Rebellion of Caribous Kingdom

by Dragon Shimmer

First published

After volunteer to staying Equestria, an old man and a changelings answers a help from a Caribou

Accepting to stay in Equestria, Eldaro and Sabrina want to travel through Equestria to see the world, but a caribou call for help for their country. Now, they don't know what to do now?

Crossover with Epic Battle Fantasy

Noted: Sunset Shimmer is a dragon and OOC. If chapter have (...) Mean it is edited

The 'sex' tag is not the main tag of this story, so this is not a clop fic.

A normal day with tank problem

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The sun come up and an old human with white hair and breard is waking up on a soft bed as he feels very good for it. His name is Eldaro, one of the people who help to stop the changeling invasion.

After preparing himself, a maid comes to him and leads him to the dining room. Walking inside, he sees Celestia and Luna are inside as he coughs. He takes a seat and finds that Sabrina isn't here.

"Wait... Sabrina is not here?" Asks Eldaro.

"Well..." Celestia rubs her chin as she doesn't know how to explain. The guards walk inside and look around. The white alicorn asks, "Is something happening?

"Oh... Sorry for disturbing you, your Majesty." One of the guards bows to The Sister, " I see Chrysalis is coming here so I chase her to here but I lost."

"Did she have a white mane?" Asks Luna as the guard nods. The blue alicorn sighs, "Leave her. She is our guest."

The guard tries to retort, "but.. but.." Luna gave him a stern look. The guard nods, " Fine, we will leave her. But I don't trust her anyway," then all of the guards go out of the room.

Eldaro smiles while Celestia sighs. After a while, the changeling that looks like exactly Chrysalis, minus the white mane, comes inside as she breathes heavily. Eldaro yawns, " bet that you have a good exercise."

"Not funny, old man, " the changeling huffs and takes a seat, "I have never been chased like this before. Anyway, what will we do with that tank? I have seen that many ponies are watching it."

"Oh... That artifact is called 'tank'?" Luna rubs her chin, "I wonder what it can do because... You know, we can't move it."

"To scare the ground units away," answers Eldaro as the changeling glares at him, " What? We carry only 5 ammos for that tank, and we don't have enough patrol to fight a long battle."

Sabrina sighs, "I wonder how long I will stuck in this stupid form," Eldaro laughs as everyone starts talking.

After breakfast, a white earth pony comes to Celestia and announces to her, "Your Majesty, it's time for your court."

Celestia nods as she follows the earth pony to the courtroom. Luna turns to the duo, "So, do you want to watch the court?"

"Sure," Eldaro stands up, "lead the way," and he puts the black coat on Sabrina. The changeling accepts the coat and follows Luna to the courtroom.

The court is started as Eldaro takes a seat next to Sabrina to watch The Sisters taking the court.

The door opens and a white unicorn walks to the courtroom and bows to them, then he stands up, " Your Majesty, I need some money to finish my project,"

Celestia asks, "What project do you want to say, Fancy Pant. Is it dangerous?" Eldaro and Sabrina smiles at that name

The white alicorn looks at them, he wants to ask Edlaro but he has to focus. Fancy coughs and starts to answer, "It is about using the sun to produce magic and energy, your Majesty." The Sisters want to hear more as Fancy Pants continues, "I started this project 5 years ago and now, it's nearly finished. I just want to know if you interested to invest this project,"

Sabrina turns to the old man and whispers, "Sound like our solar panels,"

"It is, " says Eldaro, "This is a good way to start developing energy because using heat can cause a lot of pollution."

Celestia rubs her chin, "Interesting. So why do you want us to invest this project of yours? If it fail, who will cost the money?"

"I will," Fancy Pant looks at Celestia and Luna, " if you invest in this project, we can less depend on unicorns to produce magic and energy, and the old way will cause many diseases for us."

"I see. Can you give us your blueprint? We will think about it and answers in tomorrow,"

Eldaro raises his hand and sighs as he wants to see the blueprint. Celestia looks at it and gives it to them. When the duo looks at it, it is exactly like a solar panel. Eldaro nods and gives the blueprint back.

Celestia smiles as she knows the answers. "Next," yells Raven Inkwell as another mare comes inside the court and bows.

The mare raises up and starts to say, "Your Majesty, there are too many dragons in Ponyville. You should ban them in Equestria."

"Did they do something wrong?" Asks Luna, "I remember that they are librarians."

"This is why I don't want to see them," the mare huffs, " dragons live their entire lives in the cave, what's right they work like a pony?"

"If you don't even meet them, what's right you judge them by the cover?" Retorts Celestia as the mare steps back while Sabrina and Eldaro say 'oh' in silence. Celestia continues, " if you don't have anything, please don't waste our time," the mare bows and walks out of the room.

"That's a nice roast," Sabrina grins, "now I like this show,"

"Don't grab your popcorn or you will be chased again," Eldaro gives her a smirk while the changeling rolls her eyes.

The court continues until noon as Eldaro and Sabrina are sleeping. The Sister giggles and wakes them up to show them the guard training.

Eldaro and Sabrina follow Celestia and Luna to the training room. When they are walking, a white cat with a blue aura flies into Celestia's head and lies on her. Celestia feels annoyed while the duo is surprised when seeing that cat.

Eldaro yells at her, "What are you doing here, Amelia? Don't you go home with them?"

"Oh ... about that... My husband and my sister allow me to track this world." Amelia slides down to the white alicorn's back, " I got to say this fur is more comfortable than I thought. Now I see why my husband like to lie on her too much,"

Celestia rolls her eyes while Luna giggles at her. The Sisters lead the duo to the training yard.

When they just step on the yard, they see many guards, mostly unicorns, training while the earth ponies and the pegasi are carrying and cooking.

Eldaro looks at them and asks, "bet that unicorns are your main unit of your army?,"

"It is" Luna sighs, "Pegasi can control the weather but about earth Ponies... They are physically stronger than others but can't do anything else, except transporting our needs."

Eldaro and Sabrina look at each other as they don't know what to say. When they walk inside, they see Shining Armor is training with his soldiers.

Shining Armor turns to them and waves his hoof, "Hello there,"

"Shining?" Celestia walks to the captain, " I thought you were in the Crystal Empire right now."

"Oh, about that..." Shining rubs his head, "Cadance told me to grab my things in Canterlot to come there. I will see her later,"

"Well, I remember the train was about to take off. You should hurry," Luna gives him a smile, "Hurry, the train will come there in one hour."

Shining rolls his eyes and he walks inside to prepare himself. Amelia flies up and wants to go somewhere as Edlaro yells at her, "Hey, where are you going?"

"I just want to meet Sunset," Amelia turns to them, " I may live there for a while,".

"Oh, you go to the south east and you will see Ponyville," Celestia is looking at the map, "then ask somepony about the library. You will meet her,"

"Thank you," then the white cat flies away.

Edlaro sighs, "Well, I hope that trick I put on Sunset is work," he smiles and turns to the white alicorn, "anyway, I should look at our tank and put it somewhere... In my base,"

"You should," Celestia rubs her chin, " It is causing some trouble. Follow me," Celestia starts going outside as the old man doesn't know what she means.

Eldaro and Sabrina follow Celestia and Lunas with several guards around. When they see the tank, a pony around is opening the shop to sell tickets.

Eldaro facepalms while Sabrina's mouth opened. Celestia helps the changeling to close her mouth. The changeling shakes her head and asks, " How can this thing happen? This is a weapon, not a toy to sell tickets to look at it."

Luna gives her a smug, "Because it's too heavy to pull. We have a garage to store this thing but the weight is the problem so we decide to ... Sell tickets to get some money."

" Nice recycle," Eldaro points at the tank, "I hope you don't touch the patrol,"

"Patrol? You mean the black liquid with an uncomfortable smell?, Asks Celestia as the duo nods, "... Does this thing cause any smoke or something... Poison?"

"Well ... Actually yes," Eldaro rubs his head, "we are trying to replace patrol with something more effective, " then he turns to Sabrina, "why don't you use your 'Suntech' for this thing?"

"Because I am just starting replacing," retorts Sabrina, "You know people won't accept to change in one or two years,"

Eldaro sighs while Celestia tilts her head, " eh 'Suntech'? You use the sun for energy?"

"No, 'Suntech' is the thing that your orange dragon make this," Sabrina huffs, "She doesn't name that thing though,"

"Nice, I guess... Eh, how famous is she there?" Ask Celestia, " hope she is not too famous,"

"Well it... Opposite, " Eldaro sits down, " She is one of our living legends with the name 'Black Mage'."

"Wow, I can't believe it, " Luna walks closer to the changeling, "If you named your technology based on her, well... You have symbol,"

"Oh yes," Sabrina takes out a medal, " here is the symbol."

Celestia and Luna look at the medal. It has
a wooden staff and a wrench that cross each other. The top is a black coat. Celestia rubs her chin, " why are the black coat and a wooden staff as the symbol?"

"Because they are that lizard's thing," Sabrina sighs, "Don't get me wrong. When I saw her wooden staff, I was surprised."

Celestia is going to explain more but Eldaro coughs and asks, " Can we put this thing in your garage?"

"Oh right.... Eh... Who will take this?" Ask Luna as the duo walks toward the tank. Luna glares at them, "Hey, don't do that."

Celestia walks in front of the audience and closes the shop. After giving back their money, the audience walks out of the store and is silent. Edlaro jumps into the tank while Sabrina is on the tank.

The tank starts roaring as Celestia and her guard step back. Sabrina looks at them, " hey, don't be scared. You should lead us to your garage,"

Celestia nods as she starts leading the duo to the garage. Eldaro starts driving the tank with the introduction of Sabrina. The thing is fine, for now.

The call for help

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After taking the tank to the garage, Sabrina and Eldaro start checking the tank while other ponies look around the tank and try to research it. Eldaro goes out of the tank with a metal bar while Sabrina is done checking with the wheel.

"Wheel is fine," Sabrina throws out the screwdriver, " and the fuel is enough for one day travel without rest,"

Celestia and Luna look at it as they are confused about what it is. Eldaro jumps down the tank as Luna looks at the metal thing that attracts next to the door. Eldaro warns "That's the weapon, you can kill someone with it." Luna yelps and flies back while the old man checks 'metal bar', "This thing can use good. Considering we have a lot of ammos of this thing."

"Just don't try to blow up somewhere, like the one you try to the bandit base." The changeling giggles while the old man just puts the bar down.

Celestia levitates the metal bar as she is not sure what it is. The white alicorn turns to the old man," what is this thing? It look like the cannon but don't,"

"That thing is far more effective compared with a cannon," Eldaro takes back the bar, " this thing called ' mortar', and I don't want to show you this."

"I see." Celestia nods, "I understand what you mean." Celestia grins as the old man is quite nervous about this white alicorn.

"Hey," Sabrina waves her hooves, " I am done here. We just got some ammos for machine gun,"

Eldaro sighs as he doesn't want to have something bad happen. The old man takes a seat to relax while other Ponies just examine it. One of the maids puts the orange juice as Eldaro takes it, "Thanks."

"Your welcome," the maid looks at him curiously, "What are you, sir? I don't believe that I haven't seen your species in this world." Luna coughs as the maid bows to her and goes out.

Luna flies down and takes a seat, "I bet that your kind can eat fruit?"

"And meat," Eldaro takes a sip, "We are omnivores though, but I assume that you used to meet these kinds of species, right?"

"You're right," Celestia smiles, "I bet... " She tries to say but a guard runs inside the garage and breathes heavily. After a while, Celestia starts to ask, "What's happened?"

The guard starts to talk, "Your majesty, a caribou comes inside the restaurant and he is going to burn it if he doesn't meet you. He also takes some hostiles."

"WHAT!?" Yells Luna, "How dare he threat us like that!"

Eldaro smiles, "Interesting," Luna glares at the old man, "What?"

"You think that's funny?" Ask Luna.

"Well, yes." Eldaro takes out his pistol and loading the ammo while Luna just stomps forward to the old man as Eldaro raises his arm to stop her, " Hold your horse, this is not an usual case though,"

Sabrina throws the flashbang at the old man and jumps down the tank. Eldaro catches it as Sabrina turns to Celestia, "Where is my weapon? We need to knock him down,"

Eldaro stands up as Celestia answers, "Your weapon is inside this garage," Sabrina looks around and sees her boomerang as the changeling looks at her in disbelief. Celestia rubs her head, "I ... Don't know where to put it."

"This garage is your place to put your carriage, not a weapon storage. Anyway... " Sabrina equips her weapon, "We should go now."

Eldaro stands up and walks outside, "I really need someone who knows where that caribou is," Celestia and Luna follow them with some guards.

When they just come there, many guards are around as one of them uses a speaker to persuade the caribou, but the caribou is not listening and demands to meet Celestia.

Eldaro rubs his chin, "well ... Should we go? I am becoming deaf because of speaker,"

"You need something? It will be safer if we go many," suggests Celestia.

Eldaro points at the blue alicorn, " then I will borrow her,"

"Hey, what are you..." Luna is trying to retort but Celestia pushes her as the blue alicorn glares at her sister. The blue pony sighs and stands beside the door with Eldaro and Sabrina, "So, you have a plan?"

"It's easy," Eldaro takes out the pin, "When I say go, you will go inside and immobilize him," Sabrina nods but Luna doesn't understand what he is going to do. The old man slowly opens the door as Sabrina and Luna are ready while the guards are confused. "Flash out," Eldaro throws the flashbang inside the restaurant. The flashbang explodes and the caribou inside is whining about his ears and eyes. Eldaro waves his hand, "Go, go, go," Sabrina kicks the door as the duo rushes inside and quickly slam the caribou down without problem.

Luna looks at the old man as the guards rush inside and rescue the hostile. The blue alicorn turns the changeling as she sees the guard is taking the caribou. Sabrina gives her a smug look and goes out.

Celestia is enjoying her break time in the bathroom and humming. When she is enjoying it, Luna goes inside the room with an unsure face.

Celestia looks at her and asks, "What's wrong, sister? Don't you enjoy the break time?"

"I... Don't know, sister," Luna is stepping down into the bath, "That... Old human is the one who I have to worry,"

"You know one thing funny, sister," Celestia points at the changeling who is bathing with her, "This one is used to a human too, but being a changeling for some reason." Luna stares at her in confusion.

"You don't have to say twice, Celestia," Sabrina huffs, " I thought I am a... Unicorn with bug detail,"

"And that detail makes you look like Chrysalis," teases Celestia as Sabrina turns away, making the white alicorn laugh, "Honestly, I don't know what to do with her. She doesn't want to talk to anyone, not even us,"

"Just call Sunset," The changeling takes a sip to the apple juice, "Ah, these apples are so good. I would buy a lot of apples to my home,"

"Sunset is dealing with the problem with Twilight and Spike," Celestia giggles, "I hope that they can deal with the problem."

"Oh right," Sabrina starts diving as the Sisters are confused. After a while, Celestia sees the shark fin floating as Luna feels amused. Luna levitates the changeling out of the water. Sabrina smiles nervously, "Not scared?"

"No," Luna drops the changeling without care. Sabrina forms the waterballs and starts shooting at them. Celestia and Luna create shields to block them. Luna grins, "you wanna fight? It's on," the blue alicorn creates a big wave and hits Sabrina. The trio starts fighting each other in the bathroom.

Eldaro is sitting on the balcony and reading a book. For him, this place is so fresh. No smoke, no electric light or car horn. Everything is silent and fresh. Suddenly, someone walks into the balcony as the old man starts to turn to the noise. He sees Celestia, Luna and Sabrina are walking to him as they are in the mess.

Edlaro sighs, "Have fun yet?"

"Not... Really," Sabrina smiles nervously, "I curse this stupid form."

"At least you can go bipedal with your wing." Eldaro points at the wings, "Careful, you can become addicted with this body. We have to wait until Amelia can actually opens the portal for us,"

"Amelia?" Celestia rubs her chin, "The cat that is sitting on my back?" Eldaro nods as Celestia sighs, "Why am I so attractive with cats?"

"You should walk to the cat zone to see the results," Luna giggles,"I'm sure that you will be around with cats,"

Celestia glares at her and tries to say something, but a guard comes to her and reports, "Your Majesty, the caribou refuses to say anything. We have used many ways to toture him but he doesn't say anything. He said that he will talk if he can meet you."

Celestia nods, "I see. Then we will talk to him," the guard tries to say something but Celestia raises her hoof. The guard bows and he leads them to the prison.

The Sisters, Eldaro and Sabrina walk to the caribou prison. When Celestia sees him, the caribou lies on the hay and stares at the wall. The white alicorn looks at the brown caribou as he is playing with his antler. Celestia coughs as the caribou stop.

The white alicorn decides to ask, "What do you want from me?" The caribou says nothing as she yells at him, " answer me."

The caribou turns around and sees the group. Knowing nothing can stop her, the caribou asks, "So... I will go directly into the problem." The caribou points at the blue alicorn, "Your country is going to be invaded, and King Dainn prepares a big army to do this."

Celestia and Luna glare at him while Eldaro just sits down. Celestia asks, "Why should I trust you? Me and King Dainn have a good relationship,"

"Sure," The caribou folds his arm, "After one month, your country will be fallen and every single female will be nothing but sex slaves,"

"Interesting," Eldaro is reading the reports, "Because of hypnotized spells, right?" The caribou nods as Eldaro smirks, "That won't happen. A certain earth pony builds a barrier to defend against that spell. You think that little spell can do anything to us"

"Don't lie," The caribou glares at him, "no earth pony can do magic."

"But we have," Eldaro grins, "we find a new way to use magic and now, the earth ponies in our country can do magic." The caribou stares at the old man in disbelief as Eldaro continues, " You don't believe me? I can take one of our earth ponies to demonstrate,"

"Oh right, oh right," The caribou breathes heavily, "I just need Celestia's help,"

Celestia steps forward, "Please say anything you know. I may help in my ability."

The caribou starts telling about his country. The country is completely in chaos when King Dainn claims his throne by killing his father. He also use hypnosis spell to corrupt all of the creature. When one creature steps inside the country, they won't step out of the country.

Under the spell, the male can have sex with many female as long as they like as the female has no retort. If they find the female has some retorts, his soldiers will kill her immediately. The king also uses many laws against the female. The brown caribou and some creatures are collecting the army to destroy the tyrant king, one and for all, but due to the army still so small and the equipment still in need. They can't do anything

"That's all I know," the caribou lies on the hay, "Now, I need some time alone."

"Thanks for your information," Celestia nods, "I will answer you in two days later,"

Celestia is walking outside and the others follow her. Now, the call has been sent as Celestia doesn't know what to do.

The decision

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Celestia, Luna, and others walk inside the room as Celestia doesn't know whether to believe this caribou or not. If he is right, she can take care of the threat of Dainn, but if he lies, many of her subjects will die. She puts her head on the table as Luna is dealing with the paper. Suddenly, a cup of tea is put on the table as Celestia looks up. Sabrina is helping the white alicorn up, "Get up. A ruler must not show this emotion in front of your guests,"

"If you are actually a guest," Celestia takes a sip, "I don't know if he is telling the truth or not."

"How about sending a spy there?" Eldaro sits down, "I assume that we will get much information about their country."

"I'm not sure," Celestia leans on the chair, "If that caribou is saying the truth, I can't send any spy to go to track them. It is dangerous."

Eldaro smiles, "You are really more competitive than Sabrina." The changeling puts the boomerang near his neck as the old man pushes away, "Relax, just a tease."

Celestia giggles as Sabrina glares at him. Sabrina sits opposite of the old man, "Honestly, this is a 50-50 choice," The changeling turns to Celestia and Luna, "But if I were you, I would accept this call to help the resistant, but I will have a plan B about this thing,"

Eldaro nods, "I will accept too." Celestia turns to him as Eldaro raises his hand, "What I see is a 'don't have any to lose' caribou. He isn't afraid of death," Eldaro leans on the sofa, "But I don't have any power here. The decision is depending on you two."

Luna puts her hoof on her cheek, "So, can I know more about you, Sabrina?" The changeling looks at her in disbelief as Luna waves her hoof, "I mean, you are really like a queen,"

"... Fine." Sabrina stands up, "I am Sabrina, queen of the Earth(en). Nice to meet you."

"Whoa," Celestia looks at her curiously, "You must be tough to have yourself far from your hive, right?" Sabrina glares at her as Celestia giggles, "Just joking. Anyway, if you are here, who will control your country? The king?" Sabrina nods as Celestia giggles, "I wish I had someone who tries to claim me."

"That is the price of the goddess," says Eldaro as the alicorns are looking at him. "Anyway, what about your decision? Do you want to help him?"

"I don't... know." Celestia sighs, "I will answer you tomorrow. Please come inside my room until then."

"Are you sure about this?" Eldaro turns to her, "You are trusting an outsider, who is just a guest in this world."

"Because we see you are very different," Luna sighs, "I may need your help."

"If you say so, then we will go out," Eldaro and Sabrina start to walk out of the room, but Luna points at the changeling as she is confused. Eldaro gives her a smirk and pushes the changeling to the sofa, then quickly closes the door. Sabrina turns to him and yells at the old man, but he is gone. The Sisters grin as the changeling knows that they will have a lot of questions.

Eldaro walks outside the park and takes a deep breath. It's like he wants to live here forever. Taking a book, he starts to read it. Many ponies and creatures around look at him as the old man ignores them. A shadow overcomes him as the old man looks up. An eagle with silver fur is landing in front of the old man. This eagle is as tall as the human.
The eagle starts tp reports. "Hey Eldaro, I saved all the maps into my data."

"Good thing," The old man smiles, "Can you help me with one thing?" Silver nods as the old man continues, "Can you fly to the caribou kingdom, where Dainn is ruling?"

"That kingdom named Atlas," Silver sits down, "But I haven't fly there yet, so I don't know,"

"That's why I need your help," Eldaro closes the book and sees the pegasus is separating the cloud, "We will help the resistance soon if that caribou is saying the truth,"

"You are following the Black Mage's quote, right?" Silver folds her wings, "I have recorded your conversation between you and the princesses. I can see that they will help, but just with food and weapons,"

"You're right," Eldaro rubs her chin, "I don't think she may risk some of her soldiers to aid one of the resistance that is not popular in this world." Eldaro points at the sky, "But I will be surprised if she allows us to borrow some soldiers."

Silver nods. The eagle starts to spread her wings and flies away. Many ponies have to cover because of the wind. Eldaro continues to read the book and enjoys the moment of peace. After 30 minutes, the old man starts to walk around the city to see if something is news to him.

Many ponies around look at him and start whispering as the old man continues to use the phone to take some pictures. Suddenly, he bumps into someone as the old man says, "Sorry,"

Looking around, he sees a brown pegasus as she is standing up. The pegasus looks at the old man as she is rubbing her eyes and hopes that she is not in illusion. Suddenly, the green earth pony is coming to the pegasus, "Aria, are you okay?"

Aria turns to her husband, "Not sure honey, do I see a human in front of my face?" Eldaro is surprised while the green pony looks at the old man as he is not sure what creatures he has just seen. The brown pegasus touches the old man to make sure that he is real. The old mare sighs, "Looks like I am not dreaming. This is a human that I'm just talking about."

Eldaro kneels at the mare and asks, "How did you know about humans?"

"Secret," Aria turns to Lemon Heart, "Come on honey, we got a shop to go," and Aria drags the old stallion somewhere as the old man sighs. He looks at the map to see if somewhere else to come.

Celestia is lying on the table as she has just finished talking to the ambassador of Atlas. It is weird for him when he tries to close as many contracts as he can. When the white alicorn comes to the garden to relax, Raven Inkwell comes inside and shows Celestia her work as the white alicorn huffs. The earth pony starts to lead the white alicorn to the garage to prepare the chariot to come to Appleloosa.

When she comes to the garage, many of her researchers and scientists are studying the tank as Sabrina is teaching them about the engine and stuff. When the changeling sees the white alicorn, she waves her hoof, "Hey Celestia, you are going somewhere?"

"Not quite," Celestia walks to a chariot, "Just have to go to Cloudale to solve some problem."

"Hmm... charming name," Sabrina smiles, "I want to come there to see."

"Sure," Celestia sighs, "Anyway, what are you teaching?"

"Something about the engine," Sabrina rubs her head as the researchers keep writing by feather pen, "Honestly, this is a good time to learn something new, but your land is not ready for our technology so I will teach something basic first." Sabrina turns to the alicorn, "But anyway if you have an answer, tell us. We will prepare."

"I will,"

Celestia climbs on the chariot and the pegasi guards fly away. Sabrina admires this scene because it is a legend in her world, then she continues to teach about the engine. After a while, Eldaro and Luna walk inside the garage as Eldaro checks the tank while Luna sits on the chair and watches the tank.

Sabrina finishes her teaching and walks to the blue alicorn, "What are you staring at?"

"Just this... tank, right?" Luna waves her hoof, " I wonder how long to build this,"

"If this is your level of military technology, it will take like two centuries," Eldaro jumps out the tank with a thin rectangle thing, "I don't know if you are able to build this." Luna glares at him as the old man just ignores her.

He puts that thing on the table as the changeling tilts her head, "What will you do with that laptop?"

"Just... prepare something," answer Eldaro, "I know this land doesn't have a network to connect with, but I put here and wait for Silver to return," Luna levitates the laptop and starts to examine it, but Eldaro holds her horn and puts the laptop down as the blue alicorn looks at him, "Don't touch this thing, please,"

Luna starts blushing as the old man feels something strange. He releases her as the blue alicorn breathes a little, "You know that touching the horn of a unicorn will make them feel... weird, you know."

"I see..." Eldaro points outside, "First, I'm old already. And second, if I choose between you and your sister, I prefer your sister." Luna is silenced for a while, then bashing his head, making the old man lie on the ground. The blue alicorn then huffs and walks out. Sabrina shakes her head while Eldaro stands up and rubs his head, "What did I say wrong?"

"You really good at... shooting down every girl you meet," Sabrina starts walking outside as Eldaro doesn't know what happens. He follows the changeling to take a break.

The sky is changing into the black and blue color of the night as a golden chariot comes inside the place. Celestia walks out of the chariot and goes inside the castle to take a rest. When she just walks into the dining room, Luna is chatting with the old man and the changeling as the maids are putting the food on the table.

"I admire these foods," Eldaro eats the salad. "This one is so pure, not having chemicals or stuff."

"Do tell, who put the chemicals in the vegetable," Luna giggles as she looks at the changeling, "I bet that is you, right?"

"No... but... you know, it's hard to control the chemical in farming," Sabrina sighs, "If... you could share the technique in farming, I would appreciate it,"

"Just ask Sunset to create a spell for you," teases Eldaro as Sabrina glares at the old man. Eldaro puts his hand on her face, "I bet you will need her a lot." Sabrina sighs as she returns to eat the carrot.

Celestia walks to join the dinner as the trio welcomes her. The maid puts the food on the table as Celestia sighs. Luna asks, "What's wrong, sister?"

"I think I will accept the call," The white alicorn takes a bit of carrot as the others stop eating and look at her. Celestia sighs, "I know this is a dangerous thing, but if I think about the caribou, I feel something is not wrong when leaving them with the tyrant king."

"Are you sure about that?" asks Eldaro, "You don't afraid of revenge?"

"That's why I need your help," Celestia points at the old man, "If I send my soldiers, Dainn will know where they are from and take revenge for my cities and ponies."

"I see," Sabrina folds her front hooves, "but are you sure about this? I am willing to help you. But if we succeed, many caribous and creatures there will find the way to get out of their country."

"I know," Celestia nods her head, "And I will have another ally for my country. I think I will have two."

"That's because we owe Sunset a lot," Eldaro puts his fist on his cheek, "and we will borrow her, once."

"And I will supply food and weapons," Celestia looks outside, "That's all you want, right?"

Eldaro nods, "Yep, we are collecting the information of that country, and we will ask about the rebellion. If they are ready to fight, we will help them."

"That... quite generous," Luna smiles, "I am not seeing a queen and a general. I am seeing heroes."

Eldaro and Sabrina look at each other and laugh, then they turn back to the meal with the Sisters as the old man knows this is a hard way to return.

Spying and preparing

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Silver is flying through the country of caribous and wants to get some information about the country. She is hiding in the cloud to make sure that not to be spotted. When she gets close to the ground, the robot eagle sees many male creatures taking female ones as the females are being shackled and chained. Silver wants to rescue them but she can't. The eagle decides to fly over a city.

When the eagle comes inside the city, she sees many females are tortured and raped without mercy. Looking around, she also sees many females hanging in the middle of the street. "This is worse than Valar, or feudalism," Silver lands on the highest tower of the city and searches for a map. After a while, she sees a map in the hand of a caribou. Silver flies at a high speed and takes the map without a problem. The caribou is surprised and falls down on the ground.

After taking the map, she looks at the map and starts saving it. The map shows that there are seven cities inside, but two of them are crossed away. After saving is done, the eagle takes the flight to the border of the country to see what they will do for the outsider. When she is flying, she sees many cannons and powders are carried by many of the creatures. All of them seem like they are preparing for the invading. When they all prepare done, a caribou without an arm, wearing armor, comes there with many of the soldiers.

One of the minotaurs bows to him, "King Dainn, we have almost done."

"Good job," King Dainn points at the creatures, "Now take these females somewhere." The creature bows and takes other creatures inside. The caribou laughs, "Soon, Equestria will be mine."

"Your majesty," A black griffin with red scale around him is coming to him. "These weapons are enough for taking over Equestria, but... Are you sure about this? I mean if these weapons are destroyed. We will lose three months to recover it and we can't start over Equestria."

"Don't worry, Dark Razor" retorts Dainn, "No one will come here. The resistances can't reach here so these weapons will be saved for a while. I will transport them to somewhere safer later."

Dark Razor bows as he goes out. Silver grins and thinks, '3 months supplies, huh? I will slow them down.' The robot points her wings at the powders and smiles, ' Say goodbye to your supplies, Dainn,' then a loud sound thunders in the air, making the king and his soldier are surprised and defend themselves, then many explosions come from the supplies as Dainn doesn't have a chance to stay away. He and his soldiers get blown away.

Dainn coughs and tries to stand up. He doesn't see anyone around. The king looks around and doesn't see anyone, only a big eagle is standing on the wall. The king yells, "Who does this? Come out and fight, coward." The eagle flies away as the king doesn't know who does this and kneels down as his soldiers come to him.

The eagle keeps flying to the border as she feels satisfied with this. When she is flying, she sees many high steel poles that put scattered in the city. She feels weird and decides to fly closer. The eagle sees many rune symbols inside. Curiously, Silver swings the wings and cuts down the pole. Many creatures groan as the eagle looks down. She sees they are rubbing their head in confusion. Taking the pole, the eagle ties the pole on her back and flies away.

When the robot eagle comes to the border of Atlas, she sees many small walls are built with a small gate next to it. Silver flies closer and sees that many creatures are making a line with paper. One of them comes through as the caribous inside the gate is checking it. When the caribou pushes the stamp on the paper, the creature nods and goes inside. Silver knows this is like a customs station in her world.

One of the caribou guards looks at her and asks, "Hey, did you see a big eagle out there?"

The minotaur guard turns to the eagle as Silver just stands there. The guard smacks at him, "Why did you care about that stupid eagle? Come on, we have a job to do."

"But don't you see that eagle is much bigger than usual?" retorts the caribou guard, "You should take a careful look at this." the minotaur guard glares at him as the caribou guard smiles nervously, "Okay okay." Silver flies away as she may have enough information for now.

Eldaro stretches himself and walks to the garage. When he just comes there, Celestia and Silver are already here as the white alicorn is talking to the eagle. When the old man comes inside, he sees Sunset Shimmer is flying here as the old man sighs.

Celestia notices him, "Oh hey Eldaro, I hope you don't mind coming here," then she turns to the orange dragon, "And... did you enjoy being a pony?"

Sunset huffs, "I will take revenge, just watch. Anyway, why did you call me here?"

Celestia points at the eagle, "Oh, this ... bird... sorry, I don't know which bird you are. Anyway, she wants to meet you."

Silver takes out the pole and gives it to the dragon, "Can you read this spell on this pole? This thing is plugged everywhere in Atlas," Sunset takes the pole and starts reading it while Eldaro is coming to the eagle as Silver smiles, "Oh, I have collected much information about that kingdom, Eldaro."

"Good job," Eldaro starts opening the laptop, "Can you give me this information?" Silver nods and she closes her eyes. After a while, her ear is pushed out and appears that a thin circle object. Celestia is curious and levitates the object. She sees that many colors inside. Eldaro takes the objects and inserts them into the laptop, "I hope this CD is doing well."

Celestia turns to the orange dragon as she puts the pole down. The white alicorn asks, "So, you know what spell is inside?"

"It is a mind-controlling spell and spreading spell," Sunset sighs, "In the other way, this thing works like an antenna."

"Antenna?" Celestia nods, "I see. It will spread this mind-controlling spell in the wide area,"

Eldaro presses a button on the keyboard and the screen seems to be larger. After a while, the screen shows a video from Silver's perspective as Sunset smiles while Celestia is amazed. "You ready to watch this?" Celestia nods as the old man presses start.

Celestia feels disgusted when she sees many female creatures being executed, raped without any mercy, but none of the guards will help them. Sunset sighs as the old man is just typing. Celestia turns to the eagle, "Is this truly happening?"

Silver nods as the white alicorn slams her hooves. Eldaro turns to her, "Angry won't make those female creatures feel free."

Celestia takes a deep breath, "I'm fine," then she looks back at the video, "So, this is the thing that Dainn tries to hide from the world." When the video comes to the conversation of Dainn and Dark Razor, she is surprised when the king is going to invade her country. Lucky that Silver has destroyed their supplies.

The old man is watching the map as he is feeling weird about this map. If this map is right, there are only four cities in the country. Each one has a different topographic. The capital is covered by mountains as the old man rubs his head. "This is not a very good capital city."

"You mean if you siege this capital, the soldier inside will die of thirst, right?" Sunset sits down as Eldaro nods, "but if he can do this mind-controlling spell and spreads it in his country, water may not be a problem."

"You're right." Eldaro turns to the orange dragon, "But you can't join this fight."

"I see," Sunset throws a magic circle as the old man catches it, then the orange dragon goes outside and spreads her wings, "That circle will summon me, once. Use it wisely. It has the runes and the recipe to make you immune to this spell." Sunset flies away from the garage to come back to Ponyville. Eldaro puts the circle in his pocket as he sighs. This is a hard time to see.

The wardens are looking at the brown caribou as they are feeling boring. Suddenly, the door opens as all of them are pointing the spear at it, but suddenly they all drop the spears when a certain brown pegasus is walking inside the jail. The head warden gulps, "I...I thought you were dead,"

"Now I'm here," Aria spins the halberd, "Now show me where is that brown caribou,"

"About that..." The head warden tries to retort. Aria puts the halberd on the ground hard as the warden is shaking, "Ok, I will show you that room. Please don't hurt me,"

"What kind of warden is that?" Aria walks closer, "I thought you should be braver."

The head warden leads the brown pegasus to the brown caribou room. When they get there, the caribou just eat and sit on the hay. Aria spins the halberd and slams on the ground as the warden gulps and gets away. The brown caribou looks at the mare and asks, "Who are you, and why the wardens are scared of you? "

"Just someone who is curious about the resistance," The old pegasus grins, "I have good news for you. You wanna hear?"

"As long as that is not fake news, I'm good." The caribou looks at the old mare, "And what do you want?"

"Your name first," the mare points the halberd at him, "I just want to know your name."

"My name is Trevor," answers the caribou as he turns to her, "I am just a normal resistance."

"Oh... your good news is Celestia agrees to help your resistance," Aria slams the halberd and sits on it while Trevor glares at her, "I am not lying, but don't be too happy. She can only send you food and supplies."

"That's enough," Trevor sighs in relief, "We are facing the food crisis because we don't have any seed for farming. This is the good time we can survive."

Aria starts to ask," Tell me. Why do you hate king Dainn so much? I know that the king is very hated females and he puts a lot of benefits on males. Why don't you just live there and be happy in your life there?" Trevor glares at her as the old mare smiles, "Did I say something wrong?"

"I hate that guy," Trevor grits his teeth and yells at the old mare, "I used to be like him, you know." The caribou breathes heavily as the old mare lies on the halberd. The caribou takes a deep breath, "I know I am crazy, but I really want him to die because of the male bias."

"If you want to fight a crazy, you must be a crazy," The old mare stands up, "Anyway, we will talk later. We will meet soon," Aria takes the halberd and walks outside.

Celestia and Luna are checking the food and supplies to make sure that nothing wrong happens. Eldaro and Sabrina feel admired when the princesses take many supplies to aid the resistance. When they are checked done, the princesses invite the duo to have dinner and they will prepare for the journey.


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Celestia walks to the prison with some guards. She and her sisters have prepared the supplies. Now, she has one work to do with the caribou. When the white alicorn comes to Trevor's prison, the caribou stands up and looks at the white alicorn. Celestia sighs and asks, "You are Trevor, right?"

"I am. Ruler of Equestria," Trevor sighs, "What are you going to do?"

"You are now banished from Equestria in six months," Celestia looks at her as the caribou is surprised, "I will recognize your name and your appearance to make sure that you are not able to take a step in Equestria."

Trevor stands up and smiles. The guards open the door and lead the caribou to go outside. To make sure that no one notices him, the guards lead him to the cage and cover it with a big cloth and hay, then put them on the cart. When they are walking through the street. The ponies don't take attention to the cart as the guards keep going until they are far away from Canterlot. Looking around and making sure that no one sees, the pony pulls out the cloth and releases the caribous.

"Thank you for not... humiliating me," Trevor rubs his head, "I wonder why you release me here?

A voice comes from the bush, "Because... " The guards step back and hide behind the cart. Trevor is feeling weird as Aria comes out with yellow armor, "The others are waiting for you at the border."

"I wonder why the guards scare you, old mare?" Trevor looks at the guards as they are still hiding behind the cart, "Just curious."

"Don't mind these cowards," Aria throws the halberd to the guards as they run back to the castle. The old pegasus looks at the brown caribou as he is not sure about this. The old mare yells, "What are you waiting for? Go quickly or I will kick your butt."

"Hey... you are not.." Before Trevor can finish the sentence. He sees the brown pegasus punch the tree as the tree is falling down. Trevor looks at the tree and gulps, "Yes, madam," then he follows Aria to the border of Equestria.

Aria leads Trevor to Las Pegasus as the caribou sees the airship is mooring. Trevor looks around and sees a human, a changeling with some pony guards sitting together beside the airship. Walking closer, they are playing cards together as the old man is staring at the changeling.

Eldaro grins, "I bet that you have a bad hand, right?"

"You sure?" The changeling is looking at him nervously, "I have a straight plus, you know?" the old man raises the bits to double as the changeling gulps. Eldaro just stares at her as the changeling looks at her cards, then looks at the old man. The changeling sighs, "Fine, I fold," as she throws out the card.

The old man looks at the cards and finds that is a 'straight plus', then he turns to Sabrina and shakes his head, "You should have a good mind." He flips the card and shows that it is just a 'high card'. Sabrina glares at him while others look at him in admiration.

The changeling turns away, "I hate playing cards with you," and she sees the caribou, "Oh hey, our prisoner is here."

Trevor looks at the changeling as he doesn't know what this changeling is doing here, but he ignores her and turns to the old man. He wonders what creatures Eldaro is. The old man notices the stairs as he walks to the airship and waves his hand. The ponies follow the old man. The caribou doesn't know what to do but he decides to walk inside the airship. The airship starts flying.

Trevor looks around the airship and sees that a big eagle is standing on the top of the spreader. The caribou notices that the eagle is bigger than usual. He walks to the mainsheet and feels the wind blow to him. "Feeling nervous," Trevor looks behind and sees the changeling is walking toward him. Sabrina smiles, "You seem worried, don't you?"

"You can say that." Trevor sighs, "This is what I thought because there's no way to persuade the country to help a rebellion, and I got banished from here."

"Actually," Eldaro takes a table and some chairs, "This airship is taking the supplies for you." Trevor turns to the old man immediately and stares in disbelief as the old man pours the wine. "You don't believe? You can go inside and see yourself. Trevor goes inside and sees many foods and weapons.

The caribou smiles while the old man pulls out the Equestria map. Sabrina asks, "Why did you pull this map? You know we are not going to fight here, right?"

"I am guessing if Dainn is going to invade this country, what city he is going to attack first," Eldaro points at Baltimare, "What do you think?

"I don't like the invasion much," Sabrina sighs, "But if I can, I will take Ponyville at any cost."

"Why do you think that village is good to attack?" Eldaro tilts his head, "You know there are a lot of valuable cities that you can take?"

"Because... one, this village is covered by the jungle, I can hide many weapons, supplies, and soldiers in there. Two,... " The changeling points at the Canterlot, "I can threaten the capital. Because it is very near."

"Correct," Eldaro looks outside, "That's why I can't take Sunset to go with us. She will be the defender of Equestria."

"Well, that sucks," Sabrina huffs, "I thought we could win this battle... or war very quickly."

"Remember," Eldaro takes out a small tank and the map of Atlas, "We will have an element of surprise soon."

"I don't know." Sabrina looks at Trevor as he is walking outside, "So... Do you have free time?"

"Sure," Trevor sits between the duo and sees the tank. "Oh, this thing is weird. Where did you get that?"

"This is our secret weapon," Sabrina puts her hoof on her lips, "I won't let you know. Anyway, I really need some information about your army."

"As you wish," Trevor starts talking about his resistance. The brown caribou admits that he only has one thousand soldiers and works like bandits. Their main job is stealing all the slaves that are transported to Atlas and taking them back to their countries safely. The old man asks about the location. Trevor says that they are working in the jungle and live under the ground.

The old man stands up and walks to the main street as he knows this is a hard mission, a very hard one as he starts regretting taking this one. Sabrina comes to him and asks, "Is that too difficult?"

"I admit. This is worse," Eldado sighs, "They have good intentions, but the army is not too good. But the good thing is... they got a good leader."

"Well... We have to get there to see though." The changeling looks at Trevor, "Something in his eyes has a hatred," Eldaro nods and the airship keeps flying to Atlas.

The airship is mooring far away from Atlas to make sure that the soldiers don't see this airship. Aria asks the guard who wants to come with her to fight against Dainn, but no one will fight. After transporting the supplies to the ground, they use the airship to move back to Equestria. Looking around, the group only sees the sand with sand like a desert as they are

Eldaro looks at the supplies and doesn't know how to transport them back to the camp. Trevor whistles from the empty. Eldaro and Sabrina are checking the supplies to see if something is missing. After a while, the ground is opened a little as a minotaur is walking out. "Password," demands the minotaur.

"Equality," answers Trevor and shakes hands with the minotaur. "So, how is it going?"

"It is clear," The minotaur looks around and sees the group. "Oh, you brought a changeling here? I thought the changeling was just like this king, always locked out of the world."

"I will introduce them later," Trevor turns to the group and waves his front hoof, "Hey! You all should come here," then he turns to the minotaur, "Send soldiers to bring these supplies."

"All right," Sabrina walks to the sand as the caribou is confused. The changeling pushes the hooves into the sand and pulls out. A yellow armored caribou is flying away as he is shocked by what happens. Trevor is surprised to see Dainn's soldier is here. The changeling looks at Trevor, "Looks like someone is careless." The armored caribou is going to run away, but Sabrina stomps her hoof into his chest, making the caribou groan in pain.

Trevor nods, "I will be careful next time." His soldiers come from the ground door and they see the caribou lying under Sabrina's hoof. Trevor points at him, "Take this caribou to the prison. We may know something about Dainn." The soldiers take the caribou away while some of them take the supply. Trevor sighs, "How about we go inside to talk? Oh, you all have a mutant eagle out there."

Silver glares at him and starts chasing him, then she peaks on his head repeatedly. Trevor is running away from the eagle as the soldier laughs at him. Eldaro points at them, "Is that normal?"

"Very normal," one of the griffins says, "You must see when he makes a mistake and slams a female griffin. I got to say that he has to lie in the medical room for three days." Eldaro smiles and they start to go inside. The griffin looks at the old pegasus and asks, "Wait, old mare here? I'm afraid that she will pull us down."

"You have to see me in training," Aria goes inside with the group

Dainn is lying in the bed as he is injured due to the explosion. The medical team is trying their best to treat him. When Dark Razor is walking inside, he bows to him and reports, "Your majesty, our slaves are stolen."

"Again?" Dainn stands up, "This is the sixth time in this month." The medical team tries to stop him from standing up as the caribou waves his hand to deny it.

The scaled griffin gives him the medal as Dainn knows what this is. The griffin turns to the medical team and nods as they are walking outside. The griffin turns to the injured caribou, "You know, you have to keep yourself healthy. We have to think about countering this resistance."

"But where?" Dainn puts the pedal down, "They are like a shadow. Just steal and go away."

"That's why I put a soldier to spy on them," Dark Razor grins, "I bet that they collect a lot of information."

"Good move," Dainn opens the window, "I hope your spy is doing good."

The caribou is enjoying the torture on a mare in the middle of the garden. When he is going outside, he picks hot coals off the tray. The suspended mare is struggling to get out as Dainn levitates the coal into the mare's belly, ignoring the screaming and begging from the mare. The mare is knocked down as the caribou puts the coal down, "That's better."

A guard runs to Dainn and gives him a paper. Dainn reads it, then he throws it down immediately. Dark Razor asks, "What's wrong?"

"Our spy is caught by the resistance, and they just give us this paper to let us know about this," Dainn sits down, "This resistance gives me a lot of headaches."

"Don't worry, your Majesty. They won't go into the city," Dainn agrees as he enjoys the sunshine, as he doesn't know that he will step down the throne.

The bet

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Trevor leads the old man and others into the tactical room. No one is here when they arrive as the old man feels weird. The room has a large table in the middle and several maps on the wall. Trevor takes a seat as a guard puts the map on the table. The group just takes a seat while Silver stands next to the caribou, making him feel nervous.

Trevor points at the big eagle, "Can you please stand another side?" Silver shakes her head as others smile at him. The caribou sighs, "Fine. Anyway..." The caribou unrolls the map to see full of Atlas. The group realizes that there are two extra cities on the map, different from the map that Silver has brought. The caribou points at a random position, "We are here. Near the Agrou city."

Eldaro notices the city is covered by a brown area. He asks, "So, I bet this city is the main transportation in Atlas, right?

"You got me," Trevor puts the wagon figure on the map, "They are main transporting because they don't get something blocking like a forest in Aden," he points the city next to Agrou, "But also this one has strong security and a lot of food and supplies, like 80%, for the entire nation. If they lose this city, Dainn and his army will be struggling to find them."

"How can you be sure about this?" The changeling leans on the chair, "If he tricked you, you died."

"I'm sure about this," The caribou takes a pencil, "I have built this underground base to go around the nation without a problem. We can't go in but we saw most of the supplies are transported to this city."

"Well, I bet that you are afraid of being affected by the mind-controlling spell," Eldaro folds his arm, "I will see the city with my own eyes. If anything, I will talk to you,"

"Sure," Trevor calls a guard to lead the old man to go outside, then he leads others to go to their room. When they are walking, they see a quite big hall and rooms that are on two sides. Sabrina is impressive when he manages to build this. Trevor opens the door and sees another caribou is sitting. This one is yellow and doesn't have any antler like Trevor so Sabrina assumes that this is a female caribou. Trevor waves his hand, "Hey, we got some new one,"

The female caribou sighs, "I told you do not get any soldier to here, I am tired when seeing death one,"

"Come on, Bell," retorts Trevor, "You know that king will try to enslave you or other creatures,"

"But how long will I stop to see the corpse?" Bell glares at him, "I just want a peaceful life,"

"Excuse me," Sabrina coughs as the duo turns to the changeling, "I want a room please, I don't want to hear a couple is trying to argue with each other."

Bell blushes so hard while Trevor glares at the changeling and points at the female caribou, "Hey, she is not my girlfriend. Don't..."

Before he can finish his sentence, a book is flying into his head and Trevor gets knocked out, then Bell throws the key and pushes the groups outside. Sabrina looks back at the room and sighs, then she asks the guard to lead the way to her room.

Eldaro looks at the city on a high mountain as he doesn't know what to say. There are many of the wagons that are transported into the city. Aria walks outside with a table as she has some sweat on her body. The guards are following behind to escort the old mare as the old man feels weird. Aria raises her hoof, "These soldiers need to train a lot. I just get warming up but all of them is knocked down,"

Aria sets the table as Eldaro smiles, "I see. You should train them more," then he sets up his sniper rifle to watch it closely. The old man sees most of the wagons are carrying food and weapons, some of them are carrying many creatures that have been shackled and chained. The old man sighs and finds their customs station. Aria sits next to the old man, " It has been nearly 300 years since I saw a gun,"

"You know what this thing is?" ask Eldaro as the old mare nods, "So, I bet that you are from Earth(en)"

"Used to be," Aria looks at the city, "This is a beautiful city, right?"

"The shame that the city does is the thing that every nation can do," Eldaro shakes his head, "Painting with a gold paint."

"I won't disturb you anymore," Aria stands up, "Good luck, general," then the old mare goes inside with the guard.

Eldaro signs and he continues to watch the customs service. After 30 minutes, he sees that this customs service is working like his world. The old man writes what he sees on one page. He starts walking inside but Trevor walks to the old man and asks, "I hear that you got a spell to immune the mind-controlling spell."

"I don't have any spell like that," Eldaro walks through the caribou but Trevor stops him as the old man turns to him, "What do you want?"

"Simply," Trevor turns to him, "I really need your help."

"For someone who can't beat a king and has a little army?" Eldaro turns away, "Why should I do that?"

The old man starts walking away. Trevor yells at him, "I can give you my position if you want." Eldaro stops walking as the caribou keeps talking, "I will do everything for the creature down there, they are suffering from the tyrant king. You know them all, right?" The old man walks away without any response as the caribou sighs in frustration and hopes that he does not believe in the wrong creature.

Eldaro asks the soldiers to lead his room. When the old man comes inside, he sees Sabrina and Silver are digging the wall. The changeling uses her boomerang while the eagle changes her wings into a drill and keeps digging. Eldaro tilts his head, "What are you doing?"

Sabrina waves to him, "Sorry, I have to expand this room. It is too narrow." Elldaro shakes his head as the changeling waves her hoof, "Don't worry, I can expand this room whatever I want. I just ask Bell for it,"

"I see," Eldaro lies on the bed, "Then just expands the room. We will need a lot of space," then he just stares at the roof and thinks about what Trevor says.

Sabrina is done a little bit and she decides to take a break to keep digging. When the changeling is going to have water, a soldier knocks on the door as Silver goes to open it. The soldier announces to everyone inside, "We got a big wagon in the target. Do you want to see how we work?"

"Sure," Eldaro sighs and stands up, "I am hoping that I can see how your work."

The soldier nods and he leads the groups to the tactic rooms. When they get there, they see many different creatures are sitting inside. The old man takes a seat next to a griffin while Sabrina and Silver just stand. Trevor smiles and starts the meeting, "Today, our soldier reports that there is a big wagon of slaves are coming to Aden."

Eldaro is feeling something is wrong. The blue minotaur slams the table, "We must rescue them. I will be first."

"Calm down, Ox," The white griffin pats her back as the minotaur huffs and sits down. The griffin rubs his chin, "This must be a trap because all the slaves are normally transported to Agrou, not Aden,"

"You got a point, Gate," The pegasus puts the wagon figure on the Agrou city, "We all know that Aden is not a good way to transport the slave because of the mountain and a forest. I assume that is a trap."

"But we can't keep those females into the city," retorts Ox, "You know what happens when they go inside."

Trevor sighs as everyone inside keeps arguing inside. The caribou notices that the old man is still silent and drinks water to wait while the room is silent. After a while, all of them are silent and they turn Trevor. Gate gives him advice, "Trevor, I don't think this is a good thing. I don't give in,"

"You coward!" Ox points at the griffin, "You can't..."

Trevor puts his hand on her shoulder to interrupt her as the minotaur just sits down. The caribou turns to the old man and asks, "You haven't talked about anything yet? Can you tell me what you think?"

The old man looks at other creatures as they wonder what kind of creature he is. The old man sighs and starts to say, "This is like a challenge from Dainn," all of them are silenced as the old man continues, "I bet you give him a letter, right Trevor?" The caribou nods. The old man continues, "Think about it, a jungle is a place you can do an ambush, but he doesn't mind carrying a big slavery transport. This can be two things, one, a trap and two, a challenge," then he turns to the minotaur, "Or three, both."

All of them are looking at the map as they are thinking about this. The old man is going to stand up but Trevor decides, "I will take his challenge," Eldaro looks at the caribou, "I will rescue them all."

Eldaro sighs in relief as others inside just look at each other. Ox points at the old man, "If you are his spy, I will chop your head."

"Glad I hear that," the old man smiles, "If I am his spy, I don't bring the spell that immune the mind-controlling spell to here."

The white griffin turns to him, "Are you lying?" Eldaro just stares at him as he looks away, "Still, I don't trust you."

"Then we will steal that wagon," The old man grins as others just stare at him, "Believe me, I will do this."

"What if you fail," Ox folds her arm, "You know we don't like to fail,"

"If we fail, I will get out of this land forever," Eldaro drinks the water as the minotaur looks at him. "But what if I succeed?"

"Then I will follow your order," Ox takes the axe, "I'm not good at tactics but I assure you I am very good at fighting."

"Deal," Eldaro and Ox shake their hand to each other to take the bet. The human knows that he will have a good ally on his side.

Dainn is running to a house that hides in the jungle. His follower told him that there is a seer that is coming from outside. When the caribou goes inside, he sees a figure wearing a white coat that is sitting on the table. The caribou takes a seat and asks, "So, you are the seer?"

The figure smiles and talks in the feminine voice, "I am," Dainn is surprised and sits down. The figure smiles and fills the cup with tea, "What can I do for you?"

"How about being one of my slaves?" Dainn claps his front hooves and his guards point the spear and crossbow at her. Dainn smiles, "Once I have you, I can change the future,"

"How naive!" The figure stands up, "No wonder you will be dethroned soon,"

The caribou glares at the figure, "What... What did you say?"

All of the guards charge at the figure as Dainn smiles. Suddenly, all of them, including him, are covering some kind of blue aura and being lifted up. The figure starts to wave the paws down as all of them are slammed into the ground. Dainn is trying to stand up but he can't. The figure throws the coat out and reveals a white Abyssian. Dainn tries to say, "What... How are you? I... I thought Abyssian can't... use magic."

"That's why I'm here," The Abyssian kneels down, "Because of using magic, I get banished from my home," She stands up and starts going out, "But anyway... I will give you a hint. At least this is not my house," The white Abyssian grins, "When a black coat with dragon wings fly on the sky, your kingdom is down and your throne will be down with its owner." The Abyssian closes the door, leaving the guards inside.

The white Abyssian is going out with a crystal ball. She takes the money from the wagon as the Abyssian feels good when she manages to have her stomach full. "Next stop, Ponyville. My curiosity is going high."

The bet (2)

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Trevor heads to his room and feels a headache about the meeting. Opening the door, he sees Bell is preparing the cup of coffee as the brown caribou sighs. He sits down and asks, "Why are you here?"

"Just take care of you," Bell smiles, "You are the leader of this camp anyway,"

"So... what do you think about my decision to dethrone the tyrant king?" The caribou takes a sip, "I think last time you said that you were tired of seeing corpses."

Bell sighs, "Yes," and she looks at him, "I mean... I don't know how long I can stop seeing corpses? We can go to Equestria to start a new life. Without war, we can live a peaceful life."

"Look," Trevor pats her back, "I know you want peace in another country, but you know Dainn is planning to take over other countries?"

"What?" Bell grasps, "You mean he will spread his ... sickness policy?"

"Yes," Trevor grits his teeth, "That's why I have to take him down and bring someone to be a king or queen."

"And who will be the ruler?" asks Bell as Trevor looks away. "See. You don't know who will take the throne."

"I... fine, but even that, I won't let his policy spread anymore," Trevor folds his forehooves, "At least I can stop the tyrant king for once and for all."

"If you insist," Bell sighs, "I'm always behind you."

"Thanks," Trevor turns to her, "I thought you hated war."

"Well..." Bell blushes and turns away, making Trevor confused. The yellow caribou coughs, "Eh... Who is this Eldaro? I don't think that I have seen his species though. He looks like a monkey but without fur."

"Oh, he called himself a human," Trevor lies on the bed, "Honestly, that human is hard to read, not like his changeling and his eagle compassions. They are strong." Trevor sighs, "He is also holding a spell that can immune Dainn's mind-controlling spell."

"Whoa," Bell claps her forehooves, "I never thought we got a genius mage."

"I know. I will have that spell."

"Look like you have someone in trouble," Bell stands up, "Good luck with the trading. I will wait for a while," then the yellow caribou goes out of the room, leaving the brown caribou alone.

Eldaro wakes up and sees the room is much larger than before. Looking around, he sees Sabrina and Silver are chatting with each other while Aria is training. When Sabrina notices that the old man is waked up, she wakes her hoof, "Hey, you should redo the spell on the tank,"

"Fine," Eldaro takes the tank from his pocket and puts it on the ground. A blue minotaur is coming inside the room to check the group as Eldaro presses the tank on the ground. The vehicle is bigger and bigger, much like the blue minotaur surprised. When the tank is coming back to its original size, the old man looks at it, "Now that's better." He turns around and sees Ox lying on the ground, "I thought you were strong."

"That doesn't mean I am not surprised," Ox points at the tank, "What is this thing?"

"Just something that I can't use now." Eldaro looks at it, "It will be our trick card. Anyway, why are you calling me here?"

"Oh," Ox points out, "I just came here to inform you about your army. You better win this bet or I will cut you out,"

Eldaro sighs and he follows the minotaur. When he comes here, he sees many creatures wearing white yellow uniforms and they are training. The old man smiles as they are still training. When the minotaur leads the human to her team, he is surprised as he sees many caribous and minotaurs, some of them are pegasus and unicorns. The old man looks closely and sees only two pegasi and two unicorns.

"Interesting?" The blue minotaur turns to the old man, "Trevor commands me to follow your order in this mission." Ox's team is looking at the old man and starts whispering. The old man sighs while Ox pats his back, "Don't worry, they are just welcoming you."

"I am doubting that," Eldaro walks in front of them and coughs, causing all of them to pay attention to the old man. Eldaro starts to talk, "My name is Eldaro. I hope we will cooperate well."

"As long as you lead us to success this stealing, we will consider," One of the minotaurs yells, "Just don't fail."

"Fine," The old man sighs, "I can promise that I won't fail," then the old man turns away and heads outside. Ox follows him as Eldaro asks, "How long will the wagon be here?"

"Two more hours," Ox tilts her head as the old man grins, "What are you planning?"

"Secret," Eldaro cracks his head, "Long time I have this war. You don't need to follow me."

"Nah," Ox shakes her head, "I make sure that you are not going away." Eldaro nods and goes outside. Ox follows him to see what he will do. When they are heading outside, a pegasus comes to her and whispers about something, then the pegasus goes away. The blue minotaur looks at him, "We got some problems. A general will lead this mission."

"I know," Eldaro shakes his head, "So, what is his name?"

"Dagen," replies Ox, "A griffin." Eldaro smiles and goes outside with the blue minotaur

Going outside, Ox sees the changeling and the old mare digging for something. The blue minotaur walks closer to them and sees that they are plugging the bamboo on the ground. Ox feels weird as she knows this tree and turns to the old man, "Why did you plug this tree here?"

"Oh, you know bamboo?" asks Eldaro as Ox nods. The old man sighs, "Did you know bamboo is the tree that is very tough right?"

Ox rubs her chin and tries to remember something as she says, "I don't think any army uses this thing. Maybe it's tough but it can't replace spears. The good thing is that bamboo is a fast-growing tree."

"And what if we don't have those things?" retorts Eldaro, "You know we can't risk the spear to make a simple trap."

"You got the point. It takes more than one hour to prepare. So prepare well," The minotaur turns to the door and goes inside but Silver lands in front of her as Ox sighs, "You don't have to do that."

"Sorry," Silver smiles nervously, "I come here to tell Eldaro." and the eagle comes to the old man to report, "Eldaro, they got one wagons with three carts. The weird thing is they send one group to have 20 soldiers to protect it while the other group has about 100 soldiers. The distance between the two groups is about 300 meters."

Eldaro asks, "Do they have a leader?"

Silver rubs her chin, "What I see is a blue griffin leading the second group. He seems like the leader"

Eldaro nods and the eagle flies to the tree to relax. Ox feels something not right, "Weird. Normally, they have to cover in large groups."

"Simple," Eldaro is checking his pistol, "He wants to make us neglect, then kills us easily," Eldaro sighs in relief, "But this simple trick will not work. I will borrow you for a while if you don't mind."

"Sure," Ox folds her hand, "If that is a successful raid, I will do anything."

"Good, but don't hate me after this." Eldaro walks inside while Ox doesn't know what he means. The minotaur just comes inside with the old man to see what he will do.

Everything is set up for Eldaro's order. At first, the old man thinks that they will just reject the order but it seems they are cooperating well. The pegasi are hiding in the cloud while the others just hide in the bush. They are waiting for the wagon.

After a while, a wagon with 20 soldiers wearing red armor comes through. The old man watches carefully and finds the soldiers who sent the signal. When he finds it, he turns to Ox and points at the soldier, "Hey, did you see that soldier?" Ox nods and the old man equips the compressor for his pistol, "After I kill him, all of us will shoot arrows at them."

The old man aims at the soldier and shoots him. The soldier is down as the others are looking around panicky. Ox commands her soldiers to shoot arrows at them, making red armor soldiers hiding behind the wagon. When the arrows die down, Ox and her soldiers charge at them to slay them all. The red armor soldiers are trying to fight back but Ox manages to kill most of them. The others just finish them off.

The battle between them is over as the red armor soldiers are dead. Eldaro and Sabrina walk out of the bushes while the others are going to open the wagon. "Stop!," The old man yells as all of them stop and looks at him, "Not yet."

"What are you trying to do?" One of the unicorns asks, "We're done here."

"There is another group coming here," The old man sighs as the soldiers are murmuring to each other. Eldaro continues, "We're not done yet. Follow my need," then he walks to Ox and pats her shoulder, "I'm sorry for doing this,"

"What do you mean?" The blue minotaur is confusing as the old man turns to Sabrina and nods.

A griffin is walking through the jungle. He is wearing red armor with some golden decoration to know that he is a general. He has commanded his soldier to go after the wagon slowly. Suddenly, a firework is fired into the sky as he knows that his first group is dangerous. One of his soldiers says, "This is their signal. They are being attacked. What will we do, general Degan?"

"Good. The bandit has fallen into my trap," Degan turns to his soldiers, "Soldiers, time to kill." The soldiers are shouting out loud and the griffin yells, "Charge." All of them are running forward to aid the first group.

When Degan arrives there, he sees his soldiers fighting against the certain blue minotaur as she swings the axe to slash them but they manage to dodge. One of them blows the dart at her. The minotaur suddenly feels sleepy and then she falls down. All of the soldiers sigh in relief.

Degan runs to the soldiers to check to see what happens. One of the soldiers notices him and reports, "General Degan, we have been attacked but we are in control."

Degan looks around and sees many red armor soldiers and yellow armor one lying around with blood around them. Degan turns to the caribou soldier, "How many of us are dead?"

"15 general." The caribou looks at the corpse, "This minotaur causes us a lot of trouble but we manage to capture her."

The griffin walks close to the minotaurs as she is sleeping. Degan looks at her face and grins, "Ah, this one will be a nice slave." Then he turns to his soldiers, "You are doing good. When we go back to Aden, I will reward you." The caribou smiles as the griffin commands, "Stock this minotaur and throw her inside the wagon. We won't let her go away."

"Yes sir," The red armor soldiers are stocking Ox and putting her in the wagon, then they head to Aden.

The blue minotaur opens her eyes and standing up, she finds that she is stocked and chained. Looking around, she sees many slaves with many types of creatures is inside. All of them are stocked and chained. The door is opened and an axe is thrown inside. Ox breaks the stock by her strength and cracks her neck. Then she takes the axe to prepare for the next battle.

Degan is walking beside the soldier and humming about his victory. Suddenly, he falls into the hole, makes the soldiers run to the hole, and watches the griffin if he is okay or not. Degan looks at the soldier, "Stand back, I will fly out." When he is trying to fly up, the soldier puts the iron net on the hole as the griffin is surprised and yells, "Hey, what is that for?"

The red armor soldiers take out the armor and reveal the yellow uniform. Other soldiers point the spear at the soldier as he takes out the sword. When the red armor is going to charge, they hear something loud around. Turning to the sound, they see many large boulders rolling here. Many red armor soldiers are crushed by the boulder. The red armor soldiers are very panicked and confused. When the boulder stops rolling, many arrows fly above them. The red armor soldiers try to block it with shields but many of them are dead.

When the arrow is over, the yellow uniform soldiers are charging from the bushes. The red armor guards try to protect the wagon but the door of it is kicked by Ox, making them fly back. The minotaur slashes many of them while the red armor soldiers are pushed back. Taking advantage of surprise, the yellow uniform soldiers slaughter the red armor one. After 15 minutes, all of the red armor soldiers are dead.

Ox turns to the bush, "You owe me big time, Eldaro."

Eldaro stands up and sighs, "Fine, but at least I win this bet." Ox turns away as the old man looks around, "How many of us are dead?"

Ox shakes her head, "Don't know, but I will count later." the blue minotaur points at the hole, "And we got a general."

Eldaro walks to the hole and sees the griffin through the net. Degan looks at the old man as he is wondering what species he is. The old man stands up, "Take this general to our base. He can have much information about Dainn." The yellow uniform soldiers take the griffin to their base.

Sabrina looks around the battlefield and sighs, "Well, I really hate you."

"You can hate me if you want to," Eldaro points at the wagon, "Let's see if this wagon has advanced weapons. I don't think this king wants to invade Equestria if he doesn't have advanced weapons."

Sabrina nods and she walks to the wagon. The soldiers are taking the slave to the base while others are opening the second cart. The changeling takes a peek at it and sees that it is just food and drink. Sabrina walks to the third one and opens it. Ox turns to the changeling, "What are you doing?"

Sabrina answers, "Find out if there is a weapon. Wanna come?" Ox nods and she jumps to the cart with the changeling. Looking around, Ox sees an unusual crossbow with something round and takes it.

There is no arrow on the crossbow, and something have a round shape that attach on the crossbow. Sabrina turns to the minotaur, "Looks like you found one,"

"I don't know about this crossbow," Ox gives her the crossbow, "Maybe you know how this thing works."

"I think I know," Sabrina takes anothee round shape object, then she and Ox go outside the cart. The thing is going to get a lot of headaches.


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Dainn is enjoying the party and his forehooves are wrapping around two female creatures in a fancy room. The music keeps going and many Abyssians are dancing in front of the king. Inside the ring, there are several male creatures who are drinking wine and beer, some of them even drunk and rutting the female creatures.

After the caribou king is enjoying the party for a while, his soldier comes inside the room in a hurry as Dainn notices him, so the king decides to stop the party and everyone in the room goes outside, except the soldier. The king stands up, "What's wrong? And why have that face?"

"Your Majesty," The soldier bows and starts to report, "Our important carts come to Aden is stolen, and the bandit got Degan,"

"WHAT!?" Dainn stomps his hoof and grits his teeth, "How is that impossible?"

"It... it looks like they are led by some weird creature," The soldier gulps, "I don't know if this is right."

"Useless," Dainn throws the table, "This is useless. You know those carts are important to us," then he throws a cup outside. The soldier is scared as he is shaking. Dainn looks at him and yells, "Get out. I need to be alone," The soldier runs out of the room.

Dark Razor is coming to the room and sees the guard is scared. The griffin comes inside and bows, "Your Majesty, Can I ask what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, Razor," Dainn sits down and sighs in frustration, "We lost the important cart to Aden, and Degan is captured"

"What!?" Dark Razor is surprised, "I mean... Trevor won't be able to do that. Degan is maybe not good at tactics, but his strength is the problem to them."

"That's right," Dainn takes out the sword, "I just think he has a new general to do this. The soldier that just reported that a weird creature was standing behind the bandit."

"I see," Dark Razor nods, "I will bait him out this time to see if this creature is good like that soldier said."

"As you decide," Dainn stands up, "You want to drink something? I have many things to drink."

The griffin bows, "At your service." The caribous and the griffin walk out of the room to have a drink.

Trevor and others are celebrating because of the previous battle. It has been a long time since they had a big cart a year ago and many of them are happy. At the party, there is no sign of Eldaro as the caribou feels weird. Trevor turns to Sabrina and asks, "Where Eldaro? He has to be here to celebrate with our soldier."

"He said that he will go outside to watch Agrou," Sabrina eats the cake, "He's always like that."

The caribou stands up, "Okay... I will talk to him. You guys keep celebrating," The soldier cheers as they keep celebrating while Trevor goes outside to find the old man. When Trevor is going out, Bell comes to him as the caribou asks, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh," The yellow caribou takes the paper, "We just have some of the slaves who want to fight with us, and tomorrow we will take others to their homeland. Anyway, where are you going?"

"Well, I found that human," Trevor rubs his head, " He should be at the party."

"Let's find him together," Bell smiles as Trevor nods. The caribou go out to the mountain that can see the hold Agrou city. When they go outside, the duo sees the old man watching Agrou city with something weird to them on the table. The caribou runs to him as Bell asks, "What are you doing here? We are celebrating down there."

"I don't think this is the time to celebrate," Eldaro stands up, "Since we are alone, how about we talk about the spell I have?" The caribou duo nods and sits down to listen to him. The old man sighs, "I only have one consideration. You want to hear?"

"Sure," Trevor nods, "If anything that we can do from us, we will do anything to have the spell."

Eldaro points at him, "Then be a king," Trevor is surprised when the old man says that. Eldaro stands up," After successfully dethroning this tyrant king, you have to be a king."

"But... but..." Trevor steps back, "I'm not worthy to be a king. If you are not here, I won't have this winning…”I…I.. "And Trevor runs back to the base and Bell follows him.

Eldaro shakes his head and leans on the chair to look at the sky. When the old man is enjoying the quiet time, a blue minotaur appears in front of his face as the old man stretches his body and asks, "What are you doing here? I thought you were enjoying the party."

"Oh, I came here to give you this thing," Ox whistles to call someone. A pegasus comes to her and gives her a long weapon with a trigger. Eldaro realizes that thing immediately while Ox takes it and shows it to the old man, "I found it on that cart but I forgot to give it to you. It looks like a crossbow but I don't see any arrows on it,"

The human takes it and puts it in aim, then he asks, "Did you find any small metal balls near it?"

"Oh that," Ox rubs her chin, "I will get it for you,"

"No need," Eldaro throws the thing back, "Now, I see how Dainn has the confidence to invade Equestria."

Ox looks at it and asks, "By this thing?" Eldaro nods as the blue minotaur is confused, "I mean, you didn't tell me what this thing is?"

"I wish I can shoot this thing once more," Eldaro turns to the minotaur, "This thing is called a musket."

"Musket?" Ox is confused, "So... how to shoot this thing?"

"Call Sabrina and Aria for me, and you will lead us to the training room," Eldaro stands up, "I have a plan for this city now. Hope this works."

The blue minotaur asks, "What are you planning?" but she gets ignored as the old man walks inside. "Hey, where are you going?" The blue minotaur follows him inside.

Trevor goes inside his room and thinks about what Eldaro says. To be a king, he doesn't even dream of that. Bell walks inside his room and puts down the coffee, "Here, have a drink. You will feel better."

"Thanks, Bell," Trevor takes the cup and sips a little, "I don't know why that human orders me that thing?"

"I don't know," Bell rubs her head, "Maybe he sees that you can be a king."

"Me?" Trevor waves his left forehead to reject, "A king? That's ridiculous."

Bell suggests, " How about you fake accepting the offer?" the yellow caribou walks closer to him and wraps her forehooves around his neck, "That can make you feel better."

" I can't do that," Trevor turns to the yellow caribou and sees that Bell is closer than he thinks. The brown caribou looks at her in confusion, "Eh... why is your face so ... weird?"

"Oh, you like my face?" Bell leans closer to him, "I hope you like it ~"

Trevor puts his hoof under her left eye, "No... I mean your face has something black under your eyes," Bell stares at him in confusion, then she bashes his head and goes out of the room with a blushed face, leaving Trevor lying on the bed. Trevor stands up and rubs his head as Sabrina is looking at him with an unbelief look. "What?" asks Trevor as the changeling just shakes her head and walks away from his room. The caribou rubs his head, "What did I say wrong?"

Ox leads Eldaro to the range training room. Inside the room, there are many creatures practicing shooting bows and crossbows. The old man asks for the king's crossbow. Ox takes out the crossbow and gives it to the human. When Eldaro is analyzing the crossbow, Silver and Sabrina are walking inside the room with Trevor. The caribou is still wondering why Bell is angry.

Eldaro turns to them and asks, "Hey Sabrina, can you show us what to do with this weapon?"

"Sure," Sabrina is attracting the clip to the crossbow and gives it to Ox. The minotaur looks at it for a while, then aims at the bullseyes. When Ox just pulls the trigger, many arrows are shot from the crossbow, causing the minotaur to be surprised and then drop the crossbow. Sabrina picks the crossbow, "That's not surprising."

"But it's a surprise for me," Ox stands up, "Dainn can actually craft this thing. Now, I know why he has the confidence to invade Equestria."

"That not the only one," The old man takes out the musket and gives it to Silver, "Can you show anyone how to use it?" Silver nods and she starts to reload the musket. After a while, the eagle aims with the musket and pulls the trigger. The loud sound from the musket makes the room pay attention to them as Silver puts it down. Eldaro sighs, "This is not simple,"

" All of us saw that," Trevor folds his arm, "But I see that the ... long thing needs a lot of time to reload."

"You see right," Eldaro takes the musket, "But they can fire at long range, and if they need time to reload, the crossbow will buy time for them."

"I see," Ox rubs her chin, Anyway, what will you do with Agrou?"

Eldaro turns to others, "Honestly, I will plan to take control of that city first,"

Trevor is surprised while Ox is grinning about this. The caribou retorts, "But that city is heavily guarded. It's hard to take down that city."

"If not impossible to take down that city," Eldaro points at the caribou, "That will be your choice."

Trevor looks away from the old man, "I'm not sure. How about we have a meeting?"

"Good idea," Eldaro walks out of the room, "You guys just stay here. I will prepare for a while," then the old man walks out of the room with the caribou

Sabrina and Silver are walking in the hall as they don't know what to do now after training. They have asked the armory room to craft something similar but it can be used for each creature. When the duo is walking around, they see Bell checking the slaves and the soldiers are waiting for her to carry them to their home. After a while, the soldiers start leading the slaves to their homes while Bell is sitting down and breathing heavily.

Sabrina walks to her, "Wow, you work too much, right?"

"After being shot down again, I want to work to forget that moment," Bell turns to the changeling, "You saw all, right?"

"Yeah," Sabrina sighs, "I admit that Eldaro and Trevor are very good at one thing, shooting down women... or female."

"Wow, I wonder how many female creatures humans have shot down?" Bell stands up, "I... don't be curious."

"You are curious, don't lie." Sabrina smiles while Bell turns away. The changeling sighs, "Anyway, I don't know if he wants to shoot down or not, but any woman... eh... females I have introduced, then end up being his friends." Sabrina shakes her head, "Not stepping one more."

"You got the point," Bell stretches her body, "Anyway, wanna go to the bar? My treat."

Sabrina turns to the caribou, "You got a bar in this underground base?"

"You didn't see all," Bell walks out the room, "Follow me," Sabrina follows the caribou to see if she says right.

The caribou leads the changeling and the eagle to a door. The duo looks at each other as they are not sure about this. Bell opens the door and goes inside with the duo. Inside the door, they see a market with many creatures wandering, talking, or sleeping on the ground. The yellow caribou turns to the duo, "How about we take a tour around here?"

"Honestly, I'm amazed what you did here," Silver looks around, " Now, I know how you can have food to feed the soldiers, but how can you build this type of town underground like this? "

Bell pats her back, "I will show you," Sabrina and Eagle follow the caribou to take a tour from Bell. This can be fun.

The Seer

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Sabrina and Silver walk with Bell's lead and look around the underground town. When the duo is walking, many creatures look at them with a suspicious look. The changeling sighs as she keeps wandering without caring of them. Bell explains, "This town was built when the slaves don't have any place to return."

"So... bet that you and Trevor built this place, right?" Sabrina looks at them, "And why are they looking at us?"

"Nah, we couldn't have those without any slaves that want to build this place," The caribou looks up, "Honestly, some of us want to go up the ground to look the blue sky," Bell laughs a little bit but then she stops, "Anyway, everyone here looks at you because you are the changeling. The changelings are not so... sociality to others. Plus, they tend to suck their love to increase their magic for a while."

"I see," Sabrina looks at her boomerang, "I thought I have to use this thing. Silly me."

"Don't do this," Bell points at the boomerang, "And that is a weird weapon anyway. It's like a blade but has a 'V' shape." Bell continues to walk and sees the bar, "Oh hey, we're here."

"I don't want you to be drunk and say anything inside out loud," teases Sabrina as she wraps her hoof around Bell and whispers, "You know, about you and Trevor."

Bell blushes and pushes the changeling away, then she goes inside the bar and huffs. Silver looks at the changeling and smiles, "You should keep your mouth shut at the right time."

"Meh," Sabrina starts to go inside, "Let's have a drink, shall we?" Silver rolls her eyes and follows Sabrina to the bar.

The old human is walking into the room with familiar faces. As they are sitting down, Eldaro pulls out the map and unrolls it on the table. All of them look at the map and see that it is Agrou city, then they look at the human as Eldaro sits down and sighs.

The white griffin looks at the map, then turns to the human and he asks, "Why are you bringing the map here?"

"Because I want to control this city," Eldaro sits down, "You know, if we control this city, we can take him down."

"That's crazy," The pegasus slams the table and stands up, "Why don't we choose Aden or Arga? They are weak in defense." then the pegasus facehoofs, "Oh wait, we can't even do this."

"You got me, Star Wing," Gate points the claws at the base, "The thing is... We don't have enough soldiers to take down the weakest city." Eldaro shakes his head as the pegasus turns to him, "What?"

"I don't say that we will attack Aden now," Eldaro points at Agrou, "Here the thing, why we should take Arga when this is covered in snow?"

Gate shakes his head, "You mean if we take control of Aden, we can take down the king, right?" Eldaro just sips the tea as the griffin continues, "Then, Amber is the good place to take. I mean, this place has mountains and is near the capital. If we can control this city, the king will be in dangerous,"

"I take that point," Eldaro puts the black pawn on the city, "But that will work when we have a lot of soldiers like one hundred thousand, not one thousand."

Ox rubs her head, "So, do you have a spell to counter the mind-controlling spell? I assume that you have one."

"Yes," Eldaro turns to the caribou, "It's up to you, Trevor," All of them turn to the caribou as he is feeling nervous. The caribou wants to get out of this meeting but Eldaro adds, "You know the deal between two of us. This is the time you answer,"

The human sips a little as Trevor glares at the old man. After a while, all of them still look at him. When Gate is going to ask him about the deal, Trevor slams the table and answers, "Fine. I accept."

"Good thing," Eldaro grins, "I like to know if you are tough or soft," then he pulls out the paper and tosses it to the caribou. The old man smiles, "Sign this and we will accept this deal."

The caribou grabs the feather pen, then signs to the paper, and tosses it back to Eldaro. The old man takes it and looks at the signature. Gate is confused and asks the old man, "What is the deal between you two?"

"I think I should keep it secret until the end of the war," Eldaro folds his arms, "I'm sure that you will be surprised."

"I think I can do this," Gate puts the claws down, "Okay, what will we do to take control of this city?

"Oh right, I just ask all of you a question," Eldaro is pouring the tea, "If you choose this way, you can't ever go back to the start. Or we are successful to win this war or die trying,"

All of them are silent when they hear this sentence. Trevor is putting his forehooves under his chin to think while the others are looking at each other. Trevor slams the table and answers, "We will fight," Edlaro smiles while the others look at the caribou. Trevor continues, "We will fight to dethrone this tyrant king."

"Are you sure about this," Gate is rubbing his chin, "I mean, our soldiers are not equal 1/10 of Dainn's soldiers. How can you be sure we can win?"

"That's why I have to try," Trevor sighs, "I have enough to live like this, cowardly from the king," then he stands up, " Look, who doesn't want to fight, you can get out. I don't force you."

The creatures look at each other and nod, then they turn to the caribou as Ox says, "honestly, we wait for you to say that thing. Trevor is surprised as the minotaur turns to the human, " So, what is your plan?"

"Oh right," Eldaro smiles, "I will explain."

Sabrina and Silver are drinking a little while the yellow caribou is drinking quite much. The duo looks at each other and worries about her. Sabrina asks the bartender to give them more cocktails and water, then she gives the water to Bells.

The yellow caribou takes the water and drinks it, "I feel so good."

Silver takes the cup,"Is that what you will do after work?"

"Maybe," Bell drinks the water, "Now I feel so good."

Sabrina and Silver just order some mocktails to avoid being drunk. When they are enjoying themselves, Silver turns around to have a rest and sees a suspicious white figure is sitting there watching them. Silver returns to the table and says, "I feel someone is watching us."

"Do you feel the same?" Sabrina puts the cup down, "Let's catch her,"

The white figure stands up and goes outside. Sabrina and Silver put some bits on the table and go out to follow the figure. The duo keeps following the figure until the figure turns right to an alley. When they turn around, the figure stops and asks, "Could you stop following me? I am feeling annoyed."

"Since when you know that?" Sabrina grabs her boomerang as Silver is still watching. The changeling asks, "You are not normal, aren't you?"

The white figure turns to them and reveals that a white Abyssian, "and you too, human being," Sabrina glares at her while the Abyssian smiles, "My name is Snow. Nice to meet you, Sabrina and Silver,"

"Stop using your past reading spell," Silver points the wing at Snow, "Amelia and Diana used this spell a lot, so I know what are you using,"

Snow grins, "Ah... unfortunately, I don't know who they are," Silver puts down her wing as the Abyssian looks at her, " Anyway, what do you want from me?"

"Why are you here?" Sabrina plugs the boomerang on the ground, " You look like a spy of Dainn,"

"Dainn will never use a female for spying," Snow sits down, "I am just a seer,"

"What kind of seer is reading someone's past?" Sabrina leans on the boomerang, "are you lying?"

Snow smiles, "Some proofs will be fine, right?" Sabrina nods as the Abyssian points at her, " Thirty seconds later, you will be splatted by mud."

Sabrina laughs at that while Silver is using her clock to count the time. Thirty seconds later, a cart passes the alley and splats the mud at the changeling, causing her to be covered in mud. The eagle is laughing as the changeling glares at her, "Hey, not funny," but the eagle still laughing

Snow points at Silver, "You will become a chicken in 1 minutes,"

Silver gives her a smirk, "Come on, how can I be a chicken. I will sit here and wait," when the eagle is sitting, she feels something sticky on her butt. Looking down, the eagle sees that it is glue. When Silver is trying to struggle out of the glue, many pillows are flying into her, causing smoke at Silver's spot. The smoke is fading and reveals the eagle but in a chicken costume. Sabrina laughs at that while the eagle shakes them off. Silver sighs, "Fine, I believe in you."

Snow stands up, "anyway, can I ask where is Ponyville? I lost here," the changeling gives her a map as the white Abyssian takes it and smiles, "Thanks, I will give you a future sight,"

Sabrina asks, " All right, can we know how long we will come back home?"

The seer answers, "After this war, except the old human," then she starts walking away from the duo and smiles, "you two got an interesting creature,"

"What do you mean..." the changeling turns to the seer but she is gone. Sabrina huffs as she goes back to the bar but she sees Bell is coming to them. The duo just goes back to their room.

Eldaro discussed with other about his plan. He wanted to have spies to come inside the cities to rescue some slaves and recuits some soldiers. At first, Gate and Star Sky disagreed this plan because they worried about that spies will spill the bean after being affected by the mind-controlling spell. Eldaro tolds that he would uses a couple, or a married couple to do this plan and he would train them into their spies. He also pulled out the metal bar that have mind-controlling spell and the paper that have counter spell, then he explained them.

After trying to persuade them, all of them agreed to this plan as they wanted to have an escape plan if this mission failed. Eldaro agreed and everyone in the room disbanded the meeting.

Now, Eldaro is walking to his room and takes a nap. After an hour, he opens his eyes and sees the white coat figure staring at him. The old man quickly kicks the figure, then takes out the gun immediately and aims it at the figure, then he demands, "Who are you?"

"Why are you rude to the female creature?" The white figure stands up, takes out her coat and reveals herself, "Don't point that thing to me. That's dangerous."

"Not after you answer my question," Eldaro keeps aiming at white Abyssian, "Who are you?"

The white Abyssian sits down and introduces, "I'm Snow. I am just a normal Abyssian."

"Liar," Eldaro aims at her head, "No normal creature can come here easily."

Snow giggles, "all right. I'm a seer so I can come here. Can you lower that thing,please?" Eldaro looks at her for a while, then he lowers the gun and sits down. Snow smiles, "Sorry for disturbing you. You seem easy to trust the stranger, don't you?"

"Can you go out, please?" Eldaro points at the door, "I have quite a headache."

"Oh ~," Snow lies down, "I know your plan in that meeting," Eldaro tries to take back the gun but it is levitated to the Abyssian. The seer giggles and continues, "I will give you a hint. You should recruit Gaze the griffin and Taco the Abyssian. They will give you the successful of your plan."

Eldaro glares at the Abyssian, "How can I trust you?"

"Because I am the seer, you just need to know that," Snow throws the gun back to the old man, "You are so interesting, human. We will meet in Ponyville soon," then Snow leaves the room. The old man sits down and thinks about what he will do next.

Spy recuiting and spell testing

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Sabrina wakes up because she can't sleep tonight. Eldaro had talked to her about spy training tomorrow. The changeling decides to go outside to relax. When they are just going outside of the underground city, she sees Ox is setting traps around the base.

The changeling feels weird and asks, "What are you doing here? I thought you would sleep."

Ox turns to her, "oh, the changeling that always walk with the human," the blue minotaur rubs her head, "Sorry, I don't think we introduce each other yet,"

"My name is Sabrina," The changeling sits down, " Please remember that, Ox."

"Sorry," the minotaur finishes to set the traps, "I'm kind of easy to forget.'

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" Sabrina takes a rag and starts cleaning her boomerang, " I thought you were asleep."

Ox sighs, "Actually, I haven't slept for 40 years," Sabrina stops her cleaning and turns to the minotaur. Ox waves her hands, " What? I'm not lying. You can ask my soldiers to confirm that."

"Then how the hell are you even alive and talking to me?" Sabrina shakes her body, "are you... a ghost?"

"Hey, that's rude," Ox boops the changeling's nose, "There, a ghost doesn't even do physics, right?"

"If you can't sleep, where did you get your stamina to do things?" Retorts Sabrina, "I am doubting that you are a golem right now."

"I am not a GOLEM," yells Ox as the blue minotaur sits down, "Since I was young, I can't even sleep for a second. About the stamina...," Ox rubs her head, "I don't know actually, because I always feel good even when I don't sleep."

"Wow," Sabrina grins, "bet that your future lover will be sad when he discovers this superpower,"

Ox retorts, "That's not superpower. That's a curse."

"Alright, alright," Sabrina walks on the mountain and sees Agrou city is still light. The creatures inside are still working. Sabrina huffs, "What a beautiful city!"

"Shame that the city is covered by lust and fluid," Ox steps beside the changeling, "and I see a changeling can't do the shapeshifting spell."

"Look like you are smarter than you look," Sabrina smiles, "Tomorrow, I will train the spy."

Ox folds her arms and leans on the tree, "And how can you be sure that the 'anti mind-controlling' spell will work? It's made off rune spell and stuff, not even the most magic advanced country like Equestria can do that?"

"If you don't believe that, you can send a soldier and try ," Sabrina gives her a smirk, "this spell made by Black Mage, so I don't think it will fail."

"Who is Black Mage?" Ox tilts her head, "Is that a unicorn?"

"More than you think," Sabrina starts walking inside as the blue minotaur is confused.

Many couples are standing in a large area. The soldiers surround the area to guard them and give them food and water to wait. The old man goes out of the room and yawns to make him more conscious. He is shocked when seeing around 50 couples sitting here as Trevor is checking them.

Eldaro walks to Trevor and asks, "why are there so many?"

"I don't know," the caribou points at the board, "I just write something on the board and many creatures come here to try."

Eldaro looks at the board and sees it is written in a text, 'need a couple to do a mission'. The Old man pokes to the board, "why did you do this board? It will recruit the wrong type of spy."

"But that is the fastest way to bring volunteers," Trevor points at couples, " not everyone will do this type of mission, right?"

"Oh really," Eldaro stepped on the stage to announce everyone. When he is stepping on the stage, many creatures pay attention to him and murmur about him. The old man coughs a little bit and everyone is silent. Eldaro starts to talk, "all right, everyone reads that board, right? I will introduce myself," then the old man sighs, "my name is Elder and I am the leader of this training project. I will answer your question first before telling you about this project."

Everyone looks at each other and they are not sure about this. One of them asks, "So, what will we train in this project,"

Eldaro answers, "you will train about agility, hiding identity, situation analysis and many things related to a spy," one of the guards brings him water as the old man drinks it, "anything else?"

Another griffin asks, "so, is this danger?"

"Danger than you think," Eldaro leans on the chair, "you will spy on the city of Atlas. If you fail, you will be nothing more but a sex toy of king Dainn." Everyone gulps as the old man continues, "and when you fail, you will face fate worse than death. That's all," Edlaro cracks his neck, "Oh, you are free to go if this mission will not fit you. No one forces you here."

Many creatures start to leave the area. Eldaro sighs in relief while Trevor walks to the old man and asks, "What are you doing? You are just scaring them off."

"Nothing, just telling the truth," Eldaro snaps his finger to order soldier a chair. When the guard puts the chair next to Eldaro, Trevor sits next to the old man. Eldaro continues, "This is recruiting spies, not recruiting soldiers. I need a fearless one."

"So..." Trevor looks back to the candidate and sees only 10 creatures are still there. The caribou announces, "Anyone who is not a couple. Please leave," no candidates are leaving. The caribou stands up, "all right, you all know that this is a way that you can't return. The last chance to turn back," again, no candidates leave. Eldaro nods as Trevor sighs, "All right, my guard will lead all of you to a room. Please follow him," the guards start leading the candidates to the room. Eldaro stands up and follows them while Trevor goes to the market to solve the problem there.

Ox drags Sabrina and a soldier comes to a place. When Sabrina asks why she is doing this but the minotaur ignores her. When they are go to an area, Ox releases them and turns back, then she points at the zone, "Here is the zone that under the mind - controlling spell,"

"How can you be sure about that?" Sabrina points at her , "Bet that you used to want to build there but you can't right."

"After many experiments of failed building," Ox shakes her head, "I drag you here to see if you can cast that spell or not."

"Oh," Sabrina raises her hoof, "Can you give me something like a necklace or ring? I will show that to you."

"Okay," Ox pulls out the ring from her finger and gives it to the changeling, "There, show me the spell."

"All right," Sabrina takes the ring by her left hoof and holds it tight, then she closes her eyes. Ox and her soldier are waiting to see what she is doing. Suddenly, a blue air is covered around the ring as the blue minotaur is surprised. After the blue aura fades, Sabrina gives it to the minotaur as she is confused. Looking at the ring, she sees that many weird symbols are printed on it. The changeling smiles, "wear it and go to the zone."

Ox gives it to the soldier. The soldier wears it and starts walking to the mind - controlling zone. After 15 minutes, the soldier is asked about his name, his girlfriend as he answers that he doesn't have any girlfriend. After one hour, Ox asks the same question to the soldier as the soldier answers the same. When Ox asks about his feelings, he just says he feels tired when staying in one place for a long time. Sabrina walks inside to take a chair.

After three hour, Ox asks the soldier again and receives the same result. Now, the minotaur believes the spell as Sabrina just walks away. Ox follows her, "You must introduce the mage for me. He will be useful for this."

"Nah, the mage is female," Sabrian turns to the minotaur, "and she is not the type to help everyone."

"I see," Ox smiles, "Anyway, can you do this to our soldiers? We got a lot of rings to do that."

"Then I need some place to enhance and rest. I am not invincible," Sabrina opens the door, "Just get as many rings as you can. I will enhance it without problem."

"Sure," Ox smiles, "You will have those in... I don't know, but I'm sure that it will be no more than three days."

"I'll wait," Sabrina heads to the market and stretches her body.

Outside the gate of Agrou city, there are many creatures lined up with some paper. They have to go through a secure room with some guards outside to go inside the city. "Paper, please," demands a blue caribou as a griffin shows his paper. Looks at the paper, he starts to ask, "What's reason you come here?"

"Trespassing," answers the griffin, "I just want to come to the capital to have a business with friends,"

The blue caribou looks at the papers, "Any slaves," the griffin gives him some papers. After checking the paper, the blue caribou pushes the green stamp, then gives them back, "Cause no trouble." The griffin smiles and he walks out of the room.

The blue caribou knocks the door to call the next one. This time is an brown unicorn with armor. The unicorn gives the caribou his paper as the blue caribou asks, "Can I know why you are here? I am doing good."

"Just checking, inspector Sky," the unicorn looked around, "You are doing good, right?"

"I'm working for this heaven kingdom and King Dainn," Sky presses the green stamp, "I have to do good because I have some slaves to take care of, general Ground Sword."

Sky gives him back the paper. The unicorn nods as he starts walking out. Sky knocks the door to call the next creature. When the door is opened, a black figure is coming inside. He starts feeling weird and starts to ask, "Paper, please," the black figure gives him a black paper. Sky opens the black paper and sees it has many symbols inside. The caribou looks closer and the symbols are shining. The blue caribou is going to throw it away but it is too late, the symbols go into the blue caribou forehead as Sky faints.

After a while, Sky wakes up and looks at his own hand, then he feels have a headache, "where am I?" The caribou looks around and remembers everything he did when he was being controlled. The raping, the killing of the female creature. Sky steps back and breathes heavily, "Wha...what have I done?" He looks at the black figure, "Who are you?"

The figure points at the paper as Sky starts working slowly and takes the paper to open it.

'Have you got a headache? Good. I need you to stay calm and focus. You are now the inspector of Agrou city that is ruled by king Dainn. He is the one who controls you all the time. Now, I need you to focus and help us to take down this tyrant king. If you don't help, we can't make the king pay what he did in the past.'

The blue caribou looks around the paper as he doesn't believe what he just read. He looks at the black figure and asks, "Who are you?" The figure takes the arm and gives him a silent sight. Sky sighs, "I... I don't know what to do now."

The black figure just silent for a while, then answers, "After work, go home and rest," The black figure raises the arm, "You will need a lot of rest. Now, give me that paper," Sky gives him as the black figure starts walking away, "We will meet again. Soon."

The blue caribou looks at his forehooves as he is not feeling so good. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Sky knocks the door to call the next creature. A caribou walks inside the door as Sky starts to ask, "Paper, please."

Spy test

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All of the candidates are walking into a room. They are all excited but also feel nervous for the training cause they don't know what they have to train. They sit down and wait for the trainer to come there. After 15 minutes, Silver comes inside the room and walks to the stage, cause the candidates pay attention to her.

The eagle starts introducing, "my name is Silver. I am your trainer," the candidates are silent as Silver gives them a smirk, "Congratulation, you are proved that you are not afraid of death. Can I ask why you want to be here?"

The candidates turn at each other, then one of them answer, "I want to be here to take revenge the king,"

"Then you can go out now," Silver points at the door, "I don't want an assassin, I want a spy."

"I see," the griffin grumbles as he turns away. The griffin continues, "What is different about the assassin and the spy anyway?"

"Are you kidding me?" Silver glares at him, "They have different main roles. How can you make a mistake like that?" The griffin huffs as he just turns away, "Anyway, who are you in here?"

"The name is Gaze," The blue griffin points his blue talon at him, "and this is the only way to get near the king,"

Silver sighs, "Fine. But remember, I will build you into a spy, not an assassin. I will take care of you,"

"Fair enough,"

The griffin turns away from the eagle. SIlver shakes her head as she takes the list, then she looks at the candidates, "All right, everyone wants to know why we are in the big room?" All of them shake their head. The eagle answers, "Well, we will train physically from now," One of them is going to retort but Silver throws a sword near him, making all of the candidates fearful. Silver grins, "Welcome to hell, kid. Now, we will starts with running 100 rounds around this room,"

The eagle whistles. After a while, many soldiers hold the crossbow and aim at them, making the candidates terrified. Gaze yells at Silver, "Are you going to kill us?"

"Kill you?" Silver throws the arrow at Gaze. The blue griffin feels something on his claw. He looks down and sees that the arrow is electrocuting him. Silver folds her wings, "those arrows won't kill you, but give you pain. Now, let's get going or you will suffer like him," All of the candidates start running immediately.

Sabrina is flapping her wings to fly with the watching of Ox. The changeling is flapping too hard, then she falls down on the ground. Ox helps her up and shakes her head. The changeling glares at the minotaur, "Why are you shaking the head like that?"

"Seriously, I never encountered a changeling that can't fly before," Ox sits down, "How can I train you to fly while I am not a flying species."

"But you see a griffin flapping his wings, right?" retorts the changeling, "So, you can teach me."

"Griffin wings and changeling wings are different," Ox folds her arms, "Why don't you drag a flying creature to train you instead of me?"

"Fair enough," Sabrina stands up, "Anyway, where is Eldaro? I haven't seen him since the meeting."

"Oh," Ox looks at the roof, "He said that he is going to Agrou for a while, and he didn't say anything to me,"

"Bet that he is going to work with their inspector," Sabrina cracks her neck and sits down, "To do this plan, we have to make the city into chaos."

"But that will make many creatures die," Ox takes the bottle, "I know this is war but making innocent creatures involved in this thing... I honestly don't know."

"Honestly, that's the best way I can do to reach our goal," Sabrina sighs, "You are a soldier anyway, why are you asking this question?"

"Well, you're right. I just lost myself a little, sorry," Ox sits next to the changeling and is going to say something. Suddenly, Eldaro comes inside the door and takes a rest as the minotaur turns to him, "oh hi, spy training is going in so we can train them,"

Eldaro nods, "I suppose that's good. Anyway, ..." Eldaro looks at the map and points at the center of the city, "We need some air force to take information from above, but I don't know how to make the cloud flowing naturally."

"Naturally?" Ox rubs her head, "Oh, you remind me of this. Dainn never takes any pegasus to control the cloud,"

Eldaro asks, "And you are not command from the sky, aren't you?" Ox shakes his head as the old man sighs, "All right, I will have a talk with Gate."

Ox stands up, "Careful, he is quite... uh... strict like you?" Eldaro folds his arm as the minotaur grins, "Some soldiers report that there are some carts going through here. I have to steal them, see ya," then Ox goes away

Eldaro turns to the changeling, "How's your training? Eating a lot of dust?"

"You don't have to say," Sabrina rolls her eyes, "The thing is... how long do we have to wait here?"

"One month or more," Eldaro points at the frozen land on the map, "But first, I will see if this city has potential or not."

"You mean Arkala? The city is covered by snow?" Sabrina huffs, "Look, this city is not even focused on development. From the soldier's report, Dainn is going to abandon that city."

"I don't know, but don't you think the topographic is... really good, don't you think?" Eldaro points at the mountain, then circles around it, "water, the traffic is really good for transport. About snow, we can use pegasi to melt them."

"I see," Sabrina takes a bottle of wine, "You already know all the abilities of the creatures? And pegasi don’t have that ability."

"Ox provided me with all of the creatures’ ability, don’t worry" Eldaro rubs his head, "I wonder how I can see all of them... wait, silly me. They are living together."

"Yeah," Sabrina sighs, "I wonder how your inspector is."

"Fate will know," Eldaro sips a little water, "but right now he will have to face a challenge."

Sky is heading to his home, at least that what he was calling. When the blue caribou arrives to a house with two floors, the female caribou and a unicorn mare with a butter cutie mark that lost her horn stands in front of his house. Sky is confused why they are looking at him very horny.

The mare greets him, "Hello master ~, welcome home,"

"Thanks," Sky rubs his head and walks inside his home, "Eh ... Butter Cutter, right?" The mare nods as Sky asks, "Why have you lost your horn?"

"Don't you remember?" Butter walks closer to him and puts her hoof on his forehead, "You cut my horn for being a bad slave,"

"What!?" Sky steps backward and sits down on the sofa, "I...I did?"

"Yes," Butter giggles and shows him the collar, "But I don't mind because you bought me in a market. It just a slave duty."

Sky breathes heavily and smacks his head. He wishes this is just a dream. When he shakes his head and looks at the unicorn, he doesn't believe what he is doing. The blue caribou slams the table, then leans on the sofa and sighs in frustration. The caribou sits next to him and asks, "What's wrong with you? You got something bad today?"

"Nothing," Sky checks the female caribou and sees that her forehead has some magic circle . The caribou turns away and sighs, "Leave me alone, please. I have a lot of things to think about."

The girls nod and they go out of the room. The caribou pours some wine and relax. When he is relaxing, a knock on the door interrupts him. Sky opens the door and sees the familiar brown unicorn is standing in front of the door.

Sky invites him inside but the unicorn denies. He also asks, "So, did you handle those slaves well?"

Sky is silent for a while, then he answers, "yeah, I'm good."

"What's wrong with you?" Ground Sword walks closer to the caribou, "are you tired?"

"A little," Sky shakes his head, " I had to deal with many things today. So... I need a rest."

"Rest well," Ground Sword starts to leave, " I'm here just for checking. Goodbye, inspector,"

"See ya," Sky smiles and walks inside his house.

"Come on," yells Eagle as she is looking at the candidates still running until they reach the final lap. Eagle smiles, " Look like no one is going to give up,"

The Abyssian has three- coloured fur points at the blue griffin and retorts, " If this weak griffin is not giving up. Why should we?"

Silver turns to the pointing and sees Gaze is still running the final lap, despite his breathing. Once he finished, he lay down and breathed. Silver gives him a bottle of water, "you are weaker than I thought."

"Doesn't mean I give up," Gaze starts drinking water, "I won't miss this chance,"

Silver looks at him for a while, then walks to the stage and announces, "All right, you got 30 minutes to rest, then we will have the next stage."

Everyone around is confused as the eagle walks to the guard and whispers about something. The guard nods and runs outside of the room to prepare for the next stage of training.

After 30 minutes, Silver claps her wings and the floors are shining, then many obstacles are rising up. Silver starts to announces, "The next stage is go through these obstacle as fast as you can,"

Gaze looks at it, then turns to the eagle, "Hey, that's too easy. Anyone can do that,"

Silver gives him a smirk, "First, you are the last one to finish the first stage," Gaze is embarrassed while others giggle. Silver continues, "Second, if this is easy, then you're wrong," the eagle turns to a guard with two big shields and nods. The guard throws the big shield to the zone, the arrow is fire at the shield immediately. The candidates look at each other and murmuring while Silver grins and points at the red flag, "Let see if you can pass this. Do everything to get that red flag, except killing each other."

"Everything?" The three-coloured Abyssian looks at him, "You mean even slow us down,"

"Slowly, harming each other, working together or anything else. Like I said, I don't care, except killing and getting that flag." Silver spreads her wings, "What's your name, Abyssian? You are quite interesting."

"My name is Taco, madam," The Abyssian looks at her fur, "I'm quite... have an abnormal fur,"

"That fur is common for cats," Silver grins as the Abyssian turns at the eagle, "I will be surprised if you are a male, but I don't care, kitty. Now, let's get starting," Silver flaps her wings and flies high as the candidates have to pass this.

Spy test (2)

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All of the candidates are hiding behind a wall due to the fire rate of Silver's soldiers. When Gaze is trying to take a peek to see the situation, he receives an arrow into his head, gets electrocuted and lies on the floor. "The idiot down," yells Taco as the other just giggles.

Gaze pulls out the arrow and glares at the the Abyssian, "Hey, I am not an idiot,"

"Yes, you are," Taco pats his head, "You should be careful next time,"

"Oh yeah," Gaze puts his face closer to Taco, "How about you go there to fight?"

"Well," Taco points at the arrows that are flying too much, "I'm not sure about this. We don't have a helmet to cover ourselves," then she pushes the griffin away, "And that's too close."

Suddenly, a black pegasus jumps toward the wall, but he is immediately impaled by the arrows and falls down. Another unicorn levitates the shield and goes to the fallen candidate to drag him back. Everyone around pull of the arrows out of his body. The pegasus groans and asks, "Why do you save me? We are enemy, you know."

"First, we are in the test, not in battlefield," retorts the gray unicorn, "Second, they said that we can do anything, except the killing,"

"I see," The black pegasus stands up, "Maybe I focus too much about the passing,"

Taco takes a mirror and gives it to the gray unicorn, "Can you levitate it for a few seconds? I don't know how our soldier can have a lot of arrows to shoot us,"

The gray unicorn nods and levitates the mirror for a little high. It shows many magic circles spinning and shooting lightning arrows toward them. The arrows go through the mirror and break it. The gray unicorn reports, "I saw many magic circles are shooting arrows. How can we pass this?"

"What!?" The black pegasus jumps on the unicorn as he takes another arrow into his forehead. Taco pulls it out as the pegasus stands up, "Okay, this is ridiculous. Not even Equestria have this kind of spell,"

Taco turns to the eagle and glares at her, then she turns back to the group, "I think our 'coach' does this spell," Everyone around looks at the eagle in surprise, then looks back to Taco, "Thinks about it. This camp doesn't have any mage, and like this... eh.... I don't know your name sorry... " The black pegasus rolls his eyes as Taco continues, "Anyway, Equestria doesn't have this spell, so I bet that this is her doing."

"What will we do?" Gaze looks at the shield, "We only have this shield."

Taco rubs her head as she is thinking about something. Silver looks at the candidates as they are discussing something. The eagle is hoping that they have a plan for this. When Silver is enjoying the scene, a white griffin comes to the eagle and looks at the candidate.

The white griffin shakes his head, "What kind of this spell? Look like a rapidly crossbow of Dainn's soldier,"

"Honestly, I am going to use this for defense," explains Silver, "I hope you don't mind, Gate"

"No, not at all. I will be happy if you make this thing deadlier," Gate turns to him, "Can I ask what your species is? I have touched your wings and finds that it is made of metal,"

Silver sighs, "Just call me as a golem," Gate just turns to the candidate while Silver grins. "Surprised!?"

"A lot," Gate nods. "I thought a golem doesn't have emotion, but you seem like a living creature."

Silver huffs, "I rather watch these candidates suffer than talk to you."

"I won't disturb you," Gate turns away and walks outside, "good luck."

Silver looks at the white griffin goes out of the room, then she turns back to the candidates to see what they will do. The eagle sees the unicorn is levitating the shield while Taco and Gaze follow the unicorn to pull of red flags. Silver rolls her eyes and starts regretting throwing the shield there. The magic circles are disappeared as the candidates are standing up.

Silver flies down to the candidate and smiles, "Congrats, you passed the first round,"

Gaze glares at the eagle, "Hey, why did you pull that spell like that? Someone is going to die, you know,"

Silver rolls her eyes and ignores the blue griffin, "All right, everyone. Take a rest. Tomorrow we will have another lesson about being a spy." All of them just turn away and go out of the room, except the blue griffin, he is still glaring at her. Silver teases, "Look, I am not pretty enough to catch your attractiveness."

"Meh," Gaze stands up. "I will take revenge for this. Remember that."

"I will wait," Silver kicks the griffin out of the room. "Now get out of here, chicken. I don't want to see you right now."

Gaze looks back at the room and rubs his back, then he stands up and sees Taco is leaning against the wall and folds her paws. The Abyssian shakes her head, "Bet that you forget our room, right?" Gaze turns away from her as the Abyssian sighs, "Follow me. I can lead you to our room,"

Sabrina is walking to the training room to train some more technique and get used to this body. When she just enters the room, she sees many soldiers are lying on the ground with many bruises. The changeling turns around and sees the old brown pegasus are training the soldiers as the soldiers are terrifying to the old mare.

When Aria throws a minotaur away, she sees Sabrina is standing there and watching her. The old mare asks, "What are you doing here? I'm training the soldiers."

A voice from outside yells, "Training?" Trevor is walking inside and looks at the old mare, "You cause a lot of soldiers to go to the medical room."

"Training must be like that," Aria spins the halberd. "What do you expect? A nice and easy training?"

"But that's a lot," retorts Trevor as the soldiers nod. The caribou turns at his soldier, "Anyway, can you decrease the level of training? Some of my soldiers are having nightmares."

"Oh, that's good news," Aria slams the halberd on the ground, "I am going to increase the level of training, not decrease it. Sorry." The old mare points at the caribou, "and I heard that you also have training."

"What!?" Trevor jumps back, "Me?" Sabrina just drags the caribou out of the training room. Trevor stands up and yells, "Hey, why did you do that?"

"To save you," Sabrina sighs, "Last time I said exactly like you, and ... she threw the halberd near me." The changeling points at the crack on the wall to show the proof.

"Wow," Trevor turns to the old mare, "I shouldn't underestimate this old... is she old?"

"She is. Just look at her. Anyway ..." Sabrina coughs, "Let's head to another room, shall we? We got another training for you." Trevor is going to retort but Sabrina takes out the contract and gives it to him. The caribou reads it carefully, then throws it to the ground. The changeling shakes her head, "You won't get away, Eldaro has put you into the cage already."

"Geez," Trevor looks at the changeling, "But you also can't teach me, right?"

Aria walks to the duo, "She won't teach you, but I am." Aria points at herself, "I have worked for Celestia for over 100 years, so I may know how to teach you."

"Sorry, I have a ... meeting," Trevor is going to run away but Aria throws the halberd in front of the caribou, making him gulp. "Hey... that... dangerous."

"Sorry," Aria waves her right front hoof. "My hoof is slipping, so I dropped my halberd."

Trevor sighs, "Fine. But can you let Bell join this classroom,"

"Oh ~" Sabrina runs away. "I will get her." Then she runs away to Bell's room.

Dainn is reading the economy report and sees that the money his country gets is going down. Dainn sighs in annoyance when he sees many merchants will retreat out of his country because of bandits. The caribou throws the paper away and stands up to walk to the toture room.

When he walks to the toture room, he sees the scaled griffin is whipping a female griffin as she is suspended from the roof. The female griffin fainted due to the pain. Dark Razor throws the whip away and sees the familiar caribou. The scaled griffin smiles, "Your majesty. You come here to get some bitches?"

"No," The caribou rubs his chin. "I suppose our economy is going down. Many merchants will retreat out of our country because they are scared of bandits."

"I see," Dark Razor turns around and sees the cart, then he gets an idea and shares it to Dainn. "Your majesty, I have an idea." Dainn nods and the griffin continues, "we will take a slave into the cart. When they steal them, we will know their base."

"Hey, that's a good idea," Dainn looks around the room to find some slaves, all of them are being bounded. The caribou smiles, "You need a clean slave, without bruise or scars, right?"

"Yes, your majesty... That's right," Dark Razor sits down. "I will take a soldier to disguise as a merchant and transport some clean slaves to there. He will pretends to transport the slave from outside. One of the spies will blend into them to make them confused."

Dainn smiles, "And you will choose the easiest way to bait those bandits?" The griffin nods as Dainn laughs, "Now that is the thing. When will you do that?"

"Right now," Dark Razor bows. "I need to be quick."

"I see," Dainn turns to his soldiers. "Prepare yourself, we will catch these bandits." The soldiers nod and they follow the scaled griffin to take down the bandits."

Eldaro is looking at the map and doing exercise to keep him healthy. A knock on the door interrupts him. "Come in," he says as the blue minotaur walks inside the room. Eldaro looks at the minotaur, "Bet that is another victory, right?"

"I admit that it is quite hard to steal those carts," Ox sits down. "Anyway, what will you do with Degan? He just gives a little information about Agrou city."

"I will meet him once," Eldaro sighs in relief, "I bet that is not all of the information. You told me about the griffin warrior's pride, so I bet that only me can make him spill the beans."

"You're got it right," Ox lies on the bed. "Anyway, how long will we go to war?"

"You nervous?" Eldaro is dismantling his pistol. "It is rare for you."

"Meh, I just want to kill all of them," Ox stands up. "Honestly, that old mare you got here is very strong. I bet that many nations want her a lot, but... you know, she is torturing our soldiers."

"Let her train," Eldaro takes the map. "We don't have many soldiers to go to this war, at least let the quality work against quantity."

A knock on the door interrupts them, then a soldier come inside and reports, "Ox, there is two carts of slaves are transporting to Aden."

Ox walks to the door immediately, "Hey, that is an easy one. I will steal it." When she is going to prepare to the battle, Eldaro pulls her back to the room as the minotaur glares at him, "Hey, I can steal it easily."

"Uh huh," Eldaro points at the minotaur. "Can you take Silver with you and let her check the slaves?"

"What for?" retorts Ox. "It will be an easy one."

Eldaro sighs, "Take Silver with you and let that eagle checks the slave. Tell her to check them in magic. That's all."

Ox rolls her eyes, "Fine. I will talk to her."

The blue minotaur huffs and runs to the training room with her soldiers. Eldaro looks at the map as he smiles, "How predictable! I bet this one is not a normal one." He puts the map down and goes out to have a drink at the bar.

Training and testing

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Ox just raided the cart in the night. She admits that this one is too easy for them when they just come there and get those while the guards are just running away when her soldiers come there. Ox is collecting the foods, weapons and slaves while Silver just wait there.

Ox comes to the eagle with the slaves are lining up, "All right, you can check."

"Fine," Silver stands up. "Everyone, walk one by one. I promise that I won't hurt you."

The slaves nod and step near the eagle. Silver puts her beak to their forehead to check them. First slave is fine, and another , another. When she checks the last slave, she sees a magic circle. The eagle puts her left wings to the slave's forehead and cast a spell to disables it, then she takes it off to see what kind of spell is it.

Ox collects the foods and weapons done. She walks out of the base to see what Silver is doing. When she meets Silver, she asks, "Hey, is there anything happening?"

"Just a tracking spell," Silver spins the magic circle. "At least I have been taught to make this thing touch physically."

Ox gives her a smug, "... Bet that the Black Mage taught you right?" Silver glares at her as the minotaur walks away, "Just a guess."

"Fine," Silver stands up and turns to the soldiers. "I'm done checking, you guy can retrive these slaves to somewhere." The soldiers lead the slaves to the safe place. Silver goes to the bedroom to think about the spy test for the candidates.

Bell is opening the door and waits inside a room. The yellow caribou is not sure about it when she hears that Trevor wants to invite her to training together. After waiting for a while, Aria and Sabrina walks into the room

The female sighs, "Why must I join this classroom? I thought this was for Trevor."

Sabrina teases, "Well, you know the reason." Bell blushes and turns away. The changeling asks, "Trevor will come later. Anyway, why do you like him?"

Before Bell can answer, Trevor walks into the room as the female caribou wraps her front hooves around her mouth. The brown caribou uses his antler to levitate the notebook and feather pen. Sabrina whispers to the old mare, "I didn't know the caribou could do that."

"Only the male," says Aria. "Because they have antlers."

Sabrina steps back, "Wow, sounds unfair with the female, right?"

Trevor notices Sabrina and Aria are whispering about something. The caribou coughs as the duo turns back to the caribou. Trevor sighs, "Look, if you want to teach me, at least you have to be serious."

"Nah," Aria shakes her head. "Anyway, can we ask you an outside question?"

"Sure," Trevor puts his left front hoof on his cheek. "Go ahead."

"What is your feeling about Bell?" Sabrina smiles as Bell blushes. "Just answer honestly. No one knows."

"Oh, about that," the brown caribou rubs his chin. "She is my best friend." Bell is holding her chest as the brown caribou continues, "Honestly, I just don't know why she always comes to my room. But nevermind, I just think she doesn't have enough sleep." The female caribou breathes heavily as the changeling knows that she is dying. She gives the sign to stop but Trevor continues, "Silly that she always wants to work too much."

Aria waves her front hoof, "So a friend? nothing more."

Trevor shakes his head as Bell smashes her face into the chair. Trevor turns to the female caribou and asks, "You ok?"

"I'm fine," Bell raises her front hoof. "Just a little reset."

"Okay... " Trevor turns to the old mare. "Can we start the class now?"

"Fine. If I continue this thing, someone will get some doctors," Aria takes the books under the desk. "All right, let's start with an introduction first. My name is Aria, I used to serve as Celestia's guard in over 100 years." Trevor looks at the old mare in a suspicious look. Aria shakes her head, "Oh, should I reveal my secret now?"

"Keep it," Trevor huffs. "I doubt that you can teach me this thing."

"I take that challenge," Aria takes out the chalk. "Now we start the first lesson to become a ruler of a land : Balance."

Bell tilts her head, "Balance? What kind of balance do you want to say?"

"Military, economy and the faith of your subject," explains Aria. "Those three must be balanced if you want to keep the land peaceful."

"Oh," Trevor starts writing and asks, "But I thought the faith of subjects is enough."

"Eh no," Aria shakes her head. "Think about it. If your military is too weak, other countries will try to invade you." Trevor rubs his head as the old mare continues, "And if your economy is poor, how can your subjects be full in their meal?"

Trevor asks, "But I have to gain their faith, right?"

"You're right," Aria points at the caribou. "Everything I just said is just basic. They can exchange with each other. For example, you can risk the faith of your subjects to increase taxes." Trevor glares at the old mare as Aria waves her front hoof, "That just example. I don't tell you to do that."

"Better not be," Trevor huffs. "Better trade something for the raised taxes."

"Well, that will do." Aria puts a lot of books. Trevor stares at the books and feels something is not right. The old mare leans against the book, "Now you two will have many fake situations and stuff on your homework."

Trevor sighs as he writes something on the paper while Bell retorts, "hey, can I go out of this class?" and she receives a knife on the table. Bell gulps, "nevermind."

Aria points at the door, "No one will leave or retreat from my class if it is not done. Got it?" The caribous nod. "Good, now I will start your first lesson. No more words."

Dark Razor is heading to a room. Inside that room, there is a big pool in the middle of the room. The scaled griffin starts poking to the pool by his claw.

Dark Razor laughs and says confidently, "Now, I will know where the bandits are?" The scale griffin thrown a run into the pool. The pool is turning to the black water and starts showing something, but it is quiet later. The griffin is confused as he is doing that again, but the result is just a failure. Dark Razor grits his teeth, "How... How can they know this?"

The griffin throws the lamp aways and breathes heavily, then he yells on the roof. A brown unicorn steps inside and bows to him, "General Dark Razor, I have checked the Agrou city. Everything is fine."

Dark Razor stands up and tries to pretend to say normal, "Very good, Ground Sword. Can you check the Aden city too? I have some reports that there is a problem there."

"I can. But after two days," replies Ground Sword. "Anyway, did you have something that made you angry? I saw that you threw the rune stone away."

The griffin 'tsk's and turns away, "Just some failed spell. Don't worry."

The unicorn points at the paper on the table, "It's about the bandits, right?"

"It's nothing," Dark Razor waves his claw and starts walking out, "This bandits are just mosquitos. No need to worry,"

"I see," Ground Sword looks at the griffin walks out of the room. The unicorn is sure that this is not simple bandits since they have captured Degan and no sign to release him.

Gaze, Taco and other candidates are sleeping in the room. Everyone is sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, Gaze feels cold inside as he gets up to look around to see what happens. The griffin sees the room is flooding with a magic circle making water.

Gaze yells, "Everyone, get up. The room is flooding," No one answered. The griffin jumps to the three - colors Abyssian and shakes her and shouts, "GET UP, the room is flooding.

Taco and others start opening their eyes. Taco glares at the blue griffin and pushes him away while the others just stare at the floor. They see the same. The abyssian looks around and sees a magic circle is spinning on the floor. Taco yells, "Who can dispel this spell? Raise your hoof or something up." No one answers as they keep staring at the floor. The Abyssian is feeling angry and yells, "This is not a joke. Who is the unicorn? Please raise your hoof,"

Many unicorns raise their hooves. The room is flooded in half. Taco and Gaze dive into the water as the unicorns don't know what to do. Taco swims closer to the magic circle and analyzes it. Gaze comments, "Look like this is the spell from that... stupid eagle."

Taco rubs her head, "But how can we erase this thing?"

A voice comes from behind them, "I'll do," Taco and Gaze look back and see that is the familiar unicorn. The gray unicorn points his horn at the magic circle and lightens it. The magic circle spins backward and then it does not produce water anymore. The gray unicorn sighs in relief, "I never thought learning rune magic would be useful here."

"But the room is still flooded," Taco swims on the top of the room. "I don't know what to do next?"

"Easy. Let's me," Gaze dives again and heads to the door. Taco feels something is not right as she follows the griffin underwater. She sees Gaze is kicking the door. Taco tries to stop him but it's too late, the door is opened and everyone in the room is flowing with the water.

Taco stands up and shakes her head to make her conscious. She sees the big eagle is looking at her. Taco points at the eagle, "Did you try to kill us?"

"Part of the training, Kitty," Silver pushes the Abyssian aside and walks to the blue griffin as he is looking around to see if he is outside. The eagle helps him up, "You did really good this time, Chicken. I thought you were just a speaker griffin."

"What!?," Gaze stands up and puts his face near the eagle. "I am not a chicken nor the speaker."

"For me, you are," Silver kicks Gaze away. All of the candidates look at the eagle and mumuring about her. The eagle explains, "I want to check what will you do if something bad happens."

"And why should you do that?" Taco stands up, "You nearly killed us, you know."

Silver looks at Abyssian, "And you will be a slave if this is Dainn's sudden attack, Kitten." Taco rolls her eyes as Silver turns away, "I won't test you anymore. Tomorrow will be a rough day. Good night" then the eagle walks away from the candidates.

All of the candidates are confused about what is going on while Gaze and Taco slam their claw/fist on the ground. The blue griffin huffs, "I will revenge this stupid eagle if I have a chance."

"Count me in," Taco huffs. "This is the first time someone has called me a kitten."

"A chicken is worse than a kitten,"retorts Gaze. "At least kittens are cuter than chicken."

"Fair enough,"

The candidates walk into the room and organizes their bed.

Silver head to the training room. When she opens the door, she sees Ox is training. The eagle talks to the minotaurs about training. When the blue minotaur hears that, she agrees to let her soldiers have training for security. Tomorrow will be a rough day.

The final spy training.

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The candidates finish their physical training as they feel nervous about today's training. Silver walks inside the room with a lot of papers and stuff. Silver calls everyone to assemble and puts down the paper.

Silver starts to announce, "All right everyone, today training is collecting information. Every spy need to know how to collect the information of the target. Any question?"

The gray unicorn asks, "Eh... so we work in a team or single."

"In team, unicorn." Silver takes a paper. "Oh, I didn't know your name."

The gray unicorn answers, "It's Dust Sweeper, madam." Silver laughs at the name as the gray unicorn glares at her. "Why did you laugh?"

"Are you even sweeping yourself?" Silver grins. "I hope no one will sweep a mare like you."

Dust huffs. "Can I ask what that paper is for?"

"This is your target that you have to collect information." Silver puts the document on the table. "You can choose a partner and collect information. You have 5 days to do that."

"That's easy." Taco folds her paws. "This will be fast."

Silver taps her wing on the table, "Did I say that the guards will arrest you when you make a mistake?" Taco steps back as the eagle continues. "Don't worry. The soldiers will take good care of you if you get caught. Now, pair up, step up and choose your target."

Every candidate is stepping up and picking the target. Some of them feel excited while some of them feel scared when they pick a scary face. Silver whistles because she thinks that she can rest from now, until Gaze and Taco don't pick the last document on the table.

Silver is going to ask but Gaze cuts her off. "We have a target in our mind."

Silver tilts her head. "And that is?" Taco points at her as Silver retorts. "Hey, that's not the target in the document."

Taco grins, "You said to choose our target, not the target on your paper." Silver facewings as she doesn't predict this thing. Taco continues, "You can't deny, right?"

"If you want to do this, how about the bet?" Silver pulls out the blank paper. "If you want to play."

Taco and Gaze look at each other and nod. The blue griffin puts his claw on the table. "All right, if we win, you have to tell me all about you."

Silver retorts, "That really dump, you know." Gaze turns away as Silver sighs. "Fine if you lose, you two have to get married."

"What!?" Taco slams the table. "No way I will marry this dumby."

"Then take this document and do your job," Silver throws the document at the Abyssinian as Taco catches it. "Don't do that bet when you are not ready. You two will going to lose."

Taco is going to look at the document. Suddenly, the blank paper is shiny. Taco, Gaze and Silver have a magic circle at their paws/claws/wings. Silver looks back at the griffin as he is putting his claw at the blank paper. "I accept."

Taco slaps at his head. Silver 'tsk', "You know you can't even disvorce when you lose the bet, right?"

"I won't lose." Gaze points at the eagle. "and I like challenges."

"Not me, you idiot." Taco grabs his neck and drags away. Gaze is trying to struggle but the three- colors Abyssian wraps her tail around his claws, making the griffin helpless as he accepts to be dragged.

Trevor and Bell are sleeping on the table because of last night's lesson. Suddenly, a loud sound is near the caribou, making the brown caribou jump up and look around. Trevor sees the old mare is tapping the halberd near his seat.

Trevor glares at the old mare, "Can you stop doing that?" Then he takes a deep breath. "What time is it?"

"8 A.M." Aria points outside. "Now take Bell outside and have breakfast. We will do some practice."

"Fine." Trevor levitates the female caribou who are still sleeping. "So, what is the practice?"

"Secret." Aria grins. "Take your lover out of this room please."

Trevor glares at her. "She is not my lover," then the brown caribou goes out the room with Bell on his back. Aria giggles as she believes that those two will be a family.

Bell opens her eyes and feels something not right. It is like someone is carrying her. The yellow caribou looks around and sees Trevor is carrying her. Bell blushes and asks, "what... what are you doing?"

"Carry you to the dining room?" answers Trevor . "You know that is usual for us, right?"

"But why are you carrying me?"

"Because you sleep so peacefully so I don't want to wake you up." Trevor keeps walking and feels Bell is holding him tighter. The brown caribou looks back. "Eh, you can go down now."

"I like this more," Bell rubs her head against Trevor's neck. "Can you please take me to your dining room? I'm still sleepy here."

Trevor rolls his eyes. "Fine."

The caribou duo goes inside the dining room. The food is ready as Sabrina is enjoying the breakfast. When she sees the duo, she smiles, "Looks like someone had a good night."

"Meh," Trevor puts Ball down without hesitation. "Last night was a nightmare to me when an old mare was going to kill me with her halberd."

"Scare?" Sabrina grins. "I hope you will be ready for this practice."

"And what is the practice?" Trevor starts eating breakfast. "I hope it is not too hard."

Sabrina takes an apple. "Just meeting a prisoner named Degan." The brown caribou stops eating and gulps as the changeling points at him. "This is your first practice."

"Wait, wait, wait." Bell stands up and raises her hoof. "Why don't you do that?"

"If Eldaro or me do that, he will look down the leader of this camp." Sabrina spins the apples and uses her boomerang to peel it. "It is just like this apple. Your fame and spirit is just like this peel of apple. Tore down and then..." The changeling eats it. "But if this preel tough like diamond, no one can eat this apple."

"I... honestly don't know what you are trying to say." Trevor sighs. "But I will meet him once."

"Good." Sabrina points at the door. "Eat up and prepare for the talk. We will have a lot of fun today."

Trevor is nervous as he continues to have his breakfast. Bell calls her breakfast and sits down to enjoy the peaceful moment while the brown caribou doesn't know what to do.

Eldaro goes into the armory as he wants to see how the blacksmith works. When he works inside, he sees a yak smashing the hammer with something round. Eldaro looks around and sees many creatures are working with him at high speed.

The yak notices the old man. "Oh you came here at the right time."

"Oh," The old man walks inside. "What did you know, Fuse?"

"Nothing special." The yak takes out the musket. "except this thing. This weapon works very well for bipedal creatures like minotaur, dragon, etc... or creatures that have fingers like griffin."

"How about the repeated crossbow." Eldaro folds his arms. "Did they affect the same?"

"I'm afraid so." Fuse looks at the crossbow. "Honestly, the arrow for this crossbow is very small. I have tried to shoot it with the armor but it can't piece through the heavy armor, plus the range is less than the normal crossbow. "

"I see." Eldaro mods. "I am thinking about the formation of the army."

"The thing called a musket is easier to use in the army." Fuse comments. "Not the repeated crossbow. I don't know if they fit any attack formation."

"None of them fits attack formation." Eldaro takes the crossbow. "But I see there is more than this crossbow. Like a bigger one."

"Oh..." use nods. "I see. Anyway, I want to craft your weapon too."

"Why did you want to do that?"

"Price of the blacksmither." Fuse grins. "If anyone can craft your thing, I can do it."

"... are you sure about this?" Eldaro takes out the pistol. "I mean I am afraid that you will hurt everyone and this world will be in chaos."

"Then I won't tell anyone." Fuse slams the table. "Give me that thing and I will craft you the same."

"You can analyze it. Just give me a moment." Eldaro takes out the bullet out of the pistol. "Craft this small thing. This is more important than that weapon."

"You got it." Fuse takes it. "Quite small, but I think I can do it."

"Just don't talk about this thing to anyone." Eldaro raises his hand. "I will stay here for a long time."

Fuse grins and shakes his hand. "Deal." Eldaro leaves the armory room as he knows this yak can do this.

Sky is taking wine in his room. He is very confused about what is going on after being dispelled. The caribou doesn't know what to do now and doesn't know how to handle this situation. This is just like a new world to him, and in this world, the male treats the female like dirt or trash.

He starts sleeping while drunk. He starts to dream about his world. Suddenly, someone shakes him as the blue caribou wakes up. He sees Leaf Cutter is looking at him curiously.

The blue caribou sighs, "Tell me, Leaf Cutter. What happened to the previous king?"

"Don't you remember master?" The unicorn sits beside him. "That tyrant king is dead under the hoof of our great king, Dainn."

"Ah... now I remember." Sky looks away to hide his shock when he hears about the previous king's death. The blue caribou wraps his hoof around the mare. "Today I just want to be at home."

"We will take care of you, master." Leaf Cutter smiles. "It is a great honor to serve you."

Sky grits his teeth when he hears that. The blue caribou just wants to kill himself to get out of this world but something inside prevents him from doing that. The blue caribou sighs. "Right... tell the caribou slave to buy me some fruits and stuff, then asks her to make a good food for me. "

"As you wish, master." Leaf Cutter bows. "Any 'night' with anyone?"

"Not now, leafy." Sky sighs. "I just think about something. You don't need to bother about it."

"I see." Leaf takes a basket and goes outside. "Take care of yourself. I will be back in 30 minutes."

Sky sighs in relief and puts his front hoof on his forehead. There are too many things to think about for him. If he sees that black coat again, he can ask him about something.

Silver is walking to the training room with a smiling attitude. When the eagle comes inside, she sees the soldiers are training with a crossbow and bow. Silver smiles and sits down. Suddenly, one of the soldiers comes to her and asks, "Can you spare me?"

Silver looks at the soldiers and sees that he is a teal earth pony with a blue mane. The eagle quickly shakes her head. "Deny. I am not organic, you know."

"What do you mean 'not organic'" The soldier pointed at her beak. "You look like an ordinary eagle."

"Nevermind." Silver stands up and walks to the bench, then she picks Taco and Gaze up as
they are struggling to get out. "Too bad. Do that again and you will regret it."

Taco and Gaze huff and go out of the room. The soldier is confused, "Are they your student?"

"Maybe." Silver looks at them as they are arguing. The eagle asks. "What's your name, soldier?"

"Brave Ground." The earth pony points at himself. "I just want to train a stronger creature."

"Then why don't you ask Ox?" Silver tilts her head. "I am not that strong you know."

The earth pony shakes his head. " Just want a new trainer."

Silver sighs and walks to the training area. Brave Ground takes a sword and stands beside the eagle. The earth pony quickly charges at the eagle and goes to slash her but Silver just stands there and watches. When the sword is going to make contact with Silver's body, Brave Ground feels something grabbing his sword. Looking around, he sees the eagle is taking the sword with her beak. The earth pony is trying to get away but Silver quickly kicks him out of the area.

Silver sighs in relief and walks away as Brave Ground is trying to stand up but he can't. The eagle sits down and enjoys the coffee. The peaceful moment is just short for her.


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Silver takes a seat and claps her wings. All of the candidates are worrying about their result because today is the final test day. If they fail, they have to get out of this room and never go back to be a spy.

Silver takes the first team reports. Looking at the report, she shakes her head and explains the reports to see how bad it is, and demands the first team to go out of the room and be a soldier. The candidate sighs and goes out without a word. Silver takes the second report and the same result.

The eagle has less hope when she keeps reading the reports and kicks some candidates out. When she reads the near-last report, she is surprised at the familiar gray unicorn. Silver giggles and orders the couple to go into another room to wait for her command.

Silver takes the last reports and smiles. "Finally, my favorite report. I hope that I will be a matchmaker for you two."

"Are you sure about this?" Gaze slams the table. "We are confident about this report."

"Consider being thrown into the trash like nothing. I don't know." The eagle starts opening the report. "I hope that this is like what I am imagine." Silver starts reading the report and finds that this is almost like herself, her hobby, her interested and abilities. The eagle drops the reports. "Ho... how can you do this?"

"While Gaze is collecting by spying on you, I collect the information by asking creatures around," explains Taco. "I have to trade some stuff to get this information."

"Wow. I didn't expect that it would work." Silver claps her wing. "I hate to say this, but you pass this test."

Gaze grins. "Then you lose the bet. Now..." Suddenly, he sees the magic circle turn red. Look at the Abyssinian, her magic circle is turning red too. Gaze feels something is not right as those two hug together. "What's wrong? I won the bet."

"In the bet, I said that you must collect the right information." Silver shows the reports and points at the species tag. "Sorry, but I am not a golem."

"What!?" Taco glares at the eagle. "Then what are you!?"

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" Silver winks and she puts the wedding rings on the table. "I am more modern than golem. That's all."

"Wow... just wow." Gaze hugs the three- color Abyssian. "Now, I'm stuck with this cat. But hey, her fur is not that bad"

"Same is your feather." Taco blushes as they snuggle together. Silver giggles and the duo jumps away, blushes and turns away. Taco glares at the eagle. "Why should we become like this?"

"Scratch that chicken." Silver points at Gaze. "He is the one who accepted this bet."

"Oh..." Taco shows her fangs. "I will like it."

Gaze is running away from the Abyssian as Taco chases him. Silver shakes her head as she looks at the table and finds that the rings are gone. Silver smiles, "Looks like I can be a shipper when I retire."

Sky is sitting in the station and presses the red stamp on a paper. The caribou explains that he misses the city license. The griffin nods and goes out of the door. Being cleansed by a spell, Sky feels so lonely in the world like this.

The blue caribou calls hopelessly. "Next". A black figure is stepping inside the station as the blue caribou is surprised. When Sky is going to ask him, the black figure raises his hand to stop. The blue caribou sighs, "Paper, please." The black figure gives him a piece of paper. The blue caribou takes it and read

You are confusing the world around you? Nods your head to say 'yes'. If you help me to come inside, I will tell you everything about this kingdom and the rulers.

Sky nods his head as the black figure says, "Keep it. I will take the paper later." The black figure steps out of the station. The caribou is curious about this guy because that hand is not a minotaur hand or something like claws or hooves. He will ask that creature later.

The black figure waves his hand to a random pegasus and some papers appear on his hand. The black figure grins and walks to the jungle without anyone noticing.

Trevor and Bell are lying on the table and feel tired. To be in Aria's class, they want to die because the pressure of that old mare creates. Aria sighs and she takes back the book, "Ready to talk with Degan?"

"I think I don't have a choice." Trevor points at the halberd. "That thing is killing me."

"Don't worry. It won't kill you if you don't show a cowardly face." Aria smiles. "And if you run away, it will follow you until the end of the world."

"Fine." Trevor slams the table and stands up. "You win. I will talk to him"

"Remember, I just accept you once when you are not ready to talk to him." Aria points at the door. "Now go, I will cut your antlers if you don't move your ass."

Trevor rolls his eyes and walks outside with Bells. The warden leads Trevor to the room that has that griffin. When he is coming there, the warden announces to the griffins. Degan stands up and faces the caribous as Trevor gulps.

Degan taunts. "Oh, you are the caribou that has a lot of females around you. Look around, you have a yellow slut and an old mare guard."

Aria shakes her head in disappointment while Bell is quite angry. Trevor glares at him, "At least I am free, not being captured like you." then he puts his face near the Degan, "and you are defeated by an old creature. How shameful! Young creature."

Degan grins. "Tough one. What do you want?"

"I want you to tell me all about Argou city select." Trevor puts his face near him. "That's all I need to know."

"You want to know? Go to Tartarus." Degan turns away from the caribou. "I know nothing."

"Sure." Trevor stands up. "You are defeated by an old creature. You will never be a warrior."

"..." Degan turns to the caribou, and points at Aria. "Put me with her. If I can defeat her, you have to release me."

"And if you can't?"

"Then I will tell you everything." Degan smiles. "No way I will lose this want."

Trevor is going to stop him but Aria raises her hoof, "I accept. We will do it tomorrow." Degan is going to ask but Aria answers. "I want to defeat you in full health."

"I see." Degan nods. "I will wait."

"Oh right." Aria walks outside. "You have to make sure that he is fully healthy, Trevor. I don't want an exhausted griffin."

"You don't have to say," Trevor gives her a smirk and turns to Degan. "You will regret that."

"How so?"

"I don't know what she is in the Equestria army though, but it seems every soldier in there is scared of her." explains the caribou. "Honestly, even I am scared of her."

".... I see. I heard that there are monster soldiers in Equestria." Degan lies on the floor. "But that was a long time ago. I don't know if the soldier is dead or not. Anyway, where did you get her?"

"She runs into here and challenges my soldiers. You know the result," Trevor starts walking out. "Anyway, have a nice rest. I will order my soldier to give you some hot water to take a bath and eat healthy food. I don't want a weak soldier to show up."

"Fair enough. I need to warm up first." Degan stands up and starts training. The fun begins.

Taco and Gaze are lying together with the rings on their claw/paw. They feel like nothing even being forced to be a couple. Gaze looks at the roof and sighs, "Weird, why am I feel so enjoyable when near you?"

"Me too." Taco hugs him with her paws. "I don't know if this is the spelling or this is how I feel."

"Honestly, I am worried about the work I have to do tomorrow." Gaze puts his right claw around the Abyssian. "Silver said that this mission will be the last mission if we aren't careful."

"I see." Taco sighs. "Well... we need to warm up until that comes."

"Good idea."

The duo stands up and goes to warm up. Suddenly, Silver walks inside the room and looks at them. The eagle announces, "All right, I will talk fast." Silver takes the paper. "Tomorrow, you two will spy in the Argou." The duo gulps as Silver continues. "I know this is very hard, but we have to free the creature in there."

"So, we have to be master and slave?" Taco rubs her chin. "and has to practice acting."

"Don't worry. Eldaro will be there today. Once you can come inside, we can activate our campaign." Silver throws the paper away. "Poisonous the city."

"Do we have to put poison in the city?" Gaze shakes his head. "That will do."

"Wrong." Silver points at the griffin. "It means you two have to free the creatures inside that city. The more slave you free, the more soldiers we will have."

"I see." Taco nods. "Now I know what 'poison' means?"

"Good. Now start practicing acting. We don't have much time. Start now."

Taco and Gaze nods. They start to dress up and do art.

Sky looks at the clock and sees that it is near the time he rests. The blue caribou gives a minotaur his paperback. "Next," calls the caribou as he wants to finish today. A brown griffin comes inside the station and gives him paper. He starts to ask, "Reason to go Argou."

"I'm going to live here."Answers the brown griffin. "It's nice to stay in this city."

"How long?"

"Forever." The griffin takes another paper. "I want to live here. Don't you listen?"

Sky checks the paper and sees that all of his papers are correct. He quickly gives it a green stamp and gives the paper back to the griffin. "Make no trouble."

"Both papers." Demands the paper as Sky is stunned. "Don't you hear that? Give me both papers." Sky looks at the black paper and gives it back to him. The griffin smiles, "Good." He gives him another paper. "Our spy is ready. Tomorrow, they will come here." The griffin is going out but Sky throws a pen at him. The griffin turns back, " Any problem?"

"Can I meet you somewhere?" asks the blue caribou. "I... Honestly, where am I right now?"

The brown griffin nods. "Meet me in your home."

The caribou is going to ask but the griffin is already closing the door. Sky really doesn't know how this griffin knows his house. Sky decides to read the paper but it only show up the ridicilous poem.

Gate will be destroy
Zebra will not avoid
Tatarus will be here
Coin with be flipped
The caribou doesn't know what kind of poem is that. He sighs and decides to take it. The thing will complicated with him.

The plan

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Sky goes home after a long working day. He is not sure how that griffin can find his home. "I'm home." Sky opens the door and Leaf Cutter is waiting for him. The blue caribou feels weird and asks. "What happened?"

The unicorn bows. "Master, you got a guest. He is a brown griffin."

Sky is surprised when he hears that. The blue caribou says it calmly. "I will talk to him. We need some time alone. Make sure that no one come here." The unicorn bows and leads the caribou to the living room to meet the guest.

When the blue caribou goes inside the room, he sees the brown griffin is enjoying his tea. The brown griffin smiles. "Sorry for introducing your house."

The blue caribou turns to the unicorn and nods. Leaf Cutter bows and goes out of the room. The blue caribou sits down. "What are you?"

"Just a normal griffin who joined a rebellion to take down this king." The brown griffin puts the cup down. "Is that what you need?"

"No. I mean you can go inside without being hypnotized." retorts Sky. "I believe that you are not coming here just to visit me."

The brown griffin smiles. "I see. What's your name?"

"Sky." The caribou looks away. "That.. the name I remember. I don't know."

"Eldaro." The brown griffin smiles. "Nice to meet you."

"Eldaro? That... the strange name for a griffin." Sky rubs his chin. "I honestly don't know if a griffin have that kind of name."

Eldaro leans on the sofa and puts his claws behind his head. "Anyway, I will talk to you a little bit, if you are interested." Sky turns away as he doesn't know what this griffin wants. Eldaro smiles, "Or at least I will answer your confusion." Sky turns back to the griffin as Eldaro grins. "Bet that you have questions on your mind while being dispelled."

Sky sighs in frustration. "Fine. I will ask you some questions and I need you answer honestly."

Eldaro takes a sip to the tea. "Sure. I will answer whatever I can, but if you ask questions about our private life, I will not answer."

Sky nods. "Deal. Give me a moment." The blue caribou walks outside and tells his slaves to prepare some teas. The brown griffin looks at the window and sees that the soldiers are patrolling around the city. Eldaro lies on the sofa and waits for the caribou to prepare some tea.

The day has come as the guards open the prison to release the griffin, but he is still in chains to keep. The guard leads him to a room. When they enter the room, Degan sees Aria is sitting down and whispering. Looking around, he sees no soldier around.

"I thought this room will have a lot of soldiers." Degan gives her a smirk. "I bet that you don't want to have pressure. How stupid!"

"No." Aria shakes her head. "They don't want to see you after this battle, because you are going to lose anyway."

"What!?" Degan grits his teeth. "No way I am going to lose. Give me my sword."

"I think that you will need your armor too." Aria shakes her head. "For protecting you."

"You don't wear armor, so why would I?" Degan steps on the arena. "That will be offended."

"As you resist."

Degan starts looking at the old mare with the halberd. From what he sees, that halberd is quite heavy for an old mare to hold it as the old mare grins. Degan takes a step back and spreads his wings, then charges at the old mare with the high speed. When the griffin is going to slash Aria, he sees the halberd is coming to him. The griffin blocks the slash but the force is too strong, because he can't hold the sword and drops it.

'What... What kind of strength...' The griffin picks the sword and points at the old pegasus as she is walking close to him. Aria raises the halberd and slams it near the griffin. The slam blows him away. The griffin stands up and charges at her immediately.

Degan tries to slash at the old mare continuously but Aria dodges them easily. The mare feels bored as she catches the sword with her hoof. The griffin tries to pull it out but he can't. "What... What are you?"

"Familiar question from the opponent." Aria punches him in the stomach and sends him out of the arena. The griffin coughs some blood and lies there. "But only one answer from them."

Degan gets up and dashes at her immediately but the old mare steps aside to dodge the thrust. The mare kicks the griffin up, cause Degan flies up, then Aria catches him in the mid- air and increases the speed to the ground. The griffin is trying to struggle but he can't due to the strong grip.

The arena is covered by smoke as Trevor is walking inside to see what's happening. He sees the old mare is walking out and cracks her neck while Degan is lying on the floor. The guard takes him back to the jail. Aria puts her front hoof on Trevor's shoulder. "Nice way to push the responsibility to this old mare."

"You are a monster that disguises as an old mare." Trevor turns away from her. "I don't know if you can kill me anytime."

"I enjoy your suffering more than your death." Aria bucks him at the belly, cause the caribou hold his stomach a long time as the old mare walks out of the room. "Be prepared. Eldaro is successful in going inside the city. We will take Taco and Gaze go inside."

Taco and Gaze are looking at the line that many creatures are walking inside. The griffin is worried while the Abyssian is hugging Gaze and whispers, "Hope that we will pass this."

"I don't scared anymore." Gaze's face is blue. "After being carved by that stupid eagle."

"I know her reason, but carving the spell into the skin is ... overdo thought. Why didn't she get a neck ache or a ring?"

"I don't know." Gaze sees the speaker say 'next'. "Wish me luck."

The griffin goes inside the station and sees the blue caribou is checking the paper to a minotaur. The blue caribou is pressing the red stamp on his paper. The minotaur nods and goes out of the station.

The caribou turns to the griffin and waves his hoof. "Paper." Gaze gives him some papers as the blue caribous ask him. "The reason to come here?"

"Visit my friends." answers Gaze. "My friend wants to meet me."

The blue caribou smiles. "You don't have ID paper, and that slave of yours is not your property too, right?" The griffin is turning away. The caribou presses the green stamp, making the griffin surprised. The blue caribou gives the paper back. "Cause no trouble."

Gaze takes it. "Tha... thank you."

"You're welcome." The blue caribou turns to the door. "Next."

Gaze quickly runs out to get the Abyssian. When he gets there, he sees the three-colour Abyssian is sleeping. Gaze finds it cute and puts her on the cart, then he pulls the cart to the rendezvous point.

Looking around, he sees many female creature corpses hanging in front of some houses. The griffin is feeling disgusting when he sees that. He is jealous when the Abyssian can actually sleep without knowing anything.

The griffin pulls the cart to a house and sees a brown griffin waving his claws at them. Gaze quickly runs to him. "Right. You are..." but the brown griffin puts his claw to Gaze's mouth and shakes his head. He looks around and waves his claw to lead Gaze to the hideaway.

Gaze follows him to a big house. Walking inside, he sees the hall is quite big while there are many rooms around. A pegasus is walking out and bows to them. "Oh, you are my master's friend, right?"

Gaze whispers to the brown griffin. "Are you trapping me?"

"No," whispers the griffin. "This is not my slave though, and this is not my house too."

"I see."

The pegasus leads the other to the living room and tells that wait for her master to come here. Gaze carries Taco and puts her on the sofa as the Abyssian is still sleeping. Looking at the brown pegasus, Gaze asks. "So, can I know your name?"

The brown griffin asks. "You know Eldaro? That's my name."

"Liar." Gaze huffs. "Eldaro is a human... if I remember right, but I'm sure that he is not a griffin."

"oops. Your memory is quite ... crashed anywhere?" The griffin puts his claw on his forehead, cause Gaze slaps his claw away. The brown griffin shakes his head. "Anyway, the caribou that you are just talking to is our allies."

Gaze is going to talk more but he feels some familiar paws wrapping him. The griffin looks at the left and sees Taco is hugging tight. Gaze is going to push but seeing the Abyssian is cute, the griffin huffs and lets her hug him.

Eldaro shakes his head. "Careful. You don't want to make her angry."

"I don't know though." Gaze huffs and hugs the Abyssian. "Anyway, what is your plan?"

"I assume that she is still awake." Eldaro looks around to see if someone is here. The blue griffin gulps while stroking her fur. The brown one sighs. "Joke aside. We will wait for that blue caribou to discuss the plan. I will talk to Silver right now."

The blue griffin tilts his head, "Wait how you..."

Eldaro is attracted to the ring and starts to talk with it. Taco yawns and lies on Gaze's side as the blue griffin feels okay with this. Suddenly, Silver's voice is coming somewhere, making the duo stand up and look around. Eldaro closes the door and starts to talk. "You got the position."

Silver replies through the ring. "I got it. It's on my radar. It is quite disadvantage when we don't have any satellite in this world, and I can't cast spell directly like the original creature,"

"That's why some modern tactics will not useful here." Eldaro signs. "You know even humans have something that they wish for from robots, right?"

Silver giggles. "Right. Anyway, what if your caribou will not cooperate?"

"I have a plan B for that. Don't worry." Eldaro looks around. "Did you get the digging team?"

"Somehow Aria manages to recruit a lot of Diamond Dogs. I don't know how she can do that though."

"We can trust her." Eldaro smiles. "Honestly, this will be fun. Anyway, Sabrina will lead that digging team and I need you to go to Arkala."

"What for? That snowy city is that important?"

"I see Dainn is wasting the potential to do that. I will give you to capture that city, or at least, make Damn feel that Arkala city is important to him."

"Oh, I see. I think I can do it." Silver is going to switch the ring off. "Good luck in there, Eldaro."

"Good luck."

Eldaro shuts down the ring and turns back to the living room. He sees the blue caribou, Sky, is talking with Taco and Gaze as the air around is quite stressful. The brown griffin walks inside and starts the meeting.

Spying the city in the snow

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Ox and her soldiers are currently standing on a hill to watch Arlaka through the binoculars. She sees that there are fewer of the king's soldiers than Argou city. Ox can see that this is the good time to capture this city but the risk in the future makes her hesitate.

Silver watches from the tree and says. "Quite thin. Have some of the soldiers and fewer civilians." Silver smiles. "Look like he is abandoning this city."

"But I'm afraid that after we capture this city. He will send the soldier to crush us down." Ox hooves. "I don't like this kind of prediction."

"Say to the one who never sleeps." Silver giggles as Ox glare at the eagle. "Anyway, we will attack this city, but we have special things to do with the city."

"What is your plan?"

Silver flies down. "I will tell you later. Some soldiers have shields and something that has heavy protection."

"I will tell them." Ox nods. "Anyway, I see the weapon storage and the food storage."

"We will attack them later. But first, prepare for the attack, make sure that our soldiers don't be captured, or else we will be screwed." Silver turns away. "I think I should avoid Dainn's sight."

"I bet he sees you, right? But not knowing that you are a creature." Ox folds her arm. "I'm quite surprised when I met you for the first time though."

"Well, keep watching and spying there. I will stand here to watch. You should come inside to rest." Silver spreads her wings. "I will spy on this castle higher." Then the eagle flies away.

"Fine." Ox walks underground. "Now, I'm jobless. Let's see how that griffin is going." The blue caribou starts to walk down the base and closes the door carefully

Ox heads to the prison room as she hears that Aria destroyed that griffin without a problem. She wonders what kind of mare Aria is.

When Minotaur walks inside the prison room, the warden leads her to Degan's prison room. He is currently lying on the straw and murmuring something. Ox is feeling weird and turns to the warden to ask. "What happens to him?"

The warden explains, "Well... after being destroyed by that old mare, he is being like this. I don't know if his pride is crushed so hard."

"Wow." Ox kneels before him." Have you ever talked to him?"

The warden shakes his head. "Not yet. I will wait until he returns to normal, then I can ask about the information."

"Oh right, see you again." Ox stands up. "I'm jobless now so I have to go around to seek something to do. See ya."

"Hey, you can watch Trevor watch him suffer from the old mare." suggest the warden. "I have watched him one and I feel so entertained to watch this. It's like a comedy show for us."

"Wow. I will like it." Ox grins. "Thanks for your suggestion."

"You're welcome."

Ox walks out of the prison room to head to the room that has Degan. The soldiers lead her to that room as they want to see Trevor suffer.

Sabrina is watching the map while the Diamond Dog team is preparing the tools and stuff to dig the ground to connect to the Agrou city. She has the signal from Eldaro but it's hard to say if it will succeed or not. The changeling puts the map on the table and takes the compass to make sure that she will be correct.

"You got trouble?" Sabrina hears the voice and sees a white diamond dog taking the pickaxe. He smiles. "Don't worry about slacking, we can do it for hours."

"I'm not afraid of slacking. It is normal when someone is lazy at work." Sabrina sighs. "What's your name?"

"Sorry for being impolite." The white diamond dog looks at his team. "My name is Grounder." He sees Sabrina giggling at his name as the white diamond dog rolls his eyes. "I got used to it. Anyway, what's your problem with this plan?"

"The problem is... I don't know if we dig right or wrong." Sabrina puts her front hoof to her cheek. "So, how many Diamond Dogs do you have in your team?"

"101, including me." Grounder looks at the digging team. "And they are ready to dig. So, what are you going to do first?"

Sabrina takes the pencil. "Please check out if they wear enchanted rings or not. I will tell you the working list."

Grounder grins, "All right, queen 'Chrysalis'."

Sabrina throws the compass to the Diamond Dog while Grounder is running away from the changeling and laughing. Sabrina sits down and sighs in frustration. She looks at the map to see if there is a way to connect the city exactly at Edlaro's spot.

When Sabrina is checking the map. The white Diamond Dog reports. "Everything is ready. All of them are wearing the enchanted ring."

"I will check again, then I will announce their work." The changeling stands up. "I have to make sure that the plan will go smoothly."

"You can check. I have checked everything."

Sabrina gives him a smirk. The changeling comes to the Diamond Dogs and checks them one by one. All of them wear enchanted rings. Sabrina tells him not to take them off for whatever reason.

One of the Diamond Dogs asks. "So... How long will we dig?"

Sabrina answers. "We will dig for 24 hours in a day." All of the Diamond Dogs look at each other and are going to retort but Sabrina raises her hoof to stop them. "But not all of your work 24 hours a day. I don't make you exhausted."

Grounder tilts his head, "Then what do you mean work in 24 hours in a day? If not being like that, what else?"

"Answer me. How long will all of you dig in a day?"

6-7 hours is the max." Grounder turns to his team. "That's why I'm kinda surprised because I don't know what you mean by working 24 hours in a day."

"I will separate into 4 teams. Each team does 6 hours for a shift." Sabrina takes out aboard. "That will make us work 24 hours a day."

The Diamond Dog sighs in relief. Grounder wonders. "Oh, so that means we can work 24 hours a day, but how about we work 8 hours each shift. That means we can work 24 hours but with fewer teams than usual."

"But did you just say that a Diamond Dog can only work for 7 hours?" Sabrina points at the board. "And you will be in the 4th team."

Grounder retorts. "Hey, don't decide where I go by yourself like that." Sabrina writes his name into the 4th team, making the white Diamond Dog groan, the others laughing at him. Grounder points his fingers at her. "Grrr, I will get you later."

"I have to make sure that your lazy side will not rise." Sabrina takes out the note. "According to your team, you always lie on the ground and do nothing, so I put you on the night shift to handle you."

"Fine." Grounder rolls his eyes and whispers. 'I will find a way out.'

"I heard you." Sabrina turns to order. "Oh right. You all step ahead and take the chalk to write your name and your shift. I want to know which shift you want to do."

All of the Diamond Dogs start writing their name on the board, except Grounder. After a while, Sabrina and Grounder check the board and see that only 5 Diamond Dogs sign the midnight shift.

Sabrina looks at them. "Okay, can you explain why anyone doesn't want to have a midnight shift?"

Everyone looks at each other. One of them answered. "Well, because we are not like owls, we can't awake at midnight."

"Don't worry about that." Sabrina sighs. "I will make you sleep for a while before you can actually work. I need a team with at least 10 members to dig in."

"I see, I can do this . Can we go up and write again?"

Sabrina nods and some of Diamond Dogs start to write again. Sabrina leans on the chair and smiles while Grounder just sits on the ground and groans. The changeling taps the magic circle and says. "Hello, Eldaro.."

Silver flies through the castle and flies down the civilians zone. She sees that many soldiers are carrying stuff and their slaves to prepare to go out the city. The eagle looks around to see if there are any antennas that spread the mind - controlling spell. She flies through many catapults and arrow sentries to looking at it.

When Silver just flies to the antenna, an arrow is shot in front of her as the eagle blocks it by her wings. She looks in the direction and sees that there are many soldiers who are aiming at her while a brown yak with a cowboy hat is standing in front of them.

The yak smiles. "Looks like we got a rat to come join us."

"Sorry, bull." Silver smiles. "I don't join anything."

"Such a liar." The yak gives the eagle a medal. "What's your name, mutant eagle?"

"Why don't you tell me first?" The eagle shakes her head. "You are the one who invited me here."

The yak bows to her. "My apology. My name is Soak. I'm the captain of this castle."

Silver smiles. "My name is Silver. I'm just a normal eagle."

"And that normal eagle can block an arrow with her wings." The yak glares at the eagle. "No eagle is able to do this. And you come here to destroy that pole."

"Ah..." Silver grins. "I think I will have some caribous meat." All of the soldiers step back as the eagle continues. "And you can have a good BBQ."

The yak walks toward the eagle and points his hoof at her. "You should know your position right now. You are surrounded."

"Those arrows will not work for me." Silver puts her face near the yak. "I just fly away without a problem."

"Then I will chase you."

"I will shoot them down."

"I will catch you whatever it costs."

"I will kill you before you can do this." Silver puts her wings near the yak's neck. "Right now."

"I doubt that." The yak kicks the eagle's body but finds that he is like kicking the metal. The yak jumps back while the eagle flies back.

Soak rubs his hoof as Silver tilts her head. "I hope your hoof is okay. Anyway, I have my objective."

"What do you mean?" Soak stands up and looks at the antenna. He sees that the antenna is sliced into the half. The yak turns to the eagle. "How ... you able to do this?"

"See you later." Silver puts the part of the antenna to her back and spreads her wings. "We will meet in the battlefield."


Before the yak can reach her, the eagle flies away without hesitation. The yak 'tsk' and looks at the downside. Everyone around is confusion and scared. One of the soldiers come to him. "Do we need to chase her?"

Attacking the city in the snow.

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Soak is walking through the castle wall to check his shoulder. That eagle causes him a little trouble because she can cut off that antenna without any problem. The yak is curious about the last sentence that eagle just said.

Soak sits down and takes a sip of tea in a room. He is worried about this castle because he knows this place is important for the kingdom to defend against the rebelling if they want to pass the capital, but Dainn will not listen to him and takes many soldiers from here to defend the capital and Agrou city, make this city have only 1000 soldiers to defend.

When Soak is enjoying his free time. A soldier runs to him and yells. "Sir, our castle is under attack."

"What!?" Soak comes outside and sees many creatures wearing golden heavy armor with a large log charging at the door. The soldiers are trying to shoot arrows at them, but it's not working. Soak turns to his soldiers. "Prepare the ranger. We must defend against this."

The soldiers are taking muskets and bullets. Soak is angry at Dainn when he takes all of the cannon. When the soldiers are ready to fire, the yellow armoring soldiers are retreating from the attacks. Soak doesn't understand what did they do. Looking at the battlefield, he sees the familiar eagle standing in the middle of the soldiers

Soak is looking at the eagle and demands the soldiers shoot her. The eagle just stands there and turns away. When one of the soldiers shoots the eagle, Silver just tilts her head to dodge it, making the Soak glare at her. He commands the soldier to shoot her repeatedly. Silver uses her wings to block all of the bullets.

After a while, the bullets are dropped from Silver's wings. Silver points one of the wings to a random soldier as Soak just looks at her in amazed because of her wing's toughness. A loud sound is exploded in the air. Soak looks around to see what happens. He sees a soldier falling to the ground with the blood bleeding. The yak checks the soldier and finds that he is dead.

Silver shouts from the ground. "Is that enough for you, Soak? We are meeting each other like the promise."

The soldiers are scared while Soak just staring in anger. Soak shouts back. "You think you strong? I will capture you and torture you."

"Big word." Silver carries an injured soldier. "I will wait for that."

Soak watches the eagle walk away. He commands his soldier to stay in the position and be ready whenever this rebellion attacks. The yak goes inside the room and starts writing the letter to king Dainn to suggest more soldiers defend this city.

Silver carries the injured soldier to the jungle. Ox and others are standing and watching the castle as she knows the problem of their defense. The eagle puts the soldier down and many medics come to her to drag him away.

Ox is looking at the castle. "Weird. There is no cannon in this castle. The king takes away their cannon or something?"

"I believe so." Silver looks at Soak from far away. "And I see a powerless captain."

"You met him?"

Silver takes out the small tank. "Yep. I got a little talk to him. Of course, that is just a friendly inviter with many soldiers that grab the musket and aim at me."

The minotaur punches at her metal wings. "And those muskets won't do anything with your metal wings, right?" The eagle shakes her head. "Honestly, you can be a one-man army with this thing."

Silver shakes her head. "I insist. Dainn already sees me, so I have to be careful. "

"Alright." Ox stands up. "So, what will we do this time?"

"Do the same, but at the midnight."

"You know that is not a good thing, right?"

"Why?" Silver sits down. "You scare your soldier for being killed?"

"I'm afraid that this is just a simple probe to the enemy line." The minotaur throws the bread to Silver. "That yak will know about that."

"Then you're wrong." Silver eats some of the bread. "This is not a probe battle."

"Then what is it?"

"This is an attrition battle."

Gaze and Taco are walking through the market. Many slave traders are progressing in the market. Taco points at the antenna while the blue griffin marks the location of the antenna. Looking at the map, there are many red marks on it.

Gaze looks around. "I hope no one will find us. I feel a little nervous."

"Don't worry, master." Taco wraps her paws around his neck. "You will be fine soon."

"I think so. Let's buy some food and goes to our base. We have to report this thing soon." Gaze whispers near the Abyssian's ear. "And I hate this act."

"Do you think I like it?" Taco whispers back. "I hope this thing will get better. I am feeling so humiliated"

Gaze and Taco go to the food store and buy some food. When they are heading there, they see a group of ponies is blocking their way. One of them walks to the blue griffin and asks. "Who are you in here? I didn't see you around."

"Oh, I am just coming here just yesterday." answers Gaze. "Can I know your name? I bet that you are ... master of this market."

The pony laughs. "I like you already." then the pony shakes his head. "Anyway, we are the 'Big Market' gang in this market. We rule this market, understand?"

"Oh, why not Dainn? He is ruling this kingdom, right?"

The gang laughs out loud as every creature around looks at them with fearful eyes. The pony looks at the blue griffin and points at himself. "Even that slacker king can't stop us. Who do you think we are?"

"Strange." The three-colors Abyssian rubs her chin. "I thought you will be loyal to the king, even in death."

"What a joke!" Another pony splits at Dainn's photo that sticks on the pole. "You think I will be loyal to that pervert. No way."

Gaze and Taco look at the creatures who are watching them. They are murmuring something. Gaze turns to the gang. "Look, can we go? We are attracting attention here."

The pony gives him a grin and raises his hoof. Gaze rolls his eyes and throws him a bag of money. The pony checks the bag and nods, then the gang stands on two sides and leaves the couple alone. Gaze and Taco sigh in frustration. The pony teases him. "Good luck for your slut." then the gang laughs out loud.

The couple walks outside of the market with the map that is full of red marks. Look at the map, they only finish 25% percent of the map and wonder how many antennas are in this city.

Soak is waiting for Dainn's response. This is midnight and the castle can be attacked anytime. Suddenly, his soldiers jiggle the bell. Soak runs outside and sees the yellow soldiers charging the castle with another large wood on their shoulders. The yak commands his soldiers to get in position.

When Soak's soldiers are in position, the yellow armored soldiers retreat away from the castle. The yak sees the familiar eagle standing between the retreating soldiers.

When the yellow soldiers are completely out of sight, Silver turns to leave. Soak yells. "What are you up to? Is this some kind of joke?"

Silver turns around. "Joke or not. That's what you see."

Soak grits his teeth as Silver just grins and walks away from the castle. The yak heads to the room and thinks about what Silver is trying to do.

When he is thinking about the possible attack on this castle, a soldier comes inside and announces. "Sir. The message from King Dainn is here. I'm not sure if I give you this letter or not. "

"Give me that."

Soak takes the letter from the soldier's hoof. The letter is about the apology from the king for a certain situation. However, because the capital doesn't have enough soldiers to defend so he can't send the reinforcement. In the last line of the letter, he orders to stay in position until the reinforcement comes.

Soak throws the letter out of the windows, then slams the table. "Bullshit. The capital always has 50 thousand soldiers and more, and he said that is not enough? How many does he want?" Soak rubs his head and then lies on the bed to calm himself down.

Sabrina is leading the Diamond Dog team to dig under Agrou city. Looking around, she sees the white Diamond Dog is trying to sleep again. Sabrina takes the white Diamond Dog and throws him into the water, making Grounder jumps out of the bath.

The white Diamond Dog glares at the changeling. "Hey, I am not lazy."

"You sure." Sabrina shows the picture of White, who is sleeping by her phone. The white Diamond Dog blushes while the changeling kicks his butt. "Get in there, lazy. We have important things to do after finishing this cave."

"Oh right, oh right." Grounder rubs his butt, then he points at the phone. "And can I ask you what is that thing? It is just like a camera but seems smaller and ... higher solution picture."

"You don't need to know." Sabrina puts her phone away. "That's just a useless tool in this world."

"Yeah. like, can picture me when I sleep." retorts Grounder. "I'm going steal it." then he sees the changeling put her phone in her dimension pocket. "Nevermind."

"And why are you still here?" Sabrina takes the pickaxe. "I am going to dig your body if you have your butt in there."

Grounder takes the pickaxe and huffs. After three hours of digging, the Diamond founds something that hard to dig. They decide to report. "Madam, I think we are digging the laterite."

Sabrina takes a pickaxe and tries to dig it. It is very hard. Sabrina gives it back. "How long we have dug?

"I don't know." One of the diamond dogs looks back. "But I think it is more than 500 meters from the beginning.."

"400..." Sabrina rubs her chin. "Wait a minute. I will talk to someone inside Agrou city."

Sabrina runs to the table and activates the magic circle. When the circle stops spinning, Eldaro yells at her face. "Hey, why are you calling me at this time?"

"Just ask you the distance between you and the base." Sabrina rubs her ear. "Don't yell like that next time. You will trigger some soldiers to come to your position."

"It's 2000 meters. " Eldaro huffs. "I bet that we are digging over 300 meters, right?"

"400..." Sabrina looks at the Diamond Dogs. "Some problem happens. I will find a way to see it.."

"Good. I will find some sleep."

"Anyway... why did you send Silver to capture the city in the snow?" Sabrina looks around to check the Diamond Dog. "I heard that she can only have 500 soldiers to do that."

"I believed she can do it. Don't doubt her ability. I'm out."


Sabrina sees that Eldaro is already shut down the calling. The changeling only hopes that the eagle will be fine.

Capture a city

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Dainn is drawing some red dots at Canterlot castle. The king of the country wants to take control of the capital of the Canterlot along with the Sisters because they are the ones who control the sun and the moon.

When the caribou is done planning, a soldier comes inside and bows to him. "Your Majesty. We have the important thing to report."

Dainn stands up and asks. "What is that important?"

The soldier takes out the paper and gives it to him. "It is a long story. I can't tell but give you this paper."

Dainn nods and the soldier is coming out. The caribou starts to read the paper. The paper is about Changelings trying to invade Canterlot but they failed, so Celestia decided to increase the defense by using the spell shield around the capital. Dainn just shakes his head as he is confident about his mind-controlling spell because nothing will cure this spell.

The scaled griffin comes inside the room and sees his king laughing. The griffin asks. "Why are you laughing?"

"Dark Razor, come here." Dainn gives him the paper. " You should see this thing. It makes me laugh a lot."

Dark Razor takes and reads the paper. The griffin sighs and reports. "Your Majesty, this kind of spell can deactivate our spell pole. I ordered one of my soldiers to try to plug this pole near their capital and it was deactivated immediately."

Dainn stops laughing and asks. "You're serious, right?" The griffin nods and Dainn stands up. "How!? Our spell can't be dispelled like that."

"I just ask one of them and they said that someone called 'The Black Mage' create this kind of spell."

"What!?" Dainn rubs his chin. "We should capture him or her immediately."

"Sorry, but we got no information about her." Dark Razor shakes his head. "It's spread like a rumor though, but no one in Equestria knows where is she."

"Pointless." Dainn hisses. "This is pointless. I have a plan to invade that bitch's country but something stops us by an explosion. Now, this? Since when female creatures are that talented."

"You should calm down my King." Dark Razor pats Dainn's shoulder as the king nods and sits down. The scaled griffin takes out another paper. "So, what will we do with Arlaka? I heard from general Soak that they are being attacked by the bandit for five days now."

Dainn laughs. "The thing is... there are only 500 soldiers attacking that castle, and we have 1000 soldiers. How can they capture that city? Plus, that city is not important so we can leave it to that yak."

"I see. Maybe you're right." The scaled griffin sighs. "How about we have a drink? My treat."

"Oh... I want to. I'm just finished my work." Dainn stands up and the duo heads to the club.

Trevor is lying on the table. He just has to learn how to control the economy when ruling. The lesson is very tired but he doesn't feel boring because of Bell. The yellow caribou is nearly knocked down due to the hard lesson.

Aria pokes the yellow caribou by the halberd. Bell is trying to get up and sighs. "Look. I don't want to see you with that halberd. It makes me feel like I am going to die."

"We all will die if this base is exploited." Aria gives her a smug and turns to Trevor. "Anyway, I heard you give that eagle only 500 soldiers."

"That's all I can give." Trevor sighs. "I can't give her more since I am recruiting soldiers."

"I hope that eagle can take that castle." Aria turns around. "That castle is the gold mine, but that king is missing it."

"But I heard that they got 1000 soldiers to defend." Bell takes the paper. "And I know that we need more soldiers than that to capture the castle." Aria pats her head and the yellow caribou slaps the old mare's hoof away. "Hey. What are you doing?"

"You are easy to pat. That's all." The old mare is going to pat Trevor but the brown caribou slaps her hoof away. "Oh man, you are not easy to pat."

"After terrifying me and Bell in 3 hours, so no." Trevor stands up. "So... can you share with us about your... previous life? I and Bell are always curious about your past."

"You believe that story?" Aria laughs out loud. "Come on, you shouldn't believe anyone that easy."

"Yeah, I don't believe someone who obviously lying in front of my face." Trevor glares at the old mare as Aria is silent. The brown caribou continues. "First, no pony has your kind of name. If you are a griffin or some creature else, I can see your previous life is a lie."

"Then blame my mother." Aria gives him a smug. "She is the one who names me that."

Trevor puts his face closer to the old mare's face. "I remember your mother named you Sugarcube, right? Sabrina already tells me that."

"Fine." Aria huffs. "I will tell you a little, but not this time. You will need some rest."

Trevor rolls his eyes and the duo walks out of the room. The brown caribou teases. "See you later, cat. I hope you have another 7 lives to live." Aria throws the book at him as Trevor quickly closes the door. The caribou duo giggles and heads to the bar to relax.

Soak is reading Dainn's reply letter. The yak is very frustrated when he doesn't agree to send more soldiers to defend this castle. After breaking some stuff around his room, the yak takes a deep breath to calm down.

The yak doesn't know what Silver is planning. Her soldiers keep attacking this castle for 5 days around but doing nothing, except yesterday. She had pushed the soldiers to attack the gate even though the musket team is in the position. When his soldiers shot at them, he saw that the bullet couldn't go through their armor.

Today, Soak sees many soldiers who want to run away from this defensive position. Lucky that he sees it and stops them. The yak sighs in frustration because the controlling spell doesn't affect their courage or their morale.

Silver is watching them from far away in the castle. The eagle sees their soldiers are not very well due to the continuous attack. The eagle grins as she heads to the base to grab a weapon from her world.

Ox sees the eagle walking down and yawns. "I just ask you one thing."

"You can ask." Silver turns to the minotaur. "We have a lot of free time anyway."

"Why did you keep attacking and then retreat?" Ox rubs her chin. "Our soldiers want to capture this castle already."

"Remember we are only half of their soldiers." Silver looks at the castle. "I want to reduce our injured. Anyway, you should be going. We will do that again, and then we will capture this castle tonight."

"... I don't know. But seem useless when I attack them again in the noon." Ox looks at the castle door. "I mean, we can capture this immediately, not waiting for the night."

"What if Dainn sends the reinforcement to the castle." Silver turns to the minotaur. "If Dainn starts the reinforcement to here, he will lose many hours to come here. From what I calculated, he will arrive here in the afternoon."

"I see." Ox huffs. "Our soldiers are wanting to capture this castle right now. Maybe I can persuade them to wait for the night."

"Anyway, is everything ready?"

Ox takes the note and gives it to the eagle. "Everything is ready. I don't know what are you going to do with them."

"You will see in the night."

Soak is trying to sleep but he can't because he doesn't know when that eagle will attack him again. The yak sighs in frustration as that eagle keeps annoying him. Suddenly, he feels something is not right as he quickly runs out of the room and sees his soldier.

When he is looking outside the castle and sees the fog thickening. He feels weird and looks at the sky. The black clouds seem to come here. Soak takes the binoculars and sees the pegasi are pushing the cloud here.

Soak commands the soldiers. "Prepare the musket. They are going to disable our firearm." The yak sees that the minotaurs are shaking their hand and yawns. Soak asks. "What's wrong?"

The minotaur coughs. "I can't sleep due to the attacking."

Soak realizes what Silver is trying to do. The soldiers start shooting at the pegasi but they can go through their shield due to the distance.

Soak looks downside and sees the eagle standing and looks at the yak. Silver asks. "Surrender now. We have you surrounded."

"No way. I won't surrender until the end."

"I know you will say that." Silver turns away and walks into the fog. "But you will change your mind." The eagle disappears and many soldiers slowly go forward as the fog comes to them.

Soak commands his soldiers to prepare the arrow. His soldiers start shooting arrows at Silver's soldiers but the soldiers in the fog keep moving slowly. Soak feels something is not right and orders not to shoot the arrows, despite the Silver's soldiers moving toward them.

When the soldiers move out of the fog, the soldiers realize that are just hay figures shaping like creatures. The figure comes together at one spot and they stop. Silver walks out of the fog as the rain starts falling. In the rain, the eagle looks at the castle and nods.

Silver takes out the speaker. "You should surrender now. Nothing you can win here."

"And you don't need the speaker." Soak throws the spear at the speaker. Silver sees it is shattered by the spear and shakes her head. The yak feels the rain is falling hard. Soak looks at the eagle. "What is all of this? You can't even mind attacking this city."

"Are you sure about that?" Silver snaps her feathers and all of the hay figures exploded, creating a large hole in the castle walls. Her soldiers start rising from the ground and run into the hole and charge. Soak is surprised and looks at the eagle as Silver smiles. "Your soldiers are exhausted. I know it very well because they don't have enough time to rest and sleep."

Soak looks inside the castle and sees that his soldiers are slaughtered by the enemy easily. His soldiers are trying to fight back but due to lack of sleep, they fight back very weak. Soak kneels down and shakes his hoof. Silver quickly waves her wings to shoot feathers. It kills the soldiers around the yak.

Silver lands in front of him and smiles. " You should surrender already."

Soak balls his hoof. "That's .... that is what you are aiming for, right?"

"Actually, I could attack you yesterday but didn't sure that Dainn will send you reinforcement or not." Silver shakes her head. "After losing this battle, I assume that you have no place to return even if you manage to survive."

"Then just kill me." Soak yells at the eagle. "I have nothing to tell you."

"Kill you?" Silver puts her claw under his chin. "I have to gather the information from you." The eagle takes the dagger from Soak's belt. "And don't think about killing yourself. You have more value than you think."

Soak looks inside the castle. The yellow armored soldier easily kills the red armored soldiers as the yak feels helpless. Silver puts her left wings on his shoulder. The castle has been captured.

After battle.

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Trevor stretches his body and yawns. Luckily today is a resting day for him after many threats from that old mare. He wonders why Aria is so strong. The brown caribou sighs and goes out of the room.

When he is just come out, a soldier crashes into the brown caribou. Trevor gets up and asks the soldier why he is doing this. The soldier reports that Arkala is already captured and they are celebrating the winning.

The soldier leads the caribou to the party. Inside the party, there are many soldiers who are drinking beer. Looking around, Trevor sees Ox and Silver talking with each other while Bell is knocked out by the beer. Trevor decides to come to them.

"Hey lady, what's going on here."

"Oh, Trevor." Silver picks some peanut. "We just discuss the battle."

"I see." Trevor sits down. "How many?"

"100 more." Silver sighs. "Even I tried to destroy their stamina and their morale to fight. The death still high."

"Hey, don't be like that." Ox pats the eagle's back. "I and the soldiers expect that we have to lose more to capture this city. 100 is beyond our expectations."

"Now Trevor." The eagle looks at the caribou. "You have enough food and medicine to take the civilizations?"

"Something happens?" Trevor takes the beer. "I hope that not serious."

"When I cut down the antenna, some of them realized what happens to them." Silver points outside. "Ox's soldiers are trying to calm them down and promise that they will get home soon."

"We have enough ships and transport to get back home." Trevor looks around. "You know Star Gazer, the one who meet in the meeting." Silver nods. Trevor continues. "He is the one who controls many harbors in many countries... illegally."

Silver leans on the table. "Well... That's the good news. Time to get some rest. I'm quite tired."

"It's weird to hear a golem can be tired." Ox giggles. "Did something happens?"

"Nothing." Silver waves her wings. "Just have to clear my mind."

The eagle goes out. Trevor asks. "So... what happens?"

"Everything is not fine at all. Creatures in the castle want to get home as soon as possible. They want to escape their nightmare of being there." Ox puts the cup down. "I don't know if we can handle it or not."

"We can handle it, don't worry." Trevor pats her shoulder. "If we are out of food, we can ask Celestia for some."

"I hope Eldaro is doing good for now." Ox leans on the chair. "I don't know what is he doing inside Agrou city."

"At least he is luckier than me." Trevor points at the old mare. "I am suffering from an old mare who always has a halberd on her hoof." Ox laughs out loud while Bell comes to hug the brown caribou, cause the brown caribou stands up and carries the sleeping caribou. Ox shapes the heart with her hands but she gets thrown by the brown caribou.

Near the castle walls about 5 km, there is a casino for everyone, except slaves. Many creatures go there to enjoy the games. Many of them are broken and kicked out of the city.

Eldaro is wearing a vest for griffin and holding the cards with a lot of chips on the table. Many creatures are watching him because the brown griffin can make a lot of chips with only one chip. The caribou in the same clothes is staring at him with a little money. The brown griffin throws the card on the middle of the table and says. "Fold."

The caribou drops his cards and reveals a 'four of the kind' hand. Everyone around murmuring about Eldaro. The brown griffin yawns and stands up but the caribou slams the table. "Don't you dare to leave?"

"What?" Eldaro looks at the caribou. "I am feeling bored when I play with you."

"You... you..." The caribou turns away. "Fine... I will take it a chance."

Eldaro starts collecting the chips and goes to the exchange zone to get money. Minus the exchange fee, he still got 1000 bits. The brown griffin heads to the market to buy some food.

After 45 minutes in the market, the brown griffin heads home with some bag of food and stuff. When he nearly goes out of the room, a group of creatures is surrounding him. Eldaro looks at them and sees that they are not affected by the mind-controlling spell.

One of them comes to the griffin and asks. "Hello old griffin, what are you doing here?"

"Just a walk." Eldaro takes a big bag of bits and shows it to them. "I bet that I can pass, right?"

"Not for long, old griffin." All of them take the sword. "Give us that big bag or you will die."

"Oh... I thought I have something special for you." Eldaro takes a can. "I wish we don't have to do this."

"And what are you doing that can? Smashing us."

The group laughs at the griffin as Eldaro takes out the pin. After a while, smoke comes out of the can. The group is panic into looking for the old griffin. When the smoke is faded, the griffin is gone.

Eldaro watches the groups from far away as they keep looking for him. The brown griffin just comes back to the blue caribou's house to take a rest.

Gaze and Taco are watching the map as they have marked a lot of antenna on the map, but they are just a half of the map. The griffin doesn't know if Dainn is hiding some of them or not.

Sky is walking home and sees the map, he asks. "So... how many of them are in this city? I bet that a lot."

"Eh... we don't know though." Taco points at the south of the map. "I don't know why this area has a lot of them."

"Oh, that area is full of rich creatures." Sky points at the black points. "This place for luxurious place. Only the highest place in this country can go inside it."

"Oh... no wonder there are a lot of luxurious buildings in that area." Gaze rubs his chin. "Even their slaves wear some shining clothes though."

"I know." Sky points at the red mark on the mark. "This is the auction house, where you have to join the auction to buy the slaves. No slave in there show their resistance when they come up on the stage."

"Don't tell me that you bought this pegasus in there." Taco points at Leaf Cutter. "I won't surprised if you do that."

"Let me remember." Sky looks around and searches for something on the table. He takes out an album and flips the page to page. After a while, he closes the album and slaps his head. "Sorry. Now I remember. I get her to the trash zone."

When Taco is going to talk more, the door is opened and Eldaro is going inside the room. The Abyssian asks. "Hey, where are you going in this morning."

"Just getting some money." Eldaro spins his claw and a big bag of bits come from nowhere. All of the creatures in the room are surprised while the old griffin sighs. "Just have some money from the casino."

"Wow." Taco looks at the bag. "How much are they?"

"About 1000." Eldaro lies on the sofa. "I found a house that was for sale near the castle wall. We will open the store in there though."

"... I see what you do." Gaze points at Taco. "My wife is quite good at cooking. We can open the food store."

"Nope." Eldaro shakes his head. "If we open the food store, you have to do the cooking while your wife will do the serving."

"What? No way. I can't cook." Gaze waves his claws. "Last time I cook, the kitchen is nearly getting burnt."

"Then no. We will open the juice store. We will sell fruit juice." Eldaro takes the paper. "According to some merchant, this city consume more fruit than everything else. We can open this store near the castle wall."

"Oh... I see." The blue caribou taps his hoof. "You can work in there to spy on the soldiers. But isn't me enough?" Eldaro shakes his head. Sky looks out the window and sees Ground Sword heading to his home. The blue caribou looks at them. "You should hide away from him. This guy is the captain of this castle."

"I see." Eldaro, Gaze, and Taco clean their stuff and go upstairs. " See you again."

Ground Sword knocks on the door as the blue caribou open the door. The earth pony sees Leaf Cutter is cleaning their stuff. Ground Sword asks. "Did someone here?"

"They just leave." Sky looks at the green pegasus, who is cleaning the table. "Sound sexy, right."

"That's your chick." Ground Sword takes a bag of coffee. "I got some illegal coffee. You want to taste?"

Sky quickly pushes the pony inside and looks around, then he closes the door. The caribou smiles. "You don't want any soldier to see us taste this."

"You got me." Ground Sword sits down. "Get the water. We'll have to taste this one."

Celestia sighs in frustration when she reads the paper. In 10 days, there were many criminals who try to bring mind-controlling antenna into the big cities like Manehantan. Luckily, all of the cities were under the spell protection and all of them were caught.

Celestia flips the page of the criminals and sees that all of them are male creatures, many Abyssinians are in the data. The white alicorn knows this is not a normal criminal organization, this is like an operation. When she is reading more, a guard comes inside and reports. "Your majesty. The dragon named Sunset is here."

"Sends her in. I want to talk to her."

The guard bows and walks outside. After a while, Sunset comes inside and sighs. "Why are you calling me to here, Celly?"

"I want to know if you join the resistant of Eldaro." Celestia gives the orange dragon a file. "They capture one of the cities."

"The weakness one." Sunset gives the file back. "They will step further than this."

"I know." Celestia's horn is glowing. "And Dainn will step further than this." An arrow flies through the window, but it is stopped by the spell. Celestia takes an arrow. "You really know how far than this. I want to take him down."

"You have to wait." Sunset forms a fireball and throws it at Celestia. The fireball suddenly changes its direction and flies out of the window. They hear a scream from outside. Celestia looks outside and sees someone is covered in fire, then he dropped from the roof. The orange dragon continues. "The capital is the weirdest one... eh... this one is weird though but that one is weirder."

Celestia sits down. "I know. I wonder where did they get water from that mountain. Air transport?"

"If it must be air transporting. They have to have an ally from outside." Sunset walks to the window. "But I don't think who it is? Dainn already cuts the ally from us."

"And from other countries too." Celestia taps on the table. "Queen Ametia from Saddle Abaria and King Smith from Griffinstone told me the same thing."

"Well... that's a waste of my time coming here." Sunset turns away. "If they have problems, they already summon me to support."

"Your alien is weird."

"I am already an alien." Sunset smiles and walks outside. Celestia closes the window and continues her work.

A Step Forward

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Celestia and Luna are having a meeting with a lot of rulers of other kingdoms. The meeting is about the cooperative in some domains. After three hours, the meeting came to an end.

Celestia and the rulers reorganize the paper. The white alicorn smiles. "We're done here. Thanks for the meeting. So, does anyone have a question?"

The tall brown Abyssian raises her paw. "Did your country make this?"

"Made it?" Luna tilts her head. "Please do more detail, queen Ametia."

The Abyssian turns to her soldiers and nods. After a while, the soldier comes inside and puts some kind of pole on the table. Celestia looks closely and sees that it is the mind-controlling antenna, making her feel disturb. Queen Ametia explains. "This is the thing when we catch some of criminal tries setting this thing in my country."

"I see. Thanks for the detail, queen Ametia." Celestia turns to others. "Before I explain what this thing is. Who else caught the criminal having this thing?"

The black griffin wears warrior style armor and raises his claws. "We got that one too. I am quite suspicious of what you are doing."

"Please don't do that, king Smith." Celestia puts a paper on the table. "I have some of them too. They are caribous. This is our catch."

The minotaur wears a bull helmet and reads the paper. He feels something is not right. "I have some of them too. So... Can you tell us what that pole will do?"

Celestia turns to her soldiers and nods. The soldiers shut all the doors and a magic circle appeared inside the room, making others surprised and standing up. Celestia nods. "Please don't panic. This is just a spell to make sure that no one can hear this conversation."

"I see." The minotaur sits down. "You have spies too, princess Celestia?."

"A lot, king Axer." Princess Celestia turns to others. "Right now I feel many spies are spying on us by sticking on the wall. I have commanded my soldiers to clean them."

Smith is looking at the antenna. "This thing have a lot of weird symbols on it."

Celestia starts to explain. "From what we analyzed. This is a mind-controlling pole." The others are silenced. Celestia continues. "That pole will cast the mind-controlling spell on us. For example..." Celestia points at King Axer. "If you let them set these things over your city, the city will be under the control of the controller."

"I see. Thanks for the explanation." King Axer takes the axe. "I will crush him or her if I see the one who does this."

Celestia sighs. "And that one is King Dainn."

Everyone inside that room is shocked. Ametia slams the table. "Why do you think that about him? He hasn't done anything in 10 years."

Celestia shakes her head. "I have a lot of proof, but I can't tell you right now, so I will give you some papers later."

"Well then, we should do something to that king." King Smith rubs his chin. "Talking about Dainn, he suddenly purchased a lot of weapons from us."

"Then please ban it for punishment." Luna gives him advice. "He is aiming for everyone. If we continue to support him, he will make a big war."

"I see." King Axer raised his hand. "I agree. I will make embargos to them."

"I agree too." Ametia nods. "He is making a big mistake."

"Me either." King Smith raises his claw. "We have to warn him."

"Good." Celestia orders her soldiers to have some papers on the table. "These are the proofs and the signing paper. Please read carefully and sign the paper if you agree to punish Atlas."

Sunset is flying through the country. Celestia has asked her if she can spy in their capital. The orange dragon is feeling something not right about this capital.

"Feeling nervous?" A white cat is flying next to her. " I guess that you brought me there as a backup plan."

"I am not feeling nervous though." Sunset is flying faster to Atlas. "Just feeling weird when a creature like Dainn still exists."

"They will always exist." Amelia shakes her head. "Even in my world that I have created."

"A god like this trip... even if it can take her life, sounds greaf."

"a dragon who never back down in a fight, sound stupid." Amelia looks around and sees a mountain. The duo flies up high to see it clearer. It reveals a city that is covered by mountains and other cities. Amelia takes a map. "This is it."

"Good." Sunset takes a black cloak to cover herself. "Let's investigate this city. I will investigate the royal zone while you will do others one."

"I agree."

The duo starts flying down to the city at a high speed. The creatures look at the sky and watch them like a comet is going to crash. When they are near the ground, Sunset and Amelia disappear, making the creature in the capital confused about what just happened.

King Dainn is watching the 'comet' to see where it will crash. The king stands up and commands his soldier. "Send someone to investigate there. I will come with you later."

"Yes, your majesty."

The soldier starts going to the way and heads to the spot where the 'comet' disappears. When they get there, nothing is damaged, not even a crack.

Dainn looks around and sees nothing. suspicious. After a while, the caribou king decides to go back to his castle, but he doesn't know a black figure is following from the roof.

Sabrina is watching the map and drawing the underground map. The changeling is struggling where to go. She wishes that she has a GPS in this thing right now.

"what are you doing?" Grounder puts some bottles of wine on the table. "You should celebrate the winning."

"I already knew that when Silver borrowed some diggers from us 3 days ago." Sabrina keeps drawing. "And everyone calls me a weird changeling."

"You already are." Grounder starts counting. "First, you don't even bother to shapeshift. Second, you can't fly and finally, you have a lot of weird tools around."

Sabriba retorts. " I don't have time to learn that spell. Do you think being in this body and you can shapeshift and fly like 2 seconds later. That's a 'little filly' mind."

"Don't tell me you are a human like Eldaro? I won't be surprised because you are weird."

Sabrina gives the white diamond dog her map that she just drew. "Here is the map of our road that we just dug up."

Grounder takes a look at the map, then he shakes his head in disappointment. "Have you ever drawn a map?" Sabriba shakes her head. Grounder puts the map on her head. "Let me draw this map. You can do something else."

"Fine." Sabrina rolls her eyes. "I will wait for the map of yours."

"I will." Grounder grabs her hoof. "And you know the price."

Sabrina tilts her head. "I have a husband. Sorry." Grounder holds his arm to his chest. The changeling pats his head. "Next time. Please don't try to court a girl like this. Especially when you just meet her." Then the changeling goes out of the room, leaving the white Diamond Dog lying on the ground.

Aria is sleeping on the table. Trevor and Bell see that and they decide to wake the old mare up.

The old pegasus yawns and looks at the caribou duo. "Yes?"

"It is weird that you sleep in this time." Bell points at the clock. "It's 1 p.m already."

"Sorry." Aria gets up. "Class dismissed today."

"Eh?" Trevor shakes her body. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Just receive a letter from Equestria." Aria gives Trevor a letter. "Many countries agree to make embargoes to Atlas."

Trevor is going to read the paper. "I bet that Dainn will struggle to find a new resource. We will wait until they are weak."

Aria sighs. "To make sure that Dainn has the resource from who? Celestia has sent 'Black Mage' there."

Bell circles her hoof. "Black Mage? Is that the creature that Sabrina, Silver and Eldaro always talk about?"

"I believe so." Aria coughs a little. "I don't know who she is though? I hope that she will come here and give us good information for us?"

"Anyway, can you tell me how Silver captured Arkala city?" Trevor points at the map. "I believe that they have more soldiers than us. And they are defending inside the castle."

Aria takes a chalk. "I will tell you. Please sit down."

Trevor and Bell sit down while Aria starts drawing the eagle and the minotaur on the castle wall.

Aria points at the bird. "First, that eagle sent a small army to attack the army, but after a while, she would call the retreat."

"What's that for?" Bell rubs her chin. "I mean you can attack directly."

"Are you going to satisfy your soldier for nothing?" Aria glares at the caribou. Bell looks aside and whistles. Aria sighs. "You think 250 soldiers can fight against 1000?"

Bell smiles nervously. Trevor pats her back to calm her down, then he asks. "So, why did she do that?"

"Just make them exhausted." Aria points at the eagle. "She would attack them time by time, to make sure that this yak doesn't have time to rest."

"That.... simple." Trevor is amazed. "No wonder they only lost more than 100."

"Yep. She also asked to borrow some Diamond Dog from Sabrina." Aria sits down and reads a book. "And want some workers to make hay soldiers as much as possible. I think she wants a surprise attack. "

Trevor taps on the table. "I see. I just worry about the mage that Celestia just sent. If Dainn manages to control her, we will be screwed."

"Even Eldaro, Sabrina and Silver have respect for 'Black Mage', I don't think that is not just a rumor." Aria rubs her chim. "I just think about a certain dragon. But I highly doubt that."

"And who is she?"

"Sunset Shimmer."

Dainn is looking at the paper and finds that Queen Ametia, King Axer and King Smith are refusing to trade with Atlas, making the caribou slam table.

Dark Razor is walking inside and takes the paper. "What's wrong, your Majesty?"

"Queen Ametia, King Axer and King Smith are refusing to trade with our country." Dainn grits his teeth, "They are making embargoes to us."

"That's the worst news." Dark Razor puts the paper down.


"I don't know." Dainn takes the paper. "Today, the Storm King is going to visit us and they will support us more."

"Lucky that we have him to support." Dark Razor walks out. "But he still wants Equestria."

"I will find a way."

Dainn is setting a table on the harbor. He is waiting for the support. After waiting for a while, a red airship with some flags of an old creature.

When the airship moars into the harbor, the door opens and reveals many soldiers are stepping down the airship and carrying the supplies. They have bulky physiques, hunched backs, gray coats, white hair, and black mask-like faces. They also wearing the blue armor with a symbol like 'W'

After a while, a satyr-like creature with an old face is stepping down with a staff in his hand. Next to him is a dark magenta unicorn. This unicorn has broken her horn.

The creature looks around and asks. "How are you, Dainn?"

"I'm fine, Storm King." Dainn starts to lie. "All of my soldiers are preparing to brainwash Celestia and Luna.

"I like that." Storm King is turning away to check the supplies. "You know the deal, right?"

"Why can I forget? You will get the magic while I will get the land."


When the Storm King is going to get back the airship, his staff suddenly shakes a little. Tempest asks. "What's wrong with your staff?"

"I don't know. It never got the reaction before. Unless..."

Many magic balls are shooting at the airship in the harbor. All of them look at the sight and see a black figure is shooting at the airship.

Seeing the figure is damaged. Tempest jumps up and throws a green ball at the figure but it defects the ball back to the dark magenta unicorn. Tempest quickly dodges and the ball hits a soldier, he changes into stone immediately.

Storm King steps down as his staff continues shaking a little. "Look like that figure is making the staff shake a little bit."

"What are you waiting for? We have to attack it before it destroys the airship."

Storm King smiles. "Don't worry. The ship has an anti magic shield too."

A big rock is thrown into the ship. The Storm King is surprised and it damages the ship a lot. The figure levitate many rocks and throws at the supplies and the airship. Tempest feels this figure have something strong inside. She commands her soldiers. "Everyone. We have to destroy this thing or else it will destroy the ship."

The soldiers start charging at the figure. Storm King is confident because all of his soldiers are equipping the anti - magic armor. The thing will be fun.

Sunset's influtial (1)

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The soldiers are charging at the black figure. The black figure knows they are wearing magic resistance armor. The black figure takes out a wooden staff and taps it on the floor. "Rise up. Earth Soldiers."

The ground is shaking, causing Dainn and others struggling to stand up. When the earthquake is stopped, the soldiers see three big golems standing before them. All of the soldiers just stare at them in fear. One of the golem starts punching at the soldiers. The soldiers start running away from the golem.

Tempest looks at the black figure. "What is this thing? I never heard about a mage can actually do this."

"Me neither." The Storm King looks at the golem. "Whatever it is, it will be useful for us when we can capture it."

Dainn sees some shadows are overloop him. Looking at the sky, he sees many stones are dropping on them. Tempest, Storm King and Dainn quickly take cover.

Dainn stands up to see the black figure but it isn't there anymore. Looking around, he only sees his soldiers are dragging the cannons to shoot the golems.

Dainn turns to Tempest. "Weird. Where is it? I didn't see that figure anymore. I think you two should go from here. I will handle it."

"But ..." Before Tempest can finish her sentence. An explosion comes from the airship as the dark magenta mare looks back. The airship is completely destroyed.

The black figure is walking from the destroyed airship. It turns to Dainn and walks to him. The caribou is trying to blast at it but it defects the blast without any trouble. Tempest takes out the sword and tries to stab it. The black figure just slaps her away, causing her to hit Storm King and faints.

Dainn tries to blast it but the figure disappears. The caribou quickly jumps back as the figure appears and tries to punch him.

The figure giggles and says to him with a feminine voice. "Interesting. You seem not like those useless soldiers."

"What are you? No one in this world has this kind of magic. Not even Celestia."

"Is that a praise? I like that." The black figure points the wooden staff at the caribou king. "But I'm so sorry. You will die here, the king of Atlas, Dainn."

Dainn jumps back as a big fireball lands on his previous spot. The black figure spins her wooden staff and a big blast shoots at him. The caribou just smiles because he got the anti-magic armor on his body. When the blast is flying to him, many fire lines cover it and keep flying to the caribou king.

The blast makes contact with the armor. Dainn feels something hot and now he is burnt. The caribou king falls on the ground and coughs heavily. The black figure walks to him and asks. "Enjoy it?".

Dainn coughs heavily. "How.... how can you go through the anti-magic armor?"

'Anti -magic... " The black figure raises the flaming staff. "Not anti - element."

The black figure is going to slam it to the king, but a sword goes through her chest. Looking back, the black figure sees Storm King is holding the sword. Storm King feels his staff is shaking hard.

The black figure holds the sword. "It looks like your staff is not so good. Is it okay?"

Storm King tries to pull out the sword but the black figure holds it too tight, making him can't take out the sword. Dainn stabs the sword into her chest.

Dainn grins. "Now you will die."

The black figure slowly take Dainn's sword out of her chest. Dainn is surprised as the black figure takes out her coat, revealing an orange unicorn. The unicorn pats Dainn's head. "Sorry, we still too far away." Then she is broken into pieces, cause the duo is confused, as well as the golem.

Suddenly, thunder roars in the sky. Dainn feels something has just come across his face and he looks back to Storm King. Dainn sees Storm King's left arm is bleeding and he is rolling in pain.

"Quick, we need to get him to the medical room." Commands Dainn as many of his soldiers take the Storm King to the medical room.

Sunset is lying behind the window in a high tower with the sniper rifle. She feels frustration when the thunder interrupts her to take away Dainn's life with one shot. The orange dragon forms a magic circle and starts to talk. "Amelia, did you hear me?"

Amelia answers through the magic circle. "What's wrong, Sunset?"

"Why did you send a thunder to interrupt me? I nearly killed that tyrant king."

"This is not the time to kill him." Explains the white cat. "If he dies, his country will be in chaos due to the spell being expired."

Sunset quickly retorts. "But if he lives, he will accelerate the progress to invade some countries."

"I am wishing he will do that." Amelia teleports near the orange dragon. "You have destroyed their supplies. Plus, Celestia and some rulers make some embargos punishment to his countries. He is now like a bird in cage."

Sunset is unfixing the sniper rifle's apart and putting it in the bag. "He is lucky this time. Fine, let him suffer in starving and feeling impotent."

"I'm glad you did." Amelia looks out the window. "Anyway, I see that satyr-like creature with the strange staff. Is that your world's legendary staff?"

"That is the Staff of Sacanas." Sunset closes the bag and throws it into her dimension pocket. "It collects mana and magic power to strengthen its power. Sounds like the one you did to me, Amelia."

"And I got the reserve." Amelia is tapping her paws. "I feel angry when you can outsmart me and my big sister."

"How about we visit Eldaro and others? It's been a long time since the Canterlot invasion."

"Really? You can come there anytime you want." Amelia points at King Dainn from far away. "Even shooting in 900 yards and controlling the clone from the same distance, you can do that. How hard is it to visit?"

"Meh, that old human will call me back for real." Sunset takes a walk outside. "He said that I have to stay inside Equestria to defend the country."

"I see." Amelia huffs and follows the orange dragon. "Anyway, I can't wait for the festival in two days."

"Ponyville will be fine." Sunset pats Amelia's head. "You train us quite well."

"I wonder how Twilight and Spike are doing now."

Twilight is preparing the Summer Sun Celebration with Spike. The adult green dragon flies to the blue pegasus to help her organize the clouds. Fluttershy is preparing for the music. Pinkie Pie preparing the foods and the games to play.

Rarity jumps down the stairs. "Wow. I'm afraid that we can't even finish the preparation. There are too many creatures to come here."

"Because queen Ametia wants to join this festival." Twilight rubs her head. "They remind me of the race."

Spike lands in front of them. "Hey, we finished the cloud. Too bad that your brother is not going to join this one."

Twilight rolls her eyes. "I guess. They will have a honeymoon with each other."

"I will be surprised if he is here." Spike turns to the train station and sees the white unicorn with blue mane is coming to them. "Now, I'm surprised."

"Big brother." Twilight rushes to hug her brother and Shining Armor hugs her back. The duo releases and Twilight asks. "What are you doing here? I thought you would go on your honeymoon with Candance."

Shining answers. "My wife agrees to move the honeymoon to next week."

Spike growls at him in disbelief while Twilight just pushes the purple dragon away and continues to ask. "So... Do you want to come here to celebrate the festival? We are doing a big Summer Sun Celebrating festival."

"I will, don't worry. We will have a big time."

"How about we go around Ponyville? I think we will have a good time." The purple unicorn throws an ice book to the purple dragon to make him shut up. The purple unicorn starts to lead the white unicorn. "Come on, we don't have time."

"Eh, sure."

Shining Armor is following the purple unicorn. When they are gone, the purple dragon stands up and takes the ice book out of his face. Rarity looks at it. "Why is she so mean today?"

Spike looks at the ice book and sees the message there. It says. 'Please write letters to Princess Celestia immediately, something is not right about my brother, he has different mana in his body.'

The purple dragon sighs and closes the book. "She is thinking like me."

Rarity tilts her head. "What do you mean?"

Spike runs to the library. "I will be in the library for a day. Sorry, I have to send letters to Princess Celestia."

"Sure." Rarity nods. "I will get someone to replace you."

When the purple dragon comes inside the library, he starts writing the letter and blows it away.

Sunset and Amelia are landing in the south of Argou city. The orange dragon sees many very luxurious buildings around. While she is walking, there are so many creatures wearing collars of different colors.

Amelia folds her paws. "Luckily, you have that coat to cover yourself."

"I know."

Sunset sees a minotaur is trying to hang a pegasus. Sunset just throws two small knives at them. The rope is cut while the minotaur just falls on the ground with a knife on his chest. Sunset just keeps walking while Amelia shakes her head. "You know that she will not be fine after that. You are just making her suffer longer."

"I know. That's just my instinct."

When they are walking, they see a map sticking on the board. Sunset looks around the street to recognize where she is standing, then looks at the map.

After looking at it for a while, the duo sees a symbol called 'Generation Center' that attracts the orange dragon's attention. The orange dragon shapes a rectangle of ice and starts caving the area with her magic.

After done, she starts walking to the building. The orange dragon knows this thing is not simple.

After one hour, she can finally see a big villa with a wide garden. Amelia sighs. "That's why you should fly up. What are your wings for?"

Sunset just pushes the cat away. "Fine. I will find a way to go in."

Sunset looks around to make sure that no one will see them, then Sunset teleports to the roof of the villa.

On the roof, Sunset and Amelia are watching the building to see someone is important. After a while, they see a tall stag with dark brown fur talking with a gaunt, old stag with beady yellow eyes . Looking at them carefully, the brown stag has a narrowed - eye while the old one is wearing a threadbare black smock and a whalebone necklace

Amelia creates a white orb, then the white cat throws another white orb at the stag. The orb starts to disappear.

After a while, they hear something as Sunset confirms that the brown stag is talking. "So Lord Strom, did you know about the protection spell in Canterlot? It may be better than your rune magic."

The old stag slams the table, "What? No way, my rune magic is better than everything. Is this the truth, Lord Anvari?

"I'm afraid it's the truth." Anvari shakes his head. "Look like Celestia steps forward one more step to us."

"Do you know who did that protection spell? I believe a mage like that will work in Canterlot."

"I'm sorry." Anvari sips his tea. "All I know is the Black Mage worked on it. About her appearance or even her name is still a mystery. All I know is that the Black Mage made it for them."

"I see." Strom sits down. "What's about your 'cow'? Did your experiment succeed?"

"Ah..." Anvari taps his hoof and a female stag is coming to him. Sunset takes a scope and looks closer to the female stag, she sees that her flank is bigger than usual stag. Anvari introduces. "This is my number 1 'cow'. This bitch has her butt bigger than usual so she can breed more warriors to us. Thank to your rune magic

Sunset's claws are shaking hard and it is on fire after that. Amelia pats her shoulder and shakes her head. The orange dragon takes a deep breath to calm down. The old stag smiles. "Sure, I am a master of rune magic, you know?"

Amelia giggles and she looks at the orange dragon. Sunset just doesn't care about that and continues to hear. The brown stag taps his hoof. "Do you want to join my lecture session? I will show you how this bitch works and how the machine works.."

"Sure. I will go there as soon as possible." Strom stands up and walks away. "See you tomorrow."

"See you."

Sunset and Amelia teleport inside the villa to investigate things. They know that something is hiding in the luxury place


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Celestia reads Spike's letter. Inside the letter, it tells that Shining Armor is being controlled by someone and he is visiting Ponyville. Celestia wonders what he is doing for this, attacking Ponyville? Or just a normal visit? Don't know.

The white alicorn turns to her guard. "Call Captain Coral Blade for me. I need her to come here quickly."

The guard shakes his head. "Captain Coral Blade? She is hiding from her own guards, again."

"What is this now?" Celestia facehooves. "I just want to kick her away, but I can't."

"I heard that she is watching a play by Flora Blossom in Canterlot. And now, she is being dragged to the train station by a weird creature that is wearing our armor."

"Please come there quickly. I need her right now. Oh, and please invite that weird creature here, I want to see her."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The guard is going to walk away but Celestia stops him. "Wait, can you call Captain Shining Armor here too? "

"As your command." The guard bows. "You should take a rest from now."

Celestia giggles. "I will. Don't worry."

The guard bows and goes out of the room. Celestia looks at the map and sees that the Badland is quite vulnerable now since Chrysalis is under her hoof. Now, she needs something from the Changeling queen.

Eldaro is reorganizing to open the juice store. The brown griffin buys an abandoned house near the castle wall with the money Eldaro just got in cashino.

Taco and Gaze are helping him to clean up the house. To make sure Taco is not in trouble, she wears a green collar to avoid these things.

The trio is nearly done. Eldaro starts making the lemon juice and rings the bell to attract the creature around.

Many creatures have bought his lemon juice, even Eldaro is surprised about this. Looking at his storage, there is no lemon left for him to buy. Eldaro switches the board to 'closed' and enjoys his cup of lemon juice.

The brown griffin is going to go inside but a slam on the board gets his attention. There is a brown earth pony wearing armor coming to him.

The old brown griffin sighs. "Sorry, we're closed."

"I believe that you have one more cup, right?"

Eldaeo sighs. "10 bits." The griffin just pours it on the table. Eldaro puts the lemonade on the table. "Here you go."

The earth pony drinks it. "Thank you, Eldaro. You save me."

Eldaro takes a broom. "How did you know my name? I believe that we have met before."

The earth pony smiles. "Sky told me about you. Actually, I want to talk to you, but not here."

"Say the one who is ready to capture us if we do wrong." Eldaro points at the guard pretending to have their lunch. "I will sweep you away if you even stand here one more second."

The earth pony grins. "Make me. And you will be in jail."

The old griffin turns away and completely ignores him. The brown pony slams on the table. Eldaro just starts sweeping and chilling with the music from the radio.

The earth pony is going to break this little shop, but the familiar blue caribou comes to him and asks. "Hello Ground Sword, what are you doing here?"

"Oh hey Sky, just want to teach this old griffin for a lesson." Ground Sword points at Eldaro. "He is completely ignoring me."

Sky just sighs. "You know that it doesn't work when you want to have someone to talk to, right?"

"I know... I just want to have him into my gang." Whispers Ground Sword. "You said that he is the one dispel that mind-controlling spell on you, right?"

"You're right. But he is joining a rebellion outside this city." Sky pats the pony's back. "You want to cooperate with him, right? Just not this time. You just make him angry."

"I know." Ground Sword walks away. "Just don't talk to him about this. I want to talk by myself."

The blue caribou nods and walks to Eldaro. The old griffin shows the shop. Sky looks around and sees just some tables and some place to make juice. Walking inside, he doesn't see any window around.

The blue caribou feels weird. "So... when your changeling comes here? And where did you meet her?"

"Right here and right now."

Eldaro points at a square of brick inside. Suddenly, the square is moving and it is opened by some hoof.

After a while, a changeling that looks exactly like Chrysalis, except the white mane, comes up and coughs heavily. She glares at Eldaro. "Hey, why did you just give us only a little space to come up?"

"That space is enough for all the creatures." Eldaro turns to Sky. "This is Sky, he will be with us."

"Oh." Sabrina raises her hoof. "Welcome to the... eh... Rebel. I'm Sabrina."

"Nice to meet you." Sky shakes her hoof. "It's weird when I see a real changeling in front of my eyes."

"I know I know. Stop teasing me." Sabrina sighs. "Anyway, is there anything happening in this city?"

"This city, no. But in the capital, yes." Sky takes out the paper that has Sunset's face on it. "Dainn wants to know who this unicorn is and will capture her at any cost."

"He won't get her." Eldaro shakes his head. "I don't know if a mage can make the king be tricked."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, continue please."

"All right." Sky takes another paper and reports. "According to the king, that mage alone made over 150 soldiers wounded and died. She also destroys the supplies and makes Storm King wounded."

"Nice. It's very nice." Eldaro laughs. "Now Dainn is the nightingale in the golden cage."

Sabrina smiles. "Yeah. I believe this country will be in chaos in 1 or 2 months."

Sky sighs. "I believe that this war will cost a lot."

"War is expensive." Eldaro sits down. "Always be."

Silver is checking the slaves in the Arkala city. Silver has commanded her soldiers to make as many traps as they can on the road from the capital to here.

Silver is having a headache for this when she doesn't know how to deal with unicorns. The unicorns have had their horns chopped. while the pegasus and other winged creatures have lost all of the wing feathers.

The winged creatures are easy to solve because Silver knows that if they rest for a while and have healthy food, the feathers will come back. But the unicorns are not simple because the eagle doesn't know if they can grow back or not.

Silver collects all of the prisoned unicorns in one place and feeds them, then she starts to ask what happens there. The unicorn says that it is like in Tartarus. They was being fucked like 10 times a day. If they are old, they will be butchered by the Generation House to feed other creatures. This reminds the eagle about the human eating tribe in her world.

The eagle is on the ground and looks at the sun. She doesn't know if she should send them back to their place or not.

When she is thinking, a poke interrupts her as the eagle turns around. Aria, Trevor and Bell are watching her.

Aria asks. "What's wrong?"

"Can unicorns grow their horns back?" Silver points at the unicorns. "All of them have lost their horns."

"Well, they can grow back but... it will cost 50 years or more." Aria rubs her head. "I'm not sure if they can wait for that."

"Well, that sucks." Silver gets up. "I don't know how to deal with them."

"Let me try to calm them down." Bell walks to the unicorns. "I'm not sure about this but it's worth trying."

Silver nods and continues to lie on the ground. Trevor looks at her in a curious look and touches her wing as Silver glares at him. "What?"

Trevor answers. "I just want to see if you are really a golem or not, because I don't believe that the golem can be that sentient like you."

Battery charged. System recovery.

Silver sighs. "Well, what do you want to do with these mares? I own nothing."

"Let see if they want to go home or not. I don't believe that they are useless because they are losing their horns." Trevor starts walking to the prisoned mares. "A horn is cheaper than a life. Don't you think?"

Silver and Aria shakes their heads and sighs. The old mare smiles. "He will be a good king."

"You think so." Silver pokes at the old mare. "I'm still suspicious when the guards in Equestria scares you. Are you a monster to them?"

"Well, I am better than a robot. Don't you think." Aria giggles. "How is my country there? I hope it is good."

"It is good, Empress Aria." Silver is searching her data inside. "I still have history books in my data."

"Don't call me Empress." Arian spins the halberd. "Or else you will be scrapped."

"Don't try to scare me."

Aria smiles. "What are they talking about me?"

"Well, you are a good Empress and make our country into a good place to live." Silver laughs. "I am meeting a zombie here."

"Come on. You don't have to tease me like that. You are a cute robot though, and so realistic one. I thought I saw a big eagle."

"Thanks." Silver looks at the sky and watches the cloud. "We have to wait. I wish I could make the fake horn right now."

"I don't blame you." Aria sits next to the eagle. "The technology level in here is still not enough to make that thing. Maybe even if I die here, I can't see those."

Silver smiles and pats Aria's back. The duo watches the sky and wishes to take the tyrant king down.

The white kirin and a coral mare with yellow mane are walking to Celestia room. The coral mare is going to flee away but the kirin uses her levitate to stop her, and drags her into the room.

Going inside, the duo sees Shining Armor is talking to princess Celestia. When they see them, they remain silent with each other.

Coral Blade walks to Shining Armor. "Oh Shiny, how is Princess Candance?"

The white unicorn answers. "My wife is still good."

Coral silents for a while for that answer. The coral mare decides to push more. "Ah, such a lovely wife you have. I bet a prince here can make her good."

Shining Armor smiles. "I can make that mare have a better life than before. You have to see in the future."

Coral turns away from him and waves her hoof to Princess Celestia. The white alicorn nods. "All right, Shining. I'm done talking. Have a good day with your wife."

Shining Armor bows to the princess and leaves the room. When he has already left , Coral grits her teeth. "Who is him exactly?"

Celestia takes out the paper. "You realize him, right?" Coral nods. Celesia turns to the white kirin. "It's been a long time since I saw a kirin. Already 50 years."

The white kirin's eyes widened. "You know my kind? Where are they now?"

"Sorry, I promised to Kirin Queen that I won't reveal their location."

"I see." The white kirin feels disappointed. "I thought I would meet my parents."

"I'm sorry. Anyway... " Celestia turns to the coral mare. "Shining Armor will visit Ponyville in celebration."

"I see." Coral Blade rubs her chin. "I have an idea for this celebration. I hope you can do this."

Celestis grins. "Please tell me. I will help you as much as I can."

"It will like..."

Coral starts explaining her plan about this festival in Ponyville. Celestia hears it and it is a good plan. She commands the coral mare to do this plan, but in secret. The mare bows and leaves the room with a happy face.

The white alicorn looks at Chrysalis picture, then she looks at the window. It's night outside already. The white alicorn smiles and commands her guard to lead her to the prison. She will have some talk with Chrysalis.

Sunset's influtial (2)

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Amelia is lying on the Generation House's roof. Looking around, many creatures are starting to hang other creatures. Despite being hanged, the creatures that are being hanged don't have any sign to resist.

Amelia just sighs and keeps lying on the roof like a lazy cat. "Not well, little sis?" The white cat stands up and sees a black cat with a white eyes standing there. Amelia looks closely and she looks like a blind cat, which makes her laugh. The black cat huffs. "Not funny, Amelia."

"I know, big sis." Amelia giggles. "Hope that Noleg will like this, right?"

The black cat rolls her eyes. "You don't have to say. Anyway, is that creature have their emotion controlled?"

"It is." Amelia points at the mind-controlling antenna. "This is the reason. The only weakness of this spell is when the controlled creature have their emotion too strong, the spell will be broken."

"I see." The black cat turns to Amelia. "Where is Sunset? I thought she was coming with you."

"Well, she is inside this building to find a way to assassinate someone important."

The black cat puts her paw on the roof and closes her eyes. After a while, the black cat stands up. "Hmmm, too many corpses inside this building. Plus, too many female creatures is resting before being raped tomorrow. This is breeding house."

"That's why I'm free here." Amelia lies on the roof, again. "That orange dragon will blow up this building. I can be sure of that."

"Well... too bad we have to wait here." The black cat sits next to Amelia. "How boring."

On the ground, Lord Strom is looking at them and feels something powerful inside these little bodies. He and his soldiers decide to come up to the roof without anyone inside the house notices.

When he gets there, he starts looking closer to the cat and sees that they are so cute. Amelia gets up and sighs. "It looks like we have a guess."

"What are you?" Lord Strom glares at the cat duo. "You are something different from anything in this world."

"Really?" The black cat gets up. "I am seeing the one who is experimenting on the living creatures with his spell."

"Ah... bet those horns of unicorns and beasts." The old stag points at the cats. "Get them. I want them to be my experiment."

The soldiers start surrounding the cat. The black cat throws a brick and breaks it, causing its pieces to fall on all of the soldiers. Amelia just sits there and does nothing.

The soldiers point their weapons at them as the old stag grins. "Looks like someone will bring herself to me. Don't worry, I will take care of you."

The black cat folds her paws. "Before we start, can I know your name?"

"My name is Lord Strom. Your new master."

"Master? What are you saying?" The black cat points at him. "You have not even reached the Black Mage's foot."

"Ah... that mage. I will capture her soon."

The black cat giggles. "Am I joining a comedy? I'm sure that this will be a good comedy."


The soldiers start shooting at the black cat with muskets and arrows. The black cat just raises her paw and all of the projectives stop in front of her, then drop on the ground.

The soldiers are surprised and they are quickly reloading. The black cat claps her paw. "Rise up, bone soldiers."

The soldiers start falling and feel something painful inside, then they stay still after that. The old stag is confused at first, then he is shocked when the bones from the soldiers start walking outside from the soldier's corpse, leaving the skin outside. The bone soldiers are pointing the weapon at him

The black cat walks to the old stag. "Any last word?"

Lord Strom is scared, not having a single word from him. When the black cat starts commanding her bone soldiers to kill him, the old stag drops one of the teeth on the ground and disappears. The black cat sighs and teleports the bone and corpses away.

Amelia shakes her head. "Good opening, big sister."

"Why should I have to do this? This place is full of corpses."

"It is. Eldaro and others want to take this kingdom down. I want to help them through but I can't"

"I know." The black cat looks at the window and sees a black robe checking some rooms. The black cat giggles. "Look like Black Mage have returned."

Sunset is walking through the hall. The orange dragon goes inside the random door. What she sees inside makes her disgusted. Many of the female creatures are covered by white liquid. Looking closely, she sees all of them have been affected by the mind-controlling spell.

Suddenly, the door opens and the guards are dragging a pink mare with red mane to go inside. They quickly chain the front hooves but the mare doesn't show any resistance.

The guard feels weird. "Ah... this mare is very good." Then he rubs her neck and licks his lip, but the mare has no response, no disgust, no struggle or something. "I want to 'eat' her right now."

"She's yours now." The other guard smacks the guard's back. "I'm sure that she will like it."

"Well, I will break her soon."

When the guards are preparing the breeding, something dashes through the room. One of the guards walks toward the noise, and he lies down with a lot of blood bleeding. The other guard takes his weapon and walks to there

The black robe creature is coming out of the spot. The guard aims his weapon at the black robe and shutters. "Black... black mage?"

Before the guard can do anything, he received a fire arrow at his heart. The guard falls down and lies on there. Sunset reveals her face and releases the mare. "Come on, we have to get out of here."

"Why are you saving me?" Asks the mare. "Just let them fuck me already."

Sunset checks the mare and sees that she is not being affected by the mind-controlling spell. The orange dragon kneels down. "Don't you have family at your home?"

The mare stands up and looks at Sunset. "My name is Gale."

"Name Sunset Shimmer." The orange dragon leads the mare. "Come on, we have to get out of here."

The mare nods in silence and she follows the orange dragon. Looking at the mare, Sunset sees something not right about her.

After 15 minutes, the other guard comes inside to check and sees two guards are dead. The guard jingles his bell to warn everyone in the house.

Lord Anvari wakes up immediately when he hears the bell ringing. The stag leaves the room and gets some guards and asks. "What happens?"

"Lord Anvari, there is an assassin coming inside this house. We don't know where he or she is. I recommend you to go to the safety room."

Anvari nods. "Really? Lead me there."

The soldiers are leading lord Anvari to his safety room. On the way to walking there, two shadows are following him without anyone noticing.

When they come to the safety room, some of the soldiers come inside the room while 2 soldiers guard outside the room.

Sunset and Gale are standing in front of the safety room. The orange dragon quickly slashes the first guard by her claw, then she takes his sword and staff into his chest. Two guards are dead. The orange dragon is going to go inside the room but a hoof pole at her.

The orange dragon sees the mare is drinking the wine and drunk. Sunset asks. "Where did you get these wines?"

"Just... inside the dining room." Gale hiccups. "Can .. you give me a flavor?"

"What is it?"

"Please burn this house and kills every single slaves in here, they are broken and now, they will do anything for their master please."

Sunset retorts. "Burn the house, I will. But killing the slaves, no. I can dispel their spell on them. And you're drunk."

"Doesn't matter." The mare takes another gulp. "Hey, I will come inside the room alone. You should rescue the slaves as many as you can."

"Are you crazy? You will die there."

"I will take this stag with me." The mare suddenly sheds her tears. "I will... die with him."

Sunset has no word for her. The orange dragon grits her teeth, then draws a spell on the paper and gives it to the mare, then she stands up and puts her claw on the wall. "Then come in. And finish your mission

"Thank you." Gale opens the door. "Nice to meet you, dragon lord."

Sunset hears that and turns to the mare but Gale is already gone. The orange dragon doesn't know what she means. After a while, Sunset releases her claw on the wall and runs away.

The pink mare is coming inside and faces Lord Anvari with his guards. The stag stands up and looks at the mare. Anvari turns to the guard and commands him to kill her.

When the guard steps closer to Gale. The pink mare points at Anvari and yells. "You shouldn't push me into a dead end. You... " the pink mare's tear starts falling again and breathes. "You... should.."

Anvari commands. "Kill her. This mare is crazy."

The pink mare throws a paper on the door. A firewall rises from the ground and blocks the only way to leave the room.

Anvari and the soldiers are surprised. The soldiers are charging at the pink mare but Gale quickly grabs the spear and takes his sword, then she stabs at his neck.

Gale walks to the stags as the guards continue to charge at her. Gale rushes to them to fight against the soldiers.

Sunset is drawing a magic circle over the building. There are too many soldiers for her to kill as the orange dragon is running away from them.

When she comes to the dead end, she teleports immediately, much to the soldiers confusion.

Sunset stands up and sees there is a lot of meat around the room, some are even hanging on the track. Looking at the board, it read 'pony' on it. Sunset sighs and she starts drawing another magic circle. This building is going down.

Anvari is terrified at Gale as she is walking to the stag with a lot of wounds. Being stabbed by spears, being crushed by the soldiers and being burned by magic but the mare manages to kill all the guards. The pink mare is still walking to the stag, despite her blood bleeding hard.

Anvari shudders. "Please... I can give you anything. Anything you want, just leave me alone."

The pink mare looks at the stag as her tears keep falling. "Then give me back my dad, my store and my little brother's eye."

The brown stag is trying to teleport away but Gale throws the sword to the antlers, cause his antlers fall on the ground. The mare walks to the terrified stag with the spear.

Anvari looks at her. "Why... Why did you take everything from me?"

"Just like you take everything from anyone."

The mare raises the spear and stabs at his head furiously. After killing Anvari, the pink mare sits on the stair and watches the building falling.

Amelia and her big sister flying out of the Generation house. After a while, the house explodes and it is covered in fire. The cat duo smiles at that.

Suddenly, the black cat catches something in the air, then a green orb appears on her paws. The black cat closes her eyes and starts rubbing it.

Amelia sees the orange dragon is coming towards them, then the trio teleport outside the city and sit under the tree.

Amelia pats Sunset's back. "What's wrong?"

"I can't save anyone in there." The orange dragon watches the building on fire. "They are... suffering too much."

"Sometimes their life is just worse than death." The black cat shakes her head. "Like this stubborn soul I am holding."

"Diana..." Sunset turns to the black cat. "What happens to that soul?"

"The pink mare used to be a criminal, but she was given a notebook by an old stallion to write the things she will do in life." Diana sits down. "When she completed her time in prison, she started a peaceful life with his family."

Amelia and Sunset sit next to the black cat. Sunset asks. "What happened?"

"After a month, an brown stag came there and wanted to destroy the store." Diana continues. "The pink mare tried to stop him but she couldn't protect it. The brown stag made her beloved brother blinded in one eye."

"I see." Sunset sighs. "That's why she wants to die."

"Now, this soul is carrying her memory to her next life." Diana stops rubbing the orb. "What will you do?"

"I am not you." Sunset sighs. "How can I decide that?"

"I'll let you decide."

"Then just erase that memory." Sunset lies down. "Carry that painful memory will make her suffer more in next life."

Diana smiles and blows at the green orb. The green orb is changing into the white one and fly away. Diana looks at the soul and shakes her head. "I don't really like this stubborn reincarnation."

Sunset smiles. "You know, we will visit Eldaro tomorrow."

Amelia giggles. "Good luck. You will be famous."

"I have two cats to protect me. Who cares?"

"Fine." Diana looks at the city. "What happens in this city? The corpse and the death are everywhere"

Sunset and Amelia start telling everything about this country. The city will be in chaos.


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Celestia is heading to prison with some guards. She arrives at Chrysalis prison and sees that the changeling queen is lying on the hay. Celestia commands the soldier to leave.

Chrysalis stands up. "What are you doing here? We have nothing to talk about."

Celestia smiles. "I come here to release you." Chrysalis turns back to Celestia. The white alicorn sits down. "Don't you believe?"

"I think so." Chrysalis goes around the prison. "What's your game?"

"I will let you know something."

Celestia starts telling Dan about Dainn's plan. She talks about the artifact, the invasion and the resistance who want to take down the king.

Chrysalis nods. "I see. That's why you release me because you are afraid that if Dainn takes my kingdom, he will be a threat."

"I'm afraid so." Celestia nods. "So, you want to come back. Your subjects are waiting for you."

"How cute!" Chrysalis looks at Celestia. "Now I want to take you more."

Celestia teases. "Say about a changeling who lost her copycat. I don't think so. I just want you don't even invade my kingdom again."

Chrysalis glares at her. "Fine."

Celestia opens the prison room. When Chrysalis just steps out of the prison, Celestis points her horn at Chrysalis's heart and casts a spell. The changeling is surprised and jumps back immediately.

Celestia smiles. "Now the promise is set. If you have a plan to invade this country again, you will suffer in pain."

"Contract spell." Chrysalis huffs. "Second curse I received in my life."

Celestia asks curiously. "Who would give you the first one?"

Chrysalis waves her hoof to stop. "None of your business. Can I get out of here? I hate to see your face right now."

"You have to wait 15 minutes. Your changeling will come here to get you soon."

"Great." Chrysalis leaves the room with Celestia's guard. "Now I will suffer to see your face in 15 minutes." Celestia giggles as Chrysalis glares at her. "Not funny."

"Not for me." Celestia follows Chrysalis to leave the prison.

Dainn is in the meeting room with the lords of Atlas. There are almost all of the lords, except Lord Anvari and Lord Strom.

Dainn sighs and starts the meeting. "Today's meeting is about how we can capture the Black Mage."

A sallow, middle-aged stag wearing a finely-tailored green surcoat shakes his head and he decides not to have a talk about this. All the other lords look at Dainn.

The portly stag with warbeast fire breath scars spider-webbed across his chest asks. "What's about Black Mage? You have searched for her everywhere but you don't have any information."

Dainn takes the paper. "Lord Hrathr, do you know what Black Mage do to us?"

"Destroying our supplies, made Storm King wounded." The yellow stag answers. "That's all?"

"She just killed Lord Anvari last night." Dainn slams the table. "According to our surviving soldiers, she is the one who appeared on the night of the explosion. And we have Lord Anvari's corpse in the ruin."

"I see. But how will you find her? You just got her appearance."

"I don't think you should follow her right now." A wiry stag in a pair of half-moon eyeglasses gives him advice. "All of the country is turning our back plus Black Mage has destroyed our supplies. If we continue like this, we only have 6 month to survive."

Dainn takes a deep breath and sighs, then says. "We just lost Arkala city from the rebellion , Thror, but that's okay, that city is not important at all. Tell Arkon city to improve our food production."

"I have that in my mind." Thror nods. "I will do the same".

Lord Hrarth turns to him. "Can I attack to recapture Arkala city, your Majesty? We still need some information to this rebellion."

Dainn nods. "I will let you do that. But be careful."

"As your wishes."

Dainn turns to others. "We have good news. Equestria's captain, Shining Armor, is our ally right now. He will attack Ponyville tomorrow to threaten Canterlot."

"Such good news, but l assume that you should have plan B." Says the lean, muscled stag in steel armor sitting a seat from Dainn’s left. "I'm afraid they will fail because Celestia has a spell to dispel us."

"Plus if Celestia cast that spell on us. We will screw." a slightly tall, slightly better-built stag nods in agreement. "Plus, Black Mage only comes here in one days and gives us a lot of trouble."

"Don't worry, Lord Vestri." Dainn turns to the left. "I got the plan B in my mind."

Lord Vestri nods. "Good to hear."

Dainn turns to right. "Any question, Lord Invirgir?"

"Nothing, your Majesty."

"Good. The meeting ends here."

Dainn claps his hoof and all of the Lord stands up and leaves the room.

Eldaro is heading to the meeting room. He had asked some soldiers to manage the juice store. The old man opens and sees Silver, Aria, Gate, Sabrina, Trevor and Bell inside the room.

The old man nods and starting. "Today, we will talk about the strategy." Eldaro takes the paper and give to all of them. "This is my report in two days around in this country."

The report is about Dainn being attacked at the sky harbor in the capital city yesterday, and the important building was exploded, one of the lords was dead.

Gate puts the paper down. "Is this real? Who can do this to them?"

"The person... I mean creatures are coming here. Don't worry about the fake news." Eldaro smiles. "Now, we will make Argou city the most dangerous place to live."

"You mean bombing all the time?" Silver puts her wings on her cheek. "That will cause more creatures to die inside, because many of them will try to leave the city."

"And we will set up the way they will go out, then we will capture them." Eldaro round the city. "We have digged through this city without any notice. So we can set up without any problem."

"I disagree." The griffin shakes his head. "First, it will take a lot of time to do it. Second, we won't have enough food, drink and transport to take them home. And finally, what if Dainn sent his soldiers to come there."

Trevor adds. "Plus, I don't think we can capture them all. Some of them will die."

"We will capture as many as we can." Eldaro shakes his head. "One thing, we can't be fast in our state. Remember, Dainn has more soldiers than we are. If we go fast, Dainn will know it and send the soldiers."

Gate nods. "I see."

Trevor sighs. "From the captured castle. I have rescuit some soldiers. Now we have twenty hundred."

"Good. But we still need more than that." Silver smiles. "I can't make 2000 soldiers to win against 10000 of them."

Eldaro turns to the eagle. "Can you prepare to attack the next city?"

"Decline." Silver folds her wings. "We have cut most of our soldiers to surround the city. I can't take 500 to fight against 10000 of them."

Gate turns to the eagle. "Silver, you got that ... eh... tank... if I call it right, how can't you take the city?"

Trevor adds. "You're right. If we use that weapon, you can take that city easily, and Dainn will be in a food crisis."

Silver shakes her head. "You just overestimated that vehicle. It may make the soldiers run away, but if Dainn can study it and finds a way to counter, we will screw."

"You are just too worried, Silver." Sabrina smiles. "In here, they don't have RPGs to counter it."

"And we have only 5 shoots for that tank." Silver taps her wings. "Remember, this world also doesn't have 110mm ammunition for us too. We have to use it carefully."

Sabrina is going to retort more but Eldaro raises his hand to stop. Trevor looks at the old man. "I have an idea."

"What is it?"

Trevot rubs his head. "This tank... can destroy castle wall, right?" Eldaro nods and Trevor points at Arkon city to continue. "So... if we just destroy the castle wall in Arkon city and leave it there. The soldiers in there will be in chaos because their castle wall is gone."

Eldaro and Silver look at him and sigh. The old man comments. "That's a good idea." Eldaro sits down. "Once again, your choice."

Trevor nods. "Okay, we will sabotage Argou city in a week and prepare the plan to capture civilizations, then we destroy the castle in a week's time. Anyone disagree?" The moment of silence makes Trevor smile. "Let's do this. Now dismiss."

When the groups are going to leave the room, a knock on the door interrupts them as Silver opens it. They see a creature covered by the black coat. Gate, Trevor and Bell step back.

The black figure gives Eldaro a piece of paper. The old man and the eagle checks the paper and nods, then the black figure teleports away, leaving the trio in confusion. Aria laughs at that. "Cold blood creature, huh? I like that."

Trevor asks. "Who was that? I think I am going to be attacked."

Silver smiles. "Black Mage. The mage I have introduced before."

"Wow, she is so... silent." Comments Bell. "Is a word hard to say?

"Nah, she just delivers me this and goes." Eldaro puts the paper down. "She knows what I need. Now, let's start the plan."

All of them leave the meeting room with the job that has been set.

Celestia is sitting on the balcony and watching the night to enjoy the tea. The white pony knows something in Crystal Empire is not right when Shining Armor was being controlled like that.

When she is sipping the tea, the guest interrupts her as she looks aside. The orange dragon is sitting on the railing and looks at the white alicorn.

Celestia sighs. "Please take a seat."

Sunset nods and takes a seat. "Why are you calling me again?"

"I need you to investigate the Crystal Empire. Something is not right in this place."

Sunset shakes her head. "Crystal Empire? Someone is being controlled there?"

Celestia stands up and watches the crystal castle from far away. "Because Shining Armor is being controlled by the caribou. I doubt that Candance is in the same state."

"I see. I will go there tomorrow." Sunset stands up. "You should take a rest. I will use your room."

"No, you don't." Celestia pulls her tail with her magic. "I won't let you use my bedroom and cuddle me like a pillow again."

"Fine." Sunset yanks her tail. "I will sleep in your guest room. Have a nice talk."

Celestia huffs and keeps watching the moon. After a while, a black wolf comes to sit beside her. Celestia smiles and takes a sip.

The wolf looks at the door. "Does she know it?"

"That presence of yours can hide from anyone, Crescent." Celestia sips the tea. "I thought you were resting with Leo."

"He sleeps already, he is the Lion of the Sun through." Crescent huffs. "Anyway, you want me to go to Crystal Empire alone."

"Yes, but without anyone knowing, even Sunset."

"It's hard." Crescent taps her paws. "That witch can sense my presence without any problem."

"Then just let her know and follow her. You will have an emergency plan."

"I see." Crescent jumps from the balcony. "See you later, Celestia."

The white alicorn relaxes in the wind at night, and looks at the moon. Tomorrow will be fun.

Crystal Empire (1)

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Shining Armor is watching Ponyville in the high position. The village is participating in the Summer Sun Celebration. The white unicorn is feeling confident of this raid when no one is aware of this invasion.

A gray stag is coming towards him. Looking at the village, he smiles. "Looks like no one knows that. You are doing a good job, Shining Armor."

"Your welcome, Birgil." Shining Armor points at the spot. "Get our soldiers ready. We will capture this village."

Birgil and his soldiers come to the spot. Shining Armor lights his horn and teleports all of them to the middle of the celebration. The ponies look at them confused. One of them charges at the stallion and tries to slash him but the sword goes through him like nothing. Birgil tries to touch them but he can't.

After a while, the village disappears and leaves the empty Ponyville. A lot of royal guards come out of the hiding spot and surround them. One of them shouts. "Surrender now. We have you surrounded."

Birgil doesn't know what to do now. He tries to teleport with his antler but a figure jumps through him and slashes off his antler. Birgil is surprised and watches the figure. It looks like a mare and she wears it full of black like a ninja. The ninja points the kunai at them. "Charge. And capture them." All of the royal guards rush at them.

Shining Armor is surprised and he wants to flee, but a shadow overlap him as he looks up. A coral mare is going to slashes him from above with the halberd. Shining Armor forms a shield to protect him. The halberd and the shield make contract with each other. The shield is quickly broken due to the slam and Shining is stepping back.

A phoenix is landing behind her. Twilight and Spike jump out of the phoenix and face the captain. Twilight's horn and hoof are glowing and point at the white unicorn. "Release my brother. NOW."

He tries to retort. "What are you talking about, Twilight? I am your brother."

A blast coming from the purple unicorn aims directly at the white unicorn. Shining teleports away but a halberd comes to him. Shining forms a shield to block it but it is broken immediately. When the white unicorn tries to get up, two purple claws hold his horn and hold his neck. Shining Armor is trying to get out but he received a slam from the purple dragon and fainted.

Spike looks at the phoenix. "Sorry for not having a good celebration."

The phoenix nods and flies to him while Spike is tying the captain. The purple unicorn sighs in relief. "It looks like the illusion spell is working well."

Spike points at the phoenix. "Well, shame that we can't celebrate this festival for this phoenix. Sorry, I don't expect that you will come here."

The phoenix lies on the ground next to Spike as Twilight giggles. "Well, it looks like she likes you a lot."

"I know." Spike watches the royal guards capturing the invader one by one. "We're done here."

Coral spins the halberd. "What a shame! I think I can beat him more."

"Hey. Don't take it as a chance to beat him." Twilight glares at Coral Balde. "I hope I can beat you right now."

"Oh right, oh right." Coral smiles and points at the big phoenix. "Anyway, can this honor guest stay here for a day? We can make it for tomorrow."

The phoenix smiles and the little one flies around Coral. Spike smiles. "I hope Crystal Empire doesn't have any problem with a captain like this."

"You and I will go there, Spike. I hope we can go there in time." Twilight is going to prepare the trip but Coral Blade just pulls her mane. Twilight glares at her. "What was that?"

"I don't think you should come alone." Coral Blade points at the phoenix. "This is the fire phoenix. How can she fly through the ice land like the Crystal Empire."

The phoenix shakes its head and feels proud of her. Spike says. "Lotus said that she had no problem."

"Lotus? Did you already give this one a name?" Twilight yells at him but the phoenix gives her a light peak on her head. Twilight grunts. "Fine. We will see if that empire is occupied or not."

"Let's go."

Twilight jumps on the phoenix and flies with Spike to go to Crystal Empire. Coral watches the phoenix fly away. "Oh... I hope Flora is fine in there."

Sunset is flying to the Crystal Empire with a black cat. The blizzard is very strong from here. Sunset feels something not right about this blizzard, one minutes before it blows hard, now it blows easier, and then it blows hard.

Diana shakes her head. "Was your world's weather unstable? No way a blizzard works like this."

"I don't know. Something affect in Crystal Empire." Sunset keeps flying toward. "Where's Amelia? I thought she was here."

"She comes back to Earth(en)." Answers Diana. "My husband missed her a lot so I decided to take this shift."

"Good choice. Just don't try to kill anyone like you did in Argou." Sunset starts to fly fast. "I hate this 'tail' so much."

Diana looks aside and sees a wolf is following them. The black cat admires the wolf when she can run in this unstable weather. The black cat follows the orange dragon to the Crystal Empire.

When Diana arrives there, she sees a hold city that is literally made of crystal, causing her to wonder if they are easy to break or not.

Sunset and Diana are walking to the gate but the guard points the spear at the orange dragon. "What are you doing here, dragon? No dragon is allowed to go inside the empire."

Sunset retorts. "Come on. Just tell Princess Cadance that Sunset is coming to meet you."

"Wait here."

The guard runs inside the gate to find her. Diana looks at the castle and asks. "You feel that, right?"
Sunset nods as Diana looks around. "I don't know who is disturbing this empire?"

"Two auras in one place. I bet that Cadance is struggling hard not to be brainwashed." Sunset shakes her head. "I'm afraid that we have to go sneaking."

Diana nods. "Got it." Then the black cat notices something on Sunset's claw. It's a fire symbol. The cat asks. "Where did you get that symbol?"

"When I come to visit Dragonland with Twilight and Spike. That stupid staff of Lord Torch gives me this thing." Sunset folds her claw. "And Lord Torch doesn't know anything about this."

Diana giggles and sits on Sunset's shoulder. The guard comes out and reports. "You can come inside, but you have to wait for a while. Princess Cadance is busy with something."

"I see. I will go around this empire to wait."

The guards nod and Sunset goes to the Crystal Empire. Walking on the street, the dragon sees the ponies around and it seems like they are on drugs. Diana sees something is not right about this thing and asks. "Are drugs common here?"

"No. It's illegal." Sunset points at the way to Crystal Heart. "You come there to see what happens. It has a blue crystal shape like a heart in the middle of the empire."

"Sadly, I am not very good at clease spell like my sister." Diana huffs. "I don't know if I can do it or not?"

"I will deal with this Cadance."

"Right." Diana puts her paws on Sunset's shoulder. "Good luck."

"See you again."

The duo walks into two different directions. Sunset walks to the castle to visit Cadance while Diana heads to the Crystal Heart.

Diana sees the Crystal heart, but it is half red and half blue. The black cat walks to the Crystal Heart and wants to grab it but an arrow is flying to her. Diana jumps back and sees a familiar graunt, old stag with beady yellow eyes. The crystal ponies soldiers surround the cat and point the musket, spears, and bows to her.

Diana looks at the old stag. "Nice setting. I thought you would go to a room and be scared."

"I am not that weak." Lord Strom sees the black cat land on the ground. "Are you giving up?"

"You really know how to humor me." Diana giggles. "I bet these are only two times to use long teleports."

"You won't beat me this time." Strom throws the fangs of animals in the air. The fangs are flying around the black cat. "I will have you."

"Sorry, only Noleg can have me." Diana smiles and takes the crystal heart. "Would you mind if I take this thing?"

Lord Strom and his soldiers are watching the black cat. His soldiers shoot the musket but the black cat catches the bullets like nothing. Lord Strom is surprised. "Ho... how?"

"You need a sniper rifle to hit me, not a musket"

Diana puts her paw on the ground and a black circle appears. Lord Strom commands his soldiers to get out of the circle but all of his soldiers aim weapons at the lord. Looking at his soldiers, he sees the crystal ponies are trying to not aim the weapon at him but they can't

Lord Strom glares at Diana and his antlers are shining. The fangs are shining and going to do something but his soldiers shoot them down. The old stag takes out a fang to get away but shadow hands appear from his shadow and pins him down, then takes out his neckache that is full of fangs.

Diana walks closer to the immobilized stag. "Shame that you are out of the circle. If not, you are my slave."

"What... what have you done to them." The old stag tries to stand up. "This is not a normal spell."

"Blood spell: control." Diana holds one of the antlers and yanks it off the stag's head, making him scream in pain. "This spell is only for bullying the weak. It's not powerful."

"Not...powerful... How.." The old stags are trying to say as Diana holds another antler. "No... don't do it."

"Don't worry. A deer or a stag can have other antlers quite quickly." Diana yanks it off, makes him scream in pain and breathes heavily. "If your mana is too many, or the control is a crazy one or a hard head. I can't control them." Diana opens his mouth and grabs a tooth. "Tell me. Where did you hide the slaves in the capital city?"

The old stag tries to yell. "Like if I will tell you."

Diana pulls the tooth out of the stag's mouth, makes him scream in pain and breathes heavily. Diana looks at the tooth and sees the rune symbol is on the tooth.

Suddenly, the old stag is teleported away. Diana rubs her head. "Nice move, kid. I never thought you would have another card."

Diana dispels her magic and makes the soldiers faint. The black cat flies to the roof and examines the crystal heart. "Weird, why is this only around 50% of color?"

Doubting about something, Diana decides to use a spell and the crystal heart is spinning. It reveals a red line connecting to the castle and the blue line connecting outside the Crystal Empire. The black cat realizes that the blue line is coming closer. Diana shakes her head. "Weird artifact."

Gate and Silver is planning to do farming on Arkala. The pegasi had dug a hole in the cloud to take in the sunlight. Aria and Sabrina are melting the snow and the soldiers are making the farm.

The old griffin sighs. "I don't know when it will come to the night. The night will be cold from here."

Silver draws a line. "But we have to try. If we succeed, we allow to rescuit many soldiers like this."

"... well let's wait about a week. If we see that the tree can grow, we can do farming."

Silver nods. "Right. I will check the slaves if they ready to return to their home."

Silver heads to the slaves to check their mental. Suddenly, a soldier comes to her and report. "Madam, Dainn is sending his soldiers from the capital city to here. They are led by a stag have a symbol on the chest."

"How many?"

"Around 10.000." The soldier takes. " and they have some beasts follow them, but all of them are in cages."

"Interesting. Prepare to engage. We will fight this battle." Silver waves her left wing. "Calls Aria and Ox for me. We will need some assistance."

"Yes madam."

The soldiers run to the HQ. Silver looks at the sky as Gate asks. "Have to go to the battle?"

"I'm afraid so. Dainn sends a large army here. But I bet that they want information more than to recapture this city."

Gate counters. "I heard that he sent 10000 soldiers and some beast. This is not just collecting information."

"They are." Silver shakes her head. "I have to go. See you soon."

"Don't die in there, okay."

"Don't worry about me."

Silver spreads her wings and flies away. Gate sighs and takes a seat. The old griffin is worried about this eagle.

Crystal Empire (2)

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The orange dragon is walking to the crystal castle. The guards lead her to the meeting room and sees Princess Cadance is sitting to wait for her.

The orange dragon smiles. "Hello Princess Cadance, I hope you enjoy your new title."

"Thank you, Sunset." Cadance nods. "I just miss my husband. He is visiting Twilight Sparkle."

"Really, I thought you were going to honeymoon with each other." Sunset taps her fingers on the table. "Tell me, why are you summoning me here? I just want to visit and learn about those crystal ponies."

"Sorry Sunset, Crystal Empire is having some troubles inside, like the snowstorm outside, so I don't want you to be uncomfortable with it." The pink alicorn sways the tail. "Anyway, dragons like gems, right? We have a new type of gem to let you analyze it."

Sunset turns to the door and senses some shadowns are on the roof. The orange dragon grins. "I am not a gem analyzer, how can I know the rarity?"

"You can eat it." Explains Cadance. "Dragon can taste it to define its rarity."

Sunset sighs. "Ah... but is it a waste of your gem? I assume that you can go to the gem shop."

The maid walks into the room and shows a big ruby on the stray. Cadance smiles. "Just bite a little and you will know its rarity."

Sunset picks the gem up. "Before I bite this, can I know what your wedding day is?"

"Six months ago, that's queen Chrysalis invasion."

"I thought about it 9 months ago." Sunset spins the gem. "Me and others are in there too."

Cadance smiles nervously. "Oh yeah, I forgot. It's nine months ago." A gem is flying to her and Cadance ducks to dodge. The pink alicorn yells. "What are you doing?"

"Tell me who you are." Sunset takes the halberd from the armor beside. "The invasion really happened 6 months ago." Then the orange dragon points at the pink alicorn. "Tell me where princess Cadance is."

'Cadance' shakes her head and smiles, then her body is changing and reveals a black caribou with antler. Sunset senses a magic circle on his forehead.

The black stag introduces. "My name is Goris. I am a soldiers of Lord Strom."

"I bet that old stag is handled by Diana."

Sunset rushes to the black stag. A smoke is appeared at his spot and Sunset sees many blades in the smoke. When the smoke is faded, many crystal ponies guards are surrounding her. The orange dragon takes the halberd up and smiles, then she charges at the soldiers.

Twilight and Spike are struggling to go through the blizzard while the phoenix flies through it like nothing. The purple unicorn sees the blue line connecting to Spike's chest.

Twilight yells. "I don't think we can go through this."

"What are you saying? We can do it, and I can find out what this line is?"

"You see it? I think we should go faster before we die of cold."

The phoenix flaps the wings and flies faster. Twilight and Spike are ready to jump down. When the phoenix flies through the Crystal Empire, the purple duo jump down from it. Spike catches Twilight in midair and slowly flies down on the roof.

Following the blue line, they see a black cat is holding the Crystal Heart and watching the castle. The purple duo stops and hides under the roof to watch the cat.

Suddenly, some force is levitating them and the purple duo is coming to the cat. The black cat looks at them. "You can't hide from anyone with a blue line connected to you." Diana puts them down. "You must be Twilight and Spike, right?"

"Yeah." Twilight rubs her head and looks at the cat. "Hmm... you look like Amelia but in black. Are you dying your fur, Amelia?"

Spike giggles while Diana just slaps her head. Diana huffs. "Amelia is my little sister, and she just comes back to his world."

Spike pats the cat's head. "But at least you are cuter than your sister. I like your fur."

"Thanks. Anyway, you should go now. Something is wrong in this castle." Diana gives Spike the heart. "This artifact is connecting to you. "

Twilight looks at the heart and sees the red line is connecting something under the castle. Twilight suggests. "I think you should keep this heart. You are Amelia's big sister so I can say that you are as powerful as her."

"Plus, this line is not going to disappear, right?" Spike rubs Diana's neck. "Aww, you look so cute." Diana bites his claw and huffs. Spike rubs his claw. "Fine. We'll go, just keep the Crystal Heart for safety "

Spike carries Twilight to the crystal castle to investigate the problem in this place. The black cat looks at the purple dragon and sighs. "Hope Sunset doesn't know about his reincarnation."

Silver lands on the cloud and looks at the soldiers. Blinking her eyes one time, she ses closer, blinking another time, she sees many beasts are following the soldiers without problem.

"Looking good. From here to Arkala they have one day to go." Silver is setting a map in her system. "Plus they have to go through a jungle to get to the city."

The eagle flicks hee feather, then blows it. The feather changes into a mini jet and flies to the light brown stag, then it shoots something to him, and it flies back to the eagle.

The stag with the beast tattoo on his chest raises his hoof to command his soldiers to stop, then they start camping outside the jungle. The light brown stag commands a scout to investigate the jungle.

When the scout comes back, he commands that there is nothing inside except the wild animals, plus, this jungle is huge. The brown stag nods and commands the soldiers to set up the magic stones to warm themself.

Inside the tent, the stag is watching the map to see the shortest way to arrive at Akalar. A brown yak comes inside and reports. "Lord Hrathr, we have some information of the rebellion."

"Oh, tell me."

"They are led by a giant eagle. In that battle, the blue minotaur named Ox killed nearly a hundred of the soldiers." The brown yak flips another paper. "And they only used about 500 soldiers to capture the city."

Hrathr taps his hoof. "Anything else." The brown yak shakes his head. "I am interested in that giant eagle. Did you have anything about that eagle, Jazzing?"

"Nothing sir, except the musket caused no damage to her." The yak gives a paper. "This is her appearance."

Hrathr looks at the paper and sees that the eagle is nothing different than the normal one, except the silver feather. Hrathr commands. "Release the beast to clear a way in the jungle."

"Yes sir."

The brown yak leaves the camp. Hrathr is feeling that something is spying on him. Taking a look around the camp, he sees nothing. "Maybe I am just too caution."

Silver looks around the camp with her eyes to see where they put the food. When she sees the food, she marks it, then flies back to the jungle camp.

Aria and Ox are setting the camp in the jungle. The duo sees Silver is walking in the camp and looks around, then she takes the MRE and commands a soldier to go back to the HQ to make this.

Silver goes to the tent to meet Aria and Ox. The blue minotair points at the MRE. "What is this thing?"

Silver explains. "Just my food. I just want to make this type of food easier to carry in our camp." The eagle gives this to Ox. "Here, take a look."

Ox takes it and analyzes. "What is the MRE?"

"Meal, Ready-to-eat. Just a light weight food." Silver smiles. "But it can keep the soldier away from starving."

"But you can make the canned food, you know?" Aria takes out the canned food. "Equestria and other countries have this kind of food. Easier to make than the MRE."

"Fine. But I don't understand why our opponent uses the food that must be transported by wagons and carts." Silver rubs her chin. "Not going outside much?"

Aria laughs. "You got me. Anyway, who led the soldiers?"

"Well, a stag named Lord Hrathr, I assume." Silver sighs and turns to her soldiers. "You take others to take out the beast. Some beasts goes inside this jungle."

The soldier bows and goes away. Ox recognizes that name. "Ah... Lord of Beast. Bet that he is sending some dogs that have ice on its shoulder?

Silver nods. "You guess right. Are our traps ready?"

"It's ready." Aria puts the sniper rifle on the table. "We only need one sniper to scare them away."

"Right..." Silver turns away. "I will use it. Ox, you follow our soldiers to fight against the beast with Aria."

Ox and Aria leave the tent to prepare their thing.

Following the red line, Twilight and Spike are led to the basement. The purple duo examines the basement to see if there is some secret way inside the wall.

Twilight accidently clicked on the bottom. The wall is slowly turning into a door. Spike and Twilight look at each other, then they decide to open the door slowly and go inside.

Inside the door, they see many stags guarding a door. Spike counts them and finds that there are at least 20 stags inside.

Twilight hides behind a wall and whispers. "What will we do now? Sneak in or burst in?"

"Are you serious? No way we can sneak a room like that." Spike looks at them and sees that they have some barrel of oil. "Look like they will commit suicuide if their mission is failed."

"... then we can't use fire." Twilight's hooves are lighting. "Hope that this will help."

Twilight slams her front hooves and the floor is freezing time by time. The stag doesn't know what that is. When the ice just touches them, they are frozen immediately.

Spike admires. "Wow, where did you get this spell?" Twilight turns away and feels sick when remembering something. Spike drags the unicorn. "Nevermind."

The door opens and they see the old stag without antlers trying to do something with Princess Candance. The pink alicorn is trying to resist. "I... wo..won't follow you."

The old stag grits his teeth. "Where did she get that strength?"

A blast hits directly the old stag and he gets slammed on the wall. Twilight and Spike run to Cadance and release her.

Cadance hugs them. "Thank Celestia that you are here. I through I will be brainwashes."

Spike looks at the old stag. "Who is this? He tries to brainwash you."

"His name is Strom. One of the lord in Atlas." Cadance sighs. "He also commands Shining Armor to attack Ponyville."

"I see."

The trio feels an earthquake on the castle. Spike and Twilight carry the princess of love outside the basement.

Diana looks at the heart and it returns to normal. The ponies inside the castle are confused to see what happens.

Diana giggles. "Look like they are successful. And someone comes here with nothing, right..." the black cat turns to the right. "Puppy?" Crescent comes out from the corner as Diana turns behind her. "And the ninja."

A pony dressed like a ninja is jumping out of the hiding spot. She lands on the cat. "You know us along."

"The one who grabs the phoenix's tibia to come here." Diana folds her paw. "You are really a ninja, not a fake one.'

Crescent sits next to Diana. "What are you, cat? You look stronger than you look."

"Heh, just a normal cat." Diana giggles and sees an explosion is coming from the castle. "Looks like I have to return this heart."

The ninja looks at the wolf and sits next to her. Diana flies to the explosion and smiles. She is sure that they will succeed.


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Hrathr is watching the map of Arkala. There isn't have another way to there, except passing this jungle. The lord have sent some of his beast to scout the area but they didn't return yet.

A minotaur soldier reports. "Dear lord, the rebellion sends you this thing."

The minotaur shows the head of the wolf to him. Hrathr asks the soldiers to go away as he has predicted that will happen. He can't even use the fire to burn the forest due to the snowy environment.

A green pegasus with yellow mane comes inside. Hrathr waves his hoof. "There you are, Poison Stringer. I am waiting for you."

The pegasus bows. "I know why you call me, my lord. Can we just mention the problem now?"

Hrathr nods. "Sure. Go ahead."

Poison Stringer points at the forest. "We know they have this weather and this forest to cover themself. I suggest that we should use some reporters to join them."

"I am having the same things in mind." Hrathr sighs. "Here the thing I got." The caribou points at the entrance of the forest. "We will take our slaves to the cage, then transport through the forest. When they capture our slaves or our soldiers, we can know the location of their HQ."

"Too obvious." Poison shakes his head. "First, they all know that the wagon won't be normal if transport through the snow. And second, they can clean that spell."

"... that's why I am going to retreat." Hrathr sighs. "We don't have tine for this."

"I assume that we have to reduce our army. From 10000 to 5000, that will continue."

"I agree, we will do it. The rebellion is not have many soldiers either. Now, you will lead the soldiers to come back to the capital."

"Yes, sir." The pegasus leaves the camp and prepares to reduce the soldier.

Silver giggles at this information. It is predictable for her when Hrathr goes to here with too many soldiers for this recapture. Silver just takes a cup of coffee and relax in the snow storm.

Ox comes inside and asks. "What did he do? I can't wait to chop his head off"

"Just relax. He is reducing his soldiers to five thousand." Silver leaves the tent. "He will lost many hours to do that." Then she points at the way to the capital city. "Anyway, did our traps ready?"

"Ready." Ox swings her axe. "I will train more to kill our enemy."

"Wow. You like to kill the enemy, right?" Silver giggles and teases. "Really, if our soldiers have that superpower like you, I will be more confident."

"Nah." Ox waves her hand. "You can't sleep, that means you can't rest your mind. I have had that trouble since I received this ... thing."

"Wow." Silver takes the sniper rifle. "How are our soldiers?"

"We can wait for this a long time."

"Right. I will take a first shoot to their camp." Silver starts to leave and sees the changelinv with white mane is coming. "Oh hi Sabrina."

Sabrina huffs. "Hi Silver, where are you going? Killing some deer?"

"Nah... I will take a first shot at their camp." Silver pats her head. "I can take pictures for this, Cheese Leg."

"I dare you. Anyway..." Sabrina looks at the blue minotaur. "I have good new. Lord Strom of the Atlas is captured in Equestria."

"What!?" Ox's eyes widened. "How can you know that?"

"Black Mage told me." Sabrina takes the paper and reports. "For what she recorded, Lord Hrathr was successfully brainwashed Shining Armor, one of the Crystal Empire captains. And that captain operated a raid to Ponyville to capture the town."

"I see. This is really good news because we can have information from a lord." Silver smiles. "Anyway, who will take his information?"

Sabrina sighs. "Diana."

"Wow..." Silver goes away. "Good luck."

Ox feels odds about this. "Eh... who is Diana and what's happened?"

"Just... imagine a cat with a power that can make you ... not actually dead but also not actually alive... eh...." Sabrina coughs. "You don't need to know... please do your job."

Ox rubs her head in confusion while Sabrina heads to the camp to watch the map. She can see the place where Eldaro is going to make an explosion.

The gray stag is struggling to get away from the bond. Coral Blade looks at him and feels pity for him. The earth pony shakes her head and leaves the room while the white kirin looks at her in confusion.

The earth pony comes back with some food and drink. "Tell me, Gray. Where are your friends? Going somewhere to brainwash someone?"

The gray stag looks at the earth pony. "Hah, you think you can get the information from me, I won't tell anything even if I die, bitch." Then he turns to the white kirin. "And you, what are you? A mutant pony that has scales, so cruel."

Coral starts eating while the white kirin just light her horn. The earth pony shakes her head. "We don't mind. I just want to remove something on your forehead."

The gray stag gulps. The white kirin puts her horn on his forehead and going to cast a spell. The gray stag begs. "Oh right, I will tell you everything. Please don't remove it."

"Ah.. sorry but I have to remove it." The white kirin's horn is shining. "One of you is exploded by that magic circle." Then the magic circle is fading time by time, until it is completely gone. The white kirin sighs. "Rune magic is so annoying."

"I know, Snow Storm." Coral is eating her lunch. "At least I don't have to waste this lunch."

Snow Storm glares at her. "Stop eating while investigating already. This is the fifth time."

Coral giggles. "You can't stop me." Snow Storm blasts her lunch and it becomes ice. Coral Blade pats her head. "All right, you got me." The gray stag is slowly waking up and looks around. Coral sighs. "It looks like someone is waking up."

The gray stag looks around. "Where... where am I? Who are you?"

Snow Storm releases the stag and pats his back. "Can you sit there and relax? You can close your eyes to remember everything that happens."

The gray stag nods. He closes his eyes to start remembering. Coral Blade and Snow Storm are waiting for him to get some information. After 5 minutes, the duo is still watching him. Suddenly, the gray stag is terrified and breathes heavily. "Wh... what.... Ruby..." the gray stag is going to run away from the room but Coral trips him, cause him fall on the ground.

Coral helps him to stand up and try to calm him down. "Look... I know you are very shocked. But I need you to relax and tell me what happens when you complete concious."

"Thank... thank you." The gray stag takes a seat. "And my name is Birgil. "

Snow Storm takes out the paper as Birgil starts saying what happens in his country.

Diana is heading to the prison room with Twilight and Spike. The black cat licks her lip when she wants to meet this old stag a lot. The purple duo keeps a distance from the black cat.

Diana turns to them. "Relax. I won't do anything to you."

Twilight counters. "But what you did to that stag is so terrifying."

"Ah..." Diana takes out the antler. "You mean this thing?" The purple duo nods. Diana laughs. "I am going to make medicine from this."

"And that's terrifying." Spike huffs. "I know you do that to prevent him from casting magic, but can you make it .... softer? You and Amelia are so opposite."

"You can say that because my little sister is the cat of life." Diana grins. "And I am the cat of death."

"Great... a reaper." Twilight rolls her eyes. "I hope you can keep that old stag alive."

The warden leads the trio to the prison room. Inside, they see Lord Strom is in chains and shackles. The old stag stares at her and tries to struggle. "No... get away from me."

"This is the third time we have met each other." Diana folds her paw. "Where has the fire been the last two times?"

Twilight and Spike look at each other and worry about the old stag. Lord Strom yells at her. "What do you want from me?"

Diana looks at the purple duo and the wardens. "You shouldn't see this scene. It will make you have a nightmare."

Twilight and Spike leave the room with the warden. The old stag gives her a smirk. "Look like some... AGHH..."

Diana is pulling his vein slowly from his hoof. "Tell me. Where is the other slaves you hide in this country."

Lord Strom is trying to retort. "Like...UGhH...." Diana keeps pulling out of his vein and its run to his chest. Lord Strom is trying to ask. "Why... why can't I die from this?"

"Why should I let you die?" Diana yanks out of his heart, making him scream out loud. "Death is in my command and I demand you can't be dead." Then the black cat is putting her paw on his right hoof. "Tell me the information I want to hear, or... you will know the pain."

Twilight and Spike are hearing the scream inside. They are so terrified when the old stag screams like that over and over. After 30 minutes, the stag is still screaming inside. Cadance heads to the prison room and sees the purple duo.

The pink alicorn hears the scream inside and asks. "Who is screaming inside?"

"The old stag that you just captured." Spike sighs. "I don't know what she did with that old stag." Diana flies out from the prison room with a file. Spike looks at her. "Oh hey, how is it going?"

"Just a stubborn kid inside." Diana gives the pink alicorn inside the file. "Here is the information I got from that stag. It is easier than I thought."

Cadance takes the file. "I'll read it later. Anyway, how can you have information from him."

"Just some torturing illusion." Diana giggles. "This is not the first time I have met him."

"I ... see."

Princess Cadance is leaving and heads to the prison room to read the file. Diana looks at the purple duo. "Looks like we should stay here for a while."

"No... we will come back to Ponyville." Twilight smiles. "I can introduce you to my friend."

"I see." Diana flies to Spike and lying on his head. "I can't wait. Please hurry."

Spike rubs his chin. "Oh... and what have you done with the old stag?" Diana puts her paws on his mouth and shakes her head. Spike sighs. "Fine, if you insist "

Diana spins her paw and whispers. "Endless nightmare."

Lord Strom slowly wakes and looks around, he sees a deep space with a blood river. The old stag looks at his body and sees it is fine, after many torturing of that cat.

Many creatures are rising up from the blood river, causing him to be surprised. Looking at one of the pony, he sees the familiar face, except the eyeballs.

"No... you are already dead because of my experiment." Lord Strom backs away from the pony and sees another griffin. "This...this is the one I experiment with... rune magic. All of them?"

The creatures surround him and stare at him. The old stag yells out loud and starts running away from them, but an invisible wall prevents him. The creatures keep walking forward as the old stag just lies down. "Endless nightmare."

Chaos in Argou and Celestia's visit

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A blue caribou is stretching his body and sighs in relief. Being an inspector of Agrou city is stressful, especially when there are two merchants that make things more difficult than before.

The blue caribou heads to the juice shop and sees an old griffin is sitting on the chair. Looking around, there is no one inside the shop, except a griffin and a three-color fur Abyssian sleeping together. He decides to take a seat beside the old griffin.

The old griffon smiles. "Today, we will denote the center of the city. Any important character today, inspector Sky?"

"Lord Frey is heading to the center of the city to participate in the festival. " Sky grins. "Look like no one's here to drink at your shop." The Abyssian gives him yellow juice. "Thank you, Taco. I like this mango juice."

Eldaro nods. "All right, time for the plan. A lord comes here will get our plan come faster."

Eldaro and his company stand up and leave the store with some tools. They head to the center of the city to do their plan.

In the center of the city, many creatures surround a big fountain to celebrate a festival. Many female creatures are dancing around to wait the male creatures take them and become his slave. The festival is going well with a certain caribou called Lord Frey.

The young, black caribou stands up on the fountain and announces to his subject. "The festival now..."

Not finishing the sentence, the fountain exploded, causing Frey to fly from the fountain and get burned. The creatures around run away in panic, but some of them are being held by someone and dragged inside. The soldiers come to the explosion and drag their lord away, then try to calm others down to clean up the situation.

Eldarl is watching them from the high building. The plan is going smoothly when his soldiers can capture many creatures in the city and drag them underground. Watching for a while and seeing the city's soldiers are going to successfully calm their creatures down. Eldaro turns to Taco and commands. "Tell Grounder that we are done here. This plan is completed."

Taco runs to the window and jumps on the high floor. She goes to the underground and sees that a white diamond dog is collecting his victims. When he gets the order, he taps the wall and rings the bell. After a while, many creatures are going inside with their victims. All of the victims are tied up and gagged.

The white diamond dog grins. "Look at our collection. We will need some carts to carry them all."

Taco nods. "This is just our side mission. The main mission is completed."

"You can say that. We got about 50 of them." Grounder waves his paw. "Let's head to the base boy. We're done here."

The soldiers start putting the victim to the cart, then the earth ponies drag them away. The plan is successful.

Dainn slams the table and throws the ink bottle away, then he breathes heavily. The failure of Lord Strom, the terrorism inside Agrou city. Now, the spy in Equestria had been wiped out by Celestia's soldiers.

Dainn sits down and takes a deep breath to calm him down. The caribou doesn't know what to do next when all of his plans fail. He is going to summon Lord Hrathr back but the lord is still in battle, he can't interrupt him. Dainn doesn't know what to do now.

The scaled griffon is going inside the room and reports. "Your majesty, I heard that Lord Strom spills all of the information to our spy."

"You're right." Dainn takes a paper. "Last time, Celestia exploited all of our brainwashing spells and now, all of the country makes the cleanse spell. We can't even trade with them anymore."

Dark Razor looks around. "I think we have to force the slave work more. That will solve the problem of food."

"Honestly, if we force too much, we can be doomed by the rebellion." Dainn takes a deep breath. "Something is not right here."

"How so? You are afraid that you are being spied on."

Dainn opens the window and looks outside. He sees Celestia is watching his city from the high place. Dark Razor looks at her and sees that the white alicorn is carrying a halberd. Dainn commands. "Come with me, we have to capture her. This is our chance to take back the advance."

The white alicorn looks at the city. Corpses are around the city without any care. The male creatures are raping the females without mercy, and the city are showing the slaves auction without any shy. Celestia sighs in frustration and wants to destroy this city.

After 30 minutes of watching, the white alicorn turns around and sees the soldiers are pointing weapons at her. Dainn walks in front of the soldiers and realizes that the white alicorn is not showing any fear, despite being surrounded.

Dainn smiles. "Look like you are mine, my dear princess."

Celestia turns to Dainn."How long do you kill the previous king? Svardagr and Daen are better than you."

"Better than me? Don't make me laugh." Dainn points at the white alicorn. "And King Svardagr was dead by an accident."

Celestia counters. "What kind of accident have poison in his mouth, my dear prince?" Dainn is shocked when he hears that. Celestia continues. "Svardagr was going to say sorry after he committed sexual abused to you but..." Celestia shakes her head. "I think he was too late when he has already created a demon."

"ENOUGH!" Dainn grits his teeth and glares at Celestia. "Guard! Capture her immediately."

The soldiers raise their shields and spears, then they start walking to the white alicorn. Griffins and pegasi start flying toward her. Celestia sighs and closes her eyes. The white alicorn raises her halberd and stands there, making Dark Razor feel something is not right. He commands his soldiers to stop.

Celestia smiles. "What's wrong? Afraid to come here?"

The scaled griffin feels a great pressure from the white alicorn, despite Celestia closing her eyes. Darl Razor demands one of his soldiers to shoot her with a musket. Celestia just turns to the left to dodge the bullet.

The soldiers start charging at her, but a force from the white alicorn blows them away. Dainn looks at Celestis and sees her mane and tail become fire. Bushes and trees around are burning, making the soldiers feel hot around.

Celestia opens her eyes and raises the halberd. BAMThe ground is shattered and a rail is running through the soldiers. The soldiers are falling down the ground and their formation is broken. Celestia turns to the flying soldiers and swings the halberd to them. After a while, their wings and chest are bleeding and falling down.

Dainn is trying to get up as Celestia is walking to him. One soldier tries to charge at her but he get burned when he runs close to her. Celestia looks at the caribou in disappointment. "My job is done. The others... '' Celestia spreads her wings. "The resistance will take care of it." And she flies away with a high speed, leaving the field to Dainn on the ground.

After flying to Canterlot, the white alicorn looks around and sneaks to the balcony, hoping that no one will find her. When she manages to go inside her bedroom, someone taps on her back, making her quickly slashes behind. The white alicorn sees an orange dragon with red horns sitting on her bed. Meeting her glare, Celestia turns away to ignore the dragon.

"You shouldn't leave a clone like that in this castle." The orange dragon locks the door and throws the key away. Celestia grasps and glares at the dragon but the orange dragon knocks on her head. "Someone needs to be detained here. Where did you just go, Celly?"

Celestia tries to lie. "Just visit Sunny Town, Sunset. You don't need to do that." Sunset glares at the white alicorn, making her gulp. "All right, I just go to Atlas, all right?"

"What are you doing there? Want to be brainwashed?

"Just watch the capital city." Celestia sighs. "To see how Dainn ruled his kingdom."

"You already know." Sunset stands up. "I told you before."

"A picture worth a thousand words." Celestia takes the papers from the desk. "And I have to see that picture with my own feeling."

"... you don't believe my words?"

"I believe."Celestia giggles. "But it is better than being a listener."

Sunset shakes her head and teases. "I hope your brain is not invaded by sugar."

"And I hope your scale is not invaded by cat fur." Celestia counters. "I heard from Lord Torch that you are their queen. How is that possible?"

"Just a trip to there by the stupid gauntlet." Sunset rolls her eyes. "And Spike has his phoenix from that trip."

Celestia giggles. "I won't be surprised if you are their queen. Even if..."

Celestia turns to the orange dragon and sees that she isn't there anymore. Celestia smiles and leaves her bedroom. She is sure that the visit to Dainn is enough for him.

Silver is watching the camp from the cloud. Lucky for her, the snowstorm is gone and leaves a peaceful sky for her. Adjusting the sniper rifle, she sees the soldiers are lined up with a cart of food. No wind, having a good sight, the eagle is ready.

Hrathr and his assistant, Poison Stringer, are counting the soldiers to head back to the capital. When everything is ready, Poison Stringer asks. "You think you will be okay? I hope you manage to go back if this campaign is failed."

"Don't worry too much, Poison." Hrathr pats his back. "They only have about 1000 soldiers in this area. I will bring victory for us."

The pegasus bows and starts leading the soldiers to come back to the capital. Lord Hrathr heads to the camp and commands one of his generals to lead 200 soldiers to scout the area.

After 1 hour, a soldier comes back with a lot of wound is crawling to the camp. That soldier is taken to the tent to treat the wound. Hrathr smiles and he commands one of his general to get information.

After 45 minutes, a yak with a big black horn walks to the tent and reports. "Lord Hrathr, we have information of that soldiers."

"So... did he know about their camp? I hope we have good news, Flan."

The yak shakes his head. "No sir. His soldiers were being ambushed while getting information in that pine tree forest. His general was killed by a female minotaur named Ox."

"... look like the rebellion have many female creatures that can beat us." Hrathr sighs. "That will make me think different about female."

"I don't think so." Flan shakes his head. "They just got lucky when our scout team was being led into their trap. How shameful!"

"That's make me more respect about them." Hrathr counters. "No strategy is coward in a war."

"Oh right. Anyway, we should check our heat rune. They need to be fixed."

Hrathr and Flan leave the tent to check the stone. The duo clicks the button on the ground and a cage with the red stone is shining bright. The engineers check the stone and see nothing wrong with it.

The duo is going to leave. Suddenly, something is flying across his face as the stag is looking back. He sees nothing. Turning back the stone, he sees something small thing is sticking on the stone and it is flicking, then the stone is exploded, cause the warm aura is fading away. The soldiers inside the cp os feeling the sudden cold. Some of them even sneezing. Hrathr is surprised and commands the soldiers to make campfires immediately.

Silver looks at the camp and sees the panicked soldiers inside. The eagle giggles. "Looks like my shooting is still sharp after those months." Silver picks the sniper rifle and flies back to the camp. Her mission is success.

Playing chess with the cat of death

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Silver is tasting the coffee in the morning. The eagle is surprised that there is no movement or command from the Lord of Beast. The eagle takes a deep breath and relaxes in the sunshine to watch her soldiers training.

A blue minotaur comes to the eagle and reports. "Silver, Hrathr's camp is struggling to the cold, and that lord commands his soldiers to release some ice wolves. Lucky that I killed from the beginning." The blue minotaur tosses the wolf's head. "And the reports from our mage, there have a spell to spot us."

Silver rubs her chin. "... sound like they have a radar runs by mana." The blue minotaur is going to ask but Silver raises her left wing. "You don't need to know what 'radar', Ox. We need more things to cover yourself."

Ox suggests. "How about we make an illusion spell?" Silver tilts her head. Ox explains. "I mean, we can make that spell to show exactly like this camp in another area."

"Good idea." Silver pats her shoulder. "Then can you do this? I just need you to do it as fast as you can."

"Well... I need some unicorns and caribous." Ox smiles. "I think I can find who. See you later."

Silver watches Ox walk away. The eagle doesn't know what she is thinking.

Warning: an unsource mana is flying around

Silver looks at the sky and sees a little bird flying around the forest. It is a nightingale. The nightingale is struggling to find something in the jungle, so the eagle is suspected. "Activate mana detective sight."

The sight of the eagle becoming black. She looks at the bird spot and sees a small different mana is inside the bird. Silver goes outside the camp, then flies away.

The nightingale is looking for the camp but the forest is too thick, it can't see anything. Silver glares at it as she is flying behind it.

"Well, time to fly back. Nothing to see here." Says the nightingale. Silver quickly catches it and flies high, then she lands on the cloud and grabs the nightingale tight.

The nightingale is struggling to get away from Silver's grasp. The eagle sighs. "Don't try to do it, Hrathr. I know you sent this little bird to scouting us, right? Your voice is here." The nightingale says nothing. Silver taps the bird's back and smiles. "See you again, Hrathr. I hope I have your antlers to drink some wine."

The magic circle on the nightingale disappeared. Silver releases the bird and sighs in relief.

Hrathr opens his eyes and breathes heavily. He is just struggling out of the eagle grasps due to being one with the nightingale. The yak comes to see him and asks. "Are you okay?"

"No, Flan." Hrathr stands up. "The nightingale is being captured. We know their leader now."

Flan guests. "Is that the eagle who just captured Askala?" Hrathr nods as the yak rubs his chin. "Well, she is not a normal eagle."

"Can block our musket. Can detect our bird. Maybe only the cannon can affect her."

"Some of our soldiers say that she is not living." Flan takes out the paper. "When they try to slash her with sword, that eagle just stands there like it nothing to her."

Hrathr rubs her chin. "We need a strong fire to destroy that eagle. How about our soldier?"

"Not good. They don't get used to fighting in this cold weather." Flan looks outside. "How about we hire some dragons to help us fight this war?"

Hrathr sighs. "Our king Dainn just did the same but... they denied immediately because their new queen banned them from trading with us."

"New queen? I thought Makala was their ruler."

"Not anymore." Hrathr shudders. "Why am I feeling something not good in here?"

"You need to..."

Not finishing the sentence, a soldier comes inside and breathes heavily, then he starts report. "Lord Hrathr, Agrou city is being bombed again. King Dainn requires our assisstant to calm their down."

"Shit, situation is worse." Hrathr slams the table. "That why they don't need to fight us. All they need to chase us away."

Flan bows. "I will take 2000 soldiers to go inside the forest."

"No. You can't." Hrathr denies. "We don't know where is their position. I don't want to waste another general."

"But actually, what is their goal?" Flan is confusing. "If they want to make us retreat, they just wait some days. To weaken Agrou then capture it?"

"You're right. Wait..." Hrathr opens Atlas map. "Retreat immediately, we have to support Arkon city."

"What!? We still have 5000 soldiers in Arkon city." Retorts Flan. "How can they fight against them?"

"They don't need to win. All they need to sabotage our food production." Hrathr leaves the tent. "Prepare to leave. We will go to Arkon city."

All of the soldiers prepare to leave the camp very fast. They have to make a way to Arkon city.

Diana flies to Agrou city to meet Eldaro because she just heard that the old man is opening a juice store.

When the black cat gets there, she sees an old human is watching his employers to work. Many creatures are around to drink some juice. She feels weird that no creature reacts to a human standing in the middle.

The old man walks inside the store and Diana lands on the roof, then jumps inside the store through the window. She sees a chessboard is ready to play.

"Want some revenge, Diana?" The old man opens the door and takes a seat. "It's been a long time since I have played with you."

Diana sits on the table and moves the pawn.``I won't lose. Anyway, I just saw a bunch of soldiers are walking through the snow when I flied to here "

"Silver tolds me that Lord of the Beast, Hrathr know our target and get to Arkon to support." Eldaro does the same. "I commanded that we will attacking, but will retreat when they get closed."

"Sounds risky." Diana grins. "I like that idea."

"Of course a cat like you enjoys the dead and sorrow." Eldaro moves a knight. "Hope that your husband will be killed by your threat."

"Nice tease." Diana moves another pawn. "You make me want to hug those blue fluff a lot."

Eldaro moves another knight. "Let me ask you, why do you and Amelia marry Noleg?" Diana is stunned by the question as Eldaro continues. "You know the pain will carve into your heart forever when he's gone, right?"

Diana smiles. "We know that. We want to try to be a normal cat." The black cat moves her rook. "Anyway, what's your point in doing this attack? You are not so simple "

"It's just a simple attack, but it will be effective." Eldaro takes a rook on the chess. "Let me introduce you to my rook "

Arkon city, the city of farms when it is near a harbor from the lake. Inside the city, there are many beautiful farms with many fruits and foods inside. The city is the food production center in Atlas.

There are many creatures working in the hot weather. All of them are female creatures. They work there with no retort due to the brainwashing spell that applies while the male just sits there and enjoys life, without caring about the death of the female.

To the north of the city, there are a big castle wall. The master of this city wants to make this north wall invincible while he is confident that the south of the city have sea cover themself.

The soldiers are relaxing on the castle wall. Suddenly, a loud sound is interrupting them as they are looking for the source. An armored vehicle is running to the castle. An Abyssian commands his soldiers to shoot cannon at it, but it seem not effective. The vehicle stops and turns its muzzle at the castle wall, then shoot at it. An explosion is created and the castle wall is splitted into two, leave a way to go inside the castle.

The vehicle starts moving inside the wheel and heads to the farm. The captain doesn't know what to do to stop it, he commands his soldiers to follow the vehicle.

Everyone around is terrified and wants to stay away from the moving vehicle. The vehicle goes through many houses to make the way to the farm. Many unicorns and caribous try to blast beams and shoot cannon at it but it isn't effective.

When the vehicle arrives at the farm, the vehicle raises its muzzle and shoots at the sky. The flame started burning many of the farms. Another shot from the vehicle and all the farms are burning. The vehicle starts heading to the harbor.

Inside the vehicle, there is a silver eagle, a green unicorn with brown mane and tail, a black Abyssian driving it.

A green unicorn is amazed. "Wow, this 'tank' is really cool." Then he takes a peak outside and sees the red armored soldiers are struggling to stop it. "I like this one."

"Focus, Green Magnet." Silver is focusing on driving a tank. "This tank is not invincible. Plus, their reinforcement is nearly gone."

The black Abyssian gives Silver a smirk. "Come on general. You should see this scene, it's so funny."

"And I saw that a lot, Mr. Coal." Silver glares at him. "Keep watching if they pull out something."

"Yes madam."

The tank is heading to the harbor. Suddenly, the tank is shaking hard, because Green Magnet and Ashes fall inside. Silver looks forward and sees the unicorns are forming a big fireball together. When the big fireball is flying to them, Silver brakes the tank to dodge the fireball, then she speeds up and commands. "Coal, get that 50 cal machine gun and fire at their mage. They can destroy our tank."

The black Abyssian is confused. "Eh, what is 'machine gun'?"

Silver facewings as she forgot that this world doesn't have modern guns yet. She lets the tank to go forward and takes an ammor cord. "Go outside, I will show you how to shoot a gun."

After a short explanation, the black Abyssian now how it works. Coal sets in position and starts firing at them. The mages are being surprised and get shot. The tank keeps moving forward.

After 5 minutes, they are still driving there. They meet a strong struggle. Silver doesn't know what is wrong with these soldiers when they don't seem to be afraid. "Must be something not right. Maybe Hrathr is already here and commands them. Hard to save these tabk shoot."

Many lines of bombs and powders are being deployed in front of the tank. Silver brakes and moves backward immediately. Green Magnet sees that and takes a grenade, despite not knowing what it is.

Analyzing for a while, the green unicorn pulls the pin by his teeth and throws it at the line. A big explosion comes from the line and nearly blows him away. "Weehee. Best explosion ever."

"Nice job." Silver makes the tank move forward. "We nearly get close to the harbor. Go inside and watch for me." Then the eagle touches the magic circle and asks. "Arian, did you copy."

"Copy that, Silver. I just took out their air defense system. They focus too much on your tank." Aria coughs and slashes some red armored griffin and pegasi. "Our soldiers reports that they see Lord Hrathr is organizing the explosions and powders."

"I see. Can you support us?"

"I can't, there are too many of them in the harbor."

"I see. Good luck."

Silver speeds the tank up to get to the harbor as fast as she can.

The harbor is now full of cannons and big fireballs. When they hear the sound of the tank, all of them prepare to fire at the vehicle. Suddenly, a brown pegasus is landing in front of the soldiers, leaving a big hole on the ground. The soldiers aim at her. Hrathr holds them off and smiles. "Look like an old friend of mine is here."

"Hrathr, long time no see." Aria smiles and spins the halberd. "Shame that we are in the opposite position."

"I know that. All I want is..." Hrathr sees Aria is closing her eyes. The stag shoot musket at her. The old mare deflect it without any problem. Hrathr smiles. "I won't let you do that crazy technique, Buttercube. Soldiers, attack her."

All of the soldiers fire their fireballs at the old mare. The old mare raises her halberd, then fly up and spins to drill through the fireball. She drills through the fireballs and floats in the air. Aria smiles. "Sorry Hrathr, you are falling in my trap." Then she flies away.

The tank is coming to them as Hrathr smashes his face. He commands his soldiers to let the tank come in while the mage tries for another fireball.

When the tank drives to the boats. it raises its muzzle and shoot at it. Many creatures are running away from it while their boat is on fire.

Silver commands. "Last ammo. We will shoot this one then run to the water. Got it?" Flan and Green Magnet nod. Silver commands. "Turn 45 degrees, then activate the magic circle under the tank. Now."

Hrathr is running to the tank and sees that it is stopped. The tank exploded under it, making it fly up. The stag looks carefully and sees its muzzle is aiming at them. The tank shoots them from the air. Hrathr quickly takes out one of the runes and teleports away. The ammunation flies directly to the soldier and exploded and burned. The tank lands on the ground and stays there. No movement from it anymore.

Silver looks at it from the sky, then she flies away from them. The unicorn and Abyssian look at them on Silver's back and sighs in relief. Flan lies. "I thought we are going to die unbelievable."

"Yeah me too." The unicorn smiles. "I throught this is the last battle I will fight. That's crazy."

"The problem is... they can analyze the tank and create the same." Flan complains. "I have to tell my wife about this."

"Sure. She will be crazy when she throught you are dead."

Silver says nothing and flies to the HQ, the mission is successful.

Diana puts the knight to kick Eldaro's rook. The black cat smiles. "I don't know if they manage to win with your 'rook', Eldaro. You should not be confident about your vehicle."

"Even that vehicle can shoot you out? I don't think so." Eldaro puts his fist on his cheek. "I will 'eat' your knight with the pawn."

Diana looks at the chess and sees her knight is in Eldaro's pawn moving. Diana sighs. "Wow, I wasn't expected that."

Eldaro stands up. "You will not be the only one who is surprised. See you again, Diana."

Diana shakes her head and looks back at her knight, which is falling down on the chessboard. The black cat opens the portal and goes inside.

Hrathr and his soldiers are around the tank. He feels amazed when the rebellion manages to build a thing, which is not. When the stag just touches the tank, many magic circles shine brightly in the tank. Hrath creates a shield immediately as the tank explodes, makes the stag fly, then falls on the ground and is wounded. His soldiers panic and take the stag to treat his wound.

The Talking

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Sabrina comes to the juice store and goes upstairs. Opening the door, the changeling sees an old man is watching the creatures from the window. The soldiers are in a hurry while the normal creature seems to be walking inside without any fear.

Sabrina looks at the chessboard. "Someone comes to play with you."

"Just a friend of ours." Eldaro sighs. "I wonder if this mind controlling mind increases to the next level. The level where the emotion will be wore off."

"Sounds dangerous." Sabrina looks at a camouflage sniper rifle and realizes that gun. "You seem to be looking at the past, don't you?"

"No. I just can't remember where I got that sniper rifle." Eldaro smiles. "I should shave my beard."

Sabrina giggles. "Lying too bad, old man. Anyway, the attack was successful, but we lost many soldiers from that attack."

"Let me guess, five hundred?" Eldaro turns inside. "I guess we should have a safer way."

"Three, three hundred." Sabrina slams the table. "Aria reported that the plan was going smoothly when it completely destroyed their farms, factories and a harbor."

Eldaro rubs his chin. "Looks like the enchanted ammunition did a good job in there. Did you find something unusual?"

"Nothing. Trevor said that the soldiers are in high spirits when the campaign is successful." Sabrina takes a 'queen' on the chessboard. "When do you want to use it?"

"Not yet. This 'queen' is my final option." Eldaro sips tea. "A good tea make me have a lot better mind."

Sabrina rolls her eyes and she turns to leave the room.

Inside the city under the ground, the soldiers are partying hard. Aria looks around and sees a yellow caribou is drunk while the brown one is struggling to get out of her grasp. Aria shakes her head and turns to leave but a brown hoof takes her.

Aria looks back and sees Trevor is begging for her help. The brown pony sighs and pushes Bell away from Trevor but the yellow caribou hugs Trevor immediately. Aria smiles. "Look like you have to take her to her room."

"No. She looks like want to keep me in her room." Trevor tries to deny it. "I don't want to do it."

"Come on, you shouldn't deny her like that." Aria pokes his antler. "She is so cute for you, right?"

Trevor looks back at Bell and finds her cuteness. The brown caribou sighs and stands up, then he heads to Bell's room to take a rest.

Aria sighs in relief and sneaks away from the party to go outside. Sabrina is heading to the HQ to get Trevor. When she just passed the old mare, the changeling is being grasped by Aria. The old mare smiles. "Can we have a talk?"

"Sure. Can you wait for a moment?" Sabrina looks at the old mare and points at the nearby mountain. "I'll be back for about 10 minutes. Meet you at that hill."

Aria heads to the hill. When she is at the top, she sees a table in a flat space, near a cliff. Looking at the cliff, it is very deep. Aria notices the changeling is coming here with some tea leaves.

Aria sits down and asks. "Who put this table in the place like this?"

Sabrina puts the tea leaves into the pot and starts cooking it. The changeling sighs. "Eldaro, the one who likes to be abnormal."

Aria nods. "Anyway, I want to ask something about that old man." Sabrina sits beside the old mare. "When I talked to him, I saw something he regretted in his talking."

Sabrina smiles. "He regret because he can't complete his dream." Aria looks at the changeling carefully as Sabrina continues. "He never wanted to be a general since the beginning. He wants to be a baker."

"A baker?" The old mare is surprised. "But that... can't be."

"You really don't know." Sabrina puts the cups on the table. "Before being a general of my country. He is a baker in a bakery in Ren Village, a small village in the south of ... eh... my capital city. Honestly, I still remember that bakery."

"You like it? That means you want something in it." Aria sighs. "Then what happens?"

Sabrina sighs. "It happens on the day when I become a queen...

A young woman with the white pony-tail hair was sitting next to a quite old man with silver and black hair in a car. Some of the guards are sitting next to them. They seem to have some trouble when driving a quite ugly road.

Eldaro sighed in frustration. "Come on, I don't have time to wait. I want to come back as soon as we can."

Sabrina folded her arm and laughed. "Come on Eldaro, your bakery is still there, no one is going to steal your cake. Even if it was... delicious."

"And you are going to steal the title." Eldaro put his leg on the chair. "Man, I just want to hug my wife to sleep already."

Sabrina teased. "I hope that she won't kick you to the living room because of me. I am a beautiful girl by the way."

"Meh, you just a third rate in my eyes." Eldaro knocks Sabrina's head. "And you should buy something to cure yourself."

Sabrina laughed and leaned on the chair. When they were near the village, there was a lot of smoke flying in the sky. Eldaro realized that way is his village. Sabrina commanded the rider to drive faster there.

When they got there, the village was becoming a ruin with some of the buildings on fire. Eldarlo ran fast to the bakery to see what happened. The man got there and saw his bakery was burnt. His wife's head was stuck on the stick in front of the flaming building. Eldaro kneeled down and didn't believe what he just saw. Sabrina looked at him, then she commanded her soldier to check somewhere and left him alone.

"I see." Aria pours the tea on her cup. "So... after that, he joins the military to have revenge?"

"Yeah. It will happen in the next month. I know that it would be hard to join but he accepted the test." Sabrina sighs. "His physical condition was to blame for being a soldier."

"I see. So he worked like a commander." Aria turns outside. "Interesting. I used to wish to have a commander like that at my age."

"Dream on." Sabrina teases. "I remembered that he started to be a captain over 10 years ago. Heck, that's too fast to be a general."

"... I see." Aria stands up. "I have to go to meet my old friend. Sorry for disturbing you."

"It's a good feeling to talk with the dead person." Sabrina rubs her chin. "Feeling weird though."

"Not weird enough." Aria stretches her wings and flies away, leaving the changeling drinking her tea and chilling in the personal space.

Celestia is reading a paper about the reports in Atlas. She feels happy when Akron city is completely destroyed. The food crisis will be a serious problem in Atlas.

When Celestia is feeling happy about the report, Luna appears behind her and reads the report paper. Celestia pushes her sister away, then turns back to her and pulls her cheek.

Luna pushes the hooves away. "Stop that."

"Why? You are such a cute little pony, Woona." Celestis pats Luna's head as the blue alicorn pushes her hoof away. Celestia coughs. "Anyway, how is our campaign?"

"I have cleared all of the criminals that try to set the mind -controlling pole." Luna sighs. "All of them are being mind-controlled."

"I see. I want to check our food storage." Celestia is opening her desk. "To do an investment."

"What investment?" Luna tilts her head. "You are not going to arrive at Atlas, right?" Celestia nods. Luna slams the table. "Are you crazy? You can't support Dainn like that."

"Who said I am going to support Dainn?" Celestia taps her hoof. "I am not stupid."

Luna looks at the map. "Then the rebellion, right? You shouldn't trust them too much like this."

"I must trust them actually." Celestia brings out the map. "Because of them, Dainn can't send the army to invade another country. They just like the front line of resistance."

"But what if their leader will be the same, like Dainn?" Luna retorts. "You can't trust them like that, especially if you and the leader never have a meeting with each other."

"I am going to have a meeting with him, actually." Celestia sighs. "But not now. I will do that in next month."

"I disagree, sister." Luna shakes her head. "I can't trust them."

Celestia sighs. "I have decided." Luna glares at her sister as the white alicorn sighs. "I know this is hard for you but we have to trust them. We can control the situation."

Luna rubs her head. "Fine. I trust you this time, but you better not come back with a wound." Then she leaves the room. Celestia rolls her eyes and knows that this will be hard.

The moon is rising up and the red armored soldiers are guarding around the hospital. Inside the hospital, there is a stag who is wrapped by the bandage. The explosion made the stag heavily injured.

Hrathr looks at the picture that has a female stag, a small one and him. He tries to hold it but he accidently drops it.

Suddenly, a brown hoof grabs the picture before it touches the ground and gives it to him. "Thank you." Hrathr looks at the hoof and slowly turning up. He sees the brown old mare is standing there and watches him. Hrathr sighs. "What now, old mare? You want to kill me?"

"Is this my old stag when he can finally finds the artifacts with me in the ruin." Aria puts the picture on Hrathr's chest and pokes it. "It seem unfamiliar."

"What do you want? I have nothing to say. Just kill me." Hrathr turns away. "At least I can finally meet you before the end."

Aria sits down. "What about your family?" Hrathr glares at the old mare as Aria takes the picture. "I know that you will never serve Dainn except something."

"You know nothing." Hrathr keeps glare at the old mare. "The old king is suddenly death so I have to serve this new king."

"Nice lie." Aria stands up. "I will head to your home and find your family, then I will 'release' by my halberd."

"You... you... don't you dare to touch my family?" Hrathr tries to stands up but the halberd is pointed near him like a centimeter, make him lies down. "Fine. I will tell you everything."

"Good boy." Aria puts the halberd down. "Now let's start. I will help you if I can."

Hrathr starts to talk about the old king, Svardagr, being poisoned when driving back to the capital. Hrathr and Lord Rashk were investigated and found out Dainn was the one who poisoned the old king.

Hrathr tried to get out of Atlas but Dainn came there first and prisoned then in the capital city. He couldn't go out and had to serve hulim. Rashk knew that and he volunteered to serve Dain in order to keep Hrathr safe.

The old mare hears that and sighs. "That's why you served that kid."

"And what will you do? Rescue them?

Aria stands up. "In trade. You and that stag named Rasks will be on my side, got it? I will bring you out too after I'm done"

"Sure. If you can." Hrathr gives the old mare a smirk. "You can sneak into here, but I doubt that you can do it there."

"Let wait." Aria opens the window. "And we will see about that." And she jumps out of the window. The soldiers around come to chase her.

Hrathr looks at the picture and just wishes that Aria will succeed.

Remember the past

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Aria is near the prison in the capital room. She sees many wardens guarding the prison more than any prison nearby. The old mare finds a way in because she thinks that this is the place where Hrathr's family is.

The old mare jumps on other bushes and gets close to the wardens. Aria hears one of the wardens talking. "Hey, did you hear an old mare is wandering our city?"

"Yeah, I believe that she will be captured soon and be killed. An old mare is a useless mare anyway."

Aria giggles and knocks them out immediately, then she takes their uniforms and throws them to the bush. "Lucky that they have pony uniform."

The old mare wears a mask and takes the key to go inside. Aria is surprised when she comes in. There are many floors of prison rooms that are operated like a spiral. Aria looks down and sees that the bottom is quite deep. She sighs in relief
because she already knows Hrathr's wife's appearance.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The warden shouts at her. "Don't try to be a slacker, get to work "

Aria coughs and talks with the male voice." Sorry sir, I just feel amazed when I just move here."

"You must be a newbie here." The red minotaur with white horn is pointing at the level. "And you should go by that. Follow me, I will take you around."

Aria sighs in relief. The mare smiles and replies. "Thank you, my name is... umm... Red Carpet."

"I'm Bald, nice to meet you, newbie." Bald jumps on the elevator. "Now let's go. I will show you "

Aria follows Bald to elevator. The truckle starts rolling anc the elevator starts going down. Aria sees a lot of creatures are inside the prison. Aria assumes that they are female creatures.

As the elevator starts moving, Bald starts introducing. "This prison is for female creatures. The first to the third floor is for complete brainwashing females and they are ready to go. The fourth to the seventh floor are for the stubborn one. The eighth and the tenth floor is for the most stubborn one and hard to break their mind. The lowest floor is for important matters. "

"So... this is like slave training prison, right?" Aria comments and points at the mare who is running around the sixth floor. "I don't know if I can guard with them or not."

"Ah, that mare." Bald looks at the wardens to capture the mare and drags her back. "Her name is Ruby. The special case. She was trying to escape many times around."

"So... did I manage to go out?"

"Nearly, the record says that she was near the door of the first floor." Bald sighs. "Lucky that she doesn't know the escape room."

"I see. I want to guard her." Aria points at herself. "I will try my best to keep her."

"Are you sure about that? No one can keep her long enough to break her." Bald looks at Aria and feels the strong aura from her. "Ah... strong spirit. Okay, I will let you guard this stubborn mare. Remember, many of our wardens were giving up."

"Let's see about that."

Bald leads Aria to the deepest floor in the prison. When they get there, the mare is bound in chains and shackles; many bloods and bruises are on the mare's body and face.

Aria looks at the mare and asks. "I'm impressed when she manages not to break in this state."

"That mare gives me a lot of headaches." Bald leaves the prison room. "You can do anything for her if you want. Only you guard her actually."

"You can count on me." Aria waves her hoof. "I will take care of her."

Bald smiles at Aria and leaves the prison. The old mare looks at the red mare with blue mane and tail. She feels something strong inside the mare. Aria is just worried about her because this mare will be a boom anytime.

The red mare looks at the old mare. "What are you waiting for? Just toture me like you do with everypony else."

Aria grins. "Not today, kid."

The red mare is shocked when she hears the voice. "What... a mare? How ...."

Aris puts her hoof on the red mare's mouth and shakes her head. The old mare smiles. "Just stop spoiling my identity, Ruby. We will be good." Ruby nods and stays silent. Aria continues. "Now, I want you to know about this prison from you and I will help you get out of this prison."

"Why should I trust you?"

Aria turns away and leaves the prison room. "That's my deal. In fact, no one will trust your words and your words here. Think wisely."

The old mare sits in front of the prison room and guards the red mare. Ruby looks down to think about the deal. This can be her escape but also can be her doom.

Eldaro watches the night sky on the balcony. The night is so nice and silent, opposite the noisy and busy in the morning.

Sabrina enters the room with another pistol and sits down. This pistol is white and it is quite bigger than a normal pistol. The changeling asks. "What are you doing?"

"Just chilling." He adjusts his pistol. And my pistol is good. No need to have a new one."

"I don't believe you can lift this one through." Sabrina puts the pistol down. "This one is a failure, like the sniper tank."

"At least it help us to stop the wrath of two world destroyers." Eldaro teases and picks up Sabrina's pistol. He is surprised that the pistol is much heavier than the normal pistol. The old man puts it down. "What... what kind of this pistol?"

"Just a failed pistol." Sabrina sighs. "This thing was made in our world, but the effectiveness is not much, plus one of our volunteers has to go to hospital because of this gun recoil."

"Wow, I wonder who can use it? How is the destruction?

"It blows up a tank." Sabrina smiles. "At least this one doesn't require ammos to shoot."

"Mana, or energy I guess." Eldaro turns to the sniper rifle. "Can you burn that thing? It's old already."

"How old is it?"

"20 years." Eldaro sighs. "That was a memory ."

Sabrina stands up, takes the sniper rifle, and leaves the room. The old man closes his eyes and feels the wind blow to his face

Eldaro was rushing the base with the sniper rifle. His team was trying to stop him but they couldn't. The man kicks the door and sees many men are aiming at him with guns. Eldalo quickly took cover and breathed slowly to calm him down. His team comes inside and covers him.

One of the soldiers yelled at him. "Captain, you have to calm down. This is an important mission."

Eldaro 'tsk's and commanded. "Get the sniper team cover us. You and Statos, take to the left. The others will go the right. I will hold them in this middle. We will make a crossfire. "

"But sir..."

"DO IT !!!"

"Yes sir."

His teammate went to the left and right while Eldaro started loading his gun and quickly shot down one of them. The terrorists was coming forward and holds him by their gun. Eldaro pulled out the smoke grenade and threw it at his spot.

The smoke was coming from his spot. The terrorists kept running forward to look at him, but one of them stepped on the claymore and exploded. The terrorists stepped back to looking more but Eldaro's teammate comes at them and killed them all.

Eldaro run out the smoke and commanded his team to go faster. When they arrived to a room, Eldaro opened the door and saw a woman was holding a denotation switch with C4 bomb around. The woman was crying and going to click the button.

"BOMB." Elaro pushes his teammates. The room exploded. Luckily, no one was hurt. Eldaro standed up and commanded his team to continue to the elevator.

When Eldaro clicks a bottom room, a magic circle appeared and teleported all of his teammates away, causing the white hair man to be surprised. When Eldaro got to the bottom floor, an old muscular black hair man was sitting on the chair. He was wearing armor and a broadsword was plugged into the ground.

Eldaro aimed his sniper rifle at him as the old man stood up. "My name is Aggie. Tell me your name, warrior."

"You..." Eldaro grabs his sniper rifle strong. "Why did you kill my family?"

Aggie gave him a smirk. "Sorry, but I don't know who are your family." The heavy - armored man stood up and laughed. "I kill a lot of families. I can remember who you are." A bullet was flying to him as Aggie was blocked by his sword but the bullet was stronger than he throught. Aggie looks at Eldaro. "Ah... bolt-action sniper rifle and attack like a front-line. I like it."

Eldaro loaded a bullet and aimed at the Aggie. The heavy-armored man activated the jetpack and flew to Eldaro...

"Eldaro...." a wing taps on his shoulder and he turns around. He sees Silver is staring at him. Silver puts her wings on his forehead and asks. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Eldaro pushes "Anyway, why are you here?"

"Aria goes to the capital city to rescue someone. I think something for her personal." Silver looks at him in bored look. "What are you going to do now? Waiting for 1 month and let this city will be in chaos."

Eldaro taps his fingers on the table. "I can't think of another way. If Celestia supports us for some foods. We can actually unite this city into one."

"The topography of the capital city is not work for transportation. Plus Sunset has already destroyed their air harbor." Silver leaves the room. "I will talk to the soldiers to rest and prepare for next month."

Eldaro looks at the eagle, who is leaving the room and smiles.

"It's over, Aggie." Eldaro breathed heavily and aimed the sniper rifle at the kneeling heavy armored man. "Finally, I can take my revenge."

Aggie looked at him in a pitiful look. "Then you are just like us." Eldaro was shocked when he heard that. The heavy armored man continued. "You think you will kill me and geg your revenge. What will you do after that?"

"I... I don't know."

"You killed a lot of people, you pushed your soldiers into your dead because of your command." Aggie laughed and shaked his head. "You won't be better than us."

"SHUT UP !!"

Eldaro hit him with the stock and aimed at him. Aggie smiled. "Can you do this before you pull that trigger?"

"What is it?"

Aggie nods. "My daughter, Silver, is going to join your military. Can you train her not to fall into my way?"

"Why should I believe you?" Eldaro was going to pull the trigger. "I don't think someone like you has a family."

Aggie grinned and quickly yanked the sniper rifle, but Eldaro pulled the trigger and the guns shot at his chest. Aggie falls on the ground, but he tried to give a picture to Eldaro. "Good job. My daughter... I ... believe you."

Eldaro looked at Aggie one last time, then took the picture before his soldiers came inside the room and dragged him out to the helicopter.

The helicopter was flying and Eldaro looked at the building. It exploded and collapsed one by one before it became a ruin. The old man looked at the picture with a silver eagle inside. He kept this picture in his pocket and relaxed on the helicopter. His revenge was done.

Some problems

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Aria yawns and gets up to watch the prison. The old mare sees the red mare standing still and relaxes. Aria smiles and comes close to the red mare and watches Ruby in a dream.

When the old mare leaves the prison, Bald arrives at the prison and smiles. "Look like you made it, newbie. I am surprised."

"Yeah. I'm just afraid that the rebellion will come there and save her." Aria giggles. "You don't know how strong she is when she comes to them."

"You don't have to worry. This place is set at the center of this city." Bald laughs. "Plus, no soldiers can come here without our king's permission.

Suddenly, a bell rang over the prison and all of the wardens are running. Bald leads Aria to the gathering place because everytime the bell is ringed, all of the wardens must be presented in the training room.

When they get there, a warden is standing on the stage with two creatures. The warden announces. "Everyone, our wardens were knocked out last night. From what they said, someone came here and disguised one of us. Now, everyone used wear mask stands there." The wardens start splitting two groups. One has a mask and the others don't. Aria is standing with the masked group. The warden on the stage continues. "Now, we will take out the mask one by one." He points to the first one. "You first."

The warden starts taking out the mask one by one. Aria is drawing a magic circle to prepare to escape. Suddenly, the one next to her is shaking, then runs away. Many wardens are chasing him. Aria sighs in relief because she doesn't have to cause chaos. The warden claps his hand and commands. "All right everyone, come back to your job."

Aria is heading to the prison. She sees the red mare is breaking the lock and going to escape. Aria puts the halberd near the lock and shakes her head. "I won't let you escape this time."

"What do you want?"

"I want an answer." Aria smiles. "Or else, even if I don't try to stop you, you can't escape either."

"I don't trust you."

"Really,the old mare starts to lie. "I heard that you are going to be executed for being stubborn." The red mare is stunned and backing off as Aria continues. "Maybe I should kill you first to release your pain."

"You... you liar."

"I am the warden here, and I want your answer." Aria starts pinning her down and rubs the halberd through Ruby's body, making the red mare blushes and breath heavily. "Bet that you want something in this prison."

Ruby closes her eyes and shouts. "All right, you win. I am here for my marefriend."

Aria stands up and starts putting the red mare in her previous state, then she leaves the room. "I will come back at midnight. See you again."

The prison door is closed and Ruby sighs in relief. She nearly enjoyed that moment, despite that it is just another mare.

Dainn is walking around the room and trying to find a way to solve the food problem without using his secret artifact. The caribou slams his head on the table and is frustrated. Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupts him. Dainn sighs. "Come in"

A sallow, middle-aged stag wearing a finely-tailored green surcoat is coming inside and bows to the king, then he suggests. "Your Majesty, our workers are ready to mine the metal."

Dainn taps on the table. "Good job, Lord Svardagr. But I bet that they want food, right?"

The old stag nods. "You guess right, your Majesty. I think I have a suggestion."

"What is it?"

"Retrieve all of our soldiers to this city, then lock down the city to defend against the rebellion. This is the time to use that artifact."

"I just think about that, but it's too risky." Dainn shouts. "If you don't help, please go out."

"Your Majesty, you should think about the situation right now."

Dainn silents for a while, then turns around. The brown stag slams the table and commands. "Activate the carpet of fullness, and lock down the city. We will retrieve all of the soldiers here."

"What about our subject?"

"Leave them."

Savrdagr smiles. "Yes, your Majesty."

The old stag leaves the room and goes to his own room, then he writes the letter and ties it to the pigeon's legs. The pigeon flies out of the city as Svardagr continues his job.

The moon has risen up and many wardens in the prison are changing their shifts. Aria is talking to a nearby warden as the warden laughs a little bit. Aria says goodbye to him and heads to Ruby's prison.

When she gets there, a familiar red minotaur comes to her and asks. "Hey Carper, you should be careful about this mare tonight. She have no retort when I tortured her."

"I see. I bet she is planning something." Aria rubs her head. "I will report to you if anything happens."

"Good luck. I will have a drink and 'play' with my slut."

Aria teases. "Becarefull, maybe they belong in rebellion."

"I will."

Bald laughs and leaves the prison. Aria heads to Ruby's prison and sees that she is standing still in the chains. Aria checks the red mare and feels her breath. The old mare shakes her head and demands. "You should wake up already, no need to pretend like that."

Ruby opens her eyes and sees the old mare is tapping her halberd. Ruby gulps and asks. "What do you want?" Aria spins the halberd and rubs her body, causing the red mare to grasp and shouts. "All right, all right. I agree with your deal. Stop doing that."

"What a good filly!" Aria smiles. "Tell me about your marefriend, filly."

Ruby starts telling the time when she and her marefriend, Sunflower, was married. The marriage was working perfectly but the caribou came to their marriage and wanted to kidnap them. Sunflower sacrificed herself to save Ruby. After that, Ruby came to the prison to look for her wife.

Aria hears that story and laughs out loud, then the old mare pats her shoulder and slaps Ruby immediately, making the red mare grasp. Ruby glares at her. "Why are you slapping me?"

"For your stupid." Aria pokes her halberd at Ruby's nose. "You make everything that your marefriend tries to do is wasted."

"I don't care. I just want to bring my marefriend back, no matter how hard it is."

Aria sighs at the stubborn mare. The old mare doesn't know what to do now. She leaves the prison. "I will ask Bald about your marefriend. Don't worry."

"Thank you."

"Anyway, you know how to go to the deepest floor? I see no door or elevator."

"I will show you, after you give me some information."

"Fine." Aria closes the door. "See ya."

In Agrou, a lot of soldiers are preparing their stuff to go somewhere, which make Eldaeo feel curious. The castle is still can defense against the invader. Eldaro watches the scene and feels curious. He orders Gaze and Taco to spy around.

After 1 hour, they report to him that the soldiers are heading to the capital city. They can leave their slave and other property, food too. Eldaro feels something is not right, he commands Silver and others to spy on another city.

After 3 hours, they report the same, which makes him feel weird. This is not a normal state. Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted him. "Come in." The familiar blue caribou is walking inside. Eldaro asks immediately. "What happens there? Why the soldiers are leaving?"

Sky sighs and answers. "When I go to my boss to ask, he simply ignores it and commands me to go back to the capital city."

"I suppose you shouldn't, because you will die in there."

Sky shakes his head. "I don't want to be involved in this thing anymore. I want to leave."

"Then this is your chance. You did a good job here, thank you." Eldaro raises his arm. "Your serving is now over."

Sky shakes his hand. "Thank you. I should prepare my stuff."

"Ox and her soldiers will support you all along." Edaro turns to the window. "Please be fast or else you will be stuck in the capital city.

Sky leaves the room immediately. Eldaro watches Dainn's soldiers for a while, then heads to the HQ to tell Trevor about this.

When he arrives to Trevor's room, he and Bell are dealing with a lot of paper. Eldaro sighs. "Do you have time to talk alone."

"After I finish dealing with this paper, it's a lot." Trevor sighs. "I don't know why many creatures are joining our army. I'm afraid that we don't have enough food to feed them all."

"Wow, how many? We just lost more than 300 soldiers in the last battle... and our ultimate weapon."

"1000." Trevor sighs. "More than 1000 creatures want to join us after hearing many victories with the king. All they want is revenge."

"Why not just recruit them?" Eldaro teases. "I bet that they can't pass the test."

Bell rubs her head. "It's the opposite. No matter how hard it is in training. Torturing, enduring or even hatching, they all pass."

"Now that's what I'm afraid." Eldaro rubs his chin. "Luckily that Dainn's soldiers are leaving the city. All of the soldiers."

Trevor stands up. "Really? This is our chance to have their food and stuff." Then he turns to Bell. "Tell our soldiers to go to the other city to take their food. If they have slaves, try to get them."

"Okay, Trevor."

Bell leaves the room as Eldaro smiles. "Is that all you can do?"

"I don't know." Trevor takes another paper. "Another report about the plant in Akala. They are growing well, thanks to the 'Greenhouse' idea by Sabrina. "

"Let me guess, she used our mage to make the heat, right? I don't surprised. But anyway, this is a weird step for Dainn."

"... I realized it." Trevor takes out the map. "The topography is not a good thing to transport their food, plus Black Mage have already destroyed their air harbor. How can they survive in this food crisis?"

"My only guess. He has an artifact can produce food and drink." Eldaro goes around the room. "If that is true. This is a nightmare of us when they have an invicible tower."

Trevor taps the table. "You're right. The mountain is our trouble. If we want to attack there, it is hard to transport our weapons there. Cannons are hard to go up there and catapult is impossible."

"The only way to strike is air strike, but..." Eldaro sighs. "It is hard. They will got air defender."

"So... are we supposed to give up?" Trevor sighs. "We only have a maximum of three months before Dainn makes a counterattack."

"I will try to find a way." Eldaro stands up. "Standing here is not the way to go."

Edlaro leaves the room and goes outside. He wants to know how strong the capital city is.


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Aria is looking for Ruby's marefriend named Sunflower. She asks Bald about that mare and knows that Sunflower is on the 6th floor. From Ruby's description, she has a white coat with light yellow mane. Aria walks to the 6th floor and sees the mare is being drugged by the wardens. Aria just waits for them to finish drugging.

The wardens are coming out. Aria quickly tells them to take the shift. The wardens laugh and pat her shoulders, then they leave her to that mare. The old mare walks inside the prison to check the white mare. She sees the mare doesn't breathe. Checking the mare, Aria sees the mare is dead from being drugged and tortured. Aria sighs in frustration.

The old mare talks to Bald about the death mare. The red minotaur quickly calls the warden that is drugging the mare and starts reprimanding the wardens. He tells the mare to go back to guard Ruby.

Aria walks inside the prison and asks. "We got bad news."

Ruby looks at her and asks. "What is it?"

Aria pats Ruby's back. "Sunflower is dead. She is drugged too much."

"Wh...what.. I... why..." Ruby doesn't want to believe what she just heard. "Ar..are you lying?"

"No. What will I have when lying to you about this thing?" Aria leaves the prison. "I will leave you alone."

Ruby starts crying out loud. Aria is just sitting on the table and playing cards alone. Some of the wardens join her as the old mare starts playing with them.

Eldaro looks at the capital through the scope. He doesn't see anything except the great castle wall covers the big city. Many soldiers are participating inside due to Dainn's command. The old man finds no weakness in this defense.

Silver lands in front of Eldaro and asks. "Did you find weakness?"

"Not yet. This is a big castle and the soldiers are defending all of the way." Eldaro sighs. "This is a usual thing when you have a lot of soldiers. Plus, I didn't find their mine to produce weapon."

"I see." Silver leans on the tree. "Maybe we should find a way to retreat first."

"Why? You're afraid of being attacked."

"Yes. Our prisoners can escape anytime. We should make a second base somewhere." Silver gives him a paper. "Plus, a pigeon comes to our base and gives us this map. This is a map of the ruined castle. I just sent our scouts there and it's safe."

"I see." Eldaro looks at the city. "If you are confident about that ruined castle, you may set up the defense of that castle."

"You really should go there, old man." Silver spreads her wings. "That is a perfect mountain that you must take a look."

"I'm trusting you." Eldaro takes a scope. "Please do me a favor to set up the defense. I have to see the weakness."

"If you insist."

The eagle flies away to the ruined castle. The ruined castle is located in the south of their HQ. From what Silver's scout reports, the castle is very hard to go up. The only way to get there is flying.

After 1 hour, the eagle sees the ruined castle but many big arrows are flying to her. Silver quickly dodges all of the arrows, then she lands on the ground. A blue minotaur is coming to her and pats. "Wow, you are so cool dodging all of the arrows."

"Remove that. We don't use big arrows for small targets." Silver pats a catapult. "This one should move inside the castle."

"We are moving, alright." Ox sighs. "Honestly, our soldiers are still inexperienced in targeting the air unit." Ox turns to the eagle and sees Silver is taking two blueprints from inside her chest. "And... I should get used to that."

"Look." Silver unrols the blueprints and puts them on the table. "We will set up this defense."

Ox looks at the blueprint. It looks like a big crossbow but the flight grooves are quite big. The next blueprint is an arrow with a big bag. Ox tilts her head. "What is it?"

"We will build this. This bag will contain the acid." Silver explains. "When the arrow flies higher the pegasi and griffins, we will activate it."

Ox shakes her head and points at the catapult. "Then why don't we use it on our catapult? It will be more useful when we create a ball like that then explode in mid air."


"Sometimes you should take a rest."

"Is our retreat ready?"

"It's ready. Now we are setting the trap on the way up here." The minotaur slams the table. "I will show you the best trap."

"Oh, then show me."

The minotaur leads Silver to the setting trap. There are many holes with bamboo inside. The eagle looks around and sees two magic circles on the sight with one big magic circle from the ground. Silver is quite impressive when Ox can set this type of trap. The thing will be so funny.

Aria is wrapping a blanket around to avoid the cold in the night. The old mare looks around to see the door to go down the deepest floor, but she finds nothing.

"Going somewhere?" Aria turns to the voice and sees the red mare is standing there. Aria takes out the key. "Follow me. I will lead you to the deepest floor."

Ruby leads the old mare to the deepest floor. Inside it, there are only about 2 or 3 prisoners inside the floor. The other space for wines and weapons.

Looking at the prison deeply, Aria sees Hrathr's family are sleeping, and a white griffin in another room. Aria realizes that is the princess of Griffinstone. Aria rubs her chin. "So, how long they are here?"

"About 1 month since the last time I saw them." Ruby starts breaking the unlocking of the prison. "We will go out with them, and ignore others on other floors."

"And what's your game, Ruby?" Aria points the halberd at the red mare. "I assume that no one can change that fast."

Ruby says nothing and keeps unlocking the prison. When she is done, all of the creatures are waking up and fearful. The white griffin huffs. "Please, if you try to break me, I assume that you are just wasting your time."

"I mean no harm, princess. I promise that you will get out of here."

The white griffin realizes that voice as Aria takes out the mask. Ruby is surprised when she sees an old mare is standing here. The white griffin hugs her immediately and her tears are falling. "Sugarcube, I thought you were dead."

"Buttercube?" Ruby tilts her head. "I thought your name was Aria."

The white griffin stops hugging the old mare and begs. "Please get me out of here, this place is terrified."

"At least this is the cause ...."

Suddenly, a bell rang out loud. Aria turns to the warden, who is ringing the bell. The old mare throws the halberd into his head and kills him immediately. Aria takes the halberd back and sighs. "Look like we have no time. Can you two cover me for a while? I will draw a spell to get us out of here."

"You know magic? Please Sugarcube, Pegasi can't cast magic."

Ruby is trying to take the halberd but it is too heavy. The red mare quickly closes the door and has a spear to block it. Aria takes the halberd and starts drawing the magic circle. The white griffin takes a table and anything that blocks the door. Ruby smiles. "Name Ruby, what's yours?"

"My.. my name is..." the white griffin coughs. "Vain. My name is Vain."

The old mare throws the white griffin a potion. "Drink this potion and you will get better."

Vain drinks potion and feels better than ever. She doesn't feel hungry anymore. The white griffin takes a spear while Ruby prepares some knives on the floor, then the red mare pours wine all over the place.

The door is forced open and many wardens are rushing inside. Ruby quickly makes the match on fire and throws it to the wine. A firewall is created, causing the warden to step back. Inside the firewall, many knives are flying to the wardens and stabs many of them. Some of them are dead as other wardens go back.

Aria keeps drawing the magic circle. "Almost there, keep going." Then she puts another front hoof on her ear and yells. "Eldaro, can you read me?" No response. The old mare says again. "Eldaro, are you copying?"

"I'm here, Aria. You have a party in there, right?" Eldaro answers in other side. "What do you want?"

"We need to find a way to escape.."

"Negative. I can't risk our soldiers to take back you. Unless you have V.I.P"

"I have 3 V.I.Ps here." Aria slams the halberd as she finishes the magic circle. "I need fucking ressistance right now.."

"I will find a way. Shoot a fireball in the sky to do it."

Aria sighs in relief. Vain and Ruby are fighting against the wardens. Aria looks at Ruby and sees that the red mare is laughing when killing the warden. Vain stabs a warden and asks. "Are you done?"

"We're done here." Aria puts her hoof on the magic circle and a door appears. "Come in quickly, take the mother and son and get out."

Ruby and Vain takes Harthr's wife and son, then the trio runs to the door. Ruby quickly throw a flaming match into the wine barrel before get out.

Eldaro sighs in frustration as he doesn't know what to do now. No one will be there in time to rescue Aria. He doesn't know who he will contract.

"Have some troubles?" A voice behind him. Eldaro quickly turns around and sees Diana is floating in front of him. The black cat is playing with her whisker. "I'm here to repay the chess playing."

"Geez, how do you know when I am in trouble? Stalking?"

"You don't need to know." Diana flies in front of the old man to watch the city. "Interesting city. There are a lot of souls in here that don't submility."

"Wait... what?" Eldaro takes a scope and sees a door that appears in some random roof. Aria and four other creatures are running out and start to jump from roof to roof. Eldaro sighs. "I just need you to take Aria and others to come back here safe and sound."

"Any signal?"

"Just a fireball will be shot in the air."

Eldaro keeps following Aria. The soldiers are chasing them. Despite being killed a lot by Aria's halberd, they just keep coming. When they come to the high tower, Aria creates a fireball on her hoof and throws it in the sky. The fireball exploded. Diana sighs. "Wow, this two-life human wants to live another life, right?"

"Stop teasing her."

"Wish me luck. Tell me the location to get out."

"In here is a good place."

Diana creates the portal and walks inside. Eldaro hopes that the cat doesn't do anything out of control.