• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,950 Views, 5,039 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 132: Winding Down

Episode 132: Winding Down

Upon entering what she affectionately thought of as her “throne room”, Adagio was not surprised to find Thorax waiting for her. The chamber had gone through some recent renovations, courtesy of her increasing resources and availability of labor. What was once a fairly bare, semi-circular room now resembled a well furnished forum that Adagio had styled after a Roman senate chamber. Marble seating filled half the room, large slabs like steps leading down from around the chamber’s edge towards a series of marble columns in front of a series of wide windows looking out into Las Noches’ interior. The seats were made comfortable by plush cushions of a dark, satin red color, and similar colored carpets padded the pathways down to the ‘speaking floor’ where her future subjects could address their concerns to her. Adagio’s “throne” was actually a very comfortable mahogany chair with tall armrests and a higher back, furnished with red leather padding. It sat facing the seating area, on an equally raised dais of stone, putting her at eye level with those she might invite to sit before her. Tapestry clothes fell across the windows, a wine red trimmed with a burning hue of orange that matched her hair.

She wanted to get some plant life to spruce the place up more, add some ivy to the columns maybe, or something to hang across the windows? She was still debating ideas, but she liked the set up so far.

What she didn’t like was Thorax playfully draping himself on her throne, knowing full well he was doing it just to tease her. Finding him there, she let out an unamused snort and said, “Been there long?”

“Just long enough to give your secretary a heart attack,” he said with smooth charm, sitting up from his panther-like lounging and hopping off the chair. “When did you get the bunny girl?”

Adagio rolled her eyes, stepping quickly down the forum steps towards her throne. “Usagi is a recent acquisition. In case you haven’t noticed, many are flocking to an Espada who doesn’t treat them like disposable pawns.”

Which, in truth, brought its own challenges. The “secretary” that Thorax had referred to was one of many Arrancar who had sought out Adagio in the weeks following the Quincy attack on Las Noches. Word of her rise to the ranks of the Espada had spread quickly, along with rumors of her generosity as a leader. Her once empty halls were now filled with dozens of young recruits, many of them undesirables from other Espada hordes who had eked out a meager existence due to their lack of power in comparison to their betters. But word had spread that Adagio didn’t judge based purely on power, but on loyalty and results. She had Score, Dumbbell, and Hoops to thank for that. They’d done much to spread that gossip, as Adagio had wished. She wanted the recruits. She’d need the manpower, but more importantly, it’d further cement her position among the Espada and help act as a deterrent to any notion that taking her out would be a simple matter.

As for Usagi, she was a bit of an oddball, but Adagio had also noticed the slender female Arrancar had a way with people. Sure, there was something of an airhead beneath all that purple hair, and weirdly rabbit-shaped mask fragment on her head, but otherwise Usagi had proven skilled at keeping notes, organizing work teams, and handling a lot of the nitty-gritty aspects of the logistical end of Adagio’s growing horde. At this point Adagio was glad for the help. She had the boys heading up hunting teams to gather lesser Hollows for food, and Di Roy and Gaw working on building new chambers for storage beneath the wall. Then there were the outdoor renovations, including diverting water from the lake to create several reservoirs along the inner wall, and a large outdoor swimming area.

And that was just the start of what Adagio wanted to accomplish, but then Tirek had given her the task alongside Gilda to scout Canterlot City, and that had coincided with her plans to rescue Ember, and the rest became history...

On that note she didn’t take a seat at her throne but instead moved past it and Thorax to gaze out one of the windows, “I trust you recovered Gilda?”

“More like ‘cajoled into finally leaving’,” Thorax said with a throaty chuckle, coming up beside Adagio to lean playfully on the windowsill, “Your friend Fluttershy did quite the number on our muscle-bound bird-brain. I swear when it looked like the final battle was starting to tip the wrong way, I had to almost physically restrain Gilda from rushing into it alongside Smooze.”

Adagio’s eyes twitched narrower, “Ah, yes, nearly forgot about him. What happened to Smooze?”

“He chose to remain behind. Dangerous, I’d say, given how many Soul Reapers there were entering the area before we left, but Smooze has always been good at hiding. I don’t doubt he’s following his new obsession as we speak,” Thorax said, shaking his head, “It’s almost frightening, how powerful those girls have become.”

“Yes,” Adagio said, not without a hint of pleasure in her tone that mixed with a rueful bit of old jealousy, “They are something else. But then again, so am I. That’s what makes them good allies. They’re competent, and trustworthy. Not always an easy combination to find.”

“Why do I feel like that’s a dig at me?” Thorax said, laughing under his breath. Adagio looked at him squarely.

“What happened between you and Luna?”

His mirth faded, his eyes turning flat as a pair of closed doors, “Leave that to me, Adagio. I have something that requires closure between me and her, and considering the shape of events on the horizon, I don’t know if there will be time to do it later. Either I might be dead, or she will, by the time I get another shot at talking to her.”

“That’s a bleak assessment coming from you,” Adagio said, “Do you really think things are coming to a head that fast?”

“Most assuredly,” Thorax replied, turning to affix his gaze upon the sight of Las Noche’s monolithic central tower, like a stone column splitting the world in the distance, “Our little excursion turned into something way bigger than I think either of us expected, and it will trigger both my mother and Tirek to take action. Mark my words, before long we’re going to be mobilizing. All of us. Things will get very hot around here, and surviving the storm will be no easy matter.”

“What else is new?” Adagio said, her own mind turning inward as she considered the possibilities; both her immediate plans, and how to shape them in the near future. She’d survived so far by carefully weighing her options and thinking through her plans, while adapting on the fly when needed. She couldn’t afford missteps, especially in the next few days.

Ember was safe. She was currently resting in Adagio’s own quarters, under guard by Gaw, while Di Roy went to meet with Torch to arrange a time and place to bring Ember to him. Adagio wanted to do that quickly, before going to report to Tirek, but she knew she’d need to do that soon as well. She figured she had a short grace period of at least a day, to recover from the battles that had taken place, so unless Tirek gave a direct order for an immediate meeting Adagio intended to wait until Ember was back with Torch, which should happen by the end of the day.

Then there was the matter of the “Seed” recovered from Grogar’s experiment, and Lament’s condition. He had returned with Fenice and Roka to his tower, and Adagio had a few of her people keeping watch in case Guto or any other Espada made a move towards it. She didn’t think anyone had noticed Lament’s return, or rather, his present weakened condition. What she would do with the Seed would depend largely on how the meeting with Tirek went.

She expected Grogar to make an issue of her taking it from him. He’d try to use his position as Tirek’s scientist as leverage to demand the Seed be given to him to reap the fruits of his study. She’d need to counter that with something convincing, something that would play more to Tirek’s sense of “survival of the fittest”. She had no intention of giving the Seed up without a fight.

Assuming she did manage to keep it, what to do with it? She could give it to Lament in hopes it would rapidly restore his powers. It’d certainly further cement him as an ally, although he’d already proven fairly loyal in that regard. She could use the Seed on herself. Assuming it worked as advertised, the power boost would be considerable. With Lament diminished, and her own power ascendant, could she claim the Fourth Espada position? Did she want to? There wasn’t an immediate advantage to having a higher number, especially when she was still establishing her power base as the Sixth.

But numbers aside, the power boost from the Seed would give her more options when the fighting over the portal caused the inevitable escalation of the battles to come. Yet the fight at Everfree had shown her something, an issue she wanted to correct but wasn’t entirely sure how...

Setting that thought aside, she turned away from the window and paced back to the center of the chamber. Thorax watched her from the window, his expression lightening, if still inscrutable, “So when are you going to ask me about the way to Equestria?”

She flicked a glance over her shoulder at him, “The one you insinuated you have access too? I was thinking of ambushing you with that one later, after handling the debrief with Tirek, but if you want to offer up that information now, I’m all ears.”

“Without your help I wouldn’t be getting my chance to talk with Luna, so I’m feeling generous. More importantly, this will be likely become critically useful if things go down the way I suspect they will,” Thorax said, relaxing his stance as he sat up on the windowsill, one hand holding up a few of his dainty fingers, “First of all, I need you to understand a few points. One, whatever happens in the near future I will not allow anything to occur that brings harm to my siblings. Two, while I don’t fully trust my mother, it is not my objective to turn on her unless I have no other option. And three, as long as you don’t force my hand on the earlier two points, I’ll back your plays against anyone else in Las Noches.”

“There’s quite the endorsement,” Adagio said, not entirely sure she believed him. “What do you have to gain here, Thorax? You’ve taken an interest in me since we first met, and I’m not quite vain enough to believe it's because of my stunning good looks. Chrysalis has an interest in me as well, but I felt from the beginning that was simply because I was a handy tool for dealing with Squirk and shaking things up among the lower ranks of the Espada. What are you getting out of helping me, especially if you’re not keen to turn upon your mother?”

One thing that had always bothered Adagio about Thorax was that she could never quite get a read on what he was thinking. Every expression on his face came across as at least a little manufactured. Practiced. It meant that even when he was being genuine, it was hard to see it for what it was. She knew this because she was very much the same, skilled at projecting what she wanted others to see, which made it hard to make it clear when she was being sincere.

There was a sardonic, almost self deprecating twist of a smile on Thorax’s lips that may well have been sincere as he said, “Change, Adagio. For far too long this place, Las Noches, Hueco Mundo, has been the same desolate wasteland where we Hollows must strive against everyone, including each other, just to eke out another day of existence. I don’t know if it's a curse or not, but I was born with a feeling that this wasn’t the way things should be. Not for me, not for my brothers and sisters."

He paused briefly, and Adagio could sense the seething frustration that built up in his voice, "For a very long time I’ve lacked the power to change things on my own. I needed someone... to trust as a partner. I knew my mother would never be that, and my siblings, for all my love for them, lack the vision or resolve to go against her or the status quo. Once, I thought I found that prospective partner in a young, brash Soul Reaper who my mother took an interest in. That ended poorly, for both of us. Now, with you, I see one last chance. One last person who seems to hate the way things are here as much as I do, and has the ambition, conviction, and intelligence to see her plans through. If you really are the person I think you are, Adagio Dazzle, then I’ll support you. All to bring forth change... any change to this stagnant garbage heap of a world.”

For all she knew this was a well rehearsed speech. Thorax could have gone over his words hundreds of times in his head, selecting each one for maximum effect, maximum believability. In many ways these words were exactly what Adagio wanted to hear; the promise of a potent ally that recognized her value and pledged to support her goals. Which was exactly why she was suspicious of it, despite how genuine Thorax sounded. Yet despite that suspicion, she couldn’t think of a single logical reason for Thorax to deceive her.

If Chrysalis wanted Adagio dead, there was little Adagio could do about it. Having Thorax near to hand to do the deed seemed a roundabout way to eliminate Adagio. Easier to just do it herself. After all, Chrysalis could take anyone’s shape. Killing Adagio would be almost too easy, and Chrysalis could pin it on anyone if she was worried of earning any ire from Tirek due to disposing of a valuable Espada.

As for personal motivations, Adagio couldn’t think of any detrimental ones that Thorax might have. There was a great deal of risk in helping her schemes, yes, but almost nothing to gain by sabotaging her as well. In fact the only motivation that did make any level of sense was exactly what he just said; he wanted change. It jived with everything she’d seen of the man’s actions since meeting him.

Could I just be being overly cautious because I’m afraid to trust him that closely?

When it came to her vassals like Di Roy and Gaw, Adagio’s trust in them was rooted in the manner in which she’d established their loyalty to her and the numerous times they’d proven themselves. Adagio did not extend trust lightly, and rarely to anyone she’d consider an equal. And that was the rub of it. Thorax was nearly as powerful as she was, had objectives of his own, and while a proven competent ally, he had not shown loyalty to her as a vassal. In fact he couldn’t, because he was her equal, a peer. That meant he could more readily stab her in the back, if she offered him trust, even if she had no other rational reason to mistrust him other than that fear.

Adagio did not want to leave herself vulnerable to someone who reminded her so much of herself. But if she was willing to take the risk of extending that trust...?

She closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath. She’d known for a long time now that she’d get nowhere if she was the type to let fear of risks halt her from taking action. As long as she was aware of the dangers, it wasn’t foolish. It was a calculated risk.

Just like Thorax needed someone he could trust to bring about change, Adagio knew that her ambitions couldn’t be realized entirely on her own power. Thorax wouldn’t be a vassal. Nor a friend like Ember. Instead he’d be something else. A... partner.

“Alright,” she said, affecting a smirk of confidence, “Your speech was a bit on the wordy side, but it’s convinced me. I’ll accept you’re on the level, for now.”

He returned her smirk with one three times as sardonic as hers was confident, slipping off the window with the smoothness of a swan, taking a few steps towards her with a low bow, “I’m honored. Is there a secret handshake I must learn to be part of the Adagio Dazzle fanclub?”

“Once you pay your membership dues I’ll send you your starter package, complete with decoder ring,” Adagio quipped back, then shook her head with a sigh, “Jokes aside, about that portal?”

“What makes you so sure it’s a portal?” he replied, and she made a flicking gesture at him.

“Don’t be obtuse. I told you I’ll trust you as an ally and partner, so let’s dispense with the games, hard as I know that is for you.”

“Oh fine. I’ll show you soon enough, since we’ll be short on time anyway,” Thorax said, adopting a more serious expression, “My mother is currently in Equestria, and I have reason to believe she’ll remain there for the immediate future, which means I’ll be impersonating her at Tirek’s meetings.”

“I figured as much. That transformation power is quite handy... and dangerous,” Adagio noted.

“Quite so. While she’s gone, I shall bring you to our ‘palace’ and show you where the portal is. It’s only partially operative from this end, but not to worry, I understand it’s function after spending some time with it. My hope is we can use it to outmaneuver what’s coming.”

“Which you suspect to be...?”

Thorax’s eyes turned hard and smooth as glass, “As my mother’s stand-in I’m privy to some of what she and Tirek have been discussing in terms of long term plans. Equestria had always been a point of interest since its existence was discovered, and the power of magic made evident. Tirek was content to allow those like Grogar conduct their research and take their time with things, but my mother has been whispering thoughts of conquest in his ear. She wants him to launch a direct invasion of Equestria.”

“Using your portal?” Adagio inquired, but Thorax shook his head.

“No, mother considered that her little trump card. She’s been urging him to seize the portal in Canterlot City. Given what we saw happen at the Everfree Forest, I think Tirek may see this as a golden opportunity to strike, before the Soul Reapers have time to fortify their position or the Quincy make another move.”

“How soon do you think he will act?” Adagio asked, tapping her foot in thought. She still needed to consolidate her own power, deal with the Seed, solidify her position with her allies and possibly deal with Guto before he became a problem. If Tirek launched a large scale attack too soon that would make things problematic.

“Difficult to say, but soon, I’m thinking,” Thorax said, shrugging, “Tirek is a very unusual man. He is much like a volcano. He can be calm and patient for what seems like ages, only to suddenly erupt with brutal, singular destruction all at once. If he chooses to take the chance to invade Equestria, expect it to happen in such a manner.”

“If it does, I may need to accelerate my own plans. I don’t suppose you could find a way to stall him, if you’re acting in the role of Chrysalis? Whisper a bit of patience to stall the ‘eruption’?”

Thorax let out a rough chuckle, “While he’s never said anything, I suspect Tirek is well aware that I impersonate my mother. He’s never taken me to bed, for example, while I was wearing her form. I don’t know if my trying to stall him would do any good, or indeed provoke him to act even sooner.”

“Damn... then I’d best get to work,” Adagio said, “Whatever time we do have, I intend to use it wisely, because if Triek does invade Equestria, I have every intention of ensuring he does not return.”


There was a severe quality to the quiet that fell over the party of Quincy as Twilight delegated the swift order of actions that needed to take place, only the bare minimum of words passing between her and her Quincy comrades as they got down to business. Sugarcoat was placed in charge of the other members of Twilight’s team and given the task of recovering all research materials from the field lab, then either packing up or destroying whatever remained, based on what could be carried out.

Filthy Rich was given guard watch over Gladmane, Spoiled Rich, and Sapphire Shores, as well as custodianship of Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara while Twilight and Cadence went to retrieve the remains of Hoity Toity. Normally Twilight would not have wanted to be part of such a grisly task, but she not only felt compelled to do this as part of her duty, but because she wanted a moment alone with Cadence to talk.

“So, everything went according to what Adagio arranged?” Twilight asked, once they were safely away from the others.

Cadence’s expression was stiff, her answer holding a hint of trepidation, “It did. I was surprised. When His Majesty told me what you and he had planned, I think a part of me disliked it on simple reflex. The prejudice against Hollows runs deep, Twilight. Shining Armor didn’t like it either. Me having to sneak out of the Silburn on secret orders. I wasn’t thrilled about meeting one of Adagio’s servants out in the Hueco Mundo desert, but at least he didn’t try to talk with me, just activated the Garganta to bring me to the city. Pretty sure Shining is losing hair worrying about me as we speak.”

“I think that’s more because it was you who drew the straw for coming to back me up here,” Twilight said, “Shiny is always going to be protective of you. Doubly so now that you’re, uh, you know. Um... when are you going to tell him?”

“About...? Oh,” Cadence flinched, her eyes unsure, “I should tell him as soon as I can, shouldn’t I? It wouldn’t be fair to him to keep our child a secret. That’s... that’s so strange to say out loud. We’re going to have a child.”

There was a whole world’s worth of fear, doubt, wonderment, love, and most of all anxiety in Cadence’s words. Twilight was right there with her. The idea of becoming an aunt had been about the furthest thing from her mind over the past month, and Sapphire Shore’s revelation had certainly come out at an awkward time to say the least. Twilight shook her head, offering Cadence a comforting smile, “I’m sure you’ll both be fine.”

“We will. But Shining is going to be impossible to deal with when he finds out, I’m sure. I’ll be lucky if I get to set foot out of the manor, let alone perform my duties as a Sternritter.”

They reached the area that Rarity had described where her battle with Hoity Toity had taken place. Rarity had provided a rough idea where she’d had one of her knight constructs set down Sternritter X’s body, and Twilight and Cadence both descended down into the forest. Amid the trees they found a small clearing, and there he indeed was, laid out against one of the tree trunks in such a manner that if someone had simply jogged by and glanced at him they’d have thought he was merely taking a nap. Of course upon closer inspection Twilight was able to confirm that Hoity Toity had indeed passed on, his body cold and motionless, with no trace of reiatsu to be felt.

She didn’t really know what to think to feel. It disturbed her slightly that she was getting used enough to this kind of thing that there was no immediate sense of revulsion or even heavy regret. She hadn’t wanted anyone to die, of course, but Sapphire Shores, Hoity Toity, Gladmane, and Spoiled Rich had all conspired to try and kill her. It wasn’t a matter of feeling any satisfaction at their failure, or feeling as if they ‘got what they deserved’. It was just this cold, pragmatic realization that this was the result of the uncontrollable nature of violent conflict. Hoity Toity and Rarity both lost their lives fighting for the reasons they felt were justified. That was all war boiled down to; people killing each other for any variety of reasons they felt was worth risking their lives and taking others lives.

She hated it, deep down, but on the surface she was growing numb to it, if only so she could focus on survival and doing the things she needed to do.

Good. Long as you stay focused, we’ll both be able to grow stronger and survive.

Twilight blinked, Midnight?

The response was a swift, sarcastic, No, it’s your other split-personality, Doomlight Twinkle. Of course it’s me!

Twilight then heard Midnight’s voice make a long, drawn out yawning sound, I was just starting to feel better after nearly draining us dry saving the day after Sapphire Shore’s hissy fit. You’re welcome, by the way.

Twilight felt a twinge of amusement at the poutiness in Midnight's voice, Thank you. I really am grateful for all your help, Midnight. You should keep resting. The fighting is over for now, but who knows how long that will last?

Midnight’s musical laughter echoed in Twilight’s head, Knowing you and your friends, I give it a few days, a week at most, before we’re neck deep in explosions again. Not that I’m complaining at a chance to show off more of our magical might. Before that, however, I want to talk to you about a timeshare.

Twilight frowned, Timeshare?

Yeah, like what that gikon Chappy has with Sunset Shimmer. Now that we’re on a more trusting level with one another, I could use some proper ‘body time’, if you get my meaning?

“We’ll... talk about that. Later,” Twilight said out loud, standing up from where she’d been kneeling in front of Hoity Toity’s body. Cadence gave her an odd look, and Twilight responded with a sheepish smile, “Midnight.”

“Right. She’s certainly an... interesting individual,” Cadence said, “We probably wouldn’t have won without her. Just don’t let her push you around, Twilight. That’s still your body. Set some boundaries, if she starts making you uncomfortable.”

Midnight's voice let out a huff, Geez, she’s still acting like our babysitter, Midnight drawled in annoyance, If she’s going to lecture you, why not ask her how she got knocked up by our brother? Hasn’t she ever heard of ‘protection’?

“I am not asking her that!” Twilight sputtered, then, red faced, turned away from Cadence, “Anyway let’s get Hoity Toity’s body and get going! Sugarcoat and the girls ought to be done at the lab by now!”

“O...kay?” Cadence said, clearly curious but hiding it behind a professional mask as she got on one side of Hoity Toity’s body and helped Twilight pick him up.

As they took to the sky once more, careful to time their Hirenkyaku steps with one another so as to not drop the body they held between them, Twilight’s curiosity started to act up, despite her words. “Um, Cadence, not to pry, but... how did you and Shining...?”

Cadence didn’t blush, or even sound all that embarrassed, as she replied, “I can’t be certain, but given the timing, and how I’m not showing yet, my guess it was just before the attack on Las Noches. We were both nervous. It was spur of the moment. I was far from the time of month it’d be most dangerous, so I thought it’d be okay. Just goes to show you can never be certain, right? Remember that, I guess, if you ever find a guy-”

“And now I’m remembering why I shouldn’t ask you about stuff like this! You never get embarrassed by it! But, yes, note taken, no such thing as a ‘safe day’. Moving on now!”

Inside her head she heard Midnight’s dark giggling echo for some time.


The drive back to the city somehow felt shorter than the drive in, not so many days ago. Ditzy Doo had driven ahead in a separate van, bringing along with her Derpy, Timber Spruce, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Scootaloo’s giant stone bird, Alerion, had returned to the crest engraved in the girl’s scooter, tucked in the back of the van. Gaia had not had any interest in riding in a vehicle, until Sweet Cider pointed out that it’d be easier to stay concealed and not rile up every Soul Reaper in the city, to which Gaia had reluctantly taken a seat next to her brother and did her best to suppress her reiatsu.

Sweet Cider and Celestia would follow the two vans on foot, and clear up any issues if any Soul Reapers decided to challenge the group’s passage. That left Discord driving the second van with Sunset and her friends in it, Clover included, and Chappy tucked away in Sunset’s backpack.

Canterlot City was still in a state of shocked chaos by the time the van Discord was driving the girls in rolled on through its streets. Sunset watched in the same subdued silence as her friends as they passed by shattered storefronts, rubble strewn streets, all awash with the flashing lights of emergency vehicles. The sound of sirens was a constant background noise, along with distant shouts and the occasional child’s cries. There were no Hollows to be seen, all of the ones having been unleashed on the city having been eliminated by the Soul Reapers. Sunset could see the black robed figures patrolling the rooftops and street corners, invisible to the humans they guarded, but ever alert even hours after the attack was over.

“How many people got hurt here?” Fluttershy said, her voice filled with a thick weight that they all felt.

“There’s no official numbers yet,” Discord said in a dry, humorless voice, “I’d recommend not dwelling on it.”

“As if we could do that!” Rainbow Dash said in a whip-crack tone, “It was our job to keep everyone here safe, dammit, and look at this place! It’s a freakin’ warzone!”

“H-hey guys, no point in shouting,” Pinkie Pie said, laughing nervously, “So the city got a tad busted up? Nobody died, right? Uh... right?”

“Pinkie, ya lookin’ out yer window? Got yer eyes workin’ right?” Applejack said, nodding towards where one building was still smoldering smoke from a fire that had nearly consumed the whole thing, a set of fire trucks still pour water into the darkened interior, “From what I’m seein’, I’d be more surprised if nobody died.”

“Discord’s right,” Sunset said, letting the tightness in her chest fill in the firmness of her voice, “Dwelling on this won’t help. This wasn’t our fault. This one’s on Grogar. It was his minions that attacked our city, and we’ll make damn sure he won’t be able to do it again.”

They had heard most of the full story between talking to Celestia and Sweet Cider, so they knew that the bulk of the attack on Canterlot City had been the former Eight Espada’s doing. While Sunset did fervently hope that nobody had lost their lives in the attack, she could see the damage outside the van’s window and much like Applejack she’d have been more surprised if there hadn’t been any deaths. She’d seen a few kaiju movies, courtesy of Rainbow Dash’s movie collection, and while the damage wasn’t that level of severe it still reminded her of the aftermath seen in such films. It wasn’t like any skyscrapers had fallen or whole city blocks blown to bits, but practically every street in downtown had some damage. She didn’t know how well the suburbs had fared, although she didn’t see any smoke plumes from that area, so she had reason to hope the main residential zones had escaped the worst of it.

But it rankled her, like a sharp thorn in her heart. This was her city! This was her home, and these people were folk she’d taken up the charge of protecting. It was hard not to feel like she’d failed them, stuck fighting miles away at Camp Everfree while this was happening to Canterlot City.

Grogar had a lot to answer for. Sunset sincerely hoped she’d get a shot at him, assuming Adagio didn’t beat her to the punch. Knowing the siren, Adagio just might. Well, that result would be fine with Sunset, too. If anyone had prior claim to payback where Grogar was concerned, it was Adagio, but Sunset could still hope to lend a helping hand if the opportunity presented itself.

She caught Clover’s reflection in the rear view mirror, spotting the Soul Reaper giving her a look that swam with understanding and sympathy. Sunset returned it with a nod. Clover might not have called Canterlot City home, but she’d trained her whole life to protect places like this from the very disaster that had occurred. Now that she thought about it, she had seen similar looks of frustration and anger on the faces of almost all of the Soul Reapers that had arrived in Canterlot City. Their duty was to protect living humans from Hollow attack, and even with the attack repelled the Soul Reapers must have felt just like Sunset Shimmer did; that they had failed somehow.

Was it any wonder the animosity between Soul Reapers, Hollows, and Quincy ran so deep? Sunset and her friends had only been dealing with this for a couple of months. For some of these spiritual beings, they’d been dealing with it for much, much longer. How easily could Sunset have set aside her anger if she’d had to keep it in check for centuries, instead of a single school quarter?

It’s easy for me and the girls to say they’re all being unreasonable, or judge them for not giving peace a chance, but I can see how, from their point of view, we’re just being arrogant and naïve. Even so...

She felt the van rock to a halt as Discord parked it in a nondescript parking area just half a block from the alleyway containing his shop. Everyone piled out and walked the short distance into the winding alleys that took them to the edge of the ward surrounding the shop. As they entered one by one, Sunset noticed Rarity hesitating at the edge of the ward. Her other friend’s paused as well, Fluttershy extending a hand to Rarity.

“We’ll be right here with you,” Fluttershy said.

Rarity still hesitated, glancing behind her down the alley where Sweetie Belle and the other two Cutie Mark Crusaders were excitedly chattering away with Derpy about the battle at the camp. Rarity lowered her voice, “I don’t know how I’m going to do this.”

“If you need time, we can cover a bit for you,” said Rainbow Dash, “Tell your parents you need some time to rest up, or do your hair or something.”

“I ain’t... sure watin’ is gonna help much,” said Applejack, “Can’t tell ya what ya should do, neither. Whatever ya do, Rares, like Fluttershy said, we’re right behind ya.”

Rarity appeared to come to a decision and nodded, pushing ahead through the ward past the other girls. It took a minute, but gradually the rather large procession made it through the ward and onto the shop’s grassy front lawn. For Gaia and Timber Spruce, who had never been here before, both looked about curiously. Well, Gaia was curious, Timber just looked confused.

“So what... is this shop place supposed to be? Is it your guys’ secret base or something?”

“It’s my humble establishment!” Discord declared, sweeping his hat off in a mock bow, “I sell everything from sweet candies to Hollow Repellent Spray, to Zanpaktou Enlargement Pills, to Do It Yourself Bankai Training Kits!”

“You do not sell those!” Sunset said, giving him a scathing, half-serious glare, “And if you did, why didn’t I get one way earlier!?”

“Pacing, my dear, pacing,” Discord said, holding up and wagging a finger at her.

Gaia placed a hand on her hip, gesturing around with her other hand, “Impressive ward. I doubt even I would have been able to detect this place unless I was right on top of it. For a man who acts like such a jester, you hide a competent mind under that tacky hat.”

“Tacky hat? My dear, I’ll have you know this hat has made me a hit with the ladies, and some gentlemen, for many a cocktail party. You just have no appreciation for style because you’ve been trapped under a lake for centuries. I suggest you listen to your human half and look into some new fashion, Gaia, as wearing leaves and bark went out of style in the late B.Cs.”

Gaia frowned, then tapped a finger to her chin in introspection, “Well... I wasn’t one for fashion when I was Gloriosa, either, but I take your point. I could use something to wear besides my armor. That will be for later. Are we just going to stand here or are you going to invite us into your abode?”

“Don’t be so impatient. There’s quite a few people occupying my shop already, and we’re about to shove in even more,” Discord said with a brief laugh as he scratched at his beard, “And quite frankly many of you are still a mess after a day of such rigorous fighting. Now, those of you with family here may like to know that I’ve had them come down to the training area, as it is the largest and most open space available. You can meet them there soon, but before that I suggest everyone who needs it take a bit of time to refresh yourselves; showers, food, fresh clothes. No point settling in for a long talk while half of you are dead on your feet, and smell it as well.”

Pinkie Pie sniffed her armpit briefly, making a scrunched up face, “Ew, yeah, good point. We’re all pretty ripe, and I feel like I could eat half a restaurant right now! Shower time and munchies sounds great!”

“Did ya say ‘training area’?” asked Applebloom, coming forward with her friends, who were peering curiously at the shop front, “In a’ place this tiny lookin’?”

“It’s underground, sugarcube,” said Applejack, who then tilted her head in thought, “An’ maybe also kinda in another space? Ain’t never quite figured that one.”

“My aunts are down there too?” said Scootaloo, “I don’t need to rest or anything. I really just want to go see them, if that’s okay?”

“Anyone who wants to come down to the training area may do so, I’m merely suggesting some of you,” he gave a pointed look towards Sunset and the girls, “Take a bit more time before doing so. There’s no need to rush this, now that the immediate crisis is over.”

“I’m all for that,” confirmed Sunset, “I think it’ll do all of us some good to catch a long breather before we move on to anything else.”

Her eyes flicked towards Rarity, who remained stiff, even as she nodded agreement. Rarity’s own eyes kept glancing towards Sweetie Belle, who remained oblivious to Rarity’s condition. Sunset chalked it up to Sweetie Belle having awakened her own Fullbring, which meant she had no trouble seeing spirits. To Sweetie Belle, she’d just see her sister, like normal. There’d be no way for her to realize the truth.

Sunset’s heart felt a bit more leaden as she entered the shop with the group. The hallways felt a bit crowded with so many, but Discord’s shop was so expensive in the number of rooms it had that once people started being directed to different rest rooms and sitting areas, things smoothed out a bit. Ditzy Doo went to the kitchen with her daughter, apparently intent on catching up on some family time while making food for everyone. Screwloose showed up to escort the Cutie Mark Crusaders down to the training area, along with Gaia Everfree and Timber Spruce. Captain Celestia went to a side room with Discord, mostly to wait for everyone else to finish resting, although Sunset got the impression Celestia had things she wanted to talk to Discord about.

That left Sweet Cider to join them in getting clean and rested up. While Discord did have several rest rooms, there was hardly enough for all of them to have private showers, which turned out only to be a minor problem as he did have a larger communal bathing area that was clearly inspired by Japanese design. Sunset hadn’t used one before, but she had no issues with bathing with others, and apparently neither did Applejack, her mother, Clover, or Pinkie Pie for that matter, so it was they who shared the communal bath area while the other girls took up the other rest rooms.

“Been forever since me n’ you had a soak together, ma,” said Applejack, submerging up to her neck in the wide, pool-like bath that was situated at the back half of a large room of tatami mats, “Remember when we used ta do this at the river back home, campin’ out durin’ the summer.”

“Ha, ya loved swimming across that river,” Sweet Cider said fondly, stretching before entering the water herself. Sunset was already in, and couldn't help but briefly gaze with impressed eyes at the shear musculature of the elder Apple. While nobody would ever mistake Sweet Cider for anything other than a woman, her body was toned to a degree that would’ve been the envy of many a professional athlete. And honestly, her daughter wasn’t far behind at this point. Applejack had always sported more muscle than the other girls, given her farm-life, but after all the intensive training and battles she’d gone through, she was rapidly catching up with her mother.

Is the ‘A’ in the Apple family name for ‘abs’? Sunset jokingly wondered to herself, realizing she should probably stop staring. Humans got weird about that kind of thing.

“Gehehe, is Sunset feeling intimidated by the Apple family gun show?” Pinkie Pie giggled, her pink hair floating in the water as she swam up beside Sunset, hands wigging up to poke at Sunset’s bicep, “No worries, Sunny, your muscles are hard as rocks, too! And I should know, I bathed with Maudie!”

“Huh, yer family do this a lot too?” asked Applejack.

“Oh, me and my sis’ would always do this! It was super fun. Limestone made the biggest cannonballs ever! I remember Maud teaching Marble how to swim. Hehehe, it was so funny, because Maud just kinda walked along the bottom!”

“Sounds like Cloudy got herself a fine family,” Sweet Cider said, a faint cloud of long remembered fondness in her eyes as she settled into the bath, “I used ta thing that crazy rebel would never find a’ fella ta settle down with.”

“Oooh, that’s right, you knew my mom from waaaay back!” Pinkie Pie said, “What was she like!? Dad never tells us anything from about when they met, but this one time I peeked under the tarp in our garage, and found this wicked cool looking motorcycle, and I know it’s not dad’s.”

“That bike’s Cloudy’s alright. Dang thing was practically her baby, the way she took care o’ it,' ' Sweet Cider grinned, eyes flashing, “Was a’ time yer ma was the craziest biker this side o’ the state! First time I met her she was screeching down the highway past the farm at thirty over the speed limit! Gave me a heart attack, first day o’ school, tryin’ ta catch the bus and nearly getting run over by that nut case. Who ever knew she’d end up one o’ my best friends?”

“That was before Xcution, right?” said Clover, who gulped a bit and added, “Sorry, I was just thinking aloud. Didn’ tmean to bring up anything you don’t want to talk about, Captain.”

“Ah, don’t fret none ‘bout it,” Sweet Cider said, “Any sourness left n’ me over Xcution ain’t directed at decent, hard workin’ Soul Reapers like yerself, Clover. An’ yeah, weren't long after I met some o’ them girls at school that year that we got pulled inta Xcution. Discord trained us, sent us all over the place ta fight Hollows, an’ then, not long after graduatin’ high school, I met Hard Nail an’... and well didn’t want to be a part o’ that life no more. Wanted a family. Pretty sure you girls know the story well ‘nough by now.”

“...I wonder if Discord is going to restore their memories and powers,” said Pinkie Pie, or rather Pinkamena, as her hair and expression had changed in an instant, “Doesn’t make any sense to gather all of them together in the same spot, otherwise.”

Sweet Cider’s brow furrowed with a shadowed look, “He could do that, I reckon. Don’t see what good it’d do. Even at our best, we weren’t good n’ough ta even take down Platinum, despite outnumberin’ the frigid bitch. Ain’t no denyin’ you girls have shot way past what the old Xcution was. If Discord gave my ol’ friends back their powers, they’d just end up gettin’ hurt.”

“Maybe it’s because it can’t be avoided,” Sunset said, drawing looks from the others. Sunset drew herself up a bit, meeting their gazes, “Look, think about it like this. We already know your little sister developed a Fullbring, Applejack. Same with Rarity’s little sister. It’s only a matter of time, then, before the other members of your families do, too, like Big Mac, and Maud. It’s also going to be next to impossible to keep the truth about what we’re doing, and the spiritual realms, secret from your families at this point. So I think if Discord unseals the old Xcution’s powers, it’s more about creating a solid front, together, rather than expecting them to fight on the same level we are.”

“Hmph... ya got a’ point,'' Sweet Cider admitted, crossing her burly arms, “Ain’t fond o’ it, but ain’t gonna turn from the truth neither. Just don’t like my friends gettin’ pulled back n’ ta this life after they all got out ta live happily ever after... dammit.”

“Ma,” Applejack lowered her eyes, then raised them with fresh light sparkling within, “Whatever comes next, I’m thinkin’ if we do it together, we can make sure the families we’ve all built won’t get torn apart no more! Instead o’ thinkin’ we’re a bunch o’ separate families, what if we thought everyone as a single family?”

“What, like Maud marries Big Mac or something? I think Marble is way more into him,” said Pinkie Pie, who then blinked as the others stared at her, “What? She’s always watching him when he comes by to drop off a crate of apples.”

“That... ain’t neither here nor there,” Sweet Cider said, shaking her head with a faint smile, “But I’m gettin’ what yer sayin’, Applejack. Might come down ta how everyone feels ‘bout it once everything is laid out fer ‘em, an’ Discord gives the choice, but I’m thikin’ that yer right. Whatever we do, we’re better off doin’ it as a whole.”

“I just hope we can avoid conflict with our own people,” Clover said, “I can’t imagine how Captain Commander Scorpan or Central 46 are going to react to the idea of peace talks with the Quincy. And what was it Discord keeps alluding to when he was talking about having information that might convince them? It has to do with Zero Division, I’d assume...”

Clover shuddered a bit, and from the uneasy stare she had on her ashen features, she was likely remembering precisely how overwhelming Medley’s presence had been. “I’m not sure what any of us can do if it turns out Zero Division is truly plotting something horrible behind the scenes.”

“We fight,” Sunset said plainly, “Even if we have to do it without the Soul Reapers or Quincy helping us.”

“Hmph, ain’t liked the Zero Division, even ‘fore I got my memories back,'' Sweet Cider said, “An’ from what you gals say, this Medley lady needs a right clockin’ upside her head, near as bad if not worse n’ Starlight Glimmer. Granted I ain’t exactly trustin’ everythin’ Discord says, but I’ll hear ‘im out on whatever he’s got ta say. As fer the Gotei 13, I think you girls don’t need ta worry so much. After yer escapade, I think a’ lot o’ the Captains r’ comin’ ‘round.”

“It did look like Captain Beardy was getting along swell with Twilight, and she’s a Quincy! So that makes me think we’re on the right track!” said Pinkie Pie.

“Here’s hoping,” replied Sunset, considering the prospects ahead of them. She had no real idea what to expect from the Quincy during any peace talks, if they did happen. Cadence and Twilight she felt like she could trust, and those Crystal Prep girls were alright, but the others? Would Twilight’s family, her surviving family, support her? What about the other Sternritter? Or King Sombra for that matter? Where did he stand on the idea of a truce? Sunset had never even met the man, but she got the impression Twilight truly did have faith that he’d listen to reason. So it came down to how much Sunset was willing to trust Twilight.

Pretty damn far, was the answer.

“Well, ‘fore all o’ that,” said Sweet Cider, “You girls gotta work out what ta do ‘bout yer friend with the purple hair.”

“Rarity? Uh... what’ya mean, ma?” said Applejack, a paleness touching her cheeks as she looked away from her mother. Sweet Cider looked at them all, eyes not lacking sympathy, but her face also bearing a hard note to it.

“Word o’ caution, gals, any Soul Reaper at officer level can tell the difference ‘tween a live soul n’ a dead one. Discord’ll already know, too, same as Celestia, Luna, Starswirl, n’ Hurricane. None o’ them would’ve said nothin’, even that lout Hurricane, outta respect, but we’d all be able ta tell Rarity ain’t among the livin’ no more. Question is, what r’ ya’ll plannin’ ta do ‘bout it?”

Applejack’s hands clenched as she rose from the water, her face twitching into a mask of self-control, “What options do we even got, ma? We was hopin’ Discord might be able ta do somethin’ fer her, but that’s all we got.”

“You mean a gigai,” Sweet Cider said, going silent for a moment as she drew in a deep breath and let it out slow, “Could work. Gigai’s ain’t the same as a real flesh n’ blood body, not totally. Don’t age none, fer one. Ya can eat n’ drink with ‘em, but they don’t process the food quite right. Can’t have no kids with ‘em, either. Might be Discord’s got ways ta make better ones than the standard models Soul Society uses, but still won’t be the same as her havin’ her real body.”

“That’s far better than doing nothing, right?” said Sunset, “The only alternative I could think of would be... for her to go to Soul Society.”

Applejack rounded on her, pale face turning red, “How’s that a’ option, Sunset!? Yer talkin’ ‘bout her literally passin’ on!”

“I know that, Applejack. I only said it because we don’t know how Rarity feels about all this, and for all we know, that’s an option she’s thinking of.”

“Why would she be thinkin’ that!?” Applejack demanded, but Sweet Cider had reached over to her, a large red hand clasping Applejack’s shoulder in motherly fashion.

“Hayseed, ya remember how I raised ya, right? Ta be acceptin’ o’ the facts o’ life, includin’ death? That the Lord takes all o’ us at whenever our time comes.”

“Ma... how can ya tell me ‘bout any o’ that after knowin’ the truth?” Applejack said.

“What truth’s that, hayseed? That what I grew up believin’ ain’t the truth? What, just ‘cause some things ain’t like what we thought, that means none o’ it’s true? That our faith don’t mean nothin’?”

“That ain’t... what I mean...” Applejack trailed off, shaking in place. Sweet Cider’s eyes softened and she put her arms around Applejack to draw her into a solid hug, patting her head.

“I understand what yer sayin’. Ya don’t want yer friend goin’ nowhere, n’ yer hurtin’ that this happened ta her while you were busy helpin’ me. What I’m tryin’ ta tell ya is that, no matter how the afterlife works, no matter what the ‘truth’ is, it don’t make the things we believe n’ any less real ta us. Yer friend Rarity, she’s gotta wrestle with her own beliefs, now, an’ ya got to be prepared fer it if she finds that she don’t want to cling ta this world with a fake body that ain’t really hers. Might be she wants to go on ta Soul Society, follow the natural cycle. Whatever choice she makes, ya got ta be there fer her as her friend, ya git what I’m sayin’?”

“I... I do, ma. I’m sorry fer what I said. I just... God I wish I’d been there ta stop it. Ta save her when she needed it.”

Sunset watched the two as Applejack slowly calmed back down, and she felt as if she could’ve used a big parental figure to give her a hug as well. Her own sentiments were similar to Applejack’s. She didn’t want Rarity to go anywhere either. Sure, even if Rarity did go to Soul Society it wasn’t as if they’d never see each other again, but somehow the idea of watching the Konso ritual being performed on Rarity, or having to do it herself sent a hard chill to Sunset’s heart. It would make Rarity’s death feel final. As long as she could hold onto a thin thread of hope that Discord could whip up a solution, Sunset felt like she could hold off the wave of pain that she was keeping in check.

If Rarity did go to Soul Society...

She shook the heavy thought off. This was a choice for Rarity to make. Sunset just hoped she had the strength to support her friend with a smile, regardless of what that choice turned out to be.


Rarity was infinitely glad that Discord’s shop was a place largely infused with spiritual energy, meaning just about everything inside it was at least partially made up of reishi particles. It meant she could actually use the shower, soap, hair products, towels, and fresh clothes all being provided because those items were designed with spirit bodies in mind.

For a good long time she just let the hot shower soak away her thoughts. But, alas, such zen moments of calm couldn’t last forever. She wasn’t Fluttershy, after all.

When the business of cleaning herself was done, she stood under the hot jet of water and leaned her head against the wall beneath the showerhead, staring at the water dripping down the drain.

She’d had her freak out already, but Rarity always had room in her for another one of those. Granted there was only so much good hitting the wall and crying did, but physical expression was a necessary part of the creative process. Anyone who’d seen her stress out over a tough project knew Rarity had no shame in throwing a good long fit, and well... death was probably worth a few fits.

Most of all Rarity was just mad with herself! Out of all of her friends she figured she had the most practical mindset. Not the smartest, per se, but with that good street smart common sense that left her feeling like she had her life together. She’d gotten a job, knew exactly what career she was going for, and was already turning a few heads in the fashion industry, and she hadn’t even graduated from high school yet!

So why did she lose it all so easily? What made her so cocky as to chase after Hoity Toity alone? Looking back on it that had been such a stupid decision! She could have easily asked one of her friends to come with her, but she hadn’t done that. She’d gone alone, and paid the price for it.

The more she thought about it, the more it was clear to her what she’d been doing. She’d been trying to protect her self-image. She’d known that when she’d gone to chase down Twilight’s potential assassin that she would probably end up having to kill them, and she hadn’t wanted any of her friends to see that. She’d didn’t want them seeing her covered in someone else’s blood. She’d been so afraid of that she’d been willing to take on all the risk alone, and the result was...

She touched the soul chain dangling from the center of her chest, it’s broken final link rolling between her fingers as she gazed at it. It was so strange. She felt no different from before, really. Her body still felt like a body, even if she knew it was the collection of reishi particles making up her soul, with no physical flesh to it. But she could still feel a heartbeat, her breath in and out of her lungs, the heat of the shower on her skin. This spirit body was identical to her living one, so who was to say she still couldn’t live a full ‘life’?

What was she supposed to do now?

Before answering that question, there was the more immediate issue of facing her family. Could she do it? A part of her hoped to avoid the whole confrontation altogether. She could hide away until Discord made one of those ‘gigai’ bodies for her, couldn’t she? She didn’t have to tell her parents or Sweetie Belle what happened, did she?

She suspected she knew what Applejack might say about hiding the truth. She knew her friends might help her maintain the lie, but chances were that just wouldn’t work, long-term. Even if she did get a gigai, eventually her family would figure out something wasn’t right. No point in hiding it. It was just... frightening to imagine her family’s reaction, to the extent that just thinking about it made her legs feel weak and she had to lean harder on the shower wall to keep from sinking to the ground.

There was a knock at the shower door, and Rarity was startled to the point she nearly hit her head on the wall in her haste to peek out the shower door.

“What is it?” she asked.

She heard Screwloose’s voice, “Brought you some spare clothes! Probably nothing you’d like to wear, but I’m not into dresses. Food’s almost ready to hit the table, so hurry up if you don’t want to miss out!”

“Um... thank you,” Rarity replied, and frowned as she looked at her pruning fingers. She’d clearly been zoning out in the shower too long. Taking a deep breath, Rarity forced herself to calm and got out of the shower.


“Ugggh... too... much... food...” Pinkie Pie said, laying on her back with crumbs of pastry still dabbed about her lips.

“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say that,” said Sunset, “Either merging back up with Pinkamena has had an affect on your brain, or that really was too much food.”

The girls were resting in the dining room, plates of mostly eaten food piled on the table between them. Ditzy and Derpy had not been kidding about serving up a hearty meal for everyone, the mother/daughter combo proving to be overpowered in the kitchen. New food had appeared as fast as the girls could tuck it away, and in short order many of them had given up even trying to keep pace. Pinkie Pie had lasted the longest, but even her incredible appetite had finally been defeated, leaving the pink menace groaning on her back.

“Cryin’ shame we can’t wage war via cooking battles,” said Sweet Cider, letting out a loud belch, “With them Doo gals in our corner, we’d be unbeatable.”

“Where’d they go off to, anyway?” Applejack said, glancing around, “Coulda swore they were just here.”

“I imagine they’re taking some family time together,” Discord said from his spot at the head of the table, “Ditzy is going to need to adjust to the notion that her daughter is now fully aware of the nature of the spiritual world. In fact, all of your classmates are going to go through some adjusting.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about that,” said Sunset, thinking about what she’d seen at Camp Everfree and what she’d seen of her fellow Canterlot High students. She already knew they were capable of handling plenty of strange things, given how readily they’d rolled with the magical mishaps of the past year. It looked like they dealt with the realities of the spirit realms clashing in the real world with the same mental fortitude.

Discord gave her a knowing look, “Worried wouldn’t be the word I’d use. More anticipating. Expect your fellow students to not remain idle, or go about their daily lives as if nothing happened this time around.”

“Yeah, got a feeling like that myself,” said Rainbow Dash, “Lyra and Bon Bon especially. Everybody was putting on their game face back there.”

“As appreciative as I am of their desire to help, it might not be the best idea either,” mentioned Fluttershy, “Far too many of them could get hurt.”

“Ain’t sure we could stop ‘em if they got a mind ta set up some kind o’ town watch,” said Applejack, taking a swig of cider, “Not like we can watch ‘em twenty-four seven.”

“Which is why I suggest you girls approach your fellow students yourselves and direct them towards me,” said Discord, “If nothing else I can provide those insistent upon taking action some aid in the form of coordination and equipment.”

“Hollow Repellant Spray?” said Sunset with an eyebrow shooting up.

“Among other things. Be assured I won’t let such fine, noble youth face danger without any preparation.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” came a strong, caring voice from the doorway into the dining room, and all heads turned to see Captain Celestia standing there. Sunset noticed the tightness hanging around Celestia’s eyes and the rigid way she held her shoulders. Despite the battles now being over, Celestia had the kind of tension in her of someone preparing for a fight and it started to set Sunset’s own nerves off.

“Discord, I’ll speak with Captain Sweet Cider now,” said Celestia, and Discord closed his eyes, nodding slowly.

“So be it. I hadn’t told the girls yet, but now’s as good a time as any.”

“Told us what?” asked Rainbow Dash, a sentiment quickly echoed by the others, even the lethargic Pinkie Pie sitting up and taking note of the sudden serious tone shift.

Discord stood, brushing his pants off of a few crumbs and snatching up his cane, “Before we get into the family reunion portion of the day’s activities, Celestia and I have both agreed that it’s best for all of you to understand everything that we presently know about the Zero Division and it’s intentions. Celestia will be bringing her fellow Captain up to speed, since Sweet Cider is the one most likely to... grasp the full gravity of things and be inclined to keep mum on it until the proper time.”

“That right?” said Sweet Cider, glancing at Celestia with a measured look, “It really that bad, Celestia?”

The look in Celestia’s eyes frightened Sunset a little. She’d seen Celestia mad. She’d seen her upset. She’d seen her worried. She’d even seen her scared before.

But all of those emotions at once? Sunset had expected things to be bad where Zero Division was concerned, but just what was going on here?

At Celestia’s silent look, Sweet Cider just sighed a small curse under her breath and rose, “Right then, best lay it on me.”

“Not here,” Celestia said, “Discord will explain it to the girls, I’ll explain it to you in the other room.”

“Why not just tell us both at the same time?” Sweet Cider asked, and Discord answered swiftly, already heading for the door while beckoning Sunset and her friends to follow.

“Different perspectives require different context. It’s easier for a fellow Soul Reaper Captain like Celestia to give you the information you need in context to how this all relates to the Gotei 13 and their role in things. I’ll need to provide the young ladies here a slightly different view, based on their own experiences, and handle their own questions on my own.”

“Hmph, fine,” said Sweet Cider, joining Celestia out in the hallway, “Let’s git this over with then.”

Sunset shared worried looks with her friends, and soon their eyes turned towards Clover, who was looking more than a little awkward as she raised a hand, “Excuse me, Mr. Discord, but am I included in this briefing?”

“Did I suggest you weren’t?” said Discord, “You may be a member of the Gotei 13, but I think you’ll benefit more from joining your friends in hearing what I have to say than hearing what is said between the two Captains. So yes, Third Seat Clover, do join us.”

As they all left the dining room they followed Discord down the opposite hallway that Sweet Cider followed Celestia down. It didn’t take Sunset long to recognize the path Discord was leading them on, heading down numerous back hallways towards a set of double doors with a set of written kanji painted in black upon them. The wards upon the doors to the laboratory staircase were as strong as ever, and parted only when Discord made a quick gesture before them.

“A hidden room?” Rarity said, peering at the stairwell that led up towards what otherwise would have seemed like a non-existent second floor.

“A lab,” Sunset provided, remembering when Discord had brought her here before. “Discord’s private laboratory is up there.”

“Oh don’t steal my thunder,” Discord said, “I like keeping people in suspense.”

“We know. It’s annoying,” said Rainbow Dash as Discord led them up the stairs.

The laboratory was much as Sunset recalled. The wide room, taking up the same space as nearly a dozen of the rooms on the first floor, was filled with tables lined with esoteric laboratory equipment, many of them also piled with notes and charts in chaotic scribbles. Sunset’s eyes were almost instantly drawn to the metal cylinder mounted floor to ceiling towards the back of the room, the place she knew that Discord’s second Hogyoku had been suspended. The cylinder was still there, it’s metal casing already slid open to show the glass within filled with it’s dark blue liquid.

Sunset blinked.

Where’s the Hogyoku?

She gave Discord a questioning look after realizing the cylinder was empty, but he just winked at her and led her and the other girls towards the center of the lab. Here he’d moved aside some of the tables to make room for a computer attached to a metal desk with a disk shaped device built into the right side. Discord sat at the desk and gestured for the girls to gather around.

“I apologize if it’s a bit cramped in here, but just bear with it,” Discord said as he turned on the computer. It’s screen blurred into soft blue life, light pouring from it’s archaic seeming screen. Sunset recognized something akin to a conventional OS, although clearly designed by Soul Reaper hands, possibly even Discord himself if the weird looking icons were any indication. Even his mouse pointer looked like a weird little ghost with Discord’s hat on instead of a regular old pointer.

“I think we can suffer some discomfort at this point,” said Rarity, “We just want to know what this is all about. I think I can safely speak for all of us that we’d like a clear explanation, with no more cryptic nonsense.”

“Seriously,” said Rainbow Dash, “Just lay it on us, D-man. What’s the Zero Division trying to pull? What’s the big secret?”

“Just a moment,” Discord replied, clicking on several file icons, and a tube on the side of the computer sparked to life with literal tiny arcs of energy. A set of wires on the other side that ran to the disk shaped object built into the desk similarly sparked alive, and the disc flickered with ghostly blue light and began to project an image.

The girls all stared at the image, all of them wearing confusion plain on their faces.

“The heck are we lookin’ at?” Applejack asked.

“That,” Discord said, “Is the exact, detailed blueprints for the construction of the realm known as ‘Jigoku’, or as it is known in western cultures, ‘Hell’.”

What Sunset was looking at could best be described as an excruciatingly detailed set of three dimensional schematics of a construct that looked like one massive spiral cone, twisting ever downward to a deep, dark point. Discord manipulated the cursor to adjust the image, showing different layers and sections with photographic detail. Sunset saw countless floating script that were attached to the various layers, words and letters in Japanese that she couldn’t read, but there seemed to be entire data banks worth of information attached to the schematics. She couldn’t begin to make any sense of it.

“So, why are we looking at blueprints for the hot place?” asked Rainbow Dash, her half-joking voice sounding more uncomfortable than anything else.

“Because this is the easiest way I can show you girls the truth behind the realm of Hell’s existence,” said Discord, “How it was made, who made it, and most importantly; what it was actually made for.”

“Uhh... ain’t it supposed to be where all the really, really naughty souls go when they eventually croak?” asked Pinkie Pie.

Discord sank into his seat, his voice dry as ash, “Oh, it does that too. That’s just not all it does.”

Author's Note:

Still a lot to get to in the wind down from the Everfree arc, but we're getting there. Next chapter will be delving right into just what's going on with Jigoku.

Hope you folks are enjoying, and as always thanks for reading. I appreciate any and all comments, questions, or critiques. 'Till next time!

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