could place the cadets on the lake’s south west shoreline. That puts them behind our battle line and gives them cover from the lakeside.”

Sombra gave a ponderous nod after a moment’s consideration.

“Then it shall be so. Now go get some rest, Night Light. Spend some time with your wife. You look like you need it.”

“But I still have preparations-”

“Which can be delegated to another. Must I make this an order?” Sombra said, brow furrowing. Night Light coughed politely and stood from his chair, saluting with a crisp, swift motion.

“That won’t be necessary, My King. And if I may add... you should rest as well. I’m not the only one who’s been pushing himself, lately.”

Sombra raised an eyebrow at them, then let out a minuscule laugh, muttering, “Now I know where she gets her boldness from. As you say, I’ll try to get some rest myself.”

Night Light finished his salute and with quiet respect departed the command center. Sombra watched him go and then turned back to observing the map. Despite his words to Night Light he knew sleep wouldn’t come tonight. Not that he needed much in the first place, although Night Light had a point that since the assassination attempt on Twilight Sparkle he hadn’t bothered with even the minimal rest his body required.

Even so, he wished he could sleep. Everything was in place. All that was left to do was wait.


“Awww c’mon boss lady, why can’t I come too?” Di-Roy exclaimed with a drawn out and petulant pout. Adagio promptly prodded the half-Arrancar’s stomach. Not hard, but enough to elicit a sharp grunt of pain as Di-Roy clutched at his still healing wound and nearly doubled over.

“That’s why,” Adagio said tersely, but softened her tone as she went on to say, “I don’t need you cutting up the dance floor if it means cutting up your insides further. Stay here, heal. You’re not much use to anyone in this condition, so focus on recovering. Besides all the clothes we got from the human world are for those of the female persuasion. No tuxes.”

“Hey, I’d totally rock a thong if it meant not having to sit around on my ass for another week,” Di-Roy grumbled, still rubbing his stomach, “Man does being wounded suuuuuck. I mean, that Roka is a grade-A doc, with the bedside manner of an angel. Kind of a creepy stoic angel, but an angel regardless. But that other lady, Fenice? She keeps looking at me like I pissed in her shoe or something. I haven’t done that to anyone in years.”

Ember, looking like she was trying to hide an amused grin, patted Di-Roy and the shoulder with a nod of mock sympathy, “Hang in there. We’ll have you with us in spirit.”

“By the way, how is your...” Adagio made a vague gesture with her hand like a small explosion, “Explosive condition holding up. You were reliant on feeding on the Gillians to keep it under control, were you not?’

Di-Roy’s face stilled to a serious look for a moment as he turned and went to sit down on the steps leading to the higher floors of Lament’s tower. They were meeting in the central tower entry hall. Roka and Fenice were upstairs, getting changed, while Lament was not present. Roka had explained their Father had taken Adagio’s advice and was attending a meeting among the Espadas, the first time he’d ever done so. In the meantime while Fenice had been exceedingly vocal against going to any parties, Roka had seemed quietly enthusiastic and convinced her sister to give the notion a try.

“I’m holding up,” said Di-Roy after a moment’s uneasy pause, “Old man Grogar didn’t want me exploding without doing the tasks he and Grand Fisher wanted me to do, so it's not like I’m on a fast timer. It takes awhile for the weird instability with my reiatsu to start really going haywire. Eating up Gillians kept that in check, but I can go... I dunno, couple of weeks maybe before I start feeling like the ticking time bomb I am. Here’s hoping we can rope some Gillians entrees, or hell get me and Gaw evolved to Arrancar before that becomes a problem.”

“Speaking of Gaw, where is she?” Ember asked, “We didn’t see her outside anywhere.”

Di-Roy flashed a wide smile from inside his shark-shaped Hollow mask as he stood up again and jabbed a thumb towards the doors. “Oh she ought to be back any minute. C’mon, check it out.”

Adagio and Ember exchanged glances, and after Ember shrugged Adagio nodded and the pair of them followed Di-Roy outside. When they reached the foot of the steps leading up to the doors, Di-Roy looked off to the west, towards Las Noches’ distant center tower. At first Adagio didn’t see anything, but soon enough a tall, hunched over saurian formed emerged from amid the taller dunes.

Gaw was moving not quite at a dead run, but at a fast pace for her massive size. Adagio quickly started to feel the ground shake from the hundred foot tall Hollow’s titanic steps as Gaw stomped towards Lament’s tower, only stopping at a sand churning skid at the last dozen yards.

At that point Adagio heard the laughter of children, and with a shocked blink noticed that Gaw had an entire gaggle of small Arrancar children, quite possibly almost all of the younger orphans taken in by Lament, riding on her sides and back like a pack of laughing monkeys. The children seemed enthralled by the ride, many of them jumping up and down, clamoring for more after Gaw had stopped.

For her part Gaw seemed to take the pack of howling children on her back with a deadpan look somewhere between reluctant acceptance and hidden enjoyment. When she saw Adagio and Ember, Gaw let out a loud bark of greeting and lowered her head to examine them, subsequently bending her neck and back downward enough that the Arrancar children could use her back like a slide, which they promptly began to do so with shrieks of happiness.

“Ah, Gaw, I see you’ve discovered your calling as a babysitter,” Adagio quipped, and Gaw gave her an annoyed snort, to which adagio laughed and shrugged, “Hey, just calling it like I see it.”

The gigantic dinosaur Hollow just rolled her eyes, then turned her attention to the dresses Adagio and Ember were wearing and let out a questioning growl, to which Ember sighed and glanced away with embarrassment.

“We’re going to some dumb party Thorax, Chrysalis’ Fraccion, is throwing. Adagio insisted on the dresses, so blame her.”

“Hey I’m not complaining,” said Di-Roy, who was standing behind them and tilting his head as if trying to get a better look from that particular angel, “The view is spectacular.”

“Do you want to be fed again. Ever?” Adagio asked, and Di-Roy held up his hands in surrender.

Gaw issued a disinterested grunt and sat down fully, allowing the rest of the children to dismount. Or rather she shook herself a few times to dislodge them, since many seemed eager to still cling to her back like she was an over-sized jungle-gym. Gaw’s glance towards Adagio combined with her half-hearted grunt easily communicated Gaw’s lack of interest in any ‘parties’, and Adagio chuckled.

“Understandable. While you seem to be recovering faster than Di-Roy, I’d just a soon you stayed here to keep an eye on him. Besides, I don’t think we could find a dress in your size.”

The rough coughing noise Gaw made was probably laughter, though it was always a little hard to tell with her.

Just then the doors to the tower swung open and out stepped Fenice and Roka. Or rather Roka stepped out, while having to coax Fenice out with gentle words of encouragement.

“Its okay Fenice, you look just fine, and no one is going to make fun of you.”

Fenice’s response was a frustrated whine followed by, “I don’t care of they make fun of me! I just don’t want to do this. I don’t see why Father is insisting we leave the tower, or make friends with... Oh, hello Adagio.”

The last was said with an admirable attempt at politeness coming from a girl who clearly didn’t want to be there. Adagio, being as graceful as possible, smiled and gave a slight bow to the two daughters of Lament.

“Hello to you as well, Fenice. Roka. I see the outfits I picked out fit you both quite well. I hope you like them?”

“They’re lovely, thank you,” Roka said, returning Adagio’s bow, and after she gave her sister a sidelong look Fenice sighed.

“Yeah, thanks.”

“I’d also like to thank you, Gaw, for helping us look after our little brothers and sisters,” Roka said, walking down the steps and giving Gaw a grateful smile. Gaw just snorted again, looking away as if she didn’t care either way, but Adagio was fairly certain she saw a pleased wag enter Gaw’s long, thick tail.

“Now I do hate to impose, but since myself and Feincie will be accompanying Miss Adagio and Ember to this party, could I trouble you and Di-Roy to keep an eye on the children a while longer?” Roka asked, and many of the children clamored their enthusiasm for this idea, mainly if it meant more rides.

Gaw shrugged her massive shoulders, barking in agreement, and Di-Roy laughed.

“I think we can keep the kids out of trouble for an evening. Uncle Di-Roy will show the tykes how to shoot Ceros.”

A rough grunt from Gaw made him hold up his hands, “What? Its a useful skill and blowing up stuff is clean, wholesome fun for the whole family.”

Gaw gave the ground near him a rough slam with one talon, and Di-Roy hung his head in defeat, “Okay, okay, we’ll find something less dangerous, and entertaining, to do.”

“You won’t have to watch them long,” Roka said, “Father is due back from his meeting in a few hours, so you’ll just have to make sure they don’t burn down the tower until then.”

“Here’s hoping he doesn’t decide to randomly decapitate us when he gets back,” Di-Roy said, and Fenice glare at him.

“Father is not going to kill you at random. Perhaps if you do something stupid to annoy him, but not at random.”

“Oh, good, that really makes me feel better,” Di-Roy said, hanging his head.

“At any rate,” Adagio cut in, “We’d best be going. Nobody try to die while we’re gone.”

“You got it, boss lady. Operation Don’t Die While Babysitting the Fourth Espada’s Kids is underway!” Di-Roy said, throwing an exaggerated salute. Gaw let out a quick bark of farewell, and soon Adagio, Ember, Roka, and Fenice were making their away swiftly across the sand dunes of Las Noches’ interior.

Ember was leading the way, as she knew the fastest route to where they were going, although Adagio had received a written invitation from Thorax earlier that day with directions as well. They walked in companionable silence for a time, until Adagio gave Fenice a curious glance.

“Not that I’m complaining, as it hardly goes with your dress, but where’s your sword?”

The massive blade was absent from Fenice’s back, and she gave Adagio a smirking return glance as she idly touched something hanging around her neck. It was the only addition to the outfit that Adagio had noticed, a pendant hanging from a fine black length of small chains. The pendant itself was oval shaped, and pressed from what looked like copper. On it was etched a familiar pattern, a flaring sun that was split down its center.

The same mark Sunset tends to wear on her clothes. I wonder what else these two share in common? Adagio wondered while Fenice spoke.

“I’ve always got my weapon on me. If someone tries anything, they’ll be in for an unpleasant surprise if they think I’m helpless.”

“Good. While I’d like to get through tonight without needing any direct confrontation, I wouldn’t be surprised by it either.”

“Probably for the best,” said Ember, “You’ve never been to one of Thorax’s little get togethers.”

“You have?” Adagio asked, raising an eyebrow, “You didn’t say anything before.”

“Wasn’t sure I was even going with you until we had our ‘talk’,” Ember said without apology, “Its not really my kind of scene.”

“The heck does that mean?” asked Fenice with a sour grimace, “And is it too late to just go back to the tower and call it a day?”

“Sister, please, let’s give this a chance. I’m most curious about this party, myself,” Roka said with a small smile, “I imagine this will be an interesting experience.”

Ember blinked, then frowned, “You could say that. I only went to one party Thorax threw. Its where I met his brother, Pharynx.”

“Is this the blind date thing?” Adagio asked, and Ember snarled under her breath.

“Oh, that came later, but thinking back on it I can see Thorax laying the groundwork for it then. Guy loves to mess with people, that’s for sure. Just be ready for that, is all I’m saying.”

Adagio managed a confident smile, “I think we’ll manage.”

As they reached the base of Las Noches’ main tower, Adagio looked up the wall of the massive circular base of the structure, imagining that the ceiling had to be hundreds of meters up. A tall, rectangular entryway led into the wall, but Ember cut to the right and started taking them towards one of the long adjoining walls that stretched out towards Las Noches’ exterior.

“Are you sure this is the fastest route?” Adagio asked, “This seems a bit roundabout.”

“Trust me, it is. We’re heading into the Warrens. There’s entrances to the Warrens all over the place, but it's such a maze that even if you take an entrance that’s closer to where you’re trying to go, all the twists and turns can make the walk take a lot longer. The entrance we’re taking here drops us to a tunnel that’s technically further away, but it's more of a straight shot to Thorax’s little party cavern,” Ember said, and then paused as a sound reverberated through the air.

Adagio, Roka, and Fenice stopped two, all of them looking confused. The sound shuddered in the air with heavy, deep notes, and to Adagio’s ears it sounded very much like some colossal war horn was being blown.

“Ember, I hate to keep asking questions, but what was that?” she said, and Ember frowned.

“Just wait...”

Adagio cocked an eyebrow, but a few moments later the sound was repeated, more distantly, and in multiple places.

“Right,” said Ember, “That was Lord Tirek’s servants blowing the summoning horns. That sound will attract the wild Hollows out in the desert. By this time tomorrow we’ll be swamped with herds of lesser Hollows and Gillians, following the sound of the horns.”

Fenice blinked, “What’ll keep them from freaking out and going on a rampage?”

“Lord Tirek’s will, along with all the Espada, will cow and bind the other Hollows. While each Espada brings their own Arrancar to battle, its their will that collects and binds the thousands of other Hollows that will come. Guess the Quincy must really be coming soon, for the horns to be blowing now.”

Adagio heard the horns again, and stroked her chin thoughtfully. She wondered if binding lesser Hollows was a skill an Espada had to learn, or if it was a natural talent, like knowing intuitively how to open Garganta? It was a power that would certainly be useful for her in the future, especially if she wanted to keep Di-Roy around long enough to fix his problem.

While the horns continued to echo over Las Noches, Ember led them to a much smaller entrance into the main part of the fortress marked by a stone door that she rather easily pushed open. Within was a spiraling stairway heading downward. While the top of the stairs was well worked stone, it didn’t take long for the stairs to take on a much rougher quality much closer to natural caverns than chiseled stone, and the air grew somehow drier and hotter. Adagio’s eyes adjusted to a darker gloom as they reached the bottom of the stairs to emerge into a natural cave system. There was a sense of familiarity here to the Forest of Menos, but the confines were generally more cramped as the tunnel they were in shot forward into the darkness, but sported multiple side alcoves and passages.

As they walked Adagio noticed Fenice and Roka both growing more tense, Fenice stroking her pendant as she walked in a stiff gait, and Roka’s hand didn’t stray far from her sheathed dagger-shaped Zanpaktou as her own eyes darted towards every corner they passed.

Upon seeing Adagio’s questioning glance, Roka sighed and offered an apologetic smile, “Sorry. I spent too much time in the Warrens to feel entirely comfortable here, and Fenice has heard all of my stories of this place.”

“It's not as dirty as I thought it’d be, but still feel like we’re being watched,” Fenice said, and Ember quickly cut in.

“We are.”

Adagio, upon hearing that, made a point of more carefully observing her surroundings. Bare of light sources it was solely her Hollow eyes that stripped away enough of the shadows around her for Adagio to make out the forms huddling in the crevasses and side passages she and her companions walked past. Some were Arrancar, through scrawnier and more ragged than what Adagio was used to seeing. A few others held the more varied shapes of lesser Hollows, sniffing the air like beasts but quickly retreating into deeper shadows upon sensing the strength of Adagio’s group.

“There are more down here than I would have thought,” Adagio commented. Roka turned eyes that echoed a certain old fatigue towards her.

“Those who can't find a patron among the Espada are left with the choice of either taking their chances in the endless deserts beyond Las Noches’ walls, or to eek out an existence down here. For some the Warrens are the more acceptable choice. Its somewhat less dangerous than the wilderness, and since this is Lord Smooze’s territory some feel more secure here.”

A curious frown crossed Adagio’s face, “In what way does Smooze control the Warrens? I've seen no guards. No sign anyone other than the squatters live here.”

A knowing look entered Roka’s eyes, her voice heavy. “You will see. Our path passes by the factories and pens.”

On that ominous note they walked on in silence for a time. Soon the passages of the Warrens started to show a greater diversity in size and shape. They crossed high stone bridges that passes over large caverns where cloth and stone shanties made makeshift homes for scatterings of Arrancer. Other times the tunnel would open up at the bottom of various oblong caves occupied by small herds of lesser Hollows that didn’t dare challenge the passing of Adagio’s entourage. She at first wondered why these Hollows weren't responding to the horns from above, but then surmised it was simply that the sound didn't reach this deep beneath Las Noches.

She was about to ask what Roka had meant by factories and pens, but that was soon answered as their path took them along a wide wall-side walkway where a expansive chamber opened up on their right. In this cavern a smokey haze filled the air, which was hot and stifling. Rising up from the cavern floor were a series of perfectly square, stone buildings from which complex pipework rose in a snaking tangle to vanish into the ceiling, where a great, circular hole had been carved. Steam hissed and burped from these pipes, creating the caverns haze. Each building lacked windows, but had large iron doors on each end, one of which was open to admit or let out a stream of lesser Hollows, all overseen by strange looking Arrancar. Or at least Adagio assumed they were Arrancar. Each one was entirely clad in form fitting white garb, with pulled up hoods. Within those hoods Adagio could only make out the faint gleam of faceless, smooth metal masks. Instead of blades or any other kind of obvious Zanpaktou these guards were armed with lengths of spiked iron chains, which they would lash at any Hollow that moved too slowly for their liking. Adagio saw that those leaving the buildings were being herded into dug out pits that circled the entire cave, which were then covered by iron grates once any given pit was full.

“What is all this?” she asked, trying to hide her distaste behind her curiosity.

“You got the idea to jack the stuff you wanted from the human world, but that doesn't really work if everyone in Las Noches did that,” said Ember, “The Quincy and Soul Reapers would be all over it if Arrancar were hitting up the realm of the living all the time. So most of the clothes, furniture, doors, hell just about anything you see in Las Noches that was ever built is manufactured down here. The factories use raw reishi particles broken down from mined stone, then the Hollows you see down there work special smelters to turn that reishi into materials to make just about any basic thing we need. Each Espada contributes ‘workers’ from hunting Hueco Mundo’s deserts, and in exchange get all the basic items they need from the factories. Lord Smooze runs the whole operation, with Lord Tirek’s backing.”

“I see. If Smooze is in charge of such an important task, why is he merely the Tenth Espada?” Adagio wondered aloud, “One would think he'd have more clout if he provides such basic amenities to all Las Noches.”

Ember shrugged, “Dude is a mystery, and far as I know has no interest in raising his rank. Seems content to run things down here, out of sight, and not be bothered by anyone. And since he's got Lord Tirek’s personal backing nobody messes with him, even Espada hopefuls looking to challenge their way into the ranks. Anyone looking to do that would have to bypass Smooze and challenge someone higher up, like Squirk.”

There was a brief and uneasy look from Ember then, and Adagio just met met it with her own knowing and assuring gaze. The look, and the reasons behind it, we're lost on Fenice and Roka, although Adagio suspected Roka at least noticed it. Fenice seemed too distracted with her own attention focused on watching the Hollow workers, slaves really, being marched around. By the human girl’s look of disgust it was clear she didn't approve.

Adagio didn’t much like it either, but knew better than to say anything. Soon the passed through the factory cavern and entered a slightly ascending and curving tunnel that was rather wide and smooth. After a minute the tunnel leveled out and became a broad avenue that shot straight ahead for some distance, with several side passages appearing until the tunnel ended abruptly at a massive, circular chamber with no ceiling, but rather a shaft stretching upwards, marked by a narrow stairway of carved stone. However instead of going to the base of those stairs Ember led them to a archway on the opposite side of the shaft chamber, an archway marked by carvings of ornate pillars. Beyond the archway was was a shirt tunnel, and the moment Adagio entered it she could feel a deep, throbbing tremor in the ground, accompanied by archway distant reverberating beat.

The tremor and the vibrating beat only intensified with every step they took further past the archway, until Adagio’s ears perked up as she finally picked out the distinct notes and tempo of music. The sound only got louder as the group approached a tall set of iron doors, engraved with the motif of rose vines.

Flanking the doors were two dark skinned Arrancar males with burly chests and eyes that were solid blue orbs without pupils. They both held naked blades, but didn't raise them as Adagio and the others arrived. In fact all these guards did was take one expecting glance over them and without a word the one on the right nodded in acknowledgement and with one thickly muscled hand opened up the large iron door.

They were blasted by a wall of noise. The thump of techno music hit the air like a maddened heartbeat, while the oceanic sound hundreds of voices talking and shouting all at once filled the air. Light stabbed in from the room beyond, and lit Adagio’s face as she smiled and stepped inside, her companions following her lead.

Controlled chaos was Adagio’s first impression of what lay before her, although she wasn’t entirely sure on the “controlled” part. In the human world Adagio had seen a few frat parties and raves, as those had been ideal spots for her and her sisters to use their talents to feed on some negative emotions. This reminded her of those gatherings, only with occupants whose physical abilities didn’t conform to human norm.

The entire cavern was dome shaped, easily the size of a decently large stadium, and carved in such a manner that it immediately made Adagio think of a gothic cathedral, assuming someone had taken the concept and decided to fill it with a mish-mash of modern amenities. Thorax had clearly had Adagio’s idea of taking things from the human world long ago, as the cavern was decked out in sets of steel catwalks that looked like they’d been taken from any number of dance cubs and nailed to the cavern walls in a twisting maze. Lights ranging from stark white construction site lighting to deep red strings of mood lighting filtered in from the ceiling and walls, competing with the roar of several bonfires that burned around a central stage raised in the middle of the room. The music wasn’t just being filtered through speakers set up on the walls, but was being controlled from that stage by disc jockey set up being controlled by a young looking female Arrancar who shared the same dark, near onyx skin of the guards outside, while being little more than a slip of a girl with a crest of punkish pink hair.

Arrancar filled the room, dozens of them, many dancing with wild abandon around the fires near the stage, or occupying the catwalks in a rowdy mass. Their movements weren’t quite human, but rather danced with a hardened grace and exaggerated roughness that could only come from a species with superhuman reflexes and durability. Half the time it looked less like dancing and more like fighting, or more intimate actions, but Adagio soon noticed that there were more than few carved out side alcoves covered in satin curtains where she could imagine that more explicit liaisons were occurring.

The catwalks extended all the way over one side of the chamber that had been given over to what looked like a giant stone pool, or perhaps even a naturally occurring cavern lake that’d been converted into a pool. The reveling Arrancar would leap off the catwalks into the pool, even colliding with each other in mid air with mad whoops and hollers as they did so.

Dancers aside there were plenty of other Arrancar who were mingling around large stone tables that looked like they’d see better use in an occultist gathering than a party, if not for the fact that the tables were piled with countless forms of junk food snatched from the human world, and Adagio had little trouble identifying stacks of beer kegs and bottles of finer forms of liquor covering the tables, all of the drink flowing in abundance as Arrancar drank, ate, and caroused. Some of the drinks, however, were of a kind Adagio didn’t recognize, mainly because she’d never run into a liquid in the human world that consisted of luminescent, glowing purple liquid.

Aside from the mingling and dancing there were also several spots towards the back of the dome shaped room where Arrancar had gathered and were apparently participating in vigorous physical competition with each other, be it wrestling, boxing, or just straight up sword fighting with each other in what looked like literal wrestling rings that Adagio imagined Thorax must have lifted from actual pro-wrestling arenas. It was almost comical, but the Arrancar gathered around cheering their heads off at the competitors who fought seemingly without rhyme, reason, or rules seemed to be enjoying the shows put on by their fellow party goers.

“Well this is... loud,” Roka said with a combination of fascination and self control. Fenice was nearly pulling her pendant off her neck with an nervous tug as she looked like she wanted to be anywhere else. Adagio gave them a reassuring look having to shout a bit to be heard over the noise.

“Best foot forward, girls. Let’s go have some fun.”


Miles from Las Noches the sound of the fortress’ war horns echoed still.

The sound traveled further and further, like a rumble of thunder. More than a mere vibration of noise, the horns carried a unmistakable resonance of raw Hollow spirit energy, courtesy of Tirek himself. As a result the noise, even when it traveled so far it was just a faint note carried by Hueco Mundo’s cold, dead winds, it still carried power.

The desert sands, shining white, played home to dozens of small collections of rocky outcroppings and desert caves. These homes to lesser Hollows stirred now with the howls of its denizens, hearing the war horn’s call and the irresistible draw of power that came with it. As much as the lesser Hollows feared Las Noches and its Arrancar lords, so too could they not resist the authority filling that distant sound.

Few in number at first, but gradually joined by their brethren streaming in from countless other small camps and caves, Hollows started to move in a inextricable tide towards Las Noches. Rising from the sands were also dozens upon dozens of towering Gillians, moving like the masts of dark ships amid the sea of gathering Hollows.

And watching this exodus were several sets of eyes, hidden by powerful and subtle Kido spells that hid them from the senses of the passing Hollows as they watched from atop one of the higher dunes.

Lieutenant Cheerilee tapped her fingers on the hilt of her Zanpaktou, turning to look at Nocturn who was giving the passing horde of Hollows a sour look.

“Looks like you owe me a drink there, Nocturn.”

He sighed, managing a wry grin, “Yes, yes, rub it in why don’t you, Lieutenant? Figured the Quincy might get the drop on the Hollows, for once.”

Cheerilee let out a rich chuckle, “Nah, Tirek is too experienced and canny to get caught with his pants down. I kind of figured he’d have sounded the horns sooner, but I imagine he didn’t want to tip Sombra off before the Quincy were already committed. Speaking of which, we’d best report back to Captain Luna. She’ll want to know about this.”

With a nod Nocturn knelt down and removed a small wooden box from his robes, which upon opening proved to be well of ink. Glancing at his one arm, he winced slightly and looked at Cheerilee, who gave him an understanding smile and came over. She dipped her fingers into the ink well as he held out his arm, and she traced a series of sharp, geometric lines on his bare flesh.

"Thanks, Lieutenant."

"No problem. How long until the replacement is ready?"

"Given how overworked Twelfth Division is right now, I'm not expecting it anytime soon," a dire look stained his eyes for a second, "Besides there are others who are in more need than I am. I lost a mere arm. Others lost their Zanpaktou or spiritual powers entirely."

"True, but at least we know how to grow and attach new limbs. Regrowing a soul sleep, or reclaiming stolen Zanpaktou... that's something that could take Twelfth Division years to figure out," Cheerilee pointed out, but Nocturn just shrugged and focused on what he was doing.

Focusing his spiritual energy he held his palm out and intoned a Kido spell.

“Bakudo Number Seventy Seven: Tenteikura.” (Heavenly Charged Sky Net)

In front of his palm a glowing square of light appeared, then from it stretched veins of blue energy that vanished into the sky, still cloaked and hidden by the other Kido that Cheerilee was maintaining to keep them hidden from the senses of the Hollows. The Tenteikura was a long distance communication spell, linking the user to nearly any number of targets within an exceedingly long range. The spell was presently aimed at the other Second Divisions recon teams, which were spread out scouting Hueco Mundo to observe the Hollows.

“This is Third Seat Nocturn to all Stealth Corps teams and reporting directly to Captain Luna. Large numbers of Hollows confirmed as moving towards Las Noches in response to a war call from the First Espada. Suspect preparations for repelling impending Quincy attack.”

A mere minute after the message was sent both Nocturn and Cheerilee could hear Luna’s voice replying, using the same Kido technique.

“Report received. Good work. Can confirm that we have eyes on the Quincy fortress and that there is a large gathering of military force. I imagine the attack will occur in less than twenty four hours. Return to our primary base camp, I’ll meet you there.”

“Understood Captain, we’ll be there,” Nocturn said, then released the Kido, the square of glowing blue light vanishing. Sighing he stood up and glanced at Cheerilee. “So, what do you think?”

“That I’m already missing teaching classes to overly emotional and overbearing teenagers,” Cheerilee said, then blinked, “Oh, you mean about what’s happening right now? I think we’re going to be in for one heck of a show.”

“You really think she’s just going to have us watching from the shadows?”

“We’re the Stealth Corps. It's kind of our modus operandi. We’re under strict orders from Captain Commander Scorpan not to expose ourselves. We’re out here alone, no backup. Trying anything now would be foolhardy, reckless, dangerous, exciting... oh crap, the Captain is totally going to do something, isn’t she?”

Author's Note:

A little later than I would've liked and didn't quite get to everything I wanted to, but we're getting there. Next chapter will focus on Adagio and the girls at Thorax's party, and will very likely directly lead into the attack, then it'll be full throttle into all out battle.

As always hope you folks are enjoying the read, and thanks for sticking with my story through all this time (has it been two years already?). Always appreciate your guys' comments, so feel free to leave any and all such comments, questions, or critiques you wish! 'Till next time.

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