Fallout: Equestria - Gaia Prevails

by John Colt

First published

The Wastelands! Where everyone is his special kind of crazy. I can, however, claim that I'm special! Nightmare freaking Moon wants me to be her new host. Umm... fun stuff...

My name is Aideen; I know, I know, it's a stupid name for a pony, and if you pronounce it wrongly it even sounds male, but let's not get sidetracked here. I've lived through multiple mental breakdowns and severe physical beatings, but who hasn't in the dear wastelands? I can, however, claim that I'm a unique nutcase; there's something that differentiates me from the regular nutcases out there: The same evil entity that transformed Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon once upon a time wants me to be her new host.
Uhm... fun stuff...

Rated teen for gore

original story by the one and only Kkat


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Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria...

...there came an era when the ideals of friendship gave way to greed, selfishness, paranoia, and jealousy. The two major nations of this world have built parts of their vastly growing economy and technology on the resources that only the other nation can provide: the zebra’s coal to power the pony’s engines, and the pony’s crystals to be used in the zebra’s object-based magic. This didn’t go well for a long time and the inevitable happened: war broke out, and in all the chaos, mistakes were made, and the war grew worse.

As yet another mistake, Princess Celestia saw herself unfit to rule Equestria, and her younger sister, Princess Luna, took the throne and reformed the nation's government entirely. Six Ministries were created to take on various aspects of the war. Power fell into the hooves of corporations, and the greed and selfishness that started the war only increased.

Then there came the good intentions and the faith in the equines' good nature. Both sides were given a weapon; it was so destructive that it was meant to terrify both nations into ending the bloodshed, once they realized these ‘Megaspells’ would not only destroy the nations, but all of life and poison the land for future generations. But it only takes a few people who have... more flexible morals.

Balefire, Pink Cloud, Dark Magic, Annihilation, Salt Cube, and more were enhanced to bring all kinds of devastation to the land. While not every inch of the world burned, and some survived, magical radiation quickly spread across the land, contaminating it. Most of the survivors had taken refuge in enormous underground bunkers, called ‘Stables’. When their decentents slowly returned to the surface they found it much like they have left it: in chaos.

Fallout: Equestria - Gaia Prevails

Prologue: Audiologs

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They say you are dead when you can’t feel pain anymore. Whoever “they” are, “they” sure haven’t heard about painkillers. All I could feel now was the waves of pressure my heart sends through my body with every beat. It is as if it wants to make its last beats count, and although pressure is not pain, I am quite certain I’m not dead. Not dead just yet at least.

My entire life I have been under the impression I couldn’t make any decisions; As if my life had been predetermined at birth, and it is my life I want to tell you about. Now, obviously, nopony had say in whether or not somepony was born a unicorn, has a light brown coat and a blonde mane and tail. Or that these genes happen to be born inside Stable Eight.

As I was a filly, I had to learn the same profession as my mother. It’s simply how the stable works, there was no decision that was taken away from me. The stable would be endangered if somepony wouldn’t do their job properly.

I ended my train of thought and shifted into a more comfortable position and accessed the memory of my PipBuck. I filtered by audio files and the creator being myself. I have listened to my own audiologs a few times already and deleted the insignificant ones.

“Audiolog! November 5, 1236. First Entry! Hi! My name is Aideen and today is my birthday! I am ten years old now and Mommy gave me a PipBuck and said I should make this audiolog-thingies. Tomorrow she tells me my first Responsibilities in maintenance. Just like her, I will keep the Stable Eight running!”

At the age of ten, every foal starts with taking on simple tasks in the stable. It’s our first step into adulthood. We also get our PipBuck. Everypony in Stable Eight has a PipBuck, and with our tenth birthday we become “part of the group”, most of my life I simply thought the PipBuck is nothing more than an useful tool.

Oh, and; ten years old and I said big words like “responsibility”. How cute is that?

And how did that cute filly become... something like me?

“Aideen's Audiolog. November 6, 1236. Mommy led me through the whole stable and made me note down all the numbers different terminals showed into my PipBuck. It took four hours!”

Boring. Even for an adult this wouldn’t just be “usual boring”, this would be “advanced boring”.

I figure I should probably tell you what a PipBuck is exactly. PIP is an abbreviation for Personal Information Processor. Against common belief the PIPs have not been invented by Stable-Tec, the company who had built the stables. Stable-Tec, however, were the only ones who mass-produced their PipBucks and provided the most common Operating Systems for them.

With the PIPs being useful for all kinds of branches, the PipBucks gathered a few quite weird features for a simple utility tool. In Stable Eight, most ponies probably only use the radio and the built in calender and clock. Maybe a few of them use their task list and, like me, the audio recorder as a diary and notebook. But a PipBuck is capable of doing so much more.

The device itself is partially embedded into a foreleg and it constantly measures our health and helps administer healing potions and other medicines. It analyzes everything in our saddlebags, and even expands the space inside them. We can stuff pretty much anything in them as long as we can carry the weight. With an extraordinary amount of stuff in them, the PipBuck also assists in organizing them; and with another spell it provides we can pull out every object we want. It also has a lamp and a few other insignificant features.

Coming from military operations are features like the "local map" showing, well, a map and your location in it; but it was not a preinstalled image with sensors where you are. The PipBuck has a sonar sensor that effectively paints every location you are at. The "Eyes-Forward Sparkle" (E.F.S.) shows on a compass where ponies or creatures are and gauges whether or not it is hostile; and the "Stable-Tec Arcane Targeting Spell" (S.A.T.S.) aids you for a brief moment in fights.

But enough about PipBucks for now. Let's let our hearts break over a small ten year old filly.

“Aideen's Audiolog. November 12, 1236. I know every place where I should go and write the numbers down and Mommy didn’t accompany me.”

Aww... All alone and bored to death. At the moment I was also alone, but my brink of death was for an entirely different reason than boredom.

“Aideen's Audiolog. November 18, 1236. After school all the others can play and I would have had to run through the entire stable... I didn’t do it and just made numbers up.”

Ten years and no cutiemark; but I was well on my way of breaking bad.

“Aideen's Audiolog. November 19, 1236. Mommy didn’t notice it but I’m really scared. I’ll write them down (for real) today.”

“Aideen's Audiolog. November 22, 1236. It’s not like anypony really looks at the numbers I write down.”

“Aideen's Audiolog. November 23, 1236. The numbers change hardly everyday. If I note down the numbers of today I’ll use them for next week. I can make up all in between on a line with some random modification.”

Oh, yes. Lazy and smart, means inventive on how to do as little work as possible. But quite surprising the kind of criminal mastermind I was with age ten.

Of course there is a reason to write those numbers down. Sadly, the most truthful ones were outdated a week. And sometimes by chance accurate, but... well you can imagine something bad happened.

“Aideen's Audiolog. August 5, 1237. Today a waterboiler exploded... Somepony got hurt and it is my fault. Had I written down the pressure everyday somepony could have prevented it. What is the worst: I didn’t get caught.”

Who has a conscience with ten? In the Equestrian Wastelands, probably nopony at any age. Usually foals only feel bad when they get caught.

“Aideen's Audiolog. August 6, 1237. Miss Rosy was always nice to me, now she has really bad burns. I have to do my duty properly!”

“Aideen's Audiolog. August 13, 1237. This is so exhausting. Skipping every second day wouldn’t hurt, right?”

Well, I managed a whole week, didn't I? And everything that can explode in a short amount of time could also explode within the 24 hours that should lie between my checks.

“Aideen's Audiolog. September 15, 1237. I was invited to play with the other fillies of my class but today I should write down the numbers again. I’ll just do it tomorrow.”

“Aideen's Audiolog. September 18, 1237. Usually I should write the numbers down again but I don’t want to ruin my original 2-day schedule of writing down on odd audiolog-entry days. I will do it tomorrow again.”

Everything has to go exactly according to schedule! My schedule (of not making my actual schedule properly) has to be perfect. It always made me laugh. I instantly regretted laughing as it turned coughing.

I still couldn't feel the pain I should be feeling, but blood spattered on my PipBuck before I could cover my mouth. Oh, great. Bloody coughs! One of my broken rips must have punctured my lung and I’m bleeding internally. Let’s add drowning because of my own blood seeps into my lung on my mental list of possibilities I die today. I tried to wipe my PipBuck clean, but as my barding and coat are dirty with blood, I only managed to blur it.

My PipBuck and my Audiologs were important. They will live on after I am dead, as evidence of a pony named Aideen having actually existed at one point in time. My recordings are also a documentary of the things I did together with other ponies; and they might be stuff for history class in the distant future once Equestr... I mean: Once Gaia has healed. (I’m referring to Gaia, the planet, of course.)

Is it considered weird when I care less about me surviving than my PipBuck being clean? It is (or at least it is supposed to be) an artifact of history.

“Aideen's Audiolog. September 21, 1237. Every third day should be sufficient.“

I honestly have no comment to that.

“Aideen’s Audiolog. November 5, 1237. It is my Birthday! I’m eleven years old now and Mommy showed me more how to operate the terminals and I have more responsibilities now. For my birthday I had a nice party and I got...”

I stopped the recording. The rest of my eleventh birthday is not of any importance. What I was learning from now on however are not.

“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 18, 1238. I managed to modify each console monitoring our stable to connect to my PipBuck and send me the data I need. Yay!”

Hold your applause, please.

“Aideen’s Audiolog. March 28, 1238. A colt whose father works in maintenance had his tenth birthday yesterday. Today he and his father walked my route and did my job...”

Well, shit happens.

“Aideen’s Audiolog. April 5, 1238. Cog Work wasn’t accompanied by his father anymore and I thought about letting him run his route every day, but I told him it wasn’t necessary as I have all the values.”

“Aideen’s Audiolog. April 6, 1238. Cog Work and I spent the time he would have needed to walk his route together. He’s weird, but nice, I guess... for a colt.”

Anyone else feeling a foal-romance coming up?

“Aideen’s Audiolog. April 9, 1238. Cog and I got into trouble for not doing our rounds. He actually told his father he wasn’t doing them. And eventually they figured out that I didn’t do my rounds for a while too.”

The ninth and deepest circle of hell is reserved for traitors. So much for your foal-romance. This was the first real decision that was taken from me by another pony. I tried to be nice to him, for goodness sake! You can imagine the betrayal I felt back then.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but I disrupted Stable Eight with the program I wrote. Every colt and filly from now on will know about it and will think the task they have to do until somepony younger comes along is utterly unnecessary. Earlier I told you the stable was endangered if somepony wouldn’t do their job properly, and now I started a rebellion. A new system needs to be thought of. What do maintenance-foals need to do during their first years?

At least they didn’t need to think about it a long time...

“Aideen’s Audiolog. May 9, 1238. Our stabledoor opened.”

“Aideen’s Audiolog. May 10, 1238. Everypony is really excited about leaving the stable. I don't know why. They knew the stable would open up at one point.”

Children are under the impression the world focuses around them. From infant solipsism where one thinks no other pony has a mind of their own, over the impression the world focusing around you and you being the only pony who can think and feel.

The time outside ones own lifespan is something completely abstract for a child; while the past is something that has already happened as the concept of “I can remember”. And the war 200 years ago is just as unproven as the time adults can remember.

And the future is something one can look forward to. So the stabledoor opened; no big deal. Everypony had said the stabledoor is going to open in the future and I had no doubt it was going to happen in my lifetime.

But I believe at this point some further explanation is in order. What is a stable? I already referred to a war two centuries ago. It started as a war about resources diamonds and coal. Or that’s how it started out at least. The Stables were built by Stable-Tec, the same company that mass-produced the PipBucks, to keep ponies safe in the event their worst fears came true.

Ponies and zebras fought... no, scratch that. The Kingdom of Equestria and the Zebra Nation fought against each other and in the end they used the worst weapons even imaginable. Stable-Tec had the foresight to build enormous underground shelters where ponies could survive for a seemingly indefinite amount of time.

The Stable’s door can be opened by either the Stable‘s Overmare or the sensors of the Stable. In our case the Stables sensors deemed the outside as inhabitable again and opened up just according to protocol.

“Aideen’s Audiolog. May 19, 1238. Of “our new friends” Crimson is the nicest. He has an awesome scar on his left shoulder. He told me it comes from a sword fight. I don’t believe him.”

My first mention of one of the outside-ponies specifically. There was a camp not far from stable. At that time we didn’t know what that implied. Stable-ponies can be so naïve...

“Aideen’s Audiolog. June 7, 1238. Crimson spends a lot of time with us in maintenance and he got to know about what I did. He then entrusted me a secret!”

Crimson expertly played on my feeling of betrayal. But I was under the impression of us being friends then. And as he was merely seven years older than me I didn’t think of him as an adult at that time. Little did I knew about years in the wastelands maturing you differently than in a Stable.

His secret was that he manipulated the sensors on the outside, telling them everything is okay and the door will open. At that point he said he just wanted to talk to us, and stablefilly-naiveté made me believe it.

“Aideen’s Audiolog. July 13, 1238. Mommy finally agreed on going outside to look at the places they offer us. A lot of ponies already moved out and only a few ponies came back, but they say it’s really nice out there.”

“Aideen’s Audiolog. July 17, 1238. Colt’s Well is a strange place. It’s not as dirty as everything else out in this ‘Equestrian Wasteland’; But the hotsprings are sooo comfortable. My PipBuck made slowly clickclick, but Crimson helped me turn the sound down.”

“Aideen’s Audiolog. July 27, 1238. I overheard Crimson talking with some grumpy looking stallion. He said I wasn’t for sale. I don’t know what he meant by that, you can’t buy ponies.”

And the grand scheme begins to unravel. Unless you’re a naïve stablepony, that is. It was ingenious, and in retrospect, I really admire Crimson for pulling it off. Step one: Find a closed Stable. Step two: Make the ponies inside trust you. Step three: Sell them as slaves. Step Four: Profit!

It’s an good plan, simple to memorize, but it needs ingenuity to perform. Everypony involved had to play their role, but if only one pony knows the whole plan there is only the one pony benefiting from it.

“Aideen’s Audiolog. September 4, 1238. Mommy is late today again.”

“Aideen’s Audiolog. September 4, 1238. Mommy didn’t come today. The other fillies weren’t picked up by their parents either and Big Momma said we could stay with her for the night.”

September 4, the day all the dominos were in place and... no wait, that’s not an accurate metaphor. Dominos falling over indicate a series of events. What would be a good metaphor for when they all fall over at once? Well, that’s the story of how the Crimson Company was founded, with the money from a stablesworth of slaves.

Big Momma isn’t exactly a name a teacher would choose for herself. While most perverts in the wastelands just want to get off, it’s not like there are a lot of pedophiles or hebephiles. And although they would pay a good price the Crimson company-policy clearly says: no foals under fifteen.

So until I was ready to have my flower plucked they treated me really well and I even got an education in computer science. The idea was using my special talent to hack terminals and open electronic safes. The Company trained us to be good scavengers.

I’ll spare you the sob-story about me crying for my mother when she didn’t come back. I’ll also skip the years until I turned fifteen. It’s a part of my life and it shaped who I am. But most importantly it is my story and I decide how I tell it.

“Aideen’s Audiolog, December 11, 1241. I’ve been fifteen for a month now. I know there is a high price on me, but somepony just paid it. I have already put two portions of Med-X into my PipBuck to inject them when... it should start.”

“Aideen’s Audiolog. December 11, 1241. I had so not cared about what was going on and that guy was freaked out. It’s kind of like ‘I wish I had been there’ to laugh at him.”

“Aideen’s Audiolog. December 12, 1241. Big Momma was not pleased with my ‘performance’. Sadly they can’t make any more money with my virginity as it is gone and I’m... free to be defiled. I know what is going to happen and I put another Med-X in my PipBuck to be prepared.”

“Aideen’s Audiolog. December 14, 1241. Yeah, took them a while to teach me a lesson. It lasted longer and the Med-X wore off but I remained limp, no reason for them to enjoy it, whether it’s begging for mercy, trying to defend myself or praising them for doing a good job. They won’t get more than physical relief from me.”

I got my price drastically reduced. Cost/performance ratio and such. But I kept limp, I endured. Most of the perverts are regulars and after a year or so almost nopony paid for me anymore and I was free again. Sure, I suppressed a lot of pain and emotions, and from time to time I had a regular who tried to mentally break me, but I always won. Won... like, it’s a game.

“Aideen’s Audiolog. April 7, 1243. Me being on Lusthouse-duty obviously doesn’t pay off for them anymore and I am up for rent now. Rent-a-slave, what a business concept. Now I’m basically a portable hacking device, up for rent for freelancing or self-employed scavengers.”

Of course hacking into terminals wasn’t the only thing I was used for when I was rented. But as weird as it sounds (not the rent-a-slave thing), I believed I was happy. I could do what I liked most, working with computers while proving my skill in the field.

Time passed on, and I reached the point where I can start my story. The important stuff comes now...

*** *** ***

Footnote: Starting out! Distribute 40 S.P.E.C.I.A.L.-Points:
4 Strength, 6 Perception, 6 Endurance, 6 Charisma, 8 Intelligence, 7 Agility, 3 Luck

Profession Tag: Stable Maintenance – You gain 15 points into Building and Science.
Skill Note: Building has reached 25.
Skill Note: Science has reached 25.

Special Perk: OWNED! – You have unique dialogue options with slaves, former slaves and slavers and deal additional 10% damage to slavers.

Profession Tag: Hacker – You gain 15 points into Science.
Skill Note: Science has reached 50.

Chapter One: Facility

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Chapter One


“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 2, 1247. Dear abandoned cabin, what secrets do you might hold? Is your security high enough for them to call an specialist?”

After a three-day hike our destination came into sight. There was not much left of the cabin, as most of it had once consisted of wood. It was tiny; if it had been for living purposes there might have lived a single hermit there before the war. But with what once had been the border of Equestria being not far away, every cogitative equine would have abandoned it once the war started. So, why would there be a terminal with a security system that got the better of one of our scouts? Sure, they don’t have the experience I have, but... ahh, I wrecked my brain about it most of the way here. If something is hidden in the middle of nowhere and has high security it should harbor something valuable. Which is the reason why the Crimson Company sent out a delegation of four battle scarred guards and a hacker, to obtain whatever it might hold.

One of my companions (I never bothered to remember the names of the ponies I go on missions with) scouted the building and searched for traps before the rest of us entered. Standard procedure, and it was for my safety too; it wasn’t as if my patience was being tested, I’m usually a patient pony; and it gave me the opportunity to sit down, rest, and enjoy the scenery. Spiky rocks, dead trees and the dreariness of the wasteland. After the bombs fell and the trees died, the wind coming from the sea could mercilessly whet the mountainside, making it quite hard to travel even the short distance from Colt’s Well to...

“Equestrian Wasteland”

I gave my PipBuck a little shake as if to jump start it. For some reason it hadn’t named this specific location. It should surprise one that the device is capable of knowing names of the unlikeliest places, but after a few years of this it was the other way around. For fun, I always imagined there being a server somewhere that collects the information of locations from every PipBuck-wearing equine out there and gives them out to everypony too. If my weird theory would hold true nopony with a PipBuck ever discovered this building. There is no sense in fretting over things I probably will never know and I returned my attention back to the scenery.

Once upon a time it had to have been a stunning view. I imagine the trees being alive, the rocks being mossy green, and grass and flowers everywhere. In good view along the side of the mountain was the Hot Spring and Wellness resort of Colt’s Well where many little streams flow down forming the Colt, a small river that ended into the sea. The sea... It was beautiful, even now where everything else of the scenery has gone nasty.

“It’s secure,” came a voice from the building and I immediately stood up, taking the statement as a command. With a urge of morbid fun I walked towards what had once been the entrance, even though most of the walls weren’t standing anymore. A doormat announced in big cheerful colored letters: “Go Away!” A doormat had the simple purpose of allowing and reminding people who enter the house to clean their hooves. Usually ponies had a cheerful motive on them, “Come in” or “Welcome” and pansy stuff like that. I chuckled at the thought of somepony deciding to twist this around and order his guests to go away, all while keeping up the good fun and use cheerful colored letters.

*** *** ***

I already managed to hack into the terminals system and I can see now how my suggestions are compared to the password. I already knew what terminal only accepts upper- and lowercase letters as inputs . The actual hacking process is already over, I only have to guess the password now in pot hitting style. You probably think I could have started guessing the password from the very beginning and you might be right, but with my hacking I see how correct my guess is.

Most ponies choose something mundane, like the name of a loved one, or the name of the project saved on the terminal (how stupid can one be?). But I once stumbled over a terminal who used the first letter of every word in a poem as the password. It would have taken me quite a long time to figure it out if there hadn’t been a motivational-poster right above the terminal reciting it.

I usually start with inputting a string full of only one vowel. Due to my hacking I usually could then see how many letters I have correct, and with the right tactic it’s pretty easy when you are in possession of a good vocabulary. But let’s be honest, in the wastelands there are not a lot of ponies gifted with one.

>input_pw "OOOOOOOO"
>Entry denied!
>Allowances: 3
>input_pw "UUUUUUUU”
>Entry denied!
>Allowances: 2

Although I still had an allowance left I backed out of the terminal for the third time. No vowels, means either something really weird in the zebra-language or a gibberish-password. Either way wasn’t unhackable, but were going to be quite time-consuming. Certainly not something I want to do manually, and thankfully I have written a program once that is capable of doing just that.

About twelve minutes later, while my program tested for upper case ‘L’s, a dark violet spark struck me from the terminal. “Ouch.” Terminals aren’t supposed to behave like that. I saw terminals explode when they get activated or overused, but my program was gentle, I had made sure of it. Then the sound of grinding metal (in need for lubricant) filled the cabin. What we thought was a floorsafe opened up and revealed a hole with a ladder going down.

“Well what do we have here?” Our mission-leader softly punched me in the shoulder. He looked down the hole where I could hear light bulbs attempting to go on. Bang, bang, click, bang. Four lights were once needed to illuminate the whole way down. After approximately 200 years of not being used, one of them managed to not explode. Thankfully exploding light bulbs were no major cause of death in the wastelands. “That’s mighty interesting. Good work, doll.”

I frowned. Dolls were supposed to be pretty, but most of the ones you can find in the wastelands were positively creepy; you can do to them whatever you want without getting a reaction and they are possessions. Altogether not a bad nickname for me, so I was quite surprised that I had heard it just now for the first time. But my new nickname wasn’t the reason for my frowning.

The problem was that my program was still running, I had not opened that hatch. Maybe that dark violet spark triggered some shortcut to the hatch’s opening mechanism. Not to mention, dark violet was an unusual color for an spark coming from a terminal, unless it’s a magical terminal of course. The terminal doesn’t look that way, but from the very beginning I had known it wasn’t a mass produced terminal, maybe even one of a kind.

Our trap disarmer climbed down the ladder and reported: “Another door down here. Room’s intact, no lids for turrets to pop out, air’s good. There’s a weird mechanical thingy, looks to be decorative. Room’s secure. My guess’s it’s only an entrance.” And that’s our cue to follow. Leader-guy first, of course, and I went in afterward. The shaft is giving me an eery feeling. The walls had moved on a rail to make place us to climb down. I climbed as fast as I could, there had been a malfunction already and I didn’t want put myself on the line even if crushed to death might be a quick death (I remember how fast it opened up).

The weird decorative mechanical thingy in the center of the room turned out to be an orrery. I’ve heard of them only once, they are zebra-built and they were all confiscated and destroyed by the Ministry of Image as they are blasphemous towards the princesses. I didn’t know what they look like or why a model of the sun, moon and planet would be blasphemous, until now that is. The model neither showed just these three objects nor was the sun orbiting Equestria. There wasn’t even a planet labeled “Equestria”, only one of the orbs on the orrery fitted Equestrias description, but it was labeled “Gaia”. I’ve heard Zebras referring to the land as “Gaia” before. I figure “Gaia” is better than referring to the planet with the name of their land as equestrians did it. The planet “Zebra Nation”. When I think about it I don’t even know the official name of their land. It could as well be “United Zebra Tribes”, or something.


The shaft was closing again. “ohnononononono...” Our last man was still in there. CRACKSQUISH, splash. The noise of his cracking bones, quickly replaced by being a squishing sound almost made me throw up. His bodily fluids rushing down on the floor, splashing around, and hitting me didn’t help much neither. The horror of my imagination had become true. He hadn’t even had the time to scream. My companions seemed to harbor similar emotions. I wasn’t the only one to gag, but at least I kept the contents of my stomach. Leader-guy only cursed, but quickly added: “Tell me we’re not trapped down here.”

I swallowed the sourness in my mouth first. “No, there needs to be a terminal to open it from the inside too. There!” I walked over to the terminal right next to the ladder. Thankfully it wasn’t password-secured, I could simply... A drop of blood dripped down on me. He will come crashing down on me the moment I command the shaft to open. Okay, brace yourself Aideen, you can do this.

>Open hatch?

The shaft opened up again. The corpse was sticking in a crude way to the wall, but gravity was slowly getting the better of it. I quickly dodged before it hit me. Splash. Uuuuuhhh... Can’t trick physics. Blood splashed everywhere from the impact of the body, coating me. Breath...

“You okay there?”

Does it look like I’m okay?

Breath, breath... Wait, breath? Where is the air coming from? It has been perfect until whatever-his-name got squashed. Where is a ventilation shaft? There it is... Huh, I know that design... “Hey, give me a lift.”

Leader-guy saw my interest in the ventilation system and I guess he recognized it too, as he didn’t object to me giving him a command. After all, they have only been used in one kind of facility. I managed to remove the covering and jumped to him again. The cover was safely in my telekinetic grip, and I presented it to my companions so they could clearly see the logo on it.

“Stable-Tec? Is this a stable?”

I looked over to the orrery. “I doubt it, more like a vault for valuables.” When I think about it... “Yeah, makes sense. You know, a Stable that saves the culture, far away from ponies’ prejudice. I mean, this is an orrery.” From the looks I earned I added, “Zebra-made.”

I saw leader-guys face light up. “You mean this’ a freaking treasure chamber?”

I’m undecided. A treasure chamber would be pretty bad. Crimson could sponsor a war against RedEye. And whoever wins is going to be a slaver-superpower, and that’s not good for anyone.

“There’s only one way to find out.” It was a neutral answer, of course. I’ve learned most ponies in some kind of power-position should not have their hopes crushed when somepony is present they can take their anger out on. “Just don’t get your hopes up; I doubt Stable-Tec would have built an death trap as an entrance.”

“Also that,” I pointed to the logo above the door, leading further into the bunker, “doesn’t look quite like Stable-Tec.” The logo was just two words arranged in a typeset which seemed quite weird. Dots, squiggles and streaks were in unnecessary places. Huh... I looked back at the orrery, at one specific orb in particular.

“Okay, safe in here. You’ve gotta see this.” Trap-guy’s voice came from inside. I nodded to myself. Yes, somehow I think I have got to see this. I walked through the doorway, looking one more time to the words adorning it.

Gaia Prevails

*** *** ***

It’s not a treasure chamber, it’s a museum. While there was some valuable stuff in here I doubt anyone in the wastelands will spent a lot more than the pure material price on it. But there was also some weird things in here, like two copies of the same books with their differences pointed out.

In the “banned”-department was a comic book of “Sword Mares” with a zebra as a supporting character. Can’t make kids believe that zebras are able to help the protagonist, right? Next to it was a newspaper article with the headline “Ministry of Image confiscates ‘ideologically incompatible’ works of art”. I have no urge of reading it as I already know what’s written in there. This facility was proof of it, someone saved as much as possible.

Equestria had always seemed like an utopia to me. But censorship and... do I want to know what happened to the guy writing an article which ended up in the banned section? I know what happens to ponies when they challenge authority now. There might have been a healthy environment, but without free speech it sure wasn’t anything close to an utopia.

My sightseeing didn’t last long as trap-guy called me over to the edge of the room. “Hey, hacker, over here!” I had gotten used to not open doors to rooms which were possibly still unsafe so I simply stay away from the walls to never get tempted. I saw the doors but avoided reading their markings. This door was marked “weapons”. Looks promising.

“The door is computer controlled, but this terminal wont start up.” He attempted to tap against the dead terminal just to get struck by a dark violet bolt of lightning. He yelped and stumbled backwards only to fall over his own feet. The terminal sprung alive and opened the door.

“Err... you okay.” Of course he wasn’t okay. He had struck his head against the table behind him. I poked him in the side as a puddle of blood began to form around his head. “That’s bad... GUYS!” I called out the last word. This is really bad.

Leader-guy had come running, briefly observing the scene he asked: “What happened?” He voice implied more of a question on why I killed that guy and not what he had actually said. Or is it just me being paranoid?

“He just... stumbled.”

“Stumbled? He screamed before.”

“Well, ahh... yes. He got an electric shock from the terminal, that’s why he stumbled backwards to begin with.”

“Two freak accident and both times a terminal had been involved.”

“You are saying I killed them?”

“You don’t seem surprised I accused you.”

“I... err...” I never though being paranoid would get me in trouble like that. “What would I gain if I kill you one after another?”

Glare... Stare-fight, don’t blink. Count to three, then look awkwardly away. Surrender. Make him think I have the weaker will than him and I’m not capable of murder. I mean... I am not capable of murder. He was no stupid pony; he knew there was no possibility he could proof I did it unless he could get a confession, something I am obviously not going to give him, so he did the best thing he can come up with. “Congratulations, I promote you. Go check for traps.”

Two birds with one stone, he punished me and he got somepony for the job. And yes, checking for traps was a punishment. Usually a dangerous job, but I don’t think there are really traps in here. At least nothing that is intended to kill ponies. I entered the weapons room. Okay, rephrase that: There is nothing in here that is supposed to kill ponies on its own.

The weapon room was no armory; it too was kept in museum style. Zebra swords and lances were neatly organized on mounts blocking my view deeper into the room. I focused my attention on the ceiling and walls, but found nothing, the terminal next to the door had no turret control either, and that was pretty much everything I know about traps.

“No turret hatches and I’m still alive, so...”

“You have no idea what you are doing, right?”

I saw no reason to lie. “Not the slightest.”

Leader-guy and the remaining guard entered the weapon room. “Nothing to properly equip an army. Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight, right?”

“I guess you need an education to even use these things.” The guard had walked over to one of the mounts holding swords. “They might only be decorative...” He shook the frame holding the weapons, when a flash of the dark violet magic released them. Taken by surprise, he didn’t jump back immediately before he got cut up neatly.

“It’s not even trying to be subtle...” Leader-guy stared at me, my horn to be specifically. My aura was golden, like my hair and he knew enough about magic that I couldn’t have done it.

“What do you mean? What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, it was a feeling when we came in, and the spark striking the other one was violet too. Err... We should get out of here, now.”

He continued to stare for a second, but the fear in my face probably assured him in his opinion about my suggestion.

“You’re right.” He bolted for the door before I even realized. When I started moving the door had already automatically shut down.

Not good... not good at all.

The terminal beside it was out. And I couldn’t restart it.

Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now...

There was another door further back in the room, I know it lead into a direction where another door from the main room lead too. I might be able to get out from there...

The door was labeled “Control Room”. Okay, that sounds promising. Inside was a neat big computer with various screens. An unicorn skeleton adorned the chair in front of the main screen. I probably would have appreciate the amazing setup of the computer, if my life wouldn’t be endangered at the moment. The door back to the main room was closed... obviously. The door back was closed too, I’m trapped.

There is still the third door, but did I want to go further into the facility? The door was labeled “laboratory”. My chances are probably higher if I try taking control of the facility, this is the control room after all. Whoever is killing us has to have used... No, scratch that, only the very first death could have been caused by a good control over the facility.

The screens showed the security-feed from cameras. Leader-guy was in the entrance room, lying on the floor, probably dead. The ventilation system was extracting smoke from it. My guess was on neurotoxin. And there’s nothing anyone could do against neurotoxin, unless they have a gas mask, or they have access to the control system. Come on, you’re my last hope. I connected my PipBuck... 46,656-digit password.

I sat down into the chair next to it and leaned back. I’m dead, no point in hiding it now. “Hey, how’s it goin’? You come here often?” I asked the skeleton. “Mind if I join you?” The skeleton didn’t respond. “Well, I don’t know what I expected.” I guess, fear made me snap.

I stared at the skeleton for a while. I’m not good at equinology but I guessed the skeleton to have been male. His lab-suit told me ‘Stand back while I am going to attempt a science’. He was sitting in a strange position. His hoofs were oddly crossed, like he had been meditating when he died. Whoever he had been, he had known he was going to die, like I do.

Wait a moment... IT let us in. If this dark violet magic thingy didn’t want us, it wouldn’t have let us in to begin with. And I’ve been in this room for a good minute now and hadn’t been gassed or something. I quietly asked: “What do you want from me?” And the door behind me opened. Of course it had heard me, and now I was invited into the laboratory. Okay... let’s have it your way.

The lab was of a museum quality too, but it only had three exhibits. And there were a few well-equipped terminals, whoever had built this facility had certainly not lacked money. Once again I found myself thinking I could have kinky thoughts about this setup if it weren’t for the figurative gun a bodyless entity was holding at my head. The first exhibit was metal in ore and refined bar form. While the ore was almost black, the refined version was of blueish-white color.

The second exhibit was an energy weapon. Not like any energy weapon I have ever seen before. The handle was certainly not made to fit into a ponies mouth, or a griffins or hellhounds claw. It’s energysource was removed from the weapon, it was a liquid substance in a phial glowing in a light blue. The weapons casing was of the same metal from the first exhibit.

The third exhibit was a big mannequin in armor. A shiver ran down my spine. The temperature might as well has dropped 20 degrees. I know this armor, I have seen it before. It was pictured in lore, every foal (in the stable) knows the story. Something was driving me to walk towards it, until I could touch it. I couldn’t control my own body! I lifted my hoof and reached out for it. The metal was surprisingly warm...

Nightmare Moons armor and the mannequin immediately changed to my size.


I turned around and ran.


The doors were open but I didn’t wonder about it, my head was filled with a mantra of negation.


The shaft was open too and I climbed up the ladder.


I ran out of the cabin, along the cragged mountain path.


I ran until my heart raced and my lungs pumped battery acid.


I stumbled and fell. I slid on the ground, badly grazing myself.


I slid off the cliff.

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 2!
New Perk: Rule One of the Wasteland: Cardio (1): You can run for 20% longer than usual.
Special Perk: Touched by Nightmare Moon: +2 Intelligence and +2 Perception when standing in the direct moonlight. (good luck with finding some in the Wastelands)
Skill Note: Magic has reached 25.
Skill Note: Medicine has reached 25.

Quest: Gaia Prevails
[X] Find Gaia Prevails facility at Mount Mustang
[X] Find a way inside the facility
[ ] Optional: Investigate every room of the facility
[X] Investigate the lab
[ ] Report back to the Crimson Company in Colt's Well

Chapter Two: Craft

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Chapter Two


“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 3, 1247. It tried to kill us all, but I’m alive... I’m alive.”

I woke up.

I could feel pain, high in quality and quantity.

My feeling of time was scrambled. Maybe five seconds, maybe an hour later I could finally form a thought, and how I got messed up so bad.

My senses were returning. I was lying on my back on some soft surface. I could make out noises and if I were to open my eyes, maybe I could see too. Worth a try, isn’t it?

Eyelids. Open. Now.

Come on...

Clouds came into view. The never ending cloud cover the pegasi had made after they lost Cloudsdayle. A mundanely boring view, but I need something to focus my mind on at the moment. So, History one-oh-one it is. Cloudsdayle had been the first location in Equestria to be hit by a megaspell-enhanced balefire bomb. The pegasi then, loyal as they are (or as loyal as wasteland-word-of-mouth made them out to be), immediately fled behind the clouds and covered everything up. I am quite certain their regular population doesn’t even know there is something below their cloud cover.

After the wall of clouds cut them of there had been one mare, Rainbow Dash, who had called her kin out to be cowards and flew down below the clouds to help the ponies who survived the initial blasts. And every pegasi since then who wanted to help has been literally branded as a traitor.

The “dashites” as they are called, get Rainbow Dashs cutiemark, a lightning bolt coming out of a cloud, burned over theirs. An act of torture, yes, but the truly cruel part is that a cutiemark is considered an essential part of a pony; removing it was atrocious. I could imagine not even a pony who decided to abandon its old life want to have the last piece of themselves removed.

Ugh... Can somepony turn the music down? The noise I could noticed earlier I now recognize as a radio broadcast. It was fast music, loud music. Not something I could need right now. I managed a groan as I turned towards the source. It moved too. What?

My PipBuck, of course. Why would it be switched on? Concentrate. I accessed my PipBuck. Utility, Broadcast, 103fm - Colt’s Well weather station. That is the Crimson Companys broadcast. Why would I listen to that? The song ended. And a deep male voice started its introduction.

“Hello again my faithful listeners...”

Nope, I’m not in the mood. I turned the broadcast off. ‘Nope’, huh... ‘nope’. There had been something about this word. Something is rattling in my mind, trying to– I remember now. The facility, their deaths, how I got the bruises. Nightmare Moons armor calling out to me.

“Oh hey, sleeping beauty woke up!” A female voice from behind me. “I figure first thing you do when waking up is turn that down. No, no, don’t move, you need to heal.” I retreated from the voice’s origin. “Yeah, what were the chances you’d do what I say?” She chuckled.

An unicorn mare stood right in front of me, she had a light golden coat and a multi-colored mane. The different shades of orange and red made her head look like it could spark fire. She was fairly muscular, athletic, probably a fast runner, just like me. She wore a PipBuck, but was otherwise naked, which was odd; everyone in the wasteland wore at least some kind of protection. I wasn’t complaining, seeing someones cutiemark always felt like some kind of honor to me; as if this pony opened up and revealed an important part of itself to me. Her cutiemark showed a histogram.

“I’m not a doctor, so I can do this.” She punched me in the stomach. Too much pain... I gasped only to get something shoved into my mouth. A sponge filled with some awful tasting liquid. “Sleep.” She pressed my mouth closed forcing the liquid inside to run down my throat. I instantly got sleepy again.

*** *** ***

Again I awoke to the sound of my PipBucks radio. It was night. I could almost feel no pain anymore. I now had the mental capability to inspect my own body. I was covered up in healing bandages and my mouth tasted like I had been infused with a healing potion lately.

“The workers at the Crimson company are not simply slaves, fellow wastelanders. Yes, they are owned by us, and yes, they cannot simply go wherever they want, but our workers live in better conditions than many ponies out there. They have warm beds, a community and protection from the dangers of the wastelands. Some of our workers receive proper education in various areas such as medicine, mechanics, computer science, and good old wasteland business.”

Again, the Crimson Company Broadcast. Their usual propaganda. ‘No really, we are the good guys.’ My opinion about the Company is neutral towards positive. They are doing good work, and are really building something, but they use murder, intimidation, and slavery as tools. Not exactly how the good guys should behave.

“The territory our workers are digging over was once been the best farmland in Equestria. The volcanic activity giving Colt’s Well its hot springs also gave the region lots of volcanic ash. Peat. This peat has once been transported to farms all over Equestria. Once upon a time Mount Mustang erupted on a regular basis, every seven years, just like clockwork. However, not since the war. Seems like not even volcanoes can survive megaspells.”

Again she is using the same trick. Well, it is not going to work twice; I’m not gonna switch the broadcast off this time. I saw her sitting by a fire; she was barbecuing something. Food...

“Anyway, our workers dig down far and, just like we assumed, we have found still nutritious land. We are building an empire here, folks; and we are not calling ourselves freaking Crimsons Army. No! we are civilized. For now we are just a company, but rest assured that we are working our way up. Sure, we use low-cost workforces. But that doesn’t mean we are of low quality. But for now, have more music.”

Again she caught me. “After you managed to successfully sneak up on me, how are you planning to continue?” She leaned back supporting herself with her forlegs, while looking at me with her head upside-down. “Kill me?” My stomach growled at the smell of her barbecue. “And then eat me, perhaps?”

She floated a squirrel impaled on a stick in her orange aura over to me. I grabbed it with my own and quickly began eating. “You got messed up pretty badly. I mended on the outside what I could, but I don’t know how it looks like on the inside, ‘cept for the parts which were sticking out of course.” I gulped. “I infused you with healing potion, but have no idea about what I can’t see. Though eating slowly would be advised.”

I finished my squirrel. “Sorry.” What was she apologizing for? She turned around, taking a normal pose again, only to frown in pain and grabbing her head. “Ouch.” She chuckled again. “Bad circulation.”

I just had to ask. “What are you sorry for?”

“Catching you sneak up on me. You could have used the feeling of success. You know, ‘control’. And I took it away from you.” She honestly meant that. For some reason this mare saved me and was worried about my state of mind. “But you are a walking radio and I would have looked pretty stupid if I wouldn’t have noticed you.”

Right, I should have turned it off for sneaking. No, she would have known too. Wow, what a plan, ingenious in it’s simplicity. Turn it off, she knows I’m awake; leave it on, she hears me coming. Additionally, the music wakes me when the sleeping potion wore off and I was healthy again for waking up.

“You can call me Craft, what’s your name?”


“Ahhh, a real old school name. Aideen, like the spirit of fire in zebra mythology. Your parents had good taste. I like.”

Okay? “I did not know that.”

“Oh, don’t mind it. I just happen to have freaky knowledge about fire.” She looking at me thoroughly. Was she checking me out? “You’re Crimson Company?”

The barding she had to have removed from me while she mended me has already told her “Yes.”

“You’re a hooker?”


“So you are?

“What makes you think that?”

She clacked with her teeth twice. “Oral hygiene. I couldn’t help but notice when I infused you. Crimson Company has good quality, and bad teeth are usually a turn off.”

“And you concluded I’m a hooker from that?”

“Well, you’re not too shabby looking and it’s pretty obvious you were a slave, runaway now. What fucking good that did you.” She nodded towards the cliff I have fallen down from.

“I’m not- I mean I was, but I’m a hacker now.”

Craft tilted her head, narrowing her eyes; She was thinking hard, it seemed. After a while she smiled. “Excellent, consider yourself under new management.”

*** *** ***

We were walking through the night. Craft, my new owner, trotted happily ahead, not even making sure I was following her. There was something strangely off about that mare. I slept almost one and a half day, so of course I had energy, but I had no idea where she was getting it from, considering I had ate all of the squirrels she had caught too.

“Where are we going anyway?”

“Hufstein. I hope to fetch a pretty price for you there.”

“You plan on selling me?”

“Yeah, I don’t need a slave, I need money. Why? Have I grown onto you? I know I’m not a 'normal everyday sympathetic' pony.” Craft spun around, walking backwards to not stop our journey. She smiled and patted her eyelashes. “I’m 'advanced' sympathetic.”

I did not go in on that. “Fort Hufstein lies at the sea, right at the zebra border, right? It was common location for battle. Ships, pegasi, dragons, infantry, artillery, and everything.”

“Somepony paid attention in History class. Seems like Crimson Company doesn’t tell bullshit and really educates their slaves. Centuries before the war, the region passed back and forth between Equestria and local zebratribes. I mean it was in war times, but back then the zebras weren’t really an actual nation before. And Equestria versus a small local tribe isn’t really a war.”

Craft turned around again to see where she was going. “When there was peace it became a good place for trade and a town settled around it. During the war the medieval fort had been upgraded into a modern military base and the town had been somewhat abandoned; nopony wanted to live at the border, of course. Luckily for the wastelands it was no good target and it was only mildly bombed, and the megaspell detonated that outside was no balefire. A little cleanup and you were ready to move in into one of the houses. The only reason it’s no metropolis is because zebras and ponies live there now.”

I knew that, but I didn’t plan on interrupting her. She might have information that slipped my mind and I could use in Hufstein once she sold me. Why am I following her anyways? I should flee and try getting back to the Crimson Company. It might sound weird that I want to get back, but I have a life there, plain and predictable and protected.

*** *** ***

My PipBuck peeped, signalizing midnight. I usually didn’t do this at midnight, but it wasn’t like we were going to sleep anytime soon. “Err.. Craft, wait a moment, please.” Craft looked back, her expression demanded an explanation from me, but she already stopped without one. “It’ll only take me a moment.” I lifted my PipBuck and cleared my throat.

“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 4, 1247. My life was saved by a pony named Craft. She plans to sell me in Hufstein.”

Craft just stared at me for full 10 seconds before she broke out in laughter. “You’re batshit crazy, aren’t you? Bwahaha... ‘Aideen’s Audiolog. February fourth...’ bwahaha.” She didn’t even try to mimic my voice properly. “Why so formal? Ahahaha! Gosh, this is priceless.” She was rolling on the floor now, her legs pedaling in the air.

It was my turn to stare. Other than me, Craft was actually doing something ridiculous. She was rolling around on the dirty wasteland ground laughing maniacally. “Formal? Look, there are two ways to do things, so why not choose the right one?”

Craft stopped laughing. “You’re serious.” She got up and dusted herself off. “There’s certainly truth in your statement.” She took a philosophical tone. “Most ponies are too lazy to do something the right way. A strategy which backfires onto them as they have to do it twice. But why doubletap and waste time, energy, and ammunition when you can do it right with just one try.” She made a pirouette, spinning twice and faced toward our destination again.

I already said it, but there is something off about this mare. I doubt she even takes herself serious. Bursting out in laughter, getting serious, and then philosophizing about the nature of ponykind. “Tell me your cutiemark story.”

Oh... My cutiemark, sure. Her command was not completely out of the blue, after all... “You saw it when you were patching me up.” Cutiemarks are something private, but how can I tell her I didn’t want to talk about it after she already saw it? I’m grateful that she saved me, of course. “You seem smart enough, can’t you guess?”

“Look at you all though, counting on me being arrogant and not refusing your challenge of a guessing game. Sure, I can guess, I actually did already, just not out loud. Why do you think I stopped laughing?”

“It’s not a spectacular story.” I am not modest, it really isn’t. “You really want to know?”

“You’re slacking off; that was weak. Yes, I want to know.” Yeah, it was really weak. “By all means.” she added.

“There is no real story. I grew up in a stable, before it opened. And uhm... my mom worked in maintenance, and so I had to do maintenance too. No, I guess I should start with the PipBuck. When you turn ten years old you get to do your first chores for your profession. Kids have the same as their parents, every profession needed is always filled and the stable can sustain itself for centuries. Sexuality is... uhm... quite open, but you can’t have a kid with someone you... love.”

“You’re explaining your stable, dear.”

“I said there is no real story. There is a computer system which decides on who you will have a kid with. Test-tube babies, a little engineering on the way for genetic diversity in the stable, and that it will be a filly or a colt. When you are 25 you get a kid of your own gender. No emotional binding between the parents however.”

“I know about Stable Eight, you’ll train your kid, and when you’re 50 she will have one; then with 60, that filly starts her duties and you can start retiring. But how did you get your cutiemark?”

“I might as well tell you a long version as we have nothing else to do, so I prepared a long one, okay?”

“Well then, continue your long version.”

“So, I turned ten and received my PipBuck. I took up my duty in maintenance. While every job has to be done in the stable to keep it working, maintenance is the part that literally does so.” I think I skip the part of how honorable I did mine when I was young. “What we do needs to be properly recorded, so my mom told me to make a habit of keeping audiologs. Month and a half later, just before Hearth's Warming Eve it was there.”

“Ahh... what a present from the universe.”

“It’s something I do every day; my cutiemark symbolizes nothing special from me.”

“You mean to tell me you don’t know what it means?” What? I barely noticed Craft had stopped in her tracks again and I almost bumped into her. “You haven’t got a clue on who you really are.”

“What do you mean?”

“If I would tell you I wouldn’t be very good at my job, would I?”

“What?” I looked back at my flank. My cutiemark was covered with my barding, of course, I know my own cutiemark by heart. I got it making an audiolog and I like them. Recording my daily audiolog has never been something mundane for me, it is part of me just like my cutiemark. I never wondered if the picture of a microphone mean't something else. “What do you know about cutiemarks?”

“Is gonna cost you!” Craft shouted back. While I had been somewhat lost in my train of thought she had already continued walking.

I believe this is a good time to tell you what Craft does for a living. She is working as a scout and deals with information. Some information is more valuable than other, and some can fetch a pretty high price. She compares them and creates statistics on different settlements, which then gave her other useful information. Compare the cost of a six day hike to the difference in price when selling something at your destination and you know how to make the most profit of it.

*** *** ***

The cloudcover had let through small amounts of light, indicated that the sun had risen; we had walked through the entire night and Craft started to show symptoms of fatigue. We just found a small shelter along the road, about a days trip away from Hufstein.

“These shelters have been built as a public service, when coal got rare in Equestria and the tickets for the train increased in price, then traveling merchants had to rely on their own feet to reach their destination- Uhhh, jackpot!”

Craft had all this freaky knowledge, but was only content to share when she thinks I couldn’t use it for my own profit. Everything she does was out of the ordinary or supremely weird. She surprised me however when I saw how a rain barrel had the ability to fill her with glee.

In my entire life I have never seen an endearing scene as Craft embracing and caressing that barrel; the ponies I spent my time in the wastelands with never show those kinds of feelings. The expression on Craft’s face was true content, it made me... uncomfortable. “Should I give you two some time?”

She returned a slutty smile. Okay, that was something I can deal with. “Why don’t you join us?”

“No thanks. I think I’ll pass.”

“Can’t let you do that. You’ve gotta obey your masters orders. You come here, you are going to pet this barrel, and you are going to like it.” Is she for real? “Or you can go inside and see if there are some pots in there, we are going to heat up lots of water.”

“You want to make a bath?”

“Correct. You’re dirty. Dirty slaves don’t sell for good money. I’ve got to make you beautiful and I think I’ll change your manestyle too.”

“You want to change my hairstyle?”

“You make yourself undesirable, the opposite of what mares usually do. Sadly it doesn’t work out well for you because I could still see your natural beauty when your limbs stick away in weird angles and through a crust of blood.”

“I... ah...”

“I’m sorry. Beauty means brothel for you. I understand why it makes you uncomfortable and why you do it. I...” Craft sighed and looked to the ground. Was that shame? Well, she is going to do exactly that to me.

“Look, Craft. You are not a slaver, I haven’t known you for long, but I’m guessing you are a good pony. Just take me to Colt’s Well. The Crimson Company will pay you... a finders fee and I’ll have my life back.”

“That is where you are wrong. Your knowledge of equine nature is limited. I am a bad pony. I have even been called a monster before.” Craft punched the barrel, making some water splash out; then she engulfed me in her magic and floated me upside-down over it. “A finders fee? How much is that? Additionally they might think I killed your group, and I can’t take that risk. I can wash you in cold rain water or we can heat this up.”

Single hairs of my mane, the ones that were not held together by the ribbon I have, fell into the water, floating on top of it. “Now, will you obey?” I’ve been threatened before, but it was the very first time, the pony I’m dealing with was utterly unpredictable. “WILL YOU OBEY?!”

“Yes, yes. I will obey.”

“Golly!” She carefully floated me back down, bearing a happy expression again.

Her face was only a mask... She is dangerous. This mare scares me, and I have never been scared of a pony before.

*** *** ***

I needed to do this far more often than I am comfortable admitting. I had been an expert in endurance, it hadn’t even much of a challenge with leader-guy on that mission. Why is Craft even- ahaaah... Keep an neutral expression!

We had moved the barrel inside and found some pots to cook the water in. It was an tiring task as we had no place to store the hot water and had to pour it back into the barrel, but eventually the water obtained a good average temperature. I had pedaled a little to create a small current so the water distributed itself a little, but I got it right and it had actually been pleasant, until she started washing me with a sponge.

Craft was sitting on a chair, leaned back with her legs crossed, her horn aglow. She was watching me as if I was her favorite theatrical play with the comedic highlight arriving; she got ready to say along the lines of the protagonists, which she knew by heart, but I’m not going to give her that satisfaction.

“Tell you what.” Was she giving up? She wasn’t the type to give up. “I’m telling you what your cutiemark means and you will do me the favor of enjoying yourself. You are struggling, that mask of yours is crumbling.” She knows a thing or two about masks, I guess. “What harm would there be if you would give in?”

I did not respond, because I was afraid if I opened my mouth I would let out a moan. Craft seemed to realize that and stopped caressing me. My body twitched a few times under water, but the part Craft could see was kept neutral, like I had trained myself. I had to concentrate so much on it I couldn’t take in information from my sight and she caught me staring into space. Of course she caught me, her special talent requires her to notice things.

Craft was looking away from me. There was this expression again. Shame. I continued to be silent, this time because I remembered how she reacted the first time when I tried to console her. I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of issues she has.

“Am I... am I torturing you?” She was even stuttering. ‘I have even been called a monster before.’

“N-” It’s exactly what she was doing, but I can’t tell her that.

Awkward silence.

“It’s your voice.” Huh? “Your cutiemark,” Craft explained, “it appeared when you recorded your voice and figured out you like it. You may be some professional speaker or radio announcer, maybe even a singer. What I can tell you is, that you have a melodic voice. That is the reason why...” she paused. “... I wanted to hear you squee.”

She threw the sponge against the wall. There was that anger again, at least it wasn’t directed to me. “You are a virgin, right?” Wha-? She had to know I was... “Figuratively speaking, I mean. You have never really opened up to anyone before.”

Craft stood up and walked out the door, one last time she turned around and said. “FYI: I’m sure as hell the wrong pony for that.” Then she was gone.

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 3!
New Perk: Study Group: Your skills rise 50% faster as long as you have one companion in your party with a higher skill level.

Skill Note: Cooking has reached 25.
Skill Note: Speech has reached 25.

New Quest: Freedom
[ ] Follow Craft to Hufstein or make your way back to Colt's Well

Chapter Three: Memories

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Chapter Three


“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 5, 1247. Craft left me, leaving a pistol, a substantial amount of ammunition and a note saying ‘practice’. Most of all she gave me lots to think about.”

I’m free now, and I have no idea what I should do with my freedom. I stayed the day and night in the shack where Craft has left me. I know, of course, why I hadn’t left the shack; nopony has told me to do otherwise.

I had to make a choice. Take my freedom, or return to my old life as a slave. Hufstein is a day away; Colt’s Well probably four or five. In Hufstein I will, have to make another decision, what to do there? Getting my life back... Do I really want to have it back?

One of the first things she had said to me: I could have used the feeling of success, having control. It was meant to be only the situation, but maybe I really carve control of my life. Who wouldn’t? I wouldn’t! Until now my life had some sort of order. It was easy, I didn’t have to worry about anything. In the Wasteland, I had no plan on how to survive the next week, but then again I had to survive at least four days to get to Colt’s Well.

I feel like I owe it to Craft to take my freedom. She saved my life, with the intention of selling me, sure. I had the feeling she was saving up money for something, but she had spent healing potions on me, and then even presented me with a small gun and a lot of ammo.

I had spend the entire rest of the day with the last command somepony gave me: practise. I have never used S.A.T.S. before, but I discovered the targetifng spell does not apply to empty cans. I made up my own targeting spell, where I engulfed my target in magic and aligned the gun to it. A three step spell: detect, direct, deploy. It drained me like crazy, but I hit every time. Of course, the cans were not defending themselves with tooth and nails.

Sure, I was glad I hit them, but it wasn’t fun in any way. And then I felt angry. How do they dare not defending themselves? This is supposed to be fun. Shooting things; letting off steam; releasing anger against something weaker than oneself.

That afternoon I cried myself to sleep. Why did I never defend myself? Stupid cans...

*** *** ***

I slept like a baby that night. Literally speaking, of course. I woke up every few hours crying for no apparent reason. Who came up with that metaphor anyway? How babies actually sleep like and what the metaphor indicates couldn’t be further appart.

At 4 am I decided not to go back to sleep again. I have no schedule I have to go by anymore. I can go to sleep and wake up whenever I want to. Does freedom mean I am able to make even the smallest decisions? It felt weird to me. I have to stop using that word. Unfamiliar. It felt ‘unfamiliar’ to me. Yes, that was the far better word.

There will be a lot of unfamiliar things coming at me, and some of these unfamiliar things will certainly want to kill me, but for now I need to get familiar with the feeling of feeling unfamiliar towards something. Huh... let me rephrase that: I have to get used to learning new things.

I will change my manestyle. Not because Craft had said she wanted to do it, but because I want to leave my old life behind me. I lifted the largest piece of a broken mirror from the bathroom and looked at myself. My mane was pinned up in a knot. She had been right; I really have done things to myself to make myself less attractive.

Searching my saddlebags for everything I could use to give myself a new hairstyle, I found an item I didn’t remember ever putting in there. Ironically my PipBuck has labeled the item ‘Memorhedron’. I floated it out to inspect the object I could best describe as a tetrahedron-shaped memory-orb. I had been under the impression memory-orbs were... orbs. Unfamiliar, right? It hadn’t activated itself by my magic, but it possessed an exit like a magical hard drive. There is no punishment for curiosity anymore so I decided to plug my PipBuck in.

> Unknown Add-on detected.
> Preparing uplink to StableTec.
> Searching server...
> Searching server...
> Searching server...
> Connection to StableTec-server could not be established. Uplink to StableTec failed.
> Add-on cannot be verified at the moment, try again later.
> Recommended: Eject Add-on, it might not be compatible with your PipBuck and could damage it.
> Eject / Access

Please don’t break my PipBuck, please don’t break my PipBuck, please don’t break my PipBuck.

> Access
> Retrieving data.
> Memorhedron is fully charged and ready to use.
> Next memory in queue: Untitled - January 8, 977
> Length: 0 hours 4 minutes 28 seconds.
> Load memory?

My jaw fell for various reasons. First: 977? That is half a century before the war. Second: This object was far superior to any memory orb. I could only guess but there has to be a lot of memories on that thing. And third: There is no way I could have had it in my saddlebags. I’m certain Craft didn’t give it to me, so the only other... entity to have slipped it to me, since I last checked my saddlebags was... Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon... She had let me into that facility, killed the others and let me out again. I should have thought about this way sooner but every time my mind wandered into that direction I got scared. What does she want? Eternal night? I figuratively looked up to the cloudcover, but saw of course only the ceiling of the shack. I imagine the cloudcover would piss her off. Could she even have known about the cloudcover in that facility? Maybe I just have imagined... no all that definitively happened.

She had slipped it into my saddlebags, I’m sure of it. The question is now: do I want to know what Nightmare Moon wants me to know? Decisions... freedom is certainly not easy. How do free ponies deal with it all the time? Being sent on a mission by evil spirits was hopefully not on a free ponies usual menu.

Princess Luna was still been imprisoned in the moon in 977. (Or on the moon. The lore hadn’t been specific about that.) She would have been Nightmare Moon at that time, but what is there to do on the moon? Had she recorded a monologue? Does this even make sense? Wait. How would she have planned all this? There is no way any pony in its right mind would help Nightmare Moon if she brought forward a 4 minutes 28 second sob story about how she is misunderstood or something. This has to be the memory of somepony else.

A memory only shows what happened, not the truth. Everypony could be an actor, saying exactly what they agreed to say. It could show only a fragment of a scene, the creator only presenting what is supposed to be seen. Hiding certain truths and presenting others in a different light is worse than lying.

Here goes nothing.

> Load memory?
> Load

<-=======ʌʌɅ Ʌʌʌ=======->

My host felt wei- unfamiliar, but I was sure it was a male unicorn. He was sitting at a desk, reading some heavy duty magical research papers. I couldn’t make sense out of half of it, but I wasn’t able to read it from the beginning. Would I have the time to read all of it thoroughly I believe I would be able to pull that spell off in accuracy, but my magical stamina might yield halfway through.

Two soft knocks at the door made my host turn around and opened the door immediately. Outside stood a tall white unicorn mare with a light pink mane. She was taken aback, obviously she didn’t expect the door instantly opening, but she regained her cool soon again. “Mr. Spellfield, I take it you were expecting me.”

“Miss Bright Skies. Yes, I did,” I could feel Spellfields facial muscles forming a smile. “eagerly so in fact. Your spell is ready.” He arranged the papers he had just been going over neatly, floated out a case of twelve memory-orbs and put the papers inside. “But, I’m afraid we have to make a change in the price.”

“We agreed on 45 thousand bits, that is more than enough for a single spell.” Bright Skies was angry, I couldn’t blame her; although I had no idea how much 45 thousand bits was, but it sounded like much.

“Yes I agree, I spent about 14 hours on that little project. That’s not a bad hourly rate if you ask me, and to be honest it was thrilling working on it, in comparison to spellchecking and rephrasing my dissertations over and over again.” He sighed. “You see, I’m capable, top of my class, and I’m charismatic. Don’t forget my modesty.” Great, I’m inside a douchebag who think he’s a comedian.

“I have a bright future ahead of me and you are asking me I should take the risk of losing it. While I worked on the spell I could think of thousand different reasons to use it. This is a spell to mess around with ponies brains, which is illegal. You know you can extract memories from unwilling victims too, right?” Extracting memories? Did this pony create the memory-orbs? This memory was saved on a superior form of memory orbs. So... it’s possible. “This cannot backfire at me, it would ruin my life.”

Brights expression contradicted her name. I couldn’t judge her, I had no sense of money but I imagine the price has just multiplied. But then I couldn’t judge him either, if it could ruin his life he somehow has a right for more money. “How much?”

Spellfield stood up from his chair and walked towards Bright Skies and gestured her into the room, then magically closed the door and locked it. He had to stretch his neck to reach her ear and whispered: “I have money, why would I need even more of it?” He traced her cheekbone, with his hoof. I know where this is going.

“What do you propose, then?” He walked around her, taking in the view. Why does she have to pull my stunt, simply letting him do what he was doing? Then again, maybe she was naive.

“Well, you didn’t deny immediately that you have something illegal planned. At a certain amount I believe it is easier to simply kill me and go through the trouble of finding somepony else. I want to get out of this deal alive, so I propose no money. No money means no paper trail. If I happen to receive any money, I’ll be an accomplice. Everything you have on me already will make me look like a source. If something might happen to you, I can talk myself out of it. ‘You talked to me about collecting memories as a hypothetical concept.’ You understand.”

I misjudged him. There is this rule for dealing with criminals, one is allowed to behave a little bit like an asshole. But he was still a pervert.

“So what do you propose, then?” She repeated herself. Maybe she just doesn’t have my experience with perverts or she was in denial.

“A kiss.”


“What?” Yeah, that’s what I said.

“I enjoyed working on the spell, but I can’t simply take no payment. To be honest you have a stick up yours, you might need to relieve your stress.”

“I do not need to relieve stress.” Right...

“Oh no, of course you don’t, forgive me for even assuming it. But a kiss is what I’m charging you with. It shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

<-=======vvV Vvv=======->

> Save position in queue.
> Memorhedron is charging. 1%
> Not ready for use.

I hate cliffhangers. But it wasn’t really a cliffhanger when I’m probably never going to find out what exactly happened. I’ll just have to wait until the Memorhedron is fully charged. So much for it’s superiority to casual memory-orbs. I guess the next memory wont continue immediately after the first.

I tried accessing its memory, but it showed unhackable. Then I had to think about that particular word. In 977 was when computer science was still an idea. What were the odds this Spellfield had his hooves in its development? I can only guess but I think one of the inventors of computers knows how to properly secure them.

My focus should be on an more pressing issue. Why was this memory shown to me? What would anypony gain from me seeing this? Why would the memory of the birth of memory-orbs be important? It has to be about what the memory-orbs were intended to do. Bright Skies, whoever she (or whoever she’s working for) wants to collect memories, and that fifty years before the war. What for?

I never had to wonder about stuff like that before. Figuratively speaking, I mean. My entire life, forming an opinion could only backfire at me. Why would I form an opinion when grownups have another one? And as a kid, you are always wrong. Then why would I form an opinion when my slavers have one? At least my mom let me live when I disobeyed her.

So what does it have to do with Nightmare Moon? I’m going to wonder about this while I do my mane. It’s amazing what you can do with hot water, a knife, a spoon and a lot of time. I could make curls...

*** *** ***

“Good morning faithful listeners, this is your Rosetta here and as always we’ll have our morning talk. Today’s topic is ‘Money’. This goes out to the entire wasteland and I hope you can take something valuable away from it. Fun thing is: there is actually some universal rule how you can make money, so listen carefully.”

I liked Rosetta; when I got my PipBuck, she was just starting her own show in Stable Eight’s broadcasting system. I became a fan, before she was popular. Sure, she never really got to get popular in the Stable, because it opened up before she got the chance to built a fanbase. Rosetta had been old enough for... serving in the Crimson Company, and I got to meet and befriend her, but she soon managed to get to work in their radio, and was out of my reach. Now she is in charge of the Crimson Companies morning broadcast.

“Ponies like to call money the root of all evil, like the ones who do evil do it for the money. But money really is only a tool for exchange. It’s a tool for producers, who create goods, and not for thieves, who take them with stealth; it’s a tool for traders, who deliver goods, and not for raiders, who take them with force; it’s a tool for consumers who purchase goods, and not for beggars, who take them with tears. Do you want to consider the good ponies who use money for its true purpose evil? Bad ponies don’t need money.”

Throwing beggars in the same pot as thieves can be justified somehow, but raiders? Raiders were a real scourge on ponykind; those guys torture, kill, defile and mutilate for the fun of it. While the Crimson Company are slavers they have a fun view of what is evil and what is not.

“Nowadays we don’t trade goods against goods anymore, because we trade way more things than goods. Services, protection, information, entertainment, all these are things we have assigned value to. And we don’t always have goods with us that is desired by our business partner, so we need a substitute, an intermediary value carrier. In the stone age it started with rare things, stuff that has value to probably all ponies around. Gold, for example, and gold is still around as a carrier of value, but it serves the purpose of money because it has actual value and isn’t a carrier.”

If I am going to be a free pony I’ll have to acquire money and be able to handle it. A broadcast about money was certainly something worth listening to. I never really thought about money. It is money. The most common and mundane thing. I never thought it was worth philosophize about.

“Soooo what is the closure of a bottle? There is no value in those things. Bits, as they were used in Equestria, were made of an alloy of copper, zinc and nickle. Sure, the raw material is worth more than whatever kind of alloy has been used to make bottle caps. The bit, just like our caps, was worth way more than its material. Literally speaking, both are worth almost nothing, so why does it have value? Why do we believe it has value?”

Because everypony does?

“For the same reason everything else has value. Why does anything have a value? Because we think it has value. The value of an apple is to appease one’s hunger, so what are we willing to trade for it? The value of a gun is, for most ponies, self defense, so what are we willing to trade for it? But let’s think about it the way we thought about money earlier. If we break the apple down into fructose and dietary fiber and whatnot, or the gun into the different metals, then what value does it have?”

Rosetta paused at her rhetorical question. She knew how to play the audience, and I felt no shame in answering: “None, no value at all.”

“Because it is not the materials worth, but what we can do with it. Money is value, and value is make believe. So how can you make money? It’s easy really. First step: You find something you like, this can be something you can create or something there is enough of to trade with, like bottle caps or stones or whatever. Second step: You call it money. And that’s it. Puff, it is money.”

I had a plan now, go to a merchant and say something like: ‘No really, this rock is worth one rock, it is a legitimate currency.’

“The tricky step is the third: Convince others it is money. Bottle caps have been chosen out of desperation, it wont work like that again. So we should take a look at another currency in the Wastelands: chips. They have value in and around New Pegas. Different than caps you cannot simply find them lying around in the wasteland, which makes them a special kind of rare. The exact amount of chips in existence is ‘knowable’. The casinos know their own value, but of course, they hate each other and don’t talk, but for their common interest of enforcing it as a currency they accept each others chips as payment in their casinos.”

There goes my ‘rocks as currency’-plan. Every Trader could simply go out and gather some himself, It’s probably an easier way to acquire rocks than trade them with me.

“You noticed the keyword there? ‘Enforce’. Chips are valuable because the ponies accepting them have the capability to enforce it as a currency. They got it up, and they can keep it up. If you believe you can do that too than be my guest. Here in the Crimson Company, we have the factories to make our own currency: crowns. All our employees use crowns when they trade with each other.”

Yeah, make the outside world think that the inside the Crimson Company has a real community. I myself have a good amount of crowns in the bank back in Colt’s Well, though they are not of any use to me now, of course. Not like I could do much with them in Colt’s Well either. I had the wits to build a bomb using simple household items, so they always kept a good eye on me.

“So far there is no exchange ratio, because we are an exclusive club. Our employees don’t get out so much, those who do have caps, and you don’t get in to trade with most of our employees. We are working our way up to become a real empire, people. So for now... some music.”

Fast loud music. Not usually the genre I like, but this is one of the songs I like. I let the music play on my journey to Hufstein. Music... couldn’t hurt to sing along.

“Pulled into war to serve a nation, that’s supposed to last a thousand years...

*** *** ***

I had to go a day without food for a few times already, but those times I never had to walk 100 miles. Hufstein came into sight just when night was falling. I’ve had the common sense of taking off my Crimson Company slave-barding before the gate guards could see it.

Maybe I should have discarded it, and even if I could take the risk of exposing it to a merchant I wouldn’t sell it. The barding was of good quality; it might be a reminder of the life I want to leave behind, but it is useful. I had something else that might fetch me a fair price, there was a broken radio in the shack and I repaired it.

The gate guards gave me directions to a merchant and now I was window shopping. I had no idea what to get myself. I really had to watch my money, and I had no idea what was worth what. The merchant was a light blue coated earth pony mare, she was... all over me.

Then I saw an object already in my possession. “How much is that radio worth?”

“65 caps, sweetie.” She smiled.

There was no reason not to return her smile. “Sounds fair.” I pulled out the same radio-model.

She had a bad case of the giggles. As if I had just made an hilarious joke. “Okay, anything else you want? You can have anything you see in here.” Right...

“I could need some dye for fabric.”

“I really like your mane...”

I froze. “That’s err... good to know. The style’s new, so... thanks.”

She adjusted a streak from my mane. I’m taking my what I’m able to get, and then I have got to get out of here...

*** *** ***

The sign in front of the motel signaled they did no room-service had a low price, and can charge daily or hourly. Good enough. The first floor only appeared to be a bar, but I bet the pony at the counter could tell me more. Night had just began to fall, but the bar was already filled with ponies and at the counter I saw one fiery mane I recognized.

“Coño, I’m not drunk enough for you.” Craft voiced when I sat myself next to her. She flailed a hoof into the air, beckoning the barkeeper over, then downed her drink. “Recharge.”

While the barpony refilled Crafts drink I took the chance of inquiring about the room. “Good evening, I would like to rent a room for the night.”

He was checking me out. I guess I wasn’t the usual kind of costumer. “Sure, 40 caps the night, if you clean the sheets.” Celan the sheets... right.

“Uhkay.” He can think whatever he wants to think. I was checking into this high prestige establishment, after all.

“Recharge.” Had Craft downed her drink again?

I passed the caps over the counter and was soon handed a key with the number eleven carved into it. “I was not following you.”

“That’s what all the crazy stalkers say. So what then? Demonic intervention?” Crafts tone was pretty drunk.

I’m not sure whether or not I like that crazy mare, somehow I’m glad to see her, but that is all. I have no idea what I’m supposed to say to her. ‘Thank you’?

Crafts drink was empty again, she was now supporting herself on the counter. “Cute one incoming.” What?

“E- excuse me?” A male earth pony was standing just behind me. Dark brown coat and dark green mane. He was looking young, maybe a teenager.

“Yes? Can I help you?” How stupid are you, Aideen? You are asking a... a male how you can help him when sitting in a shabby bar and motel.

“I err... was wondering if I can buy you a drink.” At least he doesn’t ask right out what I charge hourly.

“Say yes.” Craft was now resting her head on the counter.

I’m free, I could play him. One of the advantages of my looks. I changed my manestyle exactly for situations like this. Persuasion. And if it is just a drink I can get out of it, so... “Yes.”

He seemed surprised. “Yer out of his league.” Crafts whispered advice wasn’t helping. “You can choose whoever you want in here.”

“Oh, ahh... great. What do you want?”

Damn, what kind of drink would I want? Thinking too long will make me look insecure... I am insecure, so: “Beer will do, whatever’s on tap.”

“Erm... yeah.” He gestured the barkeeper.

“He’s not your type.” Why is she helping me?

“Sorry, but you are not really my type.”


“You’re into mares.”

“I’m-” Stop planting words in my mouth Craft!

She broke out in laughter and fell from her barstool. That seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary in this bar as nopony payed her any attention.

“I’m actually just not looking for anypony tonight.”

“Check his company.” Craft was halfway passed out drunk, but she managed to notice he had come from a group of other teenagers slash young adults.

“You lost a bet and had to come over and talk to me, right?” He forced a smile. “You didn’t expect to come this far, did you?”


“Let’s make a deal then. Your reputation in your little group there rises and I already have somepony here, which lowers the chance anyone’s hitting on me, aaaand I’ll have my peace.”

“Uhm... okay.” He stepped over Craft, who appeared to be sleeping now, and set on her barstool.

Somewhere along whatever road I choose to walk along I will have to decide if I’m going to be a good pony or a bad pony. He’ll gain in reputation in his group, sure, and I’m not asking much from him. It felt wrong and I want to be a good pony. How do free ponies deal with moral decisions? This is the wasteland and sometimes one has to do a bad thing to survive.

Wasn’t me using him the exact same thing I did to the merchant? What has changed? I know his name, and he wasn’t as touchy as that merchant, though I recognized a certain carnal desire in his eyes.

I’m not a connoisseur, but... “This beer is awful.” He winced. “Not your fault. My name is Aideen, by the way.”

“Quick Shot.”

I took another sip of my beer. “Hey barkeeper, can you pour that down the sewers and get me a real drink?”

“Whatcha want?”

What do I want? Hmm... What has Craft been drinking? When had the mare, who just passed out drunk on the floor, become my role model? “Scotch.” The barpony didn’t respond, he only raised his eyebrows, while he got the bottle and poured it in a glass for me.

I turned to Quick Shot “And? Are you living up to your name?”

“Ahh... no, actually. I’ll try to hit my targets, shooting quick alone never helps anyone.”

“Totally respectable. What do you do for a living? Something where your shooting skills are required?”

“Sometimes, I take job as they come in. Radigators making problems over by the river for example, or I’ll get hired to protect caravans.”

“So, day laborer, not quite mercenary.”

While he seemed to have no idea how to talk to mares he could talk about things he knows about, and he knows about day laboring, making money, exactly what I need at the moment. We talked for a while about him and his life, and I never needed to fake interest. I don’t know anything about the normal life of a free pony in the wastelands.

At one point Craft must have gotten up and left; I didn’t notice her, but when I said my goodbye to Quick she was gone. I can’t help but think she wanted to give us some alone-time, giving me the chance to form a friendship. I liked Quick, and I was sure I liked him normally, not in the twisted way I came to like Craft. Quick Shot was actually sympathetic, though shy at first he was a nice and funny guy.

Quick and I agreed to meet tomorrow at the towns black board, where all the jobs hang out, ready for the taking.

*** *** ***

> Memorhedron is fully charged and ready to use.
> Next memory in queue: August 3, 1003 - January 10, 977
> Length: 0 hours 22 minutes 58 seconds.
> Load memory?

I had just been about to go to sleep, when I decided to check the Memorhedron again. Two dates? I’m not rusty on my math so I know that the time span between the two dates is more than 23 minutes. Additionally they are in the wrong order if it would truly be an time span. ‘August 3, 1003’ was where ‘Untitled’ had been in the former memory.

Once again, I wasn’t sure if I should watch the memory; Nightmare Moon wants me to see them. A memory couldn’t brainwash me, right? I might get told an opinion but it still was upon me when I decide if I give it credibility. Am I playing with my luck here? After all, I think I can outsmart Nightmare Moon.

> Load memory?
> Load

<-=======vvV Vvv=======->

The same room and the same desk again, so I assumed I was the same unicorn again. Spellfield opened a drawer in his desk and took a box of memories. It was the same one as he had given Bright Skies two days ago. He opened the box to see one of them had been filled.

“You have been busy, haven’t you?” He was talking to himself, first sign of insanity. Second sign would be if he was talking back to himself. “Why would you record memories?”

He seemed undecided about whether or not to watch it. Wait... How would he have that memory anyway? It wasn’t like Bright Skies would have given him the orb back after she filled it with a memory. “Hope it wasn’t a bad idea to make duplicates.” Okay, forget it, you talk to yourself all you want.

“Please don’t be something illegal, or no, please be something illegal, then I don’t have to invade someones privacy for nothing.” He entered the memory. Entering a memory-orb while already being inside a memory-orb? Is this even possible?

<-=======ooO Ooo=======->

Yes, seems like having memories inside memories is possible.

I was now sitting on a soft cushion studying the papers about the memoryspell Spellfield had given Bright Skies. I was inside a very regal looking bedroom, but I wasn’t Bright Skies, my host had a way larger horn and... wings.


That would imply...




I’m Princess Celestia.

She closed her eyes and focused her magic on flows I can’t even begin to understand. It made her and my head hurt badly.

<~~ ~ ~~>

When she opened her eyes again she was standing upright in front of a crowd of ponies inside a regal looking hall. What happened? Is this another memory? To her left was Princess Luna... in a ridiculous dress; to her right was another alicorn I never saw before, but could only be Princess Cadence from the Crystal Empire, and the Ministry Mares. But of course, if this is August 1003 the war hasn’t started, and they weren’t the Ministry Mares yet. I noted that Twilight Sparkle was missing from that group.

“We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion.” The words came out of my mouth. I imagined what kind of voice Princess Celestia may have, but this was not what I expected at all. “My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Ponyville.” Celestia looked around the crowd to make everyone feel like they deserved the attention of their princess. “She even helped reunite me with my sister, Princess Luna.” The last words were spoken softly as she looked right at Princess Luna.

“But today, Twilight Sparkle did something extraordinary.” I know who Twilight Sparkle is, of course. I know her biography, but in Summer of 1003 nothing happened worthy of a speech, I’m quite sure of it. “She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess.” What?

Celestia’s attention focused on two unicorns in the front row. The stallion had a slate blue coat and a darker blue mane, the mare had a light grey coat and an alternating white and moderately purple mane. Her eyes were teary, and she was leaning against him. I’m pretty sure I have seen them somewhere before, but I couldn’t place where.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Princess Twilight Sparkle!” The door to the hall opened and Twilight Sparkle came in with an escort. She... was an alicorn...? What? That’s not... wha? That never happened! Princess Twilight Sparkle walked up to and had a crown placed on her head by Celestia. I was at a lack of words.

<~~ ~ ~~>

My head... Princess Celestia’s head was almost exploding. She moaned and rolled off her cushion, weeping on the floor in pain. Lying on her back she repeatedly knocked her head against the floor. It didn’t make it much better, but then again it didn’t make it worse either. Actually... As it was real pain, it gave me... us something to focus on and ease the fake one.

Princess Celestia opened her eyes, she was in her bedroom again. I hadn’t had time to think about it but it had to have been obvious that she was in her bedroom again. Headache is not fun... She rolled around another time to be on her belly again and stood up. “I’ll keep that one.” On her desk, that seemed to never be used because all her studymaterial was on the floor, was the box of memory-orbs. She engulfed one of the orbs in her golden magic, and then touched it with her horn. I could feel her magic, and presumably this memory itself, flowing into the orb. The room faded away.

<-=======ooO Ooo=======->

When I came to I almost panicked because I couldn’t move my body before I remembered that it wasn’t my body but Spellfields. And the date he had just viewed this was January 10, 977. Twilight Sparkle was born in 982, Princess Luna came back in 1000, and Princess Cadence rose to power in the Crystal Empire in February 1003. He had no idea what he had just seen.

Then he jumped up from his chair and ran out the door and then along the hallway, ignoring everypony he passed and tried to greet him. What kind of building is this? I had assumed it had been Spellfields home, but now it seems more like a dormitory. He stopped at a door labeled ‘Star Sparkle’ and opened up without knocking.

“Star!” he shouted out, startling the mare inside. She had a light grey coat, and alternatively white and purple mane. I recognized her; the mare with the teary eyes at... Twilight Sparkles coronation. She was Twilights mother... or at least is going to be.

“Ahh... Spellfield, nice of you to-” Star Sparkle paused when she saw how Spellfield looked like. “-visit. Whats going on, dear? You err... you look awful.”

“I’m not sure...”

<-=======ʌʌɅ Ʌʌʌ=======->

> Save position in queue.
> Memorhedron is charging. 0%
> Not ready for use.

What the hell is going on? Princess Celestia secretly ordered a spell to record memories to record herself looking into the future? Twilight Sparkle never became a princess, so only... a possible future? Princess Celestia is recording these memories; let’s call them prophecies. She is recording them. What for? She doesn’t have to overexert herself again when she wanted to view one again, and she could organize them.

But why? Organizing something usually means there is a reason to organize, and she did so secretly too, because if it had been official business she would had to tell others. That meant her reason is these prophecies should under no circumstance be viewed. And that lead me to believe... she knew about the war.

Princess Celestia had known about the war... fifty years before the war. And if this Spellfield-guy has enchanted the memory orbs he gave her to duplicate themselves into his drawer he will find out too, once Princess Celestia records a prophecy about the war.

I know how the story ends, of course. Everypony dies. It could be an interesting story, but it felt ruined already. I have been angry about a war that ruined the land before, but for the first time in my life I felt sad about all those ponies dieing.

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 4!
New Perk: Makeover: You have gained confidence in yourself and want to look the best you can. You gain +1 Charisma, and have unique dialogue options and a 20% better price with talking to people interested in pony mares.

Skill Note: Projectile Weapons has reached 25.
Skill Note: Barter has reached 25.

New Spell: Targeting(1)
Description: Unlike the StableTec Assisted Targeting Spell it drains from your own magical power, but you can target inanimate objects.
Magical Drain: high

Quest: Freedom
[X] Follow Craft to Hufstein.
[X] Find a place to stay for the night.
[X] Find another way to make money. (besides selling scavenged items)
[ ] Optional: Take a job from the black board in Hufstein.
[ ] Decide how you want to continue.

New Quest: Memories
[ ] Watch all Memories in the Memorhedron.
[ ] Optional: Find out why the Memorhedron has planned on you.

Chapter Four: Bugs

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Chapter Four


“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 6, 1247. The black board of Hufstein looks promising; I bet I can do at least half those repair jobs.”

“Did you get lucky last night?”

I spun around to see Craft had snuck up on me. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m stalking you. I feel better about myself when I see others fail,” said the mare that drank herself into a coma yesterday to avoid me. “You should probably file a restraining order. Aww... ” She pointed at an engagement announcement, “isn’t that sweet?”

Oh yeah, that’s right. Craft is working as... whatever it’s called. Hufstein’s bulletin board is full of information, and the reason why she is here is to harvest them. An engagement is a change in population; it might be unimportant, but it adds to a greater picture. I remember the speech Rosetta gave about money, and information has value to ponies.

I’m probably imagining that I keep crossing paths with Craft more than usual. Only one thing had been by chance: her finding me at that mountain. Running into her in a cheap motel and at the bulletin board hadn’t been as unlikely considering her occupation.

“So?” It sounded like a question. Craft obviously noticed my confusion and added, “Your night, how was it? The cute one. Remember? Wait...” She looked in the air and frowned as if to remember harder. “Was he cute or was I just drunk?”

Define: cute. One: generally, attractive of pleasing, especially in a youthful, fun-spirited way. “Hmm... I guess...” Two: Physical features, behaviors or personality traits attributed to infants or cuddly animals. No. “Kind of. Stop smiling.”

As Craft continued to study the black board and copy some of the data into her PipBuck, she didn’t stop smiling. A PipBuck... I’ve noticed it on her before, but never put much though into how she got one. Craft had knowledge about StableTec’s social experiment in Stable Eight, but she doesn’t appear to be much older than me. I would have known her if she had been from Stable Eight too.

I was just about to ask her, when... “Hey! Aideen!” Quick Shot came running at me. “Hey! Good... Morning. You...” He was panting; he should have been breathing properly.

“Quick, come on; breathe; focus. The bulletin board wont run away from us. Catch your breath.”

“Yeah.” He laugh-coughed. Yeah, laughing is not a good fit if you are out of breath. Why did that small dash leave him so out of breath so fast? The entire time between seeing me and reaching me it would have taken him to at least hold his breath to get this exhausted.

“So, why are you late? Did you think I wouldn’t show up? Let you pay for my drinks and then sell you down the river?”

“Kind of.”

“And when you saw me actually being here you just ran.”

“Yeah, but I wouldn’t have been late. I was held up by my mom.” He cursed silently. Something similar to ‘Why did I say that?’ was going through his head. “Err... She didn’t believe me when I said I had a da- arranged to meet with a fri- had something to do.” Aww...

“Takes a brave man to admit something like that.” I turned to the board and asked him: “See anything you like?” In the corner of my eye I saw Craft starting to quiver in suppressed laughter before I realized my mistake and added: “A job, I mean.”

He stared at the bulletin board; he didn’t read it, he focused extremely hard on a single point. This is not good, is it? Can I have someone falling for me? It would certainly raise my publicity in Hufstein, which wouldn’t be a bad thing, right?

I certainly need to do some window shopping before making a purchase, but was a relationship even an option for me? Craft has been quite right about the virgin thing. I have never opened up to anyone before; I don’t even know how to do that. I need some practice. Quick Shot? He was certainly interested in me. he would be easy, right? How would I approach him on that? I got nothing...

I looked over to Craft. he would certainly know what to do. Once again I found myself thinking, when had she become my role model? She always seems to know what to do, or at least that was the impression I got from her, because she always seems to have a stupid comeback.

“You said you can fire a gun, right? And you have a PipBuck with this S.A.T.S.-thingy. What do you think about extermination? Hufstein itself looks for some po- equines to wipe out the silverbugs.”

“Yeah I can handle myself with a gun.” That was an overstatement. I never fired at a living being before; I doubt I could shoot a pony, but bugs? I think I can handle those. “Silverbugs? I’m new here so...”

“Right. Err... Well... The old silver mine ran dry before the war so it was never an issue to really go in there, but there are some bugs coming out of it from time to time. They eat some of the crops planted out there. The silvermine is a maze with its... maze-like corridors, of which half are collapsed, but... BUT you have a PipBuck!” His last words sounded excited all of the sudden.

I knew why, of course. “My PipBuck has an automap.” Unlike everyone else I wouldn’t get lost in the silver mine. “Yeah, let’s do this.”

“You mean, like...” He paused. What was he up to now? “together?” Oh...

“Sure, you know more about the local mutated insects than I do. I need some brains to my brawn, don’t I?”

Seeing him smile was worth making a stupid joke, I know why Craft does it now. Unfortunately for Craft I was not a good audience, but I realize now I should smile at her whenever she does something fun (unless it was actually not funny).

“The city of Hufstein pays good, right?”

His smile transformed; it wasn’t genuine glee from a joke anymore, but greedy, in a healthy way, and why wouldn’t he? We are going to make money, probably way more than the (for us non existing) risk to get lost in the mine would be worth.

*** *** ***

“Well, that was weird.” We left the mayors office, with a deal for an impressive sounding amount of money. Quick Shot had held a poker face, so I didn’t know just how good of a deal we managed to get.

“What do you mean? It was a good deal.” ‘Good deal’ was satisfying, but I could tell he had hoped for more; After all we will still have to split it two ways.

“Not the deal, it’s the mayor... I felt like he was afraid to look at me?”

“Really? I didn’t notice anything,” Quick stared into the sky as if to remember again. “but I lived my whole life with zebra-weirdness surrounding me.”

“Not everything a zebra does can be explained with zebra-weirdness, that’s racist.”

“Yeah... Well, he’s married, maybe he didn’t want to tempt himself?” Funny...

“That wasn’t really the expression of a stallion who likes what he sees in that way.”

“Hmm... then maybe he wanted to show you couldn’t... uhmm... play your charms on him?” Quick blushed furiously.

It was quite bold of him to say I have charms. Normal mares like to have compliments made about them, right? I never considered myself normal, but I liked it. Not what he said; I knew I had... charms to use in negotiation with stallions. I liked it because it was him who told me so. Something about me is appreciated by a friend, and I smiled, showing his appreciation is appreciated.

And Quick Shot is a friend, a real friend, isn’t he? I thought I had friends before, but those were just the fillies my age with whom I played with, or the ones who had the looks to get thrown in lusthouse duty in the Crimson Company alongside me. Sympathy through similarity, but I don’t think I ever had a friend.

I had mentally friendzoned him. Thinking about how Quick Shot would wince when I would tell him that, my smile grew wider. It was a deeper relationship than everything I ever had and I had only met him yesterday.

He noticed my smile. “You seem awfully happy?”

“I’m... just thinking.”

*** *** ***

“I’ve never been this close to the crater.”

“Wow. This is... wow.”

Before us lies the Hufstein Crater, it was a perfect hemispherical hole. “Annihilation-megaspell. Radius: 500 meters. Everything inside it was just gone. Once Cloudsdayle got hit, the pegasi simply dropped it on the battlefield.”

“Yeah, it was cruel.” I said it, just like him, without any emotion. It happened a long time ago. No matter how many ponies died then I couldn’t feel it. Anger directed to the pegasi maybe, but definitely no sadness. Somewhow, I got myself thinking the crater was beautiful.

The megaspell had exposed the silver mine and provided us with an entrance. A framework to access the mine had been built long ago for a reason that escaped my mind. The ponies of the wasteland must have known the mine had run dry, but they probably thought they are smarter than pre-war ponies with a shitload of technology to search for silver.

As we made our way down I found out the framework was way steadier than it looked. I learned enough about real architecture in the Stable to respect whoever managed to make this, but come on, dry dung can only be stacked so high.

At the entrance of one of the tunnels we met another zebra who shied away from us. “You’re... the ones here for... the job?” She’s talking really quietly. I had not much experience with zebras, and, as racist as it sounds, they all looked alike to me. However I could tell she was about Quick Shots age.

“Hey Xanthrine, didn’t expect you down here.” He knows her?

“H-Hi... Quick...” Wow, she was even shier than Quick Shot.

“Hi! I’m Aideen. I take it you know each other?”

“Yeah, we live in the same neighborhood. Err... Aideen, this is Xanthrine. Xanthrine, this is Aideen.”

Friend of my friend, I guess. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” I reached out my hoof to her.

She didn’t respond, she didn’t shake my hoof either, if anything she just shied away even further, staring at me. Okay, awkward. She’s eying me, only at times allowing herself to take a quick glance. Quick glance, pun intended. Heh... What’s wrong with me? It is as if Craft is rubbing off on me.

Quick broke the awkward silence. “Xanthrine? You have something for us?” Strictly keeping it business if social fails. Good call.

Xanthrine nodded towards a bag hanging of a hook at the mine shafts wall. I engulfed it in my magic and floated it over to me. Although I knew what’s inside I wanted to see it. Now don’t look excited, Aideen, Xanthrine is already afraid of you, make an impression as if a remotely detonateable homemade bomb was- Can’t concentrate, must squee. It was beautiful. There were a lot of gadgets built in, probably to assure we wouldn’t run off with it, but something was missing.

“Where’s the detonator?”

“Mayors office.” I go out on a limb here and assume she doesn’t like me.

“Uhkayy... We’ll be... going then.” I placed the bomb back into the bag and put it around my neck.

“No!” She almost shouted. “I... ahh...”

“Xanthrine?” Quick seemed utterly confused. “What’s going on?”

Yeah, explain yourself! Of course, if I would say that she would probably block me, so I remained quiet.

“Y-you should take it.”

“The bomb? Why?”

“I don’t trust her!” That was the first complete sentence I heard out of her mouth. Glad to see she at least has confidence about something.

“What!? Why? She hasn’t done any-”

“It’s okay.” I interrupted him and put the bag around his neck. “It doesn’t matter. Just... You can talk this out if you want I’ll head on in now.”


I activated the lamp on my PipBuck and walked into the mine. I heard Quick whisper: “What was that all about?”, but wasn’t able to hear Xanthrines response, as she had been talking hushed to begin with.

The air inside here was pretty bad, but I commanded my PipBuck to tell me when it reached concerning levels. The standard setting was to mention it once it would have reached a lethal level. Who designs something like that? If the air is lethal you’re already dead.

Quick caught up to me before I reached the first intersection. He had put on a miner’s helmet with a flashlight on top, it looked ridiculous, but I couldn’t look directly at him anyway.

“So? Mind telling me?”

“I’m sorry if she... Xanthrine isn’t usually like that. I don’t know what got into her.”

“You’re a bad liar. She told you. Don’t worry, I can take any insult. I just don’t like it if it’s behind my back.”

“She said you are... uhmm... evil.” He almost pressed that word out, but quickly added: “It’s a zebra thing I guess. This is evil, that is evil. Don’t mind it.”

It was not what I expected. “That’s what she said?”

“Yes. No. She didn’t say... She did say...” He paused to take a breath. “Zebras have about a thousand different kinds of evils and hundred different names for it. So really, don’t mind it.”

I never had any prejudice against Zebras, but that was before I had time to talk with some. Now I feel like I am starting to really dislike Zebras, is that okay only because they don’t like me either?

Change of topic please. “Turn left or go straight ahead?”

“Uhmm... straight.”

*** *** ***

“Wait, stop. I think heard something.”



Again I heard a clicking crawling noise, it certainly sounded insectoid. I assume this time Quick had heard it too. Not like I could see his expression, but the way his head was slightly tilted he seemed to concentrate on his hearing. Is that it? I lifted a small creature just outside our lights range up and floated it towards us.

“Yeah, that’s a silverbug alright.”

“It’s not a bug, it’s an isopod, a crustacean.”

“Bug, crab, doesn’t matter, it’s not going to be one for long anymore.”

Silverbug, huh? Even though inaccurate, I just stick with the already existing name. For a mutated inse- isopods it was small. I have seen tainted or irradiated insects the size of ponies. But this silverbug? I could stomp it with my hoof! It was only about a foot long, it’s width fitted exactly beyond my hoof, and the for isopods usual carapace plates over it’s body, looked weak. Or do I only imagine that weakness because it has lost it’s color?

Most animals living in very dark environments end up with a white, silvery color. Judging from the way it curled it’s body together in defense of being picked up I’d say it’s related or even was mutated out of a common woodlice.

“Aww... look at how it convulses with glee. I think she likes you.” I floated it over to Quick and held it in front of his face.

“Gaaahhahaha.” Initial scream turned laughter to which I quickly contributed. “Why would you do that?”

“I’ll call her Sivir.” I sat her down again. “Now go, Sivir! Run to your family; show us the way.” The little silverbug ran off, as I ordered it to.

“Sivir? Really?” He wasn’t confused, his voice showed clear signs of amusement.

“What? Come on, we’re on the hunt. Can’t let it get away on us now.”

*** *** ***

We were surrounded. Not by the cute small ones, but... pony sized, and bigger ones. Bigger was figuratively, as they were flat creatures, but one of the giants had a jaw-thingies the size of my legs. Err... mandibles. This is not the time to think about the proper terms. No, actually this was the perfect time to focus on something else.


I don’t remember gunshots being so loud, but then again last time I’ve heard them I was alone in the middle of nowhere, not in a mineshaft where they could echo around. DAMN, WHY DID HE SHOOT?

Quick jumped onto the giant silverbug, which he had shot the antennae off of. His plan had probably been to simply run over it and make his way out again. I probably should have followed, but now I was thankful for my lack of reflexes. The silverbug had caught one of his leg in its... mandibles.

Quick screamed, I couldn’t blame him, after all his leg would- Nothing happened. The Silverbugs were still unmoving, and Quick’s silverbug hadn’t bitten down. He was bleeding badly, but if it would have intended to sever his leg it could have simply done so. The silverbugs were intelligent. This situation feels familiar. What have I gotten myself into again?

“What do you want?”

Please be herbivores, please be herbivores, please be herbivores.

They didn’t respond. Of course they didn’t respond, would they even be able to respond? However they opened their circle and made a pathway for me to follow. Okay, that is pretty clear. I could let this count as a response.

“Okay, message received.” I nodded. “Err... Quick? They’re intelligent, or are at least controlled by something intelligent, and I don’t think they are vicious.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Quick hadn’t noticed them making a way for me to follow, but to be fair he was kinda preoccupied with being chewed.

“It could have severed your leg, but it didn’t, and they want us to follow.”

“You.. they... what?”

“Just shut up and don’t struggle, it would only make your leg worse.”

*** *** ***

We arrived in a fairly bigger cavern. It wasn’t part of the mine and exactly what we would have been looking for: the breeding ground. There was one silverbug that defied the description of gigantic, I already used giant for one, considering the size of their queen, that was average sized.

Quick was dropped in front of the queen. At least I consider it to be the queen, as it was the biggest one and it kept pooping out eggs, which were carried away by smaller silverbugs (workers?). I assume the queen won’t just speak up, so I did the only thing that came to my mind, and I tended to Quicks wound.

Although we had better equipment I used a non-magical bandage on him. The bloodflow had already stopped. “I don’t think an artery is damaged, only muscles. You’ll survive that wound.” This wound, yes, but the question is: what else is going to happen to us?

Quick was breathing heavily, but suppressed screaming. “What happens now?”

What would I give to know the answer. I was less afraid at the moment than I had been when Nightmare Moon had killed one after another. The situation was all too familiar... The queen made clicking, rasping, and whizzing sounds, it almost sounded like... Wait a minute...

“Are... are you trying to talk?” She clicked again. “Err... click three times for a ‘yes’, please.”

Click, click, click.

“Okay, wow, this is... unexpected.”

She sucked in air, rasped, pushed it out and rasped somewhat again.

“Oi rrr ju hrr, oi rrr ju hrr, oi are ju... you h... here. W-Why are you here! That’s what you tried to say. Err...” All I can come up with was the truth. “We did not know you are intelligent, and you uhmm... eat away the crops of Hufstein err... the settlement outside, you know... of po- equines. I don’t know if you have a concept of property, but they planted and cultivated the crops; they own those crops and... and you took them without allowance, you stole them.”

She responded again in here strange way, different clicking and whizzing. Without a doubt she had no vocal cords to talk, so this was her best at communication.

“To tes, to tes, to tes... huh...” To death. Are we sent to kill her? Yes, we were... “It was before we knew you were intelligent.

Two hums, one ended with a click. Then a crack and a whistle.

“No mat. Kap i. No mat... Kap i... No mat... Kap i...” Repeating the sounds she made seemed to do the trick. Quick was completely quiet and watched my conversation with the Queen. “No mate. Copy. You can only make copies of yourself. Your species has no genetic diversity, you don’t have a mate?”

Click, click, click. That meant ‘yes’.

“Okay, I don’t understand. Why are you telling me this?”

She responded ‘to tes’ again.

“You WANT us to kill you?”

Click, click, and here it comes: click. That was a yes.

“Yeah.” Quick came forth. “Yeah, we can do that.”

“No, we are not killers. You said you don’t take assassination jobs, and that is what this job has just become, we have to kill an sentient being. AND I wont assist in a suicide.”

“Uhmm... Aideen? I don’t understand. The mayor wants us to and she wants us to, and we’ll get a lot of money for it.”


“What ‘Why’? Why I don’t want to kill you? Maybe because everyone has a right to life? You want to die because your life is boring, right? So do something with your life.” What am I saying? “The mine! Look at this cave, you can dig. Do you think you can dig for your namesake, silver?”

“Uhm... Aideen? You know the mine ran dry?”

“A mine cannot just... run dry. There are always traces, but at one point the work required is not worth the yield. But for you it can work, right? You can trade with Hufstein for crops. I mean, you don’t need the crops you are... obtaining. What has been stolen was way to little to sustain this amount of your kind.” I gestured around the cavern. “Trade can pep up your life, right?”

She didn’t respond, but her flock was moving. I could wait for them to do for whatever she ordered them, but patience was not Quicks virtue. “Yo, whats going on?”

“They do something, I don’t know. Wait and see.”

The small silverbugs, the workers carried something to us. Silver ore.

“Yes, yes this is perfect. What do you say? Will you give trading with Hufstein a try?”

Click, click, click.

** *** ***

“You expect me to believe you?” Seems like his zebra-sense is telling the mayor the same thing it told Xanthrine, and he thinks I’m evil of sorts.

“Yes, the silverbugqueen is willing to trade silver ore for crops.”

“And your partner got left behind in the cavern with her?”

“His leg was badly injured and they are working on a proper technique of communication.”

“You are in luck, the bomb has a resonance scan and a tracker. I can tell it is a few miles outside of town and a good distance underground. I can also tell it’s in a cavern with a lot of movement.” He pointed at the terminal on his desk. “I’ll consider the offer of this silverbug... queen. You can go now.”

‘I’ll consider the offer’ damn politics. “I’d like to talk about something else.” The mayor usually didn’t spare me much eye contact, as if I’m not worth a glance (evil and all), but the one I received from him for daring to waste more of his valuable time was destructive. “I’d like to purchase a house.”

“With what money?”

“All the silver ore I managed to comfortably carry in my saddlebags. About 50 pounds.”

I still had no sense of how much something was worth, neither the silver, nor the house, but he didn’t know that. The factor that he wanted me out of his office as soon as possible came in handy, as he didn’t want to barter with me for a long time.

Just when I left the town hall a pony caught up to me. “Excuse me, miss?”


“It err... doesn’t happen often that you guys leave your reward.” He handed me a bag of caps. “3200 caps. Like agreed, right?”

“Yes, I mean no. I work together with somepony, 1600 each. And we didn’t really do what we were supposed to-”

The ground shook for a brief moment.

*** *** ***

“WRAAAH!” I felt I was now far enough away from Hufstein to be able to scream out my anger. They killed him... “THEY KILLED HIM!”

Without a sense of where I was I walked the only path I knew: Back towards Mt. Mustang, back towards that facility...

I could hear happy marching music, the last thing my emotional state needs right now was hearing something happy. Nopony has the right to be happy right now. I whipped around towards the music and shouted: “What do you want from me!” It wasn't a question as I didn’t expect an answer.

It was a sprite-bot. They were built on the authority of the Ministry of Morale. It’s said they blasted music through the streets of Equestria's cities to raise morale, but truly they are made for surveillance. Flying cameras to invade the privacy of each and everypony, thank you Ministry of Morale leaving your legacy to whoever bastards is controlling them now.

The sprite-bots were rare in the region; as the Crimson Company believes Red Eye to control them, they destroy all sprite-bots they can get their hooves on. But I think Red Eye would not continue to try invading Company-territory. He does however feed his own speeches of propaganda into the sprite-bots broadcasts.

To my surprise the music was interrupted and a robotic voice started talking to me. “Good Evening.”

I didn’t answer. Was this one of Red Eye’s broadcasts? No. The music didn’t stop, but was cut off and the sprite-bot stopped in front of me, it was talking directly to me.

“As to what I want: I want to help you.”

“Likely story. What do you want?”

“I want to help you, to help me, to help us all.” Alright...

“Look, I already have a deal with one evil, bodyless entity which doesn’t answer to my questions, I don’t need another. So either you talk clearly or you can go. Who are you?”

“You can call me Watcher, and I’m a friend.”

“Can I call you ‘voyeur’? Not much of a difference if you ask me.”

“You’re rather rude, but I forgive you as you are emotional at the moment.” I was NOT emotional! “I figure you need a friend right now.” I started crying.

I thought I had forgot how to cry until three days ago, then I had cried because I was simply angry with myself because of my weakness. Now I’m angry at the mayor for killing Quick, angry at Quick for dying, angry at myself because I was crying of anger and not sadness, but especially angry because I made myself hope. Hope... Hope of what exactly? A normal life? Friendship? Romance?

“Now, now. Don’t cry... ahh... I was never good at comforting others. I... ahh...” Watchers voice, although robotic, sounded concerned. “A friend of mine, she was kind of like an adoptive mother for me, could always comfort me. She never really did anything, but she listened to what was troubling me. So... If you want to talk... I’ll listen.”

So I told him about everything, about Stable Eight, about the Crimson Company, about that facility and Nightmare Moon, about Craft, about the memories, about Quick Shot, about the Silverbug Queen, and about the mayor. I couldn’t see him, and he knows it; to not seem like he walked away from his console he continuously made a quiet “mhm”, “yes”, “wow”, or “what an asshole” at the right moments, but never interrupted me.

“That’s quite a story you have there,” he said when I ended with running out of Hufstein. “I’m bad at talking about feelings.”

“So don’t.” I don’t remember at what point I stopped crying. Talking had really been rather therapeutic. “Thanks for listening... Watcher.” I chuckled. “You’ve got to change your name maybe.”

“Heh... Yes, maybe.” Watcher paused before he changed the subject. “So Gaia Prevails stole Nightmare Moons armor. That’s interesting.”

“You say that as if you know about this ‘Gaia Prevails’ thing. I don’t want to beg here, but at the moment the more information I have the better.”

“Okay, just one question first: Nightmare Moon didn’t... talk to you? She did not try to swing a ‘sympathy for the devil’-thing, right?”

“Err... no. Why?”

“This is kind of hard to say... There has never been an explanation as to what Nightmare Moon is. To be honest I think it to have been a psychotic episode of Princess Luna, but what you said... If Nightmare Moon reacted to an invasion of the facility and placed something in your saddlebags, it means she is a real... being.”

“Okay... But that doesn’t explain why you’ve asked that.”

“I have read a lot, more than you can probably imagine, and I trust you have a good imagination. In ancient pre-equestrian folklore and in zebra-mythology there occur... supernatural beings who cannot enter your house unless you invite them. I believe there are still zebra-shamans around who place fetishes and masks in front of their doors, meaning ‘welcome’ or ‘come inside’. Unknowing ponies have copied those invites on doormats, thinking it’s a nice gesture.”

“‘Go Away’, the doormat in front of the cabin where the facility was hidden said ‘Go Away’, that is...”

“That is... disturbing. Anyway, what I wanted to say was: Nightmare Moon needs a body, and maybe she needs allowance to enter a body. That’s why she spared only you and demons are said to be quite narcissistic and vain. They would choose a pretty body over a strong one. No offense.”

“None taken. Wait, demons?”

“Most accurate word I could come up with.”

“Yeah, I guess. Anyway, there is no way I would let... Nightmare Moon have my body, and time sharing isn’t an option either.” Watcher didn’t respond immediately. “What? You.. you don’t believe me?”

“Yes, I... I mean: No. You are just... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to...” He took a deep breath. “It outsmarted Princess Luna while she was in an emotionally difficult phase in her live.”

“I guess.” Do I claim I had a stronger will than a goddess? Could a ‘demon’ even possess a goddess? The easiest explanation is Princess Luna was not a goddess. No! That is not what I believe in. Princess Luna was a goddess! This whole demon-thing is ridiculous.

The facility just has a ridiculously effective security system which makes nopony want to come back! Now I only have to believe what I just thought. A real security system wouldn’t have let us in to begin with. Come on... a demon? Why is it so much worse now that I can categorize what Nightmare Moon is? Because it implies there is more than one.

Why does my life continue to get so more messed up by the day. Blessed are the unknowing. The more I know the worse it gets. But I have to do this... “So? About Gaia Prevails, what do you know about it?”

“Well, my information only covers the first half of the war.” He paused, then explained: “I have an old collection of newspapers that predate the Ministry of Image.”

Watcher had said he ‘had read more than I can imagine’, and with a collection of newspapers it would make sense. Although he never gave me a reason not to trust him, somehow I couldn’t bring myself to believe him. It wasn’t because he never gave me a reason to trust him either, except for being a shoulder to cry on, which happened for whatever reason.

He had stopped again, maybe to see if I believed him? If so he was a bad liar, or was I just paranoid? Where else would he have gotten the information? The method of acquiring them didn’t matter anyway. “So...? Please continue.”

“Sure. So... Gaia Prevails.” Watcher seemed caught off guard. He really did lie, didn’t he? “Hmm... Gaia Prevails. They were against the war, of course. Called out to protest it, ‘ponies shouldn’t have to die for coal’ and stuff. A lot of ponies had the same thought concerning that. They also had their faction in the zebraland with the same thing, ‘zebras shouldn’t die for diamonds’.”

“But what differed them from other groups is that they were really into it. Whoever organized it, they were really private, nopony knew who they are. They were wise in starting out like that. As the war grew worse they stole technologies which allowed ponies and zebras to kill each other more effectively. There have to have been some really powerful unicorns in the group. And they-” Watcher stopped once again, but it was a different kind of stopping. In mid-sentence?

“What is it?”

“Sorry, I just imagined Equestria trying to weaponize Nightmare Moon.” Oh, wow! Yes, imagining something like that is a good reason to stop in the middle of a sentence. “The armor must have been protected like crazy, no ordinary thief could swing something like that.”

You would have to be top of your class; you would have to be somepony who has his dissertations (plural) ready in January. “Anything else about Gaia Prevails? I kinda have another question.”

“No. Out of the top of my head I don’t know more. I could, however, look up more for you though.”

“Wow, that ahh... would be great, thanks. Then... You know something about a unicorn called Spellfield?”

“Yes. One of the greatest minds of his generation. He was a professor at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, taught Magical Theory, Magical Engineering, Advanced Arcanics and a few other subjects. He was also the teacher of Twilight Sparkle.”

“I thought Princess Celestia was Twilight Sparkle’s teacher?”

“Yes, but Twilight went to regular school too. The lessons the Princess taught her were another kind of special. Twilight also went to school like a normal filly.”

“Okay, thank you.” It was my turn to pause. “You are a good friend.”

“I... ahh... thanks. I haven’t been a good friend to anyone lately. It means a lot to me. I’ve gotta go now, but I have to give you advice first: You have got to be watching out for Nightmare Moon. I know, I know. You will. But a tip for resisting her: Find yourself a virtue. A virtue that defines you to strengthen your spirit and you have to stay true to yourself. You got that?”

“Watch out for Nightmare Moon, Resist by finding virtue, yeah, got it.”

“Good. Goodbye... friend.”

“Goodbye, friend.”

I smiled and nodded to him. The sprite-bot continued playing its music right in the middle of the song and flew off.

“Goodbye... friend.” I repeated.

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 5!
New Perk: Egghead: Upon leveling up you can distribute 2 more skillpoints.
Special Perk: Eyes of the Night: Your eyes can quickly adapt and you can see better in dark environments.

Skill note: Explosive Weapons has reached 25.
Skill note: Building has reached 50.

Quest completed: Silverbugs
[X] Enter the silver mine.
[X] Find the silverbug-queen, or the silverbug breeding grounds.
[X] Place the bomb.
[X] Return to the mayor.
[Failed] Optional: Represent the silverbugs in Hufstein.

Quest: Freedom
[X] Optional: Take a job from the black board in Hufstein.
[X] Decide how you want to continue.
[ ] Find your virtue.

New Quest: Living the Equestrian Dream.
[X] Buy a house in the suburbs.
[ ] Get a day job.
[ ] Get married.
[ ] Have two foals. (0/2)
[ ] Optional: Have additional foals. (0/X)
[ ] Optional: Die without regrets.

Chapter Five: Return

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Chapter Five


“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 7, 1247. I had an interesting encounter yesterday with the person who is controlling the sprite-bots. I’m not even sure why I told him the things I told him.

Within 24 hours after arriving in Hufstein I made two friends, one of which is ‘Watcher - the observer of the wastelands’, I made a morally right choice of standing up to represent an entire species of silverbugs, I got a house, I made lots of money from repair-jobs, I even have a sense of money now. I also saw a job were I could set up a server, write a program and maintain it; I could get a day job. Summing all that up, things seem pretty good for me.

Of course, there was also a downside to my life since I arrived here. In the best interest of the town, the mayor decided to kill my first real friend and the silverbugs in cold blood. I found out what happens if you stand up for something others don’t agree with, or if you make yourself hopes. It hurts if it gets crushed; it hurts badly, to be honest.

But there was as little sense in crying about Quick Shot as there was in trying to repair a toaster of a zebra. Okay, I touched Nightmare Moon's armor, and somehow zebras can sense that, but that was no reason to be incredibly rude or even outright hostile towards somepony who wants to do the job you wrote on the bulletin board.

I think I would have been angry at them, but screaming out my rage in the wasteland and talking everything off my soul had been really, really therapeutic. I have always been a master in endurance; I’m not proud on how I acquired that skill, but I would be stupid not to use it.

Armed with a new set of tools, bought with with the money I got for... taking care of the silverbugs, I was able to do almost every repair job available in Hufstein. From toasters to room-sized engines I could repair or calibrate it, as long as the owner allowed me to.

After an unusual day of work I investigated the four walls I’ll call home from now on. A semi-detached house; it was... big. The entrance room was as big as the room I called my own in the Crimson Company. On the ground floor was a big room (which will serve as a living- and dining-room), a toilet and a kitchen. In the basement was nothing but storage space, and a broken generator I was able to fix within minutes. Upstairs were three empty rooms of which two shared a balcony, and a big bathroom with shower and bathtub.

I had no idea what I’m going to do with all that, so for now I’m going to blow up my inflatable mattress and sleep in the middle of the only room I feel comfortable in: the smallest one, the entrance room.

*** *** ***

Where is my life going?

I have no idea what is going to happen to me now. What tomorrow might hold in store for me, or the day after that, or even next week. I don’t know. I have bought a house, that was a stupid idea. The Crimson Company is going to look for their missing group... DAMN. Today’s the 6th. Wait... The mission started on January 30th, we expected a three day journey – February 2nd – we arrived on time, we might spend a day – February 3rd – and another three days to get back – yesterday, February 6th.

They were expected to return last night and today they are going to send another group, a bigger one this time; and they will arrive in another three days – February 10th. If I go back tomorrow I could make it there in less than two days – February 9th. I can’t let them have that facility. This is what I know. I CANNOT let them have this facility... Gaia Prevails... It was part of my life now. A pre-apocalyptic organization and stopping a slaver war seems easier to figure out than what I’m going to eat for dinner today.

The Memorhedron had a day and a half to recharge. The more information I have about them, the better any plan I might be able to put together will be.

> Memorhedron is charging 82%
> Memorhedron is safe to use.
> Next memory in queue: Dinner - September 17, 982
> Length: 0 hours 48 minutes 34 seconds.
> Load memory?

‘82%’ and ‘safe for use’ are not reassuring. I know what happens to ponies who watch corrupted memories, but then again the memories on this thing are of the inventor of the memory-orbs, a pony with very high standards. ‘Safe for use’ and ‘82%’ will have to do, I have to know. Using up 48 minutes I could use to go back seemed wrong, but if my calculation is right a single hour won't make much of an difference.

> Load memory?
> load

<=======vvV Vvv=======>

I was Spellfield again, at least it felt the same as him. I don't know yet what makes him different from other unicorn stallions, but he had a very distinctive… what do you call it? The feeling of possessing someone? It doesn't matter.

The memory slowly formed around me. He was reading a non-existing book, I knew it was there but the Memorhedron hadn’t... I don't know... loaded(?) the book. If it is a high-quality product (as I expect it to be), it only leaves out the unimportant parts of the memory.

I couldn't distinguish where it comes from, but I heard a knock coming from somewhere. I could feel Spellfield frowning. He wasn't expecting anyone, I guess. “Can you get it?” A female voice said, the source was as indistinguishable as the knock had been.

“Sure thing.” I felt Spellfields lips and tongue moving, but again I wouldn't be able to place the noise as coming from anywhere. The memory was entirely view- but not enjoy -able. As Spellfield walked to the door I could partially see his house; it was certainly bigger than mine and it was furnished. From the objects that have loaded into the memory I could tell he had good taste.

It was knocking again, louder this time, but I assume it was only louder because I was nearer to the source. Spellfield opened the door and revealed Bright Skies. She looked exactly like I remember her from yesterday, from five years ago, only she was wearing a raincoat. “Doctor Spellfield, it is nice to meet you again.” She slightly bowed out of respect.

“Pri-” He bowed too, way deeper than a normal gesture of greeting would be. It assured me in my theory of who Bright Skies is. “Bright Skies... if memory serves. Please, come in.” He made place for her to step inside. “I was wondering if you would come after... well, you know.”

“Who is at the door, honey?” The same female voice from earlier. He was living with a mare in this house, and she called him ‘honey’, he was married? Sure, he had every right to be with a mare, but it somehow came unexpectedly.

“A former business associate of mine.”

“Well then ask him to stay for dinner.” ‘Him.’

“It’s not a him, dear. But I’ll ask her.” He shouted back into the house, then scratched his head. “We are not having anything... ‘royal’ for dinner.” I’m now quite sure who has disguised herself as Bright Skies. “But my wife is an excellent cook.”

“I don’t want to be a bother. We just need to talk.”

“I’m afraid my wife is going to insist. I know why you are here, so although we cannot talk freely we can work around that.”

“As you wish.” She nodded and finally stepped inside.

Out of courtesy Spellfield helped her take off the raincoat. I wasn’t used to that kind of situation, where a stallion actually behaved gently, but it didn’t feel awkward, he was used to that kind of thing. Rich, polite, intelligent, now I only need to get a good look at him in the mirror. Thankfully there is one next to the coat rack.

He was... not at all what I expected. I wouldn’t have even thought this was possible. Spellfield was a pony-zebra hybrid. It made sense now why he didn’t feel like a regular unicorn. More pony than zebra, he has pony build and pony features, even a cutiemark which looked out of place on the only zebra-feature he has: a light grey and black, striped coat. If I wouldn’t have grown to dislike zebras I would have probably given him more than an ‘average’.

His cutiemark was what looked like a crescent moon open on the bottom, a five pointed star was inside, the stars top point sticking out over the moon, to both sides were wings. I could only come up with one explanation for it, ‘celestial tier magic’, which I believe he is capable of.

They walked into the house's dining room where a zebra mare was just placing a third plate for their guest. “Good evening. It’s always a pleasure to meet some of Spell's friends.” She bowed respectfully as deep as her state allowed it. I don’t even know why seeing a mare pregnant was catching me so of guard. “My name is Sarina. I’m Spellfield's wife.” Was she marking her territory? Princess Celestia's disguise was pretty, sure, but... Sarina was pregnant.

Princess Celestia bowed in return. “Bright Skies, at your service.” She looked towards me, or Spellfield, to be exact. “I knew Dr. Spellfield was married, but I did not know the two of you have a foal on the way. My congratulations!”

Happy with Princess Celestia's answer Sarina smiled. “Thank you.”

“Now, Ms. Skies, how come you are honoring us with a visit this rainy evening?”

“It’s about the project you were working on five years ago. You remember?”

“Of course, how could I forget something like that? We... did everything we could and the last five years it was in refinement. It was due just a few weeks ago, right?”

“Yes. That is why I’m here. We have the result now. You were working together with Star Sparkle at that time, right?”

Sarina was eying Spellfield when that name fell. She knows who Star Sparkle was.


“She had her second child just a few weeks ago too. Little Twilight Sparkle... your child would be the a similar age, do you think-”

“Bright, you are deliberately trying to avoid the topic.”

“I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t talk about your former marefriend when your wife is pregnant.” Spellfield had been together with Twilight Sparkle's mother?

“No, you shouldn’t. So: the project. The... uhmm... it is in place, exactly how we arranged it to be. That means the future looks bright now.” Twilight Sparkle was born, do they think Twilight's presence would avert the war?

“I know what this cost you,” What it cost him? Star Sparkle. They knew Night Light was Twilight's father, but as long as Spellfield was dating Star Sparkle Twilight wouldn’t have been born. Break up with the mare you love and safe the world in the progress? This is so wrong... and far fetched. They were intelligent ponies, how could they have thought this would help? “No.”


“The future, while unpredictable, can still result in what we were trying to avert.”

“So we failed?” Yes, the war will happen, but with Twilight Sparkle present. One more pony to burn.

“ No No, it is just... new variables have come up. We can still arrange everything in our best interest.” But I already know the outcome. “I came here today because I want to make you an offer. I have an idea how to proceed.”

“Honey, what is going on?” If I hadn't known what they were talking about I would be supremely confused too.

He ignored his wife. “Then what do you offer?”


“We have to shape it... We need information. Tomorrow you will apply as head-administrator in the Royal Canterlot Library, I’m quite certain you’ll get the job without problems.” Of course not, she would give it to him.

Sarina was shocked. “The Royal Canterlot Library?” This surely was a prestigious job.

“Your plan is on channeling the right information.” I know Twilight had learned a lot about magic in self-study before she even applied to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and became Princess Celestia's personal protege. For self-study you need a library, and in best-case scenario a librarian who helps you find the right books.

“Spellfield! What is going on!?”

“I'm sorry dear.” He leaned over to his wife and gave her a kiss. “Sometimes ‘confidentiality’ is in the job description. This was the case in the contract I signed with Ms. Skies. We are talking cryptic for a reason.”

“Oh, okay. Should I leave the room then?” Suddenly she was very understanding.

“No, it’s okay, I guess. We already have figured out the essentials.”

“Well then, good timing, I believe the dressing is ready.”

*** *** ***

“Dr. Spellfield is right, Sarina, you are an excellent cook.” This was torture.

“Thank you Ms. Skies, I always do my best.” I have to watch their faces adorned with delighted expressions.

“We always do our best. ‘There are two ways to do things, why not choose the right one.’ Be your best at all times and you become a better equine by force of habit.” I felt Spellfield eating the salad.

“That is a respectful way of living.” But the memory hasn’t loaded taste.

“And being a good cook has always been expected of me.” What?

“What do you mean?”

“Well... ponies usually react in strange ways about this, but Spellfield and I had an arranged marriage.” Oh. It made sense now why she had ‘marked her territory’ earlier. Of Stable Eight I only know arranged partnerships. But I know ‘marriage’ was a big deal in pre-war Equestria.

“Oh...” Princess Celestia looked over to Spellfield. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry.” They told her in unison, then giggled about that. If I’m right then Celestia assumes Spellfield only married Sarina because he had broken up with Star Sparkle. This prophecy thing doesn’t affect me but it still makes my head hurt.

He took Sarinas hoof and smiled to her. “We simply learned to love each other.” It’s not like he had any other options other than be miserable... or have an affair.

“I had an arranged marriage too...” WHAT? The face of Bright Skies was sad and she just pecked at her salad.

“Pri-” He almost misspoke. “-ght Skies I didn’t-”

She interrupted him. “He died.” I felt how Spellfield gulped. Celestia had been married? “I never had the chance of learning how to love him. I envy the two of you.”

“I’m sorry-”

She continued talking. “They expected me to grieve, but I never did; I never cried. Don’t be sorry for me, it was –what felt like – an eternity ago.”

I could see Sarina's mouth moving, but no more words came out; now the memory left out sound. I was just about to think the memory now became completely unwatchable when it ended on its own terms.

<=======ʌʌɅ Ʌʌʌ=======>

> Save position in queue.
> Memorhedron is charging. 0%
> Not ready for use.

It has to have been an eternity ago, Celestia was never married in recorded history. I always imagined Celestia as an unreachable goddess. Now, although she was disguised, she was right in front of me, and even though she denies it, she is in need of comforting.

Hmm..? I could feel someone was in the room with me. “Look at you.” What is SHE doing here? “You waived your right to be surprised about intruders when you forgot to lock your door. Next time you go on a trip down memory lane, for like an hour or so... you know, just lock your door.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I told you, I’m stalking you, remember? So far I haven’t received a court order, so I thought you might secretly love it when I come over.”

“I uh...” What can you answer to that? “How did you find me?”

“Never lost you. You remember when you were blacked out? No of course you don’t, after all you were blacked out. I hijacked your PipBuck; I have your location-tag here and everything. You going into a residential area of Hufstein seemed weird enough. Especially since you really aren’t the type of pony who just spends the night in some guy's bed or squatting somewhere.”

“I bought this house.”

“Yes I know, I listened to the recordings I made while you were out.”


“Your PipBuck is on auto-record and data transfer.” Oh shit.

“You... you heard everything?” What would Craft do with the information she got from me?

“I’ve heard enough.” She said with a smile. Not reassuring! “My condolences on cute-one.” She didn’t look at all like she meant it.

“His name was Quick Shot!” Why am I suddenly so angry again?

“So you swore revenge on the mayor, right?”


“You get angry when I don’t call him by his name, but you have no intentions of seeking revenge, why is that?”

“What am I supposed to do in your opinion? Enlighten me!”

“You should take some anger management. I’m no doctor but I’m a follower of destruction-therapy: Peace by sledgehammer! You understand, right? For example: You take the mayors head and...” Craft gestured with her hooves to crush something and made a cracking noise. “Until you’re satisfied.”

“I should kill him? Brilliant plan! Not like the whole town would be after me then, if I even get to him.”

“I meant crushing him figuratively. It was a business decision to kill your friend. How do you crush a

“I crush his business... his pride, but... he’s the mayor. I cannot... destroy Hufstein... or what are you implying?”

“You go straight to destruction again. Way more subtle, way more... evil. I bet you saw those posters hanging around? What makes Hufstein so special is the fact it’s democratic, and they really do a good job at democracy. Would be a shame if he loses his re-election, right?”

“You want me to run for mayor?”

“Are you kidding me? You practically have zebra repellant on you. You won't win a popularity contest in this town. No, you only have to make him lose.”

“And how do you figure I do that?”

“Well, I’m glad you asked. You would probably need someone with somepony who knows a little something about how to run an election.”

She just wants me to ask. “Do you...” It feels like she is making me beg. “Do you know how to run an election?”

“Run one? Heavens no! Manipulating one on the other hoof...” Of course she does.

“What do you want? I don’t have much money.”

“Well, I obtained information of an interesting facility.”

“Oh gosh... What do you want?”

“Half.” Whatever I expected this was certainly not it. The things in there are pretty valuable... even Nightmare Moon's armor might find somepony who’ll buy it, but can under no circumstances allow Nightmare Moon's influence to spread. But other than that... I would be able to keep the rest, right? Before that can happen I need to protect it from the Crimson Company first and for that...

“You are going to need my help claiming it anyway, or do you already have any good strategies lined up? Because, you know, we are not the only one after it.”

“You want half?”

“Of course you’ll be wanting the armor for yourself, which accounts for a lot of money so of the salable stuff I’ll get most.”


“Okay, here’s what’s going through my mind: I have a plan to claim it for ourselves, I have the proper knowledge how to make the most money with the stuff in there, you kinda only know where it is. You maybe think you can come up with something on the way there, but let’s be honest: You’re no mastermind.”

“Nightmare Moon will kill you just like the rest of them. I don’t wa-”

“You don’t want me to die? Aww...” Craft petted my head. “Then why are you afraid of the Crimson Company getting their hooves on it if she'll just kill everyone in sight?”

“I... I ahh...”

“Of course we have to be smart. I’d like to survive this. But for now time is of the essence. The Company will send another team to this facility right? We need to get there before they do.”

“Yes, yes, ahm...” Time is an important factor. And I really need a plan. Though I will have to watch out for her. Craft is somewhat unpredictable at times. “But first I want you to give me some information!”

“Well that’s what I do best, but what do you want?"

“I need to know everything you know about Gaia Prevails.”

*** *** ***

We each stocked up a week's worth of food and traveled through the wasteland together again. While we were walking she told me everything she knew about Gaia Prevails, just like we agreed on. She couldn’t tell me much I didn’t already know or had managed to piece together myself. What she hasn’t caught up on was that Spellfield and Princess Celestia are most likely the head and probably only members of the most dangerous resistance-group to have ever existed. Craft hasn’t seen the memories like I did.

The reason why I had troubles piecing it together myself was a simple question: Why in the world would Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, be a resistance fighter against her own government? Because stuff happened, that’s why. I don’t make myself any illusions; I don’t know how politics work. How can the war even start when Celestia was against it from the very beginning? I don’t know.

But as Celestia was already plotting with Spellfield in secrecy she simply kept doing things in secrecy; things she could have never done as official symbol of the nation. A symbol has to show strength, not make the ponies doubt things. When they stole technology, the budget had to be remade and as it seems the cruel things weren’t approved a second time. However, they left those things who lead to a fast end. And the megaspells indeed ended the war, just not the way anyone intended it to.

The most interesting piece of information Craft could give me was about a spell that had been created by them: Vox Populi, a voice-altering spell. Different from other voice-altering spells it wasn’t re-traceable. The vocal cords of the user will swing in a specific matter and sound alike no matter who talks. It was dangerous for ponies to voice their opinion, and Vox Populi became a tool for every pony and zebra wanting to do so.

The spell was outlawed and a DJ in Manehatten, a personal friend of the ministry mare Pinkie Pie, was arrested for using it in one of her songs. Due to its high sophistication, simplicity of usage and effectiveness as a disguise, it ended up being examined in the Manehatten-hub of the Ministry of Acrane Science, where it remained. As a tribute to the DJ and Gaia Prevails somepony came up with the idea of using this spell and the name ‘DJ Pon-3’ to broadcast the truth across Equestria.

Everything is connected.

*** *** ***

We agreed to stop in the same shack for the night again. Craft even assured me she wont disappear this time; she is funny like that, but I quickly was under the impression overcompensating how she actually feels. The more attention I pay to her behavior, the more seemed wrong with her.

“Craft? Can I ask you something personal?”

“No.” The answer didn’t surprise me, I actually would have been surprised if she would have given me that allowance, but... “You’re a free pony, and you are going to ask anyway, so ask. Just don’t expect an answer.”

“Okay... It is something watcher said. I should find my virtue. What would be yours?”

“Ahahahaha... really? That is what’s on your mind? I’ll give you this advice out of courtesy, because I like you: Get that virtue crap out of your head quick before it makes you woozy.”

“What do you mean?”

“Religion is nice, you know. And it’s not my position to judge others for their beliefs.” But she is going to do it anyway. “But most of them are messed up.”

“What do virtues have to do with religion?”

“Well, this whole ‘searching for your virtue’-thing started after the six mares, who later became the heads of each ministry, defeated Nightmare Moon and purged Princess Luna. They each discovered their virtue and were only then able to defeat her. Theirs were Loyalty, Honesty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter and Magic. And in this very definition, it is already messed up. Laughter? Seriously? Why not happiness? Happiness is a way better word for what Laughter should resemble.”

I knew about the Elements of Harmony, but I never knew ponies made a religion out of it. Craft’s argument was... “That’s only a matter of phrasing... isn’t it? Why do you seem angry about it?”

“I’m not angry, I only express my opinion. Second thing: the part that really screws the pooch of the virtue thing: ‘Magic’! Magic? That is no virtue in any way! Magic is something every unicorn can manipulate at will. Every pegasi and griffin has it to manipulate clouds and even fly although it would be physically impossible, every earth pony has it, although in a more subtle way, and every zebra has it, but theirs is really weird; don’t try to understand zebra-magic. Magic isn't a character-trait, it is a skill. It might be some ponies' special talent, but it is not a virtue.”

“I see... But a religion is about-”

She cut me off. “They are about making their believers feel better. The meaning of living and life-after-death, things like that. Religion is... for the easy manipulatable. I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist. I know the world is fucked up. Religion indicates moral values, making the world a fair and happy place! But that’s not the case, the world is not fair, has never been, and will never be. You either manage to deal with it or you die.”

You cannot expect the world to be nice to you, especially not the wasteland. Craft spoke her mind and has her good points, but although I wasn’t religious I felt she was way too harsh on religion. The world is a terrible place, that is the reason why ponies escape into religions, it is easier to pretend everything is okay than it is to actually facing the horror of the world. Wait... that also doesn’t sound like a good case for religion.

“You’re an intelligent mare, Aideen. I understand religion has a certain appeal but it just is not the right thing for everypony, and you're among those who are better off facing the world how it is. Do you want to know why I really don’t like virtues?”

Her asking me that question caught me somewhat off guard. “Ahh... well, yeah, sure.”

“One word to describe somepony? That’s bullshit. I know who I am, and I have never met anyone who can be summed up into one word, without being insulting to the rest of his personality. And another problem with your one true virtue is corruption. It’s like sticking with something and even though it turns bad you continue doing so. Why? Because if you abandon the virtue it would mean you admit on having made a mistake. Loyalty – if the ones you are loyal to turn out to be evil you stick with them. Honesty – Mom, your cookies taste awful! Courage – I dare you to jump in there. Don’t stay true to yourself! Go experiment, but be a better pony tomorrow.”

I didn’t get what I wanted, but I actually feel better now. I’m glad I asked Craft that question, it made me figure out her virtue. She has steadfast adherence of her own morals and ethnics, she figured out who she wants to be and became that person. And although she convinced me a virtue was not necessary, maybe even bad. I knew what virtue I would give her: Integrity.

I also figured out that I want to have that virtue. Integrity. I thought of Craft as a role model a few times before, but never knew why. Now I do. I want to have the same virtue. She can deny it, I wont.

“Did you hear that?” Craft whispered, then silently jumped up, and walked over to the door. I followed her, way slower, but as quiet. I’ve heard it too. Voices outside.

“I tell you, I saw someone going in here.”

“Yeah! We’re going to fuck them up.”

Raiders... very near to us.

In here there was nothing to use as cover other than the barrel we put inside three days ago, and to be honest that barrel wasn’t much in terms of cover. We were sitting ducks.

I saw Crafts mouth moving in a silent curse, then stared at me and cursed silently again. I have never been in an situation that would evolve into an exchange of bullets. She ignited her horn and floated a device out of her saddlebags on the floor. I recognized it as a StealthBuck, an invisibility add-on for the PipBuck. We had a chance.

Craft mouthed ‘One.’ to me. Oh... One won’t do us much good, then the other will be the target. She levitated the Memorhedron out from my PipBuck and pushed in the StealthBuck. I nodded. She was the one with fighting experience; it only made sense that she has the better chance.

I retreated into a corner and floated my gun to me. Craft waved her hoof to put it down. Yes, right they would see the glow. I’m so useless. She stepped right behind the door and lifted herself up to her hind legs. If the door were to swing open it would completely hide her behind it. How does she do that balancing-act and how does she even come up with it?

What was left to do was to wait. She was right at the door, and was able to hear them, I had no idea what was going on, until the door burst open. A dirty dark blue earth pony stallion walked inside first. “Theresh nopony here.” He managed to muffle through the handle of his shotgun. Another pony stuck in her head. A unicorn mare of dirty (they are raiders, do I really have to describe them with the word ‘dirty’?) orange color.

Craft smashed the door closed with the mare's head right in the door frame. Ouch. She used the momentum gained from gravity to strike the shotgun wielding earth pony and rip the shotgun out of his teeth with her magic. The door has sprung back from the mare's head, probably revealing a third pony to Craft outside the shack I couldn’t see as she fired the shotgun outside. The second blast of the shotgun went into the first raider's face. As both shots were fired already Craft used the Shotgun to bludgeon the mare.

Craft had quite some blood spattered on her, but the line running from her nose was her own. She had been hit when the door was opened. “He got my nose...” She sounded like she wanted to evoke my sympathy. Poor thing got a bloody nose from slaughtering three raiders in about five seconds. I could only stare at her. She couldn’t see me, but my silence was her cue. “What? They are just raiders.” Her tone was disgusted, by the pure thought of having to have dealt with raiders.

*** *** ***

The next day I didn’t recorded my Audiolog. I had nothing to report, and I can still do it in the evening when we reach the facility, at least then there was something I can talk about. How did I even fall into the routine of recording them in the morning? Oh yeah... when I was blacked out from falling of a cliff.... this cliff.

“That’s the spot where I found you.” It almost seemed as if Craft was wallowing in nostalgia.

Six days ago I have fallen off there... There is so much dried blood. Nopony could have survived that amount of blood loss without immediate care and a substantial amount of potions. Regens and Hematosis alone wouldn’t do the trick; Craft must have used Restos, maybe even Super-Restos or a Hydra.

“Why did you save me?”

Craft climbed onto the rocks and traced the lines where my blood flowed down. “It looks like a piece of art, doesn’t it? The laws of physics.” She looked up to the cliff. “The gravity working on the body of a young pretty mare, smashing her onto sharp, merciless rocks. It broke her bones, sliced her skin, ruptured muscles.” What is going on? Craft laid down into the dried puddle. “Her ribs punctured some of her organs, but she didn’t die.” She positioned herself on it, placing her limbs exactly where the blood indicated.

“I... uhmm... Craft?”

“An unimaginable pain; a normal pony would have just passed out, but not this one.” Craft slowly lifted her right hoof and reached out to me. “She stared at a random passerby, who is more in shock than her. The traveler was unable to move, or even look away; the stare was demanding. The moment this traveler moved up to her, she considers her staring-match won.” Craft deflated and let her hoof drop. “Finally she allowed herself to pass out. But you don’t remember any of this.”

“No... I... I don’t...” I felt suddenly dizzy. “don’t remember. ” This scene can’t have this effect on me. I didn’t feel emotional, about this. I was more weirded out of Craft reenacting it than anything else. Why do I... Come on, breathe, Aideen... What’s going on? I need to lie down.

There was a dart stuck in my shoulder. Wha-? I recognized the darts make as Crimson Company design, light blue rings symbolized it was refined nightstalker venom; It shuts down parts of the victims nervous system, making it pass out, but keeping it alive.

I managed to trace Crafts gaze up the cliff and could make out distinctive black and gold barding of a Crimson-Solider. The second group the Company has sent, had arrived before us. That’s bad, right? I noticed my... uhmm... mind-thingy is getting slower.

Craft faded away from my vision. Is that possible? Can ponies just... fade away? The rest of my vision is still there. The rocks and the blood. Was there something else? Like... other than stones? I don’t know. Maybe I figure it out if I sleep on it. Yes, that seems like a good idea... just... closing my eyes...

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 6!

New Perk: Mighty Telekenesis (1): You triple the mass that you can levitate with your unicorn magic.

Skill note: Melee has reached 25.
Skill note: Sneak has reached 25.

new Quest: Avenge Quick Shot
[ ] Make a plan on how to get back at, or kill the Mayor of Hufstein, and get away it.

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[ ] Optional: Watch all Memories in the Memorhedron. (3/X)

Quest: Gaia Prevails
[ ] Optional: Investigate every room of the facility
[ ] Report to the Crimson Company about the Gaia Prevails facility or keep them from getting it.

Quest failed: Freedom
[X] Find a virtue you want to pursue.

Chapter Six: Negotiation

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Chapter Six


“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 8, 1247. The Crimson Company found me again. I bounced right back to them, running into their hooves.”

The second time within a week I awoke in a place I didn’t know how I gotten into. It was a tent decorated like it belonged to a captain in the Crimson Company. The only times I’ve ever been in those kinds of tents was when... well that doesn’t matter now. How did I get into a tent of the Crimson Company? They must have caught me somehow. I remember Craft and me at the place where I fell of the cliff, but what happened after that?

The only logical explanation I could come up with was that something must have fogged my mind. The Scout's poison of choice was Nightstalker venom, miasma, but I never experienced it myself. Well, until now probably. I never experienced any kind of poison, maybe fogging the mind is in every poison's description that messes with the nervous system; I don’t know.

What made no sense was why I’m in the captain's tent after they caught me. He didn’t... me while I was sleeping. I couldn’t even think about that scenario now, although it has been my life for the past five years. Now I have to shiver at the mere thought. I need to escape as soon as possible.

I wasn’t tied to anything, nor was my magic inhibited. So they didn’t assume I was a threat. Okay, that’s good. What do I have? My pistol would still be in my saddlebags, and my saddlebags are nowhere to be seen. Any other weapon in here? No. Can I use something as a club? I’ve seen Craft clubbing the hell out of that mare yesterday. No. Think Aideen, think!

I could make the tent collapse when someone comes in, try to overwhelm him, take his weapon, and... be up against a group big enough to have a captain sent with them. No, that was not a good plan. Wait... What happened to Craft? She got away, right? Had she been hit too? Crimson Company never does things by halves. I can’t remember.

The tent-door opened and a unicorn stallion came inside. He was handsome, tall and muscular, his coat a light brown going into orange, his red mane was kept short, and he was wearing the captain's barding. And I recognized him. Why does it have to be him?

“Aideen. I was so worried about you.” I prepared myself for the incoming embrace I didn’t return. “When you didn’t return I pulled some strings to immediately search for you.” Was he crying? “I love you.” He was squeezing me even harder.

“I know.”

He let me go a little to look at my face and admire my new manestyle. “You look even prettier than usual. Oh god, Aideen...” Yes, he was definitively crying. “Just what happened?” He squeezed me again.

What am I supposed to tell him? “The terminal was a trap. Whoever gave us the information was probably sent by Red Eye. I got away... they... I don’t know.” I returned his hug, and even managed to start crying too. How did I come up with this? He will believe me, he has this blind spot when it comes to me. And the lie was good. Suddenly there is no facility for them to be interested in, as the trapdoor is supremely hidden and the terminal quite unhackable; Additionally Red Eye is hated enough for them to think it’s plausible he would do something like that.

“Where are they?” He sounded angry, I couldn’t blame him, he probably knew them.

“I... I don’t know.” When has crying become such a great tool? He completely melts away. I know he would show no mercy if this was any other pony than me.

“It’s okay. Shh...” He stroked my mane, trying to comfort me. It might have worked if I had actually been in need of comforting, but I’m in need of getting away. “It’s just... you need to tell me. You have to understand, I’m the leader of this group and I have to tell them something. I understand you must have to gone through a lot, but you need to tell me everything you know. And the sooner you have it out of your system the better.”

“Yes... I understand.” He even gave me time to make up a whole story. Wait... he didn’t say anything about Craft. So she did get away.

He kept stroking my mane and I decreased my flow of tears. It did feel good lying in his arms. I leaned my head against his and smiled, a smile I didn’t have to fake. I really wished I could be honest with him.

Ailill is three years older than me. In the Stable we hardly interacted, and in the company we were in completely different sections. He has been in Security in Stable Eight, that has been the reason why he got trained to be a guard and later a solider in the Crimson Company. He was loyal to them, applied himself and rose in ranks. It was the smart thing to do, it made his life easy. I was a rebel, I have been kept down, I was still a slave.

“You seem to have calmed down.”

“Yeah... You can let go off of me now. Awkward sibling hug. Pat, pat.” I patted his back twice

*** *** ***

According to my story the terminal runs on a program that lets you input anything and always responds ‘Access denied’, we were ambushed and managed to escape towards Hufstein as the path to Colt’s Well was cut off. We got into increasingly bad situations, and in the end leader-guy put something in my saddlebags, magically sealed them, and sent me away. I’m not trained to properly evaluate enemy forces so I couldn’t tell them much.

In truth Craft sealed my saddlebags so nopony but her can open them. It was a smart move on her part, as it would have been hard to explain how I come to possess a gun, a contract for a house in Hufstein, a few leftover pounds of silver ore, and a good number of bottle caps. I didn’t ask if they have caught another mare, but it seemed Craft also managed to get away. How she pulled that act puzzled me.

Because the only thing I know for sure about Craft is that she is unpredictable, I made myself hopes she would be able to somehow get me out of this mess. I had just no idea how, but then Craft was one for creative-problem solving. Come on Aideen, you may not be a criminal mastermind but you can figure something out! Think!

Craft has hijacked my PipBuck... she can hear everything I say; I have never gotten around to change that, because I had other things on my mind. There had to be an method I could send her a message or even communicate with her.

Huh... It has been a while since I’ve done something other than record my Audiolog’s, but I clearly remember the options in administrator-mode were not where they should be or looked like them. This is strange... Could it be that...

>Operating system: Ministry of Arcane Science v3.4.17
>Visual Skin: Stable-Tec v2.1
>Last updated: February 2, 1247 – 05:43 pm

The whole operating system got changed, and a skin was installed to keep looking like my old one. I almost felt angry, but then I realized that a MAS OS was probably superior to a Stable-Tec OS... in some way, I’m no sure; it certainly sounds better. All the software was still in place, and I couldn’t notice anything different about them out of the top of my head.

Then I noticed the Memorhedron is gone. What happened to it? I couldn’t check my saddlebags. Would Craft have thought about taking it with her? But then she could have simply taken my saddlebags too. Have I even added it to my PipBuck again after I used the StealthBuck? What have I done to it while I used the Stealthbuck? Placed it on the floor? I can’t remember. And I can’t simply ask if they have taken it, because if they don’t I would have a lot more explaining to do.

Other than the change of operating system and the lack of the Memorhedron I couldn’t find anything wrong with my PipBuck. There was no secret recording or broadcasting like Craft claimed. Did she lie? No way, she couldn’t have known about my conversation with Watcher or the Mayor. Unless she IS Watcher and had ties to the town hall of Hufstein. Okay, second one is plausible, even though she stayed her first night in a shabby motel.

But her being Watcher is quite ridiculous, isn’t it? Both have an interesting amount of information stacked up, but... no. They have completely different philosophies when it came to virtues, but it was possible they were part of the same information-gathering organization. I mean, sure, Craft seems to be working alone, but then again: If I would be member of a secret society, I'd recommend every member to act like they are working alone.

I couldn’t contact Craft, as I figure she deleted the program to spy on me (and took the Memorhedron); and I couldn’t contact Watcher, as every Sprite-Bot coming near a loyal member of the Crimson Company would be immediately disabled. The list of my allies outside the Company wasn’t longer than those two. I was well and truly on my own.

*** *** ***

“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 10, 1247. Home Sweet Home. I am so pathetically weak; I couldn’t find a way to escape and was dragged back into my room in Colt’s Well.”

*** *** ***

“Aideen, you're up.”

Damn it. My new rebellious spirit and increase in looks had me right back in the job I hate the most. I was back in the brothel. My name was only one day on the list and some pervert seemingly has to try out the new toy. But I have changed; I wasn’t the scared little filly anymore who took chems to keep herself from feeling anything, nor was I the young mare who screwed with the mind of those who had chosen to come to me. No! I am... Well, I don’t know what I am now, but I know I wont let myself be played with.

I closed my book and looked up. “Yeah?” I smiled, that guy has no idea what’s coming to him.

Big Momma looked at me with a strange expression. I know that whatever response she expected of me, this was certainly not it. “Well... room five.”

Room five, that was all the explanation I need to find my victim. “Okay.”

I stood up, and exited the room, leaving a perplexed Big Momma behind.

I have made my decision; it’s a bad decision, but it will change my life in whatever way. I’m going to kill the pervert who is waiting for me in room five. I repeat: it’s a bad decision, but I’m not going to be a whore. What might happen to me? They could kill me, which would at least end my petty existence within the Company.

But they will surely interrogate me why I did it, and I’m going to to tell them I did it for no real reason; I’m going to tell them that they won't gain anything from me being in the brothel, that I want to be together with my brother and become a solider, or work at the radio station because it’s my special talent. Something else... just something else!

Room Five, there it is. I stopped before it. One last deep breath. This is it... Okay, just one more breath... I was mentally going through all the items in one of those rooms, and evaluated what was the best murder weapon. The lamp would be the best. I would only need to remove the cover, smash the bulb, and I would have a small stick with sharp ending. But the way to do this was with an element of surprise. It would be very fatal if I would fail.

I opened the door and walked into Room Five. “Hey there, sweetie.” That voice... “Oh you’re worth way more than the price-tag you have.”

“What the..?” I had troubles believing it.

“Hell, I’ve spent way too much on you already. Now spread your legs, I need some action.”

“How did you get in here?”

“I ninja'd my way in. Nah, just kidding. I bribed Big Momma. Would you believe they let you in here if you actually pay for the same reason every one else is coming in here?”

“Okay, Craft. Ahm... so what’s the plan? Bust me out? How?”

“Bust you out? Why?”

“I mean, that’s why you are here, right? To... help me break out... or something, right?”

She stared at me for a while and was... checking me out? “Ahh... yeah, that was the plan, then I remembered what I paid to come in here for.”

“Craft, you are funny, I get it. You’ve done a great job at letting me know that. But please, be serious for a moment, I’m kinda in a bad situation here. Tell me the plan.”

“Yeah, sorry. Plan... so...” She paused and frowned. Her expression is easily readable, she hardly could bring herself to tell me. No, please don’t tell me you cant’- “I can’t help you.” Damn.

“T-Then what are you doing here?”

“Well, I was hoping to make out with you.”

“CRAFT! For fuck's sake, be serious!”

“You just cursed, you never cursed before.”

“Who cares? Stop teasing me and get to the...” No... No way! “You’re not here just to tease me, are you?”

“Ding ding ding. We have a winner.” Craft engulfed me in her magic and threw me on the bed. “I owe you so much.” She jumped on top of me. “I want to give you a proper thank you for practically handing over this great facility to me. Ohhh... the stuff in there.” I was almost frozen. No, please... She traced a line along my body. “And you want to know what?” She leaned in to nibble at my ear, and then whispered: “Yeah I’m just teasing you, I have a plan.”

“WHAA!” I kicked her in the stomach, and pushed her off of me. “What was that for? You... you idiot!”

“Idiot? That’s the best you can come up with? That was really mean of me, can’t you come up with a better insult? You know what? You really have issues. Why can’t you express your emotions the way everyone else does? You keep suppressing your emotions, and keep suppressing, and keep suppressing. You should seek professional help.”

“There is nothing wrong with me. What is wrong with YOU? YOU treat others like that. You know... I understand now why you have been called a MONSTER before!”

I didn’t really just say that, did I? No, I definitively did. Craft had been just teasing me, and I... I have probably conjured her worst memories. She frowned... No, her face got deformed due to anger. It was scary. I kinda prepared that she would hit me, but no strike came.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. You really were just teasing me. You asked me for a better insult and I... I really aimed somewhere, where I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry. After all you’re here to help me, and I... Just, I’m sorry.”

A tear ran down her face. “Yeah... you shouldn’t have...” She turned away from me, probably not wanting me to see her tears.

Say something... “Uhmm...” Something stupid, to cheer her up. “We could make out if it would make you feel any better?”

Craft quivered shortly. Was it laughter or was she crying? “I’m sorry too...” She turned to me again with a smile on her face. It seems she only shed this one tear. “I know you have issues. I shouldn’t have teased you, and I definitely shouldn’t have acted like I wanted to rape you. That was low...”

“Let’s just forget about this, okay?”

“Yeah... Agreed.” Craft wiped away her tear. “Now, about my plan. It’s not gonna be easy.” She was all business again, something that fitted her more than the emotional stuff. And I liked it more than her.. teasing. “I can’t help you.”

“You have to help yourself, but this here...” She gestured at herself. “...can help you.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not easy, I’m not even sure you can pull it off, but you have to believe in yourself.”

“Uhm... uhkay... make believe. But get to the point. What do I need to do?”

“Bright Skies. Celestia used a spell to disguise herself.” There is no way I can... “Spellfield is half zebra. I believe what made him so powerful is that he has both unicorn and zebra magic. And zebra magic is very special. It’s like an additional ‘sense’ to feel magic. He had to have sensed the spell and so did you. You felt how it feels like and you can remake it.”

“This is-”

“Difficult. VERY difficult. But possible.” She was right. “I can simply walk out of here; and if you wear my face, so can you.”

“Okay. Uhm... where do I start?”

“Watch in awe!” Draft was posing for me. “That’s all I can do: Posing nude for you.” She was her usual joking self again. “The rest... I haven’t seen that memory, I haven’t felt what you felt.”

“Yeah... uhm...” Staring at Craft wouldn’t help me much at the moment. How was I supposed to figure out a spell like that? ‘Spellfield felt it’, I don’t even understand what feeling a spell is supposed to mean. Hmm... ‘Feeling a spell’ sounds really awkward, considering Spellfield's name. I shook my head. What the hell am I thinking about? I should figure out how to do that trick. ‘Make believe!’ I can do this! I guess...

Let’s break this spell down: She makes herself look like someone else, or just changed her size and mane color. I wouldn’t need to change my size to look like Craft. When I think about it her build was quite similar to me, only more muscular. Facial features were different, of course; I had lower cheekbones, fuller lips and my eyes weren’t... I couldn’t find a good description for her eyes.

The light golden of her coat wasn’t far from my light brown one, as it leaned towards orange anyway. The fire-like colors of her mane were probably harder to do, but blond wasn’t a bad point of origin. Her manestyle I could change to manually. Everything else I might be able to just let slide.

It’s coming to me. I remember how it felt like to experience the spell. I’ve felt it... Sarina would have felt it too, that’s the reason why she had been initially somewhat mean to Bright Skies. She had felt there was something off about her, but unlike Spellfield she couldn’t recognize it as bending light frequencies... Bending light frequencies... That’s it!

“You have been staring at me for a while now. I mean, I know I’m attractive, but it’s kinda getting creepy. You just checking for... I mean... you know... You’re doing research, right?”

“Ahh... No, I was just lost in a train of thought. I have an idea. I might be able to change the color of my coat and mane by bending the light. We already naturally do this when our aura is visible. Just give me some time...”

“I only paid for an hour, so...”

“Okay, Let me try...”

*** *** ***

I manage to successfully learn the spell in four days. Although it immensely drains at my magic I can make myself look like an acceptable replica of Craft.

“Oh yeah, I would do you.” Craft checked me... herself... out. “Or me... whatever.”

“You would have already ‘done me’, when I was still myself.”

“True that... true that.”

“But I look good, right?”

“Of course I look good.” I didn’t honor Craft with an response. “I feel like I’m looking into a fun-house mirror, but sure, it’s a mirror alright. And the times I came in here they... never really checked out my face, if you know what I mean.”

“Okay, so.. go?”

She nodded. “Yes... Now or never. I don’t think you can manage to perfectly copy me, without a few more years of trying. I mean... Three days is... spectacular, for what you accomplished.”

“Yeah, spare your praise until I’ve actually walked out of here successfully.”

“Just don’t think about it. You are a regular costumer and simply want to leave. If you run into trouble just think: ‘What would Craft do?’, okay?”

I repeated: “What would Craft do.” Somehow this was a concept I’m already familiar with. “Got it.”

“Break a leg!” Craft shoved me to the door.

“Wha!” I cried out in surprise. “What? Now?”

“Yes, now! Why are you stalling?”

“I’m not ready.” Can I ever be?

“You’ll never be ready.” Stop reading my mind. “Just don’t think about it.” The door became engulfed in her magic and opened. Craft didn’t shove me out; I kinda walked on my own out. Just one more look back at her. Craft nodded reassuringly. Okay. I can do this! She closed the door behind me.

*** *** **

I already made it out of the brothel and was walking down the main street towards the town's exit. This is bad. I’m questioning every move I make. Just keep walking.

“Hey you!”

Ignore it! He probably didn’t mean you. You are just paranoid. Stay calm.

“You with the firemane!” Shit. “May we talk to you for a second?” A city guard, just what I need.

“Good day to you officer.” I tried to copy Craft's generally flirty tone. He can’t possibly has anything on me, can he?

“It’s sergeant.” Guards are generally grumpy, or at least they have to appear to be to better enforce the rules.

“I’m sorry. Sergeant. Uhm... How can I help you?”

“You fit the description of a pony we are trying to find. Is your name Craft?” What the..? Craft, what have you done?

“What for?”

“Miss, would you cooperate and come with me?”

“Am I under arrest?”

“No, but I have an order to bring you to my superior.” Dear god, Craft. A little heads up next time that the city is searching for you? Please, don’t tell me I’m your escape plan for whatever you did? Why does it always seem like you have ulterior motives?

The towns entrance wasn’t far, I could make a run for it. No that’s stupid, he would continue to pursue me even after I crossed the town's border. And he would immediately call for backup. There was only one thing left to do. “Okay, I’ll come with you. Take me to your leader.”

“Thank you. Follow me, please.” He actually said ‘please’.

I nodded. Damn, damn, damn. Every second I have to keep this spell up it is draining away at my magic. ‘Being brought to his superior’, this doesn’t sound good. I don’t want to collapse in the middle of ‘questioning’ and turn back. That would be hard to explain, and would get the real Craft into big trouble too.

“I kinda have a schedule to keep up. How long is this going to take?”

“I don’t know, Miss. I wasn’t briefed on why you are needed. That is above my pay grade, I’m afraid.”

Wow. I just now realize how little I actually know about the mare I’m impersonating. ‘Above his pay grade’, she must be part of something big. Or maybe she planned on me getting picked up by somepony she knows. No, she would have told me. Or she is teasing me again and didn’t tell me on purpose. Either way I had to go with him.

But what would Craft do now? Her teasing nature would make some joke on his pay grade, right? “Don’t sweat it, pal. Maybe one day?” No, she wouldn’t have said that.

“Thank you, Miss. I’ll keep working hard.”

‘Hard’, would she make a joke on that? “Working hard? Yes, continue to serve your superiors in the future.” I hope I was using a suggestive enough tone.

He smiled somewhat painfully and blushed slightly, but didn’t answer. No comeback means he is afraid of angering me. Good, he has no idea who he is up against, making it easier for me to be someone he doesn’t know. But to whomever I’m being brought, that pony will know Craft, which leaves me in a pretty bad situation.

He lead me into the guard tower right next to the town's entrance. My escape route would be short, but I can’t claim I’m in luck, as any attempts of escape would result badly. “In there.” He stopped next to a door labeled ‘office’. I guess that was better than ‘interrogation room’. I nodded to him, acted as if I weren’t surprised at all, and entered the office.

“Hello... Craft.” I knew that pony that was sitting at the desk. He had a crimson coat and mane... his namesake. “I haven’t seen you in a long time.” He seemed nostalgic. The head of the Crimson Company knows Craft, and he was freaking nostalgic about her!

How am I supposed to talk to him? I can imagine Craft being drawn to power, but then again Crimson's power and influence would give him a number of mares with the hots for him. No, it looked like more than just mingling. A friendship? But all I got the feeling like there is bad blood between them.

“Please, the door.” Yeah right... I closed the door behind me. “I’m sorry for the rough pickup, I know you haven’t expected this, but we have talk business.”

“Hello.” I paused for an dramatic effect. “Crimson. What do you want?”

“I’d like to personally congratulate you. Good plan. But I have this.” He put his hoof on the table and showed off his PipBuck, with the Memorhedron plugged in. “An interesting device, really.”

“It can store multiple memories, but I assume you already know that.”

“Yes, quite right. I’ve watched a very interesting one.” Shit.

“May I inquire what it was about?” What are the chances he is going to tell me?

“A librarian selecting a book for a young filly interested in magic. With all the knowledge I have gathered about pre-war Equestria I have never stopped to wonder what filly-Twilight Sparkle might have been like. All this promise and she eventually ends with having to sign off the production of bombs.”

Twilight is already a filly and Spellfield gives her the informations she needs. Out of context this was a happy and cute memory, maybe from and sad old man who has met the Ministry Mare once in her youth and wants to gain some money from a reporter or the likes. Crimson has no idea what that memory really means.

“Here.” He unplugged it and floated it to me. “You shall have it. As well as these saddlebags.” My saddlebags... “Might I say you have done a really good job sealing those?”

“Why do you give them to me?”

“They are yours, aren’t they?”

“Yes.” I answered before I could even think that this might have been a trick.

“Perfect. There is another thing I want to give you, Craft.”

“And what might that be?”

“Aideen, the slave. She now belongs to you, and you alone. Farewell.”

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 7!

New Perk: Magical Sight: Seeing a spell in use gives you extra information about it. +5 Magic and +20% dodge chance for magical attacks.

Skill note: Magic has reached 50.

New Spell: Well Crafted Disguise
Description: You can make yourself appear like Craft.
Magical Drain: high

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[failed] Optional: Watch all Memories in the Memorhedron. (3/X)
[ ] Optional: Watch as much Memories in the Memorhedron as possible (3)

Quest complete: Freedom
[X] Be free from the Crimson Company for good.

Quest: Gaia Prevails
[X] Keep the Crimson Company from getting the facility.
[ ] Optional: Investigate every room of the facility.
[ ] Find out what Craft really knows about Gaia Prevails.

Quest: Above the clouds
[ ] Meet Craft at the peak of Mt. Mustang above the clouds.

Chapter Seven: Stars

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Chapter Seven


“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 14, 1247. Going above the cloud cover is a bad idea...”

> Memorhedron is fully charged and ready to use.
> Next memory in queue: Untitled – May 29, 991
> Length: 0 hours 11 minutes 39 seconds.
> Load memory?
> load

<=======ʌʌɅ Ʌʌʌ=======>

The now familiar zebra-unicorn stallion feeling came over me. It would have surprised me if I would be somepony other than Spellfield. He was walking around at a place I had to identify as a marketplace. It wasn’t like any marketplace I have ever seen: Everything was tidy, nopony was selling guns or ammunition, and there is a truly impressive number of fruits and vegetables I can’t even name. Spellfield carried a basket with a, what do you call it, cluster of long, curved, pentagonal yellow things. But grapes, dandelions, and daisies I recognized.

“Dr. Spellfield!” Oh, I know that voice. Spellfield turned around and saw Bright Skies trotting towards him. “Dr. Spellfield, what a coincidence to run into you.”

“A coincidence indeed.” He replied sarcastically, and bowed shortly. “Miss Bright Skies. A pleasure to see you again. I trust yesterday’s event is the reason you searched for me.”

She nodded. “Indeed.”

“A flare at her age, it’s quite impressive.”

“Yes, it is. I wish I could have watched her whole test.”

“You know you could have had done so? Well, for the price of being present at all the other foals test’s too.”

“Do you have any idea how nervous they would be if I am watching them?” My heart would explode if I would have to take a test in front of Celestia.

“You have that effect on everypony. You are... you, after all.” Nice way of comforting her, Spellfield. Good job.

She sighed. “This is why I have Bright Skies.”

“I assume you haven’t come out of common courtesy. You want something from me again, don’t you?” I felt Spellfield forcing a smile. It was almost as if he had to bail a friend out of trouble again. Which is pretty accurate when I think about it. Celestia doesn’t need a lot bail-outs, but whenever she does, she asks something pretty serious of him.

“I’m afraid so. You see... I talked myself into a corner.”

He frowned, and hard at that, before he relaxed his facial muscles again. “What have you done?” His voice carried a sadness, disapointment.

“I agreed to- No. I... I... ahm... I told Twilight Sparkle I’d take her as my personal protigee.” She had her eyes closed and waited for a shitstorm raining down on her...

A shitstorm that didn’t come to pass, because Spellfield had found interest in some orange-pink furry balls. The sign at the market stand said ‘peaches’. Spellfield floated a few of them up and checked for their density.

Celestia opened her eyes again, he silently pressured her to explain further. “I don’t know how to teach kids, especially as young as her. You two kids, one of them is Twilight's age, and I... I thought... Oh, I don’t know. You have got to help me.”

“Ryde is two month younger than Twilight, and I claim to be a good father to him, but... Wait, what are you planning on? Should I copy your spell and... play princess, teach her for you?” Apropos copy-spell: I should pay a little attention at what he feels when having her in front of him. That spell could get useful a second time.

“No, I just could use some advice. I cannot ask somepony else. I would...”

“You made a promise you can’t keep up.” Was it common for ponies of that time to publicly squeeze their food? Hey Spellfield, it’s a fresh fruit; they are all fresh fruits! Why are you checking them? “Oh, what would the ponies think?”

She ignored his mockery, after all she deserved some of it. “I’d like to give you a teaching job at my school.”

Spellfield walked up to the merchant, and gave him seven peaches worth of bits, only then he answered to Celestia. “I agree.” He started walking again, and floated a peach towards her. She caught her peach as he dropped it.

“I have the feeling it is a long time since someone gave you a meaningless present.” He levitated another peach up. One for himself this time. He bit into the peach- OH MY GOD, IT’S DELICIOUS! Sweet delicious moistness. Oh please, keep chewing, don’t swallow just yet. Ohnonononotyetitstoosoon. He swallowed his bite. Oh, sweet aftertaste. He sucked the peaches juice that was already in his mouth onto his tongue and swallowed again. “May I ask you a personal question?” Just take another bite out of that sweet deliciousness floating right in front of you.

“I owe you that much, Dr. Spellfield.”

“Is it hard for you not being able to talk to ponies? Having to disguise yourself?” Just eat the peach.

“Yes, very much so, but I got used to it.” Celestia took another bite of her peach before she continued. “You are the first pony I told so, you are not however the first who ‘dared’ to ask me that question. I assume you already knew that.” He nodded, and finally took another bite of his peach. “Means you didn’t want the truth, but honesty. So let me ask you a question. Do you hate me?”

He continued eating his peach. I would have done the same thing. Eating delicious fruits is way better than answering such a question. But, of course, he didn’t hate her, he can’t... can he? “Yes.” He can... “More than anything in this world.” She winced. Yeah, it was brutal. “You made me break up with the mare I loved, you made me make a job I don’t like, you made me throw away all my potential, you ruined my life. I cannot even defend myself to my wife, she knows I’m wasting that potential. And the only truthful explanation isn’t rational. So yes, I hate you.”

“I understand.”

“But then again I’m quite a loving person, you are not in contest with anything. And if I would have somehow else acquired the information I got from you, I would have probably done the same thing. Then the pony I would need to hate is myself. After all I am already denying the fact that this thing started because I spied on your memories. The only thing I really hate about you is your courtesy. You might want to try ‘please and thank you’, every once in a while.”

“I...” She was shocked. “I never..?”


The memory ended.

<=======vvV Vvv=======>

> Save position in queue.
> Memorhedron is charging. 1%
> Not ready for use.

I pushed the brushes off of me where I took cover. Although I doubt anything lives this high up at the mountain, directly under the cloudcover, with no friend or real cover it is still dangerous to sink into a memory. Craft hadn’t caught up to me yet. I walked out of the brothel maybe 20 minutes before her, and she had two days time to catch up with me. I even got caught up talking to Crimson. Crimson! Of all the possible ponies to help Craft, it was him. How? Why? There are enough questions and Craft is going to hear a piece of my mind. I can only assume she is deliberately trying to avoid me.

I have always assumed that clouds were something more... ‘material’, how else would pegasi be able to live up there? In truth clouds are nothing at all, but when you reach your hoof inside of them, they only feel cold and little water droplets are collecting on your hoof. I actually felt disappointed that clouds didn’t live up to my expectations. They just seem so solid from farer away, and even up close they appear quite dense. I couldn’t see what’s on the other side, and honestly, it scared me.

As it was daytime the sun would be up, but I have no idea what to expect when I walk further up the mountain and see it for the first time. The clouds have been disappointing, and my entire life I have also made out the sun to be something... divine. I don’t know if I could handle another disappointment. I’m not even sure what my definition on divinity is. However, I know that the sun is a big orb of pure light somewhere up in the sky, there is not much to go on so, how could it possibly disappoint?

I looked around again, the whole way down the volcano. No Craft in sight. Ahh... I’ll just go on ahead!

The feeling of sticking a hoof in a cloud was rather refreshing actually, but walking through them was just eery. The clouds became increasingly brighter the higher I got, and when my head popped out of the cloud cover I had to close my eyes from the brightness surrounding me. If there was an obstacle before me I would just bump into it, but I had to leave the cold clouds first.

Darkness was so much easier to adjust too. Light... hurts. The rocks on the ground were practically glowing from the light they were reflecting. There was nothing above me, no clouds, no... I don’t know... no anything, the sun maybe, but I don’t know yet what the sun is for real. Come on, Aideen, just look up, it’s not going to hurt you.

Meditation works to lessen fear, it should also work for building up courage. Wait, isn’t that the same thing? Courage is only overcoming fear. Don’t philosophize, just meditate. Breathe. I looked up into the sky to see nothing, only blue, it was a really nice gradient of blue, I have never seen a blue this... blue before. The brilliantly clear shadow that was shown infront of me, told me the direction of the light.

I turned around to look for the source, the sun. It was way too bright to look at directly, but I did it anyway. It was just too overwhelming, and I looked away from it pretty soon after. Like every light I could still see it burned into my eyes. Blinking should do the trick, like it always does... except this time. Then I heard a scraping sound.

“You know that the sun can actually burn away your retinas?” Craft was sliding down on gravel. That was a risky stunt, I had bad experience with ‘sliding’ and ‘mountains’. “Hi, Aideen!” She was in her usual happy mood, a mood I wasn’t buying anymore.

“Hello... Craft. Where you up here the entire time?”

“Yep, after all we agreed to meet at the peak of Mt. Mustang.” She pointed up to it. “Peak is the geological term for the top of a mountain, or in this case, volcano, not ‘below the cloudcover’. You know that, right?”

“Right, but...” What am I even trying to say? “I mean, what about the Enclave?”

“What would the Enclave do? Look at us grumpily? We only need to go below the clouds and they wont bother us anymore. Didn’t you get to know me, Aideen? I have an exit-plan, I always do.”

“And what was that when the Company caught me?”

“Rephrase: I have an exit-plan for myself. But you should be able to pull off this trick yourself, too. What took you so long to come up here anyway?” Sure, now I’m at fault.

“Hmm... let’s see. A city-guard stopped me and I had an interesting conversation with Crimson.”

“That’s not a valid excuse, same thing happened to me.”

“You... what?”

“Oh, don’t act so surprised, you could have put two and two together and knew that they would have found me too.”

“Then you also know you have some explaining to do.”

“Do I?” Oh, she is not getting away.

“Yes! Let’s start easy: What’s your name?” She narrowed her eyes. “It’s only a name.”

“Aideen, look... You owe me, not to mention I literally own you now, and planned on setting you free again. Our scales are unbalanced, and everything is on my side. And, let’s be honest, all I need to do to get the whole facility for myself is to stop saving you.”

“Then how am I supposed to trust you, Craft? Crimson knows you, and everything he said to me indicated either he knew we were together the entire time, or he knew you would recognize the Memorhedron. And I thought the Memorhedron is one of a kind. He likes you and gave it and my saddlebags to me, when he assumed I was you.”

“The circumstances change nothing to the deal we made. We kept the Crimson Company from getting to the Facility. I honestly did not know they weren’t going to be this small of a problem, but I helped you escape. I completely held my end of the bargain.” As much as I’d like to deny it Craft had a point.

“But why did he give... ‘me’ to you?”

“Okay, on that point I’m as surprised as you are. Crimson does not want the facility for money purposes, not for the Company. There has to be something in there he wants for himself, while his minions don’t know about it. That means the Crimson Company is no problem, but Crimson, the pony, is. It means trouble.”

“Is it... better or worse than having the whole Company as an enemy?”

“Well, I believe you know how he works. It’s not his style to go in guns-blazing. He prepares everything and...” Craft gestured me to continue.

I only know of one of his plans. “One surgical strike when the time is right.”

“And we will see him coming.”

“Yes sure, but he will know that we will see this coming, right?”

“Of course, we see his plan of us seeing him coming, coming, which he will see coming too. So we...”

“Wait one second.” Rephrase what she just said: He knows, that we know, that he knows... Everypony knows everything, okay. “Continue.”

“I know his style and he knows mine. That is why we have to bring in additional factors.”

“Additional factors, like..?”

“Like you. You are no mastermind. Exactly what we need. If we have a stupid plan... ‘it’s a trap.’ No offense.”


“And another thing he won’t expect.” She paused, maybe for me to make an suggestion, but I couldn’t think of anything. As she said, I’m no mastermind. “Why do you think we are above the clouds?”

“The Enclave?”

“Yes, I’d like to bring the Enclave into the equation.”

“What for?”

“I don’t know, you decide. And if you say we don’t need them, then Crimson will still think we did something with them, and he over-complicates it.”

“Okay, let me try to come up with something. Oh! I don’t know. I don’t know about Pegasi, about Crimson, and what he wants from that facility; I don’t even know about about my so-called ‘partner’. How am I supposed to come up with a plan?”

“You’ll figure something out.” Craft patted me on the shoulder.

*** *** ***

One step after another. It’s not so hard in theory; it has proven to be easy in practice too, on solid ground at least. I trust that Craft wants me alive, I trust her capabilities as a caster too, but walking on clouds is supremely weird. I have the feeling I could fall through them at any given moment. Cloudwalking, it was a spell every unicorn in the Enclave was capable of. I don’t even bother to ask Craft where she picked that spell up, or how she came to know that there are apparently unicorns living with the pegasi in the clouds.

The unicorns living up here are descendants of those who have used this spell once upon a time, or those who survived on these giant towers. As the pegasi pride themselves to be a pure race, the minority of unicorns and maybe even some earth ponies became increasingly more inbred over the last 200 years...

We were walking towards a pegasi settlement about two hours away from the peak of Mt. Mustang. Muse must have struck the pegasi when they named it after the quadrant it lies in. ‘Cloud Nine-Two’ was quite small, I didn’t know anything about pegasi-architecture, or how densely they usually settle, but I don’t think there are more than 100 pegasi living there.

“Incoming.” Craft rather needlessly stated, as we saw two pegasi flying in our direction.

“You are sure this is a good plan?” The pegasi had spotted us, and the nearer they come the more nervous I get.

“Well, too late now.” She had a confident smile on her face... Well, Craft always has a confident smile on her face. “You only live once, right?”

“You know that’s the phrase for idiots to justify that they are about to do something stupid?”

“I was being sardonic, and I did justify that we are about to do something stupid. BUENAS TARDES!” She shouted the last part out to the pegasi.

They flew near us and shouted their own “hello” without having to scream. Two stallions, one had a sea green, the other a deep blue coat. They seemed quite surprised to see us, but weren’t afraid as they landed quite near. “Who are you?”

“Great! Just what I need, civilians.” Craft sighed. “Look, you are not authorized to know who I am.” As we planned we just walked by them. If we would have been picked up by an Enclave patrol, we would have asked about their ranks, and then told them the same thing.

They looked at each other rather puzzled as we walked by, but then simply stared after us. I could tell because I had a sixth sense for stallions staring at my flank, and I know how a voice transforms if I the speaker is smiling brightly. “Okay, but allow me to introduce myself. I’m Skysoarer.” We turned around again, the pegasi that has spoken was the blue one.

“I... I’m Glide.” I like the seagreen one already. He wasn’t grinning stupendously at seeing a pretty mare. He was afraid of what unicorns might do here and what we said implies. He was the smart one of the two.

“A name can’t hurt, I guess; call me Craft.”

Keep conversation to a minimum. “Aideen.”

“Are you guys man enough to be an escort to Nine-Two?” She was playing right into them.

“Of course we are!” Skysoarer stated and jumped into the air, before he realized we wouldn’t be able to fly after him. He tried to elegantly land again after his take-off, but it resulted only in an awkward move. “Just follow us.”

“You are some kind of Enclave Special Forces right? You have been down... below the...” Glide can’t even bring himself to say it. The Enclave has strict rules about not telling their civil population that there is anything below the clouds. But, as it seems, there are pegasi who doubt their story. “Below the clouds. You’re undercover...” Is it just me or does this feel like a pun? “Of course they would send a unicorn, I mean there are no pegasi down there... right?”

Craft shot him a petrifying gaze making him instantly freeze in place. “Glide, right?” He nodded. “You seem like a smart kid.” He seemed older than her. “You understand there is information out there that you shouldn’t have. You are protected, simply by not knowing them. You understand.”

“You can tell me, but you would have to kill me, or something like that?”

“Well, do you want to know?”

“I think I’ll pass, thank you.”

*** *** ***

There was no real member of the Enclave here. Sergeant Cirrus, she was the only one who ever had Enclave basic training, so she was assigned head of the police station in Cloud Nine-Two. She had an almost perfectly white coat, and a deep indigo mane and tail. There was something about that high contrast of coat and mane I thought of as rather attracting.

As the pegasi have a weird governmental system she was the de jure mayor too. They don’t really have a separated civil government and their military... No, that’s not the right phrasing... They have no civil government. The pegasi are like a military dictatorship without a single pony in charge, but a caucus. An exclusive group you can only become member of if you know one of the other members. Yes, that’s a pretty accurate description.

Cirrus believed us to be Enclave Special Forces, but following protocol she had to lock us up until somepony could prove our story. We weren’t in a cell, but in her home-office under constant supervision, so all I could do was planing a ‘I told you it’s a bad idea’-speech for Craft. Just after nightfall one of Craft’s methods of getting rid of her seemed to take.

“I’m hungry, can you make us something to eat?”

“Sure, I usually eat a little bit later, but having a guest is a special occasion. What would you like?” Then Craft started telling her a list of instructions how to make the seemingly perfect daisy sandwich. I would have almost called her rude, but then I figured out she only did this to get us more time to talk alone. Cirrus blinked twice, then her view trailed off as if to remember the instructions clearly. “Okay, do you like your crust cut off too?”

“Of course you cut off the crust, we are not animals.”

“Right.” Cirrus nodded somewhat painfully, and left the room; she wasn’t, like me, used to Craft being so... crafty just yet. Mental note: Do not make terrible puns.

As soon as the door closed I started whispering: “Okay, Craft, have you noticed the point where this plan backfired? We got locked up! We are under supervision, just waiting for the Enclave to show up and blow our cover. Do you realize how much trouble we are in?”

“Maybe she’ll cuff you to her bed if you ask.”

“I err... she... what?”

“I need you to distract her,” Craft was not kidding. “for about 3 minutes...” Okay, maybe she is. Craft was way too good of an actress. “Or what can you do? An hour would be great.”

“I... Craft, listen! I’m not into mares.” I sighed. Thankfully Craft didn’t seem worried, she has got to have a plan. “What are you planning anyway, please include me. You have a plan, right?”

“I’m including you, and that’s the sacrifice you have to bring for the greater good.”

“Wha- I...” Stop stuttering, Aideen. There has to be a way out of this. “Why would she do it?”

“Oh, she checked you out alright; more than once, actually. Didn’t you notice? Maybe you have a blind spot for mares doing so. And she definitely made bedroom eyes at you.”

“Plan, Craft, the plan. Focus.”

“Right. I’m just saying you may need some therapy. Anyway, this is the best situation we could have ran into. No real Enclave here and the big kahuna in town seems to like you. We only need to push a little bit, gain her trust and we are free.”

“Yeah, until ‘the real Enclave’ arrives.”

“We need ‘the real Enclave’ for our plans, and then we will use my exit plan.”

“A plan you still haven’t told me.”

“You have to become a better actress first, you would give it away, Aideen. Sorry.” Craft walked over to the window and looked out. “But I think the real reason why I came up here was to show you this. You totally have to check that out.”

From my angle the window had a great view to a parking lot with two police-skycarriages, but the angle Craft was standing she could see the night sky, the moon and the stars. I’ve already seen the sun, how the sky... the real sky looks like at day. Beautiful, but really just a gradient of blue. The sky at night is rumored to be way more beautiful than the at day... Yeah I had to check that out.

I walked up to the window. I was still looking down, the same procedure as with the sun. My nuzzle touched the cloud-glass-material-thingy, I was ready to look up ant take the whole view in at once. Then I felt something... “Hey, stars are up there.”

“Yeah.” My heart was beating faster. Something was happening... I lifted my hoof and investigated it, I couldn’t see anything, but my skin crawled when the moonlight touched it. It wasn’t an unpleasant kind of crawling, quite the opposite, it felt somewhat like a whirlpool. I lifted my hoof higher, investigating it... I could see exactly where my coat was shorter, I could see exactly where I had my scars underneath them, I could remember exactly how I got them.

I opened my mouth and looked up into the sky, as if to catch a snowflake. A feeling of clarity flew through me when I saw the stars and the moon above me. The moon was a big orb, but unlike its counterpart, the sun, was clearly visible, even pleasant to look at; and the stars were millions of lights scattered all over the sky, forming patterns everywhere you look.

The longer I stared at the stars the more patterns I could make out. I know ponies before the war liked to play connect-the-dots with the stars and come up with new constellations. I always assumed they were overly creative, but you really only have to stare a few minutes, and you were able to come up with hundreds more.

Cirrus entered the room again. “I have some sandwiches here.” Her voice was carrying a singing tone. Happy mood, perfect, she really had no clue we were not telling the truth. I just had to smile that she was believing my lie. She placed the plate on her desk, and waited for a little while, as I didn’t respond she tried to make herself noticed again. “Craft? Or Aideen, or whatever? Uhm... Food.”

“They are beautiful aren’t they?” I had to let her partake in this beauty. “Come here.”

“The stars?”

“Yes, the stars.” Turning around to see where she had placed the plate wasn’t needed, I simply knew it where it was. Maybe because the moonlight had strengthened my senses I could tell everything that is going on. “Come here.” I levitated the plate towards me and placed it on the floor, where I sat down.

“On the floor? Uhm... okay.” Cirrus walked over, and sat herself next to me. The window wasn’t very big, so she was closer to me than I usually would be comfortable with, but at the moment I couldn’t care less about her presence, as long as I could see the stars... “They are pretty.”

“You can see them everyday, do you take your time for them everyday?”

“I... ahh... no. I can watch them every day, I mean... every night. I don’t really...”

“You don’t appreciate them as much as you should. Imagine somepony would just cover them up, if you could never see them again and you know there is somepony responsible.”

She was silent for a while. “You were down there for a long time weren’t you?” I didn’t respond, just continued watching the stars, and chewing on the sandwich. “Look, I know it’s... not quite okay, but we can’t change anything about that. I mean, you got into Special Forces to change something, didn’t you? You can change the world way more than anypony else in this town.”

“Change the world? Huh... I’m actually just trying to get my life in some sort of order.” I took another bite of the sandwich. “You made them perfectly. Thanks.”

“Thanks, Your gratitude is very much appreciated. You had high demands, but knowing I made them correctly is nice.” I turned away from the stars to look at her. Cirrus was smiling, and she was so close to me...

This is a kiss-moment. Nonono, I’m not even into mares! I stood up, and stuffed the rest of my sandwich in my mouth. “Whersh yer bashroom?” Aaand the moment is over; crisis averted.

“Err...” Cirrus was startled by my sudden move.

Craft only shook her head. I know what she was thinking. ‘Bad move, you should have totally kissed her.’ Maybe because I am thinking it a little bit myself, but... no... Where was Craft anyway? I got the feeling she wasn’t present a second ago. Was she messing with my head? Making me think I’m alone with Cirrus so I wouldn’t be bothered by anyone watching..? Why the hell did I even think about kissing her? Did Craft do anything? Oh, that manipulative bitch...

“I need to brush my teeth before I go to sleep.” I explained to Cirrus.

She nodded. “Okay, sure. Bathroom is right this way.”

*** *** ***

I wrapped myself in the super-comfortable cloud-blanket Cirrus had provided me with. What would I give to simple be able to sleep in now. “What was that all about?” I couldn’t place Craft’s tone, and as I was facing away from her so I couldn’t see her expression either.

“What do you mean?” I know, of course, what Craft means. She wanted to know why I blocked Cirrus.

“It’s nothing...” What? “Good night, Aideen.”

“No, it’s not nothing! You wanted to tease me because of Cirrus again, didn’t you?”

“Aideen... As much as I like it to tease you, I do it only if it is in good fun now. I have gone too far with you before, and I do not want to hurt you again. I need you.”

I turned around to look at her. ‘She needs me.’ What a great friend. “Did you manipulate me into thinking you’re not present and I’m alone with her?”

“I’d like you to be happy, and I think you should work off all your sexual tension... Yes I did, but you kinda trust me with your life already, I have no right to tell you how to live the part I’m not already controlling. I’m not going to do that again” That’s right... Craft is already controlling most of my life, and she actually sounds sorry about it.

“Okay, I uhm... Thanks, I guess.” Maybe she isn’t so wrong. “I think you are right, but... It’s just that I’m not into mares.”

“That’s actually kinda surprising, considering your experience with stallions.”

“Yeah, maybe... I just... I don’t know. I’m free now so I kinda want... foals one day?”

“Practically respectable.”

“They can’t all be... like what I experienced. Quick Shot was nice, my brother is nice. There has to be somepony out there I can start a family with, and that can’t happen with a mare.”

“Oh... I understand. You don’t have to settle down with Cirrus. Just fuck. A day or two until the Enclave arrives, and then we dramatically exit the stage.”

“Wouldn’t that break her heart?”

“You’re too soft for the wastelands, Aideen. You’re too soft...” She yawned, as those things are contagious I had to yawn too. “Did you know that yawns are more contagious if you are closer to the pony who yawns? Sociopaths, who are completely incapable of forming social bonds, can never feel like having to yawn because of somepony else.”

I didn’t know what to make of that information. “Is that so?”

“It means a lot to me Aideen, thanks for yawning. Good Night.”

“You spurting out information without wanting me to pay for it means a lot to me too, thanks.” I snuggled into the blanket again. “Good Night, Craft.”

*** *** ***

Footnote: Level progress 50%

Perk updated: Touched by Nightmare Moon: You permanently gain +1 Intelligence and +1 Perception, and gain an additional +1 Intelligence and +1 Perception when standing in the direct moonlight.

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[ ] Optional: Watch as much Memories in the Memorhedron as possible (4)

Quest: Above the clouds
[X] Meet Craft at the peak of Mt. Mustang above the clouds.
[X] Go to Cloud Nine-Two.
[ ] Gain the trust of the pegasi of Cloud Nine-Two.

Chapter Eight: Interrogation

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Chapter Eight


“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 16, 1247. Going above the cloud cover is a bad idea...”

Craft talked me into... no, Craft suggested I make breakfast for the three of us. I am deliberately trying to gain Cirrus' affection, but I’m quite sure I am not going to act on anything. I like her, and when I think about it I might even like the idea of having a relationship with her. But that’s it, only the idea. While I figure that mares are a temporary option for me If I survive long enough to settle down I’ll need a stallion.

Craft’s plan does not involve staying up here or taking somepony with us; a long-distance realationship with a pegasus in the clouds is absurd, and I am not spending a long time up here. Hmm... Cirrus needs honesty from me. “Ahh... Cirrus? I need to tell you something”

She looked up from her salad. “Yes?”

“After I’m out of here we will never see each other again.”

Craft, who has long ago stole something from the kitchen, and was now lolling around upside-down on Cirrus’ couch, glared at me. The way she frowned signalized clearly I shouldn’t say anything stupid.


“In case you were wondering why I blocked you yesterday.”

“I don’t quite understand, is it because of the Enclave? I’m practically a member, so...”

“There is no way you would get the clearance required to be allowed to know my existence.”

“Is that supposed to make you less interesting?” She smiled painfully; she knows it’s over. “It’s okay.”

Knock, knock, knock

For a second I wondered how it’s even possible to knock at a door made of clouds, but immediately discarded the thought again because I saw and felt a lot of solid surfaces made of clouds already. Cirrus, probably happy for the interruption, stood up, nodded to me, and walked out of the kitchen to answer it.

I was alone with Craft again. “Craft, I don’t want to press this more, but the Enclave is scheduled to arrive this afternoon, we have six hours at best, just tell me if we let them see us or if we go first.”

“We let them see us, that’s the whole reason why we came up here. What exactly will happen I’ll improvise, but don’t worry, I have a few scenarios planned out. Additionally our escape plan is foolproof.”

“If the escape plan is foolproof then why aren’t you telling me? You said I’d ruin it if I’d know.”

“I did say that, didn’t I?” She smiled in a very evil way. “I lied, I think you won’t like it, and while I think you would approve... You understand I can’t have you acting nervous when we need it.” Craft’s voice is getting increasingly faster as we heard. “And our time alone together just isn’t long enough for me to comfort you.”

“Yesterday evening you had plenty time to-” I stopped as Cirrus was to close again for me to be comfortable to speak.

But of course she has heard us. “What were you talking about?” She said that although she already knew we won’t answer truthfully, if at all.

“Ma’am, you are not authorized to receive such information.”

“Craft.” Cirrus paused, as if she wouldn’t know how exactly to say what’s on her mind. “You know you’re strange right?”

“Yes! Yes I am aware of that.” I didn’t expect any other answer from Craft.

“Anyway, I’ve got to work now, and you are still officially locked up, so would you please come to the office with me?”

“Of course.”

*** *** ***

About half an hour later Craft was bored out of her mind. “Hey Cirrus, you are sighing continuously, hard case are you working on?”

Cirrus sighed again. “Series of thefts turned deadly when the owner of the apartment was still home sick. Not really any workable leads except that a gun was used, they are be hard to come by and can simply be dropped, and the fact that the murderer was wearing a yellow raincoat.”

“So there is an eyewitness?” Is Craft planning on solving that murder?

“You want to help?”

“I have nothing better to do, so yes I’ll help.”

“Sergeant.” The older one of the two policemen spoke up. “May I speak freely and say that the trust you hand out is already too much, and we can’t let anypony compromise our investigations.”

“I don’t exist. Ponies that don’t exist can’t compromise any investigations.”

“It couldn’t hurt to let our err... non-existent guest here help, can it?” Cirrus turned the folder around so that Craft and I were able to read it.

“Crime scene photos first...” Craft changed flipped through the attached photos. Pegasi, gunshot-wound; the cause of death was no mystery. “Toothbrush?” Craft mumbled along what she saw. The victim had toothpaste foam in his mouth and a toothbrush lying next to him, that was weird. “The apartment was very thoroughly searched... Where is the witness statement?”

“In the notes... wait...” Cirrus turned the pages. “There.”

“Thanks.” The statement was only a paragraph and Craft read out loud parts of it. “Heard gunshot – went out – saw yellow raincoat – nothing else. Huh...” She turned back to the pictures. “This doesn’t add up.”

“What do you mean?”

“Either the neighbor is lying, or... hmm...” She tilted her head, and turned pages again. She was certainly searching for something, and seemed to already know what exactly it was she is searching for. “I can solve this case before the Enclave arrives.” What?

“What?” Hey, get your own train of thought, Cirrus!

“You don’t get a lot of murders out here, do you?” About 100 Pegasi in this settlement, yes, a whole percent of murderers running lose is a lot. Sure, nothing compared to the percentage of ponies capable of killing others in the wasteland, but still... “It’s not your fault you have no experience when it comes to this. Let’s go knock on some doors.”

“You can’t just... ‘knock at some doors’, I mean... You don’t exist, right?”

“Hmm...” Craft smiled. “I guess we have to play dress-up then.”

I don’t like where this is going...

*** *** ***

I liked where this had been going, and from Craft’s expression she loved it. We got to wear an officer's uniform. Craft probably only liked mares in uniform, but I liked the uniform for its traits, bullet- and energy-proof to a certain degree. My barding-evaluation algorithm got updated from the MAS-OS; It recognized the barding's stats and gave me a general overview of its capabilities.

Cirrus’ old uniform had been too big for me and the one I wore now was too small. There is still the mentality of not trying to look good, but I’m trying to change, so I have no problem with a tight uniform that emphasized my curves. I could feel their gazes on me, because yes, I’m sexy. Is it considered vanity if I start to take a liking in my appearance? After all I have an entire police station looking at me with lusty eyes, and there is still the deal with Nightmare Moon wanting me.

Nightmare Moon... My thinking leads me to the strangest places. Was my reaction to moonlight yesterday normal? I remember clearly how I investigated my foreleg... when I was in sunlight I never had the urge to do something like that, although the light was way brighter and I could have take a way better look at it. I could only reason that my reaction to moonlight has been so strong because of Nightmare Moon.

I remember what Watcher said about demons probably needing an allowance to enter a body, so was Nightmare Moon showing me the advantages that came along with being host to a demon? The feeling when standing in moonlight was certainly good, but you know what I like more than the feeling of standing in moonlight? Having control over my own body. “Aideen?”

“Hmm...? What? Yeah!” I snapped out of my train of thought. I wasn’t even sure who has said my name.

“I think we lost you for a moment.” Cirrus had an quite concerned expression.

“Yeah, I was really lost in thought for a moment.” Was that a viable explanation? I certainly can’t tell them the truth of what I thought about. Better hope nobody asked why.

“That was more than a single moment; you stared at your mirror image for a ten seconds flat.”

“Anyway, I look good, don’t you think?” Did I just force her to make me a compliment?

“Oh yes. You look good.” Please don’t add ‘you look good no matter what you wear.’ “You’d only need wings now.”

“Oh, is that all? No problem.” Don’t gloat, Aideen, first you need to ace the disguise-spell. Celestia had used it to make herself smaller and hide her wings, I could make myself a some. Concentrate... Huh... It was amazing how easy it came to me after I had paid attention at Spellfield's perception of her spell. “They are only artificial.” Cirrus stared at me in disbelief. “I can’t move them or anything.” Now I only need to get my horn away and I’d pass as a regular pegasi. Concentrate... ouch, I should have done so at the same time I did make myself wings. Aaaaand it’s gone.

Cirrus hadn’t been the only one to stare, the same policemen who concealed his doubts about letting us join an investigation spoke up. “I didn’t know unicorns can do that.”

“Well, most unicorns can’t.” I looked over to Craft, who was now a pegasus too. What the..? How would she know THAT spell? Wait... she KNEW it, but made me figure it out by myself. “Spells like this one are very hard to learn. I’m not a good teacher.” Seriously Craft? That is how you are talking yourself out of this? “And, no offense, but your a pegasus, I doubt you could understand flows of magic even if I would try explaining it to you.” Oh we are going to talk about this. I know you have some fucked up explanation, but you need to answer some of my questions. Craft answered my glare with a happy smile.

“Doors are in need of being knocked at.” I tried adjusting my uniform one last time. “We should go, if we actually want to solve this case before the Enclave comes.”

*** *** ***

Cirrus truly has hardly any experience when it comes to murders. I’d like to think she believes in the goodness of every pony and denies the possibility that the pony in front of her might be a killer. It made her innocent compared to the depths of evil that truly lurk in this world and I actually felt envious. I knew Craft could kill raiders in cold blood, and I knew that this stallion had carefully planned and killed his friend. I was sitting with both of them at a table and it didn’t bother me, what does that tell about me?

Craft has hinted me enough information so I had been able to piece together how the murder happened. Question was: Why isn’t she saying anything? He even almost admitted he had a grudge on the victim and no alibi. What is she waiting for?

Craft noticed that I started paying increased attention to her behavior while I should watch our suspect. When we made eye-contact she nodded in his direction. She wanted me to arrest him? Can I do that? I can do that! “Mr. Clyde. Thank you for your cooperation. I think we have heard enough.” He showed relief. Amateur. “Just one last question, and maybe a follow up question, okay?”

He tensed again. “Uhm.. yeah sure.”

“I mean I know the answer already. Good police-work, you know. But I’d like to hear it out of your mouth, and study your facial expressions and gestures when answering. I happen to be good at spotting liars.”


“You see...” I presented him the file with all dates. “January 4th, that’s when he started to not show up for work anymore and called in sick, and January 4th, that’s the date of the first theft. Fun coincidence, right?” I turned to a photo of one of the robbed houses. Drawers were ripped out and emptied on the floor. “Normally thieves don’t want to attract attention, this one here made the mistake of being messy, made it easy to pin down when exactly the house got robbed. That made me think he wanted us to know when it happened.”

“I don’t understand...”

“Don’t worry. I’ll explain.” I presented a photo of the victim’s apartment. “That’s pretty messed up too, right?” I showed the witness statement and read the important part out loud. “Here. ‘I heard a shot and immediately looked outside to see what happened, I saw a pony covered by a big yellow raincoat flee.’ But that is not possible, is it?” I put the photo up again. “She immediately went out. Nopony would have had time to search an apartment like that in the time the shot was fired and her seeing this somepony flee.”

He gulped, he saw his mistake now.

“The murderer searched the room before he shot him. I take it when somepony is searching your room and makes a horrible mess of it nopony would just stand idly by and brush his teeth, right?” I lifted a photo of the toothbrush. “No, he simply let you do it. He felt guilty, of course. He messed up and owes you a good amount of money.”

It’s over and he knows it. The expression he has wasn’t guilt though... it was shame.

I put out the victims tox-screen. “There is a little something that is weird, could be of the medication he took. “Now my question. Did you poison him to get sick?”

Cirrus and the two policemen stared, Clyde sighed. “I thought you were only eye-candy when you came in. Guess I was wrong.” He leaned back. “Yes, I poisoned him.”

“Sir, I take that as a confession.” Cirrus stood up and walked around the table to cuff him. “You are under arrest.” He didn’t even try to resist. “You don’t even show regret.” Her expression showed disgust.

*** *** ***

“I always thought I’d use this when we solve a hard case.” Cirrus has brought a bottle of some sparkling wine. “You cracked it within three hours. What a shining example of a police officer am I?” she popped the bottle open. And made a mess on the floor when foam tripped down. “Anyone want to celebrate with me and this fancy-ass champagne?”

“I never say no to fancy-ass anything.” Okay, that was funny. I should give Craft more chances to be funny. A little fun could not hurt in my life situation.

“Thanks Sergeant.” – “Oh, by all means.”

“You too, Grumpy?” Craft said to the elder officer. “You’d like to drink with ‘me’?”

“Well, I believe you deserve my trust now.” Ouch. Somehow it hurts hearing them say they trust us. I mean it is nice, sure, but after all we ARE fooling them and don’t really deserve their trust.

When Cirrus filled glasses for each of us I just had to point out the obvious. “You don’t seem to be in any kind of celebration mood, and it doesn’t have to do with me solving that case. What’s going through your head, Cirrus?

“It’s just... err... he didn’t even show any guilt. He was ashamed that he got caught, that’s all.” I know what she meant. “How could you even kill somepony?”

Craft said to me I’m too soft for the wastelands; what is she going to say to Cirrus? “I had to kill three ponies.”

Cirrus stared at her “Craft?”

“Only last week.” Craft added then. “It was a matter of survival. I had to make a decision: me or them? I estimated my life more valuable than three others. It actually came easy to me.” So I saw. “And you are asking how can you kill somepony else? It’s simple: you only have to want to kill them. Don’t get started on how the situations are different, killing is wrong, no matter what the situation is.”

I need a drink on that. I have never had any fancy drink like this champagne. Being used to way harder drinks I couldn’t say I liked it, but on the other hoof it wasn’t bad.

“I... What are you saying?”

“Murder is easy. Ponies do it when they want to, otherwise it would be manslaughter. There are one way to kill somepony, you lower your own morale to say: this pony deserves to die. The space of time in which your morals are lowered doesn’t need to me long; 10 second are enough. It behaves like a muscle, the more often you do it the easier it gets. It’s only one act, and you don’t need to work out to do it. Even I am surprised to see how easy it comes to some ponies.” Craft downed her glass. “Maybe I’m just rationalizing my own kills so I don’t go insane, or I’m insane already, and I’m in denial.”

Nopony said anything for a long time, they were just sipping at their champagne. Craft didn’t ask for permission to refill her drink, but simply did it. I doubted Cirrus would speak up because of it, speaking would mean to continue any kind of conversation.

“He killed because of revenge. Tragedy is like an itch you can’t make go away, because you keep scratching. But if there is someone who caused that tragedy you can make the itch go away. Taking a life because of revenge is a sign of weakness, taking a life because of survival on the other hoof is merely natural order. Survival of the fittest, or something, I don’t know.”

I had to break Craft's melancholy-thingy, she gets creepy when she is like that. “So, what do you guys eat for lunch usually? I don’t know about you, but I'm starting to get hungry.” They stared at me as if I had interrupted something of utmost importance.

*** *** ***

When the Enclave arrived, Craft and I quickly escaped into a cell to let the ponies we came to like seem like they were doing everything according to protocol when picking up unicorns without a valid ID. Our dear murderer was in the cell next to us, and although he thankfully couldn’t see that the police-officers who arrested him a few hours earlier were now in jail too, we weren’t able to talk freely.

The fact that the Enclave doesn’t immediately come into the prison-wing worries me. They are getting ready for something. Maybe even telling Cirrus at this very moment that Craft and I are liars. I know it’s going to happen but the thought of disappointing her saddens me.

I probably shouldn’t need to mention that I am getting increasingly more worried by the second, so I just had to have a confirmation again. “Your exit-plan better work.”

“It will work.” Craft wasn’t carelessly saying that. She was clearly paying attention and trying to listen to what‘s going on outside.

I sighed, just how were these three words actually able to alleviate me? No sarcasm here, for some reason it truly helped.

Then the doors opened and three new pegasi walked in, Cirrus was right behind them. The one with the fanciest uniform was fairly muscular, had a brilliant spring green coat and pale turquoise mane. “Good Afternoon.” Wow, I didn’t expect him to be friendly. “I’m Major Turbulence, I’m sent here to find out whether or not you are who you imply. But thankfully there is an easy way to prove that. What’s the password?”

“Trick question, and a bad one at that. There are ponies listening in.” Craft looked at the others. “Let’s go somewhere private.”

“Not bad.” Major Turbulence nodded, and turned to Cirrus. “You have a proper interrogation room I take it?”

“Yes, of course.” Cirrus opened our cell. “Follow me.”

“You let your prisoners walk around without cuffs?” There had not been time to think about cuffing us when they had arrived, we had to act fast.

“If they have proven to be cooperative over and over again, yes.”

“Fair enough.” He let me and Craft pass to walk after us.

The interrogation room is right next to the prison, there was a table and chairs there, also a big mirror. “Did you know that there is no such thing as a one-way mirror. Only high-reflective glass, as the other room is very dark there is no light passing through from it and we can’t see what is on their side. However they can see us as we have a very bright room.”

“Is that so?” Turbulence seemed to have found the perfect comeback for any random information Craft spurts out. “Please take a seat.”

Craft and I took place opposite of the one-way mirror, or high-reflective glass, like Craft called it. “Is two versus one really fair?”

“It’s not about fairness I believe, and...” He gestured Cirrus to go.

“I’ll leave you.” She nodded to us and left the room, like announced.

“So...” He took his place opposite of us. “What can you tell me about the Equestrian Wastelands, the settlements there, the Crimson Company, Red Eye’s Army, and especially about this Goddess.”

“You’ve done your homework. Red Eye’s Army wasn’t exactly my assignment. We are here at Mt. Mustang, so I was Crimson Company. And I have gathered quite some intelligence. Red Eye and the Goddess are only working together, they are waiting for an opportunity to stab each other in the back.”

“That’s good to know.”

“Both have flying forces; Red Eye has a lot of griffins; the Goddess has alicorns. They recognize the Enclave as a threat and will launch an attack soon.”

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 8!

New Perk: Some Assembly Required (1): You gain +5 points into Projectile and Energy Weapons. You can modify Weapons to deal 10% more damage!

Spell update: Well Crafted Disguise (2)
Description: You can disguise yourself better now!
Magical Drain: medium, only initially high

Quest complete: Murder investigation!
[X] Read the file.
[X] Find new clues.
[X] Find the murderer.

Quest: Above the clouds
[X] Gain the trust of the pegasi of Cloud Nine-Two.
[ ] Wait until Craft uses her exit plan.

Chapter Nine: Dashing

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Charter Nine


“They’ll launch an attack? Where, when, how?” Major Turbulence was shocked, and so was I. I had to try my best to keep a neutral face. Craft, what the hell are you planning?

“Well, no, but it is strongly implied that they are in process of making plans to do so. I suggest a preemptive strike.”

“Without them having done anything? No, there are innocent ponies down there!” Was he angry. “I mean, you saw that!” Oh, yes he is clearly angry. “You have been down there!”

Craft picked up on his emotion too, as she was pausing for a bit. I don’t believe he noticed, but I’m used to watching her. I know that this moment her improvised plan just changed. “There is nopony behind this window, is there?”

It was his turn to pause. “No, there aren’t. They have a different clearance.” Just how has she become that good? “Why?”

Craft leaned forward. He recognized the gesture of her wanting to whisper into his ear. He could be misinformed, and they might be supposed to watch him, without him knowing that. In the case he gets played by Craft, he couldn’t give something away he doesn’t know himself.

Wow, I’m getting good at this stuff myself.

“I have thought about dashing too. I know I could do more good that way.” Not what I expected her to whisper. She came up with making a Major of the Enclave go Dashite. I hope you know where this plan is going, Craft.

“I... You...” He was stuttering. “Your loyalty has been compromised. I- I have to inform everypony.” Oh, come on, if you would believe that yourself you wouldn’t be whispering too.

“No, you don’t, because I made it all up. I have not even circumstantial evidence that would support the theory I just gave you. I also lied about implying I’m Enclave. I’m a conmare, a good one at that. I’ve lied my way up here.” I sure do hope what you are doing, Craft.

“You- you are..?”

“Yes. I- I am...” She copied his stutter on. “Now how are you planning to proceed?” She smiled devilishly.

“I... ahh...” Yes you were just talked into a corner, whatever Craft is planning for you, she will get exactly what she wants from this stallion.

“Come here, handsome.” As they are still close together she embraced him. “Close your eyes.” She ignited her horn, and my vision went white.

*** *** ***

I think I had lost consciousness there for a moment. Well, what do you expect when an insane-as-fuck mare cancels your cloud walking spell? Turbulence was flailing around, not used to adjusting himself with the weight of two mares clinging to him in free-fall.

Yep, that’s right. Craft’s foolproof plan, the one she thinks I ‘might’ not like or approve of, consists of her simply dropping us through the cloud. As I was traveling towards the ground with an acceleration of about 9.8 meters per second squared. I could propably calculate when I’m going to decorate the wastelands, but I don’t know how far up we were when we got dropped, and before I am done with the math I’m probably already a nice red splash of gore.

Thankfully, Turbulence just managed to adjust himself upright. How did he even fall through the clouds with us..? Ohnono, don’t spread your wings...


Ouch, that has to hurt. Craft had canceled his pegasi magic to get him to fall through the clouds too, he would have probably broken his wings even if he would’ve only had to support his own weight. So much for your foolproof exit-plan, Craft! She engulfed us in her golden magic, and I could feel the wind stop. We were still falling, I could see the ground coming nearer, but... we were getting slower. I believe this is the appropriate point where I stop screaming.

I have to admit: With Craft being able to levitate at that advanced level the plan could be considered somewhat foolproof. Unless we would have gotten separated, but then again, Craft could have simply dropped us at that exact point of our separation. Okay, once again I have to admit defeat, she is simply smarter than me. I wasn’t used to being outsmarted all the time. Ponies only win with threats of violence, or violence without threatening me with it first.

As I got over that fact I could focus on the fall itself, it was actually quite enjoyable. We had a stunning view, and we were traveling really fast... what? Craft had changed our direction, and we were slipping over the landscape. I recognized where she was taking us, although I, obviously, have never seen it from that angle. “Why here?”

“Safest place to treat our patient.” She looked in direction of Turbulence, who had passed out.

“Yeah?” I could see the cabin already. “I don’t know how to open that shaft, and what about Nightmare Moon?

“You knock and ask if she lets you in and pretty please don’t kill your friends.”

“What the hell, Craft? You are willing to take that risk?”

Craft hesitated slightly. “Yes, I am.” She slowed us down, then carefully placing us on the ground right in front of the cabin.

“Well, I’m not! Craft, I...” What do I even want to say? ‘I need her.’ No, something like that I couldn’t say. “Okay.” Her plan will work; it has to work. Her life is counting on it, and I truly need her, so my life is somewhat counting on it too. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now; Craft seems like a drifter, she might not have a long term plan either, but she’ll figure it out.

How I’ll continue now is to enter this cabin. Two weeks ago I had done the same thing, and my life hadn’t just been turned upside-down, but it got completely rewritten. The ‘Go Away’-doormat made me smile for a completely different reason than it did the last time. Just during around and going away? I couldn’t do that. Not anymore.

I walked up to the terminal and booted it up. Where had been the shaft again? I have been down there again, but I couldn’t remember where it had been; it’s really well hidden. And where is Craft? I had assumed she followed me. “Craft?”

“Yeah?” Her voice came from outside.

“What are you still doing outside?”

“Making sure we weren’t followed, and I’m not going in there before Nightmare Moon gave her allowance; I’m not suicidal!”

“Oh, okay.” I looked at the doormat. For a second there I thought... Nah, that’s ridiculous. I turned to the terminal. “Hmm...” What am I supposed to do? I don’t know the password, and... maybe I could really... I knocked at it twice. “Hello? Can I come in? And can you not kill my friends?” What else was I supposed to say?

I waited.

Nothing happened, but it didn’t surprise me. “Pretty please?” The shaft opened up. Shit, I hoped nothing would happen, now I have got to go in there again. Craft has been right again. Hmm... Craft... Maybe I could... She is unearthly quick on the uptake. What if she really is... I could try this. “It’s opening.” That should be vague enough, I turned around to see how she will react. I lifted him Turbulence’s body up, and levitated him inside. Now Craft, can you enter?

She... was actually nervous..? “Hehe, that’s funny.” She pointed at the doormat, and waited right in front of it for a reaction from me. That ‘Go Away’ was a weak joke, beyond her usual humor. Then she turned around again to search the sky for possible pegasi searching for us.

No way! She’s not supposed to actually not be able to enter! It was more like... a joke. “Craft? What’s the matter?”

“I, uhmm...” She was searching for an lie. “Nothing, I just don’t want to get trapped in there, if they plan on a siege.” Her voice isn’t her usual one, she could lie way better than this. “Just checking again for followers.”

“You aren't able to come inside, right?“ It’s time for me to talk her into a corner. “Just who and/or what are you?”

Craft looked down at the ground in defeat. “You are still not able to tell, are you?” Was I supposed to? What do I know about her? “I am...” she gestured me to come closer and then whispered. “I am hilarious.” She walked past me into the cabin.

*** *** ***

Everything is squeaky clean. Knowing that someone or something took the bodies of my former group away and cleaned up was somehow worse than it would have been to stumble upon two weeks rotting gore. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy not having to smell them, but it did raise a sticky question: Have there been more invaders before us? Craft said I’m overly anxious about this issue. I believe there is no ‘too’ anxious when it came to dealing with an ancient evil like Nightmare Moon.

But I could freely venture into the facility now and found it was bigger than I had imagined, there were even some quarters for the ponies to sleep. There were five rooms, two with a king-sized bed. There had to have been more members to this group than only Spellfield and Celestia; if my calculation is right there had to have been seven members. What about Spellfield's family? Would he expose them to the risk of being members of a resistant group?

The impression I got from him was that he would do everything to keep his family safe, even sacrificing his entire life, just to stop this war from happening. But then again Equestria has been pretty harsh to their zebra citizens, maybe they have been safer in here. It has been Stable-Tec Technology after all. But it was no long term place for anyone to live.

These bedrooms have to be searched thoroughly once I have time for that, but first things first. Turbulence’s broken wings. The facility also had some medical supplies and a few books for patient treatment. It was kinda shocking to know that Equestria had removed the parts about how zebras react to certain kinds of healing magic from their medical books. Equestria had had zebras on their side too! Had they only been a unpleasant minority? Had the racism been worse back then than it is now? Somehow I didn’t want to imagine that, the wasteland is supposed to make everything worse.

I wrapped a healing bandage over Turbulence’s wing, but now that we were safe again my anger towards Craft grew. “What the hell were you thinking? Taking a Pegasus with us? We have no idea if we can trust him and now he is in the very facility we try to keep everyone from knowing. And have you noticed that your foolproof plan lost me my saddlebags, and my house too?”

Craft has appearantly picked up a sword from the room with the weapons; she was playing with it now, fighting against an imaginary enemy. “It’s called improvising, I don’t know how it will turn out. Don’t you think an ally is more worth than a house, and just look around, there is a shitload of stuff in here, you can buy a new one. Settling down is a bad idea anyway. And as a base of operation this here will do.”

“Craft, why... how...” Stop. She was playing with that sword, not even paying full attention to me, and I was stuttering. Focus, Aideen! “What gives you the right to make these kinds of decisions for me? Your actions have consequences. You want me in a good mood? Stop being a jerk, and try to be nice for a change. You... I know you can be nice, I like you in a twisted way, but what I don’t like about you is that constant unfriendliness. You can be a nice pony, I am certain of it. You don’t want to tell me about your past, that’s okay. But our future, the time we will have to spend together, I want to know certain things, you have to include me, and you have to be nice, okay?”

“You’re compulsive, has anyone ever told you that?”

“I’m what?”

“It means everything has to be how you want it to be.” I know what compulsive means... “Order, in your case. That’s how you survived all those years with the Crimson Company, it was orderly. Newsflash, life isn’t orderly, in the wasteland you have to adapt. Survival of the fittest.”

Arguing with Craft makes no sense, if I bring something up she doesn’t like she manages to avoid the topic. Something else then. “What about Turbulence? When he regains consciousness, he won’t be happy we ruined his life, why would he ally with us?”

“Oh, he is a lot like you. You guys only need a good push in the right direction, and you’ll dance.”

“We are not your puppets!”

“Of course you are! If you don’t want to be then you should stop doing what I tell you to do, it’s as easy as that. Cut off your strings, my little puppet!”

I was not amused. “You are insane.”

“I am still everything you want to be.” She tilted her head. “Right?”

I really hate her right now.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed about, you know.” Craft scratched her head with that... insanely sharp looking sword. “That you think that highly of me is actually flattering. Because I am in fact a shining example of how to survive in the wastelands, I have fun, and I do whatever the hell I want. And I can read ponies, like our new dashite friend.”

“Put the sword down, you may hurt yourself.” I simply turned around and walked away from her.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“I'm going to the control room, see what I can do, and then I’m going to watch a memory, because the Memorhedron has finished loading. Something actually useful, you know.”

“Okay, have fun! I know I’m going to have.” I heard her slicing through the air again. “By the way, that was a really good stage-exit. Nice ‘yeah, bitch, whatever’ impression. You have to toss your mane dramatically when turning around next time.”

*** *** ***

> Memorhedron is fully charged and ready to use.
> Next memory in queue: First lesson – September 7, 991
> Length: 0 hours 12 minutes 40 seconds.
> Load memory?
> load

<=======ʌʌɅ Ʌʌʌ=======>

The familiar feeling of Spellfield came over me. He was standing before a neatly polished wooden door in a hallway. I believe it is part of Canterlot Castle, everything looked rather... royal. He opened the door, to revealed a class room for me. At least I believe it is a class room, I only know the dull grey ones from the stable and the dirty ones in Colt’s Well. This was just wow. He walked inside this shiny room, too good to be for simple teaching purposes, and positioned himeslf at the teachers desk. Then he waited...

And waited... Okay, those were some strange teaching techniques right there. He only observed the room, and did nothing else. I was able to spot filly Twilight Sparkle (squee, how cute!) immediately, but he wasn’t able to show any kind of recognition to her. He only nodded to all the students who were quiet and paid attention too him. Then slowly the room got quieter.

I could only identify this situation as power play. He showed he was not willing to teach, if not everypony was quiet and listened. Sure, it took a while, and the students also argued whether or not he was doing that, but as everyone who was quiet got his nod of approval they figured it out.

“Good Morning, class! I am Professor Spellfield, I’m going to be your teacher of Magical Theory. The subject is obligatory in every semester. I know what you are thinking: ‘Theory, blah! I want to practice some magic!’ And I guess you are right, theory can be boring at times, but we are not going to simply be reading books in this class. Here you are going to learn how to apply your magic as good as possible to the spell you are using, and even how to make your own spells. Ahhh, yes, and the faces light up. Anyone of you has ever build a tree house? No? Well, I believe you understand anyway when I’m telling you that you need a plan first and don’t just start building something, and this planning is theory. So, I’d like to start our class with a little bit of introduction. In the order of how you seated yourself, please state your name, and everything else you might want to say about yourself.”

The students began to rather awkwardly introducing themselves, then it was Twilight Sparkles turn. “My name is Twilight Sparkle! I like to read books and practice magic. Princess Celestia made me her protégé.”

“Yes, so I’ve heard.” This was the first time he made a comment to anyone. “I believe this issue will come up a few more times in your educational career. I want to say this more to your classmates than to you. You are not favored by the staff in any way, if anything we might be harsher to you than to anypony else. Your status is an achievement, yes, and you are allowed to be proud of what you achieve, but nopony likes a show-off, remember that. A true magician is humble. Next one please.”

He foals finished introducing themselves when he spoke again and said more than just something to reassuring the next one foal to start.

“Okay, Nice to meet you all. From the name of the school and from the things growing out of your foreheads I can assume you are all unicorns, is that right?” There was a little bit a confused agreement. “But unicorns aren’t the only species that can use magic. Can anyone tell me another one? Yes, Miss Sparkle?”

“An alicorn.”

“Very good. An alicorn is like a unicorn capable of manipulating the flows of magic to a certain degree. Any other magical species?” No response. “No? What about having magic inside of them, not manipulating them, I bet you can think of something.”

“Like pegasi and earth ponies?”

“Yes, exactly. Can anyone tell me what a pegasi’s or an earth ponies magic is like?” He waited a little bit before he started to explain. Though is seems like earth ponies have a disadvantage, they actually do possess their own brand of magic. They have a natural talent of growing plants and animals. Pegasi can fly, although the size of their wings wouldn’t physically allow that, but they are also able to touch clouds and, in succession, control the weather partially. But now that we have ponies out of the way, what about other species? Say, some that soar the sky too?”


“Exactly, Griffins share a few magical traits with pegasi. Another species? A species closely related to ponies even. They can feel the powers of the environment, Gaia, as they call it.” He paused after every sentence to see if somepony spoke up. They have a zebra in front of them, but nopony spoke up. “Hint, hint.” he pointed at himself. Wait, no, Spellfield is not a zebra, he’s a unicorn-zebra hybrid-thingy.


“Yes, quite right, although I am not a zebra.”Called it. Spellfield touched his horn. “I’m not a unicorn either. I’m a hybrid of two pony species, I have both abilities, a zebra's sense to magical flows and a unicorn's to manipulate them.”

“Aren’t zebras like earth ponies?”

“Aren’t pegasi like unicorns? Yes, of course, if you take away the wings, horns, and type of magic it is down to the same thing. While zebras are not considered ponies those four species are all equines, they are quite able to have kids together, though usually zebras prefer to keep to themselves. Not every offspring of two different equine species results in an hybrid, of course. Does anyone of you have an parent that is not a unicorn? Yes.”

“My mom is a pegasus.”

“Yes, and your father a unicorn I guess, but you aren’t an alicorn, you’re a unicorn, why do you think that is?”

“I... uhm...”

“Because it would be a rare mutation. If you have traits of two equine species you are a hybrid, like me. Almost two thirds of all hybrids never even know they are one as there is no physical sign for half earth ponies, they are thought to simply be unicorns or pegasi. Hybrids are quite strong, but not divine. Is there by chance anyone who knows a hybrid? Other than me, of course.”

Twilight answered. “Princess Cadance.” Cadance? I thought she had been a goddess too.

“That’s right, Princess Cadance is not a goddess like Celestia.”

“Then why is she a Princess?”

“Hah, being royalty doesn’t automatically makes you a god, even if some of them might want it to be like that.” He looked around, there could easily be the offspring of aristocracy in this room. “Well, while I do know Cadance's story, it is her's to tell, something private. You wouldn’t want me to talk about you behind your back, would you?”

<=======vvV Vvv=======>

> Save position in queue.
> Memorhedron is charging. 1%
> Not ready for use.

The memory ended rather unexpected. If it would have been about Twilight Sparkle's first magic lesson with Spellfield, shouldn’t the memory have been the whole lesson? No, it had to have served another purpose. The information had been quite helpful for me.

I now know what Spellfield is, and why he turned out to be quite powerful, with his intelligence and natural abilities he... would have really had a bright future, if Princess Celestia hadn’t completely ruined his life. I can imagine now what he might have been capable of. With his naturally ability to sense flows of magic even I’m capable of copying every spell he only experiences. I wonder if he ever saw Princess Celestia raise and lower the sun. He has had everything going for him, even natural coincidence.

I also now understand better why zebras are afraid of me, I have noticed my magical power increasing since I touched Nightmare Moon's armor. There has changed more in me than a simple reaction to moonlight, I’ve learned a complex spell in no time, this couldn’t simply be ascribed to Spellfield experiencing it.

There is no way I could tell for sure what is happening to me, but if I had to take a guess: I already have Nightmare Moon inside of me, and I am already using parts of her power. It scared me that it didn’t scare me more, is my mind already influenced? I don’t feel like I behave differently. Okay, sure, I am also in situations I have never been before. Everything I do at the moment is somewhat awkward, I have to think about it every decision I make consciously.

Getting bullied around by Craft is something Nightmare Moon wouldn’t allow. Neither would she be too fond of her host, or whatever the relation is called, being toyed with. She is too... nightmare-moony to allow that... right? When I think about it, I have no idea what she, or Luna for that matter, have actually been like, but if Luna is anything like her bigger sister she wouldn’t let herself be treated like Craft treats me.

*** *** ***

“Found anything fun?” Craft entered the control room; I have already seen her coming on the security cameras.

“It’s the stuff I didn’t find that is really interesting.”

“Oh, how so?” She moved the unicorn's remains next to me away to have a good look at the main screen.

“Well, let’s start with something obvious: this body.” I pointed at it.

“Is ‘to find something’ something philosophical for you?” What is she getting at? “Because it looks to me like you found it, and not, you know, didn’t find it.”

“Oh, sure, it’s not gone. The cleanup wasn’t here. All the other bodies are gone, but not this one. Why is that?”

“Cleanup program doesn’t account for control room.” Rational answer, but she wasn’t convinced herself. “Maybe? I don’t know. Why would it matter?”

“Because the fact that there has been a cleanup in the first place is somewhat unsettling, but moving on. Last time I was in here there was an insane password on this computer, now I have what seems to be full access. There is no password.”

“There’s no password, there’s no problem. So what did you find on this thing.”

“Well not much. There is no inventory list, which would have been awesome. There is no map either, and the security cameras can only be accessed if I type in the right room. There’s an generator room, although I don’t know how it’s fueled it explains how we have energy, but I don’t know how to get there.”

“As long as it works.”

“Don’t you... want this facility to keep working? It would be a great hideout, right?”

“With Nightmare Moon in here? Thanks, but no thanks.”

I couldn’t tell her that Nightmare Moon wasn’t in the facility anymore, but inside of me. Well, okay, technically she is in the facility now too at the moment. Hmm... If Nightmare Moon wasn’t responsible for the cleanup and the computer being insecure now then who was? I couldn’t talk with Craft about this topic, she... Hmm... She what? How would she react to hearing I have Nightmare Moon inside of me? I know I don’t want to talk about it, and that settles my decision.

A red lamp lights up on the console. “Huh?” The lamp was labeled ‘intruder alert’. I opened the feed of the security cameras to see another Camera has popped up. It was a feed from... outside. I haven’t seen any cameras outside. Well I haven’t seen any cameras in here either for that matter. The camera was only in greyscales, but I could clearly recognize the pony that broke down in front of the cabin. The high contrast of her coat and mane gave her identity away, although I couldn’t see her face. “Cirrus?”

“Are those your saddlebags?”

“They are?” I looked closer “They are! What’s going on?”

“Looks we made a second dashite. Good Job Aideen, making that mare fall for you to reach your personal goals. You are more like me everyday, I’m proud of you.” I hit her on the back of her head. “Is she... oh!”


“I guess she never landed on solid ground before. You have to bend your legs, my pretty, pretty pegasus! And you came down way too fast.”

“We have to bring her in before the Enclave sees where she crashed down.”

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 9!

New Perk: Nurse Aideen!: Taking care of your hurt friends using the right books gave you +10 points in Medicine, and you get to wear a nurse-uniform, sexy!

Special Perk: Nightmare's Power (1): You can tap into Nightmare Moons power, and gain +5 points in Magic.

Skill Note: Medicine has reached 50.

Quest complete: Above the clouds
[X] Wait until Craft uses her exit plan.
[X] Survive Craft’s exit plan.

Quest: Gaia Prevails
[ ] Investigate every room of the facility.

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[ ] Optional: Watch as much Memories in the Memorhedron as possible (5)

New Quest: Emergency room.
[X] Render first-aid to Turbulence.
[X] Optional: Research Medicine.
[X] Diagnose Turbulence.
[ ] Render first-aid to Cirrus.
[ ] Diagnose Cirrus.
[ ] Mend Turbulence.
[ ] Mend Cirrus.

Chapter Ten: Family

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Charter Ten


Cirrus was in a pretty bad condition, even worse than Turbulence, she truly did crash at high speed on the ground. Craft and I had made one of the bedrooms with king-sized bed our make-shift hospital. Turbulence had just woke up when we brought Cirrus in. “What happened?”

I gently laid Cirrus on the other side of the bed. She was seriously messed up, both her forelegs were clearly broken. And the way she face-planted might have broken her jaw too, I couldn’t say much without an X-ray. The blood she spat out came directly from a wound in her mouth, she wasn’t coughing it up. “Don’t talk, I have to patch you up first.”

“What happened?” Turbulence repeated.

“Looks like we’ve got ourselves another Dashite.” You’re not helping, Craft...

“What. Happened.” He repeated again, this time with more persistence.

“Cirrus appears to have stolen my saddlebags from evidence, made a run for it, and had a landing accident.” But I couldn’t come up with any reason why she would do that. She gargled again. “Don’t speak, Cirrus.” I put a bucket next to the bed near her head. “Spit out the blood, don’t swallow it. Uhmm... two blinks for yes, three for no. Okay?” She blinked twice. “Now open your mouth for me, I need to inspect the damage.”

I wouldn’t be a very good nurse. While blood doesn’t get to me, it was my imagination I hate in such situations. Cirrus has to be in so much pain, she only put her head over the bucked and simply drooled into it. It was disgusting, but I need to help her.

“You almost...” No, let’s start differently. “I have the technology and medicine to fix this. You almost bit your tongue off, but your teeth look intact on first inspection, there’s nothing chipped. I’ll give you something that will knock you out.” Her facial muscles twitched in her attempt to smile, but then she just blinked twice. “Good.”

“Aren’t you going to ask her if she has been followed, or how she found us?” Turbulence was panicking. “I mean this is like an underground complex, right?”

“There is nothing to worry about. Either only she knew, and we really don’t have anything to worry.” I expected something like this coming from Craft, not out of my own mouth. “Or they already know where we are, and we are under siege, then it’s best to stay calm.”

Craft nodded. “Not bad.” When she injected Cirrus with Med-X, Cirrus immediately seem to fall asleep.

“Either way, we cannot do anything with Cirrus injured like this, the least thing we have to do is get her speaking.” I signed... what now? Craft floated a regular healing potion and a Super-Resto up; she made me choose. “We give her the Super-Resto. Cirrus’ on our side, I guess. We have to wait until she’s better, time will tell, all we can do is wait.”

“What now?” Turbulence stood up from his side of the bed. “I’m not tied down or anything. What’s your plan?” He moaned in pain of his own injuries, as he tried to move his tied down wings. “Okay, you did tie me down, but not for tie-down purposes.” He’s confusing what he wants to say. “What can you possibly gain from kidnapping me, or going to the Enclave to begin with?”

“Well, like this you can help a lot of ponies. You are a Dashite now, deal with it.” Craft wasn’t going easy on him. “You know what would happen if you go back.” Actually... no. What would happen? “You are contaminated, right?”

“No, I’m not. That’s only, like, an urban legend. Sure, there are contaminants down here, but not everywhere.” He walked around to inspect the damage on Cirrus himself. “Ouch.”

“So, as an expert on the wastelands, you certainly know pegasi who went down here and survived, right?”

“Well, no, but those were actually in some kind of contaminated...” He trailed of. “Uhh.”

“And there is no way the Enclave has killed them, so that they couldn’t tell anyone that it’s not actually contaminated. I’m sure they’ll welcome you up there again. After all, you were an expert on the wastelands, and now have some praxis. They’ll love you!”

Turbulence couldn’t respond. From what I’ve learned from the one Dashite I’ve met, the Enclave isn’t the nicest form of government, and the one thing they really need to take care of is making sure nopony left them.

“Welcome to the wastelands.” I figured he didn’t appreciate me welcoming him, so I added, “my condolences.”

I couldn’t see a way out for him, and I guess neither did he. “But why?”

“Improvising accident, I saw a potential Dashite, and I simply acted it out. You were not part of my plan, you’re collateral damage.” Go easy on him, Craft. We want him on our side, right? Then again, you never went easy on me, and we are on the same side.

“Co- collateral damage?” He couldn’t believe his ears.

“It is frequently used military term, referring to the incidental destruction of civilian property, or the deaths of non-combatants. But don’t worry, ponies that are usually caught in the storm of destruction that is yours truly come out on top in the end.” Craft can be very dramatic, if she wants to.

“What are you even saying?”

“I’m saying: if you follow me, you will be better off than when you try to do your own thing down here in the wastes. Do you want to take your chances alone, Mr. Expert-on-Wasteland?”

“I... ahh...”

“You cannot win this.” I feel like I should guide Craft’s new victim, after all we are in the same boat now. “What you should do right now is get some more rest. I can give you another potion to heal faster, but I’d like to go easy on our supply. You’re not in pain, are you?”

“Only when I try to move my wings.” He looked lost. I’ve probably had the exact same expression two weeks ago.

“We could always cut them off if you’d want to.” I was joking in hope to raise his mood somewhat.

“Hehe...” Yay, he’s chuckling. “You might as well, now...” Okay, this wasn’t what I planned on.

“Sorry, I tried to cheer you up, but that seemed to have backfired.” What can I do to help him? I could ask. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Well, yes. You could answers some questions. First of all: where are we?”

“Uhm... Secret underground lair,” I couldn’t come up with a better cover; I need to “which is actually not so secret anymore.”

“It looks like Stable-Tec design, but it doesn’t look like a regular Stable.”

“That’s right.” I could only guess. “I believe it was a custom build.”

“Okay, then: What’s your plan? Why were you in the clouds? What was your end game? And how did you trail of this plan when you...” Turbulence was still struggling with what to make of this situation. “When you figured you could make me... a Dashite?”

“That plan is a secret until we know if you are trustworthy.” Craft seemed to think hard, as if she decides if he's trustworthy already. “You understand that, right?”

“But is there a plan?” He dug deeper.

“There is a plan.” I confirmed.

“And what part do I play in this plan of yours, if I would cooperate?”

“That...” I looked over to Craft who gave me absolutely no hint of what’s on her mind. She was watching Cirrus’ regenerative process and had just encased her forelegs. “I have to consult with Craft.” Which I should do right now. “Now if you’ll excuse us?”

“Uhmm... ‘Excuse us?’” He repeated. “Can’t you-? You know what, nevermind, go. I’d like to think about all that alone for a while too. There’s a lot I have to process through...”

“Okay.” Craft backed away from the bed. “Well then.” Just before she left she turned her head again. “See you soon, Handsome.” A mane-toss later she walked out.

I only nodded to him and left too.

*** *** ***

“The dramatic mane-toss we talked about earlier? You saw how I did it?” Craft was mighty proud of herself.

“Yes, I saw. And no, it wasn’t a ‘dramatic mane-toss’ like we talked about, you were flirting with him! Why?”

“You can’t deny he is handsome, can you?”

“I... ahh...” I never really looked at him that way.

“You never really looked at him that way.” Stop reading my mind. “That’s okay, you only want foals out of a relationship, the father doesn’t have to be handsome for that.”


“I don’t think you are lesbian, Aideen. I think you only have a problem with stallions for your continuous bad experience with them. Now you don’t even check them out, because may don’t want a bond with them. What I know about you is that you have way too much sexual tension built up. That is why I’d really want you to sleep with him.”

I had to stare at her for a while. “I thought you’d want me to sleep with Cirrus?”

“Free choice, you can even invite her in. You know, the more the merrier. It’s not my kink, but if you’re into that kind of stuff...”

“I’m not.”

“Look, you are an emotional mess. Work. Some. Of your. Tension. Off.” She’s right, somehow... But can I simply... sleep with Turbulence?

Beep, beep.

“What was that?” Craft inquired.

“I wrote a small program to inform me when the Memorhedron has finished charging... but this is too fast.” I had to checked it.

> Memorhedron is fully charged and ready to use.
> Next memory in queue: Family – April 13, 999
> Length: 0 hours 09 minutes 36 seconds.
> Load memory?

“Why has it loaded so fast?” I wondered out loud.

“Over-analyzing, Aideen. Doesn’t matter. You go watch your memory. I’ll search for fun stuff in our ‘secret lair’, as you’ve dubbed it. I’ll be back in... How long is the memory?”

“About ten minutes.”

“Then I’ll be back in about ten minutes. I’ll make up my mind on what we are going to do with Turbulence. If I’m not back I’m probably somewhere... I’m not leaving this floor though.”

“Okay, see you then.”

> Load memory?
> load

<=======ʌʌɅ Ʌʌʌ=======>

Spellfield was in his living room besides an empty fireplace, I recognized the positioning as the same as two memories ago. He seems to have found a spot he likes, I envy him for having something so mundane as a spot by the fireplace.

The book he was reading and making notes in (I could never write in a book) was written in a language I couldn’t understand, but from the graphs and notes he made in Equestrian I could figure it was a Zebra book about magic. Does he need these notes for his students? Who would make notes in a magic book. Well, Spellfield would probably do something like this for fun.

Then I could hear hoof steps outside coming down a stair, leading into the entrance room. “Ryde, where do you think you are going?”

“Out?” A voice, presumably Ryde’s, answered back questioningly.

“Come to me, son.” Spellfield called him ‘son’, he was objectifying Ryde. He then put his book aside, making an dogear into it, marking at the page he was. Why are you defiling a valuable book? Books weren’t the holy testaments of ancient wisdom as they are now, but you don’t do something like that!

“What is it?” Ryde was about sixteen or seventeen years old. Wait, let’s calculate, he was two months younger than Twilight Sparkle, so... Ryde is sixteen years and five months.

“What is this?” Spellfield pulled a small card out of Ryde’s jacket. “A fake ID?” A fake ID? What would Ryde need an fake ID for? As he didn’t respond to his fathers accusation Spellfield had to continue. “What kind of light would it throw on me if my son gets caught with this?”

Oh, this was that kind of talk. I haven’t been with my mother when I was a teenager, but I could still relate. Big Momma once caught me hoarding cigarettes I won at gambling. I don’t smoke, and I received a harsh talk about sharing and whatnot. I earned them legit, but she wouldn’t listen. As a teenager you cannot win against your parents, best thing to do is admit defeat and safe yourself the trouble. This is especially hard when you are right, and as a teenager you are always right.

“This fake ID, you acquired by means I don’t want to interrogate you about,” Spellfield burned the small card. Oh, incineration spell! I mean: ‘Oh, how evil!’ He continued, “is sloppy. You are under house arrest until you produce me a genuine fake ID.” I still don’t know what Ryde would need a fake ID for, but I know this wasn’t the direction I, or Ryde, had imagined this conversation to go. “There are two ways to do things, son.”

“So why not chose the right one.” Ryde seems to know that phrase by heart now. “You want me to make a fake ID?”

“I cannot stop you from being who you want to be, Ryde, nobody can. I know you can simply get a new one from wherever you got it, maybe you really made it yourself, but as a father I want you to do your best.”

“Is this, like, reverse psychology?”

“This term is never used in the right way.”

“But... is it the common misinterpretation reverse psychology?”

“No, you ARE grounded, I DID punish you, didn’t I? Make the best fake ID possible, and you are free to go, just don’t offer that service to your friends. That would get you into trouble. If you do this for your younger siblings, you are in real trouble, and if you tell your mother, you are dead.”

Ryde started grinning. “What kind of father threatens his son with death?”

“Maybe I’ll only make you wish you could die.” I felt a big grin forming on Spellfield’s face too.

“Okay, thank you, Dad.” Ryde turned to go, but looked back again. “So, uhm... I’m gonna go... do my chores now, like, you know, a responsible teenager.”

Spellfield levitated his book in front of himself again. “Do your best, my son.”

“You’re awesome, Dad.”

“House Arrest also means you are in bed at 10 pm.”

“Dad!” Ryde cried out in desperation as he spun around.

“Good night, Ryde.”

“Dad...” He has already lost.

“Don’t forget to brush your teeth.”

Ryde admitted defeat, and sighed. “G’night, Dad.” He turned one last time end walked up the stairs.

After a while a female voice came from the chair next to Spellfield. “You did good.” A zebra mare materialized on it. Oh, wow... I recognized Sarina, she was just... sixteen years older since I saw her a week ago. She had her hoof on a discreetly small golden necklace with an sapphire embedded into it; I could hardly believe it’s responsible for an invisibility spell.

Oh god, an invisibility spell! That would be the most awesome thing I could learn at the moment, Spellfield must have sensed it the entire time, but I didn’t notice anything. But Ryde didn’t notice it, maybe this was some kind of different magic? A kind of magic zebras couldn’t sense is a big deal, it once again scrambles what I think to know about... magic in general.

Wait, Sarina is there... Spellfield told Ryde she shouldn’t know about this. Wait... didn’t she praise him? “I feel awful. Ryde is sixteen, he shouldn’t go out to bars, or discos, or whatever.”

“We’ve been over this already.” She stood up from her chair and got closer to him. “How it has been until now we had no control over his youthful-rebellious behavior. Now that we build some trust, we can keep him on a leash while he thinks he has lots of freedom.”

“And you are the housewife and always home, you have to be the one who gives structure; and I have to be the cool dad, who gives freedom.” An interesting parenting strategy, but I wouldn’t know what it’s like, in the stable you simply did what you were told, in pre-war Equestria you could do pretty much what you want. “In their perspective at least. But sending our son out to drink?”

“We are horrible parents.” She hopped halfway onto Spellfield’s chair leaning over him. “Let’s take what we’ve learned from our mistakes and start anew.” Oh no, please don’t. She laid herself on him and nibbled at his ear. Aah, that tickles.

“You want another foal?” Spellfiel floated the book out of their way, then pressed his wife against him. Please, just... don’t. “Right now?” Oh god, I could feel... NO! Please! Memory! End! Now! My prayers were heard as the scenery faded.

<=======vvV Vvv=======>

> Save position in queue.
> Memorhedron is charging. 1%
> Not ready for use.

That was a close one... While I have to admit, it did feel kinda nice to be nibbled on, the affection hasn’t been directed at me, it’s quite as if I’m intruding on them without the ability to leave, or them being ashamed because somepony is watching. There was this topic again... sex... moving on.

Let’s analyze what I’ve just seen. Spellfield said to Ryde he shouldn’t make a fake ID for his siblings, plural, once he can do it good. That means Spellfield has at least three kids, and as far as I saw working on a fourth. And there was Sarina’s necklace which was really nice, but there hasn’t really been anything interesting else.

Why would this memory have been recorded, why is it important? The previous memory was kinda unimportant too, only symbolic, maybe. Spellfield started teaching Twilight Sparkle. What did this memory represent?

“I’ve found my fun stuff.” Craft was suddenly behind me, and scared the shit out of me. A fancy bow and a long, curved zebra-sword were floating in her magical grasp. “Was there anything interesting you picked up during your trip down memory lane?”

“No, just Spellfield being a father.” I sighed. “I think he’s a good one, I hardly knew mine.”

“Yeah, its a Stable Eight thing. You know who your father is and what he does for a living, but you don’t usually meet the guy.”

“My father worked in security. I know he surrendered the stable so we’d at least live. My Mom and I were already in Colt’s Well when the deal went off, but I don’t know what happened to him then.”

“My father...” Craft paused, she stared into her glass. It was almost empty, and she played around with it, watching how the liquid moved. “I don’t know his name, me and my siblings just called him Dad. Except for my oldest brother though, he called him like everyone else: ‘Toymaker’.” She sighed. “I always thought it was rude, because the things he created were just so beautiful.”

Is Craft actually telling something about herself?

“I loved every single one of them. I played for hours, maybe days at a time with them. I never discarded one, never grew out of one, and when one died, I even held a funeral. Can you believe that? Heh.” She laughed shortly about her younger self, but her tone was genuinely sad.

“What happened?”

“He left, abandoned us.” Craft started smiling cruelly, as if she would hurt me when telling me so. “Without speaking a word, he simply packed his tools and was gone before any of us realized it. We searched for him, of course. And the absolutely worst happened: We found him.” She was right, it hurt hearing her tell this in this neutral tone she just adopted. “For us he had always been the perfect being. We loved him so much, and we assumed he loved us too. You want to know where we found him?”

I couldn’t respond. I didn’t want her to relive those memories, they are hurting her so much...

“He was sitting in a new freaking shop.” She paused, and continued louder. “He was making new freaking toys,” Another pause, and she almost shouted the last part. “With a new freaking family!”

I had to stare at her in disbelieve.

“Ah, yes. I couldn’t believe it either. Do you want to know what happened?” No. “Too bad, I’ll tell you anyway.” She was enjoying my pain.

“Stop it, Craft, please.”

“He noticed us, and warded his new place against us. He was powerful like that. He didn’t even give us a chance of talking to him.” She’s not stopping, and the story is only getting worse.

I had to go. “See you.” I stood up and bolted out. I couldn’t bear that story, not like she tells it.

“After a while we met someone, because our city wasn’t warded against him anymore. He was my father's son from the city before ours. You want to know what we did?” She was shouting after me. “We went back and destroyed every single toy we could find! We-”

I slammed the door shut. “Fuck you, Craft.” There were tears in my eyes, I cried for her. Why? My life has been worse than hers right? I’ve got raped on a regular schedule for a few years, she only got abandoned by her father, but had prior to that a wonderful childhood. So why feels her story so much worse than mine?

*** *** ***

I stumbled into our makeshift hospital, not knowing what exactly pulled me there. I’m not usually one to seek pony connection in times of distress.

“Welcome back Ai-” Turbulence stopped and blinked twice. “-deen. You don’t look so good. Something happened? Are- are we under attack?” He sat at a table, playing chess with himself.

“Ah, no, we’re not. I just...” What am I trying to say? “I’d like to inquire about your family status.”

“Well, I’m not married, and there’s also no marefriend.” Oh, great, he's coming onto me. “And I’m not gay either.”

“That’s not what I’ve meant.” I rolled my eyes. “Parents and siblings. Would they search for you? What emotional issue is it for you to be away from them? And I’m sorry if I made you a new wound, but you’d get it sooner or later anyway.” Wait actually... it was a good thing that he is coming onto me, wasn’t it? “And I don’t have a special somepony either.” I sat myself opposite of him, and I lifted an incredibly beautiful rook. This is was something that should belong into a museum. Actually this is a museum, and what speaks again using the stuff in here? “Do you want to play?”

“Sure.” He started collecting the pieces, but I hushed him away and aligned them with my magic. Then I realized I just moved 32 individual objects at once. He obviously had no experience with unicorn magic so he didn’t notice anything weird. “My family is no issue, I’ve kinda always been the black sheep. I have a older sister, who I haven’t talked to since my mom died four years ago, and I rarely see my dad although we live in the same city. I’m probably declared ‘taken hostage and contaminated’, or immediately ‘dead’. I don’t think there is somepony ever officially been a Dashite, except for Scootaloo and a few others right after war.”

“Yeah, I’ve guessed that much.”

“My family won’t be an issue either.” Cirrus wasn’t asleep, and in the last half hour the Super Restoration Potion has mended her enough to speak normally. She was still looking really bad though.

“Cirrus.” She probably shouldn’t be moving right now.

“No siblings, and my parents never visited me since I got stuck as CO in Nine-Two. And even when we were still together we weren’t really a shining example of a family.”

“You got stuck..? You’re a sergeant...” Turbulence was counting two and two together. “Oh wow, that has gotta suck. Why didn’t you put in a transfer?”

“To whom? To myself?” When he didn’t respond Cirrus asked me. “What about your family, Aideen? And what is it about Craft?”

“I don’t know what exactly happened to my parents; I strongly assume my father is dead, though. I have a older brother, and he’s a solider for the Crimson Company. He might be a problem, but none I can’t deal with.”

“What’s the Crimson Company?”

I didn’t quite know how to answer that, but Turbulence talked first. “They are slavers.”

“Slavers?” Cirrus seemed confused. “Like...”

“They treat ponies like property, sell them, buy them, make them work in horrible conditions, and do pretty much whatever they want with them.”


I need to change the topic. “So, Cirrus, What are you doing here, and how did you trace us?”

She was silent for a second. “Well, we listened in on what you were saying in the interrogation room, with a device under the table.” Craft could have assumed that much... I could have assumed that much! “Even the whispered things, and... and when you were gone... they...” She was at the verge of crying, oh damn. “One revealed to be Lieutenant Colonel, and Turbulence was only an initial test for you, and... and they...” I walked over to her, and tried to comfort her by wiping away some tears.

Turbulence seemed to know how the Enclave thinks, because he was able to continue her story. “They silenced everypony who know about her and wasn’t Enclave, leaving only you.” I assume ‘silence’ means ‘kill’ in this case.

Cirrus broke completely out in tears and tried to embrace me. Her cases kinda hurt, and I usually really don’t like being touched in general, but Cirrus needs this, so I put my forelegs around her too.

This was my fault... “I’m sorry.”

*** *** ***

Footnote: Level progress: 33%!

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[ ] Optional: Watch as much Memories in the Memorhedron as possible (6)

Quest: Gaia Prevails
[ ] Investigate every room of the facility.

Quest: Emergency room.
[X] Render first-aid to Cirrus.
[X] Diagnose Cirrus.
[ ] Mend Turbulence.
[ ] Mend Cirrus.

Chapter Eleven: Sex (sfw)

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Charter Eleven


“Aideen’s Audiolog. February 17, 1247. Okay, a lot happened today. Crafts plan worked, we got the Enclave's attention and even two allies. We took cover in the Gaia-Prevails complex, and are now under siege from the Enclave.”

Everypony of our group claimed one of the rooms. I took one decorated in dark purple, before I realized it was a rather Nightmaremoonish color. Changing rooms now would mean I admit defeat, and I’m not going to do that. So she can subconsciously make me choose such a room, big deal, I’m not afraid of her. Or at least I have a strong enough will to stand up against her. Or maybe I’m just putting too much thought into this, after all I chose this room for the fully stocked bookshelf.

I found “A Theory on magical ‘theorems’ by Dr. Spellfield”. It made me doubt everything I ever took for certain when it comes to magic. The stallion was a genius. ‘Science is all about questioning the status quo’ as he phrased it. After four hours I only managed to read about 100 pages. The way it’s written makes you put the book away for a few minutes and think about what you just read, and then you have to reread it and repeat that process.

While the book didn’t teach anything, I felt way smarter now, but it’s almost midnight, I should go to sleep. Actually I should have investigated the facility further and not get sidetracked by a book, no matter how good it was. The books I can take with me; the time in this facility might be limited.

Well, it’s too late for that now, figuratively, and too late literally for my brain to think about too complicated stuff. I looked at the book, which would, by all means, be categorized as ‘too complicated stuff’, and smiled. Yeah, I just contradicted myself. I dimmed the lights and thought a little about all the things that happened today. Oh, I still needed to make an Audiolog. How could I have possibly forgot, the one routine I have in my life?

Knock, knock.

Somepony knocked gently twice at my door. What the..? “Yes? Come inside.” Who the hell could it be? Wait... is this like a ‘nighttime visit’? I’m not sure if I... want to... or if I could, for that matter, and I’m certainly not prepared for this. I notice how my heart started beating faster.

The door slid open and Cirrus came in. She closed the door behind her again. “Uh... Hey.”

“Uh... Hey.” I repeated. This is kinda awkward, I was lying on a satin bed, with the lights dimmed, and I had a pony with me in the room from which I knew had feelings for me.

“I... ahh... wanted to talk to you.” Oh good, she wants to talk to me, and not... why did I even start thinking that? Calm down heart, you’re making a fool of yourself.

“Yeah, sure. I mean, why else would come to me at such an hour?” You’re an idiot, Aideen. “Must be important.”

“I want to get something off my chest, and... can... can you get the lights first? This feels awkward.”

“Yes, lights!” I used my magic to turn the lever up again. With brighter light the situation feels less awkward. “So what is it?”

Cirrus leaned at the wall to have as much distance from me as possible. “About you and me, actually only me. I... uhm... I was desperate, kinda... I was the CO in Nine-Two, and everypony was afraid of me there.” She sighed. “So with another member of the Enclave, a higher ranking one at that, or so I thought, I thought I had a chance of...” She paused. “a chance of getting laid.”

“Oh.” I’m not sure if I want to sex right now– if I want to TALK about sex right now.

“It’s not like I cannot control my urges, but...”

“You wanted to.” I concluded.

“You were really pretty, you still are, of course, but I really came to like you. You’re funny, and super smart. I mean, the way you solved that murder. I really admire you.” Oh, this is so awkward. “Maybe I am- was crushing a little even.”

I have no idea how to respond. “You said ‘really’ a lot.”

“Haha, and you notice the weirdest things. That’s probably why you solved that murder...” I cannot tell her that Craft solved it before me, and made me do so only to impress Cirrus. “And you can expertly change the topic somehow.”

“It wasn’t my intention, I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to say. Uhm... Thanks? I also like you... really like you. Heh.” She also chuckled upon my use of ‘really’. “You are also funny and smart, and I kinda like your colorset, it’s a nice contrast, and it brings out your eyes.” What am I doing here?

“But I’m chubby.”

“Only a little.”

“Haha,” Cirrus laughed. “You have no idea how to comfort somepony, do you?”

“Nope, never learned it.” It was an honest answer. “You are also concerned about the right things, Cirrus. While we celebrated catching our bad guy. And also: I can’t imagine the strength it took for you to stay calm at the moment, and then go and even make a plan of playing double agent, that is some pretty serious self-control, and I admire you for that.”

She didn’t respond immediately. Shit, I shouldn’t have brought that up, should I? But then she forced a smile. “Thanks. Then there are a few other things I want to talk to you about in private.”


“You’re straight! I overheard you flirting with Turbulence.”

“Well, actually... I don’t think I am.” Right? “And it was more Craft who flirted with him, not me.”

“It was Craft? Huh... That’s...”

“You were a little bit high on painkillers at the moment, or something like that.”

She paused and narrowed her eyes a little, then she only repeated. “Or something like that. But, if I understood right, you are not interested in him?”

“I... ahh...” No, let me start over. “I... ahh...” I’ve been this far already, once before, I believe. “I don’t have a lot of good experience when it comes to relationships.” While it was the truth, it wasn’t really an answer to her question.

“Just, I want to be your friend and I want to support you, which leads me to Craft.”

“Craft? What about Craft?”

“I think you should get rid of her.”

“Get rid of Craft? What do you mean?”

Cirrus waited a small moment, trying to phrase it. She didn’t plan this properly. “I don’t like her, and she’s not good for you, or for anyone for that matter.”

“Craft... has her issues, and I have mine. She might be gruff, but... We need her.” Cirrus and Turbulence maybe not. “I need her.”

“I understand...” She trailed off. She just talked to me about a possible sexual relation with her or Turbulence, and now she thinks that Craft and I...

“I didn’t mean it like that, she just helps me a lot... she pushes me along a path when I can’t see where I’m going, and I still can’t see where I’m going.” Wow, I can be quite deep.

“Yeah, I figured Craft is something like that to you, but...”

“But what?” Am I really defending Craft here?

“You are the dominant one, Aideen. You hear? You are smarter than her, you are friendlier than her, you are better than her in every.”

“She’s the one with the plan.”

“And what is that plan?”

“I don’t know!” I shouted; I can’t believe that I shouted right into her face.

Anger made itself clear in Cirrus’ face. “Fine.” She turned around, and left the room. All that came to my mind was that I should stop her, that I should apologize for shouting at her, but I didn’t. I was angry myself.

Cirrus doesn’t understand me.

*** *** ***

Honestly, I didn’t plan on getting sidetracked again, but seeing a fancy bathroom convinced me it might be worth it. I hadn’t bathed since Craft wanted to give me a new manestyle to make me prettier and fetch a better price for me. Huh... When I think about it: What is Craft's motivation? The only thing I can come up with is ‘money’, but what is her end game?

The tub was slowly filling with water while I thought about life. What would a pony like Craft want out of life? What does anypony want out of life? What do I want out of life? I have no shot-term plan. ‘Do what Craft says’ doesn’t seem like a good one, and she actually said I should be the one to make our plan, after we were involved and have another insanely powerful faction after this complex... Wow, I believe everything we accomplished so far was to double our problems.

And what about a long term plan? The only part of it that I figured out was that I want foals at one point, and that I want to make sure that what happened to me won't happen to them. When I think about it, I have no idea how to manage that. I don’t want to be that kind of mother that isn’t able to protect her child. I don’t blame my own mother for what happened to me. I believe, or at least hope, that she has done everything she could do to help me. No, I HAVE to believe it. My mother HAS tried everything in her power to help me.

I felt a tear running down my cheek. Dear god, Aideen, keep yourself together. I started crying. “Oh, come on.” Saying my frustration out loud doesn’t help. Why am I crying? What stage of whatever I’m going through is being completely aware of my emotional instability?

There is like denial, as a stage of something, though that is exactly what I am not in. What am I even going through? Let’s see, what’s going on with me? Be rational, Aideen. First thing to do is stop crying. Denial is the first stage! So what have I denied? Or do I still deny it? I don’t deny that it gave me emotional issues, a few of them actually, hehe...

Great, now I’m laughing for no reason, no, actually I’m both laughing and crying right now. Seriously now, Aideen, control yourself. Maybe if I hold my breath I'll stop laughing, or crying for that matter. It seems to be working, my quivers were getting less intense and the time between them shorter.

But now I'd need some air again, and I’m going to jump into that amazing bathtub. It had a switch that makes bubbled come from the bottom, I have no idea what that would be good for, but as I know the facility has been the headquarters of a genius and a goddess, it must serve a purpose.

The water got too hot while I thought about life. A moan escaped me as the water engulfed me. I might cook myself, but it felt so good when I immersed myself into the water. The sensation of burning was like a cleansing to me. It was pain, not anything else. You could argue I was torturing myself, but it certainly didn’t feel like it. I put my head out of the water, to breathe again and put strands of soggy mane out of my face.

Torture... During my last bath Craft thought she was torturing me. It certainly is torture if somepony else is doing something like that to me without my consent. But if it is by my own hoof... the thought sent a tingle through my body. There speaks nothing against doing that, right?

Let’s see what these bubbles are for. Ohmygosh. The little bubbles rising from the bottom of the tub ran up and along my body, caressing me. I saw no reason not to give myself to a blissful feeling and enjoy myself for once.

The bathroom's door opened, and Craft walked inside with an investigative expression, looking at everything to see if she could find anything interesting, it was the exact same way I strolled through the facility until half an hour ago. Her eyes fell on me.

She just stared. Please don’t know, please don’t know, please don’t- “Awkward.” The word was stretched out, and she forced a smile.

My expression must have gave it away. “Hey... Craft.”

“So, hey, I meant to find you, and... well, I found you. Ahh...” She tried not to look in my direction. “Nevermind, we talk later...” She turned to leave.

“Wait.” Confusion made itself clear on Craft's face. “No stupid comment?”

“No.” She shook her head. “No stupid comment. I’ll just leave you this...” A newspaper article floated in front of her. “You know what? It would ruin your mood. We’ll talk later, I’ll be in my room.”

*** *** ***

I didn’t finish. Craft, while being understanding and going away immediately, has put me out of the mood. I’ve waited longer for the tub to fill than I actually was inside of it. As much as I’d like to blame Craft, she didn’t do it on purpose.

Knock, knock, knock.

“You know, you don’t need to know when I invited you.” Craft’s voice came out her room. Right...

I opened the door and stepped inside. What Craft has done to her room... Well, I didn’t really know what I expected. “Uhh... Hey Craft. You wanted to talk to me? Nice decoration, by the way.”

“Aideen...” She took a very serious tone. “You must be really fucked up in the head to think this is nice décor.”

“Craft...” I mimicked her tone. “You must be really simple minded to not recognize sarcasm.”

“Uhh, a witty comeback. I like. Seems like I defiled your precious personality.”

As I maneuvered around all the stuff she had gathered in her room. “What is all this?”

“Thing that can easily be sold, or I’d like to keep for myself, like this bow here for example.” Craft lifted the bow I’ve seen her with yesterday already. “This is an energy weapon.” She drew out the string, and an arrow of pure energy started to form.

I stared at it with my mouth agape. “This is...”

“...awesome.” we said in unison.

“So, you wanted to talk to me?”

“Ahh... yeah. Where do I have it...” She looked around her room. “Aha! Here it is.” It was the newspaper article she had earlier. “Ministry official confirm break in. Blah, blah, two megaspells ‘Love and Tolerance’ who were meant to be used in quick succession after each other, blah, culprits confirmed to be the terrorist group ‘Gaia Prevails’.” She floated the article over to me, so I could read it myself.

“They call Spellfield and Princess Celestia terrorists?”

“Well not directly, and you are missing the point.”

“You think those two megaspells are in here?” It wasn’t a comforting thought.

“Yes, and this is not an asset we can...” She looked around as if we could be eavesdropped on, and continued whispering. “sell to anypony, you understand. We’ve got ourselves a situation.”

“Okay, so no selling the megaspells, but why are we whispering?”

“Why are we whispering.” She repeated. “You’re kidding, right? You’re not. Okay, look. You can share your half with Cirrus and Turbulence, but I won’t. As long as they think this complex belongs to the two of us anyway, we don’t have to give them a single cap.”

“Now you have to be kidding me. We ruined their lives, they don’t have more than the clothes on their bodies.”

“Yeah, as I said, give them everything you want from your half.”

“The fact that Turbulence is here is fully on you.”

“I improvised.”

“Having him here is your failed plan, take responsibility.”

“Oh, oh! MY failed plan? Excuse me, but when have YOU ever come up with anything? Do I need to tell you that your decisions aren’t the best, Aideen?”

“What do you mean, when have you let me decide anything?”

“Your soloadventures. Jumping off cliffs, buying houses in towns where half of the population hates you, oh, and there is something else.”


“But I have a really good go here.”

“Don’t bring Quick Shot up.”

“Then how about masturbating when you have a perfectly good stallion in range, or Cirrus, who is in way over her head about you.”

“She’s not...”

“Her denial makes her even cuter, and it also makes her crave for you more.”

“Cirrus is... wait. How do you know... You’re still spying on me.” I looked at my PipBuck. “So... you walked in on me on purpose?”

Craft thought about her answer for a second. Come on, deny it. “Yes, I... I overheard, and came as soon as possible to stop you.”

“But why? Why would you do something like that?”

“Look, Aideen. It wasn’t the only thing I’ve heard, you are emotionally unstable. You will implode soon. There’s so much you keep suppressing. It’s not just sexual tension you got there, it’s sexual frustration. So I made it worse on purpose, you know why? I need you mentally frustrated enough to do what I say, and really build off your sexual frustration, not suppress it further. I am trying to help you here, and yes I have to use unorthodox methods. But you don’t exactly have normal issues.”

“You... you...”

“I am trying to help you. You have been insanely lucky since two weeks ago, but this streak of luck will end at one point, and when it does, you will be a quivering ball of fur within a week. No wait, worse. You’ll be host to Nightmare Moon because you gave in.”

I felt my eyes watering up again. Why does Craft have to be such an asshole? And why does she have to be right?

“Now punch me.” She stood in front of me now.

I’d like to.

“Punch. Me.” She was serious.

This was some kind of trick, but somehow I have raised my hoof.


And I did. I punched right on her left cheek.

I saw Craft trace her teeth with her tongue to taste if she might be bleeding. “Again, harder this time.”

And I did. I aimed for the same spot.

She had to rub her cheek. “Good girl. Again.”

I swung my hoof down on her, trying to punch her down, but she dodged, and with a single knock to my head she used my momentum to bring me down. “Hey.” When she kicked me in the side, I gasped out the air in my lungs. “Stop it!” I coughed.

“Because it’s unfair?” She kicked me again. “Because life is usually fair?” She was going easy on me, I know that. “Because when you are down you expect life to not keep kicking you?” I managed to catch her hoof. “Good job. Sadly you never do what I want you to do, and the lessons I want to teach you get mixed up. So I ask you kindly to do what I say.” She engulfed me in her magic and set me upright again.

“Why are you doing this?” I held my side and tried to catch my breath.

“Because I kinda like you, for some reason. Usually I would have already disposed of you, not killed you, just got rid of you. I need you to have access to this facility, but we partnered up. This” She gestured around in her room. “is worth it. You have to realize, that I don’t want an emotionally unstable partner. That’s why I’m trying to help you, I’m trying to improve you.”

“Improve me?” I can’t even form proper thoughts right now.

“Yes, improve you, and it’s working already. Like that murder, I didn’t solve it, I only made you think I did. You wouldn’t have done anything, if I hadn’t acted that way. Or the comeback you had on me when you came in.”

“Really? You didn’t know that he was the murderer?”

“Well, sure I knew after a while... but you were faster. You’re smarter than me, but you don’t know how to use your intelligence, you lack the experience.”

“So what to I do?”

“You go read your books, take a nap, and you come back to me at midnight.”


“We’ll have you standing steadfast soon. You’re damaged, not broken, not beyond repair. Okay?”


If anyone can save me from Nightmare Moon, it’s Craft.

*** *** ***

I’m only emotionally unstable, not stupid, I’m not following Craft blindly. Sure, I took the nap how she told me, but I’m not going to let her stroll around this facility and let her take whatever she wants. One just has to hope she can’t smuggle two megaspells in her saddlebags. I know I can’t let her keep everything she finds, if she comes up with ‘finders keepers’, I’ll just tell her that I found the facility, or that the deal was 50/50 and that accounts to the cool stuff too, and not just in general.

Gosh, I really want that bow. I want to take it apart, study it, roll around in its components, and then put it back together. Maybe this imagination went a little overboard, but it’s good that I’m in peace with having issues now, otherwise I would had to have explained to myself how technology, unlike ponies, can never disappoint me.

I investigated the facility alone a bit, but soon found that there are parts under lock-down, and I don’t have access to them unless I have administrative rights on the terminal in the control room. I still haven’t figured out how to get into it, and as much as I pride myself with my abilities, the thing was pretty much unhackable.

I spent a lot of time playing chess with Turbulence, who, as it turns out, has a rook-and-bishop as a cutiemark. Half of the games I wasn’t horrendously destroyed, and I even managed to win once, although I believe he let me win that one. Who would believe that geeks can have muscles? I’ve only made my experiences in the Crimson Company, everypony who had muscles there was dumb as hell.

I also found out what Cirrus’ cutiemark is; a clipboard with a pencil; her special talent is ‘organizing’, which explains why the notes on the murder were so well organized. The real investigation work has been really supremely done by her, she was just too innocent to see the pattern.

During Turbulence and my chess game Cirrus had been watching without any idea what is going on, she was creeping quite close to the board until she confessed that she had bad eyesight and her contact lenses were useless without the proper care, so she tossed them. As luck has it, we found her a pair that even matched her level of sight-debility. With glasses Cirrus looked absolutely adorable!

After that we pretty much just played boardgames together, and that’s it. We almost never talked. Everypony was in their thoughts. I had congratulated Turbulence on his chess-skills, but it had felt really awkward with Cirrus being present. I have to look up the definition of flirting to avoid that when the two of them are in the same room. I should probably keep them at whatever level of affection they are towards me until Craft advised me to do something. Oh gosh, that sounds pathetic...

When it was late enough I told them I’d go to sleep, but in truth I went to continue reading Spellfield’s book and waiting for midnight to meet with Craft. I didn’t have to wait that long though, because Craft came into my room only a bit after 11 o’clock. “Gooood evenin’!” She seems to be in a good mood, I don’t know if that was a good or a bad thing for me.

“You’re early.”

“And you’re fussy, I know I told you that once already. I mean I could go again and leave you here in anticipation. I imagined you sitting in front of my door looking at your PipBuck for the exact second it turns midnight to knock, and I thought to myself: ‘Hey, another lesson I can teach her.’ Be less fussy! Details? Fuck details! Okay?”

“Be less fussy and fuck details.” I repeated. “Got it.”

“Of course don’t fuck ‘em if they matter, so ahm... you’ve got to evaluate details for their importance.”

“Yeah, I...” She’s right. “Okay. So what are we gonna do?”

“I’m glad you asked that my young protégé.” Skip the act, please. “You’ll not approve outright.” I didn’t imagine anything else. “But I hope you are going to like it.” Craft turned around. “Follow me.”

I released a tension I haven’t noticed until now. Huff... For a few moments I thought she was going to want to... have sex with me. I rubbed my temples, I should stop thinking about that stuff somehow, Craft was just unpredictable, and if I could do my own therapy I’d... hm... I’m not sure how to finish that sentence. If I’d know how to treat my fuckedupness I wouldn’t have it in the first place.

“That’s Cirrus’ room.” I stated when she stopped. Was that our destination?

“Your powers of observation continue to serve you well.” Craft dimmed on the console next to Cirrus’ room the lights, and ordered the door to open.

“What are you doing?”

“You’ll see.” Craft walked into Cirrus’ room as if there’s nothing unusual about that. “Daaaw, isn’t she the cutest?” I followed Craft inside to... I don’ know... stop her? But Cirrus looked indeed extremely cute when sleeping. “Don’t you just want to do... nasty things to her?”

“What? This is what this is about?”

Craft jumped onto the bed, making the mattress wobble, and in order Cirrus too. “Yep.”

Cirrus groaned at the sudden movement and cuddled herself deeper into the blanket. I let an “awww” escape me.

“Come here.” Craft gestured me to come closer. “Let me give you a rape one-oh-one.” She sat herself right next to Cirrus opposite of me, and cleared her throat. She wasn’t kidding. “First thing you’ve gotta know is that the act is about control. As the former victim you know that you were completely helpless. So the first thing we need to give you when it comes to sex is control.”

That actually sounds about right. “Uhm...”

“This spell” She ignited her horn and leaned down to touch Cirrus’ forehead with it. “will keep her sleeping.” She walked around Cirrus and jumped of the bed. “Go nuts.”

“Wait, what? You’re leaving? What about..?”

“I’m not going to watch, ugh. That’s not my fetish. And you need a judgment free zone.”

“And what am I supposed to do?”

“Whatever you want. Imagine how you’d like to be touched... no wait, you don’t like that in general. So uhm... just start with touching her. Stroke her, let you hoof glide through her coat, caress her. Just imagine how loving couples would act. Then start placing kisses along her neck and work your way down.” She can phrase that situation quite romantically, I guess. “Clop her off, or eat her out if you dare.” I’ll take that back. “Just remember, this is you giving, not receiving, okay?”

I couldn’t properly think, I just stared at Cirrus. “Okay...” I heard the door close.

*** *** ***

I just raped Cirrus and I don’t even feel bad about it. Quite the contrary, I felt self confident. She, ohh... she had made the cutest little squees and moans, and I’ve been the pony to make her make those noises. It was a way better response I got to anything I have ever done. Screw ‘good job’, I want to hear more of those moans. Actually... I could hear such moans again, and even get my own pleasure out of it.

I opened the door to Turbulence’s room. This is probably a bad idea, but I memorized the spell Craft cast. I probably should be scared again about my magic, after all I managed to copy a spell I only saw once that interferes with a pony's brain, but I couldn’t care less at the moment. There is something entirely different I should worry at the moment, how wrong all of this is, but I didn’t care for that either. It’s a victimless crime, they’d probably enjoy it if they were awake anyway.

“So it’s true that nerds have the biggest.” I joked to myself, although Turbulence could claim he was above average it was certainly not the biggest I’ve ever seen. I sighed that I reminded myself of the amount of... phalluses I’ve seen, but that’s a part of me, it is going to stick to me the rest of my life and I have to learn to live with it.

He was positioned that I can simply ride him, and, dear god, sex is so good when I actually try to enjoy it, way better than clopping. His moans were way more subtle than Cirrus’, but not as quiet as me, which was kinda remarkable as I did all the work and had to begun breathing heavily. Sure, he bucked a little reflexively, but... I’m the one who acts; I’m the one in control...

When he groaned, I needed to check if he might have woken up, but I kept my eyes closed, I really want to concentrate on other senses right now... “Aideen?” I froze in my movement, and opened my eyes. He was looking around sleepdrunken, trying to figure out what was going on. The two seconds he took to start smiling felt like eternities. “Aideen.” He repeated my name in a saucy tone, and pushed me over to be on top of me. “You could have just asked.” A kiss was planted on my neck before he lifted himself to-

“NO!” I screamed, and sent him flying through the room. What to do? Flee!

I broke down in the corridor, my heart was racing, and I was crying again.

“Aideen!” Of course he had to come after me, and I could hear from his tone he was angry. “What the hell was...” He stopped when he saw me crying. “Wha- What is going on?”

I couldn’t answer. There was no plausible lie I could come up with, and there was no plausible truth I could come up with either. Just... what have I done?

“Aideen...” He tried to grab my shoulder to turn me to him, probably to comfort me, but...

“DON’T TOUCH ME!” I don’t rightly know why I screamed, but at least I turned around to face him.

He was biting his lip, he had probably no idea what’s going on, but neither did I for that matter. To make everything worse Cirrus’ door opened. “I heard shouting...” I was crying, and Turbulence was still very well equipped.

“It’s... ahh... It’s not what it looks like.” He defended himself. “Ahh... Well, actually it is, but I have no idea what’s going on. She kinda... jumped me while I was sleeping, and then she freaked out or something.”

“Aideen, that...” Cirrus trailed off, “You weren’t in my room earlier too, were you?”

I just continued sobbing, but I guess she knew the truth now.

“Aideen, why would you...” Her gaze continued to fall on Turbulence’s member. “Can you put that away?” She sighed. “Why would you do this?”

“I... I don’t...” Well, actually I do know why I began doing this. “Craft has...”

“Oh Aideen, stop it with the Craft-thing already. She’s not real. And you’re not five years old to blame your mistakes on an imaginary friend.”

*** *** ***

Footnote: Level progress: 66%!

Quest: Gaia Prevails
[ ] Investigate every room of the facility.

Chapter Twelve: Truth

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Charter Twelve


Craft patted me on the head. I knew it had to be her as the only two other ponies in this base are in front of me. She then walked around, and I looked right at her.

“A- Are you seeing her right now?” Cirrus followed my gaze to see if she could see Craft herself. Craft shrugged her shoulders.

“Yeah... yeah, I... I can see her.” I kept staring at Craft as if I was looking forward to... something. Her vanishing into thin air or denying whatever’s going on.

For a while everypony just stared at one another with varying expressions of utter confusion and insecurity.

Turbulence broke the silence. “What happened?”

I calmly stated the truth. “I raped Cirrus in her sleep,” He looked to Cirrus, and sniffed the air. Her juices, although dried already, were clearly present. Cirrus blushed furiously. “and then I tried to do the same thing to you.”

There was a pause again. I didn’t know what I expected, neither did they for that matter. How the hell is this going to continue? “Oh, this is gonna be good.” Craft leaned against the wall, crossed her forehoofs and made an expression like she was watching a slapstick comedy.

Cirrus managed do form a question. “And why did you do that?”

“I...” What was it Craft said about rape? “I wanted control, I... I needed that control.”

“Aideen, I kinda didn’t want to say anything about that... uhm... The barding of yours... It’s a dyed version of the barding the Crimson Company give their... slaves. I thought I recognized it. That means...” I closed my eyes, waiting for him to say it out loud, but he didn’t.

“Barding for a slave... and you need control, b-because... you never... had it.” I opened my eyes again, and saw Cirrus covering her mouth, staring at the floor in total shock. Even poor, innocent Cirrus managed to count two and two together.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you when I woke up, and... and took control.” Turbulence was actually apologizing...

“YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE ANGRY! Don’t you dare pity me for the shit I’ve been though!”

“I’m not pitying you, Aideen. I’m... I can’t imagine the strength it took to survive what has happened to you. I know that smart minds take mental suffering especially hard...” He paused for a moment and looked to the floor, but quickly continued. “For what it’s worth... I’d willingly surrender control.”

“Oh, this...” Craft pointed at Turbulence. “This is good, you should definitely take that offer.”

“You... what?”

“I don’t know what to do down here in the wastelands, but I do know that you have a plan. And I’d like to help. You play chess with me, have you any idea when it was the last time someone willingly played with me? Since I got my cutiemark. You’re gorgeously hot, and I like you. We can work through your issues. You can't do that alone.”

I stared at him, mouth agape. Cirrus stared at him, mouth agape. Craft stared at him, broadly smiling. He stared into space, not sure if he really just said that.

“That didn’t come out right.” He looked around, searching for an better explanation. “Ahh... But I meant it.” He looked to Cirrus. “What? Don’t judge me. Sex is great, and if I can show a friend that, by having sex with her, it’s kinda a win-win.”

“Okay.” Cirrus nodded. “I’ll help too.”

Turbulence’s time to stare at Cirrus... for her statement she want to help me too, she retorted with a stare of her own. Are they... having a stare fight? This has stopped making sense about an hour ago, but if I had to guess they were fighting over me.

“Yes, threesome-time. Ohh, I can imagine it vividly.” Craft’s commentary isn’t helping. “The two of them erotically doing nothing, while you stand there and have no idea what to do.” That seems about right.

I scratched my head. “I- I think I am going to sleep now.” I turned around and slowly walked to my room, expecting them to say something else, or stop me, or... or something. But I reached the door without interference, so I had to turn around to look at them.

Both were looking after me. Turbulence was biting his lip again and frowned. Cirrus’ expression was almost blank, but her eyes were somewhat widened. I think they agree with me that we all should think in private about what has just happened.

The moment the door closed behind me, I dared to address Craft. “Craft, why are you not real?” I looked around to see if she was there, but had no such luck.

“Uhh... I don’t know.” She appeared next to me. If it would have been anyone else suddenly appearing, I would have probably been startled, not Craft though... “Why are you real?”

I almost had to laugh. “Don’t turn this around on me.”

“I mean philosophically. What is real?” Here we go... “You see me, you hear me, you can feel me.” She stroked back a strand of my mane. Okay, this was actually kind of creepy. “But only for you.”

“Are you, like, a ghost, that only I can see?” I had to make sense of this somehow.

“No, I’m only in your head.” Craft’s words were like a reassurance that I’m insane. “And don’t say ‘like’. It’s unbecoming for your intellect.”

“So, what are you exactly?”

“You went through emotional and physical trauma, and you’re smart, so your defense mechanism is a little more refined. But hey, at least now you don’t have to worry about wanting to be like me anymore, I’ve been a part of you all along.”

“You’re a defense mechanism?” Would that make sense. “And I don’t want to be a jerk.” At least that much I’m certain of.

“You also should think of new insults for me,” I really should, shouldn’t I? I usually don’t even curse “and no, my jerkyness is only to push you into the right directions, I think... Anyway don’t copy that.”

“You think? What is ‘you think’ supposed to mean? You know or you don’t?”

“Nope, because you don’t know, that’s kinda how it works. You should read a book about insanity so we will have more information.”

“I’m not insane.” Though I really should look that up. I know of multiple personality disorder, but this isn’t really what I am experiencing, after all I can simply talk and interact with Craft, even touch her.

“Well, you’re certainly not normal either.”

“Who would want to be normal anyway...”

“That’s the spirit.”

My PipBuck beeped, indicating the next memory has loaded. That’s good, I could use something other than my life to concentrate on right now. “I gotta view this.”

“Yeah, see you soon.”

> Memorhedron is fully charged and ready to use.
> Next memory in queue: Nightmare Moon – July 3, 1000
> Length: 0 hours 21 minutes 36 seconds.
> Load memory?
> load

<=======ʌʌɅ Ʌʌʌ=======>

Spellfield was walking next to Princess Celestia down a hallway. There were guardsponies at some of the doors, and the décor looked fancy enough for me to assume this was Canterlot Castle.

“Are you sure about this?” Interesting introduction to a memory when Spellfield doesn’t conceal his doubts. “With all due respect, Princess.” He added as a sign of respect, as one of the guards looked up at how Spellfield can so casually talk to Princess Celestia.

“All parties involved will benefit from this.” She spoke way more regally than when she had been alone with Spellfield. It’s all for the audience, even if that audience consists only her guards.

Spellfield only nodded in response, and they continued to walk through the corridors of Canterlot Castle. They came to a door important enough to be guarded by four guards. Celestia nodded to them that Spellfield was truly allowed to pass together with her. Okay, now I was really interested.

Behind the door was another corridor. It wasn’t illuminated well, but I think that was intentional. Princess Luna stepped out of a door adorned with a crescent moon. She had a bounce in her movement and greeted Celestia without constrained. “Swéte sweo-” her eyes fell on Spellfield. “-stor.” Her eyes widened when she realized how normal and unprincesslike she just behaved in front of one of her subjects.

I’ve seen pictures of Princess Luna before, but never ones of her before the war. She was looking really good without makeup hiding the bags under her eyes, and was altogether a very pretty mare. Wait, was Spellfield checking her out? He then bowed deeply before her. Well played, Spellfield. Well played. “Princess Luna, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Spellfield.”

“Luna, I’d like you to meet Professor Spellfield, he’s a teacher at my school of magic, a royal adviser, and a good friend of mine.” Celestia explained.

“Then it is my very good honor to meet thee, Professor Spellfield,” Luna smiled and returned a small bow. “Fréond to Celestia.” There was something about the way she said ‘friend’ that strikes me as odd, but it wasn’t her pronunciation.

“It’s not like that.” I took a moment to realize that Luna probably assumed Celestia and Spellfield were lovers and she get to meet him for the first time for that reason.

“Ac, pray tell, thou mentioned thou ‘finally’, meet me. Hast my sister informed thee anent mine return?”

“Yes, and I am actually one of the reasons why you are here right now.”

“Spellfield and I worked on a way to clear the way for you, Luna. It wasn’t chance that the Elements of Harmony were found mere hours after your return, with suitable bearers capable of using them.” Oh wow, I actually have wondered once before how it was possible that the Elements were found exactly the right time they were needed.

“I personally interviewed hundreds of ponies, and only then we decided that the location for this year's Summer Sun Celebration to be Ponyville. We put them in charge of various things concerning the celebration, and then sent out Twilight Sparkle to supervise the preparations, and meet them all beforehand. With proper planning we made Nightmare Moon look like a saturday morning cartoon villain.” I doubt Princess Luna will get that reference.

“Then it seems I owe you as much gratitude as I do them. I thank thee, Professor Spellfield.” She bowed shortly to him again. “And I thank thee, dearest sister.” She bowed to Celestia too. “I find it hard to believe thou have allowed thyself guidance, Celestia. Or have you changed that much over the past thousand years? Come.” She nodded them to go into one of the rooms, and started walking.

“You are right, of course, it is strange for me to seek out help. But Spellfield has found his way into my life somehow.” They followed her into a cozy little relaxation room. There were a few books about pony history stacked on a small table next to some cushions.

“Don’t sugarcoat it, Celestia. I didn’t spy on you at all.”

“Thou hast spied on thine Princess?”

“I have spied on a pony who showed interests in magics that could have potentially been used for criminal activities.” Ohh, the cushions were really comfy. “When I did that, Celestia has disguised herself. She didn’t notice the spell I used.”

Luna’s seemed amused. “Thou outsmarted Celestia?”

“It was very subtle, and I coupled it with another spell she knew I modified anyway, so... yeah, I’m good at what I do.”

“It wasn’t my proudest moment.” Celestia admitted. “So let’s change the topic.”

“The reason for our visit is for me to reach out a hoof of friendship to you, Princess Luna.”

“I thought you could need a friend too, Luna. Those thousand years I had to wait to see you again were hard on me, but the last two centuries where I could call Spellfield my friend... He helped me a lot, just by knowing what is going on.”

“Then I gladly accept your friendship.”

“Luna, the thing Spellfield thought me is that secrecy only makes it worse. I told him everything about myself.”

“Thou has-?”

“About Axis Mundi, how I became immortal, and how I came to rule Equestria.” This just completely changed my worldview, And she just continues talking without giving me any time to digest it. “You know it too, I told you. But... Luna... I never asked how it happened to you. I know you were a pegasus, but your magical powers always exceeded mine, although I naturally had them as I was born a unicorn. It was Nightmare Moon, right? So... how?”

Luna didn’t respond. I guess that the story: ‘how did you ascend into godhood?’ was a little more private than ‘how did you get your cutiemark?’, considering that only two ponies ever managed to do that. I think I only now realize how freaking insane it is for Celestia and Spellfield to try to ascend Twilight Sparkle.

But if someone is able to pull it off it would be the two of them. They made a plan for Nightmare Moon, and everything seemed to have fallen perfectly in line, exactly how they predicted it. Huh... ‘Predicted’. That’s probably the reason how they made it. Wait... they didn’t pull it off; Twilight didn’t ascend. Now I’m wondering how they could have possibly failed to do so. Well, first they have to get Luna’s story.

“No.” Well, there goes that plan. I couldn’t properly read Luna’s expression.

“Luna, we need to know, so we can do whatever it takes to keep it from happening again.”

“Neigh, ‘tia. Thou do not understand. Whom she chooses, she will get.” That wasn’t comforting.

“Tell us anyway. You will have it off your chest.”

“Thou expect me to reveal my secrets not only to you, but to a stranger?” The words were a rejection, but it sounded more like she wanted more encouragement.

“Yes.” Spellfield confirmed her.

Celestia nodded. “I never pressed that issue before Luna. You- You know my story, and how it... I am ashamed for mine.” I couldn’t even think of what to think of that statement. Celestia is ashamed how she got to be an immortal and powerful alicorn princess?

“Fine...” Luna did something with her magic and a pot of tea appeared on the table next to them. Did she create something from thin air? No, she has got to have used a teleportation spell, there is no way anyone can do that. “Have some tea.” Uhh... she’s preparing for a long story.

“Thank you, Luna. You will feel better afterward.”

“No, I won’t.” Luna smiled, I knew she wasn’t happy but I couldn’t read her “That is the one thing I am sure of, ‘tia; I won’t be better.” She took a deep breath. “I was born a pegasus by the name of Selene, before the traditional way of naming ponies made its way to my village.” Ancient Equestrian History... I knew at some point the traditional naming had to have come up. “My family was the only pegasi-family in the town, so we controlled the weather. For this position of power we weren’t very popular, racism was very widespread in those days.” She took a sip of her tea.

Spellfield looked down into his cup, and for the first time I thought about how hard it must have been for him to grow up as a pony-zebra hybrid in an almost purely pony environment. And if there were zebras he wouldn’t be part of them either. The tea, he sipped on, was too hot to really taste it, but it smelled great.

“’twas the night before my wedding; I was flying outside of town, just... flying around in the night in solitude, like I often did, with the exception that I thought this was the last time I could do so. I wasn’t afraid of the marriage, or anything, this was common procedure back then, and marriages spawned from love were a curiosity.”

“I actually had an arranged one myself, Princess.”

“Thou has?” An expression I could read made itself clear on Luna's face again: surprise. “Maybe times haven’t changed as much as I thought. Haha.” Even though it wasn’t a truly joyful laugh, but a polite one. I could tell though she certainly was amused. Never had I thought that at one point I think of one of the Princesses as ‘cute’.

Why am I even in this position in the Princesses private moments? Analyze! Why would Spellfield record this, if it is obvious that he is supposed to tell nopony. Oh... Because there is nopony else left to tell the tale, so he recorded it for posterity. Wait... That means he knew well before the bombs fell that nopony can tell it on, and that means that at some point he made preperations for posterity in general. This is why there is still hot water in the facility, electricity, and... And he also had to know that Nightmare Moon would awake, and take another host...

Luna continued her story. “There was a sharp wind at some point, and I crashed into a river. When I woke up I was nursed up by a unicorn mare I’ve never seen before. She told me her name was Theia, and made no secret about her intentions. A pegasus mare can be sold for a good price.” That sounds oddly familiar. “Slavery wasn’t very common anymore, but it was still practiced in some regions. Within a week we would have reached a proper market, but something came up and she freed me. When I look back at it I don’t rightly know why I even accompanied her, she didn’t tie me down or threaten me... she was just... very dominant.”

Spellfield took another sip from his tea. I could have been able to tell whether or not it was good, if I weren’t in furious denial of the story she was telling.

“I couldn’t go back to my family, they would have certainly thought I ran away. They probably wouldn’t take me back, so I went to the next town and tried my luck. As chance had it I ran into Theia again and again, until at some point we decided to travel together. She worked as a scout, and made money in whatever way she wanted to. At first I thought she was just careless, but when we got attacked by bandits once she slaughtered them all within seconds; we even got a bounty for them.” Luna paused shortly. “Although she had a strange personality, she had total control of her life, unlike me, and I envied her for that. At some point I thought I fell in love with her.”

Celestia gulped. Not because of how taboo a same-sex relationship might have been at that time, but because she partially knew what happened next. She just didn’t know what kind of feelings Luna had for that mare. At some point I totally thought Luna was going to say she wanted to be like Theia, mirroring my relationship to Craft.

“She was aware of my affection and started to sleep around. Every town we were in she found someone, just to hurt me, or at least show me it can’t be, even though she continued to tease me. At a few instances she even took money for it. And then I started to do the same thing.” She blushed. No... Princess Luna wouldn’t have... “Sleeping around.” She confirmed the unthinkable scenario. “I showed her that she didn’t hurt me with that, and she stopped. Well, she didn’t stop, but she didn’t do it in every town then. Then after a few months we got ourselves another companion who came along with us. He told me that Theia isn’t real, and only my ‘excuse’ to act unfriendly.”

If the teacup would have been in my own magical grasp, I would have dropped it, but Spellfield took merely another sip.

“The magic she did I have always done, because I wasn’t a pegasi anymore, but an alicorn. And pretty soon after I went to Canterlot, to seek out other ponies I knew are alicorns. The next part you know, Celestia. I got princess status, and took over the responsibility for the night. Theia never left me, she was always there and... did something, give her commentary or advising me. She was also able to take over my body, and make me an observer of the situation. When I turned into Nightmare Moon not much changed for us, she continued to tell me to seize my desires, and voiced the things I wouldn’t have even dared to think of. And then I wasn’t sure anymore where she ended and I started.” She put down her cup, and smiled... These were good memories for her...

“Luna...” I could hear a little bit of shock coming from Celestia.

“I’m sorry Celestia, but as far as I can remember I was always awake and I always knew exactly what I was doing while I was Nightmare Moon. Whatever was ripped out of me by the Elements of Harmony, it wasn’t Nightmare Moon, only Theia.”

<=======vvV Vvv=======>

> Save position in queue.
> Memorhedron is charging. 1%
> Not ready for use.

The memory has ended a while ago but I was still paralyzed for a while until I could collect my thoughts. I didn’t call out her name this time. “Are you Nightmare Moon?”

Craft narrowed her eyes. “There goes my ‘you’re insane’-thing, right? Anyway... would it make you feel any better, if I’d say no?”

“Yeah, I think it would.” I walked over to my bedside table.

“Why would that be?”

“Because if you deny it, that would mean you don’t want me to know. So if I know, although you don’t want me to I would have some kind of advantage.”

“I can see your point. So: No, I’m not Nightmare Moon.” There was no comforting effect. “You are not Luna, and even then I wouldn’t be Nightmare Moon, you would be. You’re Aideen, and I am Craft.”

“And it doesn’t matter that I know now who you are...” I opened up my saddlebags, and started searching. “So my big bad demonic alter ego’s name is Craft?” Disappointment was clear to hear in my voice.

“I didn’t approach Luna with the name Nightmare Moon, I was Theia. For a more fancy name for us we can always brainstorm a little.”

“I’m not brainstorming with you.” I floated out the small pistol she gave me when she... left me alone in that shack. There was plenty of ammunition left, but I only need one bullet. I loaded and put the pistol to my head, then I waited. “You are not going to stop me?”


I checked if I had switched the gun’s safety off, and put it to my head again. “Why not?”

“Why would you kill yourself?”

“To kill... you too?” That was poorly planned. “It wouldn’t affect you at all, would it?”

“Nope, I would make part of my life easier actually.” “Here is what I would do: kill Turbulence and take over Cirrus while making myself look like you. It’s an easier game. She wouldn’t even have to know you’re dead; that’s the deal actually, for me to properly impersonate you.” I put the gun down and switched safety back on. “Good Girl.”

“Why don’t you just kill me and Turbulence and do what you just said? You said it would be easier for you.”

“Because this whole scenario we have here?” Craft pointed to the wall, approximately directly to the point where I left Cirrus and Turbulence. “I’d love to see how it turns out, but to be honest: I like you.”

“My life wasn’t made for anyone's amusement, especially not for some otherworldly entity I lack the vocabulary to describe.”

“Fucked-up would be a pretty good description. You would have to be to like that story of yours, but Aideen. I would definitely buy the hardcover version of this story.”


“You are taking this pretty good.”

“I just wanted to kill myself.”

“No, you wanted to kill me, and I don’t blame you for trying. It would have been a great sacrifice, because I know you don’t want to die. After everything you’ve been through suicide is still pathetic in your eyes, and you still hope for a happily ever after.”

She was right, but... “Do I get to have a ‘happily ever after’?”

“I don’t believe in that concept,” I should have guessed Craft wouldn’t give me a real answer. “but I can help you to a ‘happily here and now’.”

“So you’re just a misunderstood villain, and all you want to do is help. I’m not buying it.”

“That wasn’t what I was selling. I said I can help, not that I promise you. But I can promise you that you won’t be happy if you continue to refuse me. I’m sorry, I don’t usually work like this. Fear, although it gets the job mostly done, is not a good motivator, and I don’t want you scared.”

“Well... I am properly scared right now.”

“Then let’s ease you up a little and make some ground rules.”

“Ground rules?”

“No taking over of your body without consent.” Did I hear that right just now? “You need that control over yourself, and in return you will keep an open mind to what I have to say.” That I can live with...

Maybe I can squeeze out some more. “And no more stupid commentary like earlier.”

“Haha.” The same polite laugh as Luna had done. “You do not have any leverage, Aideen. The stupid commentary stays,” It was worth a try. “but I’ll do you something else: no commentary or watching during your private time with Cirrus or Turbulence,” Hmm... “or both. Anyway, you should get your natural healthy sleep.” When she said that I noticed just how tired I am.

“Yeah... Sleep...” I looked at the clock on my PipBuck. It was almost 2 am. “Good night, Craft... I guess, do you sleep?”

“I don’t really need to rest, so no. Good night, Aideen.”

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 11!

New Perk: Some Assembly Required (2): You gain +5 points (total: +10) into Projectile and Energy Weapons. You can modify Weapons to deal 10% (total: 20%) more damage!

Special Perk: Nightmare's Power (2): You can tap into Nightmare Moon's power, and gain +5 points (total: +10) in Magic.

Skill Note: Speech has reached 50.

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[ ] Optional: Watch as much Memories in the Memorhedron as possible (7)

Chapter Thirteen: Proceeding

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Charter Thirteen


"Aideen's Audiolog, February 18, 1247. So... Craft is not real. Well, she is real, but not really real. I'm the only one that can see her, and she is the entity that turned Luna into Nightmare Moon..."

Although we had one less mouth to feed, we were still running low on our rations. While the stuff we have is nonperishable and usually only edible, I learned to cook it into something quite good. I have to thank all those confiscated zebra cooking books and the amazing kitchenware there is. I never had steamed... anything, before.

Cirrus and Turbulence immediately stopped talking when I entered the dining room with our breakfast. I placed their plates in front of them gently, although I kinda wanted to slap it down. They are talking behind my back... of course they are... Nightmare Moon gestured me to smile, and I did. Smiling was a good course of action, no matter who gave me that advice. “Bon appétit.”

I couldn’t stop thinking about Nightmare Moon, and how I possibly could wiggle my way out of this. There has to be a way. I could try to find the Elements of Harmony. Let’s see, Cirrus and Turbulence both ditched the Enclave, like Rainbow Dash did, can I slap ‘Loyalty’ on one of them? What about the other Elements? Generosity? Cirrus let me sleep at her place, but then she kinda had to, so no. Honesty..? No. Laughter? No. Kindness? Hmm... probably not. Laughter? No, definitely not.

Magic? Hmm... would I be able to swing that? Nah, forget it, most of my magical power comes from Nightmare Moon herself now. Well, it’s not really Nightmare Moon, it’s Craft; I should start calling her that in my head. The problem is that I kinda liked Craft, and I don’t want her to be evil, so I unconsciously differentiated between them. She said she doesn’t want to use fear to get me to do what she wants, but truth is, she scares the shit out of me.

“So... about yesterday.” Turbulence spoke up, and I was just getting used to the awkward silence that had followed after I entered the room.

I had my mouth full so I only uttered a noise. “Hmm..?”

“The... uhm... offer. You had time to think about it, I guess. So..?”

I gulped down my food. “Offer?” What was he talking about? I had my head full of other thoughts at that moment.

“Ahh...” He cleared his throat. “I... We...” He corrected himself, while looking shortly over to Cirrus. “We kinda offered to help you with... you konw... your problem.”

I stared at him for way too long. “Oh, right! I totally forgot that. Ahh...” I figure that ‘Sorry, I forgot that I raped the two of you eight hours ago.’ wouldn’t get me out of this situation, I should start with ‘Sorry, I raped you in the first place.’, or something like that. “Can’t we just pretend yesterday never happened?”

“NO!” Cirrus shouted, making me wince. “No we cannot! Aideen, you... I don’t know... You have issues. You went through whatever hell and you made it through, but you have some scars! And yesterday... it was an outburst of whatever. You can’t suppress your issues, or it will happen again.”

“She’s right, you know.” Nightmare Moon- No, Craft said.

“And I know you are a good pony. You don’t want to hurt anypony, but at this rate you will, and maybe somepony that wouldn’t forgive you, and... and...” Cirrus sighed. “You kinda did what happened to you to me, and I was... you know... What am I supposed to believe now? I can’t even go to sleep? You thought how I could carry away issues from that?”

To be honest: No, I didn’t. “But you didn’t carry away any issues.”

“Aideeeen...” My name was a groan out of her mouth, as I completely missed the point.

“I’m sorry.” There it was; I apologized. Of course, I know what I’ve done is wrong, but... there is something really hard about apologizing. “I’m sorry.” An apology means I officially admit that I have done wrong. I’m not gonna cry. “I... I’m sorry.” Keep yourself together, Aideen. Keep it together. I pressed my lids together so no tear could escape my eyes. Ha, take that, body!

“Aideen...” I heard Cirrus standing up from her chair and walking around the table. No, please don’t touch me... She stroked my back... She has got to notice me wincing away from her touch.

I opened my eyes again to look at her, maybe I could convince her to stop. Her expression was so sad... “Don’t-” That was all I could muster before she embraced me. I couldn’t even move, I didn’t go limp like I usually do, but I froze.

She’s hugging me... and it didn’t feel at all like a hug should feel like. The only pony who I ever allowed to hug me has been my brother. He was taller than me, and quite muscular. Cirrus is... soft, and... almost flimsy. My eyes trailed to Turbulence, would he..? No, he’s shorter than me, and only fairly muscular, he wouldn’t be an adequate substitute. Wait, no, I’m not in need of a hug.

Turbulence had watched us at first, but when I faced him, he awkwardly looked away like he didn’t want to invade anything. Cirrus had followed my gaze and commanded him, “Come here.” I tensed up again. No, really I don’t need a hug. Hmm... doesn’t one have to be relaxed to tense up? I clearly remember I tensed up earlier already. Does that mean I relaxed in Cirrus’ hug? Then another pair of hooves was wrapped around me. He was... firm. Yes, this is what a hug should feel like, at least the hugs I know felt like.

“Don’t fight it, let yourself go.” Craft advised.

The embrace was a reminder of the only safe haven I’ve ever had in my time in the Crimson Company. And I let myself go; I cried. But it wasn’t the kind of crying where I was a quivering mess, just a kind of crying where I get something out of my system. I realized that the two of them are my friends, and that they accept me for the fucked up things that happened to me, and that I did to them.

“Th- Thanks guys...” I sniffed. “You’re great... I- I...” I looked to Craft. “I accept your help, but I need to show you something first.”

*** *** ***

“This is...” Cirrus was too afraid to say it out loud.

“Yes.” I confirmed her.

Turbulence continued for her. “Nightmare Moon’s armor.”

“Yes.” I confirmed again.

“It... ahh... looks smaller than I imagined.” She tries to logic her way out of this.

“Yeah, it’s not Luna-sized, it’s Aideen-sized.” How can I explain this properly? “Craft is not imaginary. Well, I’m the only one that can see her, but... she’s not imaginary.”

There was silence for quite a while. How were they gonna take it? My guesses where from running around in circles, screaming their souls out in fear to trying to kill me.

“I recognize this weapon.” Turbulence finally said. He was examining the strange energy weapon on the table next to the armor.


“That weapon. Colonel Leeward and Colonel Foehn had similar ones, at least. Though theirs were blue, not greenish like this one.” He calmly explained, as if there is nothing else to worry about. “When I asked about them they told me it’s none of my business in a very unfriendly manner.”

“This is not how you are supposed to react.”

“Yes it is. My reaction is perfectly average, everypony you told so far reacted like this.” He looked to Cirrus.

She hadn’t said a word so far, but felt “I think you are creating a problem bigger than those you have already to... to make them seem less intense.” She thought I was making this up.

“Ahh... No.” I hoped that ‘no’ was persistent enough without shouting. “I’m not imagining this. In this last memory Princess Luna also explained how she got possessed. And... and Craft admitted she’s Theia.” I guess I have to explain further. “Theia is the pony that Luna imagined to see, that eventually turned her into Nightmare Moon.”

Cirrus was very skeptical. “What memory? Like in a memory orb?”

“No, but yes.... I mean... in the Memorhedron.” I lifted my hoof with said device plugged into my Pipbuck up, for her to see. “It stores multiple memories.”

She looked at it, but of course couldn’t find proof of my story written on it. “I’ve never heard of such a device.”

“Me neither.” Oh great, Turbulence was giving credit to her assumption I only imagine the whole thing.

“It’s... ahh...” I begin to doubt my own story. “It’s one of a kind...”

“Aideen...” Cirrus breathed in sharply; I could only interpret that gesture as her getting ready to tell me something unpleasant. “Look at the facts.” Yeah, facts can be rather unpleasant, but there are no facts to support her theory; none she could see to support mine either for that matter. “This armor isn’t Nightmare Moon sized, you already said that. This is some kind of lab, maybe someone just tried to recreate it or something, and it’s only by chance your size...”

“No, it changed size when I touched it.” I tried to explain.

“But you are also kinda seeing ponies that aren’t really there." Turbulence threw in a good point. As I said, I start to doubt my own story, after all I’ve been perfectly willing to take in that Craft isn’t real to begin with. And I’m also kinda okay with her being Nightmare Moon for some reason.

Speaking of Craft, she was deep in thought, but when I looked at her she decided to talk. “Maybe... And I know that friendship is supposedly my weakness or something, Elements of Harmony and all... but maybe you should lie to them and pretend I’m not real. You know, like a good lie, one that makes your friend not worry.”

“Is... Is she talking right now?” Cirrus had interrupted Craft. Of course she had noticed I stare into empty space and nod to an imaginary pony’s speech. “What is she saying?”

“That I should pretend she’s not real to keep you from worrying.” I said, and Craft facehoofed, but I didn’t feel like that at all. Telling my friends the truth was actually a good thing. As I wasn’t sure how I would have proceeded I choose the opposite of what the ancient evil said I should, especially when it comes to ways of possibly defeating her.

“Okay...” Cirrus seemed to think about what to say next and her gaze was going around the lab too. It finally fell on Turbulence.

“What? I... ahh... I don’t know. This is all very... I don’t know. Uhm... Aideen, how about you simply tell us everything from the beginning?”

That’s actually a good idea. I don’t have to hide anything anymore. I wouldn’t have to split the facility up with Craft anymore, so she kinda got no say in who gets what.

*** *** ***

“Crimson let me go... He gifted me to Craft. I remember that he said this in a very weird way, like he was objectifying ‘Aideen’ and emphasized ‘Craft’. Also, when I entered he said ‘Craft’ rather strange, like he felt weird calling me that. He knew I was Aideen, I mean he had to have known! But then, why would he have done that... and more importantly how would he have known such things if there weren’t some other party involved. It has to be Nightmare Moon, some kind of scheme... What kind of information did he have..? Did she make me forget stuff? Or completely planted that memory in my head and it all never happened..?”

I have been rambling about that issue for half an hour now. Cirrus and Turbulence had been kind of convinced at the fact that I kind of knew for some reason how to walk on clouds, a very rare and specific spell a normal pony would never even pick up in prewar Equestria, much less in the Wastelands. Both were kinda digesting that fact while I was trying to figure out how Crimsons actions could have made sense.

“He had the Memorhedron and lied about the memory’s contents. But what would it have been else? It’s not like as if... actually it is. Celestia can predict the future in some way, and she and Spellfield could have made a message recorded as a memory in the exact spot where Crimson would get a hold of me and the Memorhedron. And for some reason he would have convinced Crimson with that message to simply let a slave go, call her ‘Craft’ during the process and wish her the best of luck on the way...” I looked up as if somepony could tell me this is implausible... but it wasn’t. “That’s way too far fetched.” It IS way to far fetched, but I was certain of that’s how it must have gone down.

I also got the memory with Luna at the right time to realize Craft is Nightmare Moon, at exactly the right point. There has to be a reason why the memories are refreshing so fast after each other in here. They are exactly timed for me to get the exactly right pieces of information I need at the exactly right time. And if I’m right then the next memory will tell me exactly that.

> Memorhedron is charging. 47%
> Not ready for use.
> Next memory in queue: Failure, part 1 – May 17, 1002
> Length: 0 hours 27 minutes 12 seconds.

‘Failure’? Spellfield’s mocking me now. And the memory won’t be a message directly at me. Obviously not, because I’m going insane... Oh well.

“You... ahh... stopped. Have you come to a conclusion of... whatever?”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’ll stop wondering about it until I have more facts.”

“That... is a good decision.” She nodded too, more information is always nice

“So, about the offer...” I looked more in Turbulences direction, as he was the one to propose it to me, Cirrus just went along.

“Offer..?” Is he serious? Now he forgot? “Oh, yeah ‘the offer’. I can see now how that could have slipped your mind when you had something else to deal with... So..?”



“Yes, I will have sex with you.” I looked to Cirrus. “The both of you.”

“Okay...” Turbulence bit his lip again. I know what he’s probably thinking, something along the lines of ‘to we get started?’

“This is all very weird.” Cirrus scratched her head.

I had to agree with her. “Yeah...” Girl meets girl, girl meets boy, girl kidnaps boy, other girl chases first girl, girl rapes other girl, girl tries to rape boy too... This wasn’t your usual scenario. “What do normal ponies do when they agree to have sex with each other? I never had mutually consented sexual intercourse.”

“You never..?” He stopped and kept chewing on his lip.

“It’s usually not... a planned thing, you know, more like... in the heat of the moment either when you know and love somepony for a while, or when you get intoxicated and really think he or she is hot, whatever of the two scenarios you...” Cirrus was blushing furiously. “You start kissing and caressing one another a little... and things get more intense, and... and you get in the mood... and when you are alone and not on the dance floor or something... more happens.”

“So kissing...” I just told them I wanted to have sex with them, how hard can confessing that be? “I never kissed anypony before either.”

“Oh boy...” She looked to Turbulence but then quickly focused back on me and came near. “Come, kissing practice.” What just happened? Did she claim my first kiss before Turbulence got the chance? “It’s not the worst you ever done to me.” Her joking didn’t help.

“No, it’s okay. I don’t think I like kissing. It’s a messy exchange of bodily fluids, and I don’t really think that I would...”

“Shut up.” Cirrus interrupted me. “You have absolutely no idea.” She leaned forward; I leaned back. “Come on. Everypony kisses. And we work on making you normal, right?”

“Right, but...” She kissed me. It lasted only about a second, and it wasn’t with tongue or anything. It wasn’t the disgusting way some ponies had slobbered over me, but Cirrus’ kiss wasn’t at all like that, but no, no no, I don’t want this...

“So? Comments, questions, concerns?” She innocently asked as if there had been nothing wrong.

“That ‘right’ wasn’t... wa-wasn’t a confirmation of my consent! I haa...” I was breathing heavily and noticed my heart rate increase. “I have to go.” More like ‘I have to run away.’

“Aideen.” They were shouting after me, but I was already gone.

*** *** ***

I run until I was in my room where I simply broke down on the floor. I was sweating, feeling dizzy, was shaking, and I was out of breath and my heart was racing, which I simply cannot account running for a short time. Somepony nuzzled me and I had to open my eyes; I don’t recall closing them...

Of course I recognized the pony caressing me, but what was my brother doing here? This doesn’t make any sense... He hugged me.

“That is you, Craft.” I concluded. After all she already told me once she can make herself look like anyone and anything.

“Just go with it.” He, or she whispered. The hug grew more intense and I was squeezed that it was almost uncomfortable. “You are safe, Aideen.”

“What’s happening?”

“I believe you had a panic attack.”

“A panic attack?” I went through my symptoms again. “Yeah... a panic attack... why?”

“Because you’re fucked up.” The body that was holding me was getting smaller and changed color until she was Craft again.

Although she had a frail female body I had no problem with her hug... “Why can you hug me like that? You’re some kind of ancient evil, so why do I panic with them and not with you?”

“You don’t talk about a Lady’s age, Aideen. It’s unbecoming. And the reason’s I gave you comfort first before I Craft-hugged you. This body might not be as much to your liking as your brother, but you have to get used to other ponies touching you. Just because you consciously agreed on having sex with them doesn’t mean you are psychological capable of that in any way.”

“Okay... Thank you, Craft. I’m feeling better now, you can let go of me again.”

“No.” She squeezed me tighter.

“Wha.. What no?” I tried to escape her but she was physically way stronger than that body looks like, but... “There is not actually anything hugging me, is there?”

“Nope. I simulate it though. This can be a very powerful and real experience for you. You would have had the same reaction if there actually was someone disguising as your brother and then shrunk in size. Your mental capabilities don’t processing this kind of magic as magic at all.” This should probably scare me more, and shows how completely incapable of fighting her I would actually be, but for now she’s comforting me, and I felt a lot better already.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Aideen?” Turbulence’s voice. “If we want to reach that shack you told us about before dark we should get going soon, I guess.”

I took a deep breath, and opened the door. “Sure, just like we agreed on.” I smiled.

“Are you okay?” What kind of stupid question is that? I was just kissed by a cute mare, and had a panic attack because of it, of course I’m not okay.

“Of course I am.”

“If you say so...” That was probably the best answer he could have come up with. “Anyway, do you still need a moment?”

“No, really I think I’m okay again. I’ll collect a few thing and meet you guys in the hangar, okay?”


“Yeah.” I explained him how to get there. “It’s more like an garage, really. There is a mobile home in there, like one that traveling merchants use. It’s perfect for our uses. See you soon.”

“You’re the boss.” He bowed shortly and then walked away.

“I- I’m the boss?” I looked after him as he went away. I’m their boss? When did that happen?

*** *** ***

It hurt me to leave this complex without discovering its secrets, but we more food, and I had no idea how to open the remaining locked doors anyway. The carriage was now quit full of items we could sell, and make a shitload of caps with. Thanks to some spark batteries I’ve repaired, the carriage it was hardly an inconvenience to pull at all. While it wasn’t motorized, it was almost weightless.

There had been surprisingly little actually useful fancy stuff. I claimed the energy bow and the curved zebra sword Craft was running around with as I thought she was still real. Turbulence still had his Enclave-issue plasma pistol, but he would run out of ammunition soon unless we can buy some in Hufstein.

Otherwise we only have the pistol Craft gave me ages ago. I found the weapons of the other members of the Crimson Companys group in my saddlebags too. I assume she simply took everything with us and made me not see them. She also took that energy weapon we found in the lab, but hid it from me in my own saddlebags.

We were walking through an amazingly long escape tunnel until light finally came into view. This is it. The wastelands... again. Am I ready for it? It will never ask if I’m ready, it will strike whenever it wants to, so there was no point in stalling.

This time... I even have a plan.

*** *** ***

Footnote: Level progress: 50%!

Quest: Gaia Prevails
[X] Investigate every available room of the facility.
[ ] Manage to open the rest of the facility.

Quest complete: Emergency room.
[X] Mend Turbulence.
[X] Mend Cirrus.

Chapter Fourteen: Plan

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Charter Fourteen


We arrived at the shack in time, way before nightfall. The carriage let itself be pulled really easily, and with the three of us swapping every few hours, we were able to maintain a pretty fast speed. I wasn’t used to watching out for the clouds, but both Cirrus and Turbulence claimed they saw pegasi peeking down from above, observing us. Our trick of using a secret exit had worked, we didn’t run into an ambush, but we're a sitting duck for an airborne attack. We could, of course, abandon our carriage and they could fly me around, but that’s a ridiculous idea, especially considering I had already made up a better one.

“Ten o’clock.” I stated after I looked it up on my PipBuck. It was the cue for starting the plan. “Shall we go through this again?”

“Not like we haven't talked it through a few times.” Turbulence voiced with sarcasm, but quickly saved himself after the glares he received from Cirrus and me. “Buuut, our lives are on the line sooo... let’s go over it... again.”

“Walk us through it again.” Cirrus nodded, and returned her attention to the campfire we’ve made, as if she could find more instructions in there.

“So.” I sighed “As our lives are on the line, as Turbulence pointed out, we go through the plan... again.” The last word I especially emphasized, before I paused before and continued. “I’m gonna take the first watch for the night. This shows them we are taking turns. It’s highly unlikely that the Enclave will make a move on me. If, they probably snipe me, there is not much I could do against that. Fortunately I don’t think they are going to do that, because they could have done so already, while we were traveling.”

Different than the first time, they both nodded now. During lunch, they had defended the Enclave, that they are not gruesome murderers. Then I had to remind them that their government... their former government to be exact, killed its own people just because they knew of me. After that, they always kinda just agreed with me on my plan. I knew they had their doubts, but they didn’t voice them, they... trusted me. There was something unsettling about that somehow.

“Cirrus will take the second watch for the night.” I looked to her to make sure I had her total attention. “As the Enclave thinks you’re still a double agent for them you’re gonna fly up to them.”

“Effectively making her a triple agent.” Turbulence threw in his commentary, receiving another glare from Cirrus and me.

Craft appeared next to me; my eyes hushed shortly to her, but I concentrated back on Turbulence. I don’t want to make the impression of seeing her a lot. “Wait, isn’t it my job to be the comic relief?”

I ignored her and continued. “Turbulence, I’m sorry that my plan has no role for you, and only relies on them believing Cirrus, them doing what I expect them to do, and me talking. You don’t get predetermined lines, because you are an informal pony, formal sentences will come very unrealistically from you. You have your instructions where to lead a discussion for a few scenarios.”

“Or do I count as the villain of the story.” Craft asked herself.

“We have to do lots of improvising, but you can mostly be silent and leave it to me. If it fails and after they kill me you can simply say you were too afraid of me to speak up unsolicited. Best case scenario then is that they drag you back to bible camp and revow your loyalty or something.”

“Best case scenario is we are getting away with it,” Cirrus corrected me. “and alive at that.” She rightfully added.

“Can I be villain and comic relief?” Craft nodded. “Yeah, I think that can work.”

“You want to know what you are?” How am I getting so easily annoyed by her? “You’re cumbrous!”

“I don’t even know what that word means.”

“You’re in my head, of course you know what ‘cumbrous’ means.”

Cirrus and Turbulence seemed to do their best not to comment on me talking with somepony who wasn’t really there. It just had to make me look insane, with all that happened and the plan I just made I might as well be.

I stood up and cleared my throat. Craft has successfully distracted me, and there was really no reason to talk about it another time. “You know what, Turbulence was right, we were through it often enough. And it won’t go down how we like it anyway and we’ll have to improvise.” I almost turned to walk before I realized I was the one who had keep watch first. “Get a portion of sleep, guys. Goodnight.”

To not appear as unsettled as I was, I couldn’t just sit down again, so I turned to walk a little outside of our camp. The warmth of the fire was too much for me anyway.

*** *** ***


I was immediately awake, as I had already expected to not be able to get a full night's sleep, but I also expected it to be Cirrus' voice who wakes me up because the Enclave arrivd. What I hadn’t expected was Turbulence with a calm voice. No, it wasn’t calm, it was... awkward, pressed.

“What’s going on?”

“We have a visitor... I guess.” A visitor? He didn’t say more, so I quickly stood up and maneuvered around him out of the carriage, while he woke up Cirrus too. We did not have a proper scenario planned out for them coming in Turbulence's watch... But it wasn’t ‘them’ it was only ‘a visitor’, a single pony.

Outside, at the slowly dying fireplace, sat a pegasus mare. She had an almost white, very pale turquoise coat and an emerald mane. “Good Morning, Aideen.” While she pronounced my name right, I didn’t like who she emphasized it. It reminded me of how Craft tries to mark her superiority, but the star with wings at both sides on her armor's shoulders and chest told me that this mare was only an Enclave Colonel. If it’s less than some ancient, bodiless monster, I can deal with it. “I’m Colonel Foehn.”

Oh, that’s why she pronounced it right, her name is way more unpronounceable than mine. “Colonel Foehn.” I did my best to say it right.

“She’s pretty.” Craft voiced her opinion.

“If I would have known I was going to have an important pony visiting, I would have combed first.” I tousled through my mane; calling her an ‘important pony’. Pointing out something I lack, which she has, obviously worked well (and if it’s only a well-groomed mane), as she gave me a smile.

“So, you’re Aideen?” It was more a rhetorical question than anything else, so I didn’t answer, and let Foehn continue. “What kind of name is that?”

I was used to ponies making fun of my name. In the stable we have had a weird way of naming our foals, so everypony else from Stable Eight has a similarly awkward time when meeting with new ponies. “One that gives ponies a headache. Oh no wait, that’s yours.”

Foehn narrowed her eyes. I believe she was both impressed that I found a comeback to her opinion of my name, as well as my knowledge of winds. ‘Foehn’ is a type of mountain wind. Among the things it causes, like warm air, are headaches due to the pressure.

I continued. “So we can insult each other or we can get down to business.”

“Business? What makes you think I want to do business with you?”

“The fact that I’m still alive.”

“There is nothing I want from you, so...”

I interrupted her. “So why am I still alive?” Foehn narrowed her eyes again. “I’ve been thinking; as I don’t believe in the goodness in the hearts of ponies, the reason I’m still walking and talking is that somepony decided I might be useful. And the same somepony, while being a Colonel, decided she has to take the job of coming down here into the dirt to extract information from some wasteland ponies. Information she would get anyway if she would let her subordinates extract them.” I paused to read her expression before I continued. “But that would mean she wants that information for herself, no other high ranking officer should know the information she hopes to acquire.”

She was... smiling? “Continue talking.”

“For the first time in wasteland history, a lot of territory is actually claimed by somepony; a city, a group, and whatever the unity is. The amount of territory for a single faction increases, as the total amount of factions decreases, it’s only logical, but surprisingly, as of late, there has been little to no movement. Red Eye is collecting slaves for some reason, and Crimson is refining his army. Sure, there is the goddess, who is still converting ponies; but she doesn’t actually take territory, only dominates the places her minions seem to go and then leave again. Anypony who plans to play a role in wasteland politics has to ask oneself: What if all they do is send a message? ‘Dominating? Yes, we can.’ But the real question is: Why would she send it?” Where the hell is all this coming from? “Honestly, if you were immortal and had all the time you want, wouldn’t you hide out until you had the numbers to conquer everything in one go? You wouldn’t announce it. The only reason you would do it is, if it is a lie and you only need ponies to believe it.”

“This is a nice theory, you certainly thought a lot about it.” She complimented me on this theory I improvised in about 30 seconds. “But don’t let me interrupt. You seemed to have been in the middle of something.”

“The wasteland as it is at the moment, is a tinderbox. We all know something is going to happen... soon. The only open question is, who is going to make the first move? Whoever it is will take control of the battlefield. Sure, the Enclave can wait out the war down here, and then be up against a single, very powerful faction. That will be harder... and where will you be then? Some old mare barking orders around in the council?”

Judging by the way the corners of her mouth twitched I seem to have hit a sore spot; yes, this mare wouldn’t miss out on action, and she hates the thought of growing old and retiring at some point. “So what are you gonna do?” She was keeping calm pretty well.

“I can get you good PR. The Enclave needs to be the savior of the wastelands, not just another faction fighting for power. Also, after you guys took over, you cannot simply put a pegasus in charge of everything, you need ponies down here who you can place in charge.”

“You want to rule the wastelands?” Foehn was laughing. It was a genuinely amused laugh. I couldn’t blame her. After all, it truly just sounded like I want to rule the entire wastelands. Shit, improvising is hard. “So tell me, what would make you loyal?” That I can answer.

“I only want the Crimson Company. Taking it over will be an easy feat, it’s a more... personal thing between me and Crimson. This part of the plan where I take it over is mine and I don’t need help, I, however, need help with Red Eye's Army, in case Crimson's loyalists don’t take the change of leadership too well. And about my loyality? I tell you outright I have none, and that’s honesty, a trait you can’t get around easily. Best course of action is to stay loyal to you, there is nopony else I could stay loyal to who might give me a better deal. I cannot gain anything from betraying you, and I actually think you and I can become good friends.”

Having already felt her gaze gliding over my body I think it’s only proper payback to check her out too. Doing so right after I told her I wish to become friends with her should appear like I have a sexual interest in her; I hope this works in my favor. Even though she wore armor I could tell Foehn has a very well-toned body. Hmm... Craft has already called her pretty, and I actually have to agree. For the first time after I had my breakdowns and realized how fucked up I am, I meet a new pony; was I... for the first time... thinking about another pony as... desirable?

I looked over to the carriage where Turbulence and Cirrus were looking out from. They seemed like they could use a bowl of popcorn for watching me and Foehn talk. Yeah, I hope I was putting on a good show. Turbulence's eyes... I turned my gaze to her again and saw a matching pair of sapphire blue eyes. The two had green coats too, he had told me, of course, that he had an older sister, but until now I didn’t notice the family resemblance. I’ve just checked out my friend's sister, who happens to be about ten years older than me; this is awkward.

“And what about me? Where do I fit in your new world order?”

“I trust that a mare as smart as you has a plan of her own. Let’s rewind to the part of your plan I’ve already revealed: ‘You are here in the dirt with us, searching for information your comrades won’t get’. What do you think I’ve been doing? You think it was a random act that made me go visit you guys above the clouds? I actually planned on a confrontation like this, but I couldn’t have hoped for a outcome as good as this... having you here.” Crafts plan... Has she known that? I’m not even sure where I got all that stuff that came bubbling out of me. “The Enclave sustains itself by keeping up the status quo of ‘the wasteland is inhospitable’ and ‘our citizens can only survive above the clouds’. You even go as far as killing ponies to keep that up, but once you make a grand move against the wastelands, after all, officially there is no life down here, so you cannot move against something that doesn’t exist, right?”

“Well, yes, but...”

“The Enclave needs a reform of its own. The council thing works for you pegasi when nopony seems to know what’s going on. Poor Cirrus for example. She comes around to visit a friend and as there is no Enclave officer in town she has to play CO for the rest of her life. I mean, what’s up with that? But I’m not here to tell you how to run your government. Well, it’s not your government now, is it? Ponies are easier manipulated by imagery, you guys need a face, a representative ruler.” I saw a glow in her eyes. “I don’t know if I’m just lucky to run into pretty and cute pegasi mares, if you’re all like that, or if I just think pegasi are exotic. Well, gaining power in the Enclave will be your part, I trust you can work out a plan.”

“You think you can persuade me with compliments? You think my looks would have anything to do with the council choosing a face for the Enclave? And you think I want to be a mere face?”

“‘Yes’, ‘yes’, and ‘be patient’. Compliments? Oh come on, you have eyed me, I’ve seen that. You see, I only voiced my opinion. Good looks are the easiest way to persuade the feeble minded, why wouldn’t you use all the traits you happen to have? And once you are representative ruler you simply take more power. Nopony gives it to you on a silver plate. The key is patience, don’t get too greedy at first. You’re a smart mare, you’ll figure it out.”

“This plan is very far fetched.” The glow in her eyes were telling me she was thinking something completely different.

“Plausible deniability then.” I gave a laugh, I knew I had her. “So what do you say? General Foehn?”

*** *** ***

It came as a surprise to me that, after everything that happened to me, I’ve finally developed a character trait I like about myself. I liked to cook. Equipped with an impressive amount of ingredients and those zebra recipe books I’ve taken with me, I was able to conjure great meals ever since we arrived in Hufstein; we feasted like royalty. Having bought lots of kitchenware and even an alchemy set to extract juices of some exotic herbs, I felt myself becoming quite a chef, or at least so I’d like to think. Utensils and cooking books alone don’t make a chef, it’s the fiery passion for learning new and eating tasty. I explained my newly found passion to the fact, that up until now, I could have never freely decide what I get to eat each day.

The amount of caps I spend on stocking up on exotic ingredients, or buying a more comfortable carriage, furniture for my house, a set of tools and precision instruments, spare parts for all kinds of things was only a fraction of the shattering amount we made from selling a few of the items we scavenged from the facility. The banned edition of the ‘Sword Mares’ went, for a ridiculously high price, to a collector. Why anypony would collect comic books or willing to pay insane prices for them, I don’t know, but I also don’t even attempt to understand.

Although we did not sell Cirrus' and Turbulence's Enclave stuff. Both, the armor and the uniform might be able to come in handy at one point. We also didn’t sell my slave barding, I doubt anyone would buy it and I really wanted to see it burn. I could have expected the smell, so in retrospect it was a really bad idea, but it was something I felt like doing. The smell is still in my nose, but at least I’m easing it with extracting the fluid of some herbs by making them sweat it out and catching the condensation.

If you have the proper kitchenware, or rather alchemy set, and all the ingredients (and I do), this condensation can be made into an awe-inspiring salad dressing. Right now I’m making a different version than I did yesterday, I started experimenting around a little bit with the recipes, and while I never reach orgasm-level tastiness with my experiments, I’m still learning a lot and it was better than canned goods.

As Cirrus was clinging to my left foreleg, lost in a memory, I had to regulate the whole kitchen with my magic. It wasn’t a problem, I knew about my magical surge of being able to control multiple objects already. Being touched isn’t much of a problem either, her mind was not in the present, so I was in total control of the situation. Ever since my panic attack I have tried to completely avoid being touched by them, but having Cirrus, utterly helpless clinging to me like that was actually kind of nice.

She was watching ‘Failure, part 1’. After my initial paranoia I realized that ‘failure’ at this point in time means that Spellfield and Celestia failed to properly make Twilight an alicorn. How could you even make somepony an alicorn? It’s not the first time I was thinking about that question. They said they couldn’t use the method Celestia used, and they obviously couldn’t use Craft either, wait... “Craft! I need to ask you a question.”

I startled Turbulence, who fell of the couch, where he had been reading a book and was now staring over to me. Our views met, and he started smiling for doing something, but quickly took a serious expression as I was trying to communicate with Craft. She hasn’t talked to me in a week, and the last thing I heard her say was a comment on Foehn's appearance. While I appreciate it that she wasn’t bothering me, it also made me somewhat nervous. It feels like she is a naughty kid you know you should watch out for, but can’t because she is freaking invisible.

“Ja?” Craft was lying on Cirrus back and petted her head. I received a quite seductive pat of her eyelashes. “What might thy Craft do for you today, mistress?” She was wearing black lingerie... she was rubbing herself onto Cirrus... No. No! She was not. She has no physical body, she’s only trying to bother you.

I cleared my throat first. This would be so much easier if she would just... ahhh... I don’t know how I expected her to behave normally. “I was wondering...”

“Yes?” She was sliding on top of Cirrus closer towards me, a feat that would be physically impossible. Craft was so near... She’s not real, she’s not real, she’s not real. “Trust me, it will feel real.” Nahaha... no.

“Are you gonna make me an alicorn, like you did Luna?” I can’t believe I managed to speak. In the corner of my eye I saw Turbulence twitching. He surely hadn’t expected that question.

“Selene.” She frowned. “Her name’s Selene.”

“Selene.” I repeated after her.

“Would you like to be an alicorn?”

“I haven’t really thought about it.” I really haven’t. “I’m the only one in our group without wings, so it would be nice to keep up with Turbulence and Cirrus, I guess. But that immortality thing? No thanks.”

“Good, because I didn’t plan to do it anyway. You’re a unicorn. I can already easily channel magic through you.” She slid off Cirrus and walked around the table. For some reason she was unclothed, and her usual naked self again. This was... better. “And you’re only a joyride for me, I think burn you out before I reach Pegas... You have to understand you don’t have the requirements I look for in a host. Neither does our cute little Cirrus here.” She traced Cirrus' cheekbone, then looked over to Turbulence. “And I don’t like stallions in general.”

“What is she saying?” Of course, he’d like to be kept up to date.

“Cirrus and I are not suitable hosts, and she doesn’t like you.”

“Don’t tell him that.” Craft pulled a face.

“You’re constantly mean to me, why can’t I tell him you’re mean to him?” I explained. “But if I understand you right... you are going to leave me?”

“Fair enough,” She nodded. “and yes. I’ll leave you. Trust me I’m not gonna stick around to watch you ‘play house’.”

I didn’t expect her to actually leave me, so I have to ask again. “I... have a chance for a normal life?”

“You’re still fun, but I know the end of your story. You can try and enjoy the pathetically mundane as much as you want, after I’m gone. You even have enough money to settle down this instant. Go buy a rocking chair, why don’t you... but look, suitable hosts are not too easy to come by, and there are a few things I want you to do before I make it a priority to look for another host.”

“Uhmm... sure, what do you want me to do?” It can’t be something too awful, can it? But hey, I would even consider drinking blood out of a babies skull to get rid of her for good. (Consider, probably not actually do it.)

“Your funny little deal with Foehn for example. I know you only used it to get time, and save your friend's precious, little cutiemarks, but I also know you can’t stop thinking about how you actually going to do it...” She smiled. “And that’s what I want you to do. Conquer the Crimson Company.”

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 12!

Mix up a brew: You gain +5 points in Cooking and Medicine.

Skill Note: Cooking has reached 50.
Skill Note: Barter has reached 50.

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[ ] Optional: Watch as much Memories in the Memorhedron as possible (7)

new Quest: the new Boss
[ ]Optional: Gain allies of different factions in the area around Colt’s Well. (0)
[ ]Make a coup in the Crimson Company.
[ ]Trigger a reform of the Enclave for it ton have an representative ruler.
[ ]Manage for Colonel Foehn to get elected as representative ruler of the Enclave.
[ ]Optional: Solve world hunger and cure cancer while you’re at it, because it won’t get any more complicated.

Chapter Fifteen: Education

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Charter Fifteen


“What is Craft saying?” Turbulence inquired again. “She’s leaving you after you’ve done something for her?”

“Yeah, basically.” I confirmed. How do you tell your friends that the ancient evil wants you to do that impossible task you’ve made up while improvising?

“Okay...” It was obvious he wanted to say something else, so I simply said nothing and waited for him to go for it. An encouraging smile should do. “Err... Shouldn’t we... I don’t know... Shouldn’t we make sure Nightmare Moon does not get a suitable host?”

Oh yeah... Somepony else would have to deal with Craft then. I was passing on a curse, that would make any normal pony go crazy. Also we couldn’t have a Nightmare Moon running around with full power or something...

“I don’t care. I just want to get my life in order, and if it means I have to sell an innocent down the river, then so be it. Life’s not fair.” I was thinking the opposite though. When it comes down to pulling the trigger, so to speak, I doubt I will be able to go through with it.

Not like Craft would give me a choice. I know all to well that she can simply take over and make me do whatever she wants. I have absolutely no leverage against her. The moment she grows sick of me I have no way to stop her from leaving my body and possessing some other unfortunate pony. It’s completely out of my control, but if I keep telling myself I’m okay with it, it might feel less ‘out of control’ for me, as I practically ‘allowed it to happen’.

I sighed. Who am I even trying to fool? But I also really... REALLY want her to leave me alone.

“Aideen...” The way Turbulence said my name had something in it I really couldn’t stand. Reason said he was trying to comfort me, but insaner head prevailed and told me it was pity. As he was already out of his comfortable reading position anyway he stood up and walked towards me.

Just when I wanted to answer I felt Cirrus moving again and I had to quickly retrieve my hoof from her. With the mare touching me having while her consciousness back, it immediately weirded me out. She gasped in surprise by the quick removal of her headrest.

“So?” Glad for the perfect opportunity to change the topic I asked about the memory. “Do you understand better now why I want to watch these memories?”

“Ahh... hmm...” Of course Cirrus had to adjust a little bit to the real world again. “Kinda. It’s nice background information, about stuff that... well... stuff that is actually not very secret, but the background is quite interesting to know.”

“What was it about?” Turbulence sat himself at the table to us.

Cirrus cleared her throat. “It felt really weird, I was in a body that was foreign for me and I couldn’t control it, but thats Memory-orbs in general, I guess. So, I was in this zebra-guy, Spellfield. He was in his office in that unicorn school. Then Twilight Sparkle came in, she looked like she was in her early twenties.” Her expression and tone seemed like she was surprised that she had the hots for a mare she had only seen as a mare in her forties until now. “She was polite, but obviously quite hurt by him because she wanted him to judge her dissertation again; she felt unfairly treated.”

This wasn’t at all what I had expected. “Unfairly treated? How so?”

“Yeah, yeah, I was getting to that. She had compared her work to others who scored more than her points, and thought of them as being worse. Although she was of course polite and didn’t want them to get worse grades. He agreed to read hers again and judge it again. He flew through the first few pages then he closed it again. I didn’t try to keep up with his reading speed as I didn’t understand anything about magic anyway. Then he failed her. If she wanted a fair judgment from him then he wouldn’t let her pass.”

“What? Why?”

“Will you let me finish?”

“Ahh... yeah, sorry.”

“Spellfield practically accused her of stealing. She only took the theories of other, like Starswirl, and a few others, whose names I can’t recall. Starswirl was at least somepony I’ve heard about, so I can remember. Anyway, she took their stuff and she has had, according to Spellfield, no original thought in it, while a dissertation is exactly supposed to be that. He told her she had a great future ahead of her, but she has to experiment herself and stop simply gaining knowledge out of books. This was exactly the reason why Celestia let her stay in Ponyville, to get practice in the Magic of Friendship. Spellfield then gave her another year to write another dissertation, while she should keep in mind that she should bring in her own ideas and stuff. He made her accept it by saying stuff like this dissertation should be a milestone in her shining life, and not just like any other dissertation of a random pony, she is the element of magic after all, nopony would want to read Starswirl's theories in a new light again, but her opinion and thoughts.”

I nodded along the story. That seemed like something Spellfield would do; manipulating Twilight into doing something that would make her stand out more and getting her to think about magic. Making somepony magically aware or something seems like a good start of making someone into an alicorn... Hmm... Even though he labeled that memory ‘failure’... although I already knew he failed to make Twilight an alicorn.

“You were eager to interrupt earlier. Now that the story’s finished, you won’t comment?” I felt them looking at me, but I had my train of thought.

History told me that Twilight wasn’t an alicorn, why would there be a multipart memory explaining it? It was an impossible task to begin with? Unless they had Craft at their disposal, or whatever turned Celestia into an alicorn it is pretty impossible to do so... Well, not really. There is a timeline where they had succeeded, or there had been one...

“Aideen, it’s unsettling when you go quiet. Craft isn’t... talking to you at the moment or anything?” Why is Turbulence so paranoid about Craft?

“Wha..? Yes, I meant, no. Craft isn’t talking to me.” But she was still sitting at the table with us. “Ahh... Mulitverse theory makes my head hurt.”

“Err...Multiverse? What do you mean?” Judging by both their expressions they have no idea what the hell I’m talking about. They hadn’t had the privilege of a shitload of boredom in their adolescence and read scientific analysis about random stuff to kill time.

“There has to be a timeline where Twilight Sparkle became an alicorn, it must exist, or have existed at one point, or... must have been in reach for Princess Celestia to latch onto while... futurewatching, or whatever you call it.” This seemed to have been too much for Craft as she burst out laughing. “What?!”

“What ‘what’?” Craft and Turbulences confusion changed from confusion to another type of confusion.

“Not you, her. Craft.” It is weird explaining to someone what is going on when I could see it clearly in front of me. “She’s laughing.”

“It’s funny, because you ponies truly are pathetically limited creatures.”

“Limited...wha... what?”

“You see, if the universe would have been created 5 minutes ago along with your memories and everything you wouldn’t be able to tell.” What..?

I thought about what she said for a while before I could utter my confusion. “What?”

“Imagine you are an ant, and for some reason you land on a train. It’s a freight train, so there is nopony on board. A pony somewhere in a train station controls it and tells the tracks to what line it should switch. The train is moving smoothly, so no vibration that indicates the train is actually moving.” Where is this going? “So without an understanding what a train is, that the train moves, how the train moves, how it switches tracks, or that a pony is controlling it. Now you, my little ant, are trying to grasp the way another train moves and what route it took. In the eyes of a pony it’s hilarious, because it knows the ant lacks the senses to observe the train, or even grasp the amount of distance it traveled, because for an ant this is further than it will ever get on its own in a lifetime.”

How do you respond to that? “What?” Nailed it!

“Oh Aideen, you are adorable.” And with that she faded away into nothingness.

*** *** ***

Later the same day I was lying on a bench in the park, overthinking my future course of action. Would I be able to pull off a coup? Take control of the company? I don’t want to rule. I want the ‘pathetically mundane’, as Craft said, a normal life. Something I have no idea how to achieve, planning to overthrow Crimson might be easier. Figuring out Crimson, discovering his weaknesses, what he knows about Gaia Prevails, and what he hopes to gain from me personally has to be easier than to deal with my own weaknesses and what I hope to gain from it.

I let one hoof slide off the bench and touched the fake grass. Not knowing what actual grass should feel like I didn’t mind it. The Company has had a real park; not that I’ve had the privilege to ever go in there, only high ranking officers and the rich were allowed in there. They had, of course, the former orchard of Stable Eight, but also possess a concealed amount of seeds for various other plants. The seeds are treated as the sacred artifacts they are; a symbol of the reincarnation of the land.

But they do not use them... yet. The wasteland is not a nutritious place. In the Company’s very own religion they wait for ‘the month of bloodshed’. It’s a stupid name for a prophecy, especially in the wasteland where every month is a month of bloodshed. I wasn’t able to recall the exact saying of the prophecy but I got the core. It was something along the line of ‘the beginning of the month of bloodshed... marked by the big explosion’ then something... uhh... the month is split up in a week of feathers, a week of raindrops, a week of ashes, and a week of seeds.

Only in the week of seeds are they allowed to sow out. Religion, it’s a great tool to control the feeble minded. And those who are intelligent enough know exactly why they don’t immediately start sowing. I’m pretty sure Crimson started that religion himself, he has freaky knowledge after all. He knew about what Craft will look like for me so his guards can catch me. Just what does he know? Does he know about Craft being the Nightmare Moon-entity? Does he know about the future to make prophecies?

Any theory... Come on brain, come up with something!

Hmm... I got nothing...

I need more information.

A ball flew in my direction and I surprised myself by having the reflex to instantly catch it with my magic.

“Our ball...” A group of roughly twenty foals, approximately in their pre-teens had been playing in the park too. I had seen them, but had been able to ignore them until now, about two thirds of them were zebras.

“Here you go.” I gently threw the ball back causing half of them flee in panic. Ah, well... I could have seen that one coming.

“It’s yours, we don’t want it anymore.” That’s just perfect. How do I get out of this?

“Class, what’s going on?” A stallion stood up from the bench not far from mine. He had called them ‘class’, so he was their teacher and this was a school class.

“The evil mare touched our ball.” Oh come on!

“Jandro! Apologize to the nice lady. As far as I can tell she has done absolutely nothing wrong.” A voice of reason! I wasn’t evil, this is just the zebras freaking ability to... oh yeah...

“No sir, this is my fault.” Go Aideen, improvising. If you can convince Foehn of something implausible I can get them on my side too. “I shouldn’t walk around in public.” I stood up from my bench and gave them a formal bow of submission. Then I took the best tender, yet firm tone I could muster, an educating tone... something I wish my teachers would have talked like. “Kids, listen up. It is good to listen to your instincts. It is the responsibility of your parents and teachers to tell you about all the things there are in the world to prepare you for it, so when something happens you can properly judge a situation and react accordingly. For you earth ponies and unicorns who have probably no idea what is going on, your equine brothers and sisters, the zebras, have the natural ability to sense the flow of energy. At the moment, their senses tell them I have a power inside of me they learned to associate with either ‘evil’ or something they don’t know, and ‘the unknown’ can be equally scary.”

Well, it seems I have gotten their attention. While the non-zebras had only little idea of what’s going on, the zebras were intrigued. On one hoof they had no idea how actually to react to an ‘evil person’, on the other they surely hadn’t expected me to start explaining.

Better hope this works...

“My name is Aideen, I’m a acolyte of Annulet, and about two weeks ago I managed to defeat an evil spirit. I know it will rise in power again, but I had no way of actually disposing of it. So I locked away in the only place I know it can never hurt anyone again... that is except for me. I locked it into my own soul, for one day, when I die, I can guide it into the world beyond. This is my burden to carry, and I shouldn’t make you uncomfortable.” I bowed again, but kept my head down this time. “For that I am truly sorry if I upset some of you, please accept my apology.” And then I waited.

After a short while the teacher finally spoke up. “Miss Aideen, I’m deeply humbled by your presence.” He bowed to me in return. “You should not have to ask us for to accept your apology, rather it is us who have to ask forgiveness. Forgive us for our rudeness.” He looked at the zebra colt who had called me ‘evil mare’ earlier. “Jandro?”

“I’m sorry, Miss Aideen.” The colt named Jandro looked to the floor in shame.

“It’s quite okay. As I said I should have been more careful.” I gave a warm smile. “I promise the ball is not cursed, go play again.” I didn’t have to say that twice as most of the group was chasing after the ball immediately after.

The teacher however remained with me and sat on the bench next to me. “My name is Shining Light, I’m the teacher of this group.” Shining Light was an earth pony in his late thirties, he had a yellow coat and a silver mane, his cutiemark was a smiling sunflower.

“Yes, I have concluded your profession already.” I nodded, and continued to smile while watching the foals play. “Educating foals is the most important task a pony can have. You have a quite honorable profession, Sir Light.”

“Why, thank you. But I don’t imagine it is a profession any less honorable than one where you do actual good, like trapping evil spirits in...” He paused and look in my direction. “in ahhh... your body.” I’m pretty sure what his eyes were doing at the moment, and when he realized it too he started stuttering. “I... I apologize, I... I-”

“You do not need to apologize for something that, again, is truly my own fault. I... am aware of my traits and their effects on stallions. I’m not wearing my vestments, because... I have fulfilled my duty, and am now tainted by evil; I’m not an acolyte anymore. It feels like I am nothing anymore...” Just what am I trying to achieve here?

“You... ahh...” He’s assuming the worst. I need to end this before it gets out of hoof.

“I have a place to stay and enough money for the time being.” I turned then to face him. “Really, don’t worry about me, Sir Light.”

“Hmm... I would have liked to offer you a position as a teacher at the school.” A teachers position? Huh... When everything is done this might actually be a profession I could see myself doing. “Unfortunately we don’t have the proper funding to add another teacher to our staff, no matter how much we would need it.” He sighed.

“Then how is the next generation supposed to be better prepared for...” I gestured in direction of the city’s gates. “everything that’s out there.”

“It’s not what’s out there that I’m worried about for them, but what’s in here. The most gruesome creatures the wasteland has brought forth are those who should know better. This is what I’m fighting for. For us to be better.”

“To make ponies better, and zebras too, of course; Truly, an honorable goal, but I’m afraid as a schoolteacher you can only do this for a few foals at a time.”

“Yes... That’s why I...” He stopped.

“What is it?”

“Nothing.” It’s never nothing. “It will never work to begin with.”

“To you want me to quote some wise ponies?” Shining Light was a teacher, I hope he knows enough motivational quotes.

“I know, I know, not trying is like having lost already, and stuff.”

“Is your plan as far fetched as planning on trapping an evil spirit in your own body? Then I would understand how you think you couldn’t do it.” I feel bad about using my fake accomplishment to prove a point; way worse than I have felt about lying to all those foals.

We shared a laugh. “Touché. So... I have tried already. For twelve years. Hah! That sounds ridiculous. Actually I’ve tried only three times, but all four years and so...” Does he mean..? “Look at me dancing around the issue. To have an impact on the world, or rather this city I have been trying to get elected as mayor.” He paused to check my expression. “Well, you’re not laughing, but I didn’t expect that reaction. You look like you want to run away.”

He might think I was planning on an escape route, but actually the gears in my mind had started working for a completely different reason... I started smiling. “Let’s go win an election.”

*** *** ***

Footnote: Level progress: 25%

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[ ] Optional: Watch as much Memories in the Memorhedron as possible (7)

new Quest: the new Boss 1: Hufstein
[X] Get a candidate for Mayor on your side
[ ] Help your candidate gain publicity.
[ ] Help your candidate gain popularity.
[ ] Optional: Manipulate other candidates.
[ ] Help your candidate win the election.
[ ] Optional: Rig the election.
[ ] Optional: Win in a landslide.

Chapter Sixteen: Disease

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Charter Sixteen


A week has passed since I told Shining Light I’d help him win the election. A week of reading through books relating to running a campaign and mass psychology, and spreadsheets about the cities budget and how it’s spent. A week of... boredom. I always thought I was a good study, but this was so... hard to grasp. I don’t see the connections as clear as I could see how two ingredients form a specific taste, or how the flow of magic results in a specific spell. The whole thing was too unrewarding; I had a bad headache, and this felt like it was going nowhere.

I needed a distraction, and thankfully one was presented to me in form of another memory. It took a week, but the memorhedron’s charge is full now. When it is in the Gaia Prevails facility at Mt. Mustang it charges rapidly, the only way that makes sense would be if it loads the information from a server and can only contain one memory at a time. However I still have no idea how memorymagic works to begin with or how a memory can even stored as a computer file, like it is handled with this device. The more I think about it, the more impressive it gets.

> Memorhedron is fully charged and ready to use.
> Next memory in queue: Failure, part 2 - August 3, 1003
> Length: 0 hours 3 minutes 14 seconds.
> Load memory?
> Load

<-=======ʌʌɅ Ʌʌʌ=======->

The feeling of Spellfield overcame me once again, but he somehow felt different. He felt good, well... he hadn’t had a headache but there was also a weight lifted off my chest. The hallway he was walking along was Canterlot Castle, I’ve seen it a few times now and can differ it from Celestia’s School for gifted unicorns. The easiest thing to tell one from another is the floor, the castle has stone tiles and carpets, the school has wooden parquet.

Spellfield pushed open the door to a very big room, I recognized it as the room where Princess Celestia had crowned Twilight Sparkle in the other memory. Celestia herself was standing at the end of the room atop a few steps to be able to oversee a nonexistent crowd. She looked like she was ready to give that speech I’ve already heard her hold, but, obviously, she wasn’t. Actually, neither of them talked until Spellfield had reached her and positioned himself right next to her.

“You know...” Celestia broke the silence. “I have had my speech ready, and now I’m never going to use it.” Her tone was very sad, but I couldn’t blame her. This was the one milestone that differs our timeline from the one without the war, and they failed.

“You know...” Spellfield began the same way she did. “I still have the memory where you saw what you said. We could have created a paradox if we simply have used that speech.” He attempted to sound eager, as if a paradox was something he’d like to cause to have something interesting to observe, but there was also the sadness of having failed in his voice.

“It wouldn’t have been a paradox, I believe,” Celestia went in on avoiding the subject they decided to meet. “after all, we have acquired a real speech, created by a real version of me in a real marble.” A marble? “Everything is just as real as this one, if not even more real...” What? “but let’s focus at the matter at hoof now.”

He nodded. “Yes, let’s go down to business, what does the future hold now? I take it you have once again skipped forward? Have you made saved the memory of it? Is the war still avoidable, Princess?”

“Indeed it is, but through politics, I’d like to release you of all the burden I have already laid on you.” This wasn’t what I had been expecting, neither did Spellfield, I felt it from the change of facial muscles. “I have taken an essential part of your life; literally more than half your life, and I’ve decided to not bother you any further.”

“You want to throw me out? After everything I did?” He was enraged, rightfully so. Celestia made him sacrifice practically his entire life and now she wants to get rid of him? “No. You’re gonna make me a darn counselor for this government, I mean, practically I am already.” He stared at her that she actually backed off a little.

“No.” She said with determination. “It had been more of a rhetorical statement. You are not gonna be a counselor.” No, this wasn’t determination, it was her being convinced in her superiority, she was talking down to him, like she was... royalty. “This is my final word.”

The memory changed.

*** *** ***

Spellfield was lying on a firm surface with his eyes closed. Something kept pressing on his back until I realized it had to be a massage.

“You’re all tensed up.” I recognized Sarina's voice. Unlike names and faces I could remember voices easily. “I have already noticed your unhappy expression you were trying to hide when you came home.”

“Bad day.” He moaned out. The massage felt really good, but unfortunately she stopped, which made him open his eyes.

She stopped her massage for a second. “Was it about Bright Skies?” I couldn’t place her tone, but there was something in it... How did she know?

“Yeah, actually...” He moaned again when she hit an especially tense spot. “How did you know?”

“She’s the only one who gets you emotional.” It’s like she was accusing him of an affair.

“Sarina, I’m not having an affair.”

“I know, but you have to understand that I’m jealous of the young, attractive mare, who is as educated as you, if she spends so much time with you. So tell me, what happened?” There’s no was he’s going to tell her, he’s only going to be as vague as possible. How would she understand anyway?

“We were working on the same project for about 26 years. I never told you it’s a continuing thing.”

“26 years?” Yeah, that’s an insane amount of time, especially if you consider they failed in the end.

“I know it sounds like a lot, but it was more of a side project, with mostly waiting and scrapping ideas. It was a very peculiar project,” He sighed “and then it failed. But this ‘failure’ wasn’t my fault, not hers either; it seemed like it just wouldn’t be. But the essential part is that it failed, and there is no need for us to meet anymore...”

“You are still friends, you can still meet her.”

“She made it very clear she wanted me out of her life.”

“Oh..." Sarina kept on massaging him for a time, and while I didn’t feel his emotions, I felt his tensions, or rather the relief of tensions. “Maybe she was just temporarily upset about this ‘failure’, you’re still friends.” She wasn’t there...

“You weren’t there.” I wish he’d stop saying what I was thinking. “But it’s okay, I guess. Change is the only thing constant in life. Actually, I’m somewhat glad to be released from being on call from her. She was a horrible boss. That mare knows no please and thank you.”

“Hmm... ‘that mare’, differentiating yourself by objectifying the subject, nice move there.” Sarina might not be as educated as Spellfield, but she was definitively intelligent. “You should sleep a night over it. It’ll work out, my dear,” She leaned onto him to give a lover's embrace. “it always does.” Better hope she’s right.

“Better hope you’re right.” Oh, come on!

I felt myself rooting for them although I already knew what is going to happen. Zebras, probably well respected, in the middle of Canterlot... Once the war is going and the propaganda starts everypony will reject them...

The memory ended.

<-=======vvV Vvv=======->

> Save position in queue.
> Memorhedron is charging. 0%
> Not ready for use.

I was thrown back into my body again. My muscles tensed up, a weight was dropped onto me, and my head started torturing me. I was covered in cold sweat and every little breeze from the window was freezing while I felt hot in between. No way I had felt this bad before I entered the memory. My stomach rebelled... I need to get to the bathroom... quick.

Standing up proved to have been a bad idea, my head managed to hurt even more, and my vision turned black from poor circulation. Thankfully I know where the bathroom is and I can navigate blindly to the bathroom.

“Found something interesting?” I couldn’t make out who was talking. Not emptying my stomach here and now was higher on my list of what to concentrate on, followed by not collapsing and reaching a toilet. “Aideen? You practically jumped up after that memory. Have you come up with something?”

No, but something will be coming up if I’d open my mouth to answer. I reached the door of the living room before they spoke again. “Aideen?” I turned my head to see Turbulence was right next to me, he startled me. “You don’t look so good...” I don’t feel so good either.

Leaving the room I slowly made my way to the bathroom. I had to make a turn into the door through the wall I was currently supporting myself against. A turn. Okay. It’s easy, I can do this. I pushed myself from the wall to properly navigate arount the turn, lost balance, and found myself on the floor.

“Aideen!” Turbulence rushed to my aid.

I was in the right mind to throw up in direction of the bathroom onto the stone floor, throw-up would be much harder to clean on the decayed parquet. I kept chucking up, even when nothing came out anymore, it’s funny how my priority shifted to not making a mess.

Turbulence was calling for Cirrus, I could hear them talk, but wasn’t able to comprehend completely what they were saying. Something about me not wanting to be touched, before they felt my forehead for temperature. Then Turbulence carried me on his back to my bed, I was afraid I’d mess up his coat or something and was uncomfortable of him being so close.

I was sick... I have been for a while apparently, the memory where my mind got a healthy body simulated triggered by crash when it was taken away. And now I was carried by Turbulence... he felt strong, but he wasn’t the pony I need right now. I needed the one I could always count on; I need my brother, but I’m probably never going to see him again... I miss him so much... I want to go home.

*** *** ***

Diseases were something pure, something simple, divide and conquer. They leave nothing behind, just like war-raging ponies, but unlike ponies they have no emotions, they ‘shouldn’t know better’. Diseases cannot be cruel, only ponies can.

My PipBuck’s medical program couldn’t recognize what was wrong with me, so I found myself in a bed of Hufsteins hospital. The experts were able to identify the virus as a mutated string of some feather disease only pegasi could catch once a lifetime. This sounds good but the, if you don’t get over it, you’ll die. And in most cases those who don’t receive the vaccine will die.

It was day four after I broke down, and I just now began to feel better, apparently I was lucky and survived the disease. Yes, lucky... Like being lucky that there is a properly stored 200 year old vaccine for the unmutated strain. Unfortunately it was as good as useless for me, and to make the whole thing worse: I wasn’t the only one who has been hospitalized with it. New patients keep coming in, and, as expected, most died after a few days.

I can’t help but feel guilty. The only way this virus could have spread was from Cirrus or Turbulence. While I wasn’t the first one to get hospitalized, I was the one who had the most contact to both of them to have a possibility to catch it. It might be paranoid but I also think I was the one who mutated it, after all, what the doctors think was patient zero was one rather touchy merchant, I remember her clearly.

The door to my room opened, but due to the position I lay in I couldn’t see who came in. “Good morning.” A female voice... wait I recognize that voice. “How are you today, Aideen, my favorite patient?” It was my voice. My real voice, how I sounded on a recording.

I lifted myself up to see ‘me’ wearing a kinky nurse outfit. “Craft...” I said with my best evil tone.

“What is it my dear?”

“Why are you... me? And...” It was hard for me to say it. “why are you dressed like that?”

She sighed. “Well, I never got you to dress up when you nursed our pretty, pretty pegasi.” My blanked got engulfed in her magic and was lifted up; she came closer with an thermometer. “Let’s check your temperature.”

“Ohnononono.” I retreated as best as I could on the bed. “You’re not gonna...”

“I’m only teasing you.” She was using my voice in a slutty way I hope I will never use myself. Thankfully she was really only teasing me, as she made the thermometer disappear, indicating it has never existed to begin with. “But admit it, you like this.” Wiggling my rump she showed off just how tight of a uniform I really wore.

“What? No.”

“You can’t lie to me. You liked the tight grip the Enclave uniform had on you when Cirrus sex’d you up to pass as a police mare to solve that murder. You can’t lie to me, I’m fully aware of your brain chemistry. I know what happens to you when someone checks you out, how sublime you feel when you know exactly that this stallion likes what he sees.” She nudged my nose. “Little Aideen is actually a pervert. Dress-up, sure, with roleplay maybe? And that ‘liking to be stared at’, that’s exhibitionistic behaviour... I also see that you can’t stop staring at yourself dressed up like that, wondering what this uniform might feel like and what gazes you might catch.”

I didn’t answer, how could I possibly respond?

Craft sighed, she looked truly worried about me. “But you deny yourself your sexual drive while, at the same time, you are so desperate to be loved, to have someone care for you, to be held... But you are so paranoid. ‘How could anyone love me?’” She took a cartoonish tone, to symbolize she was mimicking my voice, although she has it already. “And ‘What if all they see in me is my appearance?’, ‘How could anypony like my personality?’, but most importantly: ‘How could I trust anypony if they say they like me, because nopony could possibly like me, because I don’t even like myself!’. Does that sum it up?”

It sounded somewhat right what she was saying. The only pony I know who I trust to like me was my brother. And what a shining example he was of a brother, I have no proof he ever tried to save me from my fate in the Company. I was the one who loved him unconditionally, but... dear god, now I’m questioning the only relationship I’ve ever had.

“Aideen,” The smile on her face vanished. “Next time I tell you to do something you are going to do it, okay? Because now I had to change a virus to get you in a hospital to see inspiration for a sexy nurse outfit.”

“You... YOU did that?”

“Oh, Aideen, watch your blood pressure. But to answer your question: yes, I did that.”

“Wha...” I had troubles believing it. “Why? Ponies are dying! You...”

She cut me off. “Didn’t you listen? To see you in a nurse outfit.” As if it’s the simplest thing in the world. “You should know, I don’t really care much about ponies.”

The door opened and a real nurse came in. “Good Morning, Miss.” Then she saw me retreated to the back of my bed where I had remained when Craft came at me with the thermometer. “Uhm...” She continued her routine-speech of early morning patient visits, and placed my breakfast on the nightstand. “How are you feeling today? Slept well?”

“Feel a lot better, and yeah, surprisingly I did. Symptoms I still show are the headache, and some nausea, but I’m fairly certain I can stomach my breakfast, thank you.”

“Ahh, it’s so good to hear that you are doing better, I...”

“How many have died so far?”

“I... I’m sorry, I’m not supposed to give any such information. You have to understand I...”

“Please.” Aideen puppydog-eyes.

She sighed and looked around to see nopony’s there to see her breaking the rules. “Thirty-seven deaths. That’s of those who came into the hospital. Most Zebras are a little bit narrow-minded. They trust their own remedies mostly.”

“So about twice that, let’s say sixty...”

“Please, Miss Aideen...”

“How much came through?”

“Counting you, and two others who are out of the woods... nine.”

“That’s about an eighty percent death rate... and it’s just starting...” I shot Craft an evil glare, she returned with an happy smile. “But I understand the original version of that virus, the pegasus-one, can only be obtained once in a lifetime, right? Doesn’t that mean you would be able to make a vaccine from my antibodies?”

“Well... Miss, I’m not a doctor.” She was talking slowly, I could practically hear the gears in her head rattle. “But I...”

I interrupted her. “Take as much of my blood as I don’t need, any you guys get all the funding for making a vaccine. Both, a Remedy and an Immunization.”

“I- I get a doctor...”

*** *** ***

“Dear folks of Hufstein! Dear bereaved! And dear doctors, without whom we wouldn’t have gathered here today. I believe you are all well aware of the virus plaguing our beautiful city since two weeks ago. It has caused the death of almost two-hundred members of our society and some traveling merchants will never return home. Our city is a city of families, and we all mourn equally for the untimely taking of one of our brothers and sisters.” Shining Light told me he was incapable of holding a speech, but it seems that if it had been written by someone else (me) he felt safer.

“In this time of distress we have to stand united and have to give each other hope. As many of you already know, a cure for this virus has been found two days ago, and there will be no more casualties. But hope is not about having the knowledge of a tragedy going away soon, it is about it’s uncertainty. Three days ago we had no knowledge about how long this virus was free to rage through our city; no, we had to hope!” He was actually pretty good at this.

“I want to talk about a pony who gave me hope. She was one of the first ponies to got infected with the virus, and she fought it the best she could. She even made it out of the woods, figuratively, but when she heard how bad it has gotten for everyone else she did something incredibly selfless. Her body was producing anti-bodies and she ordered the doctors to extract them to make the vaccine.” He looked over to me, waiting for me to give him a sign that it’s okay to tell the lie I have readied for him. I nodded.

“She paid with her own money for all the research, but the torment her body went through to make the vaccine possible grew increasingly weaker. When she got the news about the vaccine being complete her smile was on of the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and then she passed away.” For the right effect he paused shortly. “She knew that I ran for mayor and that I was able to arrange a speech where folks actually listen to me. Truly believing in the goodness in the hearts of somepony she hardly knew, in her will she gave everything she owned to me, including the rights for the vaccine. So I decided to do the only thing I can do in this situation: I’ll distribute the vaccine away for free.”

He gave them a hero, and the cure, he received thunderous applause.

*** *** ***

It’s what Craft had been planning, I’m just playing along. How fucked up am I to have realized that she wanted the vaccine as a promotional gag for our candidate? I thought about not doing it, but I don’t really want to disappoint her. She made a plan where 200 people died to get back at me for not wearing a nurse outfit, and at the same time moved along her own plans of gaining allies, not to mention getting me under her hoof that I will do what she says in the future.

Cirrus and I were wearing a not-sexy, yet reasonably attractive nurse outfit. We had helped giving immunization shots to the people of Hufstein. We have already spent enough money on the vaccine itself, we can’t afford to pay ponies to give out the shots then too. We weren’t broke yet, but we reached a point where we had to watch our spending.

“I find it kinda hard to believe you dressed up like that, Aideen.”

What am I supposed to answer to that. ‘Because Craft meant dress-up is my kink.’, or ‘I only do so because Craft killed 200 people because I didn’t do it last time?’, no, those weren’t good answers. I haven’t even told Cirrus and Turbulence that Craft was the one to mutate the virus, and I even knew why. I didn’t want them to know what Craft’s truly capable of, both in power and in disrespect for life. Can I argue I protect them from the knowledge of how evil she is, or that I protect myself because somewhere I thought that Craft’s plan was rather ingenious.

Shining’s ratings have skyrocketed because of it. I’m the only one who knows how it really happened, and although it has been horrible how it was achieved, I can’t help but feel... happy? Happy for Craft that her plan has worked perfectly, because I came to realize, that, no matter how fucked up it sounds, Craft is my friend. And my only friend at that. Cirrus and Turbulence are more... companions than anything else, but I wouldn’t call them friends.

I played with the thought of giving them my house so they can settle down here in Hufstein, though I feel like I owe it to them that they can travel with me, not to mention I probably still need them for the plans with Foehn.

“Aideen?” Cirrus waved her hoof to get my attention. “You’re in thought again.” That was her way of asking if I’m talking to Craft.

“Yeah, sorry.” I shook my head in an attempt to clear it. “I was just thinking on how to continue. Sure, this gives a lot of publicity, and some popularity too, but there are still other candidates who are more likely to win, especially the current mayor.”

“Okay, so what do you plan to do about it?”

“Well, I can’t seem to get anywhere with normal measures...” I smiled. “Yeah, I have an idea.”

*** *** ***

Footnote: Level progress: 50%

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[ ] Optional: Watch as much Memories in the Memorhedron as possible (8)

Quest: the new Boss 1: Hufstein
[X] Get a candidate for Mayor on your side
[X] Help your candidate gain publicity.
[X] Help your candidate gain popularity.
[ ] Optional: Manipulate other candidates.
[ ] Help your candidate win the election.
[ ] Optional: Rig the election.
[ ] Optional: Win in a landslide.

Chapter Seventeen: Destruction

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Chapter Seventeen


Knock, knock, knock.

The last thing I’d expected today was somepony knocking at my door. ‘Today’ might not be an accurate time span; somepony knocking at my door might happen in a time span of ‘ever’. The only ponies who knew where I live are Cirrus and Turbulence, and both of them are in their rooms, probably already trying to sleep. There was also the fact that both of them have a key, and would come right in.

I tried not to think about who it might be, as I’m going to be surprised anyway. But actually it could only be Shining Light, or maybe even some researcher or doctor from the hospital, they would actually have my address. When I opened the door I found a young zebra mare. She took a step back from me; the typical zebra reaction to being this close to me.

“Miss Aideen.” She gave a respectful bow to me. Zebra etiquette for trying me to get me on her good side. But I could clearly see her struggling not to run away, that means she has to have an agenda for coming here. I also think she knows I would have that effect on her, I even think I recognize her from somewhere.

“Xanthrine, right?” I can’t believe I remembered that.

“You remember my name.” Xanthrine was quite surprised. “Yes, I... ahh...”

“Would you like to enter?” I phrased my offer so that she can still say she doesn’t want to. ‘Come on in’ would have sounded like an command.

It took her a while before she was able to mutter a confirmation. “Yes.”

I guided her into our dining room. “How did you find me?”

“I work in town hall.” Oh yeah. “I have access to real estate holdings.”

“Okay.” I wasn’t sure what else to say. My presence makes her nervous, so she wasn’t talking either. “So, I assume this is no courtesy late-night visit?”

“No, it’s not.” She paused only shortly before she finally found the courage to talk... and she was talking fast. “I know you are working for Shining Light as a campaign consultant. I know you paid for that vaccine and created a lie for him to gain popularity. And I know you are only doing this to bring down Jarvan for what he did to Quick Shot.” Jarvan? That has to be the name of the current mayor. “And I want to help.”

“You want to bring down your own boss? I believe there’s an easier way to stop working for him. Why don’t you just quit, rather than ‘help bringing him down’?”

She gulped. “I cannot help but feel responsible for Quick’s death,” That’s right, she was the one who didn’t trust me with the bomb, that’s why Quick Shot took it and still had it with him. “but it was his decision to kill him. Quitting wouldn’t help, I want him to never be able to decide something like that again.” Then she whispered barley understandable. “I want him to feel immeasurable pain.”

“That’s not why I do that. I mean, sure, it helped in my decision to help Shining Light.”

“You... won’t accept my help?”

“I believe you only want him hurt, and because you think I’m evil I’ll help you in hurting him. So yes, while I would appreciate your help, I don’t need it. The only way I could use someone in your position is rigging the election, but I think you could do that yourself, why come to me?”

“You will not try to get me to do evil?” She was truly confused.

“Dear god... Just what exactly is your problem? I know I have this ‘whatever’ on me, but you zebras are so ridiculous. Just what exactly is your feeling is telling you about me?” I’ve never heard a proper phrasing about it before, and was actually curious.

Xanthrine narrowed her eyes. “You claim you have no knowledge about... this.”

“You just gestured to all of me. Can you be more specific? I’m not a zebra; I think it is some kind of obvious to you, as you have a special kind of perception, but I’m not a zebra.”

“You have a... rancid power. You don’t eat something rotten with maggots crawling over it, pure basic instinct tells anyone to stay away from it, but you wallow in it, and it’s disturbing to observe."

“She’s hurting my feelings.” I heard Craft crying in a corner.

“So... ‘rancid’ not ‘evil’? It’s only bothering you because you can see this ‘rancidness’, it doesn’t affect me.”

“But it is going to corrupt you.”

“Hmm... ‘is going to’, but I am not yet, and I’m fighting it. I try hard to be a good pony.” Anger rose inside of me, I truly to be good, and I’m sick of zebras being so afraid of me although I know exactly why. “In case you haven’t noticed, but you did, you approached me on it, I gave away that vaccine for free. Yes, it was to serve my own goal, to get Shining Light some popularity, but it’s still a good thing. So if you continue to say I’m evil, or that I am surely going to become evil, and if the only reason you want to help me is to have a scapegoat to blame for whatever evil you want to be done to the mayor, then you can forget it.”

We stared at each other.

“But, if I’m evil, your decision to take the bomb away from me and give it to Quick Shot would have been justified. And, if I’m not, you have to face the fact that this one coincidence has lead to his death. But, no matter what, it is not your fault, so you need to stop blaming yourself.”

Then her facial muscles twitched and her eyes trailed off. “I guess I owe you an apology.”

“No you don’t, you listened to your instinct.” My anger had already cooled down. “Let’s leave that topic behind us and do business, okay?”

Xanthrine nodded. “Yes.”

“Now, would you be able to give my PipBuck access to Hufsteins citynet?”

Xanthrine and I conversed about what I want her to do for me, while I managed to tell her as little of my plan as possible. I don’t think she would disagree on one or two of those things, but I don’t want her to mess it up. And, although I doubt it, there was also the possibility that she was bluffing and still working for the mayor.

I had planned to come up with a way how I can connect to it, it was one of the things I need for the final plan to work perfectly, and now, with her nod, I’ve got thrown the solution to me. There have been too many coincidences working in my favor lately for me to still call them ‘coincidence’. I shouldn’t complain and take the blessings as they come, but it felt unnatural. Even her timing had been perfect , just when she left the Memorhedron had fully charged. Exactly the reason why I stayed up late in the first place.

> Memorhedron is fully charged and ready to use.
> Next memory in queue: Failure, part 3 – September 3, 1014
> Length: 0 hours 21 minutes 14 seconds.
> Load memory?
> Load

<-=======ʌʌɅ Ʌʌʌ=======->

Spellfield had his eyes closed, and I felt his facial muscles were in a frown. He didn’t feel very healthy, but when I think about it, he had to be around 60 years old. When he opened his eyes I identified the surroundings as Canterlot Castle. The view out of the window, down the mountain gave me a good sense of direction, and the position of the sun told me it’s early morning. (Why am I even paying attention to that?) I recognized the hallway as the one to Celestia’s private chambers when a spear got shoved into Spellfield’s face.

“Stop right there, zebra.” This does not sound good.

“Please state your business in the castle, Professor.” The second guard was a lot friendlier, but he also didn’t stop his partner from pointing a weapon at someone who had done nothing wrong.

“I’m here to see the princess.” Spellfield, of course, was able to keep his cool without problem. A sad thought occurred to me that he was already used to racism. “It’s of utmost importance that I speak to her.”

“We are not letting you anywhere near the princess!” The first guard had his voice raised, he’s already stating an anti-zebra philosophy, although the war had just begun.

The second guard cleared his throat. “Professor Spellfield, the princess said she wishes to not be disturbed.” He gestured the other guard to lower his weapon before he continued. “With recent political development I’m sure you’ll understand and... forgive my comrade’s behavior.”

“The princess will see me. I’d like to think she even cleared her schedule to see me.” Yeah, the war’s here, she failed, and he had known about it. And, by the way, clever move of not mentioning the other guards behavior. He hadn’t stated he forgave him which means he actually doesn’t, but can’t officially state so without another confrontation.

The first guard wanted to say something but the second stopped him with another gesture. “I’m not sure I understand, Professor,” I liked the second guard, he’s doing his job properly. “but you have to understand that I’m under orders and can’t let you pass.”

The door to Celestia’s room opened. “Spellfield,” Dramatic pause. “come on in.”

“Thanks, Celestia.” I bet he only said that to see the first guard’s expression of Spellfield being on a first name basis with the princess.

He stepped into Celestia’s chambers. It looked messier than I remembered it, but a month ago, or 40 years ago, there hasn’t been war. What might have been towers of paper yesterday, was now a sea of papers on the floor, carelessly pushed aside to have a walkway from the door to the desk and the bed. There were also papers in a crate, I assume she already worked through those, but there was no denying it; her room was a mess, and the mare inside was even a bigger one...

Celestia looked like she hadn’t taken care of herself in anyway. As an alicorn she might survive a week without sleep and food, but even her eternally flowing mane can get deflated and dirty. Her odor wasn’t alluring either. “I wish I could say it would be good to see you.”

“Yeah, I guess so. But, you have to know, you could have met with me anyday. You could have, for example, not dodged me every time I tried to talk to you.” He was clearly angry. “Let’s catch up, shall we? So, how have I been? I feel about as good as you look. Sarina was pregnant with a latecomer and got sick. Very emotional, you know. Take medicine and kill the unborn foal, or die yourself. There were complications. Stillbirth, and she took the medicine to late, and died too.”

Please stop talking. Celestia had the same running through her head, but wasn’t able too voice it. I’m not sure I could either.

“My oldest son, Ryde, quit his job. He had already had a hard time at work, but with an actual war going on, he made the smart choice before they find some reason to give him notice. Now he supports his own family as a clerk in a herb-shop. And, of course, he refuses my money; I raised a proud child. Quinn’s fiance broke up with her after living together for four years, ‘because she’s a zebra’. His name’s on the real estate documents. She’s pregnant.”

Celestia quenched her eyes close, still not able to tell him to stop.

“The twins...” Spellfield sighed, as if only now the hardest thing came. “They enlisted.” Practically means that they too are going to die soon. “And, lastly, Aideen. teenage mare, who lost her mother, and a unicorn in an all-zebra family, no way anything can go wrong there.”

I didn’t even notice him stop there. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around Spellfield having a daughter named Aideen, a unicorn. Spellfield has a unicorn daughter named Aideen... I already said I stopped believing in coincidence. Great! Now I have to break in into Colt’s Well’s server to get access to Stable Eights genealogical tree.

“Are you done?” Celestias voice was merely a whisper.

“Not quite, I want to present you this theory. Everytime you have shot me down at my tries to become adviser without any kind of explanation to the others in the royal advisory, might have strengthened, or even funded their believe that zebras can’t be trusted, after all ‘their princess doesn’t like them’. So the whole thing was a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of thing.” That’s quite evil, but I finally hear the anger in his words fade. “And now... look at you. What kind of target are you? I want to focus my rage on someone, and you’re... just...” He sighed, now he wasn’t able to continue himself.

“Spellfield... I’m... I’m so sorry.” Her dam finally broke; all the emotions she had kept repressing started flowing out of her in form of tears.

“Let’s just get you cleaned up, and then we talk about how we are going to continue.” He engulfed her into his magic and the whole room was ripped away.

--= =-= =--

Teleportation, ohmygodIwanttobeabletodothatsobad. Celestia was positioned in a bathtub; Spellfield has already taken the shower head and was testing the water. Is he going to bathe her?

“You... don’t...” She was hardly able to talk with her crying, so she caught herself a moment. “You don’t have to...” He is bathing her.

He interrupted her. “But I want to. I’ve done this for Quinn recently too. I’ve always loved bathing my children, I feel like it’s a very primal, caring act.” This is weird. “In ancient times equines used to lick each other;” This is all kinds of wrong. “it’s practically the same thing. And, I believe, what you need right now is some caring.”

“I... I tried so hard, but... they wouldn’t liste...” It was barely understandable what else she was muttering, I just hope it wasn’t of much importance what she was saying than the whole scenario that was shown to me.

I already figured out how the war could happen, even though Celestia was against it. The royal advisory was a group of ponies, each one an outstanding candidate in their field. It consists of a total of 73 ponies, mostly farmers, workers, and merchants, but also scholars, soldiers, and others. Although the title they receive is ‘adviser’, they pretty much run the government themselves with Celestia only functioning as a representative. It was how she had planned to make Equestria able to sustain itself.

Sure, there are good and honest ponies who do well too, but those usually aren’t into politics and decline the position if it’s offered to them. So, unfortunately, the advisers became outstanding in their field for more ‘ruthless’ methods. You know... exactly the kind of ponies you want to rule your country.

“Don’t stop.” I’ve tried to distract my mind so I couldn’t follow what was going on at the moment. “Let yourself cry.” Oh. “Let those tears out, but you should close your eyes for this.” He took some shampoo, and gently rubbed it into her mane. This was... actually nothing sexual; it was just an incredibly caring act. I could feel... jealousy. No, no, no. Nopony is ever going to treat me like that. I can freaking bathe myself!

Let’s focus on the memory. So Celestia, a mare who might have not had a relationship since the ancient times, is receiving endearment from Spellfield, a recently-made widower; and, as I know the story will go, they are going to work together for the next ten years or so, means that they have a secret to share. I can see where this is going, and it’s disturbing. Spellfield’s old and Celestia’s, like... ‘ancient’. He’s a normal pony, at the age of 60-ish, is he even working with his gear? Well, he recently lost his wife indirectly due to a pregnancy. Gosh, I do not want to think about anything like this, think about something else, think about something else, THINK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE! Nope, the image of old-pony-sex has burned itself into my brain.

Celestia seemed to catch herself. “Thank you, Spellfield.” Now she was a mixture between crying and laughing. I would sarcastically say she should make up her mind, but I had my own mental breakdowns just recently. “I’ve only been bathed by someone else once before.” What makes her come up with that? “Even lots of aristocrats didn’t bathe regularly back then, they just applied perfume and make-up. For my wedding though, they did all kinds of things to me. I remember how I was thinking that this is going to be my life from that point onward.”

“Tell me about it.” Spellfield was going in on her random ramble. Whatever made her start talking about it, this too was one of the things she might need to ‘get out of her system’.

“Axis Mundi... He was the most powerful being I’ve ever witnessed. But, before our wedding night, he was scared.” Celestia sighed, the memory seems to be still scary to her. But, ‘Axis Mundi’, I’ve heard that name before. And, with her description, if he is scared of something, it’s worth being scared of it. “When I told you this story the first time it wasn’t quite true.”

“You had your reasons, I’m sure.”

“His family.” Hm..? “He was afraid of his family.” Okay, well, many ponies have bad blood with their family. “‘We are not supposed to find love’, he said, and ‘you do not argue... ever.’ It was like a statement, as if he’s going to get killed if he goes through with it. Which he was, a few month later. I could hear him rambling in his sleep. Which was very unusual, because he usually didn’t sleep. He said it was a pony-thing to do, so he laid in bed with me and protected me the whole night. It was creepy at first,” I bet. “but then it became very nice.” What how?

“How so?” There he is again, practically saying what I was thinking, but he did it. of course, to keep her telling. That’s the reason for this memory to begin with, to get me to know this story. Not because of some romance that merely formed inside my own head.

She chuckled. “I had the most powerful being watch over me while I slept, anypony would feel secure, right?” Her smile faded. “But, that time... It was as if he was having a nightmare, he was talking in a language I didn’t understand, but I memorized the things he kept repeating. When I looked those words up I found that one meant ‘The End’, not as a thing but as a name. Like a grim reaper, this being is the one that will end everything at one point. But, it didn’t just kill him, it annihilated him.” Another sigh. “I told you he made me an alicorn and moved on, but in truth, that day another Marble had been created. A new world where I seemingly have always been an alicorn, and have ruled together with Selene the entire time. There has never been an Axis Mundi in the mind of anypony, it was his punishment for trying to find love.”

“A new Marble...” He lost himself in thoughts for a moment. “What about Selene? She seemed to have remembered the original Marble?”

“She only remembered vaguely. That thing inside of her, however, was able to.”

“That ‘thing’...” Craft’s immune to the change of fate. “Is it immune to the change of fate? Could we ask for its advice?”

Celestia looked up; her expression went from confusion, over disbelief, to an expression of... consideration.

The memory ended.

<-=======vvV Vvv=======->

> Save position in queue.
> Memorhedron is charging. 0%
> Not ready for use.

*** *** ***

Okay, this is not practice, I’ve got to ace it. Concentrate, aaaaaaand... I ripped my surroundings away from me and found myself in my target's home. I squee’d; Teleportation is so awesome.

“You know, I really should have let you dress up as a cat-burglar to do this.” Although I had expected Craft to show up the next time when it’s inconvenient, she startled me. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna kill anyone for that just now, after all I said it after you started your little B’n’E.”

“It’s not really B’n’E if I don’t really break or enter anything, is it? Nothing’s broken and I teleported in here, so practically the state of the world adjusted to my position.”

“That’s an interesting teleportation theory you have there. Think about it this way, maybe you make an exact copy of yourself everytime and kill the original you. The memory of the teleportation itself is only the first time your new senses are tested, that’s why it’s like a blur.” Well, that’s not disturbing at all.

“You’re shitting me.” I blinked. “Right?”

“Guess you’ll never know.” She disappeared.

“Not funny, Craft!” I shouted after her.

For only a blink she showed herself again. “Actually it is.”

I bristled with anger. She sure knows how to tease me. I just learned that trick... Keep calm, this is just because she knows how much I like it, and that’s why she wants to ruin it for me, I’m not actually dying every time... right? Right! … right. I couldn’t convince myself.

“Someone there?” What kind of security guard is that? Asking out loud if someone’s there. What do you expect, that I’ll answer and give away my position?

Not panicking is the key, I just have to move silently out of this ‘security guard’ who’s trampling around, making it not difficult for me to calculate his position, and therefore avoid him without problems. This shouldn’t be fun for me, after all, it’s morally wrong. First phase of my plan was only scouting, only when I’m sure where everything is I can proceed to phase two: teleporting out all valuables in one go.

‘What a douchebag.’ The thought kept going through my head while I strolled through his house-slash-mansion, ‘Do you know no restraint?’ He put his valuables partially on display. The interior designer would deserves a proper beating, but when I think about it, it has been Jarvan himself who decorated his home. He was that kind of guy who has to show off his wealth.

The password on his personal computer was ‘Jarvan’. There were no words, all I could do was slowly raising my foreleg to facehoof. Not like in the safe, the terminal unlocks, was anything important, say compromising documents or a relic even he thought was to valuable to simply put on display.

I closed the save again, knowing it’s exact interiors, and it not being warded against teleportation, it doesn’t need to be open for me to access it with my awesome new spell. This is all going too easy, but maybe that’s just what teleportation does, ‘making everything easy’ especially theft.

I know I could investigate the building for a little longer, but I already know what I need to. I’ll simply take the stuff he displays, because that’s the stuff he obviously wants people to see. Let’s check out where this guy sleeps... King sized bed. Well, I don’t know what else I expected. At least it wasn’t a four-poster bed or something.

“Chrm chrm.” I cleared my throat. Hmm... nope, didn’t work, he has a good sleep. Let’s see... is there something I can break? Yep, a little statue. Shatter. “Oops.” Yes, this seems to have done the trick; it woke him up.

Jarvan rolled around in his bed to look for the source of the noise. When he saw me he immediately shot up, but I teleported away before anything else could happen, just as planned.

--= =-= =--

Clap, clap, clap.

“Craft, why woul-” I’ve turned towards the clapping sound, but stopped mid-sentence.

The thing standing there in the light wasn’t Craft. It was huge, about twice the size of a regular pony, but it wasn’t bulky, it was thin, almost fragile. My eyes had troubles adjusting to the light of the streetlamps, and the creature was standing right between me and one of them, so I was only able to make out its silhouette. “For a mare running around, telling everybody she’s not evil, that was quite an evil move you just made there. Ts ts ts.” It had a male voice and was... rebuking me? Wasn’t he applauding a second earlier?

But, whatever it is, it doesn’t seem to mind my course of action. “You have the advantage, you seem to know who I am.”

“Ahh, where are my manners?” He snarled as if the thought of etiquette’s amusing in the situation. “The name’s Clint.” He rose an arm to lift a hat he’s wearing as an gesture of introduction.

“I’m Aideen.” But, as I already figured, he had known that. I could make him out better and better as the seconds passed. “Oh, you’re a breegull.”

“I’m a wyvern!” Clint flared up his wings to make himself bigger. I‘ve upset him, but finally can see him clearly.

Wyvern were a type of dragon with a pair of legs and wings, while at the end of the wing there was a claw, substituting as an hand. They had two big horns on their head. Unlike other dragons they had round pupils, and a thick, hard skin able to withstand a bullet at points. The word breegull comes from their resemblance to birds as their maws look somewhat like peaks.

Clint had sand colored skin, with the membrane of his wings being brown. He had hair on his head, and I assume the way he kept it was an individual trait like a mane was for ponies. His hair was... kinda fluffy. I liked the way it was sticking out under the head he had impaled with his horns. It would make him somewhat cute if it weren’t for the canines he deliberately showed off.

“Apologies. I’ve just...” What am I even trying to say? “I never met a wyvern, or a dragon in general. I mean, you guys are a rarity even in the east where you come from.”

“Yeah, well... This conversation isn’t going quite as well as I hoped.” He looked around to find a way to continue this conversation. “Let’s move away from the scene of the crime.”

“That would be a wise choice, wouldn’t it?” We started walking in no particular direction. “You thought I was asking how you were able to ‘catch’ me, right? Assuming something along me being impressed with you wits, but actually your just hoped that I pop back up where I disappeared from. You know who I am, so I doubt you ran into me by chance, but were following me, and judging by your equipment...” I looked at the pistol strapped to his belt and opened his vest with my magic.

“Hey.” I ignored his protest. Inside his vest were the two blades he could quickly strap onto his wings.

“...you’re a mercenary. But, luckily for me, whoever sent you is not on my bad side. I also believe you were only supposed to scout, and contacting me was your individual thing.”

“Uhm... yeah... This conversation’s not going at all how I planned...” He scratched his head.

“I supposed you don’t tell me who sent you?”


“And, it’s true, right? You shouldn’t have contacted me.”

“No, I was supposed to meet you at one point. I just figured... If the conversation would have gone as planned that I make a good impression.”

“So, you’re getting paid for philandering? Because I’m not really into... interspecies.”

“Yeah, I’ve gathered that. Your sexual preferences are equine males,” Well, I don’t make a secret of that. “You don’t care for wings, horns or stripes, and you look for them being well built, but I haven’t seen you actually perusing anyone. I figure you’d like them to also be smart, though under your league.” Okay, seems like he knows what he’s doing. “Like your brother, Ailill.”

I narrowed my eyes. “How would you know about my brother? You’re not affiliated with the Crimson Company.”

“I have my resources.” He smiled devilish, showing of his teeth again. He kinda failed at the attempt to catch me in process of stealing, but now he had some leverage against me.

Okay, let’s think about this, nobody in this town would know about it to be able to tell him. Hmm... think... THINK! I wanted to access Stable Eight's genealogical tree, he saw I have a PipBuck and could have been able to make the connection. He’s a merc, somewhere he could have picked up the relations to access those information...

“So anyway. I come in peace... let me take you to my leader.” He changed the quote from an old alien-scene play. Kinda fitting... somehow. “All the information I’m supposed to give you is that it’s supposed to ahh... ‘be a good opportunity for you’.”

“Tell you what: I let you stay at my place, you save money on a motel room until all of this is over, after that I’ll happily talk to whoever sent you.” With ‘all this’ I was referring to the campaign. “and in exchange I can tap into those resources of yours.”

“Haha...” He actually laughed, but was serious again the next second. “No. I can understand you want to know what I know about you, but... no.”

“It’s not about me, I’d like to know something about my own family; I only need to look up my ancestors.”

He was thinking for a moment. With ‘ancestors’ I probably wouldn’t mean my parents, even though it would seem obvious that I’d ask about them, because I still don’t know what exactly happened to them. Even so, the information alone would only have sentimental value to me, and he has no knowledge how much more money he has to spend on that motelroom, as he doesn’t know when I’m done. So is this exchange in his favor? Yes, it is. “Deal.”

*** *** ***

I’ve found one of my ancestors with the name of Aideen. But, unfortunately, I could neither confirm nor deny any of my suspicions. There’s so much weird surrounding here that I have to suspect there has been something rigged. First: she was born one and a half years after the Stable has closed, making it impossible for her to be Spellfield's daughter.

Her mother, Rosepedal, however, had the fitting age to be it. She was born in 998, making her a teenager when the war started, and Spellfield said ‘his teenage daughter’. As she was a unicorn in a zebra family, it could be that she went undercover, sotospeak and took another identity to protect herself, and as I came to know Spellfield, he would have approved of that plan, if he didn’t come up with it himself in the first place. It somehow all fit in place, but who would call their child after their own real name? That makes only little sense.

Another weird fact about this ‘Aideen’ was that she had a sister. Unlike every other pair of siblings in Stable Eight, the had been two fillies, and not a filly and a colt. Aideen took the profession of her father, ‘Nightgleam’, in maintenance, while her sister took up her mothers profession in the garden.

I also noticed that this ‘Aideen’ was the first pony to have a ‘weird’ name like that, but somehow she managed to bring through that most of her descendants were named in this manner, eventually most of the stable took up that way of naming their foals. I didn’t even think it was weird, only after I’ve left the stable and was confronted with other ponies I realized how unusual our name of naming foals was. It was how Zebras did it Giving names that don’t mean anything, but are only for the sake of defining a person. I like it better that way, so you don’t feel like you have to live up to the name your parents gave you.

I could only wonder what I’d be like if my Mom named me anything like Shining Light. That guy‘s kinda desperate to be a shining example. And what if I had been named after some inanimate thing, like Cirrus, Turbulence, or Foehn. It’s weird how we decide what’s weird by how common something is in a weird society. If it’s common it’s not weird, but nopony seems to ask what’s up with the society to begin with.

Come to think of it… why did Craft name herself Craft for me? She was called Theia for Selene, but she’s Craft for Aideen. Hmm… I don’t think it has to do with my personal preferences on naming ponies, but more what her name implies. I remember I made a pun once and called her to be ‘crafty’. She would definitively do something as important as naming something just for the sake of a pun, she has priorities like that.

It’s best not to think about things I can’t change and are meaningless like a name, after all it’s our actions that show who we truly are, and Crafts actions are those of a grade-A psychopath with zero decency for a living being. She once said she ‘liked me’, but I’m not totally sure what to make of it. I like her too, but I don’t think she actually has friendly feelings for me. Generally I doubt she even has the ability to have feelings for anypony. And with that shattered again the only relationship I’ve ever had.

I sighed… “Thanks.” I lifted the portable computer up and floated it back to its rightful owner, Clint. It wasn’t nearly an as sophisticated device as a PipBuck, but for those who don’t have a PipBuck it certainly is the best thing to carry around. Just when I thought that I don’t know what made me think that. They are two different device, created fore two different purposes, it’s not like you can properly compare them., and I’m just the type of pony to believe whatever they have is the superior thing…

“Found what you were after?” Clint took the PC and put it away in a small, bulletproof, metal box. I smiled at how the scary wyvern took loving care of the device, but when I think about it, he had to be very careful, PCs weren’t nearly as robust as PipBucks. There I am with that train of thought again…

“Ahh… Not… ‘exactly’. I found the string of information I was looking for, but it wasn’t at all what I expected it to be. I basically expected a yes or no to my question, but I got something else, and now I got more questions.”

“Any way I can help?”

“I don’t think so, unless you can dig up information on a mare that may or may not have changed her name and took another identity during the course of the war, while the only information I have about her are her name and the names of her family. I believe she lived in Canterlot, but after might have ended up in Colt’s Well to go into Stable Eight, but I don’t know that for a fact, I can only assume.

“Hm… Only if she got caught by the Ministry of Morale,” He really seemed to have ‘his resources’, “but then she should have been in jail, not in a Stable.”

“You know you don’t have to help me; I’ve already agreed on coming with you and meeting your employer after the new mayor has been chosen.” Clint just appeared before the election was over to give me a goal to achieve afterwards, and if it’s only meeting some mysterious guy who for some reason wants to meet me. I took it as a sign of fate, that I have a new thing to do, just before the first ended.

I believe I already know who Clint’s employer is. This ‘Watcher’, the guy who controls the sprite-bots and has access to an weird amount of information, especially if all he does is really just ‘watch’. Observing ponies if they think they are alone, or under themselves, can reveal a lot about their nature. But, somehow, I believe that groups of raiders would use the sprite-bots for target-practice, no, who am I kidding, they’ll destroy them not for sports but just for the fun of destroying things. Other observable groups like Crimson Company will shoot them on sight because of orders, and the Steelrangers probably won’t trust them much to begin with, because they know that they have been used for surveillance during the war.

“It’s more that I’d like to kill some time while you do your politics thingy.”

“Mhm…” I can sympathize with his situation, but there was nothing really I could do to help him. It’s well past midnight, so the election’s today, and the results will get announced in two days. “If all goes well we’ll be able to get going in three, maybe four days. If it goes bad… we’ll be long gone by tomorrow already, but now we sleep and wait for a police raid.”

Clint merely shrugged his shoulders as an answer.

*** *** ***

Ahh… I must say I love Hufstein's sophistication. Every terminal in reach of the Central Citynet broadcaster receives important news every time they deem something worthy of telling the fair people of this town. A PipBuck was, of course, able to catch that signal. The system’s easier to manage than the live radio system the Crimson Company uses in Colt’s Well, and ponies can still read their e-mail long after it has been sent. They don’t necessarily have to switch in right at news time to actually hear the news. Then again, the Crimson Company is more appealing for the lazy kind, and that makes out a lot of ponies.

About half an hour after the news went out somepony knocked at the door to my makeshift cell. Knock, knock, knock. “I’ve got good news for you, Miss Aideen.” His name was Silver Sterling, the lieutenant of the Hufstein Police Force, he was one of the officers who raided my home six hours ago. Cirrus and Turbulence acted their part perfectly, although they didn't know about the wyvern staying at our place. “You’re free to go.”

“Uhhmm… Thanks.” I stood up from the couch in his office. That was the second time I’ve convinced a police officer to let me stay in a cozy place when I should have been in a cell. “What gives me the pleasure of this release? I mean, I know I’m innocent, but how could you be sure so quickly?” I gave him a look meaning: ‘Impress me with your police work, strong stallion’, and he was more than happy to obey.

“Well, Jarvan made some mistakes in his work of framing you. Like the reason you convinced me you didn’t do it was that you’re too smart to, if you would actually rob somebody, that you would keep the most expensive stolen artifact on your nightstand.”

“I still get shivers if I think about that some creep had to be right next to me to place it while I slept… uah…” I was as good of an actress to actually shiver right now.

“Secondly, it was really the only item we could find in your house or carriage, everything else is nowhere to be found.”

“Oookay… But that still doesn’t really clear my name.”

“Now get this. His official statement and the newsarticle for this have been written a few days ago, we checked the timestamp. Means, he had them already prepared.” Or Xanthrine has changed the time on the terminal in his office for the time it was written, with help of a proper tutorial by me. “We hadn’t checked for a timestamp until the newspaper article had last weeks date on it.” He laughed, but I didn’t join him in it.

“He framed me officially in the newspaper on election day? Me, the campaign consultant of his biggest rival?” I believe I was able to deliver ‘shock’ properly. “We need to move, now!”

*** *** ***

It was a nice scene in front of town hall, everyone was waiting in line properly to cast their vote in a small booth for privacy. Good and honest towns folks, even though some were maybe not interested in the political process, were present to get the voting behind them, to continue on with their daily lives. I wonder how many have read the news today… Probably everyone, considering the bulletin board had a screen next to it showing the news, and those people had nothing better to do than gossip about it while waiting in line. Everything’s just going according to plan.

“What now?” My dear police officer had no continuation plan, we’ve arrived… and now?

“Wait here…”

I left him behind and maneuvered through the crowd towards where I’ve spotted Xanthrine. The perks of being tall is that I can somewhat overlook crowds like that. I still didn’t quite know what she looks like, but she was wearing the dress I ordered her to wear. I let her believe it only serves me to identify her in the crowd…

Maybe I am going evil, I couldn’t help but smile at how I’m going to end this plan. When she spotted me she went into hiding, like we’ve agreed to. She knows I was going to hold a small speech and frame Jarvan with how he framed me, and for a very specific reason she had to stay out of the picture.

Taking on her form with my disguise spell I climbed on top of a voting booth. “Everybody, stop the voting! I have to announce something important!” It didn’t take long until I felt like I had enough attention to actually start. “My name’s Xanthrine, I work for Jarvan, and… I cannot take this any longer. He did a lot of immoral things in his time as mayor, among them was that he sacrificed a good friend of mine. You know how the silver bugs aren’t a problem anymore? A stallion named Quick Shot dared to venture in the mine to plant a remote bomb, but the time he was in the hive Jarvan simply set it off. It was cruel, but nothing like what he did yesterday evening. He told me we were clearing out town hall to clean for whoever was his successor. I was naïve like that and believed him, but today I’ve learned that he framed a good pony with stealing all those things, and he might flee and get away with all of…”

Bang, bang

Shots were fired.

Looking where they came from wasn’t on my priority list at the moment, nor calming the scared crowd beyond me.

I simply looked down at my chest where two red stains grew bigger on the dress.

In disbelieve I stared at it, I lifted a hoof to touch the liquid to see what it felt like, but the moment I wasn’t supported by four legs anymore I let myself fall down the booth.

That hurt! I banged my head at something. Damn it. I almost gave away I wasn’t actually shot, but was just acting. According to the plan I was supposed to have an emotionless expression, like I was just in shock, not in actual pain, but I couldn’t help it, my face was deformed by real pain.

Turbulence was quickly by my side to fake-nurse me with some dyed water, the color of an healing potion. Thankfully most of the bystanders were in shock, so none of them tried to nurse me for real. He then proceeded to quickly carry me out of sight. So I can take on my real form again watch the show for myself. It was only a matter of time until they found all the evidence I’ve made for my frame-job, like the form Xanthrine gave him and he mindlessly signed to rent a cargo box at the harbor, or the workers at the harbor who actually saw me disguised as him checking it out.

*** *** ***

The following day I’ve met Xanthrine in front of town hall. “You did not tell me you were going to shoot me! I can’t believe you shot me…” She was almost hyperventilating now that she saw me. “He fired me, you know. Of course he fired me… why wouldn’t he?”

“Well, we didn’t shoot you in any sense…” I defended myself, but of course understood poor Xanthrine. “Look at it that way, now you’re a hero or something, halfway to a martyr.”

“I don’t want to be a hero, I want to be a normal secretary. Everyone is treating me… well… like a hero. Except for him of course.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Yes! Yes, it is! Do you want to know why? Because it might not have even worked, there were still lots of votes for him. Too close to call.” She was talking at a very high speed, making it hard for me to follow what she was saying. “And it’s a bad thing. Because it didn’t actually happen, and it’s part of an evil plan to frame someone. Congratulations, it worked well, but. I. Feel. Bad. Because of it, why don’t you understand that?” She looked at me for a while before she seemed to be enlightened. “Because you’re evil, of course! I can’t believe I… believed you when you said you weren’t evil.” Now she began mumbling and I lost all will to follow her, until she got loud again. “He’s fighting this, you know. You made him angry… With claw and teeth he’s going to fight this.”

“That’s right I will!” Speaking of the devil, Jarvan had burst out the door. He was… enraged, to keep his description short.

“Of course… You can fight it, but should you?”

“YES, I… what do you mean? What does she mean?” He turned the question immediately to Xanthrine, as I probably wouldn’t give him a satisfying answer.

“The votes are too close to call. I guessed that. You and your family before you has always won in a landslide, you can still win of course. But do you want to?” His eyes hushed around to try and think of something. “Let’s be honest. Ruling this fair town is going to be a pain in the ass from now on, because… you tried to kill her.”

“I didn’t try to kill anyone.”

“But you killed Quick Shot,” I countered, “cold blooded even. And that‘s probably only to piss me off. So congratulations, killing my friend is a great way of pissing someone off. In return I take your possessions from you, I take your reputation from you, and I‘ll take your job from you. But at least I don’t sink to your level and become a murderer. I use a more sophisticated method to destroy someone.”

“The death of this boy was a tragedy, but a decision I’ve had to make for the sake of the town. And,” He smiled. “everyone in here heard that now.” He looked around town hall, where some town employees have stopped in their work to listen to us. “you practically confessed that you set me up.”

“Oh, they are all your employees, what they say won’t matter much to the public now. The little lie I’ve created won’t hold long, I’ve known that, but the broad mass just had to believe it for the course of the election. There’s been much confusion since then, but now that I posted the results, it doesn’t matter. They’ll believe now that Shining Light won.”

“What do you mean?”

“I hacked into Citynet and posted the results of the election. I mean, I posted a few random numbers with Shining Light having the biggest number. So here’s a deal; you get your stuff back and in return you won’t post the real vote count. If you do it you also won’t have to govern this city anymore. A big part of town came to despise you, after all. What do you say?”

He stared at me with pure hate…

*** *** ***

Dear Princess Celestia. Today I’ve learned that there is no creature more heinous than a politician if he tries to save his own sorry behind. - March 15, 1025

I believe it’s true that we can find inspiration in the places we didn’t mean to find them. Then again, who would come from this one quote in a collection of Twilight Sparkle's Reports to Princess Celestia, to the… quite evil plan I’ve made out? March 1025 was when the Ministries just started and Twilight Sparkle had to deal with politics for the first time. I can only imagine in what situation she must have been, but there is no certainty that I’ll ever know for sure.

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 13!

New Perk: Turning Heads: The chance of persuading someone who harbors ill-will against you from the beginning is 20% more likely.

Skill Note: Cooking has reached 50.

New Spell: Teleportation
Description: Instantly moves an object or yourself to an specific location.
Magical Drain: medium

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[ ] Optional: Watch as much Memories in the Memorhedron as possible (9)

Quest complete: the new Boss 1: Hufstein
[X] Optional: Manipulate other candidates.
[ ] Failed: Help your candidate win the election.
[ ] Optional: Rig the election.
[ ] Failed: Win in a landslide.
[X] Establish your candidate as mayor.

Quest: Blind Date:
[ ] Arrive at Black Oak.
[ ] Meet Clints employer

Chapter Eightteen: Monsters

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Chapter Eightteen


We were moving forward again. Finally I was out of this City and the speed in which things progress was that of what I do, and not just waiting for something to happen, like the date of the election creeping nearer. More than a month we spent in Hufstein, and, while I was glad that we had a place to stay, I came to dislike my own house for some reason. So the moment Shining Light took office in town hall I was out of it.

Clint, once you got to know him, was way worse than the first impression you get of him. He’s a sadistic bastard and he doesn’t like ponies in general; he also seems to have an addiction to tobacco. As a dragon he could simply burn it himself and the smoke might not be hindering his health, but that doesn’t mean it’s nice towards us when he intentionally blows smoke in our direction.

Turbulence doesn’t like him, and Cirrus is out right afraid of him, but was able to not show it too much when he was actually present. I don’t like him either, but he was a mercenary, he does what he’s getting paid to do. While I don’t trust in him personally, I trust in my instinct that he’s capable and gets the job done when needed. He also knows that I have money and am likely to hire him if I need him so he’s playing nice.

Our goal was Black Oak, a settlement around an research facility in the Haunted Woods in zebra territory. The name of the settlement alone was somewhat eerie, but the information that the ‘Haunted Woods’ already had that name and a series of horrifying creatures before the was disturbing. It seemed unwise that anyone would enter that place, but it was also a great place to hide a research facility for the Zebras. Ponies wouldn’t dare to search the forest to, when they don’t know the exact location of it.

Just as the third day since we left Hufstein ended, and we were about to set up camp for the night, suddenly Turbulence, who was flying overhead came down to inform us. “We are being followed.”

“Great, I didn’t get to kill anyone in weeks. Is it raiders? Please tell me it’s raiders!” Clint seemed very excited.

Turbulence sighed, as if he wouldn’t want to give him that satisfaction, but had to answer truthfully. “Likely.”

“Okay, defensive position.” I didn’t help in their dispute, but simply ordered them to behave like the situation requires them so they won‘t bump heads again. I banged at the carriage. “Cirrus! Have you heard?” It had been Cirrus’ turn to ride inside the carriage, and our new one was well armored and doesn’t let through much sound.

She opened the window further. “Hmm..?”

“We got company. Put on your barding, get your weapon and come out, they’ll arrive shortly.”

It took her a while to process that we might get attacked. “Okay.”

I don’t know about Turbulence, he seemed only displeased about the knowledge that there’s a high chance we would be in a fight soon, and Clint was looking forward to it. I was nervous, my Pegasus friends have at least been thought to fight in the Enclave, all I‘ve ever did was shoot at cans. I know Craft wouldn’t help me this time, I was on my own, or… well… with my companions, but without the help of our dear evil spirit.

“Turbulence, what’s their status?”

“There are ten of them, I couldn’t make out their equipment. They might have come from a raider-camp I know is located about half a day south from here.” The information he has from his profession came in quite handy. “If I assume correctly where we are at the moment.” He added.

“Do you know anything about the camp?”

“If it is the one I think it is, then no. Only the next settlement way southeast from here has noteworthy raider-activity I remember from my days in the office, sorry. I‘m glad I remember the vague locations of them.” ‘His days in the office’ That sounds like he’s retired. “But, what I do remember is, most of the zebra-raiders trade to a high degree and you can pay them so they leave you alone.”

“So don’t shoot, but negotiate?” I asked.

“Of course not,” Clint stated as if it was obvious. “They’re raiders! Get your priorities straight there; you kill the bad guys. The less bad guys there are the better‘s the world, right?”

“No, Clint, we negotiate.”

“It’s my mission to get you to Black Oak, alive.”

“Yeah, so why have a fight if we can negotiate? My chances of survival are higher with no fight, aren‘t they?”

“There will be a fight,” He stated matter-of-factly, and I was afraid he was right, still we could try. “we should make an initial strike while we can, after all we are outnumbered.”

“Behave, Clint.” I rebuked him mostly because of our pegasi who can’t stand him, but as the de facto leader I have to look at the situation objectively. And he was right, but… “You can have a ‘I told you so’ later if it comes to it.” Just as he tried to speak up again I continued. “Though we won’t be careless here. Our que is going to be ‘that goes to far.’ After that, Turbulence, you shoot one of them who seems to be most ready to start shooting. Clint and Cirrus you shoot for the big guns if they have some. I’m going take whoever ‘went to far’, just because.”

“Aww, what about negotiation?” Now he’s just screwing with me.

Cirrus backed me up. “Well, if they went to far, they went to far, right?” Maybe she only did so to have a reason to disagree with Clint, now that he verbally changed his mind and she could give him a comeback.

“Hush now. Everypon- Everyone knows what to do? Good then, until they are near enough, let‘s set up camp for the night, have an excuse why we stopped to wait for them.”

So we waited for those people to arrive. As the minutes passed I realized that we could have simply continued and eventually get rid of them as our carriage is comfortably powered, and they have to stick to their slowest member or split up.

Ohh… I hope the raider ‘going to far’ isn’t the most ready to shoot with a big gun, or the whole plan goes down in ruins. Oh, come on, Aideen, You’ve been through worse. It’s 4 versus 10, and 3 of us can fly, I have SATS and my magic, we’re all well armored except for Clint and they are probably only raiders with bad barding, and bad things all around. If they live up to the cliché.

We might not even get attacked! Yes. That’s a viable option. And, maybe, we are going to see the sun today.

When they came close enough to see clearly through the spyglass I’ve acquired in Hufstein I could confirm they were raiders, judging from their hairstyles and the way the walked alone. Thankfully, only three of them were armored, and those bardings were a joke compared to our equipment. None of them had a big gun either, only pistols, rifles and shotguns as far as I could make out.

“Well, look at what we got here.” Raiders… “Ahh… Fresh meat.” Yup, those were Raiders… “Seems like we got to have some fun tonight.” With no intention of trading or negotiating. “I get some pussy.”

“Too far.” I informed my companions, who immediately started firing, and I slipped into SATS…

I saw zebra stallions get shot perfectly in his head, I could see how his muscles tensed up in reflex, and got stuck because there was no more brain activity to tell the muscles to relax again. He fell to his side with the stupid grin forever drawn on his face.

I saw a another zebra stallion get hit by a cyan bolt of plasma energy, burning off the coat on his right side. His face got deformed with pain before the bolt exploded and disintegrated him into dust.

I saw a zebra mares throat get ripped apart, blood and gore flew in slow-motion from him while he tumbled and fell unceremoniously, unlike the way you see in plays. She was way older than I had expected a raider to be. I always thought they were all somewhat young because of the occupational hazard.

That makes me think… raiders had to come from somewhere, they needed to be born and raised. In filthy conditions, sure, and they never struck me as the happy-family kind of people, but still… There was also my thought about them not using protection for intercourse. She was quite old… there’s a high chance she was a mother, that she could have kids.

I focused the raider whom I said I would shoot. His enthusiasm to have ‘I get some pussy’ had been my trigger to signalize ‘too much’ to my companions. He was young… very young. In a broken society where he had to life in he probably had to earn rights like having sex. This might be one of his first missions, where he goes out to hunt for it. He had identified Cirrus and me as Mares and was enthusiastically looking forward to it, maybe some kind of initiation-ritual for them.

My time in SATS ran out and the world took on its normal speed again. The sound of so many shots being fired hurt my ears and made me wince. But, no matter how horrible it is, I couldn’t stop watching those zebras being slaughtered by my companions. We had cover, and barding; they had nothing.

A shot hit me in the chest, and I finally had the good sense to disappear behind cover. The bullet hadn’t penetrated my barding, but pain tentacled out into my body.

“Reloading?” Turbulence too had left his position and covered behind the carriage. He was refilling his plasma pistol with sparkcells. “Aideen?” He shouted over the sound of shots.

“I got hit.” I shouted back, not knowing what else I could say.

He quickly inspected the spot where I had been hit shortly. “Good barding, probably a broken rip.” His face showed condolences, but didn’t make much of my bruise, but my bruise wasn’t the issue. He saw that my 44 wasn’t smoking or anything, of course not, I hadn’t fired it. “Jammed? Ahh.. No time, take your sword.”

They were close enough to have taken cover on the other side of our carriage. I don’t know how many of them are left, but now the fighting had transformed into us covering on one side and them on the other. Turbulence flew up to shoot down onto them from on top of the carriage.

I had taken his advice and swapped my weapon to the sword, but I couldn’t move. At any time one of them could come up right next to me if he bolted around our cover. I couldn’t even dare to look over my cover, I just pressed myself to the carriage and hoped that, if one shows up in front of me I‘d have the courage of cutting his head of… I’m going to die.

No. No, I’m not. I’ll survive, because I have to. This is survival. I’m going to kill to not get killed myself. I can do this… I can do this… I lifted my sword ready for the situation of one of them sneaking around the carriage. I was ready to strike. Just… wait for my opportunity.

Around the carriage came Cirrus. My sword sirred down to her. “Ahhh…” We both screamed. I managed to avert it’s course, saving her from decapitation, but not without hitting her head hard with the handle. The sound of bullets being fired was gone. How long has it been silent already?

I looked around. Turbulence was looking down from the carriage. Cirrus plumbed down to the floor, grapping her chest to feel her heart from the shock I induced her, and Clint… where’s Clint? He turned around the carriage on the other side. Having an rather amused expression at the situation he concluded from Cirrus’ panting, the sword next to her, my helpless expression, and the scream earlier.

“Lurker underneath.” He informed us and blindly grabbed under the carriage to pull out the young zebra. He tangled the colt upside down in front of us, shaking him a bit so he lost his weapon. It was the one I was supposed to shoot.

Zebras have an equivalent to cutie marks. They call them glyph marks, or just glyphs for short. This colt… doesn’t have his. He couldn’t be older than fifteen.

“Hey, wasn’t he yours?” I seriously hated Clint now.

“Her 44 got jammed.” Turbulence explained.

“Well…” Clint lifted the boy further up and bit down on his leg, making the colt scream in pain. Lot’s of blood shot out of the colts obviously severed artery, and I’ve heard a cracking sound. “Here, all yours.” He threw the colt in my direction.

I simply stared at the colt. Judging from Turbulence’ expression he was equally disgusted by the thought of killing a, now helpless, foal. Different scenarios ran through my head, one insaner than the other. There was nothing I could do with him after we would heal him up, we can’t go into the raidernest and give him back. We cant’… do anything here. The only logical conclusion, the only real thing that needs to be done here was to kill him.

“Your gun’s not jammed. I saw you freeze earlier. I can’t believe you’re supposed to be…” He paused. “Well, here’s your wasteland baptism. Kill the colt. You’ll be doing him a favor, he’ll bleed out from that wound anyway. I also saw in your eyes that you came to the conclusion that we have to do it. Go ahead. Kill him.”

“Aideen, you don’t have to.” Turbulence tried to comfort me, but…

“Yes,” There was no use in giving the task to one of the three. “I have to.” ‘Wasteland baptism’, huh? Actually somewhat fitting. I was about to draw my first blood. I think I always knew I had to at some point, but I always imagined it in a heated situation, like earlier, but I fucked up that chance. Now I have to do it cold blooded and controlled… hm… That wasn’t such a bad thought. It was better to have control over the action, than if it would happen instinctively out of self preservation.

“Do it, bitch.” The colt growled.

“Yeah.” I lifted my sword up again, and positioned it over his neck. “Any last words? Not many people get that chance.” I feel like stalling this action would be the normal reaction to the situation.

“Nah, I‘m good.”

“Fair enough.” I nodded, and brought the sword down, severing his neck in one clean motion.

*** *** ***

Besides my broken rip only Clint had received noteworthy bruises. He ran into them like a berserker and sliced around with his blades, a tactic the raiders had been utterly unprepared for, they ended up shooting in their midst and hurting others of their group. We were able to quickly cut out a shrapnel which might have spread an infection, but other than that, nothing even pierced his hide. I decided that I’m not going to take a healing potion for the one broken rip, it would have been wasted on such a ‘minor’ thing. We were going to need them once something’s really wrong with us.

For the aftermath of the fight I insisted we would destroy the evidence, besides it being the right thing to do, so we buried them. Craft had been present for the entire time we dug graves, but it eluded my understanding what exactly Craft’s expression means. Was she proud that I had my first kill? What was her opinion on us digging graves for them? I don’t know.

After we were finished Turbulence tried to catch my attention. “Aideen.” I had been staring at Craft for a while. “Can we talk?”

I know where this is going. “No.”

He specified. “Not about you.” Hmm… “Nor Craft.”

“Okay.” I agreed.

“Let’s walk.” He lead my a little bit outside the hearing range of Cirrus or Clint and only then began talking. “I’m worried about Cirrus.”

“What do you meant?” I was genuinely confused. Why would he be worried about her? “She’s fine.”

“Exactly. ‘She’s fine.’ I saw her kill four people and she’s fine. She acts like it’s nothing. It’s even worse than that lizard who took pleasure in it. Cirrus’s practically a normal mare. She had basic training, and nothing more. I have trouble shooting raiders, and I’ve done it before.”

He’s right of course. Although I didn’t see her when she was in action, I saw what she was like just after it. She was only scared because I almost killed her.

“I’m bad at this emotion stuff.” I admitted. “Not like you don’t know this.” I added with a shor laugh. “But I don’t know what to do with her. Do you want to confront her?”

“I was planning to, yes. But, I thought, I should ask you first.”

“Ask me? Why?”

“Because you’re kind of our leader, and I know you’re new to this, so I thought I’d give you the heads up that you… that we should keep track of the emotional status of all party-members.”

“Sure… Uhm…” I took a strong voice. “Report your findings to me, solider.”

“That wasn‘t funny, Aideen.” There was sadness in his voice. He turned around back to camp. “The second time I’ve said it I’ve known your gun didn’t jam. Your expression told me as much, I was just giving you an excuse out, you know.” Without even looking at me he added, “I was trying to protect you.”

I sat down where he left me, thinking about what he said more thoroughly. Was Cirrus a threat? To herself? To the ‘party’? To others? So she was able to kill raiders without hesitating, is it really a big problem? Where does she draw the line on who deserves to live and who to die? We killed them and took all the belongings they had with them, wouldn’t that make us raiders too in some sense?

I killed that colt, because “it was the best course of action“. It’s not the first time somepony justified their kills. I remember how Craft said that it’s always wrong, and with every time you kill, it will get easier. This was something to be afraid of. Then I thought how carelessly Craft killed all those people just to help win the election, or, how she justified it, to get me in a nurse outfit. How many people has she killed already to be able to make such a decision?

I’m on my way of becoming a killer too. Has my dam broken? I’ve killed a foal! I feel bad… somewhat. Not because I’ve been forced to make that decision, and not because I’ve actually done it, but because… the control it gave me… I’ve liked it. Having live in your hooves, it was very empowering.

“You want a hug?”

I ignored Craft, and bolted towards the camp to apologize to Turbulence.

*** *** ***

A few days later we arrived at the edge of the haunted woods. It immediately got our groups mood down a bit. Only looking inside it had that effect. I had to think about how eerie it will be once we were actually inside of it.

Cirrus and Turbulence seemed a lot better. He informed me that the only way Cirrus could do the things she did was that she convinced herself that those raiders weren’t even equines. With all the horror stories she got to hear from me and Turbulence, and her own vivid imagination she made them into monsters. Something with no value to pony kind, and only exists to be slain. I can’t say that I’m happy with that conclusion, but if it keeps her sane it was okay with me.

“We should go back about half a mile and set up camp.” Clint introduced his plan. “The less nights we spend inside the forest or right next to it the better.”

“But we still have half a day left.” I understand Cirrus objection, but I have to agree with Clint on this matter.

He simply answered, “Trust me.”

“Trust you? Hah!” Okay, I need to step in and the avoid conflict.

“Trust him.” I insisted. “He’s been in there already, haven’t you?” He nodded. “So we should take his experience to our advantage. We’re all on the same team here.” Cirrus seemed hurt that I take his side. “So Clint, what is our best course of action?”

“We need to travel the furthest amount per day. Spending a night in there is hard. The best thing would be if most of us stay awake all the time. Inverse of normal sleeping schedule when we are keeping guard at night. We’re four so I’d say everyone gets 6 hours of sleep until its time for the next one.”

I didn’t have to think about it for long. “I agree. What about our moving patter, when is it wise to walk around?”

“I’d say we shouldn’t be moving from 7pm to 9am. Sound kinda extreme, but things come out as soon as it grows darker and the things that catch the early worm are the ones who evolved for speed, nothing you want to mess with.”

“That leaves us only 10 hours to move…” I thought out loud. “I trust your expertise. I know I should have asked this ages ago, but what kinds of things will expect us in there?”

“The kind of stuff that doesn’t leave witnesses to let itself get named.” He expression showed me he wasn’t joking just to scare us. “But mostly stuff there is no name for in pony tongue. Their names wont help you.” He thought for a while.” I should sleep at night to be awake when we move to lead you, because even some of the plants might try to kill you.

“Okay… Let’s lay our sleep schedule starting at 7pm, so the times when the next ones start are 1am, 7am, and 1pm. You get 1am. I’d like to be awake when we enter the forest tomorrow so no 7am for me. Cirrus, Turbulence? Any takers?” It was also the shift that required them to stay awake the longest if they’d start now.

“Jo!” Turbulence volunteered.

“1pm? Cirrus? I know you always have troubles with guard duty, can you sleep in the afternoon? I can do it too.”

“I’d appreciate that.”

“Okay, than I’m gonna start going to sleep right now.” I entered the carriage. “You manage to cook for yourself, right?”

“Oh no!” Cirrus was shocked. “Aideen asleep before 7 pm? What are we going to eat for dinner?!” She looked to Turbulence.

He returned her an equally shocked expression. “We’ll starve to death! Noooo!”

Clint was not amused at their joking, and, to be honest, neither was I.

“I’ll be awake for lunch every day… Good night, or afternoon or whatever.” I closed the carriage door from the inside.

*** *** ***

Like the past days I’ve slept bad, I assume my dreams were guilt dreams about killing that colt, but I wouldn’t know as I can never remember my dreams anyway. Also 1pm was a weird time to go to sleep and my body wasn’t quite expecting this. Only sleeping bad is better than being plagued by nightmares, so I think I was actually very good off.

The dinner Cirrus cooked was good, not great, but good nonetheless. We had good ingredients and good kitchenware, so there’s nothing that should grade our food down to ‘acceptable’, even when Cirrus was cooking. Her greatest fault is that she doesn’t know how to use spices like those we have. I guess there haven’t been anything like that in the clouds. We have agreed on not talking about their old life, and not talking about cloud-food was probably among those things.

“So, you look… good? How come?” I pointed out our pegasis appearance. Both their coats were shimmering a little and Cirrus’ hair looked especially fluffy.

“Cloud-bath.” Cirrus explained. “It’s not really something we’ve ever done, but I think this is our last chance to do it, figuring the sky above the forest is nothing you want to venture in…”

Clint told us that much too. You wouldn’t want to fly overhead that forest unless you were a dragon… a big dragon. Clint was a grown-up, their kind doesn’t grow much larger, and have a shorter lifespan in general. A normal, house-sized dragon could fly over with no problems.

“But, don’t worry, the Enclave didn’t spot either of us or anything, we kept low and were very careful.” Turbulence tried to ease my mind.

“Oh, I didn’t even think about that. More like how nice a bath would feel right now.” I didn’t properly clean myself in a week, and according to Clint we might take another four days to get to the heart of the forest with our approximate speed, and if nothing happens.

“We could get you one down,” I know how this offer is going to end. “but…”

“Yes, fluctuation in cloud mass needs to be checked out, we can’t risk that just to make me feel better.” I assume I already know way more about the Enclave than their citizens and average member.

“So I’m going to go to sleep now.” Cirrus stood up from our small fire.

“I’m also going to get a bit of sleep.” Turbulence also stood up. “I’d have to stay awake too long until 7am, you know, and we’re not in the forest yet, so I think it’s not to bad now if just the two of you are awake, okay?”

“Sure. Fine by me.” I gave my allowance. “Clint? This distance from the forest we should be fine with just the two of us, right?”

“If that’s his agenda, of course.” What does he mean by that?

“Good Night the two of you.” I hope they sleep better than I did.

“Good Night.” Cirrus gave almost a small bow.

“G’night.” Turbulence only nodded.

Clint didn’t wish them anything, but we have come to expect that of him. Our pegasi entered the carriage and closed the door. “Didn’t that seem weird to you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… They already took a bath together earlier, and now they go to sleep together…”

“They are not a couple.” Shouldn’t he know this?

“Yeah, that is also what I gathered from my surveillance of you. I can’t help but notice things about them too.” So why does he have to ask? “Also it might come in handy if my employer wants to know about them.”

‘His mysterious employer’. The closer we came to that guy the more I began to doubt my decision to go with Clint in the first place. Clint should have been surprised that I so willingly come with him, and maybe he was, but it made his job easier, so why bother? And meanwhile I also scrapped my idea of his employer being this ‘watcher’-guy; it doesn’t make sense that someone in the midst of a forest in zebra land would have control over Sprite-bots. Asking about him doesn’t bear fruit, because Clint was under contract not to reveal his identity.

Maybe… “What do you think of your employer personally?”

“Nutjob.” Not reassuring. “But lots of money, so I guess the term is ‘exocentric’, right?” He laughed. “Ahh, how the rich people have it good, we use fancy words to insult them, and those words don’t even sound all that bad.”

This was somehow incredibly funny to me at this moment, and for the first time I shared laughter with Clint. “And why is he an exocentric?”

“Maybe because of the way the evil lair is chosen. Inside the forest? Come on!”

“And the research facility?”

“Oh, yeah that might be a reason.” He obviously acted like he never thought about that, and we laughed again.

“Can you tell me what has been researched there?”

“Sap.” He simply said

“Sap?” I repeated.

“Amber and mosquitoes.” As if that would make it much more clear to me. No wait… amber and mosquitoes? That rings a bell.

“Like Jurassic Park?” I joked.

“Yes.” I waited a while for him to get out of that joke. “Well, not exactly, but close.”

I waited again, but as he didn‘t continue I had to encourage him. “Go on.”

“Bypass spell. Shields usually work for a certain person only, so you get a mosquito to get a drop of their blood, and so on…” That was strangely unsettling. “But how would I know how it works? As far as I know it never even worked out. And, what they do now with the facility, I don’t know.”

“Maybe they make pretty jewelry with the amber now.” I started giggling again, and he laughed too. Wait, what? I’m giggling? I stopped. ‘Giggling’? That doesn’t sound like me. Get yourself together, Aideen! “I’m drugged.” I realized, before I started to giggle again.

Clint too had his fits of laughter, but he was able to take a serious expression for a second. “Me too.” Then he started quivering again, but when he wasn’t able to hold it anymore he laughed again.

“Shit, shit, shit.” Cirrus must have used the seriously wrong spices. I crawled to our portable cooking and alchemy station. ’Crawling’? Isn’t crawling the process to walk on all fours, aren’t ponies crawling all the time? I checked my drugs. Yep, they have been opened. This was incredibly funny. These herbs have been expensive. I hadn’t had this much fun… ever. This was totally worth it.

Craft leaned back on a chair and was playing air-guitar and sang something with an text with something like “Free drugs in your grapefruit.”

I don’t even know what a grapefruit is. I know what grapes were. Are grapes fruit? They grow on bush thingies, I believe. Maybe grapes count as berries. But I only know about the cultivated things they’ve used before the war, I’ve seen pictures. Wait… Strawberries are fruits, and so are tomatoes, and those grow on bushes. Grapes have to be fruits. But what’s a grapefruit? I believe Craft has referred to my head when saying grapefruit. So a grapefruit was probably a really big grape with a rough skin and a brainy inside. I wonder what kind of seeds these brainy grapes have.

I… I have to inform Clint about the drugs in our system…

“You know… of all the things I’ve ever eaten parts of I dislike ponies the least. Wait…” He realized his double negative and shot his eyes wide open. “No… fatty ponies, no muscles, and unhealthy food they are themselves what…” He gulped. “what… what they eat themselves.” He closed his eyes. “Bad, bad ponies. Horrible taste. I like you, Aideen. Fine flank. Probably nice, nice eatin’.”

“I like you too, Clint.” I was really happy that he thinks I’d probably taste good. “I think you’d taste good too. You‘re like a…” I have to think of a good metaphor. “Like canned peaches. Your skin’s thick, I’d rather not eat the can, but inside really tasty. I’d eat…” Wait eat! Focus, Aideen. “CLINT!” I shouted his name. “Cirrus used drugs instead of spices.”

“Cirrus…” He took a deep breath. “What do you think wings taste like? I mean, I’ve eaten wings before, but of small creatures, like birds, but…”

“They’d taste great!” Hmm… what spices would I use to cook Cirrus’ wings? “We should wake her and ask if I can have one.”

“Yes, we…”

“NO!” I immediately interrupted him. “Clint, We’re drugged. We cannot eat Cirrus, or any part of her.”

“Sooo Turbulence?”

Somehow that made sense. We can’t eat Cirrus because we are drugged! Let’s eat Turbulence. Wait… “No. Not him either. Clint, we can’t actually eat anyone.” I had to steer the topic away to something else. “The forest!”

He considered. “We cannot eat the forest, Aideen.”

“No, we should keep watch.”

“Yes! Yes, we should.”

Two hours later Clint and I agreed to never mention this again.

*** *** ***

The thing that disturbed me most about the forest was that nothing happened. Since three hours ago when we’ve entered the forest we haven’t come across any sign of life. It’s as if the forest tries to fool us into believing it wasn’t all that dangerous. Maybe it wasn’t… But I trust Clint’s opinion about dangerous things. He wouldn’t have said it was that dangerous when it actually wasn’t… Unless he gets paid by the day and wants to stall us so he can get a few more days to get paid. Then again I don’t believe he would act out such an cautious way of movement through the forest for a few days. He wouldn’t have that kind of patience to ‘act’.

After our acid trip together I believe I start liking him. I believe him when he said that he has eaten ponies, or at least parts of ponies before. He wasn’t a pony himself, so it wasn’t cannibalism, and I believe that he wouldn’t hunt for innocent ponies. It was a strange scenario I have to deal with here. But I think if I’d get paid to kill radigators, I’d probably try them too. If they’d talk it would be somewhat weird though. I’d might try some if I have the opportunity, especially because I’ve heard they are ‘fine eatin’. Maybe Clint has heard ponies taste good at one point in a dragon den or something?

Hmm… Why didn’t I buy that meat way back then? I was certainly curious for the high price it is sold. And people actually bought it so it must be good. I think Craft had scared me about radiation poisoning when I eat that. She said she’s repressing it for her host if I’d get radiation poisoned through normal circumstances, but not if I’d willingly ingest it.

“Shift change. Aideen, your turn.” Like I could sleep in a forest like that.

*** *** ***

Absolutely nothing happened for two days straight. Cirrus accused Clint of scaring us unnecessarily, and Turbulence agreed. I had to agree too, but didn’t took a side. Clint’s expression was to on edge to be faked. He was scared shitless about the forest being quiet… too quiet. But, at the end of the third day something happened.

“Aideen, wake up.” Shit, shit, shit. I was awake immediately.

“What happened?”

Clint carried Cirrus inside the carriage, she was moaning in pain, her face was flushed, but I couldn’t see anything wrong with her. “She got bitten.”

“Bitten?” I jumped up and rushed to her aid. Upon closer inspection… I saw nothing. Not where you would defend yourself if an wild animal would attack you. “By what? Where?”

Turbulence carefully extended her wing, with her repressing to cry out. He pointed at a place where her secondary go into her primary feathers. There was a small red glowing tick. “We don’t know what it is exactly, she just cried out in pain suddenly and fell over.”

“How long ago?” I discarded the first-aid kid and went for our medical instruments.

“A minute maybe, we immediately stopped. She said it was in her wing, she managed to extend it earlier…” He looked down at the mare at his hooves who was breathing through her teeth.

Cirrus seemed in horrible pain, on the edge of screaming herself senseless, and then… she passed out.

“Not good, not good, not good, not good, …” I took a scalpel and cut a little deeper than just skin in about an quarter inch in radius around the tick, removing some feathers in the process. “Can’t risk that thing leaving it’s teeth in.” I carefully removed the piece of flesh. “Oh god…” The ticks teeth were longer than the rest of it’s body, I could see them sticking out on the other side of the small flesh lump, but I’ve made the right decision, they would have broken if we would have tried to rip it out with a forceps. The flesh underneath wasn’t as… fleshy as it should be. It almost looked like it was stocking. It was hardening like meat when it’s getting cooked, and it was taking an orange color.

“Don’t kill the tick.” The command came just in time when Turbulence wanted to squash the thin like it would deserve. I put it in an empty phial. “We might need it… Clint. How far until the settlement?”

“At night… maybe three hours if we rush, but it’s nightfall. “But it’s getting dark now pretty quick…”

I looked at my PipBuck, it said 6:27pm. “You’re fast… Can you run ahead and inform them about the situation for them to sent aid our way?” I practically asked him to run alone through the forest at nightfall.

“Without the carriage and all… maybe an hour, but I….” His expression told me he knew that I’m going to insist this of him.

I breathed in heavily… “3000 caps.”

He saluted. “Yes, ma’am.”

I gave him the phial. “Go!” He rushed out. “Turbulence, we need to hurry too. I have no idea how to treat that. This is not a bruise or broken bone, where a healing potion would do any good.” The only thing that helps my mind now was to get her to someone who might me able to help her.

But right now I felt immensely helpless…

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 14!

New Perk: Cold Heart: It comes easier to you to make immoral decisions to further your means

Quest: Blind Date:
[ ] Arrive at Black Oak.
[ ] Meet Clint‘s employer

Companion Quest: Ticks
[X] Apply first aid to Cirrus
[ ] Get her professional help.

Chapter Nineteen: Anger

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Chapter Nineteen



It wasn’t the kind of silence I wasn’t fond of. A kind of silence nopony was fond of, I believe. Everyone of us has the ability to break it at any point in time we wish. We could simply speak up at will… but this silence has a power in it, one that keeps us from comforting each other. So we all just sat there, spending time in our heads. And, for some reason, I was thinking about silence, not about the matter at hoof… Cirrus.

I looked over to Turbulence. He was clearly in pain about the situation. I think it has hit him way harder than me. He had been crying again, I could clearly see it in his eyes… How can somepony just freely show their emotions? I mean, sure, I’ve cried in front of him and… Cirrus, but this was because I had a mental breakdown, not because I had an actual reason to cry.

Turbulence and Cirrus pretty much just had each other since they traveled with me, I don’t feel like a real pony to count as a friend for the two of them. So once again I have to question my relation to the two of them. Was I a friend to them? Turbulence has called me on my bullshit and might have been really thoughtful in making me that offer about my… sexual problems. It appeared like he just wanted to get laid way back when, but now considering everything, I think he’s a very wise pony.

Cirrus couldn’t be more different than him. She had truly only cared about her own pleasure in that situation. Just like she tried to get closer to me when we were still in the clouds. Then she developed a crush on me… She was childish

I looked over to Clint. Why was he still here? He had fulfilled his mission in bringing me to Black Oak. What is he still doing here with us? The only logical thing here is that in the past week he came to like us, and he too mourns for Cirrus. He might be a sadist, but only if he was the one to has caused the pain in someone he wants to dominate, like he threw me that raider kid. But, now…

I wish I was a real person like them. I made the decision to use a bioweapon’s devastation to gain popularity to further my own means. I made the decision to bring down a person who only tried to protect his town in the easiest way possible. I made the decision to kill a foal ‘just because’. And, most recently, I evaluated the risk it takes Clint to run through the forest to get help to pay him properly instead of offering all the money I have for Cirrus’ live was on the line. How can I live with myself?

The door opened and a nurse came in. She was a zebra, but I feel stupid for pointing that out in a pure-zebra settlement. “Excuse me.” She bowed. “But visiting hours are over. Once again, I assure you that if your friend wakes up we will get you immediately once her situation allows it.” ‘Once again’? It’s been only three days, and she feels like she needs to say ‘once again’. Why does this annoy me so much?

I looked over Cirrus. Besides the tubes going into her nose she looked like she just sleeping… so peaceful… Why can’t I even bring myself to cry for her? Maybe because I don’t realize this is really happening, something makes me think that Cirrus will simply bounce back and be okay again, but that’s not going to happen. She’s ‘lucky to be alive’, which means of course that whatever state she’s in when she wakes up would make her wish she died.

At some places her flesh tensed up so blood wasn’t able to pump through her veins, and the body part started to die off, but they had been able to save everything. The bad thing is that her nervous system took damage to a degree that is not yet known. Cirrus might be completely paralyzed when she wakes up, but there’s also the chance that she’ll wake up without any signs of this ever happening.

The odds have always been in my favor. Come on, let them be in my favor again. I don’t know who I have to pray to do make this happen… Craft!

“Miss?” The nurse ended my train of thought. “I’m sorry but you have to go now.”

I looked up and saw Turbulence and Clint already halfway out the door. “Yes, of course.” I smiled, because I have a plan now. I stood up and left the room. “Guys, I need to do something. I see you later.”

As a cover-up I looked at my PipBuck, as if the new memory had loaded in already. Clint wasn’t familiar with the gesture, but Turbulence understood. We said our good-byes, and while I walked off to the house I got assigned to I’ve heard them talk about getting a drink.

Black Oak was a strange settlement. I believe this is because it has already been a strange research facility to begin with. All the buildings were tree houses high up above the ground. The trees were all of a dark color, but the namesake, an oak tree was the only tree that was truly black.

The black oak was a strangely out of place tree in the midst of this very different forest. It was at least two centuries old, which lead me to believe it was planted during the war, and it was the reason why there has been a research facility in this place to begin with, but I had no clear evidence to support that theory, I’ve never gotten around to ask if I can see it up close.

The entire tree-house-complex was warded against the creatures of the forest, but strangely enough they have signs and mask hanging up that speak the opposite. ‘Come in’, and ‘welcome’. None of these zebras here were afraid of me, and Clint has been right, they were nut jobs. Or, ‘eccentrics’, the proper term for rich nut jobs.

“Ahh… Miss Aideen.” Oh shit, Queen nut job. “What a coincidence to bump into you here.” Dahlia was a zebra mare in her fifties. She wore a beautiful white gown and some jewelry. Most of it was gold, but a necklace was bluish black, and for some reason I didn’t understand I recognized it as the same material I saw in the laboratory of Gaia Prevails.

“Yeah,” I forced a smile. “A total coincidence, that I take the shortest route to my house after visiting hours are over.”

She laughed. “Haha. seems like you caught me…”

I interrupted her. “Or the other way around.”

She sighed. “Miss Aideen, We provide you a lot here.” Yeah, free lodge, food, and they let me restock my alchemy and cooking supplies. “I wish you would at least come over, if I invite you to tea.” They were too generous… it was creepy, and she just weirds me out.

“Look I…” I paused, and thought about it a little more.

They surely want something from the fact that I have Craft inside of me, and this was going to be really awkward once the topic comes up, so I was avoiding her as best as I could. Funny enough I was just about to go to a private place to talk to Craft, but maybe I should play nice for once. After all they are also a faction I could have on my side when I am going to take over the Company… I rubbed my head; what has my life come to?

Anyway, if tea with her is going to happen then under my contitions. “Dahlia, I just made myself some plans for tonight, but I guess it wouldn’t mess up my schedule when you will come with me to the lovely house you provided for me. Then I make us some tea and cook a little bit, and afterwards I can get started on my own plans.”

“Miss Aideen, you are our guest, you don’t have to cook for me, I…”

“Are you refusing my offer to tea? Because if I recall this whole thing started because I didn’t come to you. And, I believe, after everything you have done for us already, this is the least I could do. So please, let me cook for you.” I knew I had her, Dahlia cannot refuse anymore.

“Then I gladly accept.”

*** *** ***

We entered my house. Okay, Smalltalk. “I have to say, you have a very lovely village. These houses are amazing.”

“Quite the flattery for my ancestors. Yes…” She smiled and looked around to take in all the features of the houses. “I would have liked to provide you with only the best, but as it turns out all our houses are built like that. Each one has it’s own tank of water, and multiple heating mojos.” Both things I was using right now to make some tea. “My mother used to say that ‘there are two ways of doing things. Why not choose the right way?’ These houses have clearly been built the right way.” This is weird.

“My mother used to say that too, and she said she had it from her mother. The ‘There are two ways of doing things…’-phrase.” I added tealeaves into our hot water and floated a cup already over to the table where Dahlia has placed herself already.

“What a fun coincidence… Your mother to know old zebra-wisdoms, but then she also gave you a, for ponies, unusual name.” She took in the tea’s aroma, but, obviously, didn’t drink just yet.

“A lot of the ponies in Stable Eight had such names.” I should only make a quick salad. Something quick to prepare and eat, I want her out as soon as possible. Good thing I have a custom herb and spice mix ready for the kind of salad I decided to make, it only needs some oil and vinegar, and it’ll still be tasty.

“Yes, I know. I paid the wyvern to give me all the information about your heritage as well. I’m sorry for the invasion of your privacy, but I just had to know.”

“Know what exactly?” Has she assumed the same thing I did? But what would they know about Spellfield?

“You carry the same name as the youngest daughter of the prophet,” The prophet? “and she was a unicorn. Faith seems to go strange ways.”

I took the salad and floated it over to the table, along with my own cup of tea, and I sat myself opposite of her. “But I’m no descendant of Spellfield.” I looked for her reaction to my complete guess. Would there be another prophet out there with a daughter named Aideen whose heritage could be cleared by checking Stable Eight’s genealogical tree? Probably not.

“I guess I shouldn‘t be surprised you know his name, after all you carry around some of his texts.” She pointed to the books I have lying around on the nightstand. “But I am surprised that you know we think of him as the prophet. I assume you‘ve just said it and waited for my reaction, right?”

There was no point in denying it. “Exactly.” She might have concluded the same thing I did and thinks that this Aideen had changed her name, maybe she’ll bring that topic up.

“That’s the reason why you are here, Aideen. Your possible relation to him.” Yep, here we go. “I was so sure you were… If I had known you were not related to him I wouldn’t have ordered the wyvern to bring you right here.” Oh. “I should have made it two missions. One to check your background, and one to bring you here. I’m really sorry for interrupting your journey.”

Interesting… but she’s a liar, that’s not why I was brought here at all. All that shaman stuff for spirits is for Craft, and Dahlia wants… something I don‘t know yet. “I understand.”

“You are free to go,” Is she implying I assumed I was a prisoner? Or that she would have tried to keep me here? “but I would like you to stay with us for a little while longer. We have many more of the prophet’s texts, and you could learn of our ways.” She wants me to stay here and become one of them, that’s the reason for all the free stuff and friendliness. “I do not want to force our religion onto you, of course.” She quickly added, desperately wanting me on her good side.

“I think you know my answer. I’m afraid, that for now I have to refuse. But as long as my friend is here I will stay too. And you’ve used the right bait, I’m very interested in reading more of Spellfield’s works.”

Dahlia looked down. “That’s not how I want you to stay here. Because… You know what odds are?”

“Odds? You mean like: ‘Not likely to walk again.’ or, ‘Not likely to fly again.’, and my personal favorite ‘not likely to wake up’.” Like everyone, she just assumes Cirrus will die, and that just pisses me off. “No, you listen to me, Dahlia! Cirrus will wake up and she will be fine, because I say she will.”

She smiled, and gave me a bow. “Were you familiar with that quote or is divine coincidence upon us again?” My expression must have given it away, because she continued. “He said ‘No, you listen to me, Luna. Gaia will prevail, because I say she will.’ in their alteration. Their fight in 1029 that was covered up so the public never got informed about it.”

Their fight? I guess it only makes sense that at one point they crashed heads because he worked against her. It was covered up? Why? Hmm… Celestia being involved with a terrorist organization might have made a bad headline. And here I thought I knew about the war and what happened- But all the cover ups and propaganda and whatnot the Ministry of Morale and Image did, kind of made it hard to objectively look at it, because only one side tells the story… at least so far. I really need to find out what they else they know. The memories are good, but I need to know more. I also need to keep the Memorhedron and the fact that there is a Gaia Prevails facility at Mt. Mustang a secret.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Cirrus…” I immediately felt bad for using her as an excuse, but it was the most obvious thing I could have gotten lost in my head. “I don’t want to lose her.”

“I understand… I’ll tell them again they have to do everything in their power to help your friend.” Dahlia bowed to me again, and finished her meal. “Thank you for the meal.”

“You’re quite welcome.” How I hate this politeness. “But I’d like to get to my schedule now.”

“Understandable. I’ve taken enough of your time already, but I hope to be able to talk to you tomorrow.”

“We’ll see.” Wow, that sounds like a challenge. “I wish you a good evening.”

“Yes, thank you.” She was standing in my door now and bowed to me again. She really likes bowing to me… “Merry meet, and merry part.”

I pretended to not know that her good bye-phrase has a proper answer. “Good bye.” Merry meet again, my ass. I smiled and closed the door.

Okay, I just got information, and have more freely available. What do I make of it? They are surely filtered through their own religion where they see Spellfield as an prophet. I’m not sure how I stand to that. Sure, he had probably known about the balefire fallout that is to come, and had maybe helped and warned ponies and zebras about it, but I’m quite sure he would have never wanted to be worshipped as a prophet. He’s an intellectual, and I’m quite sure he shares my opinion towards religion, after all we have way too much in common already.

Then there was the fact that she obviously wants to be friendly to me. I know I have that effect on people, but usually it comes along with an lusty flash in their eyes. But her intentions are something different entirely. What also disturbs me is that she gives me all the time in the world, maybe when I have my journey behind me that I return to them. Like she only wants the ageless spirit inside of me.

Let’s assume for a minute that all she says is true, and they are really just a bunch of nice people who help out the ponies they have wrongly lead into their forest, what then? Hmm… I got nothing; there are simply no friendly people in the … wastelands, but this isn’t the wastelands. They have nice houses, the forest gives them all they need, from food to alchemical supplies, and what it doesn’t give them freely they can grow themselves, or trade outside because they can practically mass produce those mojos in here. No. there is no concept of friendly people.

“You think they want to worship me, and pray to me like I’m some kind of god?” Craft asked me.

I wasn‘t at all surprised to see her, but I thought I would have to call her. “You think?” I can’t imagine Craft sitting around getting treated like a goddess. “What would you do?”

“I’d kill them all just for fun, because if someone prays to dark, demonic forces, it’s just what they deserve.”

“What if they’d want you to do that?”

“Can’t torture a masochist…” She scratched her head. “This is hard… I could leave some of my force on you, then get myself another body and escape before they know it. Let them worship you, while I’m on the road.”

“Aww… I thought we had something special.” I joked.

“We do, honey, we do.” She went in on my joke. “But, you have to understand, I need to be free.”

“So, let’s just take what they can give us and go away without ever meeting them again?” The easiest solution is the best in most cases.

“Yeah, but nothing stops the from sending another merc on you, or their own people this time.”

“Well, we can simply kill them, can’t we? They don‘t ever need to know what happened to them.” I suggested.

“Aideen?” Craft narrowed her eyes. “Did you just suggest to kill a bunch of innocent so you can have your peace?” Shit, I really just did that, didn’t I?

“It was a hypothetical thing… I wouldn’t really do it.”

“Like you didn’t really kill that colt just so you’d have your peace.” Craft threw in.

“You killed hundreds just to see me dressed up!” I defended myself in pointing out her most recent cruelty to ponykind.

“Yeah, but I’m the ancient evil here.” Like that was a defense. “You’re supposed to be a normal mare, and you killed a foal! I can never understand how mortals are capable of evil to begin with.” I can’t believe that mare just now. “I mean, yeah, I’m something out of this world, doesn’t mean I get a free pass, but I’m a monster, so I don’t care. But you! You’re supposed to be good! You’re supposed to be the hero of the piece!”

“Maybe you’re rubbing off on me.”

“Oh great, so it’s my fault, no matter what? Sure, if it makes you feel better, keep telling yourself that. But you are responsible for the decisions you make, Aideen.” She dissolved.

“Oh what? Silence treatment now? Really mature.” I know she can hear me, but there was hardly a point in saying stuff out loud.

*** *** ***

“Hiiiiiiyaaaah.” Screaming makes blowing off steam all the more satisfying. Black Oak had training grounds, they need it for their guards to protect them from the monsters of the forest if they venture to near to the settlement, although the wards are in place. “Waaaahh.”

“You know, screaming only gives you a dry mouth, and you feel unfit to fight that much. Also it gives away your position.” One of the guards who was here at this late hour has assigned himself to be my trainer. I know why he did it, but he won’t get anywhere. So far he was really the only one who checked me out with lusty eyes in this settlement, but I shall not deny him his eye candy of a sexy, sweaty, exotic pony mare. At least I figure a pony would be exotic for him as he has lived his entire life in Black Oak around zebras.

“But it feels fucking great.” I teased him with saying that in a sultry way. It was a reward for his patience with me, for two hours he had condemned himself to train someone whose only fighting experience consist of running and hiding. I had returned the favor of checking him out, of course. Common courtesy or something. I can’t deny that he was quite handsome for a zebra, and just my type. As Clint has said ‘well built, smart, though intellectually underneath me’, and he definitely had his fighting knowledge and knew how to properly apply it. So smart? Check. Though underneath me? Check. Well built? Yep. “But this spear does not… What’s your favorite tool to play with?”

He smiled. “Lance.”

“Hope you can get me a big one.”

“Hehe. As you wish.” Oh, he thinks he’s getting lucky tonight… He turned around to walk to the weapon stand and get me a new weapon.

But before he was able to return a courier entered the room and quickly approached me. “Miss Aideen.” I simply nodded to make him continue, as if my identity had to be confirmed, as I was the only unicorn in a 500 mile radius. “I’m happy to inform you that your companion Cirrus has awoken in the hospital.”

“Cirrus’s awake? Wh-What’s her condition?” I need to see her, but… I looked over to the stallion whose name I’ve already forgotten after he introduced himself three hours ago. I took a look at his belongings he left here to find a clue of his identity.

“I… wasn’t informed. I was only told to get you, which was hard as I couldn’t find you. You told your friends you were in your quarters.”

“Shhh…” I looked over again to my trainer, somehow I didn’t want to leave him. “How long has she been awake?”

The courier checked the time on his watch. “A little over an hour.”

“Can you tell him that I had to go, and that I’m sorry?” I didn‘t wait for an answer and added, “thanks,” before I bolted out of the training grounds.

*** *** ***

I had simply stood outside of Cirrus room for a while, and was unable to enter. What it sounded like was that Cirrus and Turbulence had a serious cloud-bathing session right now. Clint had tried to tell me, but I wouldn’t listen. Why had I had dismissed the idea? Why didn’t I listen? Why couldn’t I be happy for Cirrus to be alive and well enough to... ‘cloud-bathe’? Or why couldn’t I be happy for my friends to have grown fond of each other? I should have been able to see this coming, but why didn’t I?

They had promised themselves to me, that’s why. And they have betrayed me… so-to-speak. At least I felt betrayed, and I was angry… again. There had been so much anger inside of me recently, or was it? I feel like it always has been there, I could just focus it now when I was able to make up something like a betrayal, even though logic told me it’s wrong.

Where have my hooves brought me? I looked around. I just wandered around when I had to get away from the hospital. It was a part of the city with homes, sure, but it wasn’t mine. The name of the treelines wouldn’t help me, but I checked anyway, maybe my brain can make some kind of connection, and my brain did make a connection, but not to the thing I wanted to. I’ve read the name of this treeline before… on a training bag. Let’s see… 27... 29... 31... there 33. I knocked at the door twice. Knock, knock.

After a short while my trainer opened the door. He was perfect right now. A good way to get back at them. I could show them I’m not dependent on them.

“Miss Aideen?” He was clearly surprised. “What are you doing here?”

“A mare visiting a stallion’s quarters at nighttime? I believe you can think of a reason why I’m here.” The answer is sex. Cirrus and Turbulence can do it behind my back? I can do it behind theirs.

He backed away from me, his eyes darting around in search for an escape. A figurative escape, of course, as it was his home… Wait. That means he want’s me… to go? “Miss Aideen, I’m sorry but I’m afraid I cannot get sexually involved with you.”

He’s rejecting me? I’m on an angry rampage because my two friends are sleeping with each other and offer myself up to someone to get back at them, and he’s rejecting me? “What?” You’re supposed to be a mindless secrecy stallion like all of them are. “Then why were you hitting on me so hard in the training hall?”

“I don’t know?” That’s not an answer. “Reflex, maybe?”

“Reflex?” I repeated, trying to find a sense in the word.

“Yeah… I mean… look at you.” He gestured to me. “But I assumed you were only teasing me, and giving me a show of what I can never have,” can never have? “because you knew that…” He stopped. Because I know… what?

I narrowed my eyes. “You’re not… snip snip?” Judging from his expression I had to say the word. „Eunuch?“

“What!? NO! My gear is perfectly intact. It’s because it’s… you.”

“Me? You cannot…” He’s not gay, is he? “with a mare..?”

“No! Gah…” He took a serious expression on. “Okay, now I at least know you are deliberately messing with me, and I do not appreciate it. I know I cannot force you… but I’d like you to leave my quarters.” What’s going on?

“I’m afraid I really don’t know what you mean. The only thing I know is that… Wait, this is about the evil-thingy, isn’t it?” Craft ruins my life.. “Because I keep telling zebras that I didn’t choose to be like that and that I’m a good person.” Define: ‘Good person’. One who does not murder a foal; one who does not fuck up democracy; one who does not screw with the next best guy to get back at her two closest friends because they started do love each other. “Okay, maybe I’ve made some bad decisions in my life, but… I don’t know.”

He narrowed his eyes, thinking about the situation. What is he assuming? I wish Xanthrines explanation would have been sufficient for me to make up a regular excuse, but so far I hadn’t been able to come up with anything. “You truly have no idea?”

“No.” I confirmed him. “I do not.”

“Hm.. I never thought I’d have to be in this situation where I have to explain this. It’s why I became a guard. I didn’t want to deal with it. I didn’t even believe in it until… well… you showed up.”

“I showed up?” I repeated. Or do they mean Craft? I had guessed wrongly before, but with zebra’s behavior I simply cannot think of anything.

“Dahlia said you…” He paused. “I’m not supposed to tell you.”

“And why can’t you have sex with me?”

“To be honest, I’m afraid of Dahlia, she’s radical. If I touch you and I wasn’t supposed to… If I mess up her plan in some way she knows no mercy, and she’s a happy torturer.” His eyes widened. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you that. You… ahh… ” He took a breath. “Fuck.”

Dahlia is a ‘happy torturer’? “Oh wow, that’s good to know. Her all friendly behavior was just creepy, for a second I actually thought there are people like that. But if it’s all just an act and she’s a bitch it makes way more sense.” I’m truly relieved; he only stared at me. “You know, I can deal with bad guy. Bad guys are predictable, but good and honest people? No way.”

“Okay…” He wasn’t sure how to respond.

“So here’s the deal. You tell me what I want to know, and I don’t tell Dahlia you tried to rape me.”

“What? I didn…” He stopped in his objection, realizing what my plan was.

“You remember how I said I was a good person? Sadly sometimes I have to be evil, but if you cooperate, nothing will happen to you. I’ll actually be in your debt.” I feel bad…

“Okay… short version of our religion is that there is a true god out there who once gave Luna the power over the night, but was wrongly struck down and went to sleep for a while. This god might rise up again, take a new host, and once we find it we serve it to as it ends the world and creates a new one in perfect harmony. If we do evil in this world to further this mean it doesn’t really matter because we can start over in the new world anyway.”

“Uff…” I puffed out air in frustration. “Religion… why would anybody choose to believe in this stuff?”

“There’s more, of course, but I think you get the point.”

“Yeah, you’re saying Dahlia wants to use me to fulfill her wish of resetting the world.”


“Hmm… what ‘nope’? What do you mean?”

“Well, you see, I didn‘t say anything about you.” What does he mean? “You automatically assumed that you are this god’s new host, because you already know you are.” Not good.

“Ah, no… I…” Don’t stutter, Aideen. “It was just the only figure that was in that story, besides Luna.” That wasn’t convincing and I knew it.

“You are, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, but she wants to find a new host, because apparently I’m not ‘suitable’. And, we also hypothetically talked about what if you try to worship her.”

“You are in conversation with the god?” He barely believed me.

“Well…” How much do I tell him? “She can show herself to me as an illusion when she wants to. At first I thought she was a regular mare I just happen to bump into over and over again, but then I found out I only imagine her…” I shouldn’t go into the details of my mental breakdown. “And then I found out she is the entity that turned Luna into Nightmare Moon.”

“Wait… ‘she’?”

“Well, she said she’s genderless but she makes herself look like a mare to me.” Just why am I telling him all this? “You have to understand, that all we talk about here is private, alright?”

“I won’t tell, I promise.” He assured me.

I just nodded and we left the room in awkward silence. I feel like there are tons of things I should still ask him, but I couldn’t come up with something right now. I had the confirmation of them praying to Craft, and I figured their mentality out pretty much. What is there left to ask? It took me a while to think about the wartime research facility, but he already spoke up again before I had the chance to ask.

“So… It’s getting late…” He cleared his throat, and began to blush. “Do you… still want to stay the night?”

I… completely forgot about that! My initial reason to visit him… and I still don’t know his name. Shit. I’m not angry at Cirrus and Turbulence anymore for their ‘betrayal’, so I wouldn’t do it to get back at them, but… there was a ‘but’. I’d really want to, but I don’t know exactly why? Does sexual attraction need an explanation? It just happens. But I have to think about stuff like that… come on, Aideen, make up your mind!

“I take your silence as a no?”


“Okay…” He was slightly disappointed.

“No. I meant ‘no’ to if that was a ‘no’, and no, it wasn’t, so yes.” This was awkward.

“Yes? You will stay the night?” Why does he have to ask again?

I had to take a breath before I managed to confirm. “Yes, I will stay the night.”

I feel like smiling is the proper gesture when saying something like that, so I did… This is not good, I’m already questioning every move I make. There has to be a proper etiquette in things that are sex-related. How to ask for it, what to do in the time from the agreement until a suitable place is found, and how you actually start it. How to people do it? I have no idea.

Okay, seemed like smiling is a good start, he returned it. But… he wore a somewhat perverted smile, that kind of smile of a stallion who knows he’s getting some right now. He was walking closer to me… with that smile, that kind of smile I learned to hate, and I let m own smile crack.

He noticed that and stopped in his approach, and frowned. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing.” I said without hesitation, this was not the time to get cold hooves. I’ve already decided I was going to go through with this. Although not because of the initial reason, but because I want to. Because I need to finally get this behind me. “Come here.” I reached out with my foreleg and pulled us together.

We were touching… so close together… GET YOURSELF TOGETHER! I was taller than him, so I had the perfect opportunity to nibble at his ear. It was an erogenous zone one could began to play with in the process of sexual intercourse, right? I hadn’t kissed him, but I was practically starting to playfully explore his body… right? Right? This was a valid course of action, yes, I felt confident and softly bit into his ear.

He leant down to kiss me on my shoulder. I shivered, but he assumed it was the good kind of shiver one does during sex, so he planted more kisses on the area and made his way up my neck. As I kept his head down to have continued access to his ear he thankfully wasn‘t able to get up far, keeping the area he could leave his saliva on my coat small. Bodily fluids are so unsanitary.

I know he’s not one of the slavers who try to humiliate me by doing so, which mean he has to think this was pleasurable for me. Is it for normal mares? For mares who haven’t experienced being raped? To be fair he was controlling his flow of saliva quite good and kept it in himself as good as he could. For me his kisses only tickled. But tickling is a good thing, right? I was uncomfortable about the whole situation, but it’s supposed to be good, and it was already going somewhat better than I expected.

Who am I kidding? We started 5 seconds ago and I was way too much in my own head. I should simply continue doing what I was doing, but soon ran into a problem when I had trace around his whole ear. Not the question myself if I had done the ear-nibbling right, as his mouth was occupied and he wasn’t giving me feedback. My current problem was more essential. What now? How should I continue? Should I nibble around the other way of his ear? Or change position and nibble his other ear? The verb ‘nibble’ began to sound unreal in my head. Who comes up with something like that? No! Focus on your problem!

How do I continue? Should I go down to his mouth and… kiss him? I don’t know how to kiss, and he’ll realize that, and will know I’m not normal! Don’t start panicking. Simply move away from his head… There was only one place I could think of. If I would do this, I’d be in control, with him at my mercy, completely having to wait for me to stimulate him. Control is something I’m good at.

I retreated from him and put my hoof to his chest to keep a little distance, so he was not trying to kiss me and he could clearly see my face. Smile… smile, Aideen! I smiled, and had my eyes half open, like bedroom-eyes, or something. Anyway, it’s meant to be sexy. I nodded to his bed in the corner, making my intentions of moving clear.

“Already?” Oh shit, I’m moving to fast, am I not? “Okay.” My heart continued beating. I haven’t even noticed that it had set out for a few beats.

Reaching the bed I stopped for him to gesture he should start lying on it. I know I have to be the one on top to stay in control, but I wasn’t moving to sex just now. I’d train myself in some more foreplay. I don’t want to simply lay on my back while he slobbers all over me, no, I wouldn’t allow him to… what’s the proper term for it? Let’s go with oral-sex. I was ready to give it, but I‘m not going to submit to whatever he plans to do before he gets to the main act.

He sat himself on his bed and rolled halfway on his back, just to block my view to what he has to offer. He’s expression wasn’t as if he was ashamed to reveal himself because of normal shame, or because what he had to offer was unimpressive, no. He blocked my view just to tease me. It was like a present I had to unwrap myself. I’m quite certain that in his eyes was some playful pride. He wants to surprise me. Okay, let’s see what you have to offer for me.

I leaned myself over the bed to have a very close view, but he kept his legs together and angled so I was still denied my prize. Once again I looked up to read his expression. Seems like I really have to open them up myself. I placed my forelegs on his hindlegs to have a good grip, and with a single motion I opened them up. Oh wow, how did he hide that? Well above average...

*** *** ***

I woke up more relaxed than… since I could remember. Letting out an satisfied groan I snuggled myself a little more into the bed I was laying in… Then I remembered last night and the reason why I was so relaxed. Opening my eyes I saw that there was nobody besides me. Unfortunately the rest of the bed was empty, so I set myself up and looked around my quarters.

The noise that woke me was water flowing from the bathroom, which means that the stallion I spend the night with and whose name I still don’t know was taking a shower. There were a few books on the nightstand, and out of curiosity I floated one towards me. It seems my strong stallion wasn’t as uneducated as I thought. Hmm… I haven’t even looked around his quarters yesterday.

The book was [Bookname] by Spellfield. This was strange… I had the same book placed on top of my nightstand in my quarters… I looked around again. These were my quarters. What? The water flow in the bathroom stopped, and Craft came out, drying her mane with a towel.

“Oh, hey sweetie. Did you enjoy last night as much as I did?” She wiggled her hips.

“Wha-” I was at a loss of words, but could still mutter one. “What?”

“Well, you see, we had a fight yesterday, so I decided to play a little prank on you. You thought you left your quarters yesterday, but you didn’t. You didn’t go to the training field to blow of steam, you didn’t meet a hot stallion, and you haven’t had sex with said stallion.”

“You… You did this?” That means that Cirrus… “What about…?”

“Still in a coma.” She said quick. It was painful, as if she had stabbed me in the heart.

“Why would you do this to me?”

“What do you think about my performance? I felt like a few lines were a little bit out of character, like you spilling the beans about me, but I believe I delivered it.” She has made a fool of me.

Anger rose up inside of me again. “You asshole!”

“What? What did I do?” The stallion retreated from me. I looked around and was back in the room I fell asleep in, the air was a little muff and smelled like sex, and the sheets I was lying in were clearly covered in our dried bodily fluids. Gross. What?

“What just happened?” I growled, still angry. Is this yet another trick? Or has Craft telling me that it all was a trick been the trick, and yesterday evening really happened the way I thought it did?

“I- I don’t know what you mean, but whatever I did I’m sorry, whatever it is I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, and if it’s because I don’t know what it is, I’m sorry too and I didn’t try to hurt your feelings.” This seems like an excuse he studied in, as if he has little luck with mares.

“Is this real?” ‘What is real anyway?’ I know, I know… but which of the two versions I just saw was the actual one? If this one was real then Craft is perfectly capable of making me think I was in my own quarters, just like she had always been able to make me think she was really there. It wasn’t far fetched that she could make me imagine an entire evening, and now this…

“Is this real?” He repeated. “What do you mean?”

“She’s messing with my head…” I rubbed my temples as I realize I had a headache.

“Soooo…” He stretched the word to give himself some time to think about his next sentence. “You’re not sure what’s real and what not? The god is making you see things?”

“Well… yeah, kind of… And please don‘t call her god. She‘s lots of things, but certainly no god.”

“Okay… Then can I assure you I’m real? I’m real, really, and so was last night.” A sly smile adorned his face now. I felt like I should punch it in.

I finally stood up from the sheets we defiled yesterday. “But if you weren’t real you would probably say the same thing. Hmm… Swear it. Officially, on your name.” I develop to become an evil mastermind.

“Sure. I, Kha’ref, swear on my name that I am real and that last night was real.”

I smiled. I got his name. It was a stupid name, but it was a name. “Thank you. But I need to get going now, I have to check on my friend.”

“Ahh… yeah. Though you should take a shower first. I like my head the place it is, Dahlia… you know.”

“Yes, I… I should take a shower. I’m going to take a shower.” I nodded. So far I have never taken a shower after sex to merely destroy the evidence, only to get rid of somepony’s feeling on me. I didn’t feel like I need to do that with Kha’ref, but I have to destroy evidence for the sake of his well being. “I’m going to take a shower now.” I announced again when I slipped into the bathroom.

After my shower we said our good byes (we didn‘t kiss, though), and I teleported away into my own quarters to not be seen leaving his, also I needed my own set of clean towels. Teleportation was so handy, but I feel like I shouldn’t overuse it or it would lose it’s flair. Then I made my way to the hospital.

*** *** ***

“Aideen, good morning!” Cirrus shouted out, when I entered her room having asked the doctor to get us some time alone. Cirrus was still lying in bed, and she still had tubes coming out of her nose. “You seem to have arrived awfully fast.” Was that sarcasm?

“No, I just wanted to check on you, sorry about last night, I was out to acquire some information, and when I heard about it and came here you…” There was no point denying what I heard. “seemed busy.”

“I… ahh… what are you talking about?”

“What am I..?” What‘s going on? “What do you mean?”

“I woke up half an hour ago, and you are practically instantly here, even before Clint and Turbulence who can fly. Oh, it’s the teleportation-spell-thingy. That makes sense. But you kind of seem… not overly relieved that I woke up… Aideen.” What?

“No, you woke up yesterday evening…” Thankfully I know someone who would make me think stuff like that. “Craft…”

“Yep?” I turned around to face her.

“Aideen?” Cirrus tone was worried, but I ignored her.

“You made me think that… and then lead me to Kha…” So she really did control me somehow last night. “This was all your doing, wasn’t it?”

“Dance, my little pony, dance!” As if there’s a point in arguing with Craft…

I turned around. “So Cirrus, how are you?”

“Well, I can move, but I’m gonna need some time until I can run or fly again. What‘s up with Nightmare Moon?”

“Okay… good, but that’s your diagnosis, how are you feeling.” I disregarded her asking for Craft.

“I’m very grateful to have such an awesome friend who did the right best thing she could do. The fact that you instantly cut that thing out and didn’t use forceps was a good call. And I’m grateful that I immediately got more intensive care here. And I’m grateful to whoever watches over me and made me wake up with only little problems.” I frowned. “I know you’re not religious, Aideen, but I think Celestia was watching out for me there.”

I know Celestia’s just a mare, and I had a good idea who actually has watched out for Cirrus, but I’m not at liberty to tell. Cirrus needs this. It makes her happy to believe the world is like that, where some deity gives a crap about random ponies.

She continued. “So, what happened while I was out? We arrived at our destination, I presume, but what happened, and what did Nightmare Moon just do?”

“We should talk about that when we are all together again, but so far all these zebras have been very friendly, they let us stay and gave us for free, they even treated you for free. But there is no such thing as ‘free’. Unless you’re not the costumer, but the product that is being sold. Like a plant they care fore until they harvest you. But we will be gone by then even if we have to carry you. For now though, we act oblivious. More details later.” And again I didn’t say anything about Craft.

She nodded. “Okay. So I can let myself get treated nicely, but shall not give anything away.”

“Oh, and one more thing before Turbulence and Clint come here.” Would Craft have made that up or was there some truth in it? “If you would have an relationship with Turbulence, would you tell me?”

Her eyes went wide for a second, but then she took on a defeated expression. “We thought you wouldn’t like that issue, because… we’re only…” She studied my expression for a while before she found the courage to tell me. “Fuck buddies.”

“Uhhkay…” How to I respond to that? “You only latched onto me because you were sexually needy, and as I’m a bad specimen to extract sex from you went for the next best thing.” I figured, this was the only logical solution.

“No! It’s not like that. I…” Cirrus stopped when she realized it was probably exactly like that. “Well, maybe,” she admitted. “but I wouldn’t just jump into bed with anypony, he’s a really good guy. You would know that if you wouldn’t lock yourself in your room al the time and spend it reading, or with Craft.” She just has to continue bringing it up. “You would see that he’s…”

“Are you sure it’s only a ‘No feelings, just sex’-relationship?”

“Such a relationship isn’t uncomplicated…”

“Well, as long as you guys are happy it’s good enough thing for me.” I truly am happy for them… now. Sure, I‘ve been angry for some reason before, but now I‘m actually happy for them. “And you don’t have to worry about me, I’m not going to make this a triangle.”

“Aideen, you…”

“I’ll manage my issues.” I should probably tell her… but not now. “I came to realize that I have never cared about anyone before, that you guys are my friends, and…” and I lie to them to protect myself, right? The only reason I didn’t tell her I slept with a random zebra I just met was that she wouldn’t be angry at me. That I’m safe. I didn’t lie to protect her, what great friend am I. “…and I want you to be happy. I’ve coped with my issues for a long time, and I’ll deal with them, and now I don‘t have to worry about our friendship being compromised. Because you are my friends, both of you.”

Cirrus smiled. “Thanks, that means a lot to me, you know. I was always so worried about you because you distance yourself from us and do whatever. Turbulence too is always worried that you’re off talking with Nightmare Moon, and you’re not noticing how she manipulates you.” Like her pretending my friends are in a relationship and leading me to the guy I’d fuck to get back at them. Yeah, no, Craft’s not manipulating me at all. “But you have to be stronger than her, Aideen, please. You’re a real pony, she’s not. You ARE stronger than her. And if friendship banished her once, it can do it again, Aideen.”

I looked over to what Craft was doing now, she was leaning back in a chair on the other side of Cirrus, playing a pet simulator on her PipBuck. I have always been envious of others who have that program on theirs, but my mom wouldn’t allow it. “Aww, it died. Hey, let’s use the magic of friendship to revive it.”

“She can make me see and hear whatever she wants, but I think you’re right. She’s not nearly as strong as she wants me to believe she is.” Or else she would have taken control over my body completely a long time ago.

“Rise my little zombie minion, rise! Bwahahaha!” Craft was laughing maniacally. “That’s the true power of friendship!”

“Don’t worry, at the moment she’s just doing nonsense, not telling me to do anything.” I tried to set Cirrus ease, and, after all, I was telling the truth about Craft right now. “She thinks she’s funny.” I added.

“Okay… but you have to learn to tell the difference between what’s real and what not, Aideen. That’s important!”

“I’m not sure I know how to do that.” Am I able to see past Crafts tricks? Differentiate between truth and lie? I looked over to Craft to see if there might be an indicator that she is, in fact, not really present. She was back in her game, intensely mashing buttons to achieve… whatever. Is there something off about her that’s unlike her surroundings? For a while I studied her until I finally told Cirrus. “She doesn’t disappear for me and let‘s me stare at her, which means she’s confident that I won’t find an optical indicator that tells me if she’s real or not.” Craft nodded to that statement.

“But you can’t give up, we will find a way, you understand? Another way than simply let her possess someone else. You are strong enough to deal with her for the time and keep her at bay until we find a permanent solution.”

“Is she threatening me?” Craft raised an eyebrow. “What was that with being grateful?”

“Cirrus… I ahh… I kinda need to tell you that Craft might not be evil.”

“Not evil? She killed Celestia knows how many ponies, and you’re defending her?”

“Not evil in the pony sense of the word, as she’s no pony. Craft’s just trying to have fun and doesn’t care for other beings. That attitude might be considered evil, but we only need to find a way for her to have fun that doesn’t put ponies at harm.”

“Don‘t talk about me as if I weren‘t here.” Craft said that as if I had insulted her in some way. “But good luck at taming me and making me into a hero, or something.”

“So… you hungry? You’ve been fed through a tube for three days, I bet you’d need something to eat.”

Cirrus‘ eyes widened. “I’m starving!” She just now realized how hungry she actually was.

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 15!

New Perk: Polished that Lance: Special training and taking care of an impressive staff weapon gave you +10 points in Melee.

Skill Note: Melee has reached 50.

Quest: Blind Date:
[X] Arrive at Black Oak.
[X] Meet Clint’s employer
[ ] Find out what she’s planning.

Companion Quest completed: Ticks
[X] Apply first aid to Cirrus
[X] Get her professional help.
[X] Make sure Cirrus’s well.

Chapter Twenty: Reality

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Chapter Twenty


I can’t believe I’m weaving a basket. It’s a mundane, repetitive work, that would make anyyone a psychopath, and considering it was Dahlia sitting next to me, making her own, the psychopath/basketweaving-connection only intensified.

“It’s relaxing work, isn’t it?” Dahlia said with a content tone.

“I was under the impression you’d want to have tea with me.” In contrast to hers, my tone was pissed off. I just realized I had messed up and have to redo one round if I wanted it flawless. Inside of me there was a fight between my perfectionism and apathy. “And no, it isn’t…” Perfectionism won and I undid the work of the last ten minutes.

“But we are having tea.” She gestured to the hot beverage. “I had already guessed that basket weaving wouldn’t fit you. You’re a fighter, not a craftsmare.” It took me longer than I’d like to admit to realize what she meant with ‘craftsmare’. “But I thought you might enjoy a little change, that you might appreciate doing something else for a change.”

I was a fighter in her eyes? Well, I guess when she thinks I‘m her goddess, or at least carry her goddess inside of me I had to be. “I’d consider myself a scientist.” My strategy was that I say no to everything she said, did or assumed in hopes of ruining her plans for me. Then again, she also might see through that and reverse her tactic, so the only thing left to do was to be honest to a certain degree.

“A scientist, really? Excuse me for sounding creepy,” You’re not excused. “but I have received your background from the wyvern. The learning phase in Stable Eight and your work as a computer scientist were only your profession, Miss Aideen. Forgive me again, but I also came to know what else you had to go through, and the fact you are still here makes you a fighter. Don’t think any less of yourself.” I’d appreciate that encouragement from anyone, except her.

“Any less?” I repeated. “A scientist is better than a vile fighter. I do not fight, I search for a way and win. Merely fighting an enemy is nothing but erosion. You have to take your goal with one strike.”

Dahlia nodded. “That’s quite wise, who taught you that?”

“I am capable of individual thought.” I angrily glared at her. “But it’s kind of my version of ‘Why not do it right the first time’, you know?” I admitted.

“No, no, you’re right. It IS your individual thought. Inspiration is not stealing. This only shows me you are humble too. But let me change the ‘fighter’ into tactician. You‘d make a great leader.” Ahh… shit. “You even greatly care about your flock. Like when you didn’t give up on your pegasus friend, and ended up being right. I’m very glad she’s alright.”

“Her name is Cirrus.”


“Everytime you mention my friends you just say ‘the wyvern’, or ‘the pegasus mare’, or something. They… they have names, you know?”

Dahlia stared at me for a short time. “I believe you are getting too attached to them. Change is the only constant in life. You have to learn to move on, Miss Aideen.” She really knows how to piss me off.

“Okay, now, Dahlia listen. They ARE my friends, and I WILL mourn them when the time comes. I’ve learned that I’d rather lose something than never knowing how it felt like at all. Yes, I will learn how to move on, but this won’t stop me from getting attached to them.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.” Yes, you did. You want me to abandon them and stay here. “I meant…” She wasn’t even able to come up with something. “I’ve lost companions. I… Aideen, would you like to accompany me? I want you to see something. It‘s not of importance, and I can’t explain it, and you might not understand once you see it, but…” She wasn’t talking like her usual self.

“Okay, I’ll look at what you want to show me.”

She nodded as a sign of gratitude that she doesn’t have to explain further. Whatever it was, she caught my curiosity with it.

*** *** ***

“So far I haven’t been allowed in this area.” I needlessly told Dahlia when we sat our hooves on the forest floor, only a few hundred feet away from the black oak, the settlement’s namesake.

“I know.” I knew she had known; she was the one who gave the order. “You need to understand that we protect the knowledge that is stored here.”

She didn’t say anything else, and I didn’t try to poke some of that knowledge out of her. I’ll either see soon or she wouldn’t tell me anyway. I remembered what Clint said is researched in the facility Dahlia was leading me into (not to the oak-tree). Something about dinosaurs and bypass spells… I had been somewhat drugged at that time.

There wasn’t much of an entrance room, only a small reception and a map to the building. The sections were only numbered, not named, so it didn’t tell me much. “It’s not far.” Dahlia encouraged me when we walked down a hallway to one of the labs.

We reached a small lab with four workstations and a few terminals I’d love to examine closer. The two zebras inside were in immediate panic when they saw Dahlia and obeyed without question when she commanded them to get out. When we were alone Dahlia didn’t say anything else. She was leaning against an intersection of two workstations, and did nothing except stare at one of the opposite ones.

I followed her gaze. “This?” I asked and walked over to the station. It had absolutely nothing special to it.

“This is where my husband died.” I had no idea what was in her tone right now. “I still come here and stare at it at times. Once it has been so bad that the lab was even unusable because I had been here all day and they couldn’t work…”

“I’m…” …not sure what to say. “…sorry for your loss.”

“This is where he spend almost a third of his lifetime, and eventually died. And I just don’t know what to make of it. I come here just to stare at it.” So some part of her is equine too.

“Can I?” I gestured to the seat.

“By all means.”

I sat down at the terminal. She’s watching me, but I guess she would stop me if I was able to reach some stuff she thought privileged. Then again I didn’t know what exactly I should be looking for, so I simply looked at their operating system (LillyValley ‘35) and their type of network (FlowerField three).

“It’s a good setup. I always preferred the ‘35 to ‘37, and you simply cannot use even numbered LillyValleys. Hardware’s good too…” I was going on a hunch here that Dahlia wasn’t familiar with computers and I appeared to be simply admiring the setup, not looking for a way to hack into it by memorizing their network frequency and authorization. Oh wireless connection, you make everything so easy!

“You claimed yourself a scientist, Miss Aideen, and my offer still stands, you can stay here, you can work here. This might be much more fitting for you than wandering the wastelands.” Yeah, maybe if my boss wouldn’t be a fanatic who wants me to end the world.

“Really? What are you working on here?” Now I shamelessly called up the list of recently used documents on the terminal; one of them was sticking out.

> H://samples/MAS/relatives/starsparkle/ghoul.bld

I didn’t know what a .bld-file was, but I knew what a sample was, the Ministry of Arcane Science, a relative. I knew who Star Sparkle was, and I knew what a ghoul was.

“Please, I cannot tell you, and you really shouldn’t open those documents.”

“Oh come on, throw me a bone here. You offered me to stay the rest of my life and work here. Can’t I at least know what is going on here?”

> open H://samples/MAS/relatives/starsparkle/ghoul.bld
> bld has no standardized program

Of course… And as I didn’t know what a .bld-file was I couldn’t specify a program to open it with. It’s a sample, and the only sense I could make of .bld was ‘blood’.

“What are you looking up anyway?”

What program would be able to open a blood sample? Or the information about it? All I could come up with was a normal text editor. Once I had accessed it I quickly proceeded with commanding it to open my mystery file, and I was greeted with a wall of numbers.

> 00004 06063 00000 1in FB2 A00 X62
> 00009 22676 00000 1in E3A T00 X70
> 00007 22870 00000 1in EF4 G00 X52
> 00000 00000 23167 0xn 320 A80 X46
> 00002 42532 00000 1in F87 T00 X32
> 00005 42785 00000 1in FA9 N00 X60

“Just some data.”

The list was going on and on with always the same pattern if you don‘t count random anomalies. Five places for a small number, never higher than 15, five places for a random number, and five zeros. That was followed by ‘1in’, a high 3-digit hexadecimal number, one o the four letters A, G, N, or T and two zeros, then X and a Gaussian-random 2-digit number.


I got nothing. Whatever these information meant, I couldn’t read them, not without the right program at least, so I closed everything again. I could always log myself in later via my PipBuck. Here I would only come as far as what I can get out of Dahlia herself.

“That looked like nonsense to me.” She proclaimed herself.

“Oh, it was nonsense. I opened it without decrypting the data right. I can only guess what the stuff is.”

“And what did you guess?” Of course she had to know what I think, but I don’t really have a reason to lie to her about that.

“Is it…” Pause for dramatic effect. “A bypass spell?”

Dahlia smiled. “But that wasn’t a guess, Miss Aideen. Bypass spell was what had once been researched here, yes, but why would we need it now?”

“Better to have something and don’t need it than to need something and don’t have it. I assume Star Sparkle’s blood, even though she’s a ghoul now, can be used to make a bypass spell to get into any Ministry of Arcane Science facility, right? Back in the war they didn’t have that. You, on the other hoof, do. How are you planning to use it, clone a Twilight Sparkle out of it somehow?”

“No, easier than that. If you are related to her you can already pass through a shield calibrated to them.” And with that she has already given up on her charade. “For example: If you were related to the prophet you would be able to pass through his shield here.”

“Spellfield has a shield here?” Don’t panic. “Then it’s too bad I’m not really related to him like you assumed.” I still am not convinced about my bloodline. I could simply test it out now. “Has that been the reason why you searched for one of his relatives?” But I can’t go through it, I can’t show them I would be able to go through, if I‘d be able to go through. “Did he lock something away and you can’t reach it?”

“Exactly. You are a very smart mare, Aideen. We would gain so much from your permanent presence here in Black Oak. Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to convince you to stay?”

“Well, you could start with telling the truth. What you want in a MAS facility?” I was in control of the conversation. “I mean, I’m sorry, but I simply can’t bring myself to trust you, Dahlia.”

“What do you mean? I know I kept secrets, but none were to harm you, and I’ve been nothing but good to you.”

“If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The wasteland shaped me like that, and your whole free healthcare, free lodging, free food, free everything… It’s like I’m getting fed to be slaughtered for some ritualistic-cannibalism-thing. I’m constantly afraid around here.”

“Is that the impression you get of us? That we are cannibals?” Yeah, I shocked her good. “We are civilized equines just like you, you…” She was getting loud, so I interrupted her.

“No, no, no. This is not because you are zebras. I’m just generally mistrusting nice people, especially if they are intelligent. Dumb people can be nice, sure, but smart ones? I assume you know what happened to Stable Eight? We trusted some ponies who were nice to us and showed us how and where to live in the wastelands and we were all sold into slavery. I just like to imagine a worst case scenario and have an exit strategy for it. Then I can only get positively surprised. I’d like to like you, but I just can’t.”

We stared at each other for a while. I made sure I was blinking as little as possible, I could practically see the gears her head rotating to come up with something.

“Locked away here are three megaspells, and locked away in the MAS-hub in Manehatten is a foal’s doll, and the instructions for a spell which was stolen from the prophet. His visions had nothing to do with the divine, he was a scientist, like you. He found a spell to foresee the future. Our religion is based on a lie, Miss Aideen, but faith is a tool to easily bend people to my will.” Just my words, but she’s admitting all of it.

We continued our staring contest. I know she was lying in some way to manipulate me, it had just enough truth and surprise so that the explanation was plausible. But… “A foal’s doll?”

“Indeed.” She confirmed me. “It is in the place with the highest security the Ministry of Arcane Science has ever made, don’t you want to know why that is? I do.”

“What would you do with three megaspells?”

“One will create a new world, we don’t know of the other two . Our first priority will be to find out what they are for, they aren’t balefire eggs, that much we know. I believe the prophet wanted us to use them, whatever they do, when the time is right. And the time is right when we manage to reach them. I have no doubt he foresaw exactly when we are able to access them.”

“And if they are for war? Who would you attack?”

“At the moment? The ponies in the MAS-hub, of course. Then we could access what we want freely.” Her answers were way too fast to be improvised.

“Why can’t you access them at the moment?”

“They don’t let us in and we can’t trust anypony to get the things we want.” So that’s where she is getting at.

“Well, too bad trust runs both ways. I‘m not going to do it for you.” I bet she’s expecting me to steal the research and access some vault in Tenpony myself, or she had foolishly hoped I would offer it to her.

“I’m afraid so…” She spoke only to have the last word, meaning she was forcing me to speak up again.

“What’s going to happen now?” She can’t kill me, I still have her goddess inside of me if what Kha’ref told me is right, she still wants something…

“Well, you could steal our research and later keep whatever you are going to find in Manehatten’s MAS-hub for yourself and we could retrieve it from your cold, dead hooves. But you can also manage to outsmart us if you can foresee the future once you have the spell, but that means you have to constantly strain yourself, and we will eventually catch you.”

Craft was chewing on some popcorn, apparently Dahlia and I were putting on a good show.

I proposed the easiest solution: “So, we both say our goodbyes and never see each other again? No hostilities.”

Dahlia sighed. “It seems like this is where the story goes, but you neglect our original proposal. You can stay here, we can build up trust naturally.”

“As if that’s going to happ-”

“And you see this little conversation was only about hypothetical scenarios. I do not want to hurt anyone. We just used our wits to assume what was going to happen now, like you asked, but I believe you realized we are equals. Only I have an army at my disposal.”

“What makes you think I don’t?” If I take over the company I would have one. “But what about my youth, agility, and magic? I could kill you and make your body disappear right now.” Judging from her expression I hit a sore spot. Her own demise was something she never considered. “Ahh… you can deal threats, but not take them. That‘s too bad, for a second I actually thought I had an equal…” I turned around and went to go.

“Okay, maybe we are not equals, Aideen, but we can still be friends. Or… like business partners, we would help each other out, we would both have something to gain… Aideen!” She shouted after me. Why doesn’t she simply go after me?

“Goodbye, Dahlia. If I were you I would chose a successor and tell everyone, if you disappear in the next few days or wind up dead, that it has been me who killed you.”

*** *** ***

“Are you out of your mind?” Turbulence didn’t take the news well. “You know you fucking declared war on her, don’t you?”

I was fond of my precision instruments. I finally was in a state of mind where I like to work on my weapons and look up what they do. At the moment I was working on the energy bow, the only weapon I sadly never had the opportunity to use. Next to me was my sketchbook, where I sketched the interior of the bow how I would build it and where I would build in the inhibitor, the thing that keeps the energy level of the bow on a stable level, but I wanted to remove it.

“I’m on Turbulences side here.” Aww… Clint and Turbulence get along. “This mare is not rational. You cannot expect her to act how you expect her to.”

Now it would make sense for the inhibitor to be somewhere at the energy sources itself, for when the energy gets looped through so that not more energy than needed gets extracted out of it, right? But it’s not there.

“The boys are right, Aideen.” Haha, ‘the boys’. For some reason I thought it hilarious that she referred to them as ‘the boys’. “There is no win we can get out of this… whatever is going on. We can lose our lives and have nothing to gain. We should simply go as soon as possible; we should go now.”

So maybe at the string? The kinetic energy-buildup when you draw it. The energy loops through the string and from somewhere the command to draw energy out of the energy source has to come from. I opened the hatch there. Ahahaha. Bingo!

“You are not even listening to us, are you?”

“I am.” Having reached my goal to find the inhibitors location, I looked up to my friends. “I have some instructions for you.”

“Oh no, what are you planning?”

“First of all we need to get an exit plan.” I stretched myself. The exit plan is always the first thing one needs to know “It’s the most important thing, but it has to be more refined than ‘run’, especially because the forest is full of dangerous crap. Clint, you are a mercenary so you can do whatever, but they might assume you’re with us, because… well, you are with us right now. For some reason you are part of our group now. As we trust you I’d like to establish that trust by hiring you to keep our plans a secret from them. I don’t have any money at the moment, but you know I had massive amounts in Hufstein, and you don’t know where it came from. There is more stashed away, you’ll get paid handsomely once we are back in safety. Other than that I’d like you to stick with us as a friend because we can protect each other and we have higher survival chances in the forest when we all are together, you alone aren’t safe there either.”

“Sounds fine to me.” Clint agreed.

“Okay now: basic plan for everyone: stay alive and don’t get caught. If I get captured you don’t free me, I’ll find a way, trust me on that. Clint first: if you get captured-”

“I won’t.”

“Okay, but if, then you have to talk your way out. You have no sentimental value to us. You can claim you know us better than anyone of them and catch us again, your loyalty is where the money is, or something…” Would he actually? “And if you truly do that than we do not take it personally, it’s just business.”

“That’ll cost you, you know.” Clint nodded. “That I have to simulate working for them with my loyalty still with you. But consumer confidence has my loyalty at the one who employed me first. The contract with them is up, but the one with you is running, I‘m not gonna take on a real job from them. I‘m on your side. Not to mention I despise them more.”

I smiled. “Thanks, I’ve come to like you too.”

He desperately tried to defend himself. “That’s not what I-”

“Moving on.” I interrupted him. “Turbulence, Cirrus, same rules for both of you. Stay alive and don’t get caught. You can fly, so it should be easier to escape them, even though the air above this forest is dangerous. But in case you get caught I will be able to save you. I’d have to make a deal with Dahlia, but I still have something she wants. It might take a while for you to be free, but I would make sure you’re comfy here.”

“And if you get caught?” Turbulence brought up the best point.

“I was getting to that, and I have plenty of scenarios in my mind, but even if those fail I don’t think Craft would think it’s fun that I’m imprisoned.”

“You’d rather rely on Craft than on us?” A frown adorned Cirrus face. “Aideen…”

“No, I’d rather have you safe than know you’d get yourself in trouble again. Craft’s only a failsafe.” I actually was way too confident that I’ll get out of an imprisonment-situation myself. I feel a little bit too secure ever since I learned to teleport, but honestly, it was just too powerful if used right. “But this all won’t be necessary if it works as I have planned it. Dahlia thinks we wouldn’t steal her research because she scared me, but she doesn’t have to find out we stole it in the first place, because we are not going to steal it.” I paused to make them engage in a conversation with me, so they are going to feel like they contributed.

But none of them asked about it. Clint broke the silence then. “Our silence is your cue. Continue talking.”

“Okay… I already have an uplink to their server. Their security should have had an update in the last 200 years, so I had no problem hacking into the more secure parts of their network and access valuable information. The problem is that Dahlia is old school and keeps certain information in physical form, but we can’t break into her own house…”

“Get to the point.” He sure didn’t like me explaining my thought process for them to understand how I came up with my plan.

“Okay. I have the recipe for the bypass spell, the problems we have are only two: we need some of the sap of the black oak, and we need to know Star Sparkle’s location to get some of her blood, which she will give us on her own accord, hopefully.”

“Pretty sure we are not allowed anywhere near the black oak, and Star Sparkle might not give up her blood just like that, if she knows it can be used to acquire some evil stuff from any MAS-hub ever.” Turbulence was right; these two were valid arguments.

“Yeah, but it’s not like she can keep herself from bleeding either,” I grow increasingly evil. “not that I hope we will have to go down that road.” I added, before I quickly changed to the other subject. “Tree sap might be easier, but I think it’s a job for my disguise spell.”

“But Zebras can feel you, Aideen. It doesn’t matter how you look.” Why is Cirrus assuming I’m going to be the one who put on the disguise? Of course they can feel me.

“That only means I have to cast the spell on someone else.” I smiled at her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” She retreated, having realized whose appearance I‘m going to alter. “Can you even do that?”

“I guess we have to try,” I admitted. “but the calculations I have in my head should be sufficient. If I keep a straight line of sight on you we should not run in any problems.” I didn’t bother explaining them under what conditions unicorn magic works.

“But Zebras still see magic, they’ll notice there’s a spell on me.”

“You’ll be disguised as a scientist, of course you have an experimental spell on you or something. They only feel a spell, not what kind of spell it is.” I hope. “Don’t worry, you just have to act natural.”

“But I don’t know how a zebra scientist acts naturally.” Why does she have to make it so hard on me?

I sighed. “Just go to it, harvest some sap and go away again, you belong there. That’s the job you are supposed to do. Getting some fresh samples, and if someone asks you messed up another batch of samples and you hoped nobody would notice if you get some more quickly. It‘s an embarrassing thing. I don‘t believe they will ask further. Don’t worry, I’ll make you hot, they won’t bother you.”

We continued to work out a perfect plan for every scenario, and tested if I can use my spell on Cirrus which worked without a problem, unless my line of sight was disturbed for a long time, so I could even deal with minor distractions while she did her thing. Everything was going perfectly.

*** *** ***

It has to be somewhere around here…

I wasn’t used to big settlements. I could find my way in a small area, yes, but here in Black Oak I had no idea where I was. Every tree looked the same, every house looked the same; the downside of efficiency was that there’s no individuality. My PipBuck wasn’t of assistance either because it didn’t work well with this architecture, it echo-located the ground and the walls, but there was no proper ground, just rope bridges and railings, so I had no automap to aid me anywhere.

Something was driving me to go visit Kha’ref again. I really want to… I sighed. When I couldn’t find where he lives I don’t even know if the guy was real or not. I walked up to a passerby and asked him for the treeline Kha’ref was living in, but she had never heard of it. Either she didn’t come around much or the treeline really didn’t exist, and therefore Kha’ref didn’t exist either. But he gave me information, or has that just been Craft making assumptions about this settlement, and everything I was going on at the moment is founded on a lie from her? Am I just her marionette? Wait… that also means that Craft would have been the one I spent the night with…

“Craft!” I called out once I was at an isolated location. I waited, but she didn’t show up. “Craft… seriously, I need to talk to you.” I looked around, maybe she blinked into existence somewhere lazily lying on a tree with an bodily posture of utter apathy towards my situation of distress. “Please…” Oh god, I’m getting whiny.

“What?!” Contrary to what I believed Craft showed herself right next to me, with e normal gesture. “I’m not your butler you know. Don’t expect me to come every time you call.”

“Like you have anything better to do.” I told her. What does she even do when she’s not there?

“Doing nothing is more rewarding than talking to you sometimes.” From her point of view maybe. “But you got me now, so what’s up?”

“Last night… with Kha’ref… was it real?”

“Haven’t I already told you it’s funny that you are that easily confused by the term ‘real’? You are talking to me right now; does that feel real?” I could have expected her to not give me a straight answer.

“You know what I mean, Craft.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I do.”


“Does it matter if it felt real for you? Hasn’t it been good? Aren’t you searching for more at the moment?”

Yes, yes, and yes. But could I give her that answer if it actually had been her who… “Let me rephrase my question then. Have you disrupted my mind to make me perceive all of it?”

“You’re getting smarter; you start phrasing questions more directly so I cannot answer truthfully while still being as cryptic as I can.”

“And now you decided to simply not answer?”

“No, I delayed my answer to a later point. There are multiple answers to it you know. You actually want me to say I did it because you are still in denial that you were even capable of such an act. You want to save your mind from the contact with a stallion so bad that you’d rather villainize me than admit the fact that you liked having sex. On the other hoof, if it had actually been my doing, I would have taken away control from you; like I raped you.”


“Scenario one: I have altered your perception to get you to think Cirrus woke up yesterday. Once you were in the hospital I made some happy-noises to piss you off and make you think your friends betrayed you, and then I made you find his house. The next day I made you think it wasn’t real, just to make you question what’s real and what’s not. That‘s number one, number two is… oh no wait!” She acted as if she just realized something. “I made up a passerby who never heard of the treeline.” She tilted her head and smiled at me to see how it all goes in. “The idea for the whole thing I got the idea when you flirted with him at the gym yesterday.”

Why did I even flirt with him? I remember I wanted someone to help me with all the training tools and he was handsome. I only did it to manipulate him… right?

“Scenario two is different. You never left your treehouse-thingy and I made everything up myself, when you fell asleep I wasn’t able to immediately change the scenery into how his house looked like so I just rolled with it and told you the truth to show you what happens when you mess with me. When you started cursing I snapped the illusion up again to make you further question what’s real and what’s not. After that you went to Cirrus, but I made you think she just woke up to contradict what you already believed, making you question the happenings of the previous night even more. And the shit our little zebra told you I made up, while he said he doesn’t really know I was just too lazy to make up details.”

When she laid out the facts like that… Then scenario one was…

“I’m a lazy person, so scenario one is a lot small changes, scenario two is two big ones. That makes number one seems more plausible, don’t you think?”

Great, she just has to say it; now it seemed like she especially went against her usual pattern to confuse me. But I can ask clearly now. “Is scenario one the scenario how the events happened in this marble?”

“Well, aren’t you something?” She grinned. “Yes. Yes, they are. But, then again, I might be lying.”

Hmm… Let’s play this out. If he’s real I’d have to admit I like having sex with him. If he’s not it would mean I liked having sex with Craft. Do I admit the simple fact that I had liked last night? If I do, does it matter who I have to thank for it? I like stallions, and Kha’ref, whether he was real or not had been one, and Craft doesn’t really have a gender, she only appears female. So if it had been her all along I could simply turn it around and use her and take control. So it seems I admit I like sex… This shouldn’t be something that comes as ‘hard to admit’ for a normal pony. “Would you help me find Kha’ref? I’m sure you memorized the way.” I’ll win for sure, whether he was real or not. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Sorry babe, I’ve got a headache today.” With that Craft disappeared.

My smile faded again. ‘I’ll win for sure.’ Seems like I hadn’t thought solely with my brain on that matter. I was getting unreasonable… lead by emotions and feelings. I was getting… more normal.

I didn’t like it.

*** *** ***

A trip down Spellfield’s memory lane might help set my mind at more ease. The war had started, I can only assume it was getting interesting now. The birth of their ‘Gaia Prevails’-organization might be mundane because I already figured all that out by myself, but it can’t help but know the exact circumstances.

> Memorhedron is fully charged and ready to use.
> Next memory in queue: Aideen
> Length: 0 hours 9 minutes 51 seconds.
> Load memory?

‘Aideen’. I bit my lip. This has to be his daughter, right? Of course it is, it can’t possibly mean me. Calm down, and watch the memory.

> Load Memory?
> load

<-=======ʌʌɅ Ʌʌʌ=======->

Spellfield was sitting on a comfy chair, holding a zebra-infant in his hooves. I could feel his facial muscles smiling at it, because it was freaking cute. The scenery I recognized as his home by the carpet, as all Spellfield did was look down at the foal.

A knock at the door was audible, followed by hoof steps leading towards it. A female voice welcomed the male arrival in, quietly enough I couldn’t make out what exactly they were saying. During the whole time Spellfield did nothing but carefully rocking the sleeping foal in his hooves.

The pair of hoofsteps came closer until they reached the room again. “Hey.” The male voice softly greeted into the room.

The greeting was returned by two nearly identical male voices. “Ryde, ‘sup?” and “Jo!”.

As Spellfield didn‘t look up, the stallion, presumably Spellfields oldest son ‘Ryde’, directly addressed him. “Dad?”

At the door stood a zebra stallion and mare, and on the floor, playing cards, sat two identical stallions. These must be Ryde, Quinn, and the twins, whose names I don’t know yet. And the foal in Spellfields hooves has got to be Quinn’s child, because the last thing I’ve known of the mare was that she had been pregnant, yet the Quinn in front of me clearly wasn’t.

“So you’re all here.” Not quite, the family Spellfield had (that I know of, and who were still alive) was missing Ryde’s wife and foals, and Spellfields unicorn daughter Aideen.

“What about Aideen?” One of the twins asked.

“Aideen…” Spellfield sighed. “is today’s family conference subject.” This earned him some frowns from his children. “As a parent, my goal is it that my kids lead their lives as well as possible. That they are happy… I assume you all understand this.”

Yep, judging from their expressions now, they all knew this. But just like with me talking to my friends, they all didn’t respond as they knew he wasn’t finished talking. ‘Their silence is his cue’.

“A year ago, I liked to talk about a possible war in the future, but as I was still in hope it wouldn’t happen I didn’t force my theories on you, and of course, to not unsettle you. Now we all suffered in some form or another from not being prepared. We have all experienced racism before, even before the disputes have started, and we all felt them grow worse now, until it broke with the start of the war.”

They all looked down, especially Quinn, who lost the father of her foal because he thought ‘it was better not to be affiliated with a zebra’ or something, but it was her to speak up. “And we talk about Aideen now… why? She’s a unicorn.”

“Yes, that makes it very bad for her because of us, her family. We have to think in ‘worst case scenario’ now, and here is what I think is the worst thing: This war turns from two nations against each other to two races against each other, because propaganda makes it much easier if one can claim that ‘they are so different from us’, and ‘they are not even ponies’. Until a zebra has no rights in Equestria anymore, and it’s open season where it’s not a crime to kill us, but appreciated to eliminate an enemy of Equestria.”

There was a horrible silence for a few seconds. What a topic to discuss with your children, but I guess it’s necessary. Finally Ryde spoke up. “Dad…”

“Yeah, it’s far-fetched, but it’s not impossible. It’s the worst case scenario. A lesser one is a separation from the pony population, where zebras get to be only third class citizens with bad health care, schools and other civil rights. Now I hope the war ends soon and we prepare needlessly, but what if it does come to pass and we didn’t do anything? This is a ‘what if’ that I never want to think about, so I have to eliminate this ‘what if’, you understand?”

After lip-biting, sighing and general signs of ‘uncomfortable topic’, they agreed.

“So, Aideen…” Spellfield began. “her best shot if she’s as far away from us as possible. That we are strengthened by the knowledge she’s safe.”

“Send Aideen away? Dad, we never separate the family.” Ryde was a father himself.

“Don’t you think I don’t know that?” How can Spellfield keep his tone this neutral? “This doesn’t come easy to me, you know? A worst case scenario is a special occasion in which the rules can be broken.”

“Then why don’t we all just go to the Crystal Empire?” Bad idea.

“The Crystal Empire would take Equestrias side in a heartbeat.” Yep, they did. “If the war goes ‘worst case scenario’ the Crystal empire won’t be much different than Equestria, as it has always done as Equestria does.”

“Just tell us your plan, Dad.” The twins said simultaneously.

“Wait in a hideout. I have connections to a good hearted architect and contractor who can make us a decent bunker,” Applebloom, who came up with the idea of Stables… “where we can wait until the air clears, or we can decide on fleeing the land, once things would really go bad.” That‘s why the Gaia Prevails facility is pretty close to the border. “But still, Aideen’s best shot is to stay in Equestria,” Which is going to be Stable Eight then. “and have no affiliation to us for the duration of the war.” She’ll even change her name… “She will certainly not be happy about it, but as a unicorn Aideen would have no future outside Equestria, and I need her to have a future.”

The foal woke up and began crying. It was a disturbing interruption for the conversation. But I assume everyone was glad to have this interruption, so they could order their thoughts for a while. Quinn took her foal. “Shh… Sarina.” So Quinn named her foal after her dead mother. “Everything’s o…” I felt my heart breaking. She couldn’t even bring herself to tell her foal ‘everything’s okay’. “Are you hungry? Let’s get you something.” She disappeared from my sight and walked towards where I suspected the kitchen in the house.

The memory ended.

<-=======vvV Vvv=======->

> Save position in queue.
> Memorhedron is charging. 1%
> Not ready for use.

I felt tears in my eyes. The poor family… And Spellfield will always think it’s all his fault for not having been able to avert the war. Oh, shit. Tears marched down my face now while I kept lying on my bed.

Everything else in my life can wait for now.

*** *** ***

Footnote: Level progress: 50%

New Quest: Bypass MAS Shield
[X] Acquire the Bypassspell recipe
[ ] Acquire Star Sparkles blood
[ ] Acquire Black Oak treesap
[ ] Gather the rest of the ingredients
[ ] Bypass the MAS-Shield

New Quest: Bypass Spellfield’s Shield
[ ] Test if you can bypass Spellfield’s Shield

Quest: Memories of the Future
[ ] Find out why the Memorhedron has planted on you.
[ ] Optional: Watch as much Memories in the Memorhedron as possible (10)

Chapter Twenty-One: Treesap

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Chapter Twenty-One


I haven’t been able to find a trace of Kha’ref, basically just because I couldn’t go around asking of his whereabouts, to be asked why I’m looking for someone who doesn’t exist, or worse, why I’m looking for him. The best shot I had at meeting him again was to stay on the training grounds in the hope he’ll return, but this agenda hadn’t bore any fruit in the three days.

Three days to give Dahlia time to plot against me while I was still near… three days too much, so with the dawn of the fourth day I decided to not stall anymore, and set your plan to gather some treesap into action and leave Black Oak for good. I couldn’t be honest to my friends why I had been stalling, because it was either a ‘Craft-thing’ or I was seeing a stallion behind their back. I don’t even know what will be worse in their eyes.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“No.” Cirrus stated matter-of-factly.

“I take that as an agreement.” Focusing my magic around the Pegasus and locking it onto her, I transformed her appearance into that of a zebra mare with a lab suit I’d seen right at the Black Oak, when I had been near it with Dahlia.

The freshly made ‘zebra’ in front of me had her eyes closed and was mouthing (almost whispering) all her tasks again. It’s one of Cirrus’ traits which make her rather cute, but seemed completely out of place on the zebra. “Okay.” She finally said. “Showtime.”

I gave Turbulence the signal to now make sure nobody was near the Black Oak. We had positioned him on the other side of the clearing, where he had a better view down to our target, not to mention we look less suspicious if we are all together.

Cirrus was walking down the ramp and I subtly made my way to a good viewing point of the weirdly colored tree. If anyone would ask me I was thinking about the tree in question, and while nobody would tell me anything I was still allowed to look at it and think about it.

I couldn’t help but think of this Black Oak-tree as pretty. I have seen tons of trees that were blackened by fire or something, but every time they had an ugly shade of black (Does black has shades?). Not this tree though. The thing that differentiated it the most from other black trees was that it was still alive. Whatever condition it was in, just looking at it was somewhat intoxicating.

First I thought that a black plant would make sense, considering black absorbs most of the light, but after hearing that it’s sap was an ingredient in making a bypass spell I doubt that this tree had been created for advanced photosynthesis.

That’s another thing that bothers me, I’ve studied the recipe again and again but I couldn’t make much sense of it. Apparently I had missed something, maybe even literally, and I didn’t like that. I have hardly any experience in alchemy, and the properties of the sap weren’t explained in the recipe, which means I’m allowed to miss the point, but that doesn’t mean I was supposed to like it. Let’s think about the bypass more clearly. If a relative can pass through the shield, so can a single drop of their blood. And logically this trait of blood can be passed onto someone else, but how…?

Cirrus had made it past the guards and had reached the forest floor. Things are going to get more interesting from here on. Please don’t panic, Cirrus. I believe in you. A group of scientist left the research facility and they too were walking towards the Black Oak. To collect samples, maybe?

Shit, was there Cirrus original under them? I couldn’t make it out from here. This would be really bad if that would be the case…

“Miss Aideen!” Go away, I don’t have time for anyone. “Miss Aideen?” The voice repeated itself, this time with a questioning tone.

My eyes went wide, I recognized the voice. “Kha… Kha’ref?” I couldn’t turn my head, I need to focus on Cirrus. “Hey!”

“Hey.” His hoof steps drew nearer and he leaned onto the railing next to me.

He didn’t continue to talk, he was just… hanging around with me, staring at the same beautiful object with me, not doing anything… I couldn’t concentrate on Cirrus, so I turned my head to take in his features, and immediately got reminded why I didn’t reject him when he offered me to help me train a week ago. Shit.

“I’m sorry.” He finally said and I immediately returned my gaze down to Cirrus again. “I know you have been at the training field, but I had a different shift this week, and I thought I couldn’t sent you a message. So… uhm… sorry.” He gulped. “Were you searching for… me?”

I couldn’t even bring myself to gulp, I was completely frozen. Come on, focus on the mission. Cirrus!

Who of the zebras down there is Cirrus…?

“Miss Aideen?”

“I…” This was not good. “I think we’re on a first name basis, Kha.” Why does he have to show up now? “Don’t you think?” I had to close my eyes and use a spell to feel out, searching for my own magic.

“Aideen then… Uhm…what are you casting? The spell seems familiar.”

“I’m feeling out with my magic…” That was the spell I’m using after all. “to analyze this pretty tree there.” That was a lie, and… Why would I even feel bad about lying to that guy? “I need to concentrate…”

My magic tentacled out down to the black tree and the zebras (and hopefully one disguised pegasus) way stronger and faster than I would have expected. The spell is a form of basic where levitation comes from, and my homemade targeting spell. It was the first spells a unicorn learns, or at least for me it had been the first one. So I always thought the spell is either activated to reach out, or not used; I never assumed it can have different power levels.

I felt Cirrus… somewhere. The spell had been too strong for me to stop at that point, my grasp simply flew past her. “Ahh…”

“Are you okay?” Kha’ref sounded genuinely concerned about me, and to be honest, it could have sounded as if I got hurt, not that I got surprised.

I choose to ignore him, opened my eyes and took another look down. Maybe I can tell her apart by her behavior… I had no such luck. She blended into the masses, just like I had told her.

How can I have been so stupid as to get distracted and lose sight of her?

I closed my eyes again and carefully kept my magical output low this time to reach out. I felt my way further off the platform to the ramp she had gone down, tracing her approximate path and feel out all the hooves on the ground near it. No trace of my magic.

“Isn’t that…” Kha began, but I already know what happened. I opened my eyes and immediately saw the white Pegasus down there. Abort mission. I need to get her out of there… I could teleport to her and get us both out…. Yes.

I teleported.


I felt as if I had hit a rubber wall at high speed, and, considering what happened this was less a metaphor and might have been literal. Branches of trees slapped my back and scratched me as I was hurled back upwards through the trees. It took me a moment to realize I had been sent flying after I had bounced on what might have been teleportation warding.

I left the trees and was above the settlement. My flight had hardly any intention of slowing down. All I had going through my mind at the moment was that I my landing will be as ungraceful as it will be deadly.

NO! I screamed in my head. There has to be a way out of this. There IS a way out! Craft has used a bubble thing when we fell out of the sky! I can recreate that spell! She has used my body after all!

Okay, first thing was to annihilate the wind… A shield. I don’t know how to make a shield, or do I? I remember Spellfield’s book about magic. Basically you can do whatever you can imagine. I focused my magic around me, forming a bubble… and now? … I hardened it. It worked. The wind stopped searing beside me and I fell down on the bubble-floor.

Standing up inside of it I took a look around before redirecting my velocity in the opposite direction, back towards Black Oak, it was a piece of cake. Seems like I have done this already and don’t even have to relearn everything; it wasn’t even magically straining. I just… do it.

SHIT, I need to get to Cirrus and Turbulence! As soon as possible! I couldn’t find the point where I have burst through the trees, so I simply dropped myself in Black Oak somewhere, then I rapidly started to teleport through it, taking the risk of bouncing again, in the hope only the Black Oak and the research center alone are warded against teleportation.

Shit. Where the hell am I? I kept teleporting around in hope to find a familiar sight, but everything looked the same here. Every second I waste is valuable to the live of my friends. Our plan for failure is that they have to get away, even without me. I hope they manage to do that, but I need to be sure. After another teleport I realized I should have been exhausted long before.

“YOU!” I screamed to a random passerby, one of those who had been watching me hop through space. “WHICH DIRECTION TO THE BLACK OAK?” He simply pointed his hoof in a direction and I teleported off again. Why had I been screaming so loud? This wasn’t like me…

After a few more teleports I knew where I was again, but I had to think again just weird it was that my stamina hadn’t taken the smallest hit from all that magic, until I felt blood trickle down my forehead. Was my horn bleeding? Sure, I had been a late bloomer, but I had never thought I get another horn growth spurt at age 21. Horn growth spurts only happen once in a unicorns life. Is a second even possible? Ahh… who am I kidding, this was not normal. Now that I know where I am located I could make it all the way back in one more teleport.

It was quiet… to quiet. Once again I looked down the platform, only to see four zebra lying on the ground with two more caring for their wounds. I figure Turbulence has shot them from above to cover Cirrus. But where are they? And where is everyone else?

I ran down the ramp to check the ground for hoof prints. Judging from how far each step of those are apart, and how many there are in general, I’d say a good part of them had been running. For their lives, or to chase? They lead into the research facility… Why would Turbulence and Cirrus seek cover in there? They can just fly… unless one of them, Cirrus probably, had been wounded. There are traces of blood around, but I had no way of telling whom it belonged to.

Ignoring the wounded zebra and their helpers I entered the facility, carefully not teleporting this time. From here on out it was easy, I simply had to follow the blood trail… Please, don’t end with two dead pegasi. Please, don’t end with two dead pegasi. This is all my fault… why had I been this distracted by Kha’ref. Well, I know why, but why does sex has to make everything so complicated?

I rushed through the facility and only stopped once when I saw my own reflection in a window. Wow… the way blood ran down from my horn made me look really scary.

The corpse of a zebra mare lay around a corner I turned. I hadn’t been prepared for that. These zebra have done nothing wrong, and we need to defend ourselves, because we stole from them. We are the bad guys here… And the guards (from the looks of her posture) were just the senseless victims. Wait! Kha’ref is a guard too. Is he hunting Turbulence and Cirrus too? Of course he is… he… ahhh… Don’t think, Aideen, just catch up to them.

Every time I came across a door I simply blasted it away with my magic. At first with mere levitation and kinetic force, then with an energy blast to make it faster. Oh yeah, great learn a few awesome spells while I’m at it. The headache will be pure torture. I’m running here and my worries are about a headache, not my friends who I need to safe. What the hell is wrong with me?

I came along more corpse and even a pile of ash once before I finally reached a big room that looked like a refinery. Big tubes and containers for liquid, catwalks around them for looking into those things. Big chemical processes are going on here, and a commotion. At the ceiling, on one of the air vents were my two stupid pegasi who fled inside a building to escape. At the walls some zebra were walking upwards to catch them, while a lot were on the ground, simply shooting up.

Cirrus actually had been hurt, she was just lying on the vent and was catching her breath. Turbulence on the other hoof was working on cutting into the vent to make their escape. That was approximately 300 feet away… how can I see that so clearly? Increased perception must be a perk of the growth spurt…

I took the risk that they can’t have warding from inside the facility to inside the facility, and even if, if the same thing would happen I would simply crash against the wall right behind me, right? I teleported up to them.

“Gaaah!” Cirrus screamed. “Aideen!” She realized who I am, and then tied to add. “What the..?”

“Don’t ask.” I can only assume it was because of my horn. “Move.” I ordered him and blasted open the side of the vent where he had been working on. Now we could escape into it and upwards, out of the facility. “Go.”

The zebras had of course noticed that I was here now and had stopped shooting. While Cirrus and Turbulence flew in I took the time to look around to take in what they might do in this facility to begin with. Sadly all containers were closed and unlabeled, except for one not far from us with a dark red liquid inside of it. I had no idea what it might be, it certainly was no part for the potions I can make, maybe it… “Aideen!”

Snapping out of my thoughts I entered the vent, of course, wasn’t able to make it up. Can I blindly teleport up? Not a good idea. Turbulence flew down again and reached out his hoof for me. He had it angled like a hook, so I copied that position and formed a hook with mine too, to I grabbed his. I had my doubts this would work, but we had to try. This was not the kind of improvisation I was good at. Hooves don’t work that way and I slipped out of his grasp.

“Don’t worry about me, flee, I’ll make my way with magic.” His face was in doubt. “Trust. Me.” My glowing eyes must have done something because he backed off.

“See you soon, okay?” He said.

“See you soon.” I repeated and gave him a warm smile. Hopefully the blood streaming down my face won’t ruin the reassuring smile I gave him.

He nodded and flew away. Cirrus put her head in the vent too and also said her quick “See you…” There were tears in her eyes…

Then they were gone. Okay, new plan now. I went horizontally through the vent and see where my luck leads me.


Something has landed on top of the vent I’m in, probably one of the zebras that had climbed the walls, but the ‘crank’ sound didn’t come from the impact of that zebra, it came from the vent bending down. A series of unidentifiable sounds later (they echoed through the vent mercilessly), I saw a light from where the vent broke in two.


The vent now quickly bent downwards, and sent me sliding down. I tried to push at the walls to support myself inside the vent.

Nope. Nope.

I have bad experience with sliding off things. What does the floor have in mind for me. Oh great, my fall will be stopped by that mysterious dark red liquid, nothing to worry.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

I remember the last time my mind went on a ‘nope’-spree. It was in exactly that bad experience of sliding down off things too.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Splash. The zebra on top (or rather on the side) of the vent had crashed down. Whatever was holding his hooves to the wall, it hadn’t helped for the vent. Or maybe the enchantment had worn off once he had ejected himself from the wall to jump on. He screamed.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Is he screaming because he knows what that stuff is, or because he doesn’t know? The ‘unknown’ has its own eeriness. Hmm… Maybe it was acid or something, and really hurts?

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

My fighting soon proved useless as I continued to slide down further and further, until I finally lost grip fell down, right into this ‘whatever’. Ouch… it was hard. I could have sworn it was liquid, not solid. Unless… no, I’m sinking in. My body that was already in contact with the stuff wouldn’t move, it didn’t let go, and I was slowly sinking further inside of it, like the guy whose fate I shared.

Panic is a reasonable reaction to being devoured by an unknown substance, right? But, weirdly enough, I felt perfectly content. It was warm and applied pressure to me, not as if trying to squeeze me, but almost as if giving me a hard massage. Why had he been screaming?

I couldn’t help, but let out a soft moan when it had engulfed almost my entire body and my head was about to sink in. This felt really nice, and I was getting sleepy.

My head hurts, so sleep would really be nice. I closed my eyes and rested my chin on the substance where it just sank in.

I had my mouth open, but the substance seemed to exactly know where the confinements of my body where as it didn’t run into it.

This was disappointing, as I now wouldn’t find out how it tasted like. No wait, I can still extend my tongue, right?

I gave the substance right in front of my mouth a lick.

Hmm… oak-y…

I was fully engulfed in the liquid when I lost consciences.

*** *** ***

It’s a bad situation you have found yourself in, Aideen.

Your ability to state the obvious surprise me, Craft. Remind me. Whose fault is it?

You think I made him up to distract you? Sorry. All real. Believe me, I‘m not fond of you being captured.

So that means he’s real, and Craft didn’t just made him up to annoy me…



I said ‘yes’.

You can hear what I’m thinking? How is that even possible?

Because you’re not awake right now. Just try to look around.

I have no body to even do so.

Yeah, so… I can wait for a couple thousand years with no problem.

But I can’t.

Your ability to state the obvious is extraordinary as well, Aideen. I tell you why I contacted you. You’ve been sleeping for a while now.

What? How long?

When I wait my feeling of time kinda disappears. Just think of it as a short enough amount of time that your body hasn’t died of malnourishment. The treesap keeps your body barely supplied with liquids and nutrients. Taking all that in account I don’t think it has been more than a week, maybe just a few minutes. I really don’t know.

Okay, less than a week, I can live with that. So what now?

I’d advise you to focus your mind on waking up, don’t you think that would be good?

I can’t just wake up… Can I?

You can, I wouldn’t suggest it otherwise.

How do I do this?

That’s for you to figure out.

Okay… Hmmm… Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. I believe as I’m just consisting of thought, I have to think it, right? It’s not like I can say it out loud or something.

Can’t hurt.

Wake up. Wake up. Come on, focus. Wake up. Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!

*** *** ***

Apparently they have freed me from my oaky prison and moved me onto some soft surface. A bed? Maybe the hospital. Yes, a hospital. Or at least a prison with good hospital inside it. Judging from the tubes coming out of my nose to help me breathe, it was definitely a medical facility, whether or not cuffs on my hoofs are standard issue for every patient. I didn’t yet open my eyes, I would need an element of surprise… for any kind of situation.

What kind of situation am I in anyway? Physical condition first. I fell into that stuff, and though I probably had no fresh oxygen for quite a while, my heart must have kept pumping as my brain was still intact. Other than that I couldn’t feel anything wrong with me. A little hungry though and I’d need the little fillies room, but otherwise perfectly healthy.

Mental condition? Hmm… that’s hard. The usual fucked-upness of my brain, and the constant question whether or not this is real, but I don’t think my mind had been impaired by a drug, hell I even had the good sense to not open my eyes. I actually feel way sharper than I should be after sleeping… or being unconscious.

Okay, next item: surroundings: I could hear I was not alone, shifting noises of guards who were not observed and had no problem with moving a little bit, but they weren’t talking. I couldn’t risk feeling out with my magic as all of them would notice that, so I decided to open my eyes slightly.

“She’s awake.” A female voice immediately said.

I moved a little to get a more comfortable position and closed my eyes again. Moving carelessly was a foolproof way of acting asleep, especially when you move a lot in your sleep anyway. Nobody who is acting asleep usually moves, they grow rigid and try to keep their position I believe. I have used that tactic countless times. It even works when you are awake late at night reading and your supervisor comes. Nothing more suspicious than quickly shutting off the light, just keep your position, then shift a little, as if you have fallen asleep while reading a while ago. They can’t do anything.

“False alarm.” I don’t even have to keep myself from smiling at that, all part of the act.

“Aww, isn’t she precious?” That was Kha’s voice; Kha’s guarding me!

“She’s a pony.” A male voice said with disgust in it.

“That doesn’t contradict what I said.” Kha defended my species.

“How can you… She’s a pony.” He empathized the last word as if it would speak for itself. I had never thought I would hear racism the other way around, but then again I had never been somewhere where ponies were the minority or nonexistent at all. As Kha didn’t honor him with another answer he added. “You’ve always been weird.”

“Cut it out,” The female interrupted, “both of you.” she added in the direction of Kha. “She has been chosen to be a pawn in the goddesses plan, and we must honor that decision. Whether she’s a freaking pony, or she looks precious when sleeping.” She said the last few words in a very mocking tone to Kha.

So the female guard dislikes ponies too… Is racism really the norm? Have they all been always acting nice to me because they were under Dahlia’s orders? Is Kha really that much of an outsider in his own home?

“I was just trying to lighten the mood…”

“Yeah? Well, Fiora and Mal’sek are dead, and Nar’yol is dying. Excuse me if the mood is a little down but you might want to ask yourself whose fault that is. Hers! And you joke around at how precious she looks? She is completely fine. But have you seen what that stuff did to Nar? He’ll be lucky if he goes fast.” She is getting quite emotional now.

‘What that stuff did to Nar’? That doesn’t sound good. What was it anyway? Well, if the guards don’t even know it might be super-secret. And secret stuff that has such an effect is bad…

“I’m sorry.” I could feel for him. Misunderstood by his comrades who are supposed to be like a second family.

“Take your ‘sorry’ and stick it up her, if you think she’s so precious!” Oh wow…

A wave of pain suddenly welled up in my head.

--- === ---

“Ahhh…” I couldn’t control myself from moaning out loud as my head seemed to explode. The headache was gone as fast as it came. I tried to raise my hoof to rub the remaining feel of pain out of my temples, but I had been cuffed to the hospital bed I was lying in. “What the hell?” I struggled to get up in a more comfortable sitting position and looked around. This was the hospital, does that mean something happened to me..? Nothing feels wrong with me.

“Call Dahlia!” Around me were three of my fellow guards, but not those friends I would expect to wait next to me hospital bed when waking up. Jen just shouted an order out to more guards I couldn’t see, but I heard their confirmation of the order and their hoof steps trotting away.

All three of my comrades had their weapons pointed at me… something isn’t right here… How did I even get injured? Where have I gotten injured? I inspected my body, only it wasn’t my body. “WHAT THE HELL!?”

My head split up again.

--- === ---

This time I didn’t moan. I felt humiliated because I don’t had the self-control of keeping my pain to myself; I was betrayed by my own body, and I gave away that I’m awake.

“Does it hurt?” Jen asked me. “I hope it hurts.”

“I can barely feel anything.” I wouldn’t let Jen have that satisfaction. Wait, how do I know her name? Her name is Jendra, only her nickname was Jen…

“Your two screams of ‘What the hell’ told me a different story.” I did what? “So tell me, does it hurt?”

“I didn’t…” I did… I clearly remember not saying it once and shouting it a second time. Why did I do that? I narrowed my eyes. “I have had worse headaches.”

“That’s all..? A headache?”

“What can I say? I guess I’m stronger than your Nar’yol. And…” I looked to Kha. “I’m ‘precious’, really?” I tried to hint him I didn’t really mean it, but want to help him keep up his charade.

Kha somehow managed to get into this position where he can watch over me. While I do believe he means well, even might try to free me, I have got to keep in mind that Dahlia already knows about this and send him to guard me on purpose. The best solution is to get away and leave him behind, where he can continue his life without having his reputation ruined.

I only have to hope Dahlia will assume he doesn’t mean anything to me and won’t try to use him against me as a hostage. Would that even work? What would I do for him? What does he mean to me? I… I don’t know.

Some time passed until Samuel, the male guard (why do I know his name?), exclaimed “Attention!”

I heard hoof steps drawing near. Three people… one in shackles. “At ease…” Dahlias ordered as she entered the room. “Ahh… Aideen.” Her tone was way too sweet, something wasn’t right.

“Dahlia.” I put as much hate in her name as I could.

She smiled. “You remember our last conversation?” No, it slipped my mind. “You see, I have gotten myself some leverage here.” Making way for me to see the form in shackles behind her, she gestured to it. “What do you say?”

Cirrus stood in the doorway with her muzzle tied shut, wings were clamped down atrociously, and the shackles at her hooves were spiked. Besides that, she had many whip-marks and cuts. She had been tortured… recently, and tears were still streaming down her face. There was no information to get from Cirrus that Dahlia might need. No, that’s not what this had been about… This had been just for fun, and to hurt me… to make me yield.

“What do you want?” I pressed out.

“Right now? Nothing. I just wanted you to understand that I don’t do half measures. You see…” Dahlia pointed at Cirrus again. “I have two of those marvelous pieces of leverage against you now. That means I can use one to make my point while keeping a spare…” Now she gestured the female guard to give her something. “and I wanted you to be present for this.”

“Here.” The guard gave my .44 to Dahlia.

“That was holstered to you when you fell to your demise. Your weapon of choice, I assume?” It might be, but I haven’t fired it once (beside practice). “The connection between a fighter and her weapon is strong, you know…” She took the weapon in her mouth. “Projektile wepons - Noth realleh mah shtyle, but…”

Dahlia turned to Cirrus who had been thrown over to lie on the ground by the male guard.



It took all three present guards to restrain me. Dahlia just killed Cirrus! I noticed Kha trying to whisper something in my ear, but I was too busy shooting bolts of lighting through the room, incinerating things and turning medical instruments into weapons to bludgeon zebras. Dahlia just killed Cirrus! All my magic was absorbed into five talismans above my bed, especially made for this situation; one I could have been able to overload, maybe two as I was in a state of strong emotional distress. Dahlia just killed Cirrus!

After a while I stopped fighting. I had barely noticed that they had tranquilized me at some point. My body simply went limb, but I managed to turn myself in a way so I could see Cirrus’ body. Something inside of me thought she couldn’t be dead. We just saved her a week ago from that tick…

Her eyes which had still tears in them have lost their spark of life. She had been looking at me when she died, but now her head had fallen down and she simply stared under the bed.

Magnum, .44 caliber, modified for more firepower, hollow point ammunition, shot at point blank directly into the side of her head. The wound at this side of her head wasn’t even very big. It was the mess the bullet did inside Cirrus’ head and when leaving it.

I need to help Cirrus… Craft! Craft can help. “Craft…” I whispered. “help.”

“Seems like you are calming down.” Dahlia… again with that sweet tone of hers.

“I’ll make you wish I would let you die fast, and even death won’t be the end for you, for all eternity your soul will be mine, you hear?” These weren’t my words, but they clearly came out of my mouth.

“Your eyes…” Dahlia gasped in awe. “You are the goddess, right?”

--- === ---

The next thing I know was that I was standing next to Kha. Right in front of me Dahlia was leaning over Craft, and Craft had… dragon like eyes.

“Don’t even believe you know what I am!” Craft stood up from the bed, as if there have never been any cuffs restraining her/me. “Do answer your question, there have never been any cuffs. They only exist in your memory, but I annihilated them from reality.”

Dahlia bowed, and quickly all the other ones followed. I took the time to try and touch Kha, but my hoof simply went through him. I didn’t panic, Craft simply had taken over; I had asked her for help, and so she did.

“Please excuse the crude way I had to lure you out mistress. I…”

“Oh. You are not excused.” Craft smiled devilishly. “So, Aideen, what do you think? Should I go on a little killing spree?”

“YES!” I screamed out.

“You are not taking orders from that pony, are you…”

My vision got distorted by blood.

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 16!

New Perk: Anger-management my flank!: +50% critical hit damage when angry.

Special Perk: Bathed in... whatever: ??? it's probably bad ???

Special Perk: Nightmare's Power (3): You can tap into Nightmare Moon's power, and gain +5 points (total: +15) in Magic.

Skill Note: Energy Weapons has reached 50.
Skill Note: Building has reached 75.
Skill Note: Science has reached 75.

Quest: Blind Date:
[X] Meet Clint’s employer
[ ] Find out what Dahlia’s really planning.

New Quest: Crush, Kill, Destroy:
[ ] Destroy Black Oak
[ ] Kill Dahlia
[ ] [Optional]Leave no survivors.

Chapter Twenty-Two: Torture

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Chapter Twenty-Two


“How do you feel?”

“I have to throw up.” And so I did.

Craft just gave me back the control over my body. I could taste blood in my mouth, I could feel blood staining my entire coat, and I could see blood coating the entire area, with fire burning everything down. Craft had killed every last person in Black Oak, including Turbulence, Clint, and Kha’ref. To kill she only had used her (or rather ‘my’) hooves while holding them locked in place with magic.

Everyone was dead… Every stallion, every mare, every foal. I felt their bones snap, I saw the light in their eyes go out. I killed them. Not just because it was my body, or because I allowed Craft to do so. It was completely my fault.

“Yeah. ‘Having to throw up’ is a physical sensation How do you feel?” Craft put some body pieces in a circle, as if to make a nest.


“I want to hear that you have learned something. What would you do differently?” She indeed was making a nest, only to hop right in and make herself comfortable in all the gore.

I made the reflex motion of throwing up, but there was nothing left in my stomach. I managed to snapped out of the reflex for a bit to answer her. “What I’d do differently? I WOULDN‘T ALLOW YOU TO DO THAT, THAT’S WHAT I’D DO DIFFERENTLY!”

“I only taught you a lesson, dear.” Moved to lay on her stomach, she got herself in a comfortable position, resting her head on a torso, while looking at me. “Sometimes I think you don’t appreciate through what lengths I go to help you.”

“To help me..?” I repeated in disbelief. I almost wanted to laugh.

“Yeah. You see that?” She pointed towards the edge of the forest. Wait… edge of the forest? There was a flawlessly white wall. Craft continued to move her hoof across the sky, until she reached the other side.

“A dome…?” We are inside a white dome… “This is not real, is it? You just made me imagine all that? Why?”

“Well, after you saw Cirrus die you did something I don’t appreciate. You snapped in the middle of a negotiation, so I made up this simulation. Give you another trauma to snap you out of the death of that unfortunate creature.” How dare she… “So when I end this simulation a whole second will have passed, and I want you to keep your cool, okay? And please don’t mess up a negotiation ever again.”


“My little Marble, I’m basically god here, and create things from thin air, but now… shush… we need to back out.”

*** *** ***

The shot was still resonating through the room, and smoke went up from my 44. Dahlia turned to me and gave me an evil smile. I just looked down to Cirrus’ lifeless body, and shouted.

“Ah, come on! I liked her.” I did my best to let myself fall into the bed and be thoroughly disappointed with Dahlia’s action. I’ll get my time to grieve, but now I have to stay sane, all I could allow myself at the moment was for my eyes to water up. “I really liked her…”

I was neither a sobbing mess, nor was I raging out and let Craft take over… wait, why did I think Craft taking over was a possibility? There was something… Craft must just have changed my perception of something, it seems to…huh… I tried to focus on what I have just been thinking about, but couldn’t remember. I hate it when an idea slips my mind without having had the opportunity to write it down.

“How are you feeling, Aideen?” Dahlia’s sweet tone made me incredibly angry, but I had to remain in a cool state.

“A little hungry, I guess. How long have I been out?” That was pretty cold; and, even though that’s exactly how I wanted to appear, I didn’t like it. Cirrus…

Dahlia was narrowing her eyes. Yeah, that wasn’t the reaction she had expected. “You might want to act cold, but I can tell how you truly feel. Maybe I should kill your other friend, but that wouldn’t have the desired effect right now, I believe.”

“Yeah, you would run out of leverage, and you would never get me to do what you want. Oh wait! You don’t manage to get me to do what you want, even if you have leverage.” I was incredibly focused and sharp right now. My mind was not at all distorted by grief as it should be. “I like Cirrus and Turbulence, more than I thought I would. But I will never - NEVER - sell my integrity, you understand that?”

“Then the goddess really did choose you for a reason…” I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment. I had beaten her in our last alteration with mere words. Now I was trapped by her, and I still came out on top, because she still got nothing on me… well, except Turbulence, but he should be save; or, at least, his life would be spared right now. She might torture him for her own amusement, and he could still tell her things about me. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. “Bring her to our dungeon.” Dahlia smiled. Is she planning to torture me?

“Dungeon? Sounds cozy. Do you have seat heating there?” Dahlia ignored my mocking, but I had the bad feeling that it would cost me (or Turbulence) dearly later. However, I have to show her I’m not afraid of her, and I knew there were worse things than physical pain, like helplessly being strapped to a bed, being rolled to a dungeon…

There is however one part of my plan that Dahlia is missing, one that she assumed would be neutral, or at least on her side, because she has paid him. Clint is under my contract now, and Dahlia just mentioned two pieces of leverage, not three. I have to go on a leap of faith here and say she disregarded him. Or she might have had him killed immediately after he turned against her, but fate is usually on my side and works itself in my favor… no, no it doesn’t. Cirrus is dead, that isn’t in my favor. I have to stop calculating chance in to be on my side.

Dahlia has left me alone with the guards Jen, Samuel, and Kha to transport me to her dungeon. Wait… Kha, he had been behaving weirdly somehow before Cirrus got shot. He knew Dahlia was going to shoot her? And wanted me to not freak out when it happened? I don’t think he was the reason I didn’t do so. Hmm… He didn’t stop Dahlia either, even though he had had the opportunity to disarm her and shoot her, maybe through the element of surprise overwhelm one of the other guards as well, then… no that’s not much of a plan.

I got a bag over the head to not know where they are rolling my bed, and due to the constant shaking of the uneven rope-bridge-like, wooden floor I couldn’t tell from the movement either. The shaking even made me dizzy. The bag not only blocks my vision, it also gave me some sort of privacy; I could cry now without anyone seeing it, but I knew they would notice as soon as the bag got removed again. No, I’ll cry later, now I have to get out of here.

Every time I tried to focus my magic it got sucked out of me immediately. I can only assume they did the smart thing and placed some anti-magic wards on the bag. Or, more likely, on the bed, as it would have been more plausible that I would try to kill Dahlia immediately, then the bag would have been too late for that. Hmm… Maybe if I focus correctly I can tell at what rate my magic is drained, and I can calculate just how much magic I need to overload the ward, it’s location doesn’t matter then.

Being tied to a bed and having your magic inhibited is a way higher loss of control than I had experienced before. Unsurprisingly I didn’t like it, but this time I won’t let them have their way with me, no; this time will kill the person responsible for it. I only had to imagine Dahlias head on a spike and I could feel my blood pressure going down. I’ll rid the world of her, and of everyone who dares to oppose me in that quest.

I had felt that I was moved downwards for a short while, and now we are rolling on the forest floor. Where is this dungeon they are bringing me? In/under the research facility? I thought they brought me out of there, why would they get me out of it, into the hospital, just to bring me back? Has my condition been that cirrus? Cirrus… SERIOUS! I can’t even think straight anymore… I have to repress it. It’s not like one item on the list of things I repress would make much difference.

Anyway, forest floor! Concentration, Aideen! I could tell now in what general direction I was moved. To the black oak? Why? What’s up with the tree anyway? What makes a tree turn black? And like… this kind of black. Wait, I’m moved further down, and it was getting colder… a cave? I haven’t seen the entrance to a cave anywhere when I had observed the area from above. But that’s only when we actually went down the ramp I think we went, because if it isn’t I had no idea where we would be.

“Is her binding ready?” The female guard Jendra asked. ‘Binding’? That sounds bad.

“Yep.” The sound of metal scraping over metal was audible, along with an unknown voice. “Yes, just needs to be inserted.” That sounds even worse. I don’t want to be bound!

“Perfect.” Dahlia! She was still beside me. “You heard that, my dear Aideen?” That sweet voice that pisses me off so much. “He has your binding ready.” Yeah, I heard him; you don’t need to repeat his words in your creepy voice. “You are going to want to see it. Using the metal from the stars might be a little… what do you call it? ‘Overkill’, but I think it’ll fit you nicely.”

The bag was put off of my head, and the first thing my eyes were able to focus on was a U-shaped of metal with both its ends sharpened. It consisted of the weird metal I already saw in the Gaia Prevails facility, the same material Nightmare Moons armor consists of, the same material… Craft had been bound into.

“Pretty isn’t it?” I hate her so much. She paused a while for me to imagine what the thing is going to do to me, then she ordered. “Right forearm.”

Jendra and the male guard (I forgot his name) threw themselves onto me and said body part.

I struggled as much as I could, but the two were too strong for me. My physical strength has never been the best. In my panic I looked around to find Kha, whose expression was in pain. He can’t do anything, right? On whose side is he anyway? I could see the struggle inside of him, on one side he want’s to help the mare he spent a single night with, on the other he couldn’t ruin his entire life by doing so.

One end of the U-piece was placed on my right forearm, just like she ordered. It singeing my coat, painfully burning me. It didn’t look like it was hot... I couldn’t do anything, only press together my teeth. No, I’m not going to give her the satisfaction of me screaming, yet I’m not going to remain silent either. “Almost as hot as your tea, Dahlia. I hope it doesn’t leave the same bad taste, or I’m not going to consider you my friend anymore.”

“Hammer.” Dahlias expression was pained too, and I couldn’t help but smile. She wanted me to be scared so much, and I’m mock her.

The dungeonmaster-zebra set a hammer on top of the piece of metal. I know what’s coming now, and it will cost me all my self control, I had to relax the muscles in my arm as much as possible... He rose the hammer and smashed it down, driving the metal in through my foreleg. I clenched my teeth together as hard as I could. Maybe because I had been prepared for it the pain wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, although it was still excruciating.

With all the sarcasm I could collect in me I said: “Ouch.” I stared at Dahlia. Sound bored. Sound bored. Sound bored. “That hurts.”

Dahlia’s right eye twitched. “Nobody’s impressed.” She pressed out after awhile.

“Yes, they are.” I just had to laugh. I looked around to check the expressions of the guards and the other zebra. Who is he? The dungeonmaster? “Don’t you get it Dahlia? You’ll never get me to do what you want. I can take whatever torture you have in store for me.”

“We’ll see about that. You want to see my tools? I can get them for you. I planned on letting you marinade for a little while, but we can speed this up too if you want to.” Without waiting for an answer she turned to go. “Finish her binding, and bring it to her.” It?

Dahlia walked a dirt path leading up, out of the dungeon. With her gone I could, for the first time, focus on my surroundings. It wasn’t a dungeon, it seemed like the entrance to a mine. Didn’t Dahlia say ‘dungeon’? Two mineshaft sharply going from it curve of fast, presumably forming a small ring. In the middle of this ring on the surface has to be the black oak, and this mine is here so they can investigate the roots that cover the walls of this mine. Another mineshaft was leading further down.

“You’re one tough bitch.” Jendra complimented me, even though it would go against Dahlia’s wishes. Then they untied me from the bed, and with all the pain shooting through me I couldn’t resist what they do to me anyway.

“Here.” Kha helped me off of the bed and supported my short walk towards the inner wall of the mine.

I simply leaned against the dirt wall, too exhausted to do anything else now. “That doesn’t look like a dungeon.” That still didn’t make sense.

“None of your concern, sorry.” Wow, Jendra apologized. Seems like I really impressed her.

“Here.” The dungeon-zebra shifted my leg and the metal into a position it wouldn’t drag me down, and then, without a warning, drove the metal into one of the black roots on the wall of the mine. Again I had to press my teeth together to not scream. “No way the tree is going to give up star’s matter ever again… I’m sorry.” He bowed to me, as well as to the guards and went up the dirt path too, as his job here was done.

He apologized too? What’s going on? I only put on a ‘tough bitch’-act and the zebras respect me? Are they so primal they appreciate people being resistant to pain? I come to develop a hate towards their kind, while only two of them ever did something I didn’t like (not counting the raiders we came across outside the forest).

“She’s bound here for all eternity, we should go get ‘it’ now.” Samuel said to his fellow guards.

“I’ll stay, she’s still a high risk, it wouldn’t be wise to leave her alone.” Do I really get some alone time with Kha? I almost thought that would be an impossibility.

“You’re right.” Jendra nodded. “We’ll get it, you stay.” It’s happening! She and Samuel (I recognized I remembered his name) bowed and walked up, out of the mine. They bowed... I guess bowing is a zebra thing for saying goodbye to a person you respect, even if it’s your enemy. I earned their respect because I had been sarcastic, how did that happen?

“You’re dead if you help me, you know that, right?” I said as soon as I felt them to be out of hearing range. “We shared one night together, no need to throw away your life.”

“You’re not that good in the sack.” What? How dare he… “If I’ll do anything, I’ll do it because it’s the right thing to do. First I need to hear a plausible plan. But listen…”

“What was that about me ‘not being good in the sack’? You better…”

“Are you serious? You’re bound in star metal to the black oak, you have bigger worries right now.”

“Yeah, then why do you have to say. You are ungrateful that I…”

“‘Ungrateful’? You threw yourself at me, you should be grateful I let you in, not the other way around.”

“I…” It was that way, wasn’t it? “Ahh…” I don’t know what to say.

“All I meant was that, although your flank is a really nice flank, it is not literally to die for, okay?” While that sounded plausible, I heard something out of him… He’s lying.

“No, there’s more. Tell me.”

Kha remained silent, simply staring at me with a frown. He was annoyed. “Fine, if that is your biggest worry right now I’ll tell you. You. Were. Not. Good. In. Bed.” He empathized every word to get his point across. “Okay?” No, not okay. “Are you ready to move on now?”

“Moving on.” I pressed out, and thought about my current situation. I wasn’t in any danger of dying from loss of blood, I was more worried about getting an infection from having an open wound that close to the roots of the tree that has an unknown condition.

What condition would make a tree not give up metal? Is it because of the metal being from the stars, as Dahlia said, or wouldn’t the tree give up any metal? Maybe it’s about the density; the star metal is really heavy. No wait, that wouldn’t make sense, a substance that’s less dense would be easier grown into, even on a microscopic level. So it’s not rational behavior.

It’s not a surprise that the trees condition must be magical, just like the metal has to have some magical properties, or it wouldn’t have held Craft. Craft… huh… I have so many more questions. There has to be an answer for this whole mess. The tree will give up the star metal, I just have to find the right way. Everything that can be created can also be destroyed.

“Aideen. You want to hear my good news?”

“That there are only three guards, and Dahlia added you fully knowing about us? That this thing about the star metal and the black oak is just some test? That she wants me to escape for some reason, because there are some pieces missing? Yes please, enlighten me about some of these puzzle pieces.”

“Well… ahh… no.” He looked around as if Dahlia might be here and he gets struck down immediately after she found out about the relationship he and I share (Whatever it is). “Only three guards because we are under attack, and the others are needed elsewhere. We put a bag over your head on our way here that you don’t see the settlement’s not as busy as usual at this time.”

“You’re under attack? By whom?” Someone attacks Black Oak right after I’m captured? That doesn’t seem like a coincidence.

“It’s a ‘by what?’ The forest’s pack of canis minor is acting up since a while. It’s a reoccurring thing that they make trouble, and this time they started before you arrived, it has nothing to do with you. It’s just strange, because usually they don’t really attack us.”

“We’ve been in the forest about three days before we finally got here…” As I said it he frowned. He was thinking really loudly so I spoke what was running through both our heads. “You think canis minor can feel… your goddess like zebras can?”

“World doesn’t center about you, but… plausible.”

“You think that’s the reason why there was no incident with other forest creatures while I got here with my frie-” I broke out crying. “My friends...” Thinking about Cirrus happened way too suddenly for me. And in front of Kha I felt like I didn’t have to act as tough as with others. My hooves started to wobble.

“Aideen.” He immediately came to support me, so I could lay on him and I didn’t lean on the metal in my foreleg. “I… sorry… I… You really acted like you didn’t care, and then you were just…” acting like a bitch about not being good in bed? “I…” He took a breath. “Cirrus’s alive, Aideen. She and Turbulence got away. Dahlia commonly uses shape shifters to kill in front of her torture victims. They take the form of their friends. It’s very effective to make them think they are alone. Cirrus got away. She’s alive. She’s fine.”

Kha was holding me half literally that I don’t fall down, half in an embrace, where he patted my head and caressed my mane. He was really gentle…

I continued to cry for a while until I was able to snap out of it to confirm my thought. “Changelings?”

“Changelings? I don’t know what the real name for them is, but yeah I think so.”

“Magic like green flames when they change?”

“Yes.” He seemed surprised. “You know about them?”

“Invasion on Canterlot in 1003.” I stated while continuing to cry, until I finally managed to convince myself. “Cirrus’s alive.” I let my tears stop and looked at Kha with determination. “I have a plan.”

“Plan?” He poked the side of my head with his muzzle.

“Dahlia is someone thinking about stealth. She will have all stuff neatly looked away with all kinds of wardings, like anti-teleportation. Her weakness is, as silly as it sounds, brute force. She thinks I’m smart and would use something equally stealthy, but we only need to grab stuff, then run and get away. That’s good if everyone is distracted by canis minors attacking. Hmm…” Something still isn’t right. “What are they bringing… I mean: what is ‘it’?”

“The shape shif- the changelings dead body in form of Cirrus. They would have laid it next to you, forcing you to see it.”

“That’s cruel.” I commented. “Okay, do you know where my stuff is? My bow, my 44, and my saddlebags?”

“Yeah, I…” Trying to give a full answer he got interrupted by my next question

“Do you have a sharp knife, or sword, or something?” This time he only moved around for me to see some sort of hatchet strapped onto him. “Perfect. You’re going to have to cut through half my arm and break a bone in the progress. I have a Hydra in my saddlebags, Just, don’t let me bleed out or anything.”

His eyes went wide. “I can’t just…”

“Do it before Dahlia and the others come back. The time we lost by talking is enough to make one trip, don’t let them have another.”

He nodded. “I have no pain killers or anything.”

“No need. Get smashing.” I moved to a position where he could break my right ulla between his hoof and the metal rod in my foreleg. He didn’t move. “I said go.”

Kha gulped; it doesn’t take a genius to figure out how much he doesn’t want to do this. “Bite down on this.” He removed one unused strap of his cargo saddle, and gave it to me. With a jump he supported himself with his forehooves on the wall, he lifted one and placed it upon my foreleg. “I can break it with one punch, but I don’t think it would be sufficient, the bone needs to be practically in fragments to easily cut through it and get a metal rod of that size through the opening.” Another gulp. “This is going to hurt more than when they put it in.”

I nodded; I’m well aware of that fact, but time is of the essence. “Just hurry.”

He jumped a little up even from the support of the wall, then, using gravity too, brought his hoof down on my foreleg.

The pain was…


Very painful.

My whole body twitched.

I drooled.

And I think I chipped a tooth on one metal thingy on the strap he gave me.

“‘nother.” I ordered Kha.

“It… budged…” He stared at my bloody foreleg, and rose his own hooves to jolt at the star metal, but it didn’t give anything, of course it doesn’t budge.

“Wat… you talking about?” I could hardly speak with pain trying to overwhelm my mind. “It’s… in there.” I lifted my left hoof to show him it wouldn’t budge, and just slightly touched the star metal when it… gave way… “What?”

Once again Kha took the metal and jolting on it as hard as it could without anything happening. “Maybe it only responds to you…”

What is he talking about? I don’t have the strength to… He thought of that too and grabbed my hoof to guide it to the metal. With only me touching the metal it showed little resistance, and was quickly removed from the root. “It… bends to your will…” He said in awe.

“No time to wonder.” I pressed out, and let myself fall against him. “Move.”

“Wait, first…” What? He lead me around in the mine to the other side of the tree. I could hardly object as all my strength went into not passing out at the moment. “Here.” He pointed at another item that was embedded in a root.

The tears in my eyes made it impossible for me to see the object clearly, but I knew what he wanted me to do. I snapped it in my mouth and pulled it out in a quick motion that sent the item flying and me almost to the ground.

“You can pass out now, trust me, I’ll keep you safe.”

Passing out? Sounds nice. Trusting him? I don’t know… His hooves around me felt so nice… They felt comforting… They felt nice… I felt like I can trust him, even though I knew there was still something that didn’t make sense. Something… something…

The last thing I felt was how he managed to get my on his back. The play of his strong muscles underneath me… I felt safe…

*** *** ***

When I woke up I noticed that the surface I’m lying on is moving. What’s going on? I tried to lift myself off of it, but I was tied down. “What the hell?” I immediately was wide awake. My eyes shot open and I continued to struggle against my bonds (they weren’t tight).

“Aideen?” The stallion who carried me was surprised about my resistance. What is he expecting when he kidnaps someone in their sleep, or that his victim resists when waking up and falls off of him. Wait what did he say?

“Kha’ref?” I recognize his face as he turned. He had been at my bed in the hospital… What happened? And what’s going on in general?

“Can you walk?” He talked really fast, as if to get information out of my as quickly as possible.

“I think so…” I stood up and looked around. We were in the forest, but only a few hundred meters from Black Oak.

“Can you use your magic?” Magic? “It would come in handy right about now. I got your stuff.” He tapped some saddlebags he had lying over his neck.

“Magic?” I asked but remembered what happened before I had passed out. Slowly rising a hoof in front of me to examine it. Somehow already knew what was expecting me. My hoof had a light brown coat and was rather thin… a female hoof… This wasn’t my body. “What’s going on.”

“I only gave you a restoration potion, figuring you only had one multiply broken bone and a clean hole. Aideen, we have got to be careful if we want to be able to have any chance of sneaking past the canis minor, do you remember?”

He’s calling me Aideen, and I was inside of her body… AND he doesn’t know it’s not her. What now…

“And we need to hurry or Dahlia catches us.” Kha’ref gestured to go.

“Dahlia… Canis minor…” Whatever happens, I believe I’d be safer if this body stays alive. “I don’t think I can use magic right now,” Considering her condition this might even be possible, but I can’t cast a spell without training. “but we still need to get something.” I turned around, and started dashing… just to bump into something.

“Easy there.” It’s the wyvern Dahlia hired.

“Clint.” How do I know his name? Well… Aideen probably knows, and now so do I… “Sorry. We need to get something.”

“We cannot go into Black Oak again!” Kha’ref exclaimed.

“Just… ahh…” Can I tell them? “Okay, we need to get somebody, not something. The more the merrier, right? We try to go through the forest, better do it in numbers right?” I hope Aideen has enough confidence to simply decide stuff like that. She’s the choice of the god, so I assume she’s nobody who would simply blindly follows orders, but gets things her own way.

“Well, yes, but…” He began, but I interrupted him

“No ‘but’s. We should hurry, so the less time this consumes the better, just move.” I started to dash quietly towards Black Oak, and I heard them follow me just as quiet, barely unrecognizable if you’re not very close.

“Mind telling us who it is?” Kha continued to ask. “I assume you know what you are doing.”

“Vojo.” I didn’t really care if he knew him, I hoped a name would suffice.

“He’s a guard too, right? I hardly know anything about him. How did you meet him?”

Shit… What now? Think… “Kinda… like I met you.” I hope that will suffice, even though I didn’t know how Kha’ref met this Aideen. “Just concentrate now on not getting caught. Don’t ask questions.”

Clint chuckled for some reason, but Kha’ref stayed silent from now on. Good, crisis averted.

*** *** ***

“There he is.” I put my binoculars down and pointed to the wall. “Patrolling, just like I assumed he will have to do in case of a canis minor attack.”

Kha’ref put his binoculars down too. “How did you know where he will be ordered to?”

“Uhm…” How do I get out of this? “We talked about his routine… Look, I just knew him better than I did you.” The most Aideen could know Kha is a few days, I hope I’m not hurting his feelings by claiming something like that. “It’s no competition between you or something, okay?”

Again, a smile was on the wyvern’s lips, I heard dragons in general don’t care about equines, and are sometimes even sadistic, so was I really hurting Kha with that?

I took cover behind the tree and sighed. “I can’t make contact with him, you know…” I looked at Kha’ref. “You have to do it.”

He frowned; he had known this already, but didn’t like the thought of having to talk to Vojo. Was he really jealous? “What do I tell him?”

“Something along the lines of: ‘I know we don’t know each other well, but I know you want to get out of Black Oak too, especially now. So let’s take this chaos here and disappear.’ Uhm…” This is hard… “Say you talked to Nar’yol, okay?”

“Nar’yol? What?” Why does he have to resist so much?

“It’ll be the fastest way, trust me.” Is he even trusting her? Aideen’s personality is a mystery to me, so are her relationships and if someone trusts her or not. “If he resists, just knock him out or something. You’re ursa, he’s claw.”

“How do you-” I shot him a glance that was unmistakably one that he shouldn’t ask. “Okay.” Success. He didn’t question further and began sneaking to the wall.

When he was out of hearing range Clint spoke to me the first time. “So Aideen… When you regain the control of your body and have access to this memory, don’t get me wrong.” What the..? “I’m not interested into pony smut, and my job of observing what you do is completely professional.” He cleared his throat. “I watched you. I know what you did with good old Kha’ref, and I also know that you have never met Vojo. The person in control of this fair body at this moment is not Aideen, nor is it our supernatural friend. No… The only thing I can think of is that you are Nar’yol.”

I retreated back from him, pressing myself into the tree, staining my coat with sap of the tree. Treesap… I remember now. “Yes, what do you know? What do you want?”

“I’m just here to tell you that you just told Kha that Aideen met someone the same way she did him, and that she shares a deeper bond with that guy.” He smiled widely.

“They’re lovers…” Shit. I probably ruined their relationship.

“But I’m curious, you don’t seem to be very rattled by this whole thing. Are you more comfortable in a mare’s body? But that doesn’t matter right now. How did that happen? It‘s the treesap right? I don’t fully understand how it works.”

I removed myself from the tree and watched the treesap of this completely regular tree. “Nobody does. But it catches part of the first specimen inserted into it and transfers it to the next one. That’s how I’m… what do you call this?” ‘Being inside of her’ sounds just naughty.

“Parasite-infection?” Clint offered.

“The effect is only temporary… I’ll…” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

“Die,” He finished for me. “just like your body.”

“My body is dead?” I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this point. “I should have known.” I stared to the ground for a while until I found a question to ask. “How long did you know and why didn’t you tell Kha’ref?”

“He didn’t ask. And I had a hunch since you called him Kha’ref, not just Kha, like Aideen would. Also, it’s fun to see Kha think Aideen… ‘cheated on him’, or whatever.”

“You are a sadist.” I already thought it, but now I have a confirmation.

“Yes.” And he just admits it… “But I’m also under contract, and if you manage to get Aideen killed I don’t get paid. I’ll keep your secret for now, and you will take it to your grave…” He frowned. “Figuratively, of course. You are only part of a conscience inside our dear Aideen. But I suggest you stop being cryptic, at least with me. Before all your secrets are gone, because your real body is dead, you know?”

I guess denial is the first step on your way of accepting that you die. Those who are lucky simply get overwhelmed by their death and can’t make peace with their loved ones and themselves.

“This Vojo-guy. He’s your lover?” How would he know that? “Hah! He is, isn’t he? Ahhh… you equines. It’s always about sex. I never understood your concept of sex. Can’t you control your urges? And with another male? How? Why? I mean, this is not a homophobe-thing, but you can’t produce offspring like that. Why sex?”

“It’s about love, and being close to that person, not the act of sex alone.”

“Then… why sex?” He repeated his question.

I sighed. “You bring him pleasure and comfort, while you take the ultimate risk of completely exposing yourself to someone and being at their mercy. Love and trust.” How can I make him understand? “It’s not about getting off yourself, but about bringing pleasure to your partner. I pity anyone who just has sex to get off, those people will never understand the true concept of lovemaking.”

“Okay… but why sex?” Again that question… “Especially for mammals it’s messy and disgusting, you spew your bodily fluids everywhere and… for stallion-on-stallion you’d have to shoot your seed into the other’s rectum, right? Or just…” Clint gestured wildly around. “somewhere…”

Up until now I thought he was just being mean, but he really doesn’t understand anything. “I’m starting to believe that wyverns don’t feel good during sex, do they?”

I got him to frown. “We… reproduce. It’s knowing I’m going to have more children out there, and that’s a good feeling, but…” He looked around. “This… ‘pleasure’ already comes when I have collected a big enough treasure to start wooing. When I find one and confirm my bloodline that act really is just a confirmation then.” He looked at me again, and tilted his head. “But you do not have a conquest like that, you just do it to do it. You do not want children out of the act of sex, you just want to have sex.”

“Well, newsflash. Equines get a freaking lot of physical pleasure out of sex. And if done right, with the right person we also get a lot of pleasure for our soul. If you are incapable of having the feeling of physical pleasure due to sex you have my condolences.” I wanted to add that I truly pity him if he can’t feel love either, but it was better for him to like me than for him to simply protect me because I’m in the body of the person who is going to pay him.

“Fair enough.” Clint nodded. “It’s just, with all the senseless sex your species is having, those occasions equines actually loving each other are way too rare. It must be hard to differentiate between those who just want to find sex, and those who want to find love. I think I understand your species’ mating rituals a little better now. Thank you.”

“No problem. And you’re right, it is hard. But as relationships of the same gender are not allowed in Black Oak we have to be really secretive about it. When being exposed means death, you think twice before professing your love to another stallion.”

“And of you two, who made the first step?” Why is he asking me these questions?

“It was him. I accepted it. But I…” I sighed, this is my unfinished business I had to take care off. “I never said ‘I love you’ to him; I… it’s complicated, now that I’m dead. I might not get a proper opportunity, but with… Aideen… it’s Vojo’s best shot of leaving the forest, like we always planned to. I want him to be happy.”

“What do you mean, it’s the best shot with Aideen?”

“Well, her aura, of course. She scares all the monsters in this forest. If she’s in your group when passing through the forest, you only have to watch for stuff, like poisonous plants, leeches, and ticks. But these ticks you guys ran into on your way here, I heard. Anyway, it also means that you have a very good chance of getting through the forest easier than a normal group would.”

“That… would have been convenient to know a week ago.”

“Ahh…” I sharp pain shot through my head. “What-”

--- === ---

My hooves had wandered up to massage my temples, the headache, however, was already gone. “-the hell?”

I looked around to take in my surroundings (again?). Clint was in front of me, I already knew that, and Kha’ref was gone to find Vojo, the zebra who’s not loyal to Dahlia… How do I know that? I was certain Vojo will be on our side, it was no hunch, but I had no idea how that information flew to me. I didn’t even know him. I only knew his favorite meals, the fighting style he uses, the spot on his flank where he is so ticklish… I felt a smile on my face. Wait, WHAT THE FUCK?!

“Aideen? You okay?” Clint inquired.

All I can remember was having a deep conversation with Clint, but it’s content eluded my grasp… has my memory been altered? Would Craft be sloppy like that? “I’m not sure…” I answered truthfully.

*** *** ***

Footnote: You have reached Level 17!

New Perk: Tough Bitch: Your pain threshold is dramatically increased. (this does not affect your actual Damage Threshold)

Quest: Blind Date:
[ ] Find out what Dahlia’s really planning.

Quest complete: Crush, Kill, Destroy:
[X] Destroy Black Oak
[X] Kill Dahlia
[X] [Optional]Leave no survivors.
[X] Wake up.

new Quest: No More Trees:
[X] Leave Black Oak
[ ] Leave the forest
[ ] avoid Dahlia and the Zebras from Black Oak
[ ] avoid getting shred to pieces by Canis Minor

Chapter Twenty-Three: Howling

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Chapter Twenty Three


A wyvern, a gay zebra, a straight zebra, and a unicorn mare were going through a scary forest. Why does this feel like the setup to a bad joke? Hmm… Maybe because it is.

Vojo had simply agreed to come with us, and for no particular reason I was relieved. It scared me that I have the feeling I’ve known him for years. It scared me that I had agreed to let someone come with us I didn’t actually know. And it scared me that I had come up with the plan of adding him to our group. It was probably a Craft-thing, I simply had to deal with, like so many things before. I need to talk to her as soon as possible.

Kha was seriously pissed off for some reason. I could only assume it was because of Vojo, but it didn’t seem like they know each other. Opposing Kha’s bad mood was Clint who, for the first time since I met him, was carrying a smile on his face (not counting the situation where he was drugged).

“Aideen.” Half an hour has passed since anyone of us has spoken up, but I had known, whoever talks first, he would address me, unless they hear something. Kha looked at me with sharp eyes. “We cross the forest together, because it’s safer, but the moment we are out we will part ways, you understand?”

I had to lie, if I would say that this didn’t hurt me. Even though he said I wasn’t good in bed, we still shared that night together, and he risked his life saving me, so… “Why?”

“I have my reasons.” Way to go, being cryptic. He looked forward on the path again.

“You could have said it when we were outside,” I informed him. “why are you telling me now?”

“Yeah,” He sounded defeated. “I should have done that outside…”

“You wanted to give me time to build arguments against you leaving us.” That was more a leap of faith than anything else.

“Okay, I’ll tell you. Why do people travel together? Because it’s safer, or because they are friends, or because one hired the other. When we are out the first reason ceases to be, and the others were never there to begin with. We are not friends. I’m not even sure, if I can stand you.”

Those who didn’t like me usually made it clear in other ways or were subtle about it, but in my entire life nobody ever told me they didn’t like me when the feeling hadn’t been mutual or I assumed they do. I gulped and I felt my heart was racing. Why does it react that way? I… had felt safe with him, it felt comfortable, I … liked him. But he rejected me. “Okay…”

“Oh, come on now, don’t act hurt. You have never had feelings for me. All I was for you was a way to pass the time, and maybe to get someone to feel obligated to you.” He was clearly angry. “And I wasn’t even the only one.” He pointed ad Vojo. What? “Use your body to further your means…” It hasn’t been like that. “No, I’m pretty certain: I don’t like you.”

“How can you be so blind to a mare suffering?” Vojo walked between Kha and me in a protective stance. “It’s okay if you make yourself feel bad, I can’t stop you from that, but not an innocent.”

“Innocent? What do you think? How many beside us have there been?” For some reason Kha thinks I’ve slept with Vojo, and many others too…

“I don’t know what you are talking about, I see this mare for the first time. I came with you because you said it regarded Nar’yol and I could only assume it was his wish that we leave Black Oak. I was baffled how his magic is on her,” An uncertain gaze fell on me. “but after his death I just want to get out of here. Any reason would have done it for me… because with him gone…” His gaze fell to the forest floor. “I might just live for living’s sake… I accompany you because, as you said, it’s safer together. Aideen has done nothing to me, or for me.”

“His magic on me?” I tried to make sense out of it. Nar’yol I know that name… “Nar’yol fell into the tree sap with me… before me.” Pieces of information seem to just fall in place from here on out. “The tree sap’s enchanted to transfer blood relation to someone else for a bypass spell. It must have given me some of his memories, that’s why I feel like I’ve known you for ages…” Vojo’s life lost value without Nar’yol. “You two were together.” It makes sense.

“Very good.” We turned to Clint in front of us. “It did more than transfer some memories though.”

“He can take over my body for short durations, can’t he?” Just what I needed, one more person inside of me. “And you know that… because..?”

“We had a talk.” Clint stated, like it was the most usual thing to talk to ghosts who posses other people. “But he’s afraid the spell is going to wear off soon, and he’ll be dead, so he quickly had to get his lover out of Black Oak.”

“What? I’m not the only one confused by this, am I?” Kha looked around to check our expressions.

“Her emotional pattern towards me was a fake from Nar’yol’s, this just solves questions for me.” Vojo nodded.

“I assumed Aideen having been swapped out because of her behavior when she woke up, and I was the first to know about the truth, so I had time to adjust.” Clint had no problems with it either.

And me? “It’s been so much going on lately, having someone in my body as a temporary effect, with him being friendly isn’t that bad. I thought it was Craft who’d controlled me, so it’s a win for me.” I think I’m way too calm about this, but I’ve had worse.

“So… you never slept with anyone else, and I’m an asshole now?” That’s the conclusion Kha came to, and I have to say, it was quite accurate, though I couldn’t just tell him that.

In the distance we heard an unearthly howl. I’ve heard dogs howl before in Colt’s Well, but the creature that made this sound could only be a Canis Minor. It sounded so different… it gave my goose bumps.

“Who’s Craft?” Vojo asked, as if to specifically snap me out of my shiver from the howl we just heard.

Ah shit, might as well tell the truth. “The goddess you’ve been praying to your entire live.”

“You’re the god’s host?” Why does he seem so surprised?

“Yeah,” I narrowed my eyes. Something wasn’t quite right “can’t you feel my god-y magic on me?”

“No, I am not a zebra.” Wha-?

At first I was baffled, but then I remembered what he said earlier. ‘Her emotional pattern…’ That could only mean. “You’re a changeling!”

“Yes.” He nodded.

I looked around. Clint showed no reaction. Kha on the other hoof jumped up and began stuttered. “You… what… ‘yes’?”

“You didn’t know?” Kha’s surprise surprised Vojo. “I’m sorry, as Aideen is a pony, I should have disclosed that. I grew up around zebras, who SHOULD simply be able to tell the difference between other zebras and changelings. Why are you surprised?”

“Well… I knew there’s something up with you guys. But we were always told you had undergone some sort of magical augmentation. There are no young ones of you, so I thought you weren’t… your own species. And until today I didn’t even know the shape shifters Dahlia kills are called changelings, nor did I know you were intelligent.”

Again Vojo raised his eyebrows, unsure where to begin. “Well, Drones are hardly intelligent,” He began. “they can follow orders, and Dahlia gets some to kill if she can convince our queen it would be worth it.” Pausing to think about the situation he closed his eyes to concentrate better. “You didn’t know we were living among you… interesting.”

“What does that imply?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Clint said. “That the population of Black Oak isn’t afraid to love another, and accidentally get a changeling. They weren’t told to feed them.”

“Our love was real, if that’s what you are implying!” Vojo defended.

“Yeah, but you approached him on your love.” How does Clint know that?

“Only after his love for me was big enough he would disregard the risks. Feeling our partners emotions make a relationship harder and not easier.” I thought it would be easier. “And people are naturally scared of changelings.” I can imagine.

“Okay, but let’s get back to Dahlia and the Changeling Queen. Why are they working together?”

“It’s not my place to question my queens orders, but I imagine it’s only a business relationship. Simply being around equines strengthens us. And if I know I wouldn’t feel comfortable to tell you.”

“Understandable… Next question: what are you? You’re obviously not a Drone, as you are capable of independent thought. And while I‘m at it, what types of changelings are there?”

“I’m an Infiltrator, the most intelligent type, besides our Queen and Princesses. There are also the a little less intelligent Workers and Warriors. Those who take the shape of a zebra in Black Oak are all Infiltrators.” Changeling 101, that can be useful.

“I don’t understand.” We looked at Kha. “I mean, I understand what you are saying, but not why you are telling us all this.” He does raise a valid point. “Up until today I didn’t even know there are a bunch of changelings in Black Oak, this has to have been some enormous secret. There has to have been some rules on how information is treated.”

“We were not supposed to talk about it, as it has been hard enough to simply get accepted.”

“But you were having a relationship with Nar’yol…” My relationships are not healthy, and I shouldn’t be the one to ever give advice or criticize someone, but this just seemed wrong. “Wasn’t there ever a talk: ‘Hey, are you okay with me feeding on your love?’ Because that’s what comes up when you are a creature that feeds on someone else’s love and try to convince somebody to commit in a relationship to you. So… did he know?”

Vojo closed his eyes; his expression was easy to read: he hadn’t done the right thing here.

“You never disclosed that do your partner? And you claim to-” Kha started, but I had to interrupt him.

“Stop it!” I shouted at Kha, before I turned to Vojo. “I’m sorry for having brought that up. No relationship is perfect, and I even envy you that you had one.” I couldn’t help but to look at Kha again. We made eye contact for a brief moment before we both quickly looked away again. “But the question, why you tell us, still remains.”

“Yes, it does…” He paused for a very long time while we continued to walk through the forest, but not pressuring him paid off, as he spoke up again. “I‘m no longer part of this hive, and not tied to the rules which were set up.”

“Are you dying?” Smooth move there, Aideen.

“Yes. I gave up the rest of the love I had stored inside me and gave my notice, afterwards I was free to go.” He smiled to me. “Don’t be sad, we changelings have a different life expectancy than you ponies, and we cope with death differently too. I’m actually lucky to have lived for 14 year.” He’s a teenager? “Nar’yol’s love has been powerful.” He sighed.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” I really haven’t said that before, have I?

“Nobody has said that to me before.” His was baffled. “Thank you.”

“But are you not even going to try and find love again?” that should give him the power to continue living, right? “Don’t you think he would have wanted you to continue to live?”

“It’s not so easy for changelings… once our loved one dies… Even if you don’t love them back and were the parasitic being pony kind thinks us to be, we die too.”

“I’ trying to respect your culture here, but… you all just die? Wouldn’t it be better to die fighting than simply giving up?”

“Aideen, I appreciate your concern, but the feelings you have for me aren’t yours. You… pity me. Not in a negative sense as an insult, but as a step to sympathy. This body is very old, and I don’t get many valuable nutrients. I’ll be dead by the end of the week, and I’m okay with it. You do not have to save me, this is not in your hooves, nor in anyone’s.”

“I don’t want you to die, and those are my feelings,” He can’t tell me the opposite. “and I will mourn your death when it will arrive.”

Vojo only nodded, but didn’t say anything else on that matter anymore.

After a few minutes Kha spoke up again. “Aideen? Even though my earlier argument was invalid, I still plan on going my own way after we leave the forest.” Just when I wanted to speak up he continued. “They will search for you. And in general, with what’s going on with and around you…” He sighed. “You are not necessarily a safe person to be around.”

“Can’t argue with that…” Or can I? “Not like they are going to be looking for you too, after all you know a bunch of their secrets and stuff. Dahlia seems like the type of person to not leave loose ends. And you know her, she might just do it for fun. You’re safer with me.” Nonononono… I need to rephrase that if I want him to-

“I take my chances.”

“Sorry, I meant… You are free to go of course. You sit in a similar boat as I, Dahlia will search for the both of us, I assume. It’s just…” What am I even trying to say?

“Why don’t you tell him?” Because that’s so easy… Wait, what? Damn changelings.

“What do you mean?” Playing oblivious certainly won’t work on Vojo, would it?

“That you don’t want him to leave. Is it so hard to say?” He tilted his head slightly. “One of the reasons why groups stick together is because of friendship. Just say it.”

My heart was racing again. Saying I don’t want Kha to go won’t change a thing, it’s his decision. My feelings have nothing to do with his, do they? Or… seriously, do they?

“I think it’s cute when your mouth is open and your lips are moving, although nothing comes out. You are thinking very loudly, almost audible.”

Dear god, I’m blushing now. What’s going on? I don’t actually lov- like the guy, do I? ‘The guy’… I’m objectifying! And objectifying is a clear indication that someone lying. Worse yet, I’m lying to myself. I consciously pressed my lips together to not show any sign of thinking intensely.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), I was spared having to answer by another Canis Minor howl, a very loud one at that… “That sounded clos-” I was interrupted by another howl on our other side, and another, and then more of them were howling near us. “We’re surrounded.”

We all stopped walking and talking, to not make any more sounds and be able to listen, yet, besides the howling, there were no sounds from the forest. No rustling leaves, no snapping branches, no nothing.

I gulped (way too loud). Why are they here..? And why do they announce themselves? And why are they even here? I thought the forest animals are scared of me or something… Oh shit. I didn’t like where my train of thought is going. “The other animals are scared of me.” I told my companions. “And the top predators of this forest need to regain their title.”

I’m dead.

The others looked at me with mixed expressions. Vojo’s and Kha’s expression indicated the thought my theory was plausible. Clint’s expression only read: ‘sucks to be you’.

We had just reached the middle of a small clearing when the howling had started, now we could see shadowy figures silently reaching the tree line, not more than a few meters away from each other. No room to escape, because their bodies were also a few meters big.

Oh, I’m so dead…

The Canis Minor’s shoulder height was about the size of a pony, and, although I only see each one from the front, I could assume they all were around seven meters long. They have the approximate shape of wolves I believe, I couldn’t tell their features properly by the way their coat is, and their coat was their most extraordinary feature. It’s like a window to the night sky, showing off the two stars making up the constellation ‘Canis Minor’. Yet their bodies still reflects light in the way every solid object does. It’s as if their bodies are made entirely of glass, hmm… no. There was no good way of describing it.

I noticed how I’m not dead (yet, at least). Why? What are they waiting for? For a sign of their… alpha? I don’t want to think of their alpha. That thing has to be much scarier than… There was more movement. Straight ahead in front of us. Nope, worse. Their alpha is much bigger and scarier than I expected.

It’s head alone was about my size, I imagined myself devoured in two, maybe three, bites. Besides being as massive as ten Canis Minor, it has another feature that differs it from them. The constellation in it’s body had eight stars; I take a guess and say it’s ‘Canis Major’. With one paw it snapped a tree in half and walked into the clearing. That was unnecessary, it could have simply went around that tree… Is it trying to show dominance? Yeah, well… That’s the reason it’s here, to proove its dominance in the forest. And all this… it’s just a challenge to me.

I gulped again. “Guys, back to the tree line with you. This is a duel, just me and the Canis Major, it’s none of your business. The Canis Minor won’t hurt you until this is decided… I assume.”

“Wait, are you going to try and fight that thing?” Kha is not the only one who has his doubts about the ending of this.

“BACK WITH YOU! What kind of message does it send if it sees I can’t even control my flock!” I stared him down, and he quickly obeyed. As expected the Canis Minor let him, and the others to the tree line without problems for a clear arena. “Okay, Craft. There’s someone to wants a piece of you.” I whispered.

The Alpha and I began to walk in circles around each other. I’m somewhat scared out of my wits, but the only thing I could think of right now is that I couldn’t think of the proper term for the walking in circles we do right now. And when Craft is helping me… because that’s somewhat her fault to begin with.

Craft didn’t show up. The Alpha leaped forward, swung it’s paw… I tried to dodg- Nope, to slow. I was sent flying. Pain coursed through my body, and I think it had it’s claws out when hitting me, but that train of thought got stopped as my flight was stopped by a tree. Bones… shattering… not good…

I fell down, not as hard as I had just smashed into the tree, but I didn’t comically slide down from the tree and painlessly as I wished it to be. Show no weakness, show no weakness… I used the small slope the tree’s roots are forming to roll over and use the momentum to jump up and faced wolf again.

It just growled and stared at me, while I tried to steady my stand again. Not like a steady stand would do me any good, as the Alpha just threw me across the clearing with one swing of it’s paw. What is it waiting for?

I might as well take the time to check my body for injuries. I certainly had most of my ribs broken on my right side from the impact with the tree, and some broken ribs and punctures from the Alpha’s claws. That’s… quite the amount of pain.

“Craft… anytime now… can’t do that alone.”

Nothing happened. I mean: Craft didn’t show up, the Alpha on the other hoof pressed his claws into me, and besides the roar it did right in my face I heard more snapping sounds out of my ribcage, and felt trails of blood running down from the freshly made puncture wounds. There was pain, of course. Lots and lots of pain. But I was managing it.

Why wasn’t it killing me?

“Aideen!” I believe I heard my name being shouted from somewhere, but I couldn’t orient myself, nor was it important right now.

“Come on, Craft… If I die you won’t have anymore fun.”

The Alpha scraped me over the floor, turning me multiple times to make sure I get grazed everywhere. When it stopped this act I was flat on my stomach. Most of the bones in my chest were obliterated, and with the pressure it applied I’m certain I will have tons of internal bleeding. I’ll just have to down our entire medical cabinet…

It’s going easy on me, because it wasn’t after me… It was after Craft, it tried to lure her out, just like Dahlia did.

I was held down by my neck… helpless… not defending myself… NO. I teleported out from underneath the paw, steadying my stand behind it as it spun around and tried to deliver another blow, but I had teleported again already. It took only a fraction of a second for the beast to find me again, but this time it didn’t lash out. Once again, it only growled at me. It wanted Craft… but she apparently didn’t want to fight.

“I’m your opponent!” Where’s my bow? Oh yeah, still strapped to my back. A fully charged beam should do the trick right? At least the injure it. It’s inhibitor was inactive now after all.

I drew the string of my bow, but this buildup of energy didn’t go unnoticed and I was forced to teleport once again, and again… and again. When I felt confident with how much energy had run into the arrow I released in the general direction of the wolf. The arrow… missed horribly; On part because I didn’t aim properly, three parts because the thing was too freaking fast. I need a strategy here, at least a fully charged arrow leaves a lot of devastation behind, one well placed shot, and I might slay the wolf.

Teleport, open saddlebags, teleport, search out energy cells, teleport, start reloading, teleport, finish reloading, teleport. I have never been good at whack-a-mole, I know how enraging it is if you miss the thing by, what feels like, a few milliseconds, and I have the foreboding that soon I’ll feel the rage I’ve ignited in the beasts spirit.

Bow fully loaded? Check. The alpha had to have also noticed the buildup of energy stopped and was now constant, as it had stopped trying to catch me, and only stared for now. Okay… that shot has to count. The beast snatched at me, I telepo-, it changed direction.

It was dark… and moist… I was in its maw, or at least my front body way, torso were and forehooves were between it’s teeth.

For the first time in a long time, I actually screamed out in pain. If it weren’t for my PipBuck stopping it’s bite, my forehooves would have gotten severed. My torso, however, was bigger than a standard issue PipBuck, and wasn’t as lucky. I think it’s still attached, but I couldn’t properly place all the fucking pain running through my body to certainly know.

I heard a growl coming out of the beasts gullet, it certainly wasn’t happy about the PipBucks structure being near indestructible. I’ve heard rumor/joke about these things being able to withstand a direct hit from a Megaspell.

My PipBucks screen cracked. What? How..? It slowly got crushed between the same teeth, that now sunk themselves further into me. There is no way something can have this power in it’s maw… is was not possible… then again, a Canis Major wasn’t exactly a normal creature.

In it’s rage of barely being able to crack this nut, the wolf shook his head violently, swinging my backside around. I heard a snap. Yep, yeah… that’s my spine, no, that had been my spine.

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

I still have a fully charged energy bow, and if I shoot it straight at myself I couldn’t miss the wolf, especially since it’s busy using me as a chew toy. If I’m not mistaken I have the bow floating around, I need to angle it so the arrow would go through the wolf’s brain… and release it. I closed my eyes to brace myself…

*** *** ***

I woke up because something was continuously poking me in my side. “Stop it, I want to sleep some more.” I’m not a morning pony, but I wake up pretty fast under normal conditions, but today something my whole body felt… unusual, so I did the unusual thing of telling, whoever is trying to wake me up right now, that I wanted to sleep some more, after all it’s been so long since I lay in a really comfy bed. That didn’t work out… While the poking stopped, the hoof now traced a line over my body, onto my flank, to my inner thigh… “Wha-! Stop!” My eyes shot open and I retreated from the culprit. “Craft!”

“Good morning, sunshine.” She greeted me. “Or starshine, or whatever.”

“Why are you wearing my… me?” Not that it bothered me, really. Seeing Craft looking like me wasn’t as disturbing as it had been the first time around, but the first time she has had an agenda in doing so.

“Your you?” Okay, she’s playing oblivious. Is it too much to ask one straight answer out of her? “Sorry, I wasn’t aware you trademarked it. By the way… that look is so.. ‘a week ago’. But you wouldn’t know that, would you?” I suppose I shouldn’t even try to make sense of what she said, it will be revealed sooner or later.

Where am I? There was no clear light source, but I had absolutely no trouble seeing. If I’m not mistaken I’m in midst of a giant flower with it’s petals closed. What kind of flower is the size of a building?

I walked up to one of the petals to see if I can squeeze through them to get outside just when Craft spoke up again. “Oh come on, don’t go. We’re alone and nobody will disturb us, we can do all kinds of naughty things!” She’s looking like me… “You’re not lesbian if you do it with a clone of yourself, you know, it’s more like…” Her eyes went away and her lips started moving; she was trying to find a proper phrasing for whatever it is she’s trying to say. Wait, is that lip movement what Kha meant earlier? The thing when I’m thinking hard? “It’s an advanced masturbation technique.”

“Hmm… Can’t argue with that logic.” I admitted. “Not now though.” I turned to the pedals again.

“Your loss.” She instantly appeared next to me and pushed herself against a petal, which gave way to the outside.

The giant flower turned out to be in the middle of an enormous cave with a big hole in the ceiling, where only a small stripe of light came through, so the light conditions were better than inside the flower, but still terrible (Nonetheless I could see perfectly.) I assume the flower only gets a few minutes of sunlight everyday, and I have to ask myself how it properly sustains itself, but then I thought ‘Well, magic, duh!’, because a flower that size is not normal.

Around the cave lay… the Canis Minor. Them being asleep doesn’t help the fact that I’m scared of them. Wait a minute, how did I get out of that fight? I had been severed in two pieces, haven’t I? And my PipBuck has been crushed! I lifted my left forehoof to examine the busted device. “No… noon…” I know where the PipBuck’s memory is stored, and that part seemed intact enough, my audiologs… I can’t lose them, they are the only thing in the world that were proof that I have existed like I did. That I am me…

“Are you seriously freaking about your PipBuck? Don’t you think you have a bigger worry, like you turning into a werewolf?”

“It’s not a full moon.” Whatever she’s onto, I’ll just go with it. Talking to her always leads to something bad, but I won’t ignore her either. Who knows what she might do when she’s upset with me?

“It wasn’t a full moon a week ago.” Okay, that got my attention.

“I was out a week?” I haven’t made an audiolog in a week, and even more if I count the unaccounted time I had spent passed out in tree sap. My neatly made system was ruined.

“Well, yeah, you were quite injured, and you underwent some change. Werewolfism, you know.”

“It’s lycanthropy, and…” I gulped…

“You’ve been staring at your leg for… how long now? And you only now notice the change in your coat?” She was wearing ‘my look from a week ago’, and was going on about werewolves, a creature that turns you with a bite, and my coat looks awfully like…

“I’m a star-spawn now?” I examined my body further, taking in every detail I could just to proof to myself it can’t be true, but… it was. My coat was like the Canis Minor's, like a window into the night sky, but... not quite. I still haven't found a proper description for it, even with enough time on my hooves to examine my altered coat. I'm no narcisist, but I have to say it's beautiful; it might be beautiful on the Canis too, but when I had seen them I was too worried about not being eaten.

“That shit’s contagious! Who would have known?” Craft poked her head into my field of vision, gliding over my body, disturbing the fur, so we could see how the dim light we are provided with catches it. “Fascinating.” And now she was quoting an old science fiction show.

No audiologs in a week… No possibility to listen to them or make sure they still exist… My body changed… My whole identity is gone. My heart started beating like crazy.

“Oh come on, don’t you think that’s fucking awesome too?” She tilted her head as she noticed my heavy breathing. “Are you…” I fell over, but she caught me. “Are you having a panic attack?” She gently lead me down into the flower and laid me down on the ground. “Close your eyes.” I obeyed. Vision was just a distraction at this point.

The only thing going through my mind right now was a series of “oh fuck”s, and “why”s. I huffed, my breathing got irregular, and I felt I was crying.

“Yeah, way to go! Your first thing to do, when you find out you have been turned into one of the most powerful things in, like, ever, you are having a panic attack.” Her gentle movements didn’t match her mocking words; she was caressing me. “I thought you were like Luna, but turns out you’re like good old Tia.”

Tia? It took me a while to figure out she was most likely using a nickname for Celestia. So Celestia has had a panic attack when she got to be an alicorn? Well, with all I know about how she get to be one it was somehow fitting, I guess. Only she woke up in a different world, and with her husband gone too. Wait, where’s Kha? He had be- I stopped crying. Where’s Clint, Vojo, and Kha? They had been at the fight, what happened to them?

“You want Kha’ref? Do you think he’s cuddlier than Ailill? Because this is getting embarrassing, if you continue here.” I opened my eyes to look at her. “Oh, you’re good already?”

“Do you know where the others are?”

“Dragon, shifty and lover-boy? Yeah, they followed the Canis after they picked you up when you passed out.”

“Why would they do that?”

“Because you pay one of them.” Not them… “The other one, the one who isn’t sure if he can stand you, I don’t know. And the Shifter feeds somewhat on your fake love for him.”

“I meant the Canis Minor.” And I’m pretty sure she knew what I meant. “Why would they carry me here?”

“Because the strongest thing in this forest is their leader, and you just showed them who that is.”

At first that statement didn’t make much sense, but then the switch in my head clicked “Wait, so they are… They think I’ll lead them now or something?”

“Plausible…” Craft slowly nodded. “I only lead you here because of the Alpha. I thought the way it can hide its scent would come in handy for you and me.” She thought that…

“What?” Has she planned on-

“Zebras can’t sense the alpha’s magic, it is hidden from them and from other things, that’s the way it can hunt without already scaring everything in a ten mile radius And I’m sick of you being sick of zebras shying away from you.”

“You planned this…everything?”

“Well, I know about it’s magic, and that it wouldn’t be able to resist if I showed up in the forest. I also had my money on you being able to defeat it. I figured 70-30, but it was worth the risk, don’t you think?”

“You changed my entire body just to further your own means! Do you know wha- It’s MY body!”

“Nanana! You own it, sure. But I own you, Aideen. I only let you run around, because I’m nice, a good employer, and because I like you. And by the way, it’s only a physical feature. You can turn it off, you still have your original look. Tell you what, next adventure: we go fix your PipBuck, okay?”

There is no use fighting against Craft, I should know it by now. “Where do you think anyone can fix a Pip Buck this messed up.” It’s not like I can go to Colt’s Well….

“Steel Ranger contingent, Crescent Moon Valley.” She said it as if it’s the most usual thing.

I can’t just waltz into a Steel Ranger contingent, they would… no, actually, they wouldn’t kill me for my PipBuck, not anymore… But still… something wasn’t right. “What do you get out of it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh come on, you always have some hidden agenda. It’s not like you just let me go somewhere to get my PipBuck fixed.” Would she? Now that I’ve said it out loud I had my doubts. “Why do you want me there? You couldn’t have predicted my PipBuck getting broken, but you would have come up with some other reason that I should go there.”

“And what if I had known exactly what was going to happen?” Okay, one of these times I should really find out if Craft’s face is solid, or if she would just make herself immaterial. “So, before you start throwing punches…” Yeah, I should really do that. “I’m gonna tell you. Thing is… you still need some more factions on your side, before you go start a civil war in Colt’s Well.”

“Wait, civil war?”

“Yeah, if you manage a silent coup there will be some who are not on your side.” She laughed. “Duh.”

“Then what do we need the… fac…tions… for..?” I finished the sentence although I began to realize her plan. “A full frontal assault would never work, and it will have too many casualties. We need a strike with surgical precision, and the factions on our side will help us in case Red Eye wants a slice or pie. Hufstein, and a Steel Ranger contingent. Still seems not enough, especially considering Hufstein doesn’t really an army…”

“You seem to forget you’re leader of a pack of Canis Minor.” Okay, she has a point, a pack of canis minor would be able to keep off Red Eye’s Army for a while.

“Okay… So practically pacifists, rabid star-beasts, and high-tech raiders, all of them lead by a unicorn-mare in an identity crisis who is under the orders from the most feared ancient evil. Yeah, what can possibly go wrong?”

“Everything will work out fine.” Why do I have trouble believing her? “Let’s go find lover-boy, pick up the rest of your flock and get going.” With this she ended the conversation by disappearing into thin air.

*** *** ***

New Perk: Ninja: +50% chance of silent execution when sneak-attacking a unsuspecting target.

Special Perk: Star-Spawn Top Predator: You killed the mightiest predator in the forest and took it’s position; it imbued your body with star-magic. You gain +5 Strength, +5 Endurance, +5 Agility (cap at 10), and +25 Sneak (cap at 100)

Skill Note: Magic has reached 75.
Skill Note: Sneak has reached 75.
Skill Note: Sneak has reached 100.

Quest: Blind Date:
[ ] Find out what Dahlia’s really planning.
[ ] Find out why Dahlia has an agreement with Changelings.

Quest: the new Boss
[ ]Optional: Gain allies of different factions in the area around Colt’s Well. (2)
[ ]Make a coup in the Crimson Company.
[ ]Optional: Avoid a Civil War in Colt’s Well.
[ ]Trigger a reform of the Enclave for it to have an representative ruler.
[ ]Manage to get Colonel Foehn elected as representative ruler of the Enclave.

new Quest: PipBuck Repair
[ ]Find a way to repair your PipBuck.

new Quest: the new Boss 3: Crescent Moon Valley
[ ]Reach the Steel Ranger contingent in Crescent Moon Valley.
[ ]Find a way to gain their trust and support.

Quest: No More Trees:
[ ] Leave the forest
[ ] avoid Dahlia and the Zebras from Black Oak
[ ] avoid getting shred to pieces by Canis Minor

AN: Explaination & Rewrite coming

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First of all: sorry for showing no signs of live in forever
Around christmas I wanted to take a small break to get my issues in order, but failed miserably, after that I just couldn't bring up motivation to continue as I have left off with a quite bitter taste of having fucked up my last few chapters and more than one of the characters which had sounded so good in my head...

After that I got hospitalized for 4 fucking months

To be honest I was kinda ashamed to show my face back here after more than half a year but I saw one or the other new watcher, which made me happy.
I got some experience and I believe I'm a better person now, (definetly a better author, I tried to reread GP and the writing style sucked bad.)
So I'd like to announce that I'm gonna rewrite Gaia Prevails. I want to push on the topics that I think are more valuable to the story.

Hope you're not gonna lynch me ^^"