My Little Pony: Friendship Is Frightening!

by WatchTower1992

First published

A rewrite of the canon in which Fluttershy replaces Twilight Sparkle as the protagonist.

This is a substantial rewrite of a story that I had published previously on FIMFiction.

Sections 1-4

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“Oh—thank you, Angel!” I told my pet bunny one morning. He had brought me an urgent letter—in his mouth—addressed to me. I took its envelope from him and asked him, “Angel, could you please open the envelope for me?” He gladly tore it open with his paws, and I took the letter out and read it aloud.

My dear, compassionate Fluttershy:

Tomorrow is the Summer Sun Celebration—the longest day of the year and the most important holiday in all of Equestria. I have chosen you—because you are very good at taking care of animals—to provide the music for the celebration. My personal favorite music is the music that I get to hear every day when everypony is silent—the sweet singing of songbirds. I have the utmost confidence that you will be the best pony for such a task.

Lots of love,
Princess Celestia

“Oh, no—I can’t!” I squeaked in utter fright. Right there and then, I shrank; I lay down flat on the floor of my cottage, covering my eyes with my hooves and shaking like a leaf. “Everypony will be watching me—even before I get to see Princess Celestia!” I cried, still in fright. My shyness prevented me from even thinking about trotting outside.

Angel, my pet bunny, felt very sorry for me. He could not stand to see me so afraid. He hopped up to me and gave me a hug as big as his paws would let him give. He and I cuddled for most of the morning.

By the time that I felt brave enough to set hoof outside, the afternoon was almost over. I had gathered the best-singing songbirds in my care to accompany me to the park. I led them all to a nearby tree, where they roosted together on a common branch. I counted off to start their music, but somepony interrupted me and frightened my birds!

The pony who interrupted me was a unicorn mare with a purple coat. “I’m so sorry that I scared your birds away,” she told me. She was very polite, but she still scared me. “I’m Twilight Sparkle,” she told me, and asked me for my name in exchange.

“Erm—I’m Fluttershy,” I answered. “I’m sorry; could you please repeat that?” asked Twilight Sparkle. “My name is Fluttershy,” I answered again. “I still can’t hear you,” she told me.

Twilight could not get my name, because my voice was too soft. “Well, it looks as though your birds are back,” she announced, because my birds had, indeed, come back. However, I was much too afraid to speak again. “What song were you going to perform, anyway?” she wondered.

A purple baby dragon caught my eye, and I galloped toward him. “He’s so cute!” I cooed. “I know—right?” agreed Twilight Sparkle. I could not resist his cuteness.

“I’m Spike,” the dragon told me. “I’m Fluttershy,” I answered. “I think you’re cute, Fluttershy!” added Spike. “Oh, my—that’s so nice of you, Spike!” I answered, and kissed him on the cheek.

Twilight, using her horn, transported Spike onto her back and headed for home. “You should keep practicing, Fluttershy,” she told me. Spike had relayed my name to her. “Good-bye, Twilight Sparkle,” I answered softly.

For the rest of the afternoon, my songbirds and I rehearsed our music. “À-1, à-2, à-1-2-3!” I counted off. By the time that night fell, I felt much braver, but just in case, I asked my birds to sing again. “One more time, everyone; you sang beautifully!” I told them.

I had to get out of bed when it was still dark. As much as darkness scared me, I knew that it was wrong to disappoint Princess Celestia. “Oh—thank you, everyone!” I told my birds. They and I comforted each other all the way to the town hall.

The security staff let my birds and me in. “Fillies and gentlecolts…!” announced Mayor Mare. I raised my baton and prepared myself to conduct my choir of birds. Finally, the mayor announced, “…Princess Celestia!”

A tall, white alicorn trotted forward onto the balcony. “EEP!” I squeaked, and galloped straight out of the town hall. “I told you so!” retorted Spike. “I should probably face up to the princess,” sighed Twilight Sparkle.

“I was wrong about Nightmare Moon’s prophecy,” confessed Twilight. “At least the Summer Sun Celebration can begin now,” answered Celestia. “But I failed to make any new friends,” lamented Twilight. “I always grant second chances to my students!” said Celestia.

Sections 5-8

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While Twilight Sparkle was talking to Princess Celestia, Spike—the unicorn’s no. 1 assistant—had followed me outdoors. “Hi, Fluttershy,” he told me when he met me outside the town hall. “Spike, I’m afraid!” I confessed to him. He believed me, because it was obvious to him that I was.

“What’s scaring you, Fluttershy?” asked Spike, worrying for my well-being. “It’s not what; it’s who,” I corrected him. “Who’s scaring you, then?” asked Spike. “Princess Celestia,” I answered.

“Hear me out, Fluttershy,” Spike told me. “I’m listening, Spike,” I answered. “The princess chose me to be Twilight’s no. 1 assistant,” he told me. “Oh, my goodness!” I exclaimed.

Spike made a gesture for me to pick him up. “May I be your assistant for a while, please?” he asked me. “Oh, yes—please help me!” I answered, beaming from cheek to cheek. With that, I picked him up with my wings so that he could ride on my back.

Inside the town hall, I got to talk to Princess Celestia. “Fluttershy is very shy,” piped up Spike, defending me very bravely. The princess lowered her head toward mine and gave me a sweet, soothing smile. “I think that you are cute!” she chuckled.

“Did the princess just call me cute?” I asked Spike. “She sure did,” he confirmed. “Oh—my—goodness!” I exclaimed. I blushed on the spot.

“Your Highness, this is my new friend, Twilight Sparkle,” I told the princess, pointing to my new pony friend. Celestia turned to Twilight Sparkle and lowered her head. “Twilight, you succeeded in your mission to make some new friends,” the princess told the unicorn. Both Twilight and I gasped in shock simultaneously.

“Fluttershy, you should be proud of yourself,” Celestia told me. “You too, Twilight,” she told Twilight. “You were very brave,” she told me. I could not believe my ears.

Rainbow Dash—my first pony friend ever—had witnessed my newfound courage. “That—was—awesome!” she squealed—far too loudly for my poor, sensitive ears. “Erm—Rainbow, you were being too loud,” I complained to her. Right there and then, she gasped in shock.

“What did you say?” Rainbow asked me. I was kind enough to repeat myself. “You were being too loud,” I whispered into her ear. Then, she hung her head.

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy,” whispered Rainbow into my ear. She continued, “I didn’t mean to scare you.” Her words filled me with utter joy, and I started to cry. “Oh—my—goodness!” I cried.

Twilight Sparkle congratulated me for my courage. “You stood up to your first pony friend!” she explained. “That was very brave of you!” commented Rainbow. “Thank you very much!” I answered, and blushed again.

“Everypony, it’s time for our festival to begin,” announced Princess Celestia. Twilight Sparkle recognized the voice of the pony who gave the announcement. “Oh, no—we still have to put the Summer Sun Celebration together!” cried the unicorn. “I’ll help you with that, Twilight,” I piped up.

I was in charge of the music for the celebration. Rainbow Dash was in charge of the weather. Applejack was in charge of the banquet. Rarity was in charge of the decorations.

“Since it’s my duty to supervise the preparations, I’ll give your songbirds plenty of pointers,” chimed in Twilight. “But—erm—what about the crowds?” I asked her. She could tell that I had stage fright. “I’ll let you practice in front of my friends,” she offered.

“Twilight, how many other friends do you have?” I asked Twilight. Before she answered, she transported Spike back onto her back. “Let’s visit Rarity first,” she told me. Finally, she, Spike, Rainbow Dash, and I headed for Rarity’s house.

Sections 9-12

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“Welcome to Carousel Boutique—where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique!” announced Rarity. “Hello, Rarity; I’m Fluttershy,” I answered with joy, extending my front hoof. “Darling—you look beautiful!” she commented. “Oh, my—thank you!” I cried with more joy than before.

“Erm—if you don’t mind, Rarity, may I wear a summer dress with wildlife prints on it, please?” I asked Rarity. “You certainly may, darling!” she answered. “Fluttershy loves animals,” explained Twilight Sparkle. “And she’s very shy, too,” added Rainbow Dash.

Rarity fabricated six lovely, formal summer dresses—one for each of us ponies and two extra dresses. “Fluttershy, you look divine!” she told me after examining the dress that I was wearing. “Oh—my—goodness—thank you!” I answered. Before dressing Twilight and Rainbow Dash, Rarity put her own dress on.

Spike admired the dresses that each of us ponies was wearing. “Everypony looks dressed for summer!” he exclaimed. “I hope that everypony is dressed for the Summer Sun Celebration,” thought Twilight. Spike and we ponies exited the Carousel Boutique to find Applejack.

“Howdy, everypony!” called Applejack, who was at the marketplace. Although I was still shy, my friends, simply by being with me, made me feel much better, so I put my best hoof forward. “Erm—my name is Fluttershy,” I told Applejack quietly. All she did was smile widely at me.

“You’re a might beautiful, Fluttershy!” answered Applejack, doffing her hat. “Oh, my—thank you, erm…” I started, but I did not know her name. “…Applejack,” she finished for me. “Thank you, Applejack!” I answered.

“Is the Grand Galloping Gala coming early this year?” asked Applejack. “No, the Summer Sun Celebration is tomorrow,” answered Twilight Sparkle. “Would you like to try on a dress that Rarity made for you?” I asked Applejack. “Sure thing, Fluttershy!” answered Applejack.

“You can’t change out here!” warned Rarity. With her horn, she kept Applejack’s dress close to her. “We have to go inside first,” explained the unicorn. Spike and Applejack followed the rest of us ponies into Sugarcube Corner.

Whether Applejack could find a place to put her dress on worried me less than whether anypony in Sugarcube Corner would see me. “Darling, please tell me what the matter is!” pleaded Rarity. With no other choice, I hung my head and sighed. “Even with this beautiful dress on, I’m still afraid to face Princess Celestia,” I whispered to her.

“Hey, everypony!” chirped Pinkie Pie, who startled all of us—especially me! “I’m sorry, Fluttershy; Pinkie Pie just loves to surprise everypony,” explained Twilight Sparkle. I couldn’t get over my surprise very easily, but I tried to be brave again. “Erm—Pinkie Pie, your surprises scare me,” I whispered to the pink Earth pony.

“Awww—I’m so sorry!” sobbed Pinkie. “Oh, dear—please don’t cry, Pinkie!” I gasped. “Please forgive Fluttershy,” said Twilight. “She’s very shy,” she explained.

Pinkie and I gave each other a big, long hug. “Pinkie, I have to make music for the Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow,” I explained to her. “You came to the perfect pony, Fluttershy!” she squealed. “It just so happens that I know the best music for you and your birds to perform for the Princess!” she explained to me.

Once all six of us ponies had put our formal dresses on, Spike and we attended the Summer Sun Celebration. “Ooh—all six of you are very elegant!” remarked Princess Celestia. “What about me?” asked Spike. “You, too, Spike,” answered Celestia.

“All right, everyone—it’s time to sing!” I told my birds, giving them their cue. Their song was exactly what Celestia had been expecting every year—and then some. “I wish that I could hear this sweet music all the time!” she cried with joy. “So do I,” I confessed, and I blushed with pride throughout the song.

Not only did Celestia love my birds’ music; she loved the decorations, the weather, and the food as well. “My little ponies, I cannot thank you enough for making the Summer Sun Celebration possible,” she announced. “Don’t forget about me, Your Highness!” chimed in Twilight. “How could I?” conceded Celestia.

“May I have my own no. 1 assistant, please?” I asked Twilight. The unicorn gave me her consent, and Spike walked straight over to me. “I think that you’re going to need him, Fluttershy,” explained the unicorn. “I agree wholeheartedly with my no. 1 pupil,” added Celestia.

Sections 13-16

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Rainbow Dash came to visit me outside my cottage. “Spike, this is the first pony friend I ever made—Rainbow Dash,” I told my new assistant. “Awww—he’s a baby!” cooed Rainbow, giving him a cute smile. All he could do was blush at her.

“Don’t call me that!” shouted Spike. “Oh, dear—I’m sorry for that!” I cried, very much startled by him. “I meant to say that you still have a lot of growing up to do,” said Rainbow, correcting herself. “I do, don’t I?” he conceded.

“I think that Spike is cute,” I told Rainbow. “I know—right?” she agreed. “If it weren’t for him, I never could have told Twilight Sparkle my name!” I told her. “Twilight Sparkle is my friend, too!” she chimed in.

Spike began to feel much better after listening to my conversation with Rainbow. “I was Twilight’s assistant until Fluttershy became her newest friend,” he piped up. “I could tell that Fluttershy was very afraid and very shy, so I decided to help Twilight befriend her,” he added. Hearing what he had done impressed the both of us very much.

“Fluttershy, I’m glad that you’re braver now, but are you brave enough to visit Cloudsdale?” Rainbow Dash asked me. “Oh, no—please don’t make me fly all the way up there!” I cried, trembling in total terror immediately. “Fluttershy, are you OK?” she asked me. I could not speak at all; I was too afraid even to open my mouth.

Spike spoke for me. “Rainbow, Fluttershy would love to go to Cloudsdale, but she can’t,” he explained. “Why can’t she go there?” asked Rainbow. “She’s afraid of heights,” he answered.

Spike checked my breathing and my heartbeat. “Please wake up, Fluttershy!” he begged me. To make me regain my consciousness, he tickled my muzzle. “Ah—ah—ah-choo!” I sneezed, after which I finally snapped out of it.

Gesundheit!” said Rainbow and Spike. “Thank you both,” I told them. “You’re welcome,” they answered. “I was born in Cloudsdale, but I’m too afraid of heights to go back there,” I explained.

Rainbow Dash trotted toward me and put her wing on my back. “You know, I was born in Cloudsdale, too,” she informed me. I was full of self-doubt, and my eyes showed it. “But you are such a good flyer, and I’m afraid of heights!” I reminded her.

“Nopony is born knowing how to fly—not even me,” said Rainbow. “Nopony?” I asked. “Nopony,” she confirmed. “But I’m still afraid,” I told her.

“I have an idea!” piped up Spike. “Rainbow Dash, why don’t you do all the flying for Fluttershy while she just hangs on for the flight?” he suggested. “I’ll need some rope for that,” said Rainbow. “I hope that the rope won’t break,” I whispered to her.

Rainbow had borrowed a long, sturdy rope from Applejack. “Thank you very much, Rainbow,” I sighed with relief. I closed my eyes and tried my hardest to keep still while Spike helped Rainbow tie the rope around my barrel. “Ready for liftoff!” she called.

“Fluttershy, you need to wake up; we’re here!” shouted Rainbow Dash, prodding me in the barrel. When she picked me up—very gently—I started to feel the clouds under my hooves. “Oh, my goodness—is this Cloudsdale?” I asked her in excitement. She merely beamed and nodded her head in reply.

“You fell asleep on the way up here,” Rainbow informed me. “I’m sorry, Rainbow; the flight scared me so much that it left me exhausted!” I explained. “You really are afraid of heights!” she exclaimed. “I don’t think that anything can scare me now,” I told her, still a little sleepy.

Rainbow Dash and I arrived at my fillyhood home. “Hello, there, Fluttershy!” cried my parents, because to see me again filled them with utter joy. “Hi, Dad and Mom!” I cried in reply, shedding tears of joy. My parents invited Rainbow Dash as well as letting me in.

“Just look at how much you grew!” exclaimed my father. “And your Cutie Mark!” added my mother. “Rainbow Dash brought me here; I couldn’t make it all by myself,” I told my parents. “But Fluttershy has grown braver since you last saw her,” added Rainbow.

Sections 17-20

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I went to the Golden Oak Library—Twilight Sparkle’s house—to tell her how helpful Spike had been to me. “I’m glad to hear that, Fluttershy, but I didn’t see Spike at all this morning!” she answered. Just then, a purple tortoise with a green shell came plodding in. “Hey—who’s that?” I cried in excitement when I spied the tortoise.

I picked the tortoise up very gently with my wings. “What’s your name?” I asked it. It hid inside its shell on the spot. “Awww—you must be shy!” I cooed, feeling very sorry for it.

Twilight examined the tortoise very carefully. “I think that we should take it to Dr. Fauna,” she suggested. I kept holding it in my wings. “I hope that it’s just shy and not sick,” I said.

Twilight and I trotted outside together, where it was sunny. “A little sunshine might help the tortoise,” Twilight informed me. We trotted to Dr. Fauna’s clinic. “I hope that you’re right, Twilight,” I answered.

“This tortoise appears to be in perfect health,” announced Dr. Fauna. “But Doctor, when I tried to ask it for its name, it hid inside its shell!” I explained. “I can’t tell you what’s in an animal’s mind, only what’s in its body,” lamented the vet. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy; I hoped that Dr. Fauna could help you,” said Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight and I exited the clinic with looks of disappointment on our faces. “It’s so sad that we couldn’t help this poor tortoise,” I told Twilight, holding the tortoise in my wings. “I know, Fluttershy—I know,” she answered. Just then, the both of us heard an evil chuckle.

“EEP!” I squeaked in fright when I saw Twilight. Someone had turned her to stone. I clutched the tortoise more tightly in my wings. When I turned away from Twilight, I saw who had turned her to stone—a draconequus!

“Hoof your shell-clad friend over,” the draconequus told me. I feared that he would turn me to stone as well, so I simply obeyed him. I extended my wings, and he gripped the tortoise to take it away from me. Now that I was all alone, I shrank and trembled in terror again.

“You poor pony!” taunted the draconequus in a cooing voice. I wished that Spike would come back and save me from the cruel creature who stole the shy tortoise from me. “Are you too afraid to stand up for yourself by yourself?” he asked me, taunting me again. To prepare his attack on me, he rubbed the tortoise’s shell with his lion’s paw.

Right there and then, I burst into laughter. “Oh, Spike, you have to see this!” I giggled. I saw that Spike had turned back into his proper dragon self and that the draconequus had turned into a tortoise. “Whoa—I never could have seen that coming!” remarked Spike.

When Spike and I looked at Twilight, who was still stone, we cried our eyes out. “I’m so sorry, Twilight Sparkle!” I sobbed. Spike tried to comfort me by cuddling me. “You turned into stone, and it was all my fault!” I cried.

Much to our surprise, Princess Celestia had seen us crying over Twilight and landed right next to us. “Fluttershy and Spike, please don’t cry!” she pleaded. We felt hopeless, but she knew better. “I am here to comfort you,” she told us.

“Did you happen to see a creature made of parts of several different animals?” Princess Celestia asked me. I was too full of grief to speak, so I just nodded my head. “That was a draconequus; his name is Discord!” she informed me. Fear and shock filled my body and constricted my pupils.

I cuddled Spike with my wings. “Did Discord change Spike into a tortoise?” I asked the princess, still in fright. She lowered her head and answered me very softly. “Yes, he did,” she told me.

“But Discord is a tortoise now!” I remarked, pointing to Discord in his tortoise body. Spike tapped me on the wing and pointed to Twilight’s stone body. “Oh—and please turn Twilight back to normal for us!” I pleaded. The benevolent princess complied with my request.

Once Celestia touched Twilight’s stone body with her horn, the unicorn turned back to normal. “Twilight—I missed you so much!” I cried with joy. Spike and I hugged Twilight together. “I missed you, too, Twilight!” cried Spike.

Sections 21-24

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In the gardens behind my cottage, I was sitting down on a spacious picnic blanket with Angel and enjoying the pleasant weather. “Don’t you just love this weather, Angel?” I asked him. He nodded his head vigorously in reply. “I wish that every day of my life could be just like today—peaceful!” I thought.

After quite a while of good cuddling and quality time with Angel, I made him his favorite lunch. “Fluttershy has to go now,” I told him in a motherly voice. Now that he was happy, he nuzzled me sweetly; I nuzzled him back and smiled. “Now play nicely with all the other critters!” I told him, and then, I left my cottage.

I went for a leisurely trot around Ponyville. “Nopony’s outside today; I wonder why,” I thought. I decided to visit Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner. “I’d love to have a nibble of something sweet for once,” I reasoned.

I knocked on the front door of the bakery, but nopony answered. “That’s strange; Sugarcube Corner is usually very busy,” I inferred. I peeked into the sweet shop through the windows. “Those goodies look very good to eat!” I thought, and licked my muzzle.

“Tomorrow is Fluttershy’s birthday!” chirped Pinkie Pie in excitement. “Fluttershy needs to know that we truly appreciate her,” said Twilight Sparkle. “How can we surprise her without scaring her?” wondered Pinkie. “I know exactly who can help us with that!” answered Twilight, and winked.

“I can help out with the weather!” suggested Rainbow Dash. “Then make sure that the weather is positively perfect for the poor, petrified pegasus!” warned Pinkie in her sternest voice. “Count on it, Pinkie!” promised Rainbow. “You betcha!” answered Pinkie, and she and Rainbow linked tails.

“A birthday party needs food—and lots of it!” said Pinkie. “Fluttershy likes healthy food more than she likes your delicacies,” warned Applejack. “Oh, well—more room for me!” sighed Pinkie. “I reckon that she’ll just love apples,” thought Applejack.

“Pinkie, darling, may I make a suggestion, too?” asked Rarity, raising her hoof. “It had better be for the party, Rarity,” Pinkie reminded her. “It is, darling; I’d like to decorate the park so that Fluttershy will feel welcome there,” explained Rarity. “I do want everypony to feel welcome,” conceded Pinkie.

The very next morning, I woke up to another peaceful day. “Hi, Angel!” I told my bunny, and he hopped forward to cuddle me. I gave him a lift onto my back with my wings. “I hope that I can have two days in a row with nothing to scare me!” I thought as I slowly trotted outdoors.

Spike was waiting for me outside my cottage. “Hi, Fluttershy!” he cried with excitement. He made a gesture for me to pick him up. “OK, Spike, but what’s going on this morning?” I asked after giving him a lift onto my back.

“Here’s our stop, Fluttershy,” Spike told me once he, Angel, and I arrived at Ponyville Park. I stopped trotting and sat down to let Spike and Angel off my back. “The park is nice and quiet,” I remarked. Spike walked away, leaving Angel and me alone.

“You know, I wish I could see my pony friends again,” I told Angel. At that moment, Angel and I could hear the sweet singing of songbirds. “Oh, my goodness—this day just gets better!” I thought. I listened to the singing birds and soon heard more voices singing along.

“Happy birthday, Fluttershy!” said Spike, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie—very softly—all at the same time. It seemed to me that all my friends knew how much loud voices scared me. “Oh—my—goodness!” I cried, and started to shed tears of utter joy. I joined everypony in a group hug, while Spike hugged Angel.

“We threw this birthday party just for you, Fluttershy,” Twilight told me. All I could do was blush on the spot. “Yeah—because we love you!” explained Pinkie in a sweet cooing voice. Everypony was being very kind to me.

“Don’t you just love the divine décor that we set up here?” asked Rarity. I nodded my head after looking at all the beautiful decorations. “And the muzzle-licking apple-based baked goods that we whipped up?” asked Applejack. I could not resist the appealing aroma of the apple fritters or the apple pies.

“We will always remember your birthday, Fluttershy,” said Rainbow. I could tell by the perfect weather that she was telling the truth. “You made my birthday very sweet!” I cried. To show my appreciation, I helped myself to some delectable apple-flavored ice cream.

Sections 25-28

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The day after my birthday, Applejack invited me to Sweet Apple Acres. “It was very kind of you to invite me here, Applejack,” I told her. “Much obliged, Fluttershy,” she answered. To help me feel more comfortable around the farm, she gave me a guided tour.

Sweet Apple Acres was a farm; there were many animals on it, including chickens. “I have a chicken named Elizabeak at home!” I told Applejack when I saw the chickens on the farm. “I’d like to mosey on over to your cottage someday!” she answered with excitement. Just then, Winona—Applejack’s dog—came walking up to us.

Winona panted and wagged her tail. “Your dog is cute!” I remarked, and proceeded to pet her with my wings. “She sure is, Fluttershy!” agreed Applejack. The Earth pony taught me the proper way to pet Winona.

My eyes grew wide. “Applejack, may I help you take care of your animals, please?” I asked Applejack eagerly. “I appreciate your offer, sugarcube, but I just can’t let you,” she answered. My face fell, I hung my head, and I slowly trotted away.

“Hi, Fluttershy,” said Twilight Sparkle, who let me into her house. I trotted in with a look of disappointment on my face. “What’s the matter?” she asked me. I took a huge breath before telling her what had happened.

“Applejack won’t let me care for her farm animals,” I told Twilight. I closed my eyes and hung my head. “She does have a point, you know; there’s more to running a farm than animal care,” she explained. I turned around and started to cry.

Spike came walking up to Twilight and me. “Did somepony hurt your feelings?” he asked me. “Mm-hm,” I whispered to him, still shedding tears. Twilight decided to nuzzle me, as did Spike.

Twilight gripped a quill and a scroll with the magic of her horn. “How did you want to help Applejack, anyway?” she asked me. “I thought that Applejack would be sad if the animals on her farm got sick,” I answered. She wrote my thoughts down as I told her them.

While I stayed behind with Spike, Twilight Sparkle took her notes with her to Sweet Apple Acres. “Howdy, Twilight,” said Applejack in an unenthusiastic voice. “Is something wrong, Applejack?” asked Twilight. Applejack doffed her hat and proceeded to explain her feelings to Twilight.

Twilight, using her horn, opened her scroll and held it up for Applejack to read it. “I’m very good at taking care of animals, and that’s why I wanted to take care of those on your farm,” said Applejack, reading the notes. “Now do you understand that you hurt Fluttershy’s feelings?” asked Twilight. Before answering, Applejack re-read the notes and thought long and hard about Fluttershy and her friendship with her.

“I’m a might sorry that I hurt Fluttershy’s feelings,” confessed Applejack. Twilight smiled upon hearing Applejack’s apology. “I can be awful stubborn sometimes,” added Applejack. She trotted away to fetch Winona.

“Come on, Winona,” called Applejack to her loyal dog. On cue, Winona came running to Applejack’s side. “I reckon that you’ll love to be with Fluttershy,” Applejack told Winona. Twilight trotted beside them all the way to her library.

“Fluttershy, may I have a word with you?” asked Applejack, who arrived outside the Golden Oak Library with Winona. Spike and I were enjoying the fresh outdoor air. “Applejack?” I asked, very much surprised by her arrival. Applejack looked straight into my eyes.

“I hurt your feelings, and I’m sorry for it,” confessed Applejack. Winona witnessed her caretaker’s humility toward me. “I forgive you, Applejack,” I answered sweetly, and spread my wings to give Applejack a hug. She accepted the hug, and Winona licked my front leg.

Applejack let me pet Winona again. “I have to confess that I might need somepony else to look after Winona sometimes,” she told me. Winona panted and pulled a literal puppy face. “I would love to look after her!” I cried.

Applejack felt pleased with herself when she trusted me with Winona. “Take good care of her, you hear?” the Earth pony reminded me. Spike beamed at Winona and me. “I promise I will!” I told Applejack, who headed back home.

Sections 29-32

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“Hi, Spike,” I told my assistant. I had woken up to a beautiful sunny morning. “Hi, Fluttersh-—Flutt-—Fl-—” he started, but he couldn’t finish. He belched a letter out and read it aloud to me.

Dear Fluttershy:

The Grand Galloping Gala is tonight. The Gala is Canterlot’s most important festival, as it celebrates the founding of Canterlot. I hereby invite you and all your friends to attend. Remember to dress formally, as the Gala is a formal festival.

With compassion,
Princess Celestia

“Erm—Spike?” I asked my assistant, because I had started to worry. “Yes, Fluttershy?” answered Spike. “I think that I’m afraid to go to the Gala,” I whispered to him. “Here we go again,” he sighed, covering his face with his hand.

At that moment, Rarity entered my cottage. “Fluttershy, darling, what are you doing here at home?!” she gasped. “She’s afraid to attend the Grand Galloping Gala,” Spike informed her. Once she heard that, shock filled her body and constricted her pupils.

At the Carousel Boutique, Rarity asked me some questions. “Fluttershy, how would you feel if you were up on stage?” she asked me. “Like a butterfly,” I whispered in reply. My answer gave her inspiration for a new formal dress.

After several hours of fabricating, sewing, cutting, stitching, and adjusting, Rarity produced an elegant dress with butterfly wings. “It matches your Cutie Mark, too!” she remarked. “Now I look like a butterfly, but I still have butterflies in my stomach,” I commented. Rarity felt sorry for me when she heard my comment.

Rarity took me to Canterlot, and Spike rode there on my back. “I really like your dress with butterfly wings,” Spike told me. “Oh, thank you, Spike,” I answered. Then, I felt a little less shy, but not much.

When we arrived in Canterlot, we met up with Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. “Thank goodness you came!” Twilight told me. “I didn’t want to be all alone while all my friends were having fun!” I reasoned. When the Gala began, the castle guards let us all in.

Inside the castle, we met Princess Celestia again. “Hello, everypony—and Spike,” she told us with a welcoming smile. “Hello, Your Highness,” we answered in unison. I was still a little shy before the princess, but my friends were not.

The princess had a look of concern on her face. “Oh, dear—what’s the matter, Fluttershy?” she asked me. “Do I need to make a speech or sing a song in front of everypony?” I asked her. She could see the stage fright in my eyes and in my body.

Twilight Sparkle stepped forward to speak to the princess in my defense. “Fluttershy is so afraid that she’s unfamiliar with Grand Galloping Gala procedures and culture,” explained Twilight. “Well, this year, there will be a ballet in the outer gardens, which are full of beautiful butterflies,” answered Celestia. As if on cue, my face lit up, and I gasped with amazement and joy.

The princess gave us directions to the outer gardens of the castle. “Thank you, Your Highness; without you, I’d be more afraid, because I could get lost!” I told her. “You’re welcome, Fluttershy; I don’t like to see anypony afraid!” she answered. My friends and I headed straight for the outer gardens.

There was a huge stage in the middle of the outer gardens. “How—very—divine!” gasped Rarity. “That’s where you’ll get to dance, Fluttershy!” remarked Twilight Sparkle. My stage fright was gone; I knew that castle gardens were full of friendly animals.

A whole flight of colorful butterflies flew into view. “That’s your cue, Fluttershy!” gasped Pinkie Pie. “Time to skeedaddle on up to the stage!” added Applejack. I eagerly galloped onto the stage, being careful not to snag my dress on the way there.

I began the ballet by just standing still with my eyes closed. The butterflies went first—by flying together in many directions—until they landed on my head, which tickled me. Then, I joined in, watching the butterflies and copying their moves. Finally, it was my turn to lead the butterflies, which I did.

“That—was—awesome!” cheered Rainbow Dash once the ballet ended. “Awesome?” I asked her with surprise in my voice. “I could never even dream of flying the way those butterflies fly!” she commented, envying my fantastic dancing. “You should get on the ground more,” I chuckled in reply.

Sections 33-36

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I could not move a muscle; I could not speak or even breathe. “What’s the matter, Fluttershy?” taunted Discord, who had turned all my friends and me—including Spike—into stone. The diabolical draconequus gave his signature maniacal chuckle. “Are you scared stiff?” he joked cruelly.

“Halt in the name of harmony!” shouted Princess Celestia, who had just exited Canterlot Castle. Once she spotted Discord, she landed right in front of him. “How dare you petrify the future wielders of the Elements Of Harmony!” she reprimanded. She prepared to attack Discord by firing a magical beam as bright as the sun at him.

Discord had thought far ahead; with a snap of his fingers, he created a black cloud to eclipse the sun. “Good night forever, Celestia!” he snickered. The solar beam missed him, and Celestia started to lose her strength fast. “Now begins the night that never ends!” he gloated as he watched Celestia collapsing in exhaustion.

“Discord, you will never get away with this!” hissed Celestia. Meanwhile, Angel came hopping toward my stone body and cried his eyes out when he saw me turned to stone. “It’s hopeless, little bunny!” cried the Princess weakly. Angel’s tears landed on my stone front hooves.

“Who dares interfere to steal my duty as Guardian Of The Night!” shouted Nightmare Moon in her Royal Canterlot Voice. She had descended to Equestria from the moon, where she had spent exactly one thousand years. “I’m afraid that I beat you to it!” taunted Discord. Angry at him, the fallen, and therefore, former, Guardian Of The Night charged her special magical attack to launch it on him.

Nightmare Moon’s lunar beam annihilated Discord. “Now, fallen sister, I have some unfinished business with you!” she told Celestia. Unfortunately for Nightmare Moon, however, my friends and I, including Spike, turned back to normal. “My little ponies!” cried Celestia softly.

“How did the seven of you get here?!” screamed Nightmare Moon. Terrorized by her voice, I galloped toward her, cowering in complete fear. “Ah—it appears that somepony is on my side, doesn’t it?!” she remarked. In desperation, I tickled her with my wings.

Nightmare Moon began to laugh her head off, but her laugh was not an evil laugh. “Oh, dear—it’s Nightmare Moon!” I shrieked, but my shriek was not loud at all. I galloped toward Celestia to flee from Nightmare Moon’s grasp. “Your Highness, please help me; I’m afraid!” I pleaded the princess.

“There’s only one way to vanquish Nightmare Moon—the Elements Of Harmony,” Princess Celestia informed me. “I never heard of those before!” I gasped. “That’s because I haven’t used them for one thousand years,” she explained. “What do they do?” I asked her with my eyes wide open.

“Nothing!” interrupted Nightmare Moon. “Your Highness, I’m more afraid now!” I complained to Celestia. “Fear is what you deserve to feel, my dear!” retorted the diabolical dark mare. “Please use the Elements Of Harmony—please!” I begged the princess.

Celestia, using her horn, summoned the Elements Of Harmony out of Canterlot Castle and armed herself with them. “Such a fool!” remarked Nightmare Moon. Celestia tried her hardest to charge her horn for a magical attack, but her strength was insufficient, so nothing came out of her horn. “Save your strength, sister, and go to sleep!” ordered Nightmare Moon.

“Your Highness, are you OK?” I asked Celestia. She wrapped her long, broad wings around me and embraced me snugly. “I will be, and I hope that you will be, too,” she answered. I remained in her embrace until I had no fear left.

Nightmare Moon trotted toward me and lowered her head to give me a terrifying gaze. “Please don’t hurt me; I love the night!” I squeaked. Princess Celestia could not believe her ears. “I happen to know that many animals are nocturnal,” I explained.

My friends stared at me as though I was out of my mind. “Finally, somepony appreciates the night!” said Nightmare Moon with a smile. Celestia kept me confined in the embrace that kept me comfortable. “I knew that at least one inhabitant of Equestria would come to her senses,” added Nightmare Moon.

Just then, Nightmare Moon howled in agony as her evil power disappeared from her. “Oh, my goodness—I can’t watch!” I cried, covering my eyes with my wings. Nightmare Moon transformed back into her true self—Princess Luna, the younger sister of Celestia. “It’s OK, Fluttershy; you may look now,” Celestia informed me.

Celestia trotted toward Luna and embraced her the way she embraced me. “Dear sister, I am so sorry that I banished you to the moon!” cried the elder sister. The royal sisters shed tears together during their embrace. “Will you accept my friendship?” the elder sister asked the younger sister.

Sections 37-40

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Princesses Celestia and Luna stood up together. “Fluttershy—is that correct?” Luna asked me. I was no longer afraid of her now. “Oh, yes—that’s my name, Your Highness,” I answered.

“You helped me by taking the jealousy, bitterness, and anger in my heart away from me,” she explained. “I did?” I asked. “Yes, you did; you appreciate the night that I bring forth every day,” she answered. “But the night is scary sometimes,” I reminded her.

“You have no reason to be afraid of anything, my dear Fluttershy,” said Celestia, trying to comfort me. “I don’t?” I asked her. “Even though you were very shy and very afraid, you did what you needed to do,” she explained. “I guess I did,” I agreed, looking around at all my friends.

“But I couldn’t do it all by myself,” I confessed. Celestia gave me a loving smile. “Of course not; you made plenty of friends,” she reminded me. I blushed with pride as all my friends looked at me approvingly.

“Fluttershy, I believe that you deserve a reward,” announced Princess Celestia. She and Princess Luna transformed the Elements Of Harmony into a crown and five necklaces. “You earned the Element Of Kindness,” she told me. The Element Of Kindness was a necklace with a pink butterfly-shaped jewel in the center.

“There are six Elements Of Harmony, and Kindness is just one of them,” said Luna. It disappointed me that none of my other friends had earned any of the other Elements. “Everypony must earn her respective Element,” she explained. I showed my new necklace to all my friends.

“That’s a darling necklace, Fluttershy!” remarked Rarity. “It matches your Cutie Mark, too!” added Twilight Sparkle. “As the pony who embodies the Element Of Kindness, you have a big responsibility—to teach kindness to everyone in Equestria!” Celestia informed me. “I’m not sure that I can handle that!” I confessed nervously.

“You were brave before, Fluttershy, so you can be brave again!” Rainbow Dash reminded me. “Don’t forget that there are creatures other than ponies who, both day and night, can learn a good lesson in kindness from you!” added Luna. “You go, Fluttershy—you can do this!” cheered Pinkie Pie. “Fluttershy, all of us are telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” Applejack assured me.

“Your Highness, do I need to earn all the Elements?” I asked Princess Celestia. “Of course not, Fluttershy; don’t worry,” she answered. “Oh, thank goodness!” I sighed. “Nopony may wield more than one Element,” explained Princess Luna.

“Do I get an Element, too?” piped up Spike. “I’m afraid not, Spike,” answered Celestia. “Why not?” he asked her. “Only ponies can wield the Elements Of Harmony,” explained Luna.

“Do you know what the other five Elements are called, Your Highnesses?” I asked the princesses. “Unfortunately, no,” answered Luna. “How can my friends find them if they don’t know what they are?” I asked. “You will find them on your adventures!” answered Celestia.

“Adventures?” piped up Rainbow Dash. “Exactly,” answered Luna. “Count me in!” exclaimed Rainbow. “Fluttershy, you are never alone on your adventures,” Celestia reminded me.

My friends and I left Canterlot together. “You know, I actually liked Cloudsdale,” I told Rainbow Dash. “Even though it was high in the sky?” she asked me. Her reminder made me swallow air in anxiety.

Rainbow put her wing on my back. “Don’t tell me that you’re still afraid of heights!” she exclaimed. “But I am!” I squeaked in fear. My confession left her in utter shock.

Rainbow decided to change the subject. “Fluttershy, are you curious about the Elements Of Harmony?” she asked me. “Oh, yes—I’m very curious!” I answered. Now, she was just as curious about the Elements as I was.

I dreaded adventures, but Rainbow Dash loved them. “If I promise to let you join me on an adventure, do you promise to help me earn my Element Of Harmony?” she asked me. “Yes—but only if you promise to help me be brave, too,” I answered. She and I promised to stick together from then on.