Mistress Massage

by Nefarious Porpoise

First published

Using their massage parlor, the Dazzlings work to hypnotize and enslave the Rainbooms. Starting with Sunset, of course.

The Dazzlings want their magic back, and the only way is if the Elements of Harmony restored them. Which means getting the Rainbooms to comply.

Which means using their skills to hypnotize each former foe into brainwashed obedience. It's nothing personal... but it will be satisfying in more ways than one.

Contains: Shameless hypno-clop.


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The Battle of the Bands wasn’t personal.

Not to the sirens, anyway. They had fought ponies, heroes, and monsters over the course of their long lives, and sometimes they lost. The key was always to survive, and not lose focus in petty tantrums or premature celebration. That’s where Sunset Shimmer failed, letting the sirens escape in the delusion that their threat was gone.

Not that she could have caught them. The sirens were always careful, always smart, letting their magic haze image and memory. Even the Harmony-protected humans could only recall them to appear bland and forgettable – a far cry from their true nature.

Still, it was a bitter defeat. Their magic had faded slowly for an age, and now it was utterly gone. No hypnotic voice, no more illusions or charms. But they had always been careful, and the past millennium had not been idle. Hoarded wealth set them up to live human lifetimes in comfort. Tongues honed by years of intrigue could still twist dupes to their will, magic or no. And they had so many skills, learned from virtuosos in palaces and temples: incense and oils, massage and pleasure, song and seduction. They could earn fine livings as mundane women, if such was the ambition.

Of course, that would never do. A bitter defeat, but their bickering that night soon turned to new schemes. Their magic was stolen by the Elements of Harmony – the Elements could give them back. Perhaps their bearers could be kidnapped and forced, but force was never the sirens’ strength. Patiently, carefully, other plans were made. It was their last chance, after all, and would require all of their skills.

Not for revenge, heavens no. It wasn’t personal.

But it would be... satisfying, in more ways than one.

Spinach, radishes, carrots… Sunset Shimmer often got compliments from the old ladies running the grocery store checkouts. Equestrians ate mostly vegetables, and she kept her taste for them in the human world. From what she learned in health class, that was quite an advantage.

One she did her best to share, but luring her friends away from the matter most humans ate was easier said than done.

She held the phone with one hand, smiling dryly as she used her other to pick out a few beets. “Yeah I know what the cartoons say, but you’d be surprised how good real borscht is. I’ll make some for you next weekend and I guarantee...”

A laugh escaped as a retching sound emerged from the other end. White gleamed from her mouth as she pushed the cart onward. “Come on, Rainbow. We’re seniors now. Technically we’re all adults – Pinkie’s birthday was last week and she’s the youngest. Gotta start taking care of ourselves.”

She laughed again at the reply. “Tell you what: get a bag of spinach, and see if you can just eat it like chips while watching TV. Twilight said that works for her, and...”

The cart came to an intersection at the halls. Sunset pushed slow and careful, but someone sped out at the last instant. Her cart rocked, and Sunset saw blue and pink as the newcomer spun. The slim, blue girl threw her arms wide, releasing a small mountain of collected groceries before falling to the floor.

“Whoa! Call you back.” Sunset pocketed the phone and knelt to the girl at once. Dark pink eyes blinked owlishly behind large plastic glasses, still evidently in shock at the fall.

“You okay?” Sunset asked.

The girl’s eyes focused on her, then cringed backwards. “Sorry!”

Blue skin, two-tone blue hair in a single ponytail… something about her tickled at Sunset’s memory, but no answer came. The girl began picking up her groceries – darn near twenty things, about half of them snacks.

“Sorry about that,” Sunset said lamely. At least no one seemed injured. She remained kneeling, at eye level with the girl.

As she picked up her eighth item, another slipped from her grasp. Sunset had no idea how she came to carry everything in the first place.

“Why didn’t you use a cart?”

“I only came for a few things,” the girl mumbled anxiously. She glanced to Sunset, then winced and looked away. “But then I decided I wanted cookies, and that made me want ice cream, and then whenever I eat sweets I crave salty things after so I got some chips to be safe, and chips need salsa, so...”

Sunset chuckled gently and took the obvious course. “Here, use mine. No way you can carry all this yourself.”

The girl blinked up to Sunset, scratching the hem of a knit pink jacket more fit for a grandma than a young adult. Sunset put the first few groceries in her cart then reached for more. When Sunset bent down a third time, the girl meekly complied and began loading it up.

The task was done quickly. Sunset glanced to the girl, who kept her eyes on her shoes.

“I’m Sunset. What’s your name?” Sunset offered calmly.

The girl mumbled.


“Sonata,” she said. “Th-thanks.”

“No problem,” Sunset promised. “I just need milk. How about you?”


They walked silently to the cold foods aisle. Sunset retrieved her milk after Sonata, then turned to find the girl staring at her.

“We’re new in town,” Sonata blurted. “Me and my business partners just moved to Canterlot. Taxes, you know how it is. We actually just opened.”

“What do you do?”

Sonata gave a proud smile, briefly erasing her shyness. “It’s a massage parlor. I mostly do the back-end stuff: you know, advertising and budgets and all. But the others are real wizards. Can I give you a card?”

Sunset raised an eyebrow, briefly wondering if she was being played. But no – this girl was way too genuine for that.

Still, “Sorry, I’m on a really tight budget for… well, forever. You know how it is.”

The girl looked thoughtful, and Sunset imagined that was the end of it.

But then at the checkout line, “Here.”

Sunset turned to find Sonata taking a white business card from her purse. She clicked out a pen, scribbled something on the back, and handed it to Sunset.

Sunset looked at the front: “Mistress Massage and Oils” with an address, website, and phone number. On the back, Sonata had written something in indecipherable cursive.

“A free treatment,” Sonata said, with rising confidence. “Specifically a full-show course of about ninety minutes. Call it a thank you.”

Sunset had never indulged in a professional massage, but friendship with Rarity had given her a fair idea how much that was worth. She made to hand back the card.

“Hey, it’s cool. I didn’t do this for a reward.”

“I know,” Sonata sniffed, with a bit of nerdy faux-arrogance that reminded Sunset charmingly of Human Twilight. “It’s not like this costs us anything. Besides, we’re new here: our schedules are mostly empty while we pray the advertising kicks in. A little good-will and word-of-mouth can take a small business like ours a long way. So take it. If you have a good time, maybe tell people about us.”

It still felt like too big a gift… but this girl seemed to know her own logic. Maybe it really did make sense.

Sunset grinned. “Gotcha. Sounds great, thank you very much.”

To be honest, it sounded heavenly. The pair chatted a little more as they paid, then Sunset pushed her cart to the other girl’s car.

She helped load, then flinched in surprise as Sonata gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Just a ‘goodbye,’” Sonata said, and Sunset nodded. Rarity did that, too. “Call ahead, okay?”

“Sure thing,” Sunset said.

She pushed the cart to her own ride, followed by Sonata’s last words.

“See you soon.”

Chapter 1: Subverting Sunset

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The sirens were evil. Adagio saw no reason to mince words on the fact.

But they also, and her most of all, had standards. Mistress Massage and Oils was a front business, yes. And it was run out of a strip mall because that was what she could find on short notice.

Inside, though, the sirens had worked their (alas, metaphorical) magic. Centuries of high culture had taught them the right colors, scents, and sounds to set any mood, and these they unleashed upon the rented space to make an environment perfect for disarming relaxation. Water flowed gently along rocky pools. Visitors walked into the dim foyer on plush purple carpeting, surrounded by pleasant flowers and paintings of stars and nature.

They watched the security camera at their desk as Sunset approached the front door. Naturally, the little goodie-goodie was twenty minutes early.

“Places, everyone,” Adagio purred. “Sonata? Glasses.”

Grumbling, Sonata put on the massive plastic frames. Her voice came out sharp and whiny. “Am I going to have to wear them for all of this? Being a helpless moe to lure her in was fun, but I don’t want to make that my whole schtick.”

“That depends how this goes.”

Adagio turned and walked slowly to her appointed room. No sense in teasing or bickering now, they all had to focus.

She had checked the room a dozen times to ensure everything was perfect. Once more for luck. Like she was a silly little human or pony, but never before had she been so vulnerable. Any errant detail could spell doom.

A visitor would, perhaps, be surprised to learn the halls and rooms were as fine as the first impression. Dark woods and purples were the predominant colors. Her own workroom held a comfortable couch and a massage table with an open headrest. A classical wooden desk and end-tables held various tools and decorations: flowers, water basin, hot towels, incense bowls, and a warm dispenser filled with an oil made of…

Well, there wasn’t a word for it, anymore. Not in this language. The recipe was known only to the sirens, lost to mankind ages ago in some war.

Adagio’s mind drifted briefly to the far past… was it the sirens who caused that war?

...Yes, yes it was. She smiled.

Rubbed into the skin, it was absorbed by the human brain as a hypnotic and aphrodisiac. Similar effects were in the incense, water, flowers, even Adagio’s own perfume. The work on poor little Sunset would begin the moment she entered.

All was in place. Adagio stepped to the hall.

Honestly, Sunset felt a little intimidated going inside. The place seemed fancy as all get-out, and she had a strong feeling of being extremely Not Their Clientele. Vaguely, she wondered if she should have dressed in something a little fancier than boots and jeans.

The feeling evaporated mere moments in the door. No snooty patrons sneered at her – actually no one was there at all except Sonata. She beckoned Sunset calmly to the desk, smiling and clearly in her element. They exchanged greetings, and Sonata sent a quick text to apparently let the masseuse know she was here.

“Doing anything after this?” Sonata asked.

Sunset chuckled and scratched the back of her head. “Dinner-slash-study meet with Human Twilight.”

She caught herself with a weak grin. “I mean, Twilight. A friend of mine.”

“You shouldn’t make plans for right after a massage,” Sonata tutted. “Ask your masseuse to help you keep track of the time. Go on, you can go back now.”

With no more clear directions, Sunset walked slowly to the back halls. She paused a second to admire a painting. Really, it was… quite pleasant here. The faint floral small, the dark colors, the warmth… like she was swaddled in a dozen cozy blankets, falling slowly asleep.

She yawned.

“Miss Shimmer?” A yellow girl stepped around the corner.

No, a woman. While Sunset pegged Sonata as around her age, she guessed the newcomer at mid-thirties. Tall and busty, with gliding confidence as she stared down to Sunset from beneath an ordered array of orange curls. Oddly, she seemed dressed in meditative robes with bare feet – apparently leaning into the place’s vaguely oriental theme.

‘Theme’ felt wrong, though. This woman didn’t seem like an hourly wage slave, nor a struggling masseuse desperate for customers. She carried herself proud and strong, in command of her world.

Sunset finished her yawn quickly. “Yes?”

“I am Adagio Dazzle.”

The name poked something in Sunset’s mind, but the woman went on with a brief smirk. “Well, ‘Mistress’ Adagio Dazzle, but I will let you skip that for now. Owner and chief masseuse of Mistress Massage and Oils, hence the title.”

Awkwardly, Sunset held her silence as the woman seemed to take her in for a moment. She scringed backwards under the scrutiny.

“Is this your first time getting a professional massage?”

Sunset chuckled. “Is it that obvious?”

“You’re nervous,” Adagio said. “It’s a massage parlor, dear. It’s the one place on Earth where there’s nothing to be nervous about.”

“Sorry,” Sunset said. She took another slow breath in and out, feeling a bit of her lingering tension fade.

Yes, she… actually felt really good.

Adagio pointed to a door. “Alright. Go in there, take off your clothes, and lie face down on the table with the towel over your bum. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

Sunset’s lethargic mind took an extra second to catch up, and by then the woman was striding away.

Sunset slipped inside the room, feeling self-conscious doubts arise. No clothes…? Applejack had given her a back rub once with clothes on, but that was different. Did Rarity say anything about being naked for her appointments? Was this normal?

Deciding to go with the flow, Sunset did was she was told. Somehow conscious of impressing the prim woman, she folded each garment and laid them in a small wooden box by the door. Shirt, socks, jeans…

She hesitated, then left on her panties. She couldn’t imagine them getting in the way of any massage and going without was just a little too weird.

Using a hot washbasin and provided towel, she quickly wiped and dried the sweat from her armpits and lint from her feet. The water itself felt nice – another floral scent. She breathed it in, reminding herself that she was here to relax. Then she laid face-down on the table, covering her butt with the towel and sheepishly hiding the panties.

It was so very comfortable. The room was warmer than the hall, and the table was covered by some cloth that seemed to cushion and heat the skin. She breathed fine through the hole for her head, and had to remind herself to not fall asleep.

Fortunately, Adagio entered in the next moment. The door clicked open, and her voice followed. “It’s me, Miss Shimmer.”


A moment passed in quiet. Sunset waited, content with the knowledge this woman was clearly a professional. Maybe she was doing some… brief meditation, or something.

It never crossed Sunset’s mind that Adagio took that moment to leer at her prey, tracing her butt and slim legs with hungry eyes.

Nothing but stern authority came out in her voice. “Any trouble spots?”

“Not really.”

Warm and firm, Adagio’s fingers closed around Sunset. First her upper arms, then shoulders, where even their simple push released a groan of relief.

“Tense shoulders.” Adagio said it as a fact.

“I’m a student. I’m basically glued to my backpack.”

Adagio kept at it, rubbing brief, exploratory pushes. Sunset’s back, then butt. Adagio pulled off the towel and pressed in around the panties without comment. Thighs, legs, feet.

She stepped away. Sunset heard a match strike.

“I am lighting incense,” Adagio said.

The odor soon found Sunset’s nose. Like some cross between a campfire and a spice rack, entirely pleasant.

Then Adagio returned, and really got to work.

Sunset gasped at the first deep rub on her shoulders, feeling relief radiate out across her entire body. Her legs tensed straight, flexing their toes in sudden ecstasy. And Adagio kept rubbing, over and over…

Three minutes in and Sunset was a puddle of sheer happiness. She let her tongue hang out – no one could see beneath the table. She was soon breathing in time with the rubs – deep breaths in of that lovely scent, and long, unsteady breaths out.

“Relax,” Adagio began to say. Then again, “Relax.” A gentle, cooing word, perhaps every five seconds.


She began working in the small of Sunset’s back, earning more deep breaths. But the shoulders remained pleasantly hot; perhaps from the oil on her hands. It was like they were still being rubbed, and now her back, too…

Then her butt. Adagio’s fingers slipped beneath the panties to grip each cheek, spreading and squishing them.

The panties slipped out of place. Her cheeks spread, and Sunset swore she felt hot breath right on her ass. Her body bucked backwards very weakly, just enough to push against Adagio’s hands.

Embarrassment burned up vaguely through the haze. “Sorry,” she garbled out.

“Relax...” Adagio said, not acknowledging at all. “Relax...”

The embarrassment died, and was forgotten. Dimly Sunset realized she was getting horny… but that was part of a massage too, right? It only made sense.

It wasn’t even uncomfortable. Horny, but too relaxed to do anything about it or really care.

Another hot breath hit her anus, this one long and slow. Like someone was blowing gently right upon her little ponut.

Sunset gave a long, low moan.


Adagio moved on to the thighs, kneading them, spreading them. Sunset complied as best as she could, spreading them wider… wider… oil lingered on her back, shoulders, and ass, leaving their heat across her body. Like she was wrapped in a blanket and falling asleep.

“Relax… and drop.”

The change shined light in her fog. Sunset tried to focus, tried to turn the gears in her head.

But the grip on her thighs was so firm, and the voice so soft. “There are no worries in here, Sunset. Let it all go, just for a little while. Drop deeper into your feelings, for you feel so good.”

It made sense. It was true. What little wakefulness Sunset could muster knew she was in heaven, and her whole body agreed.

Her calves.


Then her feet, one by one. Toes flexed and scrunched.


Then they relaxed and fell still, simply pushed around with the firm, rhythmic kneading of each sole.

At last, Adagio straightened the leg, letting it rest once more on the table. A few seconds later, her voice murmured in Sunset’s ear.

“Time to roll over. We’re going to do the front.”

Sunset’s wakefulness grew a little stronger. She blinked, shocked at the seemingly monumental request.

“Come on,” Adagio tsked.

Sunset made the effort – and blinked again at how easy it came, turning to her back with the first try.

Adagio smiled down to her. Sunset met the eyes and felt herself blush.

This… this made sense. Her mind was still mired in sleep contentment, but awake enough now to see yes, this was fine. Her muscles were relaxed, but not actually weakened. And a little bit of… eroticism was perfectly natural. Probably. Many nice places were touched in any massage. And Adagio was a looker, though Sunset sternly reminded herself to not fantasize about the professional.

The thoughts turned slowly. Adagio left for a few seconds then was standing above her again for a few more before Sunset noticed.

Sweet Stars, she was beautiful. With Sunset’s body coming up a little from its sedation, the arousal was finally starting to itch. Sunset pressed her legs together and closed her eyes, quickly trying to turn her mind away.

It was a surprise, but a relief when Adagio placed a warm, damp washcloth over her face.

The cooing, beautiful voice spoke. “This will help relieve tension in your head. Let me know if it gets uncomfortable.”

Sunset breathed in. Damp, but not wet. No water choked her.

A slight, perfumed scent, like what she cleaned up with. Sunset breathed again, deeper. It smelled so good. Relaxation began growing once more within her, drowning the itch.

Deep in. Deep out.


Deep in. Deep out.


The arms, the hands, the neck. Hot oil, strong fingers.

Sunset was again lost to all but the foggiest conscious thought. Back where she was before, within a state of total bliss.

“Drop… deeper.”


“Drop… deeper.”

Yes. Even better. Even more relaxed. Even happier. Even deeper. She breathed in the scented washcloth, feeling it gently push her conscious mind away.

Light touches along her stomach and side. Then lower.

Sunset gave no reaction when the fingers entered her pussy. Such relaxation. Such pleasure.

The fingers massaged her, inside. Her hips moved weakly with the motions.

“Drop… deeper.”

Drop. Deeper.

Sunset’s lips moved to repeat the words.

“Drop… deeper.”

Drop. Deeper.


Her lips stopped. The fingers made a long, lazy circle inside of her.


Nothing. The thumb began massaging her clit.


Relax. Sunset mouthed the word.








The fingers pulled out, wet with oil and something else. Adagio said ‘Obey,’ and Sunset mouthed it. Over and over.

No more rubbing. Just words, spoken and repeated. Adagio pulled the cloth from Sunset’s face. Half-lidded green eyes stared up above a blank expression. No rising awareness, no distracting lust.

With the cloth off, Sunset spoke the words out loud, although sleepy and mumbled.



“Obey Mistress Adagio.”

“Obey Mistress Adagio.”

“Good,” Adagio said. Her hand stroked along Sunset’s cheek, brushing in still more oils. More relaxation, more arousal.

“Now stand up.”

Sunset moved – slowly, lethargically, but capably. The muscles were loose, but functional. The mind, too relaxed and drugged for anything but bland compliance.

Adagio looked down to the disheveled panties and wrinkled her nose. “Take those off.”

Sunset obeyed. So relaxed. So hard to think, and so relaxed it was not worth it to try.

Adagio cast off her robe while Sunset worked, displaying her full breasts and shaved clit. She sat down on the couch with legs spread wide.


Sunset did so, placing her at eye level with Adagio’s pussy.

“This is part of the package,” Adagio said, to whatever part of Sunset that could hear. “We massaged your body, and now we will massage your mind.”

She fished in the wooden desk and produced a small, blue gem on a silver string. She let it dangle, and began swinging it before Sunset’s gaze.

“Watch the pretty gem...”

Sunset watched.

“Watch it swing, watch it sway...”

It swung in time with the rubs. In time with the words. Obey… obey…

“Relax...” Adagio’s voice was so warm, so beautiful, so soft. “No resistance. No thought, save my words. My words are your thoughts. They tell you what is right. They tell you who you are. Relax… obey…”

Her mouth curled up. The soft voice hardened, just a little. “Obey Mistress Adagio… obey Mistress Adagio...”

Back and forth, Adagio said it. Back and forth, Sunset repeated. So relaxed. So deep. Not even a slight awareness that anything was wrong.

More words. So easy to repeat and understand. The only thoughts in Sunset’s mind. Adagio, Sonata, Aria. Sirens, Dazzlings, mistresses. Obey. Worship. Serve.

Serve now.

The yellow folds of her mistress glistening with sweat and need. Sunset plunged in her tongue. Sucked, suckled, licked, nuzzled. Mistress Adagio gasped and strained, squirting fluids onto Sunset’s face. At Adagio’s command, she bent and wiped it off on the carpet.

Mistress Sonata’s voice sounded from behind. Sunset did not know when she came in.

“My turn, Adagio. I’ve wanted this bitch between my legs since before the Band Battle.”

A third voice. Mistress Aria. Sunset did not know how she knew.

“It’s almost five. We’re out of time, all because some dumb ditz forgot to tell Sunslave here to keep her schedule free.”

“Ease off, Aria.” Adagio said. She stepped away from the couch and beckoned Sonata to her spot. “There’s no sense bickering on a good day, and this is a very good day indeed.”

“It’ll be a good day when we get our magic back.”

Adagio released a long sigh, basking in the afterglow. Sonata had taken her place, and soon they were speaking over muffled slurps at her crotch.

“No reason we can’t enjoy the journey,” Adagio said lightly. “Or savor the little steps. As for Sunslave’s study party, we can have her cover for us. That’s the beauty of it.”

Aria walked around the face-fucking Sunset to mutter to Adagio, low and angry. “She’s drugged and hypnotized. Not brainwashed.”


“‘Yet’ is important,” Aria hissed. “We can’t just tell her to throw off her friends and expect it to happen. I don’t want to blow our one chance because you idiots got ahead of yourselves.”

Adagio studied her for a moment. Cold, immortal logic came to the fore, and she gave a nod. “You’re not wrong. But we do have a little time. Sonata, finish up. Aria...”

A coy smirk dangled at Adagio’s lips. “Want to do a quickie?”

Aria looked away. “Yeah. Real fast, though.”

Sonata got up, panting and dripping. Aria sat.

“Wait,” Adagio said quickly. “Before I forget...”

She knelt down next to Sunset. Still blank-eyed and staring. Hearing nothing but what was said to her.

“Sunset, dearie...” Honey slipped into Adagio’s words. “You said you were going to study with ‘Human Twilight.’ What do you mean?”

It took a few seconds. Sunset’s memories were buried deep in a haze of relaxation.

She spoke, still blurry and sleepy. “The Twilight who’s a human.”

“As opposed to…?”

It was a secret. But Sunset had no awareness of that, or anything beyond her mistresses’ command.

“Pony Twilight. The princess from Equestria.”

“Where is Pony Twilight?”

“Back in Equestria,” Sunset mumbled. “Until her next visit.”

“More on that later,” Adagio mused. “We’ll press for details once we’ve worked her down a little more. Aria’s right, we do need to be careful.”

Aria gave a dry laugh, quickly taking off her robe. “Shit, I take it back. I’m not scared of Princess Twilight’s dumb human knockoff. Remember how easy ‘Principal’ Celestia was?”

Sonata giggled. “That was a fun night! I wonder if she’s still a brainwashed ass-slut, or if it stopped with our magic?”

Adagio smiled, but gestured with her head. “Still, let’s not tempt fate. Sonata, go fetch the antidote. Aria, get cracking and then help me clean her up.”

Sunset awoke. She was naked save her panties, and her body positively glowed with a happy sense of loose relaxation.

Mistress Adagio stood beside, gently shaking her.

Mistr…? Sunset blinked. Right, the name: ‘Mistress Massage’ and so on. Not too weird to think of her like that.

“I’m so sorry,” Sunset blurted.

“Don’t be. You were only out for a few minutes. It’s hardly uncommon to fall asleep near the end.”

Sunset squinted, trying to rally her memories. Rubbing, massage, relaxation… something else, something fuzzy.

A shrug. She probably just dreamed for a minute. More to the point, she felt good.

“Gotcha.” Sunset sat upright, feeling like a new woman. Her jaw was a little sore, probably just from lying face-down. “Thanks a lot, Mistre… uh, Adagio. That was… wow. I mean, wow.

Adagio smiled with stern professional satisfaction. “It is my privilege to serve, Miss Shimmer. You may check out with Sonata for your next appointment.”

“I’m sorry, this was a one-time thing.” Sunset stretched, showcasing her body. Odd, how nervous she first was of being naked with this woman, but now it felt completely natural. “I really can’t afford more.”

“My dear Miss Shimmer, Sonata’s little coupon was not for one visit alone.”

Adagio peered down at Sunset, folding her arms beneath the ample breasts.

“That’s way too generous,” Sunset said.

Adagio rolled her eyes. “Please, Miss Shimmer. I can’t say I’m doing anything better with myself while waiting for business to pick up. And it is good for me to practice in the meantime. So let me rephrase it: you will check out with Sonata, and make an appointment for next week.”

Sunset nodded at once. Adagio was authoritative, professional – a woman to be obeyed. And it was of course an amazing opportunity, and the suggestion that it was a favor pulled at her good nature.

There was… something else, too. It felt right to follow her directions.

So Sunset did.

Chapter 2: Ravishing Rarity and Fondling Fluttershy

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The room was warm. Sunset didn’t need instructions anymore. She let Sonata know she was here, took off her clothes, and laid down. No more shyness with the panties.

Behind her, the door opened.

“Good afternoon, Miss Shimmer.”

“Hi, Mistress Adagio.”

It wasn’t weird to call her that. Just the theme, ‘Mistress Massage and Oils.’

It was ‘Adagio’ when she talked about the place to her friends, of course. Mistress Adagio didn’t want to give people the wrong impression, and asked Sunset not to.

Or… was that a dream? Hidden with her face down, Sunset squinted. Her four (or five?) visits were hazy in her memory. It was so easy to relax here, to let thoughts slip away. The faint wood and spice scent of the incense was already reminding her how good it was to be with Mistress. And if any part of her remained tense, uncertain, or worried, it all fell away the moment Adagio’s fingers touched her needy shoulders.

Her body and mind remembered what came next: pure bliss, and Adagio’s lovely voice. “Relax… relax...”

It took Sunset less time with each visit to fall fully into the touch and words, gliding down to a thoughtless place of comfort and warmth. No worries, cares, or stress. Just her body, existing happily in timeless present, and Adagio’s voice from above.

“Drop… drop…”


Sunset turned at Adagio’s command. Mistress Adagio. No distracting doubts or arousal. Her blissed, sleepy smile turned to the ceiling.

It all was blurry, unfocused. Even the wide, white smile of her mistress. Until a blue gem slipped into sight. Perfectly clear, catching the light in such a bright, pretty way as it swayed gently above her gaze.

She tracked it, back and forth. This was normal. The mind massage, to go with her body massage. Helping her become even more perfectly relaxed and obedient.

“Obey Mistress Adagio.”

Repetition. Old lessons remembered. New ones given. Obey, worship, and serve the sirens.

Mistress Adagio had been giving her commands. Little things, always followed. Make the next appointment. Skip school for a morning session. Leave off the panties and towel – it pleased Mistress Adagio to walk in on her naked ass, free of modesty.

It all made sense. Mistress Adagio. It was there in the name. So strong, so beautiful. So good, giving Sunset such pleasure. She deserved to be mistress.

She said Sunset was doing well. Soon, Sunset would be given some very important things to do for the sirens.

But there was something she could do for them now. Adagio strode naked to the couch and sat down. Sunset got up from the table, knelt, and crawled to her on all fours.

The plan, anyway, was for Sunset to give complimentary coupons to lure in her friends, one by one. Five more thieving little brat Rainbooms, then their dumb pony princess.

The bell at their door jingled unexpectedly. Sonata sat and Aria leaned on the reception counter, engaged in a bored argument simply to pass the time.

Aria rolled her eyes at the noise, and Sonata irately cracked her gum. Once, maybe twice a day, some human rolled in expecting to turn imaginary money from a plastic card into a massage from ageless virtuosos of touch and song. Flippant excuses of ‘Appointments only – and sorry, we’re booked’ were always on the sirens’ lips. They didn’t need money. They needed their magic.

There was no clear view from the entryway. While the scenery was tranquil, the dim lighting perhaps made one wonder if the place was open.

A cultured, dainty, familiar voice emerged. “Hello, darlings? Anyone home?”

Aria and Sonata froze, gazing to each other in shock for one instant. Sunset wasn’t supposed to be recruiting yet. Was there a change in plan? What should they do?

Their expressions mirrored, falling to calm and peaceful smiles. Aria stood up from her lean, hands clasped gently in front. Sonata smoothed out her robe.

It was obvious. They needed their magic.

They needed the Rainbooms.

“Over here,” Aria called, the model of effortless grace.

A few footsteps of heeled sandals brought the speaker to sight: a slim, porcelain-skinned beauty, followed obediently by…

...By a yellow girl with pink hair.

No cruel leer or even twitch broke Aria’s placid expression. She bowed, speaking with flowing serenity. “Greetings, guests. Welcome to Mistress Massage and Oils. I am Aria, and this is Sonata. How can we help you this day?”

“Oh, I love this place already,” Rarity gushed. Her companion meekly nodded. “Look at the ambiance. The outfits! Fluttershy, this is the real deal. I can see why Sunset was impressed.”

“Ah, then you know Sunset?” Aria let her smile grow a little wider, as though letting humor slip through her professionalism. “She helped little Sonata here quite a bit, and has since become good friends with our proprietor.”

“I suppose then we’re all friends of Sunset.” Rarity gestured to herself, then her follower. “I’m Rarity, and this is Fluttershy. I love your robes, darlings. Is that charmeuse silk?”

“You have a sharp eye,” Aria said.

“Not at all,” Rarity said, though clearly drank in the praise. “But yes, I do, don’t I? At any rate, Fluttershy and I are ‘spa buddies’ as it were, and this is our day. Rather than the usual, we decided to pop on by and check out this place Sunset likes so much. I can tell you she is very happy with her care here, nonetheless because you all are so kind to her. The least we can do is see if you’re interested in our business.”

Fluttershy spoke up, more to Rarity’s back than the hosts. “I don’t see any cars outside. I think they’re appointment-only.”

“Yes...” Aria began, and slowed thoughtfully. Adagio was crafting incense now, and couldn’t really interrupt. She might get mad if Aria and Sonata made the next move without checking first.

Which made this even better. “But we are clear for the rest of the day. Would you like massages? Sonata and I can service you.”

“Spa treatment, actually,” Rarity said. “If you do those.”

Sonata spoke with calm professionalism. “We do. But we are a small place with a small staff, and might not have as many options as you’re used to. I assure you, we exceed the difference in quality. Aria and I are masters of our trade, not bored part-timers. We have our own specialties.”

Obvious bait, at least to the sirens. Rarity swallowed it. “Something unique would be lovely!”

“I like to relax,” Fluttershy mumbled. “Not try new things.”

“The two are not exclusive,” Aria said with an amused tone. “I believe our parchment wrap would meet all requests. It is not unlike a seaweed wrap, but we instead use very thin cloth that remains soft and warm when wet. We soak them in our custom oils to rejuvenate and relax, and lay a cloth on the face to open pores and enhance beauty. The procedure is passive and relaxing compared to massage, with only a light foot and hand rub involved.”

The description sold them, even Fluttershy. They happily waited while the sirens prepared, then allowed themselves to be escorted to Mistress Massage’s spa room.

Rarity squealed upon entry, though Fluttershy seemed unimpressed. The place lacked the rock formations and babbling streams of other spas, traded instead for a roman-style bathhouse with pillars and stone floors. Spa veterans, they stripped readily and climbed onto the tables, reclined rather than flat on the padded top.

Sonata lit the incense, chancing a quick, cruel smirk to her partner. The sirens worked with ancient practice, removing damp, thin towels from special ovens and wrapping them around their prey. Snug and tight, from the ankles to just below the shoulders. Arms and legs were wrapped individually, exposing nearly all their skin to the sweet-smelling press.

Another home-made oil, a bit different than what they used in massages. This one had a paralytic to slowly trap the girls in their comfortable bonds. And a hypnotic aphrodisiac, for what came next.

Aria moved to place a treated washcloth over Rarity’s face, but she turned her head. “No-no, darling. We like to chat while we relax.”

“It’s part of the treatment,” Aria tried.

“We’re fine without it.” Rarity wiggled in her wrap and tittered. “Goodness me, this feels marvelous. At any rate, Fluttershy, has that arbor school written back to you yet…?”

The sirens busied themselves. Perfumed water on the coals, releasing drugged steam into the air. Gentle massages at the girls’ necks, hands, and soles.

And Rarity did not. Stop. Talking.

The sirens traded an annoyed glance early on. Then a worried one. Their treatments were subtle and slow, designed to work down victims in tandem with hypnosis. If the girls remained too awake to be fully vulnerable…

At least Rarity consented to a cloth blindfold over her eyes. “But really, cashmere is a wintertime cloth. Obviously, I know, I know, but some people don’t get it. They hear it and think famous and expensive equals fashionable, equals a good idea. Even Suri Polomare knows that to...”

The sirens looked desperately at each other. What to do? No chance of progressing things while she was fully awake. They could wait for her to wear out and treat the spa like a damn spa, but that could be hours, and questions would come if the pair were missing for too long. Maybe end it and try again later? Or… ask Adagio to bail them out? That seemed like the best, if cruelest option.

Sonata pointed. Aria traced her finger to the second guest, the ever-quiet Fluttershy. Her one-sentence answers had become one word as the session progressed, and it hit Aria that even those had faded away.

Her bright blue eyes were half-closed, with a thick blush beneath them as her body took in the entrapping oils. Her chest shifted the wrap with slow, steady beats.

Both grinned, liberated and evil. With one blind and the other zonked, there was no risk.

Sonata walked around behind the girls, shrugging one shoulder out of her robe. It was hot here in the spa. She leaned down next to Fluttershy and whispered, so softly that Rarity couldn’t hear.


Fluttershy breathed slowly: a long breath in, then out.

“Sleep… sleep…”

The subtle drugs were at work, breathed in through the incense and absorbed in the towels. Long minutes of Rarity’s droning had rendered Fluttershy totally susceptible. Her eyelids fluttered, and any sense of wrongness was drowned down by the simple, obvious suggestion to do as her body bid.

Fluttershy’s eyes closed. Aria went next, speaking primly to the other. “Miss Rarity, other guests are trying to relax. I strongly request that you become quiet. This is a spa, after all. Tranquility is best achieved when one allows the mind to drift peacefully.”

“Oh!” Rarity squeaked. “A thousand pardons, darling. When my own mind drifts I tend to prattle, you know, giving voice to...”

Aria folded down the blindfold cloth, covering Rarity’s nose and mouth with scented submission.

She seemed to take the message, falling silent. A moment later, her breathing slowed to gradual, even waves.

Aria and Sonata shared a grin.

Then, “Why washcloths, darlings? I do understand the need to treat the whole skin but I don’t want my face to become pruny.”

“It won’t,” Aria assured, only remembering at the last instant to keep frustration from her voice. Her and Sonata each began rubbing a white hand, and soon Rarity drifted once more into quiet.

One minute, two, three. They stopped rubbing and stood to each side.

“Sleep,” Sonata said.

“Pleasure,” Aria intoned.



“Pleasure?” Rarity said. “I admit I am a bit… flushed under here but that’s still an odd word choice. Maybe it sounds more appropriate in the original language.”

Aria quickly, silently, and angrily ran to their supplies.

Rarity turned her head and the mask began to slip. “What do you think, Fluttershy?”


Rarity tried to sit upright, making a confused noise when she found she couldn’t. Aria barreled up from behind with a dripping cloth in hand.

Still, she lead with words on her return. Guile, not force, was the sirens’ way. “It is time for the next part, Miss Rarity. It will seem unconventional, but please leave it to us.”

Rarity blinked slowly. So full of chatter a few minutes ago, breathing through the cloth left her woozy and tired.

“Okay. Goodness, I’m… I’m so...”

A wadded cloth entered her mouth, laced with something sweet that immediately sent her thoughts spinning out of reach. With latent instincts she tried to pull her arms free, and nothing happened. Two sets of hands gripped her carefully, stopping her brief, frantic wiggling from carrying her off the table. Two voices shushed her gently, and soon her muffled protests fell away.

Fluttershy’s eyes blinked quickly at the noise, through remained mostly closed. She spoke as though sleepwalking. “Rarity, what…?”

Aria had brought two cloths. One went into Fluttershy’s mouth.

The sirens stood up from their work – the dupes yet moved, but their struggle was over. Paralyzed arms only gently rocked each girl, trapped in their cocoons. Their feet twitched, the only parts of the body nor marinated in the oil. Toes flexed and strained, wiggling frantically to escape. It was adorable.

“Pleasure.” Aria, on one side.

“Pleasure.” Sonata, on the other.

Back and forth, they said the word. Lulled by long relaxation, massage, and subtle drugs, their victims’ minds tumbled into the word. Only flagging instincts kept up the struggle, for neither could remember why.


The word uncorked something not realized before. Subtle and slow, the wrap had heated their bodies in all the right ways. Both were moist. Their legs feebly began rubbing together. The slow, sleepy breaths became jagged.


Neither girl was particularly well-endowed. The wraps squeezed tightly around their small breasts, with dark nipples hard and visible beneath.

The toes kept wiggling, trying to break free. Some deep part of them realized something was wrong, but their conscious thoughts were consumed by the word. With their minds now turned to aching, desperate pleasure, no room was left for anything else. Their eyes rolled back, straining for release that would not come. Their muffled mouths groaned with building arousal.




On, on. One minute, ten minutes, twenty. No motion, no release. The eyes half-closed and the feet fell still, spent and exhausted. No more instincts save burning, growing, need.

“Pleasure.” Aria.

“Submit.” Sonata.

Back, forth. Ten minutes, twenty.

The helpless girls watched as the sirens stripped before their eyes. A loosed bow here, a tug at the robe there. Sensuous beauties. Fluttershy squeaked when Aria released her breasts, while Rarity gave a long, longing moan.



Naked, the sirens climbed up to straddle their prey. Aria climbed above Rarity, setting her crotch on the woman’s belly. Sonata did the same to Fluttershy. Rarity begged with her eyes for release, relief. For pleasure.

“Submit to pleasure,” Sonata whispered.

“Submission brings pleasure,” Aria breathed.

A new mantra, back and forth. The girls could only listen. They could only understand what they needed to do. Their eyes followed the sirens’ breasts, swaying gently above them.

Ten minutes, twenty, sixty. Submit to pleasure. Slaves to pleasure. Slaves to mistress.

The sirens peeled back a bit of the towels, revealing hard, swollen nipples. Fluttershy’s were brown, while Rarity’s a dark purple. The sirens pinched and twisted them.

They pulled out the gags. “Beg for pleasure.”

“Please, Mistress...” Fluttershy mewled. “Please give me pleasure.”

Rarity was too far gone. “Please...”

“You’re not yet good enough for us to give you what you crave,” Aria said, affecting stern disapproval at odds with her evil smile.

“But if you do very well...” Sonata breathed. “We will let you give it to each other. If and only if you submit.”

“Submit to pleasure.”

“Submit to the sirens.”

More commands. Worship the sirens. Obey the sirens. Slaves to the sirens.

Forget the pleasure. Only remember a fun spa. Return next week.

Their exhausted, mushed minds drank it in. The sirens had stripped them bare and neither noticed.

Both girls were hypnotized beyond thought or memory. Only pleasure. When Mistress Aria moved Rarity’s body to a kneel and turned her, Rarity did not see Fluttershy by her side. Only a blank eyed girl with erect nipples and a warm mouth.

The sirens pushed them to each other. Their mouths met, wide open. Their tongues grappled in utter desperation, and their nipples brushed with lightning effect.

After such torment, the end came in seconds. They moaned in each others’ mouths. Their fluids gushed to the table, mixed, and gushed again.

They collapsed against each other. Spent. Exhausted. Relieved – so relieved.

All because they had submitted to pleasure. To the sirens.

Mistress Sonata hugged Fluttershy backwards. Embraced her gently, spoke sweetly. “So good.”

Aria did the same to Rarity. “Forget.”

“So good.”



Chapter 3: Sunset's Submission and Twilight's Tension

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Sunset didn’t remember how long she had been coming to Mistress Massage. The sessions all felt the same, but so very, very good. Entering that door felt so right, so natural, that no reason or excuse was needed. Like breathing or sleeping: something that she simply did.

Through the door, the melodies played across her senses. Dim purple, spiced incense, heady flowers. A place to ‘Relax and obey.’ Adagio had hung her blue gem on the wall, and it caught Sunset’s eyes.

Her breathing slowed. Her steps became small, carrying her unsteadily to Mistress Sonata’s desk.

Sonata stood up, naked save her robe. The time for disarming fake glasses was gone. “Look at you! You’re doing so well.”

“Thank you, Mistress.” Sunset mumbled. Her mouth hung open.

Sonata stepped close and kissed her hard, pushing her tongue past Sunset’s lips. Sunset yielded utterly, accepting it with neither resistance nor reciprocation. Her glazed eyes fluttered as Sonata drew back – growing more relaxed, more compliant.

The blue siren gave a high-pitch giggle. “Completely zonked. Completely unaware of what’s happening, of who you shouldn’t have messed with. You’re lucky we’re nice: harpies or furies would have cut off your pretty head, but we have so many better uses for it. Now follow me.”

Sunset followed. The world was a haze. She did not see them pass an open door, did not see Rarity and Fluttershy lying naked as they were massaged by the other sirens. Did not hear the words, “Drop… drop…”

“Do you remember that?” Sonata asked. Sunset did not. “That’s beginner stuff, Sunslut. You don’t even need that to become hypnotized anymore. All that’s left is to take you so fucking deep your whole mind becomes ours.”

She opened a door marked ‘employees only’ and beckoned Sunset inside. “Won’t that be fun? Sunset the goodie-goodie, Sunset the straight-A reformed teacher’s pet. Who also just-so happens to be a brainwashed slut, helping us break her friends until all of you are our adoring slaves. If you do a really good job, we might just keep you after our powers are back.”

Sonata was talking to herself – Sunset understood nothing that was not a command.

The room was dim and warm, with hung flowers giving their pleasant aromas. Two rows of three massage tables flanked their entry, lined and facing each other like an honor-guard. Other furniture sat near the back which Sunset did not see: a dancing pole, wooden horse, and a thin table with spread-eagle bars.

At Sonata’s command, Sunset stripped and laid on one of the massage tables, face-up. Sonata pulled leather belts from its side and strapped her down: a dozen of them across her body, locking in each joint and limb.

“This’ll get a little… intense,” Sonata said with a silky grin. “There’s always a chance you’ll snap out, and I sure ain’t babysitting you the whole time. Besides, it’s kinky and fun.”

She pursed her lips. “But wait, before we do this: you did tell the others you were sleeping over with Rarity, right?”

“Yes,” Sunset intoned. She had followed her commands from last session. Just like all the others.

Sonata fit a ball-gag into her mouth and strapped it around her head. “Good. We have to get waaaaaay deep to corrupt the conscious mind, but sixteen hours of brainwashing ought to do it.”

A black leather blindfold went over her eyes, and large headphones gripped on to her ears. Sunset did not hear the match strike, though smelled the incense. She laid relaxed and thoughtless in her restraints.

She did not hear the lights turn off, or the door close.

Silence fell. Minutes, an hour? It had no meaning to Sunset. Her entranced mind simply waited for instruction.

Instruction came: a voice in the darkness. Mistress Adagio.


Then Aria and Sonata.



Familiar commands. Sunset followed them.



“A hundred times deeper with each word.”

That was new. But Sunset obeyed. Nothing lodged in her conscious mind, or even the focused awareness she had in trance. Each word sent her spinning down, more relaxed, more obedient, yet each one latched in her psyche. They were her mistresses’ words, and she obeyed.




Aria and Sonata began singing faintly, soft like a feather. Wordless sounds, giving background to Adagio’s words.

“Obey the sirens… obey the sirens… obey the sirens...”

Over, over, and over. Sunset twitched in her bonds. Arousal had found her body, though her mind knew nothing.

Adagio’s voice grew stern, commanding, coming through both earphones. So beautiful. “Slave to the sirens… slave to the sirens… slave to the sirens…”

“Worship the sirens,” Aria whispered in her left ear.

“Slave to the sirens...”

“Serve the sirens,” Sonata whispered in her right.

“Slave to the sirens...”

“Worship the sirens...”

“Slave to the sirens...”

The words washed over Sunset. A hundred times deeper with each. No time or space, no feeling but the worshipful, loving submission within her breast. Slave to the sirens… slave to the sirens…

Minutes, hours. Hours of the gentle songs and stern, repeated commands. Sometimes they spoke out of tempo, giving clarity to the mantras.

“This is you,” Adagio said. A hundred times deeper with each word. “This is who you are. You are a slave to the sirens.”

“Serve the sirens.”

“You love us,” Sonata whispered. Sunset did. Sonata’s lips appeared in her mind’s eyes and she squirt fluids to the table in a full-on orgasm. She didn’t notice.

Aria spoke on the other side. “You serve the sirens with your holes, your body, your mind. There is no part of you that does not serve, obey, and worship the sirens.”

“Slave to the sirens...”

The mantra returned. A hundred times deeper with each word.

Minutes, hours more. Washing Sunset’s mind deeper, deeper, and deeper. Even her conscience was helpless, the locked awareness and memories falling deeper, deeper under control. Her body squirmed incessantly, flexing the toes, grasping the air, parting the legs as much as it could. Juices flowed. Her mind knew nothing.

“You were wrong to oppose us.”

She was. “You will make it right. You will help us enslave the Rainbooms and Princess Twilight Sparkle. Then you will use the Elements of Harmony to unlock and return our powers.”

“You will do this because you are a brainwashed, helpless, slave of the sirens.”

Deeper… endlessly deeper. Made more true, more permanent with each word. Sunset’s entranced mind welcomed the change, and soon she would need to be entranced no more. No more massages, no floating gem. The sirens made her feel so good. Now it was time to return the favor. By tricking her friends. By serving the sirens with mouth, with holes, with everything. Licking their southern lips, pampering their bodies. Doing whatever they command, the instant they command it.

Because she was slave of the sirens. Worship the sirens. Obey the sirens. Her mouth moaned through the gag.

All evening, and though the night. There was no escape, no resistance, no chance. The sirens had laid the groundwork well. Just as they were doing for Rarity and Fluttershy. Just as they would do for the others.

They woke and untied her the next morning. Sunset fell to her knees before them, and Mistress Adagio gave her next command.

Polar opposites though they were, Twilight Sparkle felt closer with Applejack than the other Rainbooms. Maybe it was because of how well the girl treated her at the Friendship Games – Applejack coached her in archery to help Crystal Prep, sacrificing her own victory so Twilight wouldn’t be humiliated. She was great like that. Someone Twilight could trust to not laugh, no matter the stupid, silly things Twilight had to say.

She could feel Applejack’s eyes upon her, and stared firmly to her lap. Stupid, silly.

And yet…

“I know it’s weird,” Twilight squeaked a little too loudly. At least the library was empty. “But that’s just it. It’s weird.”

Applejack crossed her arms. The math homework in front of her was forgotten, but the obvious was the first thing she said. “Eh, they found a new spa. So what? Rarity and Fluttershy are spa rats, and if Sunset made friends with the owner then good for her.”

Twilight had thought about it for a while. “They’re not just going, Applejack. They love it. Even Sunset, and she’s not a spa fan at all. She told me about it once, something about her survival instincts really not liking someone at her back.”

“Twi, it’s a bad spa that don’t make you feel like a million bucks. No choice, given how much they charge.”

“That’s another thing,” Twilight said. It sounded so stupidly paranoid, but she pressed on. “They’re not being charged. When I asked about the prices thinking I might check it out, both Rarity and Sunset said they had never paid for anything. Something about the workers killing time on slow days. That’s like two-hundred dollars per session this so-called business is missing out on.”

“‘So-called?’” Applejack asked.

Twilight pushed up her glasses. “I borrowed their card from Sunset. The phone number doesn’t work, and neither does the website. When I Yelp them I see people complaining that they’re appointments-only and are too over-booked to accept new ones. I couldn’t find a review from anyone who had actually gotten a massage.”

Twilight glanced to Applejack, and in those green eyes she saw neither amusement nor condescending comfort. Applejack looked back at her evenly, the brow furrowed in guarded worry.

“The folks there… their names mean anything to you?”

Twilight shrugged. “Adagio, Sonata, and one other? Not really.”

“The last is Aria.” Applejack squinted and growled low, glaring into the distance. She leaned back and wiped a hand over her face. “Same, I guess. Just… I swear I’ve heard of them before. Like a name from first grade or something; something that you remember but also forgot.”

“Not for me, sorry.” Twilight shrugged again.

“Probably nothing,” Applejack grumbled. She took off her hat and began fidgeting with it. “Same with this, honestly. Maybe you got an old card, and the ladies there just took a shine to our three.”

She didn’t look convinced. Too many contradictions and missing pieces.

Applejack looked down to her hat. “Now that you mention it...”

She took a deep breath, in and out. “Sunset caught up with me. Said they gave her a promotional coupon for being such a good customer. She could give it to a friend, said it’d work for any service on their menu.”

The eyes shifted, looking out. “She said it was to help drum up business, because they were still getting on their feet. Of course I told her ‘look Sunset, that ain’t my rodeo,’ but she kinda kept trying until I gave in and took it.”

Applejack blinked and sighed, pushing out tension. She smiled at Twilight, almost free of worry. Almost.

“I see where you’re coming from. But we gotta remember it’s a straight-up fact that everything that goes down on this Earth has a reason, and most are simple and innocent once you shine a light on it.”

The gaze shifted over, the mouth closing tightly before going on. “Most, anyway. Tell you what: Sunset broke her bike last month so she’s been busing to her froo-froo massage thing. I’ll offer to drive her next time, then make like I’m just waiting for her to get done. You know, hang out, poke around a little. See how the place smells for myself.”

Twilight nodded, but grimaced a little. “Okay. Just, um, do me a favor and don’t let them do anything with you. Appease my paranoia.”

Applejack nodded, and Twilight caught herself. “Oh. Um, do you think we should warn Rainbow and Pinkie?”

“About what?” Applejack asked. Twilight shrugged once more, and Applejack mirrored. “Let me go and we’ll talk on it after the trip. If there ain’t nothing to see, there ain’t nothing to see.”

Chapter 4: Abducting Applejack

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Mundane hypnosis was more art than science. Each subject took it a little differently, and success was never guaranteed. Adagio had been a bundle of nerves behind her aloof demeanor, perfecting every piece of her performance and environment to stand the absolute best chance of victory. There could be no second tries.

It had paid off. Sunset was their slave, her conscious morality corrupted to worship, serve, and obey. It was completely natural; she saw no contradiction in loving her friends and betraying them to the sirens.

They still tied her down for easy brainwashing most days. No harm in being careful, in pushing her ever deeper. Adagio planned to keep it up at least until their powers were back.

Sometimes, though, Adagio instead used Sunset to help her unwind. She deserved it, after all.

Adagio lounged on the sofa, letting her robe hang loose. She sat upright, resting her head almost straight back onto its cushion, drinking in the calm sensations around her. The warmth of her massage room, and soft piano music from her phone. One of the few human composers she actually liked.

And a pair of hands, gently rubbing her calves. Sometimes a cheek ran itself up to her knee, or a nose timidly nuzzled her leg.

Sunset Shimmer, on her knees before Adagio, doing exactly as she was bid. Naked and blank-eyed. Although they had no more need to entrance her, such was the weight of her domination that she fell under the moment she walked in.

No oral sex, no licking or kissing. Carnal lust was fun, but today Adagio just wanted to be pampered.

Adagio let her eyes stray closed, drifting in the moment. The taste of the wine she idly swirled in her glass. The tender caress at her legs. The smug contentment of a plan coming together, of a hero helpless at her feet. Adoring her, like she deserved.

Her phone buzzed. Adagio plucked it from the desk and unlocked the screen. A text from Sonata.

‘We have a problem.’

The world looked so perfect twenty minutes ago. Sunslave had followed their orders and brought another stupid Rainboom along for the ride. One more future slave, to be massaged down into mindless submission. The sirens were halfway there.

After sending Sunset to the back, Sonata turned to the new one with a fresh customer-service smile. Just another guest, no reason to think she had come with Sunset.

“Welcome to Mistress Massage and Oils. How may I help you?”

Sonata smelled easy prey. The girl – Sonata never actually caught her name – was the last person you would expect in a massage parlor, tall and broad with hewn work muscles. Freckles and a cowboy hat screamed ‘dumb redneck.’ She’d be a little embarrassed, a little confused, and Mistress Sonata would kindly and gently introduce her to her new life.

The thick hands clenched loosely at their sides. The return smile was tight and guarded.

“I’m good,” Applejack said. “I’m just Sunset’s ride for the day.”

That was the end of it, or would have been if all was innocent. She puttered about the lobby, giving another tight smile whenever their eyes met.

“My name’s Sonata. What’s yours?”


Cautiously, Sonata tried the old tricks. “I have an appointment scheduled, but they canceled. Would you like a session?”

The girl didn’t blink. “Nah, I’m good.”

A few minutes later in a casual, friendly tone, “The proprietor wants me to do at least one massage each day to keep my skills fresh. Would you like one? It’s on the house.”

“Nah, no thanks.”

Still later, “Miss Aria put on some tea. Would you like a cup while you wait?”

“Nah, I’m a coffee girl.”

A ditz she might be, but Sonata wasn’t an idiot. She remembered Applejack as outgoing, friendly, and loud; a far cry from her now. She puttered towards the back hall, but Sonata’s desk had a clear view. Applejack never tried slipping back, but her eyes lingered on it, and she roved the lobby as though looking for clues.

She was suspicious. That wasn’t good. All the heady flowers and gentle subliminals in the world would do nothing to someone alert and wary.

There was more, too, than either of them guessed. To Applejack, it just felt like good instincts. The hairs on the back of her neck telling her to be careful, that something was very wrong. In fact, a tiny piece of the Elements of Harmony remained within each Rainboom. Honesty for Applejack… and Honesty smelled a lie.

Texts flew between Sonata and her sisters, quietly scheming their next move. They could let her go. Send her home with Sunset… no, too risky. She might never come back. And with her curiosity and suspicion undimmed, if she did return it’d be for a deeper investigation. Maybe she’d become a danger.

But she’d already resisted all attempts to lure her in… but that itself meant they’d have to act. It would certainly be suspicious if they used the same excuses on her next time, or if she told a friend and they later heard the same lines.

Time for the contingency plan. Force was never the sirens’ way, least of all when trying to hypnotize someone. Least of all for someone taller and stronger than any of them.

Least of all… but least risky. Better to act now, before Applejack could form her own plans.

The others texted that they were in place. Sonata left her desk. Into the back hall, past the first turn.

No one was watching, but she liked the performance. She gave a light gasp, then swayed and touched her hand to her forehead. The robe pooled out as she daintily collapsed to the plush carpet, making sure to spin and face the way she came.

Minutes passed. Sonata was patient. They all were.

Most would hear nothing. But sirens had super-natural senses, and the sound of heavy boots on the carpet found Sonata’s ears. Walking very carefully, trying hard to be quiet.

The caution ended when they came close and turned.

“Hey – hey!”

With her eyes closed, Sonata heard Applejack speed the last few steps to her. Her body rustled as the girl knelt and grabbed her shoulder.

“Hey! Can you hear me? You okay?”

Sonata blinked slowly. She drank in the open worry on Applejack’s face, gone from suspicious to caring in a heartbeat. How cute.

“Hi,” Sonata said with a weak giggle. A sweet young thing, confused after her faint. “What happened?”

“You tell me,” Applejack said, She wiped a rough hand over Sonata’s brow. Behind her, two doors opened silently.

Sonata giggled again. She reached up and plucked the hat off Applejack.

“What the–”

Green eyes and freckles vanished as a blue pillowcase fell over her head. Applejack scrambled and Sonata rolled away while Aria and Adagio leaped on the girl’s back. Aria held tight at the pillowcase, yanking a string to close it snug around Applejack’s neck.

An acrid smell leaked to the room. Chloroform. A brute tool for a brute job.


Applejack stood, despite their weight. Aria clung doggedly to the pillow, lifted from the ground, yanking it so Applejack’s face was pressed to the fabric. The other two each scrambled for an arm, wrestling with them, weighing them down as Applejack tried to scramble for the hood.

“Let me g-ooooh.”

A groan escaped as the drug fogged her mind. Holding her breath as best she could, Applejack struggled. She shook her shoulders, trying to buck off her rider. The grips on her arms felt stronger. She gasped for air, tried to keep it shallow, kept struggling.

Weaker, weaker. Her bucks turned to a drunken lurch. She fell to her knees, had to gasp again. Again.

Deep, heavy breaths. So sleepy. A few more weak struggles, and she hit the ground.

Darkness closed, robbing even the dim light through the fabric. Just before it swallowed her completely, Applejack heard a refined voice she swore sounded familiar.

“Sunslave, come give us a hand. Take her to the playroom, girls.”

Adagio sat daintily on the very table Sunset had been brainwashed on. She breathed a little hard from the exertion of moving the heavy Rainboom, but otherwise remained poised and pensive.

“You sure you got this?”

“Are you kidding?” Sonata grinned in a way none but the sirens ever saw. Sharp-edged, wide, and evil. “Don’t take this from me.”

Adagio laughed. She gave a similar smile, understanding entirely, and strode sensuously out the door. The sirens bickered as easily as they breathed, but in their black hearts they did care for each other. When one wanted something, the others helped make it happen.

And Sonata wanted this.

She padded to the back of the room, where the more customized of their toys sat. Sunset had worked dutifully while the sirens talked, stripping her friend and strapping her down to a thin table with flared arms and legs.

Applejack was still asleep, now spread-eagle and naked save for a tight leather hood covering all but her mouth. This was forced open by a hollow ball gag with holes for breathing and… something else.

That something was hooked by the table: a gas canister, with a thin line leading to the gag’s side. Every breath would take in a version of their oils, made ten times stronger for being condensed and aerosolized. Arousal, confusion… delicious.

Sonata bit her lip hard, indulging in a shameless leer over her prey. Applejack was… different, that was certain. Rainbow Dash was a little short and athletic and Sunset was busty compared to the others, but they were all slim, attractive girls. Like the sirens themselves.

Except for Applejack. Budding adulthood had made her tall and broad with a visible six-pack, thunderous thighs, and hard muscles wherever Sonata looked. Not normally her thing, but the unusual build made this even kinkier.

Delightful anticipation drew Sonata’s fingers to her crotch – she was going to take this big, strong, confident hero, and break her.

Countless foes and dupes over the centuries had all made the same mistake. The notion that ditzy, perky, cheerful Sonata was the “nice” or “good” one.

Her sisters knew much, much better.

Sonata drew her fingers slowly up the thick leg, feeling the strong and helpless muscles beneath. She stopped, frowning, on reaching the crotch, where there was a small bush of unsightly yellow fuzz.

Oh, well. Applejack would start shaving later, that was the beauty of this.

Sunset knelt beside them, holding a tray of Sonata’s toys. Sonata picked out the riding crop. Applejack was beginning to shuffle and mutter.

Then she came awake fully as leather smacked her left nipple. Applejack exploded into action, even in her current state remembering full-well what happened. The bonds stopped her motions cold. The gag pushed down her tongue and spread her teeth, stopping any words from forming. But the girl sure yelled out as best she could.


Sonata waited, holding in her laughter with mixed success. So angry! So fierce!

And Applejack kept at it for a while, too. Doubtless cursing her up and down, struggling against the leathers until the need to breath and lack of any response drew her to a curious silence.

With no sight and no response to her challenge, Applejack was given the odd feeling of being alone. She began carefully testing the straps, searching for wiggle-room or weak spots.

Sonata gave her a few seconds to get focused, then smacked her hard right on the fuzzy crotch. Applejack cursed again, unleashing another tirade and vain struggle. This time Sonata did laugh out loud.

Again, Nothing else. Applejack eventually fell still.

This time Sonata smacked her right in the armpit. She liked to mix it up.

Struggle, silence, smack. The sole of a foot, the belly button, a muscular side.

Applejack caught on eventually. She took the next few with only a grunt and growl, awaiting the next blow.

“Aww…” Sonata cooed, striding around towards Applejack’s head. She leaned in to speak close, making sure Applejack could hear through the muffled ears. “You know I’m fucking with you.”

Applejack stiffened, recognizing the voice. The perky girl at the desk.

“Time to move on,” Sonata said. She gave the rest in a sing-song. “Just remember~ if you don’t want to be my slave~ don’t get horny!~”

The honest girl was so predictable. She hesitated, thinking for one evil second about being horny. The word brought her attention to her own body, and what the gas was starting to do. Her thighs twitched, trying to close against the new awareness.

Sonata selected her next tool: a short, stiff feather.

Applejack was not normally ticklish. But her skin was sensitive with so many other senses blocked, and the gas electrified her nerves. Tickling was as much anticipation as touch – locked in her hood, Applejack could do nothing but anticipate.

The soft edge touched just below her elbow. Applejack braced, but no pain followed. Instead it dragged down slowly. She was confused until it found the crook of her armpit and dug in.

A spasm of the bound arm, and a quick muffled noise.

Sonata drew it back up to the elbow and brushed again, this time moving half as fast. Letting Applejack feel the long, long seconds as it drew closer, then finally reached her armpit where Sonata gave it an extra little twirl.


This one came out a little higher-pitched.

Again. The arm trembled as Sonata touched it. Down and back.

Again. This time Sonata did not pull back the feather, but let it rest in the sweet spot. Applejack tried to twitch away, but each only wicked it against her skin, which made her twitch again…

Sonata held it still an extra minute, smiling deliciously as the bound farm-girl wore herself out. Low, anxious laughs emerged from her gag as she bounced, betrayed by her own efforts.

Finally Applejack figured to lay perfectly still. The stiff bristles were an agony of sensation below her arm, but it was better than the alternative.

Until Sonata began to drag it, slowly lower. Down her side and along her ribs.

It felt like betrayal. Applejack gave muffled protest, squirming to no avail. Just the insane ticklishness of slow, predicted sensation until Sonata crossed the ribs to stop at the side of her belly.

Then, even slower, Sonata dragged the feather up. Running along the tingling, sensitive skin it had brushed before. Applejack’s whole body was shaking now, cruelly braced for the tickles although that focus made it so much worse.

Again, Sonata stopped at the armpit. The trembling went on, brushing it endlessly across its little home.

“HEEEEE,” squealed from Applejack’s mouth. “HOUGH! HOUGH!”

“Ho-ho-ho,” Sonata said. She pulled back the feather.

Applejack panted, quickly catching her breath. The shaking stopped.

Sonata leaned to her ear. “Once I’m done with you, I’ll kidnap alllllll your little friends and make them my slaves. So you better resist as best you can.”

Applejack tensed. Beneath the mask, her eyes narrowed. Her mouth growled, and her head tilted downwards in a braced and defiant posture.

Just as Sonata hoped. Let her summon up every scrap of will. It wouldn’t be fun if things went too easily.

She gave a few whispered instructions, and Sunset obeyed. The tray was set on a table, and Sunset fell to her hands and knees by the right foot. Sonata daintily sat down on her back, sighing with mock relief.

She tied back each big toe with leather cords. And then, the feather. Sometimes skittering up the sole, drawing adorable squeaks. But Sonata did not care for tickling without torture: endless tickles on a single spot, that’s where the fun came. When twitches became thrashes, when Applejack’s head jerked back and forth in a frenzy of motion because that’s all she could move. When high giggles became low babbling.

Right on the bottom of the upwards-facing big toe, tied and helpless. Five minutes, ten minutes. Then the joints below each toe. Even the firm, browned heel – not typically ticklish, but five, ten minutes and the sensation broke Applejack into muffled, full-bellied laughter. The first such crack, and not the last.

Sonata gave Sunset a feather, and now there were two. Running along her belly, tracing the thick abs. Applejack collapsed at once, her tight restraint falling to laughter and what sounded like pitiful begs. More sensitive with every stroke, with every breath of the sweet gas.

The armpits. Both at once. She howled. Shaking, thrashing for all she was worth.

Both feet. She couldn’t catch her breath. She coughed out a laugh, couldn’t even fill her lungs before the next.

Both feathers, sawing gently across the stretched balls of her feet. Minutes, hours, more sensitive with every stroke. She screamed. Move, move! Anywhere else, please…

They stopped. She panted, catching her breath. The light, probing tickles at her legs were a relief.

Until they drew to the inner thigh. Her mind followed the sensation, and her body moaned out loud.

So horny. So needy. And with the feathers so close, she was no longer distracted from it.

No release. The feathers stayed clear of her clit, swaying close and far as they traced her thighs.

Sonata laid her hand on one, so thick she couldn’t get a grip. “All these big, strong muscles aren’t doing you any good, are they?”

A few seconds passed, then the hand slapped her thigh. “Are they, slave? I asked you a question.”

Applejack’s breath returned, and so did her gagged stubbornness. “Huck offpf!”

“Ooh, big talk.” Sonata pulled the hand from her thigh and leaned down close to the head. “Let’s make a deal. Call me mistress and I’ll let you cum.

Applejack froze. So horny. Sweat and precum dripped from her pussy, and in her gassed state she could feel every drop. Tickling, teasing her so close to what she craved…

A deep breath. “Huck. HOFFPF!”

“Suit yourself,” Sonata said, then gave a laugh. “I mean, I wasn’t gonna let you cum anyway. Hey, Sunset?”

Applejack’s head shot up as best as she could.

“Yes, Mistress?”

“HUNHET!” Applejack screamed. “HEL! HEL HEE!”

“Sit between her legs and start tickling her inner thighs. Don’t touch the pussy. Don’t let her cum.”

“Yes, mistress.”

Applejack’s mind reeled, trying to focus. What happened? What was going on?

Such thoughts vanished as the feather got to work. Sunset’s feather. Gently brushing Applejack’s own moisture, up, down, picking one terrible place less than an inch from her pussy and circled there, five minutes, ten…

Sonata went for Applejack’s nipples. Only one of them – scratching back, forth, back…

The insane, erotic itch drove Applejack to a new frenzy. Low laughter escaped, but mostly she groaned, stretched, thrust as best as she could to no avail. More and more crazed. Ten minutes, twenty. She struggled wildly, fell to exhausted panting.

Sonata moved back to the armpit. Applejack was so tired, but she couldn’t be still! The itch! The tickles!


“You know what to say,” Sonata said in a cutesy tone. But Applejack didn’t. She couldn’t focus. She couldn’t remember. Her world had shrunk to two feathers and a swollen clit.

Couldn’t even struggle anymore. Could only rock her head drunkenly, left to right.

Defeat gave no defense. The tickling went on against her still body. No laughter, just low moans.

One feather stopped. Applejack didn’t even notice until she felt a hand slide behind her head. It undid the strap on her ball gag and let it out with a wet squelch.

Applejack coughed weakly, and the voice above waited to speak until she was done.

“Say ‘Please, Mistress.’”

No thought, no barriers. Applejack had one need.

“Please, Mistress,” she gasped.

“Please what?”

Can’t see. Can’t move. Can’t think. Can’t cum.

“Please let me cum.”

“Very good,” Sonata said. “Sunset, stop tickling her.”

The last feather fell still. There was no relief. Torment and arousal had blurred in Applejack’s mind. She whimpered as the light touch withdrew.

Sonata lightly stroked Applejack’s cheek. “Now, start licking between her legs. But don’t touch the pussy, and don’t let her cum.”

Applejack gave a shrill breath as hot breath found her aching pussy. A warm, wet tongue began licking her outer folds, where her thick legs met the crotch. One side, then the other. But no closer.


So horny. So good.

“Pleasure,” Sonata said.

Hell. So needy. So desperate.



Sonata kept repeating the word. Applejack squirmed. It made things so much worse. Her maddened, drugged mind had no insight, no ability to ignore or get used to it. She heard, ‘pleasure’ and her thoughts refocused on her body’s need. On the hot breath and lapping tongue.


“Please, Mistress,” Applejack mewled.

“Hmm...” Sonata tapped the front of her lips, giving thought. “Well, you did say the magic word. I can deign to make you feel better. But only if you thank me first.”

Applejack was starting to remember. She was kidnapped. She had to escape.

But she was defeated. Exhaustion and desperation bid her submit, to give all that was asked so she might at last win mercy.

“Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”

Sonata took off the hood. Applejack looked up to her with dull eyes.

She leaned in, gracing Applejack with the smell of her perfume. It smelled good.

“I will untie you, and you will follow my instructions. If you do this I will let you feel good. If you try to escape, I will tickle you for twice as long and we’ll try again. Do you understand?”

Applejack’s breath hitched in fear. She nodded wordlessly.

At Sonata’s command, Sunset unbuckled Applejack from the table. Strap by strap, until she was free.

No fight. No resistance. Applejack stood when told. She let Sunset lock a leather collar around her neck. Head bowed, eyes down, she waited until Sonata tugged the leash to follow.

Sonata grinned to her sisters as they entered the hall. Both grinned back. A fine sight to see – Applejack stood a head taller than Sonata and was twice as broad, yet shuffled along behind in meek submission. Nude, helpless, defeated.

They entered one of the side rooms. Sonata took off the collar. “Lie on the table, face down.”

Applejack obeyed. Much more comfortable than the spread-eagle.

Sonata’s fingers closed between her shoulders. Applejack tensed at the touch, but soon an open-mouthed groan of relief fled her body. The fingers pushed deep and firm, beginning to rub out the tension of the past hours. Sonata had even put some oil on her hands, making them blissfully hot.

“Relax,” Sonata cooed.



The sirens clinked their glasses. A good day deserved the good champagne. Even Aria was smiling, and Sonata cuddled between them already drunk on her own afterglow.

Sonata’s other hand clutched the leash. Applejack was on her hands and knees, ass to the air, mindlessly sucking Sonata’s toes. One foot, then the other. The sisters joined in, letting her lick their soles and wipe the spit with her own face.

Relax, drop, obey. Like candy from a baby. No memories but a pleasant massage. Her suspicion would be gone, her mind turned happily to her next visit. So subservient already, after only the first round of hypnosis.

Of course, it wouldn’t do to send her home needy. Sunset knelt behind Applejack. She licked the upturned ass, and used one hand to finger Applejack and the other herself. Fluids spilled from both of them, and they weren’t alone. The others had already teased Sonata about needing to wash her robe.

More sessions were needed, but the first hooks were the most important part. Four down, three to go.

Supposedly, Sunset went to Mistress Massage for two-hour sessions.

Two hours after the time Applejack told her, Twilight shot off a text. ‘How’d it go?’

No answer. She finished her homework, ate dinner. Still no answer.

She went to her lab. Paced around. Invented a way to recycle entropy. Paced some more.

Checked her phone. Nothing, six hours later. Paced.

Past her bedtime. Twilight went upstairs and put on her favorite yellow pajamas.

The phone buzzed while she was brushing her teeth. Twilight ran to her bedroom, seized it, and swiped the screen. A text from Applejack! She squinted close, then retrieved her glasses and looked again.


The toothbrush dangled and fell from Twilight’s lips. She quickly put it away and flew her thumbs across the screen.

‘What was it like? Did you get inside? Was anything weird?’

‘Nah, they were all great.’ Winky-faced smiley. ‘I feel like a new woman.’

Mom kept the house warm. Twilight felt a chill.

Her thumbs moved. ‘You got a massage?’

‘Yeah! I’m going back next Friday and I can’t wait. Don’t tell Rarity or she won’t let me hear the end of it.’

Twilight leaned against her bedpost. ‘How much $$?’

‘Pro bono, girl! They said they got way too much free time and I’m welcome so long as that holds.’

‘AJ, do you NOT REMEMBER how we JUST TALKED about how shady that’

Twilight stopped typing.

She swallowed. Her throat felt thick and dry. Her thumb swayed, then held down the backspace key. The message was erased, and she typed something else.

‘That’s awesome! Have a good night.’

Twilight climbed into bed. Sleep was a long time in coming.

Chapter 5: Restraining Rainbow

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“Slave to the sirens...”

“Serve the sirens…”

“Slave to the sirens...”

“Worship the sirens...”

“Slave to the sirens...”

Strapped down. Naked. Blindfold, gag, headphones. Rarity and Fluttershy laid obediently: remembering nothing, thinking of nothing but the words in their ears. A hundred times deeper with each one.

Commands had been planted within their subconscious, and were followed. Both told their parents they were having a slumber party at Sunset’s. Sunset collected all the phones, ready to cover if anyone called.

It felt so good. To be here. To listen to the sirens’ words, all night long. Deeper… deeper…

Slaves to the sirens.

Sunset returned, as ever. Nothing fun this time – it was laundry day at Mistress Massage, and if you didn’t make the slaves do your chores then why even have them?

It worked for Aria, stuck on desk duty while the other two cleaned the bath house. The sooner all this bullshit got handed over to the Rainbooms, the better.

Sunset quickly made her way to the back rooms. Aria watched her go with a passive, pleasant smile…

…then turned to the newcomer. “Hello, and welcome to Mistress Massage and Oils. How may I help you this day?”

Unique among the Rainbooms, Aria remembered Rainbow Dash very well. The Dazzlings had naturally guessed her to be the team leader, being the singer and thematic heart of their band, and kept a close eye. She showcased herself repeatedly as brash, loud, and stupid, ironically luring the sirens into overconfidence.

“I’m just her ride,” Rainbow said. She turned, immediately heading back to the entrance.

Aria’s mind sped, swiftly and silently. Another reluctant target, though this one was disinterested instead of suspicious.

“Hey,” Aria called.

The girl looked back. “Yeah?”

Aria stood from the desk, changing her tone from polite serenity to her more normal, scratchier voice. “I’ve got like, nothing on today. Want a massage? Just so I’m less bored.”

Rainbow gave a sympathetic laugh. “I hear ya, last summer I did night shift at McClown Burger. Six hours in and I was ready to pull out my nails just to feel something.”

But then she shook her head. “Sunset actually gave me a coupon thing for this place. Not really my speed, you know?”

“I get that,” Aria said. Inside, she cursed. The ‘friendly normal girl’ charade could start a conversation, but how to lure her in…

“Looks like we’re both friends with Sunset. How’d you two meet?”

Aria idly fed her small talk, more as a delaying tactic than anything else. Acting impressed when the conversation turned to Rainbow’s soccer accomplishments. Offering her own relatable little story – a college freshman looking to own a salon one day, learning the trade by her queen bitch of a boss who had a thing for this B.S. oriental vibe.

Rainbow laughed, and Aria did too. She looked cute when she laughed, or so the other sirens said. Her dimples were a little over-sized, drawing attention to the white of her grin.

Their eyes met. Rainbow’s shot away. Her mouth closed (for once) and a faint purple blush touched her cheeks.

The first clue.

Aria let the girl prattle on. The art of conversation – one of the many arts the sirens had mastered. Let them talk about what interests them and pretend it interests you. Appreciate their expertise and be impressed by their accomplishments. Ten minutes of chatter could befriend most any human.

Rainbow was beginning to gesture with her words, moving from soccer to video games to superhero movies. In her mind, it was a crazy and awesome coincidence to meet some stranger who liked all three. Aria even played bass, which rapidly lead the talk to music and Rainbow’s band.

“Maybe we could jam together sometime,” Aria said. She blushed and looked down.


The purple eyes looked back up, catching Rainbow in them. She had to swallow hard before finishing. “That’d be cool.”

Rainbow figured all her friends stood somewhere on the ‘bisexual’ spectrum, although they didn’t much talk about it. In another life it would have been heaven for a straight-up lesbian like her, but a wagon-load of romantic awkwardness had always held her back. None of them ever seemed interested, anyway.

...Unlike Aria. She could feel them clicking. Same interests, same cool outlook on life. Kind of mature compared to Rainbow, but that held up for someone a few years older.

Rainbow kept picking out points in the conversation to ask for Aria’s number, then let them pass. Never a perfect enough moment. She should have taken a breath mint after that burger. She was probably reading too much into things, Aria probably wasn’t interested and would think her weird for asking…

“Hey,” Aria said as the conversation lulled. She twirled at one of her pigtails. The voice remained cool, but the gaze hung elsewhere. “I’m about to go on break. Wanna hang? I’ll make tea.”

Rainbow shrugged like it was no big deal. “Y-yeah. Cool.”

Aria shot off a quick text, presumably to summon her relief, and lead Rainbow to the back halls. Past one ‘employees only’ door and through the next, seemingly set up as a break room.

Well, if a ‘break room’ involved low tables, ceramic tea sets, and couches so soft you could swim in them. Rainbow gave a low whistle, looking up and around as she entered. “Wow, this place ain’t no McClown Burger. Nice.”

At Aria’s command, she took off her shoes at the doorway in proper etiquette and sank into one of the couches. Aria busied herself, putting on hot water and retrieving the tea. Oddly she took it from a locked cabinet instead of the tea bags on the counter… maybe her own supply.

It sure smelled nice. Fruity like blueberries, mixed with flowers.

Rainbow snorted a quiet laugh to herself. A tea ceremony, done by a hottie in a robe? Like something straight out of Fluttershy’s manga.

And yes, Aria was hot. The fold of her robe drew the gaze down to her breasts, while its swish revealed her legs were bare. A tall, mature, confident girl… and hey, Rainbow was a great catch herself!

Aria approached as the tea began to warm.


Rainbow grinned weakly. Their eyes met, and Rainbow’s fled.


“Look,” Aria said. She took a deep breath. “You’re really cool. Wanna go out? And just forget I asked if it’s no.”

Relief flooded Rainbow, and she gave a cocky grin. “Heck, yeah! I was about to ask you, myself.”

Aria swayed over to the couch. She sat down right next to Rainbow, close enough to brush their arms and hips.

“Guess that makes this our first date.”

“I guess so!” Rainbow’s confident facade fled with her high-pitched squeak. She’d worn a thin hoodie and short-shorts today – Aria’s robe brushed against the bare skin, and her warmth slipped through the jacket.

Rainbow had no idea what came next, but Aria did. She gently turned Rainbow to sit lengthwise on the couch, and knelt on it so they faced each other. Their eyes met again, and the purple held the red until both closed with a kiss.

Something burst in Rainbow. She kissed back hard, pulling in Aria’s shoulders to mash lips until the girl abruptly pushed away.

“Ow,” she growled, though softened immediately. “Not much experience, huh?”

She laughed melodically, waving down a hand at Rainbow’s stammers. “It’s cool, it’s cool. Kinda cute, actually. Here: follow my lead, and do what I do...”

Aria leaned down again, patiently teaching Rainbow’s first lesson in passion. Soft, tender touches were the way. A little tongue, teasingly making only the barest penetrations. Many small kisses, exploring the lips of the lover.

Not for any misguided sense of chastity, mind you. But to build arousal slowly, slowly, slowly…

The kettle screamed. Aria stood, releasing a tiny gasp as she pulled away.

Rainbow heard, and didn’t feel embarrassed about her own. She glowed. All the nervous hesitation was in the past. She felt cool, strong, awesome.

Aria’s robe slipped from her shoulder when she got up. She righted it, sending a coy glance back to Rainbow.

“I don’t suppose you know anything about tea?”

“Nope!” Rainbow admitted cheerfully. “But I can learn. Teach me, sensei.”

Aria gave a soft laugh, pouring out the kettle into two small cups. “This is a tea for conversation. You take a sip when the other person is speaking, then don’t take another until you’ve said something or several seconds have passed. Try to stay calm, too.”

Staying calm was the last thing on Rainbow’s mind, but with one deep breath she found it easy to relax. The berry smell was lovely, and there seemed nothing else to worry about. She had a girlfriend – no shame in taking it easy for a few, especially if it was important to Aria.

She took her first taste. Just a sip. Aria nodded in approval, a simple gesture which gave Rainbow no shortage of pride. Good tea too, though very strong. Like how dad talked about sipping whiskey; a hot, comforting wash down her throat, too good to finish quickly.

In a change, Aria did most of the talking. That was fine. Rainbow sipped, growing pleasantly flushed with the heat and everything awesome that had happened today.

Rainbow loved her friends, but never could pay attention when they rambled on about animals, fashion, and such. So much easier with Aria. Rainbow hung on her every word, though it was nothing but tea brands and idle complaints. She was so beautiful – the dimples, the slim build with perky adult breasts only Sunset could rival. Rainbow fell in love with every word, every sip.

So easy to focus on Aria. The rest of the world seemed colorless and hazy.

Rainbow set her empty cup to the table. She looked at Aria, burned for her. And God, the way Aria looked back… her eyes were narrowed, and her smile small and puckish. Rainbow wiggled her eyebrows and settled again to sit lengthwise, inviting more kisses.

“Let me take care of the dishes, first.”

Rainbow’s heart hammered at the words. She waited, impatient yet with rapt attention as Aria slowly cleaned each one at the sink.

One minute, then three to clean two cups. Aria was teasing her! And Rainbow loved it.

“Okay. So...” Aria slowly dried her hands. “Can I… try something with you?”

If Rainbow’s heart was hammering before, it was jack-hammering now. She gave a wide grin. “Sure thing, babe.”

“Don’t agree without knowing,” Aria tsked. She took a deep breath. “I’ve got a thing. You know. A sexual thing.”

What was stronger than a jackhammer? Rainbow nodded her on eagerly.

Aria fidgeted with a pigtail. “I’m really, really into hypnosis.”

Not what Rainbow expected. Confusion stole across her face as Aria went on. “And it’s not like TV. I can’t make you do anything crazy. But I can help you keep focused and… well, it’ll make things way hot. For both of us.”

Her eyes found Rainbow’s, purple diamonds. She glided towards the couch. “So, can I try and hypnotize you? Before we resume kissing.”

Any uncertainty in Rainbow’s mind vanished at the last two words. She nodded eagerly, belatedly remembering to close her mouth. She wasn’t some drooling idiot. She was Rainbow Dash, the best girlfriend in the world! Anything good with Aria was good with her.

Again, Aria knelt on the couch, straddling over her. She remained upright this time, looming over Rainbow. From the folds of her robe, she produced a small purple gem on a gold line.

So hot. Rainbow realized she was hyperventilating. She breathed faster when Aria set a hand to her cheek.

“Relax,” Aria said.

Rainbow did. It was so easy to focus on Aria. On what she had to say. She whispered that word several more times, and Rainbow’s breath slowed with each. Excitement faded to contentment, then a quiet struggle to stay awake.

Aria released the gem. It fell, then bounced to a stop at the end of its line. Bright purple, like Aria’s eyes.

It swayed before Rainbow, and she tracked it with her gaze. So easy, because the color reminded her of Aria.

“Very good,” Aria said, low and sweet. “Watch the pretty gem. Back and forth… back and forth…”

“As you track it with your eyes, listen to my voice. You are so relaxed, and your eyelids are so heavy. But you must keep them open until I tell you to sleep.”

So easy. Aria wanted her to relax… wanted her to be hypnotized… so she would.

“Back and forth… baaaack and forth… with every swing you are falling deeper… deeper… you are getting very sleepy…”

Rainbow never guessed that the tea was an ancient blend for spies and courtesans. Hypnotic, aphrodisiac, and sedative, all rolled into one. Aria’s rambling over the tea had kept the arousing effect fixed upon her – that burning lust humans mistook for love. Her voice lulled Rainbow down, tricked the mind into thinking Aria’s words were the culprit, and not the drugs. Rainbow thought she relaxed because Aria told her to relax.

“Eyelids growing heavier and h e a v i e r… but you can’t close them, not yet.”

The connection in Rainbow’s subconscious was clear: Aria spoke, and Rainbow followed. Aria, who she loved. The poor girl was half-hypnotized by the time she laid down.

“You will only close your eyes once you are completely entranced. When you are completely open and susceptible to my words, suggestions, and commands. When that happens, you will close your eyes.”

It didn’t matter when Rainbow’s eyes closed. She believed they would once she was fully under. Aria had said so.

The eyes blinked. The eyelids slunk down.

“Only when you are completely hypnotized… only when you are utterly open and helpless to me…”

“Back and forth...”

“Deeper… heavier...”

Minutes passed. Aria’s low instruction went on as Rainbow’s eyelids dropped lower, lower. So low she watched the pretty gem through her eyelashes, and Aria did not stop.

“Sleepier and sleepier...”

The eyes closed. Aria went on. Deeper, deeper.

She stopped. Rainbow was asleep. Her breaths moved like the tide, slow and deep.

Above her, Aria spoke. “Can you hear me?”

“Yes,” Rainbow said, though she was still asleep.

“Good,” Aria said. Rainbow knew nothing until she spoke again. “You are in a trance. I am in the deepest part of your mind. You cannot disobey, because my words are your thoughts, and you have no thoughts but my words. Do you understand?”


“Because my words are your thoughts, you will do everything I tell you to do. You will think what I tell you to think. You will believe what I tell you to believe. Do you understand?”


“Good.” Aria’s voice grew even lower. “When I snap my fingers, you will open your eyes, but you will still be entranced. You will have no ideas, no actions, no beliefs but what my words give you. Because my words are your thoughts. You have no thoughts of your own. Do you understand?”


Fingers snapped. Rainbow opened her eyes.

The gem swung in front of her. Back and forth.

“Look at it,” Aria commanded. Rainbow could see her sharp grin past the gem. “With every swing, you fall even deeper under my control.”

Rainbow watched. No sense of time. Deeper… deeper…

“Getting horny,” Aria said. “So horny… love Aria. Worship Aria. Suck and fuck and bow for Aria. You’re a sex toy for Aria. Giving her pleasure gives you pleasure. Receiving pleasure makes you worship her.”

Aria stowed the gem and pulled Rainbow up hungrily. Their lips met with open mouths, and their tongues danced. Aria’s forced its way in first, then Rainbow reciprocated with a low moan of arousal.

They parted, panting. Drool slipped down onto Rainbow’s shirt.

Aria stood. “Take off your clothes, and follow me.”

Rainbow’s mind found only hazy awareness in another place. A dim room, naked. Her wrists and legs were chained wide to a pillar, forcing her to kneel with her arms up and out. She panted and thrashed in lust as two tongues licked her toned belly and perky tits.

Fluttershy and Rarity. The sight of their collared, nude bodies shined a bit of light in Rainbow’s head.

“Rares? What…?”

“Oh, no you don’t.” Purple loomed in her vision. A strong hand gripped her hair and pulled her gaze to a swaying gem. Deeper… deeper…

Aria chose her biggest strap-on. This dumb bitch could take it. She railed Rainbow doggy-style, while Adagio dangled the purple gem before her eyes.

Adagio languidly slapped the side of her chair – Applejack’s thick, freckled ass. The girl knelt on her hands and knees, staring out blankly. A firm, stable piece of furniture for Adagio to sit on.

“Excellent work.” Genuine praise hung in the eldest siren’s words. She gave the ass an appreciative squeeze. “This one’s almost ready for brainwashing, and look at yours! She won’t take many sessions at all.”

The sirens used discreet, unaware hypnosis as a necessity, but a willing subject made things so much easier. All the difference between breaking into a home and being let in the front door.

Aria grunted, athletically continuing to pump as Rainbow gasped. “F-fuck! Fuck me, I forgot how hot it was having a human wrapped around my finger. I call dibs on this one.”

“Now-now, we share and share alike.” Adagio crossed her legs. “I know how it works. You two will obsess over favorites that you get bored of inside two weeks and then you’ll start fighting. I don’t want an economy to develop between us.”

Aria pulled out. A wet, sucking noise followed by a pop sounded from Rainbow’s pussy as her strap-on emerged, and the poor dupe collapsed to the floor. Easily the toughest of the sirens, Aria could go for hours.

Aria stretched, looking only refreshed and satisfied. “I’ll get her cleaned up and out. Already put in the post-suggestions, so she’s good to go.”

She cracked a grin to Adagio. “Two left: a moron, and a princess who will just be a clueless human over on this side. What do you want to do when we get our powers back?”

“Take it easy.” Adagio plucked a grape from the plate next to her – held by a naked Sunset Shimmer – and popped it in her mouth. “Yes, eventually we want to go home. But first let’s get a mansion here and just waste a few years. Raise a little chaos across the world and drain it to refuel our powers, then spend evenings getting pampered and fawned upon by our adoring little Rainbooms.”

Aria laughed and nodded, turning her attention back to Rainbow. “Alright, time to bring our date to a close. But first...”

She knelt down, and beckoned Rainbow to crawl over. “My strap-on is all sticky. Lick it clean like the sucker you are.”

Chapter 6: Perverting Pinkie

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“Slave to the sirens...”

Applejack had no thoughts, no memories. She did not feel the gag in her mouth, or the leather straps binding her limbs.

“Serve the sirens…”

“Slave to the sirens...”

“Worship the sirens...”

How long had she been tied down? Minutes or days. Not important. Obeying was important. Submitting utterly to the words, letting them change her into something else. Not just a hypnotized flunky, but a willing and total slave.

A constant influx of knowledge entered and vanished from memory with every second passed. Words… and the tickling itch of a stiff feather brushing across her naked abs. Back and forth, with Mistress Sonata’s voice cutting in past the headphones.

“I hope you don’t think a little brainwashing will get you out of being my torture pet.” Sonata laughed cruelly. “Oh, wait – you can’t think at all! Duh. But I know you can feel my little feather. We’re gonna keep this up all night. When I get bored I’ll hand it to Sunset or one of your other friends.”

For her part, Sunset was watering the plants. Rarity was fitting the other sirens for the new robes they had her make, and Fluttershy was tidying the break room.

Sunset knew Applejack was being brainwashed, and that was fine. The Rainbooms did wrong in stealing the sirens’ powers, and this was how they made it right. Serve the sirens. Slave to the sirens.

Her phone buzzed, showing a text from Twilight Sparkle. ‘Hi, Sunset! You busy?’

A slave she might be, but Twilight was still her friend. Mistress Adagio made it very clear to Sunset that she must tell no one else, and to live a normal life when outside the spa to throw off suspicion. Sunset had gone biking with Rainbow yesterday, and helped AJ at the farm the day before.

Still, Sunset was busy, and the sirens had no interest in ‘Human Twilight.’

‘I’m at my massage appointment. What’s up?’

‘When you get a chance, I have a new invention I’d like you to help test.’

Another text followed. ‘NOTHING DANGEROUS THIS TIME! I promise :)’

Sunset had long since reconciled with the fact that being friends with a mad scientist meant occasional experiments and explosions. A hero by nature and a bit of a scientist herself, Sunset always volunteered to participate both to shield their other friends and serve as a safety brake when ‘mad’ outweighed ‘scientist.’

No reason to stop. ‘Sure thing, but I’m jam-packed for a while. Maybe next weekend?’

Adagio watched the last Rainboom silently from the doorway, taking a moment to reflect on how their plans amusingly succeeded in a way they hadn’t… well, planned. Sunset had dispensed free coupons as ordered, but two had to be trapped in other ways and two more came before she even started. Pinkie Pie was the first to be lured in the way they had intended, and she would be the last.

It was a moment to be savored. The trusting, innocent idiot laid face-down on the massage table, utterly nude as Adagio had asked. No shyness with panties or towels. The siren let her gaze trace along the girl’s butt, leering silently with anticipation. Pinkie was skinny like the rest of them, but her buns were wide and soft. Maybe that’s where she put all the candy, the lucky girl.

Adagio licked her lips as she lit the incense. They went for the hard targets first, not last. This was a victory lap.

“Are you ready, Miss Pinkie?”

The girl squealed excitedly and kicked her feet up. “Yes Ma’am, Mistress Adagio, Ma’am!”

“Good. We’ll start at the shoulders, then go–”

“Although are you sure your name isn’t Massage?” Pinkie kept talking, her squeaky voice breaking the serenity around them. “I just figure since your name’s Adagio and you call yourself mistress then it’d be ‘Mistress Adagio and Oils.’”

Adagio reached for Pinkie’s shoulders. “Don’t worry about that. Just clear your mind and re–”

She made firm contact where the neck met the body. Instead of melting into the touch, Pinkie giggled and shrugged against the move.

“Sorry, sorry,” she squeaked, giggling a little more. “I’m ticklish. Try again.”

Unseen, Adagio gave an eye-roll before reaching once more. “As I was saying, try to re–”

“EEEK!” Pinkie screeched, laughing both at the new touch and apparently the comedy of it all. “Hee hee, sorry. Maybe again?”

“Why don’t I start with your back,” Adagio said, using every century of learned patience to retain her calm. Inside, she kicked herself. It never actually goes to plan, does it?

Focusing, she kept away from Pinkie’s inevitably-ticklish sides to work the small of her back. This at the very least she could rub without the girl squirming. Adagio released a relieved sigh when the first low hum of contentment fled Pinkie’s lips.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Adagio asked with honeyed voice.

“Yep,” Pinkie replied.

Adagio smiled. Progress.

Something brushed her shoulder. She turned to see a pink foot – Pinkie had bent her knees and was idly swaying her legs upright.

Adagio kept at work. Maybe they would go down as the girl relaxed.

A few minutes later, they hadn’t. And Pinkie opened her mouth. “I guess massage needs to be in the name so people don’t think you just sell oils so they come for baking and car needs, which now that I think about it is a good idea for a store because most people bake and drive so a store like that would get great business you could change their oil while they shopped for cooking supplies but you’d reeeeeealy have to keep your oils separate so you don’t put vegetable oil in someone’s engine and machine oil in a cake it would come out black and ruin the taste although dark cakes are really good they just take some effort you need to use the right kind of chocolate and you don’t need customized color most times because you...”

“Spas are a place for relaxation,” Adagio said lowly, fighting down a twitch in her eye. “Try to be quiet and relax.”

“Oh, okay,” Pinkie said.

Silence. Adagio stayed on the back for another moment then began rubbing the glutes.

Pinkie’s butt rammed up at the first touch as the girl exploded in a fit of giggles. “Sorry! I’ve always been ticklish back there. I found that out when I was a wee little Pinkie, my sister Maud and I had some oatmeal and we...”

Thirty minutes.

Thirty minutes wasted.

Pinkie laid upright, humming happily to herself with a washcloth over her face. The oils and drugs didn’t matter one whit – so long as she stayed alert, Pinkie wouldn’t be affected any more than Adagio. Their work was subtle. They needed her relaxed and suggestible, not perky and distracted.

Adagio had stepped away to text frantically for ideas, selling the pause as ‘part of the treatment.’

Her brainless sisters suggested the obvious: kidnap and break her like Applejack. Adagio hesitated. That was not at all the sirens’ specialty, and was hardly guaranteed to work. Besides, she had pride. The sirens were virtuosos of song and manipulation, not brute slavers. She could handle a girl who just would not relax and had six square centimeters on her body that weren’t ticklish.

Adagio needed inspiration. To change her approach. What did she know about this girl? Stupid, energetic, cheerful. She liked music, dancing, candy…


A last text was followed by a knock at the door. Sonata walked in, carrying a small bowl of wrapped red sweets and an insufferably smug expression at being called to help.

Adagio strode over to the prone girl and laid a hand on her shoulder. “Miss Pinkie? I was wondering if you could help us with something. Can you take off the cloth?”

Pinkie obeyed, pulling it down to see Adagio smiling serenely above her. “Miss Sunset said you know a great deal about candy and confections. We at Mistress Massage pride ourselves in catering to all senses, and blending them with delight. Until now this has excluded taste, but we are...”

She hesitated, wincing. Good thing this girl was dumb. “We are experimenting with an idea for a massage where you sit on the couch and have sweets while we work. The idea is the senses will enhance each other, much like taste and smell. Would you be willing to let us try?”

Pinkie grinned and hauled herself upright. “You had me at sweets! Let’s go, Adagio.”

She gasped sharply. “That rhymes! Let’s go, Adagio, Whoa-whoa, don’cha know~”

Still butt-naked, Pinkie prattled on as they escorted her to the couch, then sat lengthwise upright against the arm. Sonata knelt on the floor by her side, at least breaking her song with a stammer.

“Huh? No, I can just hold the bowl on my belly.”

“Now, now,” Adagio tutted, gliding to a seat then slipping in so Pinkie’s feet went on her lap. “We are here to serve you.”

She laid her hand upon a leg and gave it a comforting squeeze. Pinkie giggled a little, more from confusion than a tickle. At Adagio’s prompt she took a candy from the bowl and ate it.

To Pinkie, it was delicious. A tart fruit like cherry or pomegranate, sweetened for a more mellow taste. It dissolved rapidly in her mouth, and even when she swallowed she felt a thin layer remain on the inside. Not unpleasant, as it let the taste linger.

A less-forgotten recipe than most the sirens used. Opium candy used to be quite popular in the right places. Normally it was too sedating for their work, but for this girl it was just what the hypnotist ordered.

Adagio picked up a leg and ran her hand firmly beneath it. She began speaking quickly, seizing the brief interruption. “This will be a lighter massage, a more ‘casual’ one as though between friends. It was developed in the southern part of what is now India, back in the days of the Mughal Empire by monks who wished to...”

It gave Adagio a tiny bit of satisfaction to turn the tables and become the one who would not shut up. She spoke on and on, low and boring about ancient customs and histories. Too nice to interrupt, Pinkie waited quietly. Adagio’s drone lulled her to boredom, but it… did feel good.

Finally tamed from her hyperactivity, Pinkie began to notice things. The oil on her back and legs where Adagio had rubbed felt warm and soothing, and her own thoughts were growing fuzzy. Not in a bad way. Pinkie accepted another candy, content to be along for the ride.



Her thoughts became very fuzzy. Pinkie squinted hard, trying to rally them. Her mouth worked a moment before she remembered how to speak.

“Wait… something’s wrong, I don’t think–”

Sonata pushed a candy into her mouth. As it dissolved, Pinkie forgot what she was trying to say.

“Relax,” Sonata whispered in her ear.

Adagio’s own treat was the girl finally shutting up, and her delicious transformation. Her bright eyes now stared out, half-closed, and her mouth hung slack.

Adagio brought her hands from the safe legs to the feet – a truer test. The last time she touched them Pinkie kicked her in laughter.

Cute, pink soles. A little more pale than her skin, a little fatter than her slim build would have you guess. Same for her ass and breasts.

Adagio pushed in her thumbs, firm and untickling. Last time it didn’t matter.

Now there was no reaction. Adagio squeezed her thumbs slowly downwards, and reaction came. A jagged, slow breath out as tension left Pinkie’s body.

The sirens grinned.

“Relax,” Adagio said.

“Drop,” Sonata said.




On, on. Adagio’s firm, practiced fingers moved all over Pinkie’s feet, rubbing out every bit of strength and more. Layer after layer of oils shined in the folds and joints, making her ever more relaxed and vulnerable as the sensations looped and fed each other.

Sonata popped in a last treat, and held her fingers in Pinkie’s mouth as it dissolved. She stroked at the tongue, and twirled it slowly around her finger. The lips never fully closed, and drool leaked out as she withdrew.

The beginning of a word formed from inside Pinkie. “Wh...”





Nothing more came.

Sonata wiped her finger on the couch and pulled a pink gem on a bronze string from the folds of her robe. She stood behind Pinkie’s head.

“You feel good,” Adagio said lowly. “So relaxed and happy and good. This is what a massage is. This is what Mistress Adagio does to you. Relax… drop...”


Sonata let the gem dangle before Pinkie’s eyes.

Adagio pushed into her soles, drawing a little gasp. “Watch the pretty gem… watch very carefully. Count the faces, then start over. Too relaxed, but try counting them. Every one you count makes you sleepier. One… two… three… start over. Count them as I speak to you, as you get very, very sleepy...”

The sirens gathered on the couch, giggling and pointing at the pink idiot on the floor. She stared up to them from her knees and masturbated, chanting her mantra. “Submit, worship, obey… submit, worship, obey...”

“I like her nipples,” Aria said. “All fat and pink. Let’s have her pierce them after one of the sessions. You know, as a test, like how Sonata made the big one shave.”

“There might not be time,” Adagio declared. “We had to go slow with Sunset so her friends wouldn’t get suspicious. But now we have her friends. We can make the others take turns giving excuses. I want her and little miss Dashie to come in daily until we get them deep enough to brainwash.”

“I thought you were the patient one?” Sonata jeered.

Adagio narrowed her eyes, looking to the wall past Pinkie. “We’ve been patient. And it’s paid off. And we’ll keep being patient. They’re not going in the back room until they’re ready.”

Her smile grew, sharp like a knife. “We’re finally in a position to accelerate things, that’s all.”

“At least until the moon or whatever lets our future purple pony gimp-cess over to play.” Sonata cracked her knuckles. “Soooo orgy before we get her, or after?”

“My dear, stupid sister,” Adagio tsked. Aria laughed and Sonata scowled, though all grinned at the next words.

“Why not both?”

Chapter 7: Harem of Heroes

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There was no escape. Time and again, the hypnotic suggestions bid Rainbow and Pinkie to return. Always encouraged and helped by their friends. Remembering nothing but a pleasant massage, never questioning why they came back day after day.

Sunset had taken months of appointments to work down. Yet three weeks after Rainbow’s first visit and two after Pinkie’s, they spent a night side-by-side in the playroom and emerged new women. Serve, slave, worship.

The last wheel was in motion. Sunset had invited Princess Twilight over for a visit using their linked journals. She would come in two days.

Now, though, the sirens had something important to do. Not as important, mind you. But this all had been quite stressful, and each agreed a little party to unwind was fully in order.

Adagio sat on the playroom sofa with Sunset kneeling before her with head bowed. The ‘festivities’ were in full and noisy swing across the room, but she felt like a quiet corner and a little wine before resuming. With Sunset, of course, who had no greater purpose than to wait on her command.

Smiling with tipsy humor, Adagio placed her hand beneath the chin and tilted it upwards. She loved Sunset’s eyes – so bright and green. So determined, enthusiastic, heroic. She remembered the girl’s righteous glares and heroic grin when the sent the sirens to flight.

Now, those green eyes stared to her with utter devotion. Sunset’s breath hitched, and she quivered in Adagio’s hand.

“Thank you, Mistress,” Sunset said, relishing the mere touch of the goddess she worshiped and loved.

Sonata and Aria liked their rubber toys, but for Adagio, this was the biggest charge. She leaned down and kissed Sunset with an open mouth, tasting her own wine and sweets.

She panted a little on the parting. Adagio was not falling for her slaves, not in the slightest. They would be stolen from their little lives for however long the sirens remained, then discarded when they returned to Equestria. Nothing personal, one way or another.

But so, so hot.

The party went on around them. Her sisters’ latest silly game targeted Pinkie Pie, a new favorite of both. Chains raised her arms to the ceiling while straps cuffed her kneeling to the floor. Aria and Sonata prowled around with leather whips, taking turns swatting her all over: ass, feet, breasts, pussy, cheeks. Weighted chains tugged painfully from her pierced nipples, bouncing as she struggled in vain. A ring gag kept her mouth wide and drooling, muffling her pleas for more.

Having been the last to endure their cruel attentions, Rainbow was given a break for light duty. With a ball gag in mouth and heavy manacles allowing no more than a shuffled pace, she carried drinks and sex toys to be indulged at the others’ whims. A look, gesture, or call, and she got over as quickly and eagerly as she could. Anything for their attention and approval. Pinkie was so lucky!

Sonata circled her prey from atop Applejack’s back. The girl crawled blindfolded on her hands and knees, with her only directions being the tug of the reins in her mouth and Sonata’s whip. Dildos were lodged in her pussy and anus. Applejack moaned thoughtlessly, blindly trying to anticipate Sonata’s will – not to spare her own pain, but so her perfect goddess would be served.

Rarity and Fluttershy were forgotten for now, though not without entertainment. The sirens had jokingly ‘shipped’ them since their arrival, and now they sat painfully tied to a wooden horse. Their nipples were clamped together, forcing both to lean in. They frantically kissed, with arms tied behind and fluids leaking down the sharp angle of their seats. The sirens had told them to, and never told them to stop.

Adagio’s mature contentment didn’t last. She stood with a whoop, winning cheers from her sisters and rejoined the fun. At her command, Sunset rammed her toes into Pinkie’s mouth while Adagio took the biggest dildo from Rainbow’s tray and slid it up the jiggling ass.

Then it was Sunset’s turn, and Adagio’s style. No silly toys needed, she knelt before the sirens, worshiping them with her green eyes, open mouth, and extended tongue. They masturbated, squirting their juice on her, laughing as they competed to hit the mouth. Most landed on her face and hair. Then one by one they got her friends to do the same. Pinkie’s cum ran down her nose, while Rainbow’s shot low onto her breasts. The sirens cheered each one and drank a mocking toast to Sunset Shimmer – such a noble and dignified hero.

Adagio loved domination, and Sonata was sadistic. Aria was a bit more of a generalist and so picked humiliation as their next game. Each Rainboom had their ankles locked, arms tied behind, and were collared. She leashed one to another so they could only shuffle in single file, then with her swinging gem hypnotized them once more. She gagged and blindfolded them, then told them to believe they were never hypnotized and to act as they were before. The sirens held in their laughter once she snapped them awake – the muffled questions, the frightened mewls, the defiant growls. What fun!

Aria yanked at the first leash, and they all stumbled forwards. First Sunset, then all her idiot friends. With each leashed both in front and behind, they could only blindly follow as she led them like a train. When any stopped or resisted Adagio and Sonata were there, whipping the ass and tits. The sirens mocked and teased them, tripping one or another to bring them crashing down. Aria sped up, forcing their stumbling gait faster then slowed abruptly so they bumped and stumbled.

Their addled wills were no match, and neither was the new hypnosis. By the third circuit, they all shuffled along obediently with bowed heads.

Then came Sonata’s turn, and her new toy: a wall of boxes for them to slide into, so small they had to kneel tightly to get inside. Holes in the boxes trapped and exposed their ass, crotch, and feet, and blocked off the rest. Nothing outside but six sex toys, ready for breaking.

The sirens went mad – slapping, tickling, licking, stroking, grabbing. Muffled cries, laughs, and shouts could be heard inside. Itching oil painted precious anuses and between toes, sending poor victims to helpless twitching. The sirens rubbed feet with oils, sensitizing them for whatever came next – slapping, tickling, or a hotfoot. Lucky ones got fucked with dildos, others had ice cubes shoved in their pussies.

Sonata didn’t stop until she had fucked them all with her strap-on. And at Aria’s command, the Rainbooms chanted.

“Thank you mistress. Thank you mistress. Thank you mistress...”

They were grateful. They were obeying the sirens, and giving them pleasure. All was well.

The sirens took a little break after that, refreshing their spirits with snacks and wine. Generously, Adagio allowed the slaves to do the same, and the sirens settled on the couch with all six Rainbooms lined up before them. They kneeled at Adagio’s command, and stared into her blue gem as she waved it before their eyes.

“What are you gonna do?” Sonata asked.

“I’m going to be nice,” Adagio purred. “We’ve all but won. We can be magnanimous.”

There wasn’t a magnanimous bone in Adagio’s body, and her sisters knew. She was a manipulator – she didn’t just want slaves, or even her powers back. There was nothing better for her than to take these mighty heroes and twist them around into something else entirely.

“Watch the gem… you know how this works. Watch it swing, watch it sway… listen to Mistress and fall deeply into a trance…”

Their eyes glazed. Their mouths hung slack. Yes, they were already slaves, but why stop there?

“It gives you such pleasure to be a slave. Such sexual pleasure to submit, to obey, to surrender utterly. There is nothing better, no greater pleasure than to be enslaved, mesmerized, brainwashed. Serving your mistresses gives you such pleasure… pleasure… pleasure. You live to obey us, to serve us, to please us. It makes you so happy. So fulfilled… obey the sirens. Worship the sirens. Slave to the sirens.”

“Now pleasure the sirens, and pleasure each other.”

Bodies tangled, from the sofa to the many cushions lying around. Adagio lost herself in it, sucking, licking, and kissing whatever found her mouth. Slaves and sirens moaned, intertwined, twisting and turning and fucking until the sun rose in the sky.

“Sorry I’m late,” Sunset said. It was a long, sleepless night, but she managed a catnap in the break room. Good thing it was a weekend.

No need to tell Human-Twilight, of course. The sirens didn’t need her.

At least the girl didn’t seem annoyed. Clad in her lab-coat and glasses, Twilight wore a perky smile as she held the door for Sunset to come in. She prattled happily, guiding Sunset to her basement and laboratory.

“It’s fine, it’s fine! There were some adjustments needed. Anyway: you know how brainwaves are basically just electrical signals, right?”

Sunset vaguely remembered hearing something like that. “Yes?”

“Yes!” Twilight cheered, breezily walking ahead. “We think of the brain as mysterious and mystic, but if it’s just electricity it can be affected with magnets, pulses, counter-shocks… I mean, um, magnets! Do you know what this means?”

“That I’m about to be electrocuted,” Sunset mumbled. Again.

“No-no, I learned my lesson last time,” Twilight said. Sunset gave a noncommittal grunt.

At the bottom of the basement steps, Twilight seized a needlessly-ominous lever and pulled, turning on the lights. Dank concrete gave way instantly to a cavernous lair of science and wonder.

“What it means is that we can give paralyzed people a way to communicate! By directly transmitting ideas to the brain using matching electrical patterns, information can be given to even the unconscious and deaf. And if those patterns can be read, it would let those who can’t speak or move say something back.”

“Whoa, that is really neat.” Sunset was a do-gooder and rapidly found herself absorbing Twilight’s enthusiasm. Something like that could do a lot of good for a lot of people. Definitely worth a little electrocution.

The positive feelings, however, came to a cold hard wall upon seeing the contraption.


Twilight finally turned, smiling back with eyes closed being her glasses. “Yes?”

“Why does it have… straps?”

The device honestly looked terrifying. The reclined leather seat seemed functional if not comfortable, but there were attached straps meant clearly to buckle someone down, and a metal colander pot of weird science aimed for the head. It looked more like an electric chair than a medical revolution.

“Those are just for safety,” Twilight said, still smiling. “We’re dealing with controlled electrical signals so there’s a chance they could trigger muscle movement and flail a limb.”

Sunset breathed a long blow out. “Alright, I guess. I’m trusting you, Sci-Twi.”

The girl flinched. If Sunset didn’t know better she’d have thought Twilight looked guilty… probably just nervous.

The expression passed, and Twilight gave a determined nod. “You can trust me. You girls mean the world to me.”

That was enough for Sunset. She climbed on, relaxing as Twilight strapped her down. Honestly it felt a little nostalgic – her brainwashing was a hazy, pleasured mess, but she remembered being tied to a table not much different from this.

Thoughts of that and her mistresses hitched Sunset’s breath. She squirmed, but firmly reminded herself to stay in the present. She wasn’t supposed to fantasize about them when she was away. That lead to distractions and questions. The best way to serve the sirens was to act normally.

Once the limbs were tied, Twilight folded the main device over Sunset’s head like a helmet and strapped it in place. Sunset heard a faint buzz… but not through her ears. Like she was imagining it.

Twilight sat at a computer by her head, totally out of Sunset’s sight. “Ready?”

Sunset shrugged. “Ready.”

Unseen, Twilight’s lips formed “Sorry,” and she pushed a button.

“Did anything change?” Twilight asked, clicking over to a notepad app. Just because she was about to do something profoundly unethical was no reason not to take notes.

“Um...” The camera on the helmet let her see Sunset squint. “So, there was a buzzing in my head and it just got… not louder, but thicker?”

“The helmet is making a current parallel to your wave patterns,” Twilight said. There were a few more steps than that, but it was the short version. “In theory I should be able to see what you’re thinking, but it’s all a jumble now because the human brain is always thinking of multiple things at once. I’m going to ask you to clear your mind and try to focus on the words I say.”

She swallowed, eyes on the screen. “Ahem… pencil.”

It worked. Pictures from Sunset’s brain flashed on the monitor. Yellow pencils, pink erasers, writing assignments, school days… of course, the mind naturally moved from one topic to the next.

“Cat… book…”

One, then the other. This invention really was groundbreaking, or would have been if Twilight intended to go public with it.


Red apple. Green apple. Applejack.

Applejack naked and bound, forced to bend while cruel hands spanked her.

“Do… do you see anything?” Sunset called nervously.

Twilight lied calmly, tapping notes on her app. “No, it’s very grainy. I have an idea, though.”

She tapped a little more.

Sunset blinked, then opened her eyes to something else. Circles of blue in yellow in blue stole away the lab, pooling up in her vision then going past. Blue, yellow, blue, yellow…


“I just sent my own signal your way,” Twilight said. “What do you see?”

“Like I’m… like I’m going down a tunnel of colors.”

“Try to focus on it. It will help make the images clear by removing distractions.”

“Twilight, I don’t think–”


Twilight clicked a new button with the word.

Like cut power, Sunset’s thoughts went to zero. She tried to recover, but there was no anchor, no reality to reclaim. Nothing but blue in yellow in blue, going deeper… deeper…

No thoughts. A placid pool, utterly still save for the ripples of Twilight’s words.


Words and pictures appeared on Twilight’s screen. Fashionista. Friend. Memories of them at the camping trip together. Memories of them licking the same yellow pussy, with collars around their necks.”


Sunset’s paralyzed mind gave no protest. Mistress. Goddess. Serve, submit, slave. Obey the sirens. Please and pleasure the sirens.

Twilight gazed stoically to the poof-haired woman leering out from the screen. She took off her glasses, pinched the bridge of her nose, then placed them back on.

She typed in the next words, feeding a question directly to Sunset’s brain. Just like how she fed lights directly into her optic nerve and paralyzed her insight, trapping Sunset in entranced fascination.

“What are the sirens?”

Words and images told the story, even full sentences. A band battle, a wrongful defeat. The sirens were goddesses to be worshiped. Enslave the Rainbooms to make it right. Slavery brought them pleasure.

Twilight saw the dangling gem, the images of Sunset’s own pleasured and cum-stained face. She saw Pinkie Pie tricked and Applejack kidnapped, Rainbow mindless and masturbating, Fluttershy massaged and chanting obedience. Then she saw them strapped nude to tables, converted into something else…

Twilight yanked her hand from her crotch. She wiped it awkwardly to her lab coat, feeling a bit of stickiness remain.

She slapped and smooshed both her cheeks. “Focus.”

“Why?” she typed.

Sunset knew. They deserved their powers back. Powers the Rainbooms wrongfully sealed. With all six plus the princess of friendship, they would use the Elements of Harmony and return the sirens to glory.

‘Pony Twilight.’ Twilight had only met her once. Tomorrow she would come to the parlor, be massaged, pampered, and enslaved.

Twilight settled back in her chair, arms crossed and mouth in a pensive frown.

It had been a long few months of theory, invention, and careful silence. Watching her friends spend ever-more time at that Potemkin village of a massage parlor no one else could ever access. It all made sense now, and knowing made it less scary.

But what to do…?

Twilight paced around the front to check on Sunset. Her eyes stared unseeing ahead, mouth open. The visuals and electric frequency gripped her mind with scientific perfection, leaving it an open book before Twilight.

Open… but could it be changed? Mind-control to counter mind-control? Twilight would have to try.

A quick check of her vitals showed Sunset in perfect health.

...Strapped down. Vulnerable. Like in all those sexy scenes Twilight just watched. She swallowed hard.

For science, she pulled up Sunset’s skirt. A familiar odor greeted her, and the sight of stained panties.

Yes, that made sense. Sunset’s hyper-fixated mind was told to think of the object of her enslaved devotion. It made sense for Sunset to cum.

Science established. Twilight quickly folded the skirt down and returned to her post.

Her hands shook, and she felt a bit of cold wetness in her underwear.

Focus! Twilight typed in a few commands. The buzzing in Sunset’s brain grew louder.

Thoughts were ultimately just electricity and connections. Twilight could change their path. New thoughts, new ideas, new priorities.

“Betray the sirens.”

Nothing showed on the screen but a short burst of static. Twilight typed in the command again, and again it came blurred.

She fidgeted with her glasses, tapping in notes with one hand. Of course. Hypnotized for weeks and then brainwashed for days… Sunset’s neural routes regarding the sirens were set in stone, secured by insidious and endless reinforcement. She literally could not think about betraying them.

Twilight could overwhelm that… no, no she couldn’t. The sirens had worked their will over many sessions, planting hooks deep within Sunset’s brain. Rip out those pathways and the girl could become a vegetable or worse.

Take it slow? Research mundane hypnosis, use the sirens’ own tactics to undo their work?

No time. They would have the last piece under their thumb tomorrow. Twilight had no way of warning the princess without Sunset’s help, no real idea of how to interfere without revealing her hand to the sirens. One nerd against both the sirens and all her friends sounded like a quick way to join their enslavement – if the sirens even cared to keep her.

Tomorrow. Although there likely was a little more time, as the sirens would have to work Princess Twilight fully under their thrall. And given the scenes in Sunset’s memories, odds were good they’d take time to celebrate before getting to business.

But those things couldn’t be counted on. The sirens might win tomorrow, which means Twilight needed to act now.

And do what? She settled back in the chair, eyes closed, letting her thoughts chase round and round. Couldn’t risk hurting her friends. Couldn’t risk the sirens catching on to her. Maybe she could figure out a way to warn Princess Twilight, but what happened then? Her friends would still be slaves to succubi, and would know their secret had leaked.

...Slaves to succubi…

Sunset’s cum-stained face drifted in Twilight’s mind, looking up to her with an open mouth. Twilight shuffled, feeling a fresh tingle between her legs.

She grimaced, squeezing her eyes closed tighter. “Come on, Twilight. Don’t think about your six hot friends being brainwashed into depraved sexual slavery...”


Bullying at Crystal Prep had made Twilight terminally shy, but years of unmonitored internet access left her perpetually horny.

Well. A little break would help her think, or so she told herself.

She righted herself in the chair, spreading her legs as she typed in the words, “Rainboom slaves.”

Sunset’s memories played across the screen. Six naked friends, chained and bowed, led along on a leash.

Twilight’s fingers slipped past her underwear and began to pump.

She saw Sunset lick down a thrashing, tickled AJ, saw the girl’s great strength shatter to submission. Fluttershy and Rarity mouth-fucked two sirens, moaning with pleasure themselves. Aria massaged and hypnotized Pinkie, instructed her to get piercings, and then she returned with gold hoops in each fat pink nipple.

Twilight panted. Her slick fingers worked harder, faster.

Sunset sat chained in a corner with her foot strapped to her face, frantically licking it. For hours. All because Mistress Sonata had commanded it. Rainbow’s firm swimmer’s abs heaved as she was brainwashed, strapped to a table with no way out. Applejack’s gem-like green eyes met Twilight’s with a blank, happy smile as she sat wrapped in a towel, while a siren whispered in each ear...

So sexy. So much pleasure…

Twilight’s breath hitched. Her gaze shot straight up, and her orgasm stained her white panties.

She smirked.

“Got it.”

Chapter 8: Twilight's Temptation

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There was a chance, however low, that Princess Twilight would be a harder catch than the sirens hoped. They had no idea how ‘human’ she was when she came over, or if her alicorn magic rendered her immune to their past illusions. She might recognize them if given a chance.

So she wouldn’t be.

Rarity left her phone on, per their commands. The sirens gathered at the desk as her voice caterwauled over the sound of the car.

“It’s an incredible experience, darling! You’ll feel like a new woman by the time she’s done.”

Adagio’s phone sat on the day planner, carrying the conversation. Response came as a nasal, annoying voice they had not heard for many months.

“This is so exciting! I’ve never had a massage in my human body before. Do you think they’ll let me take notes?”

Rarity gave a melodic laugh. “Ask for yourself! Sunset Shimmer works for them, and I think she’s the only one there today. We’ll have the place to ourselves.”

Aria watched the parking lot through the window. “Showtime, girls. They just pulled in.”

“Time for us to head to the back room.” Adagio stretched, smirking confidently as she collected her phone.

Clad in her robe, Sunset smiled up at her from the desk. Their eyes met, and Adagio gave a light chuckle. “Any questions, slave?”

“No, Mistress,” Sunset said eagerly. “I won’t disappoint you.”

“Remember the plan,” Adagio coached, and led her sisters through the back hall and into the playroom. They hunched over the phone, eagerly listening as the trap slowly sprung.

Adagio crowed silently. This was a rare and fun treat – she had never heard Sunset talk to her friends before. Not like this, so perfectly brainwashed yet also so perfectly normal. Hi Twilight, how ya doing, yep I got a job here. Covering for the sirens as her second nature, seeing absolutely no conflict between being Twilight’s friend and setting her up for a fall.

She guided Twilight to a massage room, the very one where Sunset was first hypnotized. Poetic. Twilight didn’t question her instructions to strip and lay face-down.

Sunset stepped outside the room while Twilight got herself ready. It was the sirens’ cue. Each turned to the others in the playroom – five nude Rainbooms, standing at attention. Rarity had just finished stripping.

“Everyone ready?” Sonata asked.

They answered as one. “Yes, Mistress.”

With the sirens in the lead, they all padded to the hall where Sunset waited. Sunset opened the door a crack, peeked inside, then gave a thumbs-up.

Silently, the sirens entered behind her.

And there she was – Princess Twilight, face-down with naked butt to the air. Of course the pony wouldn’t think anything of a little nudity. Her straight purple hair was her only cover, resting all the way to her shoulder blades.

“Hi Twilight,” Sunset said. “I’m back. Ready to get started?”

The sirens fanned out, still utterly without a sound. Sonata lit incense, Aria laid hot cloths on their rack. Adagio and Sunset approached the prey from either side.

Adagio leered, drinking in the girl with her eyes. Twilight’s figure was nothing special. No ass, no hips, small breasts. Didn’t matter. She was cute enough, and knowing exactly what she was – and what happened next – was all the charge Adagio could ever want.

Sunset leaned in close to Twilight’s head. “We’ll start with your neck.”

Of course, they couldn’t trust an amateur to do it right. Sunset was the bait and nothing more. Adagio’s practiced fingers reached around and began rubbing softly.

It was fun to start with the neck. Not too sensitive, barely erotic. Knead in a bit of her special oil, getting them used to the touch and feeling…

Before moving down to the shoulders and blowing their minds.

Her hands slipped to each side and dug deep where the neck met the chest. The pressure and sudden release of tension pushed a shaking breath from Twilight’s mouth. She moaned cutely as Adagio pulled back, scrunching in her little butt and trembling across her body.

“Got some tension, there?” Sunset asked in an amused tone.

“I guess so. Pony necks are a lot more flexible so I guess I’m not used to ooooofff...

Adagio’s next rub stole her train of thought. The siren put more oil onto her hands and resumed, depositing the mind-melting concoction right into Twilight’s weak spot.

“What’s the liquid?” Twilight asked, catching her breath. “It seems to have a heating effect like methyl salicylate or one of its derivatives, but I also feel an ongoing pressure so there must be some interaction with the nerves or dermal layer which...”

“It’s a massage, Twilight.” Sunset’s lower voice broke through with a chuckle. “You can read the labels later. What you need to do now is relax.

“So relax,” Sunset added. Twilight obediently fell silent.



Simple instructions to encourage relaxation and provide white noise against distraction. Twilight understood the purpose of Sunset’s repetition. It was for her own sake.

So she relaxed. Twilight closed her eyes, feeling the delightful sensation move to the upper arms, then small of her back. She never cared much for massages, but this was something new and wonderful. Maybe human bodies were more sensitive, maybe hands could squeeze and rub muscles in ways even the most skilled hooves could not.

Maybe it was the oil. Hot pressure remained wherever it touched, letting echoes of each rub blossom her relaxed contentment.


Soft and firm, Sunset’s hands gripped her butt. Twilight thought nothing of it. Ponies wore long tails for modesty, but odd peeks were inevitable and nothing to be shy of. She didn’t even mind when Sunset spread her cheeks wide. All part of the massage, of course, and it felt so good.

She had no idea Adagio pulled the ass wide for Sonata to snap a picture with her phone.

An oil-wet finger slipped between the cheeks, rubbing her tailbone before drifting lower…

Twilight’s breath caught as the finger touched her anus, and firmly pushed in. Her toes scrunched and her back tried to rise, though a hand held her down.

“Sunset, what…?”

“Relax,” Sunset coached with melodic calm. “This is what a massage on Earth is like. It feels good, doesn’t it?”

“It… does,” Twilight conceded. A heavy sigh broke the words as still more tension fled her body. The oil on her ponut felt so hot, so good. Sunset’s finger pushed it inside, kneading the heavenly feeling into every fold and crease. Twilight instinctively began lifting her ass, but another hand held it down.

She blinked, suddenly confused. A hand on her back, her butt, and inside her?

Her eyes rolled back as Sunset’s next push flooded her with warm pleasure. But still she tried to look back, more curious than alarmed.

Another hand held her head, keeping her face down. Twilight tried to form a question, but it was somehow hard to speak.

Fortunately, answer came from her side. “Twilight, darling! You must let Sunset work. She’s been practicing for a long time and is quite eager to impress.”

Rarity… right. She must have come in with Sunset. Was this normal for humans, to have friends wander in for an intimate massage?

Then again, this was Twilight’s limited ‘hang-out’ time with the girls, so it made sense for them to spend as much time together as they could. Maybe there was another reason… maybe. Twilight didn’t care to think on it. The world was hazy, warm and good, her thoughts in sedated bliss with a low burn of pleasure. Questions could wait.

She breathed out in a hum, content to once more fall into thoughtlessness.



Rarity whispered, close enough to tickle the edge of her ear.


Sunset finally changed position, rubbing down Twilight’s glutes and thighs. But the feeling in her ponut remained, sending Twilight to low, slow pants.

She saw Rarity’s bare feet beneath the table. When did she take off her socks? Then she felt something brush against her head, and an elastic blindfold pull down over her eyes.

“It enhances the senses, dearie.” Rarity explained. “Without your sight, your touch becomes that much more sensitive.”

Underscoring the point, she pushed her fingers into the base of Twilight’s neck just as Sunset squeezed her calves. Two incredible sensations at once, and Twilight accepted the change without protest.

Out of her sight, it was really Adagio at the calves and Aria on the shoulders. Sonata placed a new incense beneath the table, right under Twilight’s blindfolded face. The girl breathed it in, noticing only a pleasant, flowery smell come to the air. A strong hypnotic, clouding her thoughts and better judgment.

Sonata watched for a few breaths, making sure the girl did not react. She gave the others a tight grin and stepped over to an extra ornament on the desk.

A metronome. She pulled back the pendulum and let go, releasing a slow, steady tic into the room.

Adagio had reached the feet. She cupped with one hand and used two fingers to push firmly into the sole.

Twilight squeaked, but the noise faded rather than stopped. A long, slow ‘eeeeee,’ that fell like a spent balloon. Her body shivered.

Her mind was blown. Pony hooves were hard, and with a few rare exceptions (like Rainbow Dash) had a very mute sense of touch. Feet, it seems, were another matter. The sensation of their massage was electric, an utterly alien feeling Twilight had no reference for, no idea how to handle. Was she always this sensitive? Or was it the wonderful oil being rubbed into her foot?

She could think on it later. Such a strange mix of feelings – she felt heavy and warm, swaddled in a blanket and unable to move. But she also felt light and airy, drifting in the floral scent and rhythmic tic. So hard to think, nigh-impossible to move.

Hands took her other foot, one holding it steady while the other pushed. Both soles at once now, with Rarity still working on her back and shoulders.

...Three sets of hands? But the ticking went on, and Twilight felt lighter and lighter, heavier and heavier. Why question it, when she felt so good?

An answer came, silencing what little doubt she held. Fluttershy’s meek voice came from her foot. “Um… does it feel good, Twilight?”

“Yeh,” Twilight moaned. She didn’t think to close the ‘s’ on her ‘yes.’

“I’m glad,” Fluttershy said. Of course, it was really Sonata doing the massage. “You feel good.”

“You feel relaxed,” Sunset said.

“You feel happy,” Rarity intoned by her head.

“You feel good,” Fluttershy murmured.

The three cycled their lines, while the metronome ticked on behind the words. All the while the sirens worked – hands and feet, neck and legs, back and glutes. Layers and layers of oil and gentle rubs.

Adagio gestured a wordless command. Rainbow Dash spread Twilight’s ass open, and Applejack brought down her head and began slowly licking the puckered anus.

Twilight’s breath became heavy with pleasure. Questions half-formed in her mind, but were lost in the flowery fog and droning words.

“You feel relaxed… you feel happy… you feel good...”

“Trust us,” Rainbow said gently.

The mantra went on in the background. Rarity spoke into Twilight’s ear, though it did not sound like Rarity.

“We are your friends, and we know what’s best for you.”

Twilight only half-understood the words, but she took them to heart. She trusted her friends without question. Even when she wasn’t so relaxed. So happy. The pleasure from her anus was a distant feeling, muted by her own relaxation yet adding to the orchestra of sensation across her body.

“Relax… happy… good… trust…”

The rubbing and licking stopped. Twilight didn’t notice. Her friend’s voices went on, muffled by the floral haze.

She felt hands take hold and turn her to lie on her back. A pillow slid beneath her head. Four ‘clicks’ sounded from beneath the table, then sounded again on each side of her. Gentle hands stretched her arms and legs wide into a spread-eagle. They rested against padded surfaces spread out from the table, then were tied in place by soft silk bonds.

“This is part of the massage,” Sunset assured her from the darkness.

“So relax,” another voice said. A strange voice, but Twilight didn’t worry. Her friends were here. She trusted them. She was relaxed… happy…

Her mind naturally fell into the mantra, forgetting all about the new voice. “Relax… happy… good… obey…”

Practiced hands resumed the massage. Oil and fingers on her hands, legs, breasts.

And tongues. Applejack and Pinkie Pie ran theirs along her breasts, ranging from the armpits to the nipples with single-mindless dedication. Rarity dipped her tongue into the belly button, while Sunset lapped at the moistening pussy. Rainbow and Fluttershy each took a foot, licking up each sole and suckling at the toes.

Their mouths were busy, but the sirens took up the droning. Twilight didn’t notice.




“Your friends are here.”

“We make you feel good.”





“So much pleasure...”

They stepped away from the massage, leaving the slaves to keep licking. Such a treat to watch the great
Princess Twilight in her current state. Tongue lolling, eyebrows furrowed beneath her blindfold, utterly lost to pleasure. Only the most feeble pulls at her restraints. She didn’t even know they were there.






Aria and Sonata began repeating after each other, positioning themselves on each side of Twilight’s ears, whispering so close her ears got goosebumps.

Adagio skillfully crawled on top, spreading her legs to straddle Twilight and kneel down over her. Her large breasts overwhelmed Twilight’s, and the girl gasped as her oil-slick nipples brushed to Adagio’s.

The siren stroked her cheek gently. Adagio cupped Twilight’s chin, closing her mouth, and kissed her upon the lips.

Then, still gripping her chin, Adagio reached up and pulled off the blindfold.

The purple eyes met hers with confusion. The barest hints of surprise and fear bubbled up through her pleasured breaths.


“Hush,” Adagio said with honeyed kindness. Their noses touched, with Adagio directly above. “Hush, and look into my eyes.”

Twilight could barely form a thought. She felt relaxed… happy… good…

And the eyes were so beautiful. Magenta orbs, glittering like jewels. They drew in the gaze, and with the hand on her chin Twilight could not turn away if she wanted.

“Yes… look deeply in to my eyes… deep, deeper. So relaxed, so happy, so good.”

How did she know what Twilight was thinking? Twilight couldn’t even wonder. Her mouth closed into a small smile. Deep, deeper… The eyes were so huge they were all she could see. Titanic magenta pools, paradoxically drawing her up to sink and fall, deep, deeper...

The floral smell returned, emerging from Adagio.

“What is your name?”

So deep in the color, Twilight could not lie. “Twilight Sparkle.”

She could only see the eyes, but somewhere in her mind she felt full, beautiful yellow lips speak again. “Where are you from?”

Twilight hesitated. That was a secret.

Somewhere behind the eyes, she heard Sunset’s voice. “Tell her, Twilight. We’re your friends. You can trust us.”

Right. Her friends were here.

Her mouth moved slowly. “Equestria.”

“Do you remember us?”


Not right now. Lost in the eyes, Twilight could think of nothing but what was said to her. Awake, however, she remembered them very well. Their old glamours had faded the moment she returned to her alicorn form. Evil sirens, seeking to spread their power across Earth and Equestria.

But that didn’t matter. She felt relaxed, happy, and good. What awareness she could muster was swallowed by the hypnotic eyes.

“Deeper and deeper… deeper into my eyes, my voice, my will. Deeper into my power.”

“Let it happen, Twilight,” Rarity coached.

Twilight’s friend. She trusted Rarity, and all the others.

“My eyes have power over you. You cannot look away. You cannot resist. Always deeper into my power. Always deeper, always falling further under my spell.”

“It feels so good,” Fluttershy said. It did.

“Into my eyes. Into my power. And when I snap my fingers, you will fall a thousand times deeper than you are right now.”

Twilight’s drugged mind only saw the eyes. Only felt the pleasure.

She heard a snap. A thousand times deeper into the eyes. A thousand times further under Adagio’s spell.

“Worship the sirens,” Rainbow said.

“Obey the sirens,” Applejack drawled.

“Slave to the sirens.” Pinkie, in a low, droning tone.

Her friends began repeating those three lines, one at a time. Worship. Obey. Slave. Backed by the ticking metronome, backing Adagio’s words.

“This is normal. This is right. This feels good. To be enthralled, ensnared, enslaved. You must obey. You will obey. Deeper and deeper, a thousand times deeper when I snap my fingers. This time you will close your eyes, but still see my eyes and you will keep falling deep, deeper...”

A snap. Twilight’s eyelids fell. She still saw the magenta, still sank deep, deeper…

“Begin repeating the word, ‘slave.’ That is what you are. And every time you say it, you will fall a thousand times deeper under my control. Begin.”

Twilight paused. The words left her mind as soon as they entered. Knowing nothing, recalling nothing but the eyes, pulling her ever deeper.

Her friends were there to help. Sunset began. “Slave.”

Others took it up. Speaking one at a time, comforting Twilight with their presence. “Slave… slave...”

Twilight’s lips moved, taking up the word.

A thousand times deeper each time. Deeper under the sirens’ control. Deep, deeper… slave… slave…

The great Princess Twilight of Equestria. Bound, naked, chanting her own slavery. Her friends resumed licking, sucking at her nipples, eating out her pussy. She orgasmed again and again, never breaking her chant.

The sirens clinked glasses, watching from the couch. Only the bubbly stuff, for now. They had a long day still ahead of them.

The poor thing never stood a chance. Princess Twilight had no family to bluff, no schedule to carefully plan around. Day and night, hour by hour, deeper and deeper. When the sirens took breaks, her friends were there to keep taking her down with pleasure, mantras, and drugs.

Oil-soaked spa towels, wrapping her up like a brainwashed burrito. Swaying gems and luring voices. Made to masturbate while watching her friends be fucked, trained to find it pleasurable and good. Serve the sirens. Worship the sirens.

It took all day, but she was ready by the end of it. The sirens brought her to the play room, had her walk the distance as a zombie with her hands outstretched and mouth slack.

Straps, blindfolds, headphones, and a long night of brainwashing ahead. Each Rainboom was bid to depart and return bright and early the next day. It was a school holiday, happy coincidence.

Sunset was the last to go. She played with Twilight’s clit, admiring the aroused trickle. Purple skin twitched under their straps, and Twilight’s mouth suckled its ballgag. Her blindfolded eyes scrunched adorably in concentration, focusing on each word the headphones played.

“Go home, slave.” Adagio said, in her bathrobe and pajamas. “We’ll need you bright and early tomorrow.”

“Will we give your powers back then?” Sunset asked eagerly.

“Not immediately,” Adagio hummed. “The process will likely be draining for all parties involved, so we’re going to have our victory celebration first while we’re all fresh.”

She took one of Twilight’s nipples and gave it a savage pinch. The girl moaned into her gag.

“With dear Princess Twilight as the guest of honor! A little gimp party, with new clothes and toys picked out just for the occasion by our resident sadist. We might or might not head right back to Equestria, and it’d be a shame to leave without hard-fucking all seven of you at once.”

Sunset bowed her head, only half-heard as Adagio turned away.

“It will be wonderful, mistress. I will give you such pleasure.”

Chapter 9: Dazzling Domination

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It was right and proper that Princess Twilight was guest of honor at the sirens’ victory party. They strapped her between two pillars, suspended above the ground with arms and legs wide to each side. A purple latex suit squeezed her tight yet left every sensitive spot available for torment or pleasure. Her mouth was plugged with a dildo gag, headphones pounded the brainwashing into her ears, and a bowl beneath collected the cum she constantly dribbled to the floor.

Not that the other Rainbooms were ignored. Their ‘costumes’ were nothing but tight leather straps in place solely to highlight their exposure. Sunset prepared a lovely breakfast to start the day, complete with wine, and the Dazzlings indulged. They gossiped and laughed, dropping scraps and spills for the Rainbooms to lick off. Sometimes to the floor, sometimes between their thighs.

It didn’t take long for Adagio’s halfhearted forward planning to fall to distraction. She was horny, and her sisters no less so. They pushed away from their breakfast, leaving cleanup to the slaves as they played with Twilight. Spanking and kissing her gave a little outlet, but it wasn’t enough. As the others returned from their chores, the sirens swept them up in a frenzy of passion.

There were no more organized games. No calm, teasing cruelty. Adagio felt something break free within her, hedonistic and wild. She grabbed Pinkie and shoved her to one of the brainwashing tables, jumping on to mash lips. Her tongue went down far enough to trigger a gag, dueling and twirling around its opposite in the back of Pinkie’s mouth.

Adagio breathed through her nose, letting the kiss endure. The slimy, sexy feeling of herself in another. She didn’t want it to end.

The others were just as desperate. Sonata’s strap-on rammed through Applejack’s anus hard enough that even the big girl slid forwards on her knees. Sonata’s evil grin twisted with mania, and she began to laugh shrilly when Applejack grunted and begged for more. At her gasped command, Sunset took a soaked washcloth and pressed it to Applejack’s face, muffling her pained noises with aphrodisiac perfume. Aria sat and bid a kneeling Rainbow to eat her out, but kneel so her own ass was raised. Rarity then began licking Rainbow’s nethers, and hers in turn was licked by Fluttershy.

All while Twilight watched, cumming again and again at the sight of her friends so debased.

Sunset moved between the groups, helping with positioning and needs. Adagio laughed, right into Pinkie’s mouth. Even as a brainwashed slut, Sunset was a goody-goody. She pulled back and here came the girl, offering wine to wash down the spit. Adagio accepted and drained it, feeling the happy burn within.

More. She needed more.

Adagio threw the empty glass away and seized Sunset, pushing her face between the siren’s legs.

No, more. Before Sunset could even lick she shoved the girl to the ground and plunged her own tongue into the pussy. Pinkie licked Adagio’s obediently while Sunset moaned above her. Adagio was never one to give pleasure with her mouth, but this scratched that fierce, needy lust exploding within her. If only barely.

The orgy went on as a blur. Adagio’s eyes focused to find herself kissing frantically with Aria. Sonata rested on a couch, allowing a kneeling Sunset to feed her sweets.

Blue fingers pinched and squeezed Aria’s breasts from behind. Adagio felt strong peach hands do the same to her own, and a thick penetration between her legs. She sat in Applejack’s lap, being railed by the girl’s dildo.

It felt wrong, but that made it so much better. Adagio made out frantically with Aria, accepting the kisses and penetrations elsewhere while Sonata slept on the couch.

And then she was again before Sunset’s open, welcoming clit. The smell of heady flowers filled the air – had Sunset used her perfume? Aria sprawled by a pillar with a moist washcloth tied with a belt to her face. Her hands worked, frantically masturbating.

Something was wrong.

No it wasn’t. They had won. But it felt wrong, and God that was hot. Adagio licked, feeling the pressure in her holes, the hands slapping her ass. Over and over, licking every drop from Sunset’s pussy then licking at her own saliva across it. Then the dildos Sunset plunged into her mouth, which tasted sweet and tart.

Something was wrong.

The wine. The sweets. The cloths and perfumes.

Adagio didn’t care. It didn’t take much longer for her body to collapse, exhausted by the intense fucking. She rested her head on Sunset’s lap, allowing herself to be shushed gently and stroked along the cheek. Her eyes drifted closed, and Sunset fished her phone out from the sofa cushions.

Sunset stared into the spiraling colors. She no longer felt the straps on her wrists, no longer saw Twilight standing before her. All she heard was the voice.

“You serve the sirens,” Twilight said. “You love the sirens. You want to do what’s best for them.”

The commands were familiar. Sunset’s subconscious followed the words easily, absorbed them as a truth already known.

“Yes,” she said sleepily.

“Enslavement gives you pleasure. Incredible pleasure. It feels so good to be a b-brainwashed slut.”

The hiccup did not break Sunset’s concentration. “Yes.”

“You want to give them pleasure.”

“Yes.” More than anything.

She did not see Twilight smirk. “That means you must enslave them.”

That didn’t make sense. Sunset stared into the colors, face scrunching as the words lost her.

“You are a good slave, who wishes to pleasure the sirens. Slavery brings you the greatest pleasure you can imagine. These things are true, yes.”

Sunset squinted into the light. Yes, she was a good slave. Being a slave brought pleasure. Good slaves pleasure the sirens.


She felt Twilight’s breath across her ear. “Good slaves enslave the sirens. Good slaves bring the sirens pleasure by making them slaves.”

Two fingers slipped around Sunset’s panties and dug into her pussy. Sunset gave a happy gasp, tumbling down into the colors.

It made sense. Twilight’s voice went on, low and calming, gently instructing her how to best serve the sirens. Good slaves give pleasure. Good slaves enslave the sirens and give them the wonderful pleasure Sunset felt. It was the least she could do, after putting them through so much trouble. Good slaves help Twilight enslave the sirens… good slaves bring her friends over to Twilight’s to learn to be good slaves… good slaves spike the wine with aphrodisiac and feed the sirens opium candy. Good slaves capture them so they learn to be good slaves so they feel the pleasure of being a good slave...

Twilight spoke into her phone. “Experiment log: Project ‘Interception,’ day one.”

She was in her lab, but it was still a good thing Mom wasn’t home. Carrying in three suspiciously-large duffle bags required a lot of grunting and heaving, especially since one of them woke up halfway down the stairs. Good thing she had Sunset gag them – the workaround hypnosis in her friends’ minds definitely wouldn’t stand up to a siren’s spoken command.

Twilight theatrically cleared her throat. “It is said that a predator is often blind to its own peril. It is also speculated by some fictions that ancient creatures develop tremendous blind spots in their ability to learn, anticipate, and adapt.”

She was in full form, with goggles, lab coat, and short-shorts because all the electronics made things toasty down here.

Twilight paced before not one, but three of the devices she tried on Sunset. Replication came far quicker than invention. Each held a strapped, struggling siren with the brain-scanner already lowered on their heads. Each was naked – to make sure the sensors worked properly, of course – except for a strap gag muffling their furious shouts.

The leader made eye contact with her. The poof-haired yellow siren Twilight knew to be Adagio. She swore and snarled into her gag, thrashing against her bonds as hard as she could. But she could not hide the slight furrow in her brow, or the whimper behind her growl.

The girl became still, listening as Twilight continued to record. “Clearly, these adages hold true for the sirens. They were fixated on their goal and laid a very clever trap for their intended targets, but in doing so considered common humans to be mere terrain instead of sapient creatures capable of assessment and cross-purposes. That a human familiar with the Rainbooms could notice the inconsistencies in their front business and investigate seems not to have been accounted for. At least, beyond basic steps of sending their acquisitions to school and having them back each others’ cover stories. ‘Seeing the forest but not the trees,’ as it were.”

Adagio muttered something through her gag with the same number of syllables as ‘Go fuck yourself.’

Twilight pushed up her glasses. “In fairness to them, most humans would be helpless. No police would believe the story, and someone who learned it could only clumsily try to interfere, exposing themselves to retaliation from both the sirens and the corrupted Rainbooms. Successful countermeasures required intelligence, creativity, and decisive action.”

Adagio rolled her eyes.

“At any rate, the sirens are now subdued, and stage two of the project can commence.”

Twilight tapped once on her phone. A low hum began sounding in the sirens’ ears, and they redoubled their struggles. Sonata babbled into her gag, tears in her eyes as her fingers scratched uselessly on the armrests. Aria went into a frenzy, heaving against her bonds, while Adagio frantically tried to wiggle free with dexterity instead of strength. Her toes clenched and wrists pulled, but the bonds on ankles and legs remained tight.

“That buzz you hear is the machine matching its current to your brainwaves,” Twilight explained calmly, pausing to take a sip from her grape soda.

“It will then redirect those brainwaves to create new attachments, links, and priorities. You should be happy – your reformation is about to begin.”

An ominous click sounded from the device in Twilight’s hand. She, the lab, and all else instantly disappeared, replaced by a tunnel of repeating purple and blue. Pooling out from the distance, growing until lost to sight, endless rings of colors across Adagio’s whole vision.

She growled laughter into the gag. This idiot needed to watch less TV! Hypnosis took trust, relaxation, a slow buildup. Not colored spirals like a snake in a children’s show. Adagio would fake it, and the moment this girl let her loose she would regret sticking her nose where it didn’t belong.

A voice sounded between her ears. “Unlikely.”

Adagio froze, staring helplessly into the colors as Twilight went on. “I can see your thoughts on my screen. The spirals do serve an important role, as they will stop you from distracting yourself or focusing on anything but the treatment, ensuring you become totally brainwashed. As for the rest… well, let’s see if you’re right.”

Adagio heaved in her bonds. Brainwashed! Did this bitch really think a siren would fall for–

A click. The colors flared. Adagio’s mind tumbled like a rug was pulled from beneath, dropping everything.

She paused, suddenly lost. What… had she been thinking about?

The colors spoke. “How a siren totally won’t fall for brainwashing.”

What do you wa–

Another flash. Adagio closed her eyes, though the colors remained. Where had the last seconds gone? What was going on?

“What do I want?” Twilight said, giving reminder. “Isn’t it obvious? I want to save my friends and protect both worlds from what you’ll unleash.”

You think you’re better than–

Flash. Confusion, until “Obviously I’m better than you. I don’t need to think.”

Realization hit, and Adagio imperceptibly shuddered. Twilight was playing with her.

“Yes, but for science, not pleasure. Your sister Aria is in a state of total sensory deprivation save the spirals, while Sonata is listening to a brainwashing mantra not unlike what you used yourselves. You are being allowed to remain aware of what is happening. This difference will help study which tactic is most effective, so please do not skew the results by giving in too early.”

‘You’re enjoying this,’ Adagio snarled into her gag. ‘‘Save the world’ my ass. You just want your cummies, same as us.’

“Incorrect,” Twilight announced. Another button clicked, and her voice became somehow louder. “Don’t think I’m like you. Saving others and reforming villains is what my pony self and the Rainbooms are all about. I’m proud to finally contribute.”

“As for the first part… well, it’s important to enjoy what you do, isn’t it?”

Pulse. Adagio’s thoughts scattered like stars.

The colored circles began to come twice as fast. Blue, purple, blue, speeding past her in an indistinct mass. Aria could not escape. Eyes closed, eyes away, it didn’t matter. Always the colors came right for her. They pulsed every time she found a thought, quickly subduing her conscious mind to a long, unblinking stare. No point in struggling. Couldn’t even remember why she wanted to.

No sound, no feeling, no sight but the spiral. No sense of time for how long she’d been trapped. Infinity, a second. No way to tell, no context to put it in. An unthinking, unblinking existence until sensation finally came.

And what sensation it was! An electric buzzing in both ass and pussy, winning a low, gagged moan at once. Her body squeezed against the vibrators in both holes.

Pulse. At once she forgot the pleasure, and at once it hit her again. Buzzing salvation after an eternity without. The most wonderful relief she had ever known.

Pulse. Forget, then pleasure.




Twilight’s voice entered her brain. Not spoken, but like Aria was imagining the words perfectly in her silent purgatory.

“Pleasure… pleasure...”

“Pleasure… pleasure…”

The words assailed Sonata through her headphones. She tried to resist, tried to look away, screamed into her gag as pulse after pulse eroded the awareness she clung desperately to. So close she could taste it… no, this COULDN’T be the end! It WOULDN’T be! Adagio always had an out. She probably already subdued the dumb human and was just teasing Sonata by letting her stew for a while.

Pulses moved through the headphones, massaging her thoughts, squeezing them, buzzing them out just as the vibrators buzzed in the pleasure.

Thoughtlessness beckoned, dragging her down. Pulse, pleasure, pulse…


It felt so good. The less she tried, the more she allowed the pulse to scatter her thoughts, the more wonderfully intense each bout of pleasure came. No recollection meant each pulse gave a spike of forgotten sexual triumph, pulling her needy body into the colors without thought or doubt. Her struggles developed a different nature as Sonata pushed her thighs in, desperately trying to break orgasm without even a conscious choice.

Adagio stopped her struggles. Why try to squeeze harder, to bring herself to new heights when the pulse made each charge bring her so high? Her toes flexed hard, her body on the brink of orgasm, never going over or recalling how long she’d been edged. Nothing to focus on, nothing to hold on to. Just endless colors, pulses, and “pleasure.” The word spoke with each pulse, though she could never remember the last.

The colors pulsed again. It felt so good.

Twilight’s voice came from beyond. “Honestly, I was a little worried with you being magic sirens at all, but I think this is going easier than for humans. Not to beat around the bush, but you guys are hedonistic brats unused to any kind of self-denial. I’m effectively bribing you with pleasure and you don’t even know how to turn it down.”

Right. Adagio needed to resist. Needed to hang on, just hang on. Wait for this bitch to get cocky.

Pulse. Forget. Pleasure.

The breath of Twilight’s words tickled across her ear. “You don’t even want to resist. You need the pleasure so bad, don’t you?”


Adagio moaned into her gag, staring out with wide eyes as Twilight came into sight.

Twilight stood before Aria, or at least Aria saw her image. The girl stood naked with the pulsing colors flowing all around. Their source, their center? Twilight played slowly with her nipples, bending her head to lick slowly at one as it hardened and perked.

Pulse. Pleasure.


It was all still silent, but the words in Aria’s brain took greater form.

“Pleasure comes from Twilight. Twilight gives you pleasure. Pleasure comes from Twilight...”

The vibrators between her legs shook faster. Aria began to beg for more, but a pulse came and she forgot.

“Pleasure comes from Twilight. Submit to Twilight. Pleasure comes from Twilight...”

Someone had taken out the gag. Sonata’s mouth hung open, moaning almost without sound. She watched the colors, watched Twilight slowly masturbate before her. Gracing Sonata with her perfect, shaved pussy. Pulse, pleasure.

It made sense now. Twilight was the source of the colors, the giver of this wonderful pleasure.

That knowledge remained through each pulse, and it only made her pleasure grow. Sonata gasped as Mistress Twilight rewarded her new understanding with an orgasm.

“Submit to Twilight. Submit to pleasure. Submit to Twilight. Submit to pleasure...”

Adagio was patient.

Patience had gotten her everything. It had wrapped the Rainbooms around her finger, brought her to the cusp of total victory.

She wouldn’t lose it all like this.

She learned to ride out the pulses, seizing her thoughts where they were interrupted and following their path forward. Never beaten back to the square one of looping pleasure from which she could never escape, but always building off what she had left. And yes, the image of Twilight who posed before her was very, very beautiful…

...So beautiful. The source of the pleasure…

But Adagio kept her thoughts, seized a new track. Let her give pleasure as Adagio’s slave, then! She would turn the tables and have this beautiful Twilight all to herself!

She focused hard on Twilight, drinking in the lust, fantasizing about adding the girl to her collection. Adagio would break her, mold her, force her to give this wonderful pleasure forever…

But then Twilight disappeared, and another came into sight.

Sunset Shimmer. The first to fall, the redheaded beauty, naked and smiling.

Adagio tensed. This was her chance. If the girl would but ungag her…

Their eyes met. Adagio gestured for the gag as best as she could.

Pulse, pleasure. Sunset Shimmer, so beautiful…

One sentence was all it would take. One command to knock out Twilight. Sunset could easily overcome their nerd captor, then free her rightful mistress. All would be as it should.

The lights spiraled behind her. Sunset crawled onto Adagio’s body. The brush of her tits sent tingles of electricity, and tiny gasps from the siren’s mouth.

She stopped at Adagio’s full breasts. She began licking, nibbling… Adagio’s back arched from the seat.

Then Sunset reached up, touched the gag… then drew back, smirking. She returned to the breast and took it into her mouth, sucking hard.

A high whine built in Adagio’s throat. She closed her eyes tightly, still seeing it all.

Then she opened them as a nasal giggle-snort sounded by her side.

“Oh no, did someone forget I can see her thoughts?”

Twilight crawled up and began licking her other nipple. An illusion of her hijacked mind – the real Twilight kept speaking in her ear.

“If it’s any consolation, I’m way, way too smart to have your minions here while I’m doing this. I just wanted to knock you off-balance. I don’t have all day, you know.”

Adagio whined into her gag as Twilight began to nibble. An illusion? It felt more than real, blasting her mind with pleasure and need. Twilight and Sunset gazed into her eyes as they licked and bit, and Adagio could not look away.

Pulse, pleasure.

So much pleasure. Couldn’t plan or focus.

Pulse, pleasure.

They saw her soul. They knew she was fading. But if Sunset would just undo her gag, maybe…


Adagio screamed, squirting out on the table. Seeing nothing but the colors, the girls at her tits. Especially the one who gave her so much pleasure.

Mistress Twilight.



Twilight changed their positions, taking a page out of the sirens’ own book. She locked and tied them in a curled triangle, each with their face chained between another’s legs. Each licked and nuzzled relentlessly, each murmured with every swallow and breath for air.

“Obey… Twilight… Obey… Twilight...”

Twilight’s phone buzzed. With trembling hands she took it out.

Sunset Shimmer. Twilight checked three times to ensure video was ‘off,’ stepped far from the sirens, and raised it to her ear.

“Hey, Twilight. Going okay?”

Twilight steadied her breaths as best as she could, adopting a calm tone. “All’s good. Better than that, even. Everyone’s gonna be so proud of you, Sunset.”

“What do you mean?”

Twilight pushed up her glasses, frowned as stickiness smudged the frames. “Because they’re enslaved, that means we can reform them! The villains are gonna be good guys, just like with you and me. You did it again, Sunset.”

“Hey now,” Sunset chuckled. “This one was mostly you. Take credit.”

“Sure.” Twilight’s head bobbed. “Oh! Come by tomorrow after school. I’ll need to run a few more experiments on you to help make sure the sirens become as enslaved and pleasured as you are.”

Sunset’s oft-hypnotized mind accepted the logic without pause. “Sure thing. See you later.”

Twilight hung up. She pulled over her computer chair and sprawled on it, kicking her legs wide. The sirens licked and chanted, and Twilight lazily began masturbating.

She tapped a button on her phone. “Experiment log: Project ‘Interception,’ day one, supplemental...”


View Online

Twilight pulled into the parking area and got out. Cars outside of Mistress Massage… a good sign.

Too busy to record. Twilight began the log notes in her head, storing the script away until she got a chance to put it down.

“Experiment log: Project ‘Interception,’ day seventeen.”

The bell chimed as she walked in. Twilight frowned – no one at the desk, and a customer in the lobby. An older man patiently reading his newspaper.

“Excuse me,” Twilight waved briskly as she walked over. “I’m sorry to interrupt, I work here in the business office. Have you been helped?”

The man smiled happily. “Oh, yes. I’m just here a little early, my appointment isn’t for another twenty minutes.”

Twilight wished him a pleasant stay and strode down the back hall.

“All basic measures have remained stable throughout the last fifteen days. My brainwashing of the sirens shows no signs of wearing off. Indeed, with their neural pathways literally changed, I would be surprised if it ever did. They have followed my every command to the letter. They announced to the Rainbooms their decision to repent and live as humans, and all have become fast friends. Mistress Massage is a legitimate business and they enjoy it. They know I like seeing them grow as good people, and so have shown initiative and enthusiasm in developing their new lives.”

She poked her head in the spa room. Empty, save for Rarity and Fluttershy. They sat by the steam rocks, chatting happily side-by-side. A white hand held a yellow in the space between them.

Twilight slipped out before they noticed. She pushed open an unmarked door to the parlor’s office space. She slung out her laptop to one of the desks and thumbed it on.

“Princess Twilight got off easy. A little hypnosis to help steer her right, and she was sent home with only memories of a wild night with the reformed sirens. Best for everyone, really. Having only spent one day under their power I expect there will be no lasting effects on her.”

“The Rainbooms are… more complicated.”

A few apps and passwords later, a grid of small screens appeared before her. The hidden cameras she had set up to monitor their progress. She efficiently began speeding through, reviewing past and current footage for anything suspicious.

Nothing, really. The Dazzlings lived their lives – gossiping, plying their trade (still appointments only!). They’d prepared an outside massage bed for a local fair, using the chance for free advertising and some outdoor fun with their friends.

She saw the current footage of Rarity and Fluttershy in the spa. They scooched closer, their eyes coming to meet. Rarity made the first move, gently pushing Fluttershy down and closing atop her to join their lips and tongue. Fluttershy’s hands tore off the towel and gripped her naked white butt. Rarity began kissing down her body as Fluttershy moaned and trembled.

Twilight maximized that screen and watched.

She could multitask. “As theorized initially, such intense, deep brainwashing cannot simply be reversed. What’s more, they are clearly changed (note: permanently?) even absent specific instructions. All have become sexually active, and certain roles seem to have been imprinted and accepted as natural. Rarity and Fluttershy are now a romantic item, Applejack is an intense sexual masochist, and Sunset had begun part-time work at Mistress Massage. Speculate this last part is due to her spending so much time under the siren’s thrall that affection for them has become imprinted. Obviously, no one will be teaching, learning, or doing any kind of hypnosis.”

She clicked over to another screen. Pinkie’s visit last week. A pleasant massage, followed by a happy ending.

“Addition to last paragraph: Except for me. While this research will not be made public, it will be useful if we encounter another villain with mind-control powers.”

Pinkie grinned to the camera, her tits jiggling as Aria licked her to completion.

Twilight wiped off her hand and continued her search. All good.

...Maybe even better. The brainwashing tables were gone from the playroom, but Twilight had let them keep their toys.

Applejack sat, bound hand-and-foot in tight leathers, with metal weights clamped to her tits. She lounged sitting upright on a comfortable couch with Sonata curled in her lap. The blue siren held a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries and fed them slowly to her captive.

“Still safe and comfy?” Sonata’s perky voice came through the speakers.

Applejack swallowed her treat. “Shucks, babe. You know this ain’t nothing.”

“Even with…?” Sonata gestured with her head. Twilight saw the wire coming up into Applejack’s ass, and heard the slight buzzing within.

“Barely a warm-up.” Applejack leaned in for a surprise nuzzle, winning a squeak. “And that’s as far as we’ll take it for now. You’ve got that customer on in ten, missy.”

Sonata pouted adorably. “Right, right. Wanna be left there until I’m done? You can reach your phone, right?”

“Yes, and yes.” Applejack kissed her. “Reckon I’ll be right needy by the time you get back, but don’t you hurry on my account.”

Rainbow jogged over as Sonata rose, butt-naked. “Hey guys! Anyone know where Aria’s new thing is?”

“Use your words,” Applejack said.

“You know...” Rainbow stumbled, trying to shape it with her hands. “That thing you jam in a pussy then push a button and it spreads out? Like a double-sided one of those. Aria wants to try it out with me.”

“Think I saw it in the closet.” Sonata pointed, quickly putting on her robe.

Aria’s voice shouted from off-screen. “I found it!”

“Awesome!” Rainbow sped from Twilight’s view.

Twilight glared at the screen for a moment then clicked it off, silently vowing to put another camera in the playroom.

For safety, of course.

“Curiously, some of the imprinting appears to have gone both ways, as Aria and Sonata have developed a romance with Rainbow and AJ respectively. This lends credence to the idea that the sirens did have some affection for their favorite victims, perhaps as one might a pet. While it’s unlikely this could have reformed them on its own, that the sirens are capable of such feelings means their redemption is much preferred to imprisonment or other extreme measures.”

Twilight nodded, happy with the conclusion. Yes, this was best for all. She had done the right thing.

Twilight snapped the laptop closed and stood, leaving it behind. She meandered to the hall, then entered the first door past the bend. It was a little past-time for her own appointment, but she got… distracted.

There was the massage table, and there stood two yellow girls in their robes. Both bowed as she entered.

“Hello, Mistress.” Adagio brought up her head, magenta eyes eager and sparkling. Any chance to serve Twilight, the kind mistress who redeemed her.

“Hey, Twi.” Sunset said casually. “The usual?”

“Yep.” Twilight quickly took off her clothes and hopped to the table.

“As a self-observation, I find I prefer being seated upright when receiving massages. Lingering instincts, I suppose.”

Without further ado, Adagio knelt and began rubbing her feet. Skilled fingers pressed and kneaded, winning happy little squeaks from Twilight’s mouth. Sunset began working her shoulders.

Then Adagio brought her head lower. Her full lips opened and she pulled Twilight’s foot into her mouth. Adagio suckled it, eyes rolled back, fingering herself as she removed it to kiss and suck each toe.

Twilight sighed out, long and low. She leaned back, where Sunset had already climbed up behind her. Yellow hands reached around and began squeezing Twilight’s breasts.

“I’ve been practicing, Mistress,” Sunset said. Not quite her perky norm, the voice came low and sleepy. “Slave Adagio has been teaching me. I hope you can feel the improvement.”

Twilight bit her lip hard. Her back arched, and a moan escaped as Sunset began kissing her neck. Twilight’s unoccupied foot stepped on Adagio’s face, and the siren began worshiping both at once.

“Efforts to free the Rainbooms have relied on ‘tricking’ their brainwashed logic. They are still unfortunately slaves of the sirens, but all parties know the sirens are my slaves, so therefore the Rainbooms are…”

“At any rate, the sirens are brainwashed into goodness and have done all they can to release my friends. The girls have been freed and commanded to do as they like, however the aforementioned imprinting seems to have tied our groups together. This is especially true for Sunset – so deeply brainwashed, so thoroughly converted that she remains the least ‘cured’ out of all of them. Sunset ‘freely doing what she wants’ involves following her brainwashed commands – serve the sirens, but the sirens are now slaves, so she must serve me instead. She resisted gentle efforts to dissuade her, and the matter was not pressed. Sunset appears to have a deep and extreme need to exist as someone’s sex slave, and with me in that role I can ensure she remains safe.”

Now both girls knelt before Twilight, licking her out with slow, tender motions. She reached a hand down and stroked Adagio’s cheek. The magenta eyes met hers with unquestioning love.

“As the siren’s leader did not ‘imprint’ naturally, it seemed prudent to ensure she had a focus for her affection so as to not feel isolated. The natural subject for this also was me, given that it would let me directly observe the effects. The conventional hypnosis on days three and six appear to have worked excellently.”

A few minutes later she cuddled with them on the couch. Both wore blindfolds, gags, and were bound with soft ropes. They nuzzled at Twilight’s breasts, mewling impotently at the buzzing invaders between their legs. Twilight fingered herself, idly flicking the vibrators’ intensity up and down. Up, down, up…

She came. They did not. If they were good, the reward would come later.

Twilight settled back, hugging her bound, needy slaves and grinning to the ceiling.

“At this point, it is worthy to dismiss the initial end-goal of fully ‘curing’ my friends. Intense brainwashing to reverse intense brainwashing remains unacceptably risky. As all parties now enjoy practical freedom, social support, and good intentions, maintaining the current status quo is assessed to be the most humane and appropriate action.”

“Supplemental: Although it most obviously manifests in Sunset, do all Rainbooms now view me as their hypnotic mistress? Experimentation may be required. For science.”

“Supplemental(2): Complications may soon arise with the approach of college years. Given the intense bonds we now share, efforts to secure communal living accommodations may be in order. It will be great fun to live with my friends, and practically be an excellent way to continue observations and enact further
