Cressida's Christmas Mission

by VioletRose13

First published

The Hamato Clan is celebrating Christmas and everyone is full of holiday spirit.

It's Christmastime and every member of the Hamato family, old and new, is excited. But one of the younger members of the team, Hamato Cressida, forgets to get a gift for her father, so she goes out on her own on Christmas Eve to find the perfect gift.

Forgot a Present

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It was Christmas Eve and the Turtles were hard at work decorating the Lair. Leo was making paper snowflakes to hang on the walls, Donnie was hanging up lights around the tree in the dojo, and Raph was unpacking boxes of ornaments and hanging them on the tree with his son, Spike. They were all wearing Santa hats and humming a Christmas carol when Mikey came in carrying a tray of cocoa in mugs, and his son, Loki, holding a bowl of marshmallows of all sizes in one arm and Ice Cream Kitty in the other. The Turtles took a break from their work to enjoy a hot drink.

“So far so good, guys.” Leo said as he took a sip of cocoa.

“You sure, Leo?” Donnie asked.


“It looks great.” Loki commented, setting the marshmallows and Ice Cream Kitty down; Mikey smiled and ruffled his blonde hair affectionately.

“Guys!” A young voice exclaimed.

The four Turtles turned their heads to the entrance to see their little sister, Hamato Cressida, run into the Lair with a sparkle of excitement in her eyes.

“Cressie!” The Turtles cried as they went to hug their beloved baby sister; Loki and Spike grinned as they went to hug their aunt.

Master Splinter and Celestia came in after her, both dressed in winter garb.

“Hello, my sons.” Splinter greeted, removing his hood.

“Happy Holidays, boys.” Celestia beamed as she took off her coat and scarf.

“Hey, mom.” Mikey said as he and Donnie gave their stepmother a hug.

“It’s so good to see you guys.” Leo said as he and Raph went to hug their father.

“How are things over in Canterlot?” Donnie asked.

“Things are going great.” Celestia answered.

“Cressida has started the fourth grade not too long ago.” Splinter added.

“Wow, I love what you guys did with the place.” Cressie commented as she took off her winter coat and hat.

“Thanks, but we’re not even done yet.” Raph said.

“You all look like you could use some extra hands.” Splinter said. “And luckily… we were being followed.”

Just as Splinter said that, April, Karai, her daughter Azura, Casey, Shinigami, and their daughter Robin all came in.

“Merry Christmas, guys.” April went over to Donnie and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush and grin from ear to ear.

“Hey, where are Emmet and May?” Donnie asked his wife.

“Oh, they’re with their grandpa. They should be here by tomorrow morning.” April replied.

“I’ve missed you, father.” Karai said, wrapping her arms around Splinter in a hug.

“I have missed you too, Miwa.” Splinter said, hugging her back.

“Azura!” Cressie exclaimed.

Azura smiled at the sight of her human-rat hybrid aunt just as Cressie tackled her in a hug; even though Cressie was a year or two younger than Azura, the two of them were still very close.

“It’s good to see you again, Aunt Cressie. Let’s have a look at you.” Azura exclaimed before they parted. “Wow, you just keep getting bigger and bigger, don’t you?”

Cressie smiled and giggled.

"Looking very festive." Shini admitted.

“It’s beautiful.” Robin commented.

"Thanks, but it could still use some work." Leo replied.

"Well, we're all more than happy to pitch in." Casey said.

"We'll make sure this place looks perfect when our guests get here tomorrow." April promised.

“Thanks, you guys.” Leo said. “Ninjas, let’s decorate.”

And that’s what they did. They strung lights, hung ornaments and tinsel on the tree, hung the stockings, set up a large table for dinner tomorrow night, and soon, everything was perfect. The Lair was ready for Christmas.

“Just one more thing.” Mikey said as he placed Loki upon his shoulders; Splinter grabbed his youngest daughter by the waist and lifted her up off the floor. Cressie and Loki then reached up and they each placed an ornament on the tree. “There, now it’s perfect.” Mikey placed his son back onto the floor; Loki smiled.

“Absolutely beautiful.” Splinter added, setting Cressie back down.

“Okay, I think that’s just about everything.” Leo said. “What do you say, Donnie?”

Donnie took out his T-Phone and looked at the screen before saying, “Huh, whaddaya know? We're already way ahead of schedule! Everything on the list is checked off and it’s already past six. How lucky is that?”

“And we don’t forget, we have all of our shopping AND wrapping done.” Raph said.

“So, we’re basically ready for Christmas tomorrow!” Mikey exclaimed.

“I guess we are.” Celestia beamed. “And I say it’s just about time for dinner. Anyone else?”

“I’m in!” Robin exclaimed.

“Me too!” Cressie added.

“Me three!” Loki chimed in.

“And I have just the thing.” April said as she took a few pizza boxes out of her satchel.

“You’re the best, Auntie April!” Spike cried.

So they all went into the kitchen and shared their pizza, but the grownups were so busy talking that they didn’t even notice Cressie sneak into the dojo with her favorite magenta backpack. She opened it and took out small packages with everyone’s names on them. She hid them under the tree skirt so no one would notice if they were to come in.

“And there we go.” Cressie said proudly. She took out a small notebook and opened it up to a short list; her family’s and friends’ names were all checked off. “I think that’s just about everybody, but I still feel like I’m forgetting something. But what?”

She took a look at her list again and came to a horrifying realization; she turned the page over and saw that everyone on her list was checked off… except for Splinter. Cressie’s eyes widened in terror and her smile turned into a frown almost instantly; she had forgotten to get a gift for her own father! How could she let that happen?

“Oh no! I forgot dad! How could I forget dad? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?” She quietly panicked to herself as she started to pace the floor; then she had an idea.

‘If I stay really quiet, no one will hear me leave.’ She thought with a mischievous smile.

Cressie picked up her backpack, discreetly walked out of the dojo, put her winter clothes back, and being as quiet as possible, she snuck out of the Lair. Everyone else was so busy in the kitchen that they didn’t even notice. Cressie was going to go up to the surface on her own to find the perfect gift.

What Does He Want?

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Freezing temperatures, lights all over town, and every inch of the city was covered in a blanket of snow. Cressida wandered the streets and looked through the windows of the many different shops, hoping to find something. She knew very well that it was dangerous to walk around New York City alone at night, especially for a girl her age and size, but she was determined to find a gift suitable for her father. Unfortunately, she had no luck. Nothing she saw in any of the shops she passed caught her eye. She thought about trying the shopping mall, but the mall always closed early on holidays and Christmas Eve was no exception. She eventually wandered into a small playground; it was empty and she sat down on the swing set.

“Gee, this is harder than I thought.” She said to herself. “What do you get for the ninja master who has everything? I don’t have a clue.”

Then she started to sing to herself.

What kind of present does he dream about?” She began.

A leather wallet or a singing trout

What I should get him is a mystery

And if it's lame, will he still love me?

What does he want?

A DVD or some video games

Or maybe one of those new digital frames

Something to fit his personality

The perfect present is eluding me

My friends all tell me that I shouldn't obsess

But how can I avoid the stress?

I need to know, but right now all I can do is guess

What does he want?

A set of golf clubs or a tube of grout

I don't know, but I'll figure it out

Electric Coffee Brewer as seen on TV

I only wish I knew what he got me…

She looked up at the night sky. “'Cause I hear it's perfect.”

What does he want?” She buried her face in her hands in defeat.

Then Cressie’s sharp ears picked up something going on a little way away. She looked up and headed towards the sound, wondering what it could possibly be. She then saw a small stage surrounded by young children and their parents. Music started to play and people dressed as holiday elves started to sing and dance.

Santa's always busy making wishes come true” The elves started.

And you can bet he's getting ready for you

No matter how much he has to do

He delivers

He delivers, yeah yeah

As Cressie watched, she couldn’t help but start to dance along. This song was very catchy.

In any kind of weather when it rains and snows

No matter if there's any icicles on his nose

Without a doubt you know he always shows

He delivers

He delivers, yeah yeah

He delivers from his place to yours

He doesn't ring bells or knock on doors

He delivers in person just because

He's the best! He's Santa Claus!

Down through the chimney in the middle of the night

1, 2, 3, and he's clear out of sight

And even though he's old he does all right

He delivers

He delivers, yeah yeah

By now, Cressie started to dance her little heart out.

So if you hear some rattling on the top of the roof

And if you hear your dog barking, "Woof Woof Woof!"

If you peek outside you're gonna see real proof

He delivers

He delivers, yeah yeah

He delivers from his place to yours

He doesn't ring bells or knock on doors

He delivers in person just because

He's the best! He's Santa Claus!

He delivers absolutely free

He always does it so personally

He delivers from sea to shining sea

It's a special delivery

It’s not the florist or the Pizza Man!

It’s not the plumber or a telegram!

It’s not even the Handyman!

But by now… you understand!

He delivers from his place to yours

He doesn't ring bells or knock on doors

He delivers in person just because

He's the best! He's Santa Claus!

He delivers absolutely free

He always does it so personally

He delivers from sea to shining sea

He delivers from his place to yours

He doesn't ring bells or knock on doors

He delivers in person just because

He's the best! He's Santa Claus!

The song ended and the kids all clapped their hands and cheered. Cressie cheered and clapped along with them before she noticed something else. She turned her head to see Santa Claus sitting on a throne near the stage and the kids were starting to line up around him and a couple of elves. She had another idea.

“Santa Claus…” She whispered, hurrying to get in line.

A Gift From the Heart

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“Okay, who’s next to see Santa?” An elf asked.

Cressie was up next. Taking a deep breath, she walked over to Santa and sat down on his lap.

“Ho ho ho!” Santa laughed. “And how are you today, little girl?”

“Good.” Cressie reluctantly answered.

“And what’s your name?”

“Um, Cressida.”

“Cressida, what a beautiful name. Now, Cressida, how about you tell Santa what you want for Christmas?”

“Well… can I be honest here?”

“Oh? Uh, why certainly.”

“Thanks. The thing is that I have gifts for my brothers, sister, friends, nieces, nephews, and even my mom, but for some reason I totally forgot to get a present for my dad. And that’s why I’m out here; I need to find one before it’s too late, but I have no idea what to get him. So anyway, Santa, all I want for Christmas this year is to find the perfect gift for my father.”

Santa stroked his beard in thought before putting a gentle hand on Cressie’s back.

“Cressida dear, Christmas isn’t about presents. Christmas is a time of sharing, giving to others, and being with the people you love and who love you.” Santa said. “So, whatever you give to your father, make sure that it comes from the heart and that’s what matters most.” He pointed a finger at her chest. “Because that’s what this holiday is all about, giving from the heart.”

Cressie looked down at her chest, then up at Santa before giving him a tiny smile. “Yeah, you’re right. You’re absolutely right. Thanks for your help, Santa.” She then got up and ran off, knowing exactly what to do.

“Glad I could help.” Santa said, waving her goodbye.

With all of the pocket money she had, Cressie went to the nearest craft store and bought paints, brushes, a pad of paper, and a big enough picture frame… and even a pair of safety scissors just in case. Then she slipped into an alley and went to work. It took a little bit, but her gift for Splinter was finally done.

“Dad is gonna love this.” She said proudly before hearing something out in the street.

She took a quick peek and realized that hundreds of people were starting to gather and music was starting to play. Lights were flashing and people were cheering, Cressie wondered what was going on. She couldn’t see what people were looking at, so she decided to go up to higher ground. She climbed the nearest fire escape and onto the roof of one of the many buildings to see large holiday floats slowly going down the street. Her eyes widened and a smile spread across her face.

“It’s a parade!” She said as she heard people starting to sing.

I see something wonderful marching up the street” They started.

Rat-a-tat-tat toy soldiers and ponies' prancing feet

Santa waves and nods his head, people smile and cheer

Here comes Santa; Christmastime is here

Trucks and trains and china dolls parading slowly by

The jing-a-ling-jing of sleigh bells and strangers saying "Hi!"

Red and green and silver mean my favorite time of year

Here comes Santa; Christmastime is here

You can see it, you can feel it

When you hear the music play

You can dream about it every night

Until it's Christmas day

As she listened and watched the parade progress, Cressie couldn’t help but sing and dance along.

Elves and angels arm in arm smiling right at me

Makes me so excited, there’s just too much to see

We're getting close, we're on the brink; in fact, it's very near

Here comes Santa; Christmastime is here

You can see it, you can feel it

When you hear the music play

You can dream about it every night

Until it's Christmas day

Till it's Christmas day

“This is amazing! If only the guys could see this!” Cressie exclaimed as she continued to dance.

I see something wonderful marching up the street

Rat-a-tat-tat toy soldiers and ponies' prancing feet

Santa waves and nods his head, people smile and cheer

Here comes Santa; Christmastime is here

Here comes Santa; Christmastime is here!

Everyone cheered and clapped, especially Cressie. Then she noticed the clock tower not too far away; it was almost midnight! She gasped; she had no idea she’d been out for so long. Everyone was probably wondering where she was and they must be out looking for her at this very moment. Thinking fast, she climbed back down the fire escape, went to the nearest manhole, and ran through the sewer as fast as she could until she finally made it back to the Lair. Luckily, she couldn’t see anyone around; they must either be out in the city or fast asleep.

Being as quiet as she was when she left, Cressie snuck into Donnie’s lab with some wrapping paper, tape, ribbon, and the safety scissors she bought and she wrapped up Splinter’s gift as best she could. Then she signed it, snuck into the dojo, and laid the gift under the tree. She grinned.

“There, and no one’s the wiser.” She whispered before she let out a soft yawn.

Cressie took off her hat and coat and laid down on the floor; she had a long night and she quickly fell asleep… just as Celestia groggily poked her head out from Splinter’s bed chamber on the other side of the dojo. She yawned and looked to see her daughter sleeping soundly by the tree. She heard her husband stir behind her.

“Celestia? What are you doing up?” Splinter asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Yoshi, look.” Celestia whispered as Splinter joined her.

They both smiled and tiptoed over to their daughter; Splinter picked her up and carried her out of the dojo and into the living room. Celestia gently placed a blanket over her just as her husband carefully laid her down on the sofa.

“Aw, the poor thing must be exhausted.” Celestia whispered.

“Oh, yes. I wonder what she was doing to wear herself out like that.” Splinter whispered as he and his wife headed back to bed.

“Who knows with that girl? She’s always up to something.”


They didn’t even notice the gifts lying under the tree, let alone the newer one.

More Family

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“Hello, anyone home?” A young voice called.

Cressie moaned and pulled the blanket over her head, hoping to go back to sleep. Then she felt the blanket being pulled from her body. She groaned and looked to see Lavinia, Emmet, and May standing over her with Renet, Mona Lisa, Kirby O’Neil, the Mighty Mutanimals, the Rainbooms, and Spike the dog behind them.

“Aunt Cressie!” The three children exclaimed.

“Vinnie, May, Emmet! Hey, you guys.” Cressie said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. “What time is it?”

“It’s morning.” May joked.

“Morning? As in Christmas morning?”

“Of course, silly.”

“Hey, what’s going on out here? It’s not even 8 am yet.” Raph groaned as he and the others exited their rooms. His eyes widened at the sight of his wife and daughter. “Mona, Vinnie!”

“Dad!” Vinnie cried as she ran over to her father; she gave him a huge hug.

“Mommy!” Spike exclaimed.

“Hello, my little Spiky. Where’s my hug?” Mona asked, kneeling down so she could hold her son.

“Dad, mom!” Emmet and May cried.

“There are my little brainiacs!” Donnie beamed as he and April gave their children the biggest hug.

“Oh, you two.” April smiled.

“Renet!” Mikey cheered as he and Loki ran to hug the time traveler.

“Mommy!” Loki exclaimed, hugging his mother tight.

“There are my boys.” Renet grinned.

“Hello, everybody.” Slash greeted.

“Happy holidays, Uncle Slash.” Azura said.

“Hey, where are our hugs?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Cressie and the rest of the kids smiled and ran over to give each of the Rainbooms a big hug.

“Girls, we’re so glad you could make it.” Leo cried.

“We wouldn’t miss this for the world, darling.” Rarity replied.

As she showed them a page in her journal, Twilight Sparkle said, “Princess Twilight, Starlight, Sunset, and the others from Equestria give you guys their best wishes.”

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat.

“Hope I’m not too late.” Luna’s voice said.

“Aunt Luna!” Cressie cheered as she ran over to her mother’s sister.

Luna knelt down and gave her niece a hug. “How’s my favorite niece?”

Splinter and Celestia entered the room, pleasantly surprised by the company.

“Merry Christmas, everyone.” Splinter greeted with a kind smile.

Luna went over to hug her sister and brother-in-law. “Morning, you two.”

“How was your trip?” Celestia asked.

“It was a little rough.” Sunset Shimmer’s human counterpart said, removing her coat.

“Yeah, it was snowing like crazy.” Rainbow Dash added.

“There was so much snow; we thought we were going to be late.” Twilight added, adjusting her glasses. “…Okay, I thought we were going to be late.” She blushed in embarrassment.

I was worried too, Twilight.” Fluttershy chimed in. “But I calmed myself down by singing ‘Let it Snow’.”

“That’s one of my favorite Christmas songs!” Cressie exclaimed.

“Oh, how wonderful. Would you like to sing it with me, Cressie?”

“Right now? I’d love to!”

“You don’t mind, do you Sensei?”

“Of course not, Fluttershy. Go on ahead.” Splinter said.

“Thank you.”

“On it!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie took their instruments out of their car and started to play the song ‘Let it Snow’. Fluttershy and Cressie cleared their throats and began to sing.



Oh the weather outside is frightful,

But the fire is so delightful,

And since we've no place to go,

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” Fluttershy sang.

It doesn't show signs of stopping,

And I've bought some corn for popping,

The lights are turned way down low

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” Cressie added.

When we finally kiss goodnight,

How I hate going out in the storm

But if you really hold me tight

All the way home I'll be warm

Well, the fire is slowly dying

And, my dear, we're still good-bying

But as long as you love me so

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Everyone else smiled and started to move and bob their heads along as they listened. Even Fluttershy and Cressie were starting to dance.

When we finally kiss goodnight

How I hate going out in the storm!

But if you really hold me tight

All the way home I'll be warm

Well, the fire is slowly dying

And, my dear, we're still good-bying

But as long as you love me so

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Let It Snow…

When the music stopped, everyone clapped their hands in applause; Cressie and Fluttershy gave a quick bow.

“That was beautiful, girls.” Celestia beamed.

“Aw, shucks.” Fluttershy blushed; Cressie smiled, too.

“Okay, now who’s ready for presents?” Lavinia chimed in.

“Oh yeah, presents!” Loki exclaimed as he ran into the dojo.

“Presents, presents, presents!” Spike chanted, running after him.

“Patience, children.” Splinter said, playfully shaking his head.

Cressie, Azura, May, Vinnie, Robin, and Emmet quickly joined them.

Gift Giving

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In the dojo, everyone had already unwrapped their gifts, but Cressie still had to give her gift to Splinter. She had forgotten where she put it, so she had to search for it.

“C’mon, c’mon. Where is it? Where is it? I know I put it here somewhere…” She said to herself.

“Cressida? What are you doing? What are you looking for?” Splinter asked.

“You’ll see. Almost got it. And… a-ha! Found it!” Cressie exclaimed as she finally found the gift; she went over to Splinter and handed it to him. “Dad… here you go.”

“What’s this?”

“It’s for you.”

“For me? My dear, you did not have to—”

“Yes, I did. I gave everyone else a gift, I can’t leave you out. Go on, open it.”

“Alright, alright I will.” Splinter took the gift and started to tear the wrapping paper, wondering what it could possibly be. “Let us see what you…” He stopped when he finally saw it.

He removed the rest of the paper and stared at the gift in his hands; it was a painted portrait of him, Celestia, and Cressida all together in a beautiful frame decorated with the Hamato Clan insignia and stickers of golden suns. Splinter looked at his daughter with wide eyes; Cressie paused and her face fell.

“What’s the matter? Don’t you… like it?” She timidly asked.

“…No, I don’t like it.” Splinter answered; Cressie hung her head and remained silent. “I… love it.”

Cressie shot up in surprise. “You do?”

“Yes, I do. I do not know what to say.” Splinter started to tear up; he pulled his daughter into his embrace. “This is so sweet of you. Thank you, my daughter.”

“Oh Cressie, did you paint this yourself?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah, kind of. It’s mostly watercolor paints.” Cressie blushed and smiled sheepishly.

“Well, it is beautiful.” Splinter said before getting up and setting the picture next to the framed photo of his human self, his first wife Tang Chen, and Karai when she was a baby. “There, now everyone can see it.”

The younger mutants all gathered around to see. Cressie proudly smiled as her nieces and nephews stared with wide eyes at the sight of her painting; she looked at her brothers and sister and they nodded at her. She went back over to the tree, picked up a small wrapped box, and approached her mother.

“Here you go, mom. I can’t leave you out either.” She said.

“For me?” Celestia asked, taking the box. “I wonder what it is.”

“Open it and find out.”

Celestia smiled and opened the box to reveal that it was a new music box. Her eyes widened and she smiled as she turned the key on the side; it was playing the Sugarplum Pas de Deux from the Nutcracker ballet. She looked at her daughter, who was giving her a hopeful smile.

“Oh, Cressie, this is so beautiful.” Celestia beamed, kneeling down and hugging Cressie tight.

“It may have cost me almost all of my allowance, but I think it was worth it.” Cressie admitted with a giggle.

“Well, thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome, mom.”

They parted. Rarity then approached the little rat girl and handed her a package wrapped in pink paper and tied with a white ribbon.

“Just a little something extra for your efforts.” Rarity said with a wink.

Cressie took the gift and started to open it, only to see a beautiful new dress. It was silvery white with red sheer fabric underneath and a ruby red ribbon tied around the waist; it even came with a pair of silver satin slippers decorated with red bows. Cressie’s eyes widened in wonder; she looked back at Rarity.

“…Can I try them on?” She asked.

“Of course you can, darling.” Rarity replied with a grin.

And with that, Cressie ran out of the dojo and into a different room to change. Celestia and Splinter gave Rarity a confused look.

“What was that?” Splinter asked.

“An extra gift for Cressida.” Rarity answered with a casual shrug.

After a minute, Cressie came back wearing her new dress and slippers. Everyone turned and let out a gasp; Cressie smiled and gave a twirl.

“Cressie, you look beautiful.” Celestia beamed.

“Absolutely gorgeous, darling!” Rarity grinned.

“Thanks so much, Rarity.” Cressie exclaimed, giving Rarity a hug.

“You’re most welcome.” She hugged her back.

Splinter then had an idea; he smiled a mischievous smirk. “You know, this exchange of gifts almost reminds me of my favorite Christmas song.”

“Oh? And which song is that, dear?” Celestia asked with a smile.

“It is a very popular one, and also quite long. But if anyone wishes to sing it with me…”

“Already on it, Master Splinter.” Rainbow Dash said as she stood up and sped off to get her and her friends’ instruments; she returned within ten seconds.

The Rainbooms grabbed their instruments, Splinter nodded at them, and they started to play. He cleared his throat.

On the first day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me

A picture of our family” He began.

On the second day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Rarity sang.

On the third day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me

Three chocolate cupcakes

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Pinkie Pie added.

On the fourth day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me

Four comic books

Three chocolate cupcakes

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Applejack chimed in.

On the fifth day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me

Five video games!

Four comic books

Three chocolate cupcakes

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Sunset Shimmer sang.

On the sixth day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me

Six silk kimonos

Five video games!

Four comic books

Three chocolate cupcakes

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Twilight Sparkle added.

On the seventh day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me

Seven vinyl records

Six silk kimonos

Five video games!

Four comic books

Three chocolate cupcakes

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Spike the dog sang.

On the eighth day of Christmas

My four friends gave to me

Eight Christmas postcards

Seven vinyl records

Six silk kimonos

Five video games!

Four comic books

Three chocolate cupcakes

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Fluttershy chimed in.

On the ninth day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me

Nine skateboard helmets

Eight Christmas postcards

Seven vinyl records

Six silk kimonos

Five video games!

Four comic books

Three chocolate cupcakes

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Rainbow Dash sang.

On the tenth day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me

Ten chopsticks

Nine skateboard helmets

Eight Christmas postcards

Seven vinyl records

Six silk kimonos

Five video games!

Four comic books

Three chocolate cupcakes

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Celestia sang.

On the eleventh day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me

Eleven rubber chickens

Ten chopsticks

Nine skateboard helmets

Eight Christmas postcards

Seven vinyl records

Six silk kimonos

Five video games!

Four comic books

Three chocolate cupcakes

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Luna added.

On the twelfth day of Christmas

My true friends gave to me…” Cressie began.

Twelve shining swords

Eleven rubber chickens

Ten chopsticks

Nine skateboard helmets

Eight Christmas postcards

Seven vinyl records

Six silk kimonos

Five video games!

Four comic books

Three chocolate cupcakes

Two glass knick knacks

And a picture of our family” Everyone sang together.

The music stopped and everyone in the dojo cheered.

“Good job, everyone.” Sunset grinned.

“Whoa, I can’t believe we actually got through that one.” Azura commented.

“Yeah, I thought we were never gonna remember all that stuff.” Vinnie added.

“But at least we got through it, right?” Cressie asked.

“Indeed.” Splinter put his hand on Cressie’s shoulder. “My friends, my family, you are all generous in spirit, heart, and soul and I am very grateful for the many gifts you have given. But I fear that perhaps we have lost sight of the true meaning of this special time of year. It is a time of sharing, being with those you love, and thinking of others less fortunate than you. Remember that your love for me and for each other is the greatest gift you could bestow and the only gift any of us could ever need.” He knelt down and gave his youngest daughter a hug; Cressie beamed and hugged him back.

Holiday Cheer

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Soon enough, everyone from human to mutant was having holiday fun. From playing with new toys to snacking on holiday treats, the whole lair was filled with holiday joy and spirit. And soon enough, dinner time came around.

"All right, everyone. Callin’ all ninjas! Come and get it!" Applejack called out.

Everyone gathered around the table and took their seats. Applejack, Pinkie, April, Sunset, Leo, and Raph each came in and sat some food on the table. When the turkey and ham was carved, each guest was given some as well as a side of their choosing. Fluttershy placed three plates onto a smaller table where Spike the dog, Chompy, and Ice Cream Kitty were seated.

Master Splinter tapped his glass with a spoon to get everyone's attention; he stood up. "Attention, please. First of all, I wish to thank each and every one of you for coming to our Christmas celebration; it means ever so much to me and my family. And I want all of you to know that even though we are all very different, inside and out, we are all still family and friends no matter what. We are all connected through the Magic of Friendship and it truly is the most powerful magic of all. To the biggest, to the smallest; we will always be linked together forever and nothing can or will ever change that. To the Hamato Clan and the Magic of Friendship!" He raised his glass along with everyone else.

"Cheers!" And with that, the group began enjoying their Christmas dinner.

After dinner, everyone was either playing games or singing songs, all with enormous smiles on their faces. Splinter looked around the room seeing all the smiling faces, feeling an overwhelming joy rise up inside of him. Even though no one else in the city knew what went on in the sewers that night, there was one thing that Splinter, the Turtles, and their friends knew. This truly was the best Christmas they’ve ever had because they were all together. Celestia soon walked up to her husband and gave him a kiss on the cheek before she wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

“It’s so beautiful.” She whispered.

“It is…” He whispered as a tear fell from his eye.

"Everything alright, dad?" Cressie asked her father.

He looked down at her and noticed that she was holding his hand. "Yes, Cressida my dear. I'm fine. I’m just very happy." Splinter grinned.

And with that, everyone gathered together around and began singing, hand in hand.

As dawn shines on us every morn” They started singing.

The fire of friendship is reborn

And all the friendships we have made

We cherish in every way

Loyalty binds us and makes us strong

Honesty shows that we belong

And kindness shared will unite us through each day

The fire of friendship lives in our hearts

As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart

Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few

Laughter and singing will see us…


We are a circle of pony friends

A circle of friends we'll be to the very end

Cressie looked up at her father and smiled; he turned and beamed back at her as he gently squeezed her hand. They continued to sing.

Though the winter brings all its cold and storm

The glow in our hearts keeps us warm

The friends we now call our family

Will always see us through

Loyalty binds us and makes us strong

Honesty shows that we belong

And kindness shared will unite us through each day

The fire of friendship lives in our hearts

As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart

Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few

Laughter and singing will see us…


Will see us through

We are a circle of pony friends

A circle of friends we'll be to the very end

"Booyakasha! Merry Christmas, dudes!" Mikey cheered; everyone else cheered along as Celestia and Splinter shared a mistletoe kiss.