My life in Ponyland

by anonimo

First published

An unstoppable force took me far from home, burdening me with an unwanted power. Now, in a new place, I must learn to control it. The only good thing is that I can finally find happiness.

A catastrophic, destructive, and unstoppable force has sent me far from home, bestowing upon me something I never wanted. Now I must learn to control it while residing in a completely different place. The only silver lining is that I can now find happiness.

First of all, I want to mention that I have never written Fimfiction before, although I have written fanfiction (although I have never completed any). Secondly, I have a tendency to abandon the stories I write to start writing new ones, or because of personal issues (university, family, etc.), so don't expect me to complete this one. However, if I do, it will be a miracle.

Lastly, I want to emphasize that I DON'T KNOW ANY ENGLISH. The entire story will be written in Spanish and translated into English using Google Translator and a separate AI to ensure that the translation matches what I intended. It won't be perfect, but I don't expect it to be.

You may have noticed the use of AI with the short and long descriptions. The beginning was the same text, but I asked for one version that would fit within the 250-character limit and another version that was well done for the longer description.

Now, as for the story itself, there will be no sexually explicit content (Clop). There will be many implicit themes, but since I am inexperienced in that area (Not to say I'm a fucking virgin), I prefer to skip it entirely.

Lastly, I hope you enjoy this story. I don't know how long it will be, and I haven't planned it very far ahead, but I have always had the privilege of being able to imagine everything in the moment, and connect it with previously written moments. Hopefully you will notice this, or better yet, not notice it at all, as it will mean I did it right.

PS: I don't have any rights on the cover image, I found it on the internet and couldn't find the owner, so I simply declare it as something that doesn't belong to me.

words written from the next chapter: 4204
status: Not started : Started : In half : Three Quarters : Finalized : To Publish :

Chapter 1

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SOLE AND CRUCIAL WARNING: This Fanfiction may contain large descriptions of bodies, whether it be a male, female, or mutilated body! BE WARNED! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

My eyes slowly opened, my gaze fixed on the ceiling of my room, easily noticing how damaged it was, I didn't give it any importance as I got out of bed and headed towards my bathroom, I passed a mirror, totally ignoring it as I dodged a sock on the ground

I went into the bathroom and took a room temperature shower, while taking a shower, I was thinking about my financial situation, 'I have to find a way to make some quick money, I'm running out of money and no one is taking me at work because of that silly rumor ', the last thought left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

I got out of the shower and began to dry myself, while I dried myself I looked around, ignored the walls deteriorated by humidity and went to the toilet, after doing my business, I went to the mirror and began to brush my teeth while looking at myself fixedly.

My red eyes reflected perfectly, my gaze narrowed slightly before relaxing and continuing with mine, when I finished, I washed my mouth and spit, when I looked up, I looked at my teeth, making sure they were fine.

As I nodded to myself, I began to check my body, looking for anything abnormal, noticing my broad, muscular shoulders, lowering both arms, noticing that my biceps felt tight and strong, finishing with my hand, noticing my my calloused fingers

I went back up and continued from my chest, easily noticing that my pecs were really tight and full of muscle, down to my stomach, where there was a 6 pack on my abdomen, clenched my stomach and I could see it go from just looking good to look really tight and tough.

I nodded to myself and went down below, where my legendary was at 27 centimeters, now shrunk to 10 centimeters, I nodded to myself, although a little annoyed because almost no girls wanted to have sexual activity with me for fear of this monster, it's still a pride of mine…although I freely admit it's a bloody pain to walk around with.

In addition, it was not only long, but also wide, with a circumference of 17 centimeters...

Leaving aside my penis, continue with my legs, easily checking the muscles of it, I kicked a couple of times and watched as the muscle contracted and flexed, I didn't notice any pain and I didn't see anything wrong, continue with my feet, which They looked simple, but they were ridiculously hard, I know because 150 kilograms fell on me once and it only hurt a little.

My smile turned sour, reminding me of what they called me, “Demon! That body can't be anything other than a devil! The eyes only confirm it!” I quickly shook my head, clearing the words.

They were only a small part of the total problem, and that's not where the rumors came from, but it still affects me, my pride, the body that worked through years of continuous effort, discarded like that, as nothing more than unnatural.

I could only sigh and regret, I couldn't change the past or people, I could only move on with my life and hope that they would leave me alone, I shook my head and went to my closet and put on several cheap and used clothes, a simple short-sleeved shirt, shorts, damaged socks and faded sneakers.

I fixed my gaze on the photo of my family that was on one side in the closet, we were in the car, before the… incident.

There was my older brother on my left and my younger brother on the right, both hugging me and smiling, my parents from the front taking a photo, my father with a smile from ear to ear, and my mother with a loving smile, a tear slipped down my face, before slowly shaking my head, when I was going to close the closet door, a feeling came over me, and with a sigh, I grabbed the photo and took it with me.

I put it in my backpack, one of the only new things I had next to my training equipment, I fixed my gaze on my hunting knife, although it was more of a sword since it was 97 centimeters long, I stared at it for a few seconds and I also put it in my backpack, I would need the sword if I couldn't get anything to eat anywhere, I would only have to hunt.

I grabbed the last thing I had like new, a pair of professional black glasses made to hide your eyes perfectly, one of the few things I bother spending that allows me to work for a while before I'm found out, this way, I can get money.

I left my apartment, if you can call it that, I looked at the sky, noticing it clear and not a cloud in sight, a smile appeared on my face, 'This is a good day'.

'THIS IS A TERRIBLE DAY!', I thought with a scream of panic, running under the biggest storm I have ever experienced, the water was falling very fast and with great force, thunder was heard almost every second, I had to be careful If I didn't fall, I kept running, dodging anything that came flying towards me.

Damn, I think I saw a damn car being blown by the wind, and thanks to that, I noticed that it was a damn tornado next to me, and as you might think, I noticed it too late, I caught myself in one moment and started blowing everyone away. sideways, screaming, and being hit by other objects that suffered the same fate as me.

At some point in all that dizzying motion, I stepped out of the tornado and landed hard, breathing hard for a few moments, before relaxing and concentrating on my surroundings, then I noticed something alarming.

I no longer heard the rain, I didn't feel it either, I didn't hear the thunder, although I was seeing some in the distance, with total confusion, I looked up, and a face of horror settled on my face.

A panicked voice spoke, “Princess! The storm!”, He was interrupted before he could continue, “Yes, I know”, said a majestic voice, but with palpable concern, looking into the distance at the greatest magical phenomenon he had ever witnessed in his life. .

A giant storm had reached the deadliest forest he knew, the forest itself was barely holding out, but that was not the cause for concern, in the center of the storm, there was a magical phenomenon never seen before.

A ball of chaos and harmony, spinning rapidly, a multitude of colors appearing in it, the ball itself was gigantic, about 100 meters, the princess calculated in view.

She didn't know what caused such a phenomenon, even more knowing that chaos and harmony were working together in this, two separate states, like water and oil, the princess was scared by what caused two opposite energies to work together.

In that, the princess saw how it seemed to reach a culmination, the energy of harmony and chaos merged into one, and a flash appeared, instantly, using all its strength, the princess and her sister who was on the other side of the forest , they acted together and created a barrier with all their strength, sealing off the eye of the storm.

The princess could instantly feel how the flash crashed against her magical barrier and her magic was almost emptied at once, in that, the princess saw the spirit of chaos appear, but her face was not playful as usual, it was serious and the She also poured her magic into the barrier, easing her load and that of her sister, she also felt that two more energies were added to the barrier, her niece and her student were also helping to lighten the load.

"You should have called me for this barrier, your magic alone cannot stop the combination of harmony and chaos, only we, you with your harmony and I with my chaos could hold out long enough", he said with a totally serious voice, which was very unnatural for him.

The princess looked at the spirit of chaos, "What do you think caused this?" The princess's mane dimmed slightly from the loss of her magic, the spirit of chaos looked at her sideways, "I don't know, but I feel that big changes are coming, and I can't know if they will be good or not”, he said weakly, both of them turned their gaze to the barrier, where it was seen how the brightness diminished.

The princess was worried about the changes mentioned by the spirit of chaos, she had never worried about changes before, it is in her nature to constantly change, but for her to worry about a change, it will not be simple.

I looked in total horror at the multicolored ball above, all the clouds were swirling around it, like a giant storm eye, it seemed to be moving within itself, I could see what seemed like two concepts merging, I have no idea if I have right, but I don't know what to do in this situation, I'm in the damn center of a totally freak storm.

I turned to run, but noticed something instantly, I'm floating...

"Oh SON OF AHHHHHH", I couldn't finish my words by the time I went flying towards the ball, as the ball turned into gravity, I was quickly heading towards it, and I couldn't do anything to avoid it, I got closer, when I was very close, the ball began to move towards the center of itself, I couldn't see anything else because it collided with the ball... and entered it.

A brutal glow emerged from the ball and spread everywhere, destroying everything in its path, an entire town of more than 1,000,000 inhabitants disappeared, only a crater remained in the location.

I stared at the sky, a sky that seemed much brighter than normal, I blinked slowly, assimilating the information that my body was giving me, I am lying on some kind of stone, I felt uncomfortable and my clothes felt dirty, I could still feel the backpack on my back, I blinked slowly again, 'A dream? No, it's not', I got up slowly, looking around me, I was in a kind of crater, about a few kilometers.

I finished getting up, noticing that the crater was quite deep, I took my backpack off my back and checked it, looking for nothing to be damaged, when I found everything intact, a sigh escaped from my mouth in relief, I noticed that my glasses were not I had them on and I looked around, I could see her lying next to me.

I didn't hesitate to put them on, noticing that they weren't even scratched, even if they were on the floor, I looked at the nearest exit from the crater and walked towards it, as I got closer, I thought about the ball I collided with, plus the whole situation and how abnormal it was

I directed my gaze towards the sky, I did not notice anything strange, I nodded to myself and continued on my way, when I was on the edge of the crater, I noticed that there was a kind of transparent wall in front of me, I scratched my chin, and touched with my finger the wall, went through it without problems, I raised an eyebrow and followed my whole body, leaving the transparent wall without any problem.

I have no idea how I can see something transparent, but I'm not going to care about it in this situation.

I looked around me, taking in the forest I was in, it almost seemed terrifyingly cute, if it weren't for a bloody abomination to my left, it had the body of a lion, huge fangs, bat wings and a scorpion tail, notice easily that it was a manticore.

We stared at each other for a few seconds, before I ran off in the opposite direction of the manticore, before I knew it, I hit a tree and ran through it, I slipped on the ground in surprise and fell on my face.

I dragged about 70 meters before stopping at the speed I was going.

When I was on the ground, looking at the sky, only one thing was on my mind, 'What…fuck?', I got up slowly and spit out all the dirt that had entered my mouth, look where I was a second ago, 'I ran like 200 meters instantly when I wanted to run? 70 of those meters are because I fell, but how the hell did I go so far, and I damn well happened to carry a tree, because it didn't hurt me in the slightest?

I raised my arms and checked them, my legs the same, everything was in perfect condition, I saw a splinter from the tree next to me, I grabbed it and raised it to look at it, I put the tip upside down and nailed it to me, a grunt escaped me when it went through me easily, I cursed under my breath for my stupidity and pulled it out.

I looked at the little spot that was bleeding and frowned, 'Now if I hurt myself, let alone, what the hell is going on here?', I looked in the direction of the manticore, where I saw it looking at me and then at the tree, then where he was originally, before shaking his head and turning to leave.

I looked really surprised at the manticore, 'That behavior... was very intelligent', I frowned, I got up from the ground and looked around me, quite alert, I took out my backpack and took my sword out of it, I put my jacket back on. backpack and began to enter the forest.

Step by step, I disappeared into the deep forest.

I walked, step by step, looked carefully around me, I needed to find a shelter for tonight, I looked slightly at my hand, seeing the point of damage that I did with the splinter, noticing that it had already healed, I just sighed and didn't give it any importance I didn't want to think about those things right now.

I heard the sound of a river in the distance, I nodded to myself and started walking in that direction, food can wait, but I wouldn't live without water for more than two days.

I looked around carefully, looking for any sign of imminent danger, my ears moved very slightly at any sound, my hand resting calmly on my little sword, I couldn't notice any danger, but that didn't make me lower my guard.

If I have discovered anything from my continual hunts, it is that the more peaceful it appears, the more dangerous it is.

I continued my walk towards the river, not finding anything, and that seemed strange to me, although I could see many destroyed trees, especially their branches, there were many without leaves, but the closer I got to the river, I could see that the trees began to turn Normal, with little damage.

When I got to the river, I could see some other animal drinking water, I could instantly notice a rabbit in front of me, drinking water, it seemed different from the ones I knew, but mostly the same, would I say a more athletic body? Human style.

I shook my head from those thoughts and approached the rabbit, little by little, it seemed too distracted drinking water, something abnormal I would say, but I didn't give it any importance, when I was behind it, my hand shot out and nailed it to the ground.

I instantly noticed how he was trying to fight, but knowing how rabbits' bodies are, I grabbed him from behind by the head, this way he couldn't do anything to stop me, I confirmed it when I picked him up and regardless of his jerks, he couldn't hurt me. or break free

I took him in spite of his screams, I began to walk along the river, looking for anything that could serve as shelter, in that, I saw a small waterfall, not very big, I would say that the water only falls 2 meters high, but having hope in fictional stories, I approached and looked behind the water, at first there seemed to be nothing, but I could notice that there was a kind of very small hole, I queued behind the water and looked at the hole, although it was small, it could happen.

I slipped into it, I instantly noticed that it was bigger inside, I would say that it is about 7 meters long and 4 meters wide, counting from the entrance.

Nodding to myself, I went outside with the rabbit, who had stopped fighting a while ago, I could see him looking around desperately, he seemed to be looking for a way out, I didn't give it much importance, I began to gather a lot of twigs, when I had enough, I gathered a few few for a campfire.

Look at the rabbit slightly, I will have to do everything with one hand.

I grabbed several dry leaves and put them under the twigs, surrounded the fire with stones to prevent the fire from spreading and finally, I took a twig from the group that I gathered and began to pass my sword through it, removing very small splinters, once I gathered a bit, piled it all up, looked around a bit and could easily spot a flint.

I grabbed it and with a stone, I began to hit it, getting several sparks, I did it until I noticed that the wood splinters began to catch fire, I grabbed the sheet on which I had rested it and put it under the fire, I began to blow , quickly increased the fire, where it expanded to the leaves that were there and finally, to the branches.

I fixed my gaze on the rabbit, he seemed to notice and started to fight again, I could see the panic settling on his face, I ground him hard and point my sword.

I could see how his face turned into horror and finally, in acceptance, I raised my arm, and when I was about to go down, I could see something in the rabbit's eyes, as if he saw his life pass before his eyes, I couldn't lower my arm , I was left hanging, staring at the rabbit.

I think I spent a whole minute looking at it, and after that time, I could see the rabbit shift its gaze to me, it seemed curious as to why I hadn't finished it yet, I stared at it, lips tight, before simply relaxing my arm and put it down, put the sword aside and look at the rabbit.

I picked him up and put him on his paws, “I can't”, I muttered and released him, honestly, I expected him to run away, but he stayed, looking at me curiously, I looked at him and gave him a sad smile, “Even if I'm hungry, I don't I can, I see too much intelligence in your eyes, I just can't kill anything intelligent”, I shook my head and fell on my swords.

I looked at the sky for a while, seeing how little by little night was approaching, I began to feel a few touches on my cheek, I turned my head and saw the rabbit, looking at me closely with its big eyes, I raised my hand and caressed its head, I could see how she leaned on my hand as she closed her eyes and relaxed.

A small smile appeared on my face, I caressed him for a while, seeing how he relaxed more and more at my touch, I just enjoyed every moment, his fur was really soft and pleasant to the touch, much more than the rabbits I knew.

I scratched the rabbit's chin and I could see how its paw began to hit the ground hard with pleasure, a giggle escaped me, it instantly opened its eyes and moved away from my touch, I thought I scared it, but I could see that it had pinked on his cheeks, I don't know how I would see it through the fur, but it almost looks like the fur is turning that color.

Considering what I know, “Shame? You don't have to, everyone enjoys a little TLC from time to time”, I said weakly, I could see him snort and look away, almost seeming to understand my words.

I just sighed and looked at the sky, “Can I ask you a question?”, talking to a rabbit, yes, I am definitely losing my sanity, in the corner of my eye, I could see him nodding, “Do you know what kind of meat I can eat? I don't want to eat anything smart if possible”, I turned my head to look at him, he looked at me for a few seconds before nodding and pointing to the side.

I looked where it was pointing and saw the river, at first I was confused, before I knew it, “fish”, I said and the rabbit nodded vigorously, after a few seconds, it hit my face with the palm of my hand, “why not I thought about the fucking fish?”, It's easy food and it's next to my new shelter, plus I have a damn river where I can get water, I have all my needs covered.

I looked at the rabbit and gave him a big smile, "Thank you", he just huffed and looked away embarrassed, I got up from the ground and approached the river, I could see that some fish were falling from the mini waterfall from time to time, that's what It gave me an idea, I took off all my lower clothes and got into the water, walk under the waterfall and wait, I didn't have to wait long for a fish to come directly to me, I grabbed it in the air and I got out of the water, with my food.

I had a smile that ran all over my face, just looking into the eyes of the fish, you can tell that they are absolutely the same as the ones I know.

I got out of the water, with the fish shaking violently, I didn't care, instantly, I pierced the fish with a stick from side to side and put it on the fire, I could see the rabbit on the side, eating a carrot, I raised an eyebrow, He saw me looking at his carrot curiously, he shrugged and pointed to the side, where there were some sprouts, I could tell instantly that they were carrots.

I nodded towards the rabbit and sat down, waiting for the fish to finish cooking, turning it from time to time, I also patted the rabbit, it really felt good to do it, if I remember correctly, there was a scientific study that said that our hands and fingers were very sensitive, so we felt pleasure when feeling things, hence the habit of stroking the fur of animals.

According to the example, if our finger were the size of the earth itself, we could individually feel each house, car and person, surely the animals too, the only thing we would not feel are very small insects.

I shook my head and looked at the sky, noticing that the sun was about to disappear and the moon was beginning to rise, when I noticed this, I could notice something very important, 'The moon and the sun, are they the same size? Not only that, it seemed that the sun looked bigger, much more, at least where I come from it looked smaller', curiosity was killing me, I wondered if the sun was closer now, was it bigger, or something for that matter. style, same with the moon.

I sighed and didn't give it more importance, it was obvious that I wasn't in the same world anymore, heck, maybe not even the same dimension, I took a look at the fish noticing that it wasn't missing much, I'll just have to eat it with my hands, having note that I do not have any type of cover.

I got up, approaching the fish, taking it out of the fire and cutting a part with my sword, I could tell that it was already there by the color of the meat, I went to where I was and sat down, began to eat, taking bites from time to time. When I was taking some thorn out of my mouth, I looked at the rabbit, I could see him looking in one direction, "Go", he directed his gaze towards me, "It seems that you have a home waiting for you, go, don't worry about me, I can manage by myself", He looked at me for a few moments before sighing and nodding.

I started running going in one direction, he stopped just when he was going to get lost in the trees and greeted me with his paw, before continuing on his way, I just continued eating, I already felt the rabbit's lack of presence, but I wouldn't let him It affected me, finishing eating, I put out the fire and went to the cave.

Once inside, I simply collapsed on the floor, today was a very stressful day and fatigue caught up with me quickly, falling asleep almost instantly.

I woke up with the singing of birds, for a moment I seemed to be back in my apartment in disrepair, but I quickly realized that the stone ceiling said something else, I sat up and looked around, realizing that I was still in the cave, 'It wasn't a dream', it was a thought, honestly, I don't know whether to be happy or sad because it wasn't a dream.

I got up slowly, while looking around me, making sure that my cave was safe, when I confirmed it, I just went to the exit, I was hungry and thirsty, when I went out, I drank water directly from the one that fell from the waterfall, even a drop fell fish that catches reflex.

I went to my campfire and prepared everything again, while the fish was cooking, I looked at my sword, I made sure that it was healthy, and when I verified that it was, I began to practice with it, if I am going to be exposed to many creatures Mortals, the best I can think of is to use the sword to defend myself.

I practiced as I could, considering that I didn't know anything, I had to create any use of the sword, at least I know one thing about them, flashy movements generally don't work more than in certain specific situations.

So rather than practicing big cuts, I practiced short movements, taking into account where I would be touching my sword, if it was the tip, I would move my sword in relation to the side of the point that I touched, to provoke a follow-through with my body, thus avoiding anything with which they hit me.

Note that this doesn't take into account objects that connect to the smaller part and then expand out of nowhere, like a table and its leg, if I were to say it, it's a move to use the opponent's find drive, and as long as you use something like a sword, club, spear, etc. If it were a deck, it would hurt me if I didn't set up the move to connect from the side of the deck.

And that was just one of the moves I came up with, I have no idea how useful it is, or if it's really useful, but it's a thought and I'll have to learn from trial and error.

I stopped my practice when I felt that enough time had passed, I checked the fish, noticing that it was already cooked, I started eating while checking around me, the smell could attract some predator, but for now, I wasn't seeing any.

Finishing eating, I threw the bones to one side, where the bones of yesterday's fish were, looking for something for a few seconds, when I saw it, I approached and ripped off one of the carrots, I looked at it from top to bottom, not Noticing nothing wrong, I went to the river to wash it.

When I was done I started to eat it, while munching on the carrot I went back to my sword and strapped it to my belt, making it easy to pull out but I would have to get some scabbard one way or another.

I started walking towards the forest, I needed to go through it to memorize it and have a good idea of the surroundings for anything.

I continued my exploration, leaving the occasional mark to identify the places without getting lost, when I thought I had covered about 1 kilometer around, I stopped and went back to my cave, once there, I began to use some branches and rocks to make tools like I could, something to start a fire with friction would help, I wonder if there are any cotton or jute plants around here, a bit of rope would help.

[Two weeks later]

I pressed my stomach hard on the branch that I was currently on, slowing down my breathing as much as I could, I really hoped that all this mud on my body would cover my smell, I saw how those wolves made of wood passed under me, when the Alpha arrived under me, I let myself fall, plunging my sword into its heart, where its core was located.

As I plunged my sword into it, I could see its glowing green eyes disappear and it became nothing more than dead wood, falling apart.

Before the others could act, I began to plunge my sword into the hearts of the closest ones, and cut off the legs of the furthest away, after just a few moments, I quickly walked away, before I was surrounded by the others.

In just one surprise attack, I was able to eliminate the strongest timber wolf, eliminate several more, and incapacitate the others, leaving me with only 4 more wolves to face that are at full capacity.

When the 4 of them tried to surround me to attack me, I didn't hesitate to go to the loneliest one, the same attempt to bite me to stop me, but I simply slipped across the ground and plunged my sword into his heart, took it out and withdrew, dodging another's jump, my hand moved quickly and with a movement of my sword, I was able to deflect the other to one side, the last one, who was running, I simply jumped him and plunged my sword into his heart.

I had to let go when the wolf's momentum continued and he took the sword, I had no problem with it, grabbing the iron tipped wooden spear that I had on my back, I followed my attack to the other wolves, they tried to attack me at the same time, but just avoid them by going to the side, causing them to crash into each other.

Taking advantage of the moment that they are together and poorly positioned, I plunged my spear into the heart of one, where it continued to the other wolf, impaling it to the ground, I withdrew to the left, avoiding that it could harm me with its claws, and precisely, I stayed next to it. of my sword

I grabbed her and threw her with all the strength of my arm, I could see her spin in the air, before going and nailing the heart of the one that was left, I could finally see how the last pair of green lights in her eyes went out, and there was nothing left but dead wood.

I got up and stretched, I could feel good, lifting the plant shirt I made, seeing many claw marks on my stomach, when I stopped stretching, a tooth mark could be seen on my neck.

I ignored everything and simply went to my sword and raised it, before adjusting it to my belt, one of the few things that remained of my clothes, I went to my spear, I grabbed it and laced it on my back, my backpack was one of the few things I had left undamaged.

I began to walk towards my cave, when something white stopped me, I blinked, somewhat surprised to see the same rabbit that I almost killed when it arrived in front of me, I could see it somewhat nervous, but quite determined.

In that, I heard a voice.

"Angel! Wait!" the voice was heard quite low, I don't know if it was because it was a touch far away, or because it spoke like that, but the fact that I heard another voice made me much more curious, after so long, I'll be talking to another human being.

I could see the bushes shake a bit, before what came out killed all my hope of human contact, since what came out was a bloody colorful pony.

Chapter 2

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I looked in total confusion at the yellow pony in front of me. By itself, it was quite different from all the ponies or horses I knew. Its face was different to some extent. Its eyes were more forward and larger. Its muzzle was more even, and its lips were different, more human I would say.

It has white sclera, which few animals have. Plus, it had a round pupil instead of horizontal or vertical. If I had to say it, this pony has a much more human face than anything I've seen before. Besides the obvious differences with other ponies or horses, this one has yellow fur and a laughing pink mane. Even wings? Does he have wings? How the hell does a pony have wings? It's a damn Pegasus. It's increasingly noticeable that I'm not in my world.

While I was lost in thought, the pony saw me. I could see her pupils shrink to a very small size and her face turn terrified. She even froze in place, her entire body rigid as a board.

I shook my head slowly. Clearly, this pony has never seen a human, so where did the voice from before come from? I looked around, but I couldn't see anything where the voice came from. I just looked at the pony. Clearly, she's terrified.

I'm not sure if it's a male or a female. I would bet on a female, only because of the shape of her eyes and body, but I can't judge without knowing both males and females to define each one.

When I returned to the present, I noticed that some time had passed, but the pony hadn't moved in the slightest. It seemed frozen in place. Its terrified little face was beginning to affect me. I pursed my lips tightly, and finally, I sighed.

I crouched down and shrunk as small as I could and started walking slowly towards the pony. I could see her panic increasing with my approach, but she still didn't move. I could see the rabbit looking between me and the pony, half expectant, half wary.

When I was close enough, I raised my hand and brought it closer to her. I could see how she closed her eyes tightly. I just put my hand on her head and began to caress her between the two ears she had.

I spoke slowly, "Now, now, now, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you." I could see how she began to relax and leaned on my caress. I continued like this for a while until the rabbit came to the side and began to call at the pony's attention. The pony turned her gaze to the rabbit, looking almost dazed.

But a flash of recognition passed through her eyes. I could see the brightness come suddenly, and she opened her mouth. Honestly, I expected a loud neigh, not a soft but stern voice.

"Angel! Don't run away like that again! You don't know how worried you had me," I almost fell in surprise. I didn't expect that pony to speak in the slightest. And thinking about it, his voice sounded the same as the one I had heard before.

I stared at the pony, who seemed to have completely forgotten about me as he scolded the rabbit. He himself was insisting that he pay attention to me, but the pony was too distracted scolding him.

I just stood at my full height, looking closely at the pony. Now that I was close, I could see that her height was up to my stomach. It seemed strange to me. If I was really going to talk to ponies, I would like her height to not be practically at my genitals. It would be very difficult to talk with an erection pointing at them.

Even though I haven't had an erection in the two weeks I've been here... I hope it's because I was too distracted surviving and not because of a problem. I'd really like to have sex... although if there aren't any humans, I don't know if I'll even have the opportunity.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I fixed my attention on the pony. I knew a way to get her attention. I planted my hand on her head and stroked her, “now, now, leave the poor angel alone. He brought you here for something, right?" She closed her eyes and enjoyed the caress while answering absently, "Yessss, youuu'ree riiiggght." She spoke, lengthening the words. She didn't know that ponies enjoyed caresses so much.

I knew that if I continued, she would have her brain in a loop from the caresses, so I stopped. I could see her blink at the stoppage of the sensations before fixing her gaze on me. She looked at me for a few seconds before sound escapes from her, "Ep." She hid behind her mane. No, really, she put her mane in front of her face and hid.

I couldn't help but feel tenderness creeping through my body. even more so when I saw her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, I shook my head and bent down, picking up Angel from the ground. It was good to know that the rabbit's name was Angel, very appropriate because of the color of his fur.

I started stroking him while I waited for the pony's shyness to subside. I knew from experience that it was better to leave the start to them in certain situations. I think this is one of them.

While stroking Angel, I could see how the pony began to relax and looked curiously at the rabbit and me. I ignored that while concentrating on petting Angel. "Uhm," I directed my gaze towards the pony, waiting for her question. "You... can you talk?" I cocked my head. "Yes," I answered simply, refocusing on the caresses I was giving the rabbit.

I saw how Angel relaxed until he almost fell asleep. I couldn't help but smile at that fact. I returned to concentrating on the pony, who was looking between me and the rabbit. "Uh... You... won't you hurt me?" I shook my head. "Not at all. You're the first being I've talked to in 2 whole weeks." Angel decided to kick me for the comment, but I ignored him. He doesn't talk, so it doesn't count.

Just as he was about to kick me again, I started stroking him under the chin, and he quickly forgot everything as he enjoyed the sensation. "Besides, you look like the owner of this beautiful rabbit. I couldn't hurt you because I owe you one," I said. She seemed curious about my words, but didn't say anything.

She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again, repeating this process several times. It seemed like she wanted to say something, but was too shy. I could tell what she intended to say. "Ask. I won't be offended," I said, blushing when caught.

"Could you help me?" her voice grew quieter as she spoke, but the context was clear. "Sure, what do you need help with?" I replied. She looked away and muttered, "I'm lost." I sighed, "Sure, I can help you."

I didn't know how to get out of the forest, but I could help by protecting her. This forest was deadly in some areas, but strangely peaceful in others, except for the timber wolves. Those were dangerous creatures that attacked anything in their path, including certain plants.

"Do you have any reference points to find your home?" I asked. She thought for a few seconds and said, "Well, I know it's 3,000 hooves to the north of a castle in the middle of the forest." I blinked. I had seen the castle, but didn't go near it because the creatures increased in number the closer you got.

If I wasn't mistaken, we were northeast of the castle. "Uh, can you tell me how long your hooves are?" She blushed deeply, but I didn't notice. "It's hard for me to calculate the distance if I don't know how far it is," I said, and then looked understandingly at me. "We-well, from this tree to you, there are 3 hooves," she said, stuttering a bit at first, but I didn't care.

I could see that it was one and a half meters, so two hooves made one meter. We were about 1900 meters from the castle to the northeast. So, if she wanted to go home, it would be about 1800 meters, or 2600 hooves away. "We're around 2600 hooves from your home. Come, I'll take you in the right direction," I said, signaling for her to follow me.

She walked close to me, but not by my side. It seemed like she didn't trust me, but I didn't care. I didn't trust her either. As we walked, I kept an eye on the forest. When a pack of timber wolves comes out, they usually come out all at the same time. It almost seems like they're on a schedule. Although we should be close to the end, there was still a chance of encountering them. While we walked quietly, I continued to pet the rabbit, although he wasn't as relaxed anymore. He kept looking around from time to time. The worst was the pony. She couldn't help turning her head instantly at any noise, and she would shrink in on herself.

She without realizing it, she had stuck to my side. Her side was only centimeters from touching my leg. I left her without any problems, I was very sorry to see her so terrified. Taking that into account, I knew of something that could relax her. I approached the angel's ear and spoke.

" I'll leave you on the pony. Take care of her. She's very nervous, and I think your presence could help her", I said. Angel looked at me and nodded. I lowered him onto the pony's back. For a moment, she seemed scared, but he quickly relaxed. It seemed he recognized the rabbit's weight.

The rabbit, with movements that showed experience, leaned in such a way that its head rested on the pony's. That seemed to comfort the pony, and it was much less nervous. It didn't take us much longer to start leaving the forest.

I noticed it when the trees began to change. It was slight at first, and I hadn't noticed it, but as we walked, we saw how the trees stopped being so dark and began to lighten to a healthy brown. Finally, we left the trees, and I instantly noticed a kind of peasant town. There were few houses, and they were quite spread out. As I could see, everything was made to measure for the ponies. I'm sure I would bump my head with half of the entrances of the doors.

"Well, here we are," I said while stroking her head a bit. I really loved stroking the head of these ponies. Her fur was even more comforting than that of the rabbit or the manticore that I had the privilege of stroking for helping her with the wolves made of wood, if only to return a favor.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts as I refocused on the pony, who looked like she was going to speak. "No...would you like to come in for a cup of tea?" she asked. I was actually going to instantly reply with a resounding no, but I thought about it carefully. Maybe I never liked tea, but the company would be nice. Also, if I formed bonds with someone as shy as her, it might be easier to fit into the society that these ponies have.

Yes, it was definitely the latter, and not because I liked petting her and spending time with the pony. "Not today, but I'll come back one day. May I know which is your house?" I asked. It seemed kind of sad that I refused, but she became happier when I said it could be another day.

She pointed her leg at a wooden house. It was very close to the forest, although it looked more normal. It seems that part was not part of the dangerous forest, but it was connected. I nodded. "I'll come in. Keep in mind that if I come, it will be either just before dawn or when it's getting dark. I don't want to meet other ponies for now," I said. She looked a little sad but seemed understanding and nodded.

It seems that she realized what I was referring to. She may be shy, but freezing to the point that she can't process anything, including my approaching her side, only symbolized how others would react, equally panicked or aggressive.

I preferred to avoid having my existence smeared in such a bad way. Instead, if she is the one who commented on me to the people she trusted, I could slowly approach them without being there. And when I met them, they would be cautious, perhaps threatening, but they wouldn't attack, run, or freeze on the spot, allowing them to get to know me in a much more neutral way.

I gave the pony a smile and turned around. "Have a nice day." As I was walking, I stopped mid-step, thinking of something. I turned around to look at the pony who was still looking at me from the same spot. "Excuse me, but... Umm, what's your name?" She seemed to blink, and a slight smile appeared on her muzzle. "My name is Fluttershy. What's yours?" I looked at her and replied as I walked away, "My name... I don't have one, not one I don't want to forget. So call me Nathaniel." She tilted her head curiously but nodded.

I just went into the forest in the direction of my home. I couldn't let my thoughts revolve all the time. I really wanted to forget my name. Her question reminded me, although it's not her fault, considering that I asked her first for her name.

In the end, I gave them my middle name, one that no one wanted to call me at home because of its meaning, "Gift of God." You can interpret it however you want, but they refused to indirectly tell me that I am anything related to a god in a positive way when they hated me so much and called me a devil or a fallen angel, meaning that I betrayed God with the latter. This doesn't make any sense, considering that I never followed the Bible in any way.

I shook my head quickly, clearing those thoughts. I went back to concentrating on the road. I didn't have the luxury of losing myself in my thoughts in this forest. I can only afford it in my cave, not here, and I won't let myself be killed for it, not like it almost happened to me a week ago.

I walked, watching my recently marked territory, making sure there was no danger in the immediate vicinity. It was a habit that I decided to learn. I did it every 3 hours (except if I'm sleeping) to avoid dangers to my person when I'm exposed.

It didn't take me more than half an hour, and it allowed me to stay physically active. It was really a good idea. Without a gym to go to, it was overwhelming me. Since I loved to have my body the best it could be, with the lack of a gym, I had a lack of exercise that got on my nerves. Thanks to this, I could replace it in a certain way, preventing me from getting anxious.

It also helped that I could think calmly during walks. It kept my mind busy and my body healthy. It was one of my best ideas.

My happiness practically evaporated as I was forced to jump back to dodge a sudden attack. I couldn't quite do it and paid for it with a clawed paw going across my stomach. I clenched my teeth and cleared my thoughts, concentrating on the creature that attacked me. At first, I thought it was a wolf, but I quickly realized that no wolf had eyes that green, and these were made of wood.

One thing that, if kept from the wolves, was that they attacked in a pack, and this wolf was not alone. I could see that there were two others next to him, and I'm sure I heard some noise through the bushes. I couldn't help but get nervous, but I stayed tuned.

I really wanted them to attack first, but they're smart enough to know that I'll end up bleeding out like I am right now, and it's in their best interest to wait, leaving me with no choice but to "ATTACK!" I yelled as I jumped in the direction of the nearest.

I took advantage of the brief moment of surprise from my scream and the instant attack to cut the head off in one fell swoop. A smile appeared on my face, but it vanished when the wolf still tried to attack me with its claws. My eyes widened as I crouched down, narrowly dodging those claws.

I backed away quickly and looked at the others, but I paid special attention to the wolf that had literally had its head cut off. I could see that it was still standing and moving aimlessly, but it was still alive. My gaze fixed on its head on the ground, seeing how its green eyes were still active and looking directly at me. It gave me a brief shudder, but I didn't give it any importance. I cared more about knowing why it was still alive.

I concentrated on the others who were still standing. The wolf could still be alive, but it had no head, so it was incapacitated. Instantly, I began my attack on the other two wolves, running towards them. I kept in mind that they were preparing to jump, and as soon as they did, I crouched down and slipped under them.

I raised my sword and the key up, impaling one of the wolves from side to side. I held the sword as tightly as I could and did not let it slip out of my hands. I could see how the wolf was cut from side to side, from the neck towards the tail.

I quickly got up and defended myself from the other wolf, which attacked me as soon as I landed. I tightened my grip on the sword and slashed as hard as I could, ripping off both its legs and muzzle at the same time. I could see how its eyes seemed to open, even though it had no eyelids. It fell directly to the ground, without any balance.

I fixed my gaze on the one that I had cut in half, noticing that he was still alive from the movements he was making. In that moment, something green caught my attention right where his heart should have been. There was a kind of seed that glowed with a green light. Frowning, an idea crossed my mind.

I approached the wolf whose legs and muzzle I had cut off, and I plunged my sword into its heart, where the seed was. I could see how the brightness disappeared from its green eyes, and its body proceeded to turn into nothing more than wood, collapsing in on itself.

That's when I realized what kept them alive no matter what. I didn't know what that seed was, but it certainly wasn't normal. I went to the other wolf that I had cut in half and proceeded to plunge my sword into its seed. The same thing happened to it as with the other wolf, it became nothing more than a pile of sticks and wood.

As I was about to go for the last wolf, I heard a noise that made me jump. I managed to avoid a completely different timber wolf that had been hiding in the bushes. Without hesitation, I hit him with the flat of my sword, sending it falling to the side. Before it could recover, I plunged my sword into its heart.

A smile dawned on my face when I saw how its eyes stopped glowing green, falling dead. However, that smile didn't last much longer when I felt a pair of teeth digging into my neck as the wolf threw me to the ground, causing my sword to come loose from my hand.

Without hesitating, I used both hands to grab its muzzle, preventing it from exerting more force on my neck. Its teeth were already sunk in, and I was bleeding from my stomach. My sword had flown out of my hand because I wasn't prepared for the attack.

I fixed my gaze on the wolf and instantly noticed the marks of a cut on his neck. It was the damn wolf that had cut off his head, and he had somehow restored it. I fixed my gaze where it had been before, and his previous head was nowhere to be seen. That made me narrow my eyes in disbelief. He had literally brought his head back together.

I grabbed with all my strength and tried to separate his teeth from my neck, but the bastard had a lot of strength, and mine was diminishing due to the loss of blood. All the previous movements had cost me dearly, leaving me with little strength. And now, when I needed it the most, I didn't have it.

I clenched my teeth tight and made sure to maintain my strength however I could. I was determined to ensure his teeth didn't dig any deeper into my flesh. If he damaged a major vein in my neck, I would pronounce myself dead, as there was no medical attention available in the forest.

But I knew I couldn't keep this up. Sooner or later, the wound in my stomach would leave me dry, which would kill me anyway. I had no choice but to get the wolf off me, or I would die no matter what else I did.

Concentrating every ounce of force I could, I exerted it on my arms. A growl escaped from my mouth while little by little, I pulled his teeth out of my neck. I could see that he noticed the effort and tried to exert more force. But I didn't stop my movement or slow down too much.

My teeth were clenched so tightly that I was sure they would break at any moment. Finally, I managed to get the teeth out of my neck, but I had almost no strength left. At this point, I was just holding him off my neck, but it wouldn't take long for me to bleed out even more. Leaving me without the strength to resist.

I could practically see my whole life flash before my eyes in that moment. Rage invaded me for the life I had lived. I could never be out of danger. If it wasn't because of bullying or cruel comments, it was because I had to fight to live. First, it was psychological, then financial, and now, I had to fight physically to avoid being killed.

I was fed up!, I'M FED UP!, "¡I'M DAMN FED UP!", My voice came out like a roar, a force that I didn't know I had. It surged through my entire body. Without realizing it, I had lifted the wolf from its head and had it lying in the air. With a moment of inspiration, I threw it with all my strength into a tree.

I could see it go through several trees before stopping on the ground. I panted heavily, feeling like shit. I really felt tired at that moment. The loss of blood, the effort given, and that final strength had tired me beyond my limit. I did not know how I had not fainted.

In that moment, I heard a twig snap. I turned my head to look. It was the same wolf that I had pulled. I clenched my teeth, at the moment of inspiration, forgetting that these wolves do not die if the seed they have in their hearts is not destroyed.

"Damn it," I murmured tiredly. I no longer had the energy to even walk, much less fight the timber wolf. I could see it approaching slowly. It looked really damaged, its entire wooden body was full of cracks, many parts were missing pieces of wood, and it had a big dent on the left side of its face.

for all his damage, I couldn't prevent a smile from appearing on my face. At least I had given everything to pay. Just when I gave up, I saw something come out from behind the wolf, but it itself hadn't noticed.

It seemed almost content to slowly approach me, to announce its victory, only to have a great sting take away all its dreams, piercing its heart. I could see the light in its eyes quickly disappear, while the manticore behind the wolf, looked gloating as it watched it turn into a pile of wood.

I could see how its gaze fixed on me and analyzed the state I was in. I just stared at the manticore. It gave me a nod and pointed to a plant next to me. I took a look and turned my gaze to the manticore, who was retiring.

I saw its back disappear. With that, I found out two curious facts. first, it seems that timber wolves were enemies of all organic animals in the forest, and second... manticores have very small penises for the size of their bodies.

That was a memory that I made sure to record in my head, although the data was really interesting. I found a lot of creatures, and almost all of them had their private parts very exposed, to the point that it was impossible not to see them from time to time.

It turned out that almost all the males had a very small penis compared to their body, although I did not encounter any females. I was not interested in seeing them either. I was mainly with males since they were the ones that walked the most in my territory.

I quickly turned my head, clearing my thoughts about the penises of other species. I only went back to my memory. Although there wasn't much else to remember, it turned out that the plant that the manticore pointed out to me was a very good wound insulator and disinfectant for it. Don't ask how, because I don't have the slightest idea either. But it was that plant that prevented my death from bleeding to death.

Although I rested for two whole days to recover 100%, only eating fish and carrots. Although the scars remained, I did not give them importance. I used them as a reminder that I had to pay attention to the details, both around me and of my fallen enemies.

I did not want to go through the same thing again. That feeling of desperation to live was not good. As a friend of mine said at the gates of death, "death is not bad, it is surviving it and living with its consequences of almost dying".

One may or may not understand those words. Few people will, but I am one of the few who would not wish to have the privilege of knowing their meaning. Those 2 days of recovery were a bitch of constant pain and feeling totally powerless.

For someone like me, who is used to having my body as strong as possible, it is really stressful to feel weak, in addition to all the possible psychological damage that you incur without realizing it.

I noticed mine quite quickly. I developed a very deep hatred for those wolves. I noticed it when my movements to get rid of them were excessively aggressive. By this, I mean that I tortured several timber wolves before killing them.

I would cut off their legs, head, tail, expose their seed, and crush it with my foot... Yes, something psychological definitely took hold of me.

The good thing is that I caught on quickly, and when I did, I was able to progress to not torturing them, just killing them on sight.

Although if I found their tracks in my territory, I would follow them to their lair and kill them.

I quickly noticed that I was approaching my cave, but instead of a smile, a frown was what appeared on my face. I took my sword from my belt and retraced my steps, hiding myself with the foliage.

I looked carefully around, confirming what I thought I had seen. traces of a timber wolf. Its traces were very obvious, its legs were more claws than paws, so they marked the ground a lot. I could see that they were going all around and heading towards some bushes.

Knowing the timber wolves, they would not stay in a fixed place to wait for prey, they are constantly hunting. But I could notice the green eyes in the bushes, they camouflage very well, but their eyes always seem to be a species of auras in constant movements, and you just have to see how different that rhythm is in the bushes.

There's only one situation I can think of where they're waiting for prey, and it's nothing more than revenge.

I tried to think of when I would leave any Timber Wolves alive and quickly realized, timber wolves that I incapacitate after I kill the alpha today, I never finished killing them.

However, now they were here, attempting to set me up. I couldn't help but shake my head at their stupidity. Timber wolves are really unintelligent and have little intelligence, to the point that they don't even notice the trail they leave behind.

They had investigated the area to find the best place to ambush me, but they didn't consider the traces they would leave. It seemed like they were just following some kind of sketchy protocol.

Climbing the tree next to me, I began to pass from branch to branch until I reached the top of the wolves. I took the spear from my back, and with both my sword and my spear in different hands, I let myself fall, driving the points of both weapons into the hearts of the two timber wolves.

I had thought that I had incapacitated more of them, but it could be because I had cut off two legs from each of them. I watched emotionlessly as they turned into nothing more than pieces of dry wood. I stared at the pieces for a few seconds and realized something. "Heh, looks like I have wood for a while now," I muttered, a small smile spreading as I spoke. It appeared that I had found something useful for timber wolves.

I sat in my cave, staring at my hands. I had been ignoring this for a long time, but I could no longer forget it. I didn't want to add to the belief that I am a demon, even if those who called me that no longer existed around me. I shook my head, I had to face this.

I couldn't keep ignoring the strange facts. First of all, my arrival here was not normal at all, and if we add to that the fact that I was totally unharmed, it gets even stranger.

But what unleashed all doubts, was my instantaneous 130+ meter run, I didn't count 70 because I fell and dragged myself the rest of the way, also the fact that I went through a tree.

My accelerated healing healed the splinter puncture, my damaged muscles, my bruises, my cuts, heck, my blood loss. It takes about four to six weeks for red blood cells to replace, but they did it in two days. Not for a small loss either, I'm sure I lost about 3 liters, too much blood if I'm honest. Considering that half of the total is 2.75, that loss is practically certain death.

But for me, it wasn't. I recovered in two days. TWO DAMN DAYS. I clenched my teeth in frustration. I was really angry about this. How shall I say it? Others will say it's a blessing, and I won't deny that it's a dangerous place. Healing from any wound quickly would be a blessing. But for me, it's not. With so many bad memories and traumas that I carry on my back, this only strengthens that, deteriorating my mind.

My problems were never physical. They were and always will be mental. The only reason I worked so hard on this body was simple. A strong mind requires a strong body.

I stopped for a moment, an idea floating in my head. "I... had stopped getting stronger because I couldn't heal fast enough from the damage I did to myself by exercising. Few exercises also allowed me to damage my muscles, the damage being very large from the strength of my muscles. Now, with this healing, I will be able to recover from those damages. I will be able to continue strengthening myself, and a strong body is a strong mind." My eyes shone, having a goal to work towards.

I took a deep breath and relaxed. I still had unknowns and pending thoughts. First of all, where did that force come from that I used to remove the timber wolf from my neck? How the hell, in the state I was in, was I able to throw it through several trees?

That force seemed to resurface from within me, reacting to my emotions. Even if it was adrenaline, adrenaline does not give you more strength. oxygenates the muscles, allowing better functionality, but it does not give more strength. And I did not have the strength to throw the wolf that way.

I can think of releasing the limit that my brain imposes on my muscles, since if the muscles contracted at their maximum force, they would break any of our bones to pieces, and that obviously did not happen.

My bones were intact. The only problem I had after that day was weakness due to blood loss. No pain, just blood loss. My wounds fully healed about an hour later, and the blood loss took a ridiculously short time to recover, compared to what it normally takes.

Taking all that into account, I can summarize my new abilities into five things: super regeneration, monstrous resistance that comes with regeneration, abnormal physical resistance (taking into account that I went through a tree without being damaged, although I haven't had that resistance again since then), a force that comes out of nowhere and doesn't hurt me in the slightest, and a kind of super speed that I haven't had since the first time.


'Yeah, I definitely wasn't normal before. Now I'm even less normal'.

I slapped myself, concentrating on putting my traumas aside for now. I didn't want their pressure now.

I had to figure out how to take advantage of each of those things. Obviously, I already had an idea for the first two, but the other three, I have no idea how I did it. For now, I would focus on what I knew, but since I couldn't ignore the rest, I'll add a meditation routine. If I could bring out the feeling of strength somehow, it would help a lot in my Timber Wolf hunts. Plus, meditating will help strengthen my mind, and I really need it if I want to overcome my past traumas.

"I really hope that this new environment will help me forget my past, even if it's only because of my need to survive".

I stood and stared at the bottom of my cave. 'Now, how do I get small but heavy rocks? And a branch strong enough for its weight? It was already very difficult to make that steel tip for the spear, but without tools, I won't be able to make a metal one... AHHH SHIT... this will be more difficult than I thought.' I pursed my lips in a thin layer of frustration.

[A week later]

"Seventeen, Eighteen, nine-TEEN, TWE-GRRR, GO-TWENTY," I dropped the giant rock without hesitation. I couldn't help but lean on my own knees while breathing rapidly. Squatting with a weight of 600 kilos is not easy. After a few seconds, I let myself fall on the floor, relaxing my muscles. I could already feel the old heat of my body from the exercise, and that made me smile.

My body was exceeding its limits again. I was getting stronger, and that always brought a smile to my face. I relaxed on the ground, enjoying the nature that surrounded me, listening to the songs of the birds and the sounds of other animals roaming the area.

Even a forest as deadly as this is full of normal animals, such as deer, rabbits, ducks near the rivers or a lake not far away. Although there was the occasional abnormal duck, one that had a kind of snake tail from what I saw, he would turn anything to stone just by looking into his eyes, which is something I never risked.

There were also normal and abnormal snakes. The normal ones are like the ones I know at home, in a great variety, but the abnormal ones are usually the ones with enormous size, or ones that could transform their skin like a chameleon. Another could even spit venom with exaggerated precision, even its poison was transparent and odorless.

I learned it the hard way when one tried to hunt me down, but with my current regeneration, the poison metabolized and I became immune in less than 5 minutes.

Even though I had colitis non-stop for those 5 minutes, that's what ruined my pants of home, believe me, that stuff is left with a rotten smell, even if I wash it every day, like 10 times, it never smells good.

there is always some smell, maybe it is due to my lack of a cleaning product, another may be that the poison has changed the composition of my shit, another may be due to the change in my metabolism, since I arrived and began to notice that every time I need to go to the bathroom less.

Pooping became a 4 day thing, and peeing has almost disappeared at this point, I think my body started to process what it couldn't before, getting less and less wasteful in energy and food use, even my fat began to disappear, leaving nothing but muscles, I used to have little fat, now I'm practically muscle after muscle.

Although my size hasn't increased, heck, my muscles haven't increased in size, they just seem firmer and firmer, but I haven't lost flexibility, it's very weird, but I'm not going to complain about not going to the bathroom, it's kind of annoying to do that we have all become accustomed to doing.

From what I know about biology, what we pee are dead cells with water, but I pee less and less, I haven't peed for 6 days, what occurs to me is that my cells die less, but that would not make sense, with my rapid healing, it is that the cells are replaced much faster, so they are generated much faster, but I do not pee more, if not, less, then my body must be learning to reuse the cells in some way, either by converting them into energy, or using them elsewhere.

And I learned all this day after day, I have nothing to analyze my body, other than my own experience and my knowledge of biology, but I can't go very deep either, my knowledge ends in high school, I have no university knowledge, and even so I don't remember everything from high school.

I shook my head, with a tired sigh, calculating the dates, I could discern that there is about a month and a few days left until my birthday, the worst day of my life, the day I lost all my loved ones, and where my life began ostracism.

I just sighed and got up from the ground, I was lying there for a long time while I got into my thoughts, it was time to go to a place that I had been avoiding for a few days, I will take the opportunity to go now, that it is getting dark.

I fixed my gaze in one direction.

Chapter 3

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I couldn't help but fidget. I was looking at Fluttershy's house from the woods next door, but I didn't feel like going out. It's not something I like to admit, but I felt really sorry to go now. I had let six days go by before coming. Would she have forgotten about me? Would she be watching for my appearance?

I shook my head quickly, clearing my thoughts. I was being irrational and I knew it, but my paranoia was getting the best of me.

I took a deep breath, exhaling all the air in one go, and repeated the process about three more times.

When I finished, I had already calmed down. I wasn't so nervous anymore, just a feeling crawling under my skin. But it wasn't too strong. With enough courage, I started heading towards Fluttershy's house, only to throw myself on the ground.

I fixed my gaze on the sky where I saw something fly directly to Fluttershy's house. Whatever it was, it left a rainbow in the sky that disappeared instantly.

Almost within seconds, it crashed into the door of Fluttershy's house. I don't know how the door took that blow, but I focused more on the fact that it was another Pegasus that crashed into the door. This one was totally light blue, but her mane was really striking, being rainbow-colored. I could see her rubbing her head while looking at the door.

At that, it opened, and Fluttershy came out. Her worried face was seen when she looked at the new pony, practically talking to her constantly. She couldn't hear anything from where she was, but she seemed worried about the blow that had taken place.

The Pegasus just shook his hoof as if to say that he was fine as he spoke. Since I couldn't hear anything, I didn't know what they were saying. I just watched them talk for a few minutes before Fluttershy reached for something inside and gave it to him. It seemed like a small package and had a drawing of a turtle on it.

No, it was definitely a turtle. I could see how they said goodbye, rubbing their heads together before it flew off in one direction. Fluttershy only stared at it for a few seconds before entering her house. I looked where the blue one had gone for a few seconds, making sure he didn't come back.

When I was sure he wouldn't come back, I headed towards the house, standing in front of the door for a few seconds before raising my arm and knocking on the door three times.

I started to hear their hooves against the wood. My anxiety went up to a thousand at this point. I hadn't run away simply because I resisted it. Now that I think about it, being too close to the door could give Fluttershy a scare. Yes, one step to others, no, make it two. Better yet, three. How about four? I think...

I couldn't take my fifth step when Fluttershy opened the door and saw me walking backwards. I couldn't help but look at her like a trapped deer. She just blinked, and recognition crossed her face. "Oh, you came!" Her voice radiated happiness, and her face turned into a cute expression of happiness.

That took away all my nervousness and made me step into reality. I hadn't realized that a memory was settling in reality, and her reaction, so different from her, took me out of it.

A smile appeared on my face, and I approached her. As my greeting to her, I put my hand between her ears and began to caress her. I could see how she relaxed from her and her brain proceeded to restart multiple times. My smile only widened, but it disappeared when she relaxed so much that she fell to the floor.

I looked at her for a few seconds, blinking stupidly as I saw the yellow pony asleep on the floor. I saw how an angel peeked out from the side. She saw Fluttershy and me and greeted us with a paw.

I waved back, "Hello angel, I think my touch has the power to put ponies to sleep," I said while looking at Fluttershy. The angel only snorted, but I could feel that she was half in agreement.

I looked at Fluttershy for a few more seconds before speaking. "Well, I may be socially inept, but I'm not stupid enough to not see that leaving someone lying on the ground in front of their own front door is rude." I said as I reached down and picked Fluttershy up in a bridal fashion with no problem.

Sure, she wasn't light, but for my body, her weight was nothing. If I were to say it, she weighed like 90 kilos, considering her slim figure, it would make sense.

Now, before anyone misunderstands, please don't look at her body like that. Just notice that she seems to have a different figure than the ponies I know, thinner.

I entered Fluttershy's house and closed the door behind me. Although I almost hit my head on entering, I quickly noticed a sofa. I approached and gently laid Fluttershy there. I got up to my full height and turned around, my pupils visibly shrinking at the sight of a fuckyng bear inches from my face.

The only reason I didn't throw a right hook was because I saw Angel on his shoulder. Considering that, I just raised my hand and rested it on the bear's head. "There, chill buddy, she's just asleep." The bear relaxed from my touch and returned my affection with a lick of my hand.

A small smile appeared on my face. I fixed my gaze on Angel, who was looking enviously at the bear. I simply shook my head and caressed his chin. His gaze quickly went blank, staring at nothing, only concentrating on the pleasure of my fingers... that sounded bad, especially because it's an animal, outside society, I'm not zoophilic... Heh.

A little giggle escaped me, waking Angel up, but he didn't shy away from the caresses. He just looked away embarrassed, but still leaning on my hands.

I took my hands off both animals, "Well, I'm just visiting, and I don't want to leave Fluttershy asleep there. Do you have any way to wake her up gently?" The bear and the rabbit looked at each other for a few seconds before looking back at me and nodding simultaneously.

I gave them a smile and stepped back, watching as the bear approached Fluttershy and began to rub against her side, while Angel rubbed against the side of her muzzle, which I assumed was her cheek.

I noticed Fluttershy's eyelids twitching, and she murmured sleepily, "I'm coming." Both the bear and the rabbit walked away, and Fluttershy turned around, only to fall face down on the floor. "Ow, I wasn't in my bed this time", she muttered through the floor.

I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh, but I couldn't hold it in, and a giggle escaped, drawing Fluttershy's attention instantly. She raised her head and fixed her gaze on me, and I just gave her an amused smile. I could see her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

I reached over and offered her a hand. She looked at it and put her hoof on it, and with a jerk, she was lifted off the ground. "When did I fall asleep?" she wondered. I gave her a sheepish smile and waited, and she blinked and started to blush. "Oh," was all I needed to know that she remembered.

Besides the embarrassment that was written all over her face, and I mean all over her face, she was so red I don't know how she didn't turn into a tomato.

"Yes, sorry about that. I don't know why the strong reaction to caresses, but I'm not going to comment on it," she looked away but said nothing about my words. "Sit down, I'll make the tea," I nodded and walked over to the table. I instantly noticed that it was too small for me, but I sat in the lotus position, allowing myself to be a good height above the table.

I waited a bit, mainly seeing Angel and Bear talk? I guess? If they were making noises to each other, they seemed to be having a conversation, even though I understood absolutely nothing of what they were saying.

I focused on Fluttershy as she came out of what I guessed was the kitchen. Honestly, I wondered how a pony would bring the tea. I couldn't see it. I got confused at that moment, but the next second, I noticed a detail. On her back, there was a teapot and two cups. I couldn't help but blink stupidly. They were very well balanced. Heck, it almost looked like the cups followed her movements.

As she got to the table, simply with a movement of her hips and a little help from her wings, she perfectly placed the cups on the table. I stared at my cup before moving my gaze to Fluttershy's cup, and then resting my gaze on the kettle.

I didn't know what to think... Although it made some sense. Otherwise, how the hell do they carry teacups? Or any other object? I supposed they have things adapted to them, but there is a limit.

Although I wondered why the cup had a handle, considering that they don't have fingers to grip. In fact, how do they grip it?

I instantly fixed on Fluttershy, seeing that she was finishing her tea, deciding to bring up some topic of conversation until I could see her raise her cup, I spoke, "Considering the amount of animal stuff you have, besides a bear, I guess that you take care of animals?”, she hummed affirmatively.

"Yes, I take care of all kinds of animals", I looked at her curiously, "So are you a veterinarian?", she thought for a second, "I think you can say that, anyone who brings their pet, or calls me because they have a problem , I'll help”, I shook my head, “Do you get paid?”, she huffed.

“No, why would they want me to be paid to help a poor little animal?”, I shook my head, “So what do you live for? How do you get food for each of the animals? How do you get your medicines? Wood for their homes? Among other things”, she looked at me for a few seconds.

He looked away and began to pour tea as he spoke, “Well, I get paid by the town to keep some animals out of there, to prevent food theft, or widespread destruction, I also make sure nothing happens to Everfree Forest without let us find out”, I stared at her in confusion, “Everfree Forest?”, she blinked, “The forest where we met, where you seem to live”.

I nodded in her direction, it was good to know the name of the forest, “Uh, I didn't know its name, I always called it forest for simplicity”, I shrugged, “How did you find out that you like animals so much? Up to this point?", she blinked, "The story of my mana mark?", I blinked in confusion, "mana mark?", she pointed at her butt, I had never bothered to look. .

I could see immediately that there was some kind of marking on her, three butterflies with pink wings and a blue body. I was really confused. "Hmm, I've never noticed that before," I said. She looked at me confused. "Don't you pay attention to mana marks?" I shook my head. "I didn't know what they were. Besides, in my culture, that area is considered private, and looking at it can be seen as disrespectful, especially when it comes to women." She blinked. "Women?"

Right, she's a pony. I think the correct term is "mares". "Looking at mares in that area can be considered offensive," I clarified. She looked at her own marking and then at me again, blushing a little. "Well... looking at mana marks is no problem, but staring without comment, or ignoring them, can be considered rude."

I nodded, and mentally noted this fact. She finished serving both of us and sat down in front of me. Before she went for her own cup, she asked, "You don't know about mana marks. Why is that?" My hand went to my neck, and I started rubbing it. "Where I come from, we don't have them." She tilted her head. "Where do you come from?" I stared at the ceiling. "Well... I don't know. I ended up here because of a multicolored ball that absorbed me. I don't know if I'm on the same planet, in another dimension, or in the past or future. Heck, none of those options may be correct." I shook my head with a sigh.

She seemed worried when I mentioned the multicolored ball, but I didn't care. I picked up the teacup and took a small sip. I'd never liked tea, so I wasn't expecting much, but when I tasted it, my eyes widened.

I put the cup down and stared at her, "Is there something wrong with the tea?" I looked up to see her constantly changing her gaze from the tea to me, looking worried. I shook my head, "No... just that you make delicious tea, Fluttershy," I said as I got back up and took another sip.

I wasn't lying, it was the first time I had a tea that I actually liked a lot. She looked relieved before picking up the tea and taking a sip. I stared at her, completely confused. She had grabbed the tea with her hoof, but it didn't get caught on anything, and she lifted it without any problems...

I made a mental note to ask her about it later. There were more important things to talk about. "Well, although I have questions, you probably have some too, so let's do something. You ask me a question, and then I'll ask you one in return." She nodded in agreement and thought for a second.

"Uhm, why are you living in Everfree?" she asked. I shrugged, "That's where I ended up when I got here. I found a shelter and settled there. I've been fishing and eating forest fruit to survive, and I also find some vegetables from time to time." She blinked, "Do you eat meat?" I nodded, mentally hitting myself for forgetting that ponies are herbivores.

She looked at me for a bit before speaking, "Um, have you eaten any small animals?" I shook my head, "Not since I got here," I said. "Just fish." She nodded, seeming relieved. I thought for a few seconds about the rabbit, looking at it from the side.

"Angel, can you come over?" I called to him. He raised his head and looked at me, seeming to consider it before nodding and coming closer. I picked him up and rested him on my chest. "Fluttershy," I called, making her pay attention to me. "When I arrived, I was going to eat an animal that I found. It was the first I had found, and it was drinking water in a river," she tilted her head, curious, I think. It seemed different, but I am a social pariah. I did not know how to differentiate what she felt, not perfectly at least.

"That animal was Angel," I said, raising her arms under his arms. She seemed perturbed for a few seconds, but then she looked at Angel and then back at me, considering. He was alive. I didn't speak and just waited.

"I was really going to. I even raised a sword to decapitate him instantly and not let him suffer," I said weakly. Angel looked at me and leaned on me strongly.

I didn't continue instantly. She looked at me and then at Angel before speaking, "So... why didn't you? Although I'm glad you didn't." I sighed and ignored the rest of her words.

"Because... I couldn't," I said as I picked up Angel and turned him to stare at us. "I saw a lot of intelligence in those eyes. I didn't see a stupid animal like I can see with fish. I saw a living being with a certain level of consciousness and intelligence, and I couldn't do it," I said as I put Angel on my legs and started to caress him.

With the other hand, I raised the tea and drank some. The tea was really good. If it weren't for the fact that I know how to drink tea, I would be drinking it like it was water.

I looked at Fluttershy and said, "The favor that Angel did for me in the forest was to show me what meat I could eat without killing any intelligent animal. He pointed out the fish, and then I started to eat it." Fluttershy looked at me, then at Angel, and back at me before shaking her head. "That doesn't matter," she said, and I became confused.

"Why doesn't it matter?" I asked. I had just mentioned that I almost killed her pet, and now she was telling me that it didn't matter? She quickly followed up with her response.

"In the end, nothing happened. So, there's nothing to worry about. Just don't eat anything intelligent, and you'll never have a problem with me. I understand that carnivorous creatures need to eat," she said weakly as she took a sip of tea.

I could see the sadness in her eyes. As an animal keeper, she had likely seen many of them not return or be eaten by other animals that she cares for. It's the natural cycle and a necessary evil. If all carnivores were to disappear, herbivores would eat and reproduce endlessly, eventually killing all plant life by eating it, leaving it dry and without food, causing its death, and the extinction of all life on the planet.

I gave her a sad smile, showing all my teeth, including my fangs. She noticed them but didn't flinch or comment. She just wrote it down to herself. "Well, let's move on to happier topics, or at least, not such bad ones," I said as I lowered Angel, who went over to Fluttershy.

"Considering that you asked three questions, I would have to ask you three. But, since they were related and an important topic for you, I'm not going to mention them and I will leave them as one," I said while nodding to myself. "Going back in time, how did you discover that you would like to take care of animals? How did you get your mana mark like you said?" She nodded and replied.

"Well, I was supporting a race between my friend and... an acquaintance. My wings were never very strong or balanced, so with the wind generated at the beginning of the race, I fell out of the clouds," I blinked. "Wait, clouds?" She nodded. "Yes, being a Pegasus, we have the ability to step on clouds as if they were solid ground." I looked at her. "Then they can also manipulate them," im said it as a fact.

She nodded, "Yes, Pegasi can control the weather." I shook my head. "Pick up where you left off." She nodded. "Well, the thing is, I barely caught my fall. I caught myself before I hit the ground, but I still hit it hard. It made me a little dizzy and I couldn't get back up." I nodded. It looked like she had a mild concussion.

"The animals began to get closer. At first, I wanted to push them away, but I quickly began to get along with them. I realized that I understood them very easily. I got along so well that without realizing it, I had found my destiny, causing the appearance of my mana mark," she cocked her head. "How does the mark appear?" She shrugged. "I don't know. It only appears when someone has found their destiny, their vocation, what they enjoy doing and are good at it." I nodded, taking in the explanation.

She blinked and said, "Sorry if my final answer is a bit confusing... I didn't learn it myself. A friend of mine told me. She's very intellectual," I chuckled, "You mean a bookworm?" She snorted a little, "Well, yes. I didn't mean it like that." I shook my head, "Don't worry, I'm a bit like that too. Many times, people don't understand what I'm explaining because I'm very technical and assume that everyone knows what I know, leaving gaps." Fluttershy only nodded, although I could feel her strange look.

I nodded, "Your turn to ask." She blinked and thought for a few seconds. She turned her gaze back to me and spoke, "Did you have a pet?" I gave her a smile. I knew she would ask that sooner or later. "I had two in the past, at different times - a male cat and a female cat," I said with a nostalgic smile. It was one of the few things that left my life as it should have.

She gave me a sad smile, "Did they have a good life?" I nodded as I kept looking into space, remembering my cats, remembering how many problems each one gave me, especially the female. Yes, the male was much calmer in every way.

The one that I miss the most was the male, since he was there the longest, and he was there for me during my worst moments. Thinking about it, it almost seemed that they had much higher consciousness and intelligence.

I shook my head. It wasn't time to remember the past. I fixed my gaze on Fluttershy, "Well, it's my turn again." I scratched my chin, thinking of what I could ask. Something occurred to me. "How does your society work?" Fluttershy tilted her head. "In what way?" I sighed.

I knew it was a complicated question, so I would ask more specific things. "You know, what kind of money they use, what the ponies are like, who rules, etc." I said, waving my hand to highlight each part.

She nodded and thought for a few seconds, "Well, money is bits, like a gold coin," she said, putting her hoof on her hair and rummaging around a bit. She pulled out a small bag, untied it with her teeth, and tossed a coin at me. I caught it and examined it. I instantly noticed what looked like four ponies: two flying and two on the ground. The flying ones were crossed, and behind each one, there was a sun and a moon.

The other two ponies below were noticeably smaller with a mark on the back of each one. The one on the left had a star with four smaller stars around it, and the one on the right was a big heart with two strange things. I had no idea what they were.

I turned the coin and on the other side were simply the four symbols: the moon, the sun, the star, and the heart, all surrounding a number. I think it was a 1, But I'm not sure why another language appears.

I turned my gaze to the other side and took a good look at the ponies. I frowned when I noticed something. They were different from Fluttershy. Although the four of them had wings, they also had horns. Winged unicorns? The Pegacorn, also called Alicorns, do they exist here? What a coincidence.

I nodded and tossed the coin back to Fluttershy, fitting it into her coin sack. me made a fist under the table in celebration. She looked at the sack and back at me for a few seconds before shaking her head.

“They look like some interesting coins,” I said without mentioning the Alicorns yet. She nodded and tucked the sack back into her mane. “What else was it?” she asked me. I kindly replied, “It's, how ponies are and who rules.” She felt and thought a little.

"Well... I'm not sure if I'm the best example to talk about what ponies are like, but from my experience, I would say that everyone is friendly. However, customs vary a lot from town to town. For example, the ponies here and those from Canterlot have different customs," she said, I gestured for him to continue.

"The ponies here are much more relaxed. Almost everyone knows each other, and they don't worry much about anything other than finding a partner, making a good amount of bits, and living their lives," I agreed. That's how most humans were.

"In Canterlot, things are different. The majority of those who live there are nobles or someone important in a certain way. They are very wealthy ponies, and they almost always wear clothes. There are many glamorous parties, but it's also the most xenophobic city there is," she said, shaking her head as she remembered past experiences.

I was very curious and asked, "What do you mean by xenophobic?" She sighed and said, "Most of the nobles and citizens of the city are unicorns. That's why they come to despise the other two types of ponies there are, the Pegasi like me, but mainly Earth ponies."

I cocked my head and asked, "What difference does it make if they have horns? I find it much more interesting that you can control the weather."

She sighed and said, "Unicorns can use magic." I blinked in confusion. Real magic? "What do you mean by magic?" I asked.

She looked surprised, but then she blinked in understanding and replied, "Well, you know, magic. Lifting objects from a distance, teleporting, turning one thing into another, or summoning things out of thin air with the use of mana." I stared at her, stunned.

I processed everything she said at a slow pace, trying to understand it. Slowly, I came to a consensus. 'Well... that's unfair. Great, but unfair', I thought, shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

"You mentioned three types of ponies in total, the terrestrial ones, the Pegasi and the unicorns, but the bit contained one more species, one that had wings and a horn," she agreed, "Yes, they are called Alicorns and they are the princesses of the nation,” I blinked, “Princesses, so who's the king and queen?”

She blinked, "None, it's the princesses who reign, mainly Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, being co-rulers, they are also the two who reside in Canterlot." I looked at her, trying to comprehend, "So... there are no kings or queens, and there are four princesses who rule, with two being the main rulers and two being secondary?"

She shook her head, "Two main ones, one secondary, and the other rules in the Crystal Kingdom," she blinked before sighing and shaking her head, "It's very complicated."

"How do they manage to make it work?" I muttered aloud. Fluttershy heard me and decided to drop another bomb on me, "Well, they've been working for more than two thousand years or so." My head turned slowly, staring at her, "Two thousand," I muttered weakly.

I think my head just exploded. I stared at Fluttershy, "Is there anything else important about the princesses that I need to know?" She thought about it for a bit and nodded, "Yes, Princess Celestia is in charge of controlling the sun, Princess Luna is in charge of controlling the moon, Princess Cadance is the princess of love, and Princess Twilight is the princess of magic and friendship.” I stared at the yellow pony who decided to blow my brains out into a thousand pieces.

Honestly... I didn't know what to think.

At first, I wanted to blow it all up as a blatant lie, but on the other hand, the events that have happened to me lead me to believe that magic is real, and if magic is anything like what I know, NOTHING is impossible with her.

Maybe he can even take me home… Nope, I don't feel like going back to that hell of a home. I may be living in the jungle with far fewer comforts, but it's better than a run-down apartment, not being able to buy things, not finding a job or being fired the next day, not being able to relate to other human beings. Yes, honestly, the only thing that is transferred here is not being able to relate to other human beings.

But there are still beings with intelligence and conscience. I could relate to them without problem. I don't know if finding a partner is not an option I want, especially because of their resemblance to the silly animals in my home, but I don't rule out the option. Finally and after all, love encompasses much more than appearance.

I sighed and looked back at Fluttershy, who seemed to be talking to the bear. "Mr. Bear, do you really have to go now?" He shook his head and made a sound again. "Well… be careful." I sighed and finished my tea before getting up.

"I think I'm going for now too, Fluttershy." She looked at me sadly. "Already?" "Yes, it will be very dangerous at night. I prefer not to risk it," I said as I got up and stretched to my maximum height. My hands touched the ceiling, but I ignored that fact.

"Don't be sad. I'll be back tomorrow or the day after. I really enjoyed this talk and I learned a lot," I walked towards the bear and patted him on the shoulder. He nodded at me. I directed my gaze to Fluttershy, "Also, your tea itself, I should bring back here", I said with a giggle at the end.

His tea was really good , considering that I never liked them. That's something to say, or it could be something of this world. I don't know.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll see you soon Nathaniel." I nodded in her direction with a smile. She was too adorable for her own good.

"See you, Fluttershy. Have a nice night," I said as I left her house in the direction of the forest. "See you," I heard in the background, but I didn't respond to that. I just continued on my way with the bear.

Once far enough away, I couldn't stop a sigh from escaping my mouth. "Damn you, Fluttershy, really drop big bombs," I mentioned in a whisper. The bear half looked at me but didn't make a sound.

I gave him a look, "Tell me, buddy, which way are you going?" He pointed in one direction with his claw. "Mm, it's pretty much the same for me," I said while nodding. We continued walking in silence. There was not a lot to talk about when one couldn't answer with words. Besides, it was the Everfree at night, something dangerous if you ignore your surroundings, and the bear knew it by the way he looked around.

The time came to separate us because I had to take a detour to go to my cave. I went to the bear, "Well, here I took a detour. Make sure you arrive safe and sound," I began to walk on a separate path but stopped for a moment. "If at any time you have problems with the timber wolves, just let me know. I won't have any problem helping you," I said without turning around before continuing walking.

We may be on the edge of Everfree, but timber wolves are bastards that have no limits. I sighed and cleared my thoughts. I was in the woods, and I couldn't afford to be distracted.

[Months later]

'Faster,' I urged, my fists heating up from the friction of the air. 'FASTER,' I tripled my speed, my eyes burning as I followed my own fists. "FASTER!" I roared loudly, my fists became so fast that they burst into flames.

I completely ignored the flames as I continued at the same speed, unaffected by their heat.

I kept up that speed for a while as I worked to improve my perception ability. I could feel the tension in my head from the effort of following my own fists, but it only stopped after a while.

When I stopped, I double-punched to the front, scattering the flames from the sudden stop. Although I was very hot, I was untouched.

I took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, and relaxed as much as possible. After making sure there was no danger, I went to the lake and got in at once. I was naked and needed to cool down. There was a hiss when I entered the water, likely produced by the heat from my body meeting the cool water, but I ignored it as I sank to the bottom.

As I relaxed at the bottom with the current and passing fish, I closed my eyes and focused on my thoughts. The first thing that came to me was my achievement. I had managed to move so fast that my arms burst into flames. I even tried it with my sword, but it melted after so much use. Can you guess why?

Yes, fire is very effective against timber wolves as it prevents their regeneration, making the fight easier, as their injuries become permanent.

If my sword melted, let alone my spear, it was due to their lack of flexibility and hardness to keep up with my speed. Eventually, I got used to simply using my body as a weapon.

Something hit my face, and as I frowned and opened my eyes, I saw a fish staring at me. With that, I remembered that I was still underwater. 'You don't really notice things when you don't need your basic necessities anymore.' Oxygen was the third thing that became less of a necessity over time.

I didn't need to urinate or defecate anymore. A week later, I barely needed to breathe, and eventually, I reached the point where I didn't need to breathe at all. From what I discovered during my tea parties with Fluttershy, it was that a very strong magic continuously improves the body to better suit it.

All things considered, I obviously have magic. I still haven't figured out how to make super speed, stamina, or strength work, but sooner or later, I will.

It turns out that meditating was very efficient. I came to feel very in sync with my body. I don't know how it works, but it almost seems like the time it takes me to think has decreased drastically. I understand that the brain processes 400 billion bits of information in a second, and I'm sure I've multiplied that figure a few times.

It was strange, but I am not going to complain about an improvement in my brain. It is something very delicate and difficult to strengthen.

Although it was conflicting at first, I came to accept it as something I'll be forced to go through. So I decided to ignore all of that and move on. I'm not among humans anymore, just among a bunch of different species. I don't have to conform to human standards.

In the talks I had with Fluttershy, discovering the existence of minotaurs, the intelligence of cows, or the griffins themselves was not as surprising as the fact of princesses. But the number of intelligent species is still a surprise. Nothing surprised me more than the abilities of the princesses.

Even the dragons did not surprise me more than that. Yes, I met one in the Everfree forest. It turns out that he had his cave in the forest, and I crossed it by accident when running from a hydra. He was going to react badly to my intrusion, but when he saw that I cared very little about his treasure, he simply ignored me.

This continued for a few hours since I couldn't go out with a damn hydra waiting outside. In the end, boredom killed me and I ended up making small talk. We talked for a couple of hours, and he even gave me a bag full of bits. I counted about three thousand. I thanked him and visit him from time to time. Although a week ago, he went to wherever the dragons go in what I call "Dragon Immigration."

I didn't give it much importance. He mentioned to me that sooner or later we would meet again. So, I won't let the fact that a friend of mine who is leaving affect me.

I sighed underwater, and a few air bubbles escaped, but I didn't think much of it. Although I no longer needed to breathe, I still did because I couldn't speak without air.

After deciding that it was enough, I climbed out of the water and looked around for any danger. Finding nothing, I proceeded to find the clothes I made for myself out of cotton.

This forest was very dangerous, but it had all kinds of plants. The clothes were not the best, but they were better than walking around naked.

Once dressed, I went to my cave where I had the only few healthy things I had left, such as my backpack. Oh, and of course, my sunglasses that I had forgotten to leave it in the backpack the first night.

I checked my backpack, and it was still intact. I nodded to myself and left everything where it was before heading towards Fluttershy's house.

As I looked up, I noticed that it was already getting dark. With that in mind, I started running in the direction of Fluttershy's house, but I had to go a little slow to avoid the trees.

Despite the obstacles, I got to Fluttershy's house fairly quickly. I stopped behind the trees and surveyed the area. Once I was sure it was safe, I approached the door and knocked.

It didn't take long for someone to open it, but I noticed a detail that made me jump to the roof. I grabbed the pillars to ensure I didn't fall.

All this, because Fluttershy was not the one who had opened the door.

I could see purple fur and a head peeking out and looking around. That head had a horn. "Uh, that's weird," he said to the air. "I swear I heard someone knock on the door," he said as he turned his head inside. "Fluttershy, were you expecting guests?" A bead of sweat began to trickle down my face.

I nervously looked at the drop, avoiding sweating with all my might so as not to force its fall. "Uhm, no... why do you ask?" I could hear the nervousness in she voice, before seeing how Fluttershy leaned out of the window. She saw me instantly but said nothing.

The pony below me spoke, "I thought I heard someone knocking on the door, but there's no one here. It could be somepony's joke." The bead of sweat moved to the side of my lip. I could practically see it about to fall. Without hesitation, I opened my mouth and grabbed the drop of sweat with my tongue before quickly closing my mouth.

A sigh of relief heaved, but I didn't let it get away. "Maybe... why don't you go back inside Twilight? We need to continue our conversation with the group." Thank you, Fluttershy, you are a lifesaver. "Okay," she said as she entered the house, closing the door behind her.

I sighed in relief, glancing quickly at Fluttershy, who was still looking at me. I gave her a nod and climbed down from the roof, quickly running into the woods, hiding.

She continued looking at where I had hidden. "Fluttershy, what are you looking at?" Another voice spoke, one that wasn't from the purple pony. Her voice was very similar to southern women. "Uh, nothing, I wanted to confirm something," she said as she walked away from the window.

I sighed in relief. They hadn't discovered me, but they almost did. I'll have to be careful when I come here and make sure there's no one in the house other than Fluttershy before knocking on the door.

It looks like I won't be able to chat with Fluttershy today. I'll just come back tomorrow or another day.

I started heading to my cave.

As I walked, I had the luxury of thinking. I was already strong enough to detect any attack, even if I'm not paying attention. 'Too bad. I wanted to discuss an idea with Fluttershy. I'm already getting tired of the forest, and I wish I had a bed.' I sighed and continued my thoughts.

'On the other hand, this idea would require me to reveal one or more ponies. But with Fluttershy on my side, it shouldn't cause too much trouble. The thing is, I need a job, and I can't get one from another pony, That would cause a lot of trouble.' I dodged a carnivorous plant and with a punch, I destroyed it. I just went on my way, stepping on its remains. 'So, what jobs can I do that other ponies don't do and don't require them to see me?'. I scratched my chin, thinking deeply. 'Well...I can work designing clothes. I'm not very good, but I made my own clothes first.' I jumped, dodging a poisonous plant. 'Although ponies hardly wear clothes, so I don't know if it's a good idea.'

I landed softly on a branch, looked around, confirmed the lack of danger, and continued on my way. 'There's also the smithy. They ask me for a hammer, and I just make it. They come looking for it, and through a curtain so they don't see me, I give it to them.' That was a good idea. I wrote it down mentally.

'I could also work as a private investigator. With my physical abilities, I could sneak around all the ponies and investigate whatever they ask for, including Everfree stuff, which would make everything easier.' I nodded to myself, looking to the side and greeting a particular Manticore. It lifted its bloody head from the carcass of a deer and waved back.

I continued on my way while thinking again. 'Another job is like a car repairer. They bring it to me, I repair it, and take it away the next day. They don't need to see me.' I had many ideas going around in my head, but I already saw my waterfall with my cave, and I was sleepy.

So, with nothing else to do, I went to sleep.

Chapter 4

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[The next day]

“UP”, I yelled to myself, as I jumped to avoid a giant tail, “DOWN”, I ducked quickly to avoid a claw strike.

“LEFT”, I yelled as I jumped there, avoiding being crushed by the stomp, “RIGHT”, I yelled again, narrowly dodging a big mouth, “DAMN THIS IS NOT A FUCKING VIDEOGAME HYDRA”, he yells furiously, as he proceeded to hit that head, sending it flying and propelling the rest of the body in that direction.

I watched the ground fall, I just shook my head, "Really, don't you learn from last time?" I asked rhetorically, it wasn't the first time the hydra attacked me, since I escaped once, it attacked me. weekly, but lately, I'm beating him up with every attack.

Still, keep trying.

I could hear his grunts, even though he stayed lying on the ground, “Yes, I ran away once, but that was when I was weak, much weaker”, I said while shaking my head, “Right now, I am much stronger and I can defeat you. relatively easily,” I finished as I stretched.

I could hear a snort from the hydra, well, multiple snorts, but it was obvious it was the hydra heads.

I jumped and stood on the stomach of the hydra, I could see her raise her heads, I looked carefully at each one of them and spoke.

"I may be leaving the forest soon, then it's unlikely we'll meet again, and if you attack my new home, I'll make sure you're not just defeated, you'll be killed," I said as I focused my eyes on the central head, while I was increasing the force of my foot to crush his stomach a little.

I could see her shudder and she began to nod quickly with all her heads, I stopped applying force and nodded back, I just jumped back to the ground and headed in the direction of Fluttershy's house.

I could hear the hydra get up and go in another direction, but I didn't care, even though I stopped halfway there and thought, 'Okay, I'm going to need the bits,' and shook my head and headed towards my cave. .

When I was there, I grabbed my backpack with all my things and headed to Fluttershy's house.

When I got to Fluttershy's house, I spent about 10 minutes making sure there was no one else but Fluttershy, both outside and inside the house.

When I was sure, I went to the door and knocked three times. I began to hear hoofbeats against wood, and it didn't take long for the door to open.

This time, I didn't have to jump to the roof, because it was Fluttershy who had opened the door, she saw me and gave me a warm smile, “Hi Nathaniel”, I smiled back and put my hand between her ears.

Although I caressed a bit, I made sure to stop quite quickly, I didn't want her to fall asleep again like the first time, "Fluttershy, I have some ideas to talk to you", although I said it with a normal tone, I think she understood that it could be something serious.

She nodded and allowed me to enter, I closed the door as I entered, I looked around a bit, where I could see the bear lying on the floor in front of the chair, and Angel sleeping on top of him.

I made my way to the couch, lightly petting angel and the bear as I passed, before sitting down on the couch with a sigh.

Fluttershy came out of the kitchen, bringing some tea, she left it on the table and I poured myself my own cup, before serving Fluttershy, from the beginning it was very difficult for Fluttershy to do it, although she is used to it, it doesn't cost me anything to do it me.

Finishing, I handed her the cup that corresponded to Fluttershy and began to take a sip from mine, I waited a bit before speaking, mainly to enjoy the tea, although it was also to delay what would come with this conversation.

Sighing, knowing that I shouldn't delay him any longer, I wasn't a fagot and I had the strength to defend myself, I didn't have to be afraid to meet more ponies.

It's okay, I was afraid that by meeting those ponies, I would draw the attention of the princesses, especially since there are two very powerful ones, having the ability to control the sun and the moon, in addition to the other two that dominate more abstract concepts, yes. , I was afraid of that.

I sighed, there's no other choice, sooner or later they'll meet me, it's better to form a good relationship with their own ponies beforehand.

I fixed my gaze on Fluttershy, "Well Fluttershy, I made up my mind about something and I want your help", I said while taking another sip of tea, I could see how Fluttershy's ears moved pointing in my direction, in addition to the angel's and the bear's. .

She looked at me, "Well... what can I help you with?" He took another sip of tea.

She looked at me with confusion, before her face went into compression, "You... do you want to move to Poniville?", I looked at her with confusion, before realizing that she was talking about the town where we are, I shrugged, "I don't know , I want to move to a place with ponies, but for that, I have to meet some pony with authority", I said while taking a sip of the tea again... and I'm drinking very often, maybe I'm nervous.

She nodded, "Do you want me to introduce you to a pony to help you with this", I nodded and waited, she had to think if she would help me, and if she would help me, who would introduce me.

But she didn't expect her to respond so quickly, "I can help you", I looked at her surprised, she didn't expect her response to be so quick or so decisive, besides that not everyone can help you meet someone of authority.

I looked at her curiously, "Do you know someone", I said it as a fact, she nodded and began to play with her hooves, that gave me a bad feeling, "Considering your body language... who wouldn't like me", she nodded slightly .

I sighed, "It doesn't matter even if I don't like it, I trust you to decide who I can reveal myself to", she gave me a beaming smile, even her teeth shined with that smile, I felt better instantly with that smile.

"May I know who you will ask for help?", she nodded, "Yes, Twilight", I looked at her confused, "One of your close friends?", she nodded, but it seemed strange to me, she mentioned that she was a student at the Princess Celestia, but that was not enough to upset me...

'Wait', my thoughts raced, 'I remember that when he mentioned the four princesses, she mentioned one called Twilight, but it can't be the same Twilight... can it?', now I got anxious.

"You mean Princess Twilight?", she nodded, and my stomach dropped, I really didn't want to meet one of the princesses... but if Fluttershy recommends it to me, I could give it a try, she's too nice to plan something bad for her. someone.

I sighed and gave her a nod, she just gave me a comfortable smile, I smiled back somewhat hesitantly.

"I'm going for Twilight, you stay here until we're about to arrive, then go to the kitchen, I'll call you to come out," I gave her a nod and Fluttershy headed for the door, leaving directly and going in the direction of the castle. town.

I shook my head slowly with a sigh and waited, only taking a few sips of tea to calm myself.

No problem, I finished my tea and Fluttershy didn't come back, with a sigh, I took the teapot and cups to the kitchen and started to wash them to pass the time, when I finished, I could hear the door of Fluttershy's house open .

"Well, here we are Fluttershy, who did you want me to meet?", I could hear footsteps, "Well... it's a friend I met at Everfree", I moved to wait by the kitchen door.

“Did you meet him at Everfree? And what were you doing there? Especially when we warn of possible dangers from the magical cataclysm”, I could hear the concern in his tone, “Angel took me to the forest”, I could hear the cushions on the sofa, it seems that they had sat down.

"Ah, that explains it," I said as if it were a fact, "So what new animal did you meet?" I nearly snorted, but held it in, "Um, it wasn't a Twilight animal," he was followed. of a silence, "Was it a predator?", the tone of voice was palpable with concern.

"Uh, partly yes, partly no", now Fluttershy, you're making things dizzy, "What do you mean?", I could hear the total confusion of the Twilight, "I was a conscious being, like you or me, only of another species”, that was much clearer, you could start there Fluttershy.

"Like griffins or minotaurs?", the princess's total curiosity was heard, "Yes", I heard Fluttershy's answer, "Oh, what an emotion!, I have many questions", I could hear the emotion gushing out of his voice.

“You mean partly carnivore and partly not, what are griffins like? That they eat fish and lots of plants and vegetables?”, I couldn't help but blink, that was a very accurate guess coming from a simple sentence.

"Yes, he eats meat, but not only fish, he can eat all kinds of meat, although he has limited himself to only eating fish", I could hear Fluttershy clarifying, "Uh, more of an omnivorous carnivore then", I could hear the certainty in the voice.

"Yes, I just ask you not to be scared when you see it, it's very different from all the species we've seen, and I don't want you to attack it", I heard a snort, but then there was silence and a pretty strong pressure, "Okay ok, stop with the look”, the pressure disappeared and an awkward silence followed.

The silence was broken by a question, “May I meet him?” I fidgeted, “Yes, Nathaniel, can you come?” I breathed in and out, calming down and mentally preparing myself, it was time to meet a princess.

I walked through the kitchen door, going directly to them, I could see how her heads turned in my direction, Fluttershy was calm, but the purple seemed to be frozen looking at me.

I continued my walk, until I was in front of each one, and take a good look at the purple.

She was definitely one of the princesses, since she had both wings and horn, and now that I look at her closely, she seems familiar to me... oh, right, she was the one who almost discovered me last night when she opened the door.

I waited for a while, but Twilight was left without reacting, I sighed and moved a little closer, still without reaction, I raised my hand, without reaction, I put it on her head, without reaction, I started my caresses and her eyes they closed.

I could feel her lean on my hand, a small smile appeared on my face and I began to rub between her ears, “Oh…this feels goodnn…”, I heard her murmur as she relaxed more and more, taking past experiences into account, stop petting her.

I could see her blink, trying to reconnect with reality, "Why did you stop?" It was a murmur, but I still heard it, "Because you'd fall asleep, and I don't think anyone here wants that right now," Twilight seemed to think for a few moments. seconds.

Before nodding and settling into reality again, where he proceeded to look at me again, this time, from top to bottom, "You are certainly different from what I expected," he said into the air, as he proceeded to summon a notebook and a pen, where he began write.

"New species, notes: It is bipedal, it does not seem to have hair other than on its head and eyebrows, its hair color is very black, its eyes are very bright red, its caresses are to be enjoyed...", I kept looking at it, as the princess proceeded to become a bookworm and write down her observations of me.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Fluttershy, who shrugged as if to say, 'It's always like that', sighing I sat down in the individual chair, waiting for him to finish.

It took him over 5 minutes to finish her writing about me, at this point, all the nervousness was gone, and in its place, there was irritation.

"Okay, I've got a basic model of you, now we can talk," she said happily, her notebook and pen disappearing, "Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Twilight, your name is Nathaniel, right?" I sighed, "Yes, my name is Nathaniel, nice to meet you Twilight," she practically vibrated with happiness.

"Wow, I'm talking to a species never seen before, that lives in the Everfree! What a thrill!" she said with a squeak, making me smile, this pony was very cute.

"Tell me! Is there more of your kind?", that completely removed my smile and my face darkened, "No", my word was resounding and stopped all enthusiasm from the purple, making a face of regret, "Sorry!", I sighed and denied with the head.

"You didn't know, but don't ask anything else about my people", I said flatly, before my face returned to normal, "Yes!, there's no problem with that", she looked ridiculously relieved, thanks to that I noticed that this pony he was quite expressive… well, he's the princess of friendship, I guess being expressive helps with that.

"Hey, if I can't ask about your people, what exactly am I going to ask?", I couldn't help blinking stupidly, on second thought, I should have worded it better, "Ah, I worded it wrong, don't ask about my kind that could get personal ”she nodded, and thought some more.

"Well... Can you tell me a bit about your species?", it seems that he was cautious with the question, with it, he had no problem, "Well, humans, or Homo sapiens if you prefer the scientific term, is a species that specializes in adapting and moving forward.

We are a mainly carnivorous species, so our evolution adapted to hunting as we could, an example of this is our resistance and recovery, when hunting, we are not as fast or strong as other animals, so we adapted to hunting over time.

We chase our prey non-stop, day or night, until they can't take it anymore, and they collapse on the ground", I mentioned as I waved my hand, I could see Twilight's gaze fixing on my hand, "But you don't have claws" she said confused.

I chuckled, "Yeah, we don't have claws simply because we don't need them, by using tools instead, our body wasn't forced to evolve to need them," he mentions, while showing my nails, Twilight didn't stop writing with his floating feather, while staring at my hand.

She nodded to herself, I continued, “When it came to advancing technologically, it was difficult for years, progress was made little by little, mainly due to the lack of conservation of knowledge, people had to constantly rediscover the same thing.

But when strong books were developed, as well as a need, we started to develop drastically in the tech department, we moved from using wooden spears, to using metal, then armor, then better spears with bows, better armor, all the way to weapons. of fire,” I said with a smile.

I could see Twilight blink, “Firearms?” my grin turned into a sadistic smile, “Weapons capable of firing a projectile that travel…”, I paused to think about the velocity in helmets, “680 helmets per second,” I finished, staring into Twilight's eyes.

I could see how his eyes widened and he stopped writing, staring at me, I continued regardless of the reaction, "And those were the most basic, there are better projectiles for better weapons, capable of going more than 3 times that speed", I said while shaking his head, he was thinking about the rifles and machine guns.

"Um... where did the need for those weapons come from?", Fluttershy asked timidly, I had almost forgotten about her, and with her question, all emotion disappeared from my face, "War", was the only word I said in response. .

The silence lasted a while with my words, each one of the ponies plunged into her thoughts with a face of horror.

I let out a sigh, drawing the attention of the ponies, "But, you don't have to worry about it at all, I'm not going to tell you how to make those weapons either, I don't want to devastate this place in a fight for knowledge", I said, as I leaned on my fist, staring at Twilight.

She stared at me for a few seconds, before sighing and writing on her pad again, "Fine by me, weapons like that aren't needed in Equestria", I nodded in her direction, I didn't want this world to be devastated in a mega war. .

"With all that I said, it pretty much sums up human history more or less, if you have any specific questions, I'll talk," Twilight thought for a while, before opening her mouth, "Your species... plans to invade Equestria?" , the way she said it, she really was serious about it.

I shrugged, "I don't think so, they don't even know this place, I think I'm the first human being to come to this world," I said as I slowly shook my head, Twilight stared at me, "This world?" With that question, I kicked my head many times, noticing my slip.

I just sighed and spoke, "Yes, this world, it's nothing like where I come from, besides that as humans, we had explored more than 90% of our entire world, we would have found your species a long time ago", I said while shaking my head. head.

She stared at me, concern on her face, “Like…how did you get here?” The way she said it, this question was very important, I shrugged, “I have no idea, I just know that a multicolored ball in the sky in the middle of a storm, swallowed me inside before waking up here,” Twilight's eyes glazed over.

Thoughts and thoughts went through her head, as well as endless emotions on her face, surprise, horror, and last but not least, concern.

"This... this data may have complicated everything we know about the magical cataclysm," she said quietly, staring at me, I looked at her confused, "Cataclysm what?", she shook her head, "I don't even know specifically what It is, but it was an event in which the magic of harmony and the magic of chaos merged into one, causing a magical eruption, destroying everything in its path, the consequences were only avoided by the efforts of me and the other princesses , in addition to the spirit of chaos itself”, I looked at her in surprise.

'That was the two concepts that I thought I saw', I thought lightly, remembering my moments before entering the ball.

I shook my head, “Well… at least I can put a name to what brought me here,” I said with a giggle at the end, Twilight immediately noticing me, “How can you laugh at this?! You could never go home again!” All emotion drained from my face, “I have no home to go back to”, I said as I stared at Twilight.

“But! Your friends”, I replied instantly, “I don't have any friends”, she blinked and opened her mouth again, “Your house!” I sighed, “I wouldn't count that shit as a house”, she seemed to look more stressed , "And your family?! You can't tell me that they don't matter!" I looked at her with a sad smile, "Dead", I said with a sigh.

She seemed to deflate like a balloon, she fell back on the sofa, with a background sound of her notebook falling to the floor, “So… you don't have anything to go back to”, from the way she said it, it wasn't a question, but I still answered. , "Yeah, there's nothing to hold onto to get back, I've had a better life here than back home," she looked at me, "May I ask why?" I sighed, "That's personal Twilight," she nodded and He looked back into the void.

I hope I haven't broken her, she seems like a very happy character, who has hardly suffered tragedies that remain as... tragedies.

"Why did you want to meet me?" Twilight spoke, still staring into space, I put my hand on my belt and took out the bag of bits I had, I put it on the table, I saw how Twilight looked up, and seeing the bag, sat upright, looked at me curiously and I told him to look at the bag.

She did and her eyes widened, “That's a lot of bits,” she said before closing it and putting it back on the table, I nodded, “Yes, I got it from a dragon, she decided our friendship had to be commemorated with a gift. and he gave me this, I still owe him mine,” I said with a sigh.

She looked at me surprised, "A dragon... an adult one?", I nodded, still in my memories, "uh, I'm not even going to ask about that", she spoke, with a sigh, "What do you want to use the bits for?" I snapped back to reality and focused on Twilight, "I want to introduce myself to pony society, I don't want to go to one, if possible, I would like to have a business that doesn't interact with the customer, like blacksmithing, and work , making a name for myself,” I said as I nodded to myself.

"But I don't know where the land is, or who I can buy it from, besides how complicated the whole process would be, but to this great friend named Fluttershy", I gave her a smile while she blushed, "It occurred to her to ask you you, since it would take a lot of trouble out of the way,” I gave Twilight a more apprehensive smile.

She began to think deeply, "Did you decide what I work on?", I nodded, "Blacksmith", I said simply, I always liked Making weapons or metal objects, although I couldn't do it since the incident, I considered myself good at it.

"Uh, there's no need for a blacksmith in Poniville," she spoke, looking at me curiously, I nodded, "It was a possibility, I wanted your help to get some land and work as a blacksmith somewhere, it doesn't necessarily have to be here, just a place to work”, she thought about it, for a while, until her face told me that a light bulb went on in her head.

“In one of my talks with Celestia, she told me that Canterlot had run out of a blacksmith, although she has a private one in her castle, the rest of the town needs one for the public, if you want, I can spend around 1800 bits on it. buy you a piece of land and build what is necessary for your smithy, you only owe me a favor”, I nodded, it was my idea to owe him one.

"That would be appreciated Twilight," I said with a smile, before a thought crossed my mind, "Just make sure you spend another bit of the lot to have materials to start with, and I'll have to pick you up every time I need more...", It seemed like a worse idea every time, he would be very dependent on the princess.

She shook her head, "Don't worry, you can send a letter to the company and they will bring you the material and leave it where you specify, you just keep it for another time, or take it out when you use it", I nodded, that it was much easier.

"Thank you Twilight", I said with a smile, I could see how Twilight got shy and some red went to her cheeks, but I didn't care, Fluttershy was also very ashamed of her when she thanked her.

“N-No problem, it's the work of a princess,” he said as he smiled back at me, my smile only widened, and I nodded as I stood up, “Okay, it looks like it's too late now,” I said while looking out the window. the window, seeing that it was already night.

"I'd better go back to Everfree, we'll talk tomorrow afternoon," I said as I headed for the door, "Wait!" I heard Twilight's voice and stopped, turning around, "Yeah?" He smiled, “Don't you want to spend the night in the castle? Or better a, stay in it until you move to the smithy? ”, She was going to deny me instantly, but I stopped and thought.

Although I would be in the castle with the princess that I didn't trust much yet, the idea of a bed tempted me too much, and a bed until I move to my own place? That was too great a temptation to ignore.

“Okay,” I sighed, her offer simply too good for me.

I could see how her face turned into a smile, a big smile, “Good! follow me!", I blinked, watching Twilight gallop off, I shot a look at Fluttershy, "How long do you think it will take for her to realize she left alone?", she thought for a second, "She won't until I get here. to the castle”, he said as a matter of fact, I couldn't help but snort.

"Well, I'd better follow her," I said with a sigh, at least the castle was obvious enough, it was made of damn glass, it was hard to miss, although I wonder how much it cost.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, "See you later Fluttershy," I greeted and ran after Twilight, using everything around me to blend in and not slow down.

It didn't take long to get to the castle, but it was hard to get in without being seen, besides all the guards around, I was hanging around for a minute, before, "HOPE THE HELL DID I FORGET ABOUT HIM!", a shrill scream was heard. from inside the castle, before a purple flash appeared for a moment, and disappeared instantly.

I blinked, really confused, but taking advantage of the distraction of all the guards turning in the direction of the sound, I slipped through a window as fast as I could.

I looked around, confirming the lack of people, ponies in this case, I started walking, exploring the place, every time I found a patrol, I jumped and hooked on the roof, they really don't know how to look up.

Even if Pegasi exist, the guards must be trained to react to the sound of their wings, I don't make noise when I'm up, so they don't look and I can hide perfectly.

My exploration led me to see a lot of rooms that I didn't even know what they were for, but at one point, I ended up in some kind of library, I looked around curiously, the guards didn't enter here, but this place was a normal library.

I checked the books, but I didn't understand the language, some words I could more or less understand, but they were very few, after looking around a lot, I found a children's book.

I realized that it was for children thanks to the images of foals and animals on the cover, when I opened it, I instantly realized that it was to teach the language.

Thanking Mrs. Luck, I sat at a nearby table and began to read, well, I say read, but really it is interpreting the images with the words on one side, and I also began to deconstruct the words, looking for similarities with the language I knew.

I paused for a moment, "Uh, our writing is different, but our speech is the same... how strange", I said to the air, it seemed strange to me that we could speak the same language, but now, now it seems very strange to me, especially since our writing is different, even if it seemed.

But I don't know if that makes it less or more weird, I shook my head and went back to concentrating on learning, since my brain has improved, I should learn this pretty quickly.

When I was almost at the end, I heard the door open, I wasn't going to move because I was a bit far away and hidden, but I heard a voice, "Nataniel, Twilight told me you'd be somewhere in the castle, are you here?" I blinked, not expecting a young voice to speak.

I decided to answer, to make sure Twilight would come, if she told her about me, it means she must be trusted, "Yes, I'm here, tell her to come," I said as I went back to concentrating on the book, "Ah, okay, tell her." I'll tell Twilight, don't move from this place”, I didn't answer, I concentrated on reading the book.

In less than 5 minutes, a purple flash appeared and a voice came out of it, "Where are you?!" Realizing it was Twilight, although I was curious as to how she came out of a flash, I left it for later, answering her, “This way,” I said, turning back to the book.

I could hear her move quickly towards me, not galloping, but if fast, when she was in front of me, the noise stopped instantly, I didn't give it importance, it wasn't that I was curious when I spent 5 minutes in total silence.

I looked up from my book, I instantly saw Twilight looking at me in front of me, she was looking at my book and back at me, constantly, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, "Have you been looking between me and the book for more than 5 minutes?" She opened her mouth to deny it, but stopped halfway and closed it, looking embarrassed.

I just sighed, closed the book and turned my gaze towards her “Do you have the next part of this book? Or the next level?”, she nodded and floated my book away, before putting it down in her place and bringing another one, one that was next to the previous one.

He introduced it to me and I nodded, looking at it carefully, it no longer seemed for children, it still had some characteristics of pony and animals, but they were more realistic and not so... colorful? I think that is the correct word.

I grabbed it and opened it, I began to read the first page, and the difference was instantly noticeable, if the previous one taught you the alphabet and some words, this one teaches you more grammar, commas and the use of each letter.

I started reading instantly, ignoring everything around me, "I didn't know you were illiterate", I shook my head without looking up from the book, "I'm not, but my language has another type of writing, even though we speak the same language, their language is spelled differently,” I said, reading carefully.

I turned the page and continued my reading, "Do you... do you like to read?", I agreed, still glued to the book, "Yes, I knew how to read many books when I was young, a privilege that I lost for a few years, and now I'm recovering" I said, turning the page again

She could feel the curiosity emanating from the pony, but she didn't ask about that, she asked something else, “Uh…would you like to read together sometime? Maybe teach you a little about a few things?” I looked up from my book, staring at Twilight as she thought about her offer.

She looked really embarrassed and was making circles on the ground with her hoof, I decided to help her get out of that embarrassment, “I would like to, there's a lot I don't know about ponies, an example of this, do ponies have periods or estrus? ”, I said to the air, I went back to the book instantly, without wanting him to see my face, I'm sure I'm blushing.

There was silence for a few seconds, before he answered, "We have estrus at certain times of the year, although before it was a nightmare, a medicine was invented that decreases the strength of estrus by 70%, allowing mares to walk without worrying that their smell bother the stallions, as well as help with other…problems”, knowing what he meant at the end, I said nothing and concentrated on my book.

Turning the page, I thought of a detail, "Twilight", I called her, I heard a positive sound from her, "As we are going to read together or that you teach me something, if we are going to be quite apart since I will be in Canterlot?" , what followed was a silence, "Shit", huh, it's the first time I've heard a pony swear.

I looked up from the book, which was already more or less halfway through, and I looked at her, who seemed to be thinking deeply with a wrinkled face, I couldn't help but let a smile creep onto my face because of the tenderness it provoked.

I raised my hand and began to caress her head, clearing her thoughts, "You'll think of something, don't burn that brain of yours by thinking so hard", I said as she let go of my hand, she stared into space, before exploding in a smile, "OH, I KNOW!", she said excitedly and galloped off, I just looked at her confused.

I was surprised when she started bringing many books to the table with her magic, she kept floating books with her magic until she reached about twenty, when she brought them all, sat down and started reading, I stared at her for a while, before shrugging and continue learning the language with my book.

Finishing my book, I noticed that Twilight was still reading hers, now that she understood enough of her language, she could read the title of her book, "Theories for the application of teleportation and its theoretical equations", I read .

I gave her a strange look, but put it aside, if she finds something, better for both of us, I turned my gaze around the library and asked her, "What would the next book be?" I finished my words and instantly a book fell in front of me and the other floated to its place, "Thank you," I said as I began to read.

She wasn't taking me more than 10 minutes per book, so I still had some time before I went to sleep…and eat something, the last thing to do first.

The silence continued throughout my reading, occasionally listening to the pages turn, it was a very relaxing environment.

I closed the book, finishing it in 15 minutes, each book contained more theoretical things than the previous one, if I'm not wrong, it opens after 10 years of learning a language, taking into account the time it takes us as a child with classes.

"Which", I couldn't finish the first word when another book arrived in front of me, "Thank you", I said as I began to read again, this book was already a whole university in it, this one would take me more time...

It only takes me half an hour.

I closed the book with a smile on my face, analyzing all the information that just entered my brain, 'It seems that I not only improve the speed of my thoughts, but also improve my ability to retain information, as well as comprehend it. ', I shook my head, clearing my thoughts.

I looked at Twilight, who was almost finishing the second book of hers, it was quite impressive, considering that they were very advanced books… I think.

I sighed and got up with the book, I went to the shelf where it came out and put it in its place, before returning to Twilight, I had already finished with the second book, and was opening the third, "Twilight", I called her, she I look up and look at myself, I waited a few seconds for him to come back to reality.

"Yes?", I gave her a small smile while resting my hand on my stomach, "Where is the kitchen?", she blinked and left the book she was going to read, I keep the ones she read and leave the others in the table, “Follow me, I'll show you to your room by the way”, she made a compression sound, “Keep in mind that I'll hide when guards pass”, she nodded and left the room.

I followed her throughout the castle, talking about anything, every time a guard passed, I would jump up and stay on the roof until they passed, then I'd catch up with Twilight in no time, and we'd continue talking.

“You guys control all the weather here? Except in the Everfree Forest?” Twilight nodded, “Yes, everything in Equestria, other countries have their ways or leave it wild,” she said, stopping at a door.

“This is your room”, she pointed with her hoof, I nodded to her and opened the door, it was quite big if I'm honest, around 10x10 meters, although most of the things were custom made for a pony, the bed was quite big, I think it fit perfectly there.

I nodded to the room and I went out, she nodded to me and we continued walking, around one more corridor, we came to another door, it had a different decoration, Twilight opened it and it turned out to be the dining room, when I entered and looked around, I could notice that there was another door, that must lead to the kitchen.

Without hesitating, I walked up to it and entered, right away I noticed something, or rather someone, I saw a small, but small dragon cooking at this moment.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, I saw him cook like a damn expert, I wouldn't say as good as me, but he knew what he was doing.

“Twilight? The pancakes are almost there", that voice, was the one who called me at the library door, where I asked her to tell Twilight where she was, "Thanks Spike", I heard Twilight say behind me, I turned and looked at her, she gave me a shy smile, I just sighed and nodded, if he was someone recurring with Twilight, it was better to meet him sooner rather than later.

I went to the table in the dining room, they were quite high, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, Twilight shrugged, "They're like that for the comfort of foreign dignitaries, what changes are the chairs depending on the race", I nodded in agreement. his direction and look at the chairs, which were on one side and marked with the race, I grabbed the minotaur ones, which were the ones that best fit me.

I sat and waited, talking about the odd topic with Twilight, any random topic that struck me as curious, she told me about each tribe's magic, from earth ponies, who seemed to just have no magic, it turns out, if they had, making them have a very strong physique.

The one of the Pegasi helped to keep them in the air and control the weather, the one of the unicorns that allows them to manipulate the mana around them using their own mana.

I made him promise to give me a book on magic of each type at another time, finally, Spike came out of the kitchen with a tower of pancakes, it blocked all his vision and he couldn't see me.

“Twilight, when are you going to introduce me to your new friend? You told me that he would be staying in the castle for a few days", he left the tower on the table, "I'm curious about...", he saw me, practically next to him, "Meet him", he finished his sentence, staring at me, I just introduced him my hand, "Hi Spike, nice to meet you, I'm Nathaniel."

He blinked a bit and gave me his claws and we shook her up and down, "Uh, the pleasure's mine, though I was expecting a pony, no... er, excuse me, what are you?" I chuckled, polite at what he said. I see, "I'm a human," I said with a smile on my face.

"A human, well, I was expecting a pony, not a human, if I may ask, can you have pancakes?" He nodded at me, "Okay, Twilight told me you'd be staying for a few days, do you have any dietary requirements?", uh, he looks young, but he's very smart.

I nodded, "Yes, I can eat fish, vegetables and fruits, but no hay or flowers... although I think there are some I can digest, but I can't remember what they are, so skip them all", he nodded and started handing out pancakes. on three plates, before leaving it in front of everyone, "Okay, the food is served, there's butter and honey there if you want to add it," I nodded and gave him a taste.

"Mm, it's definitely very good, you're a good cook Spike", he blushed slightly, I'm not going to ask how some escapes can turn red, but curiosity is piqued.

"Thanks, it's no problem", he gave me a smile that I returned, continuing to taste the pancakes, adding butter and some honey... uh, it seems that it doesn't have syrup, well, never mind.

I started to eat, paying attention to how they eat, Spike uses the cutlery and from time to time, he claws it, while Twilight uses the cutlery with his magic.

Dinner went by quickly enough, talking to each other a bit, mainly Spike asking me questions, and me deflecting the ones I didn't want to answer, though Spike caught on instantly and didn't press the issue.

"Tell me Spike, are you a baby dragon?", he nodded as he ate, "Uh, either your growth is very slow, or from one week to the next you'll grow quite a bit at once", I said, while scratching my chin, He shrugged, "I don't know, I believed in ponies, and there's hardly any information about dragons," I nodded back.

“If you want, when I see a friend of mine again, I'll ask him about them, he knows a lot about dragons”, I said, without specifying that he was a dragon, he looked at me excitedly, “Really? I'd really appreciate it!”, I nodded back, half infected by his emotion, Twilight gave me a look, knowing who I'm talking about.

Finally, we finished eating and I went to my room, "Okay, I'm going to sleep, see you tomorrow," they greeted me back.

I got to my temporary room and without hesitation, I went to bed with excitement, I stripped down to my underwear, put them aside and jumped on the bed, the first thing I discerned, the bed was ridiculously comfortable, the second, I was falling asleep very fast...

Chapter 5

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"Again, why does your species wear clothes all the time?", I sighed while rubbing my forehead, it was the fifth time I'd asked myself that, "I already told you Twilight, it started as a protection against cold and heat, it continued as a protection against attacks, and it became a worldwide custom”, I said, repeating the same answer for the fifth time.

She looked just as confused, “But they don't need hunting or protection from animals anymore, why do they still use them?”, oh, a different question, “Simple, it became a habit, and it still helps with the cold and heat ”, I mentioned, hoping she understood, “So… why is it taboo? Why can't I see you naked?", and there it is, the reason why this conversation started.

I sighed, "Twilight, seeing you naked for someone else, it's become something you only show your partner", I mentioned, she kept looking confused, "But, there's nothing to show", huh? "What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Exactly to what I said, mares and every female in this world have very closed lips, to the point that it seems smooth without anything, while the males have a sheath that perfectly hides everything," I blinked, 'That's where the confusion,' I sighed.

Looking at her, “Humans are not the same”, I said, she looked at me confused, deciding to elaborate, “Human mares are not so closed to the point of being smooth, in fact, you can easily tell the line, while human stallions , they don't have a cover… everything just hangs there, penis and scrotum included”, I blushed a little at the end.

But not as much as Twilight, she had turned a deep red, I could easily tell her gaze shifted from her to my crotch, before quickly turning away.

"O-Ok", she knew that, from her answer, she would not ask anything else on this topic... I think.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts, with nothing left to say, "Okay, I'm going to take a shower Twilight... Can you come out?", she nodded quickly and left the bathroom, leaving me alone.

Yes... she entered the bathroom when I was about to undress, that's when the questions began.

Seriously, living for 3 days with this pony is a fucking roller coaster, from being very cool calm, to a whirlwind of questions and finally, a whole lot of embarrassment.

I sighed and finished undressing, I turned on the hot water and got in, yes, I had gained resistance to temperatures, and now I could enjoy boiling water to bathe, or a relaxing bath with water at freezing point.

“So you had many jobs in your world?”, I nodded to the young dragon, who was curious asking me a few questions while reading a history book, “Yes, I have skills spread all over the place”, he looked at me curiously, “Even cooking?" I nodded.

“Can you make dinner later make sure you don't lie?” I huffed, “You just want me to do your job,” I said, he looked away embarrassed at getting caught, “But it's okay, I could use some practice”, mentioned, he was beaming with happiness for a very long time.

Until he tasted my food, “Uh, this is so delicious, you didn't know you could cook so well Nathaniel”, Twilight told me, enjoying my food like anything but a princess, she was eating quickly and without worrying about decorum.

Spike on the other hand… even though he didn't stop eating, I could tell that he was somewhat jealous of my skill with food.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to me that would cheer him up, "Do you want me to teach you something about what I know? Spike?" His jealousy disappeared and he looked at me with a smile, "Really?!" I nodded, "THANK YOU!" little cutie, I like it.

“Uh, forging and blacksmithing are different from the ones I know… runes? Are there fucking runes? I have to learn that,” I finished reading about blacksmithing and instantly reached for a rune book.

In the end, I tried them with the help of Twilight, but nothing happened, I looked sadly at the rune I drew so carefully, but it didn't work at all.

Twilight looked up and down the rune, "I don't know why it doesn't work, you did everything perfect", I sighed, until I thought of something... "Twilight", she looked at me, "Yes?", I directed my gaze towards her, "The runes, did a unicorn always make them?” she nodded, “did she make them with a feather or tool while holding it with her magic?” she nodded, I stared at her, waiting.

I watched the gears in her head turn from her, until the compression dawned on her face, “Oh”, yes, it seems that I won't be able to use the runes unless I learn to use my own mana.

“Did it have to be such a big piece of land?” she shrugged, “it was cheap and was the former home of a blacksmith, it will help a lot in the construction as the place is more or less set up for the blacksmith shop, there are only I'll have to make adjustments for you, and replace a few things, and it'll all work out,” I sighed, but accepted it.

Although I wouldn't know what to do with such a big piece of land, my tent will be in front of the field, but what do I do with the rest, I have more than 40 meters of free land… I have an idea, “Twilight, can you use part of the land left over to make a small house for myself?”, she thought about it and nodded, “Yes, I'll even connect it to the store, so you don't have to expose yourself”, I nodded and thanked her.

“At least there won't be much unused space now”, I muttered to myself, “Oh, I forgot to mention that it has a basement the same size as the lot, besides, did you talk to me?”,…, “Nataniel?”, “ I said nothing".

"Hey, what did you call this game, Spike?", he looked up, "Ogres and Dungeons", because that name sounded familiar to me?, "And it's not a game to be played by many?", he shrugged, “Yes, but we don't have other games”, I scratched my chin, “Do you have any paper handy?”, he nodded and gave me a lot, with a pen and ink, I created some basic uno cards.

“And this?”, I replied as I finished a +4, “A popular card game for all ages... also a friendship breaker”, I finished with a small giggle, although he gave me a strange look at my last comment.

Having the cards at hand, I presented him with the rules of the game and which ones could be changed to the liking of each one.

We play with the basic rules that if you get a +2 thrown, you can't help it and you eat it, even if you have a +4 or +2 in hand.

Spike loved it and he told me that it will be a new game that will add to the boys' night, I only put one condition, "Okay, just keep it private for a while, so I can patent it later and make money with its sale" He nodded and we continued playing Uno for a while, also understanding what I meant by “Friendships Break”, saying that I didn't know he knew about insults, especially such creative ones.

Twilight will no doubt be surprised… he made me promise not to tell her, I bought it in exchange for a future favor.

"Do I really have to meet another pony?", Twilight looked at me, "Yes, if you're going to be wearing clothes all the time, you're going to need more, and of good quality, not the one you have, you can tell from miles away that It's not comfortable”, I shrugged, I had no choice but to create my own with hardly any tools.

“But I have yet another pony to meet?”, i was practically pouting, she huffed, “How do you expect them to make clothes for you if they don't know your measurements? Even if I take them and present them to her, she will still know that you are not a known species, because of how different the measurements are from other species”, I sighed, knowing that I was defeated, I simply followed her in the shadows to meet her friend, Rarity.

My eye was twitching quite badly, I was being surrounded by many measuring tapes, needles and fabrics, even many diamonds and jewels, proven to match.

After freezing at seeing me with a neutral face like Twilight did, and fixing it with a few pats to the head, it was there, waiting for Rarity to take action.

I admit that her name fit her personality very well… yes, that was bad of me, but I wasn't wrong.

"How much longer?" I asked, preventing irritation from seeping into my tone, "Not much darling, just hold on a little longer…it would be faster if you let me do it when you don't have any clothes on," I shook my head, "I already said it, Rarity, it's taboo for my species to be naked in front of another being that isn't your partner", she nodded, "Yes, I know, I was just mentioning it", I sighed, she acts like someone from class would, although not she's mean, she wouldn't be my closest friend.

“Done darling, in a few days I'll have clothes ready for you”, she mentioned happily, I just sighed, relieved that it was over, “Oh, also, I noticed that you didn't have a cover, do you want me to make one of the clothes that go under the other for your comfort?", I blushed, how the hell do I notice that?

“Uh, Y-If it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate it”, I said quietly, quite embarrassed at this moment, especially since nothing was showing from my crotch, so I had a doubt as to how I noticed it.

“Okay darling, come back in a few days, I have a lot of inspiration right now,” she said, with a lot of fabric and needles floating, working quickly, inhaling and exhaling, Twilight approached from the side, looking embarrassed, “Did I forget to mention that Is she very observant?", I stared at her, "Yes", it was resounding and I saw how her ears stuck to her head because of that.

I couldn't act angry any longer, her sad little face with the flat ears was killing me with cuteness, with a sigh, I started to pat her on the head, “Don't worry, I'm not angry, just very embarrassed”, she nodded under me. hand, still enjoying my touch.

"So, almost there?" Twilight nodded, she was reading a letter she received from Canterlot, "Yeah, just the furniture and materials still need to arrive, and I'd be ready for you to move in," I nodded in her direction, no. she looked worried about it, and it seemed strange to me, with how excited she was about our time together reading or teaching me, it seemed strange to me.

Having an idea why, I spoke, “So…you figured it out?”, she looked at me for a few seconds, then turned her gaze to the letter, “I think so, I still have some work and experimentation to do, but if it works, it will be revolutionary,” she spoke.

He meant a way for us to be able to see each other without having to travel all the way, making distance less of an issue.

“Uh, good luck”, I said, I really didn't need it, but being able to connect two points in space isn't easy, I didn't know how I was going to do it, if it would be like a wormhole, two connected points for teleportation or overlapping the lines. two spaces, causing an instant transition.

But the thing is, we were going to be able to meet in person regardless of the distance, she mentioned that if she succeeds, she would connect her castle with that of the princesses in Canterlot and the princess of love, which is quite a distance away, making visits. much easier for all of them.

It would also serve as an emergency door for any catastrophe, which terrified me a lot when I read the history of Equestria, although its history does not bring much bloodshed (not public history at least), it does bring many catastrophes that were avoided, since either in the past by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, or by the bearers of harmony, which would be Twilight and her other 5 friends, including Fluttershy and Rarity.

It was a surprise to learn that all of them were involved in events capable of killing them with a single carelessness, but they survived all of that, and for that, they have my respect...

Although I freely say that shooting a rainbow must be absolute bullshit, and the worst thing about those words is that I said it out loud, Twilight heard it, but instead of getting angry, she confirmed that it was just marketing from Princess Celestia, to promote the defenses of Equestria over the other nations.

But I still don't understand why the hell it had to be rainbow lightning.

I was traveling on the train at the moment, a steam train, honestly I thought they didn't have engines yet, so it was a surprise to get to see a train.

He was accompanied by Twilight and Spike, the latter was already asleep, mainly because Twilight had the idea of coming quite early, although it wasn't a bad idea to avoid a lot of ponies, it still sucks to get up two hours before dawn.

I looked at Twilight, who hadn't gotten rid of her book entitled "Space-Time Properties", it seems that she was in the final touches, because it was the third time she had read that book.

I moved my gaze to my "suitcase", which Twilight really lent me, there was a lot of clothes in there, Rarity really had an impulse of inspiration, she made 5 pants with 5 shirts that match all the pants, she even made a jean, some shirts, lots of underwear… I don't know where she got the inspiration for the last one and I refuse to find out.

I made sure that she doesn't make them too…fancy, that they'll be casual, though she still managed to make them look fancy while being casual, it's weird, but I won't mind, she's a pony who knows what she's doing.

Even if it's not her talent, as I found out, her talent is related to finding all kinds of gems, studying them and knowing how the best use is for them, only that Rarity was developed to know how to use them better in clothes, looking very good.

My gaze remained on the suitcase for a few more seconds, before drifting out, my eyes widened in amazement, "Wow", Twilight glanced my way, seeing me looking out the window, she joined in, and saw what I saw, “Amazing, isn't it? That's Canterlot."

I was speechless, seeing a bloody city on the side of a mountain, the lights, the color and the contrast were great, and the castle only made it better, "You never told me it was a city on the side of a mountain", I told her, as she continued admiring the city.

She snorted, "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you," I gave her a sidelong glance before looking back at the city, wondering how the hell she didn't fall over yet, considering there's a room off any support on the mountain, but the magic is like, "Let's fuck all the ground rules and make them our bitch," so yeah, don't ask.

Then, a doubt arose, "Hey Twilight", I spoke, drawing her attention, she looked at me, "Yes?", I turned to look at her, "How am I going to get past so many ponies until I reach my land?" she looked worried in the slightest, in fact, she seemed kind of smug, "Simple, I'll cast an invisibility spell on you," I looked at her for a few seconds, before shrugging and accepting it.

When we arrived, with a whistle from the train, we heard a voice speak outside, "To Canterlot, please passengers from cabins 3 to 10, get off", Spike started to wake up at that, getting up quickly, even though he was still half asleep.

Twilight looked at me, I gave her a nod, she returned it to me and her horn began to shine, after a flash, everything was still the same, I looked at my hands that looked perfectly, I looked at Twilight, who looked worried, "This... maybe I did it wrong”, she reloaded her horn and cast the spell on me again.

After the flash, everything was the same, now Twilight looked very worried, "Why doesn't it work?", I shrugged, "Try using more magic", she looked at me, "But it wouldn't change anything, put more A lot of magic is only good for creatures resistant to magic”, I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “You never tried magic on me, maybe I'm resistant and we don't know it”, she thought about it for a few seconds and nodded.

Then, I heard some knocks, "Passengers from cabin 4, please get off", I looked at the door with alarm, where the knock came from, the latch was opening, I looked quickly at Twilight, "Come on, hurry up", I said in a voice low.

Her horn shone much brighter from her and the spell hit me, after the much brighter flash, I looked down at my hands, this time, I couldn't see myself in the slightest, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Twilight looked around, but didn't speak, as the cabin door had opened, “Cabin 4 passengers please, oh, Princess Twilight! Sorry for the interruption!, but I ask you to hurry, it could delay the train”, Twilight nodded, “Yes sir, give me a few seconds”, he nodded and left the cabin.

Twilight directed her gaze where she cast the spell on me, "Are you here?", I nodded, before realizing she couldn't see me, with some irritation towards myself, I spoke, "Yes, I'm here", she nodded and she looked at the baby dragon, "Spike, take my suitcase, I'll take Nathaniel's with my magic", he nodded and grabbed Twilight's suitcase, it wasn't very big, I figured she wouldn't stay long.

They came out of the cabin and I followed them from behind, they began to head in one direction while they talked, I only dedicated myself to dodging ponies with their noses pointing to the sky, I even saw the occasional Minotaur or Griffin, although their number was few, hardly I saw 2 of each, out of maybe 500 ponies we passed.

Even though it's the capital of Equestria, there seem to be few other species, and if there are, they must be important enough to stay in the castle.

I kept my sigh, while dodging another nobleman, it was quite easy to identify them, since they always wore expensive clothes, which is strange, considering that I always saw them naked.

But using their clothing as a gauge, you can discern the status of the ponies depending on how expensive the clothing is, and you can see that in the quality of the clothing.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts, dodged another pony again, and this is getting tedious, where do I buy the Twilight land? I looked around and noticed one thing, we were getting closer to the center of the city.

I followed Twilight, who was making a detour through a few streets, until she stood still, looking at a very well decorated building.

It looked like a nice store, it was painted white with little yellow paint patterns running all the way around the building, two matching bay windows where you could display your wares, a strong brown door with red swirl patterns going into a somewhat round, it seemed to have more of a helmet shape.

It was a very nice building, but I don't know why we were here, there was just a pony in front of it, waiting for something.

Twilight looked behind her and smiled more or less in my direction, before turning to the pony she was waiting for...

'Oh damn Twilight, how the hell is a piece of land in the center of the city going to be cheap?'

I looked around and quickly figured out why, there was little activity in this area, other than a nightclub that would disturb the ponies at night, that would lower the price quite a bit for the nobles, making their purchase cheap.

Twilight started talking to a pony in front of the property, she handed her some papers and a key, before leaving, I looked slightly at that pony, identifying its Mana Mark, it was some kind of contract with a building next door.

Literally her talent is selling buildings, I held my snort and followed Twilight, who was already at the door opening it, when she opened it, she let Spike in and waited outside, knowing what it meant, I quickly entered and gave him a knock. in your head so you know to come in.

She followed my touch and entered behind me, I looked around, half amazed at how good everything looked, the floor was smooth wood, it seemed to be made of a single block that was placed directly on the floor.

The walls were ridiculously smooth and white, I rested my hand on one of them, raised an eyebrow, 'I can't even feel any difference, it's totally smooth', I thought, amazed by this fact.

I released my hand from the wall and looked at the furniture, there was a small counter with several posters, although there was nothing written.

I ran my hand over the posters and the counter, everything was well done, I looked around, seeing the shelves, supports, armor supports… shaped like a pony, obviously.

I was so focused on the quality of things that I barely noticed in the back of my head that Twilight cast a spell that removed my invisibility, I didn't care, she's checking the furniture.

I checked each piece of furniture, each object, because yes, there were also some papers and pens, it was all of a very good quality, without a doubt, something that you should not be able to afford.

I glanced at Twilight, who was whistling, as she looked around her, pretending to be distracted.

I just sighed and accepted it, now I owed Twilight a favor… I hope she doesn't use it to see me naked… Na, it's Twilight, she wouldn't do that.

I feel like that would be more of a request from Rarity than from Twilight, and it's not because she has presented any perverted characteristics, just... I have a hunch that it would be like that, I feel like she's very curious... Too much for my taste.

I fixed my gaze on the door that was behind the counter, I walked towards it and tried to open it, it was closed.

I directed a look at Twilight, who nodded to me and levitated the keys to the place, I grabbed them and she released her magic, I looked at the little notes that each key had and identified the correct one.

I walked through the door and looked around, it was just a small empty storage room, although there was another door and some stairs to the basement, I handed the keys back to Twilight and headed towards the stairs.

I went downstairs, but it was too dark, I ran my hand along the wall and found a small switch, turning it up, the light turned on, I looked around curiously, it seems I found the place to forge.

There was the typical thing of a medieval forge, an anvil, the furnace, a bucket of cement to fill it with water, the tools resting on one side, having tongs, hammers, grips, among other things.

I raised the hammer and gave it a couple of finger taps, it wasn't perfect but it worked, I put the hammer down and looked at the oven, it was like the old coal ovens.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, it seems that being a blacksmith is expensive, even though coal is a common product where I come from, it's not here, one detail that I found out by asking how come Spike ate gems every day, is that the gems are a very common commodity, while coal is scarce.

It seems strange to me, since coal is formed by the decomposition of organic components... oh, right, this planet does not have much death, and the place where that is abundant, they do not dare to enter, I am willing to bet that there are many mines of Coal stacked in the Everfree.

They don't seem to know how to make charcoal either, I'll need wood and maybe I can use the same oven to turn it into charcoal… no, that would be a bad idea, it would contaminate the area and the metal could carry impurities.

I will have to make a separate oven, it is not very complicated, I just have to make sure that the heat does not escape, and it can accumulate from 400 to 700 º C, I will need bricks, some steel bands, maybe ask Twilight for some runes to filter the smoke in normal air, I don't want to attract attention.

I fixed my gaze on the stairs, where Twilight was coming down with Spike, "Do you like it?", asked Twilight a little nervous, I nodded, "Yes, it's very well done and it has everything I need", I said, while going back to picking up the hammer and tossing it into the air, catching it as it returned to the starting point.

I repeated this process while I was lost in my thoughts, thinking about what would be the first thing I would make.

I could consider making swords, but that is already done by the princess's blacksmith, and there are no other forces that want to buy a sword or any type of weapon at least, not often, that leaves me with more common things, the nails, screws, washers , etc. Like a mass production.

Then I could make sheets and wires as an extra, besides innovating, this world seems to be missing a lot of things that were common in my world, so I could make some of these things.

Although I will stay in the basics for now, what is most used and knows how to break.

I looked at Twilight, who was staring at my hammer, which was going up and down, she seemed captivated, honestly, something about her expression made me uncomfortable, "Uh, Twilight?", she blinked in surprise at my call, gave me a look, before returning to look the hammer.

I realized that I hadn't stopped throwing it into the air to catch it, I grabbed the hammer and left it in place, even though I dropped the hammer, she kept looking at my hands, then, she whispered something, "So Rarity was referring to that dexterity" I muttered, I was confused as to what she meant.

“Skill in what?”, that snapped her out of her world and she blushed so hard that her fur magically turned bright red, “NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL! I'm going upstairs!” She practically ran off herself, Spike and I looked at each other in confusion, before shrugging it off.

I looked around one last time in case I missed anything, but seeing nothing, I just headed for the stairs, "Come on Spike, there's still stuff to see," I said, picking him up and resting him on my shoulders, "Whoa, yes you are tall”, he said to the air, while supporting himself with my head.

I shrugged my shoulders, I was naturally tall, I was 1.89 meters tall, my brother knew how to call me a tower, I called him duende, because he was very short, at 25 years old, I was 1.50.

Clear my thoughts, not let me shake my head to avoid throwing Spike away.

I went up the stairs, being careful that Spike won't hit his head, above I could see that twilight was looking at a leaf, knowing her, it will be a list of things to check.

She marked a point with a pen and raised her head, she blushed a little when she saw me, but she didn't run away, I was still a little confused, but I didn't give it any importance at this moment, I headed towards the remaining door.

When trying to open it, it turns out that it was locked, I turned my head and gave Twilight a look, she nodded and levitated the keyring from before, with a key jumping, I grabbed the keyring and put the key highlighted by Twilight in the lock.

The key smoothly opened the door and I walked in, no doubt this was the residential part of the place, I looked around, seeing that I was in the reception room, the walls were made of wooden planks, the color a healthy orange.

The ceiling was the same, but the floor was smooth, much smoother, not to say that it slipped a bit, I wasn't complaining, because I liked to slide, but it could cause the occasional blow.

The place was decorated with a common piece of furniture, where you could put anything, from trophies to photos, I turned my gaze to the sofa, it was quite large, 5 meters long and 2 meters wide.

It was the color… vanilla? I don't know what that color is called, but I know that generally foods that have vanilla have that color.

Its cushions looked very fluffy, so much so that I went over and sat directly, this chair was very comfortable, I relaxed in it with no problems, enjoying the softness, I think I almost fell asleep, mainly because I didn't realize when I closed the eyes.

I sat up straight and looked around, noticing absently that Spike had fallen asleep on my shoulder, with a small smile, I picked him up and put him down on the couch, where he curled up on himself and went back to sleep.

I looked at the small table in front of him, although it was made of wood, it was different from the wall, a darker wood, dark oak, the only wood I recognize from here.

I got up from the chair and looked at the fireplace on the side, it was really a typical fireplace made of bricks and a grill on the door that could be opened.

I fixed my gaze on the remaining doors, although there was one that was a hole and there were no doors.

Assuming it was, I got up and went to that door, when I entered, I confirmed that it was the kitchen, it was a typical kitchen, although the walls were made of wood, there was a lining in the section where the fire goes, say the oven and kitchen firewood... I think, because I don't see where the firewood would go.

Shrugging, it may be like Twilight's kitchen, their oven was powered by what I call a “Fire Gem”, it generates fire by passing mana through it, they just had to create a mechanism around it to inject mana and direct where it went the fire.

There were also more of those gems for the other attributes, I knew that the water gem worked the same as the fire gem, when mana was passed through it, it generated water when mana was passed.

Although that emphasizes that an earth attribute gem generates earth, a wind attribute will generate wind, and so on.

Although Twilight told me that one can change how those gems work with runes or spells, runes for more permanent things, and spells for more instant things that end up spending the rune.

I sighed and turned my thoughts to the runes, I found them fascinating, but I'll have to focus on them another time.

I kept looking at the kitchen, and apart from a small fridge and the sink, which really is average, there's nothing flashy here.

Leaving the kitchen, I went to another door, the closest one, upon entering, was a simple bathroom, although... was it adapted to me? I looked at the toilet and the sink, as well as the shower, it was all my size, I looked behind me, I didn't see Twilight, she must be in the part of the store.

I sighed, although I wanted to know how I got everything to a precise size, although I can try to guess, I'll just say that I hit it.

Although there is no bidet in the bathroom, that really helps you clean up, I will build one when I can, but it will have to be when I can use the runes.

I left the bathroom and went to the last door, upon entering, it turned out to be a fairly large room, with a large double bed with a simple back, there was a closet and a mirror next to it, there was a carpet all over the floor, making the footsteps very soft.

If you hardly listened to me when I walked, now they will listen to me less.

I sat on the bed, and instantly realized that it was very comfortable, I gently patted the mattress, it was very, very soft, I was tempting to throw myself on the bed and fall asleep right there, but I shook my head and left it for another moment.

I got up and went to the common room, there was Twilight, looking amused at Spike, "Twilight", I called her, she immediately looked at me, almost as if she hadn't noticed me, "Uh, yeah?", she looked nervous , I just raised an eyebrow and pointed around with my hand.

She swallowed and looked away, I just stood still looking at her, fixedly, using a little trick that I learned, I slightly stepped back one of my feet, straightened my head and threw back my shoulders, it may seem very simple, but I discovered that It makes you look very dominant unconsciously.

I could instantly see the difference, Twilight looking wilting with each passing second, until finally, she spoke, "Yeah, I admit, I paid a lot for this place and got the best of the best out of budget," I relaxed my stance. and sighed, "Fine, but don't do it again or I'll reject it next time," she nodded happily for him to put it aside.

I looked around, "And where are the materials for the smithy?", she pointed to me with a movement of her head and went to the store, when I entered, I could see that she was at the exit door, knowing that she was waiting, I threw the key ring at her, she grabbed it with magic and opened the door in a moment, I looked around before signaling for me to follow her, when I left, I could see that she was walking to the side of the store, where there was an alley with a door wood, it turns out that it was also part of my property.

When I entered through the door, I could see that everything was very clean for an alley, and there was a small compartment that led down, when I entered through there following Twilight, we went down to a kind of basement, there was a storage with a lot of blacksmithing materials, metals, wood, coal, tanks full of water, among other less remarkable things.

While I appreciated the rather large and crowded warehouse, one thing bothered me, "Twilight, how am I going to get any of this stuff to the smithy?" I still have to finish it myself”, she said, walking to the center of the room and revealing a small compartment, full of runes and paths that were lost in the floor.

She summoned materials for writing runes and began to write the empty spaces, when she finished, she raised her head and spoke to me, "Okay, I'm going to need a keyword, choose", I raised an eyebrow, although I didn't know what I was doing, I supposed it was to obtain the materials, so, “patefacio sursum”, I said a word in Latin.

She looked at me confused, "Uh, good", she went to the runes and activated them, "patefacio sursum", she repeated after me, the runes glowed momentarily before returning to their previous state, she looked at the runes in confusion, before I shook my head, “I chose another word, that one doesn't catch the runes”, I felt disappointed, I wanted to say “open up” in Latin, but can't catch the words

So, let's keep it simple, "Let it be "Open up"", she repeated the same thing as before, and this time, the runes shone brightly and all the paths made began to light up, covering the entire room, before turning off, only the runes with a slight light.

Twilight looked satisfied and got up, closing the compartment, the whole room remained as it was, she looked at me with a smile, "Go ahead", I nodded and said loudly to the air, "Open up", the wall behind me shone slightly and when I turned around, it was opening like a common door, into my smithy.

I couldn't help but let out a whistle, "Good, that Twilight, this will help a lot", she looked proud of herself, now all she had to do was plan how to interact with the customers, but I already have some ideas.


A few hours had passed, Twilight showed me the other runes that were around the place, there was one that helped me a lot, if I spoke to a small hole in the corner in the smithy, my voice would be transmitted to the trading area, where the customers, this would help a lot, as in addition to the signs, you could talk to customers and interact without being present.

Although it could annoy many nobles, since I don't "deign" to show myself before them to speak, I sucked three and a half eggs.

Taking that into account, I headed to the smithy, Twilight came out and told me that she was going to see her parents, before heading to the sisters' castle, she assured me that it was not to talk about me, well, not about me directly. , if not from the new store that I will manage.

Once in the smithy, I opened the material store and took out iron, coal, water and some logs of wood.

Since I haven't been able to forge for a while, I wanted to practice making the most basic thing I know, a simple sword.

I put charcoal in the oven, wood and set it on fire with a rune embedded in the oven, Twilight mentioned that that rune would light the fire and make the charcoal last much longer, when I asked her why not use the rune and the fire gem to generate the heat for the forge, she told me that they don't know how to do it at the right temperature.

So there was only one thing left, to do it the old-fashioned way, when I figured the oven was ready, I stuck the iron under all the coals with a pair of tongs, then, just wait, measuring the heat of the oven constantly, when I felt enough time had passed, I inserted the tongs and took out the iron, rested the hot iron on the anvil and began to hammer.

When I felt that it started to get cold enough, I put it in the oven again, and I repeated this process as many times as necessary, until I had a basic iron sword.

When I had it, I dedicated myself to sharpening it with whetstones, once sharpened, reaching the point of cutting paper just by leaning on it, it was ready for the next phase, but I had to do something first.

Making a few holes on the side that was not sharpened, I did it with a hammer and a pointed piece of iron, when I had the three holes, I put the sword in the oven again, and waited, this time, it had to come out well red.

When I took it out, I proceeded to leave it hanging to the side, it had to cool naturally, and while that was happening, I proceeded to make the handle, which is just carving a log as you wanted to do, when I had the handle ready, I made sure to make them small designs, to make it look good.

They were a few simple lines that ran through the entire controller, they also helped to have a better grip.

By the time I had it done the sword had already cooled down I headed over to it and put it back in the oven, while it was in the oven I prepared the small pool of water, not the best as oil was preferred for the cooled, but it seems that hasn't been figured out yet and I have no oil in my possession.

When I had the sword ready, I took it out and immediately put it in the water, waited for it to cool quickly, before taking it out and checking it, confirming that the cooling had gone well, I reheated the sword and repeated the process once. more, to make sure that the sword was not too hard, since it made it brittle in contact with other things.

Once I had it ready, I put the handle, which was only putting three pieces of iron through handle to handle with a hammer, once ready, I began to sharpen the sword again, when I finished, I looked at the sword from top to bottom, looking at myself. In his reflection, I nodded to myself, I gave him a few small blows, measuring the sensation that he gave me, I tested his weight, I had done it with perfect balance.

And the final test, testing its edge, I brought an apple and tried to cut it with my sword, I cut it perfectly and without restrictions, that made me smile, it seems that I hadn't forgotten any of my blacksmith skills.

Thanks for that, dad.

Chapter 6

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[One week later]

"This is how you teach the first steps of magic to your little unicorn," I closed the book tightly and clutched my head, frustrated, "Why the hell doesn't what the book says work?", I yelled, raising my hands high in the air as I stared at the wooden ceiling.

I stayed in that pose for a few seconds, before letting myself fall backwards onto my comfortable bed.

The frustration died down with one last sigh, I picked up the book again and put it in front of me, going back to the beginning to read again, "You have to teach your child to stay as chito as possible, looking for a feeling inside his body, it can be anywhere, so tell him not to focus on one area", move on to the next step.

"If your unicorn colt can't find that feeling, it may be because he is more talented than usual, then you have to be more specific and technical, tell him to look for a ball, an energy, something out of the ordinary, once found, he can proceed with the most natural and common spell, levitation," with a rubbed sigh, put the book aside.

I couldn't find what he was referring to, not a feeling, not energy, nothing, it's as if I had no magic, but that wouldn't make sense, strong magic, requires a strong body, that's why my body is becoming more resistant to temperatures, denser, more... strong in general, besides eliminating basic needs, like going to the bathroom, heck, even eating, I'm getting to the point that I eat for eating, and not because I'm hungry.

I still need water, but in smaller quantities, it's only a matter of time before I don't need water.

And all this is the work of my magic, I seem to have a very strong magic, so it is continuously strengthening my body, but I can't access it, I can't even feel it, and that is irritating me a lot.

With a groan, I decided to leave this for another time, took the book out of bed, leaving it on the dresser, covered myself with the sheets and fell asleep.

[The following day]

My hammer is constantly coming down, continuously making various metals, a sheet next to me told me the customer's request, when I finished hammering, it only remained for it to cool down and the customer would have his piece of metal.

Sigh, looking at the orders already placed, today in the afternoon, customers should be arriving for their orders, with that in mind, I grabbed the orders and spoke aloud, "Section 3", a part of the wall opened, there I left the orders, numbering each one from 1 forward.

"Close section 3", I said to the air, the wall closed the panel, leaving the orders inside, I walked to the gap where I could speak so I could be heard above, I looked to the side, "Mirrors", a panel opened, showing me through some mirrors, the store, I could see some customers, looking at the sample products.

I didn't pay attention to them, I was just watching for the arrival of a few, although I don't know what they look like, I know that they left a password with their product order, if they say that out loud, I will know right away who they were, as they paid in advance, I just have to teleport the products upstairs, and make sure they get it.

Finally, a customer walked in and spoke loudly, "Special cake," I snorted at the password, but spoke loudly, making sure my voice did not carry over to the store, it was not necessary, "Section 3, product 6," I said into the air, a glitter appeared over the counter, leaving the customer's product there, he levitated it and took it away, it was a small wedding ring.

I guess someone would get married.

A small smile appeared on my face, I remembered my parents' wedding photos, they were so happy, happiness that accompanied them all their lives, no matter what happened.

Hopefully you can find something this special, "Hot Cream" ... "Section 3, product 1", don't comment on the password, it may not mean what it may come to mean here.

I looked in the mirror and snorted, the rest of the ponies were looking at the one who said the password, he looked embarrassed, it seems that if it can mean that.

I chuckled, the guy just grabbed his bracelet and galloped away, I shook my head, and continued waiting for the other customers....

I got bored very quickly, pulled out a book I had on the side and began to read, "The expert rune smithy", I mumbled the name of the book, before diving into it.

He only stopped when a customer arrived with a password for one of his products, he would put the book down, but would return instantly, trying to learn more about the runes, but he was beginning to notice something... strange.

I stared at the runes on a drawn sword... "They look alike," I muttered... before shaking my head, "No, it can't be the same one," I sighed and closed the book.

I got up, all the orders had been taken away a while ago, no one else was coming in.

I took one last look in the mirror... something was looking right at me.

When I blinked, there was nothing, I looked with a frown at the mirror, but only sighed and spoke, "Mirrors, close," I said, it closed instantly.

Still staring at the spot where the mirror had been, I raised my hand to my forehead and massaged gently, I closed my eyes for a few moments, remembering the shadow in the mirror, 'It looked... familiar', with my other hand, I clutched my chest, right where my heart was, 'But... why does it hurt?'

I took a deep breath and relaxed, released as the pain subsided, opened my eyes and stared at the wall for a few more seconds before turning around and leaving.

[One week later]

My eyes were shining dangerously, I was looking at a little... friend, a friend who decided to rob me, I heard him when I was in my room, when I went down to the basement and checked through the mirror, I could see him, searching the premises for anything valuable.

Having a malevolent idea, a maniacal grin appeared on my face, my eyes sparkled with anticipation.

[Change of point of view: thief].

'Damn, there's nothing valuable around here, even the samples are only aesthetic, there's no real work in them', I got frustrated, I closed with my magic the drawer I was checking and noticed the door that followed, I approached and tried to open it, it was locked.

Nothing that a spell could not solve, I concentrated on the lock with my spell and immediately I heard a click, a smile appeared on my face, this was very easy.

My smile disappeared instantly when I opened the door... there was a huge shadow, one looking at me, no features other than that he was tall... and the huge smile on his face.

My eyes widened in horror as that mouth surrounded by pure black opened and approached, getting very close to me, he gave me a lick on my cheek before pulling back, I could not move, my legs did not respond, I did not know what was the sensation that ran through my whole body.

But it wouldn't let me think or move, even though I just wanted to run away, "Mm, an appetizing taste," I heard the monster speak, its words simply terrified me, I watched as it suddenly approached, leaving me at the height of blackness above its teeth, a red glow peeked out there.

My body shook really hard, "You're lucky little girl, if it wasn't for me not being hungry, you wouldn't see the next sunrise," I was shaking at this point, "now, Go away," his last tone was enough to send my body galloping out the door, I couldn't scream because my throat was too dry, so I just ran and never looked back.

[Change of point of view]

I saw him galloping away with his mouth open in a silent scream, a very small giggle escaped me, I don't know how I scared him so much, but I didn't care, that's what he gets for stealing, I hope he doesn't steal again... Yeah right, his mana mark was literally a bag of money typical of a movie for thieves, I just don't think he'll come back here again.

I simply shook my head before closing the doors and heading to my room to sleep.

I massaged my forehead hard, trying to ignore all the noise around me, screams, insults, curses, everything you can call a person, they were telling me, I just ignored it as best I could and continued studying.

Finally, the bell rang, a signal that school was over, without hesitation, I grabbed my things and got out of there quickly, I didn't want my patience to run out and lash out, that would only give them more reason to treat me like that.

When I was outside, I could see my older brother's car, a Lamborghini, more specifically a scrambled Lamborghini, without hesitation, I got into the passenger seat and relaxed with a tired sigh, my brother just glanced at me out of the corner of his eye for a bit before driving home.

He didn't say anything, he just took me, and I stared out the window, watching the buildings go by.

In a moment, with a blink of an eye, I was on the other side, I was still with my brother, but now there was my younger brother on my right, we were in the back seats, my father was driving, but I couldn't make out the car well.

There was something... wrong, I didn't know what it was, but I could feel that there was something wrong, in a moment, everything changed, now I was bleeding out, I could hardly see anything, there was a lot of movement, I could feel the wind in my face, I was going fast, very fast, with the feeling of vertigo in my stomach for company, I knew I was in the air because of that.

I tried to look around, but I could hardly see anything, I tried to see what I was leaning on, but I only saw one thing, something black, there were many of them, joined one to the other, they looked like fish scales.

I tried to get up, but a force did not let me, then, I heard my younger brother's voice, "Resist, please, resist", I heard his voice, I did not know where it came from, but it was my younger brother, he would not hurt me, then, I closed my eyes.

This time, I was surrounded by darkness, but I could hear, I heard voices.

"It's useless, he's rejected that to such an extent, it's no longer part of him, not at least in a way we can take advantage of," I could hear an irritated growl, "Damn it, I don't know what the others did as to prevent me from stealing from them, and now I can't steal that from him? FUCK, how the hell am I going to advance my research now?", I felt myself fading fast, that voice, it echoed silently.

"Shit, if he's no good to us, just delete him-," the voice faded completely, a sense of deep fall continued, until I ended up in a totally black space.

I raised my hand and saw her perfectly, yes, her eyes were open, I stood up, stepping on the black floor, I looked around, there was nothing but black, I felt a hand land on each of my shoulders, I paid no attention to that and spoke, "What... was that?", silence followed for a few moments, before my own voice answered me, though it came out in an angry and malevolent tone.

"I don't know, but it seems very important," I nodded, agreeing with the voice to my left, another voice followed from my right, sounding kind and compassionate "We'll have to investigate, it seems to be about our family," I sighed and shook my head, "It's not possible, we're not in the same world anymore," I could feel each hand tighten slightly, a way to comfort me.

"Well, it's about time you woke up, you don't want to miss your day, remember that today Twilight is coming to install the teleporter I build," I sighed, knowing about that, "Good," I said and with that word, I disappeared from the black space, proving that there was nothing else left, nor where those voices were coming from.

I looked at Twilight, who was bringing a bunch of stuff and passing her through a door I didn't know about, that door led to a whole unbuilt area below my house, well, for the most part, if there was anything built and it was a library.

When I asked Twilight why she didn't show me this, she said she forgot in her hurry to go see Princess Celestia, well, now I have a library with a lot of information, I was going to check it later, right now I was waiting for Twilight to finish assembling all the equipment.

Finally, she created a platform of sorts, large enough to hold over 30 ponies on top of it, she was actively checking a very large screen for what it showed, as it was her energy fluctuations.

After a few moments, Twilight smiled and pressed a button, I began to hear some buzzing for a few moments, before it calmed down and everything was as it was, I thought I had failed, but by Twilight's smile it was not so.

"Twilight", I called her, she directed a small glance towards me and spoke, "It seems to work, it only remains to test it, but to avoid damage, I am going to send an apple and other fruits towards the one I have built in my castle", she took out a basket full of different foods and the like.

She put them in the teleporter, touched other separate buttons and finally, with a little flicker of light, the whole basket was gone, she nodded to herself, "Good, looks like everything went well over here, it only remains to look in my castle when she comes back to check if it's ok", I nodded, "Now, take this", she tossed me a gem, I caught it and looked, it was a simple green gem, an emerald to be precise.

I gave Twilight a questioning look, "We have to test from my side if it arrives here safe and sound, when I return to my castle, I will send back the basket with a note and a disposable book, if they arrive perfectly and undamaged, simply leave a mark on the gem, any will do, but if it arrives damaged, break the gem into pieces," I nodded in her direction, I would simply grab a knife or throw it on the floor.

Twilight started walking towards the exit of this new place, I followed her, I had nothing else to do around here, I would check out the library another time.

When we came out in my smithy, I spoke, "Twilight", she didn't turn to look at me, but I saw her ears pointed at me, "Do you want to drink Tea?", now she did turn to look at me, her eyes practically glowed and she nodded.

I knew it would turn into a question session, but I don't mind, I was starting to get used to it... and it's strangely enjoyable to spend time with her.

I simply headed to the kitchen while she sat at the table, waiting.

Breathe and release, Breathe and release, Breathe and release, Breathe and release.

Little by little, I fell into a meditative state, falling deeper and deeper, I let my brain speed up as much as possible, check up and down my body, but... I found nothing.

Frustration almost brought me out of my meditation, but I didn't let it go very far before I relaxed again.

I just drifted, one thought jumping to another, constantly.

"ꯃꯁ ꯃꯤ ꯑꯗꯨꯅꯤ꯫꯫", I wrinkled my forehead, 'What was that?", I started to investigate without hesitation, but I couldn't find anything, it got to the point that I thought it was just my imagination.


I shuddered strongly, images began to appear everywhere, I could not see anything, nor identify anything, the pace of the images was so fast that I simply could not grasp it.

I reach a point of overwhelm, 'ENOUGH' a chorus of three voices shout, mine and two others.

I could instantly feel two hands resting on each shoulder, the images automatically stopped, but they didn't go away, most of them I couldn't see anything, it was ridiculously blurry and difficult, there were only three images that I could see anything.

"Is that an altar?", I turned my gaze to the image first image, I could instantly identify a kind of stone altar, but it was decorated with gold and on top of it, there was a bowl, a bowl with a red liquid, I could identify it without problem as blood.

"That looks like something bad," I turned my gaze to the image in the middle, I could see the shadow of something, the only thing I identified were the red eyes, my red eyes.

There was only one problem, the shadow looked nothing like me.

But I knew it was me, I don't know why, but I was sure it was me, I couldn't identify what the shadow was, it was just gigantic, monumentally, if Canterlot looking behind him was any indication.

Instantly I realized, "That makes it worse," the voices chorused at the same time, identifying the same thing as me, I took a deep breath so as not to go crazy and turned to the last image I could see.

In it, you could see a kind of pony, a dead pony, it looked like they cut its throat and gutted it from top to bottom, the image gave me a tremendous rage, I didn't know why, but I knew it was for something.

I took a deep breath and relaxed, my two companions said nothing, so absorbed in their own thoughts.

I took a deep breath and analyzed everything around me, I realized that I was in my own mind, in my mental space, but there was no indication of where the images were coming from.

With a resigned sigh, knowing I could do nothing more here, I spoke aloud, "I'm out of here," I could feel them briefly squeeze my shoulder, before they both let go, I turned around, only to see that they were already gone.

I nodded to myself and went out of my mind, I had a lot to think about, especially what each image meant.

"You've told me a lot about humans in general," I raised my right eyebrow, "So... I was wondering if I can know things about you specifically," my other eyebrow joined in, that was... unexpected.

"Hey, considering how curious you are Twilight, I thought you would always focus on everything general, heck, we've talked about the most mundane, even quantum theory, ridiculously difficult thing to understand," I could see her blushing quite a bit.

"Well... I consider you a friend of mine, but then thinking about you, I realized I don't know anything, what's your favorite color? I don't know, what's your birthday? I don't know, what's your penis size? I don't " "WHAT THE FUCK!", I screamed at the top of my lungs at the last, totally surprised by that.

She looked at me confused, "What's wrong, did I say something wrong?", I could only babble on and on, trying to say something, but no coherent words came out, then a face of realization appeared on her face, "Ah, right, different culture, that's not topics to talk about for you", she said so matter-of-factly?

To think that in a world where the lack of double entendre is so prevalent, but at the same time there would be so much freedom to talk about sexuality.

Heck, even Fluttershy ever talked about sexual things, embarrassingly for the most part, but she did, even though she didn't want to know the size of her last boyfriend's penis...don't ask how that tidbit of information came up, you don't want to know.

Putting that memory aside, "Twilight, please don't surprise me like that," I said with an extremely exaggerated sigh, I really don't have a problem with these issues, but if you pull it out of nowhere... I get pretty nervous, everything has a rhythm.

She laughed nervously, "Well, long story short, I don't know much about you, practically nothing, I refuse as a princess of friendship, not to know anything about a friend of mine, even if he doesn't consider me one yet," my head turned to look at her and my eyes narrowed.

She just smiled sadly at me, "Magic?", she nodded, "That's right, since it's a concept attached to me as a princess, I can perfectly know all about friendship, I know you don't consider me a friend, but it's close," I stared at her, before a smile crept on my face.

She just rose to friendship by being totally honest with me, and without hesitation she realized, if the beaming smile on her face was any indication.

"Well... if that's the case, I'll say some basic things about me, you don't need to write down or anything, or even remember", she nodded, I started to think what to say, honestly, one doesn't exactly know much about oneself, it seems silly, but get to thinking about what to tell someone about yourself, such common things that everyone around you knows... usually.

Now, for women, ignore the above, the female mind and the male mind work very differently, I'm sure you could without problem do that, but we men could not.

We can have been friends for years with a friend, and not know what their favorite color is, if I try to think of my favorite color, no idea really comes to mind right away, I have to think about it, but after a while, I realized that I always wear mostly black or red clothes.

Ironic, isn't it? The eye color I hate, is one of my favorite colors.

I shook my head, I delved deep into my mind and completely forgot Twilight, I instantly looked at Twilight, who didn't look surprised or impatient, she was just sipping her tea, "Are you done getting lost in your thoughts?", I couldn't help but snort.

It seems she already knows me more than she thinks she does, "Yeah, thanks for waiting," I nodded in her direction, "I'll tell you a few things, pretty simple, my favorite color is both black and red, I like cats, I have no problem with dogs or other animals, I quite like to play games, especially with a good group of friends with a bunch of silly things as ideas, it's ridiculously fun," I nodded to myself, remembering my old group, before they left.... 'don't mess with the bad stuff, just leave the good stuff,' I reminded myself.

"Ah, I like to drink alcohol, but only among friends, I really like to forge, I love to get on people's nerves with logical nonsense, in general, I'm pretty straightforward, with certain exceptions," I paused and thought for a moment, "And that's it in general, I can't think of anything else to say," I shrugged.

Although Twilight didn't seem concerned, I hope she didn't notice the tidbit I left out.

I know her well enough to know that this kind of thing is not forgotten without a reason behind it, with that in mind, "Twilight," she turned to look at me, "I don't know those things about you either," I said with a mischievous smile, she blushed instantly, realizing I was right.

"W-Well, I guess it wouldn't be fair if I didn't tell you something," she bit her mane as she began to think, a small smile peeked on my face, seeing her so nervous while biting her mane, it was quite tender.

She noticed my smile and blushed a lot when she noticed that I was biting her mane, I didn't give it importance and kept waiting, she didn't take much longer to answer, "I-I don't know how much to tell you, but I guess I'll go with imitating you, my favorite color... I don't really have one, I'm associated with purple because of my coat, but honestly, I really like white", she gesticulated a lot, it was strange to see a pony move her arms a lot to emphasize her words.

"I don't have a favorite animal, although I like owls, I love to study, but lately I'm learning quite a bit to relax, whether it's with games or just not thinking about anything...which I now understand why my teacher loved to do," an amused smile peeked across my face, being a prince of sorts is never easy.

Why do I say prince? Because princesses where I come from have it quite a bit easier... if we discount forced marriages, the thing is, princes have to handle so much paperwork, learn to fight, handle themselves, prepare to rule, and here, where gender roles are mostly reversed, those duties fall to princesses.

Although I heard about a prince, he seems to have it pretty easy, considering he only handles a few things in general, the princess on the other hand, handles absolutely everything, whether it's giving a signature, or just making sure it's okay.

I blurted out my mental rambling, before Twilight noticed.

Although she has been silent in thought all that time, I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Twilight?", she blinked suddenly, "oh, I got stuck in thought, didn't I?", I nodded, although I won't admit to her that the same thing happened to me....

"Well, if I pretty much follow what you said, I've never tried alcohol, although I have a temptation to do so at some point, I love to study and learn," I couldn't help but snort, she looked at me confused, "You already said you love to study," she blushed quite a bit, but continued as if I hadn't said anything.

"I love making new friends, although I prefer to have a closed circle for certain more private things, I've been told I'm very clueless on several occasions, and I freely admit they are totally right, I love to speak my mind... even if it leads to quite uncomfortable situations most of the time," I smiled very tightly as I raised an eyebrow at her, she gave me a nervous smile back, knowing the amount of times she says something to make me uncomfortable.

I just indicated for her to continue with a wave of my hand, a movement I also noticed from Fluttershy and Twilight, it seems to be universal, the simple flick of the wrist.

"I love everything about magic, to an exaggerated point, my mana mark literally represents magic as a whole... or at least I think so, since chaos magic I simply can't use it," I scratched my chin, why couldn't I use chaos magic?

After thinking about it for a while, I realized, all her management methods for magic are very refined, systematic and, above all, harmonious, until she realizes that chaos magic is directly a direct use, she can not use it, chaos magic is not to understand it, it is... chaos magic, chaos there is no order... superficially.

Suddenly, as a clarity flooded my body, I relaxed a lot, I didn't know why... but I felt at... peace.

I shook my head, clearing the feeling, I focused on Twilight, who looked confused by my reaction, "I'm sorry... I don't know what happened there, it's like a clarity filled my whole body and my mind was forced to follow it," a kind of recognition came to Twilight's eyes.

Now, she was smiling a smile that said 'I know something you don't', but she didn't say anything, I knew that, if it was something bad, she would say it, so I just didn't comment on it.

"Hey Nataniel," "Mm?", I made a sound of acknowledgement, even if I was still thinking about that feeling, sensation... whatever it was.

"When is your birthday?" ... "Shit," a mumble escaped me, she realized I didn't say my birthday and I tried to distract her from that.

She looked at me curiously, "Why did you want to avoid telling me that?", I just sighed and looked at the ceiling, old memories were passing through my eyes, "Bad experiences", I just said, while closing my eyes.

I waited a few moments before opening my eyes and looking at Twilight, who was looking at me with a pitiful look, I simply shook my hand.

I didn't want to give myself importance towards those facts, "And what's yours Twilight? When is your birthday?", she didn't even bother to think, "March 30", I nodded in her direction, I'll file that information in my head.

I picked up the cup and took a sip of my tea, only to spit it out when I realized something, I coughed like a pig while thumping my chest, after a few, seconds, I was able to speak again, and the first thing I did was yell, "MARCH 30?!", Twilight, who was wiping all the tea I spit in her face like she didn't care, replied, "Yes".

I looked at her in horror, "THAT'S TODAY!", she nodded, but looked more confused than anything else, me, having listened to the craziness of her friends... including the rose named Pinkie Pie....

With complete and utter horror, I turned my gaze towards the door, instantly, I noticed the knob was turning very slowly, "Twilight," I called, who looked at me in confusion before looking to where I was looking, "Did you get your happy birthday party yet?" she shook her head, and finally, I could see the horror settling on her face, for someone so smart, she's really clueless...for forgetting that you can't skip a Pinkie Pie party.

At the fastest speed I could, I went to the secret door I discovered today and entered without hesitation, hiding just in time, as I heard a boom from a cannon above me, "¡¡¡¡HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWILIGHT!!!!", I shuddered at the noise that seemed to ignore the walls.

It was the most... uh, I don't know how to define it, but its volume is remarkable without a doubt.

I listened as more ponies congratulated Twilight, and I, as a very curious person, went to my smithy and accessed the mirrors, took a few seconds to set it up to my living room, and when I did, I got a total surprise, my previously tidy and sparsely furnished living room was filled with confetti, tables and even games.

Looking around some more, I noticed that at the door there is a blue cannon with pink wheels, it even had a flower drawn on the wheels, 'That must be the party cannon', I had heard of it from Twilight, according to her, it is to prepare a place to party in an instant, and no doubt, it is effective if the result of my living room is any indication.

Normally, I would wonder how a small cannon can do all that, but in a world where magic exists... no questions need be asked.


With a 'Plop', the voice minimized drastically, I could see as an orange pony who I could identify as AppleJack thanks to his mana mark, put his hoof directly into the pink one's mouth.

"Slow down pinki, our brains can't keep up with you, but raise a point, where is that friend Twilight? You said you were coming to visit him," I sighed, knowing the answer Twilight would give, she sighed resignedly, "I was talking to him, but he noticed you guys were coming in and left, he's not very social with all the ponies," I shook my head, her words would only make them more curious.

"My dear, you only make them more curious to meet him, especially when three of us know him," spoke Rarity, being very precise with her words.

The rainbow haired one snorted, "He looks like a sissy to me," they all gasped, "Rainbow, watch your words," Rarity said, quite offended by the words, "What, am I wrong?", Rarity snorted in a very unrefined manner, "Of course you do, you don't want to meet any more ponies for a very good reason, not because you are irrationally afraid."

Rainbow snorts, "You defend him strongly, but you never say why he doesn't want to meet more ponies, to me, it just seems more like he's a sissy," she crosses her arms...I guess I'll call it arms.

Twilight resigned herself with a sigh, "We don't tell the reason why she doesn't want to meet more ponies because it would make everything worse without the rest of the context," I nodded at her explanation, and Rarity along with Fluttershy concurred with my nod.

Rainbow sighed, but it wasn't her who spoke, "It seems to me that the situation is more complicated than it looks, we'd better put this aside to continue with Twilight's party, we're not here to argue", at that, pinki nodded quickly, still with AppleJack's helmet in her mouth.

I just huffed and unchecked my mirrors, I wasn't in the mood to eavesdrop anymore, so, to pass the time of the party at my house, I went to forge the last things I had left to do.

[The following day]

I yawn tiredly, looking at my last piece I forged, a sword, it was rare that they asked me for one, but they had the royal permissions to own it, so I made it, but I wonder why they didn't ask the royal blacksmith for it.

I tested it lightly, making sure it was up to the standard I set for myself, after making sure it was as flexible as I expected and its edge was decent, I left it in its delivery compartment.

Finally, I opened the mirrors again to look at my house, I could notice how the party had ended some time ago when the noise stopped, but only now I can see how everything is...

Other than the fact of the confetti lying around, or the food strewn about, there was no sign of the party... except for all the ponies curled up on my bed, my eyebrow twitched a little at the sight of that, but I didn't say anything, my bed was big enough to accommodate everyone, and Twilight wouldn't let them leave without cleaning everything up, so I didn't think much more of it.

I sighed and headed for the library, I had to pass the time until they left, and it didn't look like it would be anytime soon.

I started going through the books, looking for something that caught my attention, but there were a lot of books and I didn't feel like reading most of them.

Finally, I stopped at one book in particular, one that talked about the origin of magic.

I pulled out the book, leaned back in one of the most comfortable armchairs I've ever been 'I still think Twilight spends too much on this place,' and started reading.

"First of all, magic has no clear origin, this book is just a set of theories that are believed to be close to the origin, theories that have names of great sorcerers behind them (Including princesses)," I scratched my head in annoyance, not what I expected, but there is nothing better.

'Looks like this book isn't going to have the answer to my problem with magic,' I thought, before putting it aside and continuing my reading.

"Ragnarök Theory: it is believed that magic began to emerge at the end of the world, saving it from its catastrophe, the theory arises from...

Theory of everything: In this theory, it is contemplated that magic was the emergence of the universe, being a consequence of a high concentration of magic particles, the thought came from...

Unification theory: This theory arises...




Theory of presence (Considered the closest to the origin by the princesses): In this theory, you contemplate the existence of magic in absolutely everything around you, even in the less magical beings, magic is still in their bodies and vicinity, there is nothing without magic.

Therefore, in this theory is supported by the fact that magic never emerged from nowhere, it was always present, when contemplated in this way, problems arise, because in isolated tribes there are cases where there is no use of magic? Even when unicorns are present, there is no use of magic.

When questioning this point to the princesses, they refer to this phenomenon as a case of "Rejection", by not knowing or denying magic and its scope, as well as its utilities, they unconsciously strongly reject their own magic, tightening it on such a tight leash, that it cannot manifest in any way.

By continuously analyzing this in multiple cases, even the most non-magical tribes isolated from magic were able to learn to use it in a short time, even those who could not actively use it were beginning to use it passively, backing up the words of the princesses.

The current princess of magic refers to magic as a limb that you have never seen or felt, not knowing its existence, it is impossible to move that limb."

I closed the book on its last page, sighing in frustration, hoping that this book would contain some answers for me, but other than enriching my knowledge of magic, I got nothing.

I sighed and left the book where I found it, looked around, seeing many more interesting books, but without being able to handle basic magic, I saw no point in reading them... at least for now.

I left the library and went to my smithy, where I started to look at the mirrors, I could notice that everything was clean, there were no ponies on my bed anymore, everything had been arranged, it seemed that last night's party didn't happen in the first place.

I fixed my gaze on the only three remaining ponies, one was Twilight, but the other two I was totally unfamiliar with, but something stood out about them that gave away their identity, more than the fact that their manes looked ethereal... They had both wings and horns.

I fixed my gaze on the taller one, using the furniture as a gauge, I was able to determine that the taller one equaled me in height, although its horn would undoubtedly pass over me, that thing is long... I pushed my dirty thoughts out of my head to another side and continued analyzing them.

The tall one had a shiny white mane, even longer than Rarity, her legs were longer than the others, her body was... I don't know why I emphasize this, her body was more curvy than the other ponies, which seems very exotic to me from what I saw of the ponies.

She almost looked more human despite having the body of a pony, her wings, despite not being spread, seemed very large, each the same length as her body, making her twice as big as she was.

Her golden ornaments, a corna and a collar, made her coat as well as her mane and tail stand out, something that was very interesting, it's the first time I've seen a pony with such a... unique mane and tail, although practically everything about her is unique if you think about it.

That aside, her mane and tail were aurora-like, an austral to be specific, even with all that, her purple eyes stood out a lot, especially because of the kindness that is present in them.

And finally, her mana mark, a pretty realistic sun, I don't know why it's yellow when the sun itself is white, maybe it's affected by the atmosphere like the real sun? I don't know, I'm guessing, but one thing I'm sure of, she's Celestia.

I let my gaze wander from her and directed it to the one next to her, making a rather stark contrast, by color and size, she is larger than Twilight, but smaller than Celestia.

His coat is of a dark blue color, I find it interesting how his collar is of a pure black color with some lights, I would say that they simulate the stars.

My gaze shifted to his , around his mana mark, it is a pure black, the mark being a moon that one part is covered by a black dot, some would say it is a crescent moon, but crescents are not like that.

Like Celestia, her body was more curvy to the other ponies, not as much as celestia, but her curve seems to be more to emphasize her abdomen, whereas celestia was overall... and maybe emphasized her butt a little more... I dismiss that thought and will pretend I never thought about it.

I shook my head, clearing my mind, before analyzing further, as celestia, her wings individually were as big as her body, at least from what I can see, since she has them resting on her sides.

He seems to have a small crown was on his head, being easily highlighted by his deep black color, especially since his mane is a light blue, so the black is easily seen.

Although like Celestia, her mane and tail were unique, looking very... realistic, it almost looks like her hair and tail were the night sky outside, although her mane and tail were a lighter blue, and the sky is more black, she is almost certainly Luna.

Their eyes were a bluish-green color, quite unique for the set of colors they wear.... Mm, now that I notice, they seem to have some sort Slippers? I don't know, but they have something to go with their hooves, looks like they are a set of their collars and crown.

I sighed and cleared my thoughts, the three of them were talking about economics, I didn't pay much attention, I was still looking carefully at the two princesses.

They just seemed very... unique to me, everything about them was somehow unique, my gaze shifted to Twilight, and I began to notice a few things, as small as those details were, I began to notice how Twilight's body had certain unique parts.

First of all, I noticed that her body in certain parts was more curvy like the other two, her mane and tail, despite looking normal, I could see a very, very small flash that resembled the two older ponies, heck, if I remember correctly, Twilight is a centimeter taller than her friends, individually it's nothing, but if you add the rest of the features, you can tell for sure that Twilight is changing into a being more like the other two.

If I remember correctly, Twilight had mentioned that she recently became an Alicorn, which means that her new magic is still enhancing her body to a new level.

A very strong resemblance to what happens to me, but at a slower pace... much slower.

Honestly... I don't even know what I'm doing analyzing princesses, just... I'm going to put this aside and go back to forging, I still have one or two orders for next month, maybe there will be some new ones, yeah, I'd better go forging.

I reluctantly took my eyes off the mirror, surprising myself for my reluctance to stop looking, but I told myself that I'm not part of the beastliness group and that helped...which bothers me more...damn, I admit it, princesses are sexy even in my sight.

I shook my head and looked down at my hammer, I had to do something to distract myself, the last thing I want is to be a stalker.