• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,950 Views, 5,039 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 42: Never Split the Party

Episode 42: Never Split the Party

Alarm bells rang across the ordered streets of the Seireitei, dozens of warnings echoing between the various buildings to warn all Soul Reapers on duty that intruders were loose in the vicinity. Before long almost every street and junction had at least one squad of Soul Reapers patrolling it, alert and vigilantly searching for any sign of the Ryoka invaders. Rumors were spreading quickly, like an airborne virus, among the lower ranked Soul Reapers, all concerning the battle at the Thirteenth Division headquarters.

“Saw some Fourth Division guys heading out of there and saw them taking out dozens of wounded. Eleventh Division wounded. I heard they got their butts handed to them by the Ryoka, and that even Captain Hurricane himself couldn’t capture them!” muttered one uneasy Soul Reaper to his companion as they stood guard at one street corner.

“That’s crazy.” said the other Soul Reaper, her face scrunching up in worry, “I can’t imagine anyone tough enough to go up against a Captain like that. And they expect us to catch these Ryoka?”

“I know right? What’s even crazier is that the Kenpachi herself was there and the Ryoka got away from her too! Seriously, I see one of the Ryoka I think I’m just gonna carefully sneak away and raise the alarm. I’m not being paid enough to fight dudes who can go up against two Captains and get away.”

The female Soul Reaper frowned thoughtfully, scratching her head. “But why are they even here? Are they really trying to help, um... well I guess I can’t call them ‘Captain’ Celestia and Luna anymore, can I? Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, that whole business.”

With a shrug the other Soul Reaper glanced away from his partner and grumbled, “Not like common grunts like us get a say in this stuff, but yeah, I think it sucks too. Wonder what kind of evidence convinced Central 46 those two were traitors? Just doesn’t make sense to me.”

“Guess there’s nothing we can do except our duty.” said the other Soul Reaper, sighing and staring down the street, “And keep an eye out for anyone suspicious.”

Nearly on the heels of her words both Soul Reapers heard a casual whistling tune as someone turned the street corner, walking along at a strut that looked like someone trying entirely too hard to look like she belonged there. She was wearing a Soul Reaper uniform, the black robes and white sash covering a bouncy pink body. A floofy head of pink hair looked like it’d been wrung through a few bushes, with a few stray branches still sticking out of them.

The two Soul Reapers stared at this girl as she walked by, whistling away, and the male Soul Reaper cleared his throat.

“Ahem, uh... miss? What Division are you with?”

The pink girl froze in place like some kind of twitchy marionette, slowly tilting her head up and around until she was looking at the two Soul Reapers upside down. The girl flashed an innocent grin and spun to face them, affecting a weirdly rigid posture and salute.

“Hi there totally fellow Soul Reapers! Which I am too. You wanna know which Division I’m with?”

“Uh, yeah. That’s why I asked.”

“Heheh, of course you wanna know that. That’s a totally normal thing to want to know. Which I should know too, because that’s a normal thing to be able to answer. Which I will.”

The girl stood there blinking at them for a few long, drawn out seconds, before the male Soul Reaper realized he wasn’t getting an answer and he said, “Weeeeel?”

“Well what?” asked the pink girl with pure, clueless bliss.

“What Division are you with!?”

“Ooooh, um... number one?”

“The First Division?”


“...The elite First Division that directly serves the Captain Commander?”


“The First Division that only takes the best, and brightest Soul Reapers to work on the Gotei 13's most dangerous and difficult assignments, requiring both equal parts brilliance, skill, and incredible reiatsu to even be considered for a posting in?”

“That’s me!” chirped the pink girl happily.

“Alright...so, question, oh brilliant elite First Division member,” said the Soul Reaper as he pointed at the pink girl’s empty sash, “Where’s your Zanpaktou?”

At the girl’s completely blank expression the two Soul Reapers exchanged glances, both putting their hand on their own Zanpaktou. However just at that moment there was a groan from behind them.

“Told you that disguise was a stupid idea, Pinkie. Now I get to have fun my way, hehehe!”

The two Soul Reapers wheeled about just in time for elongated pink tentacle arms to wrap around both their faces simultaneously, which then proceeded to drag them both kicking around the street corner. Pinkie Pie stood there wincing as several loud crashing noises followed by some brief scuffling, muffled screams, and thumps were followed by Pinkamena’s cackling laugh. A few moments later Pinkie Pie saw Pinkamena walk around the corner, licking her fingers.

“Y-you didn’t eat them did you?” Pinkie Pie asked with a unnerved gulp.

Pinkamena rolled her eyes, “They’re alive, so stop giving me that look. I might’ve taken a few chunks out, but nothing they couldn’t live without.”


“What?” Pinkamena gave Pinkie Pie a sharply annoyed look, crossing her arms and leaning forward aggressively, “I’m playing nice! Nicer than they’d play with us. You know you can’t keep pretending I’m some friendly, well adjusted member of the ‘team’, Pinkie. I’m all the things about you that can’t come out of that fractured snowglobe you call a brain because you won’t let it out. Only now I’ve got my own mind, and you know what, maybe I want to do things my way sometimes! Especially now when your normal methods aren’t exactly up to getting the job done!”

“Okaaaay, fair point.” Pinkie Pie said, taking a slow, fearful peak around the corner at the two unconscious, roughed up Soul Reapers. There were some clear and obvious bite marks on them, but nothing that looked fatal, or even all that bad. She glanced back at Pinkamena who had the air of a uneasy junkyard dog, pacing about and looking ready to bite. Pinkie wondered if maybe her other half would learn to relax better if they got her a hobby. Like knitting. Or rocks! Maudie loved rocks, and she was totally laid back and super relaxed most the time. Soon as they got back to the real world Pinkie was going to set up a Pie Sisters Get Pinkamena a Hobby Outing.

But for now she still had to deal with grouchy Pinkamena and try to keep her from murder-devouring anyone.

“Buuuut, here’s my counterpoint Mena, we’ve got to still be friendly with people when all this is over otherwise we’re gonna have all sorts of trouble even if we do save Principle Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. That’s gonna be extra crazy hard if we, um, you know... one eight seven anybody.”

“One eight what?”

“C’mon, you’ve seen that movie! I’ve seen that movie so you must’ve seen it too!”

Pinkamena tilted her head to the side, perhaps a little too far for a normal human neck, and then gave a slight groan, slapping her face with the palm of one hand. “Right. That movie. You know, perfect choice, given our relationship. What with the super-friendly but idiotically clean ‘utopian’ society trying to leash a psychotic killer to do its dirty work. Don’t suppose you remember how that ended for the guy holding the leash?”

“Mena, I thought we were past this. Remember? I’m you, you’re me, let’s work together? It’s how I figured out how to turn into a neat hammer dealie?”

Pinkamena laughed, a light but ragged chuckle as she shook her head, straight hair dancing around a murderously grinning face. “Yeah, we’re working together. But that didn’t change what I am, Pinks.” She raised a hand, slits forming along the smooth length of her arm displaying wide, fang filled mouths that dripped saliva. “I’m still the part of you that can deal with the things you don’t want to face. You want me to stop tugging on the leash? Try giving me a little slack to work with. We’re not getting through this without blood. Or did you forget just how badly we got our teeth kicked in by that walking meat buffet?”

Pinkie certainly hadn’t. After getting caught up in Hurricane’s tornado's winds, Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena had both been swirled around like a pair of goldfish in a blender. They’d been ejected out of the ludicrous winds, flung end over end amid various other debris from the forest, to land nearly head first into a building several blocks away. Only Pinkie’s hammer power prevented them from suffering any real harm, the hammer transmuting a portion of their landing area into an explosion of cotton candy. Some Soul Reapers were going to be very confused about what happened to one of their administration buildings. It was there that Pinkie had transformed back to human form and snatched a Soul Reaper uniform she’d found in one of the building’s closets. Since then she and Pinkamena had been wandering around, trying to find any sign of the other girls, thus far to no avail. Pinkie tried to shove aside her bubbling fear for her friend’s safety, and as she looked at Pinkamena, and the way she seemed to be getting more and more agitated... something just struck Pinkie like a nail between the eyes.

“Mena, are you feeling all my fears on top of yours?”

Pinkamena looked away, grimacing, “We need to get moving before another patrol shows up. Won’t do those friends of yours any good if we get caught before finding them.”

As Pinkamena stomped away, Pinkie followed after her, the pair keeping close to the walls that lined either side of the streets. The turned down one street when they saw some Soul Reapers coming from the other direction, hiding around the corner and hunkering down until the troop of six or so darkly clad Soul Reapers ran by. Ducking through a gate into a courtyard where three or four squat buildings were clustered, the pair stayed low and sneaked quietly behind one of the buildings, heading for a small gatehouse around the back end of the courtyard. As they went, Pinkie whispered, “Mena, talk to me. I’m like, pretty scared about how the others are doing. I want to be positive, but it's not easy. But it's even harder for you, isn’t it? Because whenever I try to not feel scared, well, it all goes to you, doesn’t it?”

“This isn’t worth talking about.” said Pinkamena with a soft, yet trembling grow, “Unlike you, I can deal with fear. I’m practically made up of the stuff. Its fun for me. When I’m not being held back.”

“But you can still get scared too, right? You’re worried about the others too.”

“Not. Important!” snapped Pinkamena, “Me being scared? That’s like fire being able to get burned. Stop trying to overthink things. You’re not any good at it.”

Pinkie Pie frowned, but didn’t say anything else. Pinkamena was clearly being extra grumpy and hiding things, but Pinkie could tell that she wasn’t going to be able to get anything out of her other half with the usual badgering methods. The back gatehouse was locked, but Pinkamena dealt with that readily by expanding her mouth and chomping away, making short work of the wooden door with huge crunching bites that were more efficient than going at it with a buzzsaw. This also caused quite a bit of noise and Pinkie Pie looked about like a startled stork, glancing at the buildings behind them as she tapped Pinkamena’s shoulder.

“Uh, do we know that those buildings are empty? ‘Cause I think they’re not empty.”

“Mmmph!” was all Pinkamena replied as she devoured door with rapid gusto.

“Hey! What’s with all the racket out there!? Some of us still have to file several dozen mountains of paperwork, invasion or no invasion!” shouted a Soul Reaper who poked his head out one of the nearby building windows, who then looked at the two pink girls down by the back gate with confused eyes. Especially as Pinkamena turned around, cheeks stuffed with door like balloons.

“The fu-” the Soul Reaper began, but Pinkamena proceeded to interrupt him by spitting out a barrage of door fragments like a living machine gun, causing him to yelp and duck behind cover as the window from was shredded by wood chips fired with ballistic accuracy.

“Blech, wood tastes like butt.” Pinkamena grunted, wiping her mouth and grabbing Pinkie Pie, “Come on, move it or lose it, Pinks!”

The shouts of alarm combined with ringing alarm bells certainly urged Pinkie Pie along, while Pinkamena and her hauled it out the gate and down another street. They made several rapid turns, sprinting like a pair of pink cheetahs, all but leaving a dust trail in their wake until the sounds of alarm bells fell behind them in the distance. Finally they ended up on another street, this one a long straight shot with no diverging paths. Still, Pinkie and Pinkamena both kept running, not willing to risk slowing down in case of pursuit. This led them to come to the end of the street into a vast courtyard, and both halted in their tracks at the threshold and at the very odd sight that greeted them there.

The courtyard was rather huge, with the same white stone polished tiling as the streets, and wide enough to fit several of Canterlot High’s gymnasiums in it. At the opposite end was a tall wall that merged with a multi-tiered pagoda styled building with slanted orange roofing, and several long balcony overlooks hanging over an archway through the middle of the building that crossed beyond towards the huge mountain plateau where the shining white towers of the Soul Reaper main headquarters could be seen.

However, the courtyard wasn’t empty, but was filled with dozens of Soul Reapers. Only rather than on alert, these Soul Reapers were all seated at long tables situated on either side of the courtyard, all of them laughing, chatting, and drinking. The tables were laden with food and drink, and small sake cups clinked together in toasts. Several obviously drunk Soul Reapers were even dancing on top of some of the tables while their companions shouted and cheered.

“Huh, so this is what it feels like to hallucinate.” Pinkamena stated with blunt wonderment.

“Ooooo! They’re partying!” Pinkie was puzzled, yet couldn’t help a little smile from seeing some Soul Reapers actually kicking back and enjoying themselves. But why was this party happening right now? Not that Pinkie Pie thought parties needed excuses to happen, but usually you don’t throw a party during an emergency.

“Well, it’s dumb, whatever it is. We should turn around before anyone spots us-” Pinkamena said, but before she could finish there was a loud, cheerful call from above.

“Well hey there! Come to join the fun guys! Hah, of course you have!” shouted a tall, orange skinned man with a curly poof of brown hair and twinkling, amused green eyes. He stood atop the wall next to the entrance Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena had entered from, and Pinkie immediately noticed the man was not only wearing the normal black Soul Reaper robes, but had on the flaring white coat of a Captain. Nervously she waved.

“Heheh, y-yeah, we’re here for the party!”

She blinked and the Captain was between her and Pinkamena, arms out and grabbing both of them into a big, friendly hug. “Great! Whenever we Eight Division guys throw a party nobody from the other divisions ever wants to show up! I mean c’mon, guys, loosen them jimmies, am I right? Ha! Hey everybody, look, we got guests! And two cuties by the look of ‘em! C’mon girls, let me get you some drinks!”
It was around then Pinkie noticed the man had that unmistakable tinge of alcohol scent about him, and he had a clay sake bottle dangling loosely from one hand as he, with surprising strength for a guy as lanky as he was, drew both her and Pinkamena into the courtyard.

“Pinkie...” Pinkamena said with tension flaring up and down her spine, a bristling cat ready to spring in any direction. Pinkie Pie just shook a placating hand at her, as if to say ‘just play it cool’. Pinkamena’s jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed, but she nodded.

“Pinkie, is that what I heard your name was, hmm?” asked the man, grinning.

“Oh, uh, sure! I’m Pinkie and this is Mena. We’re, er...” well, the First Division didn’t work last time, so, random number time! “We’re from the Third Division. Yup. That’s us.”

“Heeeeey that’s great! What’s Daring Do up to right now anyway? As you can see-” the man gestured around at the party, “-I’m hard at work getting my people ready to repel the Ryoka invaders.” He half laughed, half snorted, taking a drink of sake, “Isn’t that right fellas!? We’re ‘preparing’!”

A few nearby Soul Reapers, one of which had a bowl of noodles on his head, turned around and provided varying degrees of salutes.

“Yes sir, Captain Cheese Sandwich, sir! We’re completely, one hundred percent ready to do our jobs to our utmost ability. You just give the word!”

“Heheh, you guys are the best. Keep up the good work.” Cheese Sandwich said, leading Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena to a low table stretched across the back end of the courtyard, at the head of the party, where other Soul Reapers sat and chatted, and many waved greeting to the Captain as he came up and vaulted over the table, dragging a bemused Pinkie and irate Pinkamena with him, one under each arm. He sat them down on either side of him as he sat down heavily on a floor mat and made wild gestures at the food there. “Now go ahead and eat up! You two look like minors so I guess drinks are out, buuuut I could also make an exception to the rule. I won’t tell Captain Daring Do I let her people get sloshed on duty if you keep it under your hats.

“Well, um, heheh, when in Rome, eh Mena?” said Pinkie Pie, licking her lips and realizing that all that fighting earlier had really worked up her appetite. So without wasting time thinking about she decided to dig in and started eating away, utilizing her full Pie family prowess to start demolishing the food immediately available.

Pinkamena by contrast didn’t touch anything in front of her and looked ready to start committing murder as she looked around her with sour lips pressed tight.

“Yeesh, you’re sister is looking pretty glum, ain’t she?” Cheese Sandwich said, elbowing Pinkie Pie and giving Pinkamena a sidelong look.

“Oh, Mena’s just really upset because, uh, somebody put her uniform in the wrong laundry. That’s why she’s not wearing one.”

"Figured it was something like that.” Cheese Sandwich said, then took Pinkie Pie completely off guard by instantly giving her a sober look followed by a sly wink. “I mean, somebody might’ve mistaken her for one of the Ryoka running around, but clearly none of them would be crazy enough to just walk into one of the division barracks. I mean, that’d just be silly.”

Pinkie gulped and chuckled, “Ha ha ha, yeah that’d be crazy, right? I mean, what’re the chances any Ryoka would show up here! Pfft, I mean they’d have to preeeeety stupid to do something like that, and get surrounded by a bunch of Soul Reapers that want to capture them, let alone sit right next to one of the big, head honcho Captain types. Hah...”

Captain Cheese Sandwich sighed contently and sipped his sake, “Yeah, tell me about it. Of course this party isn’t going to last forever. It's just an Eighth Division tradition to have a big party before any big operation to get everyone to loosen up before things get serious. I like to keep morale high. It’s important for people to enjoy themselves and have fun. But soon enough I’ll have to follow orders and have my people out there searching for the Ryoka with all the rest. Of course if there were any Ryoka nearby listening in, well I just hope they’d understand I don’t want to hurt them, but it’s also probably for the best that they stay put right here where I guarantee it’s safer than wandering around. Because if I ran into them once this party was over, I’d still have to follow orders and detain them. But good thing there’s no Ryoka here, right?”

Pinkie Pie gulped, “Yup... that’s a real good thing.”

A minute later a woman approached, snatching a muffin up from the table and taking a happy bite while she stood beside Cheese Sandwich. She had a bouncy, plumb colored head of hair tied into a ponytail, and skin of a more subdued pink shade than Pinkie Pie’s own. She had the armband on of a Lieutenant and blinked with curious violet eyes at the two new guests at the table.

“Hi Captain, didn’t know we had visitors. I’ve got a communication updating us on the situation.” she held up a scroll, twirling it between her fingers, “Sounds like Captain Platinum is requesting we move out. Pretty sure she knows our pre-op party tradition too.”

“Hey there Lieutenant Sugar Belle! So Plats going to badger us into getting off our butts, eh? Hmm, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that’s a whole lot of ‘not our problem’. We’re still partying, as part of a very important preparations for mobilizing the division. Can’t rush these things. Got to go through all the proper steps. Which includes a polka dance we haven’t even gotten to yet! Did you bring my instruments, by the way?”

Sugar Belle coughed politely, nodding, “Yes sir.”

“Super!” he turned to give waggling eyebrows to Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena, “Whaddya say girls, you up for some dancing?”

Pinkie Pie shared a worried glance with Pinkamena. Much as the two of them were at odds over certain things, there were other things they were completely in sync over. The need to find and help their friends was one of them. She gave Cheese Sandwich a uneasy look, “It’s a really amazing looking party and we’d really had to be downers, but we’ve got, well... important things to do. People who’ll miss us if we stick around here all day, even if it is safer.”

There wasn’t any real obvious change in Cheese Sandwich. It wasn’t a clear cut thing, but rather just a slow, simple shift in the way he sat, a tightening around his eyes and a slight heaviness to his previous light tone. Sugar Belle noticed it and immediately gave the scene a more concerned look as she stepped back from Cheese Sandwich, who spoke in a very quiet voice, one that only Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena could hear.

“You won’t help your friends by making more of a mess of things out there, girls.” he said, not looking at them, but instead taking a slow sip from his sake bottle, “I appreciate why you came. Celestia and Luna are dear friends. I have no intention of letting either of them be executed. Maybe, just maybe, would you consider just staying here in my barracks? I promise you’ll be safe here until this is all over. But if you try to leave... you won’t give me a lot of choice. I’m a nice guy, and I don’t usually play by all the rules, but even I can’t let Ryoka willing waltz out of my sight to cause whatever harm they wish, especially when one of them stinks so much of violence it’s practically gagging me.”

Cold sweat drops broke out on Pinkie Pie’s forehead, her hands turning clammy as she realized just how much serious trouble she and Pinkamena had just landed in. Yet she gripped her hands into tight little pink fists and took a deep breath. The other girls were out there, and they’d need her and Mena’s help. She wasn’t about to just sit in a safe barracks waiting for everything to happen on its own. She could never forgive herself if she left her friends to do all the risky stuff. She might’ve just been a silly party girl by most people’s reckoning, but she was a Pie and that meant always being there for friends and family, words that meant basically the same thing to Pinkie Pie.

“That’s real nice of you Mister Cheese Sandwich. And it looks like you throw really awesome parties. I wish we got to meet in way better circumstances than this. Thing is, me and Mena have to find our friends, and do whatever we can to help them. That’s just a given. Don’t even have to make it a Pinkie Promise to make it that serious. So we’ve got to go. Even if doing that means crashing this party, which any other day I’d kick myself for even thinking of doing. But you know how it is...”

“Yup, I sure do at that, little ladies.” said Cheese Sandwich, who then slowly stood and clapped his hands to get the attention of all the Soul Reapers in the courtyard. “Okay boys and girls! I know we usually do these parties longer but the other Captains are starting to get ants in their pants over us having our fun, so time to start doing our jobs!”

At the groans that followed he held his hands out, “I know, I know, I’ll make it up to you guys with a extra special big party once the crisis is over! Consider it a Captain Cheese Promise! Now sober up folks and get moving out to your assigned search areas!”

In a strange emulation of their Captain it looked to Pinkie Pie that the Eight Division Soul Reapers were able to do remarkable one eighties in terms of attitude, switching from party animals to sudden professional seriousness in the blink of an eye. The moment Cheese Sandwich called the party the entire courtyard got cleared in record time as Soul Reapers gathered into squads and quickly cleaned up, then moved out, marching down the street that Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena had arrived through. Within minutes only Cheese Sandwich and Sugar Belle remained, the former looking on with confusion as her Captain stood up and dusted himself off, slowly striding out into the open area of the courtyard.

“Um, Captain, sir, what’s going on?” Sugar Belle asked, casting wondering glances at Pinkie Pie and PInkamena, who both also stood and faced Cheese Sandwich.

Keeping his back turned to them, Cheese Sandwich waved to Sugar Belle, “Say Lieutenant, knock knock.”

Sugar Belle gave him a flat look, then sighed and said, “Who’s there.”


Sugar Belle licked her lips and took another step back from Pinkie Pie and PInkamena, “...Ryoka who?”

“Ryoka standing right next to you that I’m going to have to fight now and I’d really appreciate it if you made sure nobody shows up to interrupt since I don’t need the complications of explaining this to anyone else.”

“Captain, should I point out how this sounds like a really bad idea, or would I just be talking to myself at that point?” asked Sugar Belle.

“Well if it makes you feel better you can just pretend I’m too drunk to know any better.”


“...Alright I’ll admit I walked into that one. Still, gonna fight now, so please just keep watch and give a shout if you see anyone coming.”

“Fine sir, just... don’t go overboard.” Sugar Belle said while jumping up to one of the balconies of the barracks behind her. At the same time Pinkamena glared at Cheese Sandwich.

“So you knew who were were from the start and just played coy? Cute. I’m going to start chewing on your face now.”

“Last chance girls, you can both just stay here at the barracks as my guests, safe and sound. I promise you I’ll do all I can to make sure your friends are unharmed and that this whole business with the execution is halted. But I can’t have you two leaving here.” Cheese Sandwich said, almost imploringly, as his hand strayed down to the hilt of the Zanpaktou he had sheathed at his right side. The weapon’s sealed form looked like a common enough katana, but its cross-guard was oddly shaped, like someone had taken a slice of bread and split it in half to form around the curved blade of the sword. The handle itself was wrapped in bright yellow cloth.

Pinkie Pie shook her head sadly, and with a deep breath she was wreathed in luminous wisps of pink energy until with a bright snap of light she transformed into the twirling shape of her hammer form, spinning until it landed in Pinkamena’s waiting grasp.

Cheese Sandwich gave a slow nod, and drew his Zanpaktou, the polished steel sliding almost silently from its sheath as he spun it in a simple flourish and turned to face the girl turned hammer and her clone partner.

“Figured as much.”


Applejack nearly flew through the roof when she woke up, sitting up with enough force to leap to her feet, ready to fight. She spun around wildly, trying to get her bearings, and only succeeded in making herself dizzy and nearly teeter off her feet. Feeling the world spin, she planted her feet solidly and rubbed her head, taking deep breaths as she waited for the dizziness to pass.

When it finally did she blinked at the room she was in. It looked like a finely furnished bedroom, minus the bed. She’d been lying instead on a thick floor mattress, albeit one with elegant silk covers with a distinctly embroidered flower petal sigil in icy blue coloring. The rest of the room had well polished wooden cabinets and a desk, the walls made from wood paneled rice paper covered in detailed paintings of calming mountain landscapes. There was an open window nearby that showed a wide garden, complete with a beautiful pond and fountain where streams of water fell down carefully placed stones into a bamboo device that let the water build in one end until it made one end of the bamboo branch tilt down, then quickly fall back when the water left, allowing the bamboo to hit a nearby rock with a distinct ‘thwack’ sound.

“Where n’ tarnation...?” Applejack breathed, then heard the sliding of a paper door behind her. She spun about, nearly summoning her Fullbring, until she saw that the person standing in the doorway wasn’t a Soul Reaper, but instead was a young boy.

He couldn’t have been much older than ten, maybe eleven, very close to Applebloom’s age. He had a mop of shiny dark brown hair sitting atop a head a bit too big for his gangly body, making it clear he had room to grow, but for now he was just a small fry. He had cream colored skin, but had the oddest blotchy patch of brown around his left eye, a brown that matched his eye’s color. He wore a light blue kimono with a darker blue sash, and tucked into the belt was a small blade, but somehow Applejack doubted it was a Zanpaktou. It wasn’t much larger than a dagger.

Seeing her, the boy gave a slight start, and spoke in a light, breathy voice that was thickly accented with what sounded to Applejack vaguely British. “Good morning miss! I’m glad you’re awake. You’re the first one.”

“The first what? Where’s this place? Who’re ya?”

The boy took a step back from Applejack, as she’d all but grabbed the poor kid, looming over him with eyes staring down at him intently. He offered her a stuttering smile as he said, “I don’t mean you any harm, so please calm down miss. My name’s Pipsqueak, miss, and you’re in my home. You and your friends fell into my family’s garden, and since you were all hurt, I brought you inside to tend to your wounds.”

“Ya...did, huh?” Applejack slowly eased back from the boy, face reddening as she realized she’d been inches from manhandling not only a ten year old boy, but also her and her friend’s potential savior. “Uh, well, thanks a bunch fer that, an’ sorry ‘bout gettin’ all up in yer grill just now.”

“Oh that’s quite alright. I’m just happy you’re okay. It's bad manners to let guests die in one’s care, and mother would be disappointed if I showed a guest bad manners.” Pipsqueak said, then suddenly put his hand around his mouth to cover it as he coughed. Applejack, blinking in surprise, looked at the coughing boy hesitantly.

“Are ya alright there, kid?”

Pipsqueak waved his free hand a few times in a dismissive gesticulation until his coughing fit ended and he managed a wane smile, “Just tip top, miss. Its nothing, just a condition. Gets a tad uppity in the mornings. Come now, let me show you to your friends.”

He led her out into a smoothly polished hallway, and in short order Applejack realized this ‘home’ was in fact a rather large mansion estate, easily on par with Twilight Sparkle’s home, if done in a more spread out, eastern style with countless rooms separated by thin paper walls. There were interior gardens and pools to be seen, along with large rooms filled with what looked like family portraits. Applejack paused at one such room, eyeing a huge portrait that covered much of one wall. She recognized the woman in the portrait who stood beside Pipsqueak with one hand gently clasping the boy’s shoulder.

“Yes miss, is something wrong?” asked Pipsqueak.

“Is that yer ma?” she asked, nodding at the portrait.

Pipsqueak smiled brightly, “Mmmhmm! She’s not only the head of our family, but a Captain of the Gotei 13. I’m proud to be her son.”

I’ll bet... Applejack thought, but said nothing as they passed by the room with the portrait of Captain Platinum and her son, Pipsqueak. Applejack wasn’t in a rush to mention she knew the boy’s mother, or that for the moment they were essentially enemies. Furthermore she wasn’t sure just how out of danger she and her friends were, if they were inside the home of Platinum. Strange, though. For the sheer size of the estate there didn’t seem to be anybody else around. There’d even been other people in the family portraits... so where was the rest of the family?

Before she could ask any further questions, Pipsqueak led her to a larger guest room filled with futons upon which several people were resting. Fluttershy was wrapped up in bandages, freshly cleaned, and was snoozing away, although she looked pale to Applejack’s keen eye. That one armed Soul Reaper fella, Nocturn, was on the futon next to Fluttershy, his missing arm now a thoroughly bandaged stump. Rainbow Dash and Clover were asleep on the other two futons on the other side of the room, neither of them too badly bandaged.

“Huh, why was I in a different room?” asked Applejack as she took in the sight, scratching her head and wracking her memory for just how they ended up here. The last thing she remembered was grabbing Clover and Nocturn when they’d all been swept up by Hurricane’s final tornado attack. Clover's Zanpaktou had transformed into some strange energy net that had been carrying an unconscious Soul Reaper woman that Applejack had recognized as Hurricane's Lieutenant, but Clover had deactivated the net to drop the other Soul Reaper into a tree as they'd been flying over the forest canopy. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had flown away as fast as they could, the tornado hot on their heels, Rainbow Dash carrying Fluttershy while Applejack had struggled to keep a grip on the two Soul Reapers. They hadn’t been watching where they were going, just trying to get away from the tornado, but it had chased them like a giant, flying wind wave, and the last memory Applejack had was the tornado catching up and making her lose her flight balance. She’d tumbled through the air, hearing the others shouting, but she certainly didn’t remember landing.

“Oh, just ran out of bedding here, so had to put you in the second guest room. You all gave me quite the fright, landing so hard in the yard like that.” Pipsqueak said, approaching Fluttershy and looking her over, raising his hands over her. Applejack saw a faint green glow emanating from the boy’s hands, recognizing the healing Kido spells that Clover used. “I’ve done the best I can, but I’m still not very good with Kaido yet. This young lady is the worst off. The wound on her shoulder is too deep for me to fix. You should take her to the Fourth Division’s hospital as soon as you can.”

“Yeah, well, that ain’t gonna be easy ta do, an even if we did... them folk might not help us.” Applejack was more than a little uneasy to talk about it, but if Pipsqueak had been helping them, then he deserved to at least know what he was getting himself into. “Ya see kid, we’re kinda, well ain’t no simple way ta say it but we’re basically the bad guys by Soul Society’s reckonin’ right now. Helping us out might not be a smart move on yer part. Yer ma’ll certainly git mad if she finds out.”

Pipsqueak didn’t take his eyes off of healing Fluttershy as he said, “I rather gathered you girls might be in trouble. Mother doesn’t tell me much of anything. I never really know what’s happening outside these walls, so... well I suppose if I have to behave according to the morals mother taught me then she can’t complain, can she?”

“An’...what morals are those?” Applejack asked.

“To always conduct myself with nobility, compassion, and wisdom, as befits the future head of the Platinum family.” Pipsqueak said, “And for the moment, as far as I’m concerned, that means helping injured people in need. Although I’d appreciate knowing more about who you are and why you might be so badly injured, alongside several Soul Reapers.”

His eyes turned hurt, shadowed by a deep frown, “I never get told anything about what’s happening out there. I know mother is trying to keep me safe, but I’m nearly old enough to seek entrance to the Academy. I should start to learn more. Perhaps you’d be willing to tell me, Miss Applejack?”

She scratched the back of her head, suddenly finding the floor very interesting. “Not sure that’d be such a good idea. It’s all pretty complex an’ stuff. An’ ta top it off, we’re kinda... not really friends with yer ma at the moment, if ya get my meanin’.”

“Oh.” Pipsqueak glanced at her, his eyes surprisingly mature and searching for a kid his age. “I can’t imagine you’re bad people, otherwise you could have hurt me by now. Taken me hostage, perhaps.”

“We ain’t bad folk, that’s fer sure.” said Applejack firmly, “We’re just havin’ a serious disagreement with some o’ the Soul Reapers ‘bout their... policies. Kinda leads to some fightin’, but trust me when I say we ain’t here ta hurt folk. Unless we got ta defend ourselves. An’ as ya can see we got some Soul Reapers that’re on our side. So like I said, things’re complex out there.”

“Mother says that a lot too.” said Pipsqueak, “That things are complicated outside our estate. That when I’m older I’ll understand. I rather think I already understand. Friend and foe isn’t as easy to see as black and white. Well, if she gets mad at me for helping you lot, I’ll just tell her it was ‘complicated’.” He gave a little boyish laugh, but it didn’t last long. “I’m not joking about getting your friend to the Fourth Division hospital. Even if you have to sneak in, there’s medicine there that should help your friend here recover from her wound much faster than anything I can do. If she doesn’t get that treatment soon, this wound might become crippling.”

He paused as another coughing fit took him, and he nearly bent double. Applejack rushed to his side, kneeling down to hold him tentatively.

“Ya sure yer alright there, Pipsqueak? That don’t sound good.”

“I’m... fine... just...” he gulped, huffing and wheezing until he got his breathing under control. His voice got steady, but Applejack could see the haunting echoes of old fear in his eyes. “I’ve lived with it my whole life. Mother always brings me medicine to keep it under control. I have some in my room, and I’ll take it as soon as I’ve sent you and your friends on your way.”

“Whenever they can wake up, sure.” Applejack said, frustration and worry rising inside her. The conversation had already told her this was all of her friends that Pipsqueak had found. Which meant Pinkie Pie, Sunset, Rarity, and Ditzy Doo were unaccounted for. Applejack had no idea if they were captured, on the run, hiding, or...

She shook her head, banishing the worst of her fears. “Where’s this Fourth Division from here?”

“Oh, not far. The hospital is to the west of here, near the base of the Gotei 13’s headquarters mountain. You can’t miss it, it’s a tall white building with the Fourth Division symbol carved into a huge circle on the front.” Pipsqueak went over to a drawer and got out a small scroll along with a ink brush and pot. In a few quick strokes he drew a symbol on the paper and showed it Applejack, essentially a square with two different dash marks inside it. Applejack memorized the symbol with a nod.

“Thanks there, Pipsqueak. We owe ya one.”

“Heh, I’m not even done yet.” he said with a boyish grin, “The noble families of Soul Society have a special entrance to the Fourth Division hospital, for emergencies. Each estate has tunnels that lead right into the hospital. You can use ours to get there in no time and avoid being seen. I’ll even give you one of our ward passes that will get you into the medicine storerooms so you can get what you need for your friend.”

“Geeze kid, yer really stickin’ yer neck out fer us.”

“It's my neck to stick out. And I never get a chance to do so for anybody, really, so I’m happy to do it. Doing this... well it makes me feel useful. That and it is the duty of a noble to help those less fortunate than themselves.”

For a little tyke who could’ve been going to grade school alongside Applebloom, this young boy sure did hold a sense of resolve that Applejack could only respect. He could potentially get in a huge heap of trouble for helping them, but he wasn’t hesitating. How had someone like Platinum raised such a good kid? With a deep breath, Applejack smiled and gave Pipsqueak a friendly punch on the shoulder. “Well I ain’t gonna argue that with ya. Soon as my friends are up an’ runnin’ we’ll git outta yer hair. With any luck won’t no one even know we were here. Speakin’ o’ which, anyone else here we should be worried ‘bout findin’ us?”

Pipsqueak smiled wanly as he glanced out the window, “It's usually just mother and me here. After father died, mother rarely has company over. This is just the primary family estate. The Platinums are a noble house with many local estates. I have aunts, uncles, cousins, but they don’t live here in the main house. Mother doesn’t trust servants around me either, so most of the time I’m by myself.”

“Sorry ta hear that...”

“It's okay. Mother always makes time for me, even with all her duties. Heh, to tell the truth it's a bit smothering. I wish she’d get out more, have some friends, instead of spending so much time worrying about me.” Pipsqueak finished checking on Fluttershy’s wounds and moved over to Rainbow Dash, who tossed and turned on her futon. “Your blue friend here looks like she’s recovering the fastest. I think she’ll be awake pretty soon. I should see about getting food prepared for all of you.”

“Look we’re alreay imposin’ way more than we oughta, so soon as they’re awake I’m thinkin’ we need ta get... goin’...” Applejack trailed off as her body tensed up. At first she wasn’t certain why, but a moment later her spiritual senses kicked in, warning her of incoming danger. A moment later she actually got a sharp and powerful sense of another spiritual pressure out there, closing in quickly. Her heart started to race, because while she’d only felt this reiatsu briefly, she knew it well and certainly wasn’t going to forget it any time soon.

It was her mother, Sweet Cider.

“Miss? Is everything okay? You look terrified all of a sudden.” Pipsqueak said, blinking at her worriedly.

Applejack, gritting her teeth, turned to him, eyes flashing seriously. “Pipsqueak, is there anywhere nearby that’s a good, open space, without anyone around?”

“Huh? Well, there’s the Academy training yards to the north. There shouldn’t be any classes going on at this time, and those courtyards are quite spacious so cadets can train in Kido.” Pipsqueak said quickly, frowning at her, “But what’s happening? You look so spooked.”

“Someone’s coming. Quick.” Applejack said, trying to sharpen her senses and gauge just how far away Sweet Cider was. It was hard to tell precisely, but she thought she had some time. She couldn’t quite pinpoint Sweet Cider’s exact location, but she could tell she was coming towards them. But how? How could Sweet Cider tell where they were? Was it just a lucky guess on her mother’s part, or...

Or was it that Sweet Cider could feel where Applejack was? She’d felt a connection of sorts when she’d first confronted her mother. A powerful draw that was hard to explain, but it was clear her spirit energy was calling out to her mother’s, and vice versa.

If she’s tracking me, and just me... then maybe I can lure her away.

Applejack looked at her wounded, bedridden friends. Even if Rainbow Dash woke up then and there, what were the odds that she could convince her friend to stay behind and help the others while Applejack went off to face Sweet Cider alone? It was probably for the best they were still unconscious. More than that, it’d keep their spirit pressures low so Sweet Cider might not notice them, especially if Applejack acted as a much more tempting target.

“Pipsqueak, I gotta git goin’. Someone's comin’ who’d mean my friends harm if they found us here, but she’s after me more n’ them. If I go be bait, she’ll chase me, and probably pass this place right on by.”

Pipsqueak gulped, looking at her with wide brown eyes. “I don’t pretend to know what’s happening, but surely if you go alone you won’t stand a chance. This is noble estate, surely to trespass here would violate our rights as a noble house-”

“Trust me kid, the one who’s comin’ won’t give a damn ‘bout that. She’s only after me.” Applejack’s emerald eyes glared with hardening resolve as she clenched her fists, her heart set upon the course she’d just chosen. “And I’m gonna give her what she wants, ‘cause I got to face her too. Thank you, Pipsqueak, fer all yer help. Look after my friends, an’ when they wake up... send ‘em on ta the Fourth Division. Don’t tell ‘em ‘bout me even bein’ here. It’d just make ‘em worry, an’ knowing one o’ ‘em,” she gave a pointed look at Rainbow Dash, “She’d come chasin’ after me. Which I can’t afford.”

Concern shone in his eyes, but he showed that mature understanding that went beyond his short years and gave her a solemn nod. “I shall do as you ask, but please, be careful. I’d hate for all my hard work in tending to your health to go to waste.”

Applejack gave him a smile, tipping her hat to him, and without another word rushed out the window, hopping out into the open garden beyond. Rushing along at a full run towards the wall, she summoned her Fullbring. The armored boots and gauntlets formed around her instantly in flashes of golden light, and with bursts of energy from her boots and palms she took to the sky. She let her spirit energy flare out like a shining torch, intentionally marking herself out.

“Here I am, ma, come an’ git me!” she breathed, blasting away at full speed like a soaring rocket to the north. She felt the return spike of her mother’s spiritual pressure, a incredible wave of power that flowed behind her like a tidal wave chasing her. As terrifying as the feeling was in some ways, there was a undercurrent of painful nostalgia along with it. For an instant it almost felt like being a little kid, running and playing hide and seek in the orchards, her mother chasing her while pretending to be a bear or wolf in some silly kid’s game.

Well, the games were over. One way or another, it was time to confront her mother, with no one around to interfere with this important Apple family business. That was the other reason she didn’t want Rainbow Dash or any of her other friends involved with this. Sure on some level she wanted them safe, but more than that this was a matter for Apples to deal with. This was between mother and daughter, and nobody else’s business!

Within minutes she spotted what Pipsqueak had been talking about. While so much of the Seireitei looked the same to her, with its immaculate white buildings arranged in complex yet ordered patterns, there were still areas that stood out either because they broke with the pattern or were larger than the more uniform buildings. Beyond the clean and picturesque noble estates there was a large wall marked with tall towers that looked like it was a broad avenue between the mountain housing the Soul Reaper headquarters to the west, and the Seireitei’s border wall to the east. North of this avenue was an entire wide section of space given over to a huge, square shaped building with an open center, and each corner marked by a tiered pagoda towers. Between this building and the avenue of towers was a series of wide, open stone yards that matched what Pipsqueak had described. They were basically three different wide fields of tiled stone, with what looked like bunkers and target ranges arranged around their sides. One could set up everything from large scale physical exercises to Kido spell training in those spaces, and they were right in front of the building that Applejack guessed was the Soul Reaper Academy.

Even if there’s anyone ‘round, chances are they’ll just be cadets. They’d have to be pretty dang dumb ta step in between a fight with a’ Captain.

Fortunately, as Pipsqueak said, the area looked empty as Applejack curved down and spun into a hard landing in the middle of the central training yard. She dusted herself off and then turned to wait, one hand on her hip as she kept her spiritual energy flaring high to make it obvious where she was.

She didn’t have long to wait.

When she arrived, Sweet Cider landed like a crashing meteor, cracking stone tiles beneath her feet. Applejack guessed she must have jumped across the wall and timed her arc just right to land no more than twenty paces away. Sweet Cider was still covered in dirt and blood from her fight with Ditzy Doo, but if her wounds were bothering her Sweet Cider didn’t show it as she bounced her huge, nearly blunt Zanpaktou off her shoulder and met Applejack’s waiting gaze with shining eyes of her own.

“Ya ain’t runnin’.” Sweet Cider noted.

Applejack still trembled inside, hearing her mother’s voice, gazing upon her face. Inside her heart all she wanted to do was rush over and embrace the woman in front of her, bury her face in that familiar shoulder and cry and bawl like a child for hours.

But that wasn’t possible. As long as Sweet Cider didn’t remember who she was, Applejack couldn’t hold her mother, couldn’t tell her anything that had happened to her or Big Mac, or Applebloom, or Granny Smith for all the years she and pa had been absent. A true reunion couldn’t happen until she’d pounded the memory of who she really was back into Sweet Cider’s thick skull! Damn Soul Reapers! All the anger she’d buried came flaring right back to the surface as she silently cursed the Soul Reapers for all that had happened to her family!

She raised her fists, taking on a ready fighting stance. “‘Course I ain’t runnin’. I got too much that’s needin’ ta be put right ta turn tail. Startin’ with makin’ ya remember who ya are, ma!”

Sweet Cider’s face was stone as she brought her Zanpaktou to bear in a loose, one handed stance, cracking her neck, her spiritual energy blanketing the air with powerful, deadly intent. “Yer still on ‘bout this whole me bein’ yer old lady? Figurin’ that’s even true, it don’t change nothin’. You an’ yer buddies can’t be allowed ta run all over te place stirrin’ up trouble when we’re already in a tight spot wit them two idiots about to be executed.”

“Then help us do somehin’ ‘bout it!” shouted Applejack, frustration boiling over, “We’re here ta save ‘em both, an’ if ya don’t want ‘em dyin’ then you should be on our side danggit!”

“Ain’t that simple, little hayseed...” Sweet Cider said, and Applejack saw her frown, as if Sweet Cider didn’t understand where that nickname came from. With a growl, Sweet Cider said, “A fight like that, hell a fight like what we got goin’ right here, is just the kind o’ distraction the real bad guys are probably laughing their heads off ‘bout. I gotta put a’ stop ta it all fast, startin’ with makin’ sure you crazy girls are locked up somewhere safe n’ sound ‘till this all blows over. Give up an’ come along quiet like, an’ that’ll help more n’ any o’ this foolish runnin’ ‘round tryin’ ta play jailbreak.”

Applejack clenched her jaw and tensed her body, “Ain’t happenin’, ma. We’re committed ta this ‘till the end. Even if we gotta smash our way through every dang Soul Reaper Captain that gits in our way.”

A strange smile came over Sweet Cider’s face, one that left Applejack feeling like she was a little girl again, alone and facing a hungry wolf that’d wandered onto the orchard. Her mother’s reiatsu concentrated into a sharp point, flowing into her Zanpaktou, which seemed to make the air vibrate with excitement.

“Heh, crazy thing is girl, I’m kinda glad yer bein’ stubborn ‘bout this. Somethin’ in me wants ta see what yer made of. If ya really are my own flesh n’ blood...” Sweet Cider’s spiritual energy exploded out of her in a visible, violent gold aura that cracked the stone around her and made her eyes become like twin emerald nimbus of light. “Then ya’d better make this fight a good one!”

Despite her fear, Applejack felt herself focusing, her soul seeming to sharpen just like her mother’s Zanpaktou onto a single point, until all she could see was the woman before her. Gold energy matching Sweet Cider’s flared up around Applejack, the two women like mirrors of one another.

“If that’s what ya want, ma...”

With thrusters of gold energy exploded from her shoulder armor, Applejack rocketed forward, spinning into a roundhouse kick. Sweet Cider, laughing merrily, charged to meet the attack with her Zanpaktou tearing up the ground in a uppercut slice that met Applejack’s armored boot in a echoing clash that shattered the ground around the pair.


Sunset edged her head over the edge of the wall she, Rarity, and Ditzy Doo were using for cover. Behind them was a set of warehouses they’d been hopping between, keeping out of sight as they made their way west and north across the Seireitei. The going was slow as they had to keep stopping to let Soul Reaper patrols pass by, or stay hidden when the building they were in got searched. Once or twice Ditzy Doo had needed to use her impressive skills to rapidly knock out a squad of Soul Reapers that got too close to discovering them. After such instances Sunset and Rarity had been tasked with hauling the unconscious bodies to hiding places, stuffing them into closets or shoving them into corners behind crates. At this point there was probably a dozen or so poor Soul Reapers who were going to wake up with nasty headaches.

Now, however, with the morning sun getting higher in the sky, they were finally in sight of their target.

“So that’s the Twelfth Division headquarters?” Sunset asked to clarify, glancing over at Ditzy Doo.

“Yes, that’s the center for the Research and Development Bureau, which isn’t the barracks, but it's the main part of the Twelfth Division.” Ditzy replied, snickering under her breath, “Me and Discy used to call it the Phallic Division, for obvious reasons.”

“Oh did you have to point it out?” sighed Rarity, “Because I wasn’t going to say anything, personally, even if those buildings are a little... err.. unfortunately shaped.”

The buildings in question were a series of pale white affairs thrusting upwards in a tight cluster from a collection of more squat, traditional buildings. They were unlike the other buildings Sunset had seen so far in the Seireitei, having smoother surfaces, and rounded tops that were, in fact, just a tad on the phallic side. Honestly to her they looked more like giant white push-pops. The Twelfth Division had a few other odd buildings around its headquarters, including some domes bunched up around the southern end that had antenna-like protrusions coming out of their tops. It was all enclosed inside a low wall, with a front gate of tall wood, the gates themselves standing open.

It was all still distant, but close enough that they’d reach there if they just kept heading forward for another few hundred yards. Between them and the Twelfth Division’s headquarters there was a circular gathering of buildings that looked as if they were built around a pool of water crossed by a intersection of elegant wood bridges. Since more heavily patrolled streets lined either side of the area, the only clear way through to the Twelfth Division was through the circular cluster of buildings, which didn’t look as if it had anyone around near as Sunset could see.

“Seems to me we have to sneak through those buildings with the pool down there to get by.” she said as the three of them backed away from the edge of the wall, leaning against it as she glanced at Rarity and Ditzy Doo, “Don’t suppose you know what they are, Ditzy?”

Ditzy scratched her nose, smiling, “They’re called the ‘Four Heavens’ Inn. It's a special guest inn for people visiting the Seireitei. Top quality spa and restaurant, along with a tea house. Even if it's meant for guests, a lot of Soul Reapers like to visit there for the food alone.”

Rarity sighed wistfully, “Tea and a spa. If we weren’t hunted criminals I’d be there in an eyeblink.”

The already alabaster girl was looking even more pale than usual, and Sunset couldn’t help but note that Rarity occasionally clutched her stomach. “How are you holding up, Rarity? You took a pretty nasty hit in that fight.”

“Oh this is nothing, darling. Just a teeny bit sore.” Rarity said with a reassuring smile, which soon melted into a look of concern of her own. “What about you? Your arm?”

Sunset grimaced. Her left arm was one big, aching sore, and she could barely move it. Ditzy said that there were a couple of fractures, but that once they got into the Twelfth Division she could scrounge up some medical supplies to help accelerate the healing process. However, for now, Sunset was stuck to using one arm if a fight came up.

“I’ll live. Is it a bad sign that I’m actually getting used to being in pain on a regular basis?” Sunset said, chuckling dryly under her breath.

“It means you girls are getting tougher by the day. Let’s continue this trend.” said Ditzy Doo, who then went back to the top of the wall and gestured for them to follow her. “With the Seireitei on emergency alert there shouldn’t be anyone at the inn. We just sneak by fast and head right for the Twelfth Division. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.”

“I think you just jinxed us.” Sunset said as she and Rarity followed Ditzy over the wall and the three of them started swiftly running across the way to reach the edge of the circular inn buildings.

“Nonsense. There’s no such thing as jinxing. And if there is, well you didn’t want this to be boring, did you?” Ditzy asked with a wink as they crept around the side of the first inn building. Sunset glanced inside one of the nearby open windows. The interior of the inn that she saw looked like a first floor eating area, with lots of tables set up around what looked like some kind of bar set up. It was empty save for one very bored looking young woman in a yellow kimono polishing down the tables.

“Hmm, looks pretty clear here,” Sunset whispered, “I think it's just the inn staff around.”

“Well then, let’s move through quickly before anyone sees us.” Rarity said, licking her lips. “I’d rather not cause a ruckus for poor innocent folk just trying to run an independent business.”

At Sunset’s odd look Rarity took on a defensive tone. “What? I’m studying business courses Sunset, and I know how hard it is to run even a simple, small business. I’d be quite peeved if someone started a fight in my shop.”

"You don’t have a shop.”

“Oh, but I will one day darling. I’ve got it all planned out, and have even picked out the most lovely spot-”

“Talk time over, girls, let’s move.” said Ditzy, all but dragging the two of them along as they all ran low towards the first of the wooden bridges crossing the pool. Sunset cast about furtive glances in tense alert for anyone who might spot them, but thus far the coast looked clear. The center of the pool had a small island with a single cherry blossom tree, where they paused to double check there was no one watching before they started across the next bridge.

Sunset almost relaxed once they were across, but the moment they reached the other side of the bridge someone walked around the corner of the other side of the inn.

He was a tall man with snow white skin and a long wave of blonde hair. He had a classically handsome face with a strong chin and sharp features, complementing bright blue eyes. He wore the uniform of a Soul Reaper along with the long, elegant form of a white Captain’s coat. A white hilted Zanpaktou, heavily curved and hanging in a blue sheath, dangled from his right hip. When the man saw them he looked at them without recognition, but rather just calm yet demanding eyes.

“Ah, inn servants! Quickly now, get my table set and my favorite tea ready. I have only a short time to get a proper moment of relaxation in before I must be off. Hurry now, stop gawking, or do you not recognize who I am? Are you all new staff?”

Ditzy had gone stiff as a board, and Sunset gave her a look that was equal parts smug and distressed.

"No such thing as jinxes, huh?"

Ditzy puffed her cheeks out in an irritated sigh, "I have, on occasion, been known to be wrong about things."

Rarity just looked at the two in confusion. The banter just seemed to annoy the man more, whose voice grew more haughty by the second.

“I said go get my table set. Are you all daft?” He peered at them with his blue eyes blinking, “Hmm, you, the one with the bacon hair. You’re in a Soul Reaper uniform. Aren’t you supposed to be on duty? What are you doing at the inn?”

“Well, that’s...” Sunset thought fast, “I was checking the area in case the Ryoka decided to hide out here, sir.”

“Ah, capital idea. Indeed I’m glad I thought of it. I should have someone check around here while I’m taking my morning tea. Now, you, wench with the purple hair. Do be dear and fetch me my tea.”

Rarity grimaced, her eyes getting keen as daggers. Still, Rarity wasn’t foolish, and managed a thin, coy smile. “Why, um, of course sir. Tea. Coming right up.”

However before another moment passed the blonde man actually took a closer look at Ditzy Doo and narrowed his eyes, scratching his chin. “Wait a moment. I... Do I know you?”

Ditzy, hissing under her breath, said, “I hope not.”

The man’s eyes widened as he pointed an accusing finger at Ditzy, “YOU! I remember you now! You crazy, insensitive, brutish, uncouth, unruly, dirty little cat!”

"Aaaaand there it is. Hello Bluey. So glad you remember me. Only took you, what, a full two minutes to remember while looking right at my face?” Ditzy Doo said, rolling her eyes.

Rarity, still grimacing, turned to Ditzy, “You know this... gentleman?”

Ditzy snorted, gesturing with exaggerated grandiose flare at the man, “Say hello to Captain Blueblood of the Ninth Division. Head of the noble Blood family. All around jackass. So, Bluey, you still upset about that business with the hot sauce?”

A pressure wave of spirit energy, shining white, bursting out from Blueblood made Ditzy sigh and say, “Yup, he’s still upset.”

Blueblood drew his Zanpaktou in a ringing chime of steel and pointed it at them, “I can only presume the two young ladies with you are the Ryoka that have invaded Seireitei. Ha! How fortunate for me! I was intending to just enjoy a nice morning cup of tea before joining in the hunt, but it seems I can enjoy both my tea and the honor of being the first to capture you filthy Ryoka! Truly the gods of fortune smile upon me.”

Sunset gripped and drew Hokori, unsure if she could even go Shikai effectively with one arm, but certainly willing to try. Ditzy Doo also got into a ready stance, but at that moment Rarity stepped forward and took up a position between them and Blueblood.

“Rarity?” Sunset looked at her friend in puzzlement.

Even Blueblood had a bemused quirk to his expression as he looked at Rarity. “What is this now? Is one poorly dressed Ryoka wench looking to challenge me?”

"Poorly dressed!?” Rarity snapped, then took a deep breath, one eyebrow twitching, as she looked over her shoulder back at Sunset and Ditzy. “You two have more important places to be right now. We can’t afford to have you held up here. Please, let me deal with this uncultured oaf.”

It was now Blueblood’s turn to gain a twitchy eyebrow, followed by a few popped out veins on his forehead. “Uncultured!? I’ll have you know I am the soul of culture in this desert wasteland of cultural grace. Have you ever tried sharing an art gallery with a group of people who’s primary concern is how to better stab things with sharp metal objects!? Sweet Cider actually had the gall to call my masterpiece a, and I quote, ‘shiny garbage can on stilts’. As if she could grasp the artistic nuances of my work!”

Rarity cleared her throat, “While I can appreciate the struggles of artistic expression, that doesn’t give you the right to go around insulting whomever you wish-”

Blueblood cut her off with a deadpan look, “Your dress looks like a painted on dishrag.”

Her crimson, crystalline rapier formed in a wash of swirling red blood instantly in Rarity’s tight grip as her eyes turned to needle points of glaring death.

“I will cut you!”

Meanwhile Sunset started to say, “Rarity, I don’t think its a good idea to try to take this guy alone.” However Ditzy Doo put a hand on her shoulder, leaning in to whisper.

“No, she’s being smart about this. She knows if all three of us get into a fight here we’ll lose our shot at sneaking into the Twelfth Division. If she keeps Bluey here distracted, however, you and me can sneak in all the easier and get you that Bankai training.”

“But she can’t-”

“Look, trust me, I know Blueblood. Out of all the Captains he’s probably the weakest. Not a pushover mind you, but Rarity might actually be able to take him if she plays it smart. And Rarity’s one sharp tac. Point is, she’s buying us time.”

Sunset cast worried eyes towards her friend, “Even if she wins, where will she go? She won’t be able to follow us, will she?”

To that Ditzy stepped up next to Rarity, who was still staring with shining wrath at Blueblood. She whispered to Rarity, “Hey, if you take down Bluey, there’s a hidden hideout the Second Division uses at the west base of the mountain. You’ll find it between two boulders. Its marked by a symbol shaped like a cat. Just press it to get inside. Once I’m done training Sunset, we’ll meet you there.”

Rarity took a deep breath, nodding curtly. “I understand. Now do go, Miss Doo, and take care of Sunset. Please don’t waste any more time worrying about me.” She raised her voice above a whisper then, to say, “I shall enjoy teaching this simple minded neathderthal a thing or two about proper manners.”

Sunset found herself shaking her head. She just couldn’t do this. She couldn’t leave one of her friends behind to face the threat of a Captain alone. “Rarity wait! We’ll do this together! We can beat him faster as a team, and you don’t have to take the risk alone!”

Ditzy glanced back at her, “Rarity’s right, we don’t have time to get all of us caught in a fight. Trust her, Sunset.”

There was a growing heat inside Sunset and within Hokori. It started to almost feel like the hilt of her Zanpaktou was burning her palm, but not painfully, just in angry denial. Running away to leave a friend behind, even for sensible reasons, just infuriated her! Well, if she just straight up attacked Blueblood, maybe that’d force the issue!

However, just as she was about to Flash Step towards him, Ditzy Doo beat her to the punch. Literally. By Flash Stepping in front of Sunset and ramming a fist into her sternum.

“Sorry about this kid, but I can tell when somebody’s about to do something stupid. There’s a time and a place for that kind of pride, but it ain’t here.” Ditzy Doo said as Sunset, eyes wide, gasped and fell over Ditzy’s shoulder, stunned. She was lifted up, hefted atop Ditzy Doo’s shoulder, who then gave Rarity a nod of respect.

“See you soon.”

In a smooth eyeblink she leaped into the sky over Blueblood’s head, landing a good distance behind him while carrying Sunset off at a full run. Blueblood, sneering, turned to face them, raising a palm that started to glow with the intense, burning red and orange spirit energy of a gathering Kido.

“Don’t assume I’ll just let you get away from me, Ditzy Doo! Hado Number Thirty Nine: Kongobaku!” (Adamantine Blast)

A swirling ball of flames the size of a small boulder blasted out from his palm, chasing after Ditzy Doo, but just as quickly a wave of crimson blood flew in from above and then splashed down to form a wide barrier of red crystal that intercepted the Kido, which exploded upon the wall. A moment later Ditzy Doo accelerated away with the speed of a blinding Flash Step, and Blueblood was left behind as Rarity let out a chiming laugh, the whirlpool of blood she’d summoned flowing back to stand at the ready above her.

“And you don’t assume I’ll just let you chase them. If you wish to go after my friends, you crass lout, then you must deal with me first.” Rarity held her rapier at the ready, standing tall and fierce. “So, to start this properly... en garde!”

She rushed forward, thrusting the rapier in a speedy streak of a strike that flew like an arrow for Blueblood’s face. He responded with a shocked look but with the speed and grace appropriate to one wearing the uniform of a Soul Reaper Captain, swinging his Zanpaktou around to catch Rarity’s rapier in a flash of sparks. For a second both of them were blade locked, eyeing each other with measuring stares. Then Blueblood pushed hard with his blade, creating a small burst of air between him and Rarity as their spiritual pressure's clashed. Neither was pushed back immediately, and instead they broke off their clash at the same instant, leaping back several paces to face each other once more, squaring off.

Blueblood’s eyebrow shot up, “Color me intrigued. Very well, I’ll honor you with a proper duel, wench. Be grateful.” He flipped his hair, striking a pose, “Very few have the incredible fortune to be so honored as to duel one such as I. Your life, short as it may now be, shall be thoroughly enriched by the battle to come!”

Rarity coughed politely, her voice slathered with sarcasm. “I can hardly contain my excitement.”

Author's Note:

Neither can I, Rarity. The party is getting more and more split as we prepare for the one-one-one battles to come. For our first round of matches we've got the party crashers Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena Vs Eighth Division Captain Cheese Sandwich, in what will probably be a very weird bout. Then there's the passionately charged battle of Applejack Vs Tenth Division Captain Sweet Cider, the ultimate mother-daughter spat. Finally there's the match I didn't bother to foreshadow, but probably should have, Rarity Vs Ninth Division Captain Blueblood, in what will surely be a more violent rendition of their pony counterparts meeting at the Grand Galloping Galla.

Meanwhile Sunset gets to be hauled off for Bankai training, whether she likes it or not.

As always thanks for reading guys, and hope you're enjoying. As per usual never hesitate to let me know what you think via comments, questions, and/or critiques. 'Till next time!

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