TwiMacVerse Part 1: Apples Are Magic

by ThatBronyWithTheClipOns

First published

A TwiMac Fan Fiction

Twilight Sparkle decides to get farming lessons from Ponyville's premier farmers...Big Macintosh Apple. Apple Bloom sees this as an opportunity to set up the two single ponies. But she'll need Twilight's number one assistant, Spike, to help as well. Twilight could never imagine somepony as handsome as Big Macintosh being interested in some egghead unicorn. While Big Macintosh can't imagine someone as well read and beautiful as Twilight Sparkle being interested in a simple farm colt. But drama from Twilight's past may keep her from risking everything on true happiness.

This isn't the first fan fiction I've started working on, but it is the first I've chosen to post on here. I know TwiMac fiction has been done many times, and many of the elements here will be recognized in other people's stories. But I love the idea of these two being together. It's the whole opposites attract angle. Sure the most popular is FlutterMac, but to me the problem with that is both are so soft spoken I can't see their relationship being all that interesting. I'm sure there are some good ones out there, but to me these two are the ideal shipping. I hope you enjoy ^_^

Chapter 1: The Question

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It was just another day on Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack and her older brother, the gentle giant stallion Big Macintosh, were tending to the farm as always. The Apple matriarch, Granny Smith, was sleeping comfortably in her rocking chair. On this particular day, the youngest Apple sibling, Apple Bloom, was playing with Twilight Sparkle’s number one assistant, Spike. Twilight had decided to give him the day off, as she was just planning on doing some reading. Sweetie Belle was with her older sister, Rarity, in Canterlot for a special fashion show. Meanwhile Scootaloo had finally managed to get flying tips from Ponyville’s best flyer, Rainbow Dash.

“Certainly is a lovely day, eh big brother?” said Applejack

“Eyup.” said Big Macintosh

“ Looks like it’s gonna be another great harvest.” said Applejack

“Eyup.” said Big Macintosh

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom was trying to convince Spike to participate in her latest idea.

“Aw, come on Spike!” said Apple Bloom “Help me with this here catapult!”

“No way!“ said Spike “You’ll just want to use me as a guinea pig for it!”

“But you’re a dragon,” said Apple Bloom “Dragons are used to being up in the sky.”

“In case you didn’t notice, Apple Bloom, I don’t have wings!” said Spike

“I wish Scootaloo was here,” said Apple Bloom “She’d volunteer in a heartbeat.”

Lately Twilight had started taking one day a week to simply read or find some other fun activity. She was trying to figure out what to do with each day off. On her way to pick up Spike from the farm, she got what she felt was a terrific idea.

Big Macintosh was the first to see her walking up to the farm. Every time he saw the lavender mare, time just seemed to slow down. He had yet to tell her how he felt, he just couldn’t bring up the courage. He soon noticed that she was calling out to both he and Applejack.

“Applejack! Big Macintosh!” said Twilight “It’s so great to see you both!”

“Howdy, Twilight!” said Applejack

Big Macintosh struggled for a moment to say anything.

“Miss Sparkle.” said Big Macintosh

“Oh Mac. How many times do I have to tell, you can just call me Twilight?” said Twilight

“You can say that all ya want, Twi,” said Applejack. “But Big Mac here has always been one for the formal speech.”

“I suppose it is nice to come across a gentlecolt in this day and age,” said Twilight. “So how has Spike been doing?”

“Aw shucks, that little guy has been nothing but a little angel,” said Applejack. “Course Apple Bloom’s been wantin’ him to take part in her crazy crusading.”

“Oh that’s right! Sweet Belle went with Rarity to that fashion show in Canterlot,” said Twilight “What about Scootaloo?”

“Little filly finally got Rainbow Dash to star givin her some flying lessons,” said Applejack. “Poor thing still don’t have much wing strength.”

“Well, it can vary for anypony really,” said Twilight. “Some unicorns don’t develop magic till their kindergarten years.”

“I’m sure that weren’t a problem with you, Miss Sparkle.” said Big Mac

Twilight blushed a little by Big Macintosh’s comment and noticed him giving a sly smile.

“Oh…well, I’m sure I did as well as your average unicorn.” said Twilight

Just then Spike and Apple Bloom came by to greet Twilight.

“Howdy, Twilight Sparkle!” said Apple Bloom

“Greetings, Apple Bloom,” said Twilight. “Spike, did you have a good time?”

“Sure, I guess,” said Spike. “ But Apple Bloom kept wanting me to try out her new catapult. Forgetting that I don’t have wings!”

“Man I miss Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!” said Apple Bloom. “But at least Scoots only has her flying lessons every couple of weeks. The sooner Sweetie gets back from that fancy fashion show the better.”

“Oh! Speaking of lessons!” said Twilight. “Big Macintosh? Could you teach me some lessons on harvesting?”

“Me?” said Big Mac

“Him!? Why can’t ya’ll learn from me, sugar cube?” said Applejack

“Well, Big Mac has had a lot more experience working on the farm since he’s the oldest,“ said Twilight. “I’m sure he also taught you all he knew.”

“Well, that’s certainly true,” said Applejack. “Big Macintosh here certainly is the hardest worker here at Sweet Apple Acres. I spose he’d be the best one to teach ya’ll. If he’s up to it. Whatdya say big brother?”

Again Big Macintosh seemed to be lost in thought at what he just heard. Twilight Sparkle wanted a personal lesson from him!? As he was coming out of his daze he could see Applejack trying to get his attention.

“Macintosh Apple!? What in tarnation is the matter with you!?” said Applejack

“Oh, um, sorry A.J.,” said Big Mac. “Just thinkin is all.

“So will you teach me, Big Macintosh?” said Twilight

“E…eyup!” Big Mac stumbled a bit in his speech. “It would be mah pleasure, Miss Sparkle.”

“Great! How bout we start tomorrow?” said Twilight. “I can reschedule some things.”

“Um…sure thing Miss Sparkle,” said Big Mac. “See you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow, Big Macintosh,” said Twilight. “Come on Spike.”

But before Spike could go, Apple Bloom took him over to the farmhouse.

“Hey!” yelled Spike. “What the hay do you think you’re doing?”

“Did you just see what I saw!?” said Apple Bloom

“What are you talking about, Apple Bloom?” said Spike

“Big Macintosh!” said Apple Bloom. "When Twilight asked him for lessons?”

“What? He said eyup,” observed Spike. “He always says that.”

“But the way he said it, Spike,” point out Apple Bloom. “He stumbled over his words.”

“So what?” said Spike

“Soooooo. I think that my big brother has some feelings for Twilight!” said Apple Bloom

“What?!” said Spike surprisingly. “That’s crazy! Why would Big Macintosh be interested in Twilight?!”

“Well shoot, Spike, Twilight’s a nice filly,” said Apple Bloom. “Sure Big Mac don’t look it, but he likes to read books too.”

“So why are you telling me this?” said Spike

“We should set them up!” said Apple Bloom

“What!?“ said Spike. “Apple Bloom, after the last fiasco you and your friends caused, I seriously doubt Big Macintosh would be up for this.”

“We just gotta be more discrete this time around,” Apple Bloom point out. “Besides we already have the perfect set up, what with Twilight wantin farming lessons and all.”

“So why do you need my help?” said Spike

“Cuz Sweetie Belle still won’t be back for a few more days,” said Apple Bloom. “Ah might be able to get Scootaloo to help out, but ah know ah could use a third. And you live with Twilight, so you can talk to her bout how great big Mac is!”

“I’m not interested in all this girly stuff!” said Spike

“Aw, come on Spike!” Apple Bloom begged. “Please!?”

Apple Bloom made her eyes big and pouted her lips. Nopony on earth could resist her sad face.

“ARG! FINE!” Spike said reluctantly. “I’ll see what I can do!”

Apple Bloom gave Spike a great big hug.

“Oh thank you thank you thank you!” said Apple Bloom. “This is gonna be so great!”

“Whatever you say.” said Spike

“SPIKE!” yelled Twilight for her young assistant. “What are you doing!? We need to get going!”

“Coming Twilight!” Spike yelled back. “Okay, I’ll talk to her on the way home.”

“Great!” said Apple Bloom. “But don’t be too obvious about it.”
“Yeah yeah, I got it!” said Spike

Spike left Apple Bloom to go home with Twilight.

“See you all tomorrow!“ said Twilight as she waved goodbye. “I can’t wait for my lessons Big Macintosh!”

“See ya tomorrow, Miss Sparkle.” said Big Mac

Applejack couldn’t help but notice Big Mac’s enthusiasm.

“Well somepony seems awful excited.” said Applejack

“I don’t know what ya’ll are talkin about.” said Big Mac. “I’m just happy to have someone tah teach. It’s been a while, and Apple Bloom is still too young.”

“I’m sure you are, big brother,” said Applejack snidely. “I’m sure you are.”

Chapter 2: Bookworm

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Down the road, Twilight and Spike were heading back to their home at the library. Spike tried to think of some way to bring up the subject of Twilight getting lessons from Big Macintosh.

“So…um…what gave you the idea to take farming lessons from Big Macintosh?” said Spike

“Well, I feel it’s good to learn something new,” said Twilight. “I don’t know a lot about farming, except from books of course. But a first hoof experience I feel would be exciting.”

“Sure the excitement isn’t from getting to spend time with Big Macintosh?” said Spike

Twilight was surprised by that question. She was more surprised by her face getting a bit warmer and heart racing just a bit.

“Don’t be silly Spike,” she said “Big Macintosh is a fine young stallion. But he’d never be interested in somepony like me.”

“What makes you say that?” said Spike

“Simple,” Twilight began to explain. “I’m, as Rainbow Dash would put it, an egghead. I doubt a farm pony like him would be interested in being with an egghead. I can barely keep my close friends interested in what I have to say. I doubt most colts would care what I have to say.”

“I just realized something.” said Spike

“What’s that?” said Twilight

“Have you ever even been out on a date?” said Spike

“What!?” said Twilight

“Well, I’ve been with you pretty much since the day I hatched. Besides your school days of course,“ Spike pointed out. “I can’t ever recall you spending any real alone time with another colt. Other than your brother.”

“Nopony ever really asked me out on a date.” said Twilight”

“Why not?” said Spike

“For exactly what I just said.” Nopony is interested in dating some filly with her face always in a book,” she pointed out. “And I’m perfectly alright with that.”

“So you never even had a colt friend?” said Spike

Twilight paused for a moment from this question. Her thoughts began to thing back to her school days in Canterlot. During this time, Twilight rarely found the time to do anything with other ponies. Besides her older brother, Shining Armor, she’d never really spent anytime alone with another colt. She would overhear other fillies talking about the dates they’d been on, and at times she did wonder what it would be like. Twilight had actually lied to Spike. There had been a time when she’d gone out on a date. In fact during her days at the academy, she’d managed to get a colt friend.

Bookworm was, in some ways, a male version of Fluttershy, in that he was very soft spoken and rarely spoke out of place. He was a unicorn like Twilight, had light grey fur, and a brown mane that he kept well groomed. He wore large glasses with fairly thick lenses, as he was very near sited but you could tell he had very pale blue eyes. His cuttie mark was that of a worm popping out of a thick book. His magic wasn’t the best, but because of his studious nature he was granted a scholarship to the academy. Awkward, yes, but overall he was a well meaning colt, and one of the few students who treated Twilight with respect. He was also very sweet and was always willing to help out anypony in need when it came to schoolwork. Like herself, many other ponies would poke fun at Bookworm because of his studious nature and large glasses. There wasn’t a lot anypony knew about him really. Just that he was there on scholarship and from a humble, but respectable, middle class background.

“Hello there, Miss Sparkle” said Bookworm, struggling to keep his books in his satchel.

“Why hello there Bookworm” said Twilight. “How are you doing today?”

“Oh, um, quite well” he said “Thank you very much. And yourself?”

“Very well, thank you.” she said

“So um, Miss Sparkle…” he began to say.

“Bookworm please” said Twilight “You can simply call me Twilight.”

“But you are the prized pupil of Princess Celestia herself!” he said “It would be rude of me to not show you such respect.”

While Twilight was not a huge fan of such formalities, she had to admit it was nice to be treated like a real filly. In addition to his formal speech, Bookworm also had another odd way of speaking. He seemed unable to use contractions, always saying “can not” or “will not” instead of the usual “can’t” or “won’t.” Nopony knew why he spoke in such a manner, and this quirk was not unnoticed by the meaner students in class.

“So how may I help you today, Bookworm?” she said

“Well, um, Miss Sparkle” he struggled to say. “I have been thinking for a long time about this…I am really quite fond of you. You are one of the brightest fillies I have ever come across. And I hope you do not mind me saying, but you are also quite lovely.”

Twilight was taken aback by this comment. This was the first time anypony, other than her own family of course, had ever called lovely. Of course she didn’t mind somepony else saying this.

“Thank you very much, Bookworm.” said Twilight

“You are quite welcome, Miss Twilight” he said nervously. “I was also wanting to ask…if you would be so kind…um…to do me the honor…”

Twilight had a very good feeling about what he was wanting to say.

“Just say it!” said Twilight with great excitement.

While Bookworm was surprised by her sudden outburst, he’d be lying if he said it did not excite him some.

“Would you please be so kind as to go out on a date with me, Miss Sparkle!?” Bookworm said above his normal speaking tone.

Twilight was stunned. This was the first time a colt was asking her out. It barely took her a second to respond.

“I would love to, Bookworm!” said Twilight also in a louder than usual voice.

“Tomorrow night?” he said. “A picnic in the gardens? Let us say, one hour after school?”

“That sounds lovely.” said Twilight

“Terrific!” he said. “I shall see you then! Good day, Miss Twilight!”

“Good day Bookwork!” she said

Bookworm ran off quickly, but with a happy step clearly in his hooves. Twilight became rather excited about this herself. She had never been on a date before. And while Bookworm may not be considered the best looking colt around, he certainly wasn’t terrible looking.

Eventually Twilight noticed Spike trying to get her attention.

“Twilight!?” yelled Spike “Well…have you ever had a colt friend?”

“N…no I haven’t” said Twilight “and I’m alright with that.”

“Really?” said Spike with a puzzled tone. “Jeez, I’d be super depressed by that myself.”

“You’re still very young, Spike,” said Twilight. “These aren’t matters for a baby dragon.”

“I’m hardly a baby anymore, Twi.” said Spike

“Even so,” she said. “This is simply for research and nothing more.”

“Okay, fine, whatever you say.” said Spike

“Good then.” said Twilight

They walked in silence the rest of the way home.

Chapter 3: Big Macintosh's Thoughts

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Authors note: This is gonna be a longer one than usual, since it deals with Big Macintosh's feelings and thoughts. The second half has less dialogue and more description. Hop you don't mind.

The Apple Family was sitting down for dinner. Applejack had done the cooking this evening. Granny Smith’s health wasn’t great at the moment, so she took responsibilities till she got her strength back. There was silence for about twenty minutes starting out, till Granny Smith broke it.

“Well. Any ya’ll have anythin new tah talk bout?” asked Granny Smith.

“Nnnooope,” responded Big Macintosh. “Nother ordinary day, Granny.”

“What are ya talkin bout Big Mac!?” chimed in Apple Bloom. “What about Twilight Sparkle askin yah fer farmin lessons?”

Big Mac nearly chocked on his food.

“Well now,” thought Granny Smith. “Aint that nice. I spose there aint no better teacher in Ponyville than our own Macintosh.”

“That’s certainly what Twilight seems tah think,” commented Applejack in a bit of a sarcastic manner.

“Now what’s your problem, sugar cube?” asked Granny Smith.

“She’s just upset that Twilight didn’t ask her,” said Apple Bloom.

“Apple Bloom!” yelled Applejack.

“What!?” said Apple Bloom. “Sure seemed that way when you found out she was askin him for the lessons.”

“I aint nothin special, Apple Bloom,” said Big Mac. “She just figured ah’d be the best choice since I’m tha eldest and been workin the farm the longest.”

“Don’t be so modest, Macintosh,” said Granny Smith. “Yer the best farmer I seen since yer pa. Carter sure was one heck of a farmer.”

“Yeah. Dad could buck like nopony’s business,” commented Applejack.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac sullenly.

“I wish I’d known mom and dad better,” said Apple Bloom.

“We all wish you had, sugar cube,” said Applejack. “We all do.”

The Apple Siblings didn’t bring up their parents too often. When they did, it mostly brought back sad memories. Apple Bloom wasn’t even a year old when the accident happened that took the lives of their father, Carter Blue Apple and his wife Bella Donna Apple, nee Orange.

“Well, Twilight Sparkle certainly is a fine young mare,” Granny Smith said, breaking the silence once more.

“She sure is, Granny!” said Apple Bloom. “She’s real smart too. And helpful, and really pretty!”

“I’m sure our big brother here noticed that already,” Applejack said with a sly smile.

Once again Big Mac came close to choking on his food.

“Ah don’t know what ya’ll are talkin bout!” said Big Mac defensively. “She wanted a lesson, and ah didn’t wanna be rude or nuthin.”

“Nuthin wrong with thinkin Twilight’s pretty, Big Mac,” said Apple Bloom. “Why I’m sure most ponies can see that. I wish my mane had three different shades. HEY! Maybe I could get my cutie mark from dyeing hair!”

“Why not wait till Sweetie Belle gets back from the fashion show for that, Apple Bloom,” said Applejack.

“But that aint gonna be fer another four days or so,” said a pouting Apple Bloom.

“Ya’ll gotta learn some patience, little one,” Applejack commented. “Good things come to ponies who wait.”

“Darn tootin,” said Granny Smith.

“Eeyup,” added Big Macintosh.

“Yeah, yeah,” said Apple Bloom. “Well, guess we all should get ready for bed. Specially you, Big Mac. Ya’ll gotta busy day ahead, now that you also gotta new pony to teach all you know bout farmin.”

“You certainly make a good point there, sugar cube,” said Applejack. “Spose it would be best for us all to get some shut eye. Come on Apple Bloom, I’ll read ya’ll a story before you sleep.”

“Great!” yelled Apple Bloom. “Night Big Macintosh! Night Granny Smith!”

“Night night, yungin,” said Granny Smith.

“Good night, Apple Bloom,” said Big Mac

Applejack and Apple Bloom headed upstairs. Big Macintosh and Granny Smith remained downstairs for a little longer.

“So. Twilight Sparkle, eh?” said Granny Smith.

“It aint nuthin special, Granny,” said Big Mac defensively. “Ahm just helping out the friend of mah sister. That’s all there is to it.”

“Ya’ll can’t fool me, Macintosh Chelmsford Apple,” said Granny Smith.

Big Mac hated it when Granny Smith used his full name.

“Honesty runs in this here family,” she continued. “Every generation of Apple ah know has never been able tah lie convincinly. So ah can tell ya’ll aint bein honest with yerself.”

Big Macintosh hated when Granny Smith was right too. Nopony could fool her.

“Yer right, Granny,” he said. “Ah got feelins for Miss Sparkle.”

“Well aint that nice!” she said. “Are ya gonna tell her how ya’ll feel?”

“Like I’d ever have a chance,” he said morosely.

“Now, why would ya’ll go and say somehin like that?” said Granny Smith. “Yer just as good as any other colt.”

“Granny, Miss Sparkle is the top student of Princess Celestia,” said Big Mac. “I’m just a simple farm pony with a primary school education.”

“Now that aint yer fault, Macintosh!” said Granny Smith.

“Yes it is, Granny,” said Big Mac. “I made the choice to give up school and work on the farm full time.”

“It aint yet fault what happened,” continued Granny Smith. “And I’m mighty grateful yah gave up school tah help me out here on tha farm.”

“There weren’t nopony else to help you, Granny,” said Big Mac. “At least nopony who could stay all year round.”

“And I’m thankful everyday that yah did that, Macintosh,” she said. “But that don’t mean you aint good enough for any mare out there. Don’t matter how educated she is. What matters is who you are and her accepting you as is.”

“I spose so, Granny,” said Big Macintosh.

He didn’t show it, but what she said did make him feel a little better. Granny Smith always knew what to say, even when she wasn’t always making sense.

“Ah should get to bed now,” said Big Mac. “G’night, Granny Smith.”

“G’night, Macintosh,” she replied. “And remember, yer just as good as anypony out there.”

Big Macintosh gave her one more smile and walked upstairs. His room was, like many ponies, his favorite place to be. There wasn’t a lot to it, but it didn’t matter to him. Since he worked all day, and little down time, it was sparsely furnished. There was his bed, a rug, and even a reclining chair. He even had a bookshelf, mostly with books on farming. But he had some fiction as well. Kept under is bed was something he kept secret from everypony. Smarty Pants, the doll Twilight had enchanted months ago that caused nearly everypony in town to go crazy. Even after the spell wore off, Big Mac couldn’t help but take it home with him. At the time he didn’t know it belonged to Twilight, he just liked the way it looked and figured nopony would be missing it. It wasn’t till a few weeks later that he found out it belonged to Twilight. He’d tried on various occasions to give it back to her, but could never strike up the courage. In a way it felt like he had her in his arms every night, which always made him feel happy and secure.

While laying in bed, he was still trying to process everything that had just happened today. Twilight Sparkle, smartest pony he knew, had asked him to teach her how to farm? Him? Sure Big Macintosh taught his own little sister how to farm and apple buck. But, A.J. is family. It seemed only natural that he would teach her. It only made sense given that he was on the only able bodied pony on the farm at the time when she was old enough to learn. But Twilight? Why would a smart, beautiful mare like her want to learn farm work? Did she want him to teach her because he has the most farm experience? Or could she possibly have feelings for him? No, no, that can’t be it. Twilight was a student of Princess Celestia herself. She could have anypony she wanted. Not that he didn’t like the idea of her being interested in him. It didn’t matter what Granny Smith had just said, he still didn’t feel like he was good enough for somepony like Twilight Sparkle.

Big Macintosh could never forget the day he first saw Miss Twilight. It was forever burned into his memory, and could see nothing changing that. He wasn’t sure, but he may have been the very first pony in Ponyville to ever lay eyes on her. She descended from the sky on a golden chariot, being driven by two royal pegasus guards. He couldn’t explain it at the time, but there was just something incredible about her. He’d seen plenty of mares around town of course, heck much of Ponyville was just mares. But she was so different. There was her lavender coat, and her mane with three different shades of purple. Even her cutie mark seemed special compared to anypony else. But the thing he noticed the most were her eyes. Big Macintosh once heard that the eyes were the window to the soul. Big Mac could tell a lot about a pony by their eyes. In her he saw a filly of great wisdom, but also loneliness. A filly who never seemed to have many friends, if any. Mac could relate to this.

Even in school he never had many ponies to talk to. He was always big for his age and this made other ponies nervous. Being a quiet pony made many of his classmates think there was something wrong with him. He wasn’t a bad student really, in fact during primary school he was among the top ten in his class. But after the accident, he had to stay on the farm full time to provide for his family. This made him even more of a social outsider. When he was able, he’d go to the library to check out various kinds of books. When he found out Twilight became the new resident and librarian, he stopped going by. He was too nervous to go in and even try to check out a book. Most of the time he’d send Apple Bloom or Applejack, saying that he didn’t have the time to go himself; which was often true.

He had even less experience in dating. He’d heard rumors around town of him being some sort of lothario. He found the idea of this hilarious. He’d gone out on a few dates here and there, but he never had anything real serious. He never had a mare friend, or even a very special somepony; he wasn’t going to count the Hearts and Hooves Day incident. Though there was one occasion when he was barely out of high school, and Mayor Mare seduced him. He was in town and she asked for help with her groceries, and Big Mac’s father said to always help out a mare in need. Years later Mayor Mare would apologize for what happened, but Big Mac told her he wasn’t angry and nothing bad came from it.

That was another thing that worried him, lack of experience. He figured most mares wouldn’t go for a stallion who barely knew anything about girls. It wasn’t just a matter of sexual experience, just any kind of experience. But he finally managed to fall asleep, holding Smarty Pants tightly with a big smile on his face. Thanks to Smart Pants he rarely had a bad dream.

Chapter 4: Twilight's First Date

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“Princess! Princess!” said yelled Twilight, loud enough for probably the whole castle to hear.

“What is it Twilight Sparkle?” said the princess, telling by her pupil’s tone that it was exciting news.

“I’ve been asked out on my very first date by a gentle colt!” said Twilight.

“Oh my, really!?” said a surprised princess. “That’s wonderful, dear!”

“I know! I’m so excited!” Twilight kept shouting with enthusiasm. “You may know who it is! His name is Bookworm! He’s really smart and very polite!”

“Bookworm?” the princess thought for a moment. “Oh yes. I do know who you mean. He is a fine young gentle colt. I’m very happy for you my little pony. Have you told your parents yet?”

“That’s right!” said Twilight. “I almost forgot about telling my mom about it! You were just closer so it was easier to tell you first. I better write a letter to her now.”

Twilight rushed off to her room to prepare a letter for her mother.

Dear Mom,
Guess what?! I have a date! My very first! A colt in my class named Bookworm asked me out today! He’s very smart and nice to me! I hope everything turns out well! I hope you and dad are also doing well!

Much love, Twilight Sparkle

She then thought about what she was going to talk about with Bookworm and what she should bring along for their picnic. She wasn’t sure if Bookworm would provide the food, so she figured she’d make some just in case. It wouldn’t hurt to have a little extra food.

The next day at school Twilight was having trouble concentrating; a rare thing for this young filly. She was so excited for her first ever date. From time to time during the day she and Bookworm would eye each other, then look away quickly blushing brightly. Once school let out, Twilight had an hour to prepare for the picnic. She decided to wear a simple, but cute, sun dress. She headed down to the royal gardens, where Bookworm was already waiting for her. He had a whicker basket and checkered blanket; standard for most picnics. Twilight approached him slowly.

“Hello, Bookworm,” Twilight said nervously.

“Gr…greetings Miss Sparkle,” said Bookworm, nervously as well with a bit of a stammer. “You…you look quite lovely.”

“Thank you very much,” she said. “I see you brought food with you.”

“Oh yes,” he said. “Since I was the one who asked you out, it seemed only natural for me to bring the food. Although I see you also brought some along.”

“Well I wasn’t sure,” she said. “This is my first date. I brought a few books along too in case we needed something to talk about.”

“This is my first date as well,” he said. “Though I did not think to bring any books.”

“That’s okay,” she said. “I’m sure we’ll figure it all out.”

They placed both blankets down on the ground and set up everything they’d brought along. Bookworm had brought along some oat sandwiches and milk. Twilight brought along some seasoned grass and hay sandwiches, and even some plates. She’d also brought three types of books: works of Starswirl the Bearded, Astrology for the Advanced Pony, and Daring Do and the Land of Equine Giants.

“Oh, Daring Do?” commented Bookworm. “Those are some exciting stories.”

“I know right?” said Twilight. “It’s good to have something to read other than school books. Not that I don’t enjoy my text books.”

“I understand what you mean,” said Bookworm. “Without a stimulating fiction story, your mind does not have a great opportunity to expand.”

It was at this point Twilight decided to ask Bookworm something that she’d been curious about since meeting him.

“Bookworm?” she said. “I hope you don’t mind me asking…”

“Yes, Miss Sparkle?” he asked.

“Why don’t you ever use contractions?” she asked.

“Oh?” he thought. “Well you see…when I was younger, I had a very bad stutter. And when going to speech therapy my teacher and I noticed that I speak with greater ease when I simply say words in their full form. So I do not use words such as d-d-don’t or c-c-can’t. A strange quirk I realize, and I know it does not go unnoticed by other ponies.”

“I hope I didn’t upset you by asking,” said Twilight.

“Not at all, Miss Sparkle,” said Bookworm. “It was a valid question. It used to bother me, but over time I have learned to see it as something that makes me who I am.”

“That’s a very good way of looking at it,” said Twilight. “I’m going to guess you’re cutie mark has to do with reading?”

“You are quite right, Miss Sparkle,” he said. “I was among the first in my class to get my cutie mark. It was early on that I knew I had a great affinity for books and most reading material. I even enjoy the occasional comic book. The artwork for many of those can be quite stunning. Even something as simple as the adventures of Super Colt can be a refreshing change of pace.”

“My older brother Shining Armor loves Super Colt!” said Twilight. “They do have some exciting stories. Personally I like Wonder Mare.”

“Yes Wonder Mare is quite amazing!” said Bookworm. “You remind me of her in many ways.”

“Really?” said Twilight, blushing from this comment. “In what way?”

“Well,” Bookworm started. “You’re feisty and energetic like her. You never seem to take any insults, and are willing to stand up to those who are being mistreated. And, as I have already mentioned, you are very pretty.”

“You really know how to flatter a filly, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“I am just stating a fact, Miss Sparkle,” commented Bookworm. “I think any colt could easily see that you are a vision.”

Both of them blushed a deep red after he said this. There was a bit of silence, but neither seemed to mind. Finally, Bookworm took a sizeable gulp and spoke.

“Miss Sparkle?” he asked.

“Yes, Bookworm?” she asked.

“Would you mind if I kissed you?” he asked very nervously, with a quiver in his voice.

Twilight went wide eyed at this question. As this was her first date, this was of course her first time being asked for a kiss. She had read some books on the subject, and knew there various kinds. She wasn’t sure of his experience, but if she had to guess it was going to be his first kiss as well.

“I would love it, Bookworm,” she said with a bit a sultriness in her voice.

The both leaned in, both clearly nervous. Both figured it would make sense to close their eyes. It started out as a standard peck on the lips. But as the time passed they began to open their mouths more and explore more with their tongues. Bookworm even placed his front hooves onto Twilight’s face and began to feel her mane. It felt very soft. It lasted for a few minutes before finally stopping and looking into each other eyes.

“That was wonderful,” said Twilight. And she meant it, Bookworm must have read up on kissing as well.

“Thank you, Miss Sparkle,” said Bookworm. “I enjoyed it very much as well.”

They had some food and talked about various topics. They then decided to go for a walk around the garden, as they had never really had the time to appreciate the wondrous sites before. They walked very close to one another. They pointed out the various flora and fauna, and the different kinds of statues. They particularly enjoyed a statue of the Draconequus in the center of other statues. As the sun was finally going down, Bookworm escorted Twilight back to the castle. Twilight managed to convinced the royal guards to let him take her up to the front door.

“I had a very lovely time, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“As did I, Miss Sparkle…I mean, Twilight,” said Big Worm with a big smile. Tiwlight was surprised by his sudden use of her first name. But was glad to see he had gotten comfortable enough to say it. “Would you like to do this again sometime soon?”

“Absolutely,” she said. “Let’s talk about it at school tomorrow, during lunch.”

“Alright, sounds like a good plan,” he said.

They leaned in for one more goodnight kiss.

“Good night…Twilight,” he said.

“Good night, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

Twilight closed the door and went up to her room. Along the way she ran into Princess Celestia.

“Did you have a good time, dear Twilight?” asked the princess.

“Oh Princess!” started Twilight. “It was absolutely wonderful! He was the perfect gentle colt, and we plan to go out again very soon!”

“That’s so wonderful to hear!” said Celestia. “Have sweet dreams, my little pony.”

She gave Twilight a quick nuzzle on the forehead.
“I certainly will, princess!” said Twilight in great excitement.

She was so excited for the days to come. Before heading off to bed she decided to write another letter to her mother.

Dear, Mom
My date was fantastic! And I even got my very first kiss! Bookworm is an amazing colt! I hope you, dad, and Shining Armor get to meet him someday soon! I’ll be sure to tell you more.

Much love, Twilight Sparkle

Chapter 5: The Arrival

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Soon as the sun came to his face, Big Macintosh woke up fairly quick. He had more energy than usual; probably because it wasn’t an ordinary day for him. Today he was gonna start teaching Twilight Sparkle all he knew about farming. He wanted to take care of most of his regular chores before she showed up, not sure as to what time she’d be arriving. He figured if she wouldn’t be so interested in chores. He went down the kitchen to get a quick breakfast, only to find that everypony else in the household was already awake. This was a rare occurrence in the Apple house, especially when it came to Apple Bloom. Why would she be up this early? On a weekend no less.

“What’r ya’ll doing up so early?” asked Big Mac.

“Ah’d say it’s pretty normal for me tah be up at this time,” commented Applejack.

“What about Apple Bloom?” asked Big Mac.

“I figure since I aint old enough for buckin or any proper farmin, I could still help out with some of your chores!” said Apple Bloom.

She of course was gonna help out her big brother so he could have more time to spend with Twilight, once she came over for her lessons.

“Well aint that sweet of our little sister, eh Big Macintosh?” commented Applejack.

“Sure, ah guess.” said Big Mac. “Spose ah aint gonna complain about getting some extra help with mah chores.”

“It’s good that Apple Bloom get some farm experience,” said Granny Smith. “She aint gonna be a little filly forever. She seems tah be growin up faster every single day, I reckon.”

“Ya really think so, Granny Smith?” said Apple Bloom cheerfully.

“Yer darn tootin, my little apple seed,” said Granny, giving her youngest grandchild a wink. “Ah bet by next spring, ya’ll even have yer cutie mark.”

“That would be awesome!” said Apple Bloom, jumping around with excitement and energy.

“Ok, ok,” said Big Mac. “Ifn yer gonna help me with mah chores, yer gonna need a full stomach.”

“Sure thing, big brother!” said Apple Bloom, who immediately started gobbling up her breakfast. She seemed to finish in the blink of an eye. “Okay, let’s get to them chores!”

“Eeyup,” responded Big Macintosh.

Twilight Sparkle woke up a bit earlier than she normally would. She felt it was going to be a splendid day. She couldn’t wait for her farming lessons at Sweet Apple Acres. After getting out of the shower, Twilight smelled breakfast downstairs.

“That smells wonderful, Spike!” said Twilight.

“Thanks,” said Spike. “I woke up a bit early to also fix you a lunch. You don’t want to do all that farming on an empty stomach.”

“A very good point,” said Twilight. “Though I imagine they have food on their apple farm.”

“Still,” began Spike. “Nothing wrong with having some extra food in case you get worn out.”

“I suppose you have a point,” said Twilight.

Spike’s comment reminded Twilight of her school days again. She had a feeling those memories would be coming up a lot today.

“Do you plan to join me?” asked Twilight.

“I suppose,” said Spike. “Sweetie Belle still isn’t back from Canterlot, and I’m not sure about Scootaloo. I just hope Apple Bloom doesn’t try and get me to use her new catapult.”

“She certainly has a knack for building things,” commented Twilight.

“Yeah,” said Spike. “But she doesn’t seem to see it. Everypony else finds it obvious.”

“It can take a pony a while to figure out what they’re good at,” she said.

“Good point I suppose,” said Spike. “I guess we should be heading out to the farm, eh?”

“Sounds like a great idea,” said Twilight.

“Sooner we get there, sooner you get to spend time with Big Macintosh,” said Spike.

“It’s not about being with Big Macintosh, Spike,” said Twilight. “It’s about getting to learn something new.”

“Sure, sure, I get yah,” said Spike.

Spike felt he had said enough to implant the idea of Twilight liking Big Mac. He was already starting to get sick of all this girl stuff. Course he knew that once he got the farm, Apple Bloom would be coming up with even more crazy ways to bring the two together. He wished Sweetie Belle was around, this was more her area. At least now he knew how Scootaloo felt.

Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom was doing her best to help Big Macintosh with his daily chores.

“Betcha can’t wait for Twilight to come over, eh Big Macintosh?” asked Apple Bloom

“Ah’m just happy tah be teaching somepony else how to farm, Apple Bloom,” said Big Mac defensively. “Once yer old enough, ah’ll teach yah everythin ah know.”

“But that won’t be the same,” said Apple Bloom. “I’m just yer little sister. Twilight Sparkle is a filly you fancy!”

“Ah don’t fancy Miss Sparkle!” said Big Mac. “She’s a friend of A.J., and ah’m happy tah help out a friend of tha family.”

“If’n you don’t like her,” Apple Bloom started. “Then how come you have her Smarty Pants doll in yer room?”

Big Mac got a shocked look in his eyes.

“How in the hay did ya’ll know about that!” asked Big Mac.

“What?” said Apple Bloom. “I thought everypony on the farm knew about that.”

“Ah never told Applejack or Granny Smith bout that!” said Big Mac. “Promise me yah won’t tell nopony about it. Understand me, Apple Bloom?”

“No problem, Big Macintosh,” said Apple Bloom. “Cross mah heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye! Nopony breaks a Pinkie promise. Breakin a promise, you can lose yer friends.”

“FOREVER!” shouted Pinkie Pie, popping out of a water bucket out of nowhere, then slowly descending back into it.

“What the hay was that!?” said a shocked Big Macintosh.

“Oh don’t worry bout that,” said Apple Bloom. “Pinkie Pie always knows when somepony makes a Pinkie promise.”

“Ah’ll never understand that pink filly,” said Big Mac.

“Nopony ever does,” said Apple Bloom. “Not even Pinkie.”
“Takes all kinds ah spose,” commented Big Mac.

Spike and Twilight were walking down the road. Spike figured he should grease the wheels a little more.

“All I’m saying is that it’s no big deal if you do have feelings for Big Macintosh,” said Spike. “He’s a really nice colt, and a hard worker.”

“Why are you so gung ho on me dating Big Macintosh?” said Twilight.

“I’m not gung ho, Twi,” continued Spike. “I just don’t want to see you alone.”

“I’m not alone, Spike,” said Twilight. “I have plenty of friends.”

“But friends aren’t the same as a special somepony,” said Spike. “Especially since you’ve never had one.”

“I actually have had one before,” said Twilight.

“What?” said Spike surprisingly. “But you said you hadn’t?”

“I just didn’t want to talk about it yesterday,” said Twilight. “But yes, when I was in school under Celestia, I did have a special somepony.”

“Well, what happened to him?” asked Spike.

“It just didn’t work out,” said Twilight. “These things happen. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Sure sounds like a big deal,” said Spike. “Especially if you were willing to keep it a secret from me. You’re number one assistant no less.”

“It really wasn’t, Spike,” said Twilight. “I’m sorry I wasn’t straight forward with you. But trust me when I say, that it wasn’t anything serious.”

“Okay, Twi,” said Spike. “I’ll take your word for it.”

They walked the rest of the way in silence, mirroring yesterday when they were leaving the farm. Apple Bloom was the first to see they approaching the farm.

“Hey look!” said Apple Bloom. “There’ they are!”

Apple Bloom ran down to greet the lavender librarian and her number one assistant.

“Howdy, Twilight! Howdy, Spike!” greeted Apple Bloom.
“Good morning, Apple Bloom,” said Twilight.

“Hey, Apple Bloom,” said Spike.

“What are you up to?” asked Twilight.

“I was helpin Big Macintosh with his chores,” said Apple Bloom. “Figur’d the sooner he was done with them, the sooner could get tah helpin yah learn how tah farm.”

“Well isn’t that sweet of you,” said Twilight. “Are you almost done?”

“Sure are!” said Apple Bloom. “Hey Big Macintosh! Yah better get started helpin Twilight learn how tah farm!”

Big Macintosh felt a little embarrassed by how enthusiastic Apple Bloom was by all of this. But he’d be lying if he wasn’t excited too. He just wasn’t as good at showing it. He then went over to greet the visitors.

“Good morning, Big Macintosh!” said Twilight.

“Good mornin’ Miss Sparkle,” said Big Mac. “Good Mornin’ Spike. How ya’ll doin today?”

“Wonderful, thank you,” said Twilight. “Ready to start teaching me all you know about farming?”

It took Big Mac a moment to full process what he was about to say. Even if it was just one word.

“Eeyup!” he said, with a bit more enthusiasm than normal.

“Great!” said Twilight, with enthusiasm as well. “Let’s head out then!”

As Twilight and Big Macintosh walked to a field, Apple Bloom pulled Spike in for a conversation.

“Everythin’s set in motion now!” said Apple Bloom.

“Do you really think this is going to work?” said Spike.

“Sure!” said Apple Bloom. “All we gotta do is stick close by and make sure they stay as close to each other as possible.”

“Will Scootaloo be joining us at all today?” asked Spike.

“Naw,” said Apple Bloom with some sadness. “She managed tah get another flyin lesson with Rainbow Dash. But she said she’d be around tomorrow. Maybe Twilight will ask for another lesson tomorrow too!”

“Guess we better catch up with them,” said Spike.

“Right,” said Apple Bloom. “But remember, we gotta not draw attention to ourselves.”

“I know I know,” said Spike. “We better make sure it turns out well.”

“You seem abit more enthusiastic about this then yah did yesterday, Spike,” said Apple Bloom.

“Well, I wasn’t at first,” said Spike. “But I’m starting to think it would be nice for Twi to have a special somepony. I know she has a lot of good friends, but I’m starting to tell she’s a bit lonely in another way.”

“I was thinkin’ the same thing bout Big Macintosh!” said Apple Bloom. “I don’t know if he even has a friend. He’s such a nice pony, he deserves somepony to be around and treat him nice. I think Twilight is perfect for that!”

Apple Bloom and Spike followed Twilight and Big Macintosh to the field they planned to work on, making sure they weren’t seen.

Chapter 6: First Day of Farmin'

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Big Macintosh lead Twilight Sparkle to a field that didn’t have as much in it.

“Ah figur’d that since this is yer first time ever farmin, we aught tah start on of our smaller fields,” said Big Macintosh. “Mah pa first taught me at this field, and ah first taught Applejack here.”

“So it’s like an Apple family tradition,” Twilight pointed out.

“Ah spose you culd say that,” said Big Mac. “Ah never really thought about it that way.”

“Well I certainly am flattered to be taught in the same field that you and Applejack were taught in, and your own father,” said Twilight.

Big Macintosh blushed a little at this remark. He wasn’t sure if Twilight could tell, there were few who could due to his red coat. She could, but she wasn’t going to let him know, or that she found it cute.

“When will you teach me about apple bucking?” asked Twilight.

“Ah figur’d we save that fer another day,” said Big Mac. “When ya’ll have built up some decent strength.”

“I suppose that does make sense,” said Twilight.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac.

“So what should we do first?” asked Twilight.

“Let’s start by pullin out any weeds and bad vegetables,” said Big Mac.

“That doesn’t sound too hard,” said Twilight.

Big Macintosh gave a little chuckle.

“I said the very same thing to mah pa mah first time,” said Big Mac. “So did Applejack when I taught her. It may not look like it, but them veggies and weeds can be deeply rooted into tha ground.”

“Once again, that makes sense,” said Twilight. “See? You do make a fantastic teacher!”

“Well…thank ya very much, Miss Sparkle,” said Big Mac, very surprised by the comment. “Ah’m just teachin you what mah pa taught me, and his pa bafor him.”

“I guess that means the Apple family has a line of great teachers,” said Twilight with a wink.

Big make gave her a thankful smile. A few feet away, Apple Bloom and Spike were hiding in some bushes with a pair of binoculars.

“Hope they don’t hear the rustlin in the bushes,” said Apple Bloom.

“The key is to remain as still as possible,” said Spike.

“Guess yah have experience from spyin on Rarity all the time,” commented Apple Bloom.

“How did you know about that!?” said a shocked Spike.

“Sweetie Belle told me,” said Apple Bloom. “Ah figured most everypony knew bout that. You aint exactly subtle about it.”

“Oh man!” said Spike. “Is it really that obvious?”

“Yah oughta take some pointers from Big Macintosh,” said Apple Bloom. “Since me and Applejack are family, it’s easy fer us to read him. But fer those who don’t see him everyday, his facial expressions seem basically the same.”

“Hmm,” thought Spike. “I never really thought about it. Anyway, how’s Twilight doing?”

“Seems to be strugglin’ with pullin out that weed,” noticed Apple Bloom. “Them varmints can be a real pain!”

“She using any magic?” said Spike.

“Nope,” said Apple Bloom. “Guess she wants tah do it the old fashioned way.”

Twilight was doing her best, but that weed didn’t want to be moved from it’s spot.

“I can’t believe it’s this difficult to remove a simple weed!” said Twilight. “Is there something I’m missing?”

“When tryin’ to remove somethin’ deeply rooted,” started Big Mac. “It’s best to dig a little bit of soil away from the base of the weed or plant.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that for the start?” asked Twilight.

“Ah wanted tah see if you’d figure it out first bafor askin’ fer some help,” he said. “Hope yah don’t mind. I figured someone as well read as you would already know this.”

“Oh…,” said Twilight, with a little blush on her face. “Well, I haven’t read a whole lot of books on the different aspects of farming. I’m sure that’s surprising to hear.”

“Nope,” said Big Mac. “Makes sense yah wouldn’t be all that interested in readin’ farmin’ techniques seeing as how you aint a farmer. But ifn’ yah need some, ah have a few on the subject.”

“I didn’t think you’d need books on farming, Big Mac,” said Twilight.

“It’s good tah know different techniques out there I reckon,” said Big Mac. “Though ah admit there are times where ah’d like to read up on other subjects.”

“Really?” said Twilight. “Well…if you’re interested, I could always loan you some books. I could even read some of them with you.”

“You…you’d be willin’ tah do that?” said Big Mac.

“Well of course,” said Twilight. “It’s the least I could do for the friend who’s willing to teach me how to farm.”

“Ahm a friend?” said Big Mac.

“Don’t be silly, Big Macintosh,” said Twilight. “Of course we’re friends. I don’t just spend time with you because you’re related to Applejack. I genuinely like being around you. You’re a good colt, hard working, and you don’t deny who you really are.”

Big Macintosh couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had never thought in a million years that Twilight Sparkle would consider him a friend. Closest thing he had to a friend was Smarty Pants, and she’s a doll. With all the farm work, he never really had time to hang out with any other ponies in town. If he went to parties, which was rare, he was usually the pony you’d see sitting in a corner just trying not to draw attention to themselves.

“Thank you very much, Miss Sparkle,” said Big Mac.

“Mac, please,” began Twilight. “Just call me Twilight.”

“Thank you very much…Twilight,” he said with a big smile.

Twilight was glad to hear Big Macintosh call her by her first name. It started to remind her again of her school days. Suddenly a frown started to form on her face.

“Did ah say something wrong, Twilight?” asked Big Mac, worried he’d said or done the wrong thing.

“Oh, no,” she said. “Not at all. I was just thinking of something else at the moment. You’re not doing anything wrong, Big Mac. You’re wonderful.”

She was a bit surprised by what she said. But she wasn’t lying when she said it. Big Macintosh really was wonderful. Looking at his smile, he was quite handsome as well. It surprised her that he didn’t have a special somepony in his life. Suddenly they heard Spike yell out.


“Jeez, sorry!” said Apple Bloom. “Yah don’t hafta yell so loud!”

“Then you should watch where you step!” said Spike, still yelling.

“We’re hidin’ in a bush!” said Apple Bloom. “I can barely see where my own hooves are at this point!”

“What the hay are yah two doin’ hidin’ out in the bushes!” asked Big Mac.

“We was, um…,” said Apple Bloom, trying to figure out what to say. “We were just, um…”

“Bird Watching!” chimed in Spike. “We were trying to watch some birds.”

“There aint no trees near this area,” said a suspicious Big Mac.

“Well, I did say try,” said Spike sarcastically.

“Why don’t yah two go an bird watch somewhere else,” suggested Big Mac.

“Sounds like a good idea to me,” said Spike.

“Go on then,” said Big Mac.

The two ran off as fast as they could. Twilight came up next to Big Macintosh.

“What was that all about?” asked Twilight.

“Just Apple Bloom and Spike,” said Big Mac. “They claimed they was just tryin’ to watch some birds.”

“But there aren’t any trees near here,” commented Twilight.

“Spike did say thay were tryin’,” said Big Mac with a hint of sarcasm.

“Those two make quite a mischievous pair,” said Twilight.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac. “Ah guess they though we needed supervision or somethin’. Make sure we don’t get into some kinda trouble.”

“What could we possibly do that would get us in trouble,” said Twilight with a slight giggle.”

The two shared a good laugh for a moment, before starting to look into each other’s eyes. Twilight began again to notice the great features of Big Macintosh. He did indeed, have lovely eyes. Big Macintosh of course already knew this about Twilight’s eyes. They were probably his favorite features on her. Big Mac took a big gulp.

“We best be gettin’ back tah work, Twilight,” said Big Mac.

“Oh, um, right,” said Twilight. “You’re absolutely right. We don’t want waste time on such a nice day.”

“Nope,” responded Big Macintosh.

The rest of the time went by a lot smoother. Thanks to Macintosh’s advice, Twilight was having a much greater ease at removing the weeds from the field.

“You and Spike ought tah stick around for dinner,” said Big Macintosh. “Might as well have a nice meal fer all the hard worin’ yah did today.”

“I would love that,” said Twilight. “And I’m sure Spike would love to not have to cook dinner for once.”

“Ah’ll be sure tah let Applejack and Granny tah set a couple extra plates at dinner time,” said Big Mac.

“Wonderful,” said Twilight.

They continued the rest of their farm work in silence.

Chapter 7: Dinner With the Apple Family

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Twilight and Big Macintosh finished the field as the sun started to set and night began to peek out.

“I didn’t think it would take that long,” said Twilight.

“You’d be surprised how long somethin’ as simple as weedin’ can take,” said Big Mac. “But yah did very well fer somepony who’d never done this sorta thing before.”

“Thank you very much, Big Macintosh,” said Twilight. “It helps to have a good teacher as well.”

“Ah’m just doing what ah know,” said Big Mac. “You sure took tah this quicker than ah expected. Ah’d say yer a plum natural at it.”

“That’s really sweet of you, Mac,” said Twilight. “I guess we better go inside for some dinner, eh?”

“Ah reckon that’s a mighty fine idea, Twilight,” said Big Macintosh, with a proud smile on his face.

And he really was proud. Not just because he fancied Twilight, but because it felt nice to be teaching somepony how to work the farm who was old enough. It would still be another year or so he figured till Apple Bloom would be age appropriate. As they walked back to the house, Big Macintosh couldn’t help noticing Twilight was looking achy.

“Ah imagine yer quite sore from today,” commented Big Mac.

“Oh, just a little bit,” said Twilight. “No big deal.”

“Granny can show you tha perfect remedy for joint pain,” said Big Mac. “After dinner that is.”

“Okay then,” said Twilight.

Granny Smith and Applejack both prepared dinner. They made a simple, but yummy, potato soup, and some apple pie for desert.

“Certainly was a productive day, I reckon.” said Granny Smith.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac. “Twilight here is a natural at farm work.”

“No surprise there,” said Granny Smith. “Little filly got the right build fer farm work.”

“That’s very kind of you, Granny Smith,” said Twilight.

“Reckon she got the right hips fer child bearin’ as well,” Granny smith said off handedly.

Like the other night, Big Macintosh came close to choking on his soup. Twilight came close to it as well.

“What’s that sposed to mean?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Nuthin’ you need to be worryin’ bout, sugar cube,” intervened Applejack.

“Boy, Granny Smith sure is a hoot,” said Spike, who found the whole thing hilarious.

Applejack decided to change the topic as quick as possible.

“So Twi,” she started. “How’d yeh like yer first day of farm work?”

“It wasn’t bad at all,” said Twilight. “Although I have some joint pain.”

“Aw, shoot,” said Applejack. “That there’s a good thing. Shows you’ve been doin some, good ol’ fashioned work.”

“Speakin’ of which,” started Big Mac. “Granny, could you help Twilight after dinner with her joint pain?”

“I don’t see why not,” said Granny Smith. “Why the Apple family joint remedy has been passed down from generation tah generation. Aint nopony in Ponyville who can compete with it. That’s for dang sure.”

“Well then I certainly feel privileged to be receiving it then,” said Twilight.

“Seems only natral tah be usin the remedy on a filly Macintosh fancies,” said Granny Smith.

“GRANNY!” yelled Big Mac.

“What?” asked Granny. “Thought it wer obvious. Aint that why ya’ll is teachin’ her, and why she’s bein’ taught. I figred she fancied yah as well.”

That time Twilight did start chocking a little on her food. Spike couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Granny, me and Twilight are just friends,” said Big Mac defensively.

“Whatever yah say,” said Granny Smith. “But ya’ll should be honest with yerself, Macintosh Chelmsford Apple.”

“Chelmsford?” said Twilight, with a smirk on her face.

“Big Mac don’t like being called by his full name,” said Applejack. “Poor colt’s been cursed with funny middle name.”

“You should talk, Clementine,” said Big Mac with smugness.

“Clementine?” said both Twilight and Spike.

“Ma is from the Orange side of the Family,” said Big Macintosh.

“Oh wow, you two sure got tha short end of the stick there,” said Apple Bloom.

“Oh yeah, Ambrosia!?” said Applejack and Big Mac at once.

“Oh right,” said Apple Bloom. “Ah forgot about that.”

“So you’re full name is Apple Bloom Ambrosia Apple?” asked Spike.

“Actually,” chimed in Applejack. “Apple Bloom is a nickname. Her actual name is Ambrosia Bloom Apple.”


“But ah didn’t Pinkie promise,” said Applejack with a sheepish grin.

“But Applejack, you don’t use yer real name either,” said Big Mac.

“You wouldn’t dare!” said Applejack.

“Wouldn’t I though? Junaluska Clementine Apple,” said Big Mac.

“WHY YOU NO GOOD…” said Applejack.

“Interesting name,” said Twilight.

"Ma and Pa agreed that he got tah pick the colt names and Ma got tah pick the filly names,” said Big Macintosh. “Junaluska is a type of apple, Ma always liked the fancier names. Ah couldn’t pronounce Junaluska when ah was little. So Pa removed some letters, and combined the first letter of Clementine, making it Jack. Then he added Applejack tah make it sound a bit more girly.”

“Fun,” said Twilight.

“Eeyup,” said Big Macintosh.

“Spike! You better not tell a soul bout that! Specially Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo! They’d never let it down!” said Apple Bloom.
“No worries, Apple Bloom,” said Spike. “I promise.”

“Pinkie promise?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” said Spike.

“FOREVER!” said Pinkie Pie, popping out of a bowl of soup and descending back into it.

“Man, that’s eerie,” said Spike.

“Well, this certainly was a more lively dinner than usual,” commented Granny Smith. “We shuld have guests over more ofen.”

“I’ll say,” said Spike. “It’s usually just me and Twilight at the library. We don’t have nearly this much fun at dinner time. Mostly we just talk about books or lists or what our next assignment will be. So boring.”

“Well, Twilight, I reckon we ought tah get to healin’ them sores of yers,” said Granny Smith.

“Alright then, Granny Smith,” said Twilight. “I’ll be right back everypony.”

Twilight followed Granny Smith up to the bathroom on the second floor.

“Why are we going up here?” asked Twilight.

“Cuz the healin’ salve is in the bathroom, sugar cube,” said Granny Smith.

“I didn’t know you said sugar cube as well, Granny Smith,” said Twilight.

“Where d’you think Applejack got it frum?” said Granny Smith. “Plenty of sayin’s and nicknames have been passed down generations. That’s what family does.”

“True,” thought Twilight. “I was named after my great grandmother, Twilight. She was actually a Pegasus.”

“In’t that somethin,” said Granny Smith.

Granny Smith took out a jar from the bathroom cabinet.

“Now tha way this here works is that ah rub it inta yer shoulders,” said Granny Smith.
“It’s got a special blend of apple herbs and spices. It’s gunna also burn for a moment, but that means it’s doin’ its job.”

“I trust you completely, Granny Smith,” said Twilight.

Granny Smith began to apply some of the salve to Twilight’s joints. She wasn’t kidding either, it had a pretty intense burn starting out. But Twilight took it like a champ. As time went on, Twilight began to feel incredibly relaxed.

“So, Twilight,” began Granny Smith. “How do ya feel bout Macintosh?”

“Oh he’s a very nice colt,” said Twilight. “Hardworking, loyal, well mannered…”

“Not too bad tah look at either?” asked Granny Smith.

“Yes, he is quite handsome,” said Twilight, not really thinking as she was very relaxed from the massage.

Realizing what she just said, she tried to save face.

“But, um, we’re just friends of course,” said Twilight.

“But wouldn’t it be nice tah be more than that?” asked Granny Smith.

“I think we’re better off as friends, Granny Smith,” said Twilight.

“Ya know, Twilight,” started Granny Smith. “They say tha eyes are the windas to the soul.”

“Yes,” said Twilight. “I’m familiar with that saying.”

“Mah point is, deary,” began Granny Smith. “Ah can tell a lot about somepony by lookin’ inta their eyes. Ah know you have some pain in there. Guessin’ you had yer heart broken sometime ago.”

Twilight couldn’t believe how perceptive Apple matriarch was.

“Ye shouldn’ let past heartaches ruin present opportunities,” said Granny Smith. “And ah aint just sayin’ that cause Macintosh is mah grandson. Although he is a mighty fine young colt. Ah’m sayin’ it cause a sweet young filly like yerself deserves to be happy.”

“I appreciate the concern, Granny Smith,” said Twilight. “But I assure you that I’m quite alright.”

“If’n yah say so, sugar cube,” said Granny Smith. “Ah think that should do it.”
“Thank you very much, Granny Smith,” said Twilight. “I feel so much better. I should probably be getting Spike home. I’m sure he’s tired from today too.”

“Have nice dreams, Twilight Sparkle,” said Granny Smith. “Hope we can do this again real soon.”

“Sure,” said Twilight.

Twilight headed back downstairs to get Spike and head home.

“We should be heading home now,” said Twilight. “Same time tomorrow?”

“If that’s what yah wanna do, sure thing,” said Big Mac.

“Spike, do you mind staying home tomorrow to do some work in the library?” asked Twilight.

“It’s fine by me,” said Spike.

Apple Bloom once again grabbed Spike and took him to a different room.

“This again!? Really!?” said Spike.

“What do yah think yer doin’?” asked Apple Bloom. “I need yah here so we can keep an eye on them two.”

“Come on, Apple Bloom,” said Spike. “It’s clear that they’re getting along just fine. I have work to take care of in the library.”

“But Spike!” said Apple Bloom.

“Yes, Ambrosia?” said Spike with a hint of sarcasm.

Apple Bloom could tell by that tone that if she kept bugging Spike to help her, there was a risk he’d break his Pinkie promise and tell somepony about her real name. And once she had time to think about it, he was right. It was clear that Big Macintosh and Twilight were getting along. They had planted plenty of seeds.

“Alright, fine!” she said with frustration. “Ya got a point! But if sumthin real serious happens, I want you to be there for me!”

“No problem, Apple Bloom,” said Spike. “Now I need to get going. See you later.”

“Good night, Spike,” said Apple Bloom.

Meanwhile back in the living room.

“Well have a nice evening, Big Macintosh,” said Twilight. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac. “Ah’ll see ya tomorra.”

Twilight and Spike left the house and headed back to the library.

Chapter 8: Heartbreaks and New Beginnings

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Things were going well for Twilight Sparkle and Bookworm. After the third date they agreed to start going steady. Despite being incredibly happy, Twilight’s grades were actually starting to slip. Surprisingly she didn’t mind this, she was just glad to have a very special somepony. As they reached almost a year of dating, things took a surprising turn; a turn Twilight never saw coming.

“You’re moving away!?” said Twilight with complete shock.

“My father has been offered a new job in Manehattan,” said Bookworm.

“But why does that mean you can’t stay?” asked Twilight. “You could stay in the castle or something.”

“Twilight,” Bookworm began. “I have loved all the time we have had together. But I know that your grades are failing because of your relationship with me.”

“That’s not important, Bookworm,” said Twilight. “All I care about is being with you!”

“You say that now,” he said. “But if you were to flunk out of the Royal Academy, you would never forgive me. You have such potential, I cannot let that slip away from you.”

“But I love you, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“I love you too, Twilight Sparkle,” said Bookworm. “But I cannot allow you to lose everything you have worked so hard for. I know we are making the right decision. One day you will be grateful.”

He gave her one last kiss. Tears began to flow from both of their eyes.

“Goodbye, Twilight,” he said. “I will always remember our time together.”

Twilight couldn’t stay any longer. She ran off to the castle.

“TWILIGHT! WAIT!” yelled out Bookworm. But she was already gone. He knew that at this point there was no way the royal guards would let him go and see her.

Things were horrible for Twilight for a very long time after that. While her grades had started to improve, she became more introverted than before. For months after school she would go straight back to the castle and nowhere else. Princess Celestia was becoming very concerned with her star pupil.

“Twilight Sparkle,” said Celestia. “Why aren’t you going anywhere else besides school and your room?”

“No reason, princess,” said Twilight, faking a smile. “I just want to make sure I get as much studying done as possible.”

“My dear pupil, it’s not good to study all day and have no other stimulus in your life,” said Celestia.

“I don’t need to worry about anything else, princess,” said Twilight. “School is the most important thing right now.”

Celestia wasn’t sure what to do. She of course knew that Twilight was upset by the departure of Bookworm, but had no idea what she could do to cheer her up and make sure she did other things besides constant schoolwork. That’s when she got an idea. The next day, Twilight got another visit.

“MOM!?” said a surprised Twilight. “What are you doing here!?”

At Twilight’s bedroom door was her mother, Andromeda Twilight Velvet.

“Princess Celestia told me about your breakup,” said Andromeda. “She said that only a mother could help in this kind of situation.”

Twilight immediately broke down, crying in her mother’s arms.

“There, there, my twinkling star,” said Andromeda. “We can take as much time as you need.”

It was a couple hours before Twilight could pull herself together to really say anything. But Andromeda never tried to force her into talking. She knew that she just had to let her daughter cry it out and she would talk to her when the time was right.

“He said that…” began Twilight. “He said that he didn’t want to hold me back at my potential. That I would hate him later if I were to fail the academy.”

“Well, he could’ve handled this a tad better,” said Andromeda. “But it’s quite common for young ponies to not end up with their first love.”

“What’s the point in being with somepony…” Twilight started again, with a pause while she wiped her nose. “If it’s just going to end horribly?”

“That’s part of growing up, dear,” said Andromeda. “It’s not always fair, in fact often times it’s very unfair. But there will always be something better around the corner.”

“But Bookworm and I were perfect for each other,” said Twilight. “We had everything in common. We liked all the same things, read the same books.”

“That’s no guarantee that it’s going to end happily,” said Andromeda. “But you can’t let this ruin any more opportunities.”

“I guess…” said Twilight, trailing off.

After all the crying, Twilight began to fall asleep. Andromeda left the room for a moment. When Twilight woke up, there was another visitor in her bed along with her mother. In front of her was a baby purple dragon.

“Who’s this?” asked Twilight.

“Why, you don’t remember the baby dragon you hatched the day of your entrance exam?” asked Andromeda.

“Oh, that’s right,” remembered Twilight. “He’s gotten a little bigger since the last time I saw him.”

“Your father and I were keeping an eye on him, while you were in school,” said Andromeda. “But I think it would now be best if you looked after him. You’ll have company, and somepony to depend on you.”

“I don’t know, mom,” said Twilight.

But as she looked more at the baby dragon, a smile began to come across her face. He had a great innocence in his eyes.

“Does he have a name?” said Twilight.

“We didn’t really think to come up with one,” said Andromeda. “We thought it would be best if you came up with a name for him.”

After looking at the baby dragon for a moment, Twilight knew just what to call him.

“I’m going to call you Spike Tiberius Dragon,” said Twilight.

“Spike!” said the little dragon.

“I didn’t know he could talk,” said Twilight in amazement.

“There isn’t a whole lot known about dragons,” said Andromeda. “I’m sure you two will get along really well.”

“Thank you , mom,” said Twilight.

“Anything for my twinkling star,” said Andromeda.

Andromeda stayed a while longer with Twilight and Spike, before having to leave. For the first few weeks it seemed Twilight wasn’t up to looking after the baby dragon. He was quite hyper for such a little creature.

“Can’t you hold still for just one second!?” yelled Twilight. “Why don’t you do something useful?! Like pick up my books!?”

And that’s exactly what Spike started to do. He began picking up every book lying on the floor. Twilight couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“Spike,” began Twilight. “Could you arrange those books by title alphabetically?”

“Okay,” said Spike in a tiny voice.

And to even more surprise, he alphabetized the selected books perfectly.

“I don’t believe this,” said Twilight. “I had no idea dragons had this sort of cognitive skills! You’re amazing, Spike!”

She gave Spike a great big hug and started dancing around the room with him.

“From now on, Spike,” began Twilight. “You are going to be my number one assistant!”

Spike simply laughed at the things Twilight was saying. Time went on, and Twilight and Spike became closer and closer. He really was a perfect assistant for her. It helped that with his claws he was able to write, so now Twilight could focus her magic on other things. Eventually she learned a spell for him to use his fire to transfer messages straight to Princess Celestia and anypony else if she used it right. Twilight figured she didn’t need a special somepony to be happy. She had a family that loved her, a wonderful teacher, and now an assistant who’s a dragon! She figured love was the least important thing in life.

Chapter 9: Big Mac's Cutie Mark

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After a couple weeks of farming, Big Macintosh was ready to teach Twilight how to buck apples. He saw that Twilight had gotten significant tone in her body. After a week she didn’t even need Granny Smith’s healing solution. Big Mac couldn’t help but get a little hot and bothered when watching her work hard. He took her to the north field for her first lesson in apple bucking.

“Ah’d say yer ready to learn some apple buckin’,” said Big Macintosh.

“Great!” said Twilight with enthusiasm. “It’ll be nice to change it up.”

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac.

“So, what do I need to do?” asked Twilight.

“Yah aint gonna ask how hard it could be?” said Big Mac.

“After two weeks of farming with you, I’ve learned that nothing is ever as easy as it seemed,” commented Twilight.

“Very good,” he said. “And yer right, it aint as easy as it looks. Sure it might seem like all we do is kick the apples off the trees. But there is a method to tha whole thing.”

“So what do you want me to do first?” asked Twilight.

“Here’s what you need to do,” began Big Mac. “Stand with your back legs facing the tree. Be sure tah be close enough to hit the tree, but not too close tah where hittin’ it will just send a huge shockwave throughout yer body.”

“That all?” asked Twilight. “Any other special tips?”

“Well,” he thought. “Ah pose it would also help tah let out some sort of shout.”

“A shout?” said Twilight. “What do you mean?”

“Ah’ll Show yah,” said Big Mac.

Macintosh positioned himself in the right place. He crouched down a little, and then let out a “HYA!” as his powerful legs kicked the center of the trunk and several apples came raining down. Twilight had never seen Big Macintosh apple buck before. She was quite surprised by how excited she was by it.

“That was incredible, Big Macintosh!” exclaimed Twilight.

“Thank ya kindly, Twilight,” said Big Mac. “But it weren’t nothin’ really.”

“That was not nothing!” she said. “That was an incredible feet of strength and technique. You’re one of the most impressive ponies I’ve ever come across!”

Nopony had ever said anything like that to Big Macintosh. The fact that it was coming from someone as well educated as Twilight Sparkle made it even more meaningful.

“Thank ya very much, Twilight,” he said. “Would ya like tah give it a go?”

“YES!” she said with great enthusiasm.

Again Big Macintosh was surprised by her enthusiasm. He wasn’t sure if Applejack was this excited her time apple bucking. Then again, he remembered that he was quite excited when his pa took him out to apple buck the first time. Twilight positioned herself, crouched herself forward, and she too gave out a big “HIYA!” But this didn’t have the same affect as when Big Macintosh did it. Instead a huge shock went across her body and she fell forward face first.

“Ahhhh,” exclaimed Twilight. “What the hay happened?”

“You were off by just a little bit,” said Big Mac. “No big deal, everypony does that first few times.”

“Even you?” asked Twilight.

Big Macintosh gave a hearty laugh.

“Ah’d say my first ten times, ah plum near cracked my hoof,” he said. “Practice makes perfect as they say.”

“So is apple bucking how you got your cutie mark?” asked Twilight.

“Well,” began Big Mac. “Sort of.”

“Sort of?” asked Twilight. “What do you mean sort of?”

Big Mac had never really told anypony outside the family this story. Then again, nopony ever asked. He figured Twilight had as much right as anypony else.

“Ah was a little bit older than Apple Bloom,” he began. “When ah started to beg mah pa tah teach me how to apple buck. Course he thought ah was still too young, even though ah was big for mah age. But ah din’t let up, so finally he took me out our biggest field.”

Author's notes: The best way I could think to show a flashback was to just put the text in italics.

“Okay, son,” began Big Macintosh’s father, Carter Blue Apple. “Tha key tah apple buckin’ is a combination of technique and strength. But ah would say technique is the most important part.”

“Really pa?” said a young Macintosh.

“Eeyup,” responded Carter. “Evry tree trunk has a soft spot. If yah hit that soft spot, you can get a dozen er more apples tah fall. Also, it helps to let out a yell while doin’ it.”

“A yell?” asked a confused Macintosh.

“Eeyup,” said Carter. “It gets yah psyched up for the kick.”

Macintosh gave his father a confused look.

“Psyched is anuther way of sayin’ excited,” explained Carter. “If you sound enthused, then the apples will be more obliged tah fall fer yah. That’s what my daddy taught me, and his daddy b’for him. Ah’ll show yah what ah mean.”

Carter positioned himself and as he was kicking the tree he let out a “HIYA!” Macintosh wasn’t sure, but there must’ve been at least two dozen apples falling from the tree. It was an amazing site. To him his daddy was the strongest colt in the whole wide world.

“That was amazin’ pa!” shouted Macintosh as loud as he could.

“Aint nuthin’ to it son,” said carter. “Go on and give it a try.”

Macintosh did exactly what his father did, down to the “HIYA!” But all that happened was a big shockwave going through his body and having him fall head fist into the ground. Carter gave out a big laugh. Macintosh had a disappointed look on his face.

“Don’t worry nuthin bout it son,” said Carter. “Nopony ever gets it the first time ‘round.”

“Really?” asked Macintosh.

“Darn tootin,” said Carter.

Hours passed as father and son worked on apple bucking. With each hit Macintosh was able to get at least one more apple to fall. As they were getting closer to sundown, Carter brought Macintosh to a big, older tree.

“We’ll make this our last tree for tha day, son,” said Carter.

“Okay, pa,” said Macintosh.

Again Carter did his usual technique, but something different happened. Both he and Macintosh heard a loud cracking noise. Suddenly a huge tree limb came crashing down. Carter managed to get Macintosh out of the way, but he himself got caught underneath the large limb. Macintosh got his footing back when he saw his father under the branch.

“PA!” yelled Macintosh in shock.

“Son…go get…help.” said a struggling Carter.

“There aint no time fer that, pa!” said Macintosh.

Macintosh positioned himself again, ready to kick the branch off his ailing father. His first kick seemed to do nothing. His second kick barely nudged. He came close to given up, till he remembered to use the psyching technique. Determined to save his father, Macintosh let out a big “HIYA!” This time the large limb split in two, freeing Carter. Macintosh had practically knocked himself out. He opened his eyes slowly to see his father standing above him.

“PA!” he exclaimed. “YER FREE! ARE YA OKAY!?”

“Mah ribs are a little cracked,” said Carter. “But ah’ll be fine.”

“That’s good tah hear,” said Macintosh.

“But there’s somethin’ more important tah focus on,” said Carter.

“What?” said Macintosh.

Carter motioned his head to have Macintosh look behind him. Mac’s pupils went totally wide and he couldn’t believe what he saw. On his flank was a big, green apple that looked as though it had been cut in two, with a few twinkles around it.


Carter gave his son a great big hug.

“Ah’m very proud of you, Macintosh Chelmsford Apple!” exclaimed Carter.

“AW PA!” said Macintosh. “Yah know ah hate bein’ called by mah full name like that.”

Twilight sat quietly, engrossed by the story and how well Big Macintosh told it.

“That was an incredible story, Big Macintosh,” said Twilight.

“Ah spose it is,” thought Big Mac.

"I wonder why you have little stars around your cutie mark as well," Twilight noticed.

"Never really thought about that," admitted Big Mac. "Spose it just means the apples shine real big."

"Perhaps," said Twilight.

"Does yer cutie mark have them five little stars tah represent yer friends?" asked Big Mac.

"You know," she thought for a moment. "I never actually considered that. I suppose that does make sense given that we were all connected by the Elements of Harmony even before we met. Very observant of you Big Macintosh."

"Thank ya kindly, Twilight," said Big Mac.

After a moment of Silence, Twilight couldn't help but ask Big Macintosh another question.

“I hope you don’t mind me asking,” she began. “But, what happened to your parents.

Big Macintosh had a feeling this would be the next question. He knew it wouldn’t be easy to tell this story. But he didn’t want to keep anything from her.

“Little after Apple Bloom was born,” he began. “Ma and Pa had to make a delivery to Fillydelphia. But they couldn’t afford tah take the train, so they decided to hoof it. Only thing is, winter was startin’ up. They told us everyhin’ would be just fine and they’d be back before we knew it…But…on the way back from Fillydelphia, they got caught up in a particularly bad snow storm. A couple days later we were visited by some authoritative figures. They found the cart with them, inside embracin’ each other. They had tried tah keep each other warm.”

“Oh my goodness,” said Twilight.

“We had a funeral during one of the warmer days of the winter season. We managed tah get the buried by the tree they had their first date at. We found their will and pa declared the farm go tah me when ah came of age. He also left us his yoke and prized hat. And ma left her favorite bow.”

“I’ve never seen you wear a hat,” said Twilight.

“That’s because ah gave it tah Applejack,” he explained. “So that she would give up the bow to Apple Bloom. That way she’d have somethin’ she could have as a memento.”

Once he was done, a single tear ran down his face. Twilight herself got a big misty eyed.

“I’m so sorry, Big Macintosh,” she said. “I didn’t mean to make you bring up such sad memories.”

“No, no, it’s alright,” said Big Mac. “You had every right tah know. And it aint good to keep things like that end all the time. Yah gotta be able tah share. Specially with the ones you care for.”

Both started to blush at this.

“Do you have pictures of your parents?” asked Twilight.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mack. “Ah have a photo album up in mah room.”

“Will you show me?” asked Twilight.

“Be mah pleasure,” said Big Mac.

Chapter 10: In Big Mac's Room

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Big Macintosh lead Twilight Sparkle into his room. It was the first time he’d had anyone else, besides family, in there with him. Twilight was actually impressed by the minimal décor. She felt it suited a colt of Big Macintosh’s personality. She also noticed his book shelf almost immediately. Before going over though, Big Mac showed her some family photos. Many were pics of the Apple siblings as foals.

“You all are so cute!” commented Twilight.

He then showed her a picture of his parents.

“That there’s mah pa, Cater Blue Apple, he said. “And that there is mah ma, Bella Donna Apple, nee Orange.”

Carter had the same build as Big Macintosh, but his coat was green like granny Smith. His eyes were the same shade of red as Big Mac’s fur, and his Mane was yellow but with hints of graying. Bella Donna was much more petite, with an orange coat (clearly that’s where Applejack go it from) and here mane red (and that answered for Apple Bloom) with eyes a gorgeous shade of yellow.

“They really do look amazing together,” said Twilight.

“Eeup,” said Big Macintosh, smiling big. It had been a while since he looked a picture of his beloved parents. And while it filled him with some sadness, it still made him feel good to see their faces.

“I’m glad you’re sharing this with me, Big Macintosh,” said Twilight.

“Me too, Twilight,” replied Big Mac.

She then went over to see what sort of books he fancied. She wasn’t surprised to see the various books on farming. What did surprise her were “Selected Works of Starswirl the Bearded” and a sizeable collection of “Daring Do” books.

“You read Daring Do?” asked Twilight.

“Eeyup,” said Big Macintosh. “Even got one of mah favorite titles signed by tha author himself.”

Big Mac showed Twilight the one he was talking about. “Daring Do and the Return to the Island of Equine Giants.” and the signed copy read:

To Macintosh
Remember that everyday life can be an adventure too.

Much gratitude, Chester Buckingham

Twilight couldn’t believe her eyes.

“This is one of my favorite stories too!” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe you got to meet Chester Buckingham!”

“He’s had some associations with the Orange family,” said Big Mac. “Ah was able tah meet him durin’ a trip to Manehattan a couple years ago.”

“Absolutely incredible!” she exclaimed again. “And here you’ve been saying you’re just an ordinary farm colt. Big Macintosh, everything you do is simply amazing!”

Big Macintosh began to blush real bright.

“Aw, shucks, Twilight,” he said. “It really aint nuthin’ that special.”

Twilight got closer to Big Mac’s face. He started to back away slowly.

“You’ve got to stop saying that, Big Macintosh,” she said. “Look at the things you’ve managed to do!”

He backed away even more nervously, till he slipped onto his mattress, causing Smarty Pants to fly threw the air and plop right between them.

“SMARTY PANTS!” she said. “I’ve been wondering what happened to her all those months ago! You had her this whole time?”

“Um…well…” he began to say. “Eeyup.”

“But, why?” she asked.

“Because ah…well yah see…ah,” he wasn’t able to finish his sentence.

Then without even thinking, he leaned forward and gave Twilight a big, long kiss. It started out slow, and Twilight seemed to resist at first. But then she began to kiss more intensely, exploring his mouth with her tongue. The two began stroking each other’s manes. Suddenly, Twilight began to have surges of memories coming back to her of the days with Bookworm. She finally pulled away.

“NO!” she yelled. “I can’t do this!”

“What? Why?” he asked. “Did ah do sumthin’ wrong?”

“No, it isn’t you Big Macintosh," she said as tears began to form. “I just can’t be with anypony. Not now, not ever!”

“But, Twilight…” he started to say.

“I’m sorry, Big Macintosh,” she interrupted. “But I have to go! I won’t be coming back for lessons.”

“Twilight no!” he yelled after her.

But she was already out the front door. Applejack and Apple Bloom were waling in just as she was leaving. They noticed the tears in her eyes.

“Now what in tarnation was that all about!?” exclaimed Applejack.

“Beats me,” said Apple Bloom. “But she sure was off in a hurry!”

They saw Big Macintosh standing up at the top of the stairs. There was clear devastation in his eyes.

“Big Macintosh?” said Applejack, not sure of what was going on.

“What’s wrong?” asked Apple Bloom.

Big Macintosh just slunk his head and walked back into his room, locking the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Twilight ran back to the library as fast as her hooves would take her. She was so upset she didn’t even think to use her teleportation. Spike was still organizing the books when she came bursting in, not stopping to say anything and running up into her room.

“Twilight?” said Spike.

He walked up to her room and knocked on the door.

“Twilight!” he yelled. “What’s wrong?”


“But Twi…” he was about to say when she opened the door.

“He kissed me!” she said. “Big Macintosh kissed me!”

“Then why are you crying,” he asked confused. “That’s a great thing!”

“No it’s not, Spike!” she said. I can’t get hurt again by another colt! I just can’t let that happen!”

She slammed the door shut again and continued to cry.

“I don’t know what to do,” said Spike to himself. “I can’t let her stay like this. What would Princess Celestia do?…That’s it!”

Spike began to write a letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,
We have a big crisis going on and I don’t know how to handle it. But I think I know what you can do to help me with it…

Finishing the letter, Spike shot out his signature green flame, the letter dissolved and the ashes flew out the window.

“I really hope this works,” he said. “For Twilight’s sake. And Big Macintosh."

Chapter 11: An Unexpected Visitor

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Big Macintosh was in a funk. He was in the kind that not only affected him, but his family as well. It had been a week since he kissed Twilight Sparkle and she ran off rejecting him. Applejack and Apple Bloom did all they could to try and cheer him up, but to nothing worked. He wouldn’t leave his room or talk to anypony.

“Yah think Big Macintosh will ever be happy again, sis?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Ah sure hope so, sugar cube,” responded Applejack.

“I feel like this mah fault,” said Apple Bloom.

“Now don’t be hard on yerself, little filly,” said Applejack. “You culdn’t have known things would turn out like this.”

“When I get mah hooves on Twilight,” Apple Bloom began. “I’m gonna…”

“Yah aint gonna do nuthin’, sugar cube,” interrupted Applejack. “It aint Twi’s fault neither. Clearly she has some issues she’s needin’ to work out. We don’t wanna go point’ blame on anypony.”

Apple Bloom started give her older sister a frustrated look. But then she settled and sunk her head.

“Yer right, Applejack,” she said. “I’m sorry fer that.”

“It’s okay, Apple Bloom,” said Applejack. “Ah woulda felt tha same at yer age. We’re gonna have tah be patient, and hope that Big Macintosh gets outa his funk. Ah can handle some extra work fer a few days.”

“I’ll handle some of his chores,” said Apple Bloom.

At the Library, Twilight hadn’t left her room the entire week either. Meanwhile Spike seemed to be waiting for something, or somepony important. He had sent a letter to Princess Celestia a week ago asking for a special request so he could help out Twilight. Then there came a knock at the door. Spike went to go see if it was who he expected. He then went up to Twilight’s room.

“Twilight,” said Spike. “You got a visitor at the front door.”

“Go away Spike,” said Twilight. “I don’t want to see anypony right now.”

“Come on, Twilight,” said Spike. “You’ve been in there all week. I’m telling you this is going to help you. I can’t stand seeing you like this anymore. So please come out? For me?

Twilight’s door slowly opened and she peeked her head out a little. Her eyes had a few wrinkles underneath from lack of sleep and some crying, and her mane was a bit messy.

“Alright Spike,” said Twilight. “For my number one assistant.”

Spike was always there for her, and she knew whatever he had planned was for her benefit. She walked down to the front door to see who it was. At the door was some colt wearing a nice suit jacket, and a nice smile.

“May I help you?” Twilight asked.

“I guess it has been a good while,” said this mysterious visitor. “But I didn’t think I changed that much.”

“Excuse me?” said Twilight.

The mysterious guest turned to the side and motioned to his flank. On it was a worm popping out of a book.

“Perhaps that will jog your memory, Miss Sparkle.” he said.

Twilight couldn’t believe it. There was never forgetting that cutie mark. She sees it in her memories who knows how many times.

“I can’t believe it,” she began” Bookworm? Is that really you?!”

“I admit my appearance has changed some,” said Bookworm.

“I’ll say,” said Twilight in shock. “What happened to your glasses?”

“Oh right,” Bookworm began. “It’s been so long that I forgot about that. I had a special corrective spell done on my eyes.”

“And your speech pattern is different,” she said. “Are you using contractions?”

“Manehattan has more therapists,” he said. “Lot more neurotic ponies walking about.”

“Well that’s wonderful for you,” said Twilight. “But, what are you doing here?”

“The other day I received a letter from Princess Celestia herself,” he said. “It was quite a surprise to hear from her. She told me you were having some problems, and that talking to me would most likely do the trick.”

“But how did you know?” asked Twilight.

“I sent Celestia a letter,” said Spike. “I told her what was going on and asked her to look for Bookworm if she could.”

He showed Twilight a copy of the letter he wrote.

Dear Princess Celestia,
We have a big crisis going on and I don’t know how to handle it. But I think I know what you can do to help me with it. Twilight Sparkle is having romantic issues and won’t come out of her room. She told me she once had a colt friend, but that they broke up for one reason or another. I think this is the reason for her troubles. If you can find this colt friend, please let me know and see if you can get him to come to Ponyville to talk with her.

Sincerely, Spike Tiberius Dragon

Twilight was amazed by the effort Spike had put into cheering her up. He even included his full name in the letter. He NEVER did that! Spike hated his middle name.

“Oh Spike,” she began. “I can’t believe you went to al this trouble.”

“Of course I did Twilight,” said Spike. “You’re my family. I don’t want anyone I care for to be sad.”

Twilight gave Spike a great big hug.

“Excuse me,” interrupted Bookworm. “I don’t mean to break up this tender moment. But I am here for a reason.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Twilight. Please, come in.”

“To be honest I wasn’t sure how you’d react to seeing me after all these years, Twilight,” said Bookworm. “After what I did I would’ve expected you to just slam to door in my face.”

“Believe me I’ve thought of doing it,” said Twilight. “In fact I’ve thought doing worse things to you than that…But really, we were so young back then. But I’d still like to know…why did you really break up with me? I know you said it was because of holding me back from my potential. But I always felt there was more to it.”

“You’re right Twilight,” said Bookworm. “There was a bit more to it. And before you say anything, let me start by saying that it wasn’t anything you did. You are an amazing filly and I enjoyed all the times I spent with you.”

“Then why?” asked Twilight.

“Because I knew that what we had wasn’t meant to be,” said Bookworm.

Twilight gave him a confused look.

“You see, Twilight,” began Bookworm. “Although my main talent is books, I also have a sort of sixth sense when it comes to the futures of ponies close to me. I knew that you and I weren’t meant for each other. In the romantic sense that is. When my father had to move, I thought it was the right way to break up with you. I admit back then I wasn’t terribly tactful. I’m very sorry for that. And it wasn’t till moving to Manehattan that I knew what this feeling I had was. But by then I didn’t think you’d ever speak to me again, so I never bothered to send you a letter to explain myself better. I’ll never forget how devastated you looked. Once again, I’m so sorry for what I did.”

“You hurt me bad, Bookworm,” said Twilight. “But I suppose good things did come from it. Sometime after that I started taking care of Spike, and then he became my assistant. Then of course there was moving to Ponyville, where I met my wonderful friends. I’ve done many things since coming here. But I’m sure you’ve already heard of all that. So I’d rather know about you. What have you been doing with your life?”

“Well you should know that if it weren’t for you my life would be very different,” said Bookworm. “You gave me a lot more confidence in myself. Our reading sessions inspired me to become a writer. And I’ve been a published author for quite some time now.”

“I’ve never heard of anything by a Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“Well I tend to use a pen name,” said Bookworm.

“Anything I would’ve heard of?” asked Twilight.

“Maybe you’ve heard of a filly adventurer named Daring do?” asked Bookworm.

Daring Do?” said Twilight. “You’re Chester Buckingham? But those stories were first written when our parents were foals!”

“Chester Buckingham doesn’t really exist,” said Bookworm. “It’s a name that’s been used by several authors for decades now. Think something along the lines of the Dread Pirate Trotter. It’s the name that matters, not the face.”

“That’s incredible!” said Twilight. “When did you star writing them?”

“My first published Daring Do story was Daring Do and the Return to the Island of Equine Giants.” he said. “Have you heard of that one?”

“Are you kidding!?” said Twilight. “It’s one of my favorite stories! You really wrote that!?”

“Every single word,” he said.
“I have a friend who has a signed copy!” said Twilight.

“Maybe I know him.” said Bookworm.

“He’s just a farm colt,” said Twilight.

“From the Apple Family?” asked Bookworm.

“Yes,” said Twilight. “How did you know?”

“My family is long time friends with the Orange family of Manehattan,” said Bookworm. “So I’ve also met some members of the Apple Family. A couple years ago I met a farm colt who was really nervous around me once he found out who I was. I signed his copy of that particular Daring Do title. Told him everyday life can be an adventure.”

“This is such a small world!” said Twilight. “I know exactly who you mean. Big Macintosh Apple!”

“I didn’t know he was called that,” said Bookworm. “But I recall him being a big fellow.”

“I’m best friends with his sister!” said Twilight.

“So is he the colt you fancy?” asked Bookworm.

“Well, I…um,” Twilight stumbled. “Yes…you could say that.”

“And does he feel the same?” asked Bookworm.

“I think he does,” said Twilight. “He did kiss me.”

“Sounds like it to me,” said Bookworm.

“But I probably ruined my chances,” said Twilight. “I ran off after he kissed me and haven’t seen him since.”

“There’s always a chance, Twilight,” said Bookworm. “Spike informed me that Macintosh is also down in the dumps.”

“Spike?” said Twilight.

“Sure,” chimed in Spike. “Apple Bloom and Applejack have been keeping me updated. Poor guy won’t come out of his room.”

“I can’t believe that,” said Twilight. “I didn’t know he cared so much.”

“See?” said Bookworm. “You still have a chance with him.”

“But, what if…” began Twilight. “What if it just ends horribly?”

“Life is like that,” said Bookworm. “I’ve had a couple other heartbreaks since I was with you. But I learned something new from each of them. Finally I met a filly who ended up being the love of my life. It’s the happiest I’ve ever been. I can honestly say that I owe that to you.”

“Thank you, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“Do you think this colt could be the one for you?” asked Bookworm.

“Yes, I think there’s a chance of that,” said Twilight.

“Then stop wondering about the ifs of it all,” he said. “Go to him and let him know how you feel. If you pass up this opportunity, you’ll regret it forever.”

Twilight thought for a moment. Years ago she would’ve most likely said harsh things to Bookworm for all he did. Now he was in her library giving her advice on life and love. How times had changed. She knew what she had to do. She gave Bookworm a big hug.

“Thank you so much, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“You’re quite welcome, Miss Sparkle,” said Bookworm. “Now go to him.”

Twilight ran out the front door as quick as she could. But then she popped back in real quick.

“Um, before you go,” said Twilight. “Could you sign one of my Daring Do books?”

Chapter 12: Expression of Emotions

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Big Macintosh was laying in bed, when he heard a knock at his door.

“Ah don’t wanna talk!” said Big Macintosh.

“Come on Big Macintosh!” said Applejack. “Yah been in there way too long! When you fall down, yah gotta get back up!”

“Go away, Applejack!” yelled Big Mac.

“CON SARNIT! THAT’S IT!” yelled Granny Smith.

Suddenly Big Mac’s door came crashing down. Standing there was Granny Smith. How she was able to kick his door down, he would never know.

“Granny!?” said Big Mac. “What tha hay are you doin’!?

“Ah’ve been quiet too long!” proclaimed Granny Smith. “And ah canst be quiet no more!”

“But she hasn’t stopped talking about it all week,” said Apple Bloom.

“Don’t poke the bear, sugar cube,” said Applejack.

“Macintosh Chelmsford Apple!” began Granny Smith.

“Aw, Granny, how many times ah gotta tell yah…” he started.

“No talkin’ back!” said Granny Smith. “Ah can still put yah over mah leg and whoop yer big behind! Ifn’ this filly really means that much to yah, then you gotta shape up and go after her! Life is too short tah be sittin in yer room feelin’ sorry fer yerself! Twilight Sparkle’s a good young filly! Ifn’ you don’t snatch her up, somepony else will! Do you want that tah happen!?”

“N…nope,” said Big Mac quietly.

“What’s that!?” said Granny. “Ah can’t hear ya! Alls ah can hear is some other feller askin’ Twilight Sparkle out! That what you want!?”

“NOPE!” he finally yelled as loud as he could.

“That’s more like it!” she proclaimed. “Now get yer silly flank in gear, n’ go get that sweet filly b'fer she decides to move on!”

“EEYUP!” exclaimed Big Mac.

He ran out of his room as fast as his legs could take him. But he came back for his yoke, then immediately ran back out. Applejack and Apple Bloom just stood there in shocked silence.

“Ya’ll is a bunch of amateurs!” said Granny Smith. “Yeh don’t get a colt movin’ by bein’ all sweet n’ soft with em. Yeh gotta challenge their masculinity…Now if ya’ll scuse me, ah need me a good ol fashioned nap.”

As Granny Smith walked back downstairs to her rocking chair, Applejack and Apple Bloom looked at each other.

“Think we’ll ever be as smart as Granny Smith?” said Apple Bloom.

"Ah sure hope so, Apple Bloom,” said Applejack. “Cuz ah don’t know what we’ll do the day she finally goes. That old mare never ceases to amaze me.”

Twilight was nearly halfway to Sweet Apple Acres when she saw what looked to be a dust cloud. But it was definitely not a dust cloud. It was Big Macintosh, running faster than she had ever seen him run. Big Mac saw Twilight almost immediately and managed to come to a screeching halt. They both stared at each other intensely for a moment.

“Big Macintosh,” began Twilight. “I…”

“Hold it, Twilight,” interrupted Big Mac. “Ah have a lot tah say and if ah don’t get it out now, ah’ll never be able to say it again…Twilight…Ah love you! Since the first day ah saw you comin’ inta Ponyville ah haven’t thought of any other filly. Gettin’ tah know you only increased those feelins. Yer the smartest, sweetest, an most beautiful filly ah ever laid eyes on. Gettin’ tah see you any day is always a highlight fer me, no matter how bad that day coulda been beforehand. And ah think the twinkles on mah cutie mark aint twinkles, but sparkles. It means that the filly fer me is the someone who sparkles. Ah can only hope that you feel the same way fer me that ah feel fer you.”

The two stood there for what seemed to be forever. At least to Big Macintosh. Twilight suddenly began to tear up. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Twilight then jumped at him and pressed her lips deeply against his. It was the most passionate kiss either had ever felt in their entire lives. At this moment, their moment, nothing else mattered. There was nopony else but them. After several minutes they pulled away from each other, continuing to look in each other’s eyes.

“I love you too, Macintosh Chelmsford Apple,” said Twilight with a sly smile.

“Ah’ll never live that down now,” said Big Mac.

“Would you feel better if I told you my middle name was Monceros?” asked Twilight.

“Monoceros?” asked Big Mac.

“Astrology is a huge hobby in my family,” said Twilight.

“Ah spose it helps,” said Big Mac. “Though it still sounds better than Chelmsford.”

“I don’t care what you’re called,” said Twilight. “As long as you’re you.”

She gave him a peck on the cheek.

“And I think I discovered something new about my cutie mark,” said Twilight.

“Really?” asked Big Mac. “What?”

“See this white star behind the bigger star?” she asked.

He looked closely at her flank, and indeed there it was.

“Eeyup,” he said “What about it?”

“While the tinier stars may be my friends, who will always be around me,” she started. “The white star represents the one who will always be with me no matter what.”

Big Macintosh smiled widely and they shared another kiss.

“We should probably let our families know everything is going well now,” said Twilight.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac. “Ah reckon that’s a mighty fine idea.”

They decided to walk to Sweet Apple Acres first.

“Guess what?” said Twilight. “I met Chester Buckingham.”

“Really!?” said a surprised Big Mac. “Wow! He’s a nice feller.”

“I know,” said Twilight. “He was my first coltfriend during my time at the academy.”

“WHAT!?” said a shocked Big Mac.

Twilight gave him one last tackle, planting another big kiss on him. They started laughing big as they continued on to Sweet Apple Acres to give the exciting news to the rest of the Apple Family.

To Twilight Sparkle
Love is the greatest adventure of all! Never let it slip away.

Bookworm Ferdinand Scholar

AKA Chester Buckingham


TwiMac will return in Love Is a Many Splendid Pile of Crazy!